(^・ω・^§)ノPrevious: >>62695475>YT Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg>Twitterhttps://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki>Pastebinhttps://pastebin.com/fxtUBRvb>Do your reps!https://pastebin.com/pwVJh73t
I love my friend!
Life Game with Gozaru-dono and Watame in an hour and a bit! I wonder what Howaburi will become today.
>>63105206Flare became very white
I love you, Fubuki!
game of friends
I want friend to fill my depressed mind with nothing but genuine happiness and love.
Gozaru's repeated failures make today's game especially fun.
>>63109934We know and love her for being a pon samurai
Today's #いいフブちゃんの日 post your favorite Fubuki
>>63110414I miss her...
I wish Fubuki did a stream for her 2000 days where she reacts to fanart of her through the time. So she can remember good moments.
>>63118221I hope she does as well! This wasn't a planned thing, it was first mentioned yesterday and gained a lot of traction today, but I don't think she was aware beforehand that it was a special day. Maybe she does a mini celebration zasudan at some point, that would be nice
2000 days, huh...Man, it's crazy to think it's been that long since she debuted.
>>63118848>>63120504Can someone explain this baby stuff?
>>63121103Fubuki has a thing for pacifier and she likes to pretend to be a baby, she even has a baby L2D model. Don't know if she's also into ABDLhttps://youtu.be/jE1PMyZ91dUhttps://youtu.be/lAsObtU6TJshttps://youtu.be/l7ZJ0p_xYcohttps://youtu.be/huKQCgDSc6shttps://youtu.be/WQIEnw6V8tshttps://youtu.be/ktqDZDbts4IJust wanted to search for a clip but I keep finding clips of Fubu-baby. I'm worried about her
>>63122432I don't want that
>>63122432I want that
>>63124154You don't want Fubuki baby?
>>63122432My favorite Babuki stream was that time she played a horror game for two hours and only ever made baby noises throughout the whole thinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ2GRGOeFCo
>>63124257I want to make some. That's fine
Don't worry I'm just posting my wife, her mommy-wife and their emo daughter
>>63128256All my wives
Good night, friends!
Babuki love
What are our king's thoughts about AI art?
Fubukikaisen https://twitter.com/nakimushi_tt/status/1727084471030050962
>>63122432well, I learn new things about Foobs every week.
I love that point where Fubuki's tail connects with her body
Morning, Friends!
Good morning, friends!
>>63135648When AI art blew up and a bunch of Holos made statements about it Fubuki's was among the more positive ones.https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1579737220067782658
>>63155230I'm not sure if I would necessarily call it positive, but I guess she was pretty diplomatic about it and didn't outright ban it from her tags as long as it is properly designated.
Friends, wake up!
me on the right
>>63159004me on the front left
Man her new model looks so good. I love these kind of streams, she doesn't do them often enough.
She so cute tonight I think I might die.
>>63162838But they debuffed her tail...
This was one of the best streams lately, she was super cute. Definitely watch the archive if you missed it, I absolutely loved it. I may or may not have taken 132 screenshots.
>>63164266It was really fun. Even if the mocopi is janky, seeing full body foobs is always a treat
>>63165695It can be a bit janky but I thought it was working really great today. It felt really natural and reminded me of these older 3D streams where they played 1-2-Switch and stuff like that.
>>63164266Good morning friend, I will watch the archive but I'm sad I didn't watch it live. I love when my friend moves and shows her body language.
I love my shy friend
I miss my fox.
Now that I think about it Fubuki doesn't wear pants. The most I know is her wearing open shorts.
Fubuzilla is cute
>>63110414Gura-Buki is literally extinction-level adorbs!
Suddenly: FFXIV stream in around 3 hours!Wake up, Friends!https://youtu.be/gqi1ABEauDU
Posting a cute video of the best pro-apex streamers in hololivehttps://twitter.com/Boxi_375/status/1358283920387657729
BroQuest part 2 soon...wonder if it'll be pre-corruption White Burinyan
Foobs loves big mommy
I want to mind break Fubuki like that
This is so erotic...
Lots of English friend/wive banter today. I feel like I haven't heard that in quite a while.
Lots of English friend/wife banter today. I feel like I haven't heard that in quite a while.
Random question but is there are reason why she does not stream in 1080p60? Not it really matters but is it just preferance or one those things that she did not really thought about?Another not really only Fubuki related but has anyone else had lots of buffering on her streams? It seems to depend on a game but it happens in FF14 and at it worst it was in the backrooms collab with Miko where the stream buffered like crazy and sometimes video would even freeze (audio was still working). I thought it might have been just Youtube but I changed to Mikos stream and it was working fine. Only difference I could find was that Miko was using low latency VS Fubukis ultra low. I remember having similiar issue with Korone but I don't know if she changed the setting or maybe it's not related at all.
