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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.63340252


>> No.63340264
Quoted by: >>63340575

He is so brave...

>> No.63340266

Thank God he's a flop

>> No.63340323

I know several EN male vtubers who are cunny fiends, it'll be funny if he collabs with them

>> No.63340335
Quoted by: >>63340478

shotasisters it's unironically so fucking over...

>> No.63340343

So he used loli to become popular and changed his tune when it become a bad look to the larger internet? Not sure you know what Nyanners did to annoy people so much.

>> No.63340383

Wait, we got new Holostars? When?

>> No.63340432

Maybe I'll give this one a chance

>> No.63340450
File: 210 KB, 1500x1500, 121547656780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And who's proudly said on stream they will SEXUALIZE lolis?

>> No.63340461

He got ugly eyes

>> No.63340478

i am no longer a shotacon i am no longer a shotacon I AM NO LONGER A SHOTACON

>> No.63340480

Now I wonder if his artist had done anything like that before

>> No.63340487


>> No.63340514


>> No.63340517


>> No.63340532

some one needs to talk about final fantasy 14 lalafells it stunlocks all wow fags

>> No.63340544


>> No.63340545
Quoted by: >>63340593

There are new holsters?!?

>> No.63340546


>> No.63340547

Nyanners was making pedosongs tho
This guy can't compare

>> No.63340554

Holy shit, I can't believe the fag is gay. A homo, even.

>> No.63340575

I dare say his willingness to speak truth to power was stunning even. I kneel.

>> No.63340584


>> No.63340593
Quoted by: >>63340820

yes didnt you see all the drama with the trex guy? tell me you haven't forgotten already about them all

>> No.63340603
Quoted by: >>63343537

That indeed is a bigger question.
It probably is from one of the many Stars antis here tryna cancel even just one of em but they horrifically failed. And now are spinning the response...into this thread.

>> No.63340616


>> No.63340625
File: 3.06 MB, 3759x2957, 1700776652411929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63341594

fuck lolis

>> No.63340628

en is shit as always. nothing good comes from en trash as a branch.

these americanised globohomo assholes always egomaniacally want to make a divisive statement.

>> No.63340649

Loli is not age
It is body type dumbass

>> No.63340656


>> No.63340676
Quoted by: >>63340748

then wouldn't it just be called petite

>> No.63340691
File: 55 KB, 703x709, 1683762233515522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean he's not going around calling Marine and Matsuri pedophiles so why should I care if a guy doesn't like cunny? That'd be like getting pissed that someone doesn't like rape hentai.

>> No.63340693

Not lolis, but I'm pretty sure a lot of the femae JP's are shotacons

>> No.63340694


>> No.63340702

Like 75% of Hololive are lolicons and shotacons

>> No.63340748

They are, by normalfags in denial

>> No.63340796

You are being too reasonable here, get out of this board.

>> No.63340798

The guy is just not into lolis. He likes manly men and strong women.
Besides, he's trying to keep his streams/personal clean, and I appreciated it. I don't watch a bro to hear about dicks or lolis.

>> No.63340820

huh, I thought those were new nijis

>> No.63340826

Thankfully his opinion is as valuable as his career.

>> No.63340825


So he like big tits? Based again.

>> No.63340830


>> No.63340863
Quoted by: >>63341018

Because Lolicons are desperately trying to become normalized. And go full nuclear seethe if you're not one of them or say you're not a fan of it.
It's furries but WORSE

>> No.63340867

If the T-rex come out as a lolicon /vt/ will do a 180° on him

>> No.63340865


>> No.63340876

normal people dont use the word "sexualise". this monkey is another braindead woke ideologue.

>> No.63340879

MAP rights! Cancel this pedophobic bigot.

>> No.63340905


>> No.63340911

No he's not. He's just vanilla and doeasn't want anything to do with that stuff.

>> No.63340923
Quoted by: >>63341021

>male Nyanners.
More like male Kronii. She freaked out about the age of fictional characters on stream and then backpedaled a bit when someone pointed out that her beloved Holo from Spice and Wolf is hundreds of years older than the guy.

>> No.63340943

Sisters try to hide it, but Fatgur said he was okay with lolis in his debut stream.

>> No.63340964

Shigure Ui.

>> No.63340984

Ha what a fag no wonder homostars are a failed branch

>> No.63340988

Are you not aware of the witch hunt of """pedos""" or are you just pretending to be dense?

>> No.63341018

Yes and society can't oppress us any longer. End pedo apartheid.
Love is love. Born this way. MAP rights are human rights.

>> No.63341019
File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, cute and funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63341021

Unfortunately, otaku culture is a thing.

>> No.63341022
File: 20 KB, 400x400, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knife holding knife.

>> No.63341035

no hes a puritanical woke cunt. what normie gives a fuck about cartoon characters and its "sexualizations". these christcuck-y puritans are 100% morally highly biased.

>> No.63341067

>Leftoids are the REAL Christians.

>> No.63341086
Quoted by: >>63341285

>puritanical woke cunt.
can puritanical woke cunts play blizzard games or has bliz paid their debts to blm

>> No.63341099

Chad of chads. Man among man. No one is free until lolicons are free.

>> No.63341104

Being an EN male he pretty much has to say that.
He is not gonna be treated as a JP female for saying the opposite.

>> No.63341113
File: 87 KB, 680x383, 20231126_100127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, one of the 4 forbidden actions condemned by the twitter puritans

>> No.63341147
Quoted by: >>63345819

Kuro went on stream the other day and ranted about how caring about fictional characters' ages is dumb
I can't imagine him collabing with this guy anytime soon

>> No.63341160

This specifically not that though

>> No.63341249

Didnt Bae freaked out because of the age of the characters in sailor moon?
The girls arent any better

>> No.63341251
File: 73 KB, 1148x781, 1689923831879882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just wants to stay out of trouble. Stars shouldn't be hornybaiting anyways. Imagine if stars just went UOOOH CUNNY it would be over for them. What the fuck are you expecting from them?

>> No.63341285

this monkey will say "offensive" or something. "sexualisation" already connotes "there are victimz of it" "morally wrong". its nothing but puritan. its a western christcuck-oriented high moral standard so many westerners like you are hardly selfaware of it.

