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62077725 No.62077725 [Reply] [Original]

She keeps telling them to fuck off but they still stick on her after more than 2 years
It's not like she did that much gfe content in the first place so why are her "fans" still malding when she announces another male collab? I understand being a little upset when a unicorn-friendly chuuba collabs with a male but when she made it clear that she wants to collab with males you are the problem

>> No.62077957
Quoted by: >>62078893

Show me when was the last time she announced an homo collab, she hasn't even acknowledge the Halloween cover on stream just a RT, She never told anyone to fuck off and she never will.

>> No.62078017

Have you seen her general? Literal mental ward. She didn't need to do anything, those guys were going to hallucinate it regardless.

>> No.62078194

She's just the lightning rod for anti-male shitposters. Unicorns don't, and never did, have anything to do with it. Because they are not real.

>> No.62078636

she just sounds young and dorky and groomable

>> No.62078810


>> No.62078893

Didn't she mention Shinri on stream recently?

>> No.62078929
Quoted by: >>62110939

western men have no self-respect, that's all. they'll be mad and avoid watching streams for a week or two but then when they're no longer angry they come back and pretend nothing ever happened. some even send akasupas begging for forgiveness lol

>> No.62078997

yeah, Shinri got some games she wanted to play, and she thought maybe they can collab

>> No.62079200
Quoted by: >>62079267

No she didn't

>> No.62079254

Audience reflects the streamer.

>> No.62079267

The only thing saving kronies from a new vesper is that Shinri doesn't want your hoe.

>> No.62079329

Her fans are some of the biggest losers in holo

>> No.62079340

This has been explained in detail to death 6 times this years. Go out find out.

>> No.62079422

she had so many back then before tempus, sex model + sex voice + doomer personality.
she didn't mind them before the drama.

>> No.62079462

She probably attracts crazy people given her rm

>> No.62079960

Shinri isn't a drama addicted whore like Kronii yes

>> No.62079982

she pretends to be a loser irl so poor ugly seamonkeys think they have a shot with her

>> No.62080013
Quoted by: >>62081014

"le big tiddy goth gf xD" shrimp dicked faggots tend to be like that

>> No.62080109

What games are those?

>> No.62080613
Quoted by: >>62082564

Because a handful of faggots in chat spammed about him getting more perms on games he put in requests for.

>> No.62080865

All she said about Shinri was that he was playing the games she wanted to play.

>> No.62081014
Quoted by: >>62097821


>> No.62081135

her voice activates the need to breed. overrides all logic and reason

>> No.62081604

I remember when she debuted and got fans instantly latching onto her. Because of her voice that's like smooth butter and tits that're like melons.
That's all it takes

>> No.62081772

What a cucked fanbase

>> No.62082477

>Why the hell do these sad lonely men like this girl with massively fat udders and an utterly silky, delectable voice that could make you jizz your pants just from reading a dictionary?

GEE, I WONDER? It's a damn shame she turned out to be a worthless scumbag as a person, she has so many buffs going for her. But in the end she'll be last in council, if not all of holoEN. Her and Shiori, cuckbros on the caboose.

>> No.62082545

>Famous mama
>Titty monster
>Sultry voice
>Blue dorito

>> No.62082564

I wonder if holoen got a new perms guy or if they still have the one who disappears sometimes

>> No.62082601

Cucks exist and they love being angry I guess

>> No.62084476

Sexo design and sexo voice, you bet that's going to attract a lot of unicorns that will fight for what they want. If she didn't want that then she probably shouldn't have joined Hololive to begin with.
Plus I think she tried leaning into it early on during debut with her "mommy voice" or reading from chat.

>> No.62084588

based Shinri i kneel

>> No.62085416

i don't understand how she has any fans.

>> No.62085453

her voice is so sexy, she needs to do more asmr titty streams

>> No.62085770

>Sexo design and sexo voice, you bet that's going to attract a lot of unicorns that will fight for what they want. If she didn't want that then she probably shouldn't have joined Hololive to begin with.
Come on anon you know that isn't a fair point since Kronii absolutely hates the coomerbait model and outfit. She got stuck with a highly sexualized design because Hololive wanted someone to pander to horny fans. While she went along with the sexy waifu role for a while she quickly burnt out and spammed Tempus collabs.

>> No.62085841

>you are the problem
Victim blaming much?

>> No.62085931
Quoted by: >>62088788

>Come on anon you know that isn't a fair point since Kronii absolutely hates the coomerbait model and outfit. She got stuck with a highly sexualized design because Hololive wanted someone to pander to horny fans.
She can quit any time she wants, you know?
Or, if she has a termed contract, well, she can just do shit to get herself graduated.
In short: she's not a fucking slave dude. She CHOSE to have that model, of her own FREE WILL.

>> No.62086072

Alright, you probably have a point in terms of the model she was given because she probably didn't have a say in everything. But she probably had the choice early on of not having the fanbase she's now stuck with, she could've easily pulled a Bae on debut where she says she likes Holostars. Her NOOMBERS wouldn't be as big probably, but at least she would have a more manageable fanbase that sticks with her throughout.
Not like that even hurts Bae either, she gets plenty of good opportunities just by being a hard worker in Hololive.

>> No.62086240
Quoted by: >>62086397

Kys piece of shit. She's a great person

>> No.62086357

Unicorns aren't the only ones that like her model
She doesn't hate her model
She didn't understand how terrible holobronnies are.

