breed fenix
This oneBAU BAU
>>OPthis one
>FWMC Bowling BallKek
My Ina!
Fuwawa doesn't show her tummy because she has a massive birthmark that kinda looks like a swastika
>>62083074Hahaha please.The only good Fandom in Myth are Takos and similarly, the only good fandom in Promise are IRyStocrats unironcially now
>on the topic of love>and peace>HOLOLIVE SPORTFESKek
Kronii love
urgh I HATE fennecs and HATE old women and HATE pubic hair, please do not post a combination of those please!!!
Just started my cute wife Fuwawa and her mendokusai sister Mococo
>>62083189That's the womb tattoo I placed on her after I bought her sorry
>>62083096Okayu is kinda young, she's the product of VERY early grooming by gamer hags (mostly Korone)she's the hag whisperer
>>62083149How do you bowl with the pero ball?
>>62083195Good god, shut up schizo
>>62083195At least all the Advent fanbases are good.
>>62083096That was two years ago, and the time she was 25.
>>62083185LOVE & LUST
>>62083228Put your fingers in his holes
Red team ssg
>>62083195Don't invoke my name with such crass intention! I hope you shit your pants
How can a team win with Fuwamoco in it?
>>62083195God I wanna breed a Crat so bad
>>62083195This is the hook for someone else to start shitting on these two groups in specific so they can bounce back to the shitposting with hoomans/saplings and KFP
Reminder Mori absolutely embarrassed the white team
>Mio thinks Towa is sexy>Kiara doesn’tWho’s in the wrong?
>>62083195Please don't bring me into this
>>620832281 finger in his butthole, 1 finger in his boygina, 1 finger in his mouth.
>>62083269What's important is they both agree Mumei is incredibly unsexy.
>hoomans were ousted as THE shitposters of /hlgg/ last threadI knew they were the Takos of Promise all along
>>62083255Jesas Kanata
>>62083195The only good fandom is my dick and balls in your mom.
>>62083266Hard to believe I'd ever say this but based Mori
>>62083266Based and true
>>62083250But... where do you get 3 holes from?
>>62083255>lolThose faggots, kek
>>62083292not now sapling
>>62083292But hoomans aren't cute blobs
>>62083255I've been having ringing in my ear all week and I'm going to the doctor after fuwamoco. I wonder if this is what they'll end up doing to me.
>>62083185>the great flopperer
Ela's beaver is happier than ever
>>62083311Stop parading my dead wife'a body around. Her frail body couldn't take the mating press.
>>62083195I can see Takos being good but you seriously belive Crats are better than Brats?
>>62083292Fuck off schizo
They're confessing to me!
>>62083185wawa SOON
>>62083266>Deadbeats still trying to steal fauna's winpretty embarrassing desu
It's okay for sisters to fuck sisters
The dogs are gay..
>>62083292Fuck off
I'm starting to think Fuwawa wants to have sex with Mococo and me
>>62083074Roru, even you don't believe that schizoposter
>All these EN seethesIs Kaira stremaing soon or something?
gee Mococo I know there are certain holos who could recommend you a extra keyboard...
>>62083316The only thing fauna embarrassed was herself by becoming a puddle when she almost killed herself when she got doxxed by the comments of he university
>>62083381for each other yes
Hubu-san daijoubu desu ka?
Thoughts on small girls with big tits?
>>62083415Kaira dare? like Kobo was with Marine earlier
>>62083195don't bring me into this, I hope everyone here diesI feel nothing but hatred towards the human race (the girls are the only people I love)
>>62083266>>62083316>>62083368>deadbeats and saplings trying to steal Towa’s accomplishmentDispicable
>>62083425>deadbeats seething this hard about mori jobbing and fauna saving the teamoof
>>62083266NGL Mori fucking crushed it out there. From going to not knowing anything about Minecraft and feeling like a burden during the Ender Dragon collab to now is really amazing. I know it's just a game but it's really heart warming to see. Cute Mori.
>>62083368Sapcucks...... this is just sad
THE GLUE OF JP of this feel?
>>62083299NTA but seriously man, you need to step up your insults. It seems you are still in 6th grade
>Pappapuppy's PC is so old that it can't even run MinecraftJEsas
>>62083443Walking onaholes
Fuwamoco after ending the stream
Lets have a non cancerous thread this time, we can do that right?... wait oh no
>>62083443we need to go even smaller and bigger
>>62083023>I hate them as much as the next person but I'm going to lie to defend them>>62072295There was no "brat" lying and calling hoomans out, there were a bunch of people calling someone who posted a supposed Promise supremacy image out as a nijisister for having only 3 members of promise, the original poster tried to insist they were not a nijisister and were asked to provide proof and they didThere's your objectivity of the situation, nobody was blaming Hoomans at the start
Shadow cabal of takos talseflagging as deabeats falsflagging as anti-Sapling hoomans to set this board on fire. This is like peeling an onion.
>>62083269Kiara actually admitted that towa is indeed sexy
>>62083208I bet you didn't see this one coming, loser
>numberlings>this earlyBut why?
>>62083471She just wants to do her best
>>62083518>This is like peeling an onion.mori please shut the fuck up
>>62083518All orchestrated by the Big Kenzoku...
The twins are poor they need more money
>>62083292>oustedTypo or ESL?
>>62083471>slaps Kiara's butt>wins the sportfes
Towa is sexy and I’m tired of this thread acting otherwise
b-bros.. where is my misunderstanding...
Can’t they just stream from kitchen or something? It’s just a laptop…
my day is ruined...
>no misunderstandingI think I'm misunderstanding.
>I'm not a chihuahua, I'm Fuhuahua>I'm not Fuhuahua, I'm Moaecoaecoae
>>62083453probably recording for the showa live?
