>>OPwait, I'll go before anyone else does>irys>mumei
>>OP>no Fauna kys
>>59695592>Inakys yourself
>myth and council still eligible CGDCT
>>OP>SHiori not in the pyramid despite no homo collabs and outright ignoring the last two homobeggar SCs she got (because she... replied to one on twitter?)>Meanwhile Mumei literally has a full-blown Holostar collab
>>59695592>Ina>KiaraGod you faggots really are goldfish brained
>>59695592>not your friend
>>59696468>(because she... replied to one on twitter?)completely irrelevant to the contents of your post but this is the most womanly way of writing something I have ever seen
>>59696850Why is Shiori there
>>59697342Because she's not your friend.
>>59697572I thought that was the Fauna quote
>>59696727why do you think the term /vt/sisters exists?
>>59696727acting like you've ever spoken to a woman
Mumei and Kronii need to go. Zero tolerance for male collabs is the policy, no matter when it happened.I'm tolerant of Irys for the sponsored collab but I can see why people might drop her for it.
>>OPIt's funny how these posts are made during SEA hours 99.9% of the time, you guys must be fucking miserably depressed and self-loathing
>>59698056>zero tolerance for male collabs>i'm tolerant of irys
>>59697995>kids puts his toys up after he's done playing.>"It's the autisma."
>>OPwhat's it like having autism?
>>59698150Yeah idgaf about tweets unless it's flirtacious.>>59698339No male voice heard on stream, it's okay for me. Sponsored stuff is already fine under traditional idol guidelines and they didn't get on VC together so she's absolutely fine. You're making it a bigger deal than it is imo Fwiw im no irystocrat but I see no problem including her here. Her streams and content are 200% CGDCT
Every tweet/xeet is a sext.
>>OPremove mumei and bijou, they have, you know.. You know what they have.
>>59695592This is the true cute girl trinity and if anyone says otherwise they're a false flagger.
>>59697342She said thank you on X to a male that didn't superchat her.
>>59699140Shouldn't Mumei be there then? Doing a collab outright seems a lot worse than just some xitter comment
you can tell unicorns are a joke when they cant even come up with a consistent metric on who is or isnt "pure"
the only EN girls that haven't had their dna permanently altered by semen are Gura, Not your friend Fauna, and the bau baus.
>>OP>>59695541Chart wouldn't make sense anyway because PEOPLE WHO DON'T STREAM can't be anime girls so irys and gura are out immediately anyway.
>>59699223if they've had piss covered male dicks inside their body, they are not pure. How the fuck is that complicated?
>>59696622People remember but we're in this weird memory hole zone where the KFPdachi pretend that they weren't shilling for tempus and trash taste early on. They're disingenuous by nature.
>ITT: corn LARPers and doxxsissies living in the pastYou don't even need to do this anymore, EN is back to its pre-tempus days
>>59699327a broken lock is useless. a lock that can be opened with many keys is useless. spreading cuckoldry through society reduces birth rates.
>>59699248i'd rather one year with no streams than one second with a male.
>>59699248so true sis!
>>59699411That’s cool man I really don’t care. I’m here to watch Mumei and co be cute.
>>59695592fixednote: to be cgdct you must-be cute (sorry nerissa)-be doing things (active tense) meaning you must stream
>>59699548>trying to put the key in the lock, but there's already a key in there!Though if that's your kind of thing, knock yourself out i guess.
>>59699603>removes gura, leaves bijoubig oofies... and mumei is still there, double oofies.. a lotta broken hearts tonight.
incel seethe kek, cgdctkings winning hard
My favorite thing about pyramid threads is watching shitposters cannibalizing each other as they work their tiny brains into knots trying to figure out who does and doesn't belongGo little retards go
fixed it for everybody.
>>59699274except you faggots always have to defend the ones that have>w-w-well mumei actually->w-well bae is actually->b-b-b-buh shiori doesnt count because-
>>59699857those examples all fail put man flesh sticks in the jingo bingos and pretend everyone is just okay with that when we're not. Just don't put them in your bodies you fucking whores, it's not that hard. Just don't do it. Thing is they don't even enjoy it, yet they still do it and become whores, for fuck knows what reason. If they did enjoy it rape wouldn't be a thing.
