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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.63 MB, 850x1295, __shigure_ui_and_shigure_ui_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_kaguya_srx61800__sample-a392255d06021c706ff729e949d0fc31.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
60916892 No.60916892 [Reply] [Original]

You don't actually watch hags pretending to be 9 year old girls do you?

>> No.60916940
Quoted by: >>60917083

Why wouldn't I?

>> No.60917083

Hags should embrace their hagness not deny it

>> No.60917101
Quoted by: >>60917165


>> No.60917165

She's in her mid 20s

>> No.60917568
Quoted by: >>60917711

practically an obaachan...

>> No.60917703
Quoted by: >>60917954

So she's a cake. A cake is 25-29. A hag is 30+.

>> No.60917711

By her mid 20s a girls holes are so wide you can hear whistling. Incontinence is common Stupid used up whore

>> No.60917778
Quoted by: >>60917868


>> No.60917868


>> No.60917890

for real, though, i'd absolutely destroy ui-mama

>> No.60917954

hags actually start at 16

>> No.60918334

Im midway inside her snatch

>> No.60918722

I watch cunny, hag or not.
You must be gay.

>> No.60923631

I only watch hags that act their age.

>> No.60923987
File: 3.80 MB, 1920x1080, skip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mid-20s women

>> No.60924045

Well do you want me to watch real 9 year olds or something?

>> No.60926406

Anon, you know that the reason catfishes are so successful is because they know exactly what a man want in a girl. The offer an ideal woman that a woman cannot. Likewise a loli cannot offer an ideal loli experience, only a lolicon hag pretending to be a loli can. That's why loli Ui is so successful

>> No.60926550

Actual, real lolis are not entertaining because they are still children, quite literally. It takes an grown woman to understand the true ways of the loli.

>> No.60928188

this anon get it.

>> No.60930395

Also you shouldn't put children on blast, even as a joke, but adults are fair game

>> No.60930484

holy cope

>> No.60930640
Quoted by: >>60931033

You shouldn't put children on blast

Yea you should its funny go back etcetera

>> No.60931033

Please don't bully children

>> No.60931037

Lunaitos you are being called out

>> No.60935964

I blast children on her face

>> No.60940552

