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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.09 MB, 2305x2794, F9qY0uXXAAAZvP0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
61609909 No.61609909 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>61610084

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:











Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>61603930

>> No.61609959
File: 374 KB, 1486x2048, F9gxdS5aUAAtbBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ike love!

>> No.61609963

Terminate Reimu Endou.

>> No.61609970
File: 2.39 MB, 1280x720, 1688710719926345.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POMU 3D at home WHEN

>> No.61609975
Quoted by: >>61610038


>> No.61609978

Sex with kunai

>> No.61609994
File: 239 KB, 1181x1748, 1670653688875031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss rosemi sama...

>> No.61609998
File: 74 KB, 720x561, 1673382675614117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61610005
File: 303 KB, 2048x1366, F9h48lXa4AALrKJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a feeshwife real bad

>> No.61610025
File: 356 KB, 1847x2048, 20350215_234800_IMG_0901(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.61610038
File: 185 KB, 1153x1550, F9sj2g0aMAAJ1rH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61610073

of course she's my gf

>> No.61610058
File: 234 KB, 358x303, NlQhMON9TSCreature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61610133

i miss this hag

>> No.61610068

I found the tweet, it was posted in a catalog thread. And the girl in the pic is the daughter of the account owner who posted it on Twitter and went with her. She's following most, if not all, of NijiEN and some other VTubers. So either she's a fan of Hex or she showed some SFW clips to her daughter and she wanted to meet him. Context is important here, dude.

>> No.61610071
Quoted by: >>61610310

Aia in a suit with alot of cleavage

>> No.61610073


>> No.61610084

CLAUDE-SAMA IS STREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.61610089

Ah yeah, it's almost November. Got any Halloween decorations and candy?
I watched their debuts and can't be bothered to watch more. They're all nice though. We'll see how they interact with wife. He's been shilling Doppio a lot recently saying their taste in games is similar and I hear he does some yumebaiting in his solo streams...

>> No.61610092
File: 237 KB, 1451x2048, F9cWoMVbQAAFwVF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61610362

>> No.61610115

Ackshually he's not

>> No.61610133
File: 79 KB, 980x980, 20230809_150553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i caught her hk stream shes so cool and mature and stuff

>> No.61610159

Terminate Ike Eveland.

>> No.61610178
File: 59 KB, 435x525, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cuck Enna

I want to break her arms and her legs, tie her in a corner, and make her watch as I fuck her daddy.

>> No.61610182

uuuuuu I miss Vivi

>> No.61610208
File: 367 KB, 1022x1352, 1696680629898598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61610218
File: 2.76 MB, 296x296, 12345677544565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny onii-chan Love!
Vox Love!

>> No.61610222

imagine if one day a new debut is late for their stream and we joke about them being nijilate or whatever but they literally fell and died and we don't find out for ages

>> No.61610225

I miss Vivi
I miss Kunai
is Claude just fucking dead?

>> No.61610228

He's literally not, so nice try, faseflagger-chama! You'll get 'em next time for sure!

>> No.61610280
File: 1.93 MB, 1547x1039, 1689646128184004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu on the toilet!

>> No.61610292

>elira's nepotism hire already oversleeping streams
lol can't make this shit up

>> No.61610309
File: 48 KB, 1196x196, 1675654393188224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61610310
File: 166 KB, 638x826, scarle aia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aia buttoning up her cleavage after I cum inside it during work.

>> No.61610318
Quoted by: >>61610394

did daylight savings start somewhere? maybe claude pranked himself

>> No.61610323

What if Finana is an impostor

>> No.61610345


>> No.61610362

Thought this was horny Finana with a table covered in dildos

>> No.61610394

Just ended in Europe

>> No.61610417

Shut up enna

>> No.61610448
Quoted by: >>61610581

that happened already.

>> No.61610531
File: 753 KB, 1080x1080, 1671254060067452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game just Firewatch with a crt filter?

>> No.61610561

will he make it bros

>> No.61610581

Krisis 4th member...

>> No.61610590
Quoted by: >>61610671

Friendly reminder:
A bunch of seething holobrowns are lurking in this thread right now

>> No.61610610
File: 24 KB, 332x225, 1674799424663726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61610614
Quoted by: >>61610672

I love Rosemi

>> No.61610639
Quoted by: >>61610751

no, some jp dude

>> No.61610663
Quoted by: >>61610742

She might be a forest fairy, but I don't think pomu is qualified as a forest ranger

>> No.61610671

Tell us something that isn't true literally one hundred percent of the time.

>> No.61610672

That wasn't for you but I love Pomu too.

>> No.61610675
Quoted by: >>61610782

>Fuck her daddy
You mean Kyo, right?

>> No.61610705

This dude Pomu's helping is gonna die.

>> No.61610742
File: 85 KB, 220x275, 1668932040756695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't even read a map bro.

>> No.61610751

nah it was a CN VR liver that was found dead in their house

>> No.61610763

nice one pomu

>> No.61610782

Enna sees Kyo as a baby to care for, Hex is her daddy.

>> No.61610804

Is Elira actually fucking dead?

>> No.61610820
Quoted by: >>61611649

This game is better than firewatch

>> No.61610856

everyone in the first 3 waves aside from pomu is in japan

>> No.61610891

I want to get into Nijisanji solely so that I can commit suicide on stream during my birthday totsumachi

>> No.61610913

All of her braincells have migrated into her breasts, leaving her unable to function

>> No.61610921

>elira got big tits costume
>disappear for weeks
its not fair...

>> No.61610933
Quoted by: >>61610999

oh, scarle's pumpkin sex toy stream is tonight

>> No.61610939

she was active on twitter not that long ago so probably not

>> No.61610999
Quoted by: >>61611124

>pumpkin sex toy stream

>> No.61611004

she said her last words on meloco stream 2 days ago

>> No.61611029

I'm starting to really hate my oshi's fanbase /here/ even though I used to love them and felt camaraderie since this was the only place that saw my oshi the same way I did. This fucking sucks.

>> No.61611060

>are you ok?

>> No.61611081

Yeah I hate shitkadets too

>> No.61611101

woman problems

>> No.61611124
File: 61 KB, 227x221, 1679259045754797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing she went catatonic in a spencer's gifts for half an hour for

>> No.61611135

Pomie... Briskadet...

>> No.61611143

this always surprises me on how this doesnt get talked about with shitposting more like the viturallive livers who graduated because they got married

>> No.61611170
Quoted by: >>61611211

>microwaving metal pan

>> No.61611211

its fine if it cant make an arc

>> No.61611212

I too hate women.

>> No.61611213

>nothing an hour later
yeah this nigga is dead. Claude beat zaion's speedrun.

>> No.61611214

The eating noises are terrible

>> No.61611216

Sucks to be you shitkadet, can't relate.

>> No.61611241
File: 37 KB, 735x447, shu clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does Shu actually know how to cook?

