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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.59121119

Its okay to mock americans

>> No.59121143

oyyy vey

>> No.59121160
Quoted by: >>59121344

I bet you were circumcised

>> No.59121193
Quoted by: >>59121344

grow your foreskin back retard

>> No.59121254
Quoted by: >>59166691

America is run by (((Evangelicals))) who wanted everyone to be circumcised. it's funny to laugh at these retards

>> No.59121294
Quoted by: >>59121344

Lmao this faggot doesn't have foreskin

>> No.59121297

Based, I'm not cut so I will fuck nano (she has big tits).

>> No.59121327

>a woman's genital mutilation
what would that even include?

>> No.59121344 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.59121392

thank god i wasnt circumcised

>> No.59121427

Some muslims/middle easterns stitch women's vaginas together in order to ensure they keep themselves pure, I had an assembly on it back in primary school

>> No.59121436

lol what's happen to your dick

>> No.59121531
Quoted by: >>59161053

billions of dudes dicks have been chopped because of some fags in a desert thousands of years ago. unreal

>> No.59121551

Our deaths won’t bring your foreskin back

>> No.59121585
Quoted by: >>59125733

Her twitter DMs and marshmellow are open if anyone wants to let her know how they feel about this. It's really hurtful.

>> No.59121696


>> No.59121748

Cutting off clitorises in Muslim countries which is 1000 times worst than cutting some skin

>> No.59121851

They remove parts of (or totally, I forget) the girl's labia and clitoris. Like slice them off. Saying it is comparable to circumcision is like saying a headache is equivalent to blowing your brains out.

>> No.59121920
Quoted by: >>59122105

that's like cutting your gland and balls off

>> No.59122011
Quoted by: >>59122105

what the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.59122021

lmao dicklet

>> No.59122036

they are actually extremely comparable especially since the clitoris and foreskin are formed from the same tissues in the womb. not to mention the loss of the foreskin loses the gliding motion of the ridged band unlike the removal of the clitoris

>> No.59122105 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59122190

stop trying to deflect JIDF

>> No.59122153

Sorry the Jews cut your foreskin off and sold it as wrinkle cream for some bitch to smear on her face. Makes me feel bad.

>> No.59122188

Because they're westerners women and western women have the duty to put down men

>> No.59122190
Quoted by: >>59122559

>you think one is bad so you must think the other is good

>> No.59122264

women are incapable of empathy, the unjustified mutilation of baby boys is just a joke to them

>> No.59122425

Everyone point at the americunt and laugh

>> No.59122559

you think male genital mutilation is comparable to a headache so I'm just going to assume your a subhuman

>> No.59122604

I have no idea who this vtuber is and I'll never watch her. But she's right.

>> No.59122608

i was the person who asked what woman genital mutilation would include, you fucking retard. holy shit.

>> No.59122621

It's always okay to laugh at Americans and Arabs, both are fucking retarded anyway.

>> No.59122665

>they are actually extremely comparable especially since the clitoris and foreskin are formed from the same tissues in the womb
same logic they use to argue that a man can be a woman (spoiler: a man can never be a woman)

>> No.59122686
Quoted by: >>59123898

>being circumsized
Sorry but you have negligent and or abusive parents

>> No.59122687

The analogy was that male genital mutilation vs female genital mutilation is comparable to headache vs blowing your brains out, not that male genital mutilation is like a headache, you colossal fucking moronic mouthbreather.

>> No.59122710

>t. seething circumcised anon
your fault for being born an ameritard or arab

>> No.59122811

good try trying to justify your braindead false comparison but you're still a disgusting subhuman who should be put down

>> No.59122963

Holy based

>> No.59123041

and the analogy is wrong

>> No.59123047

If you are wracked by severe mental illness you could make that argument.

>> No.59123087
Quoted by: >>59123219

>literally repeats what he said
>"good try trying to justify"
holy shit go back to school you absolute braindead retard. see >>59123041 because this is all you had to fucking say instead of just behaving like an illiterate.

