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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62886533 No.62886533 [Reply] [Original]

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Previous Thread >>62876940

>> No.62886580
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>> No.62886594
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>> No.62886686
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Quoted by: >>62886715

I like the OP-pic, OP.

>> No.62886697
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>> No.62886698
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>> No.62886711
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You're doing great Pippa!

>> No.62886715
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>> No.62886735
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Jelly is...

>> No.62886740
File: 63 KB, 554x554, 1676326190871655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD I want to FUCK Uruka. SO BAD. HOLY SHIT.

>> No.62886759
File: 7 KB, 742x484, 1700187655351103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread won't be any worser or gooder

>> No.62886767
Quoted by: >>62887445

This is why alcohol is evil

>> No.62886797

everyone's favorite onahole!

>> No.62886801
File: 66 KB, 450x689, fpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, have you been watching enough pippa?
>Your pipkin levels are low

>> No.62886813 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 458x596, pippeaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't really think you could drive, right anon?

>> No.62886833
File: 307 KB, 855x614, 1669887536123512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Panko.
I will always love Panko.
Not a day goes by where I don't think about how much I love Panko.

>> No.62886836
File: 2.95 MB, 1008x612, jerry [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fg22cn5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62887016


>> No.62886877

God I need Lumi

>> No.62886929
Quoted by: >>62887026

I don't watch react slop so no.

>> No.62886932

No, fuck you

>> No.62886956

Yeah... swallow bear.

>> No.62886960
File: 293 KB, 1477x2467, 1678303343083429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, Pippa should make me cum with her feet

>> No.62886972
File: 1.74 MB, 1662x365, Jeltler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bringing the final solution

>> No.62886978
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Quoted by: >>62887155

Streams fine, kinda boring, but fine, its alright for background noise.

>> No.62886998

Did she stream, today? I watched all of her birthday stream. She deserves a day off.

>> No.62887013
File: 90 KB, 588x843, 17035687568456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62888037

Also this makes me so sad.

>> No.62887014

My social life suffered because I refused to drink and drive while I lived in Wisconsin.

>> No.62887016
File: 191 KB, 460x457, 2023-11-18-215114_1281x740_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch sex bear play guitar and talk about her swallowing.

>> No.62887026
File: 367 KB, 3000x2586, pipdisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62887174

>you are weak anon
>your bloodline will fade

>> No.62887029
File: 39 KB, 348x542, 1678730243012277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11:30 PM
>random phone call
>it's Pippa
wat do?

>> No.62887062
Quoted by: >>62887126

I would buy Pippa's thighhigh socks for my sister. haha

>> No.62887093

turtle king save me!!!

>> No.62887118

Uruka made fun of my dating story and I'm still afraid of her mockery.

>> No.62887121

she doesnt gulp while swallowing

>> No.62887125
Quoted by: >>62887329

You answer calls from numbers you don't recognize?

>> No.62887126

You mean yourself, right anon?

>> No.62887133


>> No.62887155
Quoted by: >>62887393

Too bad the Filian collab couldn't have been for tonight

>> No.62887174

Kill yourself.

>> No.62887184
File: 311 KB, 824x1000, 1697870505219124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Pippa and want to hug her

>> No.62887189
File: 3.61 MB, 852x480, awa[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fshcsjl.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62887209
Quoted by: >>62888068

You know a long time ago on this board I remember arguing with other anons when I argued that pippa should stick to react shit if she wanted numbers because they were clearly a buff over her vidya streams.

I regret being right.

>> No.62887213
File: 323 KB, 498x552, 1693368901056228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62887388

is everything ready to go?

>> No.62887256
File: 9 KB, 183x183, e2NkjAcM_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna tlk about Pokemon? Mahjong? Plushies? Vtubers? Cosplay?

>> No.62887273

They are always overflowing

>> No.62887316

>”oh shit it’s pippa time to unleash the rizz”
>”so uh…..did it hurt? When you fell down those sta- UH I MEAN fell from heaven haha???”

>> No.62887329
File: 234 KB, 512x512, 1690099616138231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62887467

i always answer every telephone call. when it's a scammer i tell him some techno mumbo jumbo about tracing his number and that i'm going to kill his family. then i talk about how i'm going to chop off their fingers while he watches and put drills in their eyes and so on until he hangs up

>> No.62887340
File: 1.22 MB, 1315x931, Screenshot 2023-11-18 182524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a mystery that pippa get 5 times the CCV the next big phase member does. hope the adds help.

>> No.62887377
File: 159 KB, 225x225, lisa revenge [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzotkq4.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62887379
File: 507 KB, 1900x2800, 1675351692407252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, Pippa should marry me.

>> No.62887388

Stop advertising, schizo.

>> No.62887385

Plug in my phone so I can answer and listen to her sperg out about whatever the fuck for the next three hours.

>> No.62887393
Quoted by: >>62889031

I wish she had taken the headache day off and we had the handcam stream tonight honestly, would have been nice seeing her take her time with the stuff and chat more instead of rushing to clock out on the hour.

>> No.62887415
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>> No.62887440

lol okay don't come complaining here harines if she does more and more react content

>> No.62887445

Nah, it takes a special kind of retard to drive while drunk.

>> No.62887467
Quoted by: >>62887609

That's horrible anon. Those are real people you're talking to, who hate marketers as much as you do but at the end of the day have to earn money somehow. Based, carry on.

>> No.62887488

>get her to talk about something that will result in a tangent
>start masturbating furiously
>use active listening so she doesn't get suspicious
>while she is gushing about her weird axolotl toys, cum all over the phone screen while the caller-id is up
>"a-anon what was that"
>"oh sorry I was just cleaning mb continue"

>> No.62887492

>Hello honey, I am on my way home, I'll see you soon, I just have to leave my friend in his house, he is too drunk to drive.

>> No.62887502
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>> No.62887508


>> No.62887507

She does deserve more.

>> No.62887516
File: 855 KB, 3072x1728, b8YBdq4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uruka is confused by male lack of aerodynamics and weird portrusions

>> No.62887517
File: 50 KB, 1052x588, 1695770378423188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK guys. I've been coming to the general every day for the past 29 weeks so that basically makes me an oldfag. I deserve a ritualpost but I don't know what to spam the thread with. Spoonfeed me ideas that would annoy you the most.

>> No.62887546
Quoted by: >>62887978

you guys are botting her, aren't you?

>> No.62887579
Quoted by: >>62887658

Hime is gonna say the n word in 1 minute

>> No.62887586

Who is this?
I don't know any woman
that doesn't make me a fag
fuck you cunt
no fuck YOU

>> No.62887588

>"Just walk, bitch!!"
T. Pimpkin Pippa

>> No.62887604

Does Lumi pull more numbers than Tenma?

>> No.62887609

sometimes if they get uppity i will start saying "go on. call the police. let's have a police report about this call. go on and sign the forms with your name."

>> No.62887624

Stop advertising, schizo.

>> No.62887633
File: 379 KB, 553x727, u654b63w54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gone to gulag comrade

>> No.62887658
File: 1.12 MB, 1244x698, Hard R [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgm2baa.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62887673
Quoted by: >>62887897

>Answer the phone to dead silence
Me: "Hello?"
Pippa: "Hello,"
>Awkward silence
Pippa: "Who is this?"
Me: ... "You called me, who are you?"
Pippa: "iM sOrRy YoUr nUmBeR iS iN a GaMe,"
>Hang up

>> No.62887822

They're pretty similar but Tenma is consistently a little higher.

>> No.62887867
File: 78 KB, 256x256, DO NOT REDEEM[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgdpfob.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62887897

>could've played it off by saying she dialed the number wrong
>could've just ended the call right there
>"your number is in a game"
I love her autism, that was kino right there.

>> No.62887944
Quoted by: >>62888169

Can't really 1:1 Twitch and YT numbers.

>> No.62887948
File: 1.01 MB, 960x957, panko irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62888025

Pankophiles? Your response?

>> No.62887971
Quoted by: >>62888883

Urukas music streams are so comfy. I'll probably sleep to this.

>> No.62887978

I own not a single botfly. I deny the charges!

>> No.62888025

I want pizza

>> No.62888037

lmao, 0.13 is completely shitfaced for most people, its at lest 6 drinks drank moments ago, also you can be as high as 0.08 in US ? wtf, thats fucking drunk as shit already

>> No.62888068

So it's your fault anon?


