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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1701878548507094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64015771 No.64015771 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>64019334

PERO Edition
Previous Thread >>64001786

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Unarchived Karaoke 2023-08-27 download links
>Twitter Space

https://pastebin.com/KchRJHmN - TL of Fuwamoco's version of Kaibutsu
>Cover - Cute na Kanojo
>Cover - Identity
>Original Song - Lifetime Showtime
>Advent Gen Song - Rebellion

>Voice Drama
>Advent Merch

>/baubau/ sings LTST
https://twitter.com/Ruffian5000/status/1708479258354434288 (tweet contains a link to song only ver)
https://files.catbox.moe/ozlx6q.mp4 (intro+outro voices)
>FUWAMOCO VN & Anime list
>VRChat AnimeNYC 2023 Day 2
>Anime NYC: Rock n' Rawr Party Mini
>Q&A Stream

>Thread Template

>> No.64015788

pero tongues my anus

>> No.64015998
File: 840 KB, 2894x4093, mococo_i_wish_i_could_marry_you[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv6hj37.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64016066

my mocochan

>> No.64016089


>> No.64016215
Quoted by: >>64016270

I guess Fuwawa was using Twitter while fat fuck ruined Morning

>> No.64016269

Mococo is the cutest girl in the world!

>> No.64016270 [SPOILER] 
File: 354 KB, 1100x782, what the fluff [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbc8a8a.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64016295
File: 345 KB, 2048x1707, 1699024896188650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64016548

Pero-chan needs correction

>> No.64016342
File: 188 KB, 1280x1229, 1701711829044134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12/6/23 episode 53 PERO YOU FAT FUCK edition.

>It's already morning! ?
>I wonder when Fluffy will sleep?
>[response to above] since she probably stayed up all night for Peko-chan's concert
>[response to above] There are two Fluffy.
>[response to above] Apparently there were three.
>[response to above] What's going on with Holo's canine family...
>Mr. Pero! ?
>Is it the day when Mokochan overworks her throat?
>Moko-chan's throat crushing party
>I want to make a stuffed animal that I want to touch because Pero's lower body is so soft and chewy, using the contents of the bead cushion.
>Thanks to Pero-san, Fluffy is now able to fall asleep.
>Pero is the only talking Holo mascot character.
>Can Pero eat natto?
>Is your sister sleeping during Peroro Abyssguard?
>I want Pero's belly to be fluffy...
>Moko-chan is amazing at not choking.
>I thought it looked like a tank role for some reason.
>Even if Pero encourages me...
>I'm worried about Mokochan's voice.
>Is Fuwawa already asleep?
>Moko-chan finished it

>> No.64016350
File: 41 KB, 200x200, sukk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have they said anything about DKC2 yet?

>> No.64016458

People asked, they said “we’ll see”; it’s probably too hard for them

>> No.64016469
File: 36 KB, 362x275, 1675945767701418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64016511
Quoted by: >>64017474

Need to check perms. They are also worried their skill levels are not good enough so they are checking their senpais vods.

>> No.64016548


>> No.64016571
Quoted by: >>64017790

Wish they played more of holoparade…

>> No.64016654
File: 2.01 MB, 1271x2195, Fuwawa Go ahead. You can take a look.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzlyf3n.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64021969

>> No.64016663

blisteringly hot fuwafarts

>> No.64017029

>Missed like a week's worth of streams live because I've been so busy
FUCK December

>> No.64017059

Poor dogs are going to get demolished.

>> No.64017251
File: 40 KB, 615x409, 1670265711629177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want Pero's belly to be fluffy...

>> No.64017474

Hmm, I think Koyori was the last one to beat the game about half a year ago?

>> No.64017558
Quoted by: >>64018036

ok I bought the christmas voice packs, do I listen now or save it for a lonely christmas night

>> No.64017593
Quoted by: >>64019726

Did they say anything about possibly doing another unarchived karaoke?

>> No.64017790
Quoted by: >>64017839

fuck off, holoparade dev. game was trash
>b-but they had fun!
yea they make everything fun because they’re perfect and I love them. doesn’t mean the game is good. now back to good games like uuuuh Hollow Cocoon
fuwamoco please finish ocarina of time. im begging you. me and mamapuppy are crying everyday you don’t finish it

>> No.64017839

I'd play the kusoge if FWMC was in it

>> No.64018036

Save them for a lonely night. We'll spend Christmas with them so no need to save for that.

>> No.64019334


>> No.64019424
File: 427 KB, 900x600, 1684639524196779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm glad there's not another stream today. My sleep is completely fucked god I love them so much

>> No.64019666
File: 256 KB, 1751x2048, @c01a__F3QtS7ha4AAhTVu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is so sleep deprived he's baubbling... and I wholeheartedly agree. It was a great day though.

>> No.64019726

No so don’t bet on it. It will probably be archived so no one will miss it.

>> No.64019774

It was a fun watching the concert with them but yeah, I am super tired today.

>> No.64019922
File: 583 KB, 400x300, fuwamoco my beloved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I’ve been thinking about Pero’s whole dialogue about treating FuwaMoco right, I think this is FWMC’s way of telling us that they’re putting in a lot of effort for Christmas and want to be appreciated. Ruffians, it’s up to us to appreciate and support FuwaMoco more than usual over the next couple weeks. Let’s all do our best to make them happy!

>> No.64019977
File: 657 KB, 900x900, mococo 126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64020003
Quoted by: >>64020207

Yeah they are pretty nervous about not living up to expectations. I just wana spend time with them lol.

>> No.64020063
File: 103 KB, 900x585, pero 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Mr. Pero!