>> No.59123169
Quoted by: >>59123219

you're really stupid

>> No.59123198

This thread has gotten more views than the 2view in the OP, really makes you think

>> No.59123219

made the jew and foid really upset by calling them out on their shitty analogy I see

>> No.59123323
Quoted by: >>59123581

lmfao based, W for making those feminist roasties and cucks seethe

>> No.59123429
Quoted by: >>59123781

Anon you're being called a retard because you were calling out a completely different analogy since you can't read. The funniest part is that just like >>59123041 said it's still a bad one but your lack of reading comprehension made you lose all ground, maybe try learning how to read next time.

>> No.59123449
Quoted by: >>59123765

>I had an assembly on it back in primary school
where the fuck did you go to school?

>> No.59123473

It's okay to hate on circumsized people because they are all either jews, muslims or americans.

>> No.59123519

uh based

>> No.59123581
File: 587 KB, 1045x794, 1692170147627347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to himself in a thread where nobody disagrees that male mutilation is good

>> No.59123649

>getting your arm amputated is no big deal because some people get killed
nor an argument

>> No.59123696
File: 38 KB, 570x153, Screenshot_248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59123798

nice english nigga

>> No.59123765
Quoted by: >>59129521

England lol

>> No.59123781

I apologize, I read further back now
Seeing subhumans try and justify circumcision just angers me

>> No.59123798
File: 163 KB, 1309x899, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay nigga

>> No.59123821

Maybe you should strangle your mom. My mom loves me and was smart enough to not listen to Dr. Shlomobergstein's """expert""" opinion

>> No.59123864

I feel sorry for the cut bros who will never know the joy of a tongue exploring within their foreskin.

>> No.59123891
Quoted by: >>59123970

He is right tho, if you were marked as cattle from birth your opinion shouldn't matter

>> No.59123898

>had both
>they forgot to get me circumcised and by the time they remembered, I was old enough to opt out
Is this what it feels like when two bullets hit you, but miraculously make the third one miss?

>> No.59123933

Kys mutt

>> No.59123970

>the white victims of jews don't matter
nice try goldberg

>> No.59123983 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 524x478, 1665744134566747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's had his dick chopped
Imagine being brown
And you can just make fun of women for their roastie vaginas and how ugly they look compared to innies in retaliation.

>> No.59123995
File: 160 KB, 463x453, 1628397590257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cutlets will cope forever because otherwise they have to acknowledge they got mutilated as a child for no reason

>> No.59124080
Quoted by: >>59124263

I guarantee most of the foids and cucks here would be mad if we made fun of FGM

>> No.59124083

she wants that dick cheese

>> No.59124256

based anti-semite

>> No.59124263

Everyday I thank my based father for not falling for the temptations of the Jew-controlled white man, does that make you seethe? I bet it does lmao.

>> No.59124370

>being a pro-MGM anti-FGMfag
I don't get it. Also some of the most common forms of FGM like the removal of the clitoral hood (not the clitoris) are literally equal to circumcision.
>Like slice them off
What do you think happens in circumcision?

>> No.59124510

Based as fuck

>> No.59124548
Quoted by: >>59124639

Nt roastoid, back to the kitchen u go

>> No.59124639

You are mutilated.

>> No.59124665
File: 139 KB, 750x752, 1684201452222829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Christians even circumcise their children? I looked it up one the internet and the first verse that popped up was:
>For neither circumcision counts for anything nor uncircumcision, but keeping the commandments of God. 1 Corinthians 7:19

>> No.59124711

Oy vey

>> No.59124722
File: 224 KB, 475x675, 1674159426904719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a real mystery huh!

>> No.59124733
Quoted by: >>59126041

t. double vaxxed and boosted 5 times

>> No.59124813

In case you haven’t noticed by this thread, it’s because men themselves are very okay with making fun of circumcised men. Men never establish a taboo on sensitive subjects for their fellow men, whereas women are pretty united in things they won’t accept for their fellow woman, even if only a tiny minority of women are affected by it. Men will be one of the first in line to make jokes about tiny dicks, manlets, and prison rape. You can’t really expect women to respect men where men won’t even respect other men.

>> No.59124823

just americans

>> No.59124871
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1690693413063834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59138041

>tfw not even christian or christian family and circumcised

>> No.59125408

I got cut as a teenager for medical reasons, it feels the fucking same (muh heckin' sensitivity) and surveys show a general preference for cut dicks among straight women. You people are unhinged, Europoors and SEA desperate for something to be proud of.

