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63500848 No.63500848 [Reply] [Original]

Is this ok for the new OP?

【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com
【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com/@idol_corp
【 Twitter 】 https://twitter.com/idol_corp
【 Schedules 】 https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp
【 Archive 】 EN + Origin: https://idol.icebox.moe / ENdless: https://idol2.icebox.moe / Former members: https://grad.icebox.moe
【 LAUNCH MERCH AVAILABLE 】 https://shop.idol-company.com/
【 LIMITED BIRTHDAY MERCH AVAILABLE 】 Momo: https://shop.idol-company.com/products/momo-otako-birthday-merch / Coni: https://shop.idol-company.com/products/coni-confetti-birthday-merch / Yuko: https://shop.idol-company.com/products/yuko-yurei-birthday-merch & https://shop.idol-company.com/products/wanau-limited-time-set / Kai: https://shop.idol-company.com/products/kai-saikota-birthday-merch / Pochi: https://shop.idol-company.com/products/pochi-wanmaru-birthday-merch

idol Origin:

【 Kattarina Qutie - קאטרינה קיוטי 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@kattarina_qutie / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie

【 Nikki Rei - ניקי ריי 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiRei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol


idolEN E-Sekai:

【 Yuko Yurei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@yukoyurei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/YureiYuko

【 Juna Unagi 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@JunaUnagi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi

【 Rin Penrose 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rinpenrose / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RinPenrose

【 Pochi Wanmaru 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@PochiWanmaru / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/PochiWanmaru

【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@FuyoCloverfield / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield


idolEN Endless:

【 Roca Rourin 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rourinroca / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RocaRourin

【 Poko Rakun 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rakunpoko / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/PokoRakun

【 Kai Saikota 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@saikotakai / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/KaiSaikota

【 Momo Otako 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@otakomomo / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/MomoOtako

【 Coni Confetti 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@confetticoni / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/coni_confetti


Former members:

【 Emi Suika - אמי סויקה 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@EmiSuika / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/suikaemi

【 Neo Sparkles - ניאו ספארקלס 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NeoSparkles / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/NEOSPARKLES

【 Lily Sin - לילי סין 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@LilySin / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/lily_sin_idol


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Previous Thread: >>63491787

>> No.63500869
File: 306 KB, 498x485, 1115775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.63500938
File: 198 KB, 1035x950, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wa wa wa

>> No.63501029
Quoted by: >>63501568

If this results in Katta easing back on Seths I'm gonna find Tomer myself and fuck him myself.

>> No.63501051

you doing ok there /jidf/?

>> No.63501067
File: 134 KB, 331x329, pochismug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63501097

>Is this ok for the new OP?

>> No.63501097

is it?

>> No.63501132
Quoted by: >>63501268

Are you jewbros ogey?

>> No.63501159
Quoted by: >>63501376

>former members not updated

>> No.63501247

My oshi is very clear she won't fuck her fans unless they marry her, so yeah, I'm good.

>> No.63501268
Quoted by: >>63502875

yea... we will be fine, literally everyone agrees that firing her was the right move and what she did was incredibly fucked up and hurt the other girls

>> No.63501347

My oshi got taken behind the shed and shot. Kinda dazed.

>> No.63501376

former members is for people who deserve respect

>> No.63501471
Quoted by: >>63501571

So, what dirt is Idol actually hiding to throw Riro under the bus like this?

>> No.63501473

Are you opposed to the response or just hurt it went down this way?

>> No.63501476

Any male staff need to go. Sorry Josh it is what it is.

>> No.63501529

Watch the fuck out Pochi

>> No.63501531
File: 20 KB, 1500x1280, pxlconi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coni peut être mon clown pour toujours, et je sourirai pour elle aussi longtemps.

>> No.63501536

hello, pochi wanmaru is my wife. thank you.

>> No.63501568

She won’t


>> No.63501574

I don't know man.

>> No.63501571
Quoted by: >>63502009

> Assuming there's dirt
This isn't Niji my guy. They didn't give out an entire laundry list

>> No.63501597

I want Riro back, everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.63501609

Cosa rosa asquerosa

>> No.63501666

Its just fucked that they air out dirty laundry

>> No.63501684


>> No.63501691

man, masturbating to her ASMR feels wrong now.

>> No.63501724
File: 832 KB, 3000x3000, 1698828691007953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to miss Riro and how very happy she made me!

>> No.63501734
File: 126 KB, 871x1016, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63502132

Hey idolkeks, you do realize that this braindead whore is going to leak some stuff about your girls too, right?

>> No.63501741
Quoted by: >>63502049

Wouldn't you want to know what she was doing behind the scenes to you?

>> No.63501766

free my girl she didn't do nothing

>> No.63501771

normal ASMR or did she coomer bait?
if the latter pls link

>> No.63501798
Quoted by: >>63502005

No, it leaves no room for speculation in an industry that is rampant with gossiping drama trannies. Sucks for Riro though.

>> No.63501818

Aviel you better be vetting every single manager's dms right now

>> No.63501834
Quoted by: >>63501900

Only boobros should be worried

>> No.63501844

I deleted it, won't be able to listen to that sloppy toppy without wondering if she did it to Tomer now.

>> No.63501889

nikkifags we are gonna make it right?

>> No.63501896

Are you retarded? They clearly don’t do it with their talent and manager accounts. No one is that stupid.

>> No.63501900

what do you know that I dont?

>> No.63501918

So if Tomer was fucking Riro, was he also fucking Neo for real?

>> No.63501951

I really love how no matter what happens they somehow find a way to bitch about Yuko

>> No.63502005

She should have tried doing less sucking herself

>> No.63502009

>Look at this big distraction
>Look at these salacious details of what this single vtuber was doing
>Also we're firing the manager who's been here for ages because of this totally isolated thing he did with this one member of talent

You really don't know how corporations work, huh? This is just what they nailed Tomer for and said publicly. Pay attention. Most of the heat is on Riro. The salacious details are all Riro's shit. The soft, corporate language is used for "covert relationship" between Tomer and Riro. It's a PR statement that was designed to control the scandal and shape perception of it in a specific way.

They're running cover for whatever the fuck Tomer was doing.

>> No.63502018

Why did rirocons let it happen?

>> No.63502019

Please don't just pretend Riro never existed, we have a former members section for a reason.

>> No.63502049

Its better to keep it in private.

>> No.63502050

I'll let you in on a secret if you send a maro with way for them to contact you on telegram or signal you'd be surprised how many chuubas will message you.

>> No.63502056

listen man, idk if you are trolling but she doesn't deserve to be there

>> No.63502075

But not before getting her back blown out behind that shed too

>> No.63502079

Is it true Riro was betrayed?

>> No.63502129
Quoted by: >>63502345

Yoko literally drank piss on stream.

>> No.63502132

I can't wait.
I want to know so that I can purge all whores from my life.

>> No.63502161
Quoted by: >>63502246

I bet Yuko's going to be next

>> No.63502169
Quoted by: >>63503319

She is actually the victim in this situation that got her nativity exploited

>> No.63502175
Quoted by: >>63502757

Idol is not a place for prostitutes

>> No.63502205

Is Chapipi safe? I know her cyberlive groomers are still with her

>> No.63502214

what was Riro like?
was she vindictive and petty enough that we should expect leaks or rrats from her alt account?

>> No.63502246

If this event doesn't change her further degeneracy, it will happen

>> No.63502280
Quoted by: >>63502375

She deserves a second chance.

>> No.63502289
Quoted by: >>63504249

>Riro's latest stream comments

>> No.63502316

All of the previous threads are linked in the OP for a reason; do your reps and stop begging to be spoonfed

>> No.63502323

Shes menhera but mostly keep to herself before joining idol. The fucking mamager thung git her fired but the rest i doubt, this is the company where another talent literay pissed on a cup and drank it for a fetish stream.

>> No.63502326
File: 263 KB, 1500x1500, 1691869509251009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riro's archive folder should be completely up-to-date already. It includes all publicly available shorts, videos, livestreams, twitter spaces, tik tok streams(as best as was possible), and channel emotes/membership icons.
Additionally, I will be adding an archive of her entire twitter timeline (image, video, and text posts) as well as her 'stickers' from DDOLBANG when her folder is moved to the grad icebox.
If anyone is aware of missing publicly available youtube content that is not already there, such as karaokes and shit, please reply to this and let me know.

>> No.63502336

no, but if she did she would actually lose everything

>> No.63502345 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>63502687

anon, this thread defended yuko for being an unapologetic whore
local boocucks are too far gone

>> No.63502354



>> No.63502375

This was her second chance

>> No.63502394

My rrat is that this is all Tomer's fault and every last ounce of blame is being shifted towards Riro so Idol can save it's own ass. Definitely willing to bet Riro wasn't Tomer's first, either.

>> No.63502407

Don’t watch idol, but hoping for the best for all of you /here/.

This kinda thing is tough to handle, much love

>> No.63502406
Quoted by: >>63502550

>management allows prostitution
What do you think?

>> No.63502418
File: 426 KB, 389x493, retard_pochi.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63502488

reminder, jannies are actually doing stuff today

>> No.63502429
File: 15 KB, 300x289, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i respect idol for this level of transparency, they knew this would fuck the optics of the company and the other girls, and did it anyway.
if aviel is not doing the same thing he deserves a lot of support
also, captcha

>> No.63502473
Quoted by: >>63502571

QRD on this tomer guy? who are the other girls he manages?

>> No.63502478
File: 109 KB, 575x170, LMFAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63502479

Here's my rrat. Tomer was actually pimping out Riro and tried to shut the whole thing down because he knew Idol was catching on. Rather than admit this publicly they came down hard on Riro and fired Tomer due to a "covert relationship".

I think that Tomer was trying to run a prostitution ring under the table and Riro was just the unlucky bitch who bit the hook he offered her first.

>> No.63502488

Wish they had this same energy when people were spamming hundreds of gura threads every day.