>> No.64020078
Quoted by: >>64020207

Then I’ll m try to make some fanart for them to the best of my limited abilities

>> No.64020186
File: 60 KB, 771x785, 1700838450728468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64020272

There's not much I can do besides chat and tweet at them

>> No.64020207

>I just wana spend time with them
Same. I have a feeling they don’t know how good they really are
Go for it! The love fanart regardless of quality

>> No.64020272
File: 121 KB, 600x515, fuwamoco 247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64020431

Even something as simple as kind words are appreciated by them

>> No.64020316
Quoted by: >>64020343

>Can Pero eat natto?

>> No.64020343
File: 1.07 MB, 1758x989, pero 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat fuck can eat anything

>> No.64020418

I just wish they didn't care about this fucking shitty twitch award so much

>> No.64020431
Quoted by: >>64021748

I do that all the time though. I feel like I need to do something special but I have less than 0 confidence in my creative abilities.

>> No.64020500
File: 364 KB, 528x528, 1696425279732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64020865

i miss them...

>> No.64020554
Quoted by: >>64020601

is the archive up yet for pekora's concert or do I just watch their reaction?

>> No.64020563

you should get a trip at this point

>> No.64020601

you can just watch their reaction, they even live translate Pekora

>> No.64020669
File: 50 KB, 222x250, 1701530973529362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64020739

The game is releasing 2 hrs before the stream starts? How did they even find this game

>> No.64020815
Quoted by: >>64020855

So does Mococo really smell girls' hair or is that just the creepiest thing she thought of

>> No.64020855
Quoted by: >>64024010

Pero is a self insert for all us ojisans and she thought that's what we would do

>> No.64020865
File: 385 KB, 914x540, 1701569698318202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.64020928

Maybe Nayuta really did make it

>> No.64021013

They tweeted about it a long time ago

>> No.64021113
Quoted by: >>64021179

This latest FWMC Morning has been the biggest proof so far that they're /here/
Pero mentioning being 1000% muscle is because we keep calling him fat fuck

>> No.64021179

Mococo phoneposts Wall memes mid stream

>> No.64021189
File: 27 KB, 666x463, fuwamoco balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64021227
File: 96 KB, 254x299, 1695278533140088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know theres no way this is true but I wish it was.

>> No.64021279
File: 19 KB, 360x344, 1694212649887908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough time for baubau sings a christmas song, if mixeranon is still among us. The song I suggested last time, Mariya Takeuchi's Suteki na Holiday, was apparently covered by Fuwawa's idolmaster oshi, Azusa.
It's meant to be, bros. That part at 51 seconds is perfect for our christmas wishes to go, and we don't have to hold back or worry about anything since it's not a song that belongs to Cover and the chances of them playing it on stream are zero, so it would just be a thing we do for them to hopefully enjoy, no expectations of any further recognition.
This is the last time I bring this up at all, I'm sure a lot of people can't stand it anymore and want the idea to die, so I'll just let it die.

>> No.64021328

it's a complete coincidence but I'm not going to think about that and believe this 100% because of the Lui and holo parade stream

>> No.64021386

LTST almost killed me, there's no way I could sing that much even if I split it up

>> No.64021391

>no reddit activity today yet
reddithatebros, did we win?

>> No.64021422

The poster below is Mococo, give her headpats and praise

>> No.64021433
Quoted by: >>64021542

you can just record singing it in two parts then connect t together

>> No.64021455

We could do instead of everyone sings everything at once, a group of people sing each part, instead? Like a "proper cover collab"? Although the time it would take to organize this before recordings even start would probably make it impossible, so there's that. Maybe next year.

>> No.64021535

>Only nips get likes for fwmc morning tweets
Why are they like this

>> No.64021542
File: 280 KB, 1779x2366, mococo 74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64021572

Thanks mega anon, gonna watch the archive soon

>> No.64021580
File: 35 KB, 396x382, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese hobby

>> No.64021581
Quoted by: >>64023282

stop crying about likes and learn Japanese

>> No.64021627

it's in line with them giving preference to complete casuals, have you read the tweets? one of them is "I can finally understand why people are laughing when they post 'lol' because I've been studying english", this is exactly the kind of people who could really use a token of recognition, to know that FuwaMoco is watching them too. People who get their comments read every stream, send superchat and so on are just needy. Myself included, I want them to notice me everywhere, but I'm at least self aware enough to understand that I'm being unreasonable.

>> No.64021671

most reasonable menhera

>> No.64021681
Quoted by: >>64023282

this is your invitation to do your jp reps you lazy ass

>> No.64021739

I'd be up for it, though it has to be recorded quickly and theres the language issue which means we need more practice.

>> No.64021748
File: 1.74 MB, 2800x1569, fuwamoco 151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64021780

>but I have less than 0 confidence in my creative abilities
So long as you put passion into what you do, I’m sure FuwaMoco will love it

>> No.64021780

It's hard to be passionate when you don't believe in yourself

>> No.64021809
File: 125 KB, 878x913, fuwamoco 235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FuwaMoco believes in you!

>> No.64021969
File: 127 KB, 900x828, 1701427468254114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna splooge

>> No.64022002
File: 447 KB, 1920x1080, nobody can stop our drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe in yourself. Believe in the FWMC who believe in you.

>> No.64022191
File: 64 KB, 2048x1024, F4YySMCaAAAHVxs.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not like it.
You may be offended by it.
But this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.64022230


>> No.64022321
Quoted by: >>64022836

fuwawas proportions look fucked and it kind of ruins this for me
something about that body bending looks weird

>> No.64022393
File: 667 KB, 1536x2048, 1690023708684809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64022476
Quoted by: >>64025938

that ring looks cold and hard

>> No.64022605
File: 16 KB, 437x431, literally me 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64022937

>ywn sit in Mr Donut in Akiba, eating a pon-de-ring and drinking orange juice (?) with your JP exclusive FWMC merchandise, watching FuwaMoco on your tablet

>> No.64022671


>> No.64022836

Yeah, Mococo looks good, but Fuwawa looks really fucked. Shame cause the concept of the image is absolute sex

>> No.64022870
Quoted by: >>64023810

bought and updated the mega with paid ver, sort by date added

>> No.64022937

i mean you could. It just costs money. I'll probably go there the next time I visit japan.