>> No.59125492
Quoted by: >>59126067

very real and not artificial post
you a jew or foid?

>> No.59125522
File: 842 KB, 1386x869, 1678649417836710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59126067

>and surveys show a general preference for cut dicks among straight women
You couldn't cope harder even if you tried

>> No.59125733
Quoted by: >>59136609

weird how she won't answer my DM

>> No.59125742
File: 895 KB, 977x669, 1695364932364235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preference for cut dicks

>> No.59125872

can not even imagine anything more pathetic than being okay with children being mutilated because some whores like it more during sex

>> No.59126041

Go back

>> No.59126067


Literally pubmed, faggots.

>> No.59126164

It's worse because cunty women will always default to calling any bad thing that happens to them worse and then wonder why incels (normal dudes) stop talking to them completely.

>> No.59126188

I personally wouldn’t be okay with having my dick mutilated just because women would like me more, but maybe i’m just weird.

>> No.59126900
File: 22 KB, 588x98, 1678635098198672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.59126999
File: 130 KB, 463x453, 1691005303879743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59127042


>> No.59127042
Quoted by: >>59127107

Kill yourself

>> No.59127054

you are severely mentally impaired

>> No.59127107
File: 121 KB, 228x223, 380281868_807044371110986_4836042201819473544_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59127172


>> No.59127172

>facebook filename
kill yourself

>> No.59127224

thousands of years of chattel slavery that still affects how everything works now. that doesn't make it good

>> No.59127572
Quoted by: >>59127605

Its funny because circumsized men have had their dicks mutilated, to form a covenant with the god of Abraham. Enjoy the dry skin and lack of sensitivity.

>> No.59127598
File: 2.65 MB, 150x227, Moona Happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post YFW your parents didn't give into the jewish tricks.

>> No.59127605

What's funny about that

>> No.59128705
File: 143 KB, 350x304, 1686847035624791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59128783
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>> No.59129069
File: 37 KB, 689x349, 20230425_000606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She probably just follows that Varg out of context account

>> No.59129121
Quoted by: >>59130353

>make fun of someone for a choice they didn't get to make
>you're the one not accepting you got mutilated

>> No.59129316

woman and barbarian, its just the consequence of thousands of years of women worshiping, they literally think they own everybody and have the right to tell them what to do.

>> No.59129457

Real american hours

>> No.59129510
File: 346 KB, 759x643, 1695175154066024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews want you to cut off half of your penis (and that's a good thing!)

>> No.59129521

Holy fucking kek. In all seriousness I hope your country gets well soon.

>> No.59129583

How exactly is the argument that mutilating the genitals of both men and women is comparable in severity due to the nature of the tissue being removed the equivalent to arguing that mutilating the genitalia of a man will make them a woman and likewise doing that to a woman will make them a man?
It don't work like that, genius 100000 IQ retard.

>> No.59129740

This movement to not be circumsized is a psyop spread by women. Those that are not circumsized last longer because their penises are not as sensitive. Lasting longer means they will be raped for longer. But if their rapist is not circumsized, the rape will be more likely to be at least half as long as long. On the other hand, this vtuber is actively angering those that are circumsized, and thus increasing her chances of being raped by those who are circumsized. So this is basically a desperate plea to be raped as long as possible.

>> No.59130225

it can be done by aesthetics too, they cut both labia, majora and minora and get rid if the piece of skin that covers the clitoris, it looks awful 2bh but some actually do it, is not the same than religious fgm btw.

>> No.59130353

The only way to not have them mutilate their children out of spite, brainwashing and dumb fuck females is to relentlessly bully and mock them.

>> No.59130438

If I was circumcised I would sperg every day and hate my parents

>> No.59130508
Quoted by: >>59131123

Americans need to learn how to wash their foreskin at some point instead of taking the easy way out

>> No.59131008

American whore go back to getting cummed and dumped by black guys and getting your unwanted child molested by lgbtqrsruvwx+++ MAP

>> No.59131101


>> No.59131123
Quoted by: >>59133998

I would hesitate to call being subjected to mind shattering pain after you're born the easy way out. You might not remember the pain as an adult, but your brain sure does and that affects your behavior.

