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[ERROR] No.6169456 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the discussion of Takanashi Kiara's new single: Sparks


>> No.6174415
Quoted by: >>6174536 >>6174839

How the fuck did you get the flac, anon?

>> No.6174536

took the mp3, converted it to ogg, then wav, then flac

>> No.6174596

i'm for it, i think it's her best so far

>> No.6174731

It was actually close to being good, but it kinda felt flat in the end. I was expecting some big last chorus or interesting transition, something for the instrumental hype of the song to build up to, but got no release.

>> No.6174839

not the one who made this, some other anon posted it in the holo general during the birthday stream

>> No.6175005

Best song by an EN in my opinion.

>> No.6175069

In other words, two layers of lossy compression. Why not go straight from MP3 to FLAC?

Anyway, song is fine. A bit generic but there's a nice message in there to herself about not numberfagging so hard. Not a fan of EDM, especially moe EDM but I think a few people will like it.

>> No.6175098

Beat is too loud. And I can't hear Kiara's voice. the only good way listening to it is on 1.25 speed

>> No.6175105
Quoted by: >>6176157

It sounds like it's straight out of High School Musical. Not a big fan of it, but it's definitely not bad. I agree with the anon from before saying how it just kinda fell flat at the end though.

>> No.6175133

it's ok, no hinotori though

>> No.6175144

I aint downloading that shit bro get out of here

>> No.6175148

gives me K/DA vibes, I dig it

>> No.6175168
Quoted by: >>6176195

Judging this purely as a fan of KIRA's works, I have to say definitely not one of his best but it's still a great piece.
As for Kiara, it can only do her good, it's a change of pace from the other original songs, it shows that if she can get a pro mixer on the job she can do a lot more than the typical moe idol-ish songs. However, depending on what the upcoming announcement actually is, this song might get hurt a little bit, but nothing major (on the Kiara's scale that is).

>> No.6175170

I disagree. Even just compared to other Kiara covers/originals it's not near my top. It's still a good song though.

>> No.6175186
Quoted by: >>6175297

Wtf were they thinking, shits loud as fuck

>> No.6175284

i'm almost deaf in both ears, i can hear her fine

>> No.6175297

I fixed it by turning down bass on my speakers.

>> No.6175398
File: 3.27 MB, 1920x1080, SPARKS - Takanashi Kiara (Official Music Video).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad Kiara did Electro Pop / EDM kinda of !

t. Marshmallow Zedd Clarity

>> No.6175472

Made me coom, with my work pants... i should have know better.

>> No.6175503

Live again>Spark>Reflect> Red>Off with their heads> Cursed night>RIP>Hinotori> Heart chalanger> Mori's other songs

>> No.6175518
Quoted by: >>6179871

Sounds pretty generic and I'm not sure what to make of it when she didn't do any of the lyrics.

No hope of reaching Gura's Reflect numbers

>> No.6175557
Quoted by: >>6175738

wtf is this list? total trash all around.

>> No.6175568

song is cool

>> No.6175738
Quoted by: >>6176432

Go on then demonstrate your superior taste

>> No.6175800

I don't like positive songs

>> No.6175855
Quoted by: >>6175921

best kiara song so far

slightly uncomfortable with veibaes artist doing the MV art though

>> No.6175890

Does this use her stage voice or her real voice? Miss me if the former. To the surprise of nobody, she literally can't sing when she's forcing a falsetto three pitches higher.

>> No.6175921

Neonbeat is the one good thing about Veibei

>> No.6175939

I wish there was a big chorus, it would be 10/10 for me in that case.
I would rate 8/10. Definitely something I can listen to.

>> No.6175977
File: 42 KB, 175x188, 1608718571592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6177012

Jesus Christ, anon. You are supposed to covert from lossless to lossy not the other way around

>> No.6175996

Are you deaf perhaps?

>> No.6176110

This sounds like some early generation Kpop music that was translated into English. I don't hate it but I won't listen to it again. I think Kiara should have hired a different person as a lyricist. Someone that isn't an ESL. A lot of it sounds awkward to the ears. It's a good thing that the music production made up for it. If they chose better lyrics, it would have sounded better

>> No.6176157

Agreed, the vocals should have been a bit louder but it’s competent otherwise. I wouldn’t bat an eyelash if I heard this on a western radio channel, but other than that it doesn’t really appeal to me.

>> No.6176178

Once again her voice ruins a good song.

>> No.6176195
Quoted by: >>6176490

This. KIRA definitely has better songs on his discography, but this shit has legs. I think this song is Kiara's best original song.

>> No.6176298

I can't afford the whole birthday merch set, so I'm thinking of just buying only one item. Any suggestions on which one I should get?

>> No.6176310
File: 442 KB, 364x475, 1623054931280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6176432 >>6176507

Off with their heads > Live again > Reflect > Dead beats > Bully > Heart Challenger > Hinotori > RIP > Cursed night > Red

Just to go with original songs, but if I were to include covers, Hinotori and onward would be lower on the list

>> No.6176339

I get tinnitus whenever I hear her voice.

>> No.6176389

Great song, been listening to it on repeat since it premiered.

>> No.6176432

was meant for you

>> No.6176490

KIRA's sound is so distinct thtlat I instantly knew it was one of his songs before I even looked at the MV. I like to listen to songs without watching the MV first and then listen to it ahain with the MV, I'm weird like that. But yeah, the sound is absolutely KIRA.


