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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63360183 No.63360183 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain to me why are male vtubers (especially western ones) walking yab machines and so beta that they make women look like the superior sex?

>> No.63360286

>so beta that they make women look like the superior sex
Because women can get away with it more.

>> No.63360296

not this one

>> No.63360509

Good male streamers become fleshtubers. Only losers and idiots become male chuubas.

>> No.63360799

Proper men dont stream. Vtuber or not.

>> No.63361020

They are androgeneous sexclowns for entitled vapid cunts.

>> No.63362040
Quoted by: >>63371845

They're not. There's just a legion of retards nitpicking everything male vtubers say and blowing it up to absurdity

>> No.63363460

A man that becomes a vtuber is a man that was not charismatic or intelligent enough to be successful as a fleshtuber.

>> No.63363785

Why do you use /vt/ to fish for validation of your own opinions?

>> No.63364128

Male vtubers are for female coomers, fleshtubers already existed for brotubers, so any male vtuber that don't do BFE are just retards, and you can't expect retards to not yab.

>> No.63364224

ITT: we pretend female vtubers have never had any drama or yabs in the history of vtubing

>> No.63364283

>Why do men express their opinions?

>> No.63364314
Quoted by: >>63371143

women mature faster than men
you know how hags are great, well ojisans are gods among men assuming they matured normally

>> No.63364341

>Posts a whore

>> No.63364633
Quoted by: >>63366213

Male streamers are already the bottom of the barrel of the genepool, they are the modern street beggar but have an opportunity to connect with a common interest or be the "weird uncle" to an audience.
Now consider the male Vtuber, a beggar who explicitly puts on a mask of an effeminate fag, completely willingly.

>> No.63365128

I'm sure you would be an extremely alpha male vtuber anon

>> No.63366213

Hold the fuck up, male vtubers suck, but there’s nothing wrong with male flesh streamers. If you literally only watch women you’re probably a tranny.

>> No.63366928
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>> No.63367020
Quoted by: >>63368174

I'd rather watch male vtubers than xQc or some shit

>> No.63368174

>the only male streamers are xQc

>> No.63368490

Most of the male content creators who use 2D/3D avatars don't consider themselves vtubers, and a lot of the ones who do take heavy inspiration from NijiEN which is yab incarnate. Maybe if more original male content creators who use 2D/3D avatars considered themselves vtubers, then balance would be restored.

>> No.63368663

>Have a legion of SEAmonkeys with no job nitpicking every single thing you say to the point of watching your streams so they can be the first to post on the catalog for good boy points from their fellow schizos
I’ve yet to see a yab from one of the male vtubers you guys are obsessed with have any real longterm effects or actually matter to anyone who’s not a subhuman. Actually some of the Vox yabs were kinda crazy I guess.

>> No.63369535

There definitely have been a few yabs, but it kinda feels like everyone here got mindbroken by luxiem and was unable to ever trust m*les again.

>> No.63370004

Most of them weren't anywhere near as bad as the worst yabs from female vtubers anyway

>> No.63370130

Men are the most mentally ill. Just look anywhere on this board for a perfect example.

>> No.63371143
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sausage fingers with gray hairs on them typed this post

>> No.63371375

Because men watch women, meaning they can say based shit while only trannies watch men, meaning they can only say faggy shit.

>> No.63371388

Fingerhair is the new meta

>> No.63371734
Quoted by: >>63374105

In Japan there's an actual male equivalent to idols. Most the JP vtubers adhere to that code. Obviously you have outliers, but they tend to avoid using fujobait models to avoid attracting that audience in the first place.

In the west, you have nothing like that. Then you have the fact most top male flesh streamers are the modern equivalent of shock jocks; people that go out of their way to be as obnoxious as possible. Most western male vtubers are going to emulate that because it's all they know.

>> No.63371845

This. And also female vtubers. There's very few proper yabs.

>> No.63372523

because only mentally ill males want to become vtubers, while for females you can have simply shy girls want in

>> No.63373677

Women are forgiven for being weird and menhera. If anything, its a plus.

