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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.60707358
Quoted by: >>60737545


>> No.60707463
File: 776 KB, 2044x1158, 1697562914331092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60707535
File: 1.46 MB, 1044x1355, ca859e3c28c4b44a72c83ac8118e2e01aba44b60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this 3 view?

>> No.60707711

Hololive only grows stronger >:3

>> No.60707719


>> No.60707765

The one Konami picked, seethe more :)

>> No.60707784
Quoted by: >>60708006

Future Mori antis.

>> No.60707799

>getting mogged by a 3view

>> No.60707844

Why are holosisters like this

>> No.60707878

That would be the funniest thing ever

>> No.60707962
File: 159 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b273a585bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lazy Konami reusing Mori's art and spoiling the surprise

>> No.60708006

Yeah the deadbeat gloating is hilarious.
Just adding pomu fans to the list of people who Ho hate Mori's guts.
Best part is that one piece, the most popular media franchise in Japan, couldn't recover her numbers. They're just setting themselves up to get mocked again when this sponsorship stream gets 1k like raid shadow legends did.

>> No.60708007


>> No.60708025

>3 view
>gets more viewership and money than any of NijiEN liver

>> No.60708096

Your tears are delicious, nijikek

>> No.60708175
File: 215 KB, 667x1000, a deadbeat (real).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60708254 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 674x738, 1697539257497795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes more people like this, it'd be hilarious

>> No.60708261


>> No.60708296


>> No.60708319
File: 195 KB, 720x720, 1612581287677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets away with it again

>> No.60708372


>> No.60708430 [DELETED] 

>he lacks critical information about Mori 'kneel on their necks for the ultimate flex' Calliope

>> No.60708438
Quoted by: >>60708580

10 years ago she used nigga alot

>> No.60708459

This would be so fucking funny

>> No.60708481

Based, Mori SEAnigg haters get fucked

>> No.60708486

>western /vt/ hates her
>western twitter hates her
>western tiktok hates her
>Japs fucking love her
What's up with that?

>> No.60708489


>> No.60708510

but we love her tho?

>> No.60708525 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60710726

Go back to your containment thread SEAnigger.

>> No.60708580

Like every other person did, they forgot what it was like growing up in the early 2000s internet.

>> No.60708599

Glad to see that no one of actual worth hates Mori

>> No.60708635

Neck yourself, Morichads won again

>> No.60708647
Quoted by: >>60738737

yeah, exactly
so of course that means she's "racist"

>> No.60708657

Well, she said being in a project bigger than One Piece...

>> No.60708691

western is a cancer what else is new

>> No.60708708
Quoted by: >>60738737

you stopped, nigga?

>> No.60708917

I'll be honest, I don't really see the point of using Mori for this. I don't care that they didn't use pomu but Mori knows jack shit about the franchise and doesn't even have perms to play it.

>> No.60708968
Quoted by: >>60709106

This is the part where you invent all kinds of excuses for why Mori is a poor choice to mask the fact that you just don't like her

>> No.60709002

>Mori knows jack shit about the franchise
>Has talked about playing them before more than once on stream, but you don't know that cause you don't watch streams and only sift through the catalog.

>> No.60709087

>Twitter tranny
>Mori hater
Why I'm not surprised

>> No.60709090

Why do you think Mori doesn't know the franchise?

>> No.60709106

I like Mori but I think if you're gonna have a sponsor for the series it should be someone who has actually played it and enjoyed the series. Even Anya feels like a more organic choice
Sure. Doesn't mean I believe it tho

>> No.60709152

Anon, she has talked about the game and sings the songs out of nowhere since debut basically. Literally the obly reason she hasn't done a full playthrough is EN perms

>> No.60709153

if you like Mori you would've believed her, so no I don't think you actually do

>> No.60709178

>western /vt/ hates her
Because she tried to bring ecelebs into Hololive
>western twitter hates her
Because tweets from 10 years ago
>western tiktok hates her
Because she's white
>Japs fucking love her
Because huge tits

>> No.60709218
Quoted by: >>60709482

>I like Mori but she's been pathologically lying about one of her favourite game series for years
Uh huh

>> No.60709359

>you don't watch mori
how come people throw this shit out like an insult?

>> No.60709482
Quoted by: >>60710730

This but unirronically. Literally had her chat beat Bloodborne for her.

>> No.60709501

gee, it can't be because he was trying to speak authoritatively about Mori or anything

>> No.60709540

just this once.. i will kneel to mori

>> No.60709588

Uhh maybe because it exposes the fact that you look like a retard when you repeat lies about her that you read in the catalogue.