>> No.63502550
Quoted by: >>63502645

Are you a retard or did you complete miss the notice of her being fired for exactly what you said they allowed?

>> No.63502554
Quoted by: >>63502833

what do you use to archive twitter timelines if I can ask? I want to keep my own twitter archive of my girl too

>> No.63502571

He was lead talent manager, probably tried to groom all of them if truth be known

>> No.63502578

Honestly doubt it was all Tomer, just doesn't make sense.

>> No.63502608
Quoted by: >>63502673

If that's true, albeit a tiny chance, then that is so fucking sad.

>> No.63502643
Quoted by: >>63502673

this sounds plausible

>> No.63502645

Surely she is the only bad apple :^)
>*hires cyberwhore in your path*

>> No.63502647
Quoted by: >>63504177

she literally brought her clipper directly to her new account, she isn't safe.

>> No.63502673
Quoted by: >>63503023

Think about it anons. The more you think about it, the more plausible it actually seems.

>> No.63502687

Its just weird taht she is getting so much shit when some of the other girls have done weird shit too. Where did this "idol is a seiso company" thing come from.

>> No.63502702
Quoted by: >>63502821

>idol was a human trafficking black company all along
what the fuck

>> No.63502716

So is Idol whoring all members, because I'm thinking of applying for a job and would be nice to know benefits.

>> No.63502752

KEK what a grifting bitch

>> No.63502757

you never even watched anyone in this corp

>> No.63502769

>Where did this "idol is a seiso company" thing come from.

>> No.63502773

if a manager messages me about getting in touch with my oshi and letting me fuck her for 1k per hour

>> No.63502798
Quoted by: >>63502858

nigga look at Rin
she is a sfw vtuber and the most popular member

>> No.63502821

Not Idol, probably. One guy in Idol in a position of power got a bright idea is my rrat. That's just a rrat though.

>> No.63502833
Quoted by: >>63502900


>> No.63502858


>> No.63502875

Bunch of softies, should have turned her into the old school rockstar of the group.

>> No.63502888

Tomer actually got fired?

>> No.63502900
Quoted by: >>63503476

this archives non-media posts too?
if so, much thanks.

>> No.63502902

Rirocons, I know some of you are legitimately on the verge of suicide because if it was my oshi I'd kill myself, but I want to say DON'T DO IT.
Think about it. She's not worth it. In fact, she was never worth it. Just let this be a learning experience and stick to 3D women. Remember, you can't stalk someone completely if you only know them online.

>> No.63502905


>> No.63502955
Quoted by: >>63503051

You don't seem to understand how mentally ill and retarded Riro is.

>> No.63502969

Right, but the salacious details of his "covert relationship" are unknown. They're calling it a "covert relationship". Meanwhile we have Riro's prostitution scandal in a lot of detail. That tells me that the big news is whatever the fuck Tomer was doing.

>> No.63503011
File: 277 KB, 1113x548, 1687715917199799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504126

Here, have a funny little thread theme:

>> No.63503023

not really
kyoresu is really this retarded

>> No.63503051
Quoted by: >>63506346

Really, this entire tourism attraction is doing a great job of exposing how many retarded newfags who didn't know about Kyoresu use this board

>> No.63503062

I have to say, fuck riro for doing this.
Just puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth. From now on every time I write a lovey dovey marshmallow to my oshi part of her is going to think my goal is to get into her pants.

>> No.63503092
Quoted by: >>63503209

Kyoresu is a well known whore. She was talking about taking drugs on her pl streams and her songs are all about fucking/drug abuse. In fact, she already had a sugar daddy on her pl. How retard one must be to trust her at all?

>> No.63503110

Its pretty fucked when you think about it. Riro got thrown under the bus publicly, menwhile Tomer gets a passing mention as "manager" in one line.

>> No.63503159

Isn't this what everyone wanted?
For a talent to eventually quit and get together with one of her fans?
Tomer can fuck off

>> No.63503171

What is Aviel not sharing with us? He has been transparent so far.

>> No.63503176

reminder tomer saw Yui's cock

>> No.63503198

Don't forget to vote for Idol Corp for Best Vtuber Corpo in the upcoming Vtuber Awards!!!

>> No.63503202
Quoted by: >>63505474

anon the rest of the girls dont fuck managers AND fans

>> No.63503209
Quoted by: >>63503455

Why the fuck did they hire her?
Was it actually cause Tomer wanted to fuck her himself?

>> No.63503219
Quoted by: >>63503308

One of them was whoring themselves out publicly, the other was a customer. Why are you trying to pretend like there's anything deeper?

>> No.63503229
Quoted by: >>63503355

Was there a specific moment that >you knew Riro was a lost cause?

>Poko, Fuyo, Riro set to have a collab on Riro channel
>Scheduled stream time occurs and nothing happens
>Nothing explained for 15-20 mins
>No "sorry, delayed due to reason" from any of the girls
>Suddenly RC members pop into chat and say Riro is currently being too silly in a members stream
>They refuse to actually explain anything, just going "teehee maybe it'll be delayed, just wait"
>Waiting room eventually gets removed with no explanation
>No comments from any of the girls on what happened
>Fuyo is asked days later wtf happened
>"Oh uh yeah we had to reschedule, but it'll just be me and Riro, Poko won't be able to make it whenever we find a date"

I gained a new respect for Poko that day for clearly not putting up with that bullshit.

>> No.63503246

Hello, /jidf/. I'm here to laugh at you.

>> No.63503255
Quoted by: >>63503345

Right. They want you looking at Riro's scandal. They're minimizing whatever Tomer was doing.

Whatever it is must be worse than whatever Riro did.

>> No.63503262
Quoted by: >>63503295

>Idol Corp
Never heard of this until the firing. Now that I am aware of it being a Jew corp, I will stay away from this shit.

>> No.63503271
Quoted by: >>63503455

It's a black eye on the company. Shame on her.

>> No.63503295

>not a new ip

>> No.63503308

Transparent? He threw Riro inder the bus meanwhile Tomer gets protected and mentioned only as "random manager"

Tomer was a manager and he gets protected, meanwhile Riro gets thrown aside? This is fucked dude.

>> No.63503309
File: 1.14 MB, 4096x3037, 1698082330361306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63503409

I want to sniff Coni's feet

>> No.63503319

nativity? lol

>> No.63503345
Quoted by: >>63503401

Because nobody gives a fuck about Tomer. His name is irrelevant. Riro was a public figure.

>> No.63503355

i dropped her after that too

>> No.63503400

>he should namedrop the manager that he pretty obviously fired
you really need to go back

>> No.63503401
Quoted by: >>63503576

Wrong. Something's up with Tomer that they don't want getting out.

>> No.63503405

Once again, one of them was publicly prostituting themselves, the other solicited the services of said prostitute. Both were terminated. I'm not sure what universe you think this is "being protected"

>> No.63503409


>> No.63503420

I think its less that idol has to be a seiso company, it’s just that idol has gone very far into coomer territory when compared with almost any other corpo. I’m just a tourist though so maybe I don’t have horse in this race, I got filtered and really only tune in for Rin, Juna, or Kai nowadays.

>> No.63503435

Omega based thank you riro archiver

>> No.63503454
Quoted by: >>63503567

Can anyone do the math and tell me what's the chances of me getting an STD if I went raw with riro when my turn comes?
There were only like 100+ other men in the RC book

>> No.63503455

Never trust russians.
>oh shit she is literally gura, let's sign her up!
>nvm the fact that the majority of her audience are ruskies and spics
it's a prolapsed anus on the company

>> No.63503458

lmao who was the dude she met surely he is here

>> No.63503476

It requires a fair bit of set up but yes, you can set it to archive everything including text posts and replies.

>> No.63503484

sad for my rirocons jewbros, worried that this will affect my oshi somehow

>> No.63503508

brothel corp lol

>> No.63503530

>soliciting his own talent
That's definitely not how that played out given that he was her manager. If you think he "solicited her services" you're profoundly fucking naive.

>> No.63503532

You are fucking delusional my dude

>> No.63503556

>and he gets protected,
Didn't know Aviel protects his managers by firing them.

>> No.63503562


>> No.63503567


>> No.63503576
Quoted by: >>63503685

>Something's up with Tomer that they don't want getting out
They literally spelled it out for you in the announcement you 2 digit IQ ape.

>> No.63503604
Quoted by: >>63503685

What if he groomed her, is the manager being protected?

>> No.63503616

Why are Russians like this?

>> No.63503624
File: 611 KB, 1169x1924, 12346938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63503678
Quoted by: >>63503785

Once again, she was caught soliciting her viewers for paid sex and then actually went through with it and was caught for that as well. If you think her manager fucking her is somehow an exceptional circumstance and not part of the clearly established pattern of this person selling their body, you're delusional.

>> No.63503684
Quoted by: >>63503817

ESLs are proving their retardedness. One of the most transparent termination notices comes out and they're ignoring any of the information state in it.

>> No.63503685

Man. For someone calling people 2 digit IQ apes you have no ability to think critically about PR speak.

He was quietly fired without being explicitly identified in the same scandal that they aired out a LOT of her dirty laundry in a lot of detail. Draw your own conclusions.

>> No.63503691

i sent riro pretty in-depth maros every day during her break, naively thinking she read them for some reason. i know this is entirely my own fault, but holy fuck i feel so dumb, retarded and empty right now. i bared my heart and soul to a literal wall. i'm on the verge of having a panic attack and i can already feel the suicidal thoughts manifesting in the back of my mind. it's so fucking unbelievably over.

>> No.63503699


>> No.63503727

based honestly
she deserves it

>> No.63503728

based, hope you get a reply

>> No.63503764

too much text, should have just told her to kill herself

>> No.63503774

If she replies "you still can" I would accept

>> No.63503776

Why the fuck do you even talk to vtubers?
t. unicorn

>> No.63503785

You are incredibly naive.