>> No.61611260
Quoted by: >>61611315


>> No.61611291

im tired as hell and all i read was: does shu cock?

>> No.61611305
File: 134 KB, 412x390, 1679612831605296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good scream.

>> No.61611315

Offtopic, go back

>> No.61611345

That was a good pomu scream

>> No.61611356
File: 109 KB, 2039x1378, 20230815_105230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kunai needs to fuck me

>> No.61611380
Quoted by: >>61611724

Claude is in Japan with the rest of Elira's clique

>> No.61611390

I'm catching up on the new members. has Claude talked about his streaming timezone?

>> No.61611432
File: 124 KB, 861x800, 1688068042304450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61611638

>> No.61611449


>> No.61611587

Don't trust that Silas dude

>> No.61611628

If there are no Halloween song covers I’m going to be sad

>> No.61611638

rape target

>> No.61611649
File: 48 KB, 572x572, pee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firewatch story is kinda dumb, so far I'm really enjoying this. Way better than the last story Pomu played and the side-stuff like the zombie minigame is super cool.

Also that scream HOLY FUCK

>> No.61611694
File: 344 KB, 596x511, 1679240658302374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61611716

why does pomu only play "experience simulators" and not real games anymore

>> No.61611724

Apparently Hex slipped up and said he met him but I really doubt he’s currently in Japan given his streaming times so far

>> No.61611812

she's better at these types of games and its more enjoyable to watch because she bounces off the characters and plot rather than getting filtered by "skill issue"

>> No.61611875

Go back /v/ermin

>> No.61611898
File: 532 KB, 530x603, 1688555995420816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61611932


>> No.61611952

Pomu should play Factorio then.

>> No.61611953 [DELETED] 

If you haven't noticed, she's been on autopilot for months. Just like Nina, she won't be playing anything that interests her until she redebuts in vshojo in around 6 months.

>> No.61611962

food's done

>> No.61611975
File: 17 KB, 534x534, F6IdyfmawAAfeuX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61611982
File: 838 KB, 1196x1091, 1675730506452269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61612008
Quoted by: >>61612037


>> No.61612014
File: 739 KB, 1315x921, 1675945929125582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61612108

average marippet

>> No.61612023

Is claude dead ?

>> No.61612035

Pomu's sister..

>> No.61612037
Quoted by: >>61612082


>> No.61612046
File: 87 KB, 451x582, 1677256044152852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61612289

>Enna finally finds a man to marry
>he looks under the sheets and finds
>lips hanging loose like strange tentacles
>the sarlacc pit of nijisanji
>she looks at him and said
>"'virginity' is more of a spiritual thing"

>> No.61612047

That's pomu's new sister right?

>> No.61612059

even another company knows she's built for goblins

>> No.61612067
Quoted by: >>61612559

He studied cooking for two years

>> No.61612082
Quoted by: >>61612107

lmao esl retard

>> No.61612083
File: 744 KB, 922x676, 1693085598041374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's me I'm the child

>> No.61612107
Quoted by: >>61612140

fuk you fagert

>> No.61612108
Quoted by: >>61612128

What is this trying to say

>> No.61612128

he's gay

>> No.61612140
Quoted by: >>61612180


>> No.61612156
File: 549 KB, 545x590, 1667700320750046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61612164

>wokeup early for kanatoman's stream
>oversleeping his 4th stream
what is this???

>> No.61612166

Pomu is bad at peeing

>> No.61612180

Im only 170lbs

>> No.61612185

is Pokemon not a real game?

>> No.61612189
Quoted by: >>61612355

Has peeing been a mechanic in every one of these stories so far?

>> No.61612228
Quoted by: >>61612270

lmao fatfuck

>> No.61612237

thumbnail looks like she's dripping cum from her scalp

>> No.61612254
File: 103 KB, 1085x1085, FZn6dYGX0AAXLxk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a real question?

>> No.61612259


>> No.61612270

How the fuck is that fat that's literally only 77kg

>> No.61612289


>> No.61612316
Quoted by: >>61612387

Everything above 50kg is fat you fatty

>> No.61612352
Quoted by: >>61612432

the thread is full of asian girls who are barely 5 feet tall who assume everyone else is also an asian girl

>> No.61612355
Quoted by: >>61612430

I don't remember a pee scene in the second one

>> No.61612386

>elira's nepohire
>lazy faggot that constantly is late to streams or just cancels them

>> No.61612387

50kg is too skinny where I'm from and you will be force feed till you gain more weitght

>> No.61612430

oh yeah thats the motel one right? I think the MC was a girl in that one

>> No.61612432

the Pomudachi/Briskadet dichotomy rears its ugly head yet again

>> No.61612437


he forgot to set an alarm

>> No.61612460

wtf petra is elira's nepohire!!!!!????

>> No.61612467

they stopped being real games in gen 7

>> No.61612516

170lbs is considered obese on a 5'3" 21 year old male. Take that as you will.

>> No.61612527

good thing she's playing gen 5

>> No.61612542

How is hiding under the bed going to save you here?

>> No.61612559
File: 11 KB, 182x162, 1694814695033642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey me too.
I have a culinary and baking degree.

>> No.61612563

Well, it was pokemon nigga

>> No.61612586

no true scotsman on video games is so silly

>> No.61612622


>> No.61612623

That's tall for a SEA with their widespread malnutrition so he's definitely been living high on the hog while everyone around him starves

>> No.61612675
Quoted by: >>61612724

Fucking YouTube

>> No.61612685
Quoted by: >>61612820

anon if I was 170 lbs I would be so skinny I would be practically dead

>> No.61612720 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 1366x2048, F9rt4KvagAAyKcy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61612724

just in time all things considered

>> No.61612732

claun clownmark

>> No.61612805

>retouched images
>this means asians are attractive
fuck off cunt

>> No.61612820
File: 40 KB, 773x396, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61612885

That isn't even true, and you know it. This 5'10" at 170lbs.

>> No.61612823

Please be a boy

>> No.61612853

Claude is finally starting an hour and 2 minutes later, he's overslept

>> No.61612885
Quoted by: >>61612906

anon I am much taller than 5'10, for me being under 200 pounds is actually really low

>> No.61612902

Claude sounds very Uki like

>> No.61612906

How tall then?

>> No.61612916

Not sure, I didn't catch it live and was asleep when it was privated.
There was a gap of around 6 hours between my Discord webhook saying it went live and when it got privated.

>> No.61612920


>> No.61612984

Prediction on who will join for the FNAF watchalong??

>> No.61612987
Quoted by: >>61615303

i recall people saying she had to cancel stream as she started it and forgot to close it properly

>> No.61613018


>> No.61613040

Unironically no one

>> No.61613044

I miss Pomu

>> No.61613049


>> No.61613066

everyone that might have is streaming or in japan, it'll probably just be him

>> No.61613069
File: 451 KB, 577x590, 1683706290372595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61613081

>open Pomu stream
>she says BRB
>stream end
What happen??

>> No.61613090

She's back!!