>> No.63373855
Quoted by: >>63374110

You can watch your weird beggar friend, just know what he is and his place in society.
I have even groomed a couple and befriended them until they got a real job and married and no longer have time to hang out

>> No.63373976

Until the last part you were making sense. Now you just sound like a tranny

>> No.63374105

The only male idols that are successful in Japan is Johnny's, which was created by an American fag who casting couch fucked all the boy idols and used his media influence to bury it all until it was uncovered in the last few years, prompting them to change their name.
The West is closer to having male idols with boy bands

>> No.63374110

Anon you’re just gay or a pedo

>> No.63374226

We live in a world where ugly guys can become normal streamers and have a good audience that enjoys them beyond their appearance, if you are the type of guy that wants to be some cute anime boy there must be something wrong with you, most times these dudes have a ''I am the anime protagonist of the universe'' mentality

>> No.63374825

yeah, you from the near future

>> No.63376124

Because you are projecting your own insecurities and problems onto them to avoid confronting the fact that you are a terminal loser with no future. The qualities we hate most in others are really the things we hate most about ourselves.

>> No.63376555

I genuinely can't remember a single truly yabworthy thing since Rushia's meltdown. Everyone here just blows shit out of the water either for (You)s or out of some desire to say "I WAS THERE!!!! WHEN THAT GUY DID THAT CRAZY THING???!!! I WAS TTTHHHHEEEERRRRRREEEEE PUT ME IN THE SCREENCAP!!!!" Some Nijinigger pissed off a couple of Gooks? Nothing burger. A Holohomo decided to self appoint himself a Holotori? Who cares? New bitch embarrassed herself by not knowing any of Suisei's song names? Whatever. Literal who indie did literal who cares what? Fuck off. No wonder everyone sees this board as nothing but rejects seeing their one opportunity to be the gossiping highschool cool kids they were bullied by in their youth. You're all nothing but middle aged women arguing over whose husband makes more money or loves them more.

>> No.63376622

EN male corpo tubers are hired by women. There's no consideration of quality, qualifications, company profit, or what viewers might enjoy. They hire menhera faggots because that's who they want to hang out and gossip with. They bond over sucking at their jobs and annoying everybody.

>> No.63376724

they are literally (you) who made it.

>> No.63379970
Quoted by: >>63385988

Because your entire opinion of them is based on selection bias, catalog bait, and spending too much time on an image board that worships a single isolationist corporation and hates the wider vtuber sphere and the main platform they hang out on.

>> No.63384000
Quoted by: >>63386193

they just have to keep their heads down, i don't get it

>> No.63384011


>> No.63384564

>the superior sex
thanks for the laugh

>> No.63385448

Being a male vtuber is like a man wearing makeup, it will always be clown behavior

>> No.63385988


>> No.63386193

Keeping your head down means you stay a literal who.

>> No.63386202

Recent dramas convinced me that males were definitely a mistake in vtubing. I want none of those predators/groomers near any chuuba.

>> No.63386327
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>> No.63386384

Incels actually believe this.

>> No.63386531

You know there's more to vtubing than just streaming, right? Why are all of you just assuming that vtuber = streamer?

>> No.63387052
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>walking yab machines

The worst thing I have seen, a western male vtuber doing was
>Quitting their company in amicable terms
>Complain about their managers and company
>Being a SJW or pro LGTBQ+
>Being a retard

Meanwhile, western female vtubers
>Cheat on their husband
>Stolen thousands of dollars from donations for a charity
>Stolen thousands of dollars for coworkers
>Manipulate people to take loans for them
>Stolen thousands of dollars from merch that wasn't delivered
>Emotional and physical abuse, their partners
>Doxxing their whole company
>Killing animals
>Breaking terms of their contracts after debut and being fired
>Stir up drama for interaction
>Faking illness to take vacations or for donations
>Doing drugs on stream
>Offering sex for the top donors
>Talking about how much they want to rape kids
>Discussing the prime age for having sex with kids
>Sexual harassing and abusing coworkers

And the list go on and on

>> No.63388520

they don't have to be as careful, since fewer people watch them.

>> No.63388628

AIIIIIIIIIIEEEE delete this right now, it doesn;t fit the narrative
male chuubas bad because males

>> No.63388871

>Killing animals
Quick rundown?

>> No.63390255

You're not supposed to point out reality in male vtuber hate threads on the catalog...

>> No.63390536