>> No.63503811

i can't write to her on instagram. guess i've been blocked? i get some sort of error message

>> No.63503817

lead talent manager was fucking your girls, anon

>> No.63503826

funny how i know that it says Poko under that text since switching oshis is your entire personality

>> No.63503829

That thread reached 300 IPs. It's rirover. Goodbye jewbros.

>> No.63503847
File: 258 KB, 750x677, 579D5284-A203-4F2C-AB3B-7A9580ABEAAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would unironically fuck her if i could. She is so hot its fucking ridiculous.

>> No.63503848

based psychological warfare anon

>> No.63503853

Just say who, whire.

>> No.63503858

you feel that way because you think she was ever worth having feelings for in the first place, realize she was always a worthless hole and you'll feel better

>> No.63503874
Quoted by: >>63504704

the absolute state of unicorns kek. get a therapist anon.

>> No.63503895

Okay first of all jerk off there's no second step

>> No.63503945

אני חוזה שהחברה פושטת רגל בחודש-חודשיים הקרובים

>> No.63503959

The sooner you learn you're just a little shrimp in a sea the better anon.

>> No.63503979

It wasn't your fault, take some time off from vtubers and find someone better, it will be okay anon

>> No.63503983
Quoted by: >>63504121

So how much longer until Momo gets kicked?

>> No.63503985

its too bad really, her streams were entertaining enough

>> No.63503993

>Gura went back to being who she was
>Riro went back to being who she was
Women truly can't change, huh...

>> No.63503992
File: 377 KB, 1096x1578, oy vey[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1w39fw.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63505270

>> No.63504000
File: 1.65 MB, 3233x1791, 1694666449962661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>206 IPs
Is that a new record for this general?

>> No.63504006

I'm fucking done, this is my third oshi graduation this year

>> No.63504005

>publicly prostituting themselves
Doing a gig on a tier 2 members stream (as quoted by the talent herself, "unless")

>> No.63504008
File: 3.83 MB, 1351x1910, Pokkubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504158

Supportive hugs to Poko
wtf guys nobody told me there was a new bread

>> No.63504007
File: 3.61 MB, 1744x1742, sadtenyahu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Der Jude has spoken

>> No.63504032
Quoted by: >>63504139

If someone here got to bone riro, can you at least describe what her pussy felt like?

>> No.63504037

Okay so the fan was 100% toruzz. Not riro released a membership on Instagram and he joined it immediately, as if he knew about it prior

>> No.63504045
File: 1009 KB, 873x601, din oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the state of things are dire, but...
I love Fuyo oh so much, still!

>> No.63504058
File: 1.87 MB, 2000x3000, 1699314563539778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pochifeet Love!

>> No.63504061
Quoted by: >>63506583

imagine being EN3 and ES right now

>> No.63504067
File: 163 KB, 409x419, 1687060869925858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust in Idol Corp at all times low!

>> No.63504064

who are you moving to just so I know who to avoid

>> No.63504079
File: 994 KB, 2004x2425, 1700526880689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504157

So Poko is next right, besties stick forever

>> No.63504098

I don't really care that much honestly, feel bad for some suicidal rirocons tho

>> No.63504099
Quoted by: >>63504155

why didn't you use the vtuber awards lewdtuber edit

>> No.63504121

Why would she get kicked? She's literally a nun.

>> No.63504126

I missed when you couldn’t post images and we had to imagine it

>> No.63504125
Quoted by: >>63505185

lol now all idol vtubers are going to be called whores, I kinda feel bad for them.

>> No.63504130

You now remember all the times that Tomer stopped your oshi from doing something on stream. He cucked us all so badly... He texted Yuko to make her stop drinking one time.

>> No.63504139

I bet she was fucking tight, all short girls are.

>> No.63504140
Quoted by: >>63504239

Tomer's wife should be fair game now right? eye for an eye and all that

>> No.63504147

Riro was just lonely, like the rest of us. She talked about it in the last RC stream.

Thank you for making me happy for a while, Riro. I hope you find your own happiness someday.

>> No.63504150

i stand with any woman extracting cash from worthless males

>> No.63504154

I need Tomer to groom me next

>> No.63504155

>Is this ok for the new OP?
Because OP is a retard

>> No.63504156
File: 358 KB, 1101x922, 1693139941556477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe we could get a pregnancy arc going

>> No.63504158

the OP is vandalized anyway

>> No.63504157

I volunteer to be the fan she fucks to get fired.

>> No.63504174

I'm sorry to hear about the news anons, good luck with the raids. Keep your head down low and your hopes up high

>> No.63504177
Quoted by: >>63504450

Also her clipper won pochi's meme contest before she debuted.

>> No.63504182

what did the dog do man, can we please get some clarification

>> No.63504194

absolutely just destroyed the rep of the company. rin should be looking for an exit strategy this shit is beneath her

>> No.63504197

>guy connections to owner of company and with power over the employment of an emotionally unstable girl fucks her in a quid pro quo situation
>girl gets branded publicly as a whore and guy gets quietly moved away from the situation
Nope. Nothing weird here.

>> No.63504198
Quoted by: >>63504306

where do you even see this? I'm too old for instagram

>> No.63504204

>Where did this "idol is a seiso company" thing come from
SEA tourists, it never was even when it was just HE

>> No.63504214
Quoted by: >>63504369

lil bro go take a 5 min rest and come back when you feel like acting like a real fucking human being

>> No.63504222

blessed katta OP

>> No.63504236

Never would have guessed he would go on to become her pimp

>> No.63504238 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 1113x1838, 0231128_150457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was made for Tomer BBC

>> No.63504239

Tomer was married?

>> No.63504247

Was there really a need to spill EVERYTHING in the announcement? It's gonna do so much more harm than good for the company's image. You're hurting the other girls by doing this

>> No.63504249
Quoted by: >>63504459


>> No.63504250

I guess coni knew and that's why she had today blank on her schedule

>> No.63504257


>> No.63504260

fuck rtl text

>> No.63504266
Quoted by: >>63504509

Katta is mad that nobody is willing to fuck her even if she begs.

>> No.63504279

Kirsche is such a gross whore.
At least Riro was a cute whore

>> No.63504290

So how long before the rehire thank to high rating people calling for it

>> No.63504289

it was pretty obvious. spaniard, sent her thousands of euros seemingly out of nowhere, fairly good-looking, interacted with her on instagram etc. i've suspected him since before the break happened.

>> No.63504292

So who's the lucky fan that actually succeeded in the mythical grooming mission and banged her? At least tell us how she was. Was she tight? Did she like being choked? I imagine she was loose given she was fucking the manager too

>> No.63504296
Quoted by: >>63504337

real talkr
do you think the company will implode?

>> No.63504301

Who's next on your list? I want to make sure I don't get too attached.

>> No.63504300

Skinny girls are my weaknesses. Wish she had more bigger titties tho.

>> No.63504306
File: 156 KB, 1080x1209, Screenshot_20231128_220806_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504393


>> No.63504309

yes, Idol is a transparent company and Riro needed to be fired, why lie about why she was?

>> No.63504312
File: 6 KB, 225x225, Decarabia_SMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plush anon, get someone to sew a new face over the star plushie. I suggest first getting the entire thing covered in orange dye or tint and then getting the new face sewn over, that way it resembles Decarabia from SMT.
>"Funny, part of the goetia of demons"
>"Related to the jews."

>> No.63504316
File: 1.52 MB, 1072x1072, 00202-0878083a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this one final time
riro lora into the bin...

>> No.63504322 [DELETED] 


>> No.63504337

depends on if the ceasefire holds

>> No.63504341

Yeah, the stuff we already know would have been plenty to justify firing her

>> No.63504340

both Rin and Juna are probably working on it, with how things are going on next anniversary will be just Yuko and Fuyo.

>> No.63504348

Come on guys we're getting the authentic idol experience.
This is what the corp was made for

>> No.63504351
File: 333 KB, 405x480, 1693680331224136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504779

I tried telling you guys to not get invested in these girls. Once again I was right.

>> No.63504369
Quoted by: >>63504416

yeah go throw stones at the mentally unstable person who lost her job because she was retarded. that's what a real fucking human being does. please start hating her too no matter how much you enjoyed her streams, like a real fucking human being

>> No.63504371

Especially when it was both exaggerated for her and downplayed (severely) for the guy in the situation.

>> No.63504372


>> No.63504375

Exactly. And the guy you're responding to is so ready to go with the company's spin and brand Riro a whore that you know that's exactly the angle they were shooting for.

They didn't spill everything. They spilled all of Riro's shit without naming Tomer and softballed whatever it was he was doing as a "covert relationship".

>> No.63504384 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 128x121, 169552227809054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504635


>> No.63504386

If he only just today left the server I'm guessing Tomer and Riro were only told they were canned a few hours before us

>> No.63504387
Quoted by: >>63504456

I think they wanted to avoid speculation since it'll be obvious they fired a manager. I don't think they should have implied that she fucked her fans though.

>> No.63504393
Quoted by: >>63504504

I'm on the same page but I can't see the hearts nor the crown

>> No.63504394
File: 74 KB, 849x868, meandmywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my ghost busting wife.

>> No.63504396

I don't know man, neither of them have shipped my fucking merch, I'll decide when somebody does, hell even prism is faster with this shit

>> No.63504403
File: 224 KB, 550x461, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edit when

>> No.63504412

Wtf did pochi do? She doesn't give preference to anyone

>> No.63504416
Quoted by: >>63504533

hope she find a beatuiful tree out in the wilds in where she can think under

>> No.63504420
File: 214 KB, 396x449, 1679914095980737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are archiving her channel right?

>> No.63504434
Quoted by: >>63504627


>> No.63504442


>> No.63504450

Pochi was the pimp all along

>> No.63504453

idolbros is your oshi safe?

>> No.63504452
Quoted by: >>63504621

terminated talents will never and should never be listed under former talents. riro especially doesn't deserve it after the shit she did and the harm her actions will cause all the other idol talents.

