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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 800 KB, 929x751, 1696227337891753[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59703601 No.59703601 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the Exorcist Executor, Calliope Mori

>> No.59703662
File: 68 KB, 226x411, Screenshot 2023-10-02 005938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was awake in time to make the OP

>> No.59703905
File: 719 KB, 2925x3013, 1696227292061354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to love your Mori

>> No.59703949
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>> No.59704154 [DELETED] 

Its so funny how much the kronies hate our oshi

>> No.59704156
File: 332 KB, 1288x2048, __koseki_bijou_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_anichika__23177974b894da76168862555e6a33c3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59704180

Watching Biboo right now
She's like mid-way through NG++ so that tourney might be happening a bit sooner than expected

>> No.59704180

What tourney?

>> No.59704212
Quoted by: >>59704240

anon Mori said she was going to have a tourny or at least do pbp with Biboo

>> No.59704240

Ok thank you

>> No.59704269

The AC6 ""tourney"" Mori wants to run
Tourney is kinda the wrong word (even she's said) since there's not really any stakes is low intensity. She basically just want to gather a bunch of holos together so they can beat the crap outta each in PvP

>> No.59704476
File: 997 KB, 1332x710, Screenshot 2023-10-02 013105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching Milky and it was kinda cool to see who she raided, its that one TakaMori artist, surprised me to see she's a vtuber now and spanish

>> No.59704513

I wounder what it could be

>> No.59704557
Quoted by: >>59704634

She is going to become the spokeswoman for the onsen she keeps going to.

>> No.59704616
Quoted by: >>59704710

wait is this a two week break?

>> No.59704634

Kek, you know with how often she's goes to them I'm kinda surprised she didn't get one of those flavored baths like the handful JPs did

>> No.59704710
Quoted by: >>59704749

Anon, are you dumb? She literally tweeted hours ago she wants to play that game all the JPs are playing a few hours ago.

>> No.59704725
Quoted by: >>59704883

>those Loudest Orgasm Ever-esque moans near the end
My fucking sides, this game

>> No.59704749
Quoted by: >>59704838

I mean, the way she wrote that tweet kinda implies that, not that I would believe it, since I doubt she can stay put for 2 weeks

>> No.59704838

She also said she has stream stuff planned for October. It's either a hint of some type or her saying she might take a small break when the thing actually happens. Dunno where the other guy got 2 weeks for anything from.

>> No.59704883
Quoted by: >>59704934

you fucked up your timestamp somehow

>> No.59704934
Quoted by: >>59705074

Huh. Youtube' share button now includes an extra part in its URL, and I deleted that shit since I don't know what that is.

>> No.59704992
File: 1.24 MB, 1044x857, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59705049

>Admit it, Kronii, you're perfect
These dorks, kek

>> No.59705014
Quoted by: >>59705037

I reckon it’s like how she said when Future Islaand dropped she wanted to disconnect from the internet

>> No.59705037
Quoted by: >>59705691

>Literally streams while it's happening when she wasn't supposed to be
We saw how that went kek.

>> No.59705049

It got oddly flirty in that end part.

>> No.59705074
Quoted by: >>59705420

... so? You gonna post the real link, retard?

>> No.59705420
Quoted by: >>59705570

NTA but maybe this works

>> No.59705524

She now calls spa days where she streams at least once "vacations."

>> No.59705549
Quoted by: >>59705637

from what Mori said this collab has been in the works for awhile now and from what little information I could gleam it might be an artist any ideas of who it could be?

>> No.59705570

For me that became

>> No.59705637
Quoted by: >>59705685

Naw, we know as little as we did with the OP collab before it was announced. It's not like the zutomayo or reol collabs where she was able to drop hints in the form of twitter likes.

>> No.59705685
Quoted by: >>59713329

Could it be someone mondo huge?

>> No.59705691
Quoted by: >>59705746

Yeah, that was kinda funny/weird in retrospect
>"I wanna kinda lay low and see what the reaction is gonna be"
>*Watches it happen with us live*
And then the closest she came to "laying low" was like a 2 day break, if can even really call it thought considering she was on a flight during one of those days lol

>> No.59705746
Quoted by: >>59705955

It's a shame she had to take that one down. It was great

>> No.59705955
Quoted by: >>59706064

Yeah it's a real shame; everyone in chat scrambling to get a street view cam, her live reaction, getting to see all those JPbeats at their own IRL meet-up is a "you had to be there" thing now
Actually now that I mention that was just a cool ass weekend in general. CtW, a bunch of EN meets-ups in LA, Advent's teaser, and Future Island all happened in within' 12 hours of each other

>> No.59706064

Yeah, I downloaded a vod, but without being able to see Shinjuku, it's just not the same.

>> No.59706289
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, ci17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ci post.

>> No.59706533

What 2 holos should deathklok play devour with?

>> No.59706865

I think MuBae would vibe well with them

>> No.59706866

Shiori and Nerissa or any Advent I like them

>> No.59707019
Quoted by: >>59707602

She did a promotion for Nissin Ramen

>> No.59707580

Holy shit, Beebs has been doing AC for11 hours and is not fighting Iguana (forma de finale)

>> No.59707602

I NEED a picture o the cup noodle man posing with a cut-out of Mori

>> No.59707623
Quoted by: >>59707627

Is she okay?

