If, while at the piano, you attempt to form little melodies, that is very well; but if they come into your mind of themselves, when you are not practicing, you may be still more pleased; for the internal organ of music is then roused in you. The fingers must do what the head desires; not the contrary.Previous page: >>61149184
Do your reps, report and ignore baitNext Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xS04zxRMS0Last Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN9YI5lGd2MLatest Short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro6jl0zYbSEHave A Good Night【Shiori Novella Original】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-ZLujLTt5s&t=12940sHalloween Night, Tonight!【hololive English -Advent- Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqXrBy_FIU0Rebellion【hololive English -Advent- Debut Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYNYhSsR8EESchedule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkqwIcO3YN8Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ShioriNovellaTwitter: https://twitter.com/shiorinovellaAdvent Horror Voice Drama: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_advent_horrorvoicedramaAdvent Halloween T-Shirt/Hoodie: https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1716295882146988485Merch:https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_advent_debuthttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/starting-voice-shiori-novellaShiori Likes: https://rentry.org/8aukvShiori AI Covers: https://rentry.org/yoo4rShiori Guest Appearances: https://rentry.org/46zgfShiorium Archive: https://rentry.org/t9zucShiori Improvisations: https://rentry.org/b72cv
>>OPNot very Taoist of you to over intellectualize right action
Stop hurting me.
>>61156313Ya dirty bookworm
>>61156334Right, that was another thing she said wasn't it.
Bullying Shiori by scribbling dicks and swastikas on all pages of her favorite book
Shiori doesn't shlick, ever. She has never once masturbated even out of curiosity. Why? Because her christian beliefs are too strong. Showerheads? Only to cleanse herself twice a day. Table corners? Only to hold her elbows as she prays to her rosary beads. Toys? Unholy! She can't consult other girls about it because she believes that all girls her age don't touch themselves except for her unholy cousins and nut gobbler. Humping her kazuha pillow? She keeps it unopened and in pristine condition at all times, has existential dread when Pepper gets within 10 ft of it.
How is she both holy and unholy at the same time?https://streamable.com/es4ysv
Another night of trying ti sleep the pain away, goodnight Novelites
>>61156376Im glad you evolved anti-shlicking anon. All we need now is for /bran/ poster to return.
typing AND talking at the same time? talk about cool...
>>61156479this image makes me hungry
>>61156479Made for nyakuza gangrape
>>61155977In two parts.https://files.catbox.moe/oidbys.webmhttps://streamable.com/fe6ii2
>>61156551This is the part specified.https://files.catbox.moe/sus5au.webmhttps://streamable.com/1c4qua
>>61156365Her next a study in scarlet fanfic will use your blood as the scarlet
Hi late because i went balding due to dandruff problem
And a fitting final one.No more for real this time. Why is she like this?https://files.catbox.moe/j7h8ww.webmhttps://streamable.com/b7s297
>>61156441I miss bran, I believe he turned from sex poster to cute poster.
>>61156654Can you get the part where she called Rissa a lesbian?
>>61156709>Nerissa you fucking carpet slobbering dyke.Why did she do it bros?
>>61156709Was that this one? >>61155519
>>61156654Nobody knows why is she like this. I wouldn't have it any other way, desu.
>>61156745oh yes I didn't see that one. Thank you
I gonna reform as a sexbro...I think Shiori is too holy and pure to be lewd.
I'm scared
what are you watching atm?
>>61156980I'm rereading a manga as a way to pass time before I go to the doctorThanks for saving my drawing
>>61157004It was too cute to not save
>>61156980Graphs. I'm working.
>>61156980Writing, will be up soon.
>>61156980Nothing... Probably go to gym.
Didnt bruce Lee have kind of a hostile relationship with stuntmen?
I will love Shiori in an unhealthy manner until it can become healthy.
This male will collab with Shiori
>>61157250No... this cannot be.
>>61157250That's a woman baby
>>61156980Assignments and gunpla videos
>>61156980I'm watching the typing vod cause I missed it. I'll probably watch lui play hitman soon
Watching fiddler on the roof with Shiori!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1TC1n9lhXU
>>61157013Are you an AutoCAD monkey or an engineer?
>>61156980My life crumbling down every second.
