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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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60607226 No.60607226 [Reply] [Original]

Takanashi Kiwawa

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1713692196992438467

Last stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARj1mQy6eVE

STREAM HER ALBUM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcfm3INYVo&list=OLAK5uy_lv1JlMsabUlWH11GLfHBWkYAfuEfGuYLY

ADDITIONAL STREAMING LINKS: https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView

Stream Love Rush MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuUcvVI3S20
Stream Pineapple MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuvtwRYkOU0

Stream Korean DO U: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AviJuDMEmEc
Stream Holotori Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcO9bZavHRg

Stream Kyoufuu Ooru Bakku: https://youtube.com/watch?v=VyzR-J17RBQ
Stream DO U: https://youtube.com/watch?v=QI96hnhcr2E
Stream 4BLOOD: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Fwc-LH8IGj8

New to Kiara? Try some of these streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsAbCDORf2yR6sqaL8KOhTpAvi4GxyewC

Previous Thread: >>60519186

>> No.60607360

Sex with wawa

>> No.60607875

luv wawa

>> No.60608085
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>> No.60609469

I can't wait

>> No.60610649

Love wawa. Just finished the vod a while ago. Although I have some reservations about streaming semi regularly at twitch, or her completely missing her maim audiences desire on Retrospective and TGW to be pushed more, I'm glad she's still trying. Not sure if I'll follow her to twitch but I hope I'm proven wrong and the fanbase doesn't grow both smaller and fragments

>> No.60610705


>> No.60610777
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Quoted by: >>60611636


>> No.60610957
Quoted by: >>60611121


>> No.60611014
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>> No.60611121
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>> No.60611229
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>> No.60611636
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Quoted by: >>60614639


>> No.60612377

It's likely Kiara is gonna drop the twitch thing anyway or not do it at all, because the last time holos were somewhat incentivized by management to stream on twitch they basically dropped it after a month. The only ones streaming there is Laplus and the ones doing guerilla fps streams, and even then the latter became more rare in recent times.

>> No.60613025
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>> No.60614639

I want to spend entire weeks glued to her armpits, living only my licking off the salt and sweat

>> No.60614863
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>> No.60615179
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>> No.60616161
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>> No.60616283
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yeah, thinking they are

>> No.60616450

pretty cute Iwys

>> No.60616674
Quoted by: >>60617263

FACT: Kiara has not been fucked in years. Too menhera to even get laid. Sad.

>> No.60617094
File: 1.50 MB, 367x458, Yukata wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FACT: I love my wawa a lot.

>> No.60617263
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>> No.60617355
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Quoted by: >>60617705

I want to hug Wawa

>> No.60617705
File: 62 KB, 672x684, Fidk2gIWAAAWGpN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60623217

every time you post this I'm compelled to click on it and feel a bit lonely and sad.

>> No.60617709

I want to see their hats fuck

>> No.60617832
Quoted by: >>60617854

Hinotori is still the best song.

>> No.60617854

That's a funny way to spell Sparks.

>> No.60618056
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Quoted by: >>60618208


>> No.60618126
Quoted by: >>60618208

What do you think her butt smelled like after paragliding?

>> No.60618208

Mostly pine and the plastic smell of a molded chair, I'd assume.
The eyes make it weird, but a right side chef hat would look good on that cute nephalim.

>> No.60618439
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>> No.60619287
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>> No.60619353
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>> No.60620286

My queen-wife

>> No.60620312
Quoted by: >>60621433

THREE HATS?? how did she get away with this???

>> No.60621352
Quoted by: >>60621640

>her completely missing her maim audiences desire on Retrospective and TGW

>> No.60621433

Misleading image. There's actually a fourth hat beneath the crown.

>> No.60621640
Quoted by: >>60621971

The songs getting full MVs aren't the stand out tracks on the album. Pineapple and Sleep Talking will. Not bad songs or disliked but Retrospective and TGW are clearly the favourites. This partly seems down to what was finished first rather than misjudged. But its on the list of things that could've been handled better with the album.

>> No.60621971
Quoted by: >>60625351

>This partly seems down to what was finished first rather than misjudged
But this is plain wrong. She did said when the album released that only Pineapple MV was done, she didn't even had a start for TGW/Retrospective and she even floated multiples ideas that she could use for thos MV. And she still didn't start on the Sleep Talking MV. She just decided in the beginning that those two songs would be the standout since they're KPOP and DO U did really well, and she refused to correct her course when she released it was wrong because, I quote "I don't want to change my plans"

>> No.60623217
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It should warm your heart and make you happy. Replace the "I will never have it" thought with "I can have it if I work for it". Its a good motivation for me. To work hard on my flaws, body and mind in order to support Kiara the best I can and in hope of finding my own Wawa in the future

>> No.60623317

Nina is back in vshojo form now, wonder if we'll get more collabs

>> No.60623395

Wait, she's actually moving a chunk of her content to twitch? Guess I'll be catching even less of her live now. Also, she's said it many times, but this album wasn't marketed for us, it was marketed to try and catch the 'normie' crowd with the semi-popularity of kpop. To expect her to not continue to make the MV for what she was hoping would be her strike out into a bigger pool of potential viewers first would be stupid.

>> No.60623547 [SPOILER] 
File: 249 KB, 1080x1440, 20230812_090011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wawa feet

>> No.60624256

This image is forbidden in 72 countries

>> No.60625351
Quoted by: >>60625803

It's something she's considering far in the future but not anytime soon so I wager she'll probably forget, I hope
One thing you need to also consider is that she already has a sleep talking choreo because it was done earlier (first even, iirc) and TGW/Retrospective don't. To not have an MV where she can dance for that song for the kpop song would be a wasted opportunity

>> No.60625452

>Wait, she's actually moving a chunk of her content to twitch?
Here's some context https://youtu.be/ARj1mQy6eVE?t=23365
She's not actually doing twitch anytime soon, it's all still just in the "tentative musing" stage for now. Her overall issue is that she's unsatisified with her current "growth" in general, which leads her to at least consider alternative means. See also her harebrained attempts to get into ESC, and her obsession with 2m (which is ultimately also just a means to an end, because what she really wants from it is a Sololive).
The twitch thing is mostly because she thinks there's possibly some sizeable mass of alternative undiscovered audience there that she could reach, and because "twitch is more popular for livestreams, especially in europe, therefore...".