>>63214829There have been general YouTube issues in Japan a few weeks ago where it kept buffering an ungodly amount during prime time for them (but seemingly not for people outside of Japan) and she tried a lot of different things to counteract is. Changing to 30 FPS was on of the measures she tried, but it didn't really seem to help much. I think she might have just forgotten to change back. The only thing that actually seemed to help was changing from ultra low to low latency (which might explain the difference in performance between her stream and Miko during that collab). I have had the exact same issues you had as well, which don't seem to be related to the aforementioned ones because I never see any of the Japanese users in chat mention them. The video kept freezing for me today as well until I started watching it in mpv rather than my browser, which seems to work much better. The same thing happened yesterday as well during the WarioWare stream. Now that you mention it, it happens almost every time during FF14 in particular. I wonder why that is.
>>63215159I would bet my money on the ultra low latency since fans in Japan dont seem to have issues (anymore?). I would ask her about those but I don't trust my japanese / too shy for that.
>>63217135I want a Fubucat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcTpVAHp9WASplatoon on Sakamata Ch. later!
>>63218436https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJThfvuKE4oShe built a frame of her own
>>63218436https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJThfvuKE4o She built a frame of her own. Great thumbnail, too!
I got the stuck screen with sound again. Fuck YouTube.
Fubuki, you're my specialhttps://twitter.com/nakimushi_tt/status/1727932928020361614
>>63222607I still don't believe this is 100% youtubes fault. Chloes stream seems more stable and only difference is still latency mode (and codec if that matters, chloe has avc1 and fubuki has vp9)
Don't mind me, I'm just picking up Fubuki to page 1
What did I miss and why we hate blonde elves?
>>63110414Sanafoob, my beloved.
>>63230187That's an enemy character from FF14 that keeps calling you his friend, so she turned around the usual friend/wife routine and kept saying NO FRIEND to him.
Servants! Stay awake!
19:00 Pokemon card battle Premiere on Watame Ch.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cUbUxp4Ci421:00 Dragon Quest Gacha shilling on her own channelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56OHCKh7Aj8
>>63224430These are surprisingly good! I think I've seen this style before, but I can't recall the artist's name...sorry friend, but can you share the source? I wish Casino would make at least a single art of Fubufeet...too bad it's past the usual timing (birthday) for him to draw a Holomen that isn't Botan (not that I don't like his drawings of Botan). >>63227812Very cute smol friend!
Why is my friend so hot? What should I do?
>>63233786https://twitter.com/fujimatakuya/status/1728032074614157403From official holomerch
I wish Fubuki outfits from official collabs were real.
>>63236640>>63237377Man they are releasing waaaay too much collab merch way too fast lately. Within the past month or so we had her birthday goods, the cafe goods, the Yamato Phantasia goods (rerun), the post office seven gods goods, the new tea, Holocal goods, the new Lawson goods and there was also another Ayafubumi thing they tweeted about today as well. Thankfully I am not autistic enough to want to get EVERYTHING but I still feel like they are pushing a bit hard lately. I wish they spread it out a bit more because a lot of the art is really good.
>>63222607>>63226558nta but I've actually started to assume the codec is related, yeah. Everytime I've had it happen the past few weeks, I've checked the codec. It's always VP9 that gets stuck on a frame.I still think it's something in Youtube's code that handles painting the video to the canvas though. With affected streams, I seek to fix it temporarily but sometimes it just stays fixed.
>>63237619I forgot the Sukodwa anniversary goods and the Dragon Quest Gacha (if you want to count that) as well. It's getting ridiculous.
>>63237619Don't forget this. Seems Fubuki is always a gold pick for collabs.
Friends! Wake up!
>>63237619It feels like she is turning into marketing person. Okay, she chooses to do those (I hope) but it is a bit much even if I can't really even buy these
>>63237619Did anyone get the 7 gods one? I was able to make an account but they wouldn't accept my credit card
Be strong friends
>>63241507I always considered her the "marketing" person of hololive because 9/10 you're gonna see her in a merch collab or shilling something hololive's doing. Not only that, but with how much she mc's and does sponserships for them it seems like she's a defacto pick for when it comes to marketing. I can't say anything on whether she chooses or not to be apart of these collabs because I don't know, but I'd imagine it wouldn't be her choice to be in almost every collab hololive does so I'd guess that whoever picks the talents probably picks her on her popularity, almost mascot levels of recognition when it comes to vtubers, and professionalism when it comes to promoting. It's probably a big part of why she's so busy at times.