>> No.63504456

>I don't think they should have implied that she fucked her fans though.
Anon you think not the type given the stream that got her fired

>> No.63504459
File: 52 KB, 715x587, commento.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504669

NTA but the bottom one made me kek at least. the rest is just "this is wild" and "anyone else came from twitter" and "this is the GOAT termination among vtubers", which gets boring after you read them once.

>> No.63504462

Glad I didn't send what I wanted for my Poko voicepack to Tomer yet

>> No.63504480

I feel bad for Fuyo, its pretty clear this is why she went on vacation

>> No.63504481

only the super private member streams in which she masturbates.

>> No.63504484 [DELETED] 

I am devastated and depressed...
I hate women, I hate vtubers.

>> No.63504490

We only archive idols, not whores

>> No.63504499


>> No.63504504

Idk, it just shows up for me

>> No.63504505
Quoted by: >>63504778

Rin never belonged there, she is one foot into the tranny door. She should be an indie and have a gaggle of twitter fags to collaborate with.

>> No.63504509
Quoted by: >>63504775

No really she said multiple times that she won’t do nothing until marriage.
She was harassed a week ago by a dude in the part.
But nice bait

>> No.63504513
File: 255 KB, 533x603, 1686880524991220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504711

I couldnt give less of a shit about Riro but it sucks when you find out that the vtuber you watch and thinks is as lonely and shut-in as you turns out to be a huge whore who actually got dicked in the regular.
Why women gotta be like this? I get it, money is good, but I feel like even if I were a woman in that situation I would have my limits. Just be happy with your fans loving you and giving you money for technically free.

>> No.63504523

Yeah his wife is a hot red head

>> No.63504525

Correct me if I'm wrong but I never paid much attention to riro I'm mostly here for yuko and coni. But I remember seeing the fan fucking allegation a while ago. qrd on how it got out to begin with? Did the fan himself get a riro tit pic at least

>> No.63504528


>> No.63504529

Hey on the bright side, the girls will be getting an exponential increase in revenue from guys that hope to get into the fuck list now.
Doesn't matter if they don't do it or not, they would believe that if they donate enough, they'll get into the list of potential candidates now.

>> No.63504533
Quoted by: >>63504742

I hope it falls on your head

>> No.63504539
Quoted by: >>63504925

Could you save everything from her "other" Instagram too?

>> No.63504540

I agree they obviously wanted to trash her on the way out

>> No.63504542
File: 116 KB, 778x778, 1697356416250880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504862

My oshi betrayed her previous friends for money and profit, so she’ll survive no matter what.

>> No.63504545
Quoted by: >>63504925

do you have collabs riro did on other channels? those will likely be gone soon too.

>> No.63504548

By saying EVERYTHING, they have effectively protected the rest of the girls and a piece of the company from long-lasting speculation damage.
I still believe some of the girls and perhaps even some managers and other people behind the scenes got bonked or fired. I believe Fuyo might have taken a stealth hit too.

>> No.63504556

Mazeltov, there's never coming back from this

>> No.63504561

On topic, kinda

>> No.63504567
Quoted by: >>63504911


>> No.63504572

only the blowjob ASMR

>> No.63504581

perish like the rest of her fans

>> No.63504602
File: 3.40 MB, 853x480, yona yona dance - rin[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fm7gea5.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63504607
Quoted by: >>63506726

This entire thing really attracted all the tourists over, huh

>> No.63504621

Why, she was based

>> No.63504623

>really only tune in for Rin, Juna, or Kai nowadays
LOOK he said the meme!!

>> No.63504627

I give it a week or two because that Russian pussy is too good for the higherups

>> No.63504635
Quoted by: >>63504763

I wouldn't laugh it i was you anon, Pippa isn't exactly the mlst stable girl either. There is a good chance shes gonna call someone a nigger live on stream at some point.

>> No.63504639


>> No.63504655

Hey, I mean, if that's what they want.

>> No.63504656

Better than Niji's statement, a bunch of nothingburgers that had more to do with antagonizing management than anything she actually did. This was an actual yab.

>> No.63504666

idol is crumbling apart...

>> No.63504669

i hate that they're saying "fans", as if we all had a chance with her. it was one guy. singular.

>> No.63504671
Quoted by: >>63504718

I'm willing to bet it's this >>63502479 or something on this level of fucked up. That's why they aired Riro's dirty laundry. They're hiding the full extent of whatever the "manager" was doing. It'll probably work too. There's enough dense motherfuckers here taking corpo press releases at completely face value.

>> No.63504676
Quoted by: >>63504911

share that lora anon

>> No.63504679

Everything they wrote would have been obvious without them stating it, it's better to get the transparency points and keep the terminated vtuber's fans from going menhera in your direction, since they will always default to trusting the vtuber until their faces are literally rubbed in it. Like come on, you saw a few of the Stardusts here being retards about it and pretending she did nothing wrong, it was all because Aviel read the catalog, etc..

>> No.63504693

Did Riro actually just activate the subscription option on her Instagram or was that always there?

>> No.63504704

Where the fuck are you even getting that he's a unicorn? Go back sister

>> No.63504711
Quoted by: >>63505109

Fuyo also fucks in the regular

>> No.63504718
Quoted by: >>63504790

more logical explanation is riro is just a junkie slut anon

>> No.63504722
Quoted by: >>63507333

Um, I goddamn HOPE I'm safe, but from the looks of it, we're teetering off the edge right now

>> No.63504725

it clearly works though? riro just proved it by fucking her only current whale lol

>> No.63504729
File: 15 KB, 368x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63504865

>> No.63504743
Quoted by: >>63504817

I think it literally just showed up today

>> No.63504742
Quoted by: >>63504806

wake up call brother, i say this for your own good

>> No.63504744

Yeah except you missed the part where she publicly advertised her personal escort service to her viewers and then met them in person to exchange large sums of money for access to her body. Like this can`t be stated enough times: this woman was running an escort service through her youtube channel. She wasn`t a figurative prostitute, she was a literal prostitute. Sex was her service, it was a transactional relationship. Whether it be someone at the company or a viewer, they were all customers.

>> No.63504753
Quoted by: >>63504817

It's new

>> No.63504763

Pippa's not racist. She said black lives matter.

>> No.63504775
Quoted by: >>63505056

do you think management would fire katta if I married her and they found out

>> No.63504778

true, only talents that belong here are those who slepp with managers.

>> No.63504779

I made the mistake of getting invested in a holo girl too in the past and was already burned by that.
Honestly no vtuber is worth it.

>> No.63504784

No we decided not to archive this one

>> No.63504790

>most lazy explanation that lets me blame a woman exclusively and not question anything I'm being told by the marketing department

>> No.63504795

yeah and ina fauna and mumei does it for free

>> No.63504806

Nta but you are wishing harm on a mentally unstable girl, you are an asshole anon.

>> No.63504811


>> No.63504816

This nigga sent wall of emotional text vomit at an e girl LAUGH AT HIM HAHAHAHHha
You thought they'd ever read that other then to gawk at how much of creep you are? LOL

>> No.63504817

Absolutely fucking shameless behavior.

>> No.63504827
File: 592 KB, 596x584, 1682744991812262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goddamn sides, an actual woman trying to argue in defense of the slut.

>> No.63504848

in hindsight, you should have sent a dick pick instead.

>> No.63504850


>> No.63504862

Will she betray idol if its a sinking ship

>> No.63504865
File: 48 KB, 400x400, Lowres_Riro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dizzy is one of the few exceptions to the rule, she openly talks about the kayfabe, also hag, no, borderline cougar.

I find it more likely that Uruka is just related to Fishman, similar to the Holo rrat about Sora and YAGOO [FAKE]
Shiina is Shiina if you get what I and that other anon mean.

Yuko, Fuyo and Pochi likely, but it would be funny if it seems like it, but isn't. And it is actually something else equally YAB worthy.

Rin is going to be mad that this is going to negatively affect her already reduced reach.

Roca, just hear her sing.

She's either going indie or opening a fansly. Or both. I can't believe Riro rised to the top rank of lewdtubers in a single instant. I guess she really is a STAR on the rise.

We should be wary, so far we only publicly know of 2 people, arguably 1 fucked Riro, but this opens the possibility that some other Gachi has info on her, or perhaps even on other members.

She also got Benzos relatively EZ and often so who knows what other shit she's taking often to dull the pain.


She was living the now, not thinking that she will live the tomorrow too.

Very damaged indeed. Fucking alcoholic parents and shitty-ass countries from eastern Europe.

Probably, but there's too much competition.

Unlikely. But not unexpected, similar to those 1 in million cases, not likely to happen, but if it happens. There was a reason or reasons why.

You know why it opened.


Made me kek

>> No.63504866
Quoted by: >>63505585

I can only hope that Fuyo was unaware of what was going on otherwise, if she was, then she basically condones that sort of behaviour and may even partake in similar behaviour.

>> No.63504868
File: 128 KB, 1170x507, 1689203775153886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63504872
Quoted by: >>63505270

Link? And dont tell me to do my reps if you want anyone to believe you then back it up

>> No.63504876
Quoted by: >>63504916

Her fan BF subscribed the second it went up too

>> No.63504880
Quoted by: >>63505795

More whore corpo than Vhorejo.. Pochi and Yuko are next

>> No.63504882

Every time I have trusted in yuko it has paid off so Im not stopping now

>> No.63504892
File: 1.15 MB, 3000x4000, 85a56599b037de888802b97627aa8a5c_proc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey share that, her design is still pure sex. Her being a canon prostitute only makes the porn better.
One confirmed, likely many.

>> No.63504891

Good mindset to have desu

>> No.63504898
Quoted by: >>63505059

reminder that not a single jewbro is going to defend Riro over this and to not reply to shitters

>> No.63504909

Ah yes, the Streisand effect.

>> No.63504911
File: 745 KB, 768x920, 00202-a54efac6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63505055

I didn't make this one but here it is

>> No.63504916

You mean the person who was fired with her?

