>LinksYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijouTwitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou>StreamsNext stream: We Were Here Expeditions with Hakos Baelz at 9PM EST | 6PM PST | 10AM JSTPrevious stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmKLSA_PL1cDebut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0>Shortshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPeQamBdDi0>Musichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akn_Gdi05Ys>Merchhttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/starting-voice-koseki-bijouhttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_advent_debuthttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_advent_horrorvoicedrama>Previous>>60736796
I don't know what to expect for tonight's game/collab
>>60762377I'm actually looking forward to it since it's two holos with inner SEA blood living in the states
Hope EN can get MGS perms...
>>60763990They better do with that mori collab
Biboo cute!
Is it true what they say about bibs?
>>60764875That she's my wife? Yeah, pretty much it.
pew pew
Oh, collab is 2 hours later than her usual start time
>>60767004Yeah. For me that's lucky because I'll be able to catch up with some sleep, though. Beebs know me so well...
kissing her rocky lips
kissing her rocky "lips"
Leading Biboo by her hand around my house ToT https://twitter.com/3DVR3/status/1714615811808383059
>>60762377Only see a bae pov up for this one
Licking her sweaty pits
>>60769981I wonder if girls actually enjoy having their armpits eaten or if they just have to sit there kinda awkwardly while the dude is going to town.
>>60769839It needs both POVs so Biboo will probably put hers up later.
I want to smell my fingers after fingering her
>>60769683What do I need for this mixed reality stuff?
>>60771060First of all is accepting the fact that you will never feel the touch of a woman.
>>60771208I would sacrifice the world and everything in it to pat biboo's womb
>>60770102it's probably not a good "main course" but doing it in addition while fucking her is probably fine
>>60762535Bae is Aussie
>>60773463Half*, hence what the other anon said
>>60773827She doesn't live in the states is what I think he's getting at
>>60771208done. what's the second step?
>>60774557Ah yep, brain completely skipped over that bit, pic is me today, my bad
>>60771208roastie tilting because her only value is plummeting and will keep plummeting kek
>>60775993Holy beep!
How long before she swears for real
>>60776161If she already has been using "Beep" as a censor this whole time (And apparently offstream as well) then never.
>>60776161is there really any meaningful difference between "fuck you, motherfucker" and "beep you, motherbeeper" rolling seamlessly off the tongue in the same placethe emotion, intent, and instinctual reaction are all the same, it's basically no different than having people swear in another language or type **** instead of fuck on old forums, everyone knows what you're trying to say and your mom/teacher/whoever would've still washed your mouth out with soap for thatlike sure everyone has different swear habits depending on how people around them talk, and maybe she really has conditioned herself to use beep in lieu of shit/fuck, but at that point it may as well count
>>60776663Are you saying people who say "crap" instead of "shit" should have their mouth washed out as well?
>>60776663I like the idea of her letting it slip in the moment. If she actually does say beep offstream I still want to hear her say it.
silly wife
>>60778533She really loves Kaela, huh? lmao cute
>>60778566My daughter loves my wife, all is as it should be
>>60777009Honestly, pretty much every school or church or whatever I can remember trying to enforce a zero swearing policy on kids didn't really bother with arbitrary profanity powerlevel tierlisting, "heck" and "crap" and whatnot weren't just free immunity to berate the kid next to you.It's probably irrelevant with regards to Biboo anyways because "beep" is literally a censor bleep and not some other word we've arbitrarily decided is more polite, and it's usually pretty obvious what she's replacing up to and including "fuck" (with the potential exception of "get beeped on" being a bit unclear, I think she's conflating the tense of shit/shat and dunked).>>60778533Biboo forcing all her collected mommies to wear a paper bag with Kaela's face on it and say the lines...hidoi...
>>60778617I'm married to your daughter. How does that feel, oji-san?
>>60779197Oh nyo
>>60779197My wife is so pon haha ponseki
>>60778533>>60779197That's so fucking cute. She imprinted hard on Kaela, huh?
>>60779820They really are like a pair of siblings. The way they interact is just so cute.