>> No.64022959
File: 768 KB, 1600x900, 1691150011256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since everyone else is fucking shitposting instead of telling you, I'll do it.
It's because they want to expand their fanbase, and it's REALLY intimidating for a JOP to watch them when they barely speak any Japanese. Handing out likes to random JOPs who start watching them is a very nice way to ensure they'll stick around and attempt to learn some eigo for their new adorable oshis.
This is also why they're quick to respond to random JP "HELLO/GOOD MORNING!" live chats.

>> No.64023004
File: 284 KB, 542x543, 1701369733242414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64023062

"Oh gosh!"
"Oh my goodness..."

>> No.64023082

Sounds difficult to do in time for Christmas, but I'm down

>> No.64023127
File: 79 KB, 217x312, 1701647026406878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWMC have dialed back the JP pandering during streams (which I'm happy with). Them doing it on Twitter to pull in JP tourist is fine since it's not disrupting the streaming experience.

>> No.64023244
Quoted by: >>64023444

they still give priority to the random jp comments since they're often scarce during the late night streams

>> No.64023257
Quoted by: >>64024520

you'll never be their oniichan

>> No.64023282

I actually wonder if one of the regulars started using nip instead of english would he get more likes/attention in general

>> No.64023299

Good point

>> No.64023322
Quoted by: >>64023383

I don't like Pero.

>> No.64023383

Does anyone like Pero?

>> No.64023444

Yeah, they also read EN comments too. Nothing wrong with a few JP comments being read as long it's not a whole lot of them and being long drawn out conversations.

>> No.64023550

pero is my homie. we go on panty raids when fwmc are asleep

>> No.64023810

unfathomably based

>> No.64023956

only place I don't want that is here
being a paypig is so hard

>> No.64023974

Was the pre-stream already up by the time they started their watchalong stream? How do I sync this? Just wait for them to start singing along with the first song and then catch up?

>> No.64024010

I do that...
I just really like new smells

>> No.64024094

ok, including their cards in the shot is just adding insult to injury

>> No.64024105
Quoted by: >>64024217

Why did the animated porn stop

>> No.64024115
Quoted by: >>64024184

there’s literally nothing nicer than being around a nice smelling girl. makes my head all fuzzy and makes me forget of the evils of this earth

>> No.64024176

Same. I dont intentionally get close but if it happens and the girl is cute i wont complain.

>> No.64024184

Oh... I see you are a man of culture too.

>> No.64024217
Quoted by: >>64024363

the MMD ones? probably because Biboo's model came out, so they're playing with that instead. The latest one was this one, I thought it was pretty good, especially Fuwawa's part:
Fuwawa's part specifically is clipped on the mega too, in case the video fails to load for you, iwara has been inconsistent to me lately:

>> No.64024229

Pero and Hannibal Lecter like women's smells

>> No.64024363

It's alright but I want more of both of them.

>> No.64024399
Quoted by: >>64026000

Do you happen to remember their smell for a really long time?

>> No.64024419
File: 65 KB, 505x490, kot 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It just costs money
A lot of money. Money I don’t have

>> No.64024465

>JP pandering
Doesn’t happen

>> No.64024484
File: 64 KB, 372x400, 1685127036859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to train someone at my job Thursday, Friday, AND Sunday, so I can't slack off and watch my wives
>will only get to watch on Sat cause I requested off

>> No.64024520
File: 1.66 MB, 1000x1500, literally me 29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64024577

You’re right, I’m their husband instead

>> No.64024577
Quoted by: >>64024810

does Fuwawa's other leg get cold?

>> No.64024626
Quoted by: >>64025252

>People who get their comments read every stream, send superchat and so on are just needy. Myself included, I want them to notice me everywhere, but I'm at least self aware enough to understand that I'm being unreasonable.
Pretty much me. Outside of artfags and people who ACTUALLY contribute to the community in some way, I'd say I've genuinely received more attention from them than a large LARGE majority of their viewers. ESPECIALLY as of late.
There's no need for me to be greedy because they love me.

>> No.64024643
Quoted by: >>64024702

Is it just me or do Fuwamoco get so many clips. I swear, every day a new Fuwamoco clip channel is born.
Is this the same with every popular vtuber and I only see so many because I watch so much Fuwamoco or are there just an abundance of Fuwamoco clipfags.

And like actually youtube, do you REALLY need to recommend me 5 clips of a certain part of a stream that I WATCHED?

>> No.64024702

Nah you're correct. They get a shit ton. Part of it is they stream so much and stuff like sc reading and FWMC have lots of bits

The other part of it is that they genuinely have good senses of humor and comedic timing.

>> No.64024773
File: 628 KB, 1620x2160, 1695746768302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They seem really nervous, and I'm not sure why. They should know that we love them and will be supportive of anything they do, even if it's something simple. If they have something nig/unique planned, I KNOW it will be good.
Some of you better follow me and drop some max akasupas.

>> No.64024810

I keep her leg warm

>> No.64025175
Quoted by: >>64026169

it's their first christmas in Hololive and they're even not going to spend it with their family this year to make it special. I think it makes sense after committing so much to the holiday they want to make sure we end up loving it.

>> No.64025252

Exactly same situation but they still hate me.

>> No.64025279

I hope the christmas thing they're doing is a video and not a stream. Nothing kills the intimate mood more than a poorfag listening to them get excited over something I can never give them.

>> No.64025309

The only thing I can think of is that a lot of people want an asmr stream and since they are probably not doing it yet they may think it will disappoint a lot of people

>> No.64025791
File: 139 KB, 900x1029, 1701834958864867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64025865

Or they're nervous about doing ASMR for Ruffians on Christmas.