>>59699582>Nerissa>not cute
>>59699710Those are doxxfag incels/femcels trying to dig up old shit to slander. They do the same thing with JP and crumbs of collabs from years ago. EN is in a great place now, there's no reason to be seething for a CGDCTfag.
>collabed with male>somehow forgivenHow did Mumei do it?
>>59698758Then why the fuck aren't Ina and Kiara there? They never interacted with homos outside of the "traditional idol guidelines". You niggas literally just put random members you like.
>>59699949if it's not a loli, it is not cute.
>>59699976the only one i will ever forgive is Ayame, because she is just that fucking cute. Call me a cuck. I'd saw my knees off with a rusty saw for a chance at her sloppy seconds. I want my children to have her pure Jomon genes.
>>59699976Because her fans literally just collectively memory-holed that collab to seek unicorn validation. They also don't seem to want to talk about the time she liked a tweet from Vox apparently, I wonder why.
>>59700037urgh... god i hate them so much.
>Holo v HoloNijicucks as subtle as ever
>>59700074You'd have to have the most severe case of autism to be unironically concerned with an ancient collab she didn't even understand the language in but lol me draw. You're basically ignoring all other signs of her going the idol route because of your intense autistic need for rigid categorization.
>>59700037now THAT's something to not look forward to this yearwho knows who's gonna join, especially with the shared discord rrat being confirmed and all
>>59700098i pity nijicucks, they don't have a single girl that they can trust that won't suddenly dump on you with an off collab with a fucking male. Pointless fucking agency, graduate all of nijien now.
>>OPtriangle of bitches and lazy cunts
>>59700547people don't need to speak the same language to have sex with each other.
>>59697572That's was Fauna lol
>>59700653hello threadshitter
i automatically assume anyone using CGDCT is a shitposter
>>59695592>It's ok when Kiara do itBut Shiori reply with a simple "Thank you">Kicked from CGDCTFuck off OKBH leddit troons you retards ain't welcome here.
Wait i'm confused, is this pyramid thing for girls that haven't collabed with men, or haven't had sex with men? This could be a handy tool to help select which vtubers I should watch.
>>59696468don't worry Shiori bro. They went at Kiara too for a extremely vague twitter reply as well. It's usually a Kronie behind the post.
>>59700952if she even VIEWS a twitter post from a male, she is a whore. My oshi won't even acknowledge they exist. All males should just be removed from vtubing forever, then this wouldn't be a problem. Vtubing is not a job for men.
>>59700008Sakaki is core cgdct
>>59700738Cry about it faggot, she did much more than reply with a mere thank you, you dishonest cuck.
>>59700738tweets don't count apparently
>>59698295>9 am jst>SEA hoursretard faggot your oshi is a whore
>>59696850Oy gevalt
>>59701079You right these homies should stop trying to be VTubers and instead try to become the next XQC or Asmongold THEN actual hot girls will fuck them for clout instead of the ugly bitches hiding behind L2D anime girls
>>59701511>posting the edited version while calling others dishonestsuicide is very cheap and effective, please consider it.
>>59701771no what these "homies" should do is stay the fuck away from all girls, and keep their gay faggot annoying voices and shitty personalities to themselves and not plague us with their shitty existence. Not a single male vtuber I couldn't beat in a fight. Limp wristed faggots the lot of them, and as gay as they are the only reason they are vtubers in the first place is to score vtuber pussy, because they are male, and I am male, and I know how they think. Sooner every male vtuber is graduated, the better.
>>59700037oh no no no...
>>59701909she was a tattooed whore before she even debuted. DOA.
How CGDCT pyramid are made>Pure PL virgin (never interact with any males beside father/brother)>Never collab with male on stream despite management mandated (tweets/non-stream not counted)See? Isnt that hard
>>59701511Go back leddit troon
>>59701968no girl over the age of 12 is a virgin. And if they are they were molested anyway. even fatties get the fuckies.
>>59701968Basically all holoen failed
what did fau fau do?
Basically, the pyramid is Bijou and FuwamocoWell, that's not a pyramid. I guess it's a cgdct lozange now.
>>59702070>Basically all holoen failedNah fuwamoco has been idol veteran so far.
>>59702554Well... Hey, if we remove Bijou now it's a pyramid again!
>>59702381i wonder how they avoided all the twin chasers around the world, cos we're out there, and we'll do anything to fuck twins.
>>59699445>>59699471Why are you so angry?
>>59702593only need to be cucked once to become permanently angry.
>>59702031you must live in a shithole
>>59702811i do. A western first world country that has been compromised by rapist migrants.
I like all girls that haven’t collabed with Tempus, especially the ones that ignore their existence. The ones that occasionally remind me they exist are kind of annoying but I’ll forgive them as long as it’s a rare occurrence. I’ve gotten a nice bunch of EN to watch but sometimes I miss collabs because I’m not subbed to the homolovers and that’s also a bit annoying
i hate it when my oshi collabs with homolovers. it's like second hand smoke. the filth spreads and taints my oshi with it's faggotry. all male vtubers should be killed.
>>59696622Kiara actively disowned them, and even made fun of the two "graduates".But i guess your memory is good so you already know this.
>>59699949I like Rissa, but even I would say that she is too lewd to be called cute.
>>59702979500k coming your way New Yorker
>>59700074>They also don't seem to want to talk about the time she liked a tweet from Vox apparently, I wonder why.That never happened and I'm surprised no one else has pointed it out. Re: the holostars collab I'm pretty sure they just treat it like Miko's fanbase do. No one sane brings up Miko's old male collabs.
>>59702211>BijouNopeBasically, you need to look around a bit harder
>>59704926so... did she ever find one?
>>59704926Please don't tell me this is who I think it is
>>OPBeautiful symmetry
>>59704926>little bitchit's over
>>OP>this is somehow not a spam threadkill jannies
>>59705547It's exactly who you think it is
>>OPYou just know that any kind of image like that is posted to start holo vs holo arguments by an anti or shitposter.
>>OPEpic vacation bait bro
>>59695541NEVER FORGET
>>59700738>It is okay when Kiara does itYep, you are learning
>>59697607>>59700656That was shiori, who is actualy vesper, and therefore the culprit of every holoyab
>>59700074>They also don't seem to want to talk about the time she liked a tweet from Vox apparentlyoh no sister, she literally sucked his dick on Xspace how will hoomans recover
>>59697854I had to, every single day, with a smile on my face, cause my job required me to talk to a lot of women. And the way you type reminds me of them when they're texting me. Also, good morning, hope today will be a good day for both of us.
>>59695592Ina literaly say she was taking a "break", just to Axel leak both are talking on discord and recording a cover.
>/vt/ Unicorn friendly girlsGuraFaunaMumeiInaKiaraIRySBibooFWMCNerissaShiori>Japanese hardcore Unicorn friendly girlsIRySKroniiInaBaeFWMCMori
>>59710747>Japanese hardcore unicornQRD??
>>59711791NTA but the standard for "unicorn" on this board is no males on stream and don't ask don't tell when it comes to boyfriends. The actual definition of unicorn however is that if there is a provable romantic relationship at any point the girl gets dropped and yes that includes engaging in doxfaggotry to confirm. Actual unicorns want a pure girl not just one that is currently not entangled.
>>59706841>visually shying away from homos, showcasing clear disdain and antipathyshe's safe
>>59712087Not watching male vtubers is considered "unicorn" behaviour depending on what homosisters are mad about. There is no real definition here. Even though the majority don't watch them and there's no way there are that many unicorns. Fact is people just like to watch cute anime girls more and it's not anything deeper than that. And having the decency to separate their personal lives from the vtuber persona is not a bad thing when that's the normal reason women get into vtubing anyway.
>>59704466What happened was that she liked a tweet about his outfit by his mama, who’s also Ollie’s mama, then unliked it. Maybe she fatfingered or some shit. This whole sequence of events took place during SEA hours, so when NA anons saw the bait thread after waking up it looked like a bunch of ESL schizos making shit up.
>>59712547Oh I definitely agree that you don't have to be a unicorn to not want to watch or hear about males but the word unicorn did have an actual meaning before it got twisted into a generic way to slander anyone who complained about the homos.
>>59696850Hava nagila
>>59703791>Kiara actively disowned them, and even made fun of the two "graduates".Proof?
>>59711791Japanese hardcore unicorns are basically the original unicorns where they only care for the chuuba's offline relationship status and desire a chuuba who has never been/currently isn't in a relationship. The unicorns you see going around nowadays are revised versions of those jpcorns by EOPs with different rulesets.
>>59712957In what way has the term been revised exactly?
>>59712957The western version is exactly as mentally ill, but they're okay with being cucked if that fact isn't brought up on-stream. This is an adaptation to the fact "purity" of that sort is very rare among western women.
>>59710747I guess the language barrier is saving the JOP to EN unicorns as much as it's saving the EOP to JP unicorns. lmao
>>59713000To put it simply, modern /vt/ unicorns don't really care whether the chuuba is being railed off stream or not, they only care about the chuuba staying away from male chuubas on stream. It's the illusion that matters to them and they are willing to show ignorance as long as it's maintainedIn the eyes of a /vt/ unicorn, a girl is pure regardless of her body count or an active boyfriend as long as she stays away from homos/males while a girl who might actually be pure or single would be considered a slut or tainted whore for talking to men on stream
>>59713160Yeah pretty much
>>59713160>The western version is exactly as mentally illFalse simply because being willing to even slightly respect the private life of the talent or make allowances for the fact that finding a western woman in her twenties who has never had a partner is pretty much impossible shows they are at least marginally more tethered to reality.
>>59713232I dislike male collabs but I care more about the active relationship status of a chuubaWhat does that make me?
You guys are funny.
>>59713000>>59713232>To put it simply, modern /vt/ unicorns don't really care whether the chuuba is being railed off stream or notPretty sure that isn't the case. /vt/ unicorns care about chuuba's offline relationship just as much as JP unicorns. In both case, as long as the relationship doesn't come to light (i.e: chuuba A is having orgy every night but hides it well enough that no one knows about it), both JP and /vt/ unicorns are content. If there are solid indications that a chuuba is actively in an on-going relationship IRL right now, /vt/ unicorns will blow a fuse, too.From what I've seen, the biggest difference between JP unicorns and /vt/ unicorns is their attitude towards work / business-related activities (although, tbf, a lot of /vt/ unicorns are just shitposters). Interactions with males during work-related activities (i.e: shilling streams, company-mandated collabs, professional programs, etc.) get a pass from JP unicorns, while /vt/ unicorns might not always let it off
>>59695592>NerissaWhen has she done a cute thing? All she does is moan sexually about Kiara
>>59714456>didn't watch the terraria collab
>>59696850Why is Mumei not there?
>>59695592>Ceres "I'M NOT YOUR FRIEND CHUD!" Fauna
>>59700098Funny how its saplings the ones who cling to the unity meme the most after Fauna showed her true colors.You need to hide behind everyone else or you'll get made fun of too.
>>59714257That makes you more similar to a jpcorn>>59714398Anon, only the initial reveal causes an outburst. /vt/ unicorns eventually learn to cope with it and memoryhole an ongoing and active relationship of a chuuba. We have multiple examples of this that I won't list for obvious reasons
>>59695592This is the truest of the true cgdct trinitum. If we count nothingburgers then not even Gura counts because she collabed with Matpat.
novelites should be more like picrel and not put up with her bullshit
>>59714710Gura didn't collab, stop thinking promotional shit counts, she literally could have recorded her lines and then they edited it to look like interview...
>>59714710>collabedThey got fed questions to respond to by a third party and never once met the guy, if that counts as a male collab then you may as well count crunchyroll interviews or con appearances with a male MC.
>>59714561>he doesn't understand the inside jokes
>>59715081>>59715089That's the exact point - do not count stupid nothingburgers like collabs with no actual interaction or just recording few lines for an interview or music video. No one in the second row counts and anyone who tells you otherwise is a falseflagging dramafag.
>>OP>guraYou can't be doing cute things if you're not streaming
>>59714852Nice falseflag
>>59714561Go to bed, Pippa.
*sigh* I'll fix it for everyone
>>59714710Finally a good list.
>>59715850To exclude Mumei would be to exclude cuteness itself.