>> No.63341296

sounds like a sad existence as a male to constantly walk on eggshells. I'd rather just be an indie or a fleshstreamer

>> No.63341306
File: 1.50 MB, 1800x1800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone wants the tweet

>> No.63341317
Quoted by: >>63341587

I am sure plenty of the hologirls are not actively into loli either but point out one who has done the
>UM these drawing are actually CHILDREN it's wrong to sexualise them
spiel on stream? Once again the homos just prove that women are apparently far better at keeping the moral grandstanding away from their streams, also understanding the larger company they are working under and having a modicum of self awareness.

Delivering the western vtweeter anti loli talking points is whilst working under cover is fucking retarded. Worse than blue homo, he brought politics into it with support the cause but saying you support trannies isn't going to upset many people outside of here at the end of the day.

>> No.63341327
File: 320 KB, 2013x1058, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63341337

Matsuri x2

>> No.63341345

maybe just stfu ?

>> No.63341346

then evade it instead of giving ammunition to attack the people in the company that like lolis

>> No.63341359
File: 247 KB, 1500x1800, 1675354868103835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irrelevant 2view says something on twitter
>this is suddenly deserving of a thread

>> No.63341379

Bullshit, you didn't watch the clip. The shitposter was lying. She wasn't "freaked out" like Lronii was the other day. She said the characters looked younger in the old cartoon (matching their canonical ages) and simply look older in the new cartoon and not that one was bad for doing so. She has also said that ficitonal characters in a romance can have any age differemce, it doesn't matter culturally to the Japanese who made the fictional work and to accept it at face value.

>> No.63341407

I looked up this stream and it doesn't even say that you stupid fuck.

>> No.63341436
Quoted by: >>63341582

Enlighten us, nobody watches homos /here/.

>> No.63341443

It's amusing how often guys like this turn out to be IRL pedos?

>> No.63341462
Quoted by: >>63341582

see >>63341306

>> No.63341463
Quoted by: >>63341582

>first reply louder for the people in the back
Dire. These are the people the homos bring in. That's two utterly shit tier hires now.
He says it word for word.

>> No.63341477

the timestamp and stream is right there anon

>> No.63341482
Quoted by: >>63341610

This board will attack them for any possible reason because of the eternal seethe that they're not getting paid to do their job.
The "WILL FUCK THE GIRLS!!" Narrative comes entirely from projection of what they'd do if they were them.
So they need to find any possible ammo.

>> No.63341525

>men do it, women do it, non-binary people do it
ok this homo is pure SJW

>> No.63341544

>Listen to statement in context. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGNbm3KGt7w
>Says the art of Wakfu was a little too sexual for his taste, but he still likes it.
>Says basically the same thing about the show, and adds emphasis that some of those characters were children.
>Someone says the thing in OP's image
>Says HE'S not sexualizing fictional children. As in, them being fictional doesn't make him interested in sexualizing them, because they're still children.
>Never claims that fictional children have rights, or that loli = pedophilia.
>His opinion remains unclear.
>Retard runs to /vt/ to post it with the most biased interpretation possible.
You are Twitter, desperate for a witch hunt. Don't give a fuck that it's the homos. You can eat shit.

>> No.63341564

A man said he personally doesn't enjoy something? Shocking stuff dude.

>> No.63341582

"Did i watch Wakfu? I did! The show, much like the game, was at times a little too sexualized, specially considering it was i'm pretty sure all a bunch of kids in that show, BUT (Tangent about the final battle)"

>> No.63341587
Quoted by: >>63341813

>Homos just prove that women are appaeently far better at keeping the moral gr-
Dude, none of the homos can even say anything close to that BECAUSE their fanbase are made of women

>> No.63341594

The all-time most severe loli and mommy fiend in Hololive. Wherever she is I wish her good booze, cartoons, hentai, and ERP.

>> No.63341595


>> No.63341610

The truth people here go blind, deaf and mute for.

>> No.63341612
File: 117 KB, 596x447, 1689227780871100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because someone doesn't share your preference it doesn't mean it is some attack on you. Ruze doesn't go out of his way to attack pedolicons.


>> No.63341633
Quoted by: >>63341690

Just keep watching, there is a cut in the clip retard

>> No.63341640


>> No.63341647


>> No.63341652

>Join lolilive sister company
>Hate loli
Shit's more retarded than Altare supporting the cause

>> No.63341671

Regardless of whether Niji or Holo, all EN shit seems to be bound to be a tumblr SJW circlejerk. The ones in Holo EN who can do something productive without being divisive like this discord woke cretin should unironically move to Japan.

>> No.63341680

Most of notable chuubas really

>> No.63341684


>> No.63341690
Quoted by: >>63341706

I watched till' the 20 minute mark. Give a timestamp or stfu

>> No.63341706


>> No.63341745

Ah, must've gone absent minded while watching.
That's stupid as fuck for him to say.

>> No.63341759
Quoted by: >>63341858

Bae sang lolikami live at NYC while in her cunny form, try again

>> No.63341793

Ui mama

>> No.63341813
Quoted by: >>63342030

Just say nothing, it's that easy for fucks sake. Like I said the chances all the girls are into loli is close to zero but they keep it to themselves and hold themselves back from the virtue signalling. They are working under a Japanese company with multiple loli chuubas and plenty of talents who do sexualise them. Have some self awareness and if you are the type of person to truly believe lewd loli art=children=wrong to the point of sounding as bothered by the "they are fictional comment" as he did why even apply to work at cover?
Damage control, he was worked up about it and clearly has strong feelings.

>> No.63341835

Yesterday I thought the guy was funny, one last chance for a brotuber and there goes all my interest, welp that didn't last very long.
Time to go back to my wife.

>> No.63341840

as expected of cover

>> No.63341858

A shitty clickbait thumbnail is all it takes to trick people these days. Nobody watches the clip but believes they know what the content is because thumbnail implies it.

>> No.63341944
File: 2 KB, 122x125, 1668950299031676s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In his second stream after debut he said that he doesn't really like anime
this guy is pretty dumb in general
seems like your typical grifter jumping on the vtuber bandwagon

>> No.63341971


>> No.63341984

You guys remember how FWMC sang Loli Kami Requiem in an open booth during convention and got few hundred people doing the chants?

