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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 700 KB, 1519x2025, JK breaktime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62769246 No.62769246 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>62785812

This is the writing thread, for all of your fanfiction needs and desires. Check the archives below for everything the thread has put out so far, ranging from SFW to NSFW, fluff to tragedy, small literary works and shitposts alike!

Collective works so far are available in the archive:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>62642851, wherein HF’s first arc concluded, and chuubas’ future daughters were discussed. And Gura's feet.

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/

>> No.62769277
File: 557 KB, 1707x2048, JK selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story anchor.
Don’t be shy now.

>> No.62769296
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x865, the bounty board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!

>> No.62769325
File: 3.07 MB, 1984x2806, JK lap pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62960226

Story recap!
There were 2 stories posted last thread, including a new series entry!

HoloFantasy - Chapter 7, Pt. 8 ~ An Earnest Plea
Tags: SFW, Coco, Marine, Polka, Multiple Chuubas, Yagoo, AA can fill in the rest later

Shiori Wife Story
Tags: SFW, Shiori, Fluff/Romance

>> No.62769692
File: 441 KB, 1500x1200, __houshou_marine_and_usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_homura_hmr0222__1d17c00304c991b1e335c98a74498616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JK PekoMari Edition
It's an auspicious occasion to write a fanfiction adaptation of Homura's PekoMari art

>> No.62770172

The joke is on >>62769743 because I’m into that

>> No.62771801
File: 712 KB, 2000x2829, 1695899438626710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helping an injured fox, only to learn later that it was Fubuki. When she asks what you want in return, you ask her to set you up with Mio.

>> No.62772526
File: 222 KB, 1024x1024, A tale of two magnificent souls[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fansb50.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fantasy/High Chapter 1


Tags: SFW, Crossover Collab, Pekora, Marine, Yagoo, Multiple Chuubas, Fluff, Comedy, Isekai

After almost a year of spitballing ideas, it’s my great pleasure to present the first chapter of a CH/HF collab between myself and my friend and fellow dumbass AA. A fun little side project that dragged us both out of months of being unproductive. I hope you enjoy this new adventure and whatever twists and turns it may take.
Now, I’ll be taking this newfound motivation and getting back to work on the Cover High finale.

>> No.62772756

Rape baiting chuubas in heat

>> No.62773501

That image goes impossibly hard

>> No.62773614
File: 649 KB, 1200x1630, FubukiFoxRescue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if I want a petwife?

>> No.62774297
File: 306 KB, 497x586, 1690153483287503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was an amazing read. The setup, the interactions, the culture shock, it was just awesome. The interactions were also incredibly fun, I didn't think it would be open to everyone that anon was from another world so quickly, but it worked out. Poor Flare, maybe you'll get your own alt universe mention someday. How anon reacted to things and people he knew was also great. The comradery between him and TS was also incredibly wholesome at the end. This was such a great collab. I gotta ask though, did each of you take turns writing the segments from your respective character's point of view? If you're cool talking about the process. It came out so clean. A real high standard for how a crossover should be.
Thanks for this, both of you, and glad to see your motivation is skyrocketing to new heights!

>> No.62774616

Anon completely flubbed his composure rolls for Subaru (which lead to him telling the truth, which was the best outcome) and for handling seeing Marine. Transfer Student caught on and he couldn't play it off as just repeating the name he just heard on reflex out of being startled.

>> No.62774735
File: 719 KB, 955x937, 1671653849541711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His rolls even follow him to other worlds. Splendid. Yeah TS knew something was up as soon as Marine happened, but I wasn't sure at first if anon would continue to try and play it close to the chest and for how long. The written outcome was indeed the best after seeing the whole thing.

>> No.62774774


>> No.62775652
Quoted by: >>62776849

Holy shit that's a hot image

>> No.62776849
Quoted by: >>62777298

Are you a foxsexual?

>> No.62777298

If I had a woman like that on top of me I'd be anything she wants me to be

>> No.62780037
Quoted by: >>62782209


>> No.62782209
Quoted by: >>62782284

I've got something that's rising. Wanna see?

>> No.62782284

Show us that wordcount

>> No.62783633
File: 42 KB, 687x583, HJ40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62845433

I-It's not at it's full size yet! Don't laugh! It was also soaking in the pool for a little.

>> No.62784391
File: 54 KB, 652x436, chp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62784818


>> No.62784818

Tiresome like trying to read Balsa is?

>> No.62785533
Quoted by: >>62821540

Your older sister, Suichan, has trouble taking care of herself, and you have to babysit her emotionally (and sexually) like she was a little girl because she trusts no one else.

>> No.62785812
File: 296 KB, 1442x2048, Pekopinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we still have time before the 25th anyone have more ideas for the contest, or good arguments for rule changes
Current differences from the last one are
>Opt in Categories rather than the NSFW/SFW split (though those are still categories).
>Includes a non mandatory theme category and four genre categories (Comedy, Drama, Tragedy, Fluff), and a length category (under 5k)
>Month and a week for the contest length
>Max word count of 50,000 to help spot scope creep for writers.

>> No.62785985
Quoted by: >>62789696

Can a fic be entered in two categories at the same time?
It'd also be best to ban any story published anywhere before the contest starts, not just those in our archive. Don't want someone entering an old fic taken from another site.

>> No.62788888

A 50,0000 wordcount seems like overkill. I feel like it should be a lot shorter than that if you want to limit scope creep

>> No.62789696

>Can a fic be entered in two categories at the same time?
That's kind of the point of the open/opt-in categories, you're fic will be sfw/nsfw and you can tag in the genre as well as theme or length if the fic fits
>It'd also be best to ban any story published anywhere before the contest starts, not just those in our archive. Don't want someone entering an old fic taken from another site.
Honestly, that sounds like a good amendment to the rules that should have been the wording from the start.
Any word count limit suggestions? I picked 50k as an arbitrary number so I'm open to lowering it if you can give a number with a good reason.

>> No.62790175
Quoted by: >>62790481

With these categories it feels like entering SFW stories into multiple categories will be a lot more promising than doing the same with NSFW ones. Almost every SFW story (outside of adventure-y ones, maybe) will fit well into one of these categories, but most NSFW stories don't really fit any of the four well enough to have a chance in them.

>> No.62790481

Honestly I picked those tags as an "in general" thing but you're right. Though I think thought process back when making this was more influenced by the fact that the nsfw winner of the last contest was a drama fic with a smut scene rather than a straight up smut fic.

>> No.62792884
Quoted by: >>62806459

Either 10k or 25k words imo.

>> No.62792910
File: 1.64 MB, 871x1345, 1679575453185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62795889

>> No.62793209
Quoted by: >>62806459

With the submission time limit and since you can just submit the first chapter if its too long around 30k is fair. And what about a adventure/action category?

>> No.62794497

15k is plenty for a oneshot. If someone wants to try something more amitious, 25k suffices.

>> No.62794838
Quoted by: >>62795844

I just one shotted in Lui

>> No.62795833
Quoted by: >>62806459

Yeah I don't think I've ever written a oneshot longer than 20k. Even hitting that's pretty egregious. Past 10k is the point at which I might reconsider reading something in one sitting

>> No.62795844
Quoted by: >>62804712

>One small twinkly dink spurt of cum
You're not gonna save her eggs like that...