>> No.64025865
Quoted by: >>64025923


>> No.64025923


>> No.64025938

im cold and hard but fuwawa wont retweet me

>> No.64026000

Yes, that is why I hate dating

>> No.64026027
File: 110 KB, 1138x865, F9ICSM5bsAAtuL-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be a 5 second clip just saying hi and merry Christmas and I would still love it.

>> No.64026041

>Another 20k ccv fwmc morning
So how long does the botter schizo take to get bored and change targets

>> No.64026087

probably forgot about it, unless #/ is still feeding him

>> No.64026169

True. They really care and clearly don't want to let anyone down.
Nothing they do will disappoint me. Spending time with them on Christmas is MORE than enough...

>> No.64026597

>Nothing they do will disappoint me
Same. As much as I would love asmr, I'm fine with spending time with them on Christmas with whatever they have planned.

>> No.64026617

How many times must it be said? They care because any form of recognition will help them convince management to give them the things you want to see

>> No.64026653

ive literally booked a fight to japan next year so I can take pictures and make fuwamoco retweet me

>> No.64026754

I agree. I was only voicing the only possibility I could think of. It will be my first christmas in a while not spent by myself

>> No.64026809
File: 78 KB, 1142x640, fatfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got home from work, and wanted to drink a beer while i watch this morning's vod. then this smug FAT FUCK appears. GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!

>> No.64026851

pero is kino whats wrong with you

>> No.64026856

Doesn’t matter. It doesn’t affect their vod views.

>> No.64026911

wrong thread numberfag

>> No.64026931

How pissed will Ruffians be when we get a Pero plush instead of a daki of FWMC for their birthday merch?

>> No.64026976

>yt is starting to recommend me sisters/twins channels

>> No.64026991

I seriously doubt we will get a daki for their first bday. I don’t even think we might even get a pero plushie.

>> No.64027028
File: 516 KB, 374x667, 1611266066042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How pissed will Ruffians be when we get a Pero plush instead of a daki of FWMC for their birthday merch?

>> No.64027057
Quoted by: >>64027463

I would still be pretty happy with a fat fuck plush

But also yeah first birthday merch has been pretty lame for most people for a while now. I have no idea how IRyS and Kronii managed to snag that

>> No.64027116

If you expect anything more than an acrylic stand and a tapestry at best you'll just be disappointed

>> No.64027157

I would buy the plush long before buying the daki

>> No.64027173
Quoted by: >>64027450

it will be easier to explain a Pero plushie than a fuwamoco plushie when my parents visits

>> No.64027432
File: 541 KB, 595x842, 173015579201760501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if we have enough people for the technical side of this. But I made a draft for a 3 voices version of the song so people could pick what they want to sing: https://pastebin.com/E9wWvsGp

>> No.64027450

>Not having bootleg naked dakis of both of them sitting on your couch to surprise your parents
Come on ruffian you gotta shock your parents every now and again

>> No.64027463
Quoted by: >>64028793

Yeah... How in the world did IRyS and Kronii get good merch for their first birthday?

>> No.64027523

pero plush is exclusive to people that buy the fuwawa birthday merch set and mococo birthday merch set 2 pack.

>> No.64027840

I'd be down but I'd want to finish my finals next week first before investing my time into the song.

>> No.64027949

I need them

>> No.64027978

Im in. No guarantee my ugly male voice will ever improve tho

>> No.64028275
Quoted by: >>64028332

Sounds great! I think the romanized lyrics from that website have some minor mistakes, will post again once I'm home with the suggested corrections if I'm not mistaken. From memory I remember "atatameru" instead of "attameru".
Should we claim parts or people just sing whichever they want and then if we need more the mixer lets people know that x part is needed?

>> No.64028332
Quoted by: >>64028401

NTA but we should pick ahead of time so we dont delay this much

>> No.64028401
Quoted by: >>64028996

Alright, I'll take 1 then just to pick one, but could go with any other if a specific part is understaffed. Count THE GREAT PEROCCINO for any part.

>> No.64028478

Sounds like fun. I had a blast recording for LTST, so I’d definitely be interested. Might need more than 3 signed vocal slots though.

>> No.64028501

Is mixeranon/ruffian5000 still in /baubau/ or would we need a new mixer? Because if so it's bauver, even if we pay someone it's way too short notice.

>> No.64028793

At least in Kronii's case, she wants to fuck herself, and Wada being the coomer she is was more than willing to help out on that front with the daki cover.

>> No.64028996

I'll laugh my ass off if we were to be graced by the Great Pero.

>> No.64029217

Wtf I actually got teary eyed with them saying "the thing about encore is that you have to keep yelling it, and there's no guarantee it'll come, but you need to keep trying, forever and ever, for as long as it takes". Just made me think of the constant theme of them never giving up, even with people precious to them saying they're no good and should give up, also their fans from before who never lost hope, and kept memeing about "save them Yagoo".
I want to give them the entire world, bros.

>> No.64029326
Quoted by: >>64029485

Those fans?

>> No.64029485

Good job, anon.

>> No.64029887
Quoted by: >>64030027

Their sleep schedule is completely fucked again

>> No.64029929

>kept memeing about "save them Yagoo".
Now that you mention. That was like their fans' way of keeping on yelling encore even after they graduated

>> No.64029950

Pero is just Mococo doing a voice

>> No.64030009
Quoted by: >>64030171

correction, it's SWOLE FUCK from now on

>> No.64030027

To be expected with that watchalong. We'll see how they feel tomorrow. Remember that Cover works on an almost opposite timezone to them, meaning a lot of the time they need to be up to do recording or jobs working with staff at the home base, they end up having to stay up into the early hours of the morning.