>> No.61613110

Game reset settings to ultra so shit got laggy as fuck

>> No.61613120


>> No.61613119

The boots

>> No.61613147

>canned water
if i was ever in the position of any of the nijiboys listening to retarded zoomer girls talk about stupid shit like this i'd be so unbelievably nasty to them

>> No.61613179

kusoge has "ultra" as default video setting and resets it after death

>> No.61613245
File: 79 KB, 348x285, 1695791291150730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The random asian women poster is my favourite poster itt, shame the jannies hate him

>> No.61613254
Quoted by: >>61615303

Her power went out

>> No.61613262

the nijiboys are also retarded zoomers, possibly even moreso

>> No.61613306
Quoted by: >>61613387

Why are you talking about yourself you offtopic shitstain?

>> No.61613318

>Likes Machine Girl
Why is he so based?

>> No.61613321

How is canned water retarded zoomer girls talk?

>> No.61613352

it's dipshit consumerism at its finest which is both very zoomer and very female

>> No.61613362
Quoted by: >>61614343

I've had to sub to the TTT members 3 times in the last 2 days. Come on youtube

>> No.61613372
File: 48 KB, 735x750, 1683489034216046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly kusoge

>> No.61613387


>> No.61613397 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>61613506

asians will never be attracive

>> No.61613407
Quoted by: >>61613472

>buying water

>> No.61613435
Quoted by: >>61613667

It's comical that it resets settings when you die.
Like, it's a mistake you make on your first game, not this far into a series of kusoge

>> No.61613437
File: 1.25 MB, 1196x1512, 1675114468675327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61613550

>> No.61613444

>Claude will try and beat the scores of his senpais
Who had played Neon White before? Selen, Ike and Scarle, right?

>> No.61613454

how hard did you seethe when he said he wanted to try it

>> No.61613472

ayo dis dudes pineal gland lookin crusty

>> No.61613506

Said a fat spic homo

>> No.61613519
File: 835 KB, 2896x4096, Pomu Camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have been fooled, the game felt above kuso quality up to this point. What a massive oversight from the dev.

>> No.61613530
Quoted by: >>61613616

>immediately fanboys over steve blum's voice

>> No.61613535
File: 316 KB, 2027x2031, 1676871371120407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my bird wife Enna!

>> No.61613550

She's so good at misleading the fact she is a succubus

>> No.61613578
Quoted by: >>61613655

is claude a good entertainer

>> No.61613603
File: 450 KB, 996x1300, 1680039587250796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61613616

Isn't that the Ligma guy?

>> No.61613650

nice tits dylan

>> No.61613655

I've watched his Valorant stream yesterday and yeah, he's quite entertaining. He bounces at chat pretty well and doesn't have dead air

>> No.61613667

It's the classic "this is the intro scene so when it loads i'll reset everything to default" except some time later you forget that and decide that death sends you back to that scene.

>> No.61613670 [DELETED] 

>claim asians are attractive
>none of the vtuber models have asian features

>> No.61613681

Why is JP Elira like this

>> No.61613778
File: 613 KB, 1140x539, my-image (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asked my friend who knows nothing about niji to rate their designs

>> No.61613779
Quoted by: >>61613896

How the hell is she JP Elira

>> No.61613784

>Claude speedrunning
Ok I will watch your bro

>> No.61613787

I thought Nui was JP Elira

>> No.61613827
File: 1.00 MB, 2450x4096, 1681059767291950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61614068

>> No.61613852

Saw Elira on D and immediately closed it. Faggot shit opinion

>> No.61613865

Shit taste

>> No.61613869

Funny taste

>> No.61613884

she should kill herself

>> No.61613886
Quoted by: >>61613954

>claude trying to accommodate the people who have motion sickness
naw fuck that Claude if they are weak they shouldnt watch

>> No.61613891

Your friend has god awful taste

>> No.61613896
File: 291 KB, 446x445, 1697675042405031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

settle down okay

>> No.61613919
File: 325 KB, 534x513, 1672155801567881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61613955

Pomu couldn't find the door...

>> No.61613929
Quoted by: >>61614005

I feel like I'm starting to like Aia more recently despite not watching her at all (I've seen her in some collabs or totsus in the past I guess) and not seeing any liveposts about her, basically not taking in any data about her in any form
explain this bizarre phenomenon

>> No.61613930
File: 232 KB, 1892x1892, FuMG31DaUAEohDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61613941
File: 284 KB, 845x1200, 8f34b97315eec5806dad4c2f70400a22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61614139

where is millie
i miss millie
i need millie
where is millie

>> No.61613942
Quoted by: >>61613964

did you show him only the upper profile or the full body shot?

>> No.61613954
Quoted by: >>61614061

I was thinking the same shit lol

>> No.61613955


>> No.61613964

full body

>> No.61613984

>open Pomu stream
>stay on Pomu stream

>> No.61613988

Do you think Vivi has any idea her playing a couple hours of bloodborne would cause a bunch of schizos on the Internet to chimp out

>> No.61614005

___ in a vacuum phenomenon

>> No.61614015

Awful taste generally, but some good picks here and there

>> No.61614019
Quoted by: >>61614824

The first thing I saw was Uki over Kunai which is objectively incorrect

>> No.61614058
Quoted by: >>61614470

same shit happened with zaion and maria

>> No.61614061

reminds me how that one pokemon episode ruined all future anime with the ghosting bullshit because of the seizures
if kids get seizures they shouldnt be watching

>> No.61614068

>disappears the same week as Shu moving to his new place
lmao even

>> No.61614070

I hope this cultist dude gets in the next wave

>> No.61614094
Quoted by: >>61614234

No, and I hope to god she never sees what this board has been saying about her. She's had so much thrown at her and she's barely been here.

>> No.61614117
Quoted by: >>61614229

how dumb are anons here

>> No.61614139

your whore is making another cover with fulgur

>> No.61614155

Claude will play Ultrakill next week

>> No.61614162

So Claude's next week schedule so far will be Battle network and Ultra kill

>> No.61614164

This Neon White game seems cool as hell but I fucking hate how they had to represent weapons with cards. If it was the literal same game but they were actual guns and not cards (purely visually) I would have probably put 80 hours into it by now

>> No.61614188
Quoted by: >>61614475

>>61613778 (me)
she said she would change the fairy to S but i agree with you guys i dont understand half of this list

>> No.61614204
File: 497 KB, 524x598, 1683860910298679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61614229

not my fault they are fucking weak

>> No.61614232
File: 170 KB, 2048x2048, angy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also ruined Porygon's reputation when it was all the yellow rat's fault.

>> No.61614234

Agreed. She's a cool and cute girl with some gamer chops and deserves better than to know the opinions of shit spitting baboons

>> No.61614238

Why is them being cards a problem?

>> No.61614239
File: 50 KB, 827x827, FwKm-gpaIAAhKc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61614247

quick glance and i agree

>> No.61614248
File: 429 KB, 656x729, 1698615300342828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61614257

I still pissed me off that Ike has never finished Battle Network....