>> No.60709657
File: 262 KB, 512x384, 1667771820415561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish for another catalog thread to shit on Niji!
You're surrounded by smoke and feel an awesome power emanating around you, as a voice speaks up inside your head
>"Very well... but there's a catch, shitposter-kun"
[monkey's paw curls in the shadows]
>"You have to support Mori"

>> No.60709720

how is that a monkey's paw?

>> No.60709721
Quoted by: >>60709763

I'd like Mori more if she wasn't kson's lackey.

>> No.60709742
File: 71 KB, 1024x1024, 1663754402602256m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will be hilarious to see deadbeat cope after reveal
you retards put yourselves in the corner

>> No.60709747

She's commercially the most fitting for it and that's all that matters.
It would make absolutely no sense to use any ID for it and Pekora and Luna can't sing.

>> No.60709763
File: 228 KB, 746x497, 1667426027594195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60709794

pekora also has the other issue of preparing for her sololive, so even if she could sing she won't have the time for it

>> No.60709928 [DELETED] 

>mori is... LE BAD
trying too hard, tourist

>> No.60709954


>> No.60709965
Quoted by: >>60710058

It will be more hilarious to watch you pull excuses out of your ass to shit on this collab when it turns out to be mori

>> No.60710009

Don’t worry japan will hate her after the MGS collab because she stole it from pekora

>> No.60710058 [DELETED] 

We already know the numbers will be shit when we look at her recent sponsorship streams.
I mean remember raid shadow legends? RUMAO

>> No.60710062 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60710226

holofags aren't nijiniggers, I know you're new to this but you should get up to speed

>> No.60710133
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, 1697008536911400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60710150

Mori is japanese

>> No.60710172

nousagis aren't delusional like pomufags, you're doing your projection again

>> No.60710173
Quoted by: >>60710417

Do you honestly expect it's anyone other than Mori? Do you think they took her silhouette from that art piece and drew someone else in there?

>> No.60710226

JP nousagis are the worst fanbase in hololive

>> No.60710262
Quoted by: >>60710385

I’m a Nijifag and I hope it’s Mori. I dropped Pomu because I got sick of all the overrated Metal Gear bullshit. Can’t even say the word “box” around her without acting like a dipshit and this would be the icing on the cake for me for her

>> No.60710285
Quoted by: >>60710336

but still not delusional enough to think that a silhouette that looks nothing like Pekora totally is Pekora, esecially considering she's still got her sololive coming up next month

>> No.60710336

Honestly Pekora probably was offered the role first but was too busy with her sololive prep to do it

>> No.60710346
Quoted by: >>60710726

>SEA monkey mental capacity restricts him to only think in numbers.

>> No.60710363

if that helps you sleep at night

>> No.60710385

Sounds cute. I will now watch your autistic former oshi

>> No.60710417
Quoted by: >>60710447

What if they actually created live2D model of The Boss and had original VA do the role??

>> No.60710447
Quoted by: >>60710595

and so Hololive official retweeted it because?

>> No.60710456

It's just cool they are using a vtuber to promote the series. That should be the main point if this place was positive about vtubers at all. Congrats to whomever it is because its a very cool thing

>> No.60710480

>japs love her doing one piece song literally not a single reply in japanese mention marine except some english comment

>> No.60710569

Essentially there are only two reasons to think that this isn't Mori, either you're a pomufag like >>60707463 and actually that delusional, or you hate Mori that much that you will cling onto anything that would convince yourself that it isn't Mori, and sadly for >>60710009's hopes that's not really a thing in Japan

>> No.60710595

Clearly they did it to troll pomudachis

>> No.60710609

>shit singer

>> No.60710608
Quoted by: >>60712832

Holy fuck pomufags are genuinely delusional
Why did they think the Japanese Metal Gear account would even consider promoting a literal nobody to all of Japan? Just because Pomu is in nijiEN doesn’t mean Japanese people know who the fuck she is.

>> No.60710663

Just let her have her fun anon

>> No.60710726
Quoted by: >>60711265

The funny thing is that the number thread is full of tribalfags who want this to be Mori so they can dunk on Pomufags, which is why this guy got chased out and had to complain in the catalog instead

>> No.60710730
Quoted by: >>60710990

*had chat beat blood starved beast and vicar amelia for her
She dropped it before she got to the mystery niggas in the forbidden woods

>> No.60710734

>literally just lifted a drawing from her first EMI album cover and added a headband
but why?

>> No.60710747

I know this know this may shock you but one of the worst singers in hololive has also had a sololive. Her name is Mori

>> No.60710789
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>> No.60710818
File: 279 KB, 372x500, based[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxuz3m9.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.60710874

I’m tired of reruns…

>> No.60710990
Quoted by: >>60711317

Yeah I turned her Bloodborne streams on twice for 5 minutes and had to turn it off because both times because summons were clearing the area for her.
Don't know how far she made it because I couldn't subject myself to watching content that stupid.

