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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.63097968

Because there's some schizo spreading bullshit about her daily and people here believe anything.

>> No.63098030

she's rather crude and rude

>> No.63098205
Quoted by: >>63099139

Ok, someone send the list again to OP.

>> No.63098258

I would've agreed but considering that there are multiple cases and even proofs gathered from the streams.
You would hate her aswell if she does some of the things she did to your oshi anon.

>> No.63098427
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 17001786506388702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63098450

I hate her for piloting that nice model and making it say disgusting things, talk about politics, interact with males, and stomp all over what it means to be a vtuber.

>> No.63098499

why is your mother a dumb cunt again?

>> No.63098628

because she's an actual nonce

>> No.63098739

Every single female in NijiEN is built to be relentlessly fucked until they're so mindbroken that they can't function on a daily basis without taking dick at least once

>> No.63098781

I still need answers for this one, it’s just so absurd.

>> No.63099076

She's a cunt. Next question please.

>> No.63099139
File: 740 KB, 1493x935, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The "fried chicken incident"
>had been using some racial jokes, gets in trouble for it
>eventually says that Kyo (who talks like a black person) sounds like Snoop Dogg and likes fried chicken
>forced to do a 30 minute grovelling apology
Don't you dare start thinking she's "based" though. She's also mocked white people in a similar way and gotten off scot free.

The "NTR arc"
>builds a character around being a lonely single woman craving penis
>starts flirting with males in the company
>First with Luca, doing a "workout stream". Brags about her ass, calls him "boss", and makes plans to meet up with him IRL.
>Then releases her NTR themed outfit which is the "Queen of Spades". Cucks her fans in the VN skit abandoning them for a life with Kyo.
>Invites Kyo over to her house, while laughing about her fans being cucks. Streams with him from her bedroom, holding hands with him, at midnight
>aggressively flirts with Hex on twitter, asking him to choke her and smell his dick
>starts flirting constantly with Diego on twitter even making plans to meet up IRL with him

The parasocial drama
>gets criticism for being the "NTR vtuber"
>starts trying to put distance between herself and chat
>begins the toxic "platonically" meme
>parasocial discussion engulfs twitter and even infects the JP branch
>violates her own parasocial rules numerous times
>blowing kisses to chat, calling her fans "hot", holding weddings with her fans
>promises to give her chat regular "virginity updates" for when she loses her v-card

The Drama arc
>with her channel declining, Enna starts kicking up massive amounts of drama
>ruins Selen's big wrestling tournament with her shitty behavior pretending to be tired
>shits on Pomu's NKODice tournament too, saying she doesn't even want to be there
>says extremely nasty and insulting things to Doppio, Mysta, and Ver
>ruins 3 birthdays with her behavior, Petra, Mysta, and Kyo
>is an extremely sore loser after being beaten by Ren in Mario Party
>snaps at Zaion on twitter, forced to apologize when Pomu calls her out
>rages at Elira on twitter in all caps because Elira didn't answer her phone
>was the principle actor that sent the SecretGC stream off the rails to mock 4chan
>repeatedly insults her fans in mean-spirited ways, practically every stream
>openly admits she's a bitch a dozen times, says her streams are damaging people
>rages at Kyo's superchatter who said that Kyo is too close to Enna
After this, management forced Enna to stop the drama and change her behavior.

Miscellaneous shitty things Enna has done
>dramabaits her wisdom tooth surgery, even doing a will-writing stream
>punches jesus in the face and laughs about it, professes a belief in chinese mysticism
>constant donation baiting, pretending she's borderline homeless and can't pay her rent
>insists she's a "weeb" because she watched Sailor Moon, is actually a normie
>Selen is the only girl she left out of her intro, also refused to tweet Selen's 3.0 reveal
>despite admitting her life is a complete mess, constantly tries to give her chat life advice

Enna is also a complete SJW, she was doing the "fried chicken" bit for popularity
>Constantly promoting gay stuff.
>Repeating bluepilled nonsense like "intelligence isn't real"
>doesn't want "genderfied" toys for children
>repeats social justice nonsense about captialism and colonization
>mocks white people repeatedly, especially hates them for being "rich"
>refuses to move to America because she's scared of guns

