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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.6227126 [Reply] [Original]

Is /vt/ the only board that is dedicated to make its visitors hate its subject matter?
Loved Vtubers when I cum here and now I despise most of the Vtubers I used to watch.

>> No.6227200


>> No.6227231

Coming here was your first mistake.

>> No.6227268
Quoted by: >>6228114

Honestly, same. I really loved Kiara a lot and I still like watching her streams. But with all the shit that's going on here, I start to dislike her more and more. It's like everyone tells you your oshi is trash every single day in multiple threads. I try to ignore it mostly and she's still my oshi but it's annoying af. But that's what 4chan is about. You can shit your opinion on anything you want, the way you want. That's we're here.

>> No.6227293
Quoted by: >>6230144

this whole board is a /jp/ containment zone. do you understand what that means? this is a containment zone within a containment zone. The people who shit up other boards 15 years ago rejected the people who post here, think about it.

>> No.6227374

this board is an aborted fetus from the /trash/ threads, bastardized by the /jp/sies and further destroyed by actual vtubers self promoting and thinking they can be famous by posting here

>> No.6228114
Quoted by: >>6230670

There's a new anti thread about Kiara every day. I read her tweets and don't think too much about it but then I go to /vt/ and see how her tweets get fucked by schizos "she only posted it to leech" "me me me" "she a narcist" and other shit. I know that there's truth in those statements and I understand the critic but I just wanna enjoy watching my oshi playing Minecraft or Mario Kart without being constantly reminded of how bad she is for whatever she's doing unconsciously.

>> No.6230144

This place isn't so bad when you put it like that.

>> No.6230670

The real answer is that she disn't speak enough gratuitously comedic German or use her real/better voice. But unlike risu, who mostly exists in her own little indo sandbox, Kiara is representative of our branch. That's why she's the hate sink, because she tries to self promote without doing the simplest of things that'd boost her numbers. She's the personification of that meme where the guy puts a metal bar in his bicycle wheel and blames it on someone else. People got sick of it.

>> No.6230752

/vt/ is a shithole
i hate gura

>> No.6230867

No. You were convinced that your oshi was trash. That's all. Otherwise you would've went the other way and be more schizo for your oshi.

>> No.6231211
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