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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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59368526 No.59368526 [Reply] [Original]

Say, just for the sake of argument, a complete hypothetical, I fell in love with a certain vtuber. Like actual, unironic love, so strong it hurts. What do I do?

>> No.59368639
Quoted by: >>59368894

Don't spend your live savings in SC, romantic love is temporary

>> No.59368747

Enjoy your days with her. Watch her until the end

>> No.59368759

succumb to your spiraling feelings for her
realize you will never wake up next to her
an hero

>> No.59368863

Learn japanese and move to Japan
Find a way to get closer to her and slowly gaining her trust

And then fill her womb with your special baby dough like there is no tomorrow

>> No.59368894

Also, remember to love yourself first, you can't truly love someone else if you don't love yourself

>> No.59368966
Quoted by: >>59369071

Someone post THAT image.

>> No.59369056

You improve yourself, go outside and revaluate your life.
If you are unironically in love with a vtuber you need to get help.

>> No.59369071
File: 44 KB, 685x623, LuiGT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to give into your game. Enjoy the ACTUAL pic that should be posted in a Lui thread, newfag.

>> No.59369161

I don't know, anon. I'm not someone you should ask for that kind of advice as I'm inexperienced in the matter. I cry myself to sleep everyday while listening to Fauna's RM ASMR while saying "I love her, I love her, I love her, I love her..."

>> No.59369279

She's just as afraid as I was back in 2017, I still am but I managed to get into a "relationship" three years ago

>> No.59369732

Shut up Ame

>> No.59369751
File: 1.84 MB, 640x360, 1695839857658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59369850

Remember that she's not entirely real. You're not seeing every aspect of her. If you were to actually meet her, she would not be the person you think she is.

>> No.59370183

If she is gachikoi friendly, love her a lot and don't betray her
if she is not gachikoi friendly uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh abandon ship escape by any means necessary

>> No.59373035

I don't know why you retards think saying this helps. This is equivalent to telling a poor person to just make more money. Why do you think saying this is in any way helpful at all?

>> No.59373151

Use the love to fuel your quest for power. And if you can’t receive that love, use the power for evil.

>> No.59373471

1. She doesn't love you
2. She looks nothing like her model irl
3. Exercise, hygiene, clean diet, and work reps.
4. There is the real deal out there for you anon, don't give up looking for it.

>> No.59374386

Stop watching streams, you'll get over it

>> No.59375091

I'm in the same boat anon, just love her and don't let any other idiot say otherwise. Only you know your feelings and only you will know what you want to do with them.

>> No.59378258

>Why do you think saying this is in any way helpful at all?
Because it's true. Anons here would sit there and keep pitying themselves but the second you start taking control of your life you'll see that that guy is right. By improving yourself you start loving yourself, develop charisma and feel better and stop falling in the parasocial side of vtubing. You might have to work for it but unless you're a quadrupalegic in a wheelchair with half your face missing you have no excuse. Get out there and Godspeed!

>> No.59378649

Nta but I work out, have a decent job (for a third world at least) and I fell in love with my chuuba, becoming an architect in the process I should add. So no, stuff like that doesn't really work, at least not for me

>> No.59379168
Quoted by: >>59379811

again, this is the "telling poor people just to make money" advice. No fucking shit if I were to take control of my life and develop charisma my life would be better. If I had a million dollars and owned my own private firm I'd also be in a better position.

You're giving me vague nonsense and patting yourself on the back. "just be healthy bro" is not advice.

>> No.59379811

>No fucking shit if I were to take control of my life and develop charisma my life would be better
Then how if it's so obvious you haven't it done it yet? It's not simple but it needs to be done if you want to feel better and be rid of the situation. Otherwise as I said you can always keep pitying yourself and never actually do something about it. Nobody is gonna take you out of the mud but yourself, you can either drown in it or at least make an effort. Considering that, unlike making more money, you're in full control of this and only your own decisions will lead to a better or worse situation

>> No.59382250
File: 319 KB, 800x800, 1695497395711716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to save you Lui, I promise.

>> No.59383159

Fuck this hits hard actually, not in a “I can save her” way but in a “I’ve been there and it really sucks” way.

>> No.59384651
File: 655 KB, 1318x603, Lui_Takane_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59387542

Because the intent is to help, just because you don't want to hear it doesn't mean it's a bad thing to say.

>> No.59387687
File: 171 KB, 481x655, 1693477586167404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do I do?
Go off grid, become a monk or whatever, realize that you are the most important entity for you and your love for Tuber is nothing but a passing wind.
If you fell, actually fell for someone in the internet before meeting them face to face, you need to touch grass.
t. Someone who had similar experience, but not with content creator

>> No.59389668

find a way to cope and make peace with the fact that you will need to find a real gf

>> No.59398001

Stop watching her for a while. Vtubers develop so many dynamics with their chat everyday that you will feel lost and not that close to her anymore.

>> No.59401566

>Say, just for the sake of argument, a complete hypothetical,
didnt know ben shapiro liked vtubers

>> No.59404760


its annoying trying to figure out if those are capital i's or lowercase Ls so there you go