>>63256112I hope they can choose not to do sponsors if they don't want to but sometimes it does feel like they don't have a choice. I'd imagine that someone like Fubuki has more freedom to choose and the stuff I have seen is something she probably wanted to do.
>>6323308916:00 Additional FF14 framehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCTbZFauOQs
>>63266104what is that pinned message? does she really get stalked in the game?
>>63266577I think this is about attention seekers that keep following her around to try to get shown on stream. I was half asleep while watching the last one so I don't know if anything happened in particular there, but for example that huge muscular guy in the white pajamas kept showing up an awful lot in the couple of streams before that. Maybe that kind of stuff?
>>63266834Damn, I thought she was relatively good about not getting people like this throughout her playthrough. At least it took this long to happen.
>>63233089The card battle Premiere is starting now
Have a nice day, friends!
Dorakure shill stream is starting
Why is she so pretty?
>>63103729same here
She still needs 30 Getting Over it clears and there are only 36 days yet in the year. I'm hoping for daily morning streams in December!
She still needs 30 Getting Over It clears and there are only 36 days left in the year. I'm hoping for daily morning streams in December!
Are you guys following fubuki's manga?https://twitter.com/hololiveALT/status/1728337884657459572
Fubuki is an architecthttps://youtu.be/eEnDPIsuJFQ?si=QKncifNoYyVAgFd0
Finally I found the source of the video of Fubuki peeing her pantshttps://youtu.be/WAyrl14BEdE
>>63287426>>63288104Thanks for introducing that channel, pretty cute animations. I really liked that one:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxZLBWJ1LAghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J4rSCHkfiUThese have to be some of the worst subtitles I have ever seen, though.
Morning wood friends!
I love my gacha wife-friend
>page 11
Friend corrupted Lui-nee...
Good morning friends!How do I watch sukodawa live?https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1728550207758168334
I love Shirakami Fubuki with all my heart
>>63303454Paid event streamhttps://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3951470002?P6=001&P1=0402&P59=1
>>63304332>Paid event
fubumikoaki GTA tonight
Friends! I won't sleep tonight
>>63311702You need to sleep to keep your health friend, you don't want to make our wife sad.
>>63313689I'll take a nap or so later
>>63304332Will I find it on fubu-nya?
>>63317280is that official?
>>63317369https://twitter.com/kyarion50/status/1728556902278484134?s=20This guy made it
Looks like she is appearing in this tomorrowhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU85vmx7jn8
>>63288435Yeah, the subs are bad but that's why it makes it meme material. Seems the owner of the channel is just MTL and uploading it to another channel.https://youtu.be/S481CF_8Vu4>>63323805Furriend...
Morning, friends!
She was on watame channel yesterday. https://youtu.be/7cUbUxp4Ci4?si=wXuPsWLeX3ZjczH-
Friends! I woke up! Where is Fubuki?
>>63333951She is currently recording Sukodawa in front of a live audience in an IRL event. She will stream GTA with Mikosan and Akirose later at 22.
She was featured in the 3D animation intro of Lapu's live, so she is very likely to appear in it later. It was pretty cute, everyone looked at her to take the lead when cheering Lapu up when she was down. Fitting.
Very cute!
She ended up only appearing in the 3D skit at the very beginning.
Today's frame starts in one hour at 22. I hope she gets home in time to build her own frame.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGDRATf9QNw
>>63338828She probably wasn't able to, because they just delayed the stream by 30 minutes to 22:30
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh1DTImXK9EShirakami's frame is now up, they had to delay it further because Aki and Shirakami had to finish the tutorial first. Probably starting at 23:00 (a bit unclear because Aki's frame is set to :45)
Aki and miko are already streaming, you may need to have all their POV open
>>63342982Aki and FBK are both still doing the tutorial and Miko is just buying them time by earning money in the casino in the meantime.
Aki and FBK both fucked up and have the PS5 version while Miko told them to play the PS4 version and they are trying to figure out how to solve this. This is a mess and I love it.
Her character makes me laugh.
>>63344379>me trying to impress Fubuki with my Mads Mikkelsen's imitation
>>63343355Fubuki will ask for forgiveness by letting Aki and Miko touch her foobs.
This was a really fun stream. I love that they found a way to get over their technical issues by just turning it into a gambling stream instead, and Fubuki losing everything at the end was great. Looking forward to the next one.Also, she is joining Okakoro's Splatoon tournament on Dec. 9!
>>63346111That's not fair Aki also made the same mistake.