Lapsama my friend
>>62083255>679kek, I wish we were this funny
>>62083534god her eyes are so fcuking perfect
>>62083308Mouth, ass, and urethra.
>multiple cross-posting crap>all so they can keep on their Holo Fanbase vs Holo Fanbase shitJesas, working overtime for food money, I see
>>62083453Kobo is already back in Japan?
>>62083518>shadow cabal of takosA lot of people don't remember this, but when the Kiara-anti discord got exposed a lot of them were outed as takosnobody will talk about this, but the evidence is out there in the archives
Literally me
>No misunderstanding>Loses viewersmisunderstanding fags get the rope
Learning about Daylight Savings Time with Fuwamoco!
>>62083518>This is like peeling an onion.They stink?
I'll never forgive this bastard.
>>62083265>KFPAnon don't mention us God damnit. He's finally doing shit with other fanbases and has not bringing us up. I've earned that break!
I replaced my blood with Mocomachines.
>>62083535hooman pls..
>>62083506Too late, this thread is already even worse than the last because the /hlg/fags have joined the fray
Honest thoughts on this rrat?
>>62083269What do you think?
Am I the only one who thinks it's equally stupid to blame Hoomans and Saplings for whatever happened?Like why are we even going or talking about other threads??
I love it as now in that it gives me extra time to get back from work before FWMC morning.
>>62083699Cute rat, but that outfit is still absurd
>NA prime time>thread quality takes a nosedive
>>62083185Thanks for reminding me on daily basis that it still hasn't gotten 200K after 2 weeks
We need to forward this stream to the UN to make them repeal DST in all countries.
>>62083699She should learn how to roll R's
Bae a cute.
>>62083710Kill yourself cumrystocrat and take the jp reject with you
>>62083699Looks better naked
>>62083729lmao i was about to post this
>>62083641That shitposting angle doesn't work anymore when those same people were hoping something bad happened to Ina when Kiara was doing her waiting for Ina stream
I'm hungry
>>62083443I like them
>>62083710>Am I the only one who thinks? you should stop that
>>62083710Everything is always the saplings fault
>>62083603Your friend seems like she has a pretty butthole. I want to sniff it.
>>62083699The glue of HoloEN
>>62083753Baecute x2
Cute dawring
>>62083811this but shiokkos
>rolled out of bed>went to computer>IT'S HAACHAMA TIMEKek
>>62083710Some people just want to shit up and get angry when people enjoy things. It is what isCute haachama drawing fwmc
>>62083749Was it autism?
>>62083255What was the disease that Kanata has again? Isn't it incurable?
>>62083793I chuckled
>>62083793Skeletons are immune to piercing damage
As a Ruffian and Haaton I'm in heaven over them getting along so well and them loving her so much
>>62083753DO NOT THE NAI NAI
>>62083514So you’re saying that it didn’t have to do with Holo vs. Holo shit in the beginning, and that it’s all a bunch of schizos making shit up? Sounds about normal for this board. You’re still a shithead for crossthreading though.
>>62083699The bridge between EN and JPThe dancer of ENThe RPG player of EN
>>62083710>Like why are we even going or talking about other threads??shitposters running wild due to no moderation
>>62083888purple disease
Oh I didn't know thatVery cool, Suisei
>>62083899If I shot your bones with a bow you'd be pissed
>>62083699boring flop cute
>>62083846>1097Yeah, by me.
>>62083930kanata has maybe the least purple disease in the company
>>62083840>Soundposting yourself getting frozen on her screenjust lol dude
>>62083899This. In reality the sapling has actually taken more damage.
>>62083944No I'd be boned
>>62083925>Invitations to JP lives:0
>>62083292Shut up sapling
>>62083518bravo kojima
Moco-chan erotic sounds time!
The look on Moco-chan's face
>>62083979You weren't supposed to point that out....
>>62083899are they now
>>62083879She can do it while roaring
>>62083793This but the one shooting the arrows is also a deadbeat.
>>62083758Ofcourse it's the "deadbeat" before retards attack me, read the quotations idiots.
Fuwawa's fetish corner...
>>62083899You aren't using the right caliber.
>A male in fuwamoco morningIt is baover
>>62083979You're so easy to piss off kfp, you are my bit bitch and reply again because you always do
mocochan should swallow my sticky smelly natto if you catch my drift
What's with all the Bae discussion here lately? Did we always have this many brats?
>>62083979yeah, but she's the one having a live concert with Laplus, Shion and Kobo
Still baffled that Kaela didn't get hooked on Factorio
>>62084030I cant read
>>62084053I didn't see anyone mention KFP, but now that you mention it, why does HoloJP prefer Kiara to Bae?
>>62083710Anons her are unironically hate Fauna and Mumei haters. No reason the hoomans and saplings went and settled in /#/
[SAD NEWS] Mococœ will be eating dried cum
>>62083979kektotally not a samefag btw
>>62084022What a condescending bitch
>>62084065Most of the discussion is just pointing out how shit her schedule is.90% of the brats here dropped her for Advent.
>>62084065It's fun to make fun of the biggest failure in HoloEN.
>>62084065Insecure kfp have been feeling extremely threatened recently and seeing bae get more opportunities than kiara from cover is hilarious
>>62084065I'm not a brat, I'm a steel rosier
>eat half the bag okay?
>>62083899I heard you guys a vulnerable to "blunt" damage
>dry nattoboo
>>62084127>still has the most dedicated SCers in EN
Rate the Polka fit
Mococo is going to eat lyophilized cum!
>american beansharam
>>62084105I can spot your posting style kfp change it and I'll stop calling you out and your pathetic oshi.
>>62083477>that clipwell, Mio is clairvoyant after all. Of course she would know about hololive's upward trajectory back then
What is a gram?
>Sasuga America
Sausuga, America...
>>62084065It's always funny to point out how shit Bae is.