>> No.62795889
Quoted by: >>62804893

Sauce pls

>> No.62795923
Quoted by: >>62796161

is the holoshorts author still around or did he finally die after writing 55000 words in a week

>> No.62796161

Still here just deathly busy

>> No.62796538

the worst part about writing smut is getting way too horny and then barely reaching a tissue before you shoot your goo

>> No.62797383
Quoted by: >>62800301

Damn, this was LONG. I can tell that it's been worked on for some time. It did feel slightly bloated at times, but overall I did enjoy it quite a lot. The interactions were fun and the concept itself is so interesting, I doubt you could make it work anywhere besides a vubter fanfiction forum. Looking forward to what comes next!

>> No.62800301
Quoted by: >>62800715

Now that I'm actually awake, yes. I basically wrote the first segment and held him at gunpoint after sending it and went from there.
This clocked in at about a month between the two of us. Thank you for reading; I'm glad you enjoyed it!

>> No.62800715 [SPOILER] 
File: 345 KB, 1400x1400, HeyYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62809752

Finally awake.
The secret to success is gun. Dully noted. It reads like you two had a lot of fun. Talking crossover stuff of how Anons would interact and how they would treat the counterparts of their chuuba friends sounds dope.

>> No.62804712

It's like a .50 cal. It's one shot, true, but it carries a lot of power.

>> No.62804893
Quoted by: >>62812717

This is AI art

>> No.62806459
File: 32 KB, 599x599, UsadaRa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62810122

>Word count limit reduced to 25k
>Added in an action tag (That one seemed more used in the main archive compared to adventure)
>Amended the 'new to the archive' rule to a 'newly published' rule

>> No.62809752
File: 1.28 MB, 2103x2529, the sexiest photo on TS' phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62810607

The inverse is pretty fun too. I hadn't had a chance yet to show off Peko-chan's love of kids in CH proper, so when I remembered that Anon's basically a shota you better believe I leapt at the opportunity to let her go Mommy Mode. It was fun getting to show a new side of her.

>> No.62810122

I'm going to finish all of the many WIPs I've left 50+% finished and submit them all to the contest and you'll never catch me.

>> No.62810483
Quoted by: >>62812407

Gyaru marine helping peko's premature little pecker

>> No.62810607
File: 421 KB, 1447x2047, 1681440924310827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62811478

That was super adorable, and don't think I didn't notice how Noel was getting too. How Peko was handling marine, or rather manhandling her was also a really nice touch. I might have to try to cultivate a similar dynamic once the rabbit comes into my own story.
>File name
Hell yeah.

>> No.62811478
File: 442 KB, 1756x2048, 1700281340356318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AA deserves most of the credit for that part. The lunch scene was written by him, and he went all-in on the fighting-friends dynamic with basically no need for any input on my end. For someone who once claimed he didn't feel too confident in his ability to write Pekora (PEKOYAKODON STORY WHEN, MAN) he pretty much nailed it.

>> No.62811844
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x1600, 6c9f80bb16a928e49dd2db9b01a36259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From where I'm standing, you both did amazing. Fighting-friends is such a fun thing to work with, and he certainly did nail it. I can also say I might also share some of that low initial confidence at the idea of writing Pekora. I only got one way to find out though, and that's to get there myself and see what I and other people think.
The need is strong. I'm gonna do it myself too at some point. Hopefully there will be a time where the archive is full of all flavors of it. A rabbit's paradise.

>> No.62812407
Quoted by: >>62814976

She should bully the dicklet instead.
>Blow some air on her erection, it causes peko to cum.
>Surprise footjob under the table. She has to exit the library by covering the front of her skirt
>Ganked behind the bleachers and forced to shoot all over her own lunch
>Pegged by marine until she's shooting blanks

>> No.62812717

Damn it

>> No.62814976
Quoted by: >>62823843

I have a normal sized dick that's been absolutely beaten numb. But for some reason small dick and premature ejaculation humiliation are my favorite genres of porn. I can't explain it, but I hope us M Anons can start producing some high quality light femdom.

>> No.62818060

Hype. I’ll read this later.

>> No.62821146
File: 594 KB, 1169x863, 1654437494563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day. Maybe.

>> No.62821540
File: 935 KB, 850x1226, 1669933028077502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62832481

This, except Fuwawa learns about your incestual escapades with your older sister and blackmails you into letting her watch the both of you.

>> No.62823083
File: 75 KB, 850x1189, 1684529309004686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62824299

>> No.62823843

Is there interest in struggling to breathe between Zeta's thighs while she plays with your dick and balls?

>> No.62823929
File: 2.92 MB, 3000x3642, 1700295741466483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had me at "Zeta's thighs"

>> No.62824299
Quoted by: >>62824797

Too big.

>> No.62824458

I'd be happy with just slobbering all over her thighs.

>> No.62824797

That's the perfect size. Enough to fill the hands with no wastage.

>> No.62825554
File: 521 KB, 849x1200, 107494427_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would look great wrapped around my waist or head

>> No.62828845

God, those thighs are way too big to fit around just my neck. She'd be squeezing my whole head.

>> No.62829006 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 750x1000, 111808945_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62833152

>> No.62829939

And then she goes yandere and rapes you until your thoughts are filled with nothing but her (Fubuki).
And then you use her as a onahole whenever your horny because she went too far in raping you and now her very existence makes you horny.

>> No.62830121

Does anyone keep the deleted scenes that they decided didn't work for the story they were writing and had to be cut? I've been storing some away in a document to share later, but am wondering if anyone's done the same.

>> No.62830906

I do the exact same thing. I change the font colour and just move it to the bottom of the doc under 'cut text'. I think it's too much of a waste just to delete it and that I could probably gain some other ideas from it

>> No.62831373

I do and it's ridiculous how these documents tend to be longer than the actual thing that I'm writing. I often use the clippings as fodder in other chapters, or different fics altogether.

>> No.62832481

Fuwawong is a strangely hot idea.

>> No.62833152

That is one incredible Fubutt
I want her to sit on my face

>> No.62834786

I have some snippets put aside for if I ever wanted to revisit them. I haven't, but, y'know

>> No.62834849

Sometimes I write a full scene out and decide it's not entirely needed so I save it for possible reworking at a later time.

>> No.62836496
Quoted by: >>62838234

Yep, this is everything you could want out of a crossover between the two fics outside of cross cast interaction but something tells me that's for the next part.
This was a fun read, hope both of you can finish your respective series.

>> No.62838234
Quoted by: >>62839576

Next is "Anon flirts with every girl Transfer Student could've gotten with" starring "Big" Mooner getting absolutely slammed in the engineering club

>> No.62839576
File: 187 KB, 1709x1574, 1700309087467821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62841072

If his friends want to bang the new kid, then that's their business. TS is on the ground floor of Pekocoin, and he's diamond-handing his investments.
Even if his internal narration mentioned Moona an oddly significant number of times despite her never actually appearing in the chapter.

>> No.62840274
Quoted by: >>62841283

Have you guys tried using AI to write?
I'm testing one called DeepAI, and while sometimes it gives great poems by itself, most of the time they are lackluster.
Nevertheless, it has given good ideas. I think it is great for inspiration, a nice crutch to help you out.

>> No.62840792
File: 807 KB, 3415x2106, Alterys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fic about IRyS shifting between her angel and devil sides.

>> No.62841072
Quoted by: >>62843358

>My Highschool Harem Isekai

>> No.62841283

I do, just in case I ever want to reuse the ideas presented in there or if I ever consider releasing a cut content story

I've only ever used chatGPT as a research tool or a reactive thesaurus. I used it to generate a title of a fic before but ended up not using what it gave me.