>> No.6176507

Spark sits just behind Live Again

>> No.6176516

Live Again > Cursed Night > Off With Their Heads > Red > Empress > Bully > The Grim Reaper is a Live-Streamer > guh > Reflect > Dead Beats > RIP >
ReaperかRapper > Hinotori > Sparks > Heart Challenger

>> No.6176559
Quoted by: >>6177012

Get better speakers/headphones anon. Listened on Audio Technica M40Xs, it sounds fine.

Thinning out the soup there, kiddo. Just stick with the mp3; you clearly don't know what you're doing trying to ass-backwardly convert shit.

>> No.6176560
Quoted by: >>6176656 >>6176822

ReaperかRapper>>>>>every other ENshit song.

>> No.6176655

>I can't hear Kiara's voice.

Try getting some audio equipment that doesn't suck dick Anon.

>> No.6176656
File: 203 KB, 546x506, 1617229712378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically.

>> No.6176694

It's okay somehow, but I really fucking hate this beep-boop Vocaloid shit.

>> No.6176822

NCP>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
this song is Kiara's best tho imo

>> No.6176846
Quoted by: >>6177670

This is the only HoloEN song thats actually listenable imo

>> No.6176997

It's catchy, suits Kiara very well while also being a new sound for her, and more English originals is always welcome. Not the greatest thing ever, but still good stuff.

>> No.6177012

I bet OP's literally just a kid who thought FLACs sounded cool because other people said so.

>> No.6177174

Not as good as Gura's but still decent. The fact it don't sound like some shitty anime's opening is a plus but it does sound a bit outdated though. Like pop from the early 2000's.

>> No.6177188
File: 27 KB, 421x449, songsranked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something for you ranking autists

>> No.6177250
Quoted by: >>6177800

This song does sound straight out of the mid-2010s. Not sure if it's like Zedd tho, the hook isn't really catchy imo and there's no drop. It sounds like something that Mr. Worldwide Pitbull would ft. in.

>> No.6177346
File: 677 KB, 622x625, kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6177683 >>6177720

Dude, at least upload the hi-res FLAC. Your version sounds like shit, here's the 24 bit 384K hi-res FLAC.

>> No.6177451
File: 52 KB, 1075x419, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6177536

these songs aren't good

>> No.6177453

Go to an ENT doctor for a checkup

>> No.6177536
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 1624845713662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6177743


>> No.6177670

Probably because it's the least weeb out of them all. Ina's teaser sounds like mordern jpop which is far from anime tier soundtrack. I have high hopes.

>> No.6177683

Fuck that, give me some ultra-hi-res DSD shit

>> No.6177720
File: 423 KB, 680x383, PTgz2EI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you buttlickers using .FLAC in the first place?!

>> No.6177743
Quoted by: >>6178160

sorry morifriend
outside of a couple cute bars her music is pretty mediocre

>> No.6177800

Yep, sounds like some 2010s Max Martin.

Yeah, right, picture that with a Kodak.

>> No.6177886
Quoted by: >>6177915

>gerenic eurobeat
Fitting i suppose, but utterly bland and forgettable.

>> No.6177915

you have no idea what eurobeat sounds like.

>> No.6178110
File: 743 KB, 4096x2892, Eyfej0NXAAEHo2I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara really making to most of those Vshoujo relations. Made sure the main illustration showed off thick thighs and big loose boobs right from the get go.

>> No.6178160

NTA, some people think her stuff is mediocre, some think it's the best thing since toilet paper, some think it's shittier than the worst parts of pre-wipe /b/. It's not really easy to have a "correct opinion" about music. I personally think her stuff is pretty good, far from the best though, and I could see why someone not liking it.

>> No.6178206
File: 117 KB, 1280x670, Roboco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6175398 vtuber EDM Centric
Krispy Fry-fry Party >> The Light(Kizuna Ai) > Spark == Hello World(Kizuna Ai) == Reflect >> Suspect == Future Bass(Kizuna Ai) == Comet > Sharkventure == Misteavous Myth‐buster >> Spiral Tones

>> No.6178492

I like it. it's a real summer song for lack of better term. Nice and upbeat, pleasant all around, an enjoyable mood and flow throughout the whole thing, there's no part where it goes too hardcore or in your face... You could put this on the radio and nobody would know it's a Hololive song. Kiara's singing really works here.

This is the kind of thing you want to listen on a night out.

>> No.6178586
File: 54 KB, 1140x409, my-image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6178859

You missed Bully.

>> No.6178859

oops. then i broke the template while trying to fix so i had to make a new one

>> No.6179170


>> No.6179391
File: 55 KB, 936x465, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6179459

just woke up and listened, the song is really good. it's casual, easy to listen to, not groundbreaking but not every song needs to be.

>> No.6179468

This is the best song a holoEN has EVER released.
Why yes, I do have sensorineural hearing loss. Why do you ask?

>> No.6179677
File: 877 KB, 1437x2143, 78F09B35-15E3-436D-8929-7251DD6A14DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, that is the fucking worst. Yolks on you shitbird. Rope when?

>> No.6179771

lit song.
literally promoting arson.

>Gotta make it hot like a volcano
>Strike a match and burn it up

>Sparks light the flame
>so don't wait, start a fire today

based tenchou strikes again.

>> No.6179871


chumbuds really always numberfag huh

>> No.6180587

I really like it and I think that if you don't you're a stupid jerk.
anon, are you ACTUALLY retarded

>> No.6181667

At least her chicken voice is filtered to the point of it actually being tolerable to listen to.

>> No.6182505

i love this chickmen

>> No.6183245

No kidding. Her voice actually fits with the music and I hope she does more like this.

>> No.6190377

The beat slaps, but the vocals are Kiaras typical mediocre, nasally tones. It basically sounds like a knockoff Katie Perry track.
