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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 469 KB, 1819x2598, F-HBMHMWsAA8FaD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62029721 No.62029721 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread >>61880892

Current Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqZS0v5S1as

Sapring Phone Ring (<2 weeks left) - https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_council_3d2023

Halloween Setlist/Magnet - >>61697655

Schedule - TBA
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.62029741
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Quoted by: >>62035845

Hi /uuu/!

>> No.62029797
File: 159 KB, 480x374, 1644052122594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62030140

>Another NL kusoge

>> No.62029828
File: 92 KB, 758x1515, 1676536812363477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fallguys-likes are a genre now?

>> No.62029845
Quoted by: >>62032502


>> No.62029904

I usually buy the multiplayer games fauna plays but wew this game seems like a hard pass

>> No.62029975
File: 451 KB, 596x485, fauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62030062
File: 1.09 MB, 888x1011, 1669400583810271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what my sunshine is playing today, but she'll be cute regardless!

>> No.62030140

it's pretty fun!

>> No.62030146

How do we treat Fauna's bald fetish?

>> No.62030153
Quoted by: >>62030943

Fauna stealing more NL content you love to see it.
It's a good game for collabs, hope she brings other girls to play it

>> No.62030163
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>> No.62030193
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>> No.62030427
File: 3.49 MB, 538x2718, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when Fauna interacts with the JP members and I wish it happened more often.

>> No.62030459

Fauna my love

>> No.62030614

Best POV for the sports festival?

>> No.62030636
Quoted by: >>62031061

Unironically stick with clips because you have to stream jump to catch her otherwise.

>> No.62030639
Quoted by: >>62030687

Please don't be a short stream uuu

>> No.62030656

Ina for Fauna
Miko for main event
clips if you're lazy

>> No.62030687

It's going to be a short stream so she can finish her SCs becasue she only did 2 out of the fucking 5

>> No.62030712

Ina during the cavalry race
Zeta otherwise

Fauna has unfortunately too few interactions with the JPs, cause she's too shy :( But there's a couple of golden moments there

I love these kinds of collabs and I hope Fauna isn't too serious when she talks about passing the baton to Advent

>> No.62030756
Quoted by: >>62030812

Anon she absolutely is serious. Her doing these 3am streams were always shit for her but she did it to be involved even though she was always deathly fucking tired.

>> No.62030781


>> No.62030796

She obviously meant passing the baton as in big projects so she can relax with her saplings doing normal streams

>> No.62030812
Quoted by: >>62031189

But surely she won't want to miss out on cute moments with her senpais forever...
I don't want there to be a wall between Fauna and Towa/Watame.

>> No.62030943
Quoted by: >>62038014

Watch streams. She talked about this game before release. She probably decided to play after watching the stream, but we can't call it stealing.

>> No.62031061
Quoted by: >>62031087

I think the passing the baton might be related to how she organized the halloween videos last year and then had trouble trying to do something for this year, im certain she just needs to get in a good place right now because i think her recent japan trip really frazzled her

>> No.62031087
Quoted by: >>62031143

>because i think her recent japan trip really frazzled her
Did she have a bad time there? I didn't realize.

>> No.62031143
Quoted by: >>62031676

She didn't expect so much work from a job that asks you to be an idol

>> No.62031180
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>> No.62031189
Quoted by: >>62031284

I want her to take it easy and stream for my entertainment, of course, but she should ask Irys or Bae for some help with learning Japanese, maybe collab with them a bit playing one of those language learning games, or whatever else that could help.
I kinda want her to give a serious try to some cover or even original song again. She isn't great yet, but she clearly has been putting effort into singing lessons. Maybe not this year anymore, but like Valentine's Day or her birthday?

>> No.62031284
Quoted by: >>62031529

She hinted at an orisong months ago but was never clear what it was and we haven't seen a cover/orisong since so who knows

>> No.62031371
Quoted by: >>62031983

I did Bijou live, but I used Towa for a rewatch since she has everyone in discord visible. I watched Ina for the moments that Fauna wasn't in Towa's. There's probably a whole 5 conversations with Fauna though if you ignore the cavalry battle

>> No.62031529

I must have completely missed it then, but good to hear. The Japan arc must have messed up the plans more than even she expected, I guess. For now I'm happy seeing her slowly return to streaming form, wouldn't expect her focusing on music side project this year anymore (but feel free to drop a surprise Xmas song on us, Fauna).