Problem is that her "theory" hinges on some flaws, for example that she only needs to put herself more out there and she'll become more popular. What she can't or won't accept is that she's simply more of a niche talent with niche interests/contents/personality, that only appeals to a niche of people (we already see that even within just HoloEN where other talents have a more universal mainstream natural crowdpleasing appeal). That's not even a bad thing and just fine, she has her niche and and she works it and she has a (relatively) small but devoted fanbase for it who are into that niche - but that still doesn't satisfy her enough because she thinks can have broader popularity beyond. Which is questionable at least. On one hand it's good that she still has some drive/goals/motivations left and isn't just a lazy coaster who's given up like some others, on the other hand her way of dealing with it is probably not the most healthy one if it only makes her anxious and miserable when it invariably doesn't produce the desired results, and the attempts only become more desperate. If she thinks she will become more popular on twitch, or that there's some big mass of potential audience waiting who haven't seen her yet and just need to be exposed to her to become fans... yeeeah well, uh sure try it, but don't expect too much and be sad if it likely doesn't work out (j/k of course she will mope if it turns out even less people show up for her twitch streams than on yt, and most of them will just be her existing fans anyway, but the sooner we will get this stupid experiment failing and over with, the better...)

>> No.60625782


>> No.60625803

>One thing you need to also consider is that she already has a sleep talking choreo
She have a choreo for each of her song, regardless of if they get a 3D MV or not because the original point of making an album was to have enough song to perform a Sololive.
Having a choreo doesn't mean she have to do a 3D MV out of it.

>> No.60625850

holy esl

>> No.60625902
Quoted by: >>60625998

It didn't sound like she had one for them yet in that member's stream after the album dropped, like TGW was completed last minute remember? Her idea for retrospective was being on stage with a guitar

>> No.60625998
Quoted by: >>60626544

Wow, it's almost like you can do a good MV without just doing a choreo in moccaped 3D. The fact that a song have a choreo doesn't mean it's instantly the better choice for an MV.
Because the choreo wouldn't be wasted anyway since she can use it during a live.

>> No.60626064

There is potential on gaining new fans on twitch, but the problem is just the same as with the possible temporary move to twitch. How many will be interested enough to FOLLOW you back to your main hub of operations. On top of that, Kiara is usually behind on streaming FOTM games, doesn't usually have fun or like them, and her go-to style of games are not usually that popular on twitch, so there won't be as many eyes on her. Add on to the fact that Twitch doesn't just push you to rec's just because you showed up and streamed a few streams with a built in fanbase, and I think it won't be as impactful as she thinks it will.
Past all of that, she also just dislikes the kinds of people that stuff like FOTM brings in. She's created expectations in her chat that they/we usually obliege by because we like her and respect her but it creates a bubble/safespace that she finds comfortable and diikes losing. An influx of 'What is this' chatters with twitch mentality might be way over the line of tolerable for her.

>> No.60626448

I’m not following her to twitch. You and I both know it’s about getting to stream with vwhorejos, and I’m just not going to watch that.

>> No.60626544
Quoted by: >>60627085

There a reasonable points about how things could've been handled better. But this whole fake exacerbated act isn't one of them, it does in fact take quite a bit of time to plan anything related to music including the video. As pointed out with TGW completed last minute that'd delay things even further at which point you'd cry she was taking too long. Kiara's dancing is not only one of her main skills she wishes to show off but has proven popular in the past. She already travelled just to record it. Sometimes things are set in motion even when it becomes clear another choice would've been better.

if you were to say that there should've been more long term planning, with a less hectic schedule, testing the waters with what songs to focus on and in general more management help. Then you'd have a point. But everyone knows when you get like this it is just drama posting, and all the new IPs weirdly obsessed with the twitch thing gives it away.

>> No.60627085
Quoted by: >>60627290

I agree generally but she didn't record sleep talking yet, she said yesterday her plans are to use the suit she's trying to buy

>> No.60627290

One month ago, she had no other mv reading outside of Pineapple. She could change her plan at any given time, this guy is just talking out of his ass.

>> No.60628254
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>> No.60628531

"huge" "breakfast"


>> No.60628543

wifey made me a big breakfast

>> No.60628773


>> No.60628925

I wanna steal it and stomp on it.

>> No.60629122


>> No.60629605
Quoted by: >>60630289

Healthy looking salad and eggs. I personally like my quasos to be a bit crispier but solid breakfast. Glad she's still interesting in cooking. Hope her expresso depresso phase is over.

>> No.60630289

Anon, I don't think a single good breakfast and a good day are going to pull her out of that rollercoaster. She talked about it extensively and mentioned multiple times that it's been ongoing for quite a while. She puts on a good face for us because she enjoys the comfort she usually gets (minus days like the tournament collab) from the chat. I do hope she actually sticks it out with a therapist when she goes to see one soon.

>> No.60630851

I'm not the period anon I swear but I do feel like she's going through it in phases

>> No.60631239

My issue is that even when she goes to a therapist, it's not like they can recommend her anything worthwhile. They could suggest her to change jobs, but then she'd give up on an enormous amount of money, plus her dreams of being on the stage. She won't take antidepressants, and that's good. It's a fact that getting into a relationship tanks all sorts of channel and streaming metrics, and once again she'd be much poorer as a result of that.
Honestly, rather than a therapist, she should consult a business coach and plan out how to run her channel in a way that helps her achieve what she wants, caters to the casualfags to boost her numbers, without giving up on what makes her unique in the scene.

>> No.60631688

Sometimes all you need to stemm it a bit is someone to talk to. For all you or I know, having a confidant might be all she really needs.
The problem with the whole dating rhing is that it works fine for some who don't talk about themselves or their personal lives very often on stream. They come on and play a character and go offline. No mention of bf/gf, just there for pure entertainment. For Kiara on the other hand, she shares a ton of her daily life and we love her for it. Suddenly not sharing much because everything is being done with her bf/gf or talking about hanging out with a 'friend' over and over and over when she can be relatively solitary is almost just as bad as straight up admitting it.

>> No.60631729
Quoted by: >>60632225

A good 60% of her issues have nothing to do with her jobs and the other 40% are hard limitation and management bullshit caused by Cover, that no business coach would be able to change.

>> No.60632225
Quoted by: >>60632658

I think some sort of coach or strategist could help her with promoting her content, since Cover clearly isn't going to do that. Finding one who won't just tell her to make twitchslop is another matter.

>> No.60632656

RMposting but considering even some of the ID1 girls were planning to go to a mental health consultation, I hope Kiara makes a serious effort to go to a therapist as well, even if it's just give her the space to vent out her problems and frustrations

>> No.60632658
Quoted by: >>60632806

Cover would help her promote her content (more than they already do, I mean, they were the one coming up with the promotion plan for the album with the podcast as well as organizing an interview with Billboard Japan/En), if she was willing to pay for it, because her cover funded budget is limited. She can get a lot more if she so wish, if she was paying for it. But Kiara is pretty stingy with how much money she put into her project because, well, she's not actually passionate enough to put herself at """"risk"""" for her music. (The risk being having less money when she actually retire, not actual bankruptcy.)

>> No.60632686
File: 180 KB, 1200x900, protect his smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60638772

i hope you got your chicken plush

>> No.60632805

shit. this makes me feel bad. I had this idea that kiara really don't care anymore about numbers(to the point it affects her mentally), but Its kinda sad to know that genuinely she is not happy with her album reception or overall growth now. Somebody knows what she talked at this membership stream?

>> No.60632806

lmao the seethe

>> No.60633139
Quoted by: >>60633204

The awakening is going to be rude when she fails on twitch as well.

>> No.60633204

I don't even know what to say. I can't actually believe she's stupid enough to think streaming on twitch will improve her career.

>> No.60633262
Quoted by: >>60633410

>tournament collab

>> No.60633271
Quoted by: >>60633439

like what an absolute dumb fuck thing to think. "every other holo who has streamed on twitch has failed to attract an audience and lost numbers on youtube, but maybe I will be appealing to the mythical normalfag vtuber fans".

>> No.60633347


>> No.60633410
Quoted by: >>60633500

Menhera breakdown in members because some people told her that she was a sore loser in chat.

>> No.60633439
Quoted by: >>60633550

even regular holo en vtubers do not appeal to the normalfag audience considerably. Imagine kiara wtf is she thinking
Her album already proved this whole "appeal to normies" will not work for her

>> No.60633500

>tournament collab
it was this last age of empires collab? What she talked?

>> No.60633514

Her numbers are getting worse and worse. Doing something to try and save the ship is better than doing nothing.

>> No.60633525

We got it the first time, you don't need to repeat yourself to prove your retardation.

>> No.60633550

I'm TIRED. Three years and she's still thinking the same things that ended up with the veibae/nyanners debacle and she's still driving herself crazy about being unpopular instead of leaning into her niche. it's TIRESOME.

>> No.60633598
Quoted by: >>60633679

What are you even talking about?

>> No.60633609

It's spitting in the faces of her actual supporters in hopes that normalfags will enjoy it

>> No.60633679
Quoted by: >>60633763

Just some retard waking up and having a mental breakdown over Kiara, nothing new. Same thing happened in global at the exact same time nearly 10 hours of no shitposting.

>> No.60633720

>are getting worse and worse
but are they? as far as I remember kiara has the ~same numbers as last 2 years. I know that not growing = declining, but as far as im aware, she didn't lose in the same % as others(like ame)

maybe kiara should go on terms that she will never be super popular. She is alwasy going to be that weird niche Austrian girl into weird Japanese things

>> No.60633763
Quoted by: >>60637460

To be fair, the Kiara vs Bae retard literally wakes up and the first thing he does is go to the thread and do a fanbase war, happens around this exact time every single day that anons kind of just expect him to be there at this time for the daily mass deleted thread where half of global is deleted.

>> No.60634030

>remember kiara has the ~same numbers as last 2 years
But that's not true.
Kiara average CCV in 2022 was a little under 5K
Her current average CCV is at 3.8K despite advent giving her a bit of momentum with their raids
Her monthly VOD views used to be around 4/5M per month and she's currently at 2.5M per month.
Her floor didn't change, but she draw less and less non core viewers.

>> No.60634090

Also...nina is on twitch now...
No way kiara will not ask her about the overall experience. The problem is nina came from a different streaming background. I think kiara should seek a therapist to come in terms with her situation

>> No.60634141

Simply going on Twitch wont change anything, most viewers are not die hard enough to follow someone to a different website. Even if she did stream on Twitch from time to time it might only net her a couple hundred or so viewers that may follow to YouTube, and that's probably best case scenario. Would be a bit different if she were dual streaming on YT and Twitch, but I am not sure if that is allowed. Honestly the biggest boost to her viewership would be just to play more FOTM games and play what is trending more. She has been consistently late for big games, hell even FF16 she is playing way after anyone outside of her audience would be interested in watching it. Granted they might not all be watching for her, but if she just wants simply more eyes on her just in the hopes that some of them become fans, that is probably the best way to do it, especially since she would be doing it on her main channel.

>> No.60634144

She's been hovering around the 3k mark for almost two and a half years for her longer streams and her superchats per streams are also the same. Turnover rate for fans is also fairly small, some come and go but the core viewership is stable. It's really just that even when she does buff content, casuals are less likely to tune into her stream than for others. She also cut back on making collabs this year because of her other obligations (Holotalk for example), making her average CCV worse.
I'm frankly just very surprised how even Hotline Miami was only watched by the core viewers when everyone and their mother knows the game and it makes for great content, plus she had/has an amazing playthrough for both games.

>> No.60634182
Quoted by: >>60635198

Kiara hasn't really had an "arc" in a long time. The album should have been one, but she chose to hide the prep work for it.

>> No.60634345
Quoted by: >>60634416

>She also cut back on making collabs this year because of her other obligations (Holotalk for example), making her average CCV worse.
Anon, 6 1H holotalk a year are not affecting her average CCV significantly when she have close to 1K hour streamed in 2022. Her numbers just got worse. 2022 Kiara, one day woke up and got 6K5 viewers by playing New Super Mario badly 2 years after the game release. Do you think current Kiara could get these numbers ?

>> No.60634364

To me it sounds like schizo is afraid that Kiara could potentialy get more viewers and pay more attention to them and he would be pushed away farther than he already is
He is trying to stir up shit in hopes Kiara will somehow see this and stop trying to grow her audience so he won't have to compete for her likes with more people

>> No.60634416
Quoted by: >>60634612

What do you think went wrong? Is it just failing to compensate for a global recline?
thanks for your input sis

>> No.60634462

Kiara should try more basic stuff like trying a different timeslot and just playing more popular shit and less jrpgs/debuff shit to be honest. this may help her,instead of considering stupid ideas like making an album to "appeal to normies" or going to twitch.

>> No.60634484

Lol, Hotline Miami isnt an algorithm game, a lot of good games dont get viewers. I am honestly more surprised that GTA 4 did as low as it did compared to 5. Though GTA 5 is a way bigger compared to 4.

>> No.60634487

Why are we randomly having this argument again? Also, it seems like we're back to the point of being in a constant state of arguing and shitposting over Kiara, considering the last few days have almost entirely been arguing. Was surprising that we went about a week or so without constant arguing before that.

>> No.60634534

and this is why most people view kiara fans as yesmen. this is far from schizoshit, we are just talking about stuff kiara EXPLICITLY said multiple times

>> No.60634556
Quoted by: >>60634725

>you're jealous
Kinda weird to instantly go there so I gotta ask. Is there a case where her expectations of what's going to happen, ever come true?