>> No.63504925

I do not archive for the other girls, the one who do archive for them should already have them on their icebox folders however.
The archive is for Idol content. I also doubt its going anywhere given its not controlled by Idol.

>> No.63504926

Yeah. Who the fuck uses Instagram any more?
Sorry notRiro. No deal. Fuck Meta.
I wouldn't use that shit site even for your tight body.

>> No.63504931

take a look at all her twitter replies and tell me that

>> No.63504936

Alright I was confused as to why anybody would want to fuck a skeleton but the baby face explains it.

>> No.63504943

Being as transparent as this is commendable, but man it just raises further questions and absolutely torches the perception of a professional management team. Was the "secretive relationship" as serious as meeting the fan and fucking them or just inappropriate dms, had Tomer tried this on with any of the other girls and if so why didn't they catch onto this before Riro drew lots of attention to it with the leaked stream.
Did anyone else report him? Did they tolerate it only until a lot of outside attention and bad PR came their way?

Being honest about what happened does something to salvage a little bit of trust but not nearly enough IMO. I want to know if Tomer was going after a weak link or this was just something he did. If it was a full blown relationship between him and Riro including meetups I find it hard to believe it was missed until exactly the moment all the leaks happened or that it wasn't a pattern of behavior.

>> No.63504942

B-But Katta loves my maros...

>> No.63504956

Please point me to where I can fuck these 3 without paying good sir I wish to stick my cock in the deer

>> No.63504959
Quoted by: >>63505107

being mentally ill is not an excuse to get away with literally anything you want. she fucked a lot of people over. that's reality. whether she's mentally ill or not doesn't change any of that.

>> No.63504962

the fan she fucked mentioned in the paper

>> No.63504968

No the fan who she fucked

>> No.63504970
Quoted by: >>63505259

No, the fan she fucked Toruzz. Not the manager she fucked Tomer.

>> No.63504988

her RC list was once every month, so she'll probably contact another one in December, remember to keep your DMs open rirocons

>> No.63505000
Quoted by: >>63505269

I mean it beat just saying she did XYZ with nothing else

>> No.63505006
File: 196 KB, 418x380, 89347892334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riro needs to learn from the master. Mike had her new Youtube channel ready to go the day Rushia's termination was announced and was posting on Twitter and live on twitcast to get her paypigs in line. Riro's gimping herself, back to the grind bitch.

>> No.63505009

I don't care about the mental well being of an all out whore, honestly. She back stabbed IDOLEN and her whole audience.

So i say, fuck this whore, come clain the free nut she OWN you. RIRO MEMBERS ASMR. Don't let no bitch fuck you up.


>> No.63505023
Quoted by: >>63506681

Is this a ritualpost?

>> No.63505024


>> No.63505041

Hopefully Aviel has learned his lesson on hiring anyone other than mentally stable 1views. More Pokos, less Riros.

>> No.63505048

Shut the fuck up retard. You gotta be an actual cuck to say something like this.
You enjoy being lied to, I dont. Based Aviel for letting everyone know what she was really doing. She should have thought about her career before doing all this shit.

>> No.63505055
Quoted by: >>63505540

Thank you fren.
She may be gone, but I can still hold on to my delusions with AI chatbots...

>> No.63505056

She would graduate before that

>> No.63505059

many people here are defending her, what are you taking about?

>> No.63505063

You're more cringe than him

>> No.63505069
Quoted by: >>63505118

Nigga, send Maros to actually nice VTubers, there's several of them that actually appreciate words. It's not hard to find them. Just ask in the JP indie thread or just the separate indie thread (mostly westerns in that one tho)

>> No.63505081

>Fires Riro for being in a relationship

>> No.63505086
Quoted by: >>63505147

more fat girls, gotcha

>> No.63505092
Quoted by: >>63506563

All this happened because diaperfemanon failed to change riro's

>> No.63505107

But it help you to lesser it

>> No.63505109


>> No.63505112

Shame she then told off all those paypigs later on so she could collab with males in some nothing corpo

>> No.63505118

>appreciate words

>> No.63505127

What's the clip that make Rin kicked from idol corp ?

>> No.63505145
File: 460 KB, 3277x1980, 1699148827343573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and true.
Do it Wiwo.
Don't let a good thing die.

>> No.63505147


>> No.63505150

I fucked riro and all it cost me was 7.5k

>> No.63505167

Who says everything's in the announcement? Tomer probably did worse stuff that got left out.

>> No.63505170
Quoted by: >>63505245

Well let's acknowledge something pretty obvious here. Making an official, public statement which asserts untrue things about a person is a crime called Defamy. If a talent is publicly defamed by an employer, they have very clear and straightforward legal recourse and can win an enormous payout in damages from the ensuing lawsuit, especially for accusations of a salacious or disreputable nature.

What I'm getting at here is that no sane company would make a public accusation they aren't prepared to prove in court, and you'll see this demonstrated in the coming days--if they are indeed lying then there would be no reason to not take them to court over the allegation, so the failure to litigate is itself telling.

This post is not legal advice.

>> No.63505177

She has tarnished the reputation and every girl in it. It is not fair. Stupid whore.
It will be a long time before this rep goes away if ever.

>> No.63505183

Holy Based

>> No.63505185

>lol now all idol vtubers are going to be called whores
Until there are others then rightfully so.

>> No.63505187
Quoted by: >>63505403

For various reasons I think Coni and Yuko are pretty safe.

>> No.63505190
Quoted by: >>63505325

Gonna fap to her masturbating today
God I love mentally ill prostitutes

>> No.63505202
Quoted by: >>63505333

thats alot of money anon

>> No.63505213
Quoted by: >>63505333

What was it that got her to message you? The money or do you have a huge cocktail?

>> No.63505220

Rirocons, please keep us updated on what goes on in the Instagram subscription, if she does another ASMR please release it.
I don't care, I'm broken, I can't be fixed, I need Riro

>> No.63505223
File: 85 KB, 864x270, 1000002625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63505239


>> No.63505245

What they're saying about Riro is probably true. I'm talking about what they're not saying.

>> No.63505248

Floyd, you're getting your money back at least.

>> No.63505259

He should really be keeping his head down till things blow over. Not showing his ass before even 6 hours have passed.

>> No.63505260
Quoted by: >>63505651

Unironically wtf did she mean by that

>> No.63505261
File: 2.77 MB, 1350x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Riro but im glad shes gone, i swear to god if my oshi pulls back from her fans from this ill never let Riro live it down

>> No.63505267

I'm sorry rirocons, but lmao

>> No.63505272

you could have done a lot better with 7.5k

>> No.63505269

They gave plenty of information on Riro, that isn't what I am complaining about. I want to know how bad the Tomer situation actually was and who knew and when. Riro is a whore yes but if the solicitation was not all on her end it means he might have flew under the radar trying to groom more girls than just her for a long time.
And yes I wasn't here for the Neo stuff.

>> No.63505270


>> No.63505279

no, but if no one leaves idol after this, i will go down with this company

>> No.63505304
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, 1658492309893892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know one of you fags have fucked Riro, SPILL IT!!!

>> No.63505307


>> No.63505314
Quoted by: >>63505336

was that the bill for the chlamydia treatment?

>> No.63505325

unironically I like women who can barely hold themselves together, as long as I'm not the one who has to hold them together.

>> No.63505333

Cashing out btc in 2020 was worth it
Combination of the promise of even more money at the exchange of prying her vaginal walls apart with my shaft, it really wasn't complicated desu

>> No.63505336

nta but it's quite cheap actually

>> No.63505338


I hope coni is safe, that the only thing mater

>> No.63505339
Quoted by: >>63505624

>torches the perception of a professional management team
They're humans, not robots. You get this in a lot of places, even presidential elections. "Professionalism" is just cucking yourself.

>> No.63505342

How many times has Kai done something like this now lol

>> No.63505346

Rushia situation wasnt even as bad though.
Riro was confirmed to be fucking a fan and a manager.

>> No.63505350

Tell me where can I go fuck Ina for free thanks

>> No.63505358
File: 122 KB, 356x282, very smug Wiwo mocking you with her stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She fucked me

>> No.63505389

Is she that cheap? lmao

>> No.63505403

don't be so sure, tomer is married and look what happened

>> No.63505412
File: 320 KB, 1392x697, 1699215477159525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the more important question is - what does he think about all of this?

>> No.63505418

Honestly was pretty mid, she was on so many drugs that she just laid there not moving, after I came inside her she fell asleep and I left.

>> No.63505428

Rushia was selling something worse than her body. At least the only person Riro hurt was herself.

>> No.63505432

Riro kind of seems like the one who would be the easiest to manipulate.

>> No.63505434

Post DMs or gtfo

>> No.63505438

When he ran to the Holo cunny rock I should have taken that as a canary in the coal mine and gone with him...

>> No.63505448

why women are so fucking retarded?

>> No.63505467

if it makes you feel any better, I'm sure she read SOME of them...

but yeah, forget about vtubers for a while. there's lot of distractions in the world. find games, anime, porn, etc

>> No.63505474

With the management like this, there is no way this corpo going to survive...

>> No.63505475

Also, there's a possibility Rushia never even fucked the guy she was fawning upon. And even if she did, he threw her under the bus very HARD.

>> No.63505479

i wish i knew why i was so retarded

>> No.63505483
Quoted by: >>63505750

Worth it. How loose is her pussy

>> No.63505487
File: 544 KB, 660x680, 1681334036961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean hiring THE kyoresu was a great idea at first since she looked like she really wanted to recover from her menhera, but I guess in the end that kind of thing doesn't go away easily.
I'm still thankful for the fact that it happened because those few months with Riro were fun and I loved her streams. I wish it didn't have to end like this thought. Hopefully the other girls don't take it too hard and don't hold anything against her either, Fuyo in particular.