>> No.61614277

can't stop thinking about kunais fat tits and paizuri hole

>> No.61614287

>lots of good news about njien
>falseEyed makes an episode about gura and hachama coming back
cant be more biased than that.

>> No.61614302
Quoted by: >>61614375

Wasn't the stream where he played it a shill stream? Or am I getting games mixed up.

>> No.61614308

Cuz it's gay and not cool and a lame way to represent something as badass and epic as gun's

>> No.61614319
Quoted by: >>61614476

it's offensively ugly. no satisfaction in feedback

>> No.61614333


>> No.61614335

unintentional but you can see the fact of why the new members have more busy designs right here. People think busy equals better

>> No.61614343
File: 36 KB, 374x360, Millie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 times in the last 2 days. Come

>> No.61614368
File: 58 KB, 250x250, 1689389691331742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61614373
File: 33 KB, 1125x85, 436353447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61614595

looks like aia is gonna join at least and i guess if no one else joins, blame that

>> No.61614375

Yeah it was, but I wished he would play it more...

>> No.61614386

hot dog

>> No.61614391

I thought it was in theatres? Is it streaming or something?

>> No.61614426
Quoted by: >>61614496

I really hope Vivi plays more BB on stream. I know she said she wasn't sure yet.

>> No.61614451
Quoted by: >>61614547

I am in love with Ike again today.

>> No.61614470
Quoted by: >>61614624

ironically they tried this with vanta too but he made fun of anyone who mocked him in chat so they accepted him

>> No.61614475
Quoted by: >>61615259

it seems pretty normal honestly, before you get to know their character and the fan art and all this other shit just purely based on their character design I agree with it. only thing i'm mildly surprised at is how low rosemi is since shes basically gothic lolita but in pink/rose

>> No.61614476

I dunno, I think it's a pretty cool system. It's unique and makes each level feel unique.

>> No.61614494

Tuna is based

>> No.61614496
Quoted by: >>61614661

>Not sure yet
Why though?

>> No.61614519
Quoted by: >>61614617

If it was exactly the same but the cards were physical weapons it would look a lot better

>> No.61614527
Quoted by: >>61614849

Theatres and peacock

>> No.61614547

He doesn't love you. Never has.

>> No.61614553

But Yugo is DJ...

>> No.61614557

The only thing I remember about that stream is him getting baited by the same person in co-op like 5 times

>> No.61614560
Quoted by: >>61614617

ah well i agree with that but in an either or scenario i'll take the guns

>> No.61614594
File: 9 KB, 623x63, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61614688

streaming, already HD

>> No.61614595
Quoted by: >>61614774

Given the screenshots that Millie shared that one time, I wouldn't blame them for not using the calendar.

>> No.61614617

Eh, I guess to each their own.

>> No.61614624

They unicorned Vanta? Or does this mean bloodborne? I just meant every time there's a new girl that beggars are interested in they all clutch their pearls about men ruining them

>> No.61614639
File: 1.19 MB, 1304x762, 1681051653042573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job Pomu.

>> No.61614661

I think she wasn't sure if it would be good since she didn't play it before and she was probably worried about backseating, too.

>> No.61614664

>It even resets when you finish the game

>> No.61614675
Quoted by: >>61615080

These games set in firewatch stations are kino. Make that the next trend.

>> No.61614688

I went to download a torrent but it's gonna take a whole fucking hour

>> No.61614691
File: 99 KB, 612x741, KomododragonIndolent8cef9ee4-da93-4705-8df2-59431cda310b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61614852

aia stream delayed so she can watch FNAF

>> No.61614703
File: 2.06 MB, 2946x4096, 1689031016006272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu should have sex with me

>> No.61614707 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 1167x1120, tired of this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My question isn't "why did Enna suddenly stop mentioning her virginity?"
The question is "why did shy lie about this from the beginning?"

>> No.61614774

>20 slots taken at the same time
>Decide to check it out
>Close calendar
>Decide to have one of your own
I can't blame them

>> No.61614778
File: 927 KB, 1920x1080, _NijiEN_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.61614781
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x798, fatty[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa7t4yw.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61614787
Quoted by: >>61615154

need examples

>> No.61614799
Quoted by: >>61615036

>badass and epic

>> No.61614812
Quoted by: >>61614847

>2 games in one year
The other flavor of Chilla's Art.

>> No.61614824
Quoted by: >>61614952

At least take a dump and get the excess cum out of your rectum before you post here gayanon, it's just basic courtesy

>> No.61614847
Quoted by: >>61615120

these ones are at least alright

>> No.61614849
File: 443 KB, 730x730, 1684738014983991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pee... cock...

>> No.61614852

Want to watch it but sleepy
I'll be the VOD gang.

>> No.61614880

valorant collab too

>> No.61614882


>> No.61614902

I can't read lol

>> No.61614903

I'm gonna kidnap pomu tonight!

>> No.61614904
Quoted by: >>61614984

Why are all 2 girls/1 guy gens so good?

>> No.61614952

Techwear is pretty gay and you're talking about cum and shit so I guess I'm right, which I already knew

>> No.61614956
Quoted by: >>61615014

claude = shu + ike + sonny

>> No.61614961
Quoted by: >>61614995

I'll be streaming the fnaf movie on cytube. Still haven't financially recovered enough to make a decision to buy a server again. Possibly soon tho

>> No.61614966
Quoted by: >>61615071

did claude say outright he was gay or is he just fruity

>> No.61614979

am i to interpret this as claude likes futa

>> No.61614982

you will have to get through me first and thats impossible task.

>> No.61614984

Because polygamy is good.

>> No.61614994
Quoted by: >>61615065

Will you wear the monkey outfit or the pig outfit

>> No.61614995
File: 282 KB, 606x396, 20350211_113523_IMG_0704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbatte, Ninianon

>> No.61615007
Quoted by: >>61617029

The dialogue in this Neon White game is cringe

>> No.61615014

Don't compare Claude to Ike. Claude is better than Ike.

>> No.61615027

watching the fnaf movie with doppio! is it gonna be open VC?

>> No.61615033

If scared badly enough, which girls do you think would pee their pants haha?

>> No.61615036

i thought outlaw star was pretty cool

>> No.61615065

Monkey for sure

>> No.61615071
Quoted by: >>61615094

Bi people exist anon
The only straight up homo in NijiEN is and will probably always be Uki

>> No.61615080
File: 678 KB, 980x490, 1690971830010261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next chillasart

>> No.61615088
Quoted by: >>61615250

Pomu, Rosemi, Elira, Nina

>> No.61615087

please stress them out and insist upon them pomu...

>> No.61615094
Quoted by: >>61615152

yeah that's why i asked dumbass

>> No.61615106
Quoted by: >>61615159

>no lazulight halloween stream

>> No.61615111

No lazukino tomorrow bros

>> No.61615120

It's okay I'm sure The Kidnap by Chilla will be a real 10/10.