>> No.62031676

She'll break through i believe in her, i just hope she isnt trying to do it by herself and asks for help if she needs it, even though she absolutely does not like being what she believes is a burden

>> No.62031833
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>> No.62031983
Quoted by: >>62032230

>There's probably a whole 5 conversations with Fauna though if you ignore the cavalry battle
My cute shy sleepy Fauna...

>> No.62032230

She would've talked a lot more if she had IRyS or Kronii with her

>> No.62032502
File: 484 KB, 1000x1000, 1687368227874168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based as always

>> No.62032643

>no way to join a custom lobby that I can see
this is gonna be a hard one to snipe

>> No.62032767
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>> No.62032844

I prefer this to chillas shit

>> No.62033406
Quoted by: >>62034009

Wishing I was squeebing.

>> No.62033647
Quoted by: >>62034009

Squeeb it up brother

>> No.62033743
Quoted by: >>62034009

We love squeeb here

>> No.62034009
File: 531 KB, 1920x1080, 1659180941639689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scraping your SKIN off and covering the bare tissue with VINEGAR

>> No.62034127
File: 3.81 MB, 400x376, fauna - monster mash[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fp4sr66.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62034499

>> No.62034203

What can one man do against an army of squeebs

>> No.62034363

Did this drawing come before or after the ice cream sandwich?

>> No.62034370
File: 80 KB, 223x285, peen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62034584

pp spotted

>> No.62034386
File: 136 KB, 799x581, no_squeeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks anon, I just need to put up the sign

>> No.62034499
Quoted by: >>62034704

wtf whered you find this footage of me dancing

>> No.62034584

Not now bae

>> No.62034704
File: 3.96 MB, 420x410, 1687928970264574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in your walls

>> No.62034808

Remember when she said she was going to buy a lyre harp a year ago? Guess she LYRED about that :O

>> No.62034881
File: 260 KB, 492x600, 1693250262744564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can wait longer

>> No.62034899

No. I only remember the Theramin,

>> No.62035211

theremin was last year, lyre harp has only been mentioned like once or twice and I think just a few months ago

>> No.62035278
Quoted by: >>62035911

The theramin is the one that she really was going to get and honestly with how long it took her to upgrade her PC I'm not expecting it for another year unless she gets depressed and orders it like she did with her slimes

>> No.62035845
File: 251 KB, 480x480, 1687382082563027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62035911

She talked about it last month too, how it's a perfect instrument for spooky season, and she should order it and play before Halloween, but too much happened after that.

>> No.62036100 [DELETED] 

Is Northernlion really that great to you guys?

>> No.62036118 [DELETED] 

he's my #2 oshi after fauna

>> No.62036292

This game isn't easy kek

>> No.62036331 [DELETED] 

chill dude with boomer humor similar to Fauna's that acts like a normal person amidst a sea of ticktock react andys
and catching his streams gives me insights into what Fauna might pivot to next
whats not to like

>> No.62036387

Eww I dont watch fleshtubers

>> No.62036402
File: 2.16 MB, 2480x3508, 1674026693944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any guesses on what game she'll perform best on?
I want to say it will be either the rap one, or the instrument recognition one

>> No.62036555

I don't really watch him regularly compared to Vinny or Charlie, but YouTube recommended me some of his Super Auto Pets videos like half a year ago, and he was entertaining enough that I watched a bunch of them + some other games.

>> No.62036572


>> No.62036601


>> No.62036662
Quoted by: >>62036717

I guess I can't ask that question?

>> No.62036717

admittedly, its almost better to have a trigger happy janny than no janny at all sometimes

>> No.62036778

>on gamepass
I am going to install this game and be too lazy to actually play along when the stream starts

>> No.62036838

I'm 90% sure the wide emote is her most used one

>> No.62036879

wide2 is love

>> No.62036927


>> No.62036981

After she gets the bloody suit.

>> No.62036996

Busy Kirin is busy

>> No.62037194

It took two years for SA2 so you can extrapolate from there

>> No.62037319

Why does /vt/ hate Fauna so much? Don't really get it. I don't even understand why she is the only member of council/promise that does not have a maintained general

>> No.62037365
File: 819 KB, 1722x3000, Yes Yes Yes[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwt12cc.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62037411

Mythfags, especially KFP somehow hate her.