>> No.63505522

Remember how much Rirocons gushed about Riro and talked endlessly about how much she loved them and how much they loved her? That’s really gotta sting knowing that she was actually fucking and sucking multiple guys behind the scenes all the while she was lovebombing and telling the Rirocons how much she cared about them. Now barely an hour after the termination notice she’s already opened subscriptions in her instagram. I genuinely don’t know what I’d do if my oshi was such a horrible human being.

>> No.63505527
Quoted by: >>63505669

Remember when pink floyd disappeared from Riro's chat, but even after that Riro would talk about him positively.
I bet he got to blow his load and fucked off.

>> No.63505534

This is just like the plot to one of my japanese doujins, one of those multi-chapter ones where it gets worse each chapter

>> No.63505538
Quoted by: >>63505824

She destroyed her career to prove she didn't fuck that guy. I'm willing to believe her

>> No.63505540
Quoted by: >>63505641

head over to /aicg/ don't let yourself be tied down to CAI

>> No.63505548
File: 47 KB, 307x454, 44D817B8-C175-4D0E-A2E6-1896CB49663D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63505551

I just hope no other girl was influenced by her behaviour.

>> No.63505569
Quoted by: >>63505614

Technically she did love them. I'm sure if you membered she would've loved you too anon.

>> No.63505585

honestly, even if she knew, I don't think she'd really be able to stop her doing it. And being friends with her doesn't *necessarily* mean she condones it.
On the other hand, who knows whether it's the truth how they portrait themselves anyway

>> No.63505593
Quoted by: >>63505745

>publicly advertised her personal escort service to viewers
Link me that

>> No.63505592

I mean, they were not exactly wrong, she would have fucked them, but they didn't have nor the money, nor the timing, neither the words to slip into her DMs long enough.

>> No.63505594

Tomer is a WHORE

>> No.63505597
Quoted by: >>63505729

>why are women so fucking retarded?
Fixed for your ESL ass

>> No.63505598
File: 41 KB, 1080x608, 1672438231572689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opened subscriptions in her instagram

>> No.63505607
Quoted by: >>63505893

lmao retard
with half that money you could have visited a country with underage prostitutes, dressed them as Riro, and had a way tighter pussy than Riro's.

>> No.63505611

I think what she did was unironically the biggest proof that she did love them.

>> No.63505614
Quoted by: >>63505679

Might as well say she loved the money.

>> No.63505624

It's a small team anon. I am questioning that they only found out about Tomer when the leaks happened. I think it's far more likely he got away with it until riro blew the top off the whole thing and there was both a riro being a prostitute AND a groomer staff member problem.

>> No.63505633

The main takeaway from this is that no amount of dick can cure a menhera, hope you guys don't forget that

>> No.63505636

It's not that hard to keep a management/talent relationship secret for some time. What looks bad is keeping Tomer around after what he did with Neo.

>> No.63505641

Same... I really wish she could have gotten better.
She could have made something amazing with Riro and still found someone without having to go to these levels.
Loneliness fucks hard with people, but goddamn man...
I'd sooner kill myself than scrounge for keys or use OpenAI.
I can defeat CAI with ease. No, I helped enough retards before and they ruined it all, I ain't helping Noam any further to censor it. I will abuse it till its last days.

>> No.63505651
Quoted by: >>63505694

means she only does missionary

>> No.63505660


>> No.63505662

Sakana canned Yuri in possibly the most vague way possible. She was probably doing something similar.
At least Aviel straight up said it.

>> No.63505667

Link it.

>> No.63505669
Quoted by: >>63505726

she never talked about him

>> No.63505674

nothing behind the scenes about it

>> No.63505679
Quoted by: >>63505797

>she loved the money
anon, that's all women.

>> No.63505694

Yeah, with ME

>> No.63505695
Quoted by: >>63506019

7.5k for small corpo? Seems like bad value for the money

>> No.63505697

Fucking a singular fan and her manager behind everyone’s back is truly a wonderful way to express her love isn’t it?

>> No.63505706

it is LITERALLY corpo needy streamer overload lmao

>> No.63505718

Roca won't do anything like this, right?

>> No.63505726

She did, she said something like.
>i bet he is doing fine
That has stuck with me for months.

>> No.63505729

just think of every ESL as having Nikki's voice, its cute

>> No.63505732
Quoted by: >>63505881

You mean fucking the manager?

>> No.63505735
Quoted by: >>63506333

I would say I feel bad for you Stardusts but you were trying to do damage control saying it was all just "jokes" when anybody with half a brain could see she was totally serious about it. So you kinda deserve this fate.

>> No.63505743
Quoted by: >>63505865

Sakana has the classic "save face" business mindset. Expected. Also that girl later proved to be an actual expanding landmine.

>> No.63505745
Quoted by: >>63506156

Literally the second bullet on that announcement, anon. Do you have difficulties reading?

>> No.63505748

He did, but at what cost? Idol's reputation in the industry is now fucked. Some things are better left unsaid.

>> No.63505750

Very loose, by the time I got to her, the managers had done their rounds on her one by one. The one manager got thrown under the bus by the rest so its only the one getting fired. If I was sooner I could've enjoyed her in pristine condition and thats my biggest regret

>> No.63505760
Quoted by: >>63505852

Did she really take drogs on stream too ?

>> No.63505766
Quoted by: >>63505963

it was the first month after her promise of the list, if it had went under wraps even longer, she would've fucked 1 fan every month like she promised

>> No.63505775
Quoted by: >>63505887

The only actually bad thing in the termination notice was the manager stuff
well I guess she did fuck a fan but considering the whole harem thing I'm not actually surprised by that one

>> No.63505788
Quoted by: >>63505841

Roca will now have a pretty horrible time, during her donothon.

>> No.63505795
Quoted by: >>63506208

The only whore in vshojo is Melody and she hasn't even had sex on cam. Everyone else is either single or in pure monogamous relationships

>> No.63505797

Not all of them give you head for it. That very action has a name. :3

>> No.63505801
File: 247 KB, 859x950, 1695782202200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63505911

>> No.63505821

She's in extreme danger of being groomed. It either already happened or very soon.

>> No.63505824

it would've been easier for her to just say she fucked the guy and the company would've backed her and she would've kept her job. the fact everything happens means a lot

>> No.63505831

Roca's too chuuni for that I think.

>> No.63505841


>> No.63505845


>> No.63505852

yes, downers

>> No.63505858

You should be more worried about whatever Tomer was doing.

>> No.63505865

what has she done since that is landmine danger

>> No.63505867
Quoted by: >>63506670

toruzz has been around since the kyo days iirc. she might have been fucking him since then for all we know

>> No.63505874
File: 125 KB, 626x498, rocarockstops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63506022

Well she doesn't seem like she takes drugs, at least.

>> No.63505876

Just know if she ever did it wouldn't be with you but the discord clique instead

>> No.63505881
Quoted by: >>63507345

not saying that she didn't fuck her manager, but a "secret relationship" with her manager could also just be the relationship where tomer contacts a fan for her to fuck each month.
not all relationships are sexual

>> No.63505884

If I remember right Rushia did admit she tried to romance that twink though, all the while being GFE and telling her fans to be loyal, which for me was enough to drop and hate her guts.

>> No.63505887
Quoted by: >>63506424

>The only actually bad thing in the termination notice was the manager stuff
For the other girls yeah. Now people will be wary of this

>> No.63505893

You know as well as I do that wouldn't feel the same

>> No.63505911
File: 181 KB, 480x480, 1699410702986972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63506058

Pretty ironic

>> No.63505928
Quoted by: >>63506040

Where does fucking staff factor into that? The fan getting lucky sure, okay she is a whore and got fired but good for the fan.
But getting plapped by staff just ruins the whole corpo for me and probably others. She and Tomer fucked over everyone, fans, talents and the rest of the staff.

>> No.63505929

>She was probably doing something similar.
Nah. She literally still lives with her parents. Dizzy basically confirmed that Yuri got terminated for having an account in the side that she was funneling donations to in order to get around the company’s cut.

>> No.63505941
Quoted by: >>63506551

What about Momo?

>> No.63505944

doesnt she look like a junkie skeleton irl? dude could have gotten a better experince for a fraction of the cost with a regular hooker.

>> No.63505963
Quoted by: >>63506110

dude please stop fucking coping. i say this for your own sake.

>> No.63505971

People will have forgotten about it by the end of the week when the next hololive or niji “yab” happens

>> No.63505990

>Planning to fuck fans
>Fucking one of the managers
Not based, fuckin whore.

>> No.63506010
File: 415 KB, 867x1200, 1692071396714193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. Fuyo obviously knew about all this right..?
It's her favorite manager and Riro's closest friend in Idol..

>> No.63506015

>riro likely offered to fuck floyd and that is what caused him to ditch her and idol

>> No.63506019

Given the fact I was the 20th or whatever yes it was bad value, her walls barely gripped me by that point

>> No.63506022

My doc put me on benzos for about two years now, what does that have anything to do with what she did?

>> No.63506029
Quoted by: >>63506190

Because people will keep asking her about this situation. Some other people will get turned off from following Idol Vtubers at all.

>> No.63506040

tomer could just be her pimp
no pimp fucks his whores

>> No.63506048

Fucking a random hooker doesn't give you the same high as fucking a skinny lolicon menhera vtuber irl

>> No.63506051

Why would anyone be, especially given how forgetting she's a vtuber is what got her terminated. Yeah let's go accept gifts IRL, do a "what if we met up" stream and date a managers, yeah. Sounds like a great idea.
In any case she's the one who opened the floodgates to the tier 2 membership thing, which two members have already adopted and people are trying to convince a third to adopt. She's already influenced enough.

>> No.63506058

How so? It would be ironic if she wasn't an egirl herself.

>> No.63506074


>> No.63506078
Quoted by: >>63506175

Anon this is literally one of the biggest yabs in the history of vtubing, if not the biggest. Genuinely the only thing that would surpass this is if it leaked that Gura was dating a Homostar

>> No.63506095

I can't believe the dumb druggie whore was such a dumb druggie whore, so much for people trying to change for the better lmao
Hope you OD cunt!