>> No.60711031

Pekora is most popular vtuber in Japan period, of course nousagis have inflated ego

>> No.60711046

Holobronies, I kneel

>> No.60711060

I got rid popcorn ready lmao

>> No.60711075

Runt of EN

>> No.60711089
File: 65 KB, 957x632, Mori Gets Away With It Again[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnmlutc.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60711093
Quoted by: >>60711365

This arc is getting longer than Namek

>> No.60711104
Quoted by: >>60711195

>every franchise you love will get a Mori collab in your lifetime
I want to go back in time and club on the head the jap that aprooved her instead of Milky Queen getting in.

>> No.60711143
File: 186 KB, 700x891, 69969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so we all agree it's Paz right?

>> No.60711195
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>> No.60711204
File: 104 KB, 592x627, SHE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2k1qd3.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60727066

>muh views!
>muh CCV!
Meanwhile, in reality
>UMG deal
>numerous collabs with big names including a collab with the most popular manga series ever
I'm sorry that Mori is more successful than your oshi.

>> No.60711254

dont you worry pomudachi...
mihoyo will bring that fat cash and save our fairy...

>> No.60711265


>> No.60711309
File: 5 KB, 210x250, 1595161150715s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide which ones are more annoying pomubeggers or gloating moriniggers
also reminder to anyone that Metal Gear is dead franchise, without kojumbo it's irrelevant for good

>> No.60711317

People need to realize that Mori desperately wants to be cool. It's cute but you have to take that into account whenever something is her "favorite"
She's been like that since debut and while I enjoy that part of her, it means you have to cast a bit of doubt on her likes

>> No.60711323

5 years from now she’ll have 2 viewers regularly watching her streams (one of them is her manager) and she’ll be chosen to sing for Japan in the olympics

>> No.60711365

Give it time
She just needs to power up and have /vt/ catalogfags narrate everything little thing she's doing for thirty more episodes and then we can reach the final battle's thrilling conclusion

>> No.60711374
Quoted by: >>60711533


>> No.60711411
Quoted by: >>60711735

I'll be honest with you anon. Mori can barely sing. She's improved since debut but without copious amounts of autotune and mixing she sounds like shit

>> No.60711533
Quoted by: >>60711576

Prove me wrong (you can’t)
The worse she does numbers wise the bigger the collabs she’s getting
Shes just falling upwards its like we’re living in opposite world

>> No.60711569

Completely bizarre they'd collab with EN when they won't even give them permissions to play the games, but I gave up trying to understand Konami years ago.

>> No.60711576

Singing for the olympics would be amazing, why would I want to prove you wrong?

>> No.60711673
File: 240 KB, 585x564, 1689434932013504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her own fanbase rubbing it in by tagging her

>> No.60711735

She can sing well enough to be signed with UMJ and when talking about a haphazardly thrown together promo like this that's all the suits at Konami are going to care about.
Also despite her general ability as a singer she's the only real choice there is for a song with English lyrics.

>> No.60711802

I looked up what nips are saying and for some absolutely bizarre reason they mention Sora few times, no one on JP side so far that I seen brought up Mori

>> No.60711823
Quoted by: >>60711998

Ngl, her fans doing the most damage to her is hilarious.

>> No.60711872

I saw several tweet about カリオペ

>> No.60711903

Try searching for カリ instead

>> No.60711933
File: 530 KB, 544x680, 1689066336119709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rightful owner of MGS had moved on and picked up a far superior vtuber in every way to shill his new work
>Mori still playing with the dead horse (heh) that is MGS in the dumpster

>> No.60711998
Quoted by: >>60720551

Pomu has @mention notifs turned off, as does pretty much every other large vtuber.

>> No.60712060

Retard spotted

>> No.60712105

Mori antis have to be the most deranged seething fuckers in this shithole. My oshi is smallcorp but I'll always tell you to neck yourself for this weirdboy freak little circlejerk you run here.

>> No.60712115
Quoted by: >>60715887

Is it possible for Konami to somehow prevent Cover from promoting Kojima by doing this deal? I think they would very much like to do that.

>> No.60712167
File: 1004 KB, 1280x1448, 1692463924111350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>rightful owner of MGS had moved on and picked up a far superior vtuber in every way to shill his new work

>> No.60712189

Those 2 views?

All me

>> No.60712244
Quoted by: >>60712348

I want the same person giving a reaction if it’s Mori tomorrow with metal gear

>> No.60712306 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60712969

JPkeks destroyed once again. Who cares about JP in 2023 anyways?

>> No.60712348
File: 8 KB, 489x241, 1674689450355708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... that guy... he...

