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File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】 Singing til the new year!!!-iSZfA1X-lzE.mp4_snapshot_00.00.00_[2023.12.05_04.26.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63914583 No.63914583 [Reply] [Original]

odds on this happening again this year?

>> No.63914714

They'll get flown to Japan to record for holofes and Mumei needs someone to tardwrangle her. So they'll probably hang out again.

>> No.63914902

0% since they had their falling out.

>> No.63915137


>> No.63915951
Quoted by: >>63916080

ask fauna

>> No.63916080
Quoted by: >>63916224

More like ask Bae/Mumei. Fauna still tries to raid them and has been trying to reconcile recently. Even if she was initially at fault, the fact that they're dragging out this conflict over something that was really not that big of a deal really makes them seem immature.

>> No.63916146
File: 61 KB, 500x500, artworks-fJKzeLgbi1zHBOyz-JSsHfw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's on this rrat

>> No.63916224
Quoted by: >>63916659


>> No.63916659

Fauna pretty much cancelled the Halloween collabs with Bae from previous years and then ghosted Bae for the only collab they had planned, forcing Bae to change plans to a sudden karaoke. Bae had no idea what was going on with her. Fauna then proceeded to stream perfectly fine the day after the collab, with (you guessed it) a comeback karaoke. For like a week following that, Fauna stopped raiding Bae's streams and Bae just completely ignored any mentions of Fauna or the collab in her chat. Then, after that, Mumei also seemed to suddenly start ignoring Fauna. Mumei started floating around the idea of doing a new Girls Talk collab with Kiara, but only with her and Nerissa, removing Fauna from it despite being a core member under the excuse of HolotoriEN. Likely what happened was Mumei ended up siding with Bae even if she wasn't directly involved since they're so close.

>> No.63916856

damn i wasn't aware of all that drama
their NYE stream was absolute KINO

>> No.63917462

all that is true, but has a lot of guesses, that are likely to be true, but we cant be sure.
we are not sure if there is really any resentment between them, irys did something even worse to bae, when irys cancelled the valentine collab just some hours before it, and while since then baerys is kinda dead they are still friends and meet often.

>> No.63920478
Quoted by: >>63922978

Literally half of that is false and not only has Mumei mentioned Fauna multiple times recently, Fauna has raided Bae multiple times recently as well. I wrote that entire story up entirely because I was bored.

>> No.63920575

Hopefully, but without bae

>> No.63922646

Fauna is literally collabing with Bae, Biboo and Kaela next week.

>> No.63922840
Quoted by: >>63931154

> irys did something even worse to bae, when irys cancelled the valentine collab just some hours before it, and while since then baerys is kinda dead they are still friends and meet often.
Your rrat game was going strong until you had to kill it with this…

>> No.63922978

I didn't post this.

>> No.63923285

*gasp* facts? Not ITT

>> No.63923391


>> No.63925008

When was bae added? I think Fauna only mentioned kaela and bijou

>> No.63925286

Mumei is too squeamish about doing karaoke collabs and won’t be in Japan for New Year’s. Also, they’d probably be in separate (but close) rooms wherever they’re staying like last time, except maybe for Bae, who is moving there on a more permanent basis.
It’s a load of horseshit taking advantage of the fact that Fauna’s been sick since she last returned home from Japan and Bae has been busy. Also, Mumei merely mentioned bringing Nerissa onto Girlstalk and said nothing about removing Fauna.

>> No.63931154
Quoted by: >>63933523

did irys really do that? thats really sleazy

>> No.63931287

why are saplings like this?

>> No.63931729
Quoted by: >>63931787

pretty high,
>mumei finishing her civ. duties to be free on the end of the year,
>fauna spending her time with senpai til christmas only,
>bae finishing her move to jp.
they'll most likely gather again, will probably also have the others to join in like irys or kronii.

>> No.63931769
Quoted by: >>63932747

>retarded shizos at it again with their shit, not even watching streams/clips.
as per mumei, I hope you anons kys.

>> No.63931787

and myth and advent and all of ID.

>> No.63932747
File: 324 KB, 904x836, 1690750287207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you worked up and upset
are you mad at the internet

>> No.63933523

Sure is, but not as sleazy as you're cringe samefagging