>> No.62888072

That's the difference between being a pickme and having an actual personality.

>> No.62888081

"You guys said this video was safe" Thats all it takes for the Rippa copcam bait to get in.

>> No.62888145
Quoted by: >>62888221

>5.1k ccv
We should be on our knees thanking Pippa for every non-bodycam stream she does

>> No.62888169

Tenma streams more on Twitch these days anyway.

>> No.62888207

>why more bodycam slop
>which "real fan" watches this shit
the same 30+ clip tourist chuds that unitonically buy the shirts that one faggot was shilling to "own the libs"

>> No.62888221
Quoted by: >>62888548

>we got 2 handcam streams
>good collabs
/pcg/ can suck it up for a react stream

>> No.62888240


>> No.62888248

She did it!
Pippa managed to ignore the chat bait on her own

>> No.62888264


>> No.62888262
Quoted by: >>62888417

>buy the shirts that one faggot was shilling to "own the libs".

>> No.62888270

You are not really free if you can't enjoy driving while drunk

>> No.62888291

pippas untrimmed bush....

>> No.62888290
File: 23 KB, 500x500, 1470171513990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62888611

>Making taco meat after carrying a heavy ass tv cabinet up a flight of stairs and assembling it while listening to Pippa laugh at her and Lumi's future selves.

Its a good night. Also I'm tired and my back hurts.

>> No.62888303

but pipnigs are so based and redpilled

>> No.62888306

>you were going into oncoming traffic
Women should never have been allowed to drive

>> No.62888344
File: 636 KB, 1440x2471, Pebbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what pippa was SUPPOSED to be
diverse and tolerant idol

"globie is a community which embraces new challenges, and aims to be a diverse cultural crossroads for the world.
Join our journey alongside our VTubers in becoming the heart of excitement and multiculturalism."

>> No.62888345

Is she already trying to backpedal out of karaoke?

>> No.62888354

Fish status?

>> No.62888385

I support Pippa's bush.

>> No.62888417

NTA but I assume he was referring to the merch store of the previous channel since it popped up.

>> No.62888419
Quoted by: >>62888679

She'd rather jong

>> No.62888439
File: 725 KB, 837x832, 1694332924147319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62888453

>Calling your company "globie"

>> No.62888455

I was looking at the archive and saw this posted on the numbers thread. Thanks for letting me know about this numberbro.

>> No.62888458

i always get stopped by the police. i hate it so much, because i'm always afraid the cops are going to shoot me, so i have to put my hands on the steering wheel, turn the lights on and even then the cops give me attitude.

>> No.62888480

You guys complain, but you know that 2 for 1 dui chaining thing was pretty funny.

>> No.62888526

Consider being white.

>> No.62888548
Quoted by: >>62888905

>we got 2 handcam streams
Where's the second one? Last one before the crystal one was the lego one two weeks ago.

>> No.62888560

I unironically got out of a ticket once by saying it was my mom's car.
It works, sometimes.

>> No.62888564
Quoted by: >>62889005

Literally never been pulled over and I've been driving for 22 years.

>> No.62888567


>> No.62888583

I'm dropping old Pippa for new and improved Pippa.

>> No.62888588

What language is a fucking Hoboken?

>> No.62888609

They're too late. The ESG money is drying up.

>> No.62888611
Quoted by: >>62888969

Nice. I've been making stew while listening to her. It's almost done I'm so hungry

>> No.62888615

No, Tenma is usually higher

>> No.62888652
File: 1.94 MB, 1478x833, 1675790454096177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62888662
File: 65 KB, 680x588, 1679992804879146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please marry me

>> No.62888679
Quoted by: >>62888819

True, tileman has been waiting this whole time.

>> No.62888706

I glad the languages are ordered from civilized to brown

>> No.62888717

No she already announced it was going to be after this stream. People trying to tell her to do the karaoke at this point are just annoying.

>> No.62888731

One of the dialects in China.

>> No.62888744
File: 3.02 MB, 420x450, bootlicker [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1spubb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62888745


>> No.62888754

I'd call you a nog, but having grown up in a stuck up small town and had the cops called on me for walking with eyebrows while tall, I feel you anon.

>> No.62888768
Quoted by: >>62889341

But the brownest one is first?

>> No.62888774

New jersey.

>> No.62888779

Regional New Jerseyan dialect

>> No.62888792
Quoted by: >>62888936

this screams globalist british homosexuality

>> No.62888812
File: 112 KB, 1242x1232, 1699665456325672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62889095

>remembing that time Pippa ended karaoke on my song request

>> No.62888819

Aren't they doing their tourney?

>> No.62888838
Quoted by: >>62888997

post hand

>> No.62888847

Are there other penguin vtubers? It's seems so obvious but this is the first I've seen.

>> No.62888883
File: 237 KB, 600x600, uruka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62888933

Yeah, your blue bear's pretty comfy.

>> No.62888905
Quoted by: >>62889031

That's 2 in a rolling month, maybe 3 depending on how long ago Lego part 1 was

>> No.62888913

It's the quarter circle forward kind of language.

>> No.62888927
Quoted by: >>62888977

Petra Gurin

>> No.62888930

The girl Grape-kun fell in love with is a vtuber now

>> No.62888936
Quoted by: >>62889169

>based in London
You looked it up, didn't you?

>> No.62888933
File: 458 KB, 1200x1200, PHASE CONNECT [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpl0r6b.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62888940

He's not been in a game from what I've seen. If so it ended a while ago.

>> No.62888969
Quoted by: >>62889080

Feels like everyone has been making stew the past month.

>> No.62888977
Quoted by: >>62889988

Peter Griffin?

>> No.62888997

i'm not a whore anon...

>> No.62889001

Is Pippa a sovereign citizen?

>> No.62889005

I've only ever been pulled over for doing shit I shouldn't have been doing like doing 70mph in a 45

>> No.62889014
Quoted by: >>62889117

Fuckers who keep begging for karaoke even those she said she'll do it, if it was me i'd cancel it

>> No.62889031
Quoted by: >>62889584

I'd say 1.5 then, I already went over my thoughs about the crystal one above. >>62887393

>> No.62889044
File: 48 KB, 200x200, 1684080585966330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62889208

Interesting name

>> No.62889061
Quoted by: >>62889366

how is it that asian women are more white woman than white women

>> No.62889064
Quoted by: >>62889831

We got yellow girl rap from Hime, when are we getting white girl rap from Lumi?

>> No.62889072

No. She knows the angle though.

>> No.62889080

It's stew season. Also: delicious

>> No.62889083
Quoted by: >>62889163

Will Pippa hit 6k tonight?

>> No.62889095

>That time I got her to sing Sobakasu
I can never go back to those times

>> No.62889105


>> No.62889115

OMFG is the antithesis of Pippa

>> No.62889117

(retarded me)

>> No.62889155

her car has diplomatic plates from phase world

>> No.62889163
File: 28 KB, 537x216, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62889385

I was going to say no, but wasn't the feet stream 7k?

>> No.62889169
File: 255 KB, 500x500, 1699315763301340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62889193

no thanks

>> No.62889197
Quoted by: >>62889309

Is that real?

>> No.62889209


>> No.62889208

Stop noticing things

>> No.62889243
Quoted by: >>62889572

I need to show this to pippa!!!

>> No.62889269
File: 8 KB, 300x168, 1684089187957473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Canada SUCKS

>> No.62889271
Quoted by: >>62889319

how many fucking ads do you need in one vid?

>> No.62889285
Quoted by: >>62889458

have a rrat: Pippa knew harines would pick react content so she can multitask and play in the tourney on her alt

>> No.62889309

Yes, new vtuber company that's openly promoting itself as globalist.

>> No.62889319


>> No.62889337

it really does.

>> No.62889341

Shut up, Panko.

>> No.62889361

You ready for all the karaoke requests to be Ripper? Cause I am, it'll be funny as hell watching her experience the Streisand effect directed at her.

>> No.62889366

That's just how far white women have fallen. Similar to how some men can, for some ungodly reason, be better at being women than actual women. Shit's bad.

>> No.62889385

8k, I was there. It still remains her highest viewed stream to date

>> No.62889442
Quoted by: >>62889562

Didn't her birthday stream get higher?