>> No.61615125

lol Pomu just confirmed that Elira has been for weeks in Japan and had to lie to cover for her

>> No.61615129


>> No.61615143

No Lazulight collab tomorrow, Elira and Finana haven't replied to Pomu.

>> No.61615152

Sorry I just find it annoying in general how anons are assuming he’s gay just because he likes anime BL

>> No.61615154 [DELETED] 

>Enna used to claim she was a virgin every single stream
>literally one of her main talking points that she would spend 20 minutes talking about
>also said "if for some reason I stop mentioning my virginity it means I had sex"
>suddenly dropped any mentions of her virginity in July
>now only talks about wanting a husband
But after making this admission:
It's an open question whether it was ever real to begin with

>> No.61615159


>> No.61615162

Halloween voice sale ending tomorrow, just got my oshi's last night

>> No.61615179

I have watched like 20 mins total of him I was just curious

>> No.61615193


>> No.61615195
File: 790 KB, 750x750, 1696910354409025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically looking into fire lookout jobs because I could presumably have a step-up on getting a federal job

>> No.61615212

Elira and feesh are getting gangbang'ed every day of course they won't have any stamina to do the halloween stream

>> No.61615217
Quoted by: >>61615315

pomulen halloween collab?

>> No.61615218

i think it's less the BL and more the anons talking about his PL bunnywife

>> No.61615236

Claude is going autistic over audio again

>> No.61615250
Quoted by: >>61615376

>no Selen, Petra or Reimu
I also think Rosemi would pass out before pissing herself.

>> No.61615259

sent her this and she said she would have put her at an A now thats shes going over it but thats about it

>> No.61615261
Quoted by: >>61615499

>Speging out about voice acting
Is he a seiyu autist like Sonny?

>> No.61615297

Finana easily

>> No.61615303

Ah, thanks.
Honestly kinda forgot that Twitter is a thing since it's started falling apart.

>> No.61615306
Quoted by: >>61615409

Should I become a bus service or mail service person? Someone liked my work ethic and offered me an in at either and it's a paybump and I don't necessarily have to become a driver

>> No.61615315

Selen has shit Internet because she is in Japan

>> No.61615343

Selen's already done that

>> No.61615348

Vote for more loods

>> No.61615353
Quoted by: >>61615609

ok so we will get pomulen halloween collab instead?

>> No.61615364

i dont know what oomfy means and i want to curbstomp someone any time they say it

>> No.61615376

I don't watch them but thank you for updating my list. I think Rosemi would pass out while pissing herself

>> No.61615409
Quoted by: >>61615442

Depends, do you want AC or do you want to have a lot of free time?

>> No.61615411

one of my followers, the -y is added to make it sound affectionate

>> No.61615413

>and they shove it down my throat
claude, please dont word it like that

>> No.61615422
Quoted by: >>61615497

i've only ever known mutuals, the fuck is an oomfy? some newfangled oompa loompa?

>> No.61615426
File: 665 KB, 971x593, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61615428

Oomf means One of my followers, oomfie is just a funny way to say it.

>> No.61615442

Which one would let me watch/listen to my oshi a lot more?

>> No.61615457

pomu is gone...

>> No.61615461
File: 249 KB, 1350x1750, 1687435224467949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Pomu... (Time to take a shower because I am extremely stinky)

>> No.61615474

Oh so it's just zoomers reinventing a word that already exists but making it sound more retarted

>> No.61615486
Quoted by: >>61615544

>federal job

>> No.61615497
Quoted by: >>61615604

old ass anons....here

>> No.61615501


>> No.61615499
File: 532 KB, 1061x601, 1698463658374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he a seiyu autist like Sonny?

>> No.61615507
Quoted by: >>61616310

Will Vox join the watchalong or is he still in Japan?

>> No.61615515

Can you speak spanish?
The IRS is hiring spanish-english speakers like crazy.

>> No.61615527
Quoted by: >>61615704

Depends on the position but bus probably because if you're not a driver you would only have to do things when buses pass through a stop or go to the terminal, i normally see those guys drinking coffee and watching their phone

>> No.61615533
Quoted by: >>61615704

Mail won't snitch on you or steal your wallet

>> No.61615544

>30 extra paid holidays
>infinite vacation
>no one actually expects you to work

>> No.61615567
Quoted by: >>61615945

never mind, no aia

>> No.61615586

i honestly don't know anything about fnaf aside from watching vtubers get jumpscared by animatronics

>> No.61615604
Quoted by: >>61615921

one of my followers isn't equivalent to a mutual follow though, are they meant to be interchangeable?

>> No.61615609

Pomu said yesterday that Selen's internet is so shit that it won't be worth it

>> No.61615610
Quoted by: >>61615745

Uhh where is FNAF being streamed again

>> No.61615617

pomu is gone now for real...

>> No.61615631 [DELETED] 

>elira has been in japan for weeks
>faked being sick just so she can hang out with shu all the time
Poor fageliras always getting cucked

>> No.61615674
File: 361 KB, 1143x1600, Thinker-Auguste-Rodin-Museum-Paris-1904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive man thinking about ntr

>> No.61615704
Quoted by: >>61615769

Makes sense but also
Alright, mail it is! One guy that used to get his coffee at my workplace noticed how good I was at tech and said they needed more people like that. I don't mind grinding I just want to be paid more compared to my current effort to work ratio

>> No.61615713
File: 254 KB, 677x187, 1674785726765544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61615797

Why are Elira and Fibana ghosting Pomu...

>> No.61615715
Quoted by: >>61615782

claude supports you taking your legally mandated breaks

>> No.61615726
File: 18 KB, 581x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you make this psot because ive been laughing at it all weekend

>> No.61615736
File: 473 KB, 2048x1175, 1944F610-1564-4AAB-B394-1B722B384DD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61615770

>> No.61615745
Quoted by: >>61615902

Under there

>> No.61615749 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>61615949

It was so funny watching fameliras cope by saying that she will be going with Pomu when Elira disappeared the same day as Shu went to Japan lol

>> No.61615758
Quoted by: >>61615962

shu moved to japan?

>> No.61615769

At my previous workplace*

>> No.61615770

i don't like how kunai's boobs are smaller than vivi's here

>> No.61615782

The japanese won't like this...

>> No.61615789
File: 125 KB, 562x255, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missing a final frame

>> No.61615797
Quoted by: >>61616109

They know Pomu will leave vshojo soon, its pretty obvious after her last membership stream

>> No.61615837
Quoted by: >>61615975

on Doppio stream.

>> No.61615858

Well time to watch this incredibly fucking stupid movie with Doppio

>> No.61615859
File: 661 KB, 512x288, 1683040517560315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61615863

No wonder Pomu is jumping ship to vshojo when her niji "friends" just go to Japan for weeks without even telling her.