>> No.64030052
File: 366 KB, 524x489, 1692623031969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the thing about encore is that you have to keep yelling it, and there's no guarantee it'll come, but you need to keep trying, forever and ever, for as long as it takes".
I didn't think of this in the context of them and their dreams. Sometimes, I genuinely can't believe how hard they've worked and how much they truly care. All I can think about is just how much I could have achieved if I had just a FRACTION of their dedication and desire.
I know the ship has sailed, and they'll never truly know me , but I think I'm fine with that. I love these two so much and genuinely want them to be happy and achieve all the things they've dreamt of for these last 2 decades.

>> No.64030150

Some of the shit you people write is pretty pathetic. I hope you're just shitposting. This isn't healthy.

>> No.64030171
Quoted by: >>64030280

>Pero memed as a FAT FUCK
>Pero confirmed that he's actually very muscular
>FuwaMoco HATE Pero
/fit/bros... it's more over than it was yesterday...

>> No.64030190
File: 101 KB, 320x240, 1701314801242414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're just shitposting

>> No.64030212

There was no guarantee, but they kept saying it, they kept believing, against all odds. Like oshi, like fan.

>> No.64030229

Did you forget where you are?

>> No.64030251
File: 229 KB, 270x270, 1689565212861954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64030280
File: 982 KB, 1237x1281, 1692422604912650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its our time to shine, ojisans

>> No.64030300
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, 1700351057379214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will become most chuuni and romanticist Wuffian and no normie can stop me

>> No.64030336
Quoted by: >>64030742

Same bro, same. Just by having met them I feel like any of the dreams I gave up on along the way I could have achieved, if I kept the flame alive. Right now I don't have a dream, but whenever it comes, I'm ready.

>> No.64030482

I never made threads later, but I always enjoyed reminiscing and talking about HOPE in those threads.

>> No.64030483

>Like oshi, like fan.

>> No.64030499
Quoted by: >>64030698

>I know the ship has sailed, and they'll never truly know me
Anon what the fuck are you talking about, this is literally the starting point of their biggest dreams
Sure you can be sad that you couldn't be part of the more personal time they had with fans before, but to think they don't try to know and remember as many as they can now is just dumb
If you're cheering for them now and continue to do so they'll definitely get to know you

>> No.64030518
File: 53 KB, 465x397, 1700229494110774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FuwaMoco are truly in a league of their own, Pero was clearly supposed to be like Ina's takodachi or Korone's Listener-san but they turned it into something unique that I've never seen before. I fucking love FuwaMoco.

>> No.64030620

Nah, they were pretty clear from the start that Pero wasn't the fans. Obviously they probably never played the game, but I love that the class Angelic Buster from Maplestory is that same story. Weird creepy old man trains young girl into an idol.

>> No.64030681
Quoted by: >>64030761

yea thats the point, corporate wanted Pero to be us but they turned it into something so much better

>> No.64030698

>is just dumb
Well to be fair, I am retarded. But yeah, you're right. I'll be cheering them on for as long as I physically can!

>> No.64030723

>Korone's Listener-san
Anon, Korone's risuna was always meant to be risuna
The master would fit being called something similar to what pero is

>> No.64030733

I'm starting to remember why I don't come here unless there's a stream on.

>> No.64030742
Quoted by: >>64030784

>now I don't have a dream
Same. Everything was much more interesting when I wanted to become rich
I can afford anything now and I have no interest in anything

>> No.64030761
Quoted by: >>64030887

Now the only problem will be how Mococo will voice Pero during their 3D

>> No.64030778

Actually they weren't the first to do it
Rui's Ganmo is his own voiced character too

>> No.64030784
Quoted by: >>64030912

>I can afford anything now and I have no interest in anything
Why aren't you making plans to move to japan so you can go to every live and event they hold there

>> No.64030820
Quoted by: >>64030888

Why? There's literally nothing bad here right now. Especially when you compare this thread to doxposting, cuckposting, homobegging, holo v holo bullshit, and random irrelevant seethe posting.

>> No.64030866

I saw a piece of art recently on Twitter with the caption of Fuwamoco with the ruffians, and it was a bunch of Peros. That honestly had me laughing. Glad they have such a great mascot.

>> No.64030887
File: 1.19 MB, 1191x1191, 1700333615652678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their 3d will be pre-recorded

>> No.64030888
File: 2.35 MB, 1280x862, PockyPicker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone will always be mad about something. He's probably seething because people are getting slightly emotional about their love for our dogs and sees it as 'gross parasocial shit'.

>> No.64030912
Quoted by: >>64030996

I actually will in September. I will become Davido-kun for them

>> No.64030937
Quoted by: >>64031026

>sees it as 'gross parasocial shit'.
I mean, he isn't wrong.

>> No.64030951

I remember that one, it was hilarious.

>> No.64030960

>made a reddit account yesterday
>they haven't posted there AT ALL today
They literally unironically hate me.

>> No.64030995

Thanks for your service Anon

>> No.64030996

godspeed, fatfuck

>> No.64031002

not like you can even post to them for a month

>> No.64031016
Quoted by: >>64031049

>made a reddit account
how arent you IP banned?

>> No.64031026

There is NOTHING gross or wrong about being parasocial towards your oshi.

>> No.64031049

Are we pretending most of this thread doesn't own a reddit account?

>> No.64031053

>started getting the adblock warning today
it's over for me bros...

>> No.64031062

It's like Lamy with Yukimin and Daifuku

>> No.64031075

I got it, but then it fucked off.

>> No.64031093

everyday until you like it

>> No.64031106

trust anon, we have a mixer still, maybe not the same guy, but someone who can pull it off. Try twitter, he is here but may be in vacation from /here/

>> No.64031140
Quoted by: >>64031171

im literally mac banned from reddit

>> No.64031171

what does that even mean

>> No.64031198
Quoted by: >>64031323

he's traveling soon so he'll be too busy I think

>> No.64031203

yeah, the thread whining is always so bad

>> No.64031214

there was one karaoke that I tried to push for a encore but none helped. I still think about it, I tried enough times but no one cared to join, I could feel their excitement going off from it and then gone.