>> No.62889448

Yeah, me. And yes, I mean all of Canada.

>> No.62889447

It does, fuck this country.

>> No.62889458
Quoted by: >>62889644

>>62888940 begs to differ
And we did the alt loop last night.

>> No.62889467
Quoted by: >>62889605

>How dare you know THAT language!
fukin xenophobes

>> No.62889473
Quoted by: >>62889519

I went to canada once and it was just like the USA right down to the walmart weirdos. Only difference was the speed limits listed in KPH.

>> No.62889513
Quoted by: >>62889571


>> No.62889519

>speed limits listed in KPH
ha gay

>> No.62889534

Pippa manages to be a numberfag to the point that its a problem, but not so much of one that she would set a realistic goal for pippits

>> No.62889541

"I'm not going to sing Pippa the Rippa" is going to be the next "It's not my birthday" "I don't have a lisp" if you keep this up

>> No.62889554
Quoted by: >>62889985

I'd hope that she knows that's coming so she opens up by actually putting her foot down about the Ripper spam like the WGFD shit beforehand but fuck knows I won't hold my breath

>> No.62889555
Quoted by: >>62889832

Pippa's stream is buffering pretty often for me today :/

>> No.62889562
Quoted by: >>62889822

No, she couldn't do the whole tease thing and showed the outfit too quickly. Would have maybe hit 9k to 10k if she had some patience.

>> No.62889571 [SPOILER] 
File: 249 KB, 720x722, 1699310830915252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62889572
Quoted by: >>62889651

She is not going to care. Vtubers having samey names is pretty common. Just think about how many Lumi's are out there.

>> No.62889581

She looks like she'd be willing to give up the pussy toget out of this

>> No.62889584

Fair enough, crystal stream was a little stilted and it was cut short but still overall streams lately have been kino, not everything hits but more do than not
Heck even the last Jong stream was great with comfy community vibes although I think that's just because it was guerilla and chat wasn't flooded with tourists

>> No.62889597

The best approach would be opening with it and still let it be private still

>> No.62889605 [SPOILER] 
File: 343 KB, 450x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you i'm xenoPHILLIC

>> No.62889634
Quoted by: >>62889680

I cant believe Rie is black now

>> No.62889644

>And we did the alt loop last night.
And boy was it fun making fun of the idiots as I watched her get on right as the argument ended.

>> No.62889651

Lumi should change her name.

>> No.62889661

Giger get out of my threads reeeee

>> No.62889680


>> No.62889692
Quoted by: >>62889789

Pippa: bros why didnt he ask for her pronouns

>> No.62889735
File: 111 KB, 581x375, Good Rabbit Carrot Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always like watching Pippa until she shits on LGBT for cheap views. That's why I've never subscribed. Never will.

"lol if she was non binary why didn't she use pronouns"

amazing what people will do for views

>> No.62889744


>> No.62889746

Nothing wrong with being able to speak the most common language in the world.

>> No.62889766

my pronouns are: i fuck pippa

>> No.62889789

are you even listening ?

>> No.62889792

So when is that promised Ouija board thing happening?

>> No.62889811
Quoted by: >>62889878


>> No.62889822

But I agree with you about the outfit reveal. She purposefully debuffed herself by not doing outfit predictions and revealing it all fairly quickly (around 20 minutes?)

>> No.62889831

Lumi, please.

>> No.62889832

Youtube has become such a colossal pile of shit, her streams are usually randomly pausing for me but somehow today it's fine.

>> No.62889836

my pronouns are: that/nigga

>> No.62889840

Well yeah, she likes to go for the low-hanging fruit.

>> No.62889846
File: 3.87 MB, 1280x720, australian food[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftyp9rf.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62889878

meant for >>62889735

>> No.62889886
Quoted by: >>62890016

Now THIS is bait kids. Though I think it's too well known us faggots /here/ including Pippa also hate the "community" kek[/spoiler

>> No.62889985
Quoted by: >>62890073

>actually putting her foot down about the Ripper spam
Way too late, she showed a shit ton of weakness by removing it, instead of putting her foot down in the first place, and shit like https://files.catbox.moe/3yhmc2.mp4 and every other snarky "um, no, I don't think I will" will get thrown in her face regardless, she's handled the situation in the worst way possible, enabling the retards who were using it bother her, while also alienating the people who just like it and feel bad that she's so ashamed of something we love.

>> No.62889988

Bro, I read that as Peter Griffin too. kek

>> No.62890000

Honestly, Donut Operator is kinda gay.

>> No.62890016

The likers are universally gay but loathe the movement like any sane person would

>> No.62890070

Are you a faggot or what's the go here?
I'm bi and fucking hate the LGBT shit, making fun of it is valid, but I also understand not wanting to have your community being overly toxic regardless of subject topic

>> No.62890073
File: 275 KB, 419x424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro are you the same fag that was whining about shiina's porn animation? get over it and also change up how you write you glow like a motherfucker

>> No.62890081

Can someone make a Pippa wearing a police uniform?

>> No.62890124
File: 30 KB, 877x356, 1698028427596875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm bi
No you're not, you were just groomed.

>> No.62890137
Quoted by: >>62890274

just because you're stupid doesn't mean i have to tolerate other intolerant stupidity.

>> No.62890138
Quoted by: >>62890205

The lady in the video deserves to be mocked. She was drunk driving on the wrong side of the road.

>> No.62890149

I love how Pippa taking down Pippa the Ripper is the one thing that actually makes Yes-men turn on her. Strange world we live in.

>> No.62890157
Quoted by: >>62890243

Is that a bito or a liker?

>> No.62890192

I mean he got the shiina skeb in the end maybe he's gonna persuade Pippa too.

>> No.62890205

yes, i agree she deserves to be mocked. but not for pronouns and LGBT stuff. The moment the content went from her being arrested to "lol pronouns" is the moment the stream tanked.

>> No.62890231
File: 134 KB, 212x515, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62890526

ur welcom

>> No.62890238
File: 433 KB, 2248x2238, 1682965425750526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62890483


>> No.62890241

She Streisand'd herself. She's a dumbass and should know how the internet works.

>> No.62890243

Is the cock in the mouth (liker) or the ass (bito)?

>> No.62890250
Quoted by: >>62890477

The Skeb wasn't even that good. Made the whole drama feel a bit silly after it came out.

>> No.62890258 [SPOILER] 

NTA but lol, lmao.

>> No.62890259

In fairness, the animation was decently hot.

>> No.62890274
File: 360 KB, 512x512, 1670011075814667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white man marches on.

>> No.62890282

Funny part? No, no I'm not. but you're not gonna believe that anyway.

>> No.62890297

My pipi gets hard and I want to touch both men and women, you can call it whatever you want the outcome is the same

>> No.62890296

NTA link the full study or you the fag here.

>> No.62890298

Have an actual rrat:
Tileman intentionally scheduled tourney to overlap pip's stream, so he could then move it. Classic emotional manipulation behavior.
Proof: Currently not happening per >>62888940 and pips hasn't complained about it today.

>> No.62890305

oh no, pippa stahp!

>> No.62890369
Quoted by: >>62890477

whining like a retard until someone else fixes the problem for him because he didn't do reps and look up the artist?
all you're gonna do is annoy pippa and she's going to autistically dig her heels in and not do it specifically because you are asking her to do it.

>> No.62890395

She needs to get over herself. It's a good song and people want to listen to it. Wrangle your brainworms better pippa.

>> No.62890407

NTA link the full study or you're the fag here.

>> No.62890439

Yeah if you like man ass

>> No.62890441
File: 18 KB, 219x160, 1694837213559479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wizard game mention
it's over. xitter is going to be so mad again.

>> No.62890450

I'll be more than willing to treat people as individuals when I'm no longer generalized for things that are factually and verifiably untrue.

>> No.62890473

>mamakin grew up in a reservation
so pippa is part native american??

>> No.62890477

lol, the duality.
I don't even care about Pippa the Ripper bro I think it's shit.

>> No.62890483

I can't sneed...

>> No.62890517

oh boy here we go

>> No.62890526
File: 92 KB, 200x353, OfficerBarbrady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the force, cadet.

>> No.62890534

oh please, twitter is on to the next thing to be mad about.