Enna has been caught in numerous lies.
>says that she was lazy and dropped out of school, and her dad even fought with her saying she was wasting her talent. Later completely changes the narrative and says she was hired because of her "hard work", which is definitely not the case, she was a nepotism hire.
>always tired for Saturday streams because she's out late partying Friday night, every week comes up with a new convenient excuse to explain it
>says that she was lonely, but admitted this was a lie. Claimed that she only had friends in Niji but talks about meeting up with IRL friends practically every week
>fake depression act which is nothing but a lie
>fake poverty act to get donations

>> No.63099287

hello Enna

>> No.63099361

I’m not the only one whose eyes glaze over when I see these giant lists right?

>> No.63099416

take your ADHD meds anon. Or you just don't care

>> No.63099765

Amazing she has not been fired or given the v*sper m*gni treatment. Ena is largely responsible for any colors public imagine being shit.

>> No.63100175

I liked her for being a good singer but grew to hate her personality for trying extremely hard to play into the "'fucking bitch' nijicancelled unhinged" shit.

I don't even dislike her for being rude. I dislike her trying too damn hard to be rude. It felt way too fake and tryhard. If I wanted the sense of humor she tried offering, I could just go watch some prominent twitch streamer and see them do it better.

>> No.63100372

because she's an asshole and also showed her friends what was most likely CP on live stream

>> No.63100538
Quoted by: >>63100599

Damn this is what nijinigger life is like? And here I was still upset that Mowi collabed with some shitstink ironic weebs.

>> No.63100577

/vt/ has mindbroken me so whenever I see these giant lists I just assume they’re either falseflags or just a bunch of rrats blown way out if proportion. Maybe theres truth to some of these, but I don’t really plan on watching enna anyways so i don’t really care.

>> No.63100599

that's nothing to what enna's been doing,
and the list anon sent isn't even all of it.

>> No.63100614

Matara would know it.

>> No.63100707
Quoted by: >>63101124

>falseflags or just a bunch of rrats blown way out if proportion
honestly I wish,
I was a fan of hers before but most if not all in the list(there's more actually) is true,
proofs are even in the actual list.

There's a bigger list that is up on a site that showcases everything wrong of her.
If someone knows what I'm talking about, pls send it here.

>> No.63101124
Quoted by: >>63112063

You mean this?


>> No.63101636

Happy OP?

>> No.63101817

That's pretty much the case with the schizo who replied to you. By his own admission he's a half flip half Chinese schizo who used to oshi her until she started hanging around Kyo and then he started watching her streams just to try to make long lists of shit that he believes she did. Some of his criticisms before have been stuff like
>Enna made a joke about religion and that's bad!!!!
He's been banned multiple times and even /#/s considers him to be a joke. The truth is that he's just a regular ass schizo who does his best to try to take things out of context. Half of his time stamps were either obvious jokes or something said out of context.
I don't even like Enna but the dude who posts these lists is sad enough to where he shows up in her pre chat to try to get her attention and even pays for her membership. He's a sad sad case

>> No.63101850
Quoted by: >>63102074

Enna schizo has been around long before Kyo, newfag

>> No.63101931

Don't get another 2 week suspension Kyo.

>> No.63102074

Sure but back then he was milgurschizo, still does his milgurschizo shit. It wasn't until (You) became mindbroken by a wigger who probably can't even get hard due to the sheer amount of brain pills he's on that (You) started making lists of shit like
>Enna said this!!!!
And when you click on the timestamp it's something completely unrelated to the timestamp or it's an obvious joke or something like that. You need actual help milgurschizo, im not super into the idea of therapy but I don't think it'd hurt at this point

>> No.63102501
Quoted by: >>63103073

Can you do one of these for every other corpo Vtubers too?

>> No.63102826

I think it comes from NijiEN wanting to have it both ways - they want to act like Twitch Thots while also getting the corporate seiso idol attention and money. They’ll say that Hololive is for babies while in the same breath denigrate Vshojo as a déclassé retirement home - it’s the hypocrisy of it all that people can’t stand.