>> No.60712455

why the fuck would they give it to mori, she is only a fan of Revengeance

>> No.60712468 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>60715359

Oh yeah, he started posting death threats which is one of the very few ways to actually get banned on Twitter anymore.

>> No.60712476

Another innocent victim claimed by deadbeats..

>> No.60712503

she has literally played MGR on stream, now go jump threads and bitch somewhere else

>> No.60712517
File: 67 KB, 850x478, 68068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60745007

it should've been Peko
she deserves it more than all other whores mentioned here

>> No.60712534

pomubro... it's time to move on

>> No.60712541

She has played a bunch of them. 2 was actually her favorite game, but likes revengeance a lot because the memes.

>> No.60712543
Quoted by: >>60721228

Japanese don't really care about her, they unironically think she has a cool character because they've never seen any stream of her

>> No.60712548
Quoted by: >>60712604

>mgr is the same as mgs

>> No.60712567
Quoted by: >>60712938

I sort of knew it wasn't going to be Pomu but having it be fucking Mori of all people legitimately pisses me off

>> No.60712604
Quoted by: >>60712635

Damn, I was gonna quote >>60712503
that saying that was gonna get the tards that throw a fit over MGR existing into a tisy and you beat me to it, impressive.

>> No.60712635

Like pottery

>> No.60712694

>Pomu: Owns the fucking pachislot machine
>Pekora: ate a MRE on stream

>> No.60712725

Seethe. SEETHE.

>> No.60712776
Quoted by: >>60753251

Mori: is better than the other two

>> No.60712832

>Just because Pomu is in nijiEN doesn’t mean Japanese people know who the fuck she is.
Nowadays, a lot of EN VTuber fans don’t know who the fuck she is either…

>> No.60712838

If this was about being a fan there are people way more fanatical about MGS than Pomu or Pekora.

>> No.60712844
Quoted by: >>60714523

I think you've gotten your streams a bit mixed up there, doxxbeat.

>> No.60712872
Quoted by: >>60713425

Mori is more popular. Seethe.

>> No.60712908
Quoted by: >>60712977

Mentioning the ai clip as a point against her, as if she's made that thing is hilarious

>> No.60712924
Quoted by: >>60712963

Will this get EN Metal Gear perms?

>> No.60712938


>> No.60712958

Yup, her One Piece sponsorship was a massive failure, only uh 10 million views

>> No.60712963

Yes... But only Survive.

>> No.60712969
Quoted by: >>60713027

Anya is JP, though?

>> No.60712977 [DELETED] 

Bestiality has gone mainstream
See white women fucks dogs
Or BG3 bear fucking

>> No.60713012

The other viewer is me, her husband

>> No.60713023
File: 762 KB, 1280x720, 1482079835255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori is the one who gets the shitty tainted Konami deal
>This is somehow a bad thing

>> No.60713027

So is Mori

>> No.60713078
Quoted by: >>60713150

Mori beat all the games on European extreme 5 times

>> No.60713150

Sounds like something Mori would actually say.

>> No.60713348
Quoted by: >>60731608

>Mori : At this point, she is a known regular for this kind of stuff
>Pekora : Very popular, knowledgeable about the franchise, but very busy.
>Pomu :

Pretty sure Pekora is their first choice, but at this time frame she's just too busy, so they settled with the true and tested safest choice.

>> No.60713414

proof that Japs can occasionally have based taste

>> No.60713425
Quoted by: >>60713584

Mori isn't more popular than Pekora
that's just objectively false
Peko is most popular and most watched vtuber in Japan

>> No.60713569

>game is called snake eater
>Konami promotes it with the biggest eater in hololive

>> No.60713584

Yes she is. Only last samurais know about pekora.

>> No.60713781


>> No.60714081


>> No.60714523
Quoted by: >>60727190

By that logic mori shouldn't get sponsorship by one piece, how that narrative working out for you?

>> No.60715028


>> No.60715150
Quoted by: >>60715246

What the fuck is wrong with nijifags?

>> No.60715215

its gawr gura

>> No.60715246

Nothing wrong with hoping

>> No.60715306


>> No.60715359
Quoted by: >>60715606

They are sending death threats >>60712468

>> No.60715363

>Pink woman strikes again
Unironically laughed. Is there anything she can't get away with?

>> No.60715374
Quoted by: >>60715499

There is everything wrong with publicly tagging pomu in those replies. It's like they want her to be publicly embarrassed

>> No.60715499
Quoted by: >>60715607

She doesn't have @mention notifications enabled for people she doesn't follow, like a vast majority of big copro vtubers.

>> No.60715606
Quoted by: >>60715709

Literally who? I don't see that name in the tweet collage

>> No.60715607

That doesn't excuse shitter behavior

>> No.60715693 [DELETED] 

i love her, tranny

>> No.60715708 [DELETED] 

Based. Total Niji death.

