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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.6315220 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6315278
Quoted by: >>6315312

Couldn't handle seeing other Nijis in the NijiEN thread, Pomunigger?

>> No.6315312
File: 245 KB, 457x491, 1611472931022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, all 3 are good, this is a Pomu thread though.

>> No.6315386

Okay, I'll bite.
Sell me on Pomu.

>> No.6315428
Quoted by: >>6315825

Cute fairy that is also an office lady who works hard, and is charismatic and full of energy.

>> No.6315513

Big PP Energy

>> No.6315561
File: 136 KB, 463x454, 1625642714960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6315712

Pomu? Pomu.

>> No.6315637


watch her play kuukiyomi

>> No.6315681

Cancer? cancer.

>> No.6315712
Quoted by: >>6316409 >>6318702

I don't understand this meme.

>> No.6315794

Keep in mind that Cover REJECTED her application to join Hololive English

>> No.6315825
Quoted by: >>6320103

>Pomu: *mildly annoyed rant about eating stale popcorn*
>Finana: Fiiiiiish :D

>> No.6315965

If I could travel back in time and find the nigger that rejected Pomu and accepted Mori, I'd beat him to death with his own leg.

>> No.6316006
Quoted by: >>6316096 >>6320151

Go back Holobeggars

>> No.6316018
Quoted by: >>6316120 >>6316247

Why do you niggers keep going to /hlg/ to spam?

>> No.6316061


>> No.6316096
Quoted by: >>6316243 >>6316457

No. I'll keep watching both.
How about instead you hang yourself, tribefag?

>> No.6316120

He wants to make /vt/ hate her.

>> No.6316123

I like Pomu is like me an office slave

>> No.6316214


>> No.6316243


>> No.6316247
Quoted by: >>6316344

>1 (one) Pomu thread
>meanwhile there are about 900 shark threads

>> No.6316312
Quoted by: >>6316385

As they should, for what purpose should they accept a cancer patient into their own ranks?

>> No.6316344
Quoted by: >>6316408

Learn to read retard

>> No.6316366
Quoted by: >>6316453 >>6316475

>more talented than Mori
Oh I am laffing

>> No.6316385
Quoted by: >>6316522

True. Instead get Mori and have literal cancer in your ranks.

>> No.6316408
Quoted by: >>6316528

I haven't visited hlg on this board before, I just like Pomu.

>> No.6316409
File: 72 KB, 247x248, 1622657280002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6316453
Quoted by: >>6316591

The only talent mori has is collabing with anitubers and sucking black dongs.

>> No.6316457
Quoted by: >>6316615

If you like both why the fuck are you begging for her to join Hololive? Fuck off

>> No.6316475

>more talented than Pomu
I didn't know shilling anitubers is a talent.
And no, her raps aren't good enough to open a Vanilla Ice concert.

>> No.6316522
Quoted by: >>6321754

Mori has done more to burnish hololive's name than pomu "oh boo hoo I have breast cancer" ever can or even will.

>> No.6316528

Well, enjoy her cancer too

>> No.6316550

Okay, so what exactly is Pomu's talent?

>> No.6316591
Quoted by: >>6316663 >>6319157


And yet she still has the only original song that has more views than Kuzuha's King. What is the breast cancer fairy going do to compete? Upload god knows fifty times?

>> No.6316615

Please point out where I begged for anything. I'll save you the time and tell you nowhere.
I like Vtubers and that's why I would prefer id Pomu got in instead of the literal cancer that is Mori.
Now are you going to hang yourself or do you need instructions on that too, tribalfag?

Not being a self-entitled wigger.
A low bar, but better than what Cover chose.

>> No.6316638
Quoted by: >>6316740

Baiting pityfags

>> No.6316663
Quoted by: >>6316805

Cringe kino! Your boy! I love black men! Gigguk let's collab! Haha wine! Kill yourself. This is a pomu thread.

>> No.6316696

No instead she's a self entitled cancer patient who thinks that alone qualifies her for hololive

>> No.6316740
File: 280 KB, 1638x2048, 1622880171670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6316804 >>6316819

>cope responses
So no real talent then?

>> No.6316802
Quoted by: >>6316903

>Please point out where I begged for anything
>I like Vtubers and that's why I would prefer id Pomu got in instead of the literal cancer that is Mori
Now go back

>> No.6316804

Mori is objectively more talented than Pomu. That said though she's not cut out to be a vtuber

Sure I suppose not. Didn't know vtubing was a talent show

>> No.6316805

Awawawa this is my safe space don't say mean things about my cancer fairy she's so weak and pitiful and deserves cover's dick abloo bloo

>> No.6316819

Nobody likes Mori. People love pomu. Now fuck off to your cringe named general.

>> No.6316903
Quoted by: >>6316966

Hop off nijisanji dick you gay faggot. Tribalist fucking monkey telling others to go back when he should go back to /v/.

>> No.6316938


>> No.6316946

Being a whore

>> No.6316966
File: 321 KB, 672x562, 6FA29819-5C60-42B8-A7C7-E5A0D3DF5623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hop off nijisanji dick
>Tribalist fucking monkey

>> No.6316981
Quoted by: >>6317362

Yeah nobody except for her 1.5 millions subs. How many subs does the cancer fairy have again?

>> No.6317062

Pomu is my favorite dolphin themed Vtuber

>> No.6317070

You and the, hmm, seven people in this thread who suck off pomu do not constitute a majority, go pull your "we" shit somewhere else

>> No.6317072

>Hololive general discussion threads left alone
>Nijisanji general discussion threads turn into Holofags attempting to exert their felt superiority
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.6317092

>Sell me on Pomu.
She's an idiot (and I love her)

She's an idiot (and I love her)

>> No.6317227
File: 257 KB, 479x720, 1625853291996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6317963

Is this a pomu thread

>> No.6317243
Quoted by: >>6317258


>> No.6317258

Read the thread.

>> No.6317271

Are you all really this gullible?

>> No.6317362
Quoted by: >>6317467

those are all dead subs, holobrony

>> No.6317379
Quoted by: >>6317396

rent free

>> No.6317393
Quoted by: >>6317440 >>6317448

This is the hololive board. Stick to the protection of your general if that fact rankles you

>> No.6317396
Quoted by: >>6317472

Read the thread.

>> No.6317440
Quoted by: >>6317528


>> No.6317448

This is a fucking general. The Mori general gets left alone despite everything, the Kiara general gets left alone despite everything, even the fucking Vshojo general gets left alone, but Pomu can't have a thread for some godforsaken reason.