>> No.63342013

listen to me
just listen
have you seen the state of nijisanij EN?

>> No.63342014

Jurard's yabs were retarded and funny. This is not. Those of you who take something like this at face value are part of the problem. personal preferences or not whatever, this is proof guy is at best an ironic weeb and at worst a woketard.

>> No.63342018

It's okay if a woman does it.

>> No.63342030
File: 140 KB, 478x346, 1656742973350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but he's right. You're exactly the same as some twittard spamming "trans rights" and getting pissed at anything that's not affirming your mental illness.

>> No.63342035

>i dont like sexualisation of characters that dont have any say in it

here if you want to kill some braincells while he talks about sexualisation https://youtu.be/FGNbm3KGt7w?t=1388

>> No.63342070

i woudve had a problem if he said that anyone who likes it are pedos.
but this is just an opinion although applying the concept of age to a drawing is stupid its whatever.

>> No.63342077
Quoted by: >>63342455

so its rape?

>> No.63342079

Guess what lolicons.
You're not mainstream and never will be mainstream.
You're worse than the furries


>> No.63342085

kek, does he want the character to look at the screen and say "I allow you to masturbate to me"?

>> No.63342092
Quoted by: >>63342232

>itt bored anons
why does it matter what some guy says

>> No.63342110

>what does oshi mean i thought it was good streamer

>> No.63342113

>non binary
he is just making it worse

>> No.63342135

4pedos hate him because he told the truth

>> No.63342140 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 680x265, 1673462697934101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says he's anti-loli
>says he hates anime
How long before it's revealed he's a child groomer?


>> No.63342162

>I don't like sexualization on characters that don't have a say in it (???)
Anime characters designed for titillation is WRONG.
Yeah this guy is vtweeter tier and your weak projection is not going to work he fucking sucks.

>> No.63342170
Quoted by: >>63342526

Nah, he said he liked character-centric anime rather than story-centric since he finds the world-building in story-centric anime to almost always be sup-par. Like, he enjoyed Mushishi for instance.

>> No.63342175

Holostars continues being a blight on vtubing

>> No.63342210
File: 1.24 MB, 944x1157, toya_loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63342220

MAP doesn't mean child groomer

>> No.63342222

damn thats one long archive

>> No.63342232

>t. the guy from OP

>> No.63342252

It's a guy who cares?

>> No.63342255
File: 286 KB, 1422x798, cover9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont even know who the hell this is...

>> No.63342264
Quoted by: >>63342348

Literally who and why does it matter what he says?

>> No.63342267

double based, anime sucks now

>> No.63342273

mutts are cringe. breaking kayfabe hard for this.

>> No.63342291
Quoted by: >>63342327

>minor attracted person
it is quite literally a pedofile

>> No.63342310

140 posts so far and nobody wrote his name yet

>> No.63342315


>> No.63342327

It doesn't mean they're a groomer, or a pedophile. It just means they're attracted to children.

>> No.63342334

its probably that OP and the twitter clipper are the same person, coming here to stir shit for some ragebait views.

>> No.63342338

You think people watch holostars

>> No.63342348
Quoted by: >>63342437

coz he is in holo and cover is bringing in retards that are going to attract the worse of twitards

>> No.63342373

Ruse Cruise

>> No.63342379
Quoted by: >>63342404

Huh, he's actually based.

>> No.63342382

holy fucking based archive

>> No.63342381
Quoted by: >>63342760

Being a virtue signalling bandwagoner is cringe and weak.

>> No.63342390

oreo mcvampire?

>> No.63342397

woke cretins and discord troons are defending this monkey in full force. that says it all.

>> No.63342404

#cut4hex sister

>> No.63342409

Damn he went mask off. He did grow up on homestuck and its tumblr community so its no wonder but he felt so offended about the topic that he exploded.

>> No.63342425
File: 991 KB, 2048x1426, lolilive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63342977


>> No.63342424
File: 603 KB, 1180x910, 1684789098626543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus what shit covered alley in San Francisco did Cover pull this guy out of?

>> No.63342437
File: 42 KB, 602x316, main-qimg-1942ba6422f706b48cb1de43e3656c3a-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63342584

i've never heard its name or seen its face, its not in holo. maybe its in stars or some shit, i still dont know who the fuck this is.

>> No.63342455
File: 153 KB, 1577x986, 1663796096416104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a rapist this entire time?

>> No.63342471
Quoted by: >>63342519

I suggest anons here write to cover and demand for his graduation.

>> No.63342476

Well if someone says to me that they are attracted to actual childrens then I am going to assume they are a pedofile, but then again if someone isn't acting on these attractions then it's not a problem.

>> No.63342488

> I mean he's not going around calling Marine and Matsuri pedophiles
Blue fag already "supported the cause" and ruined the ability to play Hogwarts for all the EN girls by association.
People who can't distinguish reality and fiction tend to be the type that polices the morals of others.

>> No.63342519

We dont even know why Vesper and Magni got terminated but it would take that level of yab to get removed from holostars
This is minor irrelevant shit

>> No.63342526

>i'm not an idol
>i'm not versed on idol culture
>i'm not super versed in anime or manga
>i watched like a few blablabla
seems like a typical grifter

>> No.63342537

>Just because someone doesn't share your preference it doesn't mean it is some attack on you
I see that you're new to this bullshit, and maybe SEA unfamiliar with the state of American culture, so I'll explain. For some people, it is, no exaggeration, believed to be morally incumbent upon radical progressives in America to vocally support progressive causes, and if someone does not, they're assumed to be an enemy, and you should therefore undermine them on all levels, such as slandering them and/or getting them fired. If that sounds fucking insane and paranoid of me to say, you're right to think so. But that's what's going on. And that IS an attack on what I love, IF such a person is currently in the ranks of Cover. They will intentionlly get chuubas I love fired, including others within Stars. Therefore, identifying such people is not only necessary, but a practical and moral duty for people of all political stances, even if they agree with the stances of the bad actor, because it inherently lowers trust among social groups, and destabilizes structures of all kinds, including businesses. The issue here is that /vt/ is /vt/, so there's no way in hell that it's going to be fair to Ruze if he isn't such a person.