>> No.60715709

A pomudachi that really hates hololive and Mori

>> No.60715774


>> No.60715887

It's Japan, and its a corpo, they will find a way to be as absolutely petty as needed

>> No.60715889

Source? Because the tweet predated the MGS announcement, and the bolded words in the tweet indicated that the person searched for "racist vtuber"

>> No.60715897
Quoted by: >>60719288

Both Japs and women love her because they both unironically think she's cool for some reason. I'm not kidding.

>> No.60716104

Not seeing anything that would tie them to Pomu or even Nijisanji at all.

>> No.60716992

I want to fuck Mori

>> No.60717126

Can someone explain to me why western Twitter hates Mori?

>> No.60719100

Everyone hates her

>> No.60719288
Quoted by: >>60719527

Japs don't understand her, and women don't actually watch streams so they just like an idea of her they have in their heads.

>> No.60719353

She gets opportunities they could only dream of. Whether you think she deserves it or not depends on you. Also, from my personal observations, people that make music generally get a ton of haters in general because if people don't like the music you make, no amount of good you do can reverse their opinion, and social media makes it so people try to fit in with their opinions too.

>> No.60719527

She streams in japanese and gets clipped there too (even the bad incidents). 2ch know about her antics and talk about it too. They don't really care because she gets achievements for Hololive. And japs know that a win for a holo member is a win for the corpo which means a win for their own oshi. The fame and opportunities she gets from being a part of hololive will trickle down to their oshi.

>> No.60720127
Quoted by: >>60720247

>Mori Gear Solid
>Mori promoting Persona 3 Reload (can you imagine if she gets a song featured in it)
if any of this happens i'm making popcorn for the X meltdowns

>> No.60720247

Don’t forget
>Mori x teddyloid for panty stocking season 2 ost

>> No.60720372

people are so fucking dumb
the shilhouette don't have elf ears(shut up I know she is a fairy)
also had those spikes, which pomu silhouette don't have nor a snake tactical suit would have

>> No.60720551
Quoted by: >>60721136

but the constant tagging will make her name trend
and when she egosearch it, the damage will be done

>> No.60720753
Quoted by: >>60720857

she used to say nigga on her old twitter

>> No.60720779

The entitlement of these people is insane.

>> No.60720857

everytime I see someone get pissed at others for saying nigga when they are younger, I just know they are projecting

>> No.60720912

I just hope Pomu never gets anything to do with MGS due to all these beggars that infest every thing MGS related asking about her.

>> No.60721136
Quoted by: >>60721274

But I thought she wasn't popular?

>> No.60721228

There have been viral clips of her in Japan of her giving her opinions. They like her

>> No.60721274
Quoted by: >>60721347

She's not, her fans just beg about her anytime MGS comes about.

>> No.60721347
Quoted by: >>60721556

Then why do you think her name would hit trending?

>> No.60721439

It's the year of the rabbit you uncultured swine.

>> No.60721556

Friendly reminder that the trending section on twitter is based on who you follow

>> No.60721617

Why has everyone forgotten how much of a shitshow Konami is?
This will be bad

>> No.60721708
Quoted by: >>60721838

And I'm sure Pomu's name always shows on Pomu's trending section, so it won't be anything new to her that would make her curious to click and check

>> No.60721726 [DELETED] 

The sad thing Pomu will probably feel worse after seeing those posts, talk about rubbing salt in the wound

>> No.60721838

All of them ego search, she'll probally find out that way.

>> No.60721899

I don't care about Pomu but if Whori gets an MGS collab I will cope and seethe all over the catalog

>> No.60722124

Imagine the absolute state of /v/ if Mori sings the main theme of the remake

>> No.60726748

kek, these are the mori antis

>> No.60726858

Not true since I've blocked all the males from NijiEN and stars yet they still somehow show up on trending. Even when I say I'm not interested in that trend it still shows up a week later.

>> No.60726967 [DELETED] 

Thought twitters trannies always fought against AI porn being made of someone. Turns out it's just whatever fits their narrative at that time so they feel morally superior.

>> No.60726994

wait, Peagade is in this? isn't he a long-time holo fanartist?

>> No.60727066

it genuinely is really weird that calli gets fewer viewers than pomu despite having 10x the subscribers

>> No.60727190

Mori talked about loving One Piece before, she did a cover of The World's Continuation last year.