[Sad news]He's trying Kiara vs Bae again
>>62084105Kiara is just inherently more appealing.
>>62084106Next time post in english
>>62084180Looks like something my mom's friends would wear when I was a kid
>>62083888Maybe there’s a new treatment, or it’s a preventative measure for her good ear.
Is it Kiara vs Bae hour already?
>>62084223And he got a third phone!
>>62083979Lol. Lmao.
>>62084180great. feels like an ankle bracelet would make it perfect but I doubt the game has that?
Can I get a rundown of the Raden situation?
Monsanto GMO natto...
>>62083699I like watching her, she's consistent, I like her music, I like her feet, she's been getting cuter and squeeks more than she used to.
>>62084133These look like roasted nuts.
Why is Fuwawa so sadistic?
>>62084223Just laugh at the kfp brat bae has made more progress this year than anyone else in en and I say this as a deadbeat
I want fuwawa to waterboard me
He was doing so well not mentioning us too... it's a damn shame.
>>62084275dry natto is literally just peanuts
>>62084223He didn't even try to stick to KFP vs Ruffians...
>>62084015That’s blunt damage.
>>62084265Killed a fucking senator and is now on the run from the law. We'll never know what happened next because sequel never.
Murica anons, have you tasted natto bean?
>>62084223I thought for sure he was going to try and not mention us for one day since he was going ham with sapling crats and hoomans
>>62084305>look moco-chan he's still so thirsty
>>62084299She's just a bit silly
>>62084265Her pubes got tangled up, and it hurt a lotI'm currently trying to untangle them with my mouth
Fanbases from most troublesome to least troublesome:KFPSaplings DeadbeatsChumbuds Irystocrats TeamatesTakos Brrats Hoomans Kronies(non existent) Not enough data on Advent yet
>>62084301Progress in what, failing?
>>62084065It’s the KFP vs. Brrats timeloop again.
>>62084307It was me >>62083265, I did it. I knew this would happen, this is what you get from not giving me that extra sauce on my order.
what's the best snack to have the most iconic taste of the United States of America?
We need a political marriage between KFP and brats to end the possibility of even entertaining this feud once and for all
Very cute
>>62083865I'm sarcastic, cheeky and teasing, but I am NOT a hateful poster
>>62083930purple plague is a real thing but it mostly affects gold in electronics
>>62084265Kiara mindbroke her, now I'm comforting her in my place (through sex)
>>62084223I'm taking Hakos away from this thread until the schizo leaves
>>62084371thank god, modern Platinum is so shit.
>>62084400Ok this was absolutely posted by a hooman
fuwawa is sadistic and horny
>>62084275Regend roasted?
>>62084404Ah look its one of kfps most famous insecure quotes they love to do when they don't have a rebuttal. Kinda cute
>>62084372Tried it when I lived in Japan, just tasted like beans.
>>62083443He made a version that includes EN?
>>62083826That’s my semen actually she rereleasing this?
>>62084400t. hooman
pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat
ive been kinda checked out ever since missing the sports fes, whats been going on recently
>>62084400>Sapling putting kfp first
Lapu has ended her stream
hey check this out
Console wars = shipping"KFP" and "Brrats" are having sex right now and kissing eachother.
*casts a spell*
>>62084434ready when you are m'lady
>>62084478I wonder how many times Fuwawa fantasized about her sister.
Mumei-senpai mention
Someday, I will get those darn brrats.
>>62083899No, just resistant you fucking pillock. I'll kill a Deadbeat with a bunker buster any day of the week
I wish Fuwawa could remove that stupid bib thing.It's even more obvious when they take their jackets off.
>>62084411You're replying to him, retard
>>62084451now post more cunny
>>62084468Bro I don't think she wants to go with you...
>>62084547But wouldn’t that mean saplings and hoomans are also fucking each other?
>>62084468Is this rape?
>>62084434I'm ready
>>62084468don't take my onahole WTF
>>62084547I'm a sapling and I think hoshiyomis are all stupid!
>>62084524Sleep tight Lapper
>>62082674hooboys? maybe they should look like this
>>62084634Yeah but we all know they're faggots already
>>62084468What the FUCK did Cover mean by this loading screen
You guys ever think about how holomem have actual hands and skin and bones and finger nails and stuff?Isn't that kinda freaky?
>>62084634That's expected of those queers tho
>>62084400Kronies don't want troubleWe just want Kronii
>>62084669Fuck her, literally
2-3 hours warm up before every stream? Doggos I kneel. Some members literally just start their stream yawning waking up from sleep.
opinions on this rat?
>>62084665>sapling not being the one in the dressNice try
>>62084683This was Bae's idea
>>62084361Just gotta add enough piercing stuff
>>62084605My oshi is so much more than just a tight, puffy, sweet smelling cunny.
>>62084524>>62084664[Good News] Lapu is back, with more girls this time
>>62084122anon you have autism for caturday countdown
>>62084686It's exquisite
>EU prime time starts>global turns into #
what's up with all the baelz survey posts? Is this some kind of new shitposting tactic?
>>62084782>time in london: 4 30 PM>prime time
>>62084736That changes everything then. What the FUCK did the rat mean by this
>>62084753why are her hands like that
>>62084800She's being witnessed
>>62084800It's the egg schizo trying to do something new, pay him no heed
uoh TuT
>>62084800What’s your problem with Bae?
Mocochan is a bitch
>>62083979Holy based
>>62084816The UK is an hour behind the rest of Europe.
>>62084819it's her kink, don't shame her
Consider this rrat and post your observations
Thank God fauna is taking today off or the thread would be worse
>>62084772nice pussy
>>62084872yeah, fuwawa's
>>62084863She’s trying to make me lose NNN that bitch
>>62084819The context is that (You) are trying to drag her into a waterslide forcefully while on a date
Does Fuwawa's jewel ever get stuck in her cleavage? Seems like that would be uncomfortable
>>62084800>baelz KFP detected, opinion discarded.