>> No.59131566

I'm uncut but I don't understand why you care about this closing-down sale Pekora's opinion. Stop using X/twitter.

>> No.59132615

this ruined my day ngl. never watching her again

>> No.59133998

It's a quick fix to avoid teaching basic hygiene. It's the easy way out for parents even if it sucks for the kid further down the line.

>> No.59134198
File: 22 KB, 578x369, 1693500916878741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will have to go my whole life never knowing what it's like to have an unmutilated penis just because some jews wanted my foreskin for wrinkle cream. It's not fucking fair.

>> No.59134591
Quoted by: >>59134719

>another thread about anon butthurt over something she said
You cannot be this sensitive, you gotta be trolling

>> No.59134668
File: 347 KB, 558x557, 1693849898019330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59134719

This is the only thread I've made, I don't know what you're talking about

>> No.59134783

Pretty sure that's an antisemitic dogwhistle. Anon.

>> No.59135023

So does she hate men, Jews, or Americans? I need to know what flavor of Heckin Based she is.

>> No.59135073
Quoted by: >>59135196

People are offended over a funny top text bottom text meme on THIS website? lads... this has to be an invasion right?

>> No.59135196

It is when a VTuber said it, anon.
Don't be a retard. Holo and Niji are torched for less.

>> No.59135649
File: 101 KB, 355x603, 1673577891803697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treat everyone in chat with respect and care
i guess that doesn't apply to involuntary mutilations hypocritical cunt

>> No.59135761

Nano doesn't support circumcision so I don't know why you're mad

>> No.59135913

You can oppose circumcision without insulting people who were mutilated without their consent moron

>> No.59135995

Entire thread and argument in general just seems like a ton of mentally ill retards spouting shit they haven't even studied or read up on because it makes them feel better about their dicks and let's them put people that didn't have a choice down. That or faggots that wouldn't even know the difference one way or the other with having the foreskin and blaming all of their lifes problems on missing some dick skin. I wouldn't do it to my kid but fucks sake everyone acts like it's some kind of traumatic event that everyone remembers and forever ruined their life and saying you just don't give a fuck is seen as cope. Cut dicks look weird and there's a lot of problems that can happen so I'm not doing it to my kid but having a cut dick isn't the end of the world or worth belittling people over.

You fuckers are all the same. Preaching this shit on the basis of morals while having no morals when it comes to those that didn't have a choice and dehumanizing them.

>> No.59136001

amerimutts btfo
sharia state of germany btfo

>> No.59136098

It's literally the same thing you retard, a vagina is an inverted penis

>> No.59136135

As you see from this thread, everyone makes fun of the circumciseds. Doesn't have to be a woman to do that, foreskinlet.

>> No.59136150

>like it's some kind of traumatic event that everyone remembers and forever ruined their life
do you think it's a coincidence the most violent barbaric cultures also have the highest rates of circumcision? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7702013/

>> No.59136309 [DELETED] 

OP is either Americunt or SEAnigs.

>> No.59136609

she also has an email if you want to try that as well nanobitesvt@gmail.com

>> No.59137040

>stream rules different from non-stream rules
no shit, you can get banned for the actions of your chat on streaming platforms, even the stankiest trolls have to make sure their chat is a heckin safe and inclusive space or the jannies will pull the cord without a second thought

>> No.59137046

and she definitely looks at her commission requests, don't need to give any info to make one https://vgen.co/nanobites_

>> No.59137072
Quoted by: >>59137206

yeah she just thinks its funny bro! mutilating kids is hilarious lol!

>> No.59137206
Quoted by: >>59137294

you sound like a fag

>> No.59137294

and you sound like a tranny

>> No.59137457

imagine being born in a culture that rips your foreskin off

>> No.59137528
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>> No.59137650
File: 138 KB, 1072x1292, F6u5hLZXAAAwzRT.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59138041

Christians don't circumcise

>> No.59138040

kill yourself

>> No.59138054

point and laugh, op has no foreskin

>> No.59138057

I'm not gonna fall for your Jewish tricks

>> No.59138148
Quoted by: >>59138303

i think sometimes catholics do, but i think its just for cleanliness beliefs rather than religious

>> No.59138286
File: 280 KB, 512x512, enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59138303
Quoted by: >>59138374

Yeah, in other words, Christians don't circumcise

>> No.59138370

Go back to twitter

>> No.59138374

yeah u right

>> No.59138510
File: 84 KB, 600x419, 1671324201456371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha mutilation is so funny!