>> No.62037440
File: 413 KB, 645x1561, 27815199914443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62037451

Take your concern troll metaposting and and leave

>> No.62037501
Quoted by: >>62037552

Once again, saplings
>Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

>> No.62037552


>> No.62037687

It's cause we know Mori and Kiara suck and are not afraid to say it.

>> No.62037900

fauna live

>> No.62037905
Quoted by: >>62038042

love this punctual kirin

>> No.62038005
File: 213 KB, 608x695, Screenshot_20231106-000202_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62038014
Quoted by: >>62038380

>I saw a certain streamer play it


>> No.62038042

punch this lovable kirin
joking obviously

>> No.62038056

Fauna keep talking about bald cunuck so often I feel like I'm developing interest in watching him as well. What do I do.

>> No.62038114

would recommend, but dont mention it here

>> No.62038144

He's a fun streamer but only for certain games.
Also, he can get a bit too much at times now. Being a dad and more of a twitch type streamer instead of a youtuber has made him a big weaker.

>> No.62038170

does this game have mmr/elo?

>> No.62038172

I wanna see at least one of you fags bragging that you got into a match with her this thread
it won't be me though, I don't have this game or gamepass

>> No.62038201

bit weaker*

>> No.62038220

Saplings posture check.

>> No.62038240

Ultimate chicken horse series is worth a watch.
I'm sad no Holos ever really got into that game

>> No.62038258

Who is that streamer?

>> No.62038264
File: 3.58 MB, 1500x1183, image-28 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62038297

i havent touched my computer for all of november

>> No.62038289

peck your beak

>> No.62038297
Quoted by: >>62038403

how are you here and watching the stream then?

>> No.62038304

i hate the french

>> No.62038342
Quoted by: >>62038374

i did

>> No.62038372

I thought this game was gonna be metal themed, like brutal legend. Sad

>> No.62038374
Quoted by: >>62038411

jealous, enjoy it

>> No.62038380

anon your reading reps...

>> No.62038403
File: 725 KB, 2000x1070, Screenshot_20231106-000945_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a slab of circuits, a tablet

>> No.62038411
Quoted by: >>62038447

it's really fucking hard to play while listening to her stream cause i'm hearing the same sounds twice

>> No.62038447

I can imagine lol

>> No.62038518

These are the noises I was waiting for

>> No.62038526

your rhythm Fauna...

>> No.62038570

Is any of us surprised Fauna has no rhythm?

>> No.62038624
Quoted by: >>62038664

I'm not that surprised

>> No.62038625

Dont worry saps, she's only failing because the hood is covering her ears

>> No.62038633
Quoted by: >>62038664

Not at all

>> No.62038664
Quoted by: >>62038707

Exactly. Love my tonedeaf kirin.

>> No.62038707
Quoted by: >>62038732

You just had to watch the blue archive stream kek

>> No.62038718
Quoted by: >>62038737


>> No.62038732

>blue archive stream
classic, one of favourites

>> No.62038737

get birdflu

>> No.62038747

I did, I got mogged on the ring game as I didn't understand it, my sounds too low listening to Fauna at the same time

>> No.62038835

fauna, your rhythm, memory, and timing....

>> No.62038848

I think fauna might also be directionally challenged

>> No.62038888

mom's motor skills are decreasing...

>> No.62038899

This game is kino

>> No.62038905

you can tell she's concentrating as hard as she can when she goes completely silent, fucking kek

>> No.62038918

pachi pachi pachi pachi

>> No.62038949

This game with a group of people who just try messing each other up is honestly a ton of fun.

>> No.62038962

>stronger, harder, bigger, faster
hornier sounding than it should be

>> No.62038966
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>> No.62039001
File: 862 KB, 826x1075, 1670230578999521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it while it lasted

>> No.62039008

did the game say nigger

>> No.62039019

It's Faunover

>> No.62039026


>> No.62039030

checked and mommy-pilled

>> No.62039061

Thank fuck, I thought I was the only one who heard that

>> No.62039064


>> No.62039080


>> No.62039084

I guess her singing ability tracks with her general music ability…

>> No.62039096

are those of you that are in the games with her quitting whenever she loses?

>> No.62039109

lol I heard it too

>> No.62039198
Quoted by: >>62039326

Alert, alert, DotA mention!

>> No.62039246

Is apex really dying?