>>61157380I saw that movie a lot when I was about 13. Probably a dozen times for some reason. I liked it
I went into this wanting to fix Shiori....In the end, she fixed me...
Are there anons doing digital art reps here?
>>61157410Welcome to the club
>>61157410I don't want to fix her in the first place.
>>61157410She's not even that broken.
What if shiori wanted to join a church choir but after they listened to her they said maybe she should just be a nun instead
>>61157495Does this count?
>>61157568Being a nun means a lifetime of abuse
>>61157410I wanted her to break me but instead she encouraged me.
>>61157410RIP this guy's balls.
>Cryptids>Karaoke>Ghost hunting>Piano ZatsuThere's so much to live for
Why would you want to be fixed? Do you not want to watch her anymore?
>>61158018That was over 7 years ago. Damn
>>61158018Shiori's streams are a magical black hole where I forgot that happened because she's talking non stop.
>これは片想いけど、俺はシオリのことがまだ世界の誰よりも愛している!>いつもシオリのことが考えている!>シオリのために俺を全部犠牲にする!>俺のゴスなシオリ姫の可愛い声がいつも好きだ!>永遠にシオリのそばにいてる!>俺の空想にシオリと子供を作るために、シオリといつも手を握って、ラブラブエッチする!Shiori, ayóó'ánííníshní!
I want salt and pepper to spitroast me honestly
Day 18, Formal party Shiori time.Do knights receive dance lessons as part of their training? Well, you're about to if you want to accompany Shiori to a party.Rentry for previous days: https://rentry.org/sggoiEnjoy as always.>The two of you arrive to the mansion>Your radiant armor, replaced with a splendid white suit>You step out of the carriage and hold your lady's hand as she steps out as well>The princess Shiori, dressed in gorgeous black attire>You bring out her parasol and the two of you walk along the gardens>Some noble ladies are having a tea party while the day is still on-going.>Some have noticed you and taken a liking to your appearance.>As your stroll ends, the night starts to slowly creep in and the party really begins>A fancy party, hosted by Shiori's uncle and aunt>Shiori is on the ground floor, talking with her uncle and aunt>You always stay a steady distance, ready in case something were to happen>Shiori's face isn't as bright as it usually is>Perhaps she isn't enjoying herself, as she usually dislikes the idea of parties and gatherings>Suddenly many different kinds of noblemen approach Shiori>They all try to impress her one by one, trying to see if they could have the honour of the princess' hand at a dance>There's slight worry in your face, perhaps the princess will find someone>The pain kind of pangs in your heart a little>At the same time however, your attention is taken away>The noble ladies from the earlier tea party approach you>They compliment you on how handsome you are, asking if you are a noble yourself>You try your best to be polite, declining that you're a noble and that you're just a knight for Shiori, hoping this would deter them so you can focus on Shiori>It doesn't work and they only seem to be more impressed, giggling around you.>Shiori turns to you only to notice you're surrounded by women also>Her face goes from a somewhat pleading-look as she had hoped you could help her out of her uncomfortable situation, into more of a blank stare.>The noble men take their leave, some expressing what looked to be anger as Shiori continued to deny them, this time more coldly>Perhaps their egos were bruised by Shiori's disinterest>While it relieves you, you're still dealing with your own situation, as some of the noble ladies go as far as to start pushing you towards the dance floor.>You firmly stand your ground, saying that it's a knight's duty to stay on guard, though your voice commanding, you still try to be polite as to not cause offence and embarrassment towards Shiori.>Shiori then looks at you, realizing that you were simply in the same situation as her, and a small smile appears on her lips, as they curl up slightly.>She's happy that you didn't give in to the advances of the other women.>The noble ladies walk away, though they got rejected by you, they aren't as petty it seems, as they simply giggle to themselves as they walk away, commenting on how "devoted" you are.>With both of you free, you approach Shiori, sitting next to her at the table.>She looks at you and smiles a little, commenting on how the two of you seem to have a lot of unwelcome advances tonight.>You look up at the rather decorated ceiling, sighing in agreement.>Just as you air out your grievances, an announcement is made by Shiori's uncle and aunt>It seems it's time for the main event of the party.>A spotlight shines over Shiori, it seems, against her wishes, that she has to be the one to lead the dance in this party>Many of the noblemen from before stand up and clap, thinking to themselves that this may be their chance with Shiori.>You can't help but glare at them in disgust, thinking about what disgusting pigs they were.>Shiori walks up to the front, the spotlight continuously following her.>She announces that for tonight, she will lead the dance with someone she's known for a long while.>Your heart begins to feel the same pangs from earlier, until she hears you call for you.>She announces your name, commenting on how you had been there for her since the beginning, a loyal knight to the end.>A spotlight shines over you too, and suddenly the pang from earlier had all but disappeared, now replaced with eyes staring daggers into you>You don't pay it any mind at all, what kind of knight would you be if you cared about the opinions of others?>You confidently stand up, and stride towards Shiori, taking her hand gently and kissing the back of it to show respect>Many of the noble women from earlier can be heard giggling, commenting on how lucky the princess is to have a knight like you>The music then changes to a more slow melody>Finally, the two of you begin to dance, a slow waltz.>Many of the guests slowly partner up with each other, and soon they begin to join the two of you>The music continues, as you dance with Shiori, you see her face, looking at you with a gentle smile.>She thanks you for being with her, so that she didn't have to attend this party alone.