>> No.62841837

you help Fubuki out of the bear trap, except it's clearly fake and made out of plastic and tinfoil

>> No.62843358

>one day in a new school has Anon surrounded in new world tail and he's unsure why because he doesn't know what a shotacon is

>> No.62845433


>> No.62848340
File: 263 KB, 1778x1000, CocoWakingPhone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get up!

>> No.62848417

You’ve gotten together with a nice, if a bit energetic, girl called Mococo. She talks a lot about her sister Fuwawa but you’ve never seen her in person.
One day, you finally reach third base, and you head home to Mococo’s house after a date for some big sex. You enter her room, and find… Fuwawa, sitting in a desk chair in the corner.
Confused, you ask Mococo what’s up, only to find that she’s already stripping. “Oh, don’t mind her, anon, she just likes to watch.”
Proceed to have the most awkward sex of all time, watched attentively by the placid woman in the corner. When you’re done and Mococo is nearly passed out in pleasure, Fuwawa gives you a thumbs up and says, “Ok, you’re good enough.”

>> No.62848555

I feel like Fuwawa should judge you based on whether watching you made her masturbate to the point of orgasm.

>> No.62848906

>good morning dragonfucker!
>my phone screen froze while watching this stream
>it doesn't respond to anything and doesn't turn off
>do you have time to fix it...and another two hours afterwards?

>> No.62848914

Fuwawa leaves.
Mococo breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s great, anon! The last few were such unfortunate losses…”


>> No.62853305
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1600, 109620454_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62853853

Only if you promise not to annoy me after I do whatever it is the fuck you want me to.


>> No.62854952

what does "Anon" look like to you?

>> No.62855206
Quoted by: >>62863206

Man, this was great! I loved the scene on the motorcycle, and the entire ending overlooking the ocean really nailed them now being bros. If it is building to a total cross-over like it kinda seems, I'm looking forward to a Marine 'My own clone' thing that really weirds out everyone else. Though on the other hand I'm kinda bummed the world of HF has been so relatively fortunate, because I'm a sucker for scenes where people reunite with someone that's died but they're from the past or another timeline or something, so if something like that could have happened for Anon it really would have been cool. That's not even a complaint, obviously, I'm just thinking on the concept.

And here I thought the bar couldn't be raised for fic cross-overs. Thank god I've just gotten over my writer's block, cause I got my work cut out for me...

>> No.62855404

Like me.

>> No.62856277

I don’t visualize anon if I don’t have to

>> No.62856904

I am Anon

>> No.62857056 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 258x258, F7Y4q3WXoAASkmw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.62858174

Depends on the story, doesn't it?

>> No.62859451

That's the great thing about Anon; EVERYONE can be him!

>> No.62861870
File: 117 KB, 1110x1526, IMG_4304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like me

>> No.62863088

Depends on the story. In Exposure Therapy I imagined a hybrid between Kiryu from Yakuza and Tatsu from The Way of the Househusband. In Holofantasy it’s obviously a shota with long hair.

>> No.62863206
Quoted by: >>62864741

Are you writing a joint crossover with another author? We’re getting another one?

>> No.62864741 [SPOILER] 
File: 215 KB, 1024x1024, memoriesforthefridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing it on my own, but I'll be asking them for guidance whenever I need it. It's been a while cause again writer's block but it'll come

>> No.62867250
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, ChloeBoobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62867415
File: 855 KB, 2021x3806, F8hZo8Pa4AA-1aX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31 Days with Bae:

Tags: Hakos Baelz, SFW, fluff, small cameos

Based on the Novellite's idea of using holoctober for writing prompts, i wanted to do this. At this point, it has the first three days and i will try to get three more days done before saying there's an update.
The "featuring" section is there to guide yourself, since i dont plan on these being linked in any way shape or form. They are meant to be standalone "universes"

Feedback is appreciated! And once More thanks to the novellite for the idea

>> No.62867985

Anon is a faceless green guy in a suit.

>> No.62868250

An objectively attractive man with a massive dick and correct opinions. Aka, ME.

>> No.62869209
Quoted by: >>62869787

These were all pretty cute, I liked the first one the most.

>those lack of periods in dialogue
I recognize you, and I know I've mentioned that before! Use them Brrat-chama!

>> No.62869421
Quoted by: >>62869787

>31 Days with Bae

I'd rather die than spend even one with her

>> No.62869552
Quoted by: >>62869787

This wa cute as fuck, you can't do this to me Anon. The first two were especially great, zoomer rrat has amazing girlfriend potential.

>> No.62869659
Quoted by: >>62869787

I enjoyed the first scenario the most. It had the most buildup and substance I feel like out of the three. I'd also give this another pass at proofreading, there were a couple errors I noticed like
>God, did Chocosen get the measures right?

>> No.62869787
File: 421 KB, 869x634, Live Bae Reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62870043

FUCK I KNEW I WAS MISSING SOMETHING still thanks for checking it out
Damn, guess its over...
man, those always evade me. i guess ill email someone from some proof reading for the rest.
Thanks a lot for checking it out

>> No.62870043
File: 97 KB, 719x1276, 1678833325601726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens to all of us. I still find small a typo or two in things I wrote months ago sometimes. A separate set of eyes goes a long way for sure though.

>> No.62872536
Quoted by: >>62873554

Up you go

>> No.62873554
Quoted by: >>62874194

Man, Advent being relatively yab free really killed the catalog speed didn't it? I forgot this is what it's normally like

>> No.62874194
Quoted by: >>62876094

New holostarsEN has certainly not helped matters.

>> No.62876094
File: 129 KB, 850x1130, MarineTongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's what I meant.

Anyways does anybody else want to have sex with Marine or is it just me?

If I don't hear a yes in 10 seconds it's a universal no and I'm keeping her to myself

>> No.62876203
Quoted by: >>62877315

I want to give her a wedgie, does that count?

>> No.62876404
File: 1.03 MB, 2894x4093, 1675249895520663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62877315

I certainly do, but I don't want to make it that easy for her. I want that slow burn buildup I love so much. I want Marine to be so fucking elated that she finally had sex with Anon that she opens the window of whatever room they did it in, and shouts that she just had sex loud enough for the entire party to hear.

>> No.62877105

Yep, I want to fuck her. I don't think I'd be able to keep up with her - refractory period and all - but damned if I won't just eat her out all day.

>> No.62877315
File: 243 KB, 1723x2450, MarineGymUniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62878210

Not quite no. You could tug on her panties while you fuck her though.

Based. I like Marine being happy.

>> No.62877646

I want to believe the "Marine never gets any sex" joke that's been bouncing here is a cosmic reaction to her being the first to get a canonical smut scene in holofantasy.

>> No.62877952

Should I stick with OG outfits for Ninisanni Scenario 2? Or go for alternate outfits?
Reimu's outfit reveal has me activating some neurons.

>> No.62878210
File: 1.01 MB, 900x1200, 1700007953042664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fellow happy pirate enjoyer. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting to enjoy Marine as much I do when I first started to write her. Even after the first few interactions so far, there's so many fun things in my head to write for her. How she and Anon will come to progress together is also something I'm really looking forward too, as well as her new friendships with the rest of the group.
I also have a super raging hardon for sword and flintlock pistol fighters.

>> No.62878404
File: 450 KB, 960x540, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62880013

I mean, just look at this cutie.