>> No.63103073
Quoted by: >>63103389

It wasn't my list, but if you want more on Nijis you should ask the sisters on the sister site. They've got a "bitch catalogue" for a lot of their chuubas. I know they made one for Nina, Reimu, Hex, Zaion, Kyo and Shu. As far as Holo goes, I only know of the Mori list, but even I consider most of it outdated now, even though I still dislike her.

>> No.63103339

>Constantly promoting gay stuff.
>>Repeating bluepilled nonsense like "intelligence isn't real"
>>repeats social justice nonsense about captialism and colonization
There's nothing wrong with this shit you pol homo

>> No.63103361
Quoted by: >>63106858

Enna is a rare case in that she's just not a good person. A lot of the yabs and general bad things her contemporaries have done are at least often understandable or from cluelessness. Like Luca's a super annoying fuckwit but it's at least understandable in that it's mostly from an effort to get pussy, but Enna does bad things for almost no reason and often to her own detriment. She admits that she loves drama and will start it if she's bored but it'd never be worth unless it's such a profound enjoyment that really only a fucking psychopath would get. The only thing that's ever seemed to genuinely upset her is people not believing she's a virgin, even though it's her own fault that everyone she tells that to fall into the camps of either not believing or not caring, because she's a narcissist. If Enna isn't a virgin, I doubt she's got all that high a body count because she thinks she's 'too good' to be easy, rather than it just not being a good thing to be.

>> No.63103389
Quoted by: >>63112280

>sister site.

>> No.63103396

this board hates anyone who doesn’t constantly pander to them.

also cause they hate that she awoke their bbc ntr fetish

>> No.63103451
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x680, Coco Faggot [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2zcm32.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Constantly promoting gay stuff.
>There's nothing wrong with this shit you pol homo

>> No.63103568

Bets on which Niji member this is?

>> No.63103727

>this board hates anyone who doesn’t constantly pander to them.
On what fucking board have you been living? This board hates being pandered to more than anything else, just look at Kiki, Pippa or that one Discord /here/ stream.

>> No.63103813
Quoted by: >>63104036

good bait
mori, kronii, and finana must be beloved then

>> No.63103859

I don't watch her that much, mainly a few streams in the beginning and only clips. But whenever some twitter autist is talking about "oh god I love her and I love nijien they're so unhinged ASDFLKJASD" it makes me think of that spongebob rollercoaster meme.

>> No.63104036

>I hate people who piss themselves in public
>Therefore I must love those people who don't piss themselves in public (the were caught on camera defecating on dug up corpses)
Now this is a good bait lol
Don't forget those who semi-pander like Lumi. I haven't so much uncontained hate in a thread in a while

>> No.63104160
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>snaps at Zaion on twitter, forced to apologize when Pomu calls her out
These are the tweets btw

>> No.63104224

Man, what a fucking bitch.

>> No.63104288

She's a sack of shit in human skin with a voice that makes screeching banshees jealous

>> No.63104311

how do people blow this out of proportion.
theyre being silly…fuck this board is just autists and the mentally ill

>> No.63104467
Quoted by: >>63134222

you need answers for her having naked pictures of a kid on her phone and showing other people with no hesitation?

>> No.63106089 [DELETED] 

I hope she dies with Millie.

>> No.63106219

>Invites Kyo over to her house, while laughing about her fans being cucks. Streams with him from her bedroom, holding hands with him, at midnight

You just know Enna and Kyo bang every time they have an off-collab and laugh about how their fans would react if they found out.

>> No.63106389

Chinese sociopath

>> No.63106448

>racism is based
>until she mocks me :(

>> No.63106477

she's a literal pedophile

>> No.63106590
Quoted by: >>63107309

When you guys bitch about shit like this it makes me take the rest of your complaints less seriously. Maybe Enna is actually an awful person but I don’t care enough to find out when this is what passes for drama here.

>> No.63106591

The moment she pathetically clung to Kyo (trash hire) it was over for me

PS: not even an unicorn, I'm female

>> No.63106673

Because she's Niji

>> No.63106809
File: 432 KB, 2048x1794, 564645616451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she panders to chinese and she cheated on her fans with Kyo Kaneko during that NTR collab

>> No.63106858

I knew a girl with that exact attitude and she had a body count over 20 before she turned 23. Just because Enna believes she isn't easy doesn't mean she isn't.

>> No.63107309

They get so deep into their hatred it blinds them to the fact that not every single thing these women do is terrible. It's black and white to them. I won't stick up for Enna because the retarded 4chan thing, but it's so dumb that they do shitty things and it's overshadowed by a retarded list filled with schizo reactions like the ones towards those tweets.

>> No.63107504

I hate her because she's Chinese, and I hate Chinese people.
The only good Chinese contribution to anything is Year Hare Affair.

>> No.63107535

80% of the board has no idea who the fuck she even is, outside of her thread and sometimes /vrt/ only /pcg/ has a slightest idea about her. too irrelevant to be a good example.
She's well known to have been pandering much more to kiwifarms and youtube normies than /vt/ if anything. Before she got big overnight she was virtually unknown outside of /pcg/
>Discord /here/ stream
That's because it done in such a shitty way that no one reasonably would enjoy it.

There's some well liked vtubers who do content for this board, the top 3 just aren't even good examples

>> No.63107619

Hello Ennaschizo

>> No.63107705
File: 637 KB, 900x900, 1698971955125723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>63107953

I liked her alot around her debut, and still think her covers and originals are some of the best in EN, but the shitty atittude and collabs with the blue haired manchild just got too much for me. Sad to see.

>> No.63107953


>> No.63108106
Quoted by: >>63112469

No, I genuinely don't know how people have the energy to care this much about a vtuber they don't like

>> No.63108242

She's an En vtuber and a generic one at that.

>> No.63109897

ugliest niji

>> No.63111338

no one knows

>> No.63111411

I can't believe there's actually some sense in a niji bait thread for once. During SEA hours no less. Must be some burgerbros on thanksgiving break.

>> No.63111518

Post IQ.

>> No.63111738
File: 1.23 MB, 1098x792, 1676214925053348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For over a year Enna farmed her own family for content without their knowledge or consent
>telling extremely private stories about her aunt, father, and brother
>spilling family drama for all the world to see
>talking major shit about her stepmom, saying she hates her stepmom, calling her the devil, saying her father shouldn't have married her.

Then, her stepmom complains that she's talking about intimate family matters to her entire audience. So Enna throws a bitchfit and says her stepmom "only thinks of herself", and "this is my content, this is how I make money". She never even had her family's consent for this, and when they found out about it and asked her to stop, she got petulant and self righteous as if THEY were the ones at fault.

Enna is actually a bad person, and can't even see in the mirror how bad of a human being she is.

>> No.63112044

There are receipts for literally everything OP, you’re just a seething faggot

>> No.63112063
Quoted by: >>63159770

Holy receipts. Based Schitzo

>> No.63112280

There is a jp doxxsite that catalogues pl and roommate information on chuubas from jp companies like niji and holo. The female, mostly Chinese, fans of the nijiEN boys have basically colonized it as their discussion and gossip forum.

>> No.63112316

>Why do people hate her
>ugh, don’t tell me why!

>> No.63112420

There's so much schizo shit in this list that it reads like someone is trying to make her likeable.
Stop that crap.

>> No.63112469

It sets a bad precedent in the industry, that’s the issue with it. It leads indies and small corpos to act the same way because a member of nijisanji EN does it, and therefore it must be ok, hence why we shame these actions regardless of whether we watch her or not

>> No.63112514
Quoted by: >>63112656

The fact is that Enna did NTR content for a long time.
On the advice of Kyo she started creating immense amounts of drama which completely ruined the atmosphere of the branch. Often mocking and shitting on her coworkers to create drama.

She treats her fans like absolute crap and thinks vtuber watchers are basically subhuman

>> No.63112599

Based receipts anon

>> No.63112656

Truth is stranger than fiction, she really is that terrible.
And yeah, Kyo is even worse.

