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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.45 MB, 1918x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59621334 No.59621334 [Reply] [Original]


>Main links
>Play Dice


>Merch (Limited):
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
CouncilRys swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter:

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks
Azure-gallery: https://azure-gallery.net/illusts?query=vtuber%3Aハコス・ベールズ

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png

Previous: >>59561286

>> No.59621506

>Chiki Chiki

>> No.59621516

Thanks for the bread

>> No.59621560
File: 3.64 MB, 1280x720, GO WHITE GIRLS GO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59621573




>> No.59621577

How did she get permissions for this

>> No.59621600

>paripi koumei
holy based

>> No.59621601

This rat better be dancing with Subaru soon

>> No.59621603
Quoted by: >>59629392

>chiki chiki ban ban
i have a lot of porn saved of the girl from this show.

>> No.59621616

God damn that's unexpected

>> No.59621713

need art of the backup dancers teasing and overpowering her, as friends of course haha

>> No.59621747

There's meme potential here

>> No.59621758

The song selection, the hips... my god.

>> No.59621812

>Hungarian party song translated to japanese for a anime op and now sung by a vtuber rrat

>> No.59621817


>> No.59621867

that slut-drop the shadow-bae did is making me feel things

>> No.59621873
Quoted by: >>59622043

I need art of the backup dancers milking (you)r cock while Bae looks from behind them, jealous

>> No.59621967

>the autotune comes off for the last second

>> No.59621971

Those hips are insane

>> No.59621991

>shadow dancers naruto run off stage

>> No.59621997
File: 2.13 MB, 320x240, 6626_l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59622003

Good job on the 3D showcase Bae, time to get friendpressed by a half dozen shadow rats.

>> No.59622043

Baesed mob-character lovers

>> No.59622150

>"I have very little time to shill this"

>> No.59622160

That shirt is kinda bussin bussin ratchads

>> No.59622163
Quoted by: >>59622952

>Holy shit that's a pretty minimalist shirt-

>> No.59622184

That shirt looks very extra large.

>> No.59622186

Huh this is a pretty short 3d Showcase huh?

>> No.59622196
File: 30 KB, 499x44, waterfox_23_10_01_11_56_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover why

>> No.59622208

>good design on the back

>> No.59622297

Lose weight or gain it.

>> No.59622307


>> No.59622318

That's a japanese thing. Very normal for anime merch sadly.

>> No.59622420


>> No.59622451

Okay the girls are based for this

>> No.59622452

>councilrys chanting encore

>> No.59622464


>> No.59622567


>> No.59622576

had a feeling the reason the game went on for so long because she had soo much time in recording play dice that she didn't manage to get too many other songs recorded

>> No.59622590
Quoted by: >>59623032

I love how peppy she looks on 3D
Nice boob jiggle. Not enormous that it becomes distracting but still hot.

>> No.59622645


>> No.59622663


>> No.59622669

That was actually legit the cutest fucking thing possible holy fucking shit

>> No.59622667

>mumei choking and coughing

>> No.59622672
Quoted by: >>59623536

Lose some weight loser.

>> No.59622728

Perfect choice

>> No.59622748

holy shit jam project bae is based for this

>> No.59622771


>> No.59622779


>> No.59622806
File: 41 KB, 564x564, vibing mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59622820


>> No.59622896


>> No.59622952
Quoted by: >>59623100

Still minimalist, i'm getting it

>> No.59623032

I didn't use to see Bae that way or even care about here, but a friend made me realise she's really good.

>> No.59623080
File: 813 KB, 2336x3072, 1696132943593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(from global)

>> No.59623085

I'm going to have intense sex with the shadow-bae on the guitar

>> No.59623091
File: 180 KB, 1178x1459, 1658364627143460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first ichigo oneesan.... now backup rrats..... my heart.

>> No.59623100

No yeah, always dig Hololive for being smart enough to understand not to follow the "loud and proud" route of their clothes

>> No.59623110
Quoted by: >>59623575

Mika Pikazo draws a lot of sex underneath her color vomit

>> No.59623114
Quoted by: >>59623436


>> No.59623121
Quoted by: >>59623436

more please!

>> No.59623122

Congrats on the 3D ratbros. Your oshi deserves every bit! Also heck yeah Hero!

>> No.59623152

Screencap that underskirt!