>> No.61615865

claude calling out his prechat based

>> No.61615876

so uhh...who's joining doppio

>> No.61615900


>> No.61615902
Quoted by: >>61615943

Please I don’t remember what the site was

>> No.61615921

it used to not be interchangeable but nowdays i sometimes see mutuals referred to as oomfs

>> No.61615928

he said no one's joining

>> No.61615943


>> No.61615945


>> No.61615949

And Petra has not been streaming since Elira and Shu went back to Japan too.
Not given an official reason or why she's not fucking streaming for 2 weeks now.

>> No.61615962

he's in petra's basement now

>> No.61615971

is someone streaming fnaf?

>> No.61615972

Oh golly, the discord niggers are at it again!

>> No.61615975

Anon he’s asleep

>> No.61616017
File: 33 KB, 141x126, 1695502489576443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61616191

Why are weebs so obsessed with cuckoldry

>> No.61616024 [DELETED] 

I wish Enna didn't do the NTR shit to begin with, if only she had been fired after the ntr collab. That is literally ruining the reputation of the company.


>> No.61616028

it's funny seeing a schizo narrative being developed and samefagged live

>> No.61616037

Yep. Honestly she fucked up be renewing her contract in April.

>> No.61616062 [SPOILER] 
File: 237 KB, 1621x2048, 55BA6A74-AE66-45F3-992B-3B4F4B3C96DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I want to learn to draw so I can just draw porn

>> No.61616068

Brazilian internet...

>> No.61616071

I'm not watching this garbage.

>> No.61616075

i want to watch fnaf with anons but i made plans to watch it with a friend and i don't want spoilers...ueee......

>> No.61616077
Quoted by: >>61616194

At least she's getting back in contact with her irl friends

>> No.61616088

Can't believe Shu and Elira are keeping Petra in a sex cage for two weeks already

>> No.61616091

elira x penguinsiblings threesome sex

>> No.61616109

I can't believe one lying post created a whole narrative

>> No.61616111
File: 4 KB, 128x128, 1671903664018589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61616127


>> No.61616138
File: 2.34 MB, 426x240, game crashed[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F74ul8a.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The movie crashed...

>> No.61616157

Buy an ad

>> No.61616156

>Not given an official reason or why she's not fucking streaming for 2 weeks now.
she literally have said in her last stream

>> No.61616160

Anime Impulse in Claude's chat.

>> No.61616162

Draw her in gym outfit

>> No.61616163
Quoted by: >>61616283

Well TTT are guaranteed to be at Anime Impulse at some point

>> No.61616189


>> No.61616191

I think I've thought less about NTR in my 2 year relationship than people here do posting for an hour

>> No.61616192

lmao yeah apparently it mindbroke you but I think you had it coming regardless

>> No.61616194

Hopefully that and how surprised she was with how many people recognized her (the real her, not Pomu) during the event she went to on the weekend will start to undo some of the brainwashing she went through in niji.

>> No.61616206

If i'm dying i want it to be death by snu snu with Kunai obliterating every bone in my body with the sheer weight of her ass and tits

>> No.61616217

i was wondering why isnt doppio screen sharing with the other livers so they dont have to find their own source but then his pc will probably blow up the amazon

>> No.61616253

technology shrimply cannot handle his powerful chuuni aura

>> No.61616273
File: 1001 KB, 589x913, 1689454861628693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.61616278
File: 126 KB, 512x512, 1691764893645182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real thing Pomu said in her membership stream is that fixing her 3D is very low priority for management right now. So we won't see her home3d until next year at the earliest. Nijifes will probably have her with her fucked up 3D wings and stuff.

>> No.61616283

even iluna get animeimpulse mee n greet

>> No.61616303

This and Finana's chocolate cake rant are probably the most iconic Nji members spergings for me

>> No.61616304
Quoted by: >>61616389

>claude preferring Yellow over Violet

>> No.61616310

Vox is still working on the last touches of his movie so he's not joining shit.

>> No.61616352

I'm gonna guess it's because they've been busy trying to sort out 3D for everyone else but if it isn't then i'm gonna riot

>> No.61616355
Quoted by: >>61616487

only men are streaming

>> No.61616357

I like how her fucked up wings look...

>> No.61616361

claude no need to beat around the bush, just say you want to fuck neon yellow

>> No.61616380
File: 477 KB, 2048x2048, F2OIHK6bIAA0ctP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made it home just in time to watch fnaf with doppio

>> No.61616387

She did say she's been on them about it recently.

>> No.61616389

it's probably the single best moment of season 2. early doppio where no one knew what the fuck to expect and he was just having constant schizo moments like this one or the one stream where he roman canceled a freestyle rap into a chuuni rp lore segment or his debut 2.0 where he did the entire thing in-character framing his lore video as a film shoot were incredible

>> No.61616443
File: 138 KB, 317x396, 1690979848680020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61616750

cute ren

>> No.61616487

Yes including myself at cytube/ninisani feel free to join for fnaf kino

>> No.61616505
Quoted by: >>61616568

Here is her talking about her going on a trip to Japan with Elira. That was yesterday. Today she said that she won't be going with her anymore because she got ghosted and Elira is in Japan already.

>> No.61616508
File: 339 KB, 550x556, 1696550151567657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i missed the members stream but the home 3d didnt seem like it was happening until sometime next year anyway

>> No.61616514
Quoted by: >>61616641

Is cytube not started or do I have the wrong one

>> No.61616518

>all those comments
Very organic posts

>> No.61616541

I can see you're still trying this brazilian meme.

>> No.61616550

She also talked about meeting with some vshojo members to discuss "things" and one announcement in the next month but "she doesn't want to talk about it now". I think it's pretty obvious what does that mean

>> No.61616564

At this point it won't happen at all. She will be in vshojo long before niji even decides to finally fix her model.

>> No.61616568
Quoted by: >>61616644

>Today she said that she won't be going with her anymore because she got ghosted and Elira is in Japan already.
This literally did not happen but ok

>> No.61616597

>gshock 5610
good taste mike

>> No.61616625

Oh yeah, have a timestamp?

>> No.61616641
Quoted by: >>61616726

we already started, you might have the wrong one

>> No.61616644

Anon she literally said that Elira and Finana have busy schedules and are doing things together. It's obvious that Elira has been in Japan for 2 weeks and lied about being sick and shit just so she has an excuse about not streaming and instead spending all that time with her clique.

>> No.61616696
File: 158 KB, 788x1200, F9oUAunagAAVQtg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vic, my beloved.

>> No.61616702

filia is showing her sexy hands

>> No.61616705

Timestamp please

>> No.61616718

>and are doing things together.
She never said this, you created your own headcanon to get angry at and/or shitpost so i medicate you with lead to the brain as a possible cure

>> No.61616725
File: 112 KB, 488x537, 370BB833-FF11-4AC7-A82B-E2D0772ADCD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the double cheesed up fully loaded nachos finally decides to leave my anus

>> No.61616726

Nvm I’m a retard

>> No.61616731
File: 92 KB, 979x1224, 1673801316748666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61617222

Why the pluck the korean fantasy slop I've been reading has been going ham on shotacon the last 4 chapters? I feel like a gay shotacon reading this I'm so going back to villainess after this

>> No.61616744

>The movie crashed...
I sort of missed his schizo rants

>> No.61616750
File: 1.23 MB, 1265x648, 1674362187282330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the image, but there's a really similar pomu hand pose from a long time ago

>> No.61616754
Quoted by: >>61616888

>Elira and Finana are busy
>so that means Pomu got ghosted
Holy mental gymnastics.