>> No.64031279
Quoted by: >>64031567

Was it a 2 view's karaoke

>> No.64031323

it's bauver then. maybe next year, we'll have plenty of christmases(?) together.

>> No.64031326
Quoted by: >>64031431

If you're using ublock Origin then you just open the settings, go to filter list, hit "purge all caches" then "update now" and wait until the things stop spinning(takes like 10 seconds) then reload the page and it'll be gone.
It's a constant arms race between the two sides and every day or two youtube will update their side of things which will very quickly be countered by the adblock side, and if you see it then all it means is that you happened to open youtube during the short period between youtube updating their side before the adblockers got around it.

>> No.64031337
File: 74 KB, 365x321, 1701311936052065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64032439

dumb zoomer thinks their mac address is where their iphone gets delivered

>> No.64031350

It means he shitposted so hard that reddit seethed enough to ban his hardware address along with his IP address.
I don't have one. Ive been on 4chins for over 10 years and it will never change.

>> No.64031365
File: 881 KB, 3000x3000, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 7 complete
shiori's kinda funny

>> No.64031392
Quoted by: >>64031423

Reddit won't allow him to eat mac and cheese.

>> No.64031414
Quoted by: >>64031883

I pushed for a karaoke encore once and everyone kept going even during the end credits, and they just came back, even though a shitload of people left already, and it was such a blast. One of my favorite utawakus to this day.

>> No.64031423


>> No.64031431
Quoted by: >>64031492

The script list hasn't been updated yet.
So chances are he'll just see the message again.

>> No.64031492

works on my machine

>> No.64031516

shiori made my wives watch someone jerk off and throw his load on her face

>> No.64031567
Quoted by: >>64031656


>> No.64031596
File: 3.63 MB, 720x720, 1700005761150203.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64031606

Fuwawa was fantasizing about me doing that to her.

>> No.64031630
File: 242 KB, 1383x2136, GAtAycSbAAAAYkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new sex by sobbi

>> No.64031656
Quoted by: >>64031698

You might be saying to truth or just trying to ruse me but you didn't have to make it hurt like that

>> No.64031698

it hurts me too anon, now we share the pain

>> No.64031703
Quoted by: >>64031853

haha zoomie humor

>> No.64031726
File: 526 KB, 692x693, image_2023-12-06_180910841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got off work and I don't wanna backread, what did they do with Pero?

>> No.64031745

what does gyatt mean
is that zoomer speak?

>> No.64031773

she is farming this like hell

>> No.64031844

i thought it meant "girl you are thick" but it doesn't match

>> No.64031853
Quoted by: >>64032051

You old fucks do realize that generation z is over right?

>> No.64031864

yeah me

>> No.64031870


>> No.64031883

Was your's a 2 view's karaoke too
Your answer better be the same as the last anon

>> No.64031931
Quoted by: >>64032211

people are really encouraging her

>> No.64031941

nope, I'm a newfag to them, it was marifure

>> No.64031966

do you remember the karaoke that had no encore? welcome to hell

>> No.64031973
Quoted by: >>64032007

Fuwawa's hairy armpits

>> No.64032006
File: 571 KB, 731x694, Do you understand[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjg97wt.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64032062

what does it mean????

>> No.64032007


>> No.64032008
Quoted by: >>64035047

mococo's jungle bush

>> No.64032051
Quoted by: >>64032088

well the next one after zoomers is generation alpha which describes the current generation of children born between 2010 and 2024. Why are you admitting to being 14?

>> No.64032062

it means that sobbi doesn't know what gyatt means

>> No.64032079

Fuwawa's clean shaven vagina rubbing up against Mococo's respectably groomed bush

>> No.64032088
Quoted by: >>64032131

I'm 26. But that would be 14 to you since you're an old shitter.

>> No.64032094

>memory is completely blank
Im safe.

>> No.64032109

I don't remember because I wasn't there, and if it's happened this year then my memory is just ass

>> No.64032123

>huge fuwawa titty
>thick fuwawa thigh
>fuwawa fertility goddess hips
>thread is concerned about the zoomer meme
I share a general with faggots...

>> No.64032131
Quoted by: >>64032273

ok zoomer

>> No.64032211

those aren't people anon

>> No.64032273

You wish you were 26 again.

>> No.64032281
Quoted by: >>64032311

sobbi's a woman?

>> No.64032311
Quoted by: >>64032347

there are no girls on the internet

>> No.64032335
File: 185 KB, 1000x999, 1682266318926759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like the most mid fuwawa i've seen in ages. go change your tampon, bitch

>> No.64032347
Quoted by: >>64032381


>> No.64032352
File: 435 KB, 2128x3112, 1677611425380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always loved how she draws Fuwawa. I wish she would make more high effort stuff, though, cause right now it seems like she's prioritizing speed to release stream relevant art.

>> No.64032381

have you seen the mococock?

>> No.64032439
Quoted by: >>64032602

All those years of script kiddying on 'hacker' forums for shitty MMO's paid off!
Honestly though, do you really expect anyone who hasn't been on the internet a long, long while to have any investment into their tech?

>> No.64032455

I really don't.

>> No.64032501

is this holocoon game any good?

>> No.64032551

it literally isn't even out yet

>> No.64032585
File: 2 KB, 400x400, 1701587573174697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64032602

>Honestly though, do you really expect anyone who hasn't been on the internet a long, long while to have any investment into their tech?
I've been on the internet for multiple decades at this point, and I've unironically started caring less and less about this.
It's just like with both privacy and piracy. I used to swear by both, but now I'm so lazy and apathetic I don't even care anymore...