>> No.6317467

Ah yes, dead subs, the perennial cope of the seething nijinigger

>> No.6317472
Quoted by: >>6317647

I only see falseflagger and you being paranoic

>> No.6317528
Quoted by: >>6317593

Seethe, yell, rage against the heavens, it makes no difference. This is the hololive board. Accept it or seethe eternally

>> No.6317593
Quoted by: >>6317682 >>6317708

Explain why the Vshojo and VOMS generals get left alone. Explain why Pomu is the exception that draws ire.

>> No.6317647

>If my side acts badly it's falseflaggers
Of course.

>> No.6317682
Quoted by: >>6317757 >>6317809

They dont spam their shit in other threads unlike you corpse lovers

>> No.6317708

>left alone
You don't visit that general much do you?

>> No.6317757
Quoted by: >>6317839 >>6317928

>They dont spam their shit in other threads
Neither do Pomudachi. No, the Holobeggars who want her to join Hololive do not count as Nijisanji fans.

>> No.6317774
Quoted by: >>6317996

Please let me enjoy my dolphin oshi in peace

>> No.6317798


>> No.6317809
Quoted by: >>6317955

How dare people post about their oshi in other threads. Those dang pomudachi!

>> No.6317839
Quoted by: >>6317891 >>6319549

>If my side acts badly it's falseflaggers
Of course

>> No.6317859

Hololive reject lmao rumao

>> No.6317891
Quoted by: >>6317978 >>6317981

You can see in this thread alone that the people behaving badly are the Holobeggars. This is no conspiracy theory, you can see this with your own eyes.

>> No.6317928
Quoted by: >>6317982 >>6319736

Fuck off tribalist. You're probably the faggot false flagging in this thread. If pomu wasn't a niji you wouldn't like her.

>> No.6317955
Quoted by: >>6317995 >>6318042

Good for you, keep posting your cancer bag all day

>> No.6317962

What the fuck did Pomu do to attract this much tribalfaggotry kek

>> No.6317963
Quoted by: >>6318042

No this is a falseflagger thread, the only actual Pomu thread is the Nijisanji EN general

>> No.6317978
Quoted by: >>6318042

you are unironically schizophrenic

>> No.6317981
Quoted by: >>6318042

whatever anon, take your meds

>> No.6317982
Quoted by: >>6318042

If hating people who can't accept that Pomu is a member of Nijisanji and shit up her threads because of it makes me a tribalist then I suppose I'm a tribalist.

>> No.6317995

Are you SERIOUSLY making fun of her for having cancer? Really dude?

>> No.6317996
Quoted by: >>6318179

You can do that in the nijien general. Head back to the warm embrace of your community, or stick it out in the hostile wilderness. Your choice

>> No.6318026

No tribalism, Elira's oshi is Pekora

just Pomu talk!

>> No.6318033
Quoted by: >>6318303

Look at the threads Holobeggars regularly make about her. It's obnoxious.

>> No.6318042

Fuck off. I'm pomu. Post pomu.

>> No.6318096
File: 123 KB, 1334x1500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6318146 >>6318178

>/vt/ only likes Pompoo because she's the least popular NijiEN member and not because she's actually entertaining

>> No.6318107

Some Holofags decided she was the one good Nijisanji member. Some other Nijisanji-antis decided she made good bait. Both of them spammed Pomu in Hololive threads and cried (or pretended to cry) about her not being in Hololive. Now people hate Pomu/Pomudachi.

>> No.6318133
Quoted by: >>6322646

Oh no, people are being mean please stop. Go back to r*ddit faggot

>> No.6318142
Quoted by: >>6322646

Are you perhaps new to 4chan?

>> No.6318146
Quoted by: >>6318193

>least popular
You wish anti.

>> No.6318178

And her cancer. Don't forget about that.

>> No.6318179
Quoted by: >>6318346

A general is a general. It's hardly the wilderness, which is why any of this talk in a Gura thread would've led to half the posters here being banned for "trolling" already.

>> No.6318193

I give you purpose, low sub shitter. You would be nothing without we glorious antis.

>> No.6318215
Quoted by: >>6318318

/vt/ is newfag central, and plenty of newfags think 4chan is just edgy reddit or twitter where they can say nigger and make fun of cancer without getting banned or cancelled or some shit. They'll grow out of it eventually, just ignore them.

>> No.6318285
Quoted by: >>6318318

Having cancer pretty much means that your genetics are such shit that they're rebelling against your weak body. This is nature culling your inferiority.

>> No.6318292
Quoted by: >>6318318 >>6318351

cancer is the only thing pomu antis know about her and they don't even know she doesn't actually have it

>> No.6318303

Are you proud of your shitpost? Stop using pomu to falseflag retard

>> No.6318318

leave tourists

>> No.6318336

Go fuck yourself, summerfag.

>> No.6318339
Quoted by: >>6322761

why do separate thread with nijien?
why everyone responds to bait?

>> No.6318346

Establishing a general dedicated to a single person on /vt/ is a challenging endeavour, akin to erecting a target labeled shitposters and falseflaggers welcome. Doing it for a niji talent doubly so. You and your small band choose to forsake the protections of your general to stick your head into the lion's mouth. Do not complain when the lion bites.

>> No.6318351
Quoted by: >>6318478

Then why pomubronies get so mad then?

>> No.6318359
Quoted by: >>6318445

how the fuck does saying pomu doesn't have cancer make me a tourist you actual mong

>> No.6318444
Quoted by: >>6318565 >>6319158

>Establishing a general dedicated to a single person on /vt/ is a challenging endeavour, akin to erecting a target labeled shitposters and falseflaggers welcome
Except it's not, the Mori, Kiara, and Gura generals are all treated by the jannies like victims under the witness protection program, a single peep of dissent in those threads gets you the banhammer. (You) just want an excuse to shit up a Nijithread and you should own it instead of baselessly claiming "w-well actually generals are made for shitposting".

>> No.6318445
Quoted by: >>6318527

But she has

>> No.6318470

>only 25 ips

>> No.6318478
Quoted by: >>6318523

fans of vtubers get mad when you wish death on them, what a concept

>> No.6318523

Only faggots

>> No.6318527
Quoted by: >>6318794

nigger she has a high chance of getting cancer due to her genes, she's having preventative surgery so that she doesn't get it, she doesn't actually have cancer
i wish pomu antis were more like kiara antis and actually watched her or at the very least stalked her twitter so they could shit on her based on facts rather than memes

>> No.6318535

Is that SodaFunk’s mascot’s voice?

>> No.6318557
File: 280 KB, 1280x720, reminder webinar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6318610

Come on guys, you're better than this

>> No.6318565
Quoted by: >>6318622

>waah waah people are saying mean things about my oshi janny help

>> No.6318610
Quoted by: >>6322868

If they truly are "better than this" they would be in the general thread, not out here

>> No.6318622
Quoted by: >>6318649 >>6318789

Maybe i'd cry to the jannies if i thought there was even the slightest chance they'd care. Mods are Nijiantis, I've accepted it.