>> No.63342577


this is his artist mama btw


>> No.63342584
Quoted by: >>63343056

Obviously it's in stars from the new gen.
Homos aren't holos but they are still under cover, and the community outside of hololive very much wants them to be the same thing so they can please their own massive fucking ego.
Point is that this retard might bring trouble to the girls (the "homofanbase" are people who don't actually watch the holos or homos but don't hesitate to shit on the girls.

>> No.63342598


>> No.63342620


Have you not been paying attention for the last decade or something?

>> No.63342639

Based nonbinary acknowledger. He's just not living in the stone age despite his outfit

>> No.63342648

Its about the fanbase he cultivates

>> No.63342670

Don't worry i take permission from every character i sexualise

>> No.63342683
Quoted by: >>63342752

that might be one of the ugliest models i've ever seen, my word

>> No.63342687
Quoted by: >>63342929

>holostars fanbase


>> No.63342692

How is it a projection?
He keeps saying "I don't" or "I'm not" you're projecting onto him when all he's doing is just putting out what he thinks. It's retarded to to put forth a stagement like
>sexualization of characters that don't have a say in it
but that's just him and you can ignore it because he's not going out and calling you and his coworkers pedophiles.

>> No.63342704

>draw the horny character characters left and right
>get hired to illustrate a vtuber on the biggest company in the market
>turn out the guy don't even appreciate your work and you're a "wrong" person


>> No.63342705

this is the funniest thing, he must be a major twittard.

>> No.63342712

Oh no did Bhima give her consent?

>> No.63342736

First vtuber to cancel his mama incoming

>> No.63342742

Anon those are men not lolis

>> No.63342752

even worse than the Vesper/Magni models?

>> No.63342757
Quoted by: >>63343918

Artist doesn't draw loli though. She draws men who can consent to sex.

>> No.63342760
Quoted by: >>63342883

stating your preferences when asked is completely normal

>> No.63342773

More than half of the Hololive girls

>> No.63342776
Quoted by: >>63342805

Why is he saying lolis instead of shotas? I'm assuming most of his audience is female?

>> No.63342805

probably had some male viewers given it was fucking WoW

>> No.63342804

Anyways, from my hate watching that VOD on 2x speed he seems to be a good dude if he wasnt tumblr/twitter poisoned. Sad that he got poisoned but he has to go so I am going to anti the fuck out of him.
He had a long monologue about hating looking for group and fast travelling in MMOs which was based

>> No.63342820

prettyyyyyy sure half the hololive (jp,en,id)

>> No.63342830

imagine if someone said "I'm not going to romantize gay people" or "I'm not going to sexualize transexuals"
do you have any idea how does it sounds like?
there's plenty of ways to comunicate that and he picked one that people does not use when talking about preferences

>> No.63342835 [SPOILER] 
File: 264 KB, 1254x1989, F5SP1yRaYAAyjuX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scares the grifter.

>> No.63342856
Quoted by: >>63342888

Why does he do that voice?

>> No.63342883
Quoted by: >>63343049

>when asked

>> No.63342888
Quoted by: >>63343087

it's his natural voice

>> No.63342895

I would worry more about the poison inside you.

>> No.63342897
File: 653 KB, 832x1080, Flare Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this girl for sure

>> No.63342907
Quoted by: >>63343813

> Says HE'S not sexualizing fictional children. As in, them being fictional doesn't make him interested in sexualizing them, because they're still children.
> Never claims that fictional children have rights, or that loli = pedophilia.
One follows the other anon, even if he doesn't explicitly claim to be so.

>> No.63342919
Quoted by: >>63343067

You actually put fucking children on the same level as two consenting adults?
>But its ficitonal
Doesn't mean we have to love it like you do.

>> No.63342926

Who hasn't

>> No.63342929

come on anon your better than that

>> No.63342977

It's your projection because In the post you replied to I said he should keep his divisive opinions to himself when working under cover (not that he was wrong to have his own opinions) and you called that tranny tier when he is the one actually airing the anti loli invective on stream it doesn't matter if he frames it as his opinion it's a remarkably dumb culture war fight to give oxygen and airtime to consider the company he works at. >>63342425
All the girls understand this, why don't the men?

>> No.63343001

Asking to be better in a fucking catalog thread. KEKW is the only appropriate response.

>> No.63343047
File: 469 KB, 1920x1382, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owari da...

>> No.63343049
Quoted by: >>63343168

preferring pedos to fuck off is a preference. also i asked.

>> No.63343056
File: 179 KB, 1600x901, l-intro-1659123117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63343130

i still dont know who this is....

>> No.63343067
Quoted by: >>63343255

my point is, he's not talking he's not into that
he's saying that liking lolis is pedophilia

>> No.63343087
Quoted by: >>63343173

It's definitely not but he probably has zoomers fooled

>> No.63343095

You can't try to argue with this without acknowledging that YOU started to project your views onto him first. If you want to go off of what you feel like he's saying, then go ahead.

>> No.63343113

Would you believe it? Another Mori!

>> No.63343114

Where do they find such faggots
Why can't they just hire normal people

>> No.63343118

he definitely supports the cause

>> No.63343123

> Never claims that fictional children have rights, or that loli = pedophilia.
Sister... see >>63342162
> characters
> that don't have a say in it
He implies that characters have the right to be sexual or not sexual, he's gone waaay past that mark and is now thinking in terms of fictional characters being REAL PEOPLE.

>> No.63343127

>homo-antis take the side of nijisanji

>> No.63343130

Beats me, I dunno who this is either

>> No.63343142
Quoted by: >>63343280

>nooo you can't say that heckin word on 4chan that's unbased!!!
kill yourself

>> No.63343161

If we're talking about chuubas as a characters than they actually can have a say in it but I'm pretty sure he's talking about character art

>> No.63343168

You will never be a real woman, but you will always remain a virtue signalling child-groomer it seems.