>> No.62879546
Quoted by: >>62881404

Just go with the outfits you like and can justify the effort in converting to sprites and skip the ones you don't care for, it's your VN after all.

>> No.62879632
File: 3.25 MB, 1763x2500, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_ootsuka_you__287c28866a991f064d1c5b299b1bfd6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62882074

I want to marry her and give her three beautiful children.
and fuck her every day but that goes without saying

>> No.62879763
File: 222 KB, 536x735, 1693343776936320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62882444

Have you ever gotten inspiration from a fic that ended up becoming a new fic? Or a sequel?

>> No.62879913

are you gonna write one focused in her armpits or thighs?

>> No.62880013

Alternative outfits where it makes sense imo. Like >>62878404 would work if there was a prom scene or something

>> No.62880531
File: 253 KB, 1200x1269, 1700361147781736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62881404

If you can find an excuse for Elira to wear her new outfit I will break my leg from kneeling too hard

>> No.62881404

What sucks is a lot of the scenes in Ninisanni 1 would have worked good with the alt outfits. The Elira ending for example would have been perfect for her new outfit. Or the Pomu maid dress.
But I didn't bother because I didn't want to bloat file size and have the time expenditure redoing all the sprites.
I might make it non-uniform, meaning some keep their OG sprites and some get new ones. But perhaps people would prefer a fresh look for everyone.

>> No.62882074

I was asleep when this post was made. Am I sleep posting? Because only I would say this.

>> No.62882444
Quoted by: >>62884823

HJ and HF make me want to write an unironic HoloIsekai. Which won't happen anytime soon.
Any sequels I've made have either been "by request" or I've seen a prompt and thought I could make that work. Kind of the same with one-shots. I basically only do prompt hunting.

>> No.62882597
Quoted by: >>62883622

I want to fuck Marine, but she has an "accident" and cums prematurely. From there, i want to bully her orgasms until i cum, then i can cuddle and give her aftercare because i dont care if she cums easy, i still love her

>> No.62883174

I'm going to suck on this slut's (forma de my wife) tongue while fingering her.

>> No.62883622

so what you are saying is that we need a marine fart fic?

>> No.62884020

no i didnt

>> No.62884823
Quoted by: >>62886182

God, an unironic Isekai fic sounds trashy, but like the kind of trash I'd love to read through.
Theoretically, what generic Isekai variation would you use? Reincarnation with your pick of holo/s as sister/s? Summoned on a quest to slay the Demon Lord with holos as your party? Kicked out of the hero party and now you have to party up with Holomems? Truck-kun meeting leading up to a goddess giving you an OP starting item? Dungeon core inviting holomems inside to trap them and turn into sex slaves?

>> No.62885078

every marine fart smells like my cum

>> No.62886182
Quoted by: >>62888587

Combination of getting trucked and summoned to defeat the demon lord.
>get trucked
>end up being summoned by Fauna who needs you to defeat the Demon Lord
>the demon lord is on the moon and is planning on crashing it into the planet
Although knowing me I would end up making it one of subverted isekais but significantly less edgy. Or end up playing it straight and this losing the "joke"

>> No.62887439
File: 675 KB, 850x850, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62890543

bae rape

>> No.62888587
Quoted by: >>62891117

Okay I know you're probably going to make the demon lord an OC bad guy, but for some reason this makes me think of Miko as the demon lord with the rest of Shiraken as her four heavenly kings, and this entire moon crash thing is unintentional and has her panicking like she just set fire to her Minecraft house.

>> No.62890543
File: 1.79 MB, 1784x1718, 1677061521135387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62891006

Bae's gonna get molested during the next chadcast...

>> No.62890791

Hey guys, my head hurts and I’m very tired. Anyone have ideas for a Suba holoshort?

>> No.62891006

>Bae fending them off while pretending that everything is right
I declare Bae the Lamy of EN: a being made pure and solely for rape

>> No.62891117

Honestly, that sounds like a good setup to a good comedy.
>Okay I know you're probably going to make the demon lord an OC bad guy
Nah, I'd make it Moona (forma de Hoshinova)

>> No.62891409

She should be embarrassed when everyone sees her surprisingly girly underwear.

>> No.62891590
File: 137 KB, 1071x917, 1670966408406635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot she has a moon goddess form. Man I need to do something cool involving Moona at some point.

>> No.62893797

Officer Subaru giving a grizzled noir style monologue narrating the events of what lead to this. With the ending revealing that she'd been doing that while she was hung off a flagpole.

>> No.62895799

>Nah, I'd make it Moona (forma de Hoshinova)
This just makes me think Moona (forma de Moona) joins the party as an unintentional spy, then she either gets fully possesed by hoshinova halfway through and betrays the party; or she reveals in the final room (On the Moon) that she was the demon lord all along and if the party wants to stop the moonfall they'll have to kill her.

>> No.62898586
File: 3.57 MB, 3069x4093, 99158277_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62898682

>> No.62898682
File: 346 KB, 2048x1506, FubukiHypnotized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62898905

Anon your Fubuki got left under the broiler for too long she's all charred now

>> No.62898905
File: 1.27 MB, 2978x4175, 1700369236765419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not charred enough if you ask me.

>> No.62899009
File: 2.54 MB, 2743x3298, 101499633_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's heresy, that is.

>> No.62899208
File: 112 KB, 850x601, FubukiKurokamiBeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62899399

Is Burnt Kurokami like Dark Sakura in that she's evil and angry now

>> No.62899399

She's definitely angry. Evil, I don't know, but she definitely sounds morally ambiguous.

>> No.62901340

This was really cute. Hope you can write all the scenarios before the year is up.
Nitpick; There's a sudden perspective change midway through day 2. Could probably be done better if it was purely bae's pov. Also you misspell Choco as Coco in the last paragraph

>> No.62902857

Sexy nurse Choco molests you

>> No.62904767
File: 1.59 MB, 2500x2500, 101214884_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62905355

>> No.62905355

I wonder whatever happened to "kurokami's errand boy" fic. Did it hit a brick wall without slamming the brakes?

>> No.62905985

I remember one of the kurokami delinquent fics was by HJanon so what they've been doing in between the last update and now is at least known. Not really sure who made the other Kurokami fic.

>> No.62906426
File: 517 KB, 896x1209, 102000853_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a shame. Kuro needs more love around here.

>> No.62906697

Angry Enemy...

>> No.62907877
Quoted by: >>62908052

>angry that you can't take a hint

>> No.62908052
File: 777 KB, 1728x2626, 1700385723539753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62908627

>"You really are clueless, you know that? Fine, let me put this in a way that even a smooth-brained moron like you will understand."
>grabs you by the collar and just straight-up kisses you

>> No.62908627
Quoted by: >>62911340

>Hey, wait, what are you doing!? That's something only lovers do, you know!

>> No.62909030
Quoted by: >>62909646

All of y'all posting hologirls in bikinis, with tanlines
I wish it was still summer goddamnit
Somewhere at a beach, looking at the cute girls around, just watching water wash up on the shore and feel time passing by without anxiety

>> No.62909646

Did you know half the world is still in Summer? Australia is real.

>> No.62909849 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 1400x2000, 111501429_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62910143

>half the world is still in Summer? Australia is real.
He's right, you know. It's disgustingly hot here right now. El Nino right now too; last time we had an El Nino, the entire right side of the country burst into flames and then COVID hit. Wonder what's going to happen this year.