>> No.61616765

Why did she quit VTA?

>> No.61616772

Serious question, if Pomu actually leaves, how long will this thread turn to shit?

>> No.61616782

Something tells me that this isn't true.

>> No.61616784

>I've never seen a real pp except for my dad's

>> No.61616786

Man if that was true I would expect like 12 catalog threads with timestamps but I haven't seen anything. Almost like it's a complete fabrication?

>> No.61616792

Elira even without the scaring part

>> No.61616793

I would post it but my gifted membership expired yesterday at night, it was like 10 minutes before starting the watchalong, she did like a 25 minutes zatsu

>> No.61616797

> Possible samefaggot replied to another samefaggot

>> No.61616798

NTA and the vshojo part is made up, but the announcement part was during her baby talk which starts here https://youtu.be/gI-lw7TPs8w?t=665
It's very obviously AR Live Revenge

>> No.61616826

She didn’t quit she was fired for leaking nda

>> No.61616844
Quoted by: >>61616873

proof next thread?

>> No.61616845

So it's made up, got it

>> No.61616849
Quoted by: >>61616934

She got fired for breaking NDA and leaking shit.

>> No.61616854


>> No.61616866

Amazing how you schizos can post bullshit like this so straight-laced, as if it actually happened.

>> No.61616873
Quoted by: >>61617526

its clear you dont watch petra

>> No.61616883

>and the vshojo part is made up
anyone with a fucking brain can tell that was made up

>> No.61616886

This is already maybe the worst movie ever m,ade

>> No.61616888
Quoted by: >>61616956

Elira literally told Pomu that they will go to Japan together this week. Elira herself said that. Pomu said multiple times that her and Elira will go together to Japan. Today Pomu found out that Elira has already been in Japan for weeks hanging out with her clique.

>> No.61616892

Nah, I think its a project with Elira, she mentioned sending messages around february

>> No.61616919

she slapped pomu in front of yagoo

>> No.61616926

Its funny how much (You)'s this gets wtih 0 evidence, but Vox LITERALLY said he spoke to gunrun and Shojo management ages ago and you dont see rrats like this about him.

>> No.61616934

What did she leak? She has guts to go back to streaming after pulling something like that

>> No.61616956

Yes i will believe you buzzword clique man, you seem truthsworthy!

>> No.61616983
File: 1.65 MB, 849x1200, 1698681153875579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasnt shoto luxiem? why is he getting a 3d live before them?

>> No.61616994

>take your time
kek Claude

>> No.61617000

The protagonist in this movie is completely unlikable

>> No.61617009
Quoted by: >>61617042

Whoever believes the vshojo part should kys anyways

>> No.61617020

I meant mysta is decline after he joined vshojo.....

>> No.61617029
File: 734 KB, 3120x2080, neon purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow is the only good thing about the game's story. He's a bro.

>> No.61617031
Quoted by: >>61617120

last I heard, she survived the NDA purge. they probably gave the remaining ones a chance to just leave or wait out the hiatus and reorg

>> No.61617042

Not even the people posting about it believe it

>> No.61617056

Something about their contracts and whatnot

>> No.61617062

You fuckers should get into writing, seeing how well you are at creating fiction.
>Captcha: SGAYX

>> No.61617068

EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/. is still the best song ever covered in Nijisanji, the girls fucking did so well

>> No.61617087

At this rate everyone that left nijien will have 3D before their respective wave lmao

>> No.61617090

but he's mogging all of nijien...

>> No.61617102

>child gets kidnapped
>Doppio: Man that sucks ass

>> No.61617101

Her baby is a cover with Selen.

>> No.61617110
Quoted by: >>61617175

>spam notfilia in /NijiEN/
>her viewerbase turns into primarily EOP 4channers trying to groom her

>> No.61617120

yeah, VTA isn't supposed to be a super long process so it makes sense that she'd rather leave than wait 6 months for it to come back.

>> No.61617132

i don't think shitposters care, they'll latch onto the vshojo thing no matter what

>> No.61617146

Imagine get terminated and become a fucking shoto's cocksleeve

>> No.61617148

By the time Selen gets her fat ass to the recording studio Pomu will be in Vshojo

>> No.61617156
File: 106 KB, 284x280, 1696208021091602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61617262

People already mentioned all the season 1 ones so I'm going to add Aia and while we haven't seen any of the new girls tackle horror yet I have a feeling Vivi would.

>> No.61617157
File: 3 KB, 242x23, 1682995876839743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61617175
Quoted by: >>61617331

that's the viewerbase she wants though. if you watch her at all she's just as much of a shitposter and was actually censoring herself in VTA. she's literally joking about her pubic hair being visible on stream.

>> No.61617192

Vox should've been fucking fired after that stunt he pulled with Polygon. I don't give a fuck if he wants to jump ship.

>> No.61617197

pretty sure there was never anything confirmed

>> No.61617222

this one about a martial demon god's son flashback arc when he was a child sucks bro i can't it's like 20 chapters

>> No.61617226

Every time this general mentions him nowadays it's just to numberfag and say "heh, take that, that's what you get for leaving"
It's pathetic, let him go already

>> No.61617228
Quoted by: >>61617485

Just ask her Selen, Pomu won't do it if you don't make the first step.

>> No.61617236
Quoted by: >>61617349

Imagine getting terminated and getting a 3d live LMAOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.61617262

I always thought Aia would pee but only when aroused

>> No.61617272
Quoted by: >>61617413

nah that faggot was a grifter and deserves death

>> No.61617307

lol at the glasses dude's insanely faggy voice

>> No.61617315

Holy fuck I hate this guy and all the actors are fucking bad

>> No.61617328

>shoto and u-san have 3D
>luxnoc don't have 3D
Oh no no no nijisis not like this

>> No.61617331

>pubic hair being visible

>> No.61617336

normally I don't like when anons are being tribalist but Mysta was a piece of shit, I don't hold any sympathy for him after what he did to NijiEN's fanbase, and then jumping ship when he realized the monster he created.

>> No.61617349
Quoted by: >>61617498

>VR chat shit
Holy KEK

>> No.61617387
Quoted by: >>61617489

Seanigger jannies do your work now

>> No.61617399

Hey Vivi can you set up your waiting room? k thanks.

