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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 138 KB, 1056x1130, E5CSDSCXIAA7ydr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5942271 No.5942271 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>5946566 >>5954359

Holo-life goes on.

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1409551092799655939

Art by: https://twitter.com/voccu/status/1409787379376869377

Previous thread: >>5825555

>> No.5942390
File: 239 KB, 1806x1339, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5942556

>> No.5942401
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Quoted by: >>5942556

>> No.5942460
File: 426 KB, 1600x3100, Tiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiara is basically just Kiara with an owl.
OWL stands for

Please change her hair back to white and release the design, chicken!

>> No.5942556


>> No.5942619
File: 275 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20210625_073044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5942627

I love those orange sisters

>> No.5942745
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>> No.5942765
Quoted by: >>5942795 >>5942834

Without context this looks like a cry for help.
Do you think she removed it or are those letters still on a random beach in Greece?

>> No.5942779
Quoted by: >>5943100

>Kiara getting pumped about mtga.
Yes please. As much as it isn't legacy or modern, pls just a little. Fuck gay ass shadow-verse.
Hell, as an ex-pro tour player, I'll be her coach.

>> No.5942783
Quoted by: >>5942916 >>5945584

What did they mean by this?

>> No.5942795
Quoted by: >>5944186

They were still there
I went there and took them

>> No.5942834

She probably removed it in case the nearby hotel/restaurant staff were doxxfags

>> No.5942916

She almost slipped up about what is actually in KFP products by putting down a C.

>> No.5943056
File: 269 KB, 1239x1708, E0tQ_RaVEAMXSKH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5943071
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>> No.5943100

Even at the end of the tournament Kiara only talked about playing it off screen.
I honestly can see her having a game or two with Momo still teaching her just so she has someone to talk to who is not hololive/Vshojo but still in the know about vTubers.

She played WoW on stream out of nostalgia, she might do the same for Magic.
And I can see WotC being interested in that since they are pushing towards Japan hard with all those alternate art things.

Please become 2D to keep the tradition of Kiara being coached by chubbas. It feels right for her to not touch 3D people more than absolutely necessary.

>> No.5943258
File: 388 KB, 419x610, 750439201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see her play Magic someday even if it's just a pipe dream.
I only know YGO though so I just made a Kiara card. I tried to make its effect as accurate as possible. Thoughts?

>> No.5943359
Quoted by: >>5943523 >>5944393

Did you last play Yu-Gi-Oh like 15 years ago?
Because your effect sucks

>> No.5943415

She said she would do it if asked when discussing CupZ's minecraft videos
But of course not for a porn. She doesnt even likes porn

>> No.5943523

>Did you last play Yu-Gi-Oh like 15 years ago?
Yes, and I haven't the faintest clue what a synchro monster is.
>Because your effect sucks
I know but I find it funny.

>> No.5943526
File: 313 KB, 862x1200, literallyKiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5943638 >>5943731

Fun part is this card is actually Kiara.

>> No.5943593
Quoted by: >>5943666

I really need to stop watching in 1.5. God damn does she hit even better when watching in normal speed on VoD's

>> No.5943638
Quoted by: >>5943702

This is what Huke took from us...

>> No.5943666
Quoted by: >>5943982

Watching Kiara at 1.5 sounds like a special kind of torture. Where you in the Usual Room recently?

>> No.5943702

He did the right thing. She can't control her powers. In adult stage she is a hot as the sun. She could burn down the entire world.


>> No.5943731
File: 94 KB, 358x500, Guilds_of_Ravnica_Magic_the_Gathering_MTG_091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5943869 >>5944143

And this one is her shitpost version because it gets revived by numbers.

>> No.5943750
Quoted by: >>5943888

Hololive x Yugioh with Xyz as the main mechanic to evolve each holo. Maybe throw in some fusion like Orange Women (Kiara x Nene x Coco) or Korone x Okayu. Not sure about links of syncs though.

>> No.5943869

Kek, that's what I tried to do with my YGO card by having the effect center on numbers somehow.
If I tried to do a non-shitpost version of the card, I'd probably have made her a God card and given her far too much power. She'd probably end up on the ban list instantly.

>> No.5943888

You would also have some token effects that summon the mascots for even more extra deck stuff.

>> No.5943982
Quoted by: >>5944112

Nah, just don't have a lot of time in general. If something really catches my attention, I'll usually go back a few minutes and listen at normal speed.
IRL stories like her actual vacation stuff, the time she almost got kidnapped and raped, her growing fears about numbers, etc. and really funny moments with the chat. Saviorfagging is usually what gets me there and the regular banter of reading superchats is pretty mundane for the most part, but you get some nice stuff every once in a while. Oh also if I know she's going to read my name/think she'll read my post despite it not being a red/pink supa.

>> No.5944112
Quoted by: >>5944222 >>5944304

>Oh also if I know she's going to read my name/think she'll read my post despite it not being a red/pink supa.
There's only a few people who she usually reads despite not being pink/reds

>> No.5944143

I want to faithlessly loot Kiara's virginity.

>> No.5944186
Quoted by: >>5944389

>ywn play with your oshi's sticks

>> No.5944222
Quoted by: >>5944309

Got mine read the couple of times that I only did $20. Obviously not talking all the time, but funny/interesting/clever supa's will get read.

>> No.5944304

I've had more random comments read than any SC. I even got one of many "I love yous" that one time. Heart nearly skipped a beat.

>> No.5944309
Quoted by: >>5944395

I sent her some jokes and personal stories but I don't have luck
I remember she said she likes to read long messages but short or long messages, I've got no luck.
I don't care if she plays favorites though, it's her stream and her rules.

>> No.5944389

If we're gonna get wild with retarded bullshit.
>Find resort Kiara stayed at via info given in 'I'm back' stream.
>Use things like beach, sand color, pictures, and description of food costs/operations.
>Find rooms with poolside and underwater lounge chairs.
>Find single 'upgraded' room that is missing a hammock outside.
>Lay in bed.
>You're laying in the same bed your Oshi layed in.

>> No.5944393
File: 369 KB, 419x610, 750439202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, as a response to your criticism, I have redone the effect and redesigned the card from scratch. I think it's competitive now.

>> No.5944395
Quoted by: >>5944463 >>5944505

>I don't care if she plays favorites though
She doesn't. Chat is way too fast to read your name. She just reads the message and IF she likes it then she reads your name.

>> No.5944427

That sand is disgusting where are the nice beaches in europe?

>> No.5944463
Quoted by: >>5944611

I'm talking about superchats, not regular chat messages

>> No.5944505

This is true. Gotten her to laugh at my jokes and respond to specifically me before, changing the convo in chat when she responds to me.
Crowning achievement in this regard was getting Gura to read and respond angrily to my accusation of her being a bleach huffer, turning the chat into a raging sea of 'GURAAAA HUFFSSSS BLEACH' and concernfags concerning themselves.

>> No.5944611

Yeah she doesn't really read anything below pinks anymore. I have noticed that myself. I always used to send orange SCs and she read them unless it was a very busy SC reading stream. But she doesn't do that anymore. I guess she simply gets too much money lol. I remember her saying during the 12h SC reading that during her birthday she plans on only reading the reds and ignores the pinks, because it's simply too much.

>> No.5944807

There's a few people who get messages, even $5 messages read almost every stream if not every stream, and it isn't even particularly funny messages so that's why I'm saying she does play favorites but like you said she's ignoring superchats below $50 a lot now. That makes the superchat readings a lot of "read name, next" now.
There's always the option to be like that one faggot using VPN to get $10 kisses I guess.
And also she said she won't read pinks anymore? because I was planning on sending only a pink for her birthday because that + voice pack + merch is going to cost money.
That's actually really sad.