>> No.62039310

i hope so

>> No.62039311
Quoted by: >>62039397

faun it up? more like CHAZZ IT UP

>> No.62039326
File: 250 KB, 342x473, 1676592388716491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

singleplayer games thriving

>> No.62039325

Pls understand, she fell asleep in a metronome factory.

>> No.62039339

Why do you think vsaiko is valorant

>> No.62039357

this one is a ripoff

>> No.62039397

ch-chazzed to meet you!?

>> No.62039502

Audio jungle.

>> No.62039557
Quoted by: >>62039667

she is really is tonedeaf...
she ain't ever beating the tonedeaf allegations

>> No.62039563

I like that the game is kinda hard but I also feel like it would filter children(maybe) or just very casual players easily, doesn't seem like a smart decision for the longetivity of the game overall but is still one I would support as a consumer.

>> No.62039581

Why is panik Kirin so fun to listen to?

>> No.62039600


>> No.62039599

She threw...

>> No.62039667

Has she actually argued she’s not tone deaf? Either she is that, or she has the memory of a goldfish. There’s no shot she believes she’s not.

>> No.62039686
File: 88 KB, 199x199, image-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kids play the shit out of regular rhythm games
or at least osu

>> No.62039717

Speed pee

>> No.62039755

She is peeing with all her might rn

>> No.62039760

Rhythym games filter crusty old people not kids

>> No.62039845

fucking fedgeons

>> No.62039934

Is this game a little uh, you know..

>> No.62039953

Based? Absolutely

>> No.62039961


>> No.62040020
Quoted by: >>62040054

techno irish kinda went hard, what a bop

>> No.62040054

Scottish Elvis had some moves as well

>> No.62040080

fauna a cute

>> No.62040090
Quoted by: >>62040150

Wait these devs made worms.?

>> No.62040133

ok so we know which one shes absolutely cracked at

>> No.62040136
Quoted by: >>62040158

Fauna in the zone!
Cute kirin playing with her eyes closed.

>> No.62040150

You can hear it in the announcer.

>> No.62040158

that was adorable

>> No.62040193
Quoted by: >>62040225

>Theramin mention

>> No.62040225

>she lurked the thread before stream

>> No.62040236

Shes literally here

>> No.62040248

The speed up sound effect reminds me of warioware

>> No.62040259
Quoted by: >>62040301

are these frustrated kirin noises supposed to turn me on this much???

>> No.62040279
Quoted by: >>62040315

If you are here Fauna then blink with one eye

>> No.62040281


>> No.62040301

Well, all those pigeons are shaped like dongs too, and Fauna is playing with them...

>> No.62040307

If you are here Fauna be cute

>> No.62040315

you mean wink?

>> No.62040414

I'm actually mad Fauna did so well on the rhythm heaven game, I barely fucking survived and looked over and she tripled my points. I'm supposed to be a gamer too...

>> No.62040436
File: 283 KB, 801x760, Screenshot_20231106-004746_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62040611


>> No.62040634
Quoted by: >>62040922

Mogged by tonedeaf

>> No.62040650

Focused kirin is cute

>> No.62040666
Quoted by: >>62040700

This one got hard.

>> No.62040700

I got hard.

>> No.62040707


>> No.62040922

I know, I might have to hang up my gamer card man

>> No.62040962

Todd don't look

>> No.62040965
Quoted by: >>62041135

UUUU Starfield diss

>> No.62040975

She doesn't like starfield confirmed!!

>> No.62041012


>> No.62041028


>> No.62041079
File: 391 KB, 394x430, image-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62041144

>take me

>> No.62041135
Quoted by: >>62041238

Imagine waiting for years just for that. I hope she's set her expectations low for the next elder scrolls, then again her favorite is skyrim so the bar is already pretty low.

>> No.62041144

I kiss her

>> No.62041238

I think she already had her expectations low enough for Starfield.

>> No.62041241

mumei in shambles

>> No.62041288

I've just been playing with this shit

>> No.62041309

I'm loving this stream. Tilted kirin is so good

>> No.62041362
Quoted by: >>62041391

She needs to be punished. Force her to do an Elvis Karaoke.

>> No.62041391
Quoted by: >>62041450

Please no, elvis is so... lame

>> No.62041392


>> No.62041403

Could this game be good for collabs?