I want to brush Friend's tail
Anyone have the skdw stream archive?
Love friend
I like Shirakami Fubuki very much.
>>63356832I don't wanna get up...
>>63362712GET UP!
>>633651305 more minutes...
>Fubuki when it gets uphttps://twitter.com/zabudog/status/1728906902774657280
>>63370551>No Kuro wearing an apron while holding sweets to take with tea...
Open for a cute Fubuki gift
>>63371699That would be cool as a bonus merch in the set, but hey, at least she's there as a slipper...kinda...
There's just something really sexual about Friend's thighs..
>>63374911damn, what I would not give for some quality Kurokami merch.
>>63374911>>63376434We need more Kurokami merch, even companies are asking for it. Fubuki should let Kuro into Hololive and monetize her.
>>63376615Is there actually reason why there is not? You can only do so much unique Fubuki merch but Kurokami is pretty much untapped
fren love :D
>>63376615I miss her...
>>63377606This is nothing but speculation, but I think it might be because the copyright situation for Kuro is a lot more complicated. She is technically not a cover or Mito creation and not officially acknowledged anywhere. Her old design was basically just a palette swap OC that bordered on plagiarism, so it would be hard to commercialize. I imagine that might be why it took 3+ years for Kuro's model to finally get made and why it had to involve a whole redesign. To my knowledge, before the redesign, Kuro only ever appeared as a guest in three 3D Lives with the palette swap 3D model and in one of her Line sticker sets. Then there is also that mysterious 2021 collab that was suddenly cancelled on the same day for unknown reasons and never came back and the fact that Kuro has never appeared in a collab other than to sing a song with Watame in a 3D Live once. Fubuki also mentioned that Kuro's palette swap 3D model can't be used anymore now that she has her own design, so maybe abandoning the old design was part of the deal for getting the permission to get the redesign. Who knows. Kuro is still not listed on the official website after her redesign, but at least she has Mito's stamp of approval now. I don't think he ever acknowledged the old design, but has drawn her several times after the redesign. To a lesser extent, the same thing happens with all her mascot characters, the only one that consistently appears to represent her in official stuff is Fubura, which is the only one that is a cover creation. Might be easier for them to do because they have creative control over it.
>>63389179Kuro has been officially recognized but you're right, we need more of her but that would put Fubuki's partner in merchandise, Ookami Mio, to the side and I think that would make Fubuki sad.
>>63389179I always thought she was same as Gawr is to Gura and she got merch if you count the glass mug.
She will appear on Rui Ch. soon! The live already started.
I wish she would play this every day. This is a lot of fun.
This was super fun. She is too cute in these full-body 3D streams. I hope she ends up playing the two player mode as well, I love it.
Good morning friends!
>>63408218>>63362712I love these
Friends! Stay awake!
Time to catch up on the Doroken song from Rui's live. Had to miss it due to an unfortunately timed work meeting, but I hear it was great.
>>63414443I report back to say that I don't think our fox ever looked as cool as she did during this https://youtu.be/oU85vmx7jn8?t=2339 part of the performance, definitely check it out if you haven't yet! I love how her grin and these eyes make her look kind of evil here.
>>63419663I'm catching up too, I loved the cute steps she did and that catwalk but my favorite part was when she did that jump, she tried her best to not bother the other girls unlike Mio who took a jump with force showing who's big god Mion.
Just me or Fubuki got embarrassed because of her base outfit being too erotic for Mocopi streams
>>63423797She changed to her school uniform because she was inspired by Hoshikawa's cute new uniform outfit. She was the guest on the public Sukodawa recording this weekend.
>>63424267>HoshiFubuMariI need that archive
>>63425287I hear it's up on the pirates' site. Can't confirm because I don't use dicksword though.
>>63428614Thank you friend!
She's so cute when she's throwing little tantrums. https://twitter.com/dohoon416/status/1729144302771876170
Fubumon anime when
You know what they say about girls with glasses
>>63451760They are masters of perversion
Good night friends
Who in their right mind would vote Splatoon over GTA gambling kino? Sad state of affairs.
