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60094613 No.60094613 [Reply] [Original]

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▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
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Previous Thread >>60086056

>> No.60094660


>> No.60094906

why are you like this?

>> No.60095174

Zased thread for zased individuals

>> No.60095235

there is literally nothing wrong with wanting to see your oshi have fun and flirt with men on stream

>> No.60095263
Quoted by: >>60095313

i am a cuck and this is based. i love being a harine.

>> No.60095313

don't try to appropriate capipiculture newfag

>> No.60095362

Thanks Pippa, your two year long campaign to attract the largest possible audience of cuckposters has killed /pcg/. So much for living forever.

>> No.60095371

Based janny

>> No.60095379

>All the shit that's happened over the last 2 years
>It took a harmless male collab to have /pcg/ in such a bad state
Really makes you wonder

>> No.60095454
Quoted by: >>60095583

Actual new thread

>> No.60095477

A few schizophrenic asshats have decided they’re gonna make a hundred threads. Eventually we’ll get banned to just one or worse.

>> No.60095583
Quoted by: >>60095892

Fucking STOP

>> No.60095621

I am in all 14 of them

>> No.60095636

It has been this bad since forever.

>> No.60095676

>wow I can't believe WWI was caused because franz ferdinand had bread for breakfast

>> No.60095699
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Is it safe?

>> No.60095762

It broke the camel's back-

>> No.60095794

Dizzy’s tits are not safe. That’s how she reels you in.

>> No.60095861
File: 325 KB, 2280x1420, 1674837712838560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invader and gen 2 thread -> >>60077806

>> No.60095892


>> No.60095894
File: 82 KB, 789x903, 1696735467568950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread will be better

>> No.60095947

He is literally a cunny chaser

>> No.60095954

I'll go to Lumi's discord before I use your avatarfagging thread.

>> No.60096092
File: 323 KB, 500x525, 1696717054980607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome

>> No.60096261

how does 1 guy have all this power? when did I become a boogeyman?

>> No.60096368
Quoted by: >>60097005


>> No.60096462
File: 656 KB, 1422x800, fuckvaush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck vaush, link rel

>> No.60096746 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>60097005

You've chosen the path of the nigger so yes you have gained power through your actions, and you must keep performing these actions, constantly or else you will lose that power and everyone will forget about you. You've chained yourself to the plantation.

>> No.60096835
Quoted by: >>60097005

you let the attention get to your head, and got cocky, you've fallen into the path of henri and will suffer the same fate

>> No.60096908
Quoted by: >>60097005

we will soon forget about you

>> No.60097005


thanks for the (yois)

>> No.60097069

this thread is already dead, nobody will see your "(yois)"

>> No.60097669


>> No.60097776
Quoted by: >>60098321

but why?

>> No.60098321
Quoted by: >>60098405


>> No.60098405

It's not funny you sick fuck

>> No.60098664

What happened now?

>> No.60098757

threads are spliting

>> No.60098860
Quoted by: >>60100331

based retard

>> No.60098903
Quoted by: >>60099002

now that summer is over people are bored

>> No.60099002

you said that at the beggining of summer

>> No.60099638

Safe? No?
Worth it? Yeah probably.

>> No.60100331

posting bump always kills threads anyway because there is nothing to talk about

>> No.60100468

If Pippa doesn't stream south park tonight I will be taking my own life

>> No.60100759
File: 57 KB, 720x733, 1668414627036409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is fucked

>> No.60101028
File: 387 KB, 1294x1229, 1695563820359208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eventually we’ll get banned to just one
Likers are coming home? Fucking sweet.

>> No.60101714
Quoted by: >>60102167

this thread is way too slow

>> No.60102167
Quoted by: >>60102295

there is only you and me buddy

>> No.60102295

that's pretty neat actually

>> No.60102424

It’s straight, but why does this actually seem really fucking gay?

>> No.60102675

it's because pipkun made it

>> No.60102981

needs a manly background

>> No.60103217
File: 592 KB, 3158x4096, 1689911128542194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60104922
Quoted by: >>60105132

Uruka hates us

>> No.60105132
File: 365 KB, 720x700, 1693975426365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone hates us

>> No.60105386
Quoted by: >>60105490

You should be happy Pippa's building relationships even though it's not with you

>> No.60105490

she already has relationships

>> No.60105535
Quoted by: >>60105722


>> No.60105654
Quoted by: >>60105782

I would be fine if she collabed with some one like a razor fist or a donut operator. When she Collabs with dudes who combined can't break 500 people watching them it's like I ask myself mentally to Pippa "are you doing this out of charity"

>> No.60105722
File: 73 KB, 209x240, 1657934038787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people are weird

>> No.60105782
Quoted by: >>60105869

Every single one of pippas collabs is out of charity. She's the mega idol of phase connect

>> No.60105869

Everyone in phase connect likes when she Collabs with Lia, tenma or the other girls and it's not charity considering it's the same company

>> No.60105997
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vampire show pippa looked at on stream a while ago is out.