Mama finished the armpit drawinghttps://twitter.com/428clv/status/1714747092911169829/photo/1
>>60780538It's perfect
>>60780538What the beepI just fell on my knees on the walmart parking lot Thank you so much kitada-mama
>>60780538Canonically a pillow princess now>Check mama's page to see what they've been up to>Uooohing over Biboo doing the loli kami song and retweeting the fanmade dances/beam>Clearly camping the fanart tag too>Likes all sorts of borderline pics in the tag that Biboo herself tapdanced past, bikini armor and puffy pantsu stuffPebbles.... your oshi('s mama)......
>>60780834is based, Bijou is a loli and fan"artists" need to start drawing her as such
>>60780538The best part about this is that the angle is perfect for clearing ANY suspicions about Biboo's chest size. Not that it was that hard anyway, but people never looked at her design sheet.
I want to see Biboo
>>60782690...As you give her away to me. Thanks for the wife old man.
>>60782690> t. the priestI'm the husband by the way
>>60782690Shut up papa rock, she's my daughterwife now
>>60782690My wife is so pretty.
I'm... so tired... I'll just take a nap until the collab...Being a wagie ojisan is hard...
Hello friends, I was completely disconnected for an entire week, so I'm now asking if I missed something important or gayThanks in advance!Ah I already know about >s*ny being shit as beeping always
>>60787868We learned her cycle.
>>60787917When's her next ovulation?
>>60787917Uhh what kind? Like the Sonic one?
>>60784841WAKE UP OJISANI did roughly the same - took a 1h30m nap, just got up.
>>60788163like 9+ months from now since I just knocked her up lolGuess you losers missed your chance.
>>60788427focus on your stream Nerissa.
>>60762535i thought bae parents were from hongkong and she was born in australia.
Her radiance was in prechat a few mins ago.
>>60789611>green looks good with purpleDOC BROS WE'RE IN
>>60789611>asking pebbles which jacket she should wearcuteness overload... I'm blessed...
GET IN PEBBLEShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=590hXw44cpkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=590hXw44cpkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=590hXw44cpk
Get in here.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=590hXw44cpkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=590hXw44cpkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=590hXw44cpk
I visualized the backpaddling pebble
>>60790130This lil guy?
>>60790194hes literally me.
This stream is going to be intense I can already tell.
Zoomer overdose
>two zoomers screaming at meAhh yes, the perfect way to start my day. (It's late in the night)
Bae makes me rock hard
They're both cute They're both chuuniCute and Chuuni
Bijou Adieu would have been a better French pun than BonBijou.
>>60790530Cunni uoh
The [B] names
>>60790551That would work as a outro
youtube doing the funny shit...
Bae not behind biboo, looks like she's not being seen as an oneesan
Sexually raping really hard both beebs and bae
>>60790684It would be so weird, she's like 10 cm taller than Biboo.
>>60790684Bae is just a brrat that needs correction
>>60790684Today we're acquiring a brat sister. Onee-sans are for later
She really is great at matching other people's energies.
What a cute duo, I'm looking forward to this
Rat rape!
if she didnt pick rock i would have unmembered
I want to plap Bae so hard, too bad about her being a homo collaber though.
Bae's accent is cute, not gonna lie
Was Bae always this cringe? She's making me cringe hard
>>60791521>new IPGo back sister
Biboo vibin as always, cute
>we are tight like a knot
This feels like an older sister younger sister vibe
>>60791575Duh of course I'll be a new IP. Their stream just started, retard.
Baelz's fat milkers pressed on Bijou's flat chest...
>>60791701>>60791782combine these
>>60791734Insane plappable energy coming from both.
Whelp, we're fucked.
>>60791701More like a little sister, and a slightly older but still little sister.
>I see a bananaYeah, mine. Later, virgins.
>lumpy hills
>>60792050That's a boat on waves, right?
>>60791977like a year or two apart
>>60792131Feel like it
>uwu I'm a girl!LMAO
>>60791782God I wish...