>> No.64032613

goddamn that's a sexy stick drawing

>> No.64032686

by the devs of Cineris Somnia, huh. Interesting.

>> No.64032734
File: 12 KB, 455x296, 1699854621276830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64033223

Nothing to hide nothing to fear

>> No.64032746

I want to suck on those stockings.

>> No.64032752
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x602, 1684938529608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Huh, I wonder why they're interesting in this game no ones ever heard of that isnt even out yet.
>Set in 1980s Japan

>> No.64032764
File: 45 KB, 1920x1200, 1690310536050199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any ruffians tell me a good place to go grab visual novels? Is there any new equivalent to the itazuraneko list again?
Starting to do my reps, don't wanna be overly limited in my choices when looking for stories that fit both my personal tastes and skill level

>> No.64032795

When will Mococo play Raidou Kuzunoha

>> No.64032875
File: 599 KB, 800x800, Fuwawa doge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can any ruffians tell me a good place to go grab visual novels?
just use nyaa or something

>> No.64032902
File: 820 KB, 918x1014, 1688760264478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barges into your room
>starts rambling nonsensically with absolutely ZERO thoughts in her head

>> No.64032925

they literally said this when they presented the schedule, the horror part is just an extra

>> No.64032943

For searching with tags, there's always VNDB. For stealing, there's the nyaa sister site. For buying, there's Jap sites that you can find through VNDB and places like Mangagamer, JAST, and a few other small ones for official translations.

>> No.64032949

>touches your monitor
>refuses to elaborate

>> No.64033077
File: 693 KB, 1200x893, 1675328156304967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe you were intending to post this autistic chick

>> No.64033140
Quoted by: >>64033275

just play stuff they recommended, you get to both do reps and connect with them.
this list is missing some like Imouto Paradise too, but there's a lot of stuff there already.

>> No.64033146
File: 186 KB, 579x533, 1680842995959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will not be able to stop her from eating the snow

>> No.64033207
Quoted by: >>64034485

Would she stay if I start masturbating? God I want to jerk off in front of Fuwawa so bad.

>> No.64033223

Do you think Fuwawa fears people discovering the reason she's banned from the sims

>> No.64033236
File: 87 KB, 645x900, 1674301005596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Shiori definitely has thoughts in her head when she rambles. Those thoughts are just exceptionally autistic.
Fuwawa simply speaks. She is beyond thinking.

>> No.64033273

Cat site, check the uploader's sites if there are no seeders. I STRONGLY recommend some sort of sandboxing tool because you will catch something at some point otherwise. I used sandboxie years ago and disabled the write access as I saw fit, dunno if there's anything better that isnt just a VM.

>> No.64033275

>Imouto Paradise
w-what kind of game is this?

>> No.64033316
Quoted by: >>64033402

You have a bunch of sisters, and you have sex with them. You even have twin sisters, the older wearing a blue ribbon, the younger a pink ribbon, and you have sex with both at the same time.

>> No.64033322

its in the title

>> No.64033402
Quoted by: >>64033435

>You even have twin sisters, the older wearing a blue ribbon, the younger a pink ribbon, and you have sex with both at the same time.
I bet FuwaMoco unironically masturbated together during this part.

>> No.64033435
Quoted by: >>64033468

Can confirm, I was there.

>> No.64033464
Quoted by: >>64034328

Is it bad that I'm more into just wiping my computer with a fresh install if I get something than I am just taking precautionary measures?

>> No.64033468

Did you sleep well after Pekora's concert, Fuwawa?

>> No.64033623
Quoted by: >>64034328

>some sort of sandboxing tool
Mind recommending some or at least the one you used to use?

>> No.64033687
File: 202 KB, 990x893, 1693511441292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64033791

I hope they had a nice day off tonight. It was really cool of Pero-sama to take over.

>> No.64033704
Quoted by: >>64034328

I've recently switched over to loonix, will look up sandboxers but it might be best to just run a virtual machine of windows specifically to play VNs for compatibility but it does seem like a hassle and overly hogging of resources just to play some text adventures

>> No.64033718

Do you think they are actually incestuous? I know that it's a 99% impossible, but when you live that long with someone that basically becomes your soulmate, can you truly be with them without sexual tension?

>> No.64033788
Quoted by: >>64033840

go SC this

>> No.64033791

Have there been any signs of life? I wonder how hard they crashed after FWMC morning

>> No.64033840

one of these days someone is actually gonna do it

>> No.64033872

Of course, it would be weird to make the other wait in another room while I'm having sex with her sister, we have to do it together.

>> No.64033908

Shitposting aside, probably not. They 100% are exceptionally close and literally have their entire lives intertwined with one another. This means that romantic relationships with anyone will be nearly impossible.
Though I will admit the deeper you look, the more you'll realize that Fuwawa does have a strange fascination with incest.

>> No.64033940

would just get skipped, not as fun in reality as it is as a shitpost.

>> No.64033976

I would very much like to have sex with Shiori.

>> No.64033981

>Though I will admit the deeper you look, the more you'll realize that Fuwawa does have a strange fascination with incest.
How deep are we talking about

>> No.64033984

they would still have to read it to know it needs to be skipped

>> No.64034062

Instead of superchatting something like, "How's Mococo's CUNT taste, Fuwawa?"
you could superchat about how close the two of them are. Things can be worded in a way that appears innocent yet CAN be interpreted in a way that is NOT entirely innocent.