I think her music is underrated and would love to see her blow up and even get some radio time in normie stations, for people to recognize my wawa bumper stickers and for her to be happy but I personally don't see it happening with her current plans.

At this point, I hope she gets some satisfaction and maybe even a callback from the Eurovision peeps.

>> No.60634612

>What do you think went wrong? Is it just failing to compensate for a global recline?
If you look at the average CCV on the chart, outside of Fanua and Mumei who remained stable, everyone lost a good 1K CCV, so that may not just be a Kiara problem, but a global holoEN problem (If you look at HoloJP, they're currently stronger than ever). But even if it's a HoloEN problem, it doesn't change the fact that Kiara see her own numbers dropping, and she doesn't particularly get the context around it.

>> No.60634655

real kfp are in global

>> No.60634668
File: 332 KB, 737x689, KFP in a Chair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want my wawa to feel better and not change who she is for nothing

>> No.60634671

>Guy crossposting to global
Just some retard shitting up the thread and going to global to talk about how terrible it is.

>> No.60634688
Quoted by: >>60634741

no, they are actually increasing
Tales of Arise did not hit 2k viewers most of the time, now all her gaming streams clear that threshold easily

fucking retards, why are you numberfags too dumb to ever use numbers?
her average is lower because she stopped doing regular outlier streams aka HoloTalk, it has nothing to do with "core viewers"
and VOD views are cut in half if not more across the board since youtube starting regularely purging them

>> No.60634687

Yep, this is what I think as well. 2022 dumpstered all of HoloEN and if the others aren't interested in grinding back up I really don't know what she can do alone.

>> No.60634710
Quoted by: >>60634796

There was a week of good threads because there was a week when Kiara didnt stream. If there isnt anything to new talk about, most things are just saying random things or posting fan art.

>> No.60634725

>I hope she gets some satisfaction
thought kiara had ditched the "sad for numbers" phase, but I cant really blame her. numbers are not growing much(take the gta 4 or the album flop). She also set expectations too high for herself. I think kiara should see herself like the ID girls to be honest(numbers-popularitywise)

>> No.60634741
Quoted by: >>60637081

Anon, if you think 10 at most hours of stream have a significant impact in her average on over 940+ hours of stream, you're factually retarded and any opinion that you could have on numbers should be immediatly disregarded.

>> No.60634766

I think she should move to Jakarta and make friends with the ID girls and offcollab a lot.

>> No.60634796
Quoted by: >>60635164

I do think it's funny and sad at the same time that this thread is actually better if Kiara is on a break.

>> No.60634853
Quoted by: >>60635182

>so that may not just be a Kiara problem, but a global holoEN problem
no no. this is a fact.
the vtuber fever DID phased out here. we are far from the gold days. to be honest I'm surprised with biboo numbers and some few nerissa too. fuwamoco can just be considerar holoJP

>> No.60634866

>Somebody knows what she talked at this membership stream?
she's gonna finish Yakuza next week no matter what

>> No.60635079

>Fauna and Mumei
I'm actually curious about the demographics of their core viewers. I might be wrong, but I feel like Mumei was able to tap into the JP audience more this year

>> No.60635164

>I do think it's funny and sad at the same time that this thread is actually better if Kiara is on a break.
I don't think it's surprising at all. There's a different schizo who seethes about anything Kiara does, there's a schizo who seethes over her eating on stream, a schizo who seethes over her streaming too long, a schizo who seethes over superchat readings. So if Kiara isn't there to provide those, those schizos won't seethe over it.

>> No.60635182
Quoted by: >>60635284

>to be honest I'm surprised with biboo numbers and some few nerissa too
in a good way or a bad way? I dont keep up with bijou much, and I try to avoid nerissa. Are you saying they have good numbers or not so good numbers?

>> No.60635188

>but I feel like Mumei was able to tap into the JP audience more this year
unironically and possibly unintentionally
Like, ther name is a "common" Japanese word.

>> No.60635192

The album was not part of the venting as far as I remember but it's just a lot of things piling up and the greys poking at her was the straw that broke the camel's back

>> No.60635197

They're cute, funny, quirky enough to be interesting without being obnoxious, with a great voice.
TL;DR, they're inoffensive

>> No.60635198
Quoted by: >>60635363

to be fair, there's not much "content" to be made out of a pre-release album, especially when you're not a self-produced musician who's in total control of what when and where to share. Her prep work on the album involved mostly just waiting around for whatever she ordered from the writer/producer/artist etc, and we heard how much of that was slapdash and came in last-minute, so there wasn't much to plan around.

But yeah, the album promotion could've been handled much better - subjective taste debates about what song is better aside, in an ideal world there would've been some kind of staggered hype building campaign, snippet releases, some kind of fan involvement content, behind-the-scenes info streams (actual, not just random updates squirreled away as tangents in 8hr gameplay streams), and it'd culminate in some massive hype release party stream that has some appealing gimmick that it even draws casual tourists in. And then afterwards we can get into the whole debate about which song better deserves what kind of MV and so on...

But alas, that's crying over spilled milk now. The way I see it, music, especially for "normal Holos" not "music-focused" ones like Suisei or Mori, is not or shouldn't have the expectation of being an actual profit maker, it's almost always a financial net loss more or less that you take anyway because it's just a passion project for you. She should just look at it as having crossed off another item from her bucket list ("have released an album") and be happy, that's still a pretty nice achievement for a non-music Holo.

>> No.60635284

good. very good
biboo plays a ton of popular shit and during collabs get very close(if not surpassing for some time) the twins. Nerissa was lagging back(even worst than shiori), but recently she got some good numbers with terraria and collabs

>> No.60635323
Quoted by: >>60635788

Thanks for putting into words something I've been feeling for quite a while. I find it so tiresome that Kiara is constantly trying to expand her appeal past her normal audience and as a fan of hers it makes it feel like she takes her current fans for granted. And while yes I realize it's selfish of me to only want Kiara to produce the kind of content that I personally enjoy, I also think it's naive of her to think there's this hypothetical fame out there waiting for her if only she can break through.

>> No.60635331
Quoted by: >>60635360

Not saying it's the same guys, but I do think it's pretty funny that Kiara schizoposting began in both here and global at the nearly the exact same time, barely just 6 seconds apart from eachother

>> No.60635360

Then go back there.

>> No.60635363

It's absolutely crying over spilled milk, and you're right that a lot of it is out of her control. What you suggest is exactly what I would have wanted though, things like lyrics discussion with the fans, vocal practice (maybe shorts?), just things to keep everyone interested and speculating while allowing her to gauge feedback on different tracks before full release. I loved the album but I feel like she could have got more out of it with a better plan.

>> No.60635404
Quoted by: >>60635436

How do you know that the album flopped? Do you have the sales numbers or what?