>> No.6318649
Quoted by: >>6318678

If even the mods hate you then maybe you're the problem. Stop spamming pomu in every thread.

>> No.6318678
Quoted by: >>6318778

I'm a Nijinigger, tell that to the Holobeggars making threads about how she needs to join le epic aidoru group.

>> No.6318686

Why do you write like this.

>> No.6318702

She's Pomu

>> No.6318716

Someone spam cunny so this thread can get thrown in the trash.

>> No.6318745
Quoted by: >>6319013

Is this the anti thread?

>> No.6318778
Quoted by: >>6318796

What kind of cognitive dissonance does it take to hate idols whilst loving a Chuuba who desperately tried to be an idol. I'll never understand reddit's idolphobia.

>> No.6318789
Quoted by: >>6318818

Then perhaps you should crawl back to your safe space

>> No.6318794


>> No.6318796

Who said I hated idols?

>> No.6318806
File: 765 KB, 775x935, 1621803548126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do holofags have such a seething hatred towards Pomu? Has she done anything to anger them?

>> No.6318818
Quoted by: >>6318981

This is a general. It is the closest to a safe space as this board gets, and you can see how it turned out.

>> No.6318877

I'm a holofag who likes niji en and I have no idea what the fuck is going on here. My money is on one schizo having a meltdown for some reason.

>> No.6318887

She has cancer thats why

>> No.6318895

She's not in their "in-group", that's literally it.

>> No.6318919
Quoted by: >>6318941 >>6319121

Pomudachis love to falseflag with her, this is only the natural result

>> No.6318920


>> No.6318938
Quoted by: >>6319001

I don't. In fact I've just come into this thread and your post peaked my interest. I'm wondering why she seems to get hate. I've watched a few of her streams recently and she seems pretty upbeat and down to earth. Her voice is also my favorite out of the NijiENs. What's there to hate?

>> No.6318941


>> No.6318972
File: 238 KB, 494x478, 1624017561253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to the bait

>> No.6318981
Quoted by: >>6319066

No it is in fact not, your safe space is the nijien general, where the weight of three fanbases plus the general nijisanji fanbase can protect you from the predations of shitflingers. This is not your safe space, this is your frontier outpost, and as you can see the natives do not take kindly to your intrusion

>> No.6319001
Quoted by: >>6319040

Notice how the only actual negative thing people have to say about Pomu in this thread is "cancer". It's all meta fanbase shitflinging.

>> No.6319013

yes, welcome

>> No.6319040
Quoted by: >>6319099 >>6322830

I saw someone calling her a whore, is that true?

>> No.6319047

i want to save pomu

>> No.6319065
Quoted by: >>6319135 >>6322914

>spam IM POMU in every thread
>shit on mori in this thread
>why do people hate me?
Jewish behavior

>> No.6319066

>No it is in fact not
It is. Generals have always been "safe spaces". The only reason you would have to deny this would be if you regularly use a general outside of this one, in which case, simply lol.

>> No.6319099

In the meme sense that she is one because she collabs with males, sure. In the actual sense that whores have a lot of sex, no. Pomu has never once mentioned having sex or even having had a boyfriend on stream.

>> No.6319101

Is pomu a virgin?

>> No.6319121

This, Pomu is getting the same treatment as Uto did a few months ago. Schizos spam her until she gets hated by everyone, and it's working.

>> No.6319135

The one shitting on Mori was a Holofag begging for Pomu to join Hololive and you're blaming that on Nijiniggers? No self awareness.

>> No.6319137

She's actually streaming RIGHT NOW

Come watch her!

>> No.6319157
Quoted by: >>6319196 >>6319250

and 90% of those numbers are specifically BECAUSE she's in hololive. If she wasn't she'd have 1/100th the views.

>> No.6319158
Quoted by: >>6319207

Perhaps, if one truly wished to be left in peace, one would not have blatantly stoked the anger of the holofags vy shitting on the holos. You sowed the seeds of this hell, now reap the rewards

>> No.6319196

Is that why you seethe that your precious cancer fairy didn't get into hololive? Truly pomu fags are leeches of the highest order

>> No.6319207
Quoted by: >>6319310

>vy shitting on the holos
The one doing that in this thread was a Holofag who wanted Pomu to join Hololive. The ones who do that in other threads are also Holofags who make threads about how much better Hololive would be if she joined. This is not Nijiniggers' doing.

>> No.6319250

at least she could make it into hololive unlike... well you know who

>> No.6319269

Sorry mate, cancer took her first time

>> No.6319310
Quoted by: >>6319376

Man, holofags really live rent free in your head huh

>> No.6319354
Quoted by: >>6319403 >>6319468

Is Pomu the most hateable nijisanji out there?

>> No.6319376
Quoted by: >>6319450

If they talk about Hololive in a Pomu thread, make threads about Pomu joining Hololive, what would you rather me say?

>> No.6319403

Brapfish is worse, but Brapfish has no fans out here so there's not much point in creating hate threads dedicated to her.

>> No.6319424


>> No.6319450
Quoted by: >>6319503

I guess that falseflaggers dont exist in this board

>> No.6319468

I don't see how anyone can dislike Pomu, people misusing her images? Sure.

>> No.6319479

Man that really dedicated anti Pomu schizo really did it. This is the sort of thing that sticks. Pomu will always be hated from now on.

>> No.6319503
Quoted by: >>6319549 >>6319571

Actual Pomudachi would not want the fairy's threads to turn out like this, believe it or not. This Holofag civil war is getting their oshi shit on to hell and back.

>> No.6319538

w-wait, carol isnt dead?

>> No.6319549
Quoted by: >>6319585


>> No.6319571

Actual Pomudachi don't even make threads. Only an actual retard or a falseflagger would keep maknig threads that attract Hololive shitposters and schizos.

>> No.6319585
Quoted by: >>6319872

Why would Pomudachi want her to be hated? Please, enlighten me.

>> No.6319624
Quoted by: >>6319659

The pomudachi dindu nuffin we wuz innocent officer.

>> No.6319659
Quoted by: >>6319707

yeah it's totally them begging for her to join hololive when she's a nijifag herself lol

>> No.6319707
Quoted by: >>6319727


>> No.6319720
Quoted by: >>6319782

Tell me why I should hate her

>> No.6319727

yes, as you can see, this person i'm replying to is most definitely a pomudachi, it is most definitely them shitting up threads

>> No.6319736

>If pomu wasn't a niji you wouldn't like her.
I wouldn't even have watched her if she wasn't in nijisanji.
I won't pretend otherwise, outside of lazulight I don't watch any EN vtuber and I only gave them a chance because of the brand.
>wow so you're just like those holobronies that only watch chuubas associated with hololive
Yeah, can't deny that. I do watch vtubers outside of nijisanji though, in BANS, 774, .LIVE and VSPO. Just not EN.