>> No.59138629
Quoted by: >>59138667

she's cute in a funny way (no pun intended). I like that.

>> No.59138667

no she isn't

>> No.59138678
File: 633 KB, 1100x1100, 1639997430574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any way to degrade the public's opinion of circumcision is a good end, even through ridicule
if my laughing at some cutfag saves even one boy from that fate then i was worth my time

>> No.59138798

you're a fucking idiot, insulting people on makes them drive their heels in deeper, you just want to stroke your ego you stupid faggot, don't pretend to be righteous

>> No.59138873

kill yourself

>> No.59138883

wrong and mad

>> No.59138904
Quoted by: >>59138960

you are confusing mockery and attacking someone anon.

>> No.59138905
Quoted by: >>59139335

I knew a guy who got circumcised as a child and he was protestant so I don’t really get these rules

>> No.59138934
Quoted by: >>59139050

hahahahah no foreskin no foreskin no foreskin!

>> No.59138960
Quoted by: >>59139530

what the fuck are you saying moron

>> No.59139050

kill yourself

>> No.59139294

this poor child is lashing out against the world because of childhood trauma

>> No.59139335

Almost all American's get their boys circumcised even if their Christian because their doctor tells them too and it's the norm so their NPC brains do it.

>> No.59139530
Quoted by: >>59139618

anon, please calm down and stop sounding so mad

>> No.59139618


>> No.59139711

Attention whore thread

>> No.59140454

Because they don't have it duh, just like the trannies on this thread don't care what happens with their dick

>> No.59140963

Now do it with
>Your opinion literally doesn't matter
And suddenly they'll appear from thin air to insult you kek

>> No.59141189

>the clitoris and foreskin are formed from the same tissues in the womb
You sure? Wouldn't the clitoris be the head and the clitoral hood be the foreskin

>> No.59142078 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59149777

Just sent dozens of spam commissions, thanks

>> No.59142144

found the lad lacking foreskin

>> No.59142241
Quoted by: >>59142345

ok freak, calm down a little bit

>> No.59142345
Quoted by: >>59142722

cry about it

>> No.59142478

Based you will suffer for the sins of your ancestors

>> No.59142722

no one but you is crying, cutbro

>> No.59144239
File: 246 KB, 975x893, 1676255119664380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sperg moment

>> No.59144436
File: 1.66 MB, 333x281, 1695506612092646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was circumsized by my parents when I was too young to even be aware of my own existence
>the mongolian throat-singing forum constantly belittles me for it
I didn't ask to be this way

>> No.59144590

Finally a schizo who does something, keep fighting bitchs my hero

>> No.59144593
Quoted by: >>59163380

G-d requires circumcising for men, not women

>> No.59144658

this is so sad its funny
you will never get your foreskin back bro, get fucked

>> No.59144787

I wanna kill myself every time I'm reminded of my mutilation and lately it happens EVERY single fucking day and now even stupid westoid vtubers are spreading their opinion no one asked for. It's so tiresome

>> No.59145142
Quoted by: >>59161354

Never understood why people lose their shit about this.
I can kinda understand wanting the practice banned, because it's useless, unless it's for medical purposes or something.
But like having a cut dick, I don't think has affected a single thing in my life. I didn't even realise it was a thing done to me, until I was 16.

>> No.59145160
File: 51 KB, 605x273, 1667929239559235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol she thinks she knows (she doesn't)

>> No.59145180

if you having no foreskin is ruining your life so much you may need to look inward because I guarantee that's not the only thing wrong with you.
I'm cut and pretty happy.