>> No.60635436
Quoted by: >>60635655

It's the same guy as always, she didn't even mention the album

>> No.60635460

maybe Kiara going to Twitch is going to give her some perspective when she sees how massive her viewership is compared to the overwhelming majority of streamers there

>> No.60635468

The yesman/Noman schizo is off his meds please understand.

>> No.60635507
Quoted by: >>60635618

What Kiara needs is a manager who can help her set realistic expectations and focus on important priorities. A lot of this got worse after Jenma was out of the picture.

>> No.60635591

What would be the difference? There is ID which some of them averaging 1 to 2K, and then also indies which could be 100 if they are lucky. I mean fuck she is friends with Pandora and I think she only averaged 50 viewers on Twitch before becoming Aura. She knows what she has is good, but like all businesses wants to do better.

>> No.60635607

The main issue with Twitch is that the way it's laid out heavily prioritizes the type of content being streamed. Very few viewers look for streams using stuff like the vtuber tag. Most people who don't already have a streamer in mind to watch get influenced by the front page interface to consider a popular game via the 'Categories we think you'll like' page, and people coming off a stream that's ending like to watch the same game. That's how many streamers have gotten big over the years - be still streaming when big fishes drop off, appear near the top of the page and keep collecting the viewer runoff who haven't gotten enough of the game. That's good for Kiara because of her long stream times, but bad if she doesn't do FOTM. That would involve playing stuff like (currently) Lords of the Fallen or CS2, being willing to stomach or slap down the 'you suck noob' audience that always trickles in with active mods - and doing it every time a new hot game drops.

>> No.60635618

Kiara won't listen to anyone who tell her she's doing "fine". Because she know factually that she's doing worse than one year ago.

>> No.60635627

Kiara brought up it up on her own at the end of her last stream again (and has been dropping random doomposts here and there for a while now) how she's unsatisfied with her situation and wants to try different things that she thinks could "improve" her popularity or whatever. It's not surprising that her fans want to discuss what she is feeling and the pros and cons of her ideas, because they care about her.

Unfortunately of course it's alsmost impossible to have this conversation in good faith because it also attracts antis who smell weakness and want to pounce on it (that's basically her life story, with how oversharing she is, to her detriment), and her mentioning twitch etc triggers the veetee shitposters because the tribalism kicks in etc.

>> No.60635655
Quoted by: >>60635892

>she didn't even mention the album
fucking yesniggers.
just check the songs views. compare to 4blood or do u.
>she explicitly said she is not happy with numbers
>album views are not good
>she said multiple times that one of the main goals with the album was to "pander to normalfags audiences", as part of her naive goal to become more popular with normies
and guess what? didn't fucking worked. it actually backfired

>> No.60635721
Quoted by: >>60636134

It's not even a HoloEN problem. EN vtubing as a whole is somewhat on a downtrend when it comes to views, at least if you compare it the heights during Myth's early months. Lockdowns being over means not everyone can have the leisure to watch streams all day, and unlike Japan vtubers are still really niche. And it's not just EN feeling this either. Even Ollie talked about how she felt she was stagnating and some of ID1 are now semi-active on their rms and streaming more frequently there.
This is somewhat unrelated but honestly at this point Cover should try and give some sort of mental check ups on the early EN and ID gens since most of them are in weird mental states now.

>> No.60635788
Quoted by: >>60636039

I feel the exact same way, but she really doesn't mean it like that. Kiara always wants to "upgrade" herself. It's not about feeling unsatisfied with her fans, it's about feeling comfortable with where she's at and looking for things to improve. But it's definitely frustrating that it always seems to mean looking for something outside of hololive for new viewers.

>> No.60635803

Other than the fact that she isn't even permanently moving over to twitch or the fact that she isn't going to stream there more than she does on youtube or the fact that she isn't going to stream there consistently. Or the fact that it's not even 100% confirmed that she actually wants to try streaming there in the first place, I see no point in acting like she's permanently moving over to twitch, or that she's

>> No.60635880
Quoted by: >>60635926

nobody thinks she will "move to twitch". being mostly optimistic she would try for some 2-3 months one or two streams per week there...

we are talking about what made kiara even consider trying twitch at first place. we all know this is nothing really new

>> No.60635892

Where's the album sales? Isn't the point of an album to buy it? Not sure why you're so desperate to claim that it's a failure when she already talked about how she's happy with how it's doing so farand that was a few weeks before the sales stopped

>> No.60635926

>she would try for some 2-3 months
Kiara doesn't have that much perseverance. After two or three failed stream, she's going to give up.

>> No.60635992

Kiara should meet David Lynch and do transcendental meditation

>> No.60636003

sometimes I create new Youtube accounts and send superchats to Kiara saying I just discovered her and enjoy watching her

>> No.60636039
Quoted by: >>60636168

I mean its mildly true that she has to look outside of hololive for new viewers, obviously there are better game choices and trends that she can chase to increase viewership, but at least with relations in hololive, I assume anyone that would be interested in her already know about her and choose to watch her if they do.

>> No.60636064

>sales sales and about the sales? the only and exclusive thing that matters are the sales!

you just cant be this naive

>> No.60636067

We're not doing this song and dance again. Either provide proof or fuck off

>> No.60636085

No you don't, you're just trying to do that same shit like with the snackboxes. We can read her superchats

>> No.60636134

Myth in their early months benefitted massively from "only game in town" advantage and their massive honeymoon numbers were naturally never sustainable in the long run. Over the years the EN vtubing scene has spread out and diversified massively over a lot more vtuber alternatives now, audiences have more choices and while each of the dozens of new smallcorpos or hundreds of indies may just be 2view or 3view level, together it all adds up and that's where a sizeable block of the original HoloEN audience went when the branch had their stagnation arcs (and some of the original viewers were just lockdown tourists who went away as soon as the world opened up again and the vtuber novelty excitement wore off).
But yeah I agree that unlike Japan, the west will never have an organic vtuber culture and it's always gonna be more of a "niche within a niche" thing for weebs.

>> No.60636168

There are large numbers of hololive viewers who don't currently watch her streams. If she engaged with other holos more, possibly in the form of group projects, and interacted with a group of them consistently to create storylines, she might see an increase in viewership from existing holofans. Another idea might be to lean into her unique content, travelogues from europe and japan translated into japanese or english. There must be more things she can do in hololive, on youtube, still.

>> No.60636235

Its 2 fold, yeah the album makes money but she also wants to use something like it as a springboard to generate hype around herself, if not at least her music. It isnt all about sales, its about the wider attention it brings.

>> No.60636247

Collabs never helped her, she's often seen as abrasive or bitchy during those, which end up pushing away potential viewers. (AOE2/Pokemon tournament/Pekora collab/Rust/etc, etc.)

>> No.60636284

The overwhelming majority of Hololive fans only watch one talent

>> No.60636322

For some reason she does the "chicken voice" in collabs and I think it's because she's trying to play up her personality. I constantly have to reassure people that she talks normal in her solo streams.

>> No.60636337

me, my 20 amazon fire tablets, 5 smart fridges, and 12 smart phones

>> No.60636398
Quoted by: >>60636498

>she's often seen as abrasive or bitchy during those,
Literally only by eggs here lmao. Most people commended her on playing well in AoE2

>> No.60636450

Man I cant remember how many times she lets her voice relax and a big collab comes up and I think "this is a good chance to show the "I dont watch her because of voice" people that it isnt as bad anymore" and she turns it up to 11.

>> No.60636485

? No one said she's going to move permanently to twitch, besides a few obvious trolls baiting. The timestamp of what she actually said is posted itt, everyone who's genuinely interested can hear her for themselves.

The reasonable discussion is about whether her doing a few twitch streams in the future would actually "work" in giving her more popularity or whatever she wants from it. Personally I think no and it's a fools errand, but I'm also not a retard who's screaming against it in all caps as if she's ever gonna read their screeches.
She can try it for a while if she wants, just to get it out of her system, as it likely won't have much effect either way and she'll just come back to her normal routine

>> No.60636490
Quoted by: >>60636610

I don't think anybody complained about her in Rust, more so for the game itself

>> No.60636498

The fact that not even /#/ was seething in any way was still surprising

>> No.60636528

Kiara's streaming identity was built on shipping and she won't incline until she has something like takamori again.

>> No.60636556

Holy based

>> No.60636573

Funny. I've seen more comments asking if she's gotten rid of the chicken voice during collabs. Can you back your claim up or are you just making shit up?

>> No.60636599

She refuses to do something like Takamori again and it can't develop naturally because she refuses to treat holos like possible new friends or actual close friends.

>> No.60636610

That and I don't think the Pokemon tournament caused any seethe other than Fauna tryharding with natures

>> No.60636625
Quoted by: >>60636970

What the fuck are you talking about? She has the same voice in her collabs as in her solo streams.
She hasa deeper voice than Gura and Mumei in this one throughout the whole stream when she's not excited and everyone goes to a higher pitch when they get excited. Putting that against her is retarded.

>> No.60636634

Any proof? Or is this just another situation for when somebody new comes to the thread and talks about watching Kiara anons can sperg out about them like in the past?

>> No.60636639


>> No.60636681

why are you just making shit up now?

>> No.60636699

Yea I've actually seen this on 2 different AOE clips

>> No.60636800

T. same guy who supposedly makes new accounts for snackbox reviews or supposedly larps as visiting fanbases on this thread

>> No.60636833
Quoted by: >>60637092

Cover taking too much time to launch another gen also did not help, I can understand them not wanting to cannibalize fans but if you wait too much there are some viewers that just like to watch new things so as the EN vtuber scene grew they just started watching other companies/indies. Also not being prepared for such a reception from viewers (IIRC Myth members thought 100 thousand subscribers was a good goal to strive for in the first year).

>> No.60636849

>Random twitch argument into album flop discussion into twitch argument and general numberfagging argument and that splits into shipping argument and chicken voice argument all at the same time

>> No.60636883
Quoted by: >>60636996

>it's alsmost impossible to have this conversation in good faith because it also attracts antis who smell weakness and want to pounce on it
Hey look, it's happening right now!

>> No.60636945

I just find it funny how he blatantly lies thinking people here don't watch streams then posts in global only to get banned

>> No.60636970

She usually does turn on the chicken voice for some collabs not all, usually if its like some big event kinda thing. There is one instance that I remember her voice mellowed out, then next stream was a big collab and it was very screechy, cause she has to put on her high energy entertaining persona on. Unfortunately I cant remember exactly what it was or what channel it was on for an example, might have been when they went to Japan for the first time. She is certainly getting better at not using it in collabs, its just there are times when she falls back on it to be more "entertaining".

>> No.60636996

I'd say the discussion has been fairly civil, actually, outside of the one retard samefagging and trying different angles so he could link what he vomited here in other threads.

>> No.60637081
Quoted by: >>60637148

>10 at most hours
good to know you don't even have the faintest idea of how terrible numberfag sides are
their averages are not weighted, a HoloTalk episode is counted as "1 stream" just like a 10 hour RPG stream
that's why numberfags are treated as subhumans everywhere outside their hugbox, they use terrible tools and are too dumb to discern anything of value from them

>> No.60637092
Quoted by: >>60637397

To be fair when Myth debuted most people doubted that EN vtubers could even work, and Cover was most likely basing their performance on ID at the time, so 100k within the first year was understandable. You could even argue Cover didn't think Myth would succeed as much as they did since they literally only gave them 3 managers and made them buy their own iphones

>> No.60637095

Well I don't recall a recent collab where she's done that. She's retired the 2020/21 voice for a while

>> No.60637148
Quoted by: >>60637289

Anon, HoloData uses weighted average. That's EASILY verifiable by taking one of their 10 days charts, for example. Don't talk about stuff you clearly know nothing about.

>> No.60637170

>zero links
>immediately moved the goalposts from "she does it all the time" to "she does it sometimes"
Yeah yeah, sod off, would you?

>> No.60637233

>are you just making shit up?
he has been samefagging three year old posts for six hours now, what do you think?

>> No.60637245
File: 1.93 MB, 1730x1047, 1694410208285559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much text, not enough wawa soles

>> No.60637277


>> No.60637289
Quoted by: >>60637353

>Don't talk about stuff you clearly know nothing about
kek, that's rich coming from a numberfag

>> No.60637295
File: 214 KB, 617x557, 1000033503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst the thread has been for a long time.

>> No.60637353
Quoted by: >>60637485

>get proven wrong
You're a sad person.

>> No.60637365
Quoted by: >>60637460

>Same shit in global

>> No.60637397

Yeah, but you would think that they could've put up a better plan after they saw the popularity of the branch. My point is that it is natural that you have a decline in viewers if your starting point is pretty much the climax of your channel. In my opinion it even was bad for Kiara, since there were a lot of people watching her debut for example (me included), and I wouldn't say that it was without its hiccups. It sucks that some people that watched it pretty much made their minds on her personality or the way she streams and wouldn't give her a second chance. I guess that's just life.

>> No.60637438

tickle tickle
suck suck suck

>> No.60637460

See >>60633763
Has nothing to do with the seethe here, that seethe just always happens at the exact same time of day almost to the point of being on the dot.

>> No.60637485
Quoted by: >>60637522

NTA but kill yourself.

>> No.60637522

You're hilarious.

>> No.60637631
File: 474 KB, 616x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, new Wawa porn dropped, with some soles for the feetfags as well.

>> No.60637677
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1624567275109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60637723


>> No.60637779

I love Kiara

>> No.60637811


>> No.60637986


>> No.60638351
File: 475 KB, 1048x591, 1497369601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60638772

Hey look!
It's me!
It wasn't about the album but more that things have really gotten bad for her mental health-wise over the last year-ish.
This is my assumption, but she still gets up and streams for us daily because she's both afraid of losing us if she takes more time for hers ('losing her niche') and that streaming for us gives her both a safe space she feels loved and welcomed in and a reason to get up in the morning.
While I'm sure physical pain llays a part in her inability to sleep, she spends nights rolling around thinking and then feels like she can't go to sleep so she turns on her phone or tv and it reactivates her brain and makes her get shit sleep even when she finally manages to go to bed.

>> No.60638994
Quoted by: >>60639632

The sad part is her weird Japanese things niche is being filled by FuwaMoco for me personally. I still love Wawa for being somewhat real sometimes and giving me the REAL GFE expreience with her tangents and just talking about her day to day activities. I don't think there's a single EN who will ever talk as much as Kiara does on her feelings and I like that.

>> No.60639010
File: 1.34 MB, 1800x2540, FbEvAGkaMAExcD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60641168

>> No.60639261

Through porn, peace

>> No.60639401

Sex with Wawa would bring peace to the world

>> No.60639421
File: 2.64 MB, 2752x4088, FVhhuutaAAESxXj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60641168

>> No.60639617
Quoted by: >>60640262

KFP has fallen

>> No.60639632
Quoted by: >>60640050

She lost that japanese niche a long while ago though. Mainly just because she doesn't stream in that timezone

>> No.60639739
Quoted by: >>60640160

It's funny how you guys always praise Kiara for being so open about her feelings, but the fact of the matter is, her openness about her feelings makes us exaggerate every little thing she expresses and think of it as a fixation when it's really just her spilling her brain out of her mouth like she always does.

>> No.60639804

Aura fangirling in prechat

>> No.60639832


>> No.60639859

cute, I want more wawagumi streams

>> No.60639868
File: 377 KB, 1500x2152, FkqV-jiaAAA9vwV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60639912

Wawa is so hot, she made entire board melt

>> No.60639940

i still believe, though glad she at least got some gig

>> No.60640050

I thought that Anon meant the Japanese-isms and idol and weeb stuff, which FuwaMoco has in spades, not the timezone and actual appeal to JP nikki

>> No.60640160
Quoted by: >>60640740

You never really know from her what is just brain storming ideas vs things she is actually gonna go through with. Eurovision is a good example.

>> No.60640262


>> No.60640309


>> No.60640339


>> No.60640372
File: 310 KB, 560x502, 1685181889444421.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60640385

>le single image "MV"
God just fuck off with this lazy shit

>> No.60640443
File: 1.21 MB, 1842x2693, 1687494177837313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60640503
File: 386 KB, 706x610, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60640565

>> No.60640517

The MV quality this time is more comparable to Sparks, not bad

>> No.60640550
File: 6 KB, 398x65, Screen_shot_2023-10-16_12_06_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60640565

suddenly I'm not seething anymore

>> No.60640579

damn, that ass

>> No.60640591

This MV is better than the last. Looks way better

>> No.60640740
Quoted by: >>60641166

Only reason I've been talking so mcuh this thread is because of the depression talk at the start of the members. I care about Kiara and want to see her do well. None of us will ever have a full grasp on the situation or thoughts she's having, but I do hope going to a therapist helps because I want to see her happy. If she ties her happiness to gaining viewers or appealing to a larger audience, I don't think it will work out well for her.

>> No.60640761

I hope we get a good amount of space/cyber (or whatever you call it) wawa fanart

>> No.60640780

That art is fucking good

>> No.60640796

I'm just going to say: TGW deserved better...

>> No.60640843

The song is much better than Love Rush.

>> No.60640880
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, The Great Wanderer - Takanashi Kiara (Official Music Video) (H_Q8hB7v6qw).mp4_snapshot_00.44.767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60640994

outfit wouldn't look out of place in xenoblade, slight CLAMP vibes too perhaps.

>> No.60640995

That outfit is amazing, mamaloni is a 200IQ genius

>> No.60641069

Damn that looks great. She came back strong. Can't wait to see the MV when I get home.

>> No.60641124

just amazing
mamaloni really likes opalescent, huh?
Kiaras jacket in sparks had a similar white rainbow shine

>> No.60641131

Yeah, TGW was my favorite album and although I get the limited budget thing, this song felt more special to me than Pineapple or Sleep Talking.

>> No.60641166
Quoted by: >>60641434

She should certainly see a therapist, sure we could all say the bf/gf thing could be true and help, but a lot of her problems mentally is her insecurity, and I am sure she wants to dump it all out instead of bottling it up. Talking it out would greatly help with it. And who knows how much it would help her outside of her hololive issues.

>> No.60641168

my cute gamerwife

>> No.60641179

pretty good

>> No.60641251

Good butt

>> No.60641263

Garage kit when

>> No.60641350

Wish there was at least one more Kiara image there in MV just for reference sake

>> No.60641434
Quoted by: >>60642975

finding the right therapist can be tiring, like finding the right doctor in Kiara's case. but professional ears to handle her worries is infinitely better than fans trying to psychoanalyze her. not even friends should carelessly offer mental health advice.

>> No.60641690
File: 1009 KB, 3879x2294, FOM8QgeacAAKNg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60641751

I can accept this for Love Rush and TGW (even though I love TGW), but the thought of Retrospective getting this level of MV is painful.
I know it's because of budget contraints but it's just so frustrating...

>> No.60642017

>budget contraints
It's really not. At the end of the day it's her own choice to make PVs for all the new songs. Not every song has to get something that

>> No.60642026

This deserved a full 3D mv more.

>> No.60642034
File: 1.34 MB, 4096x2507, FUZtp4YagAA-klQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60642081

TGW is better than Retrospective you shittaste brainlet, it getting this shit tier MV is a far bigger crime

>> No.60642310
File: 252 KB, 1410x2048, F56BnQfbIAAuLh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Anons of /wawa/
Music video of The Great Wanderer left me carving more for a chicken butt. Can I ask you to share some?