>> No.59707627

she is having a terrible time with it since her frame is paper mache with double melee for damage output

>> No.59708128

Now that Biboo is done with NG++, I look forward to the PvP

>> No.59708404
File: 1.19 MB, 1749x803, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, Lunar Rock
we need to tell Mori next time to check if Luna got her whitelisted

>> No.59708994
Quoted by: >>59709170

Adobros, I thought she was cool, but she's a dork? wtf man

>> No.59709170

It’s Adover…

>> No.59709339
File: 1.53 MB, 640x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fs6k7de.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59712186

That was fun deadbeats. Love for this dorks. Hope for a four piece collab next time so it's extra chaotic.

>> No.59710116
File: 499 KB, 2480x3508, media%2FF7aoWgvWoAACfVo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59710992
File: 127 KB, 826x1168, 1671909428934885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59711050

>> No.59711050

Is Mori one of those Bleach guys with the skull masks?

>> No.59712186

Kek, cute

>> No.59713329

It's a thing, not a person.

>> No.59713509

Game maker beat, how quick could you make a copy of watermelon game but with Hololive mascots?

>> No.59713647

NTA, but aren't the thingies already SSRBs kek

>> No.59714674
Quoted by: >>59714999

Give me a day and I can make something quick and buggy with premade assets

>> No.59714999
Quoted by: >>59715456

Give us some perimeters in size and we can draw some shit.
Death sensei

There's a lot of round fat fucks in hololive

>> No.59715305
Quoted by: >>59715456

Pretty close. hence why someone already made exactly that actually. though the physics are wildly different it's very bouncy. https://yeqwep.itch.io/ssrbball

>> No.59715456
File: 1 KB, 182x230, 1674031210592154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I'd keep it EN only to give it more identity
Pebble -> Dead beat -> Yorick -> Kronie -> Mr. Squeaks -> Sapling -> Jailbird -> Kotori -> Pero -> Tako -> Bubba
but like >>59713647 and >>59715305 have said, there's already a game made that I've been addicted to playing while I'm at work at my other job

>> No.59716159


>> No.59716182

What's the watermelon game anyway?

>> No.59716255
Quoted by: >>59716477

Susie's playing right now if you wanna get an idea.

>> No.59716263

the dumbest deadbeat

>> No.59716459
File: 24 KB, 596x318, 9iqkIsQWG3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59716578


>> No.59716477

Oh, I see. It's like Zuma/Bejeweled but without the grid.

>> No.59716567

it's more like 2048

>> No.59716578

>they picked it over a fricking karaoke
The fuck? I mean, it does feel refreshing to watch a game I can understand perfectly for once, but not to that extent, dayum.

>> No.59716721

2048 is the better comparison. It has exactly same addicting vibe of 2048 except also it's a bit more frustrating when some FUCKING TINY BALL blocks two big ones from merging.

>> No.59716814
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae had so much fun with this, it's great. Those little quips on the back vocals are the kind of shit I love Mori's tracks for.

>> No.59717066
File: 1.29 MB, 2580x4096, F5bpnrkbYAAsAVZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>59645072

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgThTrbLFiA
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-O2ZoMKVws

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
//// Stream Kyozou no Carousel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JddQTOY9MZI

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) JIGOKU 6 on vinyl [Limited]

OUT FOR THE SEASON!—coming SOON to a venue near (You)!
//// Archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.59717134

The watermelon game is boring as fuck to watch. I hope she does something else too.

>> No.59717154

You WILL watch suikageemu

>> No.59717208
File: 91 KB, 313x300, suika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suika HATE

>> No.59717368

It's 100% zatsu filler, should give us some good conversations at least.

>> No.59717381
File: 90 KB, 576x338, 1696259109411427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59717547


>> No.59717465

It brings forth no topics. All she's done recently is go out to Aki's. It wont be enough.

>> No.59717547
Quoted by: >>59717599

Who hurt pochi mama

>> No.59717599
File: 1 KB, 50x45, 1681773525896105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59717625
File: 392 KB, 712x578, ExtremeAutism[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frrzy2s.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59718467


>> No.59717860 [DELETED] 

> It wont be enough.
I dunno, if I was with Aki and Kiara, I could spend three hours talking about their thighs and asses.

>> No.59718128

>It's 100% zatsu filler
Does Mori know that though? Because last time she played zatsu filler game she didn't and just played the game normally.

>> No.59718226
File: 22 KB, 657x458, 1668489629259429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.59718255

I don't, any time with Mori is good.

>> No.59718396

Anyone who doesn't want her to play these games if she doesn't understand why people play them onstream.

>> No.59718467


>> No.59718676

that indie who sounds a bit like Mamamori is doing ASMR right now

>> No.59718756

Sounds like you don't understand why people watch chuubas

>> No.59718908

Wait what the fuck that does sound like Mamamori

>> No.59719143

It's not a pure zatsu filter though. People(Japanese at least, remains to be seen about EN fans) tune into them because they want to see the girls getting some high score. Marine yesterday got a fuckton of viewers on this game because she was good and made lots of funny noises while complaining about dumb fruits not going where she wants them.

>> No.59719233
File: 515 KB, 3977x2803, 1626807615852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59719252

>Dog News ends
Good night Morp, hope you enjoyed Mococo suffering

>> No.59719270
File: 92 KB, 888x540, 1669427068598160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mindbroken retards missing the point

>> No.59719297

more bunny Morpo

>> No.59719360
File: 548 KB, 2497x2497, F7ccE2lbwAAG6LN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of bunny Mori, good

>> No.59719397

Haha someone should do a funny joke and have her wearing a reverse bunny suit, haha

>> No.59719687
File: 127 KB, 864x1225, __mori_calliope_and_ouro_kronii_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tinnies__416b8d265ced77a115e7d0ef4ade22ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59720405


>> No.59719822

Will probably get shot if I post this one

>> No.59720405

I don't think Kronii is packing that much junk in the back.

>> No.59720491
Quoted by: >>59720604

Maybe on her normal live2D, but they definitely buffed her 3D

>> No.59720577
File: 260 KB, 608x612, 1695020239001379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to actually watch her

>> No.59720604

I miss Kronii's small ass

>> No.59720664

Dick not big enough to penetrate the clock cheeks?

>> No.59720695
Quoted by: >>59720773

Go back

>> No.59720773
Quoted by: >>59721021

There's nothing wrong with appreciating small tight asses

>> No.59720857
Quoted by: >>59724577

Didn't really expect to see a VReverie girl get posted here of all places
t. torabeat

>> No.59720970
Quoted by: >>59721386

Dayum, I might have to give more attention to clock woman.

>> No.59721021

nta 2D kronii doesn't have a small tight ass, she has an absence of ass. Kronii's new booty should be acceptable for pretty much everyone, it isn't even big.

>> No.59721386
File: 169 KB, 974x1080, -eu9np7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch her showcase

>> No.59721450

I will.

>> No.59721480

>Kronii goes from no ass to yopi-tier dumpy
>meanwhile Kiara STILL doesn't have the correct ass size
It's bullshit, I tell you

>> No.59721554


>> No.59722400
Quoted by: >>59722439

It's not. Kronii deserves this.

>> No.59722439

But Wawa knows how to weaponize it.

>> No.59722473

look wada spend at least a year of trying to design the horniest body possible, cover wasn't going to let all that effort go to waste

>> No.59722547

3D Kronii and Fauna are good examples of taking buffs too far, the amount of clipping and awkward movement was made kind of obvious when you look at them compared to Mumei and Bae

>> No.59722574

Kronii home 3D physics were really fucked.

>> No.59722697


>> No.59723186

So is the watermelon game like some kind of gacha game?

>> No.59723191
File: 322 KB, 516x513, 1653624667824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was always going to be an issue, anon. They're not going to wear fake tits while doing mocap

>> No.59723227

I noticed Mori is starting a lot earlier than usual, I wonder if this means she has plans for the evening?
It's a lot hotter when you can see that the body behind the model matches the model.

>> No.59723252
Quoted by: >>59723395

Watch any one of the dozens of streams from other holomem

>> No.59723344

it's 2048 but "kawaii" and with physics

>> No.59723364

Just watch Sui stream from today or Marine from yesterday, both were very cute and pretty funny even if you don't speak Japanese. It's 2048, have you never spent hours on that shit while commuting or what?

>> No.59723395

I watched a clip of Miko playing it and I have no idea what it is

>> No.59723401
Quoted by: >>59723467

Huh... well now that you mention it, doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

>> No.59723429
Quoted by: >>59723611

No, I've never heard of it

>> No.59723467
File: 411 KB, 759x595, 1661576020095212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a terrible idea.

>> No.59723498

I agree. The clipping was always going to be a problem, but my point is that they compounded it by making them even bigger. The screenshots look sex but the movement does not looks good. Meanwhile Bae's model was fluid as hell because there were no overbuffed proportions getting in the way.

>> No.59723537

So you get points for combining the fruits? Is that it?

>> No.59723554
Quoted by: >>59723587

Why are you asking us

>> No.59723587

I'm curious about the game mori is playing, and people here seem to know more about it than me

>> No.59723599

Due to complaints, Cover will only hire model-accurate RMs from now on

>> No.59723611
Quoted by: >>59724737

You can thank me 4 hours later, once you manage to stop playing
Yes, and since the fruits get bigger it becomes harder and harder.
Bae just moves well in general. Ass/tits don't make movement awkward, they only make clipping very noticeable when girl's entire hand sinks into them accidentally..

>> No.59723640

Ratsis no!

>> No.59723654
File: 79 KB, 503x515, 1645132228269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats are being more autistic than usual today

>> No.59723692

Who are you subtweeting

>> No.59723833 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59723897

Yeah no people are just seething at Mori winning again and again

>> No.59723883

>I noticed Mori is starting a lot earlier than usual, I wonder if this means she has plans for the evening?
or she decided to blast through most of the SCs in one go

>> No.59723897 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 2620x1474, 1671336889306437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59723988

I'll suckerpunch you until you're dead

>> No.59723988 [DELETED] 

I'd love to see you try I'm loving life and mori, seeing her win is extremely delightful

>> No.59724186

Mori, and Bae are never beating the Incest allegations…

>> No.59724198 [DELETED] 

No now that the blue thing doesn't exists anymore she can just take the time slot. Still find it hilarious G sabotaged advents debut streaming and then dipped

>> No.59724275 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59724835

Kill yourself

>> No.59724294
File: 401 KB, 1538x2492, 1624150967452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59724392

Mori reminiscing old Gura stories was cute

>> No.59724327


>> No.59724392
Quoted by: >>59724844

Yes, and unrelated but now that we know that's supposed to be a hood art where it looks like a collar triggers me way more than it should

>> No.59724526


>> No.59724577

Oh, she was posted here when she did the how-to-sound-like-Mori/Ina/Fauna streams, too.

>> No.59724737

NTA but I didn't use a smartphone at the time, kek, so I only saw others playing it.
>making me do math
>requiring me to think
I dunno, is this really similar to the melon game?

>> No.59724835 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.59724844

Hoods are just collars you gave a good stretch to, really.

>> No.59724892

You can play the actual melon game online if that will help you understand better but the principle is pretty similar. I'm sure there's some amount of changes between this and the switch version but you can definitely get the gist. https://suika-game.app/

>> No.59724940 [DELETED] 

neck yourself anti

>> No.59724943
Quoted by: >>59726621

Aren't they playing on switch?

>> No.59725125
File: 1.09 MB, 500x500, kronii carry [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3gaqj6.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59725692

>> No.59725421
File: 3.36 MB, 2756x2756, F7RLGw-awAACAFW.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh, this one feels much better now that I don't have to think about numbers.

>> No.59725538
File: 229 KB, 535x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o shit, we BEEG

>> No.59725692
Quoted by: >>59725771

you should soundpost that fit of rage Mori had over the ghost girl killing her a second time, that was great

>> No.59725771

Give me a timespan.

>> No.59725964

meh, I like the SSRB one better
This one has less physics which makes it less fun

>> No.59726131

I like the one where mori raged about being called a weenie

>> No.59726251
Quoted by: >>59726309

jumpscare alert
she keeps going off on the ghost for a good 20 seconds

>> No.59726309

actually, just this laugh into her immediate reaction is pretty perfect
or even without the laugh to make it into a reaction soundpost

>> No.59726534

The site version most notably doesn't have "next ball" version and the physics are a lot more stiff. SSRB version on the other hand is so bouncy it sometimes leads to very unexpected results.
Deadbeat, if you think that's math you might as well consider what numberfags do "math". You can replace numbers in 2048 with fruit from Suika game and vice versa, nothing changes. Or chocolate bars, Or cars. Or characters from a gacha game. You just need 11 types of "something" for it to work. Numbers just make it easy to understand without any text or additional help where Suika game at least has "fruit progression" chart.

>> No.59726621

They are, but from my understanding it's jp eshop only so unless you want to go through that hassle this is the closest thing, like I said there are some differences, like all the fruits being round in the browser version, the exact fail state and I assume some of the physics so I don't think comparing high scores apples to apples heh is really valid but if you want to know how it plays then you won't get much closer.

>> No.59726720
File: 1.27 MB, 500x500, ain't funny bitch short [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4snayw.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59726857
File: 2.46 MB, 500x500, ain't shit funny bitch [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F99zl53.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59729560

>> No.59726971 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59727078

As we go into the 10th month of 2023 being a deadbeat has been great this year and wouldn't want it any other way. If we get a couple of watchalongs then it will improve it even more I miss them the most.

>> No.59727078

>If we get a couple of watchalongs then it will improve
Only if those watchalongs aren't meme movies or anything she has already seen.

>> No.59727146 [DELETED] 

I'm not bothered what it is really her evil dead trilogy is my favourite watchalong in En

>> No.59727181

NTA but I'd still take those. Watchalongs are fun.

>> No.59727344

I mean I get not wanting to watch anything shrekler related but if she did something memey and dumb like Birdemic would you still complain?

>> No.59727658
File: 1.05 MB, 500x500, let me savior kronii [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbjmo3p.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59727736

I can understand why she does it. If you're watching a good movie, especially one with more complex story and characters, you probably want to appreciate it on your own first. Group watchalongs are either for movies you know well or just memes/comedies.

>> No.59727877

>she did something memey and dumb like Birdemic would you still complain?
Yes. Everyone has already done that by now.

>> No.59727883
Quoted by: >>59727949

IRyS can do it

>> No.59727936

I just hope she doesnt do repeats, I dont want to watch Shrek again when she already did with Kiara, if she wants to do one from movies she has already saw thats fine by me

>> No.59727949 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59728019

Irys isn't mori is she and irys has currently one foot in the grave.

>> No.59728019

That isn't because she did a member's watchalong of Starship Troopers or Tropic Thunder

>> No.59728096
Quoted by: >>59728198

those are meme movies just slightly above Sandler stuff if we're being honest, they're not kino like Shawshank and Goodfellas

>> No.59728158 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59728205

And what else does irys do with her time ?

>> No.59728198
Quoted by: >>59728628

>Reducing Starship Troopers to to a "meme movie"

>> No.59728205

I don't know, what's your point?

>> No.59728254

Debbies don't deserve watchalongs if they're this autistic about them tbdesu

>> No.59728282 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59728348

Exactly so why comment on irys when she's not Mori.

>> No.59728304
Quoted by: >>59728350

Maybe you don't, but I do.

>> No.59728327
Quoted by: >>59729679

We don't deserve anything, but Mori still gives us so much... I live her...

>> No.59728332
Quoted by: >>59729765

Honestly Puss in Boots 2 is an actually good movie and I'd be fine with that even though I saw it twice already, but that marathon she was thinking about kinda sounds like hell for me just because it'd be a lot of work and given mori's timezone likely result in me staying up all night alongside just kinda beating a dead horse.

>> No.59728348
Quoted by: >>59728464

Mori is the most industrious person most of us know, and watchalongs are exactly as hard as react content.

>> No.59728350

You sound autistic. I don't mind if Mori wants to share her comfort movies with us.

>> No.59728423
Quoted by: >>59728484

You sound like a moron. I don't mind either.

>> No.59728464 [DELETED] 

Watchalongs are literal bottom tier content and people that spam them have no creative drive. I'd would rather mori read sc and I don't miss them 1 bit.

>> No.59728484

Now kiss.

>> No.59728493

I got to be honest, I've never bothered with watchalongs.

>> No.59728529
Quoted by: >>59728635

I miss watchalongs more because I like watching movies with /vt/ than anything else desu.

>> No.59728562
Quoted by: >>59728582

My point is, they aren't too much work for mori. She does 6 harder things every day before breakfast.

>> No.59728582

Yeah me

>> No.59728628
Quoted by: >>59728745

It is.

>> No.59728635 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59728782

Well mori clearly doesn't considering she doesn't do them and deadbeats don't seem to care either. It would also be a shorter stream with less talking. Watchalongs are lose lose

>> No.59728745

Unironically sub 90IQ take. Never speak ill of any of Paul Verhoeven's works again.

>> No.59728782

Did you even read my post or did you write this on autopilot kek.

>> No.59728929

NTA but what's yours? IRyS isn't Mori.

>> No.59728944
Quoted by: >>59729025

In spite of all this shit, I still think watchalongs making a comeback would be a lot of fun.

>> No.59728999
File: 1.59 MB, 2859x4096, 1696126590276959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59729175

Watching autistic poorfagbeats arguing about dumb bullshit is fun.

>> No.59729025 [DELETED] 

If she puts her resources into other fun stuff like collabs or asmr I'd take that a million times over a stupid watchalong. Even the sprite making is better than having one for members

>> No.59729136

>Starship troopers
>Good movie
You're joking, right? I could give you the book, but the movie? Hell, the first time I watched it I didn't even register that it's more than "LMAO HUMANS VS BUGS ACTION".

>> No.59729175 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59729226

Wasting a members stream on a watchalong is awful. She could do karaoke,asmr literally anything else

>> No.59729226


>> No.59729255
Quoted by: >>59729552

>there are people ITT who never grew up during the Gulf War and thus don't understand Starship Troopers
...God I feel old.

>> No.59729276
Quoted by: >>59729874

Nta but damn that some serious speedwatching. The Starship Troopers movie isn't even all that subtle.
Though it's more subtle than the book, that crap is just a nerd soapboxing about his fantasies for a novel.

>> No.59729288 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59729391

Can we stop with the autistic watchalong shit please. The fall anime season is starting so do you think Mori finally got her anime op?

>> No.59729302

The book is late stage Heinlein at his worst. The movie is an excellent satire.

>> No.59729391
Quoted by: >>59729479

How would we know that?

>> No.59729479 [DELETED] 

Well considering she's got another one piece tier collab coming up and it lines up maybe it could be an op or Ed.

>> No.59729552
Quoted by: >>59729872

You are old.
t. also oldfag

>> No.59729560


>> No.59729679


>> No.59729765

I sure as hell don't want to watch another movie she has already seen 100th times.
And no animated movies either. Only reason why so many holos watch them because manchildren in the audience vote for them.

>> No.59729817
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, 16889828330630Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kronii's fearless

>> No.59729872

Remember when Dan Quayle misspelled potato? That was funny.

>> No.59729874
Quoted by: >>59730037

>that some serious speedwatching
Well, admittedly, I was like 12 when I watched it. The fuck were my parents thinking allowing me to watch it And I was 20-something when I read the book so it might've landed a bit differently otherwise.
>The book is late stage Heinlein at his worst
What does this mean?

>> No.59729937
Quoted by: >>59730729

>Mori should watch only mature movies for hardcore cinephiles such as myself

>> No.59730037

Heinlein became reactionary and militaristic later in life. It shows in his writing.

>> No.59730076 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59730298

bro, heinlein 'later in life' is free love libertarian shit like Time Enough for Love.

>> No.59730142 [DELETED] 

>>The book is late stage Heinlein at his worst.