>> No.63343167
Quoted by: >>63343356

He's probably saying fictional characters have rights because he doesn't want to be shipped and sexualized

>> No.63343172

> He keeps saying "I don't" or "I'm not"
He's part of a company anon. His opinions are the opinions of a corporate talent, and saying this shit publicly implicitly means that the corporation supports him saying it.
And when this corporation grew into what they are now because of them staying well the fuck AWAY from politics and controversial topics in general, it's not a good sign for the fans when they see this type of shit being condoned.

>> No.63343173
Quoted by: >>63343261

His PL talked exactly like that for way longer. I'm inclined to believe it's his natural voice since forcing that kind of voice for so long would ruin your throat.

>> No.63343191


>> No.63343194

>this is it we finally have a brotuber for the bros
How are you fags feeling now?

>> No.63343207

out of ten

>> No.63343221
File: 168 KB, 1507x423, the gen of yabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gen of yabs
I wonder what the other 2 will pull off

>> No.63343254
Quoted by: >>63343408

Disingenuous posts. JPs can like that stuff since their culture is different, it's fine for them. Don't equate JP holos and EN homos when it suits your forced narrative. I want to see any EN say out loud the opposite of what this homo said and see how it'll turn out.

>> No.63343255

What circlejerk? He didn't go on a 5 minute rant about loli=bad. He didn't lecture us about it on twitter either. He just said he's not into it while responding to some ontopic comments in chat. This is a nothingburger. The only circlejerk I'm seeing is this thread

When did he say that?

>> No.63343258


>> No.63343259
Quoted by: >>63343458

It literally does. Somebody who just gets hard over fantasies about children is just called a healthy normal male. Somebody who makes it their public identity is already acting on their intention to groom and rape children. Lots of people fantasize about being serial killers too, but they don't come up with cutesy ways to make it seem child-friendly because they don't have an ultimate goal of needing the consent of society around them to indulge.

>> No.63343261

Of course

>> No.63343266

I don't see any problem with this unless he starts calling other members pedophiles, he's just saying what his preferences are, don't know why anons are trying to spin this into some /pol/ tier drama.

>> No.63343281
Quoted by: >>63343351

This is exactly how a flesh brotuber is like though.

.t juicer

>> No.63343280

how original

>> No.63343299

im holding out for the green gay nigga. he seems like he just wants to stay in his lane and have fun, but he did say that one of his oshis was Vesper (just like the homo in OP enjoyed the guy too) so I have my guard up.

>> No.63343306
Quoted by: >>63343400

Pretty good, he's based af and blowing out the pedos. Judging by how mad everyone is in this thread he's getting some good rent free energy in too.

>> No.63343315

>/pol/ tier drama
So still really fucking retarded

>> No.63343320
Quoted by: >>63343436

kinda weird when your company's biggest star is a loli (and a lolicon)

>> No.63343327
File: 363 KB, 434x418, 1690144381449462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the Cause is supported.

>> No.63343351

juicer would never

>> No.63343356

No one other than antis treats VTubers as NOT PEOPLE ffs.
And if it's with respect to his own image, he should specify that.
He's implying that fictional characters are real and have rights and personalities and shit, this is the exact sort of brainrot that caused people to leave other entertainment media and watch hololive in the first place.

>> No.63343363

>Don't know why anons are spinning this into a drama
This is 4chan
And people hate homos, cover has done a good job at turning the girls fanbase on them.

>> No.63343370

How is this a yab? He just shit on pedos. Nobody outside of sex offenders thinks this is a yab...

>> No.63343390

Ah a "male feminist" fighting for fictional character rights. Wonder how many real children he's groomed.

Shut the fuck up instead.

>> No.63343398

Weebs living in their own circle and don't know majority bro streamers find anime stuff cringe kek.

>> No.63343400
File: 3.76 MB, 2004x2806, cny18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63343408

>JPs can like that stuff since their culture is different, it's fine for them
We don't want any of the "culture" your homos are trying to attract to EN thanks very much.
What's disingenuous is you framing it as either being twitter tier anti loli or going full
when as already explained there is a third option which is to just keep your opinions to yourself and gatekeep the nonsense culture war fights out of holo, this is the option every non retarded talent has taken by the way. It's literally only two of your homos who have ever broken this rule.

>> No.63343435
Quoted by: >>63343481

The guy is as inoffensive and vanilla as it gets, if you're gonna anti him just because he isn't a lolicon you're a faggot. He's just a bro, dude, leave him alone.
Also the voice is obviously his "streamer voice" - as in not his natural voice, but comfortable enough to use for hours on end.

>> No.63343436

He doesn't give a fuck about the hololive side, he NO WAY FAG'd hard when people suggested him to raid Shiori

>> No.63343453

>"I personally don't like lolis"
Lmao, only on /vt/

>> No.63343456

His fanbase is going to virtue signal whenever they think the girls are being "weird" get ready for that

>> No.63343458
Quoted by: >>63344120

>Somebody who makes it their public identity is already acting on their intention
you're just assuming shit now
say you like a fictional serial killer and nobody will give a shit
say you like a fictional pedo and people will get you killed
see how things are different?
they want to be treated normal, I want too.

>> No.63343476

He's just being smart. Women can unironically get away with it, men can not.

>> No.63343481

there are no vtuber bros

>> No.63343493
File: 791 KB, 800x840, gurass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need a reminder on who the top dogs in hololive are

>> No.63343494
Quoted by: >>63343557

>Not hololive
>Sister problem
>Don't care

>> No.63343501
Quoted by: >>63343774

you forgot to watch the clip anon

>> No.63343522

who are you quoting?

>> No.63343523
File: 149 KB, 850x534, 1697033978134530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63343558

damn straight

>> No.63343537

Faggot detected, back to r*ddit with you

>> No.63343544

He has to go.

>> No.63343557

the only based post

>> No.63343558

crop the image to only include the left one
the middle one doesnt stream and the right one fucked off to twitch

>> No.63343599

Am I supposed to know who this is, or to give any fuck about what this faggot says? Good for him if he likes it or not I guess.

>> No.63343603

being attracted to children makes you a pedophile anon you are so retarded oh my god... no matter how many different names you come up with MAP lolicon it's all the same shit

>> No.63343608

What does that have to do with his personal preferences?