>> No.62890559

>SC "part of the twitter mob"
what? the rando on the video is from twitter? How do you know? Kek you can't

>> No.62890558
Quoted by: >>62890839

>mamakin grew up on a reservation
it's all making sense

>> No.62890567
File: 126 KB, 596x246, bigbroinmypipkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62890990

Pippa News: Pippas mom grew up in a reservation

>> No.62890575


>> No.62890583
File: 533 KB, 600x600, 1678938679842385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mamakin grew up on a reservation
Pippa's part injun? That explains the love of firewater and hatred of the federal government

>> No.62890599

People have moved on from the wizard game.
Now they are upset that jews are still alive

>> No.62890603
Quoted by: >>62890696

Pippa is a mutt? dropped

>> No.62890605

Is Pippa 1/16th native american?

>> No.62890607
Quoted by: >>62890784

wtf pippa is a feather indian

>> No.62890652

no the shit she's spewing is ridiculous

>> No.62890654
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1696993872049404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be mentally ill
>talk all day about problems you made up in your head
>everyone calls you a retard
>Pippa actually does something bad
>people criticize her for it

>> No.62890656

I cant believe it's now mainstream to hate jews now.

>> No.62890674

nice backpedal and masking you're at least learning how to not be a faglord, keep it up and people won't bully you so much

>> No.62890681

pippa is just like every liberal white girl in america who want to be "exotic" and think being white is boring

>> No.62890686

Or her wanted her to stream it for noombers

>> No.62890696
Quoted by: >>62890766

Yeah, she's american.

>> No.62890702
File: 360 KB, 720x939, 1677904840606358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey pippa
>trans girl here

>> No.62890707

>Mamakin raised on a reservation

Well that explains why all her kids have different dads.

>> No.62890710
Quoted by: >>62890954

why do troons always feel the need to mention what they are

>> No.62890716

>Now they are upset that jews are still alive
It's funny how every so often they accidentally (re)discover normal, healthy behavior.

>> No.62890734

bitos, your oshi is streaming get out of pippa's chat.

>> No.62890736

uruka is braless on stream right now

>> No.62890746

Alright who was it. Raise your hand

>> No.62890761

She was being sympathetic to non-binaries and yet here you are shitting up the thread. Pippa is too kind to you retards.

>> No.62890766


>> No.62890783

Groomed into what?

>> No.62890784
Quoted by: >>62890920

We prefer "woo woo" Indian t.1/32th chair o' key

>> No.62890807


>> No.62890815
File: 412 KB, 646x620, 1698373016571750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're being a white man

>> No.62890832

Let me know when shes topless or in that maid outfit so i can masturbate properly

>> No.62890834

>I think it's shit.
Then fuck off? "lol you fags need to get over it, she made up her mind. What? Yeah I dont like it why?" Actual retard.

>> No.62890839
File: 40 KB, 589x800, il_1080xN.4018300541_3obb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Mammalian is also the side that has "Spanish" (Some threw a fit about her not being Mexican)
I wish she would take an ancestry test for content.

>> No.62890846

i took it off

>> No.62890871

Let me know when she does a music stream where the only instrument she can use is slapping her thighs

>> No.62890907

OMFG fucking normiefags on the SC this react content slop is attractic subhumans.

>> No.62890909


>> No.62890920

Thank you brother, I am glad there are more like minded men from the tribe. t. 1/8 whatever the fuck

>> No.62890929

>when the monster turns on the master

>> No.62890937

First time?

>> No.62890948
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>> No.62890954

harine SCs will always preface it with what variant of brown they are like it will give them credibility and not take it away

>> No.62890969

She deserves to be mocked for both

>> No.62890990
File: 526 KB, 1222x940, 1699409533065672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62890998 [DELETED] 
File: 756 KB, 1170x2009, 1679088283683879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA This thread is so full of fags, holy shit.

There have been multiple studies (at least 4), just look it up. They look at salivary markers, heart rate, blood pressure, skin conductivity, eye dilation, etc, and each time it showed that about 3/4 of self identified straight women have physical arousal symptoms towards other women, while with self identified straight men and other men it's a single digit percentage.

Similarly it was found that, universally, self-identified bisexual men only held physical arousal symptoms to either men, or women, but NEVER both. The amount of cope in the studies by the researches was also pretty funny, claiming things like "well there are probably multiple kinds of attraction that aren't just physical", and shit like that.

Simply getting attracted to femboys dressing and acting like women, and displaying feminine traits is your monkey brain being attracted to feminine women because it only cares about what looks like a woman, retard.

>> No.62891009

>goys eat goyslop
>this is news

>> No.62891022

Why are fags surprised about Pippa being part native? This shit is old news....

>> No.62891028

So what is generational trauma? Just people claiming that their ancestors whom they never met suffered and therefore they suffer as well?

>> No.62891082

That would have been funnier if the cop was black.

>> No.62891081 [DELETED] 
File: 1.35 MB, 1800x3600, 1698248881499041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62891111

Airi wants to know if you watch Jujutsu Kaisen

>> No.62891121

Faggy edgy white kids who heard she was a racist. There always seems to be more of them, week after week.

>> No.62891136
Quoted by: >>62891177

pippa is an amerimutt this explains so much

>> No.62891141
Quoted by: >>62891383

Yeah. Free oppression points if you're a specific color of mystery meat.

>> No.62891143
Quoted by: >>62891383

People looking for a bogeyman to blame their being a shit person on. Everybody has a responsibility to break the shitty cycle they're stuck in and it's still their fault if they don't.

>> No.62891145 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 680x327, 1684168677985768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62891177

This is known and has been for over a year.

>> No.62891206

Her "core audience" is people like this >>62891121 and this >>62890702 when she brings react streams. Only real fans' hours here too I guess.

>> No.62891218
Quoted by: >>62891383

I think it's more the parents can't control themselves and then traumatize their kids. It's a way to remove agency and culpability from non-whites that are bad parents. Think second, third, etc. generation holocaust survivor

>> No.62891238

It's like when Dio stabbed Jonathan's body with the arrow and Jotaro suddenly has a stand now

>> No.62891240

tl;dr. Also
>WebMD then New York Post and no links to either full study
lol, lmao
>legitimately mad
>R*ddit spacing
You never belonged /here/ kek.

>> No.62891248
Quoted by: >>62891692

>J6 channel

>> No.62891257

>The stream tanked
>She is now at 5.1k

>> No.62891258
Quoted by: >>62891692


>> No.62891286
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>> No.62891294
File: 577 KB, 2056x2416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62891462

you fags are going way too hard on someone who just enjoys a little astolfo on the side chill the fuck out

>> No.62891295
File: 936 KB, 500x600, 1359074593096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for putting it in anime terms so that I could understand it.

>> No.62891311

I doubt it's even that. Even I see oldfag kiwis being shocked by that.

>> No.62891310
Quoted by: >>62891383

Some people who are all dead now did things to other people who are all dwad now in a completely different culture and time period which is somehow traumatizing to people who pretend they're part of that group for social points. Its like a more complicated version of stolen valor.

>> No.62891317
Quoted by: >>62891375

The first season is great. Second season has been all "OP guy fights an obviously weaker guy"

>> No.62891316

homosexuality is one of the only elements of white culture that is allowed to exist in modern times, that and taking care of animals which is why people are so obsessed with it and even people /here/ are defensive about it

>> No.62891333
File: 13 KB, 199x57, 1700368981406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62891444

>> No.62891361

So when did you get diddled?

>> No.62891371

Exactly. So if you have ancestors like mine you can really cash in on the sympathy points from when the English touched our wee Scottish willies

>> No.62891375

Yea, its cool.

>> No.62891383
File: 306 KB, 250x305, 1697486581207577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.62891394

>first peak at 5yo
I was looking for this exact reaction image but someone else was faster than me >>62891286

>> No.62891403

Huh? I said nothing about femboys? I like men, like, actual men, the kind that could make me feel small despite being 6'1 myself
Femboys are just inferior women, I'd take a woman over a femboy any day, the only positive is they don't have sacks of fat on their chest

>> No.62891444
File: 1.86 MB, 2199x4311, 1691026169328930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62891443
Quoted by: >>62891644

Actually the white supremacists community is very diverse

>> No.62891446 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1800x3600, 1689325892324863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62891520


>> No.62891453
Quoted by: >>62891632

>with out technology seatbelts shouldn't matter
Pippa, your middle school physics reps.

>> No.62891454

>I'm 1/8 indian dude look how hip and cool I am.

>> No.62891462

Alstofos body and nice cock really drives me wild too. Straight btw

>> No.62891486
Quoted by: >>62891520

What the fuck

>> No.62891511

It's kinda cute how she ran into her house

>> No.62891513

this is something that I really didn't wanted to know

>> No.62891520 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1800x3600, 1696966519153039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62891573


>> No.62891545

HEY RETARD they may be fags but they're cool enough to know the lgbtq retards are almost a cult now, fuck off

, come here gaynons I'll take you to dinner and make you suck my dick while cosplaying as phase girls, I hope you're at least cute femboys. No homo btw I'm straight but I'm not against getting bj from man if they know what they're doing.

>> No.62891546
Quoted by: >>62891573

>muh study
Aren't you fags supposed to be the first to instantly dismiss le heckin' science and its findings?

>> No.62891558
Quoted by: >>62891626

No, he is just not a real fan.

>> No.62891573 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 1800x3600, 1672734477890808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62891652


Aren't you supposed to trust the science?

>> No.62891584

Just to be clear I was saying that it's actually odd the only time sjw shitters and troons come here and SC on her stream is during react content. Pippa's strongest fans.

>> No.62891587

>self reporting
Truly an amazing study

>> No.62891616

Theres a lot of repressed homosexuality and memories of uncle visits in this thread. A premature bake would be right on time

>> No.62891626

>real fan.

>> No.62891632

If our society wasn't pacified by seatbelts our children would be able to fly out of the windshield safely

>> No.62891644
File: 81 KB, 1024x741, 1674510318209556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62891651

>self reporting
so it's actually worse, then

>> No.62891652

Not at all. The scientific method has been utterly compromised.

>> No.62891682

Everyone knows that the most common sexualities are as follows:

Straight > Gay > Bi

Bi > Straight > Gay

>> No.62891692
Quoted by: >>62891795


>> No.62891711

I would know. I'm not white.

>> No.62891722
Quoted by: >>62891830

>make you suck my dick while cosplaying as phase girls
Only if you’re the one dressed up, faganon. Now get in the slippas and whip it out.

>> No.62891723
File: 128 KB, 577x577, 1685412670841513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u r all gay

>> No.62891740
File: 22 KB, 329x162, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62891772
File: 183 KB, 717x686, fuwamoco21kccv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, what's the appeal of fuwamoco?

>> No.62891795
Quoted by: >>62891925

When the Biden political faction successfully pulled off a coup in the USA, we've been living under an occupying force since.

>> No.62891804

They are cute

>> No.62891805

Fucking kino.

>> No.62891809

Apparently you don't know what it actually is.

>> No.62891815

It's funny how accurate this is. White people are probably a minority in online white supremacist communities.

>> No.62891816

It's "intergenerational trauma" not generational trauma, basically refers to how you're more likely to be fucked up if your parents were and thus a cycle of fucked up that gets passed on througj each generation is more likely to occur and you can tie it back to practices that happened before you were born like slavery or the child abduction & re-education programs in Canada/Australia
It's a valid point but 90% of the people that talk about it are fucking retarded and don't know what it is, they just use it as a buzzword excuse to try avoid accountability for their own actions

>> No.62891826

You imagine the dogs going ‘mhm mhm’ while you rail the others pussy like the bitch she is

>> No.62891829

They've seemed fun from what I've seen of them.

>> No.62891830

No no I meant it as in you fags are gonna be the ones cosplaying as phase girls because I'm not a femboy i'm a man sorry.

>> No.62891838

They appeal to whores who have multiple oshis

>> No.62891840

>pippa over 5k

>> No.62891862

They have the lowest target audience age of any vtuber out there, so they have a captive audience. I've seen superchats from parents saying that their kids love them.

>> No.62891868

People who are adult fans of shows like Dora the Explorer.

>> No.62891883

bau bau

>> No.62891891
File: 479 KB, 480x261, 1331253653565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62892026

>when the fentanyl bag in your coochie pops

>> No.62891908

Lowest common denominator Youtubery.

>> No.62891910


>> No.62891912
File: 153 KB, 702x466, 1697594187917448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62891989

skill and determination

>> No.62891917

They are cute and in correlation erotic and sexy because of their cuteness, also they are super loving to their Ruffians.
I wonder if PCGen3 is gonna have twins

>> No.62891925

Just say Jan6
No president is legitimate. None of this is democratic

>> No.62891928

"I can't queef"

>> No.62891940
File: 3.02 MB, 320x320, 1670753216681429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if he got bonked for that

>> No.62891958
Quoted by: >>62892051

Sorry bud but there's no shot you meet my standards

>> No.62891963

>zero coherence or point
Either start sucking some faggot cock to shut you up or hang yourself.

>> No.62891966
Quoted by: >>62892021

It got scrubbed from chat

>> No.62891977

its overhyped, i prefer the 2nd season of CSM if it comes out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fldBu1d6kQ

>> No.62891980
File: 102 KB, 850x801, 1683101157350409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62891989

Thank you, leesa.

>> No.62892021

why though

>> No.62892026
Quoted by: >>62892390

The drugs would hit you harder than if you swallowed them because the blood vessels connected to those tissues aren't going to the liver to get processed. I knew girls at a prep school that would do something similar with vodka and tampons

>> No.62892031
Quoted by: >>62892165

Today /pcg/ learned that homosexuals primarily reproduce like a pathogen where the current generation of homosexuals molest the next generation to grow their numbers and expand!

>> No.62892041

React stream.

>> No.62892045

bruh of course CSM is getting a season 2 lmao

>> No.62892051

You don't know that, shut up silly kek.

>> No.62892067

it disappeared early, so likely at least a timeout. If it was Archivefag he probably banned him forever and blocked him on pippa's twitter community too.

>> No.62892085
Quoted by: >>62892152

First season was garbage. The manga is decent even part 2.

>> No.62892139

fun superchats are bad only Pippa can make jokes, harines are to give ESL praise and talk about how brown they are

>> No.62892152

i dropped it after they revealed a second csm after the gravity devil cook lady

>> No.62892165
Quoted by: >>62892342

Honestly we should let the islamist win.

>> No.62892168
Quoted by: >>62892256

The first season was a total trainwreck though

>> No.62892184


>> No.62892186
File: 528 KB, 900x750, 1210856126777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pippa's making fun of manlets again

>> No.62892219

The director got shat on super hard in Japan and the BD bombed. It's probably going to happen since they made the money back from streaming apparently but it's not like there wouldn't be a reason if it didn't.

>> No.62892234
File: 27 KB, 783x268, 1670733924439299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62892294

The developer of Rimworld agrees. It's why he made all the women in rimworld bisexual by default even if they were marked as "straight" in the game, lmao.

>> No.62892245

So you deny that straight men and bi women are the most common types?

>> No.62892255

That was less making fun of manlets and more beign shocked at the woman being a fucking giant.

>> No.62892256
Quoted by: >>62892546

are you blind? It was one of the most popular anime of the year.

>> No.62892264

'Men' under 5'7 don't actually have a Y chromosome.

>> No.62892267

Lia got in trouble for making a george floyd joke

>> No.62892271
File: 2.87 MB, 1448x1448, 1672460105725912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62892275

>If it was Archivefag he probably banned him forever and blocked him on pippa's twitter community too.
He really is enough of a fag that I could see it.

>> No.62892284

Why is archivefag so ban happy? Is it some powertrip thing? Like ever unfair ban I've seen for Pippa all comes back to him

>> No.62892289

Her crotch is higher than the doorknob.

>> No.62892294
Quoted by: >>62892477

kek he's right on the money though, see: >>62892234

>> No.62892305
Quoted by: >>62892422

Sakana is deathly scared of anything slightly edgy tanking the company so Pippa mods were directed to get rid of anything they perceive as "too" edgy such as St. Floyd jokes.

>> No.62892331
Quoted by: >>62892441

Most unfair bans I've seen come from green, but he's a kiwifag so that doesn't shock me.

>> No.62892334

I always get a kick how her chat moves even faster than >>62891772

>> No.62892342

Look up bacha-bazi

>> No.62892345

>I'm 1.75m
Hell yeah fuck them midgets under 5'7

>> No.62892386
Quoted by: >>62892444

How do I know you are exactly 5'7"? strange how that works.