>> No.62910050
Quoted by: >>62912897

Perhaps HJanon just doesn't know how to add Botan to his Kurokami fic because I do remember the last chapter ending with Botan getting her hands on (You) and I expect (if it ever happened) next chapter anon "magically" forgetting his run in with Botan.

>> No.62910143

Is it like "a bit too warm for my liking" or "the sun outside is going to melt me Ark of the Covenant style"?
Is way too dangerous|scary there

>> No.62910390

I live in Far North Queensland; it's tropical. It's around 30 degrees all year long, give and take 5 degrees for summer and winter respectively - humidity's always stupid high. The sun is really nasty up here, though - UV index is super high, meaning easy sunburns.
Down south the temperatures frequently go up to 40+ in summer, but it's dry heat which is much more livable.

>> No.62910884
Quoted by: >>62911245

So it's either melanoma or heatstroke and eventually melanoma
Do you like living there?

>> No.62911205
File: 600 KB, 2480x3508, Fanned witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canberran here, our last two summers have been relatively tame but this one's looking to be a fucking scorcher. For the temperature to break 40 is quite rare, but it easily reaches the high 30s around these parts and as that anon said it's always a dry heat.
It always feels weird writing Christmas fics set in the snow while my fan is on full blast and I'm drenched in sweat.

>> No.62911245

Without air conditioning, I'd detest it. Fortunately, that's not the case.

There are upsides to being in a tropical location; it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen, even in suburbia. Sprawling greenery everywhere, even in Cairns proper. You'd think it'd get old after seeing it a hundred times, but nope; it's still jaw-droppingly gorgeous.

>> No.62911340
Quoted by: >>62911457

Poor Kuro falling in love with a clueless retard who's chasing after a girl who sees him nothing more than a friend.

>> No.62911457
File: 2.50 MB, 1707x2223, 111196474_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62911731

Yeah, but the payoff in that kind of story - where the unrequited love becomes mutual after a major drama and/or some introspection - is kino as FUCK. Just look at Our Cures.

>> No.62911570

>SMOK watching a movie
>movie has a wedgie in it
>"haha only boys in movies get wedgies" says shuba
>MOK look at the tom"boy" with grins
Subaru watches the rest of the movie hanging from the girliest, sparkliest, pinkiest panties ever off some coathooks

>> No.62911731
Quoted by: >>62911859

Yeah but for that to happen, it needs to be written by someone who genuinely likes Kuro and in a way that anon CAN love her.
I just can't see a girl like Kuro getting love at all.

>> No.62911859

I don't think there's anything wrong with her character, per se. I think her tsundere act has got mainstream appeal for sure, or at least amongst a western audience - can't speak for the nip population. She just doesn't get wheeled out enough to gain a significant following. For good reason - IIRC it fucks with Fubuki's throat doing Kuro's low register for hours.

>> No.62911960

I know. And I think its because of that is why people are so relunctant to write Kuro in a fanfic. There's like so little of her character (I could be wrong though) that any writer would be afraid to write her as a main lead incase they fuck her character up really badly.

Like, say you put her in a scenario like "Our Cures", the only way one could be Kuro in that scenario (again I could be wrong) is if Fubuki (if she was made into her sister or something) tried to get you to "befriend" Kuro and she's not all that bad as the public make her out to be.

>> No.62911994

*the only way one could put Kuro in that scenario

>> No.62912038

>it fucks with Fubuki's throat doing Kuro's low register for hours
For real? I always knew forcing a high pitched voice would strain the vocal chords but I thought keeping a low register was fine.

>> No.62912067

her natural voice is much, much closer to fubuki's speaking voice

>> No.62912240

She's got a naturally high register. Still puts on a fake voice for Foobs, but it's only a bit higher than normal.

>> No.62912455

The scenario that makes the most sense to me is you loving Kuro, she rejecting you, you getting closer to Fubuki, Kuro noticing that she's jealous of Fubuki and thus in love with you after all.

>> No.62912469

Actually, I think there's a compelling idea in trying to befriend the angry girl because she's cute and mysterious; her constant rebuffs and verbal lashings only making you more interested in the girl hidden behind the layers of spiky exterior. Peeling them away one by one revealing a sort of dorky, somewhat naive, honest to a fault and very vulnerable girl who uses her penchant for scowls and sharp retorts to protect herself from a world she's still struggling to keep up with as she approaches adulthood.

>> No.62912522

I think you're overthinking things. If there isn't a lot of character to build off of for Kuro, add your own bit of spice to the mix. Her lack of defining characteristics should give you more freedom, so long as you follow the main idea/attitude behind her character. That's what the author of Our Cures did, he took all the rrats about Ayame and gave them his own spin to create an incredible dynamic.

>> No.62912897
File: 154 KB, 710x1200, 1694232859568705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62921274

It's still on my radar and I slowly think of what the next scenes will be every so often. I won't leave the story unfinished, I promise you that. It wasn't really that I hit a wall or anything with it, I just really wanted to get back to HJ at the time and that hasn't stopped. When I finish this current arc I might give myself a little breathing room and try and bang out the next installment of Errand Boy.
Botan is already added though? The start of the next chapter is already planned out more or less.

>> No.62913193
File: 216 KB, 666x666, fbk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think KurOur Cures, could work even with the dense idiot dynamic.
It would just have to be the opposite of what you're suggesting.
>Kuro volunteers to help you get Fubuki
>In reality she really, really likes you and wants to use this time to get closer to you.
>Perhaps also sabotaging your chances with her sister who she has an inferiority complex against.
>Thus starts your training arc as you shape up to be the kind of person Shirakami (Kurokami) likes with her being weirdly close to you all the way.
I think the climax would have to be something similar to Our Cures where you do get the chance to confess to Fubuki but give it up in order to give Kuro a chance.
Cue final sex scene where Kuro teaches you how babies are made.

>> No.62913387
Quoted by: >>62913519

This, except with the happy poly ending.

>> No.62913460

a story where you are trying to fuck Fubuki but Kuro is there making fun of both of you
>"tiny tits!"
>"that's all it takes to get you off?"
>"he barely touched you, idiot."

>> No.62913519

Sounds a bit too much like Our Cures, just with a Fubuki twins skin over it. I still love the idea, but a departure from the love triangle would be nice.

Poly just.. ain't as good.

>> No.62913631

I think I like the idea of Fubuki being the wingman more. She's your (unironic) friend and knows that her sister has a thing for you, so she tries to get you two properly acquainted so Kuro can shoot her figurative shot.

>> No.62913690

Hey, that sounds great.

>> No.62915609


>> No.62915620

A Kuro fanfic idea
In a world with superpowered people exist, Kuro is a bully who terrorizes the entirety of the school. She tries to intimidate (you), a transfer student, but eventually finds out that she is no match to your supernatural defenses
As her powers stem from a desire to lash out at the world which hurt her, your power stems from the desire to close off from said world which hurt you as well.
Cue several sessions of attempted beatdowns turned into therapy for both.

>> No.62915724
Quoted by: >>62915893

john green novel/10

>> No.62915893
Quoted by: >>62916007

john green the youtube shorts education guy? what does he have to do with this prompt?

>> No.62916007
Quoted by: >>62916192

you know he's a published author too right

>> No.62916192

I do know, but doesn't he write less supernatural and more mystery/slice of life?

>> No.62916271

he does young adult romance with a touch of cosmic/universe irony

>> No.62916519

He's safe side melodrama for teenage girls. His male protagonists tend to be 'nice guys'.