>> No.5944857
Quoted by: >>5944947

We're now beginning to feel the pain that takos feel...

>> No.5944915
Quoted by: >>5945183

She didn't confirm it yet. She was just thinking about it and she will tell us in advance of course

>> No.5944947

I even got Ina and other chubas to react to my $5 superchats, not with Kiara that isn't working anymore.
I actually get messages read in the streams a lot and also interact with her a lot on twitter. What I'm talking about is entirely superchat reading related.

>> No.5945183

To add: Only the birthday stream. Not in general of course.

>> No.5945236
Quoted by: >>5945290 >>5945403

So what is gura collab tomorrow? Did they say which game they play?

>> No.5945290
Quoted by: >>5945484

They were talking about a monhun collab last month but it lost its buff status so they'll probably just masturbate on stream.

>> No.5945403
Quoted by: >>5946137


>> No.5945484
Quoted by: >>5945835 >>5948166

Kiara wanted to give Gura a child for her birthday so that is the next best thing.
It's not TakoTori but I'll take SameTori over TakaMori.

>> No.5945584

KeFfiy_Papa obviously

>> No.5945835
Quoted by: >>5946123

Ame ame ame...
I would take any collab instead of Takamori, or any member with Mori in general.

>> No.5946123
Quoted by: >>5946469 >>5951073

Luckily for you Kiara said she's taking a break from Takamori collabs after we had so many recently.

>> No.5946137

I Hope minecraft. Can those 2 two slay the ender dragon alone? I assume so? Since what would an offline/singleplayer do in that case?

>> No.5946159
Quoted by: >>5946218

I don't know if they can but it would be an insult to the other HoloEN members to exclude them from the fight.

>> No.5946218
Quoted by: >>5946276

Yeah well both Ina and Kiara have been ready for weeks or is it even a month by now? Phoenixton has all the material you need as well. Maybe the others should hurry the fuck up then. I want them to connect to the JP server. Imagine the kino streams.

>> No.5946276

If anything they should at least get the portal to the Ender City set up along with some equipment so when they do a full collab it'll save time.

>> No.5946378
File: 18 KB, 356x200, frh8cmm00ffarv1dotqi_350x200_1x-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5947825

Worms collab... onegai...

>> No.5946469
Quoted by: >>5951073

I have no source but I think I saw some deadbeats say Calli wants to collab with Kiara again, so well see what happens

>> No.5946501
Quoted by: >>5946529 >>5946971

Neither Kiara nor Gura would want to do that without the other three.
It will be a great and hype moment for the EN server.

Sadly with the birthday collab and the TTRPG I feel this will be on the backburner for a while...

>> No.5946529
Quoted by: >>5946659 >>5946817

Unless the dragon is the birthday collab

>> No.5946566


>> No.5946600
Quoted by: >>5946639

I think the problem is more that she very seldom hasn't been behind on SC recently.
At least to me it feels like she still reads a lot of non pinks.

>> No.5946639
Quoted by: >>5946807

She will be so behind after her birthday again...

>> No.5946659
Quoted by: >>5946733 >>5946817

That would actually make a really good birthday collab if they succeed at defeating it. Defeat the dragon and link the servers so the EN and JP servers are no longer separated. This would make such a great birthday present for Kiara thinking about it.

>> No.5946733

>"Kiara killed a dragon on her birthday! She's trying to make the bridge between the EN and JP servers! She's being disrespectful to Coco, I hate this bird!"

>> No.5946807

I mean that is a given.

>> No.5946817

They would still need to prepare a bit for that unless they want this to take several hours. Most of them are very bad at Minecraft.

I also feel like Kiara doesn't want it to look like this big moment is about her, she has gotten enough shit for things like that in the past.
And she would probably also feel strange asking her genmates for a present allowing her to go play with her senpai. 98% of her autism around not playing on the JP server is because she doesn't want to leave behind her genmates.

It would absolutely be the right thing to do for her genmates though since it would be a great present for Kiara.
But we would need a second Kiara in this gen to suggest something like that.

>> No.5946825
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1620605716945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5947294

I'm surprised even Kiara had the balls to have Coco join her in a shitpost video on her own channel literally a day before Coco's graduation.
The gigastacy meme is real alright.

>> No.5946971
Quoted by: >>5947035 >>5948622

Ender Dragon should be slain by Kiara and Ina only, since they're the only ones who play Minecraft consistently.

Gura plays once in a blue moon doing fuck-all ingame, Mori plas once in a blue moon doing fuck-all ingame, Ame burnt out on the game entirely.

They don't deserve to reap the rewards of slaying it.

>> No.5947035

What's annoying is so many people are gonna be like "Wow this is such a triumph for Amelia, she really loves Minecraft after all"

>> No.5947038

Honestly can't say I agree, to me it feels like she still reads about the same as she always did when she has backlog.
This month has just been extremely weird with comparatively few streams but a lot of stress

>> No.5947093
Quoted by: >>5947150

Yeah I'm just talking about this month. As I said it has only been like this recently. After the 12h SC reading stream basically. It will probably go back to normal 1 or 2 weeks after her bday.

>> No.5947150
Quoted by: >>5947179

But anons, this month has only had 1 day so far!

>> No.5947179
Quoted by: >>5947214

Can't believe this lazy chicken hasn't streamed 1 (one) time this month

>> No.5947214
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1611936511694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's still one more stream than Ayame.

>> No.5947243
Quoted by: >>5947284

Beryl love.

>> No.5947284


>> No.5947294

Kiara may be the only member of hololive with the mix of idol autism and extroversion necessary to simply not give a shit about management.
I think shes' developed a "I'll have antis anyways, fuck it" attitude over the last half a year, too. Unless the chinese start spamming cat gore too they dont hold a candle to what she already has.

>> No.5947359

Coco was worried during HoloTalk if she could speak openly. Kiara said "management has no power here".
Still one of my favorite moments.

>> No.5947385
Quoted by: >>5947507

>to simply not give a shit about management.
Apparently it was Mori the one who was pushing for a vshoujo collab, which it seems was initially blocked by management (Kiara was lamenting how she couldnt collab with Bae once she joined vshoujo at first)

>> No.5947470
Quoted by: >>5947636 >>5948981

Amusing how she started the last SC reading thinking there wasn't much to catchup anyways and saying she would read more messages, and then she went and read almost exclusively pink/reds
Some people have said this before but she really should turn SC off if backlogs are causing her so many issues

>> No.5947507
Quoted by: >>5947577 >>5947614

>mori tries to get vshojo permissions to talk with ironmouse
>no dice
>kiara doesn't even try to get permissions for vei
But then!
>nyanners shouts out kiara to kizuna ai
>kiara wants to collab with pink cat
>actually pushes for it
>collabs are possible because kiara gets what she wants

She still gives the credit to Mori because Kiara quite literally doesn't realise how powerful she is. Just like she is always confused her collab partners are intimidated by her stacy aura.

>> No.5947577
Quoted by: >>5947668 >>5947822

Sometimes I wish she didn't exercise her "power", particularly around vshoujos. I sure hope that arc is over.
I'd literally take another Shadowverse collab with Faye and Gigguk over the likes of them.

>> No.5947610

She never really gave a fuck honestly. She has a very strong sense of justice. If she feels she is being wronged then she strikes back hard, but in different ways.
See UNO collab: She got criticism for doing the baby talk too long (which she had no control over = her being wronged) and what did she do? Stopping organizing collabs and even canceled 2 which were already planned. No other person would do that. But she wanted to make sure people kneel to her and begging for her to collab again. and it worked. She won. That's why she is such a stacey.