>> No.62041437

does anyone know what the fuck she's talking about

>> No.62041450

t. jealous black guy

>> No.62041524

>devolver digital game where they had birds with mouths like this

>> No.62041596

I think it was cult of the lamb, referring to some bird cultists they're adding soon that had fucked up mouths

>> No.62041608

tilted fauna is fucking great

>> No.62041613

>Went against the only one with zoomer reactions.

>> No.62041687

She's gonna wiin!

>> No.62041859

That was a scream

>> No.62041909

fauna destroying a noob

>> No.62041955

Fauna got pretty lucky with the matchup

>> No.62042029
Quoted by: >>62042139

You guys aren't smaller than the pigeons right?

>> No.62042139

is it millimetres or meters

>> No.62042153

This is actually really fun, I hope she comes back to it

>> No.62042162

She made it!

>> No.62042169

>4 notes is too many to remember

>> No.62042192

So she’s tone deaf, has no memory, and has no sense of rhythm. At least she’s cute!

>> No.62042295

holy fuck this is like the easiest final game, and she's absolutely in shambles

>> No.62042308

My wife ain't got no rhythm...

>> No.62042310


>> No.62042336

I don't think I would do any better playing some of those games for the first time, at least now she knows what to expect. This cart looked insane later on.

>> No.62042342


>> No.62042610

She is getting tired.

>> No.62042655

No mercy

>> No.62042662

some anon must be overdosing on whiny kirin this week

>> No.62042700

That spit gargle

>> No.62042715

whiny kirin is great

>> No.62042804

Actually feels like he did start going easy

>> No.62042847

Literally me. I want to fight her in that showdown so damn bad and make her cry.

>> No.62042870


>> No.62042930
File: 1.51 MB, 1952x1198, 1693193142155200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62042959

She's gaming

>> No.62042936
Quoted by: >>62043152

Frustrated Fauna is really cute

>> No.62042959
Quoted by: >>62043040

Not anymore

>> No.62043039

crying girls are so cute.

>> No.62043040

As soon as it involves memory she shits the bed. I'll chalk it up to streamer brain

>> No.62043080
Quoted by: >>62043233

I want to play this game really badly now, but 20 bucks is way too much

>> No.62043152

Yeah, it's great since she rarely plays games where she's losing, comfy is good but the rare moments like this are a treat

>> No.62043188
File: 289 KB, 366x330, 1676602306244461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62043259

my favourite fauna battlepass

>> No.62043233

Gamepass is great. Huge library of games, suggest you look through what games you may be interested in and if you have like 3 you can play in 1 month (or if you can get a 3 month code) then you should get it. Only $10.

No I'm not a Microsoft shill it's just been really good for me.

>> No.62043234

I do miss standard outfits from time to time. At least we get it when she does 3d.

>> No.62043259
File: 1.28 MB, 913x1200, 1686836001209276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No jacket, with glasses. The best roll you can get

>> No.62043295
Quoted by: >>62043382

boobs too big

>> No.62043356

The occasional nuggets of smug kirin are cute too

>> No.62043366

how about secret 1 time members only casual fauna with her accessory glasses

>> No.62043382
Quoted by: >>62043517

Why are you rolling on the Fauna banner if you don't want big boobs?

>> No.62043394
Quoted by: >>62043440

fauna vibing eyes closed is too adorable man

>> No.62043440
File: 270 KB, 687x820, Screenshot_20231106-013853_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62043500

That disruption fucked everyone, lol

>> No.62043517

I like medium (OG outfit, sleeveless would be a nice bonus)

>> No.62043591

she's getting so tilted lol
I love it

>> No.62043602


>> No.62043607
Quoted by: >>62043681

it's really cute when her voice gets super high pitched

>> No.62043654

i played so much squid beatz in splatoon honestly feel like i could do good

>> No.62043656

She will unfortunately never play this game again due to how BTFO it's making her.

But this is a god tier stream.

>> No.62043681
Quoted by: >>62043853

3D Switch Sports is still peak silly Fauna voices, one of her best streams ever.

>> No.62043684
Quoted by: >>62043758


>> No.62043696
Quoted by: >>62043784

She was never gonna play it again anyway
But yeah this stream was worth it

>> No.62043758

yeah that's what she said to me last night heh

>> No.62043784

forever a fall guys enjoyer, this kirin

>> No.62043790

>get in with fauna
>fauna dcs

>> No.62043798

I hope she convinces Promise to do a collab, even though the Ping would be absolutely horrid.