Onore Hakosu Baelzu!
lmao this is too chaotic lmaoHILLS POOP WITHOUT LINES
First time seeing this game. This is cute, I'm enjoying it. Biboo is OP at collabs, adjusts her energy and vibe to her partner well.
Who gave these female kids coffee
Post rrat tits
>>60792743Has she actually had a single bad one on one collab? I can only really think of collabs that had dips rather than just being bad throughout.
>don't give up on me just because I'm a rockCUUUUUUTE
>>60792819I think most people, including me, memory-hole Untitled Goose Game with Nerissa. I've liked Nerissa for a while now, but she took a while to get her groove going, especially during collabs.
>>60792899Alright, you got me, I somehow forgot about that when asking the question.
>>60792819As the other rocky pebble said, I think the only below average collab was that first goose rissa collab. Everything else was pretty kino
>>60793015uoooh I'd try her rat milk ToT
She's thinking so hard
>your thing looks weird>I can see your thing too!
>the way she raised her head to peak She's so cute, bros.
>>60793155*PEEK, dangit
Big brain duo...
They just need to connect colors for points no?
>>60793343I have no idea what is happening
>>60793255a dumb rat and a dumb rock lost in a bar
>>60793343Yeah, the panels on the wall just tell them how to make points.
>420 baez it
I feel retarded as them
So its matching colors and then the big board is multiplicitve So right now red is 1x4 = 4 points. Im guessing they need all 3 to reach the total of say 12 to get bronze, or 24 for gold.
Biboo vibin to every and any 3 second jingle gives me life
my brain is too smooth for this
Oh NOW I get it
Kind of a long puzzle, I've tuned out
took a nap and missed an hour, what did i miss
21 points for every color? Nyoo
>>60794350Imagine having less of an attention span than two zoomers, that's impressive.
KEK thats not were bae wanted the blue
>>60794425Not too much. They've been on this puzzle for a while now. They're calling each other by their full names for memes
My brain is melting, very cool BaeBi
I wonder what made them choose this game?
They should've played We were here: Forever instead. At least the presentation and puzzles are fun to watchThese are just glorified IQ tests
>>60794866I don't know which one We Were Here I watched but one of those was pretty good
>>60794866Probably the latency.
>>60776161She said "ass" on stream. She's said "pissed" several times as well but I don't think she considers that a swear. The thing about the self-censoring is that's not something she's forcing herself to do. She doesn't like swearing and never has. Her parents don't like her swearing. If she ever does swear it's because she's forcing herself to do it for a meme.So it depends on what you consider "real." Forced shit for memes? She'll do it more eventually. Swearing out of anger or something? I don't know, maybe if she gets drunk.
I still don't get it.
They just realized they're different tiles...
powerful brainrot
>>60795146I think she said crap once and no one reacted. Maybe during RE2? Not really a swear I guess
Bae's pillar is blue...
>>60795179Biboo's laying down the floor which Bae then uses for her puzzle.Biboo's puzzle doesn't matter AT ALL to Bae (and vice versa) other than the fact that when Biboo puts a tile down, Bae can then use that tile.Biboo has to make colors connected to adjacent colors, like green touch green.Bae has to group pillars together, green touch green, but ignoring whatever Biboo's doing.
please understand our australian education system isnt very good
>>60795453And Biboo's lighting up decides the multiplier of Bae's pillar points?
>>60795474They're both zoomers, I wouldnt be surprised if this or the next puzzle stumps them
>>60795502Biboo's tiles = Biboo points.Bae's pillars = Bae points.Biboo point x Bae point for each color = 21 for gold ticket, or 18 for silver
Sleeper expedition...
I am in actual pain with biboo's placement
>>60795793This is certainly the least gamer I think she's ever been, but if her weakness is puzzle games? I'm okay with that
>>60796091She's good with solo puzzles, but the decision space for this puzzle needs to account for Bae's board as well. It's not as simple as solo puzzles.
the look
Thank God lol
>>60796261Eh, even accounting for Bae's board, a lot of her placements are sub optimal. That said....FINALLY LETS GOOOO
m-my wife so smart! hahah...