>> No.63343627

anon? gura is on the left
shion is middle

>> No.63343640
File: 292 KB, 1369x531, asf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the middle one doesnt stream
>the left one....does?

>> No.63343646
Quoted by: >>63344463

no way my husband made it to the catalog for shitting on pedophiles

>> No.63343670
Quoted by: >>63343693

That's like the most neutral take an old person make, so what making you so angry?

>> No.63343693
Quoted by: >>63343734

normalfaggots don't belong in vtubing

>> No.63343698
Quoted by: >>63343723

Someone ask his opinion on transing children

>> No.63343712
Quoted by: >>63344009

>I'm not into furry stuff or loli.
>I'm gonny stay in my lane and not bother the girls.
>I'm not having smegma talk in my streams, not even if it's a collab.
>I'm just a bro wanting to play games and try this idol thing.
How can you hate my bro? I don't get it.

>> No.63343723

He's already voiced positivity about trans

>> No.63343722

every single girl in hololive has said that methinks

>> No.63343730

He is based for being honest and admitting that, better than the streamers who pretend to be into weeb aspects but has surface knowledge only.

>> No.63343733
File: 321 KB, 1920x1068, 1701008310339129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get permission from fictional characters?

>> No.63343734

too bad vtubing is normiefied thanks to NijiEN

>> No.63343746

So he's a projecting child groomer then. Also proof?

>> No.63343763
Quoted by: >>63344298

>I said he should keep his divisive opinions to himself when working under cover (not that he was wrong to have his own opinions) and you called that tranny tier when he is the one actually airing the anti loli invective on stream
All of this is projection anon. The fact that someone saying "I personally don't like this and this is why I dont like this" is what you consider a divisive opinion is absolutely tranny tier. Even if most of Hololive enjoys nubile cunny flesh and he doesn't, that's not a divisive opinion because nothing he said is directly meant to apply to (you) and is entirely just explaining why he doesn't enjoy cunny. It requires a whole new step forward to then say, "because I think this, everyone else should and you're a bad person if you don't"
People are only making an issue out of it because they're self conscious of the fact that they like cunny and other people don't so it's a divisive statement when in actuality it's just what some guy said and just what some guy thinks.

>> No.63343774
Quoted by: >>63343936

The clip it's literally that anon, HE says he's not into it, he doens't says that liking lolis is wrong and that people should not do it, he stated his preferences and did not even mentioned any other vtuber, he's talking about shows.

>> No.63343776

and playing shooters makes you a serial killer right?

>> No.63343783
Quoted by: >>63343871

He's ok with Bayonetta being sexy because it's empower Bayonetta

>> No.63343796

This thread is just 90% samefagging by a deranged pedolicon who is offended. call me when Ruze starts attacking other members or posting long anti threads on twitter.

>> No.63343795

ENniggers cant help but make everything political and divisive. hololive en was somehow safe from it but not anymore.
itll end up being like niji en and other amerimutt entertainments. i dont know any genre from amerimutt land or the west that is free from woke shit, and holo en will follow suit.

>> No.63343813

That's an absurd leap in logic. Disliking loli doesn't mean you're unable to separate fiction from reality. My stance is based on my own preferences, which are themselves counter-evidence, but I'm assuming you don't want a blog about them. tl;dr, they usually remind me of children even if they're not really children, and that's not sexy. But there are no real children to hurt, so I give zero shits if someone else likes it.

The alternative is to likewise assume that violent video games cause violence, which has been so thoroughly destroyed as a position since the 90s that bringing it up should come at the cost of a slap.

>> No.63343814

by being a mentally ill freak that thinks drawings have human rights

>> No.63343822

you get the AI version of that character to consent

>> No.63343830

>being attracted to children makes you a pedophile
oh shit we got a granny take on vt, this sister is a fucking hag.

>> No.63343838

Is he americans?

>> No.63343853
Quoted by: >>63344309

this is a zoomer take honestly

>> No.63343866

It's been 3 years and the girls haven't done this shit, don't bring them into it.

>> No.63343871
Quoted by: >>63343894

But did the devs get permission from Bayonetta?

>> No.63343894

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.63343910
File: 223 KB, 863x1024, 1677935688524028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63343960

This is how glowies try to recruit their CSAM producers. They will gaslight you to no end. Watch out for posts like these:

>> No.63343915
Quoted by: >>63344291

is he dumb? didnt he watch the documentary about how it's all a ruse exploiting the mentally ill?

>> No.63343918

According to his own logic, those fictional men can't consent to being sexualized, so she's still "bad".

>> No.63343936
Quoted by: >>63344047

When you say something above the lines of “i won’t do this because i think it is immoral”, that’s sort of throwing a jab at people who do enjoy it

>> No.63343952

Does she have a say in her sexualization?

>> No.63343960
Quoted by: >>63343987

I got your IP address watch out nigga

>> No.63343962
Quoted by: >>63344164

As shown here >>63343733 the "leap of logic" is simply pattern recognition.

>> No.63343974

>His opinions are the opinions of a corporate talent, and saying this shit publicly implicitly means that the corporation supports him saying it.
When someone clarifies that their opinion is that of an individual and not the corporation that supports them as in "I think" "I feel", its no longer implicitly supported or at the very least, divorced from the corporation so as to not directly reflect their opinion as a whole.

>> No.63343987

Come to my house so I can blast your head off with a shotgun

>> No.63343985
Quoted by: >>63344658

Haachama, she's kissed a little girl before on the lips.

>> No.63343997

nta but that seems like sarcasm

>> No.63344009

Anyone who joins holostars is subhuman in my eyes, being a mentally ill faggot is a prerequisite to joining, so i have 0 respect for any of their members

>> No.63344026
Quoted by: >>63344164

He clearly can't separate fiction from reality given he needs characters to give "consent".

>> No.63344033
Quoted by: >>63344069

Literally every holo jp has but its okay for them because they're Japanese and can tell the difference between fictional and reality.
There. I said what no one else would tell you, anon.

>> No.63344047

>he's attacking holos I swear guys let's cancel him quick, now's the chance!
I hope one of you downies breaches containment with this one

>> No.63344062
Quoted by: >>63344690

Damn, its worse than I thought. Wakfu is a great show and yet the thing he focuses on is "waaah girl too sexy". Its brainrot.