>> No.62043818

Is she sick again? 2 idol meetings in 2 hours?

>> No.62043853

Thanks for reminding me, going to have to rewatch the Fauna scoring on her own net clip again after this

>> No.62043896

small kirin bladder

>> No.62043902

she's pregnant (my child)

>> No.62043908
Quoted by: >>62044419

>IRyS and Bae fucking die: The Collab

>> No.62044029
Quoted by: >>62044099

She is gonna lose round 1 lol

>> No.62044099
File: 111 KB, 233x218, image-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62044249

She lived!

>> No.62044324

Moles again, it's over...

>> No.62044328

moles hate

>> No.62044345
Quoted by: >>62044420

no one posted oops oops here, that's why she didn't get it

>> No.62044354

I was hoping they might get Haachama for another collab now she's back. The fall guys one was fun

>> No.62044419

Bad ping but IRyS mogs them all in rhythm games

>> No.62044420

but i prayed in chat

>> No.62044562

>one more
okay so actually how many more we thinking?

>> No.62044672

Until we get oops oops

>> No.62044737

Rage quit when she dies to the moles again.

>> No.62044769 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.16 MB, 680x825, 1689751907282075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62044812

You know when it'll end

>> No.62044812

oops oops

>> No.62044937
File: 345 KB, 471x795, 1695636545862867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62045097

Gonna give Fauna my eggplant

>> No.62045097
Quoted by: >>62045120

Vegan Fauna fears the purple fruit

>> No.62045120
Quoted by: >>62045234


>> No.62045134
Quoted by: >>62045418

oops oops

>> No.62045234

Knowledge is knowing eggplant is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in your fruit smoothie

>> No.62045418


>> No.62045425

i'm beginning to think there isn't a parappa game and she imagined it

>> No.62045442

She is throwing again, that kirin.

>> No.62045501

My whiny Kirin...

>> No.62045614

staring at the high quality steam from the teacup

>> No.62045677

someone buy me the phone ring, please

>> No.62045715

nah buy it for me instead I'm cooler

>> No.62045755

i bought fauna merch all year but i havent decided on the ring

>> No.62045760
File: 1.00 MB, 1206x936, 1681893727626883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys buy it?

>> No.62045939

I bought My "Man I Love Fauna" hat. my hands are to gigantic and bear-sized to use a phone ring.

>> No.62045959
Quoted by: >>62046010

Fauna has the big SAD...

>> No.62046010

she's just like me fr fr

>> No.62046045
File: 14 KB, 1313x57, 1680586243511405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it?

>> No.62046166


>> No.62046245

attack on titan final season the final chapters part 2 last trailer

>> No.62046367

100% dickbutt. It was a popular meme esp on like reddit 10? years ago

>> No.62046424

Advent schizos don't look

>> No.62046470

No stream at regular FST tomorrow, she wanna try and join Terraria if she got time

>> No.62046479
Quoted by: >>62046772

Real ones know it was from FJ

>> No.62046490

Yes, I buy everything now just so I don't regret it. I won't use it but it goes on the shrine.
I'd buy it for you if I could

>> No.62046496

>No solo Fauna tomorrow
>have to watch boring ass fucking Terraria for the chance to see her
>No stream Tuesday too
I fucking hate this

>> No.62046650

only if you agree to do a sop of it for me

>> No.62046680

Wish they would do calamity mod terraria at the very least.

>> No.62046687

Retard. It's a 4chan meme

>> No.62046718

They need perms for mods and that's a whole shitshow

>> No.62046720
File: 587 KB, 1422x801, 1678548448043647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62046954

Watame's new MV got me feeling like a Welshman

>> No.62046745
File: 114 KB, 400x240, 1635737460775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calamity mod

>> No.62046772

Don't disrespect your loser big brother like that

>> No.62046826

I'm not saying where it originated. I'm saying where people actually saw it. Like 1% of the US population goes on 4chan. Don't be a hipster.

>> No.62046886

I think they should have tried to get the hat/bangle/phone ring released at the same time or something, because the minimum shipping cost means buying any of them individually didn't make sense. I only got the hat because I could combine it with other stuff I wanted.

>> No.62046890

Then there's almost no 4chan memes, they're all reddit because that's where the memes that originate here go to die.

>> No.62046954
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x1080, 1699195634875207.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna can hug this

>> No.62047050

Then that'd make every meme a reddit meme. You're an idiot.