>> No.62916753

enter the dramatic turning point where Fubuki goes a bit too far in being a "wingman" as she tries to incite jealousy in Kuro to speed things up. Problem is (you) genuinely got your hopes up with Fubuki acting more and more lovey-dovey around you, only to be heartbroken when you realize it was just meant as a setup.
so basically CoverHigh with Kuro

>> No.62917048

What if Shirakami and Kurokami could fuse into Nezukami once they start to truly understand and appreciate each other?

>> No.62917314

What if
Kuro sex.
And Foob walks in, tells you it was about time someone deflowered her sister.

>> No.62917474

What if Mads Nikkelsen looks at you and goes "yknow Lois, this is like that one time i learned how to skate with Tony Hawk"

>> No.62917865
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1600, 1646849940149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover High with Kuro
>Our Cures but with Kuro
Is the age of the black fox upon us?

>> No.62918122

If someone actually writes about her.

>> No.62918228
Quoted by: >>62918690

Coming to you soon!
Cover High Ch.1. Stop fighthing me you damn fox!
Protection Therapy
Slapping your Fox
Found and Lost
Enlarged troubles
Hell Gained
Hell Lost

>> No.62918690

>Cover High Ch.1. Stop fighthing me you damn fox!
That actually sounds kind of similar to an idea that started rattling around in my head during work on the crossover. An alternate, less idyllic version of CH where certain historical events played out differently, and the school is a much less pleasant place as a result. Inspired by, but not quite as balls-to-the-wall as PURE BLACK.

>> No.62918794

Fightsexual anon getting into brawls with all the holos as if they were bosses in the Yakuza games.

>> No.62918860
Quoted by: >>62920623

Unrelated but this just makes me think of a highschool fic where the various gens are school cliques.
Like Gen 0 is the student council, Gen 1 is a gal gang, etc.

>> No.62920087
File: 269 KB, 1382x2048, 1672793395448304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62925573

Ya know what? I'll try to finish Kurokami's errand boy in 2024. I also have plans already for Kuro to appear in HJ not sure if there will be sex with her though. Too early to tell. Let's give this black fox some fun spotlights.

>> No.62920623

I had an outline for something like this as a wedgie/bullying fic inspired by another thing from that community. Looking back in the outline…

>> No.62920680
Quoted by: >>62920750

please pick less menhera talents to wedgie, thanks

>> No.62920750

They weren’t the main characters (that was Sora), they were just there lmao

>> No.62920914

What community?

>> No.62921040

the wedgie community i assume

>> No.62921274
Quoted by: >>62932346

>Botan is already added though?
Pardon my rudeness but I honestly thought "this" was the bit on why you stopped writing it. Like "Botan" was giving you problems with the story and you had to stop writing it and focus on other things.

My bad.

>> No.62921524
Quoted by: >>62923203


>> No.62923203

What a wonderfully diverse place the internet is.

>> No.62923307
Quoted by: >>62923440

(You) are forced to explain to your oshi who Chris-Chan is

>> No.62923440

I think she already knows

>> No.62925573

You just reminded me that 2024 is creeping around the corner.
Holy shit, I need to finish these WIPs.

>> No.62927083

You could also start another one. Surely it will be completed in a timely fashion.

>> No.62928836


>> No.62931117
File: 311 KB, 796x712, 1699540391870898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62932346

>Hit a wall after 46k words
Must... Keep... Writing...

>> No.62932346
File: 1.03 MB, 1240x1754, 1688406360764719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see what you're saying. No worries at all bro. Nah it wasn't anything like that. If anything I was going to use Botan in Errand boy as practice for writing Botan in HJ, and then I just kinda ended up reversing the ordering. I wasn't experiencing any issues that I can recall, other than just really wanting to get back to my original story. Also now that I'm neck deep in it, I will NEED to write lion hag sex before going to a story where it will not end that way. Once this current arc is done with, I imagine I'll be in a very slice of life mood, so it should be easy to drop back into Errand boy and continue that story.
Do you best bro, you can do it!
I'll say it again, you can do it! Break down that wall!

>> No.62933581

For me there are four types of anons:
>The Gentleman
He's gentle and rational, always trying to contribute to the discussion and argue with facts and logic. He looks like Oscar Orcus from Arifureta.
>The Cynic or Contrarian
This is the one who sort of makes logical arguments but always in a disparaging manner to refute you no matter what you say. He looks like a burly mechanic with dirty jeans and a dirty white tanktop.
>The Ghost
This is the one who lurks and stays quiet most of the time, only opening his mouth to laugh, such as "KEK", "LOL", "LMAO", and so on. He's a scrawny lanklet with a stubble and dark circles under his eyes, like Mundane Mann from Eminence in Shadow.
>The Reactor
This is the one who always reacts angrily with insults such as "KEK", "FAGGOT", "RETARD" and the like no matter what you say, like a quacking duck. He looks like a 4ft Quasimodo.

>> No.62934057

How can I analyze a vtuber's character so I can write her more accurately?

>> No.62934174
Quoted by: >>62934263

Watch streams.

>> No.62934263

Yeah, but what should I look out for specifically?

>> No.62934416
File: 458 KB, 768x768, 1671108585832298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really sure what you mean. If you watch the streams you can get a feel for how the girl acts and her mannerisms.

>> No.62934607
Quoted by: >>62934985

Collabs will show you how she behaves with others.

>> No.62934667
Quoted by: >>62934985

How they respond to others and to problems.

>> No.62934890
Quoted by: >>62934985

I have autism, please understand

>> No.62934985

I've been reading on the ancient discipline of rhetoric and there are actually terms for every aspect of a person you may analyze and write about. Examples:
>Effictio: Appearance, from head to toe
>Ethopoeia: Habits, values, ethics
>Dialogismus: Speech, how they talk
>Mimesis: Gestures, mannerisms
>Pragmatographia: Actions, what they do
>Pathopoeia: Emotions, how they feel
>Chronographia: Time, from hour of the day to the era
>Topographia: Place, where they are or live

>> No.62935137
Quoted by: >>62935263

Personally, I look for two things:
One is opinions and quirks. What do they like? Dislike? Do they have any unique skills? etc.
This is to help you get ideas for scenes (what might work and what not). These are the factual stuff. For example, you shouldn't write Suisei enjoying chocolate, since she doesn't like sweets.

Second is how they sound. How do they interact with chat? With collab partners? How do they laugh? How do they choose their words and what are those words? If you want to have your chuuba "sound like them" then you need to pay attention to this stuff. This is admittedly more of a "feel" thing but you can make notes on certain things. For example, you can make a note about how Towa gets embarrassed when it comes to expressing affection/being mushy, based purely on her ASMR.

>> No.62935178

This is what ChatGPT says:

The elements of personality or character are the traits, behaviors, and attitudes that make a person unique and distinguishable from others. Here are some common elements of personality or character:
1. Personality traits: These are the innate characteristics that define a person's temperament, such as introversion, extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
2. Values and beliefs: These are the principles and ideals that guide a person's decisions and actions, such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, and compassion.
3. Goals and motivations: These are the aspirations and desires that drive a person's behavior, such as career success, personal growth, or helping others.
4. Behaviors and habits: These are the actions and routines that a person consistently engages in, such as being punctual, exercising regularly, or avoiding certain foods.
5. Communication style: This is the way a person speaks, listens, and interacts with others, such as being assertive, empathetic, or direct.
6. Coping strategies: These are the methods a person uses to manage stress and adversity, such as seeking support, problem-solving, or avoiding the issue altogether.
7. Relationship patterns: These are the ways a person interacts with others, such as being close-knit with family, preferring solitude, or being a social butterfly.
8. Emotional intelligence: This is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, such as being empathetic, self-aware, or emotionally resilient.
9. Decision-making skills: These are the processes a person uses to make choices and solve problems, such as being logical, intuitive, or analytical.
10. Cultural and environmental influences: These are the factors that shape a person's personality and character, such as their upbringing, education, and experiences.