>> No.59145241

i'm sensing catty female energy from this, cutbros are being framed

>> No.59145385

cutbros engaging in the gayest possible behavior, damning indictment

>> No.59145387

no shit im mentally ill

>> No.59145595

if you're cool about it it's ok, I got circumcised later in life due to phimosis, it made my life way better, if that serves as a consolation

>> No.59145699

i'm probably the only person in the world like this but being cut as a baby apparently traumatized me so bad that i'm unable to look at or touch the head of my penis, had the phobia for as long as I can remember. i have literally never seen my penis
it doesn't ruin my life because i'm also a sperg who couldn't get sex anyone though

>> No.59145788

if you unironically think your self admitted miserable experience will get any better by harassing a vtuber I suggest you take the rope NOW you weak fucking eunuch

>> No.59145973

The best part is this only makes me want to mock cutbros more.

>> No.59146182

honestly, go to therapy that is not normal at all and it's not really a reason to live an unhappy life

>> No.59146718

One small thing for you might be a big thing for another person
t. Whole cock man

>> No.59146952


>> No.59147017

look at this schizo
he's in this thread too

>> No.59148665

What's wrong with being circumcised retards? doesn't girls prefer it that way?

>> No.59149134

It will set an example to other vtubers about what topics are too inflammatory to discuss.

>> No.59149433
Quoted by: >>59149777

He never said he wanted to harass Vtubers.retard

>> No.59149777
Quoted by: >>59150103

ogey >>59137046 >>59142078

>> No.59149863

try and stop me you fucking pussy lol

>> No.59149890
Quoted by: >>59150793

It's ironic that you will probably make fun of women for being too sensitive

>> No.59149923

won't make your foreskin regrow my man

>> No.59150103

That is not the same person.

>> No.59150348

Yeah it sucks especially since you can't do anything about it. I got circumcised when I was 8 because my parents wanted me to. Back then I didn't think anything of it because I got brainwashed to think circumcision was some necessary thing or else your dick would start necrotizing or some shit.

>> No.59150654
File: 19 KB, 340x453, FFKhl9UVkAI3ukM.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine didn't but I ended up having to get cut for medical reasons anyways. At least I was able to make the decision for myself as an adult.

>> No.59150793

not at all, weird assumption

>> No.59152272

You act like this on the pretense of some better good but you're only doing this because you think it's fun. Fucking cunts.

>> No.59153216

>acts like it's some kind of traumatic event that everyone remembers and forever ruined their life
Mutilating children is wrong and it should not be legal. I was agreeing with you up until you started deploying the It's not so bad" apologia faggotry.

>> No.59153386
File: 199 KB, 601x462, 1679406619691096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be mean to her guys she lost a cat. making fun of that would be rude and over the line of course unlike making fun of infant mutilation

>> No.59153638

pets dying = sad
you losing your foreskin = fucking hilarious
sorry, its the truth. im glad you lost your foreskin

>> No.59153732
Quoted by: >>59155189

>nooooo not the hecking catterino

>> No.59155189

>noooooo not the heckin foreskinerino

>> No.59155319
Quoted by: >>59156204

hope op realizes everyone is laughing at him losing his foreskin and kills himself

>> No.59155365

No free healthcare in the us and it's more expensive and complicated as an adult, They just use some numbing cream on newborns while adults are knocked out.

>> No.59156107

what was her name?

>> No.59156204
Quoted by: >>59156792

if you want to laugh even more, check this thread from this reply onwards >>45920844
the same guy who's losing it itt had such a hilarious meltdown because of this image back in March that he started spamming gore and got himself a 30+ day ban. (he harassed this one too but through her business email)

>> No.59156336

I'm like half circumcised because I was so fucking fat when the doc did mine, he couldn't collect enough foreskin to cut to expose the shaft.

>> No.59156399

She closed commissions now

>> No.59156475

Because no one cares about the well-being of men compared to the well-being of women. That''s just how it is.

>> No.59156792

holy kek what a freak

>> No.59156960
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 1xk8qs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess she didn't like the joke

>> No.59157650

>cucking your own income because of one schizo

>> No.59157671

A woman's opinion is worth less than any man's.

>> No.59157726

the only joke here is you

>> No.59157811

prove you're not circumcised

>> No.59158045
Quoted by: >>59158226

>Get's clowned on in his own bait thread
You're definitely the winner here anon

>> No.59158226
Quoted by: >>59158266

seems pretty successful to me

>> No.59158266

What did your foreskin grow back?