>tfw more of a creep than your average needyliteJust shoot me.
>>61158754Will you post your wrist wounds once tumour weeks happens?
>>61158520>popular among femaleImmersion ruined.Jokes aside, good write as usual, I can almost feel the blank stare. Maybe you can spice the story up a little bit in the end, small whisper during the dance to catch up on the interrupted conversation.Thank you for your work
>>61158520Dancing with Shiori to Merry go round of life.Thanks again.
>>61158798Admittedly I wanted to write one more short sentence but I ran out of space. Can 4ch make the char limit 5.5k?>Shiori whispers something in your ear as you hold her closely>"Good job on rejecting those vultures, you're my knight.">She places a heavy emphasis on the word "my" then continues>"Just as I am your Princess.">She then pulls away but her eyes says it all>She simply hates the idea of others standing between you and her.
>>61158773>>61158791No way. I would like to think that I am reasonably adjusted. I was just writing a post about how I feel about Shiori and realized that I sound completely insane because most "yeah, me" posters are at least somewhat ironic while I am 100% serious.
>>61158889Post it.
>>61158889I'm not a yeah, me poster and I'm not being ironic when I say I love Shiori either
>>61158889You would hardly be the first or only one. That's because I'm also here.
>>61158520i always wondered how much mental darkness do you need to be a writer? how much mental darkness do you have? you seem like one of the saner batch of novelites.
I am the most normal novelite. I am not a neet and I am not needy.
I fell asleep while watching the stream and I don't remember how much I actually watched. I don't have time to watch a four hour VOD today...
>>61158958Hmm, idk, maybe like 15/100?Shiori's actions don't make that number go up or down until very recently with the piano stuff. I really enjoy listening to it and that probably brought it down from 17 to 15.That being said I've been through some crap in life like any one else, I just got over it in my own way. Didn't mean to T dump or blogpost so this is all I'll say to it.
>>61158873Kin of feel this line is kind of redundant >She simply hates the idea of others standing between you and her.Ending with this will be fine>She pulls away and stares at your face with her usual smile, but her enchanting eyes says it all.A final touch on a mild yandere, the rest of the dialogue is pretty close to what I have in mind
>>61159054(me)*this line is kind of redundant imo My dumb ESL fingers
>>61159054Oh thanks for the input. Noted it down too for if there's a next time!
>>61158958NTA, but 57%. Down from 86% in July, Shiori is doing wonders. Numbers are arbitrary but I do feel happier.
>>61159097Thanks I made a gif one if I upload it correctly
>>61159154That's so cool
>>61159188Thanks Have a moldy bread
>>61159154>>61159324saved, thanks anonsyou guys are pretty alright
it's not going good. it's going very very bad.
Is Shiori cute?
LotB manager for The Shiori Novella here. I didn't get too much feedback in regards to Novelknight's moveset choices, so I will be calling it complete. I submitted something relatively simple for the person doing Video board aesthetics, but it should look pretty good! All that leaves is deciding on what to use for the crowd signs, and Novelknight's entry will be complete.
>>61160188Can we see the animation?
>>61159940wha happen
>>61158903Eh, whatever. Work is slow today.I don't want to fix or be fixed by Shiori. Our 'character arcs' came and went independently. I also wouldn't say that she is really my type, if that makes sense. Nevertheless, I find Shiori extremely relatable, probably the most relatable person I have ever seen. Sometimes I have to remind my paranoia that it's not a persona crafted to produce this effect on me in particular. I found it fascinating, and that's why I was watching her at first. But I guess you can't watch someone almost every day and not develop feelings. I don't even know if it can be described as romantic love, it's hard to tell with this parasocial stuff where adoration and admiration end and love begins. What I do know is that I want to take the whole do it for her thing to its conclusion. I want her to be able to think "oh, this guy stuck around for a while and did this and that thanks to me" one day. Because that would make me happy in her place. And because that's the most recognition and love I can realistically expect.Aaand that's where I sensually fellate a shotgun with a happy ending for everyone involved.
>>61160522Didn't read but yeah, me.
>>61160188Anons said they wanted Shiori face as a sign. Who's our tag team partner? Do we have one?
>>61160707I don't think it's a tag tournament, but maybe we should think of one of we want it to be jn Holofightz in general
I hope there's sex in heaven, feels tad unfair that good people get to have sex here and still go to heaven, and some like me go their entire lives not touching a woman
>>61161085Heaven is mostly a lot of singing, praising God, eternal bliss and happiness in union with God, etc etc.Christian heaven is not really a raging party with orgies and shit, at least most depictions of it.
>>61161085Whores are not that expensive.
>>61160314I just sent the aesthetics guy the parts, hadn't assembled it myself;I took some stock footage, Its a dripping black paint on a white canvas, that once dripped down far enough should reveal an eye that looks around creepily. For the smaller lower video board I just sent her youtube header.>>61160707Thats one thats locked in, just need to decide on a second. As far as our tag partner goes, I believe /gem/ said they'd tag with us in their thread but I'm not sure if its official. We have them listed in our form so as long as they list us on their form we should be able to team up!
>>61161131I choose to believe in an universal idea of good and justice, rather than a specific religion. I feel like it'd be okay because in all my fantasies the girl enjoys it
Ascend beyond sex. True ecstasy is wielding the divine power within you to shape your own reality, not succumbing to the carnal pleasures the Demiurge uses to lead men astray.
>>61160522Read it and yeah, me.
>>61161239>become divine>shape my own reality>it's a reality where I have sexIt's all the same shit in the end
i have a girlfriend but i still like watching shiori...
>>61161239I need the actual spin for this please
>>61161682Please elaborate
>>61161427If Shiori asked you out on a date would you break up with her?
>>61161868i don't think so
>>61162017>choosing a 3DPD over shioriDisgustingI'm proud of you anon
>>61162194You're going to tell everyone you ran into a doorknob.
I love my wife Shiorin~
The Monthly Novella for October 2023 is:>[Sheridan Le Fanu] Carmilla (1hr52m@250wpm)If you want to read or listen to this yuri vampire story written before Dracula:>https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10007>https://librivox.org/carmilla-by-sheridan-lefanu/If you are a cute, lovely, and most adorable wikireader:>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CarmillaDiscussions will open first week of November. If you've finished it already, check out other recommendations in the poal:>https://poal.me/1o7eqr
I think some of the holo jps might get their interests peaked with shiori doing a ghost hunting stream. Maybe like fubuki
>>61162860I find the possibility of Shiori collabing with a JP senpai to be pretty remote. Maybe they'll hit it off at sportsfes I guess
>>61162899Nah im not talking about collabs im just thinking they might see shiori as omoishiroi and talk about it
>>61162968Yeah we might get a couple sound clips, in general I think Shiori is gonna fade into the background for sportsfes though. Big collabs ain't it for her.
>>61163030Oh yeah thats pretty much expected im not gonna watch demanding shiori to be more active in it just have fun or rely on bae or other ENs if she needs to
>>61164037Bondage with Shiori!
I wish people talked about shiori's butt more
I wish people talked about shiori's feet more
Cute morning Novelites~
>>61164318Cute morning!
>>61164318Good morning.
>>61164380There needs to be more imouto Shiori pics in life.
novelites i fear that our shorin~n may be retarded...
>>61164807Did something happen or just in general?
>>61164807It's okay, girls are cuter like that
>>61164807Girls are cute when they're retarded.
>>61164856in general>>61164899i agree
>>61164807Girls are at their most cute when they're almost retarded.
>>61164931>in generalIn that case I disagree. She can be naive, but she is pretty smart for a vtuber.
I think she would have a more kino choo-choo charles thumbnnail if she used thomas and replaced his face with hers.
>>61164982(i agree i really just meant it in an endearing way)i love my retarded wife
What is Choo-Choo Charles? Is it like Amanda the Adventurer where they try to make a kids' tv show into a creepypasta?
>>61165093yeah about thomas the tank engine. it's a lil more low budget indie schlock than amanda though iirc
>>61165114I see. Well at least we might get more cute tangents about her watching Blues Clues again.
>>61165093Yes. Better graphics, even more of a kusoge.
>>61165114I don't feel so good...
>>61165093It's Slenderman with trains. You run around an island (on your train) getting chased by a monster (who is a train) gathering collectibles that will allow you to kill it
>>61165619>gathering collectibles that will allow you to kill itAre they trains?
>>61166062I can't tell if this stupid frog poster is real.
>>61166114That's clearly a cat
I wish Shiori's regular stream time was 1 hour earlier. I always end up missing the end and having to watch the next day when her streams run long.
>>61166754shiori streams exclusively to suit my 12pm aest breakfasts
>>61166877Shiori streams exclusively to fit my fap schedule
>>61166891she told me that her streams are designed to make me orgasm in 180 seconds
>>61166754Shiori streams exclusively to fit my 1pm aedt lunch.
Shiori streams exclusively after our hot, sweaty, bed breaking sex sessions
>>61167339Now c'mon, that's an easy lie, she's pure and hasn't even shlicked. You don't get to fuck her unless you can recite 12 hail mary's in under 12 minutes.
>>61167658She's certainly praying to God the whole time
>>61167658I want to violently throatfuck this shiori
Shiori asking you why is your facial expression so weird, but you don't want to admit that you're mewing because you want your face to be prettier for her
>>61167658stinky neet shiori masturbates her smegma-pussy so often that she won't be able to cum without using a vibrator and reading a doujin
>>61167658You just made me remember having to learn saying a long ass prayer from memory in grade school.Actually, I kind of miss that. Much easier life
>>61168592shiori feeds me her pussy-cheese so i can give her tasting notes
Do you think Shiori's bush is white or black?
>>61168777you don't love her like i do
>>61168769it's both we've already seen it
>>61168847>we've already seen itW-where
I caught a fucking cold and I need to work 6th weekend shift in a row this week. This is getting ridiculous. I'm gonna go post Linkin Park lyrics at Shiori AI.
>>61168945oh my
>>61168945Shiori is shaved clean
Good morning!
>>61168964take some vitamin C, D, and Zinc
>>61169067It was revealed to me in a dream. Also she showers twice a day and has gone on record as being very obsessed with personal cleanliness.
>>61169043Good morning.
>>61169146That just means she isn't clean shaven at all. Trimmed at most.It's actually MORE unhygienic for a woman to be clean shaven, as her pubes are what protects the vagina against bacteria.
>>61169197She also drinks expired milk and takes expired medicine what's your point. Being obsessed with cleanliness and being medically accurate with it are two different things.
>>61169256>One thing requires you to actively forget dates and not pay attention>The other is just an action that requires more workThey're definitely not the same thing. She ain't clean shaven and your dream is ruined.This information was brought to you by the ackshually gang.
>>61169471better to trap her crusty dried cream imho
Violently beating Shiori because she spent an extra hour streaming!!
>>61169745And what do you say when they ask?>...I fell down the stairs.Good girl.
>>61169471Nah she's smooth like a baby, stay mad
Did you know that you can get heart on your SC? I wonder if she'll ever do it...
>>61170483Kill yourself.
how are you doing, stupids
>>61170483Rissa Milk
>>61170633Kill yourself.
>>61170586Why are you hallucinating? It's not even a day off.
>>61170586Post something more inclined to happen in our fabric of reality next time.
>>61170576sex with Novelights
>>61170664Granted, she collabs with Flayon and this split permanently goes to hell
>>61170756Why should it?
These are the countries in GMT + 3. Where do you think our schizo is from? I've noticed some slav-shit grammatical errors, but who knows.
>>61171095>Where do you think our schizo is from?>new ipWherever you are from
>>61171095>our schizoDo you have any idea how little that narrows things down?
>>61171151I was working, unfortunately. Going to watch the VOD and hopefully edit some pics. What are you going to do anon? Want to do some shitty edits with me?
Shiori owes me sex
>>61171095Those damn Kenya Novelites, I never trusted them.
>>61171095There's multiple schizos you fool, and some of us act normal most of the time until something triggers our schizo senses. I change my typing regularly to avoid being recognized between melties and normal posts, but I assure you this is the case.
I'm the only real Anon in the thread. Everyone else is a fed.
> what happed
>>61171095Those fucking Egyptian shitposters!
New community prompt posted
>your friendit's so over
>>61171975Yeah, girlfriend
>>61171975Doomposters keep losing.
>we're not her friend>prompt says we're in the perspective of her friend>well we're not her husband
Should I feel relieved that she at least, recognizes me as a friend or should I feel doomed that she *only* recognizes me as a friend?
>>61172056>GFE is deadyou mean winning
>>61172076You have to be friends before you get married, this is just earlier in the timeline
>>61172061doomposters are retarded please understand
Rratman, come to me:The prompt is directed to her PLshit and friends, and her farewell to them as that persona (again). She even included THAT word.
>>61172245>THAT wordHapped...
>>61172245That's pretty schizo but I guess it kinda fits, I don't shiori is someone to send hidden messages like that tho
>>61172245Would make sense if she stopped contacting them but the prompt implies that she's leaving and not coming back.
Hey archive anon, you here? If you have nothing better to do, I would greatly appreciate if you could do 43:45. She laughed cutely at the lustful lurker part. I think she was very proud of the joke she made.
>>61172245Besides her voice making me recognize something familiar and warm about her, her debut opening with all those eyes floating around was basically a signal to everyone who knows her as a "I'm still here but goodbye to the past". I will not take my meds.
>>61172317Cute anon...
Have we reached the point of this place being as delusional as infinity? Cuz lately it feels like it.
She hearted my comment! She loves me!
She's already giving out heart on the prompt. This is unsual...
...she is doing the hearts... its over...
>>61172698Not really. Expect her to come back to it later. Also, now I know I'm on her brainsheet because I wasn't expecting a heart on the recent vod.
I cant believe she just saw her friends after that last stream to say goodbye forever
>>61171694Why would feds be in this thread?If anyone, it should be the free mas
>>61172903turbators. Sorry, my connection went out for a moment.
>>61172428Also, 54:23 seems fun. Eggs get mad sounds like something I could post in Global. If you don't have time, I'll do it, but it would be of a deficient quality
>>61172996I'll do them. Give me a few.
>>61172245I don't think that's her intention but the rrat fits surprisingly well
Glanced through the soundpost filenames and didn't see this one.
>>61172245I believe this rrat
>>61172076>he forgot the marriage promptNgmi
I wish for Shiori and Fauna to collab more and talk about anime husbandos
>>61173313We have tons of newfags in the split lately, like hasn't been here for even a month type new. Odds are so high that he doesn't even know about that.
>>61172245I don't think she would be that cryptic about it. I feel like people look too deep into these fun little writing prompts
>>61172245I can cope with this.
>>61173422Shiori knows me so well
>>61173390>look too deepWelcome to /vt/
>>61173390It's not cryptic, you just misinterpret the intent. It's less 'secret message to PLfags aha' and more 'prompt based on a real story because why the fuck not.'
>>61173466I forgot this one from the initial batch, sorry.https://files.catbox.moe/r8gj2x.webmhttps://streamable.com/adiqim
Too furry?
>>61173203Into the archive it goes. Thanks
Did anyone write down the dates for the streams she was talking about at the end of the last stream?She pretty much listed off her excel sheet for the next couple weeks
>>61173203Well my remote desktop broke on me but I was gonna see if I could find a good come to replace moan with, it'll have to wait about 6 hours till I'm home unless it fixes itself.>>61173585I haven't been here in a while, there's an archive now?
>>61173574Shionyan Nyavella here
>>61173802How long was a "while", anon?
>>61173802We could've used your AI stuff for the Lord of the Board wrestling stuff, anon...
>>61173802It is in the archor posthttps://rentry.org/t9zuc
Goodnight, Novelites.
>>61173995Have a cute night~
>>61173995Goodnight, rest peacefully.
>>61173995Sexnight, have sex dreams
>>61173771>>61173771>Monday 30th Cryptids Powerpoint>Tuesday 31st Advent Halloween Party>Thursday 2nd Smash Bros with code in member post, open for all to watch>Friday 3rd Open slot>Saturday 4th Karaoke Work Stream Unarchived>Monday 6th Hat in Time hopefully with viewers.VariousEven though not spooky month, she's planning a horror game.Off day Shiorium and Prompts are set for the next two weeksMember's Halloween adventure is prepared.She's got an outfit planned and prepared to wear for next month too
Remote desktop unfucked itself but now my lunch break is over so it will still have to wait.>>61173872My last opened page still in my tabs is 177. But I've dropped in a time or two to post soundclips.>>61173962Not AI voice anon if that's what you mean, though I dabble in AI art. You might remember this one.
Good morning Novelites, what are (You) up to?
>>61174345Steppies, someone's got to do them since Shiori isn't.
>>61174169You need some VOD recommendations or what, shigger?
>>61174169Oh, now I remember! That countdown sex stuff, right?
>>61174345Cute morning. Got off work 2 hours ago and am just watching some Brainyot and am going to compose and play some music later.
>>61174345trying to will myself out of existence
where did you go dummies...
I can't hate on choo choo charles after she was excited to play it. She wrapped me around her finger.
>>61175622I've been here, just writing and also preparing for work.
>>61175622Come home
>>61175623After yesterday she can have a kusoge or two.
>>61175623I don't necessarily hate it but it's like, horror fans really will eat up anything as long as it's vaguely horror
>>61176220>horror fans really eat up anything horror
>>61176345as in, no matter how shit it looks
>>61176220It's not something like Garten of Banban so I'll take it.
>>61176415Isn't Charles part of the Banban universe?
Horror """"indie"""" (a.k.a bad) games are one of the longest traditions on Youtube.Everybody Loves them!
>>61176705Shiori grew up watching Pewdiepie. This is true.
Is Shiori a Sam Girl? or a Colby kind of Girl?
>>61176759When Shiori mentioned enjoying Uberhaxornova and the Creatures and knowing their lore I Gosling'd to the point of no return... She just like me fr...
>>61176849Colby. She likes cheese.
>>61174345Goodmorning, I stayed up doing homework, just waking up now
she shiori on my novella til i novelite
>>61174345Back from my commute. I finished reading Carmilla today on the ride back. Looking forward to talking about it with you all next week.
>>61177429Like which part made you bust the hardest or what
>>61177459No spoilers until next week, ok?
>>61177552I hate you.
>>61177697Play nice!
Pagely reminder that Shiori is the cutest, especially when she asks her knights for help.
cute poll
>>61177938I feel like shiori is always sending her knights out on (what she tells them) are epic, dangerous quests for the survival of the kingdom, but end up being just getting her some milk from the store.
Shiori is cool
New NovelKnight post
>>61177941Thank you shigger, I would have missed it if nobody mentioned it
>SotLI'm fine with this even if I would rather give her the joy of watching South Park.
>>61178128I saved so many soundposts from the last stream that I had to make a separate soundpost folder within my Shiori folder now.
Best novelknight post yet. God, she's amazing.
>they're going to pick silence of the lambsFucking why, advent is not going to engage with that movie at all, just pick south park retards
>>61178317Because she said in the last stream that she wanted to watch it.
>>61178278It would be kino, but that episodes have a huge storyline about horse cocks.
>>61178341You would have missed it even with a gift membership silly novelite
>>61178366Based honestly
Do novelknights practice harakiri?
All you adorators of evil, I hope only hell awaits you.
God I love Shiori.
>>61178408Wait, I might be wrong. There could be two SP GoT parodies. Can anybody else reconfirm it? I watched every episode like 5 times, but I think I mixed them up.
>>61178413Only if they have dishonored Shiori.If they refuse, they get hunted down like the Novelights that they are.
>>61178317>Advent collab>They're going to be wild, crazy, talking over each other, telling jokes and trying to take the spotlight>Let's pick a quiet, cerebral psychological thriller about a cannibal murdererWhat exactly is the logic beyond being yesmen
>>61178569Anything is going to be shit. Watchalongs are only good with 1-2 people max. Having 5 is going to be a shitshow.
Oh yeah, it has a storyline about cocks. Wasn't anything big, just a single scene with horse cocks. Joke about George R.R. Martin liking cocks was a minor joke in only one of the episodes of the trilogy.
>That PS
>>61178605South Park at least provides lots of opportunities for jokes and laughs and doesn't really require any deep engagement
I haven't watched any of those, what I should vote Shiggers
She's going to be disappointed because she really wanted to show them Over The Garden Wall.
>>61178515what is the form of novelights? birds or are they still massless blobs?
>>61178762South Park. It has a part where they make fun of Japs and FWMC are going to seethe. Kino inbound.
>>61178804FWMC have never watched western media, south park will be a good introduction.
>>61178804Ooh you american penis so big!
The sync on this is going to be horrendous.
This is an amazing novelknight post. I ironically got my Shiorium dose from a few letters. So personal. So cute. God, this made everything worth it.
I voted for SotL because I think the contrast between the movie and Advent's dynamic will be really funny.
>>61179156Just don't go into it expecting them to really care about the move and you'll be golden, though it would be extremely kino if they controlled their ADHD for an hour and got really absorbed in it
>>61179225I never expect that from watchalongs, so I'm good.
>>61179225It's not like the previous two movies have been hyperfocused. If anything we lose out on Shiori's facts and trivia time.
I didn't watched any of those, so i just picked south park because its funny
>>61179493Eh, those three episodes aren't that funny. Plus, I'm a bit concerned since the main plotline is making fun of Sony and Microsoft.
>>61179640It won't be showing on screen tho... there's no way thats still a problem
>>61179640Good, fuck em. Minecraft perms being lost forever would be hilarious, and it's not like there are good Snoy games.
>>61179640western companies doesn't care
We should've boted south park
You guys have only 1 novelknight acc?
>>61180152I have at least 489
Doctor was a disappointment. Only got weak meds that I already can tell won't help, another series of lab tests I'm not optimistic about, and most importantly they want to shove cameras in me and the earliest dates are 2 and 4 months away.I want to die. I won't be able to eat Christmas food. I want to die already
>>61179640Sony wouldn't give perms for Legend of Dragoon, Jade Cocoon, Legend of Legaia or any other late 90s to early 2000 SIE developed/published game ever. I give zero fucks if they get shit on relentlessly and Microsoft doesn't care.
>>61180214That wouldn't be that hard if you're argentinian, right?
>>61180360Aka suppa anthem.
I broke down and cried a bit. Did not do that in a while
>>61180240Got my colonoscopy this week.You’ll make it, i believe in you dude. Just stay strong for a few more months.
Soooooo, who's baking?
>>61180675I'm not at all ok
Shiori said I'm a sexy boy. Later, nerds.
>>61181255This is a win that's actually a loss.
>>61180941Let it die
i don't know what to vote for
>>61181617South park
>>61181255>>61181314Would you rather be a Sexy boy and Shiori never touching you because you will turn to mold.Or be moldy but Shiori can touch you?
>>61181617Shiori Novella
You're going to get another Bible quote. Fuck you for making me do this. I hate you all. I actually really like spending time with you, but let's keep that our little secret.
>>61181845I like this thread but you guys hurt me often.
>>61181845WHAT??? well fuck you too! i'm not gonna read that spoiler
>>61181874Are you the Nerissa poster?
I thought the real yesman answer was garden wall since she mentioned wanting to see it, a lot.
>>61182242She also talks about South Park quite frequently.Personally I don't mind what movie she shows.
>>61181749I'm moldy, where's my Shiori touch
We should watch Metalocalypse