She doesn't care at all if people say: Lol you are making this special ender dragon thing about yourself since you do this during your bday.
If that happens (which I doubt) she will either go with the giga stacey route again "I won't play minecraft anymore it seems like people didn't like it" until they beg her to return, or the opposite and she will simply spam even more minecraft collabs and "make it about herself" to make people seethe.

>> No.5947614

>nyanners shouts out kiara to kizuna ai
>kiara wants to collab with pink cat
>actually pushes for it
Literally a rrat, we don't know exactly how much each one contributed to get those collabs with the vsluts. All we have to go for is Kiara's word that Mori is the one who pushed the hardest for it. Obviously Kiara was interested but Bae threw her under the bus and Nyanners initially backed off as well.
For all I know I could say Mori is the one who acted like a stacy with management and Nyanners jumped back in once the ironmouse collab was given green light

>> No.5947636

Because she did go on huge tangents this time. Which was expected tho because of her vacation, neck and coco.

>> No.5947668

>I sure hope that arc is over.
I don't think so. I think there will be 1 last collab in the future. One with Vei. But after that yeah, pretty much over.

>> No.5947676
Quoted by: >>5947710 >>5947728

>Stopping organizing collabs and even canceled 2 which were already planned. No other person would do that. But she wanted to make sure people kneel to her and begging for her to collab again. and it worked. She won. That's why she is such a stacey.
How are you this fucking delusional? she got depressed in and off stream for weeks. Cancelling those collabs was her showing how insecure and sensible she still was at the time.
And recently with the yoga she again showed how sensitive she is to criticism.

>> No.5947710

Also I want to add that nobody actually criticized her about the yoga, it her fear of that happening that made her act that way

>> No.5947728
Quoted by: >>5947786

>she got depressed in and off stream for weeks
I think you are confusing things here lel. She didn't organize collabs for a while and then ID spammed EN with collabs instead. People got sick of it and asked Kiara to organize them again.

>> No.5947746

Rent free as usual.

>> No.5947786
File: 56 KB, 906x720, 0tu6q48vw9471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5947823 >>5947844

>People got sick of it and asked Kiara to organize them again.

And these people, are they in this thread right now?

>> No.5947822

Faye hinted at becoming a chubba so that might be alright.
But I don't want Gigguk near Kiara again if possible. Keep her in the 2D realm.

>> No.5947823

Probably. Are you someone who likes Kiara collabs?

>> No.5947825

God, I wish.

>> No.5947839
File: 104 KB, 220x222, 1624033575997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5947880

99 posts, 19 IPs

>> No.5947843
File: 332 KB, 1000x1107, 1624395003103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this alternate reality some of (you) are living in?

>> No.5947844
Quoted by: >>5947957

lel i remember vt getting mad as fuck with the ollie collab spam and apex shit. still remember the kneel posts in hlgg

>> No.5947880

9 of those IPs are just tourists. It's actually just us 10 schizos here talking shit out of boredom

>> No.5947957

/vt/ users who are actually schizo enough to criticize her off this website take up at absoloute most 0.1% of her overall viewers.

>> No.5947993
Quoted by: >>5948060

>And these people, are they in this thread right now?
why ask this question if you mean non vt user? make up your mind

>> No.5948017

People were asking her in chat and with SCs too.

>> No.5948060

If people are posting stuff here, then they aren't "asking" her jack shit.

>> No.5948100
Quoted by: >>5948192

Well, whatever the percentage, it was enough to cause a change after the Uno collab, and potentially in the future if required.

>> No.5948166

Ina is for Ame, so it works out

>> No.5948192
Quoted by: >>5948281 >>5948378

Nah the only collab where she was different was the jackbox collab. All the others have been normal, especially the JP ones. Lots of talking. It's just that we have a small sample size right now since you know,... she doesn't organize collabs anymore and the others are too autistic to invite her. I assume this changes after her birthday. She originally said it's not permanent, just for a few months. and those few months are over basically.

>> No.5948281
Quoted by: >>5948325

Well, even WITH collabs not being organized as often or by her, we already have a ton of them each week, so I don't think it's a problem now.
I will disagree though and say that at the very least Kiara is giving others a little bit more room to talk than before. To be fair though, she could still overpower everyone to an excessive extent in the full HoloEN collab coming up on her birthday, which I'm hoping won't be the case.

>> No.5948325
Quoted by: >>5948527

>which I'm hoping won't be the case.
Why? It's her special day. This collab is, unironically, about her lol. I'm not saying she should go full giga stacey on them but she SHOULD be in the spotlight.

>> No.5948378
Quoted by: >>5948422 >>5949347

>All the others have been normal
Pummel Party had her say nothing for almost 30 minutes. She was really, really giving the other girls a chance to finally talk. They didn't take it...

>> No.5948397
Quoted by: >>5948462 >>5952636



not really kiara related but what the fuck. THIS is why some people find asmr creepy

>> No.5948422
Quoted by: >>5948561

Yeah well... "normal" for EN collabs kek. JP collabs are her best anyway.

>> No.5948462
Quoted by: >>5948541

>Subaru making weird noises for comedy is an example of typical ASMR now
I don't like ASMR either but come on now.

>> No.5948478

The dragon is piss easy actually. It follows a cycle of being completely vulnerable out in the open, and then spending most of the fight by flying off to the other side of the island doing fuck all. They will probably need to do it with the others, but such a stream will be terrifyingly anticlimactic.

>> No.5948527
Quoted by: >>5948576

Well even though it is "about her" she should still give them room to talk. Imagine if Coco never let other speak during her last collabs in Ark/Minecraft. If that had been the case, we wouldn't have gotten to see those emotional moments.

>> No.5948541
Quoted by: >>5948645 >>5948690

I only like natural asmr. As in rain, thunder etc. But when humans do it I find it creepy.

>> No.5948561

Her Reine collabs have also been solid because Reine can stand up to her but decides not to do it for comedic effect.

Why is 95% of the power in Hololive concentrated in the birds of all things?

>> No.5948576

I get what you mean. Just saying, she should still be in the spotlight. It would suck if she was the most quiet one.

>> No.5948622

I agree the dragon EXP would be wasted on Mori, but Ame was basically the founding mother of the server. Her being the slayer would arguably be the most cathartic

>> No.5948645

Same here.
Kiara promised to make an ASMR stream eating a bucket of fried chicken one time after she was teased a lot (M girl) but I'm glad she backed off from that. It sounds so weird.

>> No.5948666

Yeah eating asmr is the worst

>> No.5948690
Quoted by: >>5948819

If Kiara caves in and does ASMR one day, you're gonna have to live with it El Canal Weaboo, so start coping now. You don't have to watch it.

>> No.5948735
Quoted by: >>5948749

what's an M girl?

>> No.5948749
Quoted by: >>5948801

Masochistic, or well what I'm trying to say is that Kiara is submissive if pressed enough.
Just pointing it out for the stacyfags

>> No.5948801
Quoted by: >>5948880

She is both at the same time. She really likes when people praise her and treat her like a princess. More than enough evidence for that. But yeah deep down she also wants to be dominated once in a while.

>> No.5948806
Quoted by: >>5948880

She did eat chicken with Matsuri so I think this promise is kinda fulfilled. At least it's close enough for me.

This talk just reminded me of that lip smacking and licking thing she did once. Chat got wierd and she cut it out until her mom told her it wasn't that bad.
That was cute.

>> No.5948819

Pretty sure she is gonna do whisper/whisper singing asmr, which she already did a couple times. I'm fine with that.