Starship Troopers is 1959, Heinlein keeps writing 20+ year afterwards and that's where the weird stuff comes from.

>> No.59730298
Quoted by: >>59732054

Time enough for love is exactly what I was thinking of.

>> No.59730393
Quoted by: >>59735312

Are you fucks ready to learn English with Mori

>> No.59730729

I am fine if we watch good shitty b-movies.

>> No.59730852
Quoted by: >>59731063

There is literally nothing wrong with the Roman model of citizenship

>> No.59730920

Huh, I wouldn't really say it glorified military. I thought the main point was "wouldn't it be kinda fucked up if this dude just forgot why he even joined in the first place?"

>> No.59731063

I agree. Caracalla was a genius.

>> No.59731339

he says, behaving like a manchild

>> No.59731437

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

>> No.59731923

Hey I was right about her using the china dress art for a thumb.

>> No.59732054 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59732383

in what world is a polygamous protagonist explicitly ok with his wife being in an open relationship (Who at least was ok with dudes fucking dudes, I can't recall if he actually fucks dudes in it) who bails from his planet to enjoy freedom 'reactionary and militaristic' ?

>> No.59732354
File: 194 KB, 250x250, 1685918755020177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Hypnospace will be in the finale marathon?

>> No.59732383

That book is just as much about manifest destiny as free love.

>> No.59732460

How far would she even be from finishing that?

>> No.59732509

I hope so, but it's been so long. I wonder if Mori remembers any of it. I don't, except the hot butter ice cream jingle

>> No.59732614

Chowder Man love

>> No.59733552
File: 535 KB, 1700x2400, F7dcmhWbUAAicaP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59734400
Quoted by: >>59734482


>> No.59734482
Quoted by: >>59734524

She's dead anon

>> No.59734521
Quoted by: >>59734765

I understand this reference.

>> No.59734524
File: 1.29 MB, 2777x4096, 1690272024652997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing cuter than death

>> No.59734652

Squisherz are really cool

>> No.59734765
Quoted by: >>59735895


>> No.59735126
Quoted by: >>59735623

Did she mention when that should be?

>> No.59735312

I expect some cringe from everyone but I'll listen to it anyway

>> No.59735323

Finalethon is for games she can realistically beat in like 3-4 hours
not fucking 30

>> No.59735623

It was SUPPOSED to be apart of her push to 2.3 mil but that whole plan winded up getting converted into a karaoke marathon

>> No.59735895

This is what I remember, glad someone re-uploaded it after the retarded clipping channel killed itself for the CCP

>> No.59735897

This thread made me very depressed and not like other deadbeats very much.

>> No.59736052
Quoted by: >>59736266

Really? That's the one that does it? This was excessively mild, by our standards. Barely even moved the needle off the "comfy" section.

>> No.59736165

I wasn't really paying attention to the argument here because global was feeding me lots of crossplayer porn

>> No.59736233


>> No.59736266

The only thing I hate more than dumb autistic slapfights that get no closure is libertarians.

>> No.59736443
Quoted by: >>59736510

I think Mori should sing Jonathan Coulton songs for karaoke

>> No.59736490
File: 67 KB, 292x227, 1467125433320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59736537

>crossplayer porn

>> No.59736510
Quoted by: >>59736663

That's an incredibly boomer thing to think, fellow oldbeat

>> No.59736537

Yeah, crossplayer porn
What's confusing to you?

>> No.59736560

Where? So I can avoid it, of course.

>> No.59736626

Like VLC to Winamp?

>> No.59736663

I was listening to Artificial Heart and realized it's over a decade old..

>> No.59736707
Quoted by: >>59736741

Is it like a portmanteau of "crossdressing cosplayer?"

>> No.59736741

Yes, exactly that

>> No.59736809
Quoted by: >>59736909

I bet it was a kenzoku.

>> No.59736909

Some kind of Digimon crap?

>> No.59736968
File: 179 KB, 1280x1920, Hana_Bunny_Mori_Calliope_PJ_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brain is at the point where I can just mentally filter any and all autistic argument that arise from;
>"Mori doing [Content I like] is a good stream while her doing [Content I don't like] is a waste of a stream! (fallacious statement considering she streams literally everyday sometimes multiple times a day)"
Instead I prefer to think about cute art or ASS

>> No.59737075

I'll get there someday. I already have more goodwill towards deadbeats than I did 30 minutes ago.

>> No.59737116

I'm just glad it seems to happen during PST morning while I'm asleep and can just scroll past it when I wake up. I'm just happy schizos are the exception not the rule in this split unlike most others.

>> No.59737150
File: 706 KB, 1280x720, 1686991152847718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do my part too.

>> No.59737347

I just noticed she is starting that fruit game really fucking early. I guess she is busy that day.

>> No.59737477
File: 232 KB, 1280x1728, 1696000584532217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting a sexy Mori

>> No.59737496
Quoted by: >>59738177

i think mori hates me personally

>> No.59738177

What did you do to deserve such a fate

>> No.59738232
File: 1.08 MB, 3000x4000, 1679570049128402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my Mori loves me and wants me to succeed

>> No.59738578

you guys confuse my simple tourist brain with your ever changing words and Japanese lettering I can't read!
I just was passing through the catalog and thought I'd stop by and tell you that your oshi is cool and I really appreciate the hardwork she does behind the scenes. Hope she can collab with my oshi someday but until then I hope you guys keep loving her. She seems to care a lot about her fans these days so I'm glad she's got a dedicated fanbase here to reflect that.
Hope you guys and her have a wonderful day!