>> No.60727209

Looking at any chart I'm not seeing Pomu beating Calli in terms of CCV

>> No.60727549
Quoted by: >>60727599

Is the JP side so out of touch? Do they not monitor #? Nobody likes Mori anymore

>> No.60727599

Keep telling yourself that pomudachi. The truth is even if no one likes Mori anymore, it doesn't magically make Pomu popular

>> No.60727680

So what's this about? Oh Mori ,what new fail stream will this be

>> No.60728262 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60728476

Good, just more people that (rightfully) will shit on her
Understanding her sentences is pretty bad, I would rather not understand her at all in collabs and just hear jibberish noise instead of those…ebonics ew

>> No.60728476

Keep seething bumping the thread nigger

>> No.60729894

Twitter trannies? Its because she said nigga alot back in the early internet days and when she was alot younger. You know. Like everyone did. Black twitter clowns on her because of her music.

>> No.60730303 [DELETED] 

pathetic seething nijicuck

>> No.60730363 [DELETED] 

trannysanji is dead, just kys

>> No.60730574
File: 1.52 MB, 3176x3995, 1696448076903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she
Does she actually?

>> No.60730675 [DELETED] 

Btfo. Twist nijinigger heads off.

>> No.60730866

Yes she's bad, but just let the rabbit do her thing, the people that like Pekora will watch it, regardless of her singing ability

>> No.60731302
Quoted by: >>60732479

her music has negative street cred to a lot of people of in the hiphop/rap community.

she's a white woman (anime woman) rapping, it's never gonna go well. I don't personally hold it against her and love her content but if you're not into the idea of vtubers it seems like someone LARPing (it definitely is)

>> No.60731503 [DELETED] 

nijibeggars? nijibeggars

>> No.60731608
Quoted by: >>60739906

Kojima likes Pekora and giving Kojima any positive feeling is against Konami's MO

>> No.60732481 [DELETED] 

Mori is unironically the Donald Trump of vtubers.

>> No.60732479

She did get on the billboard recently though didn't she? That's not something many people achieve, regardless of what I or anyone else thinks about the quality of her music.

>> No.60732630 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 2143x1704, 1691140503011143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good. I want nijisanji fans to cry like how they made holochads cry by harassing aloe into graduation

>> No.60732652
File: 3.13 MB, 2100x2468, 1694438375824216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60732877 [DELETED] 

I can't believe that all the nijiseethe is causing me to like Mori.

>> No.60733167

Oh, ok, so she gets 2-3x her viewers with 4x the subscribers. That's less bad

>> No.60733928
File: 1.27 MB, 691x1024, img-2023-10-17-22-00-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan has always liked awful western shit.

>> No.60734868
File: 45 KB, 828x512, 1673488482675681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who are heavily online and follow twitter social justice standards cannot believe that a woman like Mori Calliope who has a history of "appropriating" a black-heavy music genre has made it this far and still continues to go farther. People who have been stuck at 1-2view status or retards who have devoted their dead-before-they-started careers to be vtweeters are mad at her rapid growth success because they see themselves in Mori's position but don't realize the amount of work she puts in. People on /vt/ hate her because she was one of the first active homosupporters in hololive EN (which admittingly was dogshit but the vesper/magni "graduations" seems to have fixed that) and have hung on to a VERY outdated list of yabs from 2021-2022 that has not been updated for about a year, close to even two. I know you only said western Twitter but it's better to understand as to why the core parts of "the vtubing internet" hate her while the general moneymaking, success-breeding parts of the world could care less and even welcome her to their side of the corner. Just remember, she WILL get away with it.

>> No.60735078
File: 327 KB, 621x635, 1693188173028041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60736372


>> No.60735399

>Pomu: Nijisanji
>Pekora: Hololive but busy with her own concert
>Mori: Hololive

>> No.60735507

@ing her when 5 seconds of thought would make it obvious it isn’t her
This feels mean to Pomu

>> No.60735530
Quoted by: >>60738242

Everyone except her 999 remaining fans hate her.

>> No.60735596

Don't shitpost with my oshis

>> No.60735886

Yes, like samba and Bossa Nova

>> No.60736372 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 1721x2048, Em7QW2rWEAEqQJv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijinigs deserve the rope for what they did to Aloe

>> No.60737371 [DELETED] 

She’s a wigger, of course she dropped the nigger bomb. Which, as much as I don’t like her, is fine by me.

>> No.60737545


>> No.60737693

Good. I hope she gets to make a theme song for DLC Guilty Gear Character next to complete the Twitard obliteration trifecta.

>> No.60738242

Is that what they tell you at your ifunny circle jerk?

>> No.60738541 [DELETED] 

Mori’s got some retarded strong nepo connection buff that makes this par for the course, you’d be fool to think otherwise. You think some random ass bigface wigger just DECIDES to move to Japan and get a Universal contract? Learn the game, reroll family birth

>> No.60738686 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60738894


>> No.60738737

Look up her Scarface watchalong

>> No.60738894

I don’t even watch Niji you carbon wasting scriptbot

>> No.60739492 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself Aloe Harasser

>> No.60739533

in all reality it should be Belmond

>> No.60739789

Legitimate question: Why would they use mori?
From the account name this is MGS Japan right? Why use EN instead of actual JP who plays MGS? Is Pekora too expensive or something?
Or maybe we all got bamboozled and it's neither mori, pomu, or even pekora and just someone alse entirely?