>> No.5948880
Quoted by: >>5948978

>This talk just reminded me of that lip smacking and licking thing she did once. Chat got wierd and she cut it out until her mom told her it wasn't that bad.
That's the stream when she promised to make that ASMR stream out of nowhere. No one told her to do that, she just thought it was something she and the chat would like to do at the moment I guess. I like to think she actually got a bit horny from that. We know she was actually red of embarrassment at least.

>people praise her and treat her like a princess.

>> No.5948978
Quoted by: >>5949074

She probably was horny. You could hear it in her voice. But that's also why she stopped doing that. She is kinda fighting against the whole bottom left meme. It must be really annoying. Everytime you say something people spamming you with bottom left arrows. It's her own fault and she knows that. But yeah.

>> No.5948981

At the end of the day, we all know SCs solve more problems than they cause

>> No.5948994
File: 389 KB, 4070x2575, 623622231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5949023

>Kiara is now resting on her bed/couch and playing her animu game while cuddling her cats
Oh, to be a fly on the wall...

>> No.5949017

Im not sure, I believe she does read all super chats, just in her head not out loud. I sent her a $5 chat and was my first to her suggesting a game for collabs, and she kinda quick read it, and even read when I was further trying to explain the game in the chat. So I guess it kinda depends on what you send her.

I do feel she plays favorites a bit tho. Someone that has been around forever sending a cheesy joke vs someone new doing the same thing would not get the same reaction.

>> No.5949023

>not wishing to be the cat

>> No.5949058

>But she wanted to make sure people kneel to her and begging for her to collab again
A based rrat. I want to believe

>> No.5949074

Well that happened way before she started fighting the bottom left thing. She was more or less embracing it at the moment as "her thing" for a long time. And it is more or less unique to her among the EN generation let's be honest.

>> No.5949153

Im not sure about defeating the ender dragon, but maybe they plan to prep to take out the ender dragon. Maybe farm armor and materials and shit, get ender pearls (dont know if they have a bunch stashed somewhere). I doubt they are going to do it just the two of them, even if they could.

>> No.5949191
Quoted by: >>5949308 >>5949379

So, uh, what are >we doing for kiara's birthday next week?

>> No.5949192
Quoted by: >>5951379

Sure but it is not very unique to Hololive.
Meanwhile, it's a lot more unique being a polyglot phoenix dictator owning a fast food restaurant chain where the employees pay the employer. I'm glad she's leaning into that more recently than the bottom left thing, even if that still comes out when there's nothing else to say (like during the PSO2 stream).

>> No.5949204

Amelia "groundpound your mom" Watson makes a lot more lewd comments and jokes than Kiara.
Kiara just isn't shy to point out when she sees something she likes.

>> No.5949274
Quoted by: >>5951042

She is definitely regretting it now though you can see that. Same with alter Kiara. She always avoids it as much as possible when people ask about it. "yeah yeah probably later at some point, I'm too lazy right now"

Note: People give 0 fucks about the colour which takes ohhh so much time to set up. They are after the dirty talk and the voice and she knows that. But she tries really hard to avoid this. I hope retards stop bothering her with it.

>> No.5949308

The KFPcord has enough stuff ready so I didn't really feel the need for /vt/ KFP to do anything. Most people who wanted to do something just went to the discord anyway

>> No.5949347
Quoted by: >>5949370 >>5949424

I feel like it's pretty normal for her to get silent in EN collabs not organized by her. I get the feeling she feels like an outsider, being the only extrovert among the autists that make up EN

>> No.5949370

Same here. If it's on her channel she is the stacey. if it's on other people's channel she gives them the spotlight.

>> No.5949379

I will watch the stream.

>> No.5949424
Quoted by: >>5949496

The extrovert/introvert dynamic matters way less than the ESL/EOP dynamic.
No matter how good your English may be, if you're an ESL who is not that exposed to burger culture because you were too busy being a weeb, you'll find it hard to connect with your genmates.
Ina is the only one who sort of understands Kiara because she's also a weeb.

>> No.5949496
Quoted by: >>5949585

Kiara is a weeb for JRPGs and idol shit while the others seem more interesting in manga and anime.
Mori gushing over Bleach during their shill collab was really cute.

>> No.5949585

That's also true - to add insult to injury, Kiara also isn't into the most "accessible" weeb interest, that being anime/manga.
She says her favorite anime is Bakemonogatari, but I doubt she even remembers much about it.

>> No.5951042

>Same with alter Kiara
My rrat is that since alter Kiara was done in that stream when she broke down crying out of pain, it was done more or less as way to be thankful to her viewers for sticking with her even when she's having those emotional breakdowns like in her first 2 months, but the response to that was chat pushing her to do more of it and even one guy SCing that he ejaculated to Kiara. Kiara likes to tease a lot but being fap material is not something she enjoys.

However I think it will come back one day. though I honestly don't look forward to it because of chat's reaction.

When the lick stream happened KFP itself left it alone and never touched the subject again on stream, but new KFP people don't want to leave Alter Kiara run its course. It doesn't help that clippers clipped the hell out of it

>> No.5951073

>Kiara wants a break from Takamori
>Calli wants more Takamori
What kind of timeline is this?

>> No.5951146

Mori hating TakaMori has always been a rrat.
And if Kiara is truely pulling back it's understandable she panics and starts pushing for once.

>> No.5951162

Because Mori is actually afraid of losing the ship.

>> No.5951238

Who should Kiara have a ship with? JP girls would be best but the problem is that we can't understand shit. Ametori?

>> No.5951303

>Who should Kiara have a ship with?
Bring me that sweet mother hen and her chickens incest.

>> No.5951379

Well that wasn't her original plan at all anyways. The eating chickens thing was just a gag and she wanted a friendly and happy restaurant thing going for KFP with her as Colonel Kiara.
Basically no wonder it took her time to embrace that newer Kiara type of person who mistreats employees all the time, while the bottom left stuff was attached to her since the 2nd HoloEN collab

>> No.5951388
Quoted by: >>5951429

Ame can't stand up to her. Ina is literally the only one in EN who can properly banter with her but she's not really one for a ship.
I'd be down for some bird love with Reine.

>> No.5951429

>but she's not really one for a ship
Yeah that's the problem. Ship is basically impossible with her.

>> No.5951471
Quoted by: >>5952917

I'm gonna need receipts about the "Mori wants to collab with Kiara" rumor. It doesn't make any sense, they've already collabed a bunch recently.

>> No.5951486

Marine should know a thing or two about ships
Get it?

>> No.5951501
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>> No.5951548
File: 29 KB, 511x461, 1613241413723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not now, Ina.

>> No.5951598
Quoted by: >>5952986

Marine is supposed to be in a ship with Rushia but that literally only comes up when Rushia remembers to be jealous.

And yes, I know what you are going for, just illustrating how bad a dead ship can be.

>> No.5951686
Quoted by: >>5951751 >>5951800

I don't want Kiara to have a ship because we've already seen plenty of Takamori. Once you see what Kiara is like in a ship, there's nothing new to be gained from changing Mori with someone else since Kiara will just act the same way regardless.

>> No.5951751
Quoted by: >>5951850

The wqay Kiara acts is good though. The way Mori acts is bad. Imagine subaru or watame ship (but in english) this is what I want.

>> No.5951800
Quoted by: >>5952003 >>5952170

We have seen what Kiara is like with a dead fish as a partner. With someone pulling their weight she would probably be a lot different.
Have you seen how cute and girly she was with Faye?

>> No.5951850

So there are unironic /u/schizos in this board after all.
I admit I don't see the appeal of that whatsoever. Kiara's interactions with other holos are much more entertaining when they're just friends. She should save her thirst for video game characters.