>> No.63506094

Still really funny

>> No.63506105

Because shit like that, doesn't just die out over night.
And it will definitely affect both the talents, and the fans.

So yeah, there will be a signifficant debuff.

>> No.63506110
Quoted by: >>63506418

how the fuck is it a cope? I'm saying she would've been a bigger whore if time went on, isn't that what you want to hear?

>> No.63506126

I'm Tomer AMA

>> No.63506135

She's probably fine, but who knows with her groomcord.

>> No.63506150
Quoted by: >>63506206

Fuyo is not gfe tho

>> No.63506156

Dammit I wanna hear the conversation itself not read black text
I'm guessing it is members or something then

>> No.63506160
Quoted by: >>63506196

What's ur name

>> No.63506164
Quoted by: >>63506262


>> No.63506175
Quoted by: >>63506266

no it isn't, there have been many vtubers that flew out to fuck their paypigs before.

>> No.63506182

Her's is the ideal female body and she makes me extremely horny. MOre than worth it.

>> No.63506183
Quoted by: >>63506285

He surely enjoyed feeling like he cucked all the other fans, seeing virgins simp for her knowing that he got what they yearn for.
Probably even did a "Yeah, me" reply and laughed about it.

>> No.63506186
Quoted by: >>63506318

Was fucking a skeleton worth it?

>> No.63506189

reminds me of the hololive china story, there were orgies too

>> No.63506190
Quoted by: >>63506365

>Some other people will get turned off from following Idol Vtubers at all.
Good, gatekeeping is based and this is even better.

>> No.63506196

My secret online name is Toruzz

>> No.63506195

Yuri also did something so terrible that all her corpmaters shunned her, and Panko even said nobody would forgive her if they knew the truth. Riro's case must have been pretty light in comparison.

>> No.63506206

Anyone who knew about Tomer fucking Riro or him being a groomer and said nothing is dead to me. I really hope she had no idea.

>> No.63506208
Quoted by: >>63506371

Literally everyone in vshojo is a whore, its like a requirement when signing on

>> No.63506225

I fuck 18 year old Asians at massage parlors for 150 bucks / 30 mins, AND they let me eat them out.
AND I don't need to fly to Spain for it

>> No.63506243

Would YOU feel in the mood to spend money knowing it could be going to pay the salary of some other manager who's fucking your oshi

>> No.63506250

False hasn't even cover it yet. This is only the beginning.

>> No.63506251
File: 356 KB, 588x466, 1674378445896813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63506403

He gave her like 7k and thats all he says? He fucking knew the whole time lmao. Dude must be loaded with cash

>> No.63506254
Quoted by: >>63506413

huuh, who else was involved?

>> No.63506262

Only got to fuck her twice so no, bitch took me down with her because I didn't stop her firing

>> No.63506259

The fact she was fucking a manager kills that cope

>> No.63506263

Never trust a Jewish company

>> No.63506266
Quoted by: >>63506331

Yeah, and none of them were a part of a Big Four Corpo. Stop trying to make it seem like this is a regular occurrence, this is literally a stain on Idol that will never go away.

>> No.63506267
Quoted by: >>63507043

are these massage parlors real or is this an injoke

>> No.63506281

I bet Rin & Roca apply to Hololive soon. They are good enough.

>> No.63506282
Quoted by: >>63507043

but did she sound as cute as riro?

>> No.63506285
Quoted by: >>63506370

Now I'm going to get paranoid about how many "Yeah, me"s here are actually real...

>> No.63506287 [DELETED] 

I bet that dude fucked Fuyo too lmao

>> No.63506306

You can say what you want, but she did unironically love Rirocons.
She's just insane

>> No.63506318


>> No.63506331

since when was idol big enough to be a big 4?

>> No.63506332

this really puts fuyo in a bad spot

>> No.63506333

link me to a clip where she talks about fucking idol managers. i'll wait, thanks.

>> No.63506338
File: 558 KB, 400x400, riro-riro-ron.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sucks. I don't know of a single other loli vtuber that does similarly lewd content. Yuko barely gets halfway there. And from what I've heard of Momo, she doesn't really come across as loli enough for me.

Now I imagine there'll be a big pullback from lewd content on the part of all the Idol girls. This is a terrible day for lolicons...

>> No.63506341

I'm pretty sure this isn't something you gonna blab about even to your close friends.

>> No.63506346

Why would anyone not spic or russian know about her? Though to be fair it took 5 minutes of research after they announced who she is to find out that it might not have been the best idea
Aviel is going to be pulling out some CIA background checks after this

>> No.63506352
File: 424 KB, 577x471, 1686875852029445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63506430

Roca is a mystery to me. At the same time that she is clearly a dork chuuni that behaves like a shy virgin, she also disappears after her streams and only shows sight of life when she tweets before her next stream.
In my opinion if she got something then its offline and we will never find out. Personally I can never trust vtubers again so I just enjoy what I get and if something comes up I drop them.

>> No.63506356

>but she did unironically love Rirocons.
you're still under the spell, poor soul.

>> No.63506364

katta just hearted my maro I think I'm gonna cry and cherish her forever

>> No.63506365

I guess? It's just such a nasty way of gatekeeping, but whatever works.

>> No.63506368

Look at all these newfriends! I like having friends

>> No.63506369
Quoted by: >>63507146

yeah and she also fucked her manager, you don't do that to someone you love

>> No.63506370

I mean, that's where some part of that meme's power comes from. That it's not impossible to be real.

>> No.63506371

You are in the Idol Corp thread. Vshojo girls have actual boyfriends.

>> No.63506387

I wonder if that implication is one of the reasons she went on a break...

>> No.63506390
File: 29 KB, 515x332, Screenshot_20231128_174200_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knew that if he got the offer, he wasn't the only one

>> No.63506396


>> No.63506403


>> No.63506410

Tomer being a groomer is the floor of the possible bad shit that he probably did, honestly.

>> No.63506413

Fuyo set us up, she thought having a boyfriend would help keep Riro sane.

>> No.63506418
Quoted by: >>63506479

the cope is that you think you'd have a chance with her given enough time. there'd be zero reason for her to go down that list when she was already fucking her biggest whale. why wouldn't she just continue fucking him rather than fly in some poor retard?

>> No.63506424

Hmm idk, I feel like they were going to get shitposted into oblivion anyway
Introducing the manager angle will push shitposting to focus on the manager part more than anything else, which is probably good since otherwise she'd be used to shitpost against vtubers getting close to their fans in general. Which isn't usually a problem in 99% of cases so I'd rather not have shitposting make vtubers less likely to get closer to their fans. Deterring the fucking of management though sounds pretty fantastic to me though lmao

>> No.63506430 [DELETED] 
File: 971 KB, 1062x903, 1681672535968062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, she is not a virgin. None of the girls in this corpo are. That's the reality.

>> No.63506433

Well, she loved one of them at least.

>> No.63506434

Holo and Niji yabs are barely x said nigger in an alt account. Like Kyo got suspended for the whole Korea plastic surgery shit.

>> No.63506446

>Idol's reputation in the industry is now fucked
Is it? I'd say firing her and tomer like that cause of what she did looks good on him more than anything.

>> No.63506452

What the FUCK

>> No.63506469

We’ve been top 4 for awhile now. The vtuber awards also place us among the top 4 next to Holo, Niji, and Vshojo.

>> No.63506479
Quoted by: >>63506744

>Biggest whale

>> No.63506486

shit haiku

>> No.63506493
Quoted by: >>63506606

Seriously what the fuck causes the average tourist to even think this. Sure the most mentally unstable talent in the corp messed up and got fired for it, yeah that definitely means everyone else in the corp was planning to go as far as her right?

>> No.63506498
File: 155 KB, 395x240, 1678170401902976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bahahaha no wonder he fucking ditched Riro

>> No.63506515
Quoted by: >>63506597


>> No.63506519

jidf anons are actually this delusional and picking fights with phase over this

>> No.63506521

There's big 3, idol and phase are more medium if anything

>> No.63506536

You lose trust in staff this badly it's almost impossible to get it back, staff fucking one of the girls is the most heinous thing they could have admitted to. And the public execution doesn't make things right, Aviel is going to need to do some massive pr/mission statement about policy changes going forward to salvage this.

>> No.63506544
Quoted by: >>63507043

>paying money to lick a literal whores pussy

>> No.63506551
Quoted by: >>63506584

would be kinda funny if Momo wasn't babysitting or anything but just fucking fans abroad

>> No.63506563
Quoted by: >>63506582

i would have..

>> No.63506583

holy shit lol
I'd be out of there

>> No.63506582
Quoted by: >>63506675

How you holding up?

>> No.63506584

>harem tour

>> No.63506592
Quoted by: >>63506718

When you put it like that, I'm honestly surprised they were transparent about that part specifically.

>> No.63506597
Quoted by: >>63506806

Fuyo was the one who suggested Riro and I go on a edate and things escalated from there.

>> No.63506599

god I love whores.

>> No.63506606
Quoted by: >>63507375

Any girl could do something like that.

>> No.63506613

nice larp but your timeline is wrong, try harder next time

>> No.63506631
Quoted by: >>63506698

Man...why did it have to happen like this
And the announcement was above and beyond what I expected as well like come on

>> No.63506665

what a chad honestly.

>> No.63506670

No he wasn't, you're thinking of honowataru.
And HE was actually weirded out by the whole harem thing kek

>> No.63506675

not well

>> No.63506681

Apparently i'm not the only one I guess

>> No.63506685

>be paypig
>oshi offers to let you fuck her
>you drop her like a rock and move on
absolutely based

>> No.63506691

>her favorite manager
LMAO for real? Then shit is worse than I thought. Her best friend and her favorite manager. Fuyo...