>> No.60106140
Quoted by: >>60106317

Pippa is ugly and not a rabbit girl irl
I just thought I'd break the illusion so her next male collab doesn't hurt you as much

>> No.60106317

Why does it hurt you so much that most fans don't give a shit about your male vtuber. Everyone knows that pippa isn't exactly fairest lady in the land they just want her to Collab with people who match her audience. Besides that what kind favors do you think it would do you to call her ugly.

>> No.60106347

Why are the invader models so much more attractive than the rest of phase? Is fishman trying to brainwash the audience into being more tolerant towards invaders?

>> No.60107862
File: 113 KB, 425x259, 1696588463212124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60108076

>make 10 threads
>keeps said threads up by replying to yourself whilist "talking" about the threads

>> No.60108035

Fake and gay

>> No.60108076

now that is a strong mind

>> No.60109622
File: 122 KB, 657x530, F5L2mwfWcAATjBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60110118

pcg is collapsing...

>> No.60110267
File: 84 KB, 256x256, 1696276361635285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry about it, we can have this secret thread meanwhile

>> No.60112771
Quoted by: >>60112838

it's getting reunited

>> No.60112807

Cool, why don't you tell me fish's cut from stream? Talents' cut from merch? The IP rights of invaders? Contract details? If the talent even know each others contracts or cuts? Your parasocial bonds with the talent who can't leave without losing their entire identity doesn't mean much objectively.

>> No.60112838
Quoted by: >>60113796

there's 3 /pcg/ threads now

>> No.60113796

we have been worse

>> No.60114560

thanks for reminding me to bump >>60114517

>> No.60115663
Quoted by: >>60117768

the meltdown never stops, it just keeps going

>> No.60117768

>it just keeps going
Just like her collab with uwu_to_owo

>> No.60118550

Dizzy or Lumi who would you choose?

>> No.60119043

both at the same time, I only see them as objects

>> No.60120179
Quoted by: >>60121874

Lumi, but I'll make dizzy watch

>> No.60121874

just get them to take turns

>> No.60121947

or both at the same time

>> No.60122193
Quoted by: >>60122358

Dizzy is the crazier one, better sex

>> No.60122340

Panko seems really burnt out of streaming. But she’s trapped since no other job she tried in the past worked out for her

>> No.60122358
Quoted by: >>60122630

crazy is always worse that you can tell
>wake up
>dick is missing

>> No.60122497
Quoted by: >>60123997

I'm too old for Dizzy and Lumi doesn't like muscular guys

>> No.60122630

Skill issue

>> No.60123997
Quoted by: >>60124765

Are you smart?

>> No.60124341

not me

>> No.60124765
Quoted by: >>60124832

I have an engineering degree but I still do blue collar machining work. Dizzy has already said she doesn't like tradies

>> No.60124832
Quoted by: >>60124910

You could have a girl similar to Jelly then.

>> No.60124910
Quoted by: >>60124978

I don't watch jelly.

>> No.60124978
File: 451 KB, 668x764, 1695614030130287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60125306


>> No.60125306

Adult women pretending to be lolis just doesn't do it for me. She seems like the type to own a switch and play Pokemon anytime I take her out to public places

>> No.60125548
File: 316 KB, 1643x1622, 1696394887343268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awa awawa awa awawa...

>> No.60126106
File: 366 KB, 443x661, 1694478600883543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she is amazing!

>> No.60126182
Quoted by: >>60126749

jelly is autistic as fuck and every date would be a chore

>> No.60126381
Quoted by: >>60128070

dizzy for sex lumi for marriage because she can cook

>> No.60126749
File: 205 KB, 400x400, 1696731653293114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fool and you're an idiot. I would even go so far as to say that you're also quite the absolute retard and imbicile.

>> No.60128070
Quoted by: >>60128268

Lumi for ex wife

>> No.60128268
File: 398 KB, 600x600, 1695326299425769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60128365

Thoughts on Jelly?

>> No.60128365
File: 2.79 MB, 2032x1144, Screen Shot 2023-10-06 at 9.15.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60128556

Lumi's wife

>> No.60128556

No, she is hers AND mine!

>> No.60133693
File: 371 KB, 220x143, 1674491600003167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when looking at all the thread splits

>> No.60134889

I wish Lumi was live.

>> No.60139394
File: 204 KB, 749x723, 1673224247726491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i'm here, vod doko

>> No.60142754


>> No.60144686


>> No.60147512

where are lumi-like girls found

>> No.60147657
File: 379 KB, 1000x1000, 164788851201259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there 5 pc related threads in the catalogue
what the fuck are you guys are doing

>> No.60147760

bumped every half an hour
pathetic desu

>> No.60147849
File: 383 KB, 1000x1000, peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope it'll be over soon. these splits suck.

>> No.60147994

I hate it, I give it two more days before it goes back to normal.

>> No.60148053

I had a mental breakdown and decided to take every pippa schizo with me, so I woke them up and pushed them around to break things. It worked well. I am not recovering from this.

>> No.60148228 [SPOILER] 
File: 377 KB, 919x994, 1687798049841181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60149097

i am vehemently opposed to splitting. i can quite literally not think of a good reason to split.

>> No.60148307

I can't wait to bully Shiina when she finally comes home from banana mango island, wherever that is!
No more concern fagging, it'll be all banter and hard knocks just like Shiina wants!