Cute cat
>>62084890absolute sex
>>62084892She’s gonna be on the terraria collab today
>>62084938maybe its a squishy jewel
>>62084888Quiet you!
>>62084892she is playing terraria though
>>62084938When it comes into contact with body heat it becomes soft and slimy for reasons
>>62084892She’s joining Nerissa’s terraria collab
>>62084933Has Bae ever gone on a date or does she get all her info from romance VN?
>>62084890Need to give her paizuri
>>62084819She genuinely just wanted there to be scenes emulating a date in her new park with (you) (this is her being scared to ride the rollercoaster)Bae is the stealth GFE Holo who does things like that all the time to give back to her fans
>>62084765Yeah dude, it’s totally just my autism and not the fact that she’s historically been a condescending cunt with contempt for her audience.
>>62084965>>62084975Oh fuck, well it isn't on her channel so hopefully less saplings are present still
Why are there so many brats during KFP hours? Did Bae really steal that many of Kiara’s fans?
I'm not extra special...
mococo crunching
Mom, Nerissa is being a slut again
Which JP's are missing 3.0 now? Feels like there has been a break since the last batch of updates.
I dont know why there are so many Shion posts, but please proceedIf I'm gonna fail NNN and it might aswell be to Gura's wife
>>62085031The Saplings can stay here, you however should leave
Nerissa in Zeta's chat.
>>62085031Did you get fucked by a sapling ?
Imagine if instead of flags when you post here you have to have a fanbase name on your posts and you can never change it.
>>62085006>>62084933That actually sounds sweet
>>62085009Nta but rent free
>>62085035It’s not that hard, Bae is like Kiara but she isn’t constantly a cunt to everyone.
>>62085077There's one anon that wants to have kissy gay sex with a Shiokko
>>62085100that would be based
>>62085035Nobody would leave kiara for walmart kiara
>>62085009nta but you definitely have autismgo pick up a football kid
>>62085035Yeah dude she stuffed me in her bag and screamed a slur in Australian and rode away on her kangaroo with me in tow
>>62085035bae gets more fans stolen from her by the other girls then anyone else desu. Advent really did a number on her.
>>62085006>stealth GFE Holo>stealthif she is trying to hide it she is very bad at it, being so much sex and all
>>62085100Shit they'd figure out how gay I am as a teamate
>>62085108Bae's a true blue Aussie cunt
I feel I have come to realize that IRyS is the best collab partner anyone can have in En.The only bad collab I can think of is the Kobo collab.No wonder Watame, Sora, Fubuki, AzKi, Flare and Aki like her so muchMy oshi also loved interacting YabIRyS, so I like her as well
>>62085100Next April fools joke
>>62085062>astrology bitchWhy is she so WHITE
>>62085100that would have been a better aprils fools joke than the bot shit
>>62085128Fuck off normalfag
>>62085144Boobs on the side of her torso thoughts
>Sorry Kiwawa I don't have time to watch your streams anymore>Zeta streaming? YABBA DABBA DOOWhy is Nerissa like this
>Whined about numbers after debut>Was so jealous of Gura she took three months to ask for their first collab>Seethed over Mori getting to sing Dawn Blue>Pushed early Takamori so hard it became one of the most hated ships in Holo>Made fun of Aki’s numbers>Doxxed Subaru (unintentionally but it still counts)>Stole Ame’s talk show idea>Desperately tried to beat Ina to 1 million, still lost and then whined about it>ARE YOU CRYING GURA>Seethed over IRyS debuting next to her birthday>Made fun of Council as a concept>Whined about being left alone during peak impromptu collab season>”see you nine months”>Forced a collab relay for New Years Eve 2021>Called fans spoiled for wanting more streams during the NA Myth offcollab>Hates Bubba>Gave everyone Covid while in NA>Forced Ina to be in her birthday live>Berated the girls for “not being prepared” during the 2022 anniversary stream despite being just as bad>Dragged Ame on a trip she didn’t care about>Never met IRyS while in Japan>Probably encouraged Gura to be lazy (no concrete evidence but the timeframe matches up)>Said she didn't feel welcome in Gura's chat but people went through logs and couldn't find anyone being annoyed by her>Insulted Fauna’s ASMR>Was a generally poor sport in AoE, now try harding out of jealousy>called Mumei not sexy>Bullied Raden about her smoking habit
>>62084989She's a yumejo, this is all from her VNs and shoujo manga (and her own fantasies)
>>62084989Oh silly anon, witness the rat and her actions in a dating habitat
>>62085100>*buy multiple 4chan passes*>*Assign them all to Deadbeat*>*Make the thread absolutely unholy for months on end*
>>62085124Sorry, not gayI prefer my sexual partners to be small women
Subaru is really determined to reach diamond rank, she has been grinding for the past 5 hours or so
>>62084820I'm still cultivating her.
>>62085009>my autismWell at least you admit you're mentally ill kek
Kon kon
>>62084851>trying to do something new
>>62085108bae is more like kiara but boring
>>62085092No but I want to fuck one to make them shut up
I will now watch kaela play a building sim that is apparently restricted to wood?
>>62085173Shut the fuck up and give me your lunch money
[Zeta News] do drugs
You can't convince me fanbase wars schizo isn't a bot at this point
How come Brats managed to outlast Baeschizo but Kiara is more hated than ever?
>>62085211>*buy multiple 4chan passes*>It still keeps you to a single fanbase with a number that never changes
Check 'em
>>62085100It would probably just make fanbase wars even worse, because the shitposters would just rep holos they want people to hate.
>>62085266brats wish
>>62085246Isn't that all you need?