>> No.62086397

Nta but she's not
being a relatable doomer =/= being a great person

>> No.62086639

Well at least they're all gone now, I will always thank Vesper for making Kronii enjoyable to watch now

>> No.62088788

That is like saying that anyone can quit their job if they can live in the woods and eat squirrels. That is advice that denies the reality that adults need money so they can buy what they need for the next 50 years. When they apply to Hololive most women know they will have to put up with a lot of corpo rules but that doesn't mean they would be okay with coomerbait garbage that is horny even by vtuber standards.

>> No.62088941

It's so weird that this community says "males". People don't talk like that.

>> No.62089198
Quoted by: >>62091375

>big tits
>troon voice
She's like catnip for them

>> No.62089355
Quoted by: >>62089856

Well Bae actually did (and does) love the holostars, considering she is an Ollie nepohire it isn’t surprising she mentioned them.
Kronii doesn’t know Japanese so she wouldn’t have cared about them when she joined. She is still to blame for what happened.

>> No.62089443

She has big tits and spent her first week saying whatever funny meme and gfe lines chat told her too. /here/ kronies don't actually watch her, they just jack off to fanfiction made by namefags.

>> No.62089515

>It's so weird that this community says "males"
Please use your brain a little, it's used because it's always short for "male vtubers". Man vtuber, guy vtuber, none of them sound correct

>> No.62089786

Wada Arco buff.
That's it. That's the reason why.

>> No.62089856

>She is still to blame for what happened
No. Unicorns and their fragile feefees are the only ones to blame.

>> No.62091214


>> No.62091338

Based actual homo

>> No.62091375

Only the 2nd is true.

>> No.62091641

You hear the exact same thing from anime communities, like "male protagonist"
It's fine though to out yourself as an ironic weeb, that's 80% of this board.

>> No.62093015

Her yakuza relatives need to kill her already

>> No.62093207

she's left with the fags and undesirables

>> No.62093404
Quoted by: >>62096821

Anon, Veibae had unicorns who got upset when she posted she was pregnant as a joke despie her:
1. already announcing she had a boyfriend
2. being less parasocial friendly than Kronii

>> No.62094221

>silky, delectable voice
Ever since I remember her voice was always either depressed doomer, sarcasm, stoned or dead tired. The only thing worse about her than her voice is the fact that she stopped caring about anything. Bae has her problems gaining traction, but at least you can see the spark in her, trying to do projects, she cares. Kronii gave up more than Ame at this point, it's so frustrating.

>> No.62096483

>flailing around like a retard so have to pull the "SHE HATES HER MODEL" card when in reality she's probably up there for EN girls in terms of liking decently horny art of herself

>> No.62096557

That would imply anyone who posts outside of /∞/ or global actually likes her content vs. how easy it is to fill up bait threads with responses from similarly-minded morons.

>> No.62096768

One of her favourite kronies mentioned him so she read the chat message outloud. Shinri got perms for games that she asked for while she didn't.

>> No.62096821

Kronii gives the toxic GFE.
Veibae is just a whore who's a shitty bootleg of Shylily
Huge difference

>> No.62097456
Quoted by: >>62098805

( o ) ( o )

>> No.62097821

you'd be surprised how many people think being a doomer means youre goth nowadays anon

>> No.62098571

The reasons why are very simple once you understand that a lot of the quotes and positions attributed to her (by people like you, whether knowingly or not) are flat out misleading or falsely projected onto her by other people. Those of us who have been Kronies since day one know better and have quit trying to argue with people who think that they can just make shit up and treat it as something she said or felt.

>> No.62098741

Voice and tits I dropped her a month in relatively fast

>> No.62098805


>> No.62101333
Quoted by: >>62105872

This is a good example of what >>62078017 was saying.
You can't reason with Kronies, they don't want to hear it, they're in their own little world weaving their own little tales.

>> No.62102507
Quoted by: >>62105872

Are you aware you're mentally ill or not? I've got to know if you have any insight and there is any conscious thought to this much cope

>> No.62105872

I'm not the people who rely on making shit up for their arguments. It would be different if objective truth was on your side, but it isn't. Yet you act as if it is. Those who have truth on their side will ultimately have the victory.

>> No.62106131
File: 45 KB, 330x327, 1677297836153441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever listen to yourself talk. Jesus man, get some help.

>> No.62106234
Quoted by: >>62108785

So you don't have insight. Good to know, I was worried you lot were actually aware and in denial, if it's just mental illness I can kind of get it, you can't help yourself.

>> No.62106302
Quoted by: >>62108873

i accept your concession.

>> No.62108458

Who the fuck is that?

>> No.62108785
Quoted by: >>62109068

I'm literally one of the original Kronies. I probably have more insight than you ever will.

>> No.62108873

The one who has conceded is the one who lies. Bearing false witness against your neighbor is a sin. I will pray for your soul.

>> No.62109068

Can't tell if cringe larp or actually mentally broken cuck. Someone help me out here

>> No.62109186

All you have to do is tell the truth. This is not hard to do if your cause is the righteous one.

>> No.62109385

It's truly a 50/50, Kronies are chronically edgy manchild larpers, but some of them are additionally insane. And it's not like they try to hide their mental conditions either.

>> No.62110253

thanks, i hope you really do pray for my soul.

>> No.62110939

None of them are western

>> No.62114507


>> No.62114902

Based defender

>> No.62119270

It really is that tweet that started it all

>> No.62125447

Sunk-cost fallacy.

>> No.62125575
File: 50 KB, 259x250, 1694199524459224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She pretended to be honest

>> No.62125722

i don't watch en much, but she's kind of funny in an awkward way and her voice is hot and i know i can fix her and turn her into a christian mother of 3

>> No.62129400

god i fucking love my cute clock wife bros

>> No.62134100

That's cute now go sit in the cuck chair before you get beaten, it could even help juggle your IQ or not