>> No.63344069
Quoted by: >>63344136

HoloENs have too
Sana was a shota with a """"huge rocket"""" on the april fools stream

>> No.63344102
File: 120 KB, 1024x658, 1675494544997015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63344553

Some of the posts remind me of picrel

>> No.63344103

>MAP doesn't mean child groomer
>defending MAPs

>> No.63344120
Quoted by: >>63344537

>say you like a fictional pedo and people will get you killed
>see how things are different?
Nigga women flock over Hisoka like a fly and it's largely accepted that his attraction to children makes him a pedophile, yea he's attracted to strength and those kids happen to be strong but that doesn't change the fact he gets an erection while beating up a child.

>> No.63344136
Quoted by: >>63344179

No one gives a shit about what HoloEN thinks, anon.
What happens is what JP thinks. And that's what most of the replies are (what with most members being mentioned who like loli are JP)

>> No.63344160

holy fucking YIKES

>> No.63344164
Quoted by: >>63345601

Sure, but he himself is separate from the claim that "one follows the other." You can't make a claim about the logical veracity of a statement on the basis that it happens to be true in one particular case. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

>> No.63344179

*what matters is what JP thinks.

>> No.63344191

This. Why, it may all be a psyop to make shitty threads like this. Affirm, twitter shitstorm. Deny, vt shitstorm.

L either way, induced by one of the many insecure losers here.

>> No.63344198
File: 137 KB, 463x453, 1612368257536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people going "based" on chat

>> No.63344200
Quoted by: >>63344275

imagine if he had said he's ok with it on stream instead
we would have another group of anons shitting on him for that in a thread, and asking for his graduation too

>> No.63344221

this is a stretch

>> No.63344275

Fulgur from nijisanji did that and everyone called him based until the discord leak
Multiple jps do it too

>> No.63344291

Well... His name is literally Ruse so....

>> No.63344298
Quoted by: >>63344992

>not a divisive opinion
loli/anti loli is one of THE most divisive subjects in the western anime/vtuber scene, to the point you have western localisers censoring Japanese products (sometimes without permission) to appeal to the outrage mob or their personal vendetta. It being his "just his opinion" doesn't make it any less likely to embolden the kind of people who want to bring that shit to holo. That's why he should keep it to himself, that's why others working under cover already do with a variety of subjects.

I am not saying he is going to go on a crusade personally I am saying talents spewing this kind of shit on stream gives leeway to the kind of people who do. Remember the people who impotently tried to cancel Gura at the start of her career, or went full harassment campaign on Shondo and other western lolichuubas? Those are the people applauding a holo talent saying this kind of stuff on stream.
>he is just explaining why he doesn't enjoy cunny
>It requires a whole new step forward to then say, "because I think this, everyone else should and you're a bad person if you don't"
He was absolutely not just saying he isn't into it with no moral judgement and moving on, there was plenty of implicit, this is wrong and liking it is wrong nested in what he said if you watch the whole thing.

>> No.63344309
File: 507 KB, 1883x2865, bro i swear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the textbook definition of what a pedophile is, what the fuck are you retards talking about?
Pedophile means attracted to minors, I know you retarded subhumans are afraid of being branded by the scary P-word but the word you should be afraid of is molester.
I'm glad one of them has the actual balls to hold some basic morals and disregard the pedo hives that hide behind "otaku culture" which doesn't fit the west at all, vtubers being the latest trend they're latching onto.
Time and time again we've seen that if you scratch just a bit below the surface you find a fucking pedophile masquerading as "2d only". Picrel.
>muh morals bad
We know you don't fit in with actual humans and have to hide in online anonymous shitholes, no need to reinforce the fact.

>> No.63344359

>i'm begging you pls join my child groomer ring
Ok glowie you should kill yourself just like your fellow operatives

>> No.63344381

>and have to hide in online anonymous shitholes
Ah, of course, it's a dicksword raid.

>> No.63344394
Quoted by: >>63344425

Please, when you're done with him, you're gonna look for excuses to bully the rest out because "they're blight to the walled garden".

>> No.63344397


>> No.63344417

It wasn't even an SC, it didn't even had to be read or commented on. What the fuck is this

>> No.63344425
Quoted by: >>63344702

At least try to fit in, raidchama. Also

>> No.63344427

Go back, fag.

>> No.63344430

The guy admitted to not being that into anime and manga and would only watch and read based on recommendations, That was enough of a red flag to me and I dropped him on the day after debut.

>> No.63344450

Don't you have some cum to eat, LRD

>> No.63344463

he hates otaku but supports pedophiles like the ones who support trans children
go keep asking about trans on his twitter, maro or chat

>> No.63344486

World would be a better place if people stop caring too much about random people's opinions/preferences/what they say. Applies to both sides.

>> No.63344487

>Pedophile means attracted to minors
>she was 17,99 years OLD YOU SICK FUCK

>> No.63344524


Touched a nerve?

>> No.63344537
Quoted by: >>63345077

are you living under a rock? Hisoka got cancelled and it's forbidden to like him nowdays

>> No.63344538

and video games are the cause of violence

>> No.63344549
File: 67 KB, 588x650, average loli hater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63344552

Not enough, anyone who conflates reality with fiction deserves to be doxxed and killed off.

>> No.63344553

I stil laugh when I remember that time the UN tried to make nips pass a ban on manga depicting women being abused, and the response was "bro most of our big mangaka doing that are women, and it's literally drawings, don't you have to care for RL abuse?".

>> No.63344561

Kys Jew/Commie/Fed/Troon

>> No.63344565

Please see

>> No.63344567

Would be nice to go to pre-2015, but it is what it is..

>> No.63344568
File: 21 KB, 1071x316, kiwinigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that kiwifarms is raiding /vt/

>> No.63344583

Please, its because le ebil male.

>> No.63344601

Once again my belief that this homofag gen is just an excuse to disband homofag is proved right, the quality of applicant couldn't be low enought they would recruit an obvious pedo with crime record.... The self sabotage is impressive at this point.

>> No.63344610

they hate u cause u told them the truth...