>>62085206THIS BRAT
>>62085271That's when you buy a VPN and assign each pass to a different IP
>>62085100Mods if you're looking please do this for aprils fools
>>62085246Not once the beavers evolve opposable thumbs
Uhhh... what happened? Did I miss something?
>>62085325>4chan ever doing an actually good april fools
Missed this earlierI didn't know they're allowed to play MH in a members stream, thats cool
>>62085318thank you
>>62085193She is just like me fr fr
>>62085248>bullying a NoveltieYou ready what it takes to dominate a Novelite big boy?
>>62085299how do you build a car made of pure wood
>>62085343We broadcasted our sex.
>>62085206So cute....
>>62085204Based I see you have the updated one
>>62084970A Shion without her shoes on is a Shion I like alot! I wanna sniff those musky socked feet
>>62085362brats are desperate with how hard bae has been flopping, please understand.
>>62085233I was being facetious you moron
so this is the thread of hakos
>>62085356Based and eggpilled
>>62085307How would this work? Both saplings and Takos are females (males)?
>>62085266Baeschizo is pretty much the sole source of Bae discussion nowadays, she became irrelevant. Her haters care more for her then any fan,
>>62085343the real account has _hololiveen affixed to the name
>>62085264we got three collabs before a solo stream, four if you count sports fes... >splatoon with Flare, Fubuki then Suisei>Game of life with Flare, Ina and Choco>Sports fes>3D collab with Fubuki, Lui, Polka and Watame
>>62085353>6 different games in a scheduleJesus christ this girl really likes games
>>62085360I'm a big guy
>>62085343Graduation is imminent
>>62085173Cute Novelite
>>62085364Flintstones style
>>62085408Free the steel rose trapped in a cage of ice
>>62085343OWARI DA
It's ALWAYS at these hours
>>62085218Fighting games are fucking shit and full of tryhard sweaty cringelords
I'm catching up on Rissa's member zatsu and an actual homo is sending supas to figure out if her brother is gay. Vtuber fan & fag is a potent mix this behavior is outrageous.
Kiara tweeting
>>62085436Anon, he clearly does not watch streams or read threads.
>>62085431Not in Gura's case
>>62085390>It's, "A lot" Clearly you didn't graduate from Harvard (School of Magic), Shiokko.
>>62085362How are you this assblasted over Kiara?
>>62085456Does the flintstones car not use stone
>>62085353its probably a public stream but only members can play with biboo
>>62085516brats will always seethe about Kiara being a better version of their oshi.
>>62085489Damn, that’s more discussion than Kiara gets even while she’s on. Brats really are powerful now, kfp should be ashamed.
>>62085443She likes games and some anime but most of all she's a gamer
oh no someone sent an on-topic joke supa oh no :(((woe is me:((
>>62085479What causes this behavior. Coming here everyday and crying about kiara and or bae
>>62085100this but the fanbase name is assigned at random
>>62085446Nice....Let's play :)
>>62085516brats never really recovered from Point of View hard mogging whatever the fuck Bae's EP was called .
>>62084667are you a woman?
>>62085246There's a second race that uses metal. They even get Beaver robots
>>62085348Well I mean the first 2 were objectively amazing (board merging and candy wars). But I agree we’re never getting another one as good as those 2 ever again.
>>62085540bruh random kiara member streams get more discussion then special bae streams.
why does no one talk about kiara unless its to shitpost about her anymore?
>>62085364human powered engine
Speaking of Bae, how do we think she's gonna handle Sekiro when she gets around to it? That game requires a very specific mindset to get the hang of and bae has panic attacks during RPG combat so I'm not confident
>>62085599Sounds more like Bae desu
>>62084105They don't, but if I had to play your dumb game it probably has nothing to do with their personalities and everything to do with Kiara having a Kansai accent, so she just feels less like an EN member speaking JP.
>>62085516Feel like the retard does this weird angle anytime a member other than Kiara is discussed at these hours. Extra weird since Kiara isn't streaming today.
>>62085173Kiara, Bae, Mori, Gura and Nerisa all better for me
Rate Kaela's Beaverville
>>62085599inb4 >more discussion than baesamefag faggot take your meds
>>62085479they're unironically doing a 9-5, I hope they're at least getting paid
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>62085512The Shiokko that greentext roleplays poorly is kawaii
>>62085353>Raft with Kaela
>>62085585what the fuck how do you win against themunless this is an alien world and you get some uber genetically engineered form of wood like that sci-fi story with tree rocketships
>>62085599This is kiarag, you should be asking why Bae has been pretty much forgotten outside of shitting on her.
>>62085612No one cares, talk about Kiara.
Oh yeah the hour shift means midnight WIS is noon EDT. Feels satisfying.>>62085493Perhaps the same could be said of all competitive games.
>>62085563brain damage and a massive amount of self-loathinghe's probably also short
>>62085599Why are you describing Bae?
*crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch* *crunch* * munch*
>>62085576Wait, is this some gay trap?
>>62085623>They don't,lol
>>62085527For the wheels. Honestly, wood is a better material for that anyway.
>>62085527Replace it with wood then. Cmon anon think use your brain.
>kfp getting uppity againReminder that this happened
>>62085623>>They don't
>>62085682motherfucker what kind of burger crunches
>>62085644Yeah, with steam gift cards
>>62085563As much as I want to say genuine untreated mental illness I can't rule out that they're just a chat script
>>62085682Hey buddy, didn't anyone ever teach you to chew with your mouth closed? We're having a conversation about bae over here
These threads have reached their lowest point recently because retards can't stop giving shitposters attention and its basically their playground nowAt this point its better to just hangout in your oshi's split if its not dead
>>62085639Looks cozy. I want to live here
>>62085612Way easier parrying than Lies of P. She'll do fine on bosses but get lost while exploring.
Is Miko carrying around a Baofeng? Will a shortwave radio save me in the backrooms?