>> No.62892390

Boofing has been a thing since forever
Really easy to overdose though

>> No.62892417
File: 20 KB, 679x460, party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Uruka was my youth pastor back in the day, I'd be leading a crusade by now.

>> No.62892422

He's retarded, his whole company is running on slightly edgy content.

>> No.62892441

Huh, I've never seen him actually do anything, figured he was a ghost mod that got the title and never does the job

>> No.62892444

5'11, actually. I was cursed to forever just miss being 6 foot.

>> No.62892451
Quoted by: >>62892492

>watch pippa
>cant think of anything except gay people

>watch literally anyone else
>have a good time

>> No.62892477

>A-ha, but have you seen this anecdotal testimony?

>> No.62892492
Quoted by: >>62892553

Thats a you problem. You are gay.

>> No.62892493
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1295367676852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62892594

>but I won't get arrested for 45 minutes
>that's future me's problem

>> No.62892498

He was the one who got called a European by Tenma for being retarded.

>> No.62892503
File: 56 KB, 633x758, 1592896199579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62892543

This is funny until you really think about it.

>> No.62892545

Pippa incline.

>> No.62892543

No, it loops back to being funny again when you think that if she meant it these people are trying to Darwin themselves.

>> No.62892546
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1678426093113150.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hype != quality or staying power
Captain Marvel made a billion dollars, and The Marvels made 50 million.

CSM killed all the hype and the goodwill it created

>> No.62892548
Quoted by: >>62893054

They are cute, funny and clever. Its incredible how they havent burned out by streaming daily without breaks since their debut.

>> No.62892553

yes it is i, /pcg/

>> No.62892572

>>62892498 (me)
and Cipher is the one who doesn't do anything.

>> No.62892594

Children only understand things in the now and don't think much of future consequences, spoiled children result in adults that act like children.

>> No.62892611
File: 1.48 MB, 640x640, 1699763431923113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 hour mark. She's gonna be too tired isn't she?

>> No.62892631
Quoted by: >>62892703

>doesn't do anything

>> No.62892640

Which is hilarious because he’s the most active in chat. He truly is one of the good ones

>> No.62892703

He's chill at least.

>> No.62892707
Quoted by: >>62892809

>Does 2 songs
>Pippa the Ripper
>New orisong

>> No.62892719

I didn't read the source material, but I watched the anime. I don't understand why it's supposed to be bad. It was pretty decent compared to the other stuff in its season.

>> No.62892723
Quoted by: >>62892889

>3 hour mark. She's gonna be too tired isn't she?
That'd make >>62890298 seem a little less schizo, but I doubt she'll puss out.

>> No.62892724

Now hear me out, if had known that doing that illegal thing would get me arrested I wouldn't have done it.

>> No.62892730

being manlet is suffering 43:35 https://youtu.be/HGdvX9kCxsc

>> No.62892737
Quoted by: >>62892777

Oh yeah, fuck him for that. 28/9 never forget
Still don't think I've seen him do any regular moderating though

>> No.62892752

what songs would you like Pippa to sing ?

>> No.62892767

>highly rated
>large fanbase
>advertised everywhere
>tons of merch
>everyone talking about it
>appearances at every con
>raking in cash
>le just empty hype!!!!
If all that "doesn't count" then what the fuck does? YOU didn't like it. Youre arguing from to justify your own conclusion.

>> No.62892772

i will never understand iceskating shots
if you film a real movie with real camera you would never make a shot like this, what the fuck is even going on, camera clipping into a wall, changing focal length, moving at changing speed, moving up and down, what the fuck
in 2d it would be normal static shot with 2 cuts, but give a retard cgi and they spend so much effort to make the worst camera work ever

>> No.62892777

He does it, he just hardly posts in chat. He was foaming at the mouth to ban the coomers.

>> No.62892792
Quoted by: >>62892927

Funny considering Tenma's own mods.

>> No.62892809
Quoted by: >>62893422

I said it a few days ago, that if this whole Ripper situation was her leading up to a remake of it or something I'd be more than fine, but considering she's talked about making songs and just not releasing them songs that fishman pays for, that could be funding the other's projects I don't see it.

>> No.62892815

Cipher is the only janny that isn't a huge faggot. Honerabru nigga desu.

>> No.62892816
File: 18 KB, 348x133, 2023-11-19_070542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The numbers anon, what do they mean?

>> No.62892855

Owari da....

>> No.62892856

Cipher's a bro, he doesn't need to do shit, him just being present improves the community

>> No.62892867

Pippa is betraying her REAL fans!

>> No.62892889
Quoted by: >>62893029

>I doubt she'll puss out.
How new?

>> No.62892898
Quoted by: >>62893412

Where's this in her top 10? I'm assuming there's a numberfag with her top 10.

>> No.62892904

in the west yeah

>> No.62892920


>> No.62892927 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 1690353630157500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62893408

Haha yeah… her mods are genuinely insufferable (except Mads and I guess Green) and I try to watch every one of her streams

>> No.62892969

He's black and disabled so PC gets double diversity hire points.

>> No.62893001
File: 41 KB, 330x330, 1699765612359984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay sex between lakers and bitos!

>> No.62893029
Quoted by: >>62893141

I will wager you one potentially crossthread (You) she still goes through with it even with zero enthusiasm

>> No.62893034

tbdesu you probably shouldn't take the words of the kind of twitch whore who has the tinder minimum set at 6'0' too seriously

>> No.62893053
File: 60 KB, 785x550, for the bitos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62893054

They are triplets actually.

>> No.62893085

100%, as an old fag, even though he's a broom, it is nice seeing one among a few names I recognize, and I figure Pip feels the same.

>> No.62893087
File: 104 KB, 729x556, 1700297712479698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62893129


>> No.62893090 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 720x722, 1676690778848773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62893127

did someone raid her? it looks like she stole filians viewers lol

>> No.62893129
Quoted by: >>62893161

it's my favorite number, how did you know, laker?

>> No.62893132

We had weekly threads on 4chan seeing 2ch reaction to it and vice versa. We shitted on it and they shitted on it. Never felt so close to the Japanese in my whole life. There are even some videos online about it.

>> No.62893141
Quoted by: >>62893433

I'm hoping I'm wrong. Really am.

>> No.62893161

I'm not a laker, I just save shit so I can falseflag as them later on.

>> No.62893164
Quoted by: >>62893293

No. You're gay.

>> No.62893193
Quoted by: >>62893237


>> No.62893200

>le 4chinz shits on something popular
shocking, truly

>> No.62893219

>stole filians viewers
well she is doing react shit so...

>> No.62893237

home movies is good good

>> No.62893240

>caring about her opinion/tastes
Grim. But I do feel for you shortbros. I'm available as the lower half of the trenchcoat trick if you ever want to be 11'8

>> No.62893261

The secret to success on YT is tapping into its thirdie-rich veins with content that appeals to them.

>> No.62893291

Man, there's no way I would have only gotten 18 months of probation for one day of this girl's actions, let alone a lifetime of her bullshit.

>> No.62893293
Quoted by: >>62893350

no, no. i'm not a laker or a bito. i just like watching lakers rape bitos!

>> No.62893310

>no fines
>only 18 months probation
>was already on probation

>> No.62893328
File: 22 KB, 585x136, lia tinkerbell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia thinks you're cool tinkerbell, even if you're in the wrong thread

>> No.62893350

That's still gay.

>> No.62893366

sorry manlet bros I use you guys for self confidence boost when I outlift god's strongest manlet without breaking a sweat

>> No.62893380
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 1679173064264604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62893794

Great stream

>> No.62893408

But anon, it's what Tenma wants and they're just following orders
Which makes Tenma nofunallowed.jpg

>> No.62893412

Number 3 or 4

>> No.62893422
Quoted by: >>62893577

source? i literally seen every stream pippa has put this year and never heard of this

>> No.62893433

>pretty long super chat list
Odds aren't looking good

>> No.62893436
File: 216 KB, 661x761, 1696206288767680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pippa doesn't want to do a karaoke stream so bad she reads backlog supas

>> No.62893494

I believe it, she dominated filisweet in the collab, and filisweet showed appreciation for her

>> No.62893499

She usually reads superchats at the end of streams.