>> No.62935263

These are pretty good, thanks!

>> No.62935486

On top of what others have said, watching clips is an efficient way to build a library of little details that you can reference. Just don't overdo it in the fic. There's also this wiki which is more extensive than the English ones: https://seesaawiki.jp/hololivetv/

>> No.62935503
Quoted by: >>62935783

Contrasting ancient rhetoric traditions with ChatGPT's take on the topic has a certain weight to it.

>> No.62935783

It's amazing how the ancients already had it mostly figured out.

>> No.62935843

Noted and bookmarked. Thanks!

>> No.62937040

As some say, the more you study, the more you find yourself at the beginnings.

>> No.62937514

Well, rhetoric was the central skill for politicans in Roman democracy. There was less bureaucracy, and less formality in the processes - trials, public appearances and networking, holding an office, getting elected...all were focused on who could talk convincingly. And the Senate (which had almost no formal powers, but the officials and public assemblies followed its guidance) was often swayed by speeches.

>> No.62938569

That wiki is neat but I can't seem to google translate the pages for the JP members. Works for EN and ID though.

>> No.62938735
Quoted by: >>62939043

Use DeepL

>> No.62938769
Quoted by: >>62939043

Advanced anti EOP technology

>> No.62939043

I did, I just wanted the convenience.

It's a conspiracy I tell you

>> No.62939279
Quoted by: >>62941620

Been absolutely stumped about a good way to continue my series and last night my dream just cooks up the perfect chapter for it. Thankfully I was able to record it.

Thank you dreams, very cool.

>> No.62939378
File: 1.27 MB, 850x1395, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62939527

sweaty smelly stinky sex with the orca

>> No.62939527

You know she doesn't wash down there, right? It's all crusty and disgusting.

>> No.62939739

The better to front wedgie…

>> No.62939745

dont threathen me with a good time

>> No.62940036

I thought vaginas were self-cleaning? Damnation, I've been bamboozled!

>> No.62940619
File: 1.53 MB, 850x1133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slampig Hachaama draining your balls down to the last drop in exchange for a pizza and a soda

>> No.62940759
File: 480 KB, 1600x1000, 1681529551630474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't distract me like this bro.
>Chloe corners you while you're taking a break in your own room at the inn, igniting a fight since she's under order to capture you on sight.
>You both start to brawl, she eventually knocks you flat on your back onto the bed and straddles you to pin you down
>At some point her jacket comes out, which lets her smelly pits flood the air
>Your wincing and remark on the stench catches her off guard, she gets defensive and says shes doesn't smell THAT bad
>She does smell that bad
>Chloe gets even more pissy and says you would smell too if you were traveling for almost a week without a bath, goes to prove it by taking off your shirt
>Coincidentally, you stink too from your own travels, and the sudden sweat inducing fight did not help matters
>Still tell her she smells worse and she decides to punish you by shoving your face into her sweaty skin, telling you to choke on it
>More clothes are discarded along with inhibitions
>The room reeks of sexual exertion

>> No.62941620

I had a dream about one of my fics, woke up, and said 'yeah, that doesn't work.

>> No.62941730

Anon spanking Nene’s fat dumbass because she deserves it

>> No.62942019

I think that already exists in the archive

>> No.62942295

On God??!

>> No.62942398
Quoted by: >>62949453

I think Pekofag did this, in which case it'd no longer be in the main archive. Probably still in the hard though

>> No.62943359
File: 149 KB, 850x1347, __houshou_marine_and_houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_mt_mozuku__sample-241d46eaa7c74b84d2730c9bd556ffe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from hololive general
I need fucking help

Marine appeared recently in my dreams.
I was paralyzed for some reason and she fixed that by groundpounding me into the floor with full force.
Then i walked with her around some bazar. Had to sit down on a wheelchair and then she basically started molesting me while siting on my lap.
She was smiling like a fucking pervert the whole time. Just like on picrel.
I don't even watch Marine, i only saw some fanart of her before going to sleep.
I'm scarred of going to sleep anons. What if next time she will try to do more than groping?
My body belongs to Nerissa and my heart belongs to Mumei and Ame while my soul belongs to Fubuki
Please help me

>> No.62943553
Quoted by: >>62943836

Don't worry Anon all make the noble sacrifice and take your place.

>> No.62943836
File: 253 KB, 3600x1466, 1631169254497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell you glorious bastard!
And thank you...

>> No.62944084
Quoted by: >>62950643

>Nene forgets to put the food back in the fridge and it goes bad
>"You need to put it back in the fridge."
>"Put what back?"
>"The food."
>"What about it?"
>"Back in the fridge."
>"But I can't fit in the fridge, how can I go back there?"
>"Not you."
>"Then why are you talking to me?"
>"Because your dumb ass never remembers it!"
>"Put the food back in the fridge after you've done eating!"
>"But how can I after I've already ate the food?"
>"No, the leftovers, Nene."
>"What about them?"
>You have just about enough at this point. You push Nene down over your knee, lift her skirt with one point and yank down her bear print panties with the other, exposing her pale chubby buttcheeks. You raise your hand up high in the air and bring it back down with every word: "You! Need! To! Put! The! Leftovers! Back! In! The! Fridge! After! You! Are! Done! Eating! Or! The! Food! Will! Go! Bad!". You're still kind of fuming, so you continue slapping her, enjoying the sounds of your hand making contact and the soft whines she emits as you do, finishing with a harder slap that leaves her with a bright red handprint on top of pink skin, then let her stand up and get dressed.
>"Did you get it now?"
>"Get what?"

>> No.62944111
Quoted by: >>62944743

I'm afraid you're being haunted by the ghost of Marine's libido, which she is currently exorcising with hormone treatment. Best make peace with your former oshis and embrace this new one.

>> No.62944743
File: 509 KB, 622x572, 1613842904501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62945716

>captcha: sxxpvy
Sexxx Pervy?
Oh god
Oh fuck

>> No.62945716
File: 1.56 MB, 2159x3000, 1685270826056678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's coming for you, Anon. In both senses of the word.

>> No.62946266
Quoted by: >>62950143

I was thinking about "Disciplining Nene" which is still available in the Mega Hard Archive so I looked it up. Sadly it's actually you being so annoyed by your gf Nene that you make her kneel, apologize and insult herself before she has to give you a paizuri and let you fuck her tits. I probably got the spanking part mixed up with Hedonist's Reckoning where you spank rrat Ayame, sorry.

>> No.62949126


>> No.62949453

He did do a Nene fic but it doesn't have spanking in it.

>> No.62950143

Anon, that fic's link still works in the regular archive.
Also has a picture now, which I'm not sure was originally there.

>> No.62950643
File: 107 KB, 850x1287, suparu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking sex

Anchoring Holoshorts again with a new entry featuring picrel!