>> No.59738803

just always search 森 you'll find it

>> No.59738841
Quoted by: >>59742448

Thanks anon, I'm sure your oshi is a wonderful girl too. Sorry about the OP, but trust me it's worth it. In my book we should also avoid having her name in the OP, that usually makes for really comfy threads. I'd love to see Mori collab with her, cuz I'd like Mori to collab with every holo at least once.

>> No.59738907
File: 71 KB, 1024x775, IMG_6927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry anon, but your kind words made me fall in love with you. Come here.

>> No.59738976

AC6 pvp with Bijou!

>> No.59739003
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image

>> No.59739027

Whatever, I guess I like you guys again.

>> No.59739043


>> No.59739059

oh, dope

>> No.59739090
File: 33 KB, 1600x562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59739145
Quoted by: >>59740458

wait, both of them are going to be playing the watermelon game at the same time? We might have a case of Mori changing time so no overlap

>> No.59739189

Hot diggity daffodil

>> No.59739227
Quoted by: >>59739266

>searching for Mori first
森 is the best way and should always be used to search

>> No.59739266

I dont have a 森 key on my keyboard

>> No.59739537
Quoted by: >>59739654


>> No.59739648
Quoted by: >>59739743

Just steal it from the Himemori thread that’s what i do.

>> No.59739654


>> No.59739743

based that's what I do too lol

>> No.59739744
File: 4 KB, 241x78, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or just have it in the autofill drop down

>> No.59740126

For me it's;
>Open /vt/
>Click catalog
>Press windows button + space bar
>Type "ka" into search bar
>Get " カ"
>Click on thread

>> No.59740315
File: 3 KB, 366x35, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59740425

you can just save this and 95% of the time you will find it

>> No.59740425

i already have a global bookmark

>> No.59740458

Possibly. I wouldn't mind if she switched games for the time being unless she planned on making it a shortish stream due to the start time which kinda limits the games she can play

>> No.59740597

I need a quick rundown on ririka

>> No.59740882

You know those manga where a gyaru starts hanging out with an otaku because she likes games/movies/anime?
She's that, but real

>> No.59740912

Noice. Also collab with Ririka spotted. ReGloss will be fair game for collabs soon it seems

>> No.59740930

I can't reveal any of my sources but the word is on the street is, she's japanese

>> No.59741203

Somebody told me that Cali and Ina have offhand mentioned new rules w/ regards to member streams. Supposedly they'll enforce at least two member streams a month, one in the first two weeks, and one in the last two weeks of a month.

I've combed both Vtubers latest vids, but cannot find such info? So have you guys heard this?

>> No.59741319

I dont know about ina but mori said it in her members stream, I think you could interpret it as her enforcing them on herself rather than management, she just wants to do one members stream in the first half of the month instead of rushing 2 in the last week

>> No.59741368

i dont watch ina cause she is trash. i only watch mori kiara and bae, sorry.

>> No.59741590
Quoted by: >>59741792

Biboo confirmed for the Party Animals collab. I wonder if Mori will be in on that too

>> No.59741694

We don't know if those are global rules or something she is goign to try enforcing on herself. People commonly mistake her personal rules for new rules for everyone.

>> No.59741792
Quoted by: >>59742675

Mori mentioned having lots of collabs coming up so maybe. She also mentioned there being another zatsu type collab on kronii's channel at the end of yesterday's stream.

>> No.59742448

Oh my oshi isn't actually a holo but I appreciate it nonetheless!

>> No.59742675

That's a bit surprising, but welcome
I'm glad they're doing stuff together
I unironically disliked the homos having to be with them for the other collabs they did, not because of "eww male collabs" but because I disliked those two in specific

>> No.59742806
Quoted by: >>59743526

Who are they, if you don't mind sharing?

>> No.59743526

I have three primary oshis I rotate between.
Finana, Millie and Reimu. I was also the honey that came in a while back and deadbeats drew art for

>> No.59743646

Nice, I watch mumu pretty often, she's a sweetheart.

>> No.59743693

I still can't believe we got Mori heartbeats

>> No.59744004

I miss Ninaur, I didn't tune it often but had a good time whenever I did

>> No.59744231

and then she got embarrassed afterwards

>> No.59744333

A ticking timebomb... of love

>> No.59744525

Mori did say she wanted to collab with reimu. Hope that happens.

>> No.59744907

Stream delayed, throat hort

>> No.59745372
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>> No.59745460
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>> No.59745574
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>> No.59745660
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>> No.59745733
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>> No.59745819
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>> No.59745927
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>> No.59745994
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>> No.59746056
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>> No.59746132
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>> No.59746227
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>> No.59746256

If her throat still hurts she should just play the watermelon game today instead

>> No.59746641
File: 1.04 MB, 2200x1700, F15FoZKWAAAqtvI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at your boy's chicken wife, she's all like a real musician and shit now

>> No.59746891

Excellent, excellent... The anime woman takeover of the music world continues.