>> No.61617405

The 3d thing is real, the other posts no

>> No.61617406

had to close doppio because he's 10 seconds ahead of us, still gonna watch a free movie

>> No.61617410
Quoted by: >>61617514

Phone guy was kind of charming I don't know why they replaced him with this

>> No.61617412
File: 100 KB, 629x629, 1698708992494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you leply I'm gonna cook your peckle

>> No.61617413
Quoted by: >>61617499

>all out war leak
Mysta was literally the only good person in the company

>> No.61617485

She is afraid of Pomu rejecting her

>> No.61617489 [DELETED] 

I got warned for "spamming reports" of one schizo replying to himself, they're protecting their own

>> No.61617498
Quoted by: >>61617559

>concert in thailand
LMAOOOOOOOOO wheres obsydia 3d btw?

>> No.61617499

he wasnt and I really wish his depression won

>> No.61617507
File: 466 KB, 1080x1756, Screenshot_20231029_225730_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61617506


why didnt this bitch just join nijijp??

>> No.61617511
Quoted by: >>61617714

He's just an easy scapegoat for you now that he's gone and his fans have jumped ship
Vox had 10x the eyes on him with far more sexual content and he flip-flopped just as much if not more but he gets a pass for sticking around

>> No.61617514
Quoted by: >>61617550

wasn't phone guy some deepest lore shit? wasn't he the killer or something

>> No.61617521

I'll only leply you because there are basically no good posts

>> No.61617526

Can you provide a timestamp since you apparently do and know she said she won't stream for the rest of the month?

>> No.61617536
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>> No.61617547

>More Rosemi porn
>Commissioned again by nips
They are truly the greatest rosebuds

>> No.61617550

I do not know a thing about fnaf lore but I like that he sounded kind of like a goofy retard instead of just Evil Homo

>> No.61617559

>He thinks both of them will actually be there
Double KEK

>> No.61617564
Quoted by: >>61617764

Yeah keep saying you wish his mom died too you sick freak

>> No.61617571 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 1080x1602, 1692224960917700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61617747

>pomu stopped celebrating her time as niji
>still celebrates her time as an indie

>> No.61617575

you tell them sis

>> No.61617579

>shitposters sucking mysta's cock now
my fucking sides

>> No.61617592

Vivi should say something like "respect my collab choices" so we can take the shitposting to phase 2 already

>> No.61617595
File: 1.74 MB, 2025x1143, Pomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true?

>> No.61617596
File: 897 KB, 1080x1700, IMG_20231030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute rare Elira and Mito. Apparently all the mechanical pencils are already fully reserved.

>> No.61617599

Hmmm I always wondered what my peckle tastes like

>> No.61617606

The best thing about this theme for fanarts are the different ribbons

>> No.61617609


can someone email NijiEN staff and let them know that Meloco used the wrong hashtag in her video

she used #XOLEIL instead of #XSOLEIL

>> No.61617617
File: 97 KB, 1196x316, 1670146420782790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shu Kamino

>> No.61617621

who is shu kamino

>> No.61617632

>25 Jul 23

>> No.61617638

We need more shoulder, pit, and side boob and or boob window livers like Pomu and Vivi, or outfits

>> No.61617658

Must be small and stinky

>> No.61617660

isnt it a joke about shu being god in the cooking challenge she did

>> No.61617669

I managed to get one of each, the clear file was already gone though.

>> No.61617670

Can a kindred or other fnaf autist itt please explain the lore of phone guy and the security guard in the first game really quick

>> No.61617678
Quoted by: >>61617837

no 3d concert is live regardless of company retard

>> No.61617687

She got rejected. Both from NijiJP and VTA. So instead she got nepohired into EN.

>> No.61617700

but I honestly can't tell if people are just trolling now so.

>> No.61617712
File: 3.12 MB, 1664x936, 1688137322742088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61617833

shu kamino...

>> No.61617714
Quoted by: >>61617916

No, Mysta's problem is that he was a menhera that encouraged his fans to baby him and now all the male livers have to deal with the fallout. The guy was incapable of tardwrangling his community and would give attention to the biggest schizos so now fans of the boys are conditioned to act like that for attention. It's fucking awful and has even affected these threads with Briskadets having a full mental breakdown every time their oshi goes 3 days without streaming because they think it's acceptable behavior. Fuck Mysta and his dumbass underage fans.

>> No.61617715

>Apparently all the mechanical pencils are already fully reserved.
Oh... I didn't realize they were even available yet, I hope they restock it

>> No.61617730
Quoted by: >>61617829

i googled it and from skimming an excessively long wiki page the phone guy in fnaf 1 is just soem mark who dies

>> No.61617747 [DELETED] 
File: 556 KB, 632x1178, Based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool but are you following Seigi?

>> No.61617755

I literally just don't hate everyone that left the company and think it's wrong to act like numberfags because of tribalism

>> No.61617757
Quoted by: >>61617837

Anon Lazulight's 3Ds were prerecorded. AR Live will be prerecorded. All future EN 3D debuts will be prerecorded.

>> No.61617764

lmao they both deserve it hopefully his gf gets cancer

>> No.61617781
Quoted by: >>61617829

phone guy is just some guy that worked there, he dies midway through, the main character of the game is purple guy's son (fella that started everything)

>> No.61617794


>> No.61617796

>9cm glizzy gobbler
hot dog

>> No.61617822

>Kami no Shu
Holy shit Kotoka accidentally leaked Shu's new outfit and lore

>> No.61617829

thanks guys, i thought phone guy was purple guy

>> No.61617833

>explain things popular in EN
she's going to have to give jp viewers a thirdhand explanation of the omegaverse

>> No.61617837
File: 111 KB, 437x341, 1698699763842292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.61617845

who is this show for? the eops dont give a shit about japan and in some cases actively hate it. And the Jp fans or people who can speak japanese will already know all of this stuff

>> No.61617847

Its funny when you say mysta destroyed nijien when vox did tentacle rape asmr LMAO

>> No.61617876

incredibly based

>> No.61617879
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, 1698628318601208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>61617969

>> No.61617893
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>> No.61617906

lotta bait today

>> No.61617916

He tardwrangled his fans so hard and so oftens anons were (and still are) convinced he hates them and Vox was infamous for reading every single deranged superchat he got, hell so was Luca to a lesser extent who was so much of a pushover his mod had to step in and police his community for him
Scapegoating one guy because he left is fucking retarded

>> No.61617926

You moved it first by not answering where the obsydia 3d was

>> No.61617936


>> No.61617938
Quoted by: >>61618007

predict how many no stream days on this week's schedule

>> No.61617949

wow matpat

>> No.61617951


>> No.61617958

>not every day

>> No.61617959

i think matpat is a retard but thats a cute cameo

>> No.61617965

So much for him being a fag kek

>> No.61617967


>> No.61617969

sophia my beloved

>> No.61617981
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>> No.61618007

3 sounds reasonable

>> No.61618014
File: 300 KB, 1600x900, 1681864476878684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 11 watch Giant Gorg

>> No.61618027
File: 287 KB, 1424x2048, glizzy overdrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot dog!
