>> | No.59541040 File: 1.10 MB, 1340x654, 1654664532143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>59539287 Same. Have to hang out with the IRyStocrats cheating on my oshi because I'm homeless. All of hololive and vshojo and even literal who indies get to have a general to post about and lewd their oshi, but saplings are kicked out into the streets the moment the show is over. We're bums. Everyone feels like a stranger too since you don't hang out much so you don't really feel like a 'sapling' in terms of comradery the same way GuyRySes seem to have each others' backs.
Like I feel more comfortable among GuyRySes than fellow saplings since I'm not sure how to act around them since I barely ever interact with them anyway, even more so because I'm a vodChad that doesn't keep track of the girls' schedules so I'm always like two weeks behind the current stream. It's only if I happen to come across one of her livestreams do I also get to hang out in these threads.
I understand it's to control the schizo population, but that feels a bit silly considering the entire rest of the board seems to get along fine even with their resident schizos. It never gets so bad that you can't ignore it unless there was a particularly big yab that happened, and that's more on the chuba than us. Like what makes us so much more special than everyone else. I feel like my only claim to being a 'sapling' is my love of Fauna.
GuyRyS gets to have their silly little Cheebs and Gosling shenanigans 24/7 but we're not even allowed to miss Fauna or squeeb.