>> No.63344619

Total Kiwifag Death, when?

>> No.63344658

>she's kissed a little girl before on the lips
Basedchama. I'm so jealous.

>> No.63344659

Exterminate phaseniggers
Holocaust phaseniggers
Total phasenigger death

>> No.63344687

theyre probably all contained in a pippa thread anyways

>> No.63344690
Quoted by: >>63344745

He watched it and liked it. He thought the final fight was bad ass. He just didn't like the fan service. He talked more about the former than the latter, so he didn't focus on the coomer topic.

>> No.63344702
Quoted by: >>63344834

Raid? I'm just one goy.
Now then, prove to me this isnt some psyop tryna get axeman cancelled either way.

>> No.63344722

This thread is yet another reminder this board has too much overlap with /pol/

>> No.63344745

>He just didn't like the fan service
red flag here, he definitely touches little boys

>> No.63344761

>normalfag has the normalest, plainest and simplest normalfag opinion possible
Well then.

>> No.63344805


>> No.63344814

>go to the current happenings link
>the recent posts are about phase

>> No.63344833

Majority of this thread is shitting on him tho?

>> No.63344834
Quoted by: >>63344962

literally who? try harder, tourist, you glow

>> No.63344857

>homostar supports pedo's
>people call him a pedo

>> No.63344942

Lol those kiwifarms posts are direct replicas of what gets posted here
Can mods rangeban people based on how they get to 4chan? I already know they track this shit

>> No.63344962
Quoted by: >>63345437

Literally the person we're talking about you fucking dolt. You clearly know nothing about him.

>> No.63344969

Accurate. Because normals will just go "oh, your chinese girls?". Normalfags, AKA the terminally online "I'M A NORMAL HUMAN BEING JUST LIKE YOU" retards are the ones who say their opinions are common sense.

>> No.63344992

>I am not saying he is going to go on a crusade personally I am saying talents spewing this kind of shit on stream gives leeway to the kind of people who do. Remember the people who impotently tried to cancel Gura at the start of her career, or went full harassment campaign on Shondo and other western lolichuubas?
Those people are going to attack chuubas like Gura or Shondo regardless but he admittedly isn't doing them any favors. Condemning him for saying it is ridiculous though even in the clip his reaction to "remember its a fictional character" is "I don't care, what does that mean to me?" he's not vehemently anti loli like what other anons are trying to make him out to be but if the worry is that something as little as this will give schizos something to latch onto, I think someone that mentally fucked would already be gunning for lolicon chuubas regardless because this clip and those tweets are really nothing big.

>> No.63345077

>Hisoka got cancelled and it's forbidden to like him nowdays
anon schwing was extremely early in HxH so I have no clue how he could get canceled for it or when it was decided

>> No.63345136
Quoted by: >>63345278

I don't give a shit what someone does or doesn't like. But the second he tries to tell people to educate themselves like that one Nijicunt is where he deserves to get shit for it.

>> No.63345137

>someone that mentally fucked would already be gunning for lolicon chuubas regardless
Those fuckers are homobeggars that like to say "LiveEN", so if one of their precious homos do that shit, on top of their usual anti-lolicon tirades, which is an isolated scream into the void, they'll also go
>umm, sweetie, your coworker knows loli shit is problematic, why are you still supporting that? :)

>> No.63345201

Sounds like the potential to cause hardship and harassment of other talents, not to mention the disrespect towards many of the great artists Cover works with that have drawn loli
And engaging in divisive, social activism with terminology like non-binary? Not a good look

>> No.63345225
File: 377 KB, 1328x893, kiwiniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your average Pippa fan

>> No.63345261
Quoted by: >>63345285

nypa pedo

>> No.63345270

I agree that this specific incident is not likely to cause any problems for anyone outside of the homofanbase but the correct move was still just not to broach the subject at all, give the type of people who like to fight about this kind of stuff an inch and they will take a mile, there is a reason why most of them until the males came onto the scene avoided hololive like the plague and stuck to niji/western twitch chuubas, its because the talents from those places talk about this kind of shit constantly on stream and make them feel emboldened.

Lets see if it's a one off incident or he continues to run his mouth about this kind of stuff.

>> No.63345278

the problem is that he judges you for liking drawings while he's on record for saying he supports real life pedos

>> No.63345285

Hi Ultrapenguin >>63345225

>> No.63345437

Nah, he's tryna "who?" Ruze because his horned horse overlords said so.

>> No.63345470

>Pippa fans hate loli!
>Pippa, who is very fucking obviously a loli herself
Whatever retardation the kiwifags are up to, you're clearly braindead yourself, and I do not trust you.

>> No.63345497

They use the same cope as they do with Gura. The """actor""" behind the character is a adult

>> No.63345510

nyanners was actually popular before she started streaming with a homo every day

>> No.63345514

Anon, they cope saying she's just a short girl, not a loli.

>> No.63345550
Quoted by: >>63345676

>calling others braindead

>> No.63345601
Quoted by: >>63345643

In ancient times, that's what used to be called "sophistry cope" anon.

>> No.63345643

The one you replied to, or the one it was replying to?

>> No.63345650
Quoted by: >>63345717

there's nothing wrong with him talking about non-binaries lol

>> No.63345676

Kiwifags arent known for their intelligence

>> No.63345689
Quoted by: >>63345741

You absolute retards, this is the usual fag that posts screencaps of threads from here to make tweets with. Don't feed him.

>> No.63345717

Validating them is perpetuating dangerous misinformation.

>> No.63345741

bannedvtmemes? he is banned on twitter

>> No.63345759

he's got alts now with different names

>> No.63345772


more like that vtuber doxsite where twitter sisters reside

>> No.63345785
Quoted by: >>63345870


>> No.63345802

He's like Otakmori, the failed fanfic writer, who is on his third channel already since the second one was also demonetized.

>> No.63345812

Yeah, If he's uncomfortable about the anime character's age or anything, It's ok. I am uncomfortable with anime incest for example. It would be a different story if he called 40% of holopro members p**os.

>> No.63345819

I mean why would they this dude doesn't exactly have numbers to spare

>> No.63345870

>/pcg/ are the ones spamming shiori anti threads
What a surprise...