https://www.youtube.com/live/5kr3zD6l2uUTsubooji in 90 min
>>63465059Both choices were bit meh for me but I don't really support gambling (even fake one) so splatoon won. at least we get some old man in the pot soon
Tsubooji always leads to very interesting conversations for some reason. While talking about the radio show, she mentioned that her relationship with Marine is the longest running business relationship in Hololive (Micomet doesn't count because she doesn't consider them a business relationship). They never really do anything other than their program, so they meet every other week, which makes her the Holomen she sees the most in real life, but they never really collab, talk or do anything with each other outside of that. She went on to say that she doesn't really do small talk and rarely ever talks to other Holomen on Discord or Line just for the sake of it and only really does it when it's related to collabs and stuff like that for the most part. Sometimes she keeps talking to people after the collab ends but rarely initiates on her own. She values her time alone and generally spends her free time playing games or watching anime alone. That doesn't mean she has a bad relationship with them, that's just the way she lives her life and she is happy that way. She really loves the other Holomen, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed so long, and she loves spending time with them on stream and during dance lessons and stuff like that. She does join events and outings and collabs a lot, but rarely ever initiates them herself. When asked if she loves the Sukonbu, she teased us a little but in the end said that without us Sukonbu, there would be no Shirakami Fubuki today, so of course we are important to her. She then repeated what she has said many times and stressed that she appreciates us, but we shouldn't exaggerate and be careful with our money, time and mental state and only support her within reasonable limits. But she would be happy if we bought her tea, not necessarily because of the money but because she wants us to drink it because it is so delicious. She then realized she got sidetracked from the initial radio talk and concluded that while she is close to Marine through the radio show, but it is a business relationship in the end.
FBK is the third team leader in the Okakoro tournament!
>>63472321Her team is set in stone! This is pretty good, I enjoy her collabs with all three of them individually.
>>63471491Nice summary, friend! That's the magic of 壺おじ, I got caught off guard when she started this topic of business partners. Pretty sure some chatters talked about the Sister Marin collabs to make a counterpoint, but I forgot Foobs' comment about them. I'm a bit sad that our Friend reminds me of myself a little. Alone time is very important, and while I get a bit worried about those days, I'm glad she knows when to take a full "shutdown" break for a few days to recharge herself.>>63472475It's a good thing that her team is made of people with whom she has a decent bond, as this will help with what to talk about during the matches and with team synergy. Flare, a member of Bakatare and someone she collabs with a lot - Miko, who she's been bonding with more this year (I hope they continue that Backrooms game someday) - and Robocosan, who she collabs with sometimes. It almost feels like it was rigged, lmao!
>>63471491It's nice to see how honest she is about some things, I don't really know other members that well but I don't picture mosy of them saying something like that easily and especially if it was about someone they do something with so frequently. Although, I always jokingly thought she didn't have that much of a relationship with how most of them she has barely ever streamed or interacted with but it's a bit weird to hear it actually come from her mouth. Makes me a bit sad for her but I'd probably be the same as her if I worked in the same environment so I can't say nothing, just makes it more clear on how much fun she has with people like flare and polka and that they have pretty good bonds outside of streaming.
Splatoon soon!
>>63472475Her team is solid and has potential.
I'm still not sure if she actually likes Flare's pineapple autism or is just nice about it.
Do not open
>>63480209Friend is a good girl
Hey Fubuki, I turn myself into a pineapple, funniest thing ever LMAO.
>>63487142ups, wrong picture
Shirokemonomimi love
9 Tails!
>>63512509>>63515590Friend feet...
>>63475509>>63474478Regarding Sister Marine, she said that it has turned into something they do every year around Christmas now, so it 's kind of a recurring thing (not unlike Sukodawa) instead of an organic collab, so she doesn't really count it as a counter example. I think she is very relatable in needing time alone to recharge, I am definitely the same way. I don't think she was necessarily referring to the days she disappears completely and goes radio silent, although these are definitely extreme examples. It's more that she doesn't really seem to feel the need to socialize much outside of what she gets on stream and from other work-related stuff like recordings and dance lessons or the occasional outing with her friends (dinner, escape rooms, game center etc.). She has a lot of interests that are best enjoyed alone like watching anime and reading manga and she is more of a solo player in games. I don't think she would want us to feel sad for her, in the end, that's just the way she chooses to live her life and she generally seems happy this way. She does seem a little wistful about the way she is at times, such as during the other Tsubooji stream a couple of months ago where she talked about the way she lives her life, but it doesn't seem as though that it is something that actively bothers her or that she is depressed about or anything if you know what I mean, it seemed more like a momentary thing. If anything, I'm glad she that with Hololive, she was able to find an arrangement that allows her to split her time pretty evenly between very social and having ample time alone as well. She admitted herself that she can be pretty good at communication and stuff, it's just not something she necessarily seeks out by herself, so it seems to me that the opportunities she gets by streaming help her come out of her shell a little more than she would otherwise. I'm glad that she feels so passionate about it all and that her friendship with her colleagues is very important to her and that she established important bonds with them, even if she doesn't spend all that much time outside of work with them.
Goodbye, friends!
Salad bar!