>>60796091"Puzzle game" is too broad a term. She did perfectly fine with Portal 2. Some people just have trouble thinking in certain ways. There are puzzles in games that I've figured out instantly that I know a majority have complained about being impossible without a guide. There are also braindead simple puzzles I've gotten stumped on.That's just how brains work. Depending on the way someone's is wired they're going to find certain things easier and certain things harder. Very few people are universally good at puzzle games unless they've forced themselves to be good by playing a fuckton of them.
>>60796450I'm sure if we had two Biboos playing, she'd be able to get Silver in a couple of attempts.Same goes for Bae, they hadn't really detailed out an actual gameplan (which is understandable, as they're trying to not bore the viewers).
>>60796528Sir, you are being far too credible for this board. Please report for re-pebbling
>>60796091The issue is Biboo's acquiescing to Bae's wishes when it's actively detrimental to her puzzle.ESPECIALLY since her placement at the start was conditional to CONNECTING THE SEPARATED COLORS AT THE END and NOT putting an unconnected tile in the middle at the end, BAELZ.
>>60796528This type of game requires a much more boring approach to thinking and that's a complete antithesis to what streaming is about. She does not want to bore the pebbles while taking 10 minutes to place something down after getting instructions from Bae.
>>60796528>Depending on the way someone's is wired they're going to find certain things easier and certain things harder.god i remember doing puzzles for hours when i did my sperg test and i felt like a fucking retard for some of them
This is too trippy
Bae doesn't know Biboo can see the bridge...lmao
>biboo can clearly see the platforms>totally doesn't need Bae's help >still waits for Bae to make the call
>>60797153What a cute little gem
Biboo forgot to make the L and â…ƒ with her fingies...
she didn't trust Bae in the end lol
Those were sneezes..?
I thought Biboo was retarded, but Bae is kinda...
>>60797493Yeah and the last one was pretty wet
>>60797153She couldn't be sure there wasn't some other obstacle she could not see
tskyu x 3
Reminder that Biboo can't drive and should probably let Bae give directions.Unless Bae can't drive either.
oniichan my platforms are moving on their own...
>>60797566Bae's got her license and car.Straya fucking sucks without one.
>>60797566They're both small Asian women...I don't think either of them can drive.
>>60796528You're not wrong, though the main holdup with that color tile puzzle was literal instructions unclear anyways (by intentional game design), even with both access to both perspectives all the backseating in chat had people using completely different rulesets/pointsets from each other regarding how connected each sides' respective colors had to be to count
>you have to move up the ramYou didn't tell her that, Biboo...
This looks pretty hard actually
Bae is so fucking dumb lmao
>didn't you know what a ramp is?LMAO
God Bae is so stupid. Not like Biboo's instructions is unclear
>"Did you see a ramp?">"No, I saw a slope........."
Is that an Aussie moment? Do they not say ramp in reverseland?
>>60798271Bae, you can't call them that anymore...
Every night, hundreds of pebbles lick Biboo's candy feet until her bare soles are exposed, then she kicks us all until we're knocked unconscious because we won't stop licking.
Gaming rock
>>60798228Biboo's roundabout way of saying "are you that stupid" lmao
>>60798293They speak a different language down there
uh oh
>>60798359pt 2
>>60798432Australia is not a real country
>>60798520the only good argument they ever made
Biboo desperately trying to save her senpai's reputation
>>60798520>and people who live there>peopleMaking a lot of assumptions.
>>60798359>>60798432is it really that hard to understand what theyre saying ? (im aussie)
come on biboo.. you can jump by yourself by now..
>biboo's brain has expanded so much she knows left from right without doing the L with the fingies now
>>60798657I have no idea what they're saying
>>60798657From context, I assume it means do a u-turn after passing a truck to avoid traffic. Sana is just saying complete gibberish though
>>60798657Eh, Canadian and I can understand it. Chockers is the only odd one out, and context explains it. But I did need to take a moment to think about it
Bae you retard why are you telling her to stop
>>60798657Explain this bingle thing to me
>>60798657i can only assume u-ey means u-turn
>>60798657With the context around it I can understand, but it sounds funny enough reading it and picturing it with the accent makes it even better
guys i think your oshi is addicted to the gas...
>>60798657Berko, bingle, chockers, servo are the words I dont knowI assume berko means berserk or angry. Im guessing servo is service station, or gas station. Chockers im guessing is just another way to say fuckedBingle im guessing is in a mess or "sticky situation. Probably derived from being in a tangle?
>>60798657>chockers>chuck a u-ey>fronna>servo>berko>bingle>strewthnone of these are words in english>"Kronii, it looks GIUHFSUISBIFD up ahead, I reckon we should FOISJOISJDF in SFHDOISFDSIFISD this OSIAJDOIASHDUA, hey?">"Bae, we should put a sock in it, we don't want Kronii to go IDFSIJHSDIFSGUYH and get in a GUDHGUIHFUIDF."Does reading that make any sense? Because that's what it looks like.
>>60798657I only know what aussies are saying because I've been listening to the shitposters here for years. It also helps that Bae's voice is pure sex and it holds my brain's and penis's attention very easily.
>>60798884>>60798810cockers comes from chocablock>>60798862bingle is a crash in this context
chockers is like chock a block I'm guessing
she's getting robbed
Bros this game SUCKSi HATE this gameits making my wives look bad :(
>>60799182Bae is making my daughter look more intelligent so im happy.
Dumb rat!
>Bae panicked and stoped giving instructions while it was still salvageableBAE TRUST THE GAMER ROCKYOU CAN DO ITLET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO
hakos baelz stop throwing
New breakthrough in mathematics today, as local rrat discovers that 3=1
Numbers hard along with English it seems.
Beebs is already memorizing all the previous steps lmao
biboo got bonked
>Oh... I should have said that..too funny
>>60799704That big stone hammer? Yeah, me.
Oh no...
This shit is like an MMO fight with progression and different phases
I'm pretty worried about this one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9-voINFkCgBiboo you're breaking the car!
Bijou gaming kills on display here.
It's nice how good they're getting at this, though
It's been 3hours how about we end the stream here?-Bae after this puzzle
Bae is a bit... y'know...
I'm gonna need to plap-correct this rat later, she keeps throwing my wife in the water
>>60800330Bae does long streams too
>>60800363Yeah I gave her my long stream last night if you catch my drift.
What was that? lmaoo
Now I understand the mating press meme.
Is this a different puzzle now? I took a short nap
I want to have babies with this stupid rrat
>>60800399/ringo/ is 3 pages down mate
>you can strafe sprintWhat a gamer
What's the rrats deal? Guess I'm gonna have to break a bed mate pressing her until she's fully corrected.
>>60800557Fuck you.
At least Biboo being the one giving directions lets her thinking for a bit so she can plan a solution to soloing the track.
I'm gonna plap this baka rat and Biboo is going to watch
Bae sounds so stressed kek
Wait, the track is that large? lmao
Alright that was Biboos fault entirely
Please be patient, my wife can't understand perspective
>>60800836I thought it was thin too, she had a whole street to work with
>>60800879Misaligned at the start, she didn't make sure she was looking where she thought she was looking.
Biboo gaming
She's a speed demon.
Is it ok to want to impregnate the rat? I hope Biboo doesn't mind.
>>60801073thats normal heterosexual behavior
she actually dodged the ship, gemwife gaming prowess goes beyond to manifest a victory.
Cheesed to meet you
>>60780538That pebble? Me.
baebi is such a great name for the duo
Holy shit they did it
That was good
her little hands clapping ToT
Imagine how hard that would've been if they didn't cheese the boat. We'd be here all night...
Australian accent tingles me
Tutorial complete! YATTA
They cheesed the SHIT out of that puzzle. Heh, the rat cheesed.
Wait... what?
>The game was just a tutorialnaruhodo...
>that's why it was so much cheaperlmao
>>60801693It fits their embodiment of chaotic rock slides.
Oh... nevermind I thought they were continuing... Time to kill myself then...
bijou is very thoughtful
>The "tutorial" was actually DLCHuh. Is the rest of the main game actually easier than this if you were supposed to beat it first, or did they actually sell a tutorial as a joke?>>60801522Eh, rock already had the entire thing mostly memorized up to the last segment by the time of the last run, in the worst case if the WASD instructions kept coming in too slow she could start moving on her own after getting to the button a few more times
I still hope we'll see her play Clarie's story of RE2
>>60802050I think it's like a prequel
>>60802078She will. And she will also play RE1 after.
I'm never going to get used to the name Promise.
>>60802078She said she wanted to do that so maybe next week
Will she ever stream the GOTYAY Resident Evil 4?
What is the FNAF lore
>>60802176I doubt it. She already finished it on her own. And the game is fairly recent.
>>60802176She already played it
So Bae is based Collab partner?
>>60802255a really funny purple man killed a bunch of kids and their souls inhabited the animatronics in his pizza restaurant. he then got fed into one of the animatronics and he never dies because his soul is trapped there, too.
>>60802360She's erotic.
>>60802360she's good with all of them but for me, as long as it's not calli kronii or bae or males, then I'm fine
post bae ass
Rate the collab. I enjoyed it, the tile puzzle filtered me for a good ten minutes and then I really got into itBaeBi is a good combo and I want to see more of them together
>>60802360They're great together, biboo can match her energy
>>60802360in large groups she fucking dies, in small groups she is fun
Oh no Im out
>>60802360I think I'll watch anyone Biboo collabs with, but Bae was pretty funny. They have good deranged zoomer energy and chemistry. Bae even made up a new intro for the collab? Was she joking about that?
>>60802360It's funny how you can tell she's embarassed at the skill gap.
>>60802405You just watched a Bae collab, shitposter.
Hirys monhon collab mentioned with rock
>>60802434Here. >>60802446It was way better than expected. That one middle puzzle took a little too long, but the rest was great. They didn't really get to talk too much about stuff besides the game, but it's not like they could anyways since it was puzzles. 10/10.
>more Monster HunterPlease no, it's so boring to watch.
is it just me or has there been an uptick of holo smash content recently, especially with adventalso nerissa + biboo monster hunter collab coming at some point in the future
>>60802360First time I've watched the rat for more than a few minutes. Honestly I can see where the "bit too loud and retarded" shitposters are coming from, but doesn't really bother me, the rock girl has carried me through far worse.Doesn't feel like they hit it off as much as some other collab partners but may just be the nature of the game.
>>60802613They're probably gonna play offline.
>>60802620There's been a real uptick of both Smash and SF6, but SF6 can be explained by that game's presence growing in Japan lately because of the tournaments. There's speculation there may be some sort of Hololive Smash tournament happening soon.
>>60802548oh sorry I'm a bit tired, I didn't mean to add bae teehee sorryI had bae on the mind :P
>>60802434sniff sniff
>>60802690I need a full Hololive SF6 tournament to happen so we can train Biboo.
>>60802737Go back.
arrest all the beepposters
>>60802828go back to where you fucking nigger?
>>60802833I- uh, wait... I wanna be a shitposter now
>>60802613>>60802620Unless the bird is actually significantly better at Monster Hunter than every other game so far, a very real ongoing threat of a triple cart may be just the excitement MH collabs need
>>60802806Would be so fun considering the netcode is miracle work AND it has crossplay, but I don't think she would enjoy it.
>>60802881I didn't think that one through, let's try again:Shooting all beepposters.
If the wrestlepebble is around, the signups for the board event are open now if you wanted to submit. >>60801374
>>60802604>>60802769>>60802925Bae exudes SEX
>>60802891I don't know what half of what you said means but she said she's not good at the game and she wants Biboo to carry her.
>>60802891She said several times (not only today) that she's TERRIBLE at the game.
>>60802604>>60802769>>60802925rat ass never disappoints
Hi Pebbles, i came here to tell you that your oshi is pretty cute and i can't wait for the day your oshi and mine collab!
now that kronii is the one remaining missing EN member biboo has not shared a stream with, what type of games do you think would do well for them
>>60803089Great googaly moogalies!
>>60803078Thanks, she's a cutie for sure.
>>60802966So when you die in MH instead of just getting a game over or returning to town, you return to the Cart that drove you to the hunt so you can keep trying. But it only lets you do it so many times before going "ok yeah no you're shit at this, get the fuck out"MH collabs are boring because they're just "run to big monster, attack big monster until it dies, win" but if someone's bad enough at the game they can make the collab marginally more interesting by dying several times while trying to contribute.
>>608030931v1 game with batsu. Coop platformer. Powerwash zatsu?
>>60803078>>60803093Thank you kronie, your oshi is hot. I hope Biboo gets to groom her over a game of Civ or something.
>>60803285Powerwash cursed zatsu would be pretty kino, not gonna lie
>>60802446Enjoyed the girls and the dumb invisible path shenanigans and planning and ridiculous stream end brought a smile to my face.Didn't like the game as much, felt like it leaned more on the intentional kusoge side compared to other puzzle games. Especially the tile puzzle, compared to watching Portal 2 and the Escape Room games blind it came off as a bit too vaguely explained to the point of being obnoxious and don't really blame the girls for overthinking the rules or requirements for a while.>>60802620Eh, we just had two gens drop in rapid succession, and it's one of the quickest and easiest "play with many viewers" games you can check off the list, next to the other ones Biboo's run through like Mario Kart or Fall Guys. As much as people are tired of the same Ninty multiplayer sessions, they're safe bets, especially when you don't have a super set-in-stone grasp on your audience yet.
One more rrat for good measure.
>>60803093Considering the sort of games Kronii plays, a puzzle game is probably the best bet.
>>60803078You don't want that. The Gem is a known onee-san predator. Kronii would be in serious danger of getting groomed.
Thanks for babysitting my dementia-ridden zoomer wife /gem/bwos
>>60803599>Leaving a young sexy girl in my careI should be thanking you.
>>60803599Your zoomer wife is pretty cute as well and has good chemistry with my rock-brained wife. We eating good tonight
>>60802966"Lives" are shared per MonHun run, one shitter in the friendgroup or online lobby can die repeatedly and fail the entire mission for everyone involved. Carrying is still possible, but becomes significantly harder if the liability player keeps coming back and charging into the fight.The flip side though is that enemies do stat scale with multiplayer though, so if one player has to carve through an even bigger health pool while carrying, the fights might become even longer and slower than they already are to watch.
Not watching rat whore, how was the stream?
>new ip>incredibly retarded takeWhy would someone bait a thread at page 8?
>new IP
>>60803888begone shitposter
>>60803945>>60803947Wrong thread rat cucks
Are these people physically incapable of typing a sentence without a filterable buzzword
>>60803312>>60803478Kronii is known for charming every girl that interacts with her so we'll see who end ups grooming who
>>60802921She's expressed interest in fighters before, though mostly more overtly anime-styled fighters with more cute girls than whatever SF's current style is supposed to be.Though, being only "interested" in getting into fightin or speedruns is usually an acknowledgement of how timeconsuming it is to get good at those. I'd actually love to watch rock cunny zatsu'ing and just muscle memorying bread and butters for days, but most pebbles probably wouldn't, and her drive and autism would probably be better served outside stream hours on stuff like nip reps desu
>>60804088I'm pretty confident in Biboo's skill. Her track record is flawless, after all.
>>60804088Fauna is known for being the one of the biggest cunny groomers, but even she got groomed, don't underestimate our rock
>>60804088>>60804114>>60804169>>60804192>janny using his bot again
Casually approach child
>>60804357Bot post
>>60804088>>60804192>>60804357The EN and ID girls are just the anime training arc for Biboo. The JP grooming arc will be kino
Go home retard-sama, you aren't wanted here. This is a unity thread
>using shadowbans on 4chanThat's a new low
I'm surprised it took this long for /gem/ to get a schizo.
>>60804495>unity cuck threadSo shitposting thread, gotcha
>>60804563And it's not even a full-time one, pretty weird.
Only shitskins simp for council whores
>>60804563dude is quite literally schizophrenic and not the 4chan meme meaning, he's mentally ill.
is this guy talking into a mirror?
>>60804563I think last time, they got bored and went to /baubau/. You can tell because the same buzzwords get used every post like a tic.
>>60804644Don't forget to dilate
Clearly aint even a pebble, given that Biboo is the physical manifestation of unity. So like, what's even the goal here?
>>60804698he hops advent threads
>>60804698It's just a random schizo that shitposts mostly about council. There's no goal, just a mentally ill person.
>>60804698>>60804738>>60804759Hello discord
>>60804738>>60804759Gotcha, thanks
I wonder how it must be to live an existence akin to a literal bot on a programmed loopA dead soul who lives everyday the same
I finally made a biboo lewd folder...
>>60801522Watched the perspective from Bae's VOD and I'm guessing that's actually the intended way to do it or at least a purposeful alternative. The ship only covers the middle and leaves a gap on both sides so it makes sense you can just tuck into the edge/corner and let it pass. I guess the challenge being getting onto the edge without falling off, and not panicing. Bae kinda panic instructed Biboo onto the edge after hitting the button and it worked out hah. Doing it the chase way the whole time seems like it'd be way too hard unless you just memorized the track.
Why do you retards even talk about it? Just report and ignore.
baker clocking out, someone pick up the slack please~
Taotan is a brat and a pebble, she's very happy...She's is a girl right?
>>60805098of course
>>60805055The janny's tranny discord needs to "own" the chuds, please understand
>>60805098Yes, definitely a girlIt's just her wet dream because before she did Bijou cosplay, she did a bunch of Bae Cosplay. She must be losing it by now.
>>60805194AI generated pic
>>60805098yes shes been around for a long time
>>60804563We've definitely had plenty since debutDespite how much shit they give each other about it, pebble ojii-sans are just surprisingly decent about just moving on>>60804985Yeah, from rock's perspective and the rat's panic (and all the "Oh it's bugged" "Oh you can't get past the boat now you're so fucked" usual doomposty commentary from chat on the side) it sounded like she was being instructed to clip through the boat or glitch over a pixel of land. But looking from the other perspective there's plenty of room, definitely enough for a player to fit over. Makes more sense for the intended solution to be just dodge it.
>>60805194>other dox pics telled down>this one stays for some reasonI see how it is.
>>60805589you forgot your confused gura
theres always going to be a coalition of offsite discord retards who try to hop into new gen generals to try and ruin everything for everyone because theyre too cowardice to just kill themselves already
>>60805738I hate janny and his discord trannies too
dont respond to me and seek shotgun therapy
>>60805824Seethe more cuckYou will die alone
<buzzword buzzword> <buzzword>
Reminder to report the retards responding too.
Excited to see gem get backseated by two dogs next stream!Gonna make sure to get lots of rest today :D
>>60805903>you can't use buzzwords only I can!!!!Keep seething
>>/vt/?task=search2&search_filename=1690611943651934.pngHow embarrassing
>>60805980Samet. chud
>>60806028You did it queen! Now the other trannies can reply to you to own me!
>>60802662bae really isnt that loud and youre just wasting brain space reading the 2 year old garbage dogshit people post on a loopif you want actual tinnitus inducing shit you watch Kobo who thinks earraping her audience is actually funny
almost halfway through page 10, anyone up to bake?
>>60807221normal baker asleep now, need someone to pick up the slack, I would do it, but I can't post pics from uni wifi
Baking right now
Here you go. >>60807424>>60807424>>60807424
So at this point the only people Biboo hasn't set up a collab with are are Ame, Gura, and Kroni of EN?Well then she's done them all because we know Gura, Kroni, and Ame aren't around enough.And I doubt she'll collab with males.