>>62085360Don't try to act so tough, I lurk your split now and then and know most of you are deranged fuckboys that want to be stepped on, castrated, stabbed and what not.
Ame not streaming as much has really ended up in the thread going to shit.
>>62085714so sweet of Kiara to give Bae some pity, especially when JPs instantly forgot Bae's dancing,
Been watching for a few years now and I like every holo talent aside from Calli, Gura, and Nakiri but I think it's more of Gura and Naikiri don't stream enough for me to have a full opinion of them just yet.
>>62085712Wood would likely deform annd chip when rolling over obstacles
>>62085651My oshi thinks I'm cute too!
>>62085737The lowest point is still the /jp/ civil war.
>>62085650What about it?
>>62085630Nah it's just that the "Honest thoughts on this rrat?" post is another "Your honest thoughts on Ouro Kronii" type post.
>>62085760Ame stream today and through the week !
>>62085722it's a crispy chicken sandwich
Who's ready to watch Bae play some Persona 5 tonight!!! She's almost at the end!
>>62085772I agree Calli is garbage, but how do you feel about Mori?
>>62085682I'm getting a burger for dinner today.
>>62085795I sleep
>>62085752that's a pretty nice drawing but also a bit sus
Maybe we should ban talent and stream discussion in this thread, let's have hlgg be the fanbase war battleground and leave proper discussion for the splits.
>>62085737It's fine when there's actual streams so you don't just get this garbage
>>62085639I would gladly be her slave/10
>>62085780>/jp/ civil war.What's that?
Look at him go!
>>62085780Nah lowest point was lean arc. That actually made me leave the board for about a month.
>>62085789Idk how often she'll stream throughout the week but hopefully the thread heals today during Mario ame hours
>>62085795I awake.
>>62085714>thanks bye AMAZING teach me how plsShe's seething kek
>>62085795Finally time for some fucking meat and potatoes after Mineshit for an entire week.
that beaver running the wheel is going to fucking die
>>62085780The very war which caused us to make Aliyah...
>>62085714I still haven't been able to figure out the color of Bae's nails in her idol outfit, they seem to range from black to light brown depending on the angle at any given time
>>62085817go back to the catalog you fucking monkey
I will post my cute wife
>>62085786Exocet people actually like Bae so they respond sincerely. Seriously, try doing a similar post with Kiara and see how it doesn’t even get any hate responses let alone good ones.
>>62085650Fantastic, I can't wait
>>62085660It's not competitive, just two different styles where one gets cheap materials but needs manual labor and the other has expensive materials but can take advantage of automation
>>62084667Can you draw sweaty Ina pits please
>>62085858You just know she was crying angry tears while typing it lol
>>62085714You can feel the seethe in Kiara's words
>>62085844Oh man that was retarded, especially since the Twitter normalfag zoomers got in on it
>>62085888Hey that's my wife
Who's the cute girl in front of Zeta?
[Zeta News] If you're not happy she's going to ban you
>age 24?'s over for me
>>62085714How autistic are you that you can’t tell she’s seething as she types this?
>>62085891How do you fuck up spelling a word that badly? Also, that post didn't even mention Kiara
I'll give Zeta sex for her birthday
>>62085934the girl reading this
>>62085714Kiara just can't help but show how jealous she is
>All of this broken English>Just keeps replying to himself over and overJesus....
Aren't brats Australian? Why are they all awake at these hours? It's like 3am for them
>>62085588Princess Mini vtuber when?
>>62085343I know it sounds fake, but I saw someone post everything Gura would do this year almost exactly about a year ago, I even saved the screencap. I didn't think much of it at the time going through my screencaps, but this is real spooky. If it's correct, than this her secret modded Minecraft server.
>>62085945dumb Shioriposter
>>62085945I just realized fucking a novelite would be like fucking a slimegirl or at the very least some mayo flask
>>62085760ame and gura’s absence has been a blessing, this thread is easily at its worst when either of them or both are around.
>>62085479Work shifts are done in Germany around this time
>>62085925Just wait until I have proof
>>62085682*crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch* *crunch*
>>62085985And don't forget>everyday at the same hour
>>62086000are u dum
>>62085985>it's just one guy meme
>>62086025You mean the best
>>62085891Nah I was just pointing out that how similarly to the "Your honest thoughts on Ouro Kronii" thing, it's a post that is constantly spammed and always results in that memberKronii or Bae being shat on and devolving into timeloops. Like the most obvious shitposting starter.
Long nails look bad on every vtuber modelKeep em short queens
what the fuck happened to ame anyway, I thought she was supposed to stream on the weekends but we got her in the sports fes and literally nothing else and she didn't even have a pov
Please stop trying to kill the word "seethe"
Honest thoughts on this chicken?
Would you let your oshi sit on your face and brap?
>>62085772who the hell is nakiri
>>62086076My wife
hand over the ame while I'm still asking nicely
>>62085343A whole bunch of holo accounts got nuked
>>62086076Tits way too small
>>62086073Cute Shioreo
>>62086047What's the difference between one schizo replying to himself or 2 schizos playing ball?
Always fun to see original sub goals get smashed.>Apex MastersLmao
>>62085714>teach ME ME MEShe just can’t help herself kek
>>62086028my morning shift has been over for almost four hours, though?
>>62086066man the ID idol outfit is so whackmika picasso what the fuck were you thinking
>>62086076Wish she was streaming right now
>>62085858>>62085917>>62085946>>62085980TheY HaTe EachOthErHere's your reply
>>62086076She's willingly letting a female rapist in her house...
>>62086081why do they wear masks at home
>>62085772t. Kimchi eater
>>62085844It was a better time…
>>62086077Very few holos I WOULDNT let do that, let alone my oshi.
>>62086070she gave up. note how she’s the only one not participating in the countdown concert.