>> No.60148877
File: 79 KB, 1200x1200, ZomboMeme 7564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60148959

I miss her.

>> No.60148959

least dishonest oshi right here

>> No.60149097
File: 136 KB, 1551x1170, 1676456145015693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60149467

Can you really not? Look at this thread. It was created under a shitposting anti cuck image.
Every /pcg/ thread is nothing but spam and antiposting timeloops. The thread quality has never been lower. Splitting has unironically increased the quality.

>> No.60149291

it was the last straw for people after a week of bad streams

>> No.60149371


>> No.60149467
File: 380 KB, 1000x1000, 168488952100154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be completely honest with you chief, it could not matter less.

>Every /pcg/ thread is nothing but spam and antiposting timeloops
Download 4chan X and filtre all those posts, ignore them. Sure, it's hard when they're so plentiful but I'm sure you're not that weak.

>complaining about muh thread quality
You're a poster, you can increase thread quality by making a silly edit and getting other people to do the same, for example. bitching about it does not help at.

Splitting the community does nothing but weaken it.

>> No.60149520

>Splitting the community does nothing but weaken it.
>Likers left
>They had the second-highest number of posters
>Nothing changed
>You are retarded

>> No.60149522

"the community" is dog shit and the Liker split is a perfect example of why it can be a good thing to leave the cancer that is /pcg/

>> No.60149564
File: 109 KB, 300x300, 1696781539935264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure, it's hard when they're so plentiful but I'm sure you're not that weak.
Don't care. Found another solution that's better.
>by making a silly edit and getting other people to do the same
I have, and with you too, but it gets zero engagement because it's not a schizo timeloop. Half the time the engagement is just people complaining about "avatarfags".
>Splitting the community
What community? You outright stated you filter most of it because it sucks. You're a walking contradiction, and you ain't got no right.

>> No.60149567

>Eventually we’ll get banned to just one or worse.
The plan by antis is obviously to make Phase the first banned corpo on this board, and it might actually work. So unless you really do want to be the MLP of vtubing, I suggest to the split morons (yes, you read this thread still) to cease immediately because you won't be happy with the final result. Capipis won't be harmed by this, we can always move to the farm if need be, you fuckers are out of luck in comparison and you have absolutely zero leverage to change anything about our general either so no compromises will be made.

>> No.60149607

None of the people complaining were here for early /pcg/ and it bloody well shows.

>> No.60149650
Quoted by: >>60149687

>we can always move to the farm
Way to out yourself faggot.
Boohoo woe is me, you MUST stay in my shitposting general so I can farm screenshots for my thread!!!

>> No.60149657

Yeah sure, Nostradamus

>> No.60149687
Quoted by: >>60149775

Just stating facts, crybaby. Enjoy not having anywhere but shitcord available to you.

>> No.60149771

>Capipis won't be harmed by this
>no compromises will be made
I don't think you understand, people are leaving because they don't give a shit about the original thread and want nothing to do with it.
>the farm

>> No.60149775

You're just mad it'll be harder to baitpost for funy posts to share with your buddies in the pippa thread.

>> No.60150026

honestly pippa should just phase out

>> No.60150336

Anyone knows the connection between V&U and Phase? seeing some V talents have mod status on the chats

>> No.60150529

I'm a regular uwu watcher who hasn't really been in the Phase sphere at all and noticed all the threads, and that got me curious. I watched the collab and it was completely chill, if anything both of them were a bit more hinged than normal, and uwu is like a cinnamon bun. Did the whole general lose its shit about this? I was also the impression that Pippa wasn't really a unicorn's chuuba.
Was this Pippa's first collab with a male? I don't know why, I thought she'd had others.

>> No.60150694
Quoted by: >>60150880

in short: many schizo antiposters and it was good fuel due to combination of factors

>> No.60150811
Quoted by: >>60150880

>Was this Pippa's first collab with a male?
nope, she played mahjong with him and 2 other small vtuber/streamers like a week before, and collabed with a male VA like 2-3 months ago.
>Did the whole general lose its shit about this?
just like 2-3 schizos. but they spammed the whole general for multiple threads, and are continuing to do so, but the split made them have to work harder so its less bad now.

>> No.60150880

So are all the extra threads being made by schizos?
Ah, they're more for making the schizos split their effort. Well, good luck, schizos should get bored of that pretty quick.

>> No.60150898
File: 260 KB, 492x466, 1696829909301940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60151210

many reasons just to list a few
week of generally poor quality streams
refused to call into lisa's donothon despite having days to do so
while having 6.5 hours to collab with someone the audience already didn't like or was neutral to a best

>> No.60150946

>schizos should get bored of that pretty quick.
i think you underestimate autism. they may get bored, but it will probably take another yab/happening to stop it for good

>> No.60150977

>schizos should get bored of that pretty quick
they were at it for multiple days beforehand

>> No.60151010
Quoted by: >>60151210

It's a lot of things all piling up. The collab was just the straw that broke the camels back. The problem wasn't so much uwu as it was Pippa herself and her fans.