>> No.5951978
Quoted by: >>5952058

Kiara is supposed to be loyal. Leaving Mori would break her character a lot
Flirting with others is something that has already happened, but changing ship is never going to happen

>> No.5952003
Quoted by: >>5952123

This is true. When Ame flirted back even a little bit way back in their last one on one collab, her reaction was almost overwhelmed. Kiara would probably relax a little bit more in a ship if she doesn't feel like she has to do all the instigating.

>> No.5952058
Quoted by: >>5952184

Unless the rrat about Mori graduating after her contract is over is true. I kinda believe it. It would actually, unironically be the best thing for her.

>> No.5952123

Kiara/Ame specifically will never happen for obvious reasons, plus Kiara is a Gurame shipper herself.

>> No.5952170
Quoted by: >>5953018

yeah but that sort of shipping will be boring. I am not a fan of TakaMori and would probably prefer it if there was no shipping at all but let's be honest it's currently the best we can get.

>> No.5952184
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1616879337241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5952526 >>5952570


>> No.5952356

why is there so much kiara hate? i never understood it

>> No.5952393
Quoted by: >>5952496

It's like 5 guys samefagging and spamming threads all day

>> No.5952401
Quoted by: >>5952496

Nowadays it's a handful of very, very loud antis. They mostly complain about Kiara being too loud.

>> No.5952496
Quoted by: >>5959179

I don't have it handy right now and would appreciate if a kind anon posted it.

>> No.5952526
Quoted by: >>5953018

I'm not the anon but I think Mori would prefer it if she only made her songs. At least I l>ike her music but >find her really boring, so I guess that shows which of those she would rather work more on.
Also I have seen other people saying she doesn't really like being a chuuba, might be just rrats though.

>> No.5952570
Quoted by: >>5952875 >>5953018

There is a rrat that Mori isn't really into hololive and is just using it as an opportunity. (and there is nothing wrong with that, that's how most jobs go)

She is already filthy rich and does not need cover anymore when it comes to marketing her. She also probably doesn't want to give 30% of her income to cover, or be forced to stream 3 days a week. She would prob rather focus on her music.

but so far it's just a rrat. But I honestly believe if anyone graduates, she would be the first. Voluntary

>> No.5952636
Quoted by: >>5952860


>> No.5952671

Love her or hate her, Mori graduating (even voluntarily) would be devastating to HoloEN and especially Kiara. All the Takamorifags will drop Kiara the moment this happens, including Mamaloni. Her viewership would be halved.

>> No.5952756
Quoted by: >>5952814 >>5952822

Mamaloni is /u/schizo but has worked with Kiara too much to drop her.
/u/schizos would be devastated and Kiara would have another episode of being emotionally needy and needing her chat/BF to comfort her.

>> No.5952814
Quoted by: >>5953018

TakaMori has /u/schizos?

>> No.5952822
Quoted by: >>5952877

>Kiara would have another episode of being emotionally needy and needing her chat/BF to comfort her.
and that's a good thing

>> No.5952860
Quoted by: >>5953510

I mean, I know most people who are listening to ASMR are the weirdos who want to get their rocks off to the tingling feeling of having a woman whisper in your ears, but I fucking love unironically funny moments from ASMR stuff. Shit like that just makes me laugh and Kiara eating all the time on the mic is another thing that just kills me. She overdoes her eating on purpose and it's obvious she's throwing a bone to 'those guys', but her lip smacking, moaning, and overall over-enjoyment of food on the stream makes me laugh every fucking time.

>> No.5952865
Quoted by: >>5952991

Nah. Why would takamori fags drop her when she is the only one left? Also lol no about mamaloni

>> No.5952875

I doubt it since she would at least milk it for another year to save up funds. If anything I could see her negotiating looser collab terms as part of her contract renewal so she can finally collab with Charlie.
On her own she would make nowhere near enough what she makes right now and it's not like she would become a martyr to the community like Coco became.

>> No.5952877
Quoted by: >>5952932 >>5953369

>would rather have kiara lose friends just so you can get GFE
damn, you faggots are selfish

>> No.5952917
Quoted by: >>5952972

You mean the same Calli who said she missed collabing with Kiara in the Bleach collab, which Kiara pointed out was their like 6th collab in 2 months

>> No.5952932
Quoted by: >>5953102

What do you mean? It's not like they lose contact. IF they are truly friends they can still chat all the time or meet up when Kiara is back in japan.

>> No.5952947

Anyone graduating would be devastating for the gen, coco is just one of the few rare cases

>> No.5952972
Quoted by: >>5953190

The same Calli who didn't spoke to her in at least 1 week and scheduled a stream during her birthday celebration yes

>> No.5952986


>> No.5952991

Because they're there for the ship and to get their anime yuri action, but for Kiara.
For many (such as Mamaloni), Kiara is basically a self-insert for them and they like to imagine being in her spot because someone like Mori is a magnet for lesbians. When that's no longer an option, why would they keep watching her?

>> No.5953018
Quoted by: >>5953228 >>5953231

Kiara is very cute when flirting or being flirted to and having someone with whom that happens regularely would not be the worst thing.
TakaMori also has a very strong default narrative for interesting interactions beyond just tee tee flirting a la NoeFlare.
Sadly those two things don't add up since her partner can't properly play her part.

Seeing 4th Gen part with Coco was bad enough but seeing Kiara heartbroken over Mori will be even worse.
And she will be heartbroken, even if (or maybe especially if) Mori just decides to move on.

Most TakaMori fags don't watch Kiara in the first place. I have a bunch of them on my twitter TL and while they comment every time Mori makes a noise or mentions Kiara they are dead silent during Kiara streams.
Only people who are primarely Kiara fans with a side interest in TakaMori like Dakuma actually watch her.

If you have twitter go into the TakaMori hashtag. There is a bunch of them.
Hell, the scene of Mori giving Kiara a flower during the festival has been drawn probably 50 times if not more.

>> No.5953102
Quoted by: >>5953307

Because the notion of someone graduating is going to follow them just like it happened with gen 5? They also keep in contact but you know how retarded people got with aloe

>> No.5953129
Quoted by: >>5953300

I want Kiara to be loved by everyone in a giant harem.

>> No.5953190

Hey just cause she doesn't care doesn't mean she cant also miss having fun with her

>> No.5953228
Quoted by: >>5953497

Fuck, I am selfish. I want Kiara to give (me) her egg and flowers, not Mori. The fact that most of the people are primarily Mori watchers fucking kills me but makes a lot more sense that Kiaras
are so bad in comparison. Although it makes me feel a little better knowing that a large core base of Kiara fans are just goslingfags meaning if the ship ever does die out, as both a smart buisnesswoman and wanting to connect with the chat, she might market her content and little jokes more towards us.

>> No.5953231
Quoted by: >>5953286 >>5953403

I said earlier in the thread that I don't want to see Kiara in a ship, however after reading your post, I will say that I'm intrigued by the idea of Kiara being the courted one in the ship rather than the instigator. Girls are cuter when they're shy and embarrassed, so pairing her up with someone even more aggressive than her would be kind of fun to see I guess. If it works, it works.

>> No.5953254

During the PSO2 stream Kiara confirmed a collab with Ina + someone else, I wonder why she was being vague about the other person. It has to be Reine right? Who else would it be?

>> No.5953286
Quoted by: >>5954005

A lot of people have been wanting a very aggressive girl in Gen 2 to go after Kiara, putting her in a dilemma for fun soap opera drama with Calli

>> No.5953292
Quoted by: >>5953820


>> No.5953300

That time Coco was like "I can't restrain myself anymore~" and was about to molest Kiara did things to me. I want more of that.

>> No.5953307

Aloe's situation was totally different from what people are talking about.