>>62086070pregnancy sucks
>>62086133I'm talking about the full time wagies
>>62086066There's a specific reason Reine keeps them short though
>>62086076I love her very much
>>62086070she is streaming todayshe said the minecraft sports thing messed up her sleep
>>62085844lean arc was a bunch of annoying timeloopsmeido civil war was nonstop doxx and gore of every variety imaginable.
>>62086076The eye tracking for studio de Ame is so good
>>62086076should be shaking her ass instead of her boobs
>>62086076So cute I'd sniff her farts
>>62086070she's playing mario today
>>62085714You don’t know enough women if you can’t tell how upset she is.
>>62086130>HOW DARE SHE MAKE USE OF FIRST PERSON PRONOUNSI hope you choke on your 3 day old pagpag
>>62086076MY chicken wife
>>62086137can't rape the willing
>>62086165Funny how its the same with Kiara huh......
>>62086062I'm genuinely surprised that the "Your honest thoughts on Ouro Kronii" thing was able to be posted like 5 threads in a row and still derail the thread with mass replying and schizoposts every single time, like retards were just waiting for it to be posted before shitting up the thread.
>>62086147Nigga Ina didn't participate in the last one it's not that big a deal
>>62086152case in point. you people are annoying af.
>>62086183>2021>>Ame comes up with a stupid schedule gimmick and her sleep schedule ruins it>2022>>Ame comes up with a stupid schedule gimmick and her sleep schedule ruins it>2023>>Ame comes up with a stupid schedule gimmick and her sleep schedule ruins it>2024
>>62086076Like sandpaper on your ears
>>62086076Ame's tits are smaller than what gator describes
>>62086110Every one who actually had a twitch account is still there, including the many members who never streamed on twitch. Any accounts that weren't in that team were impersonators, so it makes sense they'd get whacked for violating TOS (for impersonating someone else)
>>62086137more like gayest kfp lmao
>>62086165Same with Ina?
>>62086242That's my cute pumpkin
Was the Advent Halloween costume stream worth watching? I just remembered I missed it.
>>62086250Kiara has almost always been very slightly larger then Ame, but the outfit is nerfing Ame there.
>>62086147man too bad ina graduated last year. her not being in the countdown concert was the sign
>>62086200>>62086199Oh, nice. Thanks.
The new shitpost angle was supposed to be Biboo vs Kiara, why are we back to Bae vs Kiara discordbros?
>>62086216It's a discord and it's coordinatedWe have had discords, for example POKA's, that have camped this thread since /jp/ and even before /hlgg/ even existed
>Dr.Stone is back>Senku and Kohaku is like 26 already>Still flirt with each other pretending that they are not interested in marriageI am so happy bro
>>62086267She's my wife you dingdong.
>>62085714You can just tell that she's fuming while tweeting that
>>62086256Mori and Gura had an official one too and both are gone. Which in Mori's case is quite ironic.
>>62086217>>62086281she’s literally the ONLY ONE. cope.
>>62086281NTA but I don't get why Ina gets brought up when she announced things ahead of time. It's like saying Haachama's graduating this year because she also isn't in it.
Reminder that Holos themselves openly mock THEY HATE EACH OTHER-posting sisters
>>62086165>>62086215>>62086260They're all artists?
[Zeta News] You'll probably like the merch. Note that it's limited so you'll need to be quick on the order.
>>62086343he will keep samefagging anyway
If there is no thigh mousepad and dakimakura for Zeta's merch I'll riot.
>>62086242I'm just tired of her stupid schedule gimmick man. I preferred when she streamed guerilla even if it was harder to predict streams
>>62086025Wow and this is so much better right
>>62086287Some guy gloated about Bae, some other guy shat on Bae, and some other guy made that post not about Kiara, but about KFP funnily enough. It's probably the same retard.
>>62086287Biboo is too inoffensive for shitposting, she's just a little girl
>>62086327Did she ever actually confirm it was hers? There were both "moricalliope" and "moricalliope_hololiveen" channels, but neither was ever in the "hololive" team and both are now banned for violating TOS.
>gracias pendejosbased Zeta
I sometimes get ASMR tingles from Zeta just talking normally
>>62086343Every time she says that I lose it
a speeral
>the only spanish zeta knows is "gracias pendejo"
>>62086393It doesn't even make sense either it's not like she does schedules anymore and even the fucking "weekend streams!" have been completely random and not in the same timeslots either.
>>62086287>>62086413I use biboo to dunk on chumbuds
>>62086076Please stay on topic, this is the Bae thread
It still baffles me that sisters here will claim that Nerissa hates Kiara because she admitted to being too busy to tune into her streams as of late but will ignore the fact that are JPs that quite literally avoid each other
>>62086441I see she enjoyed guras faith stream
>>62086441I'll expand her vocabulary with my cojones if you know what I mean.
>>62086466you're a bad person
>>62086224and yet we're far better posters than a piece of turd like you
why the fuck are fuwamoco on every chat
KFP needs to teach me how to living rent free because my landlord about to increase the fee
>>62086450Yeah, bleh I doubt we'll get weekday ame back for good just like normal gura is never returning
>watch any Holo>FWMC in chatThese dogs really get the max benefit out of being two people running one channel
>>62086536Ah I love my Asian dog wives
Crazy how the hooman vs sapling stuff immediately stopped right as soon as Bae vs Kiara began.
>>62086466kill yourself
>>62083443Fleshlights, onaholes, cocksleeves, cumdumps, etc.
Zeta blow job
>>62086557hmmmmmnothing suspicious about it
Should I rape Zeta?
>>62086513They like Hololive
>>62086557Really makes you think.
>>62086499sounds based to me.>>62086507you’re subhuman and your incessant spamming is puerile and unfunny.
>>62083443tits are disgusting
Did polka just doxx her gmail account since it gave too many hints?
>>62085891>Exocet people The Argentine Navy?