>> No.60642372
File: 641 KB, 840x1200, 1691299933479050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60642427


>> No.60642396
File: 1.07 MB, 238x454, wawa wiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60642910


>> No.60642427
File: 58 KB, 502x900, 1669832895589446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60642656
File: 133 KB, 864x1200, HYthinger - back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60642718
File: 3.78 MB, 1280x720, new butt [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1wdnru.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60642805
File: 91 KB, 1200x704, E9yC0ZUVEAEKwn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60642892
File: 2.40 MB, 2139x3744, 766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60642908
File: 2.32 MB, 2000x2000, 1689259292749943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60642910
Quoted by: >>60643183

This is by far the best Wawa butt posted yet. Attached to the real article, a shake done spontaniously while live for us.

>> No.60642970
File: 917 KB, 2048x2048, 1693895061617463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60642975

problem is, the average austrian shrink won't have much experience handling her situation-specific issues (striving for fame/recognition/popularity, working hard but not really achieving the goals you set, plus eceleb double-life issues, etc. You may have to go to Hollywood or whatever to find therapists who're actually specialized in that)), so it's probable that whatever their advice is feels missing the point for Kiara, which would make her disregard and not follow it, which of course doesn't help either, so she'd be left frustrated which only furthers her "i knew this is pointless, they all don't understand me anyway..."- anti doctor stance.

And therapists can only do so much, even in the best of things, because when it comes right down to it, most of the advice they would give her in her specific situation could probably be boiled down to "just stop worrying so much about the business/job/numbers/popularity, just relax, take it easy and enjoy the privileged position you already have, and rather seek fulfillment more in the things of your private life which you can actually control instead of just fruitlessly striving for more external validation" or something to that effect. Which she can either accept or not, and if she doesn't because she's still set on the striving thing for the time being, a therapist can't help her get better ccv/subs or whatever she wants, that's not their field of expertise and she should rather look into getting a business/celeb coach/mentor or whatever the job description for those people is that can help you with your career. And good luck finding one those that actually knows what they're talking about and isn't just a hack or a scam. In an ideal world, that's something Cover management/staff would do for their talents, but they're clearly not qualified for marketing/strategy and are at best just personal assistants for the talents and at worst just nagging nannies.

>> No.60643102
File: 91 KB, 911x1200, SineSian - butt buff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60643183
Quoted by: >>60643547

She knows what the chickens want, a piece of that ass

>> No.60643547
Quoted by: >>60643705

Well that, and an appreciative or needy Wawa. I'd post the Christmas walfiara giving us kisses soundpost, but I'm not at home right now.

>> No.60643705
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, Walfiara Love [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmqnrx7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60643861


>> No.60643861

Thanks. I can hear it in my head, no need for the sound player on this one.

>> No.60643892

Please refrain from carving your local chimkin’s ass. He needs that.

>> No.60644047

I think its because of the colors that is a little better, but both MVs are the same, even the same font that I dislike, I do feel TGW deserved better..

>> No.60645036
File: 565 KB, 665x602, The Great Wanderer TGW Kiara Ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60645163

>> No.60645163


>> No.60646034
File: 40 KB, 933x760, 1688383285186113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60646257

>> No.60646257
Quoted by: >>60646520


>> No.60646520


>> No.60647210 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60647732

And... TGW is not doing well.

>> No.60647720
File: 3.94 MB, 1280x720, kiara xvi jumpscare 1[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbxcz8v.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only managed to watch like two hours of yesterday before I had to go to work so I still need to finish it, but have these soundposts.

>> No.60647732
File: 761 KB, 1280x1280, _12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60647767
File: 3.92 MB, 224x286, kiara xvi carpenter fixed[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkiz7ec.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60647795
File: 3.91 MB, 260x300, kiara xvi twist reaction 1[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2suu49.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60647929

>> No.60647929


>> No.60647948
File: 3.92 MB, 1280x720, kiara xvi jumpscare 2[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkf4186.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60648120

kek the insta delete

>> No.60648195

Aw I missed it

>> No.60649082
Quoted by: >>60649189

We get Jannies here?

>> No.60649189

it's a gacha roll really. A post like that will sometimes get deleted and sometimes stay up for a whole thread

>> No.60649245

What was it this time?

>> No.60649317
Quoted by: >>60649351

She flert
I didn't notice...

>> No.60649351

I didn’t either…

>> No.60650247
File: 186 KB, 677x1057, F8l1Ou5WYAAZxZl.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60651087


>> No.60651000

>But yeah I agree that unlike Japan, the west will never have an organic vtuber culture and it's always gonna be more of a "niche within a niche" thing for weebs.

People thought the same thing about anime, and while ironic memeing on nerd culture is just a thing amongst the self-deprecating parts of westerners, that changed to a point people started regularly making videos like "it may be an unpopular opinion, but anime sucks". Proving the climate is changing. At the end of the day, numbers fluctuating is just proof not that EN vtubing is dying, but there is such a spoiling for choice, like any brand of entertainment, and certainly for the variety content that vtubing is, the talents must change their approach if they want to be "bigger" than the rest. Ambition is good, but luck, circumstances, and timing are what create opportunity. You can't expect to farm it out of thin air.

>> No.60651087


>> No.60651459
File: 1.66 MB, 347x260, Hatanashi_Chefawa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60652525

>> No.60652507
File: 168 KB, 900x1265, 1680548388032033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60652525

I cant belive this is real...

>> No.60652571
File: 429 KB, 1448x2048, 1679639028594052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60652643
File: 668 KB, 2894x4093, 1685178490180516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60652715
File: 117 KB, 1200x1200, 1691415947350908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60652761
File: 90 KB, 850x850, 1669383314176590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60652837
File: 664 KB, 792x1056, 1675035987792291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60652903
File: 98 KB, 636x900, 1672431270581355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60652969
File: 238 KB, 850x1268, 1681155989734608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60653036
File: 284 KB, 1029x2048, 1684183835045238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60653122
File: 106 KB, 636x900, 1674435145367373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60653175

>If she thinks she will become more popular on twitch
>or that there's some big mass of potential audience waiting
>who haven't seen her yet and just need to be exposed to her to become fans...
>yeeeah well, uh sure try it, but don't expect too much and be sad if it likely doesn't work out
>the sooner we will get this stupid experiment failing and over with, the better...
Half a day late but nicely said overall. I don't know if it will work or not, and I won't pretend to know the habits of twitch euros. I genuinely hope it does, but I have to hope she doesn't put too many eggs in the twitch basket if it turns out similar to the German channel.
I'll keep watching her when I can regardless.

>> No.60653189


>> No.60654739
Quoted by: >>60655458

How is this going to work? So she buys two different products, one expensive, one cheap, and just tries them both out? Will she get someone else to buy it for her, so she won't truly know?

>> No.60655458

I'm 99% sure that's what she meant by getting a friend to help her the other day.

>> No.60655744
File: 137 KB, 717x722, 1647936478350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