>> No.59623206
Quoted by: >>59623436


>> No.59623216

This stage will only be used like once every 6 months isn't it

>> No.59623220

Sad we didn't get a song in her idol outfit but that was a fucking great stream

>> No.59623237


>> No.59623255


>> No.59623303
File: 50 KB, 767x720, hearteyes mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59623353

I've always seen Bae as a sex goddess. She was the first one I was looking forward to getting r34 shit more than Kronii lmao.

>> No.59623419
Quoted by: >>59623783

Geez, is that XXXL size? Would be decent drip if even a few cm less wide.

>> No.59623436 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 944x572, 1696133103154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59624027

This ones not as good but still doable

>> No.59623464
File: 224 KB, 944x1365, Rrat Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rrat Love
I love her so much aaaaaaaaahhhh

>> No.59623472

>body gets dynamic shadows
>face doesn't
i know why they do it but eeeh

>> No.59623519

Kino stream
Luv Bae

>> No.59623536

It's way too big, I'm not American-sized.

>> No.59623575
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x1600, a27360aea6fb485c25267debe3c0de7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually into huge boobs so I'm surprised myself I'm finding this rat so sexy.

>> No.59623633

Your oshi is pretty damn cute and sexy, good show rattos. The game show was kino, it's just like my Japanese 3D streams.

>> No.59623679
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>> No.59623682
File: 85 KB, 640x640, whoolay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have a lot going on my life, except bae and you guys. Watching her realize her dreams makes me a happy man, and makes me want to try a bit harder at life.
One of her goals was this, and its wild its been like 2 years. If you guys allow it, ill keep having fun with you as long as bae exists
Love you guys, i might be criying a bit right now

>> No.59623744

Whenever Bae plays the 2nd song, I always feel she's gonna prank us and play Wonderwall instead
Anways, I wuv Bae.

>> No.59623783

Its an American Xtra Large
Pretty standard for novelty promo shirts and stuff

>> No.59623789

Proud to be your Komrade in arms for two years Quan Chi.

>> No.59623829

Don't tell me what to do
i'll rate it if i wanna
100/10 best day of my time in the vtubing community

>> No.59623854

Love you too Quan Chi poster. Keep being yourself.

>> No.59623866

I fucking love Bae so much
Love Mioposter
you're alright as well, quanchi

>> No.59623903
File: 108 KB, 622x842, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god im crying so fucking much I lvoe bae so much i love you guys too nbut in liek a non gay way ok
love this small litetle community bae love rrat love fuckkk man

>> No.59623915

>waist perfect size for grabbing
>tits perfect size for cupping
>hands perfect size for holding
Bae really is prime

>> No.59624020
File: 1.67 MB, 1545x1637, ugh towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im fucking tearing up for a shitty arcade cabinet picture of quan chi, what the fuck is happening to me

>> No.59624027
File: 5 KB, 239x241, rat mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59624207

At first from the shadows I thought the snouts were meant to be gas masks with a little nose on top. Something like this.

>> No.59624031
File: 11 KB, 552x91, dopskdakldasdç.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mubae love

>> No.59624068

haven't watched bae consistently for a while now cause of uni but there's no way i was gonna miss this and i'm glad i didn't. really fun stream! rat LOVE

>> No.59624109
File: 3.08 MB, 2480x2205, 1637828640666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Friends.

>> No.59624137

mio poster i love you!
I love bae more tho.

>> No.59624167


>> No.59624207
Quoted by: >>59624443

How in the fuck?
I mean, it makes for a pretty fun mental image, but how?

>> No.59624234

I don't get that emotional over it but seeing Bae work hard over these last two years motivated me to make something of myself as well. After years of idol anime that never left much of an impact Bae made me understand what an idol really is.

>> No.59624249
File: 220 KB, 575x281, F7U4anwXUAAoI7Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think... I think I'm gonna make it

>> No.59624349
File: 152 KB, 1800x900, mk1-dlc-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me neither, and yet here we all are for one reason...
Not to fight, but to support a cute rat
It's an honor Quan Chi.

>> No.59624423

When does the merch go on sale?

>> No.59624443
File: 243 KB, 399x296, waterfox_23_10_01_12_13_57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. The way the light shone on the tops, I guess.

>> No.59624458


>> No.59624518

I love Bae
And I love all of you wonderful bastards too
I'm so happy I got to see Bae come this far already, she's worked so much for her dreams, and it's paying off

>> No.59624530

Moomers smugly thinking "yeah ive seen her butthole"

>> No.59624609

Man, this is making me feel super emotional
Fucking wild to see our rat finally have her showcase
Here's to more rat, /rrat/!