>> No.62047069
Quoted by: >>62047203

i wonder if we'll continue dark gathering this week

>> No.62047203

Is there even enough episodes out yet for another watchalong?

>> No.62047223

shexshi sheep

>> No.62047234

holy sex
this 3D animation style is amazing, should be the standard in holo, reminds me of some love live MVs

>> No.62047253

Yeah, 18 are out (out of 25)

>> No.62047303

anon there were like 14 episodes out when we watched it last time

>> No.62047737

Can't watch rn. Did she read the VA's SC yet?

>> No.62047758


>> No.62047762


>> No.62047783


>> No.62047854


>> No.62047900


>> No.62047977

Maybe I should just go bald

>> No.62048011

Fauna is clearly bald sexual. My hair is going away anyway I should just shave it off.

>> No.62048043
File: 349 KB, 1095x720, 1699152371871598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be crazy

>> No.62048131

>I can't sing
and I love it

>> No.62048155

Kirin beeeeeeeeeeeeeam

>> No.62048232

Don't forget to buy a nice suit

>> No.62048298

do not succumb to the dark

>> No.62048303
File: 56 KB, 236x261, 1692039954640856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we do now?

>> No.62048342
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x720, Huggy Huggy~ [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgveocg.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great stream. I don't think she'll come back to it solo but I hope she can make a collab happen with this game.
Anyways see you on wednesday, saps. I don't feel like watching Terraria.

>> No.62048344

Why are people so stupid?

>> No.62048355

gather nutrients and wait for next stream

>> No.62048366
Quoted by: >>62048568

Mori jump scare

>> No.62048419

two days hibernation

>> No.62048442
Quoted by: >>62048957

Hit a gym and shave our heads

>> No.62048466

Another mori jumpscare...

>> No.62048557
File: 4 KB, 48x48, 1689851895384452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plenty of time to catch up on vidya until wednesday
see you later /uuu/

>> No.62048568

I already moved over to Bijou, as funny looking as the spider tongue dude looks

>> No.62048742
File: 188 KB, 273x281, image-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think your intent to shave is a mass psychosis, not a single hair is being removed from my head

>> No.62048884
Quoted by: >>62048908

actually, what the fuck did she mean by do not succumb to the dark

>> No.62048908
Quoted by: >>62049007

She dislikes returning to standard time because it gets dark "early" instead of thinking that it gets bright early

>> No.62048957
Quoted by: >>62049776

Wonder how she feels about beards...

>> No.62049007
Quoted by: >>62049068

...I honestly thought she meant holding on since we won't be seeing her again proper until Wednesday.

>> No.62049068
Quoted by: >>62049184


>> No.62049091

Fauna cute

>> No.62049184
Quoted by: >>62049522

honestly probably, I think the cooler weather has been fucking me up more than usual.

>> No.62049288


>> No.62049362
File: 171 KB, 480x480, yandere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not by your hand, sure

>> No.62049517
File: 959 KB, 850x1202, 1684869456254803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay good night for real /uuu/
take care of yourselves until wednesday

>> No.62049522

Melanin rich homos go crazy in winter months due to inferior vitamin d levels

>> No.62049776
File: 632 KB, 1125x797, FB[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fav81ad.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>62050248

No hair on your body at all

>> No.62049906

continue looking for a fucking job even tho there are zero god damn jobs

>> No.62050248

makes it easier for her to cast a spell on you to /become/ anyways

>> No.62050312

Put your resume through an app that formats it and lie on it, if you only saw something for 1 day, put it as experience (if the position requires it), if they ask in the interview, you can be more honest and that you "learn quickly", prepare yourself to send more than 200 applications for about 10 interviews

>> No.62050755

ChatGPT works unless the hiring manager is someone like me who can spot it. It looked amazing to a retard probably, but the chances of someone knowing what the fuck an AI spiel is, very low. Also helps you spam them out quickly to every place around you.

>> No.62050945

Fauna is cute

>> No.62051727
File: 242 KB, 1152x2048, 1692694873593163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, same. I've been unemployed for 5 fucking months. There's so many people in the market, but so little jobs.

>> No.62051795
Quoted by: >>62051867

Please herb while reponding, but what time does Nerissa normally stream?

>> No.62051867
File: 928 KB, 2500x3000, 1684264974473341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please herb while reponding
You ok? Terreria is FST+2