>> No.5953324

That or Fubuki. She namedropped her at one point and Fubuki also retweeted her stream.

>> No.5953369

Pressure makes diamonds.

>> No.5953383

IIrc her words were "maybe someone else". The collab is probably not locked in and she didn't want make Reine/Fubuki look bad in case it falls through but also didn't want to make it look like it was planned as a TakoTori collab in case it happens.

>> No.5953403

I'd picture it more in the sense of a shy chuuba making comments about Kiara, Kiara acting like she misunderstands their advances/comments, and replies friendly but not romantically. It keeps Kiara's gigastacy mood but also gives her options to play off of with whoever chooses her. The problem is with her knowing Japanese, the odds are infinitely higher that it will be in Japanese, so the EOP's will be fucked out of the ship.

>> No.5953424
Quoted by: >>5953575

Unless its here or hlgg, I see every negative Kiara post as bait / ironic shitposting. Once you kinda get that into your head, the negativity isn't that bad, its just constant which is annoying. Even I get annoyed when there are like 5 Kiara threads outside of here cause it rarely has any decent discussion.

>> No.5953497
File: 12 KB, 425x75, 859457212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5953699 >>5953812

Imagine Rushia levels of parasocial relationship with Kiara... we've only had glimpses of that, but every time it's happen has been so cute.

>> No.5953510
Quoted by: >>5954214

>I know most people who are listening to ASMR are the weirdos who want to get their rocks off to the tingling feeling of having a woman whisper in your ears
Are they? I mean, am I? I listen to ASMR, but I've never had any sexual feelings about it. The first vtuber I followed did plenty of ASMR and to me, it's just something I listen to when I want to relax. I've often used it to sleep.

Maybe I'm just in a minority though. Or maybe it's different if it's your oshi.

>> No.5953575
Quoted by: >>5953661

>Unless its here or hlgg, I see every negative Kiara post as bait / ironic shitposting.
And even then most are still just bait. Today was especially bad, every tweet Kiara made that was posted in /hlgg/ got at least two MEMEME retard answers.

>> No.5953661
Quoted by: >>5953755 >>5953760

>Today was especially bad
What? No it wasn't. Today was great for Kiara here actually, largely thanks to the drama caused by Gura being late in the Coco recorded stream.
Anons also seemed to notice her sounding cuter than usual because she was using her vacation mic.

>> No.5953699
Quoted by: >>5953759 >>5953770

I like how one time she was asking if we missed her and I told her nah
shoo shoo parasocial

>> No.5953755

It was a better day in /vt/ but a worse day in /hlgg/.
Maybe those things corelate.

>> No.5953759

Go back normie.
This is a schizo thread.

>> No.5953760

that no good goxlr is giving her bad impressions on people

>> No.5953770

Go back to modding the KFPCord, yagaru.

>> No.5953812

I like her when she's sweet with us, but going rushia levels would require japan levels of depression
I don't want her in that position anymore

>> No.5953820
Quoted by: >>5953934

Apparently FBK is on the JP server and can't play with Kiara, maybe could make a new character on her server, but idk how that shit works with that game. Reine is the only one that comes to mind inside hololive that currently have played the game.

>> No.5953848
File: 138 KB, 1199x848, EtXj5SfVcAA732Z.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5954029

Mori has been doing well for herself recently and I hope she will put more work into TakaMori so we can see Kiara in ways we don't normally see her.
She is such a glass cannon it should really not be that hard to get her flustered.
But until that happens the best thing about TakaMori is the art.

>> No.5953875

It's fine because the thread isn't fully dedicated to being autistic Oshi lovers and it's nice to have more people to talk to about Kiara. Only when you sit around and shit on the goslingfags is the time you should leave.

>> No.5953890
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>> No.5953908
Quoted by: >>5953973 >>5953982

I unsubscribed from all of hololive. I won't say it's forever, but I am taking a break. Whether management fired coco or failed her so badly it caused her quit, either way I'm angry.

>> No.5953934
Quoted by: >>5954438

Please don't treat the only other holo who can speak German as an indie.
Iofi is pretty nice and can be cute as well.


>> No.5953973

Thank you for your blog post.

>> No.5953982

Why doyou punish the girls if you're angry at cover. I don't care about hololive at all. I care about the girls.

>> No.5954005

I would honestly love this. Mori having to worry about all the times Kiara might get taken from her might make the dere in the act come out more. Its usually pretty stale since its Kiara mostly machine gunning affection at Mori, and Mori's only response she can muster is "Ah! Gross!". With someone else on the attack Mori might have to be more dere to keep Kiara "in the ship".

>> No.5954025

Going further with the parasocial even further is going to end bad and you know it, the current treatment is good and I'm not keen on getting more truck-schizos to deal with

>> No.5954029

Problem is, I don't want more TakaMori. I get that it's a draw for the two of them, but it's still something I want in limited quantity. Mori has been busting ass for her collabs though and I'm happy to see an actual difference in involvement levels for her during those collabs.

>> No.5954090

That's why I didn't say it was forever. Taking a break is my way of voicing my frustration..

>> No.5954104

"I wanted to collab with Kusotori, but her schedule is full with collabs with that new girl, how do I get her back deadbeats?"

>> No.5954150
File: 29 KB, 603x550, 062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think i can do it anymore bro's i cant watch them knowing im going to outlive them. Knowing that one day Cali or Kiara will leave the other behind. or Korone and Okayu. I CANT FUCKING HANDLE IT ANYMORE.

>> No.5954192

When they loose their partner they will need you to cry to anon, be there for them

>> No.5954214
Quoted by: >>5954370

It honestly depends on what they are doing, if its someone fingering a jar of mayonnaise to make gloop sounds, that seems they are going for the more horny side of ASMR. Ame's scuffed ASMR in the hotel when she was moving was good cause she was just whisper talking, stuff like that I can imagine being neutral and good to sleep to.

>> No.5954233
Quoted by: >>5954334 >>5954379

Watching Kanata read her letter to Coco made me feel sad as fuck, but I hope (and assume) Kiara will watch the full Coco graduation stream. Makes me angry at how shit TakaMori is for the Kiara side of things and the line about reading about 'leeching' from Coco made me think about Kiara's fears as well. I really hope she realizes that there is a hardcore group of fans that are dedicated to her way beyond the stupid ship and that if it ever went south or disappeared, that those loyal fans would still be there.

>> No.5954259

>Cali or Kiara
Yea I cant wait either

>> No.5954322

Moments like this one show that Takamori CAN work in this specific dynamic:
>Mori being more forward than usual
>Kiara being more reserved than usual
>suddenly kino
This is the next step in Takamori and they need to evolve it in this direction so that it feels fresh.

>> No.5954334

She knows she has hardcore fans lel. Takamorifags are the minority, not majority. Of her 1m subs maybe 2k are hardcore takamorifags who would leave if takamori ended.

>> No.5954359


>> No.5954370
Quoted by: >>5954482

You know it can be sensual/sexual without being on the level of 'I'M GONNA COOOM!', right? Having a woman whisper into your ears is 100% something that is very intimate and it's what draws people to the ASMR scene in the same way that all these Anons are drawn to the vtubers because they make them feel good that a woman is spending time and talking with them.

>> No.5954379
Quoted by: >>5954399 >>5954461

This thread constantly has circlejerks about moving beyond takamori newfag.

>> No.5954399


>> No.5954438

Srry, didn't know she played as well, only really knew Ina was the other that played til other people mentioned FBK and Reine. I'm honestly down with anyone with Kiara, and Iofi seems fairly assertive, so she probably would do well in the collab.

>> No.5954461

I know I'm usually part of them. Doesn't mean I can't draw comparisons to something current.