>> No.59624654
File: 2.71 MB, 2500x2220, 1696133725788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. Hell, I even though I might've been finally falling out of this hobby, and somehow losing the love I have for Bae and vtubing. But being here, finally catching her 3D with all of /rrat/? Fuck, it makes me glad that I'm not turning into actually turning into an emotionless husk.

>> No.59624658

i refuse to believe bae wanted to do that stupid gameshow part with her senpais. what a mistake from managements part

>> No.59624757

Go drink piss from your cereal bowl faggot

>> No.59624793

Same here, life's kind of a bitch and I'm starting hobbies outside vtubers as well, but I would not miss this showcase for the world

>> No.59625009
File: 1.92 MB, 2150x2345, F7U3gXeawAAqVfB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59625256

>> No.59625108

Its nigh impossible for me to be affected by happy tears, i find it to be more of a celebration of someones hardwork so i just got really hyped and happy and was dancing along to her music

>> No.59625153
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, dongalanche.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59625398

my dudes the future is bright

>> No.59625184
Quoted by: >>59625562

It's not over too, CouncilRyS 3D next week so we'll get more Bae dancing!

>> No.59625256

And then they had sex

>> No.59625307
Quoted by: >>59625616

I like your rrat oshi bros
I want to bend her in two

>> No.59625351

I love you Quan Chi, you're a brrat among brrats

>> No.59625398

There's more genital jousting in this gif than in Bae's stream of it
The story is just a pp going through a midlife crisis

>> No.59625401
File: 95 KB, 236x153, taiyounouta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling this was the axed cover. I hope not, we'll see if she releases this artwork for members. Either way wish she would release it officially because damn she sounded so nice.

>> No.59625435
File: 578 KB, 2048x2048, 20230703_230200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers brother, we're gonna make it

>> No.59625528

Nenechi when did you learn such good English?

>> No.59625562
Quoted by: >>59626275

Is it still? I thought she was too sick to do anything at all (to the point that she couldn't even be pre-recorded)

>> No.59625569
File: 736 KB, 2480x3508, F7U3g95asAAfcpV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59625729


>> No.59625578
Quoted by: >>59625655

God I hope Bae is in the big HoloEN collab next week

>> No.59625616

get in line

>> No.59625653
File: 934 KB, 2480x3508, F7U3g96aIAADxiU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the Bae's 3d modeller

>> No.59625655
Quoted by: >>59625813


>> No.59625659

Yeah, that felt like it went on longer than anticipated. Same situation with IRyS since I think she also had to cut what she originally wanted to do at the last minute.

>> No.59625729

Jesus, the model is so good (and accurate)

>> No.59625813
Quoted by: >>59626469

Fuwamoco had a "HoloEN" collab on their schedule

>> No.59625969

The merch is going on sale next week after councilrys

>> No.59626027
File: 271 KB, 1800x1300, 1675439223872651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't posting in the thread at all due to wanting to enjoy the 3D in full without any outside influence. But man, it really did deliver everything I wanted. Great dancing and singing, a fun game section (a bit long but still a lot of fun), and just a great venue and overall atmosphere.
Bae really is such a treasure, and the 3D really extenuates that natural performer she has in her, and I can't wait for the full collab next week.

>> No.59626069
Quoted by: >>59626641

Korean girlfriend status? Did shw die of dehydration?

>> No.59626088

She said she wanted something different and this is what she came up with. It only felt long because it was 1 segment, if it was any shorter it would be padded with the usual segments like "here's my room for 10 minutes", "genmates call in to request poses for another 10".

>> No.59626236

Even though I liked the segment, those two examples you mentioned are what people want and expect from 3D showcases so omitting them will feel off

>> No.59626275

Bro, they were all in Japan before she got sick.

>> No.59626324
Quoted by: >>59626386

Any link for the recent unarchived karaoke?

>> No.59626387

This is semi related since she raided, but do Bae and Elira have some sort of history?
They’ve interacted a few times now

>> No.59626386
Quoted by: >>59626488


I promise its not dolphin porn

>> No.59626418
Quoted by: >>59626854

Knew eachother before Hololive

>> No.59626454
Quoted by: >>59626854

Knew each of each other when both of them werent in their respective corporations yet
Indie colleagues if you will

>> No.59626469

A little bit early for bae but not imposible.

>> No.59626488
File: 759 KB, 1400x2006, 1694846735907738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59627238

tyvm anon

>> No.59626489
File: 3.48 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59626752

I love my rat

>> No.59626527
Quoted by: >>59626680

They're probably just tourists, Bae's done a bunch of variety stuff like Baegemite and it's with Shuba Sora and Foobs, so of course she'd enjoy it

It felt long but engaging (though the last 2 turns could've been removed to shorten things further), I hate to say it but Mooms' variety segment felt way more dragged out despite being shorter

Not sure if that is a common opinion but I'm kinda glad Bae didn't do that, that sounds kinda boring to me at least, besides Bae did showcase her amusement park room, she just did it with the game show

>> No.59626556
File: 125 KB, 587x561, djsdfosjjfsgdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59626590

Can finally see some bae upskirts

>> No.59626641
Quoted by: >>59626824

Forget her im fearing for izuumi and fongbang
Because even if they dont nut to death this week, next week will definitely kill them

>> No.59626680
Quoted by: >>59626776

It's typically done because it makes the experience feel more intimate or personal for the people watching, that sort of thing

>> No.59626733
Quoted by: >>59627006

>"here's my room for 10 minutes", "genmates call in to request poses for another 10".
Or some godawful attempt at a long scripted skit with 3D props which wasn't here at all thankfully.
I think the real beef some EOPs/ESLs have is that it was mostly in Japanese so they "couldn't understand" what was being said and they have no sense of affininity with those JP Holomem despite how legendary they are.
At the end of the day, I saw cute girls acting out silly prompts and Bae running on a hamster wheel and being stuck in a cage. Kino stuff, the boardboard was just an excuse to facilitate it.

>> No.59626736
File: 459 KB, 613x571, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59627138

Mika Mama love!

>> No.59626752

right one looks pregnant

>> No.59626767

I would probably feel disappointed if the number of performances would have had to be cut down because of it but that doesn't seem to be the case and the performances we got were all amazing.
For reference here's how many songs the other members sang:
>Ame: 1
>Gura, Ina, Kronii: 3
>Mori: 4
>Kiara, Mumei, Fauna: 5
>IRyS: 10

>> No.59626776

Huh, that's an interesting explanation, it makes zero sense to me but I guess I can see it as a kind of "hey anon look at this cool stuff i got!!"

>> No.59626824

oh they both are very horny fembrats so of course they will need at least two days to recover after this stream.

>> No.59626854

Ah thanks, makes sense

>> No.59627006

Yeah, the little dance off, the posing, the threatening, the cannon firing Squeaks into the water, the cage
Tons of great moments in the game segment

>> No.59627088

Thanks anon, I was curious about this
It's a bit weird that Fauna has more song performances than Bae despite being a lot less stage performance-focused (AFAIK), but then again Mori has only 4 as well and that woman lives and breathes music work

>> No.59627138

i love her >u< face, that's like the quintessential bae face for me

>> No.59627141

So for sexy Sora, what was her line?

>> No.59627238

needs a 3D ratgirl to look at me like this lads

>> No.59627329
File: 509 KB, 1200x1200, 111471290_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59627354

Oh yeah here's a vague Biboo collab with Bae that's gonna happen soon(tm), I was watching her before the debut

>> No.59627354


>> No.59627420
Quoted by: >>59627946

>IRyS 10
that has to be the most for a 3d showcase in holo

>> No.59627478

Arent they both Asians?
Or am I missing a joke here

>> No.59627530


>> No.59627544

Prolly a zoomer meme

>> No.59627601

The joke is they're dancing like awkward white girls

>> No.59627630

Its a meme image macro of a woman dancing with those words and someone famously put it on a gif of Mio doing like a hip shake
Thats it

>> No.59627631

I always think of the Mio webm

>> No.59627799

Yea like I said, if it wasn't 1 long segment, there would just be more filler content instead. Just like Mori's showcase was basically a send off for her friends, Bae took the opportunity to have fun with the JP friends she made instead. Fubuki was one of the very first members to interact with her in the beginning, Subaru is her oshi and she became very good friends with Sora. Only Towa was missing.

>> No.59627874
File: 66 KB, 680x667, 1695848805318852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded for feeling like I'm unable to express my praise and feelings on the showcase to Bae and feeling a little frustrated because of that? It just seems so futile and nothing but a drop in the ocean compared to the guys dropping multiple hundreds to say the same things but louder

>> No.59627907

Not when you consider that Bae had to choreo and dance to 3 of those and with 1 slower number.

>> No.59627946

Sasuga Vsinger.

>> No.59628051

If everyone thought that then Bae wouldn't have a whole audience of brrats cheering for her
Do it because you love Bae, even if you know you probably won't be noticed

>> No.59628100

Yes, go out and give all your praise to her. She worked super hard and did amazing.

>> No.59628372

yeah it's a trap.
you should never drop money or identifying documents into this cesspit we call an internet.

>> No.59628395


>> No.59628449

Based Hyde.

>> No.59628687
File: 2.78 MB, 1778x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beautiful Hyde

>> No.59629109


Bae's shadows were real professional back up dancers

>> No.59629164

Oh shit, huh

>> No.59629332

Just say your piece because you mean it and think about how it would make bae feel instead of thinking about anything else

>> No.59629392

Name of the girl?

>> No.59629401

The key is ignoring what other people and think as if you're talking to Bae yourself (you are in a sense)
In an isolated scenario, if all the rest were wiped out, you at least feel solace you contributed and could've been the only one to say anything

>> No.59629433

That really makes me wonder if she was only lip syncing and the dances were really live. I noticed more than once her lips weren't moving when she was singing, you'd think they'd fix that in post production if it was prerecorded.

>> No.59629495


>> No.59629513

Thats actually a flaw of how mouth tracking works
Irys no doubt sang most of her shit live in the studio, but at times you could tell her mouth couldn't keep up with the actual singing and talking she was doing

>> No.59629521

Miowi talked about this once, one preferred way of doing performances is having the song be pre-recorded but the dance live

>> No.59629768

the virgin "fix it in post" vs the chad "hit send on an unfinish

>> No.59630174

Yes but none of those people are you. If you decided not to do anything that somebody else had already done first or better, then you would never do anything. It doesn't matter if somebody else's praise is more articulate or clever, they're not you and they don't speak for you. Only you can speak for yourself.

>> No.59630293

Your voice is your own, we all support Bae in the ways we can
It's not any lesser than anyone else's support

>> No.59630378

Whatever fags. I'm gonna supa 5k and ask for anal.

>> No.59630536

I can relate to Matsuri.


>> No.59630607

Jesus Matsuri
Also, Bae looks like a cute watermelon with the hair/helmet contrast

>> No.59630630
Quoted by: >>59630806


>> No.59630806

Just like me fr fr

Holy Shit...

>> No.59630842

Angry Sora was so fucking hot.

>> No.59630878
File: 3.86 MB, 866x1080, sodaScaryAngry[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuo4rzu.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59631507

I wish I was in the studio when Bae and the background dancers were sweating their butts off...

>> No.59631673
Quoted by: >>59632452

Sex with Bae and mystery rats

>> No.59631871
Quoted by: >>59632118



>> No.59632118

IWyS Love!
Zoombie Love!

>> No.59632452

They were all me

>> No.59632510
File: 3.58 MB, 2000x1125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59633495

Great art for all of the songs

>> No.59633615
Quoted by: >>59639213

I DEMAND guitar karaoke from Bae
This is not a request

>> No.59634308

My problem with the game show wasn’t that I couldn’t understand Japanese, I can. The problem was that as a fan of Bae I want to see Bae. All the other girls there will no doubt do many more birthday and anniversary lives, but this might be the last time that Bae has an hour, just for herself.

>> No.59634400

Angry Fubuki was scary.

>> No.59634405

As a fan of Bae you should know what's coming in the next week(s).

>> No.59634510
Quoted by: >>59634570

I don't have a problem with the gameshow, I thought it was quite fun, I just wish it wasn't 40 minutes long since these showcases have an hour cap

>> No.59634570

Also what do you mean that this might be the last time Bae has an hour just for herself? she is definitely the type to do more 3D streams on a whim because she has been waiting for this

>> No.59634658

Is she going to start releasing the dance shorts next week?

>> No.59634669

We WILL have a anniversary/birthday 3D, baelieve

>> No.59634786
Quoted by: >>59639210

Three years into Hololive, Lamy has done four 3D lives, and taken part in dozens more. In the same time period Kiara has done one, and has taken part in a handful. Things might change but I’m not hopeful.

>> No.59635233

trying to mocap in the rats nest will be comedy gold

>> No.59635678

She puts her effort into the dumbest things I swear to god. All the performances would’ve been better if it was just her, without any backup dancers. Just be confident of yourself holy shit, people already think she’s the best dancer in Hololive, just do what you’re known for.

>> No.59635734
Quoted by: >>59635893

It's not just about confidence, it's about time and effort
Bae would have had to record the choreo and then have it synced up with her own dancing etc etc
And also, it would be impossible for it to be live if the backups were Bae

>> No.59635893
Quoted by: >>59636907

I don’t think any backup dancers were needed is the thing. Just let her dancing speak for itself, without any distractions.

>> No.59636532
File: 1.29 MB, 3072x4096, F7VgqDSbIAAwCdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59636737


>> No.59636737

She's more flexible than Bae kek

>> No.59636907
Quoted by: >>59638481

There's merit in both, to me they serve the same purpose as harmonies and double/multi tracking in pop vocals, in that they make the main vocal sound a lot larger and more full
I wasn't too distracted since my eyes were already focused on Bae, the backups were just shadow figures with rat ears, and it did help make the performance feel larger (especially with a dense song like Play Dice), though there were a few times the stage formation weirdly pushed her in the back

>> No.59637075

i dont really bother because i dont like wasting time speaking into the void or repeating things someone else already said. whats important to me is that bae knows she is loved

>> No.59638481

Longterm, I'm hoping she pulled in a big Japanese audience today and this convinces Cover to give her more work and sponorships directed at the JP audience which will benefit her even more if she moves to Japan.
Like my above comment, longterm she is showing she can put together a unit to choreo for a 3d showcase which can later turn into a full concert.
And I am not implying she is thinking of these things deliberately, I just see the value of doing things above and beyond what people think is necessary.

>> No.59638773
Quoted by: >>59639347

Better picture

>> No.59638801
File: 1.18 MB, 1500x2400, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59645438

I assume this is just a lesbian shipper thing but why does Fongban always depict Bae as a man

>> No.59639169


>> No.59639210

Stupid comparison when they couldn't even travel to Japan until the beginning of this year.

>> No.59639213
File: 804 KB, 2883x4096, 20220629_072415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59639253

Christ, if only. I need more guitar playing chuubas

>> No.59639253
Quoted by: >>59639339

that's a bass...

>> No.59639336


>> No.59639339

Youre right brat that is based

>> No.59639347

That gives me hope it's not the cover she was talking about and she might release this in the future.

>> No.59640102

Oh shit Idol

>> No.59641147

I miss bae

>> No.59642731

She's so pretty

>> No.59642835

Hell yeah

>> No.59643474

Do people want some gifs/webms and soundposts made? Reply with some timestamps. I’ll get them made a few hours after the idol cover when I get back home

>> No.59643761

>English vtuber
>Supposed to cater to the english speaking market
>Sings entire songs in japanese
What's the point?

>> No.59643888

Waiter, this bait expired in 2020, dont you have anything fresher in this facility?

>> No.59643911

I kinda want one of Mr Squeaks getting yeeted if you could, should be 26 minutes or so in?

>> No.59644428
Quoted by: >>59644780

I'm still miffed that a male, Milord himself Mr. Squeaks, got so much screentime in the 3D showcase. He isn't just another brat, he is the OG of us all.

>> No.59644780

Lord Squeakers was very cute
I laughed when he wheeled the shirt out

>> No.59645143

...3D panties please

>> No.59645301

If Milord wheeld out the shirt then who was Milord on her head?

>> No.59645391

twas me

>> No.59645438
Quoted by: >>59645530

she takes turns depicting everyone as a male. She both eats clams and enjoys sausage it seems based desu

>> No.59645456
Quoted by: >>59645664

My headcanon is she just names a random brat Squeakers that is in front of her and so anyone can be him at any moment..

>> No.59645530
File: 102 KB, 526x526, Mr Squeaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a filthy disgusting shipper i love when she draws male bae/hayko X Fauna

>> No.59645664

Are you saying only the twinkiest of brats are able to be Mr. Squeaks?

>> No.59646390
Quoted by: >>59646420

Schedule imminent.

>> No.59646420
Quoted by: >>59649094

marathon sex with me for 7 days incoming!

>> No.59646692
File: 3.48 MB, 1920x1080, Weak rrat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59646918

>> No.59646918


>> No.59647152


This is one of the shadows rats, very pretty lady

>> No.59647583

Bae being sucked into the blackhole after losing

>> No.59647718
Quoted by: >>59649545


>> No.59649094

finish your homework first mumei

>> No.59649545

Nice i cant wait to hear about mylord

>> No.59650342

Bae is definitely going to talk about her stories and shenanigans with the backup dancers

>> No.59650425
File: 2.75 MB, 196x186, baebutt_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59650544


>> No.59650544

Her thighs are bigger than her waist

>> No.59650833

(me) and I mean that as a good thing because good lord

>> No.59650960

We can still go {{{BIGGER}}} while also keeping the waist small. I'm sure we can

>> No.59651188

All the better so she can leg-lock you in a mating press

>> No.59651426
Quoted by: >>59651879

Most sex frame from her 3D debut?

>> No.59651879
Quoted by: >>59652058

Huh. That's pretty cool.
Here's two of the other girls:
(couldn't find Minori)
Interesting that Lisa has worked with Holo before (no clue about the others, haven't checked too much).
Just pick any of the good shots during Play Dice. They were fucking delicious.
Too bad the director/producer decided to show so many different angles instead of only focusing on the performer. Guess that's one of the downsides of the Showcase vs a regular 3D stream.

>> No.59652058

Bros...I'm bout to simp for the shadow rrats...

>> No.59653089
File: 809 KB, 2894x4093, F7XcPevbEAANel7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59656161


I want maid Bae to cover her ass in ketchup and then leave a ketchup flavored ass imprint on my omuriceu.

>> No.59654286

Bae wpuld probably ask ypu to simp.the dancers with her

>> No.59656161

>ketchup flavored ass imprint
Surely you meant ass flavored ketchup imprint

>> No.59657237
File: 208 KB, 1097x1457, F7VElBhXIAAq6m7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with rat

>> No.59659214

Rrat and her owl are fucking right now, you know.

>> No.59659303

no we aren't, but I wish

>> No.59661033

Bae cute

>> No.59661072

*laughs in Pacific Ocean*

>> No.59661619
Quoted by: >>59661755

i saw you posting this in /who/, stop! they are just good friends that 100% "experimented" in japan

>> No.59661755
Quoted by: >>59662651

They have exchanged so much more than just sweaters at this point.

>> No.59662550

Will Bae forgive me for being attracted to her shadow clones because I thought they were also her in the moment

>> No.59662651
Quoted by: >>59662853

like saliva?

>> No.59662832
File: 19 KB, 602x222, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59662983


>> No.59662853
Quoted by: >>59662929

Like internet memes you weirdo.

>> No.59662929

that's not as exciting...

>> No.59662983

They are currently... y'know....

>> No.59663710
File: 307 KB, 858x1236, F7WrQ03asAABsrN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59663956

Baldtaro doko.

>> No.59663744
File: 637 KB, 1920x1080, 6608985854648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hits different when it's your own oshi writing messages like this.

>> No.59663956
Quoted by: >>59663997

Bae can't even do 10 push ups...

>> No.59663997

You can do 10 push-ups and then do 10 more 10 times over the course of a day.

>> No.59664229

This made me emotional live, I'm a weak man

>> No.59665334
File: 3.40 MB, 1280x720, Ice cweam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Refuses to share
What do?

>> No.59665721

Tell her that Fifi was Anerat’s

>> No.59666586
Quoted by: >>59667876

we love u too Kaelz

>> No.59667431

Man these loading date segments were so fucking cute

>> No.59667876

>not raelz

>> No.59668298
Quoted by: >>59668572

do you guys think the fun zone model will be public at some point I wanna re create it in minecraft and just the images is kinda hard

>> No.59668572
Quoted by: >>59674274

Probably not, but considering how fucking big it is it will probably show up again in the future.

>> No.59669947

Rabu Bae

>> No.59672272


>> No.59672518
Quoted by: >>59674305

That one anon who wanted Bae maid art must been in heaven

>> No.59674274

I’d like to see it again in another 3D yeah, seems like a waste given how big it was

>> No.59674305
File: 685 KB, 1020x821, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59674989

are you telling me a rat maid this

>> No.59674997
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x1920, F7XxqNHbAAA7xvk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might not get too much bigger
it's bunny day today

>> No.59676300
File: 737 KB, 220x220, 16366454785037090539263760078243-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59676835

>Moom drawn having bigger boobs than Bae

>> No.59676504
File: 107 KB, 512x512, Ft4QZmfakAAOF3h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PowerPoint at the READY!

>> No.59676835
Quoted by: >>59678314

Fong’s Bae is basically a dude so no surprises there

>> No.59678190

All three of them have masculine shoulders and thin hips, the only feminine thing in this entire image is Fauna's waist. This artist sucks.

>> No.59678314
File: 477 KB, 1200x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id say fong tends to nerf Bae's boobs but i quite like how she draws her with sharp angles.
Moom is rounder in her drawings, so it always comes out in a cute way

>> No.59678677
File: 633 KB, 642x602, 50196750153046781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rat soon!

>> No.59678719
File: 2.57 MB, 2500x2500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fongban this, izuumi that.
Where's the love for my nigga snowmya

>> No.59678934
Quoted by: >>59679345

Snowmya and Tensu are some of my fav Bae artists, they have some cute styles
Also they actually draw stuff that happened in streams

>> No.59679345
Quoted by: >>59679996

I like Tensu when he(she?) gets creative with expressions.
The default baes he draws kinda saturate me a bit, like that one artist that does EN animations (like the UNO collab)

>> No.59679996
Quoted by: >>59680218

It's interesting how a high percentage of artists who draw a lot of the same chubas are women

>> No.59680039
Quoted by: >>59680083

Is the shirt available to buy right now?

>> No.59680083

I heard it'll be available after the CouncilRyS 3D

>> No.59680218

Female artists is the norm. Coom artists tend to be male, but there's still a lot of girls.
As much as # pretend they dont exist, Girls make a huge chunk of Vtuber fanbases, and they are a big enough chunk where they get catered with Male streamers

>> No.59680304
Quoted by: >>59680827

Man, she sounds like she's deflated today, but I'm happy she's seeing the fruits of her labor.
I just she she got more than an hour...

>> No.59680395
File: 172 KB, 719x719, fun zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59680831

>> No.59680827

I think a big part is just the post-tension crash
Same with her post Connect the World
Glad she's got that off her mind now at least and that it paid off

>> No.59680831


>> No.59681079

I really like his style but I saw him do commissions of some retard pushing his OC with Bae and now I just think of that every time I see his art

>> No.59681259
Quoted by: >>59681609

I mean, its just an art commission. I wouldn't get too riled up over it. Especially since the artist got paid for it and the dude got what he wanted for what he paid.

>> No.59681307
Quoted by: >>59681609

A man's gotta get their bread somehow

>> No.59681504
File: 185 KB, 420x420, Honestly not sure what this is Mio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put my alarm in the nightstand across my bed
otherwise, it doesnt work...

>> No.59681609

yeah I get it and I respect the man, I'm just autistic

>> No.59681873
File: 596 KB, 656x780, die subaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shubae is now dangerously based

>> No.59681950

Is subaru anywhere near hagdom?

>> No.59681980

ShuBae teetee

>> No.59682094

the rat lesbian harem keeps on growing....

>> No.59682464
File: 536 KB, 3840x2150, F7U-vtjbkAA_Jio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59683185

baker use this one for the next op!

>> No.59682504

Bae still cant believe this japanese girl who sounds like a duck is now her physical friend

>> No.59683120

kek it really is the same

>> No.59683185

no worries

>> No.59683255

Bae will have to Fistfight Luna and Noel over the right of sniffing Subaru

>> No.59683318

Everything is the same until you get to Shuba's brownish black hair...man...

>> No.59683431
File: 212 KB, 343x399, POL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59683606


>> No.59683606

Yea you better, 3 is mine.

>> No.59683741


>> No.59683750
File: 448 KB, 1018x676, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think im in love...

>> No.59684113

Do NOT try to fuck friendtaro 4
Do NOT try to fuck mane-chan

>> No.59684222
Quoted by: >>59684331

You heard her, brrats.
Make that tiktok account NOW.

>> No.59684331

Im not adhd enough for that nonsense

>> No.59684478
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 111319633_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59684873

What's up with that one with her and the AT-4?
I mean l like it but it's random

>> No.59684873

Can't have maids without combat maids

>> No.59684901

fake fan...

>> No.59685134

Well at least there's nothing leaked

>> No.59685135

cute wallpaper

>> No.59685140

when your ready