>> No.62893541

i think the increase in anti'ing here broke something in his brain

>> No.62893565
Quoted by: >>62893631

she always read them at the end nigga stop doomposting

>> No.62893577
Quoted by: >>62893800

She's definitely vague mentioned it in the past 3 months, other girls have spoken more direct about it

>> No.62893579
Quoted by: >>62893618

>increase in anti'ing
Has there?

>> No.62893595
Quoted by: >>62893716

>Save for all the times she's ignored it to the point that AF bringing it up and not even having made the list was a thing that happened during the Pizza tower stream.

>> No.62893618

Not really. Not even the worse the thread has been about Pippa.

>> No.62893631

she usually skips them and goes straight to twitch/bed
>how new?

>> No.62893647

Pippa should just drop all supas all the funny clever ones get deleted and the rest are repetitive or incomprehensible ESL

>> No.62893656
Quoted by: >>62893956

Pippa, gumi is cute, but he's not a FUCKING LEGEND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLwGfoybuPw

>> No.62893674

Yeah, how new are you?

>> No.62893687
File: 189 KB, 1080x1920, 1696456488457865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and you fags also shat on Bocchi, you're just contrarians. Real ot/a/ku are dead.

>> No.62893716
Quoted by: >>62893764

threadreader chamas...

>> No.62893751

Honestly if he's hanging out here regularly I could kinda see it, there's a handful /here/ I'd love to see banned from the internet altogether for being retarded but hitting random Capipis doesn't help out

>> No.62893764

>threadreader chamas...
I've not missed a stream in 6 months but sure thing.

>> No.62893783
Quoted by: >>62893910

I never watched bocchi but I know it sucked

>> No.62893788

Pippa should do a thigh high reveal to make up for all the missed superchats. It would be only fair.

>> No.62893794

Keep building up those Phase connections, fishman.

>> No.62893800

so you have no source and are just pulling shit out your ass

>> No.62893836

It'd be great advertisement for the birthday merch

>> No.62893839
File: 494 KB, 660x609, Hornykin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62893846
File: 8 KB, 552x116, 1646005825763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa I am not the other anon that unmembered ITT with a screenshot, but I just wanted to say I'm not "antiing" you or something. I unmembered because I am just not feeling like membering so many vtubers and I think you have enough paypigs. I need to be saving my money due to this terrible economy but I will still support others in phase connect and I'll probably buy some more merch at some stage.
If anything you should blame the Australian government.
Regards, schizo

>> No.62893899
File: 355 KB, 781x870, 1696324373168884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62893910
File: 277 KB, 516x440, LiaKYS[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdcjsf7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herd behavior. God, you lot really are just normalfags.

>> No.62893912
Quoted by: >>62893968

To be fair bocchi was not hated as much, I think most of the site liked it or was mild to it. Frieren too this season is well regarded. The only anime /a/ truly shat on in the last two years was Chainsaw. Nothing comes even close. Even Oshi no Ko who was shit elevated by normalfags didn't generate the hate chainsaw did, and the reason is that the site used to love the manga but the anime was utter shit.

>> No.62893956

Lester trying real hard to not validate the Legend in front of the fed

>> No.62893957
Quoted by: >>62894350

All I read Is, I betrayed you for someone else

>> No.62893968

It's like the director actively hated the fact he was making an anime

>> No.62893976
File: 224 KB, 1417x1155, 1669002111819822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62894033


>> No.62893982
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1689461212794717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62894013

what did she mean by that?

>> No.62893981
File: 21 KB, 256x384, 20231005_165347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62894201

I love Tenma! Tenma LOVE!


>> No.62893993
File: 136 KB, 888x1024, 1641542356502348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I watch now?

>> No.62893999

If you are membering Nene instead of Pippa you are based don't worry.

>> No.62894013

I hope you're joking.

>> No.62894033

u dingus

>> No.62894037
Quoted by: >>62894141

I did not announce when I un-membered Pippa did not give a shit then and she defiantly does not give a shit now. I hate prosocial niggas with this fake misplaced anxiety.

>> No.62894047


>> No.62894051


>> No.62894059

Pippa doing drunk karaoke

>> No.62894080


>grabbing moonshine
oh lord it's happening

>> No.62894095

>uruka 1.8k
is phase inclining???

>> No.62894134

She was 600 I think before the Pippa raid

>> No.62894141
File: 147 KB, 397x451, 1689654895476652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62894152
File: 3.55 MB, 498x423, 1673944585920884.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongest bear

>> No.62894172
File: 11 KB, 222x100, 2023-11-19_072631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62894347

damn you yabbit I need to sleep

>> No.62894181

Manlets are very thin skinned, anon. It can't be helped.

>> No.62894191

that's pretty good too.

>> No.62894201
File: 86 KB, 800x445, John-Candy-Uncle-Buck-800x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62895036

Truth be told. You can watch or do anything you want.


>> No.62894212

can't watch uruka, lia, or any other zoomers. pippa is just barely ok

>> No.62894221

even 600 is good for bear. Hopefully this is the start of her incline

>> No.62894229

Pippa going guerilla for the karaoke is the best outcome here

>> No.62894239
File: 351 KB, 561x695, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I think my pippa model is looking passable now that I've drunk fought away the inferiority complex, I shall now smash my cock with a rock (aka rigging)

>> No.62894241
Quoted by: >>62894306

[Uruka News] She's practicing to swallow better.

>> No.62894256

Tune in to Uruka now

>> No.62894270

uruka kek

>> No.62894302
Quoted by: >>62894364

The face looks a bit low poly

>> No.62894305

The reason Pippa had big numbers was because Hero Hei made a video on her.

>> No.62894306
Quoted by: >>62894392

you're 2 hours and a thread late

>> No.62894307


>> No.62894322
Quoted by: >>62894417

Im telling on uruka.

>> No.62894327
File: 2.75 MB, 1800x1800, Procreation[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fndvtnl.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62894335
File: 224 KB, 1279x1279, 1670793648562376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62894336
File: 779 KB, 1315x887, 1696889383255432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pippa shitting up my comfy stream with reacttards

>> No.62894338
Quoted by: >>62894376


>> No.62894340
File: 141 KB, 849x479, 1700020374203880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you see into my eyes, like open doors?

>> No.62894345
Quoted by: >>62894402

https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou/videos people that belong on twitch dont stream there.

>> No.62894347

Good thing that I can watch more Pippa before the F1 race, and it's so fucking hot here that I can't sleep even if I want to

>> No.62894350

I think if you socialise with your girlfriend's friends and buy them a drink or two, that makes you a better boyfriend.It's not like I'm having sex with Pippa's genmates.
But I mean even if I was what would be the problem? It's 2023, you're legally allowed to be a manwhore

>> No.62894354

Uruka based

>> No.62894356
Quoted by: >>62894432

the PiPi and the bows are on the wrong side

>> No.62894364

yeah its gonna be like that I don't have the ability to make good looking anime face I'm going minspec low poly game or else i'll never get anything finished

>> No.62894376
Quoted by: >>62895040

Some drama youtuber who reads tweets or something along those lines.

>> No.62894392
Quoted by: >>62894447

Well shit. I just had Pippa on as background noise and she raided into her.

>> No.62894393

I want to hear her attempt Gruppa Krovi

>> No.62894396
File: 616 KB, 1125x752, 1700360421596327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa love~!

>> No.62894402

What did he mean by this?

>> No.62894403

40 year old phase friend clio is on phase friend sayu's stream

>> No.62894417

what did i miss?

>> No.62894432
File: 174 KB, 433x291, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know... I was wondering why the pipi was backwards on the reference image i was using

>> No.62894445


>> No.62894447

it's alright enjoy this comfy stream

>> No.62894451


>> No.62894456

You haven't yet. Tune in now.

>> No.62894467

she singing the ripper

>> No.62894502

I’m waiting until I hit the one year milestone until I cancel

>> No.62894572

Uruka is giving up

>> No.62894574

Pippa is actually live

>> No.62894590
Quoted by: >>62894655

I just got an Ember ad he's doing it again

>> No.62894617
File: 163 KB, 1603x632, 170945673457342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62894657


>> No.62894618

not falling for it.

>> No.62894628
Quoted by: >>62894723

oh god fuck that guy, fuck rev, and fuck any "daily *somthing* news" channel because it will inevitably devolve into reporting on twitter spats that they got into.