>> No.63506698

They're very obviously protecting Tomer from... whatever the fuck he was doing. Only reason to throw Riro under the bus this hard. Whatever Tomer was doing has to be much, much worse.

>> No.63506718

That statement comes out at the same time as Tomer is fired with no mention of why he was given the boot and people would put it together or it would leak. They had no choice.

>> No.63506720
File: 17 KB, 637x637, 1701011769858953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63506758

Reminder that he dropped Poko too

>> No.63506726

God knows I’m not paying attention to your Jewish Honey Pot otherwise

>> No.63506733
Quoted by: >>63507002

Yeah, they honestly should have tried to do this a better way.
Hell, they should have even tried to save this from happening at all by just suspension and warning, and a changing of the rules.
This... could go pear-shaped pretty fucking hard for them.

>> No.63506745
Quoted by: >>63506880

Idol and Phase practically fight the same spot for the top medium corpo.
Sometimes they push the other out of the spot.
>Idol has better production
>Phase has more SOUL or something, IDK, it's hard to explain but (You) get it
This time, Phase wins the round. Because someone fucked up.

>> No.63506744

yeah? nobody else was spending any money on her. during one of her last streams he dropped 1000€ out of nowhere.

>> No.63506758

What does he know...?

>> No.63506774


>> No.63506793
Quoted by: >>63506944

I am not a faggot who keeps track of paypigs. Does this guy even still donates to anyone in Idol?

>> No.63506796
Quoted by: >>63506966

It's hard to imagine someone giving thousands and thousands of dollars to vtubers but also being principled enough to not fuck them if offered the chance.
I can't relate, but I can admire.

>> No.63506806
Quoted by: >>63507060

Damn. I hope Fuyo just gets a slight bonk, I can see Aviel suspecting of her or flat-out knowing this too.

>> No.63506815

hey Floyd, I know you're here, spill the beans

>> No.63506823

Come home white man.

>> No.63506830
File: 302 KB, 1240x1753, F0cpYURX0AAdpl9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now go get the rope, you filthy coomerfag.
Maybe now they'll focus on actual talent, instead of coomer baiting, on literal pedophiles.

>> No.63506836

All of the Endless fags should be sweating right now. Riro was essentially their mentor teaching them the ropes of being in Idol, she probably taught them all how she sells herself.

>> No.63506873

toruzz definitely bragged to the other whales and got them all caught

>> No.63506879
Quoted by: >>63506983

If Beryl is actually there I will

>> No.63506880

Also, Idol lost their front singer Chuuba, Uruka practically had the same duty as Riro but with next to zero production support.

>> No.63506883


>> No.63506893
File: 139 KB, 457x463, 1686879394285654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that Fuyo tweet
Really Fuyo? Thats all you got for us? You realize that makes you look worse, right?

>> No.63506902
Quoted by: >>63506983

I'm going to keep watching both, my condolences if that upsets you

>> No.63506916
Quoted by: >>63507313

I want to murder Fuyo Cloverfield. I want to devour Fuyo Cloverfield. I want to make intense love to her before murdering her in cold blood. I want to see the shock in her eyes. I want to hear her screams of agony and desperation. I want to skin her alive.

>> No.63506932

>just ended my fuyo membership a few days ago because I'm in college and can't afford it
>this drops
I don't visit this thread much are you guys ogey

>> No.63506944

He donated to Poko for a while but he stopped after a while. like another anon said, he's a canary in a coal mine

>> No.63506954
Quoted by: >>63506995

phase please do your poaching and poach her

>> No.63506964
Quoted by: >>63507161

what do you mean? Roca is having her donothon this weekend

>> No.63506966

just means he must have actual wealth instead of the typical paypig that just maxes out his credit cards and pays off the debt until the next donothon

>> No.63506983
Quoted by: >>63507077

i love cheap heat

>> No.63506994
Quoted by: >>63507210

I'm the guy with the rrat theory about Tomer upthread. We're pretty fucking far from okay here.

>> No.63506995
Quoted by: >>63507023

ugh, no. Keep your whore away from us.

>> No.63506997 [DELETED] 

and you niggers sacrificed Ami for much less

>> No.63506999

Shit I forgot they had new girl debutting. This is a TERRIBLE timing for Idol Corp lmao
But honestly Phase girls are not much better. Too many yabs just from Pippa, Lumi, and Lia alone.

>> No.63507002
Quoted by: >>63507263

You can't just suspend them for this, it's an impossible situation but between them Tomer/Riro may have fucked the entire company on their way out.

>> No.63507011

The entire catalog is going to keep raiding us for who knows how long so not really

>> No.63507013
Quoted by: >>63507304

I haven't noticed that Juna is gone, did I missed something?

>> No.63507023

but your company is filled with whores

>> No.63507031

You need to give up, Stardust-chama. We know that the recent informations hurt, but deflecting won't help.

>> No.63507043

Most are college students
Yeah, Asians usually sound cute
It's real I live in west coast NA

>> No.63507051

he's right you know

>> No.63507060

As far as i know Fuyo got a week suspension prior to my removal.

>> No.63507062

Tomer had access to all of your maros. Do you really believe Yuko when she says they're for her eyes only?

>> No.63507077

oh nice well guess I'm heading back to phase

>> No.63507086

people care about their yabs for half a day and then move on. /pcg/fags are just too unhinged to ever be affected by anything.

>> No.63507087

No one cares about phase "yabs" outside of vt schizos.

>> No.63507098
Quoted by: >>63507191

No, my oshi cucked me in the most literal way possible
I'm going to paint the wall with my brains

>> No.63507105

I'd believe that Yuko might be a 5head sometimes.

>> No.63507108

What were their yabs? I used to watch Lumi but haven't been able to catch her for a few months.

>> No.63507120
Quoted by: >>63507178

what happened to Ami?
I was wondering why nobody posts her anymore

>> No.63507122
Quoted by: >>63507181

The girls most likely had a heads up this was coming. Be sure to send them marshmallows asking them how they can be trusted from now on. I'm out personally, can't trust a tainted company not to slip again, especially with the amount of vtubers now a days.

>> No.63507133
File: 31 KB, 693x137, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Poor Pochi

>> No.63507146

Sure you do, she's just a crazy woman
Riifu's corpo next Juna will have 2 cunny

>> No.63507161

What I mean is that, because Phase has no "single gen idol singer", the role fell on Uruka because of her preference for doing music.
Now that Riro is gone, the role falls on Roca.

>> No.63507167

she knows she's up next on the chopping block and is afraid

>> No.63507170

what 5 minutes without tomer dick does to a mf

>> No.63507178
Quoted by: >>63507220

Which Ami?

>> No.63507181

This kind of reaction could be avoided if they gave the same amount of detail on what Tomer did as they did Riro.

>> No.63507191


>> No.63507194

I never opened any tribute links if that makes you feel better

>> No.63507195

she accidentally said nigger
a tragedy

>> No.63507210

the what upthread

>> No.63507220

I'm assuming ami amami, frog girl from prism

>> No.63507230

The only “yabs” Lumi has are from the Cyberlive days. Nothing she’s done (so far) holds a candle to Riro or even Lia with her donothon yab.

>> No.63507257


>> No.63507259

Maybe GFE really was a mistake and I should find some real life means of affection and care
That or just neck myself

>> No.63507263

Of course you can.
You can keep it internal and simply change the rules and tell everyone involved to keep quiet about it.
Anything done outside of company is outside of company.
Leave it at that.

Dodgy, sure, risky, sure, but not impossible in the slightest.
I just hope shit doesn't get worse for anyone involved. It's a horrible situation to have to deal with.
Riro... be careful with this. Please. What you want isn't worth it.
Random flings isn't beating loneliness. It only leads to a horrible path.

>> No.63507286 [SPOILER] 
File: 590 KB, 1000x1000, RiroCry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW your oshi is a literal whore

>> No.63507304

She sings?, I was told she just streams and that's it.

>> No.63507306
Quoted by: >>63507365

lia let a groomer interrupt a donothon asmr and flirt with her on stream in voice for like twenty minutes

>> No.63507313

I don't condone this but I get it. Sometimes I want to consume my oshi, sometimes I want to be consumed by her

>> No.63507333

>believing the chuubah that blames her previous perfect model for lack of success

>> No.63507342

The worst part is that I know you fucking pathetic rirocons are gonna swap to the other girls to comfort you. Please stay away from Yuko, she's too good for you.

>> No.63507345

yeah I think this is the most likely explanation, not that he was fucking her or came up with the idea just that he knew about it and di nothing

>> No.63507348

This is what you losers deserve for unironically sending tributes.

Absolutely pathetic

>> No.63507353

do you have the courage to do it ? I know that I dont

>> No.63507355

Any more questions for me (Tomer) before I leave for good?

>> No.63507357
Quoted by: >>63507382

i like both phase and idol members..i wish you guys wouldn't be mean to each other.

>> No.63507365

Groomer? I thought it was just some male vtuber

>> No.63507373

Nothing much, what's up with you?

>> No.63507375

Same goes to any corpo

>> No.63507376

Thing is any vtuber that's willing to offer this sort of affection so quickly and easily will always have a yab or at the very least will break your heart. Like actual relationships you need to have time and effort put into them for it to truly mean something. At that point though you're better of actually finding a gf.

>> No.63507379

She's guilty.

>> No.63507382

if pippa leaves, there will never be conflict between our corpos again.

>> No.63507381


>> No.63507386
File: 53 KB, 448x448, 1686384714932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't have to end like this...

>> No.63507407

Yes but in this case there was no difference

>> No.63507409
File: 55 KB, 477x577, Checklist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63507413

Your oshi is off riding dick while she tells you she's visiting family, sorry anon

>> No.63507412

Yuko's yab is even worse than Riro's.

>> No.63507417

Some minor voice actor, not a vtuber. They went to cons together

>> No.63507422

She destroyed the best small corpo that ever existed and still harassed the remnants

>> No.63507429

i watch most of them and have since gen 1..