>> No.59158353

Careful anon, he'll have another 10 hour melty

>> No.59158442
Quoted by: >>59158561

when is her dead cat going to come back

>> No.59158447

I used to be uncut, but when I was a 17yo horny teenager I decided to ask my parents to book a circumcision for me because I fell for the "more aesthetically pleasing and attractive penis" propaganda (I also started doing edgy things, like smoking and drugs).
Now I'm 24, and I regret it. I miss my foreskin.
Fucking hell I don't even know anymore why I decided to do stuff like that. I was already getting pussy, but I did irreparable damage to myself because I wanted to drown in pussy instead.

>> No.59158561

She has two more cats, you have zero more foreskins

>> No.59158800

It's not making fun of genital mutilation.
It's making fun of men who internalized the genital mutilation as a good thing.

>> No.59158868
Quoted by: >>59159539

no it's not

>> No.59159455
File: 25 KB, 601x120, 1669512736919959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59159611

open again now kek

>> No.59159520

No it isn't

>> No.59159539

yeah it probably is. nano hates circumcision. someone borderline accused her of being antisemetic on stream once for it and she scoffed at them

>> No.59159545

And how do you feel about paper plates?

>> No.59159611
File: 58 KB, 949x719, 1694903178239345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 hours of sperging for less than an hour of 'success'

>> No.59159615

and this image is making fun of men who are circumcised, not circumcision

>> No.59159643

are you fucking dense

>> No.59159697
Quoted by: >>59159763

im pretty sure its not that deep, it looks like she just saw an ota-chan tweet and found it funny enough to make her own rendition. Seems like 700 other people found it funny too.

>> No.59159748

>your opinion doesn’t matter because of something your parents did before you could even speak

>> No.59159763
Quoted by: >>59160487

>its not that deep
youre right, it's very simple and some ridiculous cope trying to claim it's not plainly making fun of people for a mutilation they didn't choose

>> No.59159794
Quoted by: >>59159867

How many times have you seen a "woman, opinion discarded" meme.

>> No.59159819

Yeah, the butt of the joke is people who take it seriously

>> No.59159867
Quoted by: >>59159921

Yeah but women are dumb

>> No.59159921

but they didn't ask to be born

>> No.59159961

>Why is it accepted for women especially vtubers to make fun of male genital mutilation?
I guess is an american thing, you should learn japaneses, chineses or vietnamese and leave that dead continent

>> No.59159984

That's a cope. Look anon, I pull my skin and it feels like shit walking with my skin pulled, because my penis head is sensitive. You probably have defected penis or something. Makes sense honestly since you are a such faggot.

>> No.59160026 [DELETED] 

I'm one of the few Americans I know that hasn't been cut. Unfortunately, I also have slight phimosis so yay for me I guess.

>> No.59160275

why is it ok for OP to be such a sensitive faggot?

>> No.59160295

>vt pandering
Is this the new pippa?

>> No.59160388

Look, I just want every doctor who performed elective plastic surgery on a baby to get shot in the head, is that so much to ask?

>> No.59160427

>taking an obvious meme seriously
the autism levels in this thread are dangerously high

>> No.59160452


>> No.59160487
Quoted by: >>59160784

crying wont make your foreskin grow back lol

>> No.59160784

and defending m'lady won't make nano fuck you lol

>> No.59160924
Quoted by: >>59160995

i don't think she needs anyone's defense, you've made yourself a lolcow

>> No.59160995

considering how much you've been samefagging It seems you really feel the need to defend her honor

>> No.59161053

What the hell are you talking about retarded fuck?

>> No.59161055
Quoted by: >>59161102

I literally dont even know who this I just think your a crybaby lol. Go to your twitter or discord for a hugbox buddy.

>> No.59161067
Quoted by: >>59161102

my last post is nearly an hour ago

>> No.59161094

Because they let you mock women as much as you want, so it's fair.

>> No.59161102
Quoted by: >>59161160

simp harder maybe she'll mod you in discord

>> No.59161104

everyone who disagrees with me is samefagging it must be everyone else not meeeeee!

>> No.59161160

imagine being this assmad over a harmless meme image

>> No.59161186

That's fucking evil as fuck. What else to expect from a people whose plagiarized the bible with a psychopath war monger whose book specifically states that their reward from their (black moon rock) god is 72 beautiful virgin boys.