>> No.59746916

Wow, that's great!

>> No.59746981


>> No.59747168
Quoted by: >>59747374

c'mon bro, 森 is, like, the easiest kanji
it's just three 木s

>> No.59747374
File: 16 KB, 206x206, canon ogey mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Kanji for forest is jsut 3 kanji for tree

>> No.59747425

woa, that's a crazy coincidence...

>> No.59747454

fun fact the kanji for noisy is three women kanji

>> No.59747487

Yep, she is moving the watermelon game kek.

>> No.59747513

Is nikodem correct?

>> No.59747589
Quoted by: >>59747619

I don't read chat

>> No.59747619
Quoted by: >>59747661

He's the one who said "biboo is playing the watermelon game at the same time"

>> No.59747661

Yeah that is correct.

>> No.59747718

ye, see >>59739003

>> No.59747922

Rehearsal = some sort of live event coming. She always says recording when it is just music.

>> No.59748425
Quoted by: >>59749170

idk about you guys but when the day comes that mori has a solo concert in the US, i will be there, wherever it is, no matter what. i hope it happens or im just gonna have to get a passport

>> No.59749009

I didn't realize tumblr sexy Men had to be slightly deformed in some crucial respect, other than being lanky

>> No.59749170

I kinda hope her feature at Suisei's concert is just performing Wicked or anothhehr of their collabs and not something more involved, otherwise I'd never forgive myself for not shelling out a few hundred bucks for a ticket.

>> No.59749227

damn I really fucked up that "another"

>> No.59749595

So will mori ever become public domain?

>> No.59749791

I thought she meant videos about poop roombas

>> No.59749809

>Knock-off brand Mari Cantaloupe

>> No.59749945

>I'm not a masochist

>> No.59750188

i already broke the bank flying to LA for connect the world, mori's rm's concert, and ax. thats the only reason why i didnt even try to buy a ticket (plus it's suisei featuring mori, not the other way around)

if it was mori, i would bankrupt myself over it

>> No.59750362
Quoted by: >>59750416

I missed it, what day did she say the thing with Bae is?

>> No.59750416

not a stream thing.

>> No.59750606

Bijou's mom rocks

>> No.59750749

Mori so bashful at times it's painful
"Others stream a lot too!" but you have like triple or double the hours lol

>> No.59750809

and quarter the viewership, so she's hardly carrying anything

>> No.59750883

idk why she defends lazy bones, i mean i guess cause she likes the other girls so it is what it is. shes the hardest worker of EN, the best of the best.

>> No.59750900

Imagine telling your parents how you pass the time lol

>> No.59751062

>and quarter the viewership
She literally has the 2nd highest watch time in EN wtf are you talking about?
Not only numberfagging but just completely wrong lol

>> No.59751139

ignore numberfags

>> No.59751220

Her CCV being in the middle makes sense too because a lot of her audience has jobs and other shit to do when she streams

>> No.59751396

It's also compounded by the fact JPRGS have been a fixture of her channel for a while now and her tendency to stream at late JP hours aka a total deadzone for english speakers

>> No.59751545

honestly. im a dead beat through and through but she panders to jst and pdt. im est and she starts streaming an hour before i gotta go to sleep to wake up for work. i watch vods but i dont catch majority live

>> No.59751656

MY angel of death

>> No.59751697
Quoted by: >>59751812

One time there was a kid in prechat and they thought "no childs" was specifically about him

>> No.59751730

>Bettelion already made a full Vtuber Model for Bettel's twin brother

We need to step up our game DeadBeats, where the fuck is the fully rigged Mamamori Vtuber model with 100+ different outfits so she keeps her shapeshifting lore?

>> No.59751812

He was right

>> No.59751917

I don't watch him, but i heard he shows up in a lot of streams to the point it might be worth it. Is it his actual twin or just a bit he does?

>> No.59751985

I think is an actual twin, they're 100% brothers, that's for sure

>> No.59752032

Nickelback was never nearly as annoying as Creed.

>> No.59752095
Quoted by: >>59752277

Actual twin?
I'm %90 sure
I watched his PL a few times and the twin showed up to ask what he wanted on his pizza for dinner, so if it's a bit that's commitment.

>> No.59752277

There's a photo on Maglord's PL Twitter that show Bettel and Bettel 2 real faces
I can tell they are 100% brothers at leastz tho they are not identical due to their hairstyles being different

>> No.59752333
Quoted by: >>59752503

I'll learn Live 2D for my true love Andoririn!

>> No.59752503

I wonder if she could actually use it.

>> No.59752537

I'm glad both sides of the en fanbase gets a pair of twins to enjoy, good job on promoting equality cover

>> No.59752738
Quoted by: >>59752776


>> No.59752776
File: 451 KB, 1182x1454, 1672180647804744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59752792

She's proud of us!!!!

>> No.59752864

kek, can you not turn off gifted memberships for a stream?

>> No.59752939

They will be converted by force

>> No.59752948