>> No.64034125

Yes and no, their type of relationship is likely not full blown sticky hot crazy shit you'd hope for
At most it's likely just the regular stuff of exploring their own bodies through exploring the others when younger, kinda like "playing doctor" as kids
They probably have no problem running around naked in front of each other though. Sadly for anons dicks Canada is a cold place so they likely snuggle clothed, not naked, sweaty and exposed to each others eyes without blankets to escape the heat as if they lived somewhere hotter

>> No.64034135

not necessarily. manechan would bonk it before they even have to react on screen

>> No.64034184

Well, obviously. But it's not like it's a new thought to them. They're probably used to their fans fantasizing about them having sex with each other at this point. Regardless of whether or not they like it, it's not something new. It would get skipped like any other supa they skip. The anti ones bringing up roommate shit were actually dangerous and they ignored them without even blinking, let alone a shitpost.

>> No.64034304

>Fuwawa does have a strange fascination with incest.
I think she's just able to connect with incest stories a lot because of how close she is to Mococo. I doubt they've ever done anything sexual though.

>> No.64034328
Quoted by: >>64034513

Yes because you just let things run silently until you remember you have to wipe your shit. Most of the time you wont notice something's off.
>I used sandboxie years ago
thats the name of the tool, sandboxie
Bottles is supposed to have some sandboxing capabilities if you install it through Flatpak, though i think you'll have to unfuck the fonts sometimes. There are other tools like Firejail and another one that I cant fucking remember right now if you want to use raw Wine but I have no clue of how to configure it yet.

>> No.64034373
File: 238 KB, 747x747, literally me 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>64034431

Bros, I thought there was a stream tonight. Only just realised it’ll be another day until I can see my wives again

>> No.64034431
Quoted by: >>64035203

Go play the game's demo ruffian. It is your calling now.

>> No.64034446

Honestly, these two feel pretty accurate to their situation
Now honest question. If they ever decide its tike to settle down with a fat ojisan, do you think they'll get with TWO separate fat fucks, or will it be one shared between the two?
It's hard to imagine these girls ever splitting up, but it's possible.

>> No.64034485
Quoted by: >>64034614

>She begins to backseat your masturbation
>"You're holding it wrong, Anon"

>> No.64034513

Maybe I'll just buy a rasberry pie and use that for all questionable shit like this. Not like VN's require a lot of processing power.

>> No.64034532

2 and they would live together (both will be me)

>> No.64034614

That would be incredible, good lord.

>> No.64034671

>Canada is a cold place so they likely snuggled
That's the best part

>> No.64034676
Quoted by: >>64034745

They clearly like to be seen as two different people and have talked about when the time comes and they can't be as close as right now, so I think a baldie oji-san for each. But as much as you should respect yourself, you can't too be picky with those things.

>> No.64034710

They seemed interested in the double wedding in the barbie movie.

>> No.64034745

>have talked about when the time comes and they can't be as close as right now,
When did they talk about that?

>> No.64034786
Quoted by: >>64035920

To be honest, I wouldn't mind a polyamorous relationship together in the same house with them and another cool ruffian, nohomo

>> No.64034895
Quoted by: >>64035148

>do you think they'll get with TWO separate fat fucks, or will it be one shared between the two?
Their ovaries will kick in hard and they'll agree to settle for different men at some point, but I think ideally they would want to get with twin guys that are like them in a way so they can each have their own man but not feel like they're going down different life paths following these two too different men
Of course there are stories like this one from my own city, so it's possible they would share. I think they value their independence too much for that however, even if they are attached so strongly

>> No.64034957

like two months ago

>> No.64035007

>Fuwawa eating chocolate flavoured Pockey

>> No.64035047

Well I do need to floss my teeth more.

>> No.64035148

>Link broken
I overdid the tracking deletion, there's this one instead https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/anna-lucy-decinque-perth-twins-engaged-b1865305.html

>> No.64035189
Quoted by: >>64035342

During Mori's question gameshow thing. Fuwawa pretty much heavily implied that someday they "won't see each other as much." Which implies that marriage will one day separate them.

>> No.64035203
File: 14 KB, 190x200, chudjak it’s over 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t have a PC

>> No.64035330

I think them marrying two different guys who share enough with them and each other to want to all be in each other's lives all the time is their ideal scenario, but extremely hard to achieve in real life, unless they're actually considering marrying fans.
otherwise sharing a man is honestly a more realistic scenario to not separate them.
in both cases, me.

>> No.64035342
Quoted by: >>64035473

If you could give a timestamp or rough estimate it would be greatly appreciated, I really don't want to comb through a mori collab

>> No.64035447
Quoted by: >>64035626

basically this means they won't marry fluffians or fuzzians, only ruffians.

>> No.64035473

it's a good collab just watch the entire thing

>> No.64035626

Does that really change anything
Sure there are some that are obvious fluff or fuzz fags but I'm pretty sure the vast majority genuinely loves them equally

>> No.64035694

is 26 zoomer?

>> No.64035799
Quoted by: >>64036014

the only thing I have to hide is that I am a sisterfucker like Fuwawa and Mococo

>> No.64035836
File: 18 KB, 581x368, 1673719538293863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 120: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episodes of an anime.

>> No.64035920

In this economy this even sounds extra interesting.

>> No.64035999

These have been getting less and less informative lmao.

>> No.64036014


>> No.64036114


>> No.64036186

Keep up with the good work!

>> No.64036246

Nice job, rufferan! I myself have been watching Yuru Camp, and I must say that it does bring out a warm feeling to watch something that is not a h-anime without subs.

>> No.64036600
File: 157 KB, 836x1199, GAqBS6LbEAAh1Vb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64036736

Good luck! FUWAWA SEX! Fuwawa please say how much you love me and give kisses and tell me I have been a good boy. Fuwawa, I love you!

>> No.64036778

>unless they're actually considering marrying fans.
Not trying to stoke the delusional fires here, but there's a genuine chance, but it won't be until they're both fucking 40.
Realistically though, theyd need to individually find someone who's completely okay marrying a twin and all it entails. How close these two girls are is something that will probably need to be addressed almost immediately.

>> No.64036806
File: 520 KB, 719x857, fuwawa 165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Fuwawa is sex incarnate