>> No.62894636

I wonder how much moonshine Pippa drank

>> No.62894655
File: 27 KB, 250x250, 1687283359031357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That could have bought so much food Sakana...

>> No.62894657
File: 996 B, 57x37, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros we did it....

>> No.62894678
File: 39 KB, 637x550, 1697857489434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62894690
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, Nyanpasu-Pipkin_Pippa_AI[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8jdgwi.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62894696
Quoted by: >>62894753

I want to do hexa dance emotes in Pippa's chat but my sub ran out

>> No.62894701

[Uruka news] Pippa the Ripper is a banger

>> No.62894705

uruka news she going to do a pippa the ripper cover

>> No.62894717

oh god that sounds fucking awful i hate/love it

>> No.62894723

you mean you don't want to know what some literal who with 3 followers on twitter has to say?

>> No.62894740
Quoted by: >>62894787

Just don't repost it everywhere and get all the tourists in, I want Pippa to be comfy for the sings

>> No.62894753
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, Take_down_jew[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3t5c7n.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you bro

>> No.62894771

we need everyone in phase to releaswe a pippa the ripper cover

>> No.62894782


>> No.62894783

That's the worst thing I've heard today. It's great.

>> No.62894787

>I want Pippa to be comfy for the sings
She's getting trashed tonight and might sadgirl

>> No.62894798

Membering rn

>> No.62894809

blursed saved

>> No.62894866

it will reach 2k at least

>> No.62894868
Quoted by: >>62895393

I have no idea to this day what that cartoon bunny girl was singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I'd like to think she was singing about something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it.

>> No.62894870
File: 384 KB, 641x559, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62894874
File: 2 KB, 297x30, 1689640940320658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened?

>> No.62894878
File: 11 KB, 107x185, 170845322562223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62894916

twitch is dog water, man

>> No.62894944


>> No.62894952

y'all were botting, huh...

>> No.62894960

nuh uh fug u i have inspect element I have everyway to prove you incorrect

>> No.62894962

I wish streamers could go live in a stealth mode to avoid notifications

>> No.62894972
Quoted by: >>62895027

she's back over 1k
our response doom posters?

>> No.62894977

or 1 cover with all of them singing

>> No.62894982
File: 1 KB, 69x32, 1672118971553941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it here...

>> No.62894991

> three minute long twitch ad
what the fuck lmao

>> No.62894993
Quoted by: >>62895026


>> No.62895020

Gen 3 group cover where they sing it together

>> No.62895026

not autistic enough I need one video from everyone
to send a message to the pippers

>> No.62895027

It's all over

What's your @?

>> No.62895033

didn't announce it at the end of stream like last time

>> No.62895036
File: 154 KB, 1025x1450, 20231109_135941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62895040
Quoted by: >>62895084

Yeah, I'm sure that 26k views video form your favorite culture war retard is making huge waves. Kill yourself.

>> No.62895062

>ope, wrong thing
Yeah about what I expected

>> No.62895084

You are fucking retarded. It's easy to see 1-2k people going to check Pippa out after that videos. Really kill yourself.

>> No.62895089
Quoted by: >>62895156

She is going to get shitfaced

>> No.62895104

what is it with girls and cream liqueur?

>> No.62895130

It's a secret stream

>> No.62895140


>> No.62895153

Silly sausage.

>> No.62895156

Having not eaten? 100%

>> No.62895173

>Like 5 ads in a row

Jesus christ is this what twitch is now?

>> No.62895190
Quoted by: >>62895277

holy fuck I hope she doesn't break containment

>> No.62895196

It's on such stale shit, this guy needs to kill himself.
Missed the stream though what was #'s looking like?

>> No.62895201

God this karaoke will be kino

>> No.62895215

forgot to buy alcohol, the only thing i could find is a bottle of wine i opened 4 years ago, do i try it ?

>> No.62895219

bratty rabbit

>> No.62895223
Quoted by: >>62895349

Got up to 5K

>> No.62895226
Quoted by: >>62895338

Just sub poorfags.

>> No.62895249
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, 1670777867488699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since pippa is native american she should stay away from that fire water

>> No.62895257

wine usually gets better with age. so long as it's not moldy and shit, go ahead.

>> No.62895277

I do. Sing the /pcg/ lemon boy Pippa.

>> No.62895284
Quoted by: >>62895349


>> No.62895289

people who watch pippa love to talk about gay people, being a manlets, and twitch ads

>> No.62895294

it could be worse, I'm drinking mirin

>> No.62895315
Quoted by: >>62895360

this is the song of my people

>> No.62895325
Quoted by: >>62895381

so, pippa is the kind of girl that would agree to sex after getting drunk and dancing at the club?

>> No.62895338
Quoted by: >>62895459

>give twitch money
No. No I don't think I will.

>> No.62895342
File: 1.55 MB, 498x498, 1699977813952258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inaccurate, I love the rabbit, am tall, straight, and sub.
She's so fucking cute already bros...

>> No.62895349

Damn, so close to dethroning the foot stream.

>> No.62895354
File: 162 KB, 694x525, 1688925139170544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God how I missed Pippa karaoke

>> No.62895360


>> No.62895381

Just like my ex
Oh. That explains some things.

>> No.62895393
File: 138 KB, 783x1043, 2023-11-19_074651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna ruin it for you I guess.

>> No.62895395
Quoted by: >>62895461

I work at Amazon, I should get free twitch prime damnit...

>> No.62895404

Fucking love this Rabbit guys

>> No.62895442

So just the typical internet experience

>> No.62895443


>> No.62895459

Give me your @ idiot

>> No.62895461

DPS drivers don’t deserve anything actually

>> No.62895468

Just get an adblocker, sub, or namefag for a gifted if it bothers you.

>> No.62895505

Anon are you okay? Are you okay?

>> No.62895506
File: 75 KB, 1167x740, 1669579231637314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say Shinkansen?

>> No.62895567

Better than okay, it's been months since we had this

>> No.62895573

>A rowdy nigger

>> No.62895581

I love Pippa

>> No.62895609

it's our song, janny.

>> No.62895627
Quoted by: >>62895673

Maybe it's because she's buzzed but Pippa's singing is much more confident than before. I'm not gonna say it's good, but it sounds much better

>> No.62895634
File: 41 KB, 326x326, 1688867533582908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62895661

Seems like a good deal.

>> No.62895665

new thread

>> No.62895673
Quoted by: >>62895717

She isn't buzzed yet, she practices.

>> No.62895709


>> No.62895717

Pippa love

>> No.62895730
File: 13 KB, 420x37, Our time has come.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62895793

>karaoke stream
I will no longer anti, I kneel to the queen

>> No.62895795
File: 278 KB, 226x288, 1694713380717094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than ok

>> No.62895824
Quoted by: >>62895995

god urukas voice is so fucking hot
not brown seanigger btw

>> No.62895866

>$5000 loan
>116.73% APR
>84 monthly payments of $486.58, totalling over $40,000
What in the goddamn?

>> No.62895913
File: 1.92 MB, 400x400, 1694379913784674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fire water

>> No.62895935
Quoted by: >>62895986

Nevermind I think I read 1 as 4 so it's "only" $186.58 per month I guess.

>> No.62895960
Quoted by: >>62896036

It's literally just exploiting stupid people.

>> No.62895986
Quoted by: >>62896060

It's not a 1. It's a 4.

>> No.62895995

I know that feeling, her dorky laugh does things to me

>> No.62896036
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x900, 1683790673583665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natives were granted additional rights like jews of ancient times when it comes to money lending. They can charge crazy interest that others can't.

>> No.62896060

What the fuck?
I literally couldn't believe it after posting so I double-checked and figured maybe the image is just so blurry that I misread. But what the fuck?

>> No.62896110

Talk about fucking vampires jesus christ

>> No.62896152

Jesus Christ. These "people" should be hanged, or worse.

>> No.62896202
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, mde financial advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62896488

>I went outside for a walk Did she actually sang Pippa da rippa? or said she's remaking it???

>> No.62897251
File: 75 KB, 554x554, 1684123878999331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62897338

I love Tenma!

>> No.62897677

I love Lumi!
I love Miia!

>> No.62897755
File: 629 KB, 758x847, sip[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5uaxbu.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