>> No.5954469


>> No.5954482
Quoted by: >>5954646 >>5954679

Whisper asmr is probably the best/most balanced asmr there is. It's not lewd so it does not attract an army of new coomers who will demand more and more (ame had that problem) and it's not as weird as fucking chewing on food close to the mic.

Whisper ASMR is the best option. or cat purr ASMR


>> No.5954646
Quoted by: >>5954870 >>5955074

Man that cat purring section had me smiling like a fool. Cute Kiara babytalking while petting her kitty just makes me want to hear her coo our actual baby to sleep. Kiara would be a top tier mom and getting some of her traits from her own mom would make it that much better based on what we've heard of her. I want to live with Kiara out inna countryside with our small family.

>> No.5954679
Quoted by: >>5954770 >>5954870

>Whisper ASMR is the best option. or cat purr ASMR
I hear you, but I'm partial to PC specs ASMR myself.
The time... it flies...

>> No.5954770
Quoted by: >>5954870

I actually came to those whispers
The build up to that whisper tangent was really good too, with a bait SC and then picking up a random comment from the chat

>> No.5954870
File: 263 KB, 722x561, gooseling_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5955177 >>5955203


>> No.5954879

I just want someone in EN 2 to have good chemistry with Kiara. I don't care about shipping, and it's not just TakaMori. I've always felt EN has had pretty big walls between each other. Chalk it up to different experiences with streaming, different aims or their physical separation, but they've never felt like some people in JP feel like. It's like you never see them hang around just for the sake of it, laugh at jokes together, and so on. The Cats watchalong with Kiara and Ina was one of my favorites precisely because of that: it was just two friends hanging around watching a shitty movie.

I don't know. I didn't get into vtubing to watch huge events. It was just another facet of the internet to me rather than "real life anime". Things feel overproduced at times.

>> No.5954889
Quoted by: >>5955071 >>5955207

Kiara ruined me, I can't appreciate Amelia anymore because she barely talks when she plays games, I need the pedal to the metal content only the bird can offer

>> No.5954985

The reason you feel this way is because Kiara is the only yuro in HoloEN. Gen 2 should, hopefully, have another one of those that Kiara can bond with naturally.

>> No.5955023

That's why the best Takamori collabs are the off collabs, they have so much more synergy when they are in the same place

>> No.5955071

I agree normally but I tuned in because watching her try a tough platformer is entertaining. Plus the BGM is amazing.

>> No.5955074
Quoted by: >>5955194

She's going to be single. anon. All that top mom energy will go to waste.
The sooner you accept it the better for your own good.

>> No.5955177
Quoted by: >>5955203

>that filename

>> No.5955194

I will marry her one day.

>> No.5955203

Hello Trevor G.

>> No.5955207

This actually sold me the other way on Ame and I might watch some VoD's over her Supa Sundays if she is half as entertaining as this.

>> No.5955387

Ames creative streams are always good.
I think her talking to Coco reignited that feeling to be creative.

>> No.5955412

Are there any games you'd like Kiara to play, but would be impossible thanks to her taste/ permission problems? I honestly would love it if she gave Skyrim a try.

>> No.5955447

Todd fuck off already. She will never play your games

>> No.5955668
File: 66 KB, 736x544, 769dd77d1bdfcbd32c681fe963a322096f1681f5_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5955746

I'm still waiting for her to play EarthBound someday. I doubt she doesn't know it exists since Pekora played it. I'd kill so hear her sing any of the Mother 1 songs.

>> No.5955730


>> No.5955739

I would like her to try Valkyria Chronicles. Feels like it would be something up her alley even if she's not into shooters.

>> No.5955746
Quoted by: >>5956413

That would be great, but is it really her taste? She cares way too much about graphics in her JRPGs.

>> No.5955766
Quoted by: >>5955842

More hard games, like Dark Souls or Binding Of Isaac. I think it'd be pretty funny if she was forced to play Dark Souls in a punishment stream, just to see how far she could get.

>> No.5955777
Quoted by: >>5956355

If you're a boomer like me, her Oblivion playthrough is pretty entertaining. Not necessarily because of her, but the situations that keep happening are hilarious.
It really makes me wish chicken tried a western RPG for once, they're so much more fun to watch.

>> No.5955842

She said she wanna play eldenring when its out

>> No.5956355
Quoted by: >>5956563

As an example, imagine Kiara reacting and having to deal with these sort of shenanigans in some kind of open world RPG or a similar game that allows for this stuff.
t. not Todd

>> No.5956413

Yeah, I feel the same way. I just always feel like that the other ENs keep everyone at an arm's length at least, their audience, their coworkers and their genmates alike. I can't find it inside myself to trust them when they say something. Kiara, on the other hand is so honest that she has my trust in almost whatever she says or does. Or maybe she's the greatest sociopath that has ever existed and she's using that gift to milk us dry for some reason. No other options.
NTA but wasn't that the original question though? A game that anon would love for Kiara to experience but she won't because of who she is?

>> No.5956514
Quoted by: >>5957054

The time difference and lack of IRL meet ups very heavily hurt HoloEN.
Just look at Gen 5 as an example since they are their sister gen.
Very close, tight knit especially after Aloe graduated.
They hang out offline a lot and went on vacation together a few times.

>> No.5956563
Quoted by: >>5956769

My God, half the time is Ame just trying to keep the damn horse alive lol. I also remember her first time trying to do the speech mini game and being confused as fuck. Shit was gold, and I would love for Kiara to play Oblivion as well. Though skyrim being a lot simpler and on rails would be easier for Kiara to get into. Also when the FUCK is someone gonna play FO:NV?!

>> No.5956769

Yeah, basically I'd like to see Kiara play more games where the gameplay isn't just so rigid and mostly reliant on cycling through menus like in JRPGs.
Thankfully she's been taking steps to expand the type of games she's been playing recently, so perhaps some of these options won't be impossible in the future.

>> No.5957054
Quoted by: >>5959584

This is a real problem. As much as autists say that their online relationships are real and just as important as hanging out in real life, there's always a slight disconnect and without them being able to actually interact in real life and get a feel for each other, streams will often feel stiff for 30+ minutes.

>> No.5957853

Dark Souls 1 or 3.
Her trying out Elden Ring does give me hope though.
Maybe some anons could suggest the games to her as a way to prepare for ER

>> No.5957959

This. I'm hoping that EN 2 brings more people for Kiara to not only collab with, but to make more friends.

>> No.5958621

Actually zero chance okakoro doesnt graduate together. FBK got them as a package deal, they've been "good friends" since way before hololive.

>> No.5958834

Man, most JRPG are so fucking cheesy.

>> No.5958896
Quoted by: >>5959052

And Kiara is into that shit

>> No.5958910

Ame is the one that pushes the envelope on stream experimentalism and avant-garde OBS technique. Kiara is the only one in hololive with the background necessary to just stream what she wants to stream and say what she wants to say.
Ame is James Joyce, Kiara is Virginia Woolf.

>> No.5959050
Quoted by: >>5960172

Remember that moment in Ryza 2 where she beat a boss and the party had this super generic "We can do this together!" scene, and then Kiara said something along the lines of "See?! Why don't people appreciate JRPGs, just look at how emotional this is, and the writing!"
I love Tenchou, but yeah...

>> No.5959052
Quoted by: >>5959915

I know. I have yet to get to the first half of the ryza series, but this PSO stream just reminded me that she's got some real basic-ass story enjoyment.