>> No.60151133
Quoted by: >>60151174

Everything Pippa does causes a meltdown
She is just that powerful

>> No.60151174

I kneel..

>> No.60151210

Our schizos aren't that weak one of them has already replied to you twice >>60150898 >>60151010, if you want a full picture of the mental illness you're going to have to read through a few threads to see what they keep repeating or to pick up on their writing style.

>> No.60151250

this is the actual schizo, by the way

>> No.60151257

rape rape

>> No.60151302

not the same person retard learn to check for samefag people have genuine grievances pippa is far from a good person

>> No.60151383

Pippa whiteknights can deep throat my cock. You're running interference for a girl that hates you.

>> No.60151397

Missed that one champ
Your autism needs training

>> No.60151434
Quoted by: >>60151525

>running interference
On the contrary, Capipis are simply pointing out there is a cliff in front of you and not to jump off of it thinking you are hurting her by doing so.

>> No.60151525


>> No.60151651

rape rape rape

>> No.60153469
Quoted by: >>60153591

nice to see that pcg is still alive and well

>> No.60153591

let it die to make your point

>> No.60154625


>> No.60154962
Quoted by: >>60156310

I don't get what's so bad about what Pippa did. I mean, m*les? I thought we were over this already. She's never going to be yours. You're never going to hold her hand. Watch her to be entertained, not to pretend you have a girlfriend.

>> No.60155690

I'm Pippa's top guy and you should watch your mouth.

>> No.60155738

Why the fuck are there 2 threads? Doesn't vt hate us enough already?

>> No.60156123
Quoted by: >>60161114

This is the thread

>> No.60156155

Good compromise

>> No.60156166
Quoted by: >>60161060

jannies are trannies

>> No.60156181

I can live with this. Also where the fuck where the jannies in the last 24 hours?

>> No.60156190
Quoted by: >>60156244

We like our Panko split, hope it stays. Thank you.

>> No.60156232
Quoted by: >>60156272

wtf the jannies kept the anti thread but deleted the op image

>> No.60156244
File: 262 KB, 751x645, 1695423939386857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60156462

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.60156257
File: 176 KB, 937x1200, 1696659128892894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60156335

Don't let this district you from jelly's soft inviting thighs

>> No.60156263

>Pippa whiteknights can deep throat my cock
Don't threaten me with a good time

>> No.60156272

probably just went with leaving the earliest thread alive

>> No.60156300
File: 1.49 MB, 1080x1920, schni schna schnappi[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmtapsm.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60156336

>> No.60156310
Quoted by: >>60156376

What did she do?

>> No.60156316

I miss baby lia

>> No.60156335
File: 110 KB, 238x282, 1696443327470635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly's jelly plump jiggling thighs...

>> No.60156336

Her bum must be cold...

>> No.60156365

I hate the idea of crying to jann to fix shit, but this has just gotten retarded. What actually happened to cause such bullshit?
Nevermind, I'll just make a drama thread for it. We need MOAR threads.

>> No.60156369 [SPOILER] 
File: 372 KB, 1080x1270, gumichisplosion[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu8xmw5.MP3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.60156376

Had sex with me

>> No.60156409

pipkun melty cause nobody used his threads
peruano spamming cause mentally ill
random shitposters

>> No.60156422

/pcg/ isn't this retarded, I bet those kiwiniggers did this.

>> No.60156457
File: 83 KB, 211x215, babu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60158347

I have come to the conclusion that the reason that I feel so isolated and lonely is because there are in fact no people. There are no minds other than my own. There is no world external to me. There is no history prior to my life. Every person in the world is just a schizophrenic illusion created by my mind. So there's no need to take it all so seriously. I'll just continue to exist and see what happens. There really is nothing.

>> No.60156462

Falseflagging with a Panko image. What did he mean by this?

>> No.60156553
File: 433 KB, 579x1003, 1696830571758650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step up, take responsibility, be a man.

>> No.60156560

These jannies are on a whole new level of braindead, holy hell.

>> No.60156585

Basically this is the fate of every general that's constantly bombarded by shitposting, once the shitposters realize how much power they really have. Jannies are supposed to deal with this shit quickly before there's long-lasting damage but yeah.
At this point there's only two ways for things to go back to normal, either the fags forcing the split get bored of their latest prank, or the board gets shitposted so hard that they don't have time to necrobump their thread and they get too bored to make a new thread.

>> No.60156586 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, 1678110947058023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I saw that you Op image was missing so I Just wanted to post it for the sake of posterity. No need to thank me.

>> No.60156588
Quoted by: >>60156607

>be a man
but they're only taking women

>> No.60156607

Identify as a woman.

>> No.60156626

not a thing

>> No.60156633


>> No.60156643

Game recs to get me through vacation connect?

>> No.60156648


>> No.60156664
File: 290 KB, 1920x1080, Shiina Maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning gentlemen, I love Shiina

>> No.60156666
Quoted by: >>60157675

Monster Hunter

>> No.60156692

No thanks, most of my friends have been menhera women, I think I attract them because I'm stable and inoffensive.

>> No.60156702

do people still play mordhau?

>> No.60156715

God I wish women were real

>> No.60156723
Quoted by: >>60161004

Hahaha everything so as not to hurt the sensitivity of the capippis who were crying over the photo

>> No.60156730

i have no intentions of committing rope

>> No.60156788

3D era GTAs. Open enough gameplay, no grinding required, edgy jokes that are not forced, story not short or too long, amusing bugs.

>> No.60156791
Quoted by: >>60156835

Come here if you don't want to deal with the capippis and the antis

>> No.60156826
Quoted by: >>60156874

he doesn't know when it's over does he
actual nigger behaviour

>> No.60156835

thanks I will post pippa there

>> No.60156858

Baldurs gate is a wokeshit

>> No.60156874

he's a bit slow

>> No.60156921
Quoted by: >>60156996

it is in Canada

>> No.60156996
Quoted by: >>60157038

canada isn't a thing either

>> No.60157038

Imagine if Canada was real lmao. Like actual people would get arrested for loli art lol.

>> No.60157065

Fucking retards, you kept the anti thread and delete the actual thread?
Oh it's fine though, delete da image doooyyyy
Idiocy, seriously. This is why you get mocked.

>> No.60157138

So a lot of the posts in the splits are low effort with low detail. Odds they are false flags by some other general/generals?

>> No.60157167
File: 1.76 MB, 1217x2150, 1696739542827464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60157182
Quoted by: >>60157208

Don't care about the splits, post quality here

>> No.60157206
File: 581 KB, 842x585, 1694380636325409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60157207

It's just one of the catalog shitposters trying to cause division as per usual.
The same fuckwits turbo mad they never got the /incel/ board. (from /qa/.)
They will play up fucking anything and spam it incessantly to make it look like everyone is annoyed, doesn't matter how trivial it is.

>> No.60157208

Stop replying to him.

>> No.60157235

should jong

>> No.60157237

For reference/archiving purposes, here are the actual Previous Threads:

>> No.60157242


>> No.60157269

Why would they delete image? Seems pretty tame.

>> No.60157381

Lumi will have a YT stream in 2 hours (4 PM UTC)
[No waiting room yet]
She will also have a Twitch stream in 7 hours (9 PM UTC)

Lia will be having a deep dive into urban legends in 9 hours (11 PM UTC)

Rie will be playing P.T. in 11 hours (1 AM UTC)
[No waiting room yet]

Airi will be drawing stick figures in 12 hours (2 AM UTC)

Shiina from September 18th to October 14th (vacation)
Iori from September 28th to October 16th (vacation)
Remi from September 30th for about a week (vacation)
Tenma from October 8th for a week (vacation)
Nasa from October 8th to October 11th (errand)
Michiru for an undetermined amount of time (health issues)
Uruka from October 8th to November 10th (uni hiatus)

>> No.60157427
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1696740167123740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see Pippa's tweet about wanting to play ryona games
>mfw I remember I'm her type

>> No.60157428

The youtube stream is in 3 hours

>> No.60157431


>> No.60157467
Quoted by: >>60159198


>> No.60157478

schedulefag BTFO

>> No.60157495

thanks for clarification, i just reposted from the previous thread

>> No.60157543

>>60157495 (me)
im not the actual scheduleposter

>> No.60157548

>t. schedulefag

>> No.60157552

It's not really important, I'm surprised she even made a waiting room in the first place.

>> No.60157580

Yeah Michi I'm Da Michi hello

>> No.60157627
Quoted by: >>60159130

Pippa is GFE

>> No.60157675

>Quads go unchecked
PCG really is over....

>> No.60157686

Lumi no!

>> No.60157850

Why does that dumb bitch stream at such retarded times.

>> No.60157932
File: 2.65 MB, 462x321, lia-phase-connect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60158056

My oshi Lia has clean pure boobs

>> No.60158056

I want to fuck her mom.

>> No.60158082

Meanwhile, the Lia thread just derps along oblivious to the chaos they have caused.

>> No.60158104
Quoted by: >>60158146

Always the likers...everything can be traced back to them.

>> No.60158146

the segregation poster...

>> No.60158197
File: 439 KB, 800x800, 1691292499671355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60158756

I told you all from the start that thread being accepted was a mistake, and here we are. This is why you kill splits at the source, now its too late

>> No.60158213

Honestly Airi should do a split on my face

>> No.60158249

Honestly Iori should spit on my face

>> No.60158280

Honestly Rinmama should spit into my face

>> No.60158296

Dizzy Dizzy Domination
The invaders have total control of phase planet
If you want your oshi to be safe you'll watch more Dizzy streams

>> No.60158315

Pippa 7 hours Male COLLAB

>> No.60158318

Honestly Tenma should lick my face

>> No.60158347


>> No.60158352
Quoted by: >>60158379

Honestly Fishman should send my fucking merch, holy shit its been months

>> No.60158375
File: 60 KB, 720x478, Lia cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60158485

>> No.60158379

Make your own merch. And sell it too, fishman doesn't have the resources to stop you

>> No.60158381
File: 325 KB, 515x505, 1682889903288064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about how sad Pippa would be for reading all your posts, she doesn't deserve this

>> No.60158396
File: 490 KB, 1823x1393, 1694388775527475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60158526

Honestly, I want to manhandle Tenma's petite little body.

>> No.60158423
File: 27 KB, 736x836, 1681534750247186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly Pippa should piss on my face

>> No.60158447 [DELETED] 

I want to do bad things to that woman...

>> No.60158453

>Liker thread is watching a movie and celebrating after 2 weeks of almost zero Lia
>Panko thread just meming with her emotes
>/pcai/ discussing actual streams
Yet this thread is the only one losing their collective minds all day, explain how the splits are an actual bad thing when they've talked about more Phase Connect than /here/

>> No.60158485
Quoted by: >>60158559

Every time I see a girl trying to mogg on shorter dudes, they always turn out to be one of Santa"s little helpers themselves.

>> No.60158509
File: 269 KB, 703x749, 1686316761337465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What mental illness causes someone to literally copypaste the same posts for 3 day straight? This guy should really be put down like a dog.

>> No.60158517

Honestly Shiina should bite me until she draws blood then lick it clean and bandage me up.

>> No.60158526

I feel like I would break her way too easily

>> No.60158559
File: 13 KB, 300x168, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn out to be one of Santa"s little helpers themselves.

>> No.60158565

here's an unorganized list of why it was a big deal:
>Male collab. I don't have to explain this one since we're on /vt/, I hope.
>Many found the stream unentertaining.
>She had great chemistry with Uwu, this made GFE Capipis sad.
>Stream went on for 6.5 hours
>there was a 2 hour watchalong after that.
>anons started running defense for Pippa in the threads, acting like normalfags and tourists to justify why anons don't hate a right to feel betrayed or upset. Like they don't understand the fundamental parasocial element of vtubers.
>unironic discord police szhizo acting like an authority on the threads, telling anons to stfu and accept the collab in silence. Got BTFOd.

A big part of it was the war itself inside these threads. With some anons acting the tourists. Pippa is lowkey GFE, or at least sells a type of experience that implies no males on stream. She's our little sister/wife.
>muh it's just a content creator. That's touristspeak. That's not how vtubers work and those who don't know don't belong here.
There were 4 groups who didn't like the male collab.
>regular GFE enjoyers
>people who just don't like male talent on their oshi stream
>people who simply found the content bad.

On the other side there were 4 groups who ran defense for Pippa
>Discord whiteknights

Unicorns felt betrayed, GFEs felt their immersion broken, no-male wanters went disinterested.
Tourists and normalfags shat on them because >is just entertainment bruh. Trolls fueled the flames. Whiteknights had a meltdown similar to unicorns but in the other direction: >nooo you must support your oshi no matter what or you're not a true fan! Silence! This is my thread! No dissent allowed!

Personally I'm between GFE and just not wanting Pippa to have male talents on her stream, which isn't the same as running interview with some guy from outside the industry, like Colress VA. The feel, vibe and context is different. Pippa gives me a comfy, semi intimate atmosphere with her streams, and part of that implies no males. And Pippa and PC reinforce that, this can't be denied.
I'm not going to re-narrate every singular shit flinging skirmish, of which there were many, you can peruse the archive for that. But will mention some important point that were brought up.
>Pippa in recent streams admitted being a unicorn herself. She also said that GFE streamers can't play dumb when they betray the unspoken social contract. And that you're still are GFE even if you claim you're not, because of your content. This validates her own unicorns.
>It was brought up that she has time (and mental) to collab 3 times in one week with a literal who. Meanwhile she continues to ghost her coworkers, stream friends and people she says she's interested in collabing with. (Lisa cried over the pile of unanswered DMs). People are not buying the >muh anxiety excuse anymore.

TLDR: Male collab bad. Pippa hate. Some anons not taking excuses. Some anons making excuses. Shit was flung. Members were cancelled. Kill tourists.

>> No.60158611

Imagine programming critical infrastructure at you job in AWA5.0. Job security for life.


>> No.60158623

Despar brought on by complete lack of future prospects

>> No.60158627

cluster b personality disorder

>> No.60158681

Be latino or SEA?

>> No.60158756
Quoted by: >>60159054

None of this would be happening if people here didn't piss and shit themselves over the mere suggestion of splits in the first place

>> No.60158795
File: 779 KB, 1315x887, 1693212397326531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60159003

You're right, she deserves worse

>> No.60158828

Lumi status?

>> No.60158846

My wife

>> No.60158890
File: 1.38 MB, 1536x1024, 1686696376491005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60159004


>> No.60158950

Happiness optimization levels?

>> No.60158949

If I want to talk about Lumi, Tenma, Panko, Jelly, ocassionally Michi and Ember and shitpost during dead hours then which thread is for me?

>> No.60159003
Quoted by: >>60159067

>Hate her
>Has pictures and posts in here
You deserve amputation

>> No.60159004

Why is her bum so big? That's destabilising.

>> No.60159014

Volunteering at the pound

>> No.60159054
Quoted by: >>60162204

A reasonable split would be a Pippa streaming general while she's on. Nothing more.

>> No.60159067
Quoted by: >>60159256

Who said I hated her? Try being less sensitive

>> No.60159130

Because all your old girlfriends would never touch you

>> No.60159198
File: 2.10 MB, 1968x1144, Screen Shot 2023-10-06 at 4.45.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60160636

Because it's crap and no one wants to post ITT.
We should use more screen caps

>> No.60159256

>Deserves worse
You hate her now. You're being overly sensitive because of her choice of collaborators

>> No.60159487
Quoted by: >>60159824

or maybe, just maybe, he is simply shitposting on vt and you take stuff way to seriously

>> No.60159824

Learn to stop being a pussy and take a joke

>> No.60159953
File: 149 KB, 854x1221, F8AO2-pWgAA0TOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60160308

/pcg/ status?

>> No.60159954

I think I'll use the thread femanon posts tits in

>> No.60160086
Quoted by: >>60160107

Femanon would never!

>> No.60160107

Femanon should

>> No.60160173

I want to hurt her, it's only fair

>> No.60160207

Femanon tits is required to unite the shattered lands.

>> No.60160208

What did she mean by this?

>> No.60160239

So did the mounties end up raiding Dizzy for her South Park doujinshi yet

>> No.60160308

Party is over...

>> No.60160509
Quoted by: >>60160715

The Lumi stream will save the thread...

>> No.60160531

Femanon is FLAT

>> No.60160622

tits are tits

>> No.60160626


>> No.60160629
File: 81 KB, 1200x675, 1679909005562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60160636

Lumi will never beat you with her freshly used dildo. Why even live?

>> No.60160656


>> No.60160681
File: 293 KB, 1015x590, 1685379510575078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the thread and general public now has access to Shiina’s animation this can’t really be considered a win.
Expecting talents and management to hold up their end of the donothon deal and be the ones to release the rewards without issue is the only acceptable stance to have.
We should not have to pay the artist ourselves for something we were promised and already paid for once.
The animation for those who missed it.

>> No.60160715
Quoted by: >>60161557

reminder that lumi posts go here:
>> >>60148700

>> No.60160751 [DELETED] 

I'm not using your thread spic.

>> No.60160916

that animation is mid at best, half the time you mostly see the dudes genitals. The perspective is weird in general. I definitely believe that a woman wrote the commission for this

>> No.60161004

No. The ones crying enjoy the rage fuel. The ones that hate the drama would like to forget it. Janny just answering a flag I suppose

>> No.60161024

The prophesied small titties.

>> No.60161060

Antis are trannies

Unicorns are trannies

>> No.60161114
Quoted by: >>60161414

No it isn't

>> No.60161388

How do we save /pcg/?

>> No.60161414

This is a thread

>> No.60161462
Quoted by: >>60161727

make the fish ban male collabs

>> No.60161468
Quoted by: >>60161795

Post a /pcg/ tribute to prove your loyalty.

>> No.60161490

C'mon, anon, just forsake /pcg/ without resistance and accept the million-billion astroturfed offshoot threads. Schizo knows best!

>> No.60161515
File: 229 KB, 512x512, 1667171900383075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60163306

This post will trigger bump limit!

>> No.60161533
Quoted by: >>60162141


>> No.60161557
File: 1.51 MB, 1024x1536, 1691008117226993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60161728

No fuck you and your homo thread splitting.

>> No.60161646

/pcg/ is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new /pcg/ will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit, they will make /pcg/ GREAT AGAIN!!

>> No.60161654
Quoted by: >>60161984

I suggest a Pippa Streaming thread on only when she's streaming.
The biggest problem is her retarded and schizophrenic anti/unicorn nazi fans (5%), but 4ailcahn is famous for making them feel right at home, so the only cure to them is their suicides

>> No.60161727
Quoted by: >>60161984

We ban unicorns. Get castrated and join a monastery, sinner.

>> No.60161728
File: 389 KB, 929x741, 1696794611268716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy girl are you British? Because I want to give you a pound!

>> No.60161768

just split, it's that easy

>> No.60161770
File: 11 KB, 742x484, funny prank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60161795
File: 1.67 MB, 1892x1061, 1696836357257853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60161840
Quoted by: >>60162611

>lumi will collab with panko
Oh this is a first. Poor clueless panko

>> No.60161848
Quoted by: >>60162267

/pcg/ can only be saved by kicking out all the pippa viewers

>> No.60161895

It's not that bad desu.

>> No.60161956
File: 318 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60161984
Quoted by: >>60162378

Phase is a pro-parasocial company, if you don't like it you can fuck off

>> No.60161989

>Pipkun is hispanic
Somehow only white supremacist are able to see people's races through the internet tubes

>> No.60162083
Quoted by: >>60162274

this thread is dead and cancer so i made a new reborn /pcg/ for ORIGINS.


>> No.60162108

real animation https://files.catbox.moe/zxwwtg.mp4

>> No.60162142

Nasa a cute!

>> No.60162141

NEVER. Insipid /b/tard ploy

>> No.60162204
Quoted by: >>60162545

Who are you to decide what's a "reasonable split" and what isn't? Any split that can survive long-term then that seems perfectly reasonable to me, and the only way to figure that out is to try it.

>> No.60162267

Only a minority of them hate her. No more than 5%
Sadly that's all it takes to ruin everyones fun

>> No.60162274

I hope you get aids

>> No.60162339
File: 272 KB, 720x720, 1693941023862537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60162444

>Doragon Engrish

>> No.60162378

Being parasail doesn't mean being a complete retard "unicorn"

>> No.60162433
Quoted by: >>60162642

are you actually retarded?

>> No.60162444

Until she starts saying nigger.

>> No.60162476
File: 1.27 MB, 2048x2048, 1669298257239806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60162642


>> No.60162514
File: 84 KB, 358x508, 1696801330857075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60162642


>> No.60162545
Quoted by: >>60163643

How am I deciding? I am putting forward a reasonable solution to some of the craziness that happens during a Pippa stream. The community can adopt it or not. I think what I propose would last if we were to try it.

>> No.60162596
File: 853 KB, 2500x1666, be3cf2_53da0f79174949728ae4f73dc048a780~mv2_d_2048_1365_s_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60162642

>being parasail

>> No.60162611
Quoted by: >>60163556

Speaking as both a pankophile and gumi I think it'll be great. It will probably mostly be Lumi squealing about how cute Panko is but they are both edgelords so they might get up to some shenanigans too.

>> No.60162639

How is is possible for someone to be so cute?

>> No.60162642

No. I know what the word (parasocial) means
>(You) farming

>> No.60162763

>i was merely pretending

>> No.60162777
Quoted by: >>60163219

Surreee bro it was totally on purpose kek

>> No.60162805
Quoted by: >>60163228

Which Phase talent has the tastiest asshole?Personally I think it is Lia

>> No.60162896

Waiting for the real bread

>> No.60162972

>And yet, claim you can have parasocial activities, without parasocial consequences

>> No.60162993
Quoted by: >>60163284

bake on page 10
report the troll thread

>> No.60163112
File: 766 KB, 1668x1668, 1689703274261996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>60163168

In these dark times we need more Lumi streams it's the only cure.

>> No.60163168
Quoted by: >>60163201


in 30 min

>> No.60163201
Quoted by: >>60163361


>> No.60163219

>On purpose
>Aww broo, you really did typo
hehehe. okay.

These sure are consequences. But os is your suicide for pretending so so SOOO hard that these are your actual girlfriends and you think their talking to people is actual cheating.

>> No.60163228
File: 207 KB, 536x342, 1696026781991256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No phase but still wins

>> No.60163234

Does anyone still have the link to that awawa translator?

>> No.60163284
File: 1.94 MB, 1536x1024, 1589732355693941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. We already have the new thread


>> No.60163304
Quoted by: >>60163490

you already told me you are retarded

>> No.60163306
File: 461 KB, 734x511, contentko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for killing this thread. We can finally be free.

>> No.60163310

This image is so hot!

>> No.60163319

to be fair, unicorns are just one expression of being parasocial. People who feel a strong need to defend their oshi are also parasocial.

>> No.60163334
Quoted by: >>60163427

>/pcg/ - Phase Connect General
>/pcg/ - Phase Connect Generation 1:ORIGINS
illiterate kiwi

>> No.60163361


>> No.60163427
File: 3.56 MB, 1800x3891, 1693443094680064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick both. Post whoever you want


>> No.60163476

Real thread here

>> No.60163489

I will bake /pcg/ - Phase Connect General and I will post every talent in it.

>> No.60163490
Quoted by: >>60163566

>NO! They really are my wives! I married them in my mind and that's as real as everything else!

>> No.60163514

>baking on page 8

>> No.60163543
Quoted by: >>60163617

come on guys, it was fun for a day, but please stop now

>> No.60163556

That's very cute

>> No.60163566
Quoted by: >>60163709

>gets outed as a retard
>proceeds to be more retarded

>> No.60163617
Quoted by: >>60163857

Unnecessary duplicate. But I like the picture better.


>> No.60163643
Quoted by: >>60163874

because the cappipis don't want to leave here and the tourists will come here too, the pippa spit didn't survive ether

>> No.60163709
File: 123 KB, 1080x1080, 1694827893885737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, it was real in my head

>> No.60163857
Quoted by: >>60163952

>Unnecessary duplicate.
Look again retard.

>> No.60163874

It isn't a "get out of pcg" to the Pippa fans (or even the Pippa schizo (5%)) it's just a buffer zone for their posts. The regal pcg would no doubt get a lot of cross posting, but less so. The "tourists" are naturally welcome. We want more viewership for them all.

>> No.60163952

I already posted the links to the split threads.
Stop eating diapers and being so retarded.

>> No.60163958
File: 340 KB, 816x770, 1693155650038194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.60164000

Don't reply to me subhuman.

>> No.60164103
File: 23 KB, 148x93, jelly84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread(s) will be better.

>> No.60164156

o think it will take a few more days for it to get better again

>> No.60164159

Not with you here.

>> No.60164231

With everything that has happened, you cucks couldn't handle a little male on stream? Or is the thread balkanization part of the foreplay?

>> No.60164245
Quoted by: >>60165168

You spam the links because you're a thread anti.

>> No.60164894
Quoted by: >>60164989


>> No.60164989

oh this one's dead already

>> No.60165168

Naw. I didn't do any of this nonsense.