>> No.60739820

2view shitter seething

>> No.60739906

True, Kojima has been a Holofriend for a while, makes sense Konami has screwed them out of perms until it was no longer fiscally smart.

>> No.60739935
Quoted by: >>60740022

Pekora is Kojima's Oshi, konami doesn't want to see him happy

>> No.60740022

Oh yeah, I forgot that Konami hates Kojima guts.

>> No.60740156

She has a proven work record. She's constantly pumping out content. She is very popular. And she lives in Japan.
We already know it's Calli anyway.

>> No.60740562



>> No.60740893

I mean it's not locked in as Calli, right?

>> No.60741201 [DELETED] 

niggers seething

>> No.60741223
File: 80 KB, 589x457, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely a holo at least.

>> No.60741341
Quoted by: >>60741403

>one of them is already aware Hololive retweeted it
>still coped for Pomu
That's painful, but hilarious.

>> No.60741403

lmao imagine being a nijifag in 2023, couldn't be me.

>> No.60741433 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60742256

The nijikek doth protest too much methinks

>> No.60741461

Only if you're desperate and delusional

>> No.60741546

I'm sure they just used a picture of her from an album cover for no reason

>> No.60741669

>no one that matters hates her

>> No.60742256 [DELETED] 

Nijikeks aren't human. Remember what they did to Mano Aloe.

>> No.60742880
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>> No.60743185
Quoted by: >>60743285

Why do /here/ fags always out themselves by doing this?

>> No.60743256
File: 118 KB, 243x204, 9346289214562578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also love huge tits

>> No.60743285
Quoted by: >>60743392

mori is used alot /here/ but it's not a /here/ specific term

>> No.60743392

99% of the people who call her Mori instead of Calli are /here/ and you know it.

>> No.60743413

a small price to pay

>> No.60743500 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60744205

Probably sucked someone's cock just like for one piece.

>> No.60743528

I skimmed the replies and the quote retweets, why is it that Pomufags or is it NijiEN in general that are so out of touch and or not thinking of their oshi that they'll @ her?

>> No.60743670

Not really, but it's looks pretty likely at this point. The UMG side of things has started to really work out for Mori's networking.
Honestly it makes me feel bad for pomu, fans without a spec of common sense. I hope pomu atleast gets happy about a vtuber getting a foot in the door and that could lead to something later for her.

>> No.60743773


>> No.60743986

Wasn't Konami one of the reasons for Hololive's "perms" obsession?

>> No.60744030

pomufags are predominantly underaged

>> No.60744099


>> No.60744205 [DELETED] 


>> No.60744244

>Cybernetic Fennec Fox Vtuber

>> No.60744263

Back when Pomu was new, she was the ojisan's pick. I do think her audience got younger over time, but underage is going too far.

>> No.60744274

in other news, some dumbass got himself doxxed in /#/s

>> No.60744383
Quoted by: >>60744576

Don't forget, that's twitter, maybe both of you are right and these are the young fans who don't actually watch her but NijiEN(clips) in general, it's not the ojisans who slowly left

>> No.60744496

Pomu's use to always losing, so I doubt this is any sort of surprise to her

>> No.60744576

I haven't kept track of twitter demographics but i would thought gen-z and younger have moved on to tiktok or some other platform by now.

>> No.60744689

>western /vt/ hates her
We love her, the vocal minority hates ger

>> No.60745007

Peko cannot sing to save her life.
Mori will sing Snake Eater for Delta.

>> No.60745954
Quoted by: >>60746189

imagine getting excited about a port of a port. This new collection is literally just the 360/ps3 remaster collection.

>> No.60746189 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60746573


>> No.60746278

Calli should give this sponsorship to Pomu. It would help improve her dogshit liver reputation a bit if she was nice for once

>> No.60746387

why say something this dumb? You know that that isn't how sponsorships work

>> No.60746418

>dogshit liver reputation
And yet she keeps getting sponsors. No one cares about terminally online like 4chuds and xittertroons.

>> No.60746431

She should reject it regardless so someone worthy Pomu has a chance of it being offered to

>> No.60746473

Why think that person is not just a shitposter?