>> No.59161290

Because it's funny how some dude once said "hey, let's cut up our dicks for our god" and the others went "that makes a lot of sense, let's do it" instead of smacking him in the head.

>> No.59161291
Quoted by: >>59161338

Or ban circumcision for non-medical reasons

>> No.59161338
Quoted by: >>59161414

men tried that in the 80s and got excluded out of spite

>> No.59161354
Quoted by: >>59161409

The foreskin is sensitive, so they lose their shit because they think their sex/masturbation would feel better if they still had their foreskin.

>> No.59161391

>replying to himself in a thread where nobody disagrees that male mutilation is good
I'm another anon (black and latino male) that circumcision is a good thing. gtfo.

>> No.59161409

or because they were mutilated at birth for no reason

>> No.59161414

>Reagan didn't help men
Wasn't he supposed to be the based president?

>> No.59161502
Quoted by: >>59161878

Reagan was a little fucking bitch

>> No.59161565

Cutting the clitoral hood.

>> No.59161735
File: 144 KB, 828x1719, 1605863017949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59167387

>parents didn't want me circumcised
>doctors did it anyway
It's like a cruel joke.

>> No.59161782
Quoted by: >>59161878

if being based means selling out to the corporate overlords then he was very based

>> No.59161822

First, those are letters from Paul to specific churches in Asia Minor. They are not God's words as they do not come from the mouth of God or from the lips of Christ who spoke what God was telling him to say. Anyways, Christians don't keep God's commandments anyways but if they circumcised their male kids it's useless because they're not Israelites to begin with. Circumcision is a covenant under God's commandments and is only meaningful to Israelites who are keeping God's commandments.

These fake jew who calls himself a jew or jewish or ashkenazi or sephardic are not Israelites. They took the bible much like a Catholic or Christian did and pretended to follow what it says in the book. The fake jew can only marry an Israelite women that's the closest they'll ever be to an Israelite because only Israelite men can impregnate Israelite woman and non-Israelite women and the child born from them is an Israelite regardless of how he or she looks like.

So the tl;dr circumcisions' only matters if you're an actual Israelite born from the loins of a male Israelite and are keeping God's commandments. In the kingdom of heaven every single male regardless of ethnicity will be circumcised. So get use to it now or later.

>> No.59161878
Quoted by: >>59161912

Reagan is a evil racist mf.

>> No.59161912
Quoted by: >>59162035

Don't forget homophobic

>> No.59162035 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59162240

That's a good thing. The fuck do I care about faggots? Faggots, lesbians, and trannies should be put to death. Whether it happens now or later one thing is certain the Earth won't have to suffer knowing faggots, lesbians, and trannies are roaming around. Another thing, those who support those freaks will also be joining them.

>> No.59162053
Quoted by: >>59162140

Everyone here is making fun of Americans, but I had to do it for medical reasons as an adult and I'm not American.

>> No.59162119

based schizo

>> No.59162136

>I don't understand how that proves the ccv is wrong though
I’m not saying the CCV is wrong at all, I’m saying that the CCV doesn’t matter as much as everyone seems to think, and therefore everyone should stop obsessing about it as if it’s the most important metric of success. I’m not the same anon who posted the number images, btw
Also are some chumbies really so dumb that they can’t glean what’s being conveyed by the anon who posted those numbers? Really?

>> No.59162140
Quoted by: >>59162721

>as an adult
>for medical reasons
>for no reason
>as a baby
surely you can spot the difference between these 2 situations

>> No.59162240
Quoted by: >>59163231

based. start with yourself faggot

>> No.59162353


>> No.59162398 [DELETED] 

She and the other cunts' opinions don't matter and honestly deserve to be mutilated themselves. And raped, too. This is why I have no sympathy or empathy for cunts anymore.

>> No.59162721

She just mocked everyone.

>> No.59162801

I know, she's a cunt

>> No.59163149
File: 161 KB, 1080x1097, Ooof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol get fucked ID whores

>> No.59163200

Probably wouldn't mock anyone if 99% of the people in the group you're a part of weren't for cosmetic/"hygiene"/it's