>> No.6319782
Quoted by: >>6319842

People sing praises of her like she's the second coming oc christ when the only thing she has is being a cancer patient

>> No.6319842

she doesn't even have cancer, the people spreading that are quite literally antis

>> No.6319849
File: 102 KB, 193x244, 1611829924784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6319883 >>6319892

please be nice!

>> No.6319872

I could say the same about every fanbase

>> No.6319883

Crawl back to your general or suffer the likes of this thread

>> No.6319892
File: 180 KB, 524x600, 1625100108751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why would Pomu hate Pomu?

>> No.6319930
Quoted by: >>6319959

This is a general.

>> No.6319942

I believe that this one is an actual deadbeat. Only they are this cringe.

>> No.6319959
Quoted by: >>6319979 >>6322979

Yes, the shitflinging general. The nijien general is over there

>> No.6319979
Quoted by: >>6320129


>> No.6319994
File: 23 KB, 579x129, 1602721436958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6324167

just enjoy

>> No.6320072

>2 hour old thread
>37+1 IPs
>184 posts
>mostly bait and shitposting
Please stop wasting posts. There is only a finite amount of server space that hiroshimoot can afford and we can't be using it on a thread like this, I'm sorry.

>> No.6320103

Behold the exact moment this thread went to shit.
I do hope you retards have learnt your lesson

>> No.6320129
Quoted by: >>6322979

Then suffer our wrath

>> No.6320151

Behold the exact moment this thread went to shit.
I do hope you retards have learnt your lesson

>> No.6320200
File: 32 KB, 602x221, itiso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6320326

Pomu is so powerful that even her mama is smitten. Mama almost never misses a POMU stream even if it's 4am in japan. The impromptu collabs in Lazulight is the best, I don't think clips do it justice.

>> No.6320218
Quoted by: >>6320769

I like Pomu but I'll keep talking about her on the NijiEN thread, even if the locals there sometimes get angry that Pomu tends to overshadow the other two.

>> No.6320233

Oh look Pomu is crying again, as expected of the leech whose only talent is baiting saviour fags

>> No.6320326
Quoted by: >>6320496 >>6321396

>literal who mama

>> No.6320362

No i fuck her everyday after stream

>> No.6320378
Quoted by: >>6320445 >>6320475

>Am I streaming from my bathroom? Yeah, I have to potty
So this is the much vaunted nijisanji "creative freedom", eh?

>> No.6320445

Fairies have very small bladders.

>> No.6320475
Quoted by: >>6320735 >>6320782

>Poo poo pee pee
And retards were wondering why she was rejected from hololive

>> No.6320496

Ok zoomer...

>> No.6320722


>> No.6320735
Quoted by: >>6320819 >>6320822

Yeah, nothing like Gura's "lol Fartemis" joke and Amelia's "shark? More like shart" tweet lol

>> No.6320769
Quoted by: >>6320805

You mean schizos who want her to be hated on both /vt/ and /jp/. And probably the ones that made this thread.

>> No.6320782

Hololive is not the superior company you think it is. It had a sexual harassment scandal with one of its members and one of its members also literally graduated due to chinese influences.

>> No.6320798
Quoted by: >>6321229

don't you ever get sick of baiting holonigger

>> No.6320799

nah she's fucked by life itself

>> No.6320805
Quoted by: >>6320990

I honestly doubt every opposition to your ideas is a single person.

>> No.6320819
Quoted by: >>6320877

And yet none of them have yet streamed from the toilet

>> No.6320822
Quoted by: >>6320877

>one joke each from two different girls
>meanwhile pomu's entire shtick is toilet humor

>> No.6320871
Quoted by: >>6321321

Is this the cancer thread

>> No.6320874

And that is why you seethe and grind your teeth over pomu getting rejected from hololive

>> No.6320877
Quoted by: >>6320930

you don't watch pomu, if her entire or even half of her schtick was potty humor she would not be shilled so hard
amazing, neither did pomu

>> No.6320930
Quoted by: >>6320973 >>6320976

She is literally streaming from the toilet right now you disingenuous double nigger

>> No.6320973
Quoted by: >>6321025

no she isnt what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6320976
Quoted by: >>6321025

yes anon, she moved her entire streaming setup to the toilet to enrage schizos like you lol
she's not even streaming right now you actual tard, i bet you think gura really streamed from the bath too

>> No.6320983
Quoted by: >>6321398 >>6321957

Well nijisanji have stalkers that harass chuubas till graduation so they are shit too

>> No.6320990
Quoted by: >>6321060

Maybe you should reread his post to see if he used singular or plural words.

>> No.6321023
Quoted by: >>6321050 >>6321086

What a cancer thread

>> No.6321025
Quoted by: >>6321044

Sure she doesn't, that's why she goes to great lengths to remind you that she's streaming from the toilet while shitting and peeing. If she truly isn't she sure is going through alot of effort to make you believe she does.

>> No.6321044

Her stream ended over 15 minutes ago anon, wait until the next one to make up schizophrenic narratives

>> No.6321050
Quoted by: >>6321068

Just like pomu lmao

>> No.6321054

I dont think I have followed a chuuba whose streams are so different from the perception of them

>> No.6321060
Quoted by: >>6321752

I honestly doubt every opposition to your ideas comes from a single organized cabal of shitposters.

>> No.6321068


>> No.6321086
Quoted by: >>6321224 >>6321304

It's an obvious falseflag thread, everyone who actually likes NijiEN girls is in that thread. This one is just for holobronies to falseflag Pomu because she filters newfags, and guess what most holobronies are?

>> No.6321113
Quoted by: >>6321143 >>6321259

I sadly have to inform you all that she doesnt have cancer

>> No.6321143

it's the only thing antis have, let them play pretend

>> No.6321224

Ogey newfag

>> No.6321229
Quoted by: >>6321266

Where is the lie tho

>> No.6321259


>> No.6321266

They aren't lies but he chose the topics that were easiest to counterpoint with "well ackshually Nijisanji did the same thing", it's just falseflagging

>> No.6321304

You are literally a newfag shilling a post vt creation branch and you call others newfag? Global pre dates nijien general, mouthbreather.

>> No.6321321

Shitflinging general

>> No.6321380
Quoted by: >>6321432

And yet pomu and finana got rejected hahahhhaha. You fucking loser nijifag. Your own oshi likes hololive more than nijisanji.

>> No.6321382
Quoted by: >>6321450

ogey newfag, here's your (You)

>> No.6321385
Quoted by: >>6321450

>No u
Nice argument Holobrony.

>> No.6321396

How new?

>> No.6321398
Quoted by: >>6321462 >>6321709

They abandoned shiba, they are going to abandon pomu too, they like to pump and dump chubas with cancer

>> No.6321432

>Your own oshi likes hololive more than nijisanji
Did all of the falseflagging actually get you to believe this? I know Holofags don't watch streams but Jesas, Pomu's love of Nijisanji is not even remotely subtle

>> No.6321450
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1625724581080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6321500 >>6323249

>t. Newfags who found out about vtubers when /vt/ was made
Wittle babies trying to diss others awww does it rile you up to know you're newfags?

>> No.6321462
Quoted by: >>6321553

>They abandoned shiba
By not changing the terms of her contract without her consent? Meds. She didn't stream so she didn't make money, simple as.

>> No.6321500

You've gotta get new reaction images, shitposter-kun. Anybody can see how hard you try by taking a quick look in the archive. Nice projecting though.

>> No.6321553
Quoted by: >>6321574

Yeah yeah, we know you like to be a bootlicker, now kill yourself

>> No.6321574
Quoted by: >>6321681 >>6321702

You need to work to make money anon. This isn't a bootlicker mentality, this is how the world works.

>> No.6321681

Shiba's just a dog anon...

>> No.6321702
Quoted by: >>6321727

>nijisanji dont support their chuubas when they actual need help
Sasuga black company, sasuga bootlicker

>> No.6321709

Shiba is appearing on Chimas streams and she tweeted on her owners account that shes in good health, touristfriend.

>> No.6321727

Nijisanji hooked her up with a cushy hobby. That's plenty help. If she wanted to turn that into a job she needed to actually stream. You sound like a welfare queen who wants money for nothing.

>> No.6321735
File: 265 KB, 600x600, Pomucopter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6321752
Quoted by: >>6321913

You'd be surprised how pervasive, persistent, and dedicated some people are.

>> No.6321754
Quoted by: >>6321815

>burnish hololive's name
>hololive's name
Oh a fucking bootlicker. Enjoy your black company you faggot.

>> No.6321766
Quoted by: >>6321806

Just like how pomudachis think Pomu deserves a spot in hololive because she vomits real good, right?

>> No.6321796
Quoted by: >>6321835

Keep supporting your black company faggot, we know some of you are brandfags and dont care about chuubas

>> No.6321806

There's so much wrong in this post I don't even know where to start. If you think the Holobeggars making threads begging for Pomu to replace Kiara or Mori are actual Pomudachi intentionally shoving antis her way I don't know what to tell you. Any Pomudachi knows that Pomu loves Nijisanji. And Pomu has never vomited on stream - are you confusing her with Sukoya?

>> No.6321815
Quoted by: >>6321864

If it is such a black company why do you seethe so much that your precious cancer fairy hot rejected from it?

>> No.6321835
Quoted by: >>6321909

Yes, it's Nijiniggers making threads talking up vtubers before they even debut and subscribing to them without a single stream under their belt. Oh wait.

>> No.6321848
Quoted by: >>6321896

(You) share the board with this kind of people, disgusting

>> No.6321864
Quoted by: >>6321890

Pomudachi don't. Holobronies do.

>> No.6321890
Quoted by: >>6321931

>it's not us we swear they are not true pomudachis

>> No.6321896
Quoted by: >>6321943

Yes, anon. It's a horrible thing to say that to make money you need to work. Cry about it.

>> No.6321909

Unironically they do but on a smaller scale

>> No.6321913

I'm aware that there's fucking precedent of absolute lunatics organizing shitposting raids on 4chan like the infamous thereisnosanity.

However, I'm talking about posters that worry that Pomu occupies too much real estate on the NijiEN threads, this is way too circumstantial and more or less harmless so I cannot entertain the idea that those posts come from the shitposting illuminati with a straight face.

I'm talking about this mostly, but I've seen the sentiment get repeated many other times in the general:

>> No.6321931
Quoted by: >>6321964

Sure. It's Pomudachi intentionally riling up antis so that they shitpost about her in threads like this. Meds.

>> No.6321943
Quoted by: >>6321976 >>6321988

Shiba is the one crying for having shit people like you bootlicking a black company

>> No.6321957
Quoted by: >>6322078 >>6322095

difference is that anycolor didn't ignore any of it and called the police.

>> No.6321964
Quoted by: >>6322001

It's not the first time nijiniggers forget their place on this board, it won't be the last

>> No.6321976

It is not bootlicking to say that you need to work to make money, no. You're either an unironic shitlib or a NEET to honestly believe this.

>> No.6321988
Quoted by: >>6322058

you don't give a shit about shiba, you're only using her as argument about nijisanji.

>> No.6322001

Yes, Nijiniggers all know that it's (you) people making threads falseflagging as Pomudachi in a bizarre hatred for her. Feel free to keep confirming that.

>> No.6322022
Quoted by: >>6322059 >>6322114

Who is Shiba?
please spoon feed me

>> No.6322058
Quoted by: >>6322223

And this is different from you bringing up the sexual harassment thing how?

>> No.6322059

A dog who signed a contract that Holobronies can't accept.

>> No.6322078
Quoted by: >>6322105

>Despite sending them to jail these stalkers keep coming and coming to my house, its like someone is sneaking my adress over and over
Nice job anykara

>> No.6322095
Quoted by: >>6322223

they ignore the one who was sneaking her info

>> No.6322105

Amazing how you can just go on the internet and make up fake quotes like that.

>> No.6322114

A literal dog chuuba who got fired from his job, and had to beg her fans on stream to send her money or she'll be on the streets at the end of the month

>> No.6322220
Quoted by: >>6322282 >>6322325

Hey since this is the nijisanji dirty laundry thread let's bring up the Roa bullying incident too why don't we?

>> No.6322223
Quoted by: >>6322307 >>6322412

yes, they ignored. and you know that how? what we know from lulu is that they called the police many times but more stalkers keep appearing.

because that one was cover's fault to not fire the employee earlier and to contract him in the first place. Mel warned them before. Shiba situation isn't the agency fault because it's a circumstance outside of their vtuber job with their irl job.

>> No.6322282
Quoted by: >>6322357

You mean the one where Meiro, an exposed plagiarist in her past life, had a fit and demanded to graduate and then went on the Japanese equivalent of Drama alert when she actually got graduated? Sure.

>> No.6322307

The dude was fired the moment Mel went to upper management about it, the issue is that he kept doing his stuff afterwards and once he's been fired theres not alot cover could do other than call the cops, which at least they did unlike nijisanji who left Lulu to fend for herself

>> No.6322325
Quoted by: >>6322421 >>6322424

Sure, let's shut down that stupid outdated narrative immediately.
>Roa is a rare Niji who's faithful to her RP, one she crafted with a friend who's now graduated
>One part of the RP is ending her sentences with "-deyo," which she calls "魔界訛り/devilworld dialect"
>Meiro joins
>Some point after joining, Meiro starts using "-deyo" in her streams despite not doing it in her debut or past life
>Fans notice and start getting on both Meiro's and Roa's cases about it
>This catches Ichikara's attention, and they, knowing that Meiro never used it in her audition, debut, or past life, request that she stop
>Meiro claims that it's just how she talks and requests that they release a statement saying that it's natural
>Ichikara refuses to do it because again, they know that she never used it before and that she's most likely lying, meaning that the statement would be a lie
>Meiro still refuses to stop using it and instead chooses to graduate, sending out the graduation form
>Some senpai Nijis get her to reconsider, and she asks to stop the graduation process
>Ichikara agrees
>Upon coming back, Meiro leaks confidential information related to this ordeal, which is a breach of contract
>Ichikara notices and tells her to take a small break and think about what she has done
>Instead of taking a break, she applies for graduation AGAIN
>And a short while later, she tries to cancel it AGAIN
>However, by this point, Ichikara has had enough of her shit and were reluctant to accept it
>Suddenly, someone clearly on Meiro's side leaks some stuff to Narukami(vkeemstar)
>Meiro is painted as a victim, while Roa is painted as a power-harrassing menhera and Ichikara as a black company
>Roa is cancelled
>Ichikara terminates Meiro immediately, since in their eyes, only she could've leaked it, which is a SERIOUS breach of contract
>Ichikara then puts out a detailed account of the situation from their perspective
>Roa puts out the discord logs that show that, back in summer, she reached out to Meiro to try and have a conversation about it, only to get a single wall of text in response, followed by weeks of ghosting
>With all the information put together, the general opinion starts shifting towards Roa being innocent
>Months later, Meiro('s other identity) releases an ADULT voice drama starring a somewhat familiar-looking agent No. 2535(obvious reference to 2434 — ni ji san ji) of a secret organization called NOA's Ark
>Meiro is now seen as menhera filth and Roa is completely exonerated
>(You are here) Vkeemstar is being trashed for being a retard who believed a menhera's narrative and did serious damage to innocent Roa's career and didn't even apologize for it
>also this is not the first time she did this shit. She once did the exact same modus operandi against Canan. Stealing Canan ASMR style and pretending to be victim.

>> No.6322339
Quoted by: >>6322352

Pomudachi are seriously the most reddit fanbase on this site.

>> No.6322346

>The dude was fired the moment Mel went to upper management about it
Cover admitted themselves they kept the guy around lol. Did an apology they had to delete because it was so poorly received.

>> No.6322352

wrong board cocoshart

>> No.6322357

I mean the one where Roa used her position of power within nijisanji to make unreasonable demands of a new and coming chuuba whose meteoric rise threatened her position, and the company who supported her in those efforts, yeah

>> No.6322412

they never said anything about searching the one sneaking the info thats why, they were useless and because of that Lulu had to graduate

>> No.6322421
Quoted by: >>6322457 >>6322466

TLDR, summarise it in ten words or less

>> No.6322424

You need to do your reading reps, Narukami lover.

>> No.6322431
Quoted by: >>6322501

>unreasonable demands
It's not unreasonable when the "accent" that Meiro claimed to have was fake and she was lying out her ass as an excuse to try to steal Roa's original speech pattern.

>> No.6322457
Quoted by: >>6322491 >>6322565

Roa thinks her accent is trademarked, bullies Meiro over it

>> No.6322466
Quoted by: >>6322565

Roa's "deyo" = Pekora's "peko". Meiro copies "deyo". Like stealing "peko".

>> No.6322491
Quoted by: >>6322525

If you join a company and you immediately attempt to ape a popular talent's gimmick for attention you are in the wrong
She's more of a leech than Uto

>> No.6322501
Quoted by: >>6322535 >>6322565

>muh trademarked accent do not steal

>> No.6322525
File: 331 KB, 1080x1140, Uto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still have Tenshi in their heads
rent free

>> No.6322530
Quoted by: >>6322569 >>6322609

so its true nijisanji has cliques?

>> No.6322535
Quoted by: >>6322667

>dude just let me rip off your gimmick and lie about it lmao you're totally overreacting bro

>> No.6322565
Quoted by: >>6322622

See >>6322466. Just like Pekora ending her sentences in "peko", Roa chose a form of speech which she knew didn't exist anywhere. She's entitled to that part of her character at least within Nijisanji. How would Pekora feel if someone in Hololive gen 6 started saying "peko" all the time, not to poke fun at Pekora but unironically acting like she grew up saying "peko"? It's the same thing.

>> No.6322569
Quoted by: >>6322624

Nijiniggers don't even deny that Nijisanji has cliques, cliques aren't inherently a bad thing, they're groups of friends who regularly collab together, not everyone in a group of over a 100 people can possibly pretend to be friends

>> No.6322609

It is but it's not like they're at war with each other or anything. People just tend to hang out with people they're comfortable with, big shocker. And new collabs with people who don't know each other that much still happen anyway.

>> No.6322620

I thought this was the pomu thread?

>> No.6322622
Quoted by: >>6322691

I think an important part that meirofags (lol more like holofags) ignored itt is that at first it's not really that much of a big deal, roa asked meiro to talk about it but meiro kept dodging and avoiding her, it snowballed when meiro went full menhera over it instead.

>> No.6322624
Quoted by: >>6322687

>not everyone in a group of over a 100 people can possibly pretend to be friends
I know, but I mean cliques in a way like "if you are not part of the popular guys you are screw"

>> No.6322631
File: 171 KB, 585x564, lesadfairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6322646
Quoted by: >>6322681

This ain't /b/ you faggots. This ain't /i/ also. Fuck off

>> No.6322650
Quoted by: >>6322671

No one gives a shit about Pomu

>> No.6322667
Quoted by: >>6322725

>dude my accent is 100% original do not steal, don't talk like me or ill get management to kick sanction you, remember I'm a senior member of nijisanji while you are a nobody.

>> No.6322671
File: 39 KB, 351x348, ChickenSmug 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6322698 >>6322713

i care

>> No.6322681
Quoted by: >>6322751

Back to your hugbox r*dditbronie

>> No.6322687

Nah it's not like that. But I won't deny networking with the big guys will definitely help your career. But that's just how it is, like Moona's incline when she started getting close to Pekora.

>> No.6322691
Quoted by: >>6322720 >>6323041

Everyone who points at Meiro forced graduation as 'black company' shit never mentions how she asked to graduate several times, and kept changing her mind at the literal last minute. She's a freak. If you want to call Anycolor black bring up NijiID or NijiKR merger

>> No.6322698

Sure thing kfp sure you are

>> No.6322713
Quoted by: >>6322723

No you dont

>> No.6322716

My condolences pomudachis and sorry for barging into the Roa-Meiro shit that had been resolved a long time ago. I'm sure in time you can create a stable and actually survivable /pomu/, just get enough pomudachis here to discuss while ignoring holofags and offtopic fags.

>> No.6322717

Holy shit. Newfags like (you) should kill yourself.

>> No.6322720


>> No.6322723
File: 11 KB, 126x126, 1608602552847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i do

>> No.6322725

>dude my accent is 100% original do not steal
This but unironically. It was a cartoon accent, nobody talks like that in real life. Meiro aping Roa's gimmick and sending antis her way and playing victim about it is menhera behavior.

>> No.6322738
Quoted by: >>6322760

It was until retarded nijifags let it get to their heads and decided to court the enmity of holofags, now its just the designated tribalshitting thread

>> No.6322751
File: 1 KB, 310x38, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6322774

NTA but

>> No.6322760
Quoted by: >>6322799

Fucking nijiniggers ruin everything they touch

>> No.6322761

Because they're newfags from reddit. I'm guessing rejects from r/Hololive or r/VirtualYoutubers. Either that or Discord trannes.

>> No.6322774

Good, now follow that rule and fuck off

>> No.6322794

>muh wank superiority complex

>> No.6322798
File: 285 KB, 498x498, Kingyozaka_Meiro_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an adult woman
>join vtuber company
>decide to bully a 15-year-old child coworker by stealing her character
>15-year-old coworker goes forth and tries to talk things out peacefully
>throw a tantrum and threaten to quit
>leak confidential company information to Narukami
>get fired
>later release a porn audio series mocking and insulting said 15-year-old coworker
Is this bitch really the hill you want to die on, holofaggots?

>> No.6322799

You really believe anything you read, don't you?

>> No.6322830

Her boss at her OL job molests her every day, so in a sense that's being paid for sex, AKA being a WHORE.

>> No.6322856

>this is what SEAniggers actually believe

>> No.6322868

Fuck off holobrony. If you faggots can have more that one general that's dedicated to a chuuba then so do we.
And no this isn't a Hololive board.

>> No.6322876

What's with this superiority complex? You're just a monkey talking about vtubers like everyone else, you don't have any "power" to brag about. Why don't you just talk about things you enjoy and let others do the same?

>> No.6322909
File: 53 KB, 443x383, ChickenSmug 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry SEAtranny but you will have to deal with me in the main thread since I'm a KFP

>> No.6322914


>> No.6322935

I'm not shitting on hololive. I'm defending people's perception of Nijisanji from misinformation spread by antis.

>> No.6322979

chuuni go back

>> No.6322994

.. how nijisanji left lulu to fend for herself when they called the cops more than one time until lulu herself didn't want to continue that situation and make the staff and everyone worried. If Lulu was like you said, she wouldn't say on stream that she still loved nijisanji and everyone in it, including the staff.

>> No.6323041

NijiID or IN? And I'm not sure the KR merger has anything to do with black company.

>> No.6323052

You must be 18+ to post on this website.
Also trolling outside of /b/ isn't allowed.

>> No.6323072
File: 163 KB, 490x489, 1625818825677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6323246

>It's another consolewar faggotry thread
Don't remember it ever being this bad in the /jp/ days

>> No.6323077

>The dude was fired the moment Mel went to upper management about it,
You mean when she said she was taking legal action with or without them? Cover's gotten slightly better since the Mel incident, but don't change the past.
>which at least they did unlike nijisanji who left Lulu to fend for herself
Lulu literally said the people stalking her were arrested, and if you think that happened just by her reporting it you don't realize how shit cops are in Japan about that. The problem was that she didn't want to keep taking breaks while resolving the situation.

>> No.6323219
File: 323 KB, 192x256, 1588961327357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything that is not Hololive in this board triggers me.
This is why holobronies should get their own containment board.0s0vj

>> No.6323246

sad... i enjoy both
feels good to be a KFPomudachi

>> No.6323249

Oh, I remember you. I'll just copy and paste my last reply:
>I know this is hard for tribalist Holofags who started with EN to understand, but just because I like NijiEN doesn't mean I'm into vtubers because of them.

>> No.6323274

I think I speak for the majority when I say the new captcha sucks. No Google though.

>> No.6323293
Quoted by: >>6323695

>356 posts
>54 IPs
???? I was excited to go into a Pomu thread to check out why there was so much activity, but this thread is a dumpster fire.

>> No.6323294

I don't even visit Hololive threads unless I want to talk about a Hololive stream I'm watching, and I definitely don't post or bring up Pomu when I do.

>> No.6323308

It worked for the shark and the chicken.

>> No.6323386
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>> No.6323505

>this is what chumbuds actually believe

>> No.6323569
File: 97 KB, 279x403, 5614170551358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6324797

the only one crying is you faggot

>> No.6323589

God damn, really breaking out the thesaurus for tribalist 4chan posts about anime streamers, huh.

>> No.6323653

>"What are you gonna do, ban me?" says man banned
Kino. Based. Superlit and dope, even.

>> No.6323695

I'm mostly here to correct obvious misinfo and hope that anyone coming in from outside doesn't believe the bullshit. An attempt at an actual discussion is futile.

>> No.6323708

>55 ip
This board would be much much better if mods just ban some of undesirables from ever posting.

>> No.6323740

Oh well. Not the anon that you told to report you, but you can't blame a guy for hoping.

>> No.6323765

If you go onto 4bans, it's actually pretty funny how obvious it is that the same person was posting numberfagging threads about IRyS' pre-debut subs vs. each individual Lazulight's subs.

>> No.6323893
File: 2.63 MB, 1333x2487, 1621983618933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Pomu!

>> No.6323964
File: 111 KB, 391x344, ChickenYUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those deleted

>> No.6324040
File: 43 KB, 112x112, 1615393287528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6324041
Quoted by: >>6324118

>Only 2 ip's gone
Haha oh wow

>> No.6324118
Quoted by: >>6324305

It's no lie that the overwhelming majority of all shitposts are done by an overwhelming minority of posters.

>> No.6324135

Hololive reject? Hololive reject.

>> No.6324145


>> No.6324151
File: 448 KB, 1057x628, kimoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6324370

>check the deleted posts
What possesses someone to act like this? There is both this anon who keeps getting banned in NijiEN threads (who even admitted to doing this openly), and the fake Astella. They flipflop between vehemently defending and shitting on the same chuuba, replying to themselves, except the Homo falseflagger is really bad at hiding his typing style. Fucking why? It's like witnessing DID

>> No.6324167

>she still hasn't upgraded to Minecraft 2

>> No.6324256
Quoted by: >>6324353 >>6324457

Well now that we can talk about Pomu again, she's just going to sleep now after having played Minecraft since her Kuukiyomi stream.

>> No.6324285
Quoted by: >>6324382 >>6324490

Is this the Pomu transformation fetish thread

>> No.6324292

I can't wait for Pomu to get her 3D and sing VtL.

>> No.6324305
Quoted by: >>6324384

the shitposter is a /jp/ tripfag dedicated to fucking with /vt/ threads he has an IRC that raids threads

>> No.6324353
File: 56 KB, 365x365, Gosling 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait for her next stream... her laugh is a blessing

>> No.6324370

I actually don't know what's going on. A lot of those deleted posts in the NijiEN thread are mine and I'm absolutely not a Pomu anti or shitposter. Maybe the janny thought it'd be funnier to delete pro- and anti-Pomu posts at the same time to make it appear like the schizo is playing both sides, but I assure you Pomu has been my oshi since her debut. The guy thats been shitting up the NijiEN thread for weeks usually larps as an Elirafag by stealing the Eliraschizo's copypastas and lamenting the fact Elira collabs with Pomu so much. He's usually really fucking obvious so it's unsurprising when his posts get mass-deleted.

>> No.6324382
File: 173 KB, 494x396, 1598109128863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become Pomu

>> No.6324384

Oh wow just bringing out all the boogeymen eh?

>> No.6324453
Quoted by: >>6324675 >>6324745

I'm not talking about today's EN thread which I didn't look at much, I mean this one. But a while ago someone made a compilation image of a falseflagger in the EN threads who kept replying to himself. It looks like the exact same guy because he swapped from all lowercase retarded posting to normal capitalization rational sounding posting.

>> No.6324457
File: 56 KB, 188x234, 1602693650714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6324604 >>6324675

I was waiting for a gruella minecraft stream but she went ahead and played it off-stream...

>> No.6324490

You are already Pomu.
NTA but that's a shame. Maybe the jannies genuinely can't tell actual Pomudachi posts apart from falseflags and get overzealous deleting or something. At least you didn't get a ban.

>> No.6324604
Quoted by: >>6324621

She did say that she doesn't want to talk much while playing, unless Elira gruella streamed it.

>> No.6324621
File: 101 KB, 1073x1013, E20FJ3XWYAY2raK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd still watch it even if she mutes her mic.

>> No.6324675

Yeah that guy has been a constant in the NijiEN threads since like the 2nd week. First he started off trying to sow arguments by forcing a "No NijiJP/KR/ID" crusade even though nobody else in the thread agreed with him. He even tried making a copy of the NijiEN OP except with a line about other branches being unwelcome, but nobody fell for it. Eventually he moved on to being a Pomu anti because it got him the most (You)'s.

I don't really mind the lack of guerilla stream. Streaming is a lot of work and she just wants to unwind from a week of wageslavery since it's Friday.

>> No.6324745
Quoted by: >>6324802

>It looks like the exact same guy because he swapped from all lowercase retarded posting to normal capitalization rational sounding posting.
... I fail to see how that makes him the same guy

>> No.6324773
File: 63 KB, 1000x1000, 1624345486714.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6324797
Quoted by: >>6324836

you can just MD5 search or change the 5 to a 1, what is the point of pretending you're from the far future?

>> No.6324802
Quoted by: >>6324839

Because he's pulled the same thing in the NijiEN threads, when he gets banned all those types of posts are deleted at the exact same second. People can change typing styles you know. like this
and falseflag all day

>> No.6324836
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1607805123662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6324930


>> No.6324839

There were at my reckoning five posters who got deleted here, are you saying all five of them are the same person?

>> No.6324907
Quoted by: >>6324938 >>6324946

How was her stream earlier today? I was able to watch her play the first game but I had to dip before she got into the second one.

>> No.6324930

It looks like you intentionally edited the unix timestamp on a file you saved, in a newfaggy way that wouldn't stop archivefagging.

>> No.6324938
Quoted by: >>6325003

It was quite fun, I enjoyed how she went out of her way to pick troll answers sometimes.

>> No.6324946
Quoted by: >>6325003

She streamed from the toilet and farted on stream

>> No.6324974

>Pomu thread
>seethe about hololive
Why are pomuniggers like this?

>> No.6325003

Yep, good mix of trying to up her considerate score and just fucking with the game. I'll try to catch the second half sometime soon.
Based fairy

>> No.6325045
File: 31 KB, 1024x994, 1624228891525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6325310


>> No.6325147
Quoted by: >>6325174

I love Pomu

>> No.6325174

Came here to post this but got distracted by the weird avatarfag.

>> No.6325198
File: 109 KB, 1079x1142, POMULOVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread's history is hilarious, oh wow.

Anyway, I LOVE POMU!!!!

>> No.6325255
File: 72 KB, 560x559, 1605771671125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6325310


>> No.6325301
File: 227 KB, 2048x1536, 1623728496361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu hours in a Pomu thread

>> No.6325305
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1606930899519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6325676


>> No.6325310

If you're just going to do this shit I think I'd rather go back to the shitflinging

>> No.6325672

I think what the signal is, is that threads shouldn't be hijacked for vtuber console wars, meido doesn't intend to take sides and won't care if he pulls your pants down in a wipe and reveals you're shitposting in between thoughtful posts. Maybe that's part of the point. If you're still talking, you weren't banned so it's not that. Maybe somehow got caught in the crossfire.

>> No.6325676
File: 446 KB, 736x734, Pomu love2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6325779

I feel you, Goslingbro...

>> No.6325779
File: 884 KB, 1001x1055, 1624356680350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6325969

I love her..........

>> No.6325934
File: 173 KB, 1050x1050, E30MK2vWYAQM8nq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.6325969
File: 271 KB, 916x788, pomu gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I love her so much...

>> No.6326047
File: 463 KB, 2121x3000, 1621614105790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6326117

Pic related, it's my wife

>> No.6326117
File: 385 KB, 510x598, 1625409449916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, when did I type this?

>> No.6326376
Quoted by: >>6326460

but who was pomu

>> No.6326460
File: 256 KB, 602x329, 1617531294389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