The first second person entry... I'll admit, I slipped into writing first person a few times, so please excuse if there's still any of that left over.

>> No.62950869

Damn, that other post bamboozled me.

>> No.62951204
Quoted by: >>62951669

Disciplining Nene has always had a picture in it, I believe. Source: have wanked to it like 6 times over at least a year, more likely two years

>> No.62951669

>6 times
Now that I think about it...
What's the most times you've nutted to a single fic?
For me, it's both parts of petting your fox. 4 times total.

>> No.62952701
File: 621 KB, 2064x4096, 82243e4cfd80eca901b047498f8d5ca5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62952799

I had expected you to take advantage of her second outfit, which has her panties visible through slits in her sides of her pants. The ones that she famously, together with Ui-mama deemed "panties that were okay to show". https://youtube.com/watch?v=ATytU-7Xnbs
My fantasies aside, a bit of feedback as thanks for the stories: you have a good knack for writing scenes that are easy to visualise, but sometimes your sentences run a little long, I feel.

>> No.62952799

Thank you. They do, and I try to keep that in check. Today was a bad day for writing, with lots of outside distractions, so I’m sure I slipped a lot with that.

Panties that are okay to show… very hot…

>> No.62953393
File: 660 KB, 2163x2819, __kurokami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_nagae_yama__77b3876d7c1b892ccfc1d2e6488d760e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62953550

Glad you're able to add to HoloShorts again!
This is entirely for another holoshort but in the case someone else does it (lol lmao), linking it to this. Kurokami holding down Shirakami, but she's seriously squirmy so she has to be held down pretty harsh Kurokami has to result to using her teeth to give her a serious wedgie, her arms and legs busy with holding down the fox. After, she flips Shirakami over, pinches her nose shut and spits the underwear-tasting saliva into Fubuki's mouth when she opens her mouth to breath. Think it'd work best if Fubuki is sweaty/stinky but doesn't have to be.

>> No.62953550

Didn't wedgieanon already make a kurokami/shirakami wedgie fic as a commision?

>> No.62953646

I think so? But I think it's a waste to limit it to just that...

>> No.62953656

Several lmao

>> No.62954018

>What's the most times you've nutted to a single fic?
Shrunken troubles. I stopped counting after 13 times... probably like 17 times?
I nutted to it 4 times in the same day on its release.
That's probably not playing fair because it's a commission though. Disciplining Nene is pretty high at 6 times... maybe Remembering how to love her? I keep coming back to that one. Foxes over Ducks as well got a lot of nuts out of me.

>> No.62954722
Quoted by: >>62956097

Stop triying to force this dogshit meme just because you miss your faggot boyfriend

>> No.62955294
Quoted by: >>62955468

Imagine Chloe pulling off her panties with a satisfying rip as she pulls the fabric away from her crusty, sticky vagina like velcro.

>> No.62955468
Quoted by: >>62960879

why did my dick twitch
I hate this thread

>> No.62955547
Quoted by: >>62956305

Negro friend is a good bully and HoloShorts still needs a Foob entry though

>> No.62956097
Quoted by: >>62956591

Alright, this one's thrown me for a loop. What are you going on about?

>> No.62956305

>negro friend
Big kek

>> No.62956591
Quoted by: >>62957439

I think they're insinuating that>>62954018
is the bugfag.

>> No.62956905
Quoted by: >>62957065

The Anya fic where (You) buy her from a shop in dagger form, take her home and fuck her
Like 5-6 times that I can remember
It seems to have been taken down from the archive, which is a damn shame

>> No.62957065
File: 248 KB, 1702x2048, 1700447626315957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62957225

Do you remember the name? I need to look that shit up in the hard archive

>> No.62957225

The Cursed Dagger, not to be confused with A Cursed Dagger
It is on the hard archive, I just checked

>> No.62957439
Quoted by: >>62957782

Well, yeah, that's because I am. What I don't get is the forced meme bit.

I know I shouldn't respond to shitposting but I'm curious.

>> No.62957782
Quoted by: >>62958230

I think he's assuming you're disingenuous about your enjoyment of Shrunken Troubles. I don't know why, because your commissions since have only really proven even more that you have poor taste and low standards, but still.

>> No.62958230

Poor taste and low standards... well, when you're right, you're right. I'm definitely guilty of the poor taste part, but the low standards - well, when someone's torn their hair out trying to squeeze out 5k words on an idea they don't care about... I just can't tell someone to re-write something over and over again for free until they meet my perfect vision. I have to make compromises quite often and I think only once has a fic actually lined up with the original idea - that was Credit Where It's Due pt 1.

>> No.62959326

Bugfag, going by the way pekofag talked about you, you very clearly pay above market rates for how much you pay him for his commissions. This is unsolicited advice, but you have a right to ask for revisions, especially since as the commissioner you're effectively a beta reader and the intended audience.

>> No.62959512

not bugfag but asking for writing revisions never goes as well as you'd hope.

it's like whiteout over a fuckup on paper. it's "fixed" but the flow of the writing will be irreparable and the "fix" will stick out like a sore thumb

>> No.62959633

I don't really wanna get into because I don't really like telling people how they should spend their money but the entire kinda point of commissions is to get what (You) want at the end of it, and if they accepted it in the first place that's on them

>> No.62959776

I mean he got the Suisei pekofag commision fixed. Well, at least to his liking, the fic still had inherent characterization flaws but from I remember he got pekofag to make the smut better (again, for his tastes).

>> No.62960226

this is really good stuff

>> No.62960530

>What's the most times you've nutted to a single fic?
3 times

>> No.62960685

Thanks for that

>> No.62960822
Quoted by: >>62961407

>I'm scarred of going to sleep anons.
don't fear the sleep

>> No.62960879

You will learn to love it

>> No.62961407
File: 109 KB, 850x1202, MarinePole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Don't Fear) The Boomer

>> No.62961992

If it's really out of line from what I want, then sure - I'll ask for a big fix. It's actually a lot of work to do that - when the fic's direction goes haywire, it means there's been a critical miscommunication and that means addressing and correcting the writer's interpretation versus your own in order to straighten it out plus a lengthy feedback dump because writers have to know what you think they did wrong in order to fix it. It's not just an annoyance for me, though, it's also stressful for the writer who now has to spend even more time rewriting the fic, thinking about every sentence, or else they don't get paid.
The reason I state this is not to complain, it's to make a point and say it's usually not worth doing unless it severely damages the end product. Plus, the two writers I commission both work over a timespan of months now, so any requests have a severe impact on their motivation and my interest in the final product due to the length it takes to create.
Besides, most of the time it's not one big mistake, it's lots of little small niggles that don't do much on their own but add up to something altogether different from what you imagined.
Like, I absolutely get what you're saying, but it's never black-and-white unfortunately.

There's this as well - any fixes are bandaids over the top and the flow is altered because the writer is in a completely different state of mind to when they first wrote the section. They're also being overly cautious, given that they were just told whatever was written isn't satisfactory.

Sorry for the long response times, I'm at work.

>> No.62962711
File: 178 KB, 756x1047, AZKiQuestionMark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62962789


>> No.62962789

I can bake. Any requests?

>> No.62962852

Supreme pizza with a thick crust.

>> No.62962916
File: 676 KB, 2508x3541, KroniiPaizuriOffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Booba w/ No Hags

>> No.62962934
File: 2.00 MB, 3000x3000, 104014153_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62963629


>> No.62963629

Baked, Migrate when ready

Next time