>>62086513Have we ever seen FWMC in a Bae stream?
Happy birthday Zeta
HBD Zeta
>>62086557this anon thinks
>>62086414 Who is going to play this?
>>62086595My fault, my black dog wives are hungrier than usual
>>62086637,for%20at%20least%2012%20months. seems they delete accounts after 12 month inactivity
Honest thoughts on this creature?
>>62086659> The police have arrested dangerous criminals from the neighborhood and sent them to jail. During their time in jail, one of them was a witch who casted a spell to shrink many police officers to the size of an ant. The tinies now need to get a giantess police woman's attention before it's too late. No, thank you
>>62086638He shouldn't. Thinking is very dangerous.
So are we getting more Zeta thighs or not?
>>62086683I'd like to impale her (with my penis.)
>>62086702you gay?
>>62086513There's two of them so one can pop in to chat while the other one works
Bros... Fauna lost the EN Gold to Fatgur...
It's owari, back to main menu.
Guys can I get a Zeta update??
>>62086683fat fuck
>>62086683Probably more popular than IRyS herself
>>62086763She cute
>>62086769this is the most stupid angle niggas have come up with
>>62086683would rape
>>62083266>>62083316 is the most viewed EN video of the sportsfesNo one cares about Mori or Fauna
>beavers"they can swim?"
>>62086757Also, I thought that they were close to the end of the game, but there's still 3 whole chapters left...
Everyone's streaming Valo now
I think Mori liked nearly every single FWMC morning tweet
>>62086792Holy based, Kiara seething!
>>62086683I wanna use her as a football, fucking fat fuck.
>>62086848kobo won
>>62086848I'm going to shove a potato up this robot's exhaust.
>>62086792>numberfagging clip views
Zeta is Nijisanji
Otsufubumikosan~See ya.
>>62086860Me in the picture
>>62086327Mori outright stated she's not interested in using the Mori Twitch account around the start of this year, so honestly don't think it matters muchCover will probably restore them just to avoid impersonators anyway
selen, rosemi, and pomu are honorary holos.
Honest thoughts on this little dude?
NEXT THREAD>>62083003>>62083003>>62083003
>>62086956Go back already.
>>62086792Damn, all that hard work Kiara put in was for nothing. I guess natural talent beats hard work every time.
>>62086981you first
>>62086980no way fag
>>62086944>Cover will probably restore them just to avoid impersonators anywaySome people cant understand this for some reason, same reason people were making rrats as for why Fuwamoco has separate YT channels as well.
Kaela was surprised beavers can swim
If you think about it we're all hoomans with deadbeats inside of us
>>62086980Thank you kind sir, have an upvote.
>Comfy Mio>JK Korone>OL KoyoYou can only choose one
>>62083042Yab of the century
>>62087029That's the most homosexual thing I read the whole day.
>>62086935too big
>>62087048rough sex with Mio while OL Koyo has to watch us and Korone makes us all food.
>>62085219>Mococo crunching on your cum
Is that cat video with the cake a stock video?
Ela's beaver ghetto
>your oshi>would you still love her if she was a worm?
>>62087113you mean zeta?
i buyed my five guy burger omnom
>>62087161You fulfilled your promiseGood job
Twappi gave Zeta a cat plushie
Honest thoughts on this Honest thoughts?
>>62086956and Elira!
She's EN0
Are there more streams where Fauna screams in frustration like she did in that pigeon game yesterdayThat was great.
>>62087146I wish I could beat up all the novelites
Rate Zeta's oshi
>>62087250Put 'em up.
Beaver Holo when?
>>62087262Not fat enough
Kaela beaver…
Is Ame graduating? Why is she the only Holo except Haachama who's not in new year's concert? Is this why Gura is depressed?
>>62087262>caring about axel's cumdump
>>62086242>2024>he doesn't know
Do you think Gura's gonna stream alot in December?
>>62087249All her privated VODs.
Is Timberborn any good? I have a mild inclination towards city sims
>>62087262Man Ina's having a rough time in Japan
>>62087250Novelites are literally all 6’4” with 250 pounds of pure muscle mass, I’d like to see you try
>Your oshi>Your honest thoughts on Ouro Kronii's feet
Biboo mention
>>62087287Does she shave it or is it a dense forest? I need to know.
>>62087297She'll stream everyday to make up for this year
>>62087294Pregnant with Gura's baby
[Zeta News] She played Tekken at the arcade
>>62087312kek, a bunch of frail nerds is what they are
>>62087085>OL Koyo has to watch us>Woah... anon... you didn't even last a couple of minutes... that's pathetic... you made me come here just to watch this? Look, I have to go back to work, so... wait, are you crying? Ah! Mio-senpai, stop laughing at him! This is so sad... Korone-senpai! Quick, come here! You don't want to miss this! Yeah, he is already over! And now he is crying! I know, right?
Zeta got raped by Japanese salaryman (in Tekken)
>>62087305it's exactly as fun as a city sim with beaver sounds (very fun)
>>62087330You should send an SC and ask her
>>62083185bok bok, I love Kiara.She's a cutie and also my wife.
>>62087312Novelites vs Luknights Who wins?
>>62087294Yes I gave her an ultimatum, either Hololive or me and she chose me. We're having kissy sex right now btw.
>Your Oshi>Your honest opinion if given 100 basketballs, could Kronii make at least one 3 point shot
>>62087367oh thats right i can stay anonymous with SBsASSSH0
>>62087359Should've worked on her KBDs
>zeta is a based kuma main
>>62087297Cold chicken for chumbies again this year
I want Zeta to beat me up in Tekken
Tekken perms doko
>>62087443So if I get attacked there's a chance my enemies will freeze?
>>62087294Your shitposting is gonna look dumb when its the end of 2025 and she's still in hololive
Would you play Russian roulette with your oshi?