>> No.60746573

I don’t care about either of them I care about this as an actual dan of the series. If they can’t at least do EExtreme speed runs then they aren’t actual fans and have no place being the face of MG when there’s plenty of more deserving flesh tubers.
>oh yeah that metal gear series yeah I played mgs3 once and The Boss is like suuuuuch an awesome character omg
fuck off. People relaxing their standards on gatekeeping is the worst thing that’s ever happened. Even then the 360/ps3 remasters weren’t even good. These will be even worse

>> No.60747104
Quoted by: >>60747918

>speed runs

>> No.60747175
Quoted by: >>60747918

>more deserving flesh tubers
I can't think of any speedrunners who can sing

>> No.60747314

Anon, she is extremely well-liked by vtubers. Honestly almost the only people I've seen actively dislike her who might watch vtubers themselves are people here. Everytiem I've clicked on the profile of someone shitting on her they either dislike vtubers in general or just don't watch vtubers and dislike her for some retarded reason like the nigga thing or just dislikes her music.

>> No.60747449
File: 97 KB, 430x186, Bazzango.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60747721

Ok, but why Mori though? She isn't even the biggest Metal gear fan in her branch. Much less the company. Why would someone who knows next to nothing about Metal Gear, minus Metal Gear Rising, be a good pick? Girl probably doesn't even know which Snake is which.

>> No.60747721
Quoted by: >>60747818

She has played most the series and 2 is her favorite. She always randomly sings the songs all the time if something reminds her of one. Literally the only reason there isn't a full series playthrough from her is because of perms. Although if peko wasn't busy with her sololive prep they may of tried to get her.

>> No.60747818

Nice fanfiction

>> No.60747918

They don’t have to be soeedrunners. Just people who are actually good at video games and care about the franchise

>> No.60748009

Jealousy unironically.

>> No.60748031

Your post is the one that is literally fan fiction bro. You niggers tried the same thing when she got the One Peice deal too. "Why didn't they get the pirate holo to do it" when Marine straight up has said she never read it before vs Mori who was mostly caught up on the series, literally couldn't stop gushing about the last movie and didn't fucking cover from one of the songs from the movie.

>> No.60748209
File: 186 KB, 542x479, Bae nervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are going to hate the living shit out of this collab, I can tell you that for a fact. Mainly because Metal gear reaches way beyond the anime niche and into the mainstream public. The kind of mainstream public who do not care for some vtuber they've only heard about because of the lean thing. She's going to get assblasted for this, and I can only hope she's ready for that shitstorm. Good luck to her.

>> No.60748224

carriope-chan so kakoi

>> No.60748901

People literally said the same thing about the One Peice thing since it got lots of hate on EN twitter when announced. When it came out people loved it and now its one of the most viewed videos on the One Peice youtube channel. People won't care after it is out as long as it is good.

>> No.60750090

Ask yourself, when did companies ever pick "biggest fans" to promote anything? Is Korone the biggest Sonic fan in the industry? Is Luna the biggest Tony Hawk fan in the industry? What the fuck does "being a fan" have to do with anything? And when is Subaru getting Master Duel permissions when she plays it more than any niji off-stream and talks about yougayoh 24/7?

>> No.60750149

>She's going to get assblasted for this
For what exactly? What is "this"?

>> No.60750238

good work ethic, massive output for content with how much this place hate her no one dare to shit on her at those

>> No.60750254


>> No.60750266


>> No.60750299

welp there it is

>> No.60750298

There it is


>> No.60750324

Pomukeks got too cocky.

>> No.60750448
Quoted by: >>60751161

>anons celebrating a collab without pulling anyone else down challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

>> No.60750505


>> No.60750853
File: 71 KB, 809x787, 1668644177155483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda sad
she's probably going to end up with some younger guy instead of a real purebred otaku

>> No.60750941

the fact that Mori continues to grind despite the sheer embarrassment of her hololive tenure is kind of endearing. i can imagine deadbeats resenting her, but if you're not paying close attention, you only see the work.

>> No.60751161
File: 111 KB, 480x480, 1658198362904456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bau Bau

>> No.60751239

Don't you look silly now

>> No.60751255

You're retarded if you think MGS is more mainstream than One Piece

>> No.60751281
Quoted by: >>60751322

>This is it for Mori #82378236781237

>> No.60751322

Two more weeks sisters... right after the next collab with a billion dollar IP...

>> No.60751358
Quoted by: >>60751381

I like Mori.

>> No.60751381

Hey, me too!

>> No.60752465

This was the same thing you fags said with the One Piece collab. Just take the loss.

>> No.60752593

This was so fucking stupid
Fuck sony

>> No.60752617
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>> No.60752644
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>> No.60752930

Feels like all out war
and war... has changed...

>> No.60752987


>> No.60753251
File: 23 KB, 720x728, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori: is better than the other two

>> No.60753715

came back to say I'm right motherfucker!!

>> No.60753774

>Singing an original song for the series
Sucks to suck pomwho

>> No.60754166

>Mori: becomes this era's Donna Burke

>> No.60755820

Rent free