>> No.63112797

THIS! I fucking hate that she uses her family for content and her main reasoning is "coz I need interesting stories + this is my source of income". Like bruh you just dont spill to thousands of viewers that your biological mom has mental illness specially if she (her mom) dont know that... cmon man at least ask for consent coz thats such a shitty thing to do. Thats breaching someone else's privacy (not to mention thats her own family). Childhood stories, I get; but using someone else's medical records for content? Bruh thats a red flag for me. Like I would understand it if its her own issues (like Kyo with his illness for example) but this is just a big NOPE.

>> No.63112971

>Little zoomzoom mad her pappy married another woman
Electra complexe! Just fuck your dad and maybe you'll be happy Enna.

>> No.63113444
Quoted by: >>63163882

Yea thats one of the reasons why I dropped Enna. The mom's illness and the chibisuke thing broke the camels back for me and solidified the decision to drop her.

>> No.63117725

kys enna pls

>> No.63121479

Some of these things are pretty based

>> No.63121752

I just don’t like Chinese people

>> No.63122023

>Most of these came around the time Kyos generation debuted, which was around the one year for enna.
Really shows how she just went completely downhill, before that she really wasn't that bad

>> No.63122110

putting anything about her content aside, she has the most awful, nails on chalkboard disgusting voice i've ever heard attached to a moving png. how anyone can listen to her for more than two minutes is beyond me

>> No.63122441

I don't get it... With this much seethe, you have to be watching every single on of her streams. Most of these things are only something mentally ill manipulative psychos could cook up...

>> No.63122590
Quoted by: >>63123599

It's almost as if that entire list is filled with way overblown schizo shit that barely qualifies as a yab.
If you want an actual yab, there's the children photos shit, now that shit's weird, and it's kinda funny that it gets overshadowed by petty complaints about her "being too mean"

>> No.63122971
Quoted by: >>63123235

I can't believe there's retards in this thread defending her, even disregarding criticism from schizo she has a shitty personality overall and is one of those "but i own it" types, which means she's even more of a bitch than one who isn't self aware.
She constantly farms drama, is likely a pedo and might have shown actual CP to her genmates.
That's enough to warrant the hate.

>> No.63123235
Quoted by: >>63126994

Then just post the actual yabs

>> No.63123599
Quoted by: >>63123652

I can't speak for everyone else but people generally don't need yabs to hate an unlikeable person. I
Her "being too mean" is generous considering my reason for hating her is she's trying TOO hard to be mean and it's cringe

>> No.63123652

Who hates someone for being cringe?

>> No.63123857
Quoted by: >>63124049


>> No.63124017


>> No.63124049
Quoted by: >>63124397

Only very young people care that much about not being cringe

>> No.63124397
Quoted by: >>63124610

Not only is this a retarded argument but the dude also said she was just unlikeable in general, which is true

>> No.63124474

That's, sadly, the nature of the internet. The worst thing you can do is being cringe or annoying. It doesn't matter how good or bad of a person you are, if people find you cringe or annoying, they're gonna find every reason justify their hatred.
Note that I'm not specifically talking about Enna, I do think there's legit reasons to dislike her, I'm just saying it's something that happens a lot.

>> No.63124610

You can't read, so your opinion is worthless

>> No.63124935

As a deadbeat, I learned that all too well. That's part of why I'm so disdainful of the practice

>> No.63126994


Listen to her wording and to her genmates reactions. I'll even transcribe it.

Enna: Do you want a picture of my FAVORITE child?

Rest of Ethyria:
OMG Whyyyyy
This will get you cancelled. You should delete that

>> No.63127371
Quoted by: >>63163882

>Enna: Do you want a picture of my FAVORITE child?

Implies that she has more pictures of children in her phone. And considering this is the rest of Ethyria's reaction? Shit must be real scandalous.

>> No.63127503

Weird way of saying you're a faggot anon

>> No.63127679

Because she's a piece of shit.