>> No.5959179
File: 905 KB, 4096x2305, 1613676801766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5959381

there's a better one out there but this is the only one I have saved

>> No.5959381
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1617335543337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

>> No.5959561
Quoted by: >>5959658

>Everyone starts spamming emotes.
>Kiara scolds them to stop and that she's gonna mute them.
>Everyone behaves.
God, KFP are great even if some of them are a little retarded and have inflated egos.

>> No.5959584

People always blame the distance for this but it just doesn't hold when you compare to, well, anyone else. I gave the example of the Cats watchalong precisely because Kiara and Ina could do that despite that apparent roadblock. And besides, it's not like being close-by is going to make them super friends; JP Gen 2 didn't have an off-collab with all members for a while.

I mean, it's not like I'm expecting them to be KanaCoco in spite of the distance. I understand that it's different. But EN just feels like it has a very corporate approach to how it presents itself. Like with their strange aversion to zatsudans. I don't think I've ever seen one of them just show up and join another one's game out of the blue, which is something I see everywhere else. It feels like there's no spontaneity.

Ah well. I'll stop complaining now.

>> No.5959657
Quoted by: >>5959729

It literally only happened 1 time, the night of Kiaras outfit reveal after she went to bed the other 4 had a guerilla Minecraft collab

>> No.5959658

KFP have been instilled German discipline from their overlord.

>> No.5959729

Ina joining voice chat to help Kiara build the water elevator for the Emergency Exit to Phoenixton was also great.

>> No.5959764
Quoted by: >>5960505

Kiara called Ina in that one time and she hung out for like 10 minutes if that counts. I know what you mean, it doesn't feel like they're very friendly but we honestly don't know what kind of stipulations they have via management and with Cover being a fucking Japanese business, it would surprise me that they want the first Gen to be extremely by the book clean with their first full venture into the EN market. FUCK SUSAN AND THE GENERAL TAKEOVER OF YOUTUBE BY CORPORATE ENTITIES.

>> No.5959915
Quoted by: >>5960158

She isn't the most self reflective person in the world
But I like when she has those moments when she pauses and starts thinking how blessed she is and how her life has changed

>> No.5960040
Quoted by: >>5960158

Ironically, that's why JRPGs are fun to play. Structured melodrama is immersive in it's own weird way.

>> No.5960158
Quoted by: >>5960342 >>5960485

Oh, you mean like this?
I could listen to this clip just for the very end where she lets out a slight sob and my saviourfagging will be sated forever.
Yeah, sometimes simpler games are nice, but to play nothing but is a little eeeeeeehhhhh. Oh well, I knew exactly what I was getting with Kiara, it's just funny to talk about smoll bird brain.

>> No.5960172

She says that Kannagi has a really amazing plot for some reason. Isn't it just a funny harem?

>Like with their strange aversion to zatsudans
I would blame the holos themselves for that. Kiara in particular always had that fear or not having stuff to talk about and the need to fill air all the time, that's she doesn't do zatsus often, but at least she had a good zatsu recently when she came back from her travel.

>> No.5960342
Quoted by: >>5960454

Piano Shiny Smiley Story leading into the sigh gets me every time

>> No.5960370

I keep hearing this meme, but honestly I don't see it. While EN doesn't have a strong bond like a lot of JP Gens, I do feel like they genuinely enjoy each other's time.
I for like they at least have a stronger bond than JP's Gen 1 branch, especially after Haato went it did their own thing.
Obviously it's not the same behind closed door due to them living countries apart from each other, but they at least 'present' a good bond for now in their collabs. This might change once future EN Gens are added, like how Subaru found friends in later Gens.

>> No.5960454

Link? I have no idea what you're talking about off the top of my head.
Unrelated but it gives me pain that Ame is somewhat into classical and jazz while I will only be afforded idol-esque music with my Oshi birb. Obviously there's nothing to be done and your wife won't always like what you like, but I want to take Kiara to a concert and maybe an opera.

>> No.5960485
Quoted by: >>5960551

Yeah same here. Me and Kiara barely share any interests or even JRPG tastes, but I still consider her streams to be the most enjoyable due to her energy and self-awareness, amongst other things.

>> No.5960505
Quoted by: >>5960647

Yeah, I think management is to blame above all. I think part of the reason the Unity meme came around (besides the history of the board and Global) is that it was stressed from the beginning that HoloEN was a Thing. I remember in the first weeks, it was like whole group collabs every weekend; this would be despite timezones or the fact Mori was only half-awake 24/7 back then. It was always everyone in Live2D too.

In a certain way, I think this helped everyone grow at around the same pace, so no one got excluded, and cliques wouldn't be formed. But on the other side, it probably damaged some of them to an extent. Ame and Kiara can do well if it's just performance, but with Mori and Gura, I can't see their personality types working well without an outlet. Gura in particular, knowing her history and possible trust issues, I believe she would be very different now if she had been allowed more freedom. Gura is Gura of course, but imagine if someone with her personality type had ended at the bottom of the sub ladder instead of Ina and Kiara.

>> No.5960551

Compliments are important in a relationship. It's good to have a base understanding of each other and work off of that with some connection and while full opposites would never truly work, having each other to cover your bases is what it's all about.

>> No.5960647
Quoted by: >>5960879

In regards to the Gura comment, most seem to believe that she would probably feel less obligation if she weren't the trending leader in vtubers and it kinda shows in things like the fishtank where Ame mentions NYUMBERS and Gura gets very cold quickly.

>> No.5960879
Quoted by: >>5961209

Well, we'll probably never know. We can only hope things will get better (or betterer, really) after EN has more people in it.

>> No.5961209
Quoted by: >>5961673

I think it will. EN is really hurting from lack of collab partners (Kiara less so cause she can speak Japanese).

>> No.5961629
Quoted by: >>5962913

Few reasons, none of them good.
>She's had anti's prior to Kiara ever being a thing
>Tourists who STILL believe the bullshit orcschizo shit
>They don't like a dominant person
>They know fuck all about Hololive and don't understand that Kiara is very JP like in her stream style

Pick your rrat and eat away.

>> No.5961673

For sure. The fact that Ina is pure introvert and is mostly focused on her art as well as the fact that Mori for some reason despite living in Japan has a tenuous at best grasp of Japanese means that collabs can get stale or same-y often. You can't have new shit to talk about if you're spending all your collab time with the same people and don't want to talk about yourself personally to the extent Kiara does.

>> No.5962384
File: 7 KB, 164x184, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5962444 >>5962458

How's Huke papa? Does he still watch all of Kiara's streams? Pomu's mama reminds me of him a lot

>> No.5962444
Quoted by: >>5962742

He barely shows up anymore. Pretty sad desu.
He was always a busy man but he still found time to show up in her streams long ago. Maybe he lost motivation or doesn't find the streams as fun anymore, which wouldn't surprise me.
Or maybe he's a saviorchad and isn't as into her daughter now that she doesn't breaks down in tears every stream

>> No.5962458

Not sure if he's popped into streams, but I think he would mostly follow her twitter, especially when that Huke Kiara animation came out.

>> No.5962742

He will returns when he's needed. When the based is lost, he will return to restore balance.

>> No.5962913
Quoted by: >>5962993

The latter really stood out to me during Coco's graduation. Cutting from all the yelling and laughter of the JP girls to the awkward silence of EN ... Kiara's answer was very JP-like, she must wish her group wasn't so autistic at times. I don't like people saying Kiara should've been in Gen 5 or whatever, but this is just the card she was dealt.

>> No.5962993
Quoted by: >>5963297

Being EoP, I'm glad she wasn't gen 5.

>> No.5963210

New thread in a few minutes.

>> No.5963297

Me too. If Coco is any indication, it would've been difficult to be KFP if she were in JP. Hell, it's probably difficult for JP bros to be KFP.

>> No.5963549

New thread up:
