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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 653 KB, 4096x2383, 1666591315578376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59514973 No.59514973 [Reply] [Original]

Not Beating the Allegations Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and any Vtubers frequently associated with them.

Zen is LIVE! And is stalling for quite some time before doing something. The stream title says retro Friday, but that could be anything. Hopefully it's not DKC2 though. That's also the only stream right now, so check out Zen. or don't. Tomorrow is a big day so today keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya

VShojoJP is:

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and ex-member discussion

Previous Thread: >>59506126

>> No.59515020


>> No.59515030
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Shit op

>> No.59515046
File: 269 KB, 1582x2048, F7LHMM1bUAA01Hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cyborg wife (and her cute little sister)

>> No.59515061

Hime will stream today I feel it in my plums.

>> No.59515070
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>> No.59515093
File: 487 KB, 602x617, 1695077175797998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss stinky

>> No.59515105
File: 152 KB, 423x447, 1691550065386785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fantastic op

>> No.59515130
Quoted by: >>59515183

VSHOJO WEEKLY RECAP: 9/24/23-9/30/23 /vsj+/

K9 KURO - https://www.twitch.tv/K9Kuro
>New Member K9 KURO Trailer 1:#UndeadK9
>New Member K9 KURO Trailer 2:#UndeadK9
>Next trailer reveal will drop September 30th

Zentreya and Henya first covers released and Ironmouse had her lastest New outfit Reveal
>ZENTREYA - I Really Want To Stay At Your House ZENTREYA
>Kyoufuu All Back (強風オールバック) / Henya the Genius Cover
>Ironmouse New outfit Showcase

Best of/Funny complilations of the week:
>Vshojo Trumpet

>> No.59515155
File: 3.63 MB, 1803x1806, DokoFroot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59515183

>menhera fujobait
What is GunRun thinking????

>> No.59515194
File: 484 KB, 718x1061, Screenshot_20230929_110244_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shipsisters this is cute

>> No.59515195

Where is a good place to cut myself to do a blood oath to the old gods to swear I won't fap all October?

>> No.59515218

Cute and actual size

>> No.59515240
File: 101 KB, 2048x935, FbvQVnhVUAADkN0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i belieb

>> No.59515270

buy a chastity cage

>> No.59515278


>> No.59515286
File: 2.90 MB, 281x498, haruka-karibu-happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the moose

>> No.59515298

With all that edge you already cut yourself enough.

>> No.59515346
Quoted by: >>59515478

soon ninabros, the sun will rise

>> No.59515347

With notMysta coming, there's still a chance. Maybe even before the end of the year

>> No.59515349
File: 181 KB, 278x326, 1682368268000505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I won't be edging either

>> No.59515380
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Quoted by: >>59515900

Love my wolf wife

>> No.59515382
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>> No.59515383

Subathon doko.

>> No.59515389

Blood oaths are way less edgy than hell related eternal damnation

>> No.59515415
Quoted by: >>59515562

watching the vod and mouse said the video for battery is dropping today. hope we get sour candy soon too.

>> No.59515462
File: 3.85 MB, 1800x1804, DokoMoose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59515478

with Nina the original shitpost of her becoming the manager for the branch instead seems more and more likely so I have my doubts. Getting Kuro isn't too bad he is actually funny when he's not being oneguyed and ranting. Vshojo will be a much healthier place for him with none of the corporate bullshit that was pissing him off for the last 12 months and none of the toxic members of his old place.

>> No.59515496
File: 503 KB, 1200x675, 1665982007208261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never noticed that this model had tit physics

Now that I do...

>> No.59515503

Real father daughter energy.

>> No.59515513
File: 1.16 MB, 2480x3000, myactualunironicwife3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geega is my actual unironic wife

>> No.59515562

Hell yeah, it's been almost 4 decades. I've been waiting for this.

>> No.59515570
Quoted by: >>59515651

I think it's funny how many people want Mika now. Everyone felt bad for her when we were sure we were getting Nina and Mysta had graduated, but now that they're BOTH coming here it feels even worse seeing her left behind lmao.
I somehow doubt Niji would want her in as a manager on the English side when she's so accomplished as a streamer, and when she's immediately going on a 6 month break.

>> No.59515643

Nina was close with Mysta so that’s why people think she might still join. She’s just taking a 6 months vacation right now

>> No.59515651

Well, some anon said mika was doing a members stream earlier today, and it sounded like it's not outside the realm of possiblity

>> No.59515652
Quoted by: >>59515687

welsh cock Inside so she won't fall off, gets squeezed when scared.

>> No.59515676
File: 200 KB, 1390x1351, 1669748076775651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59515687
Quoted by: >>59515870

You need to chill out

>> No.59515707

Just read last thread oh boy did mouse actually overslept? she's gonna be mad at herself if that's the case, but i saw it coming the moment she ended her stream and instead of sleeping she got on qsmp tina even called her out and asked wtf was she doing on minecraft after streaming for 14 hours and mouse said she probably was not going to sleep for 2 days, well the consequences of her own action i guess

>> No.59515753
File: 366 KB, 1080x1920, Fi0r8g6VEAAJqWt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59515763

Getting Mysta, Nina, Mika is not a half bad deal. Would be nice to get Pomu too. But that won't happen for a year at least.

>> No.59515766

Realistically speaking, is her following good enough for her to join?

>> No.59515799
File: 226 KB, 2048x1318, Fiu-RcXUoAE5v9i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59515803

normal mouse behavior

>> No.59515829

Honestly not sure. Mysta's a male which brings its own advantages and disadvantages so it makes sense he'd be here. Everyone's extolled the virtues of Nina as a person for ages so even if her CCV wasn't the highest she would still be a really fucking good addition. Mika I don't think has anything overly notable about her aside from being Indonesian. I don't think VShojo's going to try and branch into that market anytime soon, but maybe that's something.

>> No.59515838

Likely or nurse visit like others guessed. Dr k will probably be rescheduled to sometime next month so use the day to enjoy a vod or zen. No henya today either

>> No.59515845
Quoted by: >>59515939

I hate Ninaposter the most of all posters
because I miss her and he keeps reminding me of her

>> No.59515853
File: 277 KB, 2047x1325, FiwbkxcaEAA6mGW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59515870

he's right she needs actual cock correction

>> No.59515880
File: 405 KB, 1707x2048, F6ekPbNWsAEOVlv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a cute smoking tomboy Tomoshika for today's TMSK, now to start trying to bail out my basement

>> No.59515890

After stalking Mysta groups I can confirm there are a lot of women. Fat white women.

>> No.59515893
Quoted by: >>59516033

About the same as lowest Henya used to get sometimes before the announcement.

>> No.59515900

i dont remember posting this but yes, i do with every fiber of my being.

>> No.59515939
File: 111 KB, 1200x668, FizDQoRVEAIHNfD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59516020

i fucking hope she'll show up for her wave bday as a guest...

>> No.59515956


>> No.59515974


>> No.59515999

>Fat white women
Don't let the Froogposter know

>> No.59516019
Quoted by: >>59516663

I doubt man the moment mouse wakes up she likes or interact with someone on twitter that's a good way to guess when she wakes up, she didn't even retweet her gloomy bear shit wich she is very excited about, she still sleeping for sure

>> No.59516020

Shes dead

>> No.59516028

stop hitting me with the feels

>> No.59516033
Quoted by: >>59516100

isnt she a 3view, pika was at 2k ccv

>> No.59516037
File: 1.85 MB, 1280x720, output-file3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more on topic and less /niji/

>> No.59516084

Looking foward to all the bait posting

>> No.59516090
File: 2.85 MB, 7000x7000, 1687989213125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59516100
Quoted by: >>59516196

Pika dropped to high 3view with a lot of her streams before the beeaks and then the announcement of graduation. Mika will also have the Kuro buff.

>> No.59516111

Kuro is more on topic than Froot at this point

>> No.59516159

It's just "vacation". The 6 months part was people's guesswork based on implied timeframe for the marathon she wants to run (but that seems to have been wrong given that Pomu stated the marathon is "soon") and/or expected Niji non-compete (but Mysta is about to debunk that).
So her vacation could be nearly done, could be 6 months, could be forever, could be anything else... we literally don't have a clue.

>> No.59516169

they will all be /in/ soon, no need to worry

>> No.59516168
Quoted by: >>59516198

kuro has streamed 0 times, froot at least streamed the apex tourney last week

>> No.59516196

Also Pika's streams were very dependent on which audience it was aimed at. Her morning timeslot was usually aimed at EN, and her evening streams aimed at JP but it was never a hard and fast rule.

>> No.59516197

>a Vshojo is more on topic than a Vshojo at this point
think about your bait more before posting it next time

>> No.59516198

I don't like apex so it doesn't count

>> No.59516278

guys but did you know what shojo means in japanese

>> No.59516295
Quoted by: >>59516409

I think her already being friends with some of the girls could help
more of a haruka than a henya

>> No.59516363

Is this a planned break, or have we completely lost her to Baldur's Gate 3 addiction?

>> No.59516369

it means no worries

>> No.59516372
Quoted by: >>59516472

isn't it that asian chess ripoff

>> No.59516409

IF she were to join then yeah. I do like her a lot though and her collabs with Zen were a ton of fun and she gets on great with the Zen/Haruka/Geega trio. She's also terminally retarded like Mysta and eats plastic so that's fun

>> No.59516422


>> No.59516437

it's what they used to call the emperor back in the samurai times

>> No.59516459

I welcome this new era of geegshojo

>> No.59516472

nah it's a type of alcohol made from rice. Similar to sake

>> No.59516495
Quoted by: >>59516651

I'm betting on the nurse or another medical visit. It's really the only times we get this kind of radio silence amidst a cancelled collab and Dr. K seemed to get confirmation early enough to cancel the stream an hour of head of when he had it scheduled so I don't think she overslept. Mouse did have the stream time wrong btw.

>> No.59516501
Quoted by: >>59516638

the moose is always around sometimes you have to go find her, she was arielle's stream two days ago

>> No.59516564

Never gonna happen

>> No.59516593

Mouse music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo3tiFw6F_Y

>> No.59516596
File: 1.52 MB, 1264x709, 1673224860214043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59516611

the pakuchamps are kinda dedicated, and she managed to retain an audiance in the debuff branch while all of the other stagnated at best.
One of her branchmate is graduating today, and he gets for his final stream around as much as she get on a regular basis

>> No.59516619

I like the rhythm
It's pretty good

>> No.59516638

Good to know. Thanks, anon.

>> No.59516651
File: 2.48 MB, 414x264, 1691806249744108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an hour of head
I don't know how I managed that typo.

>> No.59516660

I like her
And it's really hard to ask about the subathon without sounding like a baiter.
But are there plans for that? Or maybe she changed it for something else?

>> No.59516662
File: 1.39 MB, 1542x860, 1675799201008192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruka on Zen

>> No.59516663
Quoted by: >>59517266

I'm disappointed with gloomy bear, I wanted a plushie, but I did get the cute long sleeve.

>> No.59516677


>> No.59516680

Haruka's voice makes me hard

>> No.59516681
Quoted by: >>59516818

I hate the song but Mousey's part was really good

>> No.59516702
Quoted by: >>59516765

iirc she is busy with moving, speaking of moose, she is on Zen's stream

>> No.59516758

Ok Mouse still MIA should I'm gonna start to concern fag

>> No.59516765

or was it house renovation? i don't remember

>> No.59516772
File: 206 KB, 1192x1670, IMG_4548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not watching Kuro

>> No.59516789

I'll show this to my friend who's a bad bunny fan and see what they think.

>> No.59516803

Rose is showing off how hag she is right now if you wanna watch. Just playing old media and seeing who recognizes all of it.

>> No.59516818

Idk if it's just me but I vastly prefer her live stuff then recorded most of the time. It just feels like outside of anarchy and getcha she hasn't really put as much emotion and focuses more on singing correctly if that makes sense.

>> No.59516833


>> No.59516853
Quoted by: >>59516894

more new things haruka can't talk about
also she's canadian walter white, I think

>> No.59516883

You guys think Kuro and Henya can become besties?

>> No.59516894

can't believe haruka is bald

>> No.59516898
Quoted by: >>59516952

Hollow Hunger cover was really good, easily my favourite
I think you are wrong

>> No.59516952

Fair, personally i felt like she was mixed too low in that one, but I still liked it.

>> No.59516981

sex rat. model now

>> No.59517010

New Mouse song is a banger

>> No.59517039

I think GEEGA's content would be improved if she grew out and maintained her pubic hair until it was a beautiful luscious bush.

>> No.59517046


>> No.59517048
Quoted by: >>59518001

Well at least the mid song didn’t get a banger video
Hollow hunger was great, same with king, the vampire, zombies and her concert stuff. She just needs an actual singing manager to help her shine and avoid some of these

>> No.59517062

Kuro debut soon. I hope she has a cute voice.

>> No.59517068

i hate this fucking switch overlay

>> No.59517097

Looking foward to more girls talk.

>> No.59517104
Quoted by: >>59517127

You watch EvilToaster. Don't pretend you won't

>> No.59517108
File: 674 KB, 686x675, 1682755216060540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59517124
Quoted by: >>59518229

Live allows for her to screw up
A full performance it’s different, because she records and listens her bits time after time, she’s incredibly judgemental about her performance because she was trained for it.

>> No.59517127

I don’t

>> No.59517130

Not many will

>> No.59517197
File: 301 KB, 501x364, 1681402741285899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will watch Kuro

>> No.59517218

By the will of GEEGA

>> No.59517266

Yeah i'm confused at this too, i thought the plush was included i could swear mouse said it was maybe i'm crazy, but they even made an art of a customized ironmouse plush maybe it will come out later?

>> No.59517294

I will NEVER fuck Kuro in the butt

>> No.59517309

I think she’s also confused as well
But yeah no bear (for now)

>> No.59517321
Quoted by: >>59517414

they make art for all the collabs (check the website), but I think only Corpse's has an actual plush

>> No.59517389

zen please stop abusing boosts if you're not a good enough driver to keep your energy high

>> No.59517398
Quoted by: >>59518114

I am the first Kurogosling

>> No.59517403

>Moose loves Racing Games
I would kill for a Forza/Gran Tourismo stream

>> No.59517414

he's the only one with enough of a crossover into the basic goth girl market

>> No.59517417
File: 304 KB, 730x401, 1671478451593960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59517535

>my hands are so small they can't even reach across the screen of a Switch

>> No.59517426
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>> No.59517443
File: 1.54 MB, 1465x858, 1669941712486275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59517490


>> No.59517444
Quoted by: >>59517535

I want to put GEEGA's tiny hand in my mouth

>> No.59517449
Quoted by: >>59517490

why was geega so serious about sushidogs cards
"like oh vshojo tarot cards cool,
oh those yes we know of that thing"

>> No.59517490
File: 1.15 MB, 1411x835, 1687539921363924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the second I hit post lmao
Please give us a VShojo tarot deck. We haven't had a super unique bit of merch since 2021 with the ouija board.

>> No.59517522

Mouse retweeted the merch crossover, guess she's awake/alive

>> No.59517535
Quoted by: >>59517602

Small hands make my dick look way larger

>> No.59517579
Quoted by: >>59517617

>Zen literally couldn't get past the first tutorial

>> No.59517602

hands so tiny I could envelop them inside my foreskin...

>> No.59517617

She will have a career as a journalist when she stops streaming

>> No.59517618

maybe this is to gauge how much interest there is. but I don't think its a good idea because i would have bought a plush but I'm not buying this merch, its nice though

>> No.59517623
File: 190 KB, 720x300, males.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59517761

I expect a new branch, Gun.

>> No.59517744
Quoted by: >>59518061

Anybody have that geega fanart with her at her setup with limp wrists?

>> No.59517750

>@everyone sorry everyone had to reschedule dr k today i will let you guys know when we go back on. had a very long day with a lot of stuff going on but i will be back to streaming tomorrow! i love you guys so sorry.
sounds like Mouse had her reasons and Dr. K is fine

>> No.59517761

I knew VShojo just having Henya and Geega was too good to be true, there just had to be a downside

>> No.59517836

god i wish i was that creature doll

>> No.59517968

Love Paper Mario but let's be honest Zen is not even gonna maker it to the 1st boss before she drops it

>> No.59517999

Thanks Haruka, didn't need my Ears anyway

>> No.59518001
Quoted by: >>59518118


Mouse said that shiro asked her to be on the song. This song is more of a mouse feature than a mouse song especially considering she only has 1 verse.

Also mouse verse is great

>> No.59518011
Quoted by: >>59518047

>Dr. K is fine
What a relief, I was so worried about him. He's not a proper doctor so he can't treat himself if he gets injured.

>> No.59518047


>> No.59518061
File: 411 KB, 600x600, fruity hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59518512


>> No.59518062
Quoted by: >>59518280

>I'm not watching Kuro
I'll watch him if no other Vshojo members or good indies are streaming.

>> No.59518114

Mystakes beat you to it already

>> No.59518118

I’d still put it on the low end of the music she’s released. Better than the valorant song but I can’t think of much else i’d put it above

>> No.59518120

is Haruka... um you know?

>> No.59518126

I can't believe Kuroinu stole GEEGA's design

>> No.59518159

>Is Haruka

>> No.59518167

long day and it’s only the afternoon. hope everything is okay with her and her family.

>> No.59518173

My wife? Yes

>> No.59518197
Quoted by: >>59518264

How can you not love the moose? This might sound fucked up, but I'm surprised that someone that deep in the autism pool can be this hilarious.

>> No.59518212

she's Canadian!!!

>> No.59518218

She is yes

>> No.59518229


Mouse's singing peaks are when she is doing opera and english/spanish songs that utilize those skills. Songs like And i am telling you, when i look at you etc.

None of mouse's released songs have been in tat style so she doesn't get to pop off as much.

>> No.59518261

Based on all available evidence, Haruka is. I think, therefore I am is all I can say for certain on the subject. Haruka is real in my mind.

>> No.59518266

We should watch him together, like netflix and chill... ya know?

>> No.59518264

She can be a bit overwhelming and talks over people too much. But goddammit if she ain't precious af.

>> No.59518280

This makes me think, what will be his usual stream time? If he keeps streaming around the time of his debut he will overlap with Henya; Or will he go to his old time which is dead time for the company?

>> No.59518318
Quoted by: >>59518421

Dead time could work really well if he doesn't collab a lot like some have been saying.

>> No.59518366

I've been touching grass the last few days and seem to have missed something. Is Kuro a man? How do we know who they are?

>> No.59518384
Quoted by: >>59518465

He used to stream in EU afternoon, don't think he'd stick to his debut time

>> No.59518393

He can stream whenever unless it's at a convenient time for euros because Gunrun hates them and refuses to let them enjoy Vshojo outside of VODs.

>> No.59518409
File: 92 KB, 372x430, moosescreaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this fucking moose

>> No.59518418

we all had the same collective dream about it
we can't be all wrong

>> No.59518421

By what I heard he doesn't likes to collab much, but he could also appear offline in collabs (like yesterday's Zen with Henya).

>> No.59518426
Quoted by: >>59518632

Intern fucked up with image on store again, he fucked up by renaming his pl minecraft account to kuro

>> No.59518428
Quoted by: >>59518632

Unironically a minecraft leak

>> No.59518430

MC account, has the mods from previous life, and we found the design trough url manipulation of the vshojo store

>> No.59518448
Quoted by: >>59518618

We need to clone Shino and make EVERYONE one of these.

>> No.59518455
Quoted by: >>59518564

when is henyer gonna play this game

>> No.59518464


>> No.59518465
Quoted by: >>59518509

Would be nice if he streamed at EU time, then we wouldn't have off hours anymore.

>> No.59518508
File: 780 KB, 3483x2188, Kayute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the best way. She somehow manages to be one of the most precious members along with Henya. HARUNYA IS CUTE! CUTE!!!

>> No.59518509
File: 187 KB, 400x538, 1691802177786938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No euros get nothing NOTHING

>> No.59518512


>> No.59518522
File: 1.32 MB, 1206x1232, kuro chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuro-chan my beloved

>> No.59518523

yeah they fucked up hard. It was literally the second image name I checked lol.
Just fucking add random numbers to end of the images and be done with this, gunrun get your shit together.

>> No.59518556 [SPOILER] 
File: 788 KB, 672x1603, Kuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shopify url manip reveal

>> No.59518564

Soon probably. She liked it when she saw the trailer and Geega told her she should play it before that.

>> No.59518569

Im a euro and i dont mind, im not watching the guy(his debut is 2am for me). euro daytime is to watch vods from henya!

>> No.59518618

honestly i dont like the Arielle one, haruka is the only one that just works

>> No.59518626
File: 65 KB, 123x321, 1682434915825560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What THE FUCK is this shit?

>> No.59518632

Man that's wild. Weird that they would just start VShonen out of nowhere like that. So do we know who he "is?" Or just a former nobody? In which case, why?

>> No.59518646
File: 135 KB, 850x1000, 1694204970587609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59518647
File: 24 KB, 112x112, Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59518763

He will be on your oshi's VODs and you going to like it.
If he streams at EU time he will be asleep when Henya is live

>> No.59518671
Quoted by: >>59518818


>> No.59518678
Quoted by: >>59518818

It's a mystary

>> No.59518680
File: 1.84 MB, 1076x1046, 1667952178213264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59518693

pa pa pa with Kurofags

>> No.59518706

there's not going to be a vshonen
this isn't hololive

>> No.59518707

Yeah, i have no reason to watch him over henya, zen, mouse, or geega who are consistently live daily. Even if he takes the open morning slot theres still +’s like rain

>> No.59518715
Quoted by: >>59518818

It's Mysta from Nijien.

>> No.59518741

Thinking about it more, depends. He would stream 2PM BST because that's when the biggest of his core fanbase as Mysta would be able to watch live. The odd-NA evening stream he would do was when he was either invited to a collab or felt like a late-night stream. Maybe he'll try and attract others with different stream times. Who knows. I would welcome late night streams though. Being NA sucks

>> No.59518752
File: 641 KB, 726x651, zen4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59518919

i appreciate the zen and henya friendship

>> No.59518763

my favourite is melody, and i dont really mind if he collabs with henya, i just dont plan on watching his streams

>> No.59518768

an earring I assume

>> No.59518789
Quoted by: >>59518848

looks like 2 loops attached to the "ears" of the hoodie, and the chain being held to the hood with a paper clip.
But to answer the question, I don't fucking know

>> No.59518796
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1694000629836223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ear -> nose chain is a kind of jewelry. Played with in this case by having the ear be his hoodie's ear, and instead of actually attaching it to his face he has it pinned to the hood.

>> No.59518818
Quoted by: >>59518864

Interesting. Well, maybe he'll provide something new to the formula. I don't really know much about him and remember not liking him on Mouse's show, but I'll give him a fair chance. Thanks, y'all. Have a good day/weekend.

>> No.59518848

>paper clip
It's a safety pin

>> No.59518864

Good luck. He’s the crazy version of shoto and has no real jokes outside of it

>> No.59518865

Every single time I see one of these IRL I get the urge to jank it really hard.
One day the demons will win.

>> No.59518867
File: 990 KB, 1916x1006, 1688088315910279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even vshoujo deserve this trash
Will also set an ORRIFIC PRESEDENt
First male of the group? Doomed before debut
also, design is BAD
80 %is just JACKEt
heck, try to focus on the legs, is less than 10 % of the design and you would forget they even exist with how TOP HEAVY this shit is
Dude wanted a big hoody and fucked the design

>> No.59518892

Do people actually do this? I would be afraid of getting my nose and ear ripped off by a bus or something if I ever got out.

>> No.59518919

it's really cute yeah
Henya must be protected at all cost

>> No.59518950
File: 1.18 MB, 912x798, 1668598904988099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59519075

Plenty of jewelry is very hazardous. Normal earrings are fine, but big fucking hoops are extremely easy to catch on something and get your fucking earlobe ripped apart. People still wear them all the goddamn time though.

>> No.59518985
Quoted by: >>59519075

There is some sub-culture that does it but can't remember if it's emos, goths or something similar.

>> No.59519032
Quoted by: >>59519058

Does putting links in tweets kill engagement?

>> No.59519033

I know most websites keep track of this stuff, but it's funny af seeing 4chan referenced as the referral in the vshojo store's cookies.

>> No.59519058


>> No.59519073
File: 304 KB, 1920x1571, 1682458577084664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what kind of swimsuit Geega would wear

>> No.59519075
Quoted by: >>59519101

Never thought about how jewelry could be dangerous (apart from robbed).
I see.

>> No.59519084

>Zen found a Soundboard

>> No.59519093
File: 3 KB, 239x40, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuro in geeg chat

>> No.59519101
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1692403415023682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59519323

Imagine being around a grabby child while wearing these.

>> No.59519176
File: 30 KB, 390x640, statelibqld-1-105120-beach-beauties-ca-1939-57c89b-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these.

>> No.59519208
Quoted by: >>59519329

Are you aware that there are people who tattoo their eyeballs?

>> No.59519211


>> No.59519232

skinny dipping

>> No.59519246
Quoted by: >>59519824

It'll be nice to see these two collab. I know they were friends since his Kaito days but since they never collabed when he was Mysta I'm curious what their dynamic is like.

>> No.59519254

Why does Haruka sound scuffed?

>> No.59519278

If you want a art challenge can some one draw up a "It was me Kuro!!" edit of Dio

>> No.59519299
File: 469 KB, 304x918, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59519407

She talked about wanting art of outfit swaps between talents.
I wanna see her in this.
even tho she said she really don't like exposure

>> No.59519323

There’s no doubt in my mind Mouse or GEEGA used these

>> No.59519329
Quoted by: >>59521275

I know there are some extreme body modders out there, but linking two common piercings is tame by comparision (apart from the risk of getting ripped). Also risking losing your vision for a tattoo is peak retardness.

>> No.59519340

At moms setup

>> No.59519370

she's on her phone

>> No.59519382 [DELETED] 

Small women with earrings.

>> No.59519407
File: 418 KB, 1708x1726, 1678727062540393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone go commission Epebe to do a runback of his ancient series of exactly that.

>> No.59519458

Haruka using her xbox 360 mic.

>> No.59519479

Such good friends

>> No.59519489

Great taste honestly, boyleg swimsuits are nice

>> No.59519530

a bikini, like every aging office lady that still thinks she's young

>> No.59519542 [DELETED] 

is geega hinting that there will be no new members after kuro this year?

>> No.59519570


>> No.59519575
File: 253 KB, 351x497, Militarygradecopium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59519599
Quoted by: >>59519759

Give me a timestamp right now so I can either despair or call you an idiot

>> No.59519598

Get fucked ninafags

>> No.59519603
File: 285 KB, 512x512, GWG7YfCRHteO8wT71oTIAg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59519628

Mouse said yesterday that her ear piercings got infected both times she had them, so she probably never had earrings that aren't clip-on

>> No.59519639

i blame mouse because i'm angry.

>> No.59519655
File: 38 KB, 128x128, 1696006436099273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also lied about Kuro. Never believe a glowie

>> No.59519678

jabroni mike bros...

>> No.59519718
Quoted by: >>59519814

I hope Nina comes back soon. I feel for Honeys.

>> No.59519720

I don't believe it. Not for one second. The anniversary is the ultimate time for a new member, and not using that built-in hype machine to debut someone new is ridiculous.

Also worth mentioning that Geega is fucking professional when it comes to opsec. She'd exactly be the type to lie so we don't go looking after the last 2 were leaked early lol

>> No.59519727

she did, then 1 minute later talked about how she lied about her own debut.

>> No.59519731

honeys it's over...

>> No.59519733

geega is actually bad at managing expectations, i wouldn't trust her when it comes to this lmao

>> No.59519748
Quoted by: >>59519864

here is the timestamp
idk why she mentioned "for the rest of the year"

>> No.59519751
Quoted by: >>59519792

Which anniversary?

>> No.59519759

nta, but she said she had been deliberately delaying the gameshow because the new member's debut was so close and she wanted to include them in it
I wouldn't call that "no new members", but I don't know what else they could have meant

>> No.59519792

The vshojo one I think

>> No.59519808

its expected, they had 2 members in fast succession. If anything next member is early next year

>> No.59519814
File: 2.54 MB, 2410x2504, 1693364247114551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll be strong for our Fox Mom. I surived the Geega jabait and you think I'm sad about someone so close to Nina is /in/

I'm even more positive than before!

>> No.59519824

>ahoy little boy
Seems like it is the case
Welp rip, I don’t mind Kuro but that being the last member until god knows when, it’s gonna be oof and I hope Gunrun knows what he’s doing.
But Geega did mentioned stuff as if “we got the stuff ready and we are wanting for the last one”, similar at how Mouse is releasing her new starting soon screen in October

>> No.59519850

lmao. good luck nina bros. hope she makes it in this year.

>> No.59519864
Quoted by: >>59519975

oh she's saying that *people* were saying that no one would come after geeg for the rest of the year, not that she's hinting at no more new members until 2024
never trust ESL sea anons

>> No.59519885
Quoted by: >>59519916

Did they do anything big last year?

>> No.59519907
File: 595 KB, 755x742, 1690345677010493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys chill, there is 2 months left this year, why the doomposting

>> No.59519916


>> No.59519947

Just enough time for 7 more members.

>> No.59519951
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1693887269293516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59519953
File: 35 KB, 514x514, 1670841162224102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59520106

Geega is literally the perfect woman...

>> No.59519957

Im stupid

>> No.59519958
File: 1.29 MB, 962x962, 1688205623613888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all downhill from here.

>> No.59519967
Quoted by: >>59520040

Nina will never join
hagcast will never happen
it's so over

>> No.59519975
Quoted by: >>59520051

... Fuck that anon

>> No.59519990

Yeah. VShojo's third anniversary is November 24th. We got Haruka last year out of it along with some other cool stuff. That being said I could buy we won't be getting any new ENGLISH members for the rest of the year if the anniversary stuff is going to be more JP focused, but there's no shot the year ends without anyone else new.

>> No.59520002

we get one niji, and everyone already has the niji mentality

>> No.59520040
Quoted by: >>59520095

The ultimate troll would be to have Nina for a one-time Hagcast without joining.

>> No.59520044
File: 21 KB, 112x112, geegaClown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59520077

the honorable tradition of one guy completely misunderstanding something said in a stream, and threadreaders freaking out about it

>> No.59520051

yeah that's one thing you're getting with mysta: anons who can barely write in english, let alone listen and comprehend it, so you'll get a lot of people saying shit from the girls (and fag) that they did 100% not say because they just do not understand english

>> No.59520063
Quoted by: >>59520480

Look it’s not over over
But let’s just accept the huge possibility of getting nothing by the end of the year besides more stuff for the current girls and dude, so don’t get ideas of NEW JP OR NINAUR COMING BACK OMG
I still don’t understand what’s the approach with Kuro, but let’s see if it blows in their face or it’s cool

>> No.59520068
Quoted by: >>59520178

Bringing in Snuffy on the anniversary is the the most obvious move here.

>> No.59520077

just another confirmation that no one watches streams

>> No.59520095
Quoted by: >>59520156

we already did that bit with u-san

>> No.59520106

geega is GFE for functional people

>> No.59520123
File: 1.88 MB, 500x370, 1520301429398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot it's almost fucking october jesus christ

>> No.59520135

I thought we were free of this Donkey Kong bullshit

>> No.59520138
File: 664 KB, 1280x720, 1690394221207097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys... remember when Henya talked about owning her own model and IP? M-maybe she's planning to ditch VShojo now that she achieved her dreams, It's over, it's so over

>> No.59520156

>"Oh hi, u-san."
Such a weird way to find out all of them were talking so much

>> No.59520164

> no shot the year ends without anyone else new.
i was also hoping for a new jp to fill up the jp branch a little more (and for the next member next year not turn into a disapoining jp)

But vshojo normaly is slow with members, and we just got 2 in a month, and 3 in the year, that is the same number we got last year

>> No.59520167
File: 70 KB, 221x153, vshonen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, if Kuro is red.. Who are green and blue?

>> No.59520171
File: 9 KB, 402x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frootposters warped my mind

>> No.59520178

anon snuffy is dead.

>> No.59520189

ruthless business kettle

>> No.59520201

Green is orc and blue is Bubi.

>> No.59520218
Quoted by: >>59520480

>The anniversary is the ultimate time for a new member
Extreme timelooping -We said the same back in 2021
This day in 2021 we were 2 days from the audition deadline and talking about who would be /in/ by anniversary and if we'd be the first ones to have a male gen

>> No.59520219

Corpse and Vedal, trust the plan.

>> No.59520244

i was "watching" but not paying attention so when that anon said "no more members until next year" i got confused.

>> No.59520267

Thanks to Haruka saying it out loud I'm just learning something about DKC2 I never realized. "Kong College" is a fucking prison reference. Con college.

>> No.59520284
Quoted by: >>59520342

are we talking about vei or henya?

>> No.59520314

I like that this was posted before the timestamp, then in the actual context Geega was talking about how much lying she did before debut so people didn't know she was joining, and how she debuted her new hairstyle a week before joining just to help throw the scent off further. Perfect timing.

>> No.59520337
Quoted by: >>59520406

If she's smart, she'll do it soon. The sooner she's out of Vshojo the sooner she will be successful.

>> No.59520342
File: 158 KB, 1080x1080, 1689280806577608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59520466


>> No.59520343

nina (with a voicechanger) and the other nina (with a voicechanger)

>> No.59520406
File: 603 KB, 616x440, Henya reads (you)r post.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59520466
File: 66 KB, 800x450, y7nbMxK79aYP2iUp5xdi8aXyNmDQVkmm2CuYllG5UDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59520506


>> No.59520480
File: 1.63 MB, 1560x872, 1688026740961286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch streams. As in, Zen's live playing DKC2 with Haruka and I was watching that so Id didn't know what Geega was saying lol.
Last night Kson teased 2 dates for people to look forward to. One of them is her anniversary, and the second one holds no meaning to anything except for being right after VShojo's anniversary.
If anything was planned for 2021 and I fully believe there was plans, if not new members then Nux killed them. Remember that shit coincided with VShojo's first anniversary and fucking ruined everything.

>> No.59520506
File: 33 KB, 166x166, 1690452019166140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59521025


>> No.59520555
File: 719 KB, 1440x1457, Screenshot_20230929_162316_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that the jacket is selling well.

>> No.59520595

I can't believe Nux doxxed and murdered the applicants.

>> No.59520602


>> No.59520611
Quoted by: >>59520684

its 140 dollars

>> No.59520638

expensive and is plainly unfit for her main audience

>> No.59520659
Quoted by: >>59520749

anon she's obviously clarifying because the website is in japanese

>> No.59520662
Quoted by: >>59520749

Or they received complaints about the website.

>> No.59520684

besides its on japanese website and there is no pictures of finished product

>> No.59520718

I bought both colors but yeah kind of pricey and not for everyone

>> No.59520719
Quoted by: >>59520782

>Numbefagging streams
>Numbefagging plushies
>Numbefagging music videos
>Now numbefagging jackets

>> No.59520734

there's too much mouse merch out lately. Even if i could pay for it all it's too much.

>> No.59520749

Or both. It's not selling well because people need info, but now it will sell well.

>> No.59520759

This statement is true

>> No.59520782
Quoted by: >>59521287

Hey the plush stuff is interesting. Mostly because it gives me hope that Zen get a Nendo. She was the only other VShojo to clear 1k on Makeship and Nyan + Mouse already got one.

>> No.59520809
Quoted by: >>59520868

these girls are squeezing our wallets dry, when they should be squeezing my balls dry

>> No.59520868
File: 22 KB, 112x112, geegaSmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that sucks
can't relate fortunately

>> No.59520917

turbo womanlets like geega aren't attractive

>> No.59520940

The most incorrect statement ever made.

>> No.59520962
Quoted by: >>59521142

To be fair to Mouse, at least, she set her expectations of income during the streaming peak, and then bought a house when prices were literally at the highest they've ever been. You're literally helping pay the morgage to keep a roof over her and her parent's head when you buy that stuff.

>> No.59520982
Quoted by: >>59521116

>t. mousefag

>> No.59521013
File: 42 KB, 465x446, 1683588282835580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when nazuna streams

>> No.59521025

nta, but I don't like seeing my Oshi covered in garbage

>> No.59521050
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 1679794088625979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59521094


>> No.59521078
File: 631 KB, 1315x741, 1693700350900585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59521220

For your memeing pleasurer

>> No.59521083
File: 9 KB, 128x128, geegaTalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59521155

a big advantage of geega's peepotalking is that you can have the geegacast on in the background while watching another stream

>> No.59521094
File: 170 KB, 364x431, 1685357611969529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59521116
File: 149 KB, 457x521, 1695663088460033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon.. They're the same height.

>> No.59521142
Quoted by: >>59521395

If the merch is good quality it’s fine, I like almost all of it, but it’s more “can her audience keep buying expensive merch?”

>> No.59521155
Quoted by: >>59523402

It goes without saying that most people watching streams have mulitple open at once, mostly muted, with only sound from one or two at once unless an intresting moment seems to be happening in one that you switch focus to. It's how Twitch is designed to be used in the first place.

>> No.59521220
File: 2.71 MB, 560x540, uhuh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59521222
Quoted by: >>59521380

there's no english option on that website?
why couldn't vshojo sell it on their EN store and act as intermediary

>> No.59521275

I know it's tame in comparison. Now can you continue that line of thought for two more steps and realize that I might be saying exactly that.

>> No.59521287

>Mostly because it gives me hope that Zen get a Nendo
Zen isn't japanese, she'd need to get 10k viewers on average for her to get a Nendo

>> No.59521314

are you John Goodsmile?

>> No.59521357
Quoted by: >>59521456

Proof that Zen merch can sell even with a lower CCV could make up the difference, and Makeship certainly did that.

>> No.59521380

vshojo can't even handle their leaks, imagine being a middle guy.

>> No.59521395
Quoted by: >>59521446

I'd be curious to find out the total amount of money needed to buy all her merch this year.

>> No.59521429
Quoted by: >>59521502

>Geega talking about her adventure as a CIA operative again

>> No.59521446
Quoted by: >>59521481

some apari merch was around 140 bucks. The pc case was around 800?

>> No.59521456
Quoted by: >>59521554

literally arguments Silver used and GS still told her no
You need to be Japanese like Nazuna if you want Nendo unless you have numbers like Nyanners or Mouse at their peak

>> No.59521457

there's been a noticable uptick in jp zen artists recently, I think she'd sell quite a few in japan

>> No.59521481

PC case was way cheaper than that if you got the case only. Don't remember the price though

>> No.59521497

the zenya boost

>> No.59521502

geega totally killed some POW

>> No.59521554

According to who

>> No.59521560

That POW? Me.

>> No.59521561

i think it was post concert that a lot of the jp artists started to notice her

>> No.59521571

Zen is really really bad at DKC. She learned nothing from DKC1 and Moose is just carrying her through the game...

>> No.59521601

Yeah. Smothered them between her thighs while jerking them off. Didn't even get to cum before dying.

>> No.59521606
Quoted by: >>59521678

According to the evidence that has been gathered.

>> No.59521610

zen is braindead anon. She was learning the game mechanics fighting the last boss.

>> No.59521622

same as DKC1 Haruka carried her through most of the game

>> No.59521678

Translation: "my ass".

>> No.59521696

She never held the run button during the king k rool fight.

>> No.59521712
File: 363 KB, 1200x1500, F0DWVV3XwAI_gPT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my bimbo wife

>> No.59521724

She has less problems going through DS3 than jumping on rats in DKC2, I don't understand how it can be possible

>> No.59521771
Quoted by: >>59521989

i mean if you guys want to use number go look how many plushies she sold... Not that many.

>> No.59521793

fps brain

>> No.59521821

make her play salt and sanctuary next. It's basically a platform trying to be Dark souls.

>> No.59521874
Quoted by: >>59521901

really? I'm assuming you ignored the whole drama with Silver and Good Smile turning her down when Vshojo pitched Nyan, Mouse and Silver to good smile
When that happend Silver's numbers were shitting on current Nazuna's numbers and Good Smile still didn't produce her nendo despite Silver's fanbase buying lots of merch.

Meanwhile Nazuna got Nendo when her numbers were abysmal.
That's just the reality of Japanese autism when it comes to dealing with foreigners.
I hope Zen gets nendo but I'm willing to bet my balls she will never get one. You can screencap this and come castrate me if she ever does manage to get it.

>> No.59521876
Quoted by: >>59521989

Then where's Silver's nendo?

>> No.59521901

Nigga I know that shit. I know it's also entirely rrats with zero fuckin proof.

>> No.59521940
Quoted by: >>59522001

>rrats with zero fuckin proof.
there was literally a poster saying Silver got denied her Nendo weeks before any vshojo nendos got annouced

>> No.59521989
Quoted by: >>59522142

Source is still "my ass" and now we have correlation = causation, nice.

>> No.59522001

Yes. That's where the rrat started. Nigga a 4chan post is not proof without evidence.

>> No.59522011

B-but someone came into the thread and said they were mowtendoo

>> No.59522060

>kuro tried the shout-out command in his chat and nobody said anything in chat

>> No.59522079

I hate my job
Can't even listen to the new song
Is it good?

>> No.59522110

is he even familiar with twitch?

>> No.59522127

All I know Silver said multipule times she wanted to get her nendo, and I imagine when Mouse and Nyan were gettning theirs she was also pushing for hers.

>> No.59522142

nigga who cares? She didn't made it and now she will never do. Drop it.

>> No.59522155

Hey guys, I work in the planning department at Good Smile and we didn't make a Silvervale Nendo because we didn't have enough material for her fat tits.

>> No.59522159
Quoted by: >>59522281

Is there even someone in his chat?

>> No.59522161
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>> No.59522178

Eh it’s a song? Not missing much

>> No.59522193

you should've sacrificed Hime's nendos for that

>> No.59522231

I think its good
But Mouse is featured on it so shes only in like one third of the song

>> No.59522233
Quoted by: >>59522489

This anon's a liar. We were going to do it but then we got a phone call from some motherfucker saying he was her father and he demanded we cancel. Said he was gonna jump us if we didn't listen, and we ain't lookin to get hit like that so we did.

>> No.59522236
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cute doragon and tenshi

>> No.59522270

Mowtendoo here
Jabroni Mike (my real oshi) will be joining VShojo after Kuro
We made Kuro a guy to get the audience used to male vtubers before bringing out the big guns

>> No.59522281
Quoted by: >>59522400

i don't know... I remember henya chat being very active before debut, good it is still very active right now.

>> No.59522323

>Made Kuro a guy
I can't believe VShojo forced a new member to transition before joining. That's fucked up.

>> No.59522325

focus on the stream geega

>> No.59522366
Quoted by: >>59522454

I will start a nuclear war because you didn't add Mike sooner

>> No.59522368

>Jabroni Mike (my real oshi)
limp wrists wrote this

>> No.59522400
Quoted by: >>59522457

Well people had big expectations with Henya and Offtai is the the only official community, so people hang out there.
But yeah, no one responding when the streamer is on is kinda sad.

>> No.59522439

more stalker today from Aethel

>> No.59522454

cool it mana

>> No.59522457

It's also before debut with a lot less hints it's going to be Mysta. Even with a full on leak of who it is the official material hasn't made it obvious and the vast majority of people only know things from there. Meanwhile people were certain of Henya's identity almost from minute 1

>> No.59522464

And there’s our stream for the day hell yes

>> No.59522466
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Kuro's chat will be dead slow and his numbers will plumet to mid 3view after debut which will result in menhera hiatus

>> No.59522475
Quoted by: >>59522549

Who's stalking him

>> No.59522489
Quoted by: >>59522553

Why do you try to sound like a wigger even when you're attempting to make a dumb joke?

>> No.59522536

Wtf Geega is friends with big brown Korean tits

>> No.59522549

Now, show me your asshole

>> No.59522553

What are you talking about

>> No.59522572

I don't know if it makes the situation sound better or worse...
I still hold that he will be a low 4 view, but I don't think his numbers will be good anyway.

>> No.59522590

>Meanwhile people were certain of Henya's identity almost from minute 1
No they weren't.

>> No.59522622
Quoted by: >>59522703

Nice op
Cute feet

>> No.59522652

This reminds me after the Kuro leak I went looking on Twitter to see what the people there who were looking thought about it, and I saw someone fucking tweet literally that very same day that they were mad nobody told them Pikamee had joined VShojo.

>> No.59522674
Quoted by: >>59522736


>> No.59522703
File: 1.06 MB, 4096x2926, 1684544707475874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. now get out of here.

>> No.59522736
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>> No.59522741

We hoped it to be her, even more after kson hints and people analyzing her bedroom and character. Here we know it him because minecraft.

>> No.59522804


>> No.59522820
Quoted by: >>59522944

please stop pretending everyone else is as retarded as you

>> No.59522863
Quoted by: >>59523108

Why are people still surprised when one of our girls is friends with anybody? How many times do people have to say "they all talk off steam / out of the public eye" before you guys believe it?

>> No.59522865
Quoted by: >>59522987

It's pretty pointless to speculate about Kuro's numbers. There's no precedent.

>> No.59522896

I think henya was one of the most hyped debuts Vshojo has ever had. Even the catalog was discussing it fervently

>> No.59522905

It looks like NijiEN blacklisted Kuro, which might mean they blacklisted VShojo too

>> No.59522928
Quoted by: >>59522964

oh hey, ennaschizo.

>> No.59522944
Quoted by: >>59523020

The bedroom was the only thing that gave it totally away thanks to the plushies all being references to VOMS members. And that happened on the day of her debut.

Oh I don't. I know you're all much worse.

>> No.59522964
Quoted by: >>59523034

stfu dumbass

>> No.59522974

surely you have a source to back that up

>> No.59522978

Kson has been blacklisted since probably before she even joined

>> No.59522987
Quoted by: >>59523097

>no precedent
There's Mysta numbers and other male vtubers to compare, but I agree that there's no precedent on VShojo.

>> No.59523000

and mysta debut hyped died as soon anons confirmed it was him. Jesus chris, it's sad. Even when we knew it was geega people was still hyped but now everyone is acting like "welp, shit happens".

>> No.59523020
Quoted by: >>59523242

hang yourself retard
some of us actually watched pika and kson unlike you
you don't get to decide that we made a lucky guess

>> No.59523034
Quoted by: >>59523068

thought you could shitpost here without being sniffed out, eh fat fuck?

>> No.59523068
Quoted by: >>59523130

what are you even doing in this thread jackass

>> No.59523097
Quoted by: >>59523182

>but I agree that there's no precedent on VShojo.
Good, then we don't need to numberfag now.

>> No.59523100

Nobody ITT was a big Mysta fan in the first place, is why

Like I don't hate him or anything, but I never watched him so I don't really have much to be hyped about

Henya was an icon of the industry that everyone loved, by comparison.

>> No.59523108

to be fair, I don't think many non-geega en vtubers have ties to the korean vtuber community

>> No.59523115
Quoted by: >>59523287

literally ONLY becasue he's male

>> No.59523116

The reaction I get is either:
>It's good that he is joining but I won't watch him
>He's joining VShojo, your problem now

>> No.59523117
Quoted by: >>59523308

You're not actually going to *watch* the death of Vshojo as it happens, are you vsj+?

>> No.59523128
Quoted by: >>59523294

Yep. It's kind of weird the disparity between hype attempts. Henya, Kson, and Nazuna all were massively hyped with multiple teasers and animated shorts. Geega got a big one from the concert and some simple shorts after that (and I'm still mad at the stupid merch leak ruining the surprise) but Kuro has kind of quick and simple. Makes me wonder if the person behind it didn't want a massive hype campaign or if they didn't have time because he fell into their lap more recently than we think.

>> No.59523130
File: 498 KB, 663x727, yuforgetbytch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59523326

i like geeg a lot and picrel is kind of a + so i *sometimes* talk about them.
Now, off you go, Eduardo. Back to /nijiEN/ you go.

>> No.59523145

Who wants a man who needs a permanent home in the looney bin? He is even a fag baiter to make things less interesting

>> No.59523146

I mean Mysta was an icon too. A way bigger one even. Just not from an audience that this thread occupied lol.

>> No.59523182

It's less numberfagging and more speculating, but we will find out soon anyway.

>> No.59523208

well, its a male, its kinda expected

>> No.59523214

I am going to choose to believe this only because it gets us Limes, Hacker, and Fat Nuts Knudsen as +s

>> No.59523219

we've only seen him like 2-3 times max. there really isn't much on-stream rapport for viewers to be hyped about. I'm sure some of the girls spoke with him alot off stream though

>> No.59523242
Quoted by: >>59523352

I do exactly get to decide that because up until the day of debut there were multiple possibilities on who it could have been. Ask the Ninabros how easily their wish wanking can be wrong.

>> No.59523268
Quoted by: >>59523406

Watching Zen and Haruka and some little gremlin projects the words "skill issue dayo" into my brain.

>> No.59523278
File: 108 KB, 498x498, henya-the-genius (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand any of this niji speak, but it looks like their having issues with shitposters

>> No.59523287

Vshonen wasn't a hated idea here but they fucked up how to frame it. Everyone expected a girl like Sinder or Nina, not a guy we don't know much about. But it's not like many here would anti him for that.

>> No.59523294

No way he wasn't planned before, also he pretty much got the Geega treatment, the concert teaser got pretty much the same reach as he's getting now.

>> No.59523301

So the same numbers he got while being ripped off by Niji?

>> No.59523308

no, for starters its at 2am for me, i also dont want to see people expecting to get a female get disapointed, and im not watching him

>> No.59523312

I've heard Ennaschizo before and it would be ery funny to me if they had issues with someone named Eduardo when we've had to deal with Fernando for so long lmao.

>> No.59523313

i always "surprised" they took him, apart of some collabs with mouse and SOTD i never heard anything about him and didn't cared. I don't even know if i will watch the debut to be fair.

>> No.59523315

yeah, nazuna was the only new member I hadn't watched stream before
It's different when you're unsure what to expect

>> No.59523324
Quoted by: >>59523357

What do you mean? Women and fags have always ruled this thread.

>> No.59523326

You don't even know me asshole I'm in all the small corpo threads. I can be here if I want.

>> No.59523341

I think they got their own schizos to deal with and they found this thread, welcome your new friends anon.

>> No.59523342

I am going to fuck a Kurowhore at AX

>> No.59523352

i dont care about what any fucking nijizhangs said
you never watched a minute of pika in your life you fat tard
there was no speculation to be had

>> No.59523357

Yeah but they're the kind that want to get railed by Froot's fat cock. Not molest Mysta.

>> No.59523393

Silver would sooner collab with her than let her take her former place

>> No.59523401

I want both of those things anon, preferably simultaneously

>> No.59523402

twitch fucks my browser nowadays so nah, two or three at most

>> No.59523406
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>> No.59523408
Quoted by: >>59523609

He's debuting in a corporation with an overwhelmingly male fanbase. He's not guaranteed success by any measure, in fact it will probably be an uphill battle since he's the only male. But he has a lot of things going for him too.

>> No.59523410

Yeah but henya was done dirty and people wanted her back. mysta fell off even in niji

>> No.59523427
File: 517 KB, 497x471, 1616102094317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who says you can't want both?

>> No.59523428

Wanting to get railed by Froot is masculine and straight.

>> No.59523433


>> No.59523436

let's be real
it can't be worse than froot's numbers

>> No.59523453
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>they're the kind that want to get railed by Froot's fat cock
That's a straight fantasy though.

>> No.59523465
Quoted by: >>59523497

froot numbers are really good (when she is not playing apex).

>> No.59523481

Zen challenging Moose to switch sports

>> No.59523497

and they're comparable to Nazunas, when she does

>> No.59523503

I for one welcome our new sweaty fujoshi braphog overlords, hopefully they scare away the numberfags and unicorns and this thread can go back to its roots - unrepentant homosexuality

>> No.59523514

>I try to stream pretty much everyday at 9AM UTC!
>2am pst
Well, at least Kuro kind of has a timeslot to himself on the EN side.

>> No.59523516

I will be sincere, a lot of anons are already coping about him even before his debut, if you want him to be sucessful just watch and promote the dude on social media, it isn't that hard.

>> No.59523518

With no chinese and no interest in male indies its very possible

>> No.59523542

depends on whose more vocal, when vshonen was teased on the mouse video, we did have a lot of doomposting, and some people happy with it.

>> No.59523552

sorry I'm not gay

>> No.59523557

niggas don't watch streams here did you forget

>> No.59523569

Everyone know now it's a dude right?
No way it's coming as a surprise for anyone.

>> No.59523586
File: 98 KB, 522x309, Screenshot_20230923_150247_Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59523827

Froot numbers.

>> No.59523601

>11am CEST

>> No.59523609
File: 3.65 MB, 960x1280, 1693406124203044.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59523649

I wish Nina debuted first because I'm confident she would have been huge in vshojo.

>> No.59523627

The only places i’ve seen the leak hit were here and reddit. The greater twich audience is in for a surprise and maybe even big disappointment

>> No.59523633

Here? Yes. In the real world? Not so much. False is doing a stream right now about it though. Very much doubt he'll acknowledge the leak but he'll probably lean into it being a male and use clips of Mouse and Geega talking yesterday.

Also new thread

>> No.59523640

Being vocal is meaningless if you don't watch, buy merch or even like his posts. The way anons are acting are dooming him to failure.

>> No.59523643

vshonen time has past. People wanted vshonen back when aethel, connor and even soda where related by their GF. People wanted the familiar faces not random we never heard about.

>> No.59523649
Quoted by: >>59523692

let her take her vacation
you want her to go menhera again?

>> No.59523672

EU dudes get a guytuber OMEGALUL ICANT

>> No.59523690

he will easly be a 3view, there are lik 2 male chuubas on twitch that arent 3views

>> No.59523692

I don't mind that. Just saying it would have been preferable if she was the first niji reincarnation in vshojo.

>> No.59523724

You mean Kson
and no hate its just her stream times are in the middle of the night for me

>> No.59523803

As big as they are, Luxiem still mostly matters to China and not so much elsewhere

>> No.59523827

me and my 13 burner accounts

>> No.59523866


>> No.59524671 [DELETED] 

>still streaming on chink primeitme