>> No.63132107

bumping 4 schizos

>> No.63134222
Quoted by: >>63134787

still don't know if that's what was shown, but what else could it be? I assumed a strange pose or selfie with the kid first, but what could provoke a reaction like, "it's cute"-"no it's not" and "this will get you cancelled, I think you should delete that"
Unless an ethyria girl brings it up a year later this might just stay a mystery and that's worrisome

>> No.63134717

what the fuck? was there any talk about this ever again? no way this was just forgotten about

>> No.63134787

Don't really know if I buy it, I don't know what else it could be, but Enna casually showing naked kids to her genmates sounds beyond retarded even for Enna unless it were more innocuous like a kid in a bath or something. The only other thing I could think of would be a picture of a kid or a stupid or embarrasing situation, could be perceived as mean spirited and potentially cancellable. It's worth keeping an eye on but I'm mostly waiting for more information.

>> No.63139088


>> No.63141560

Without exaggeration, I can't think of a single reason people SHOULDN'T hate her

>> No.63142825

>fake poverty act to get donations
This tactic pisses me off a lot because they're trying to bait their fans that make less money than they into give them their money. It's like when Pippa acts like she's poor when she's a 4view.

>> No.63144600


>> No.63144675

Ennaschizo keeps bumping this thread

>> No.63145214

His type of obsession will inevitably end in either suicide or a mass shooting. I just hope the feds already have an eye on him.

>> No.63146947


>> No.63147135

She convinced 14 year old twitter troons that yelling "fucking bitch" alot is peak comedy

>> No.63148952

Fucking sjw

>> No.63153326

page 10

>> No.63153363

kys Kyo

>> No.63153487
Quoted by: >>63159704

she's not going to fuck you lil bro

>> No.63153582

Reminder to always sage (in email or options field) the bait threads so quality ones stay.

>> No.63153701

Why do people like her again?

>> No.63157476

You know why

>> No.63159010
Quoted by: >>63159071

because, while she may still be a bitch, she also deliberately trolls people /here/. (successfully, it seems.)

>> No.63159071
Quoted by: >>63159529

>Discord stream happened
Can't have both, son

>> No.63159529

I'd consider the discord stream a success, honestly. I make a lot of positive comments about my oshis, even back then. This is the only socmed site I use due to anonymity, so knowing they have seen how I feel about them means a lot to me. Some of the things I ritualposted even got an actual mention in it.

>> No.63159704

neither your oshi

>> No.63159770

Oh god, it's real sources. This reinforces my belief that some of you schizos that catalogfags constantly promote are accurate at times despite the interpretations.

The Enna clique one sucked balls. You can feel Nina's hurt from the clip...

>> No.63159866

>>Repeating bluepilled nonsense like "intelligence isn't real"
She is just coping with being retarded

>> No.63159995

based anon, good post

>> No.63160132

Look that other wholesome shit is fine, good for you. That first part though, could not be any more wrong. It was tone deaf, akin to some ABC family movie about cyberbullying, and was the center of scrutiny from the fans and from one of their own livers.

>> No.63162963


>> No.63163882
Quoted by: >>63164062

One of the legit reasons read >>63111738 + >>63112797 + >>63113444 and then theres also >>63126994 and >>63127371

>> No.63164062

holy schizo.. imagine being a kindergarden teacher and having pictures of kids for memories = anything sexual. facepalming hard. also misinterpreting the whole context of what nina said, you guys have mental illness.

>> No.63164392

If it was just normal pictures of the kid then why did the others freak out about it, when they just moments before wanted to see pictures of the kid?

>> No.63164872

If Enna did show normal pictures then others wouldnt have that bad of a reaction about it. Their normal reaction would be like "Aww theyre cute" or something like that if that was a normal pic.

Having Ethyria's reaction be
>N: Uhhh
>R: OMG Whyyyyy
>M: This will get you cancelled. You should delete that

Tells a lot ngl.

>> No.63164893

I think you've got a mental illness to ignore the plethora of criticisms with receipts

>> No.63168524

kek, I need to save this somewhere just to see if someone could beat this checklist

>> No.63168903

>Enna hates everything, loves children?
She had no idea how right she was.

>> No.63169401
Quoted by: >>63171812

She wants her own half brother dead simply because he came out of her step mom. She's fucked in the head.

>> No.63171812

That’s so fuckin weird dude lol

>> No.63172087

That discord stream was one of the more negative niji events to ever happen. It was criticized for months by what seemed like everyone while other livers were denouncing it or publicly regretting their own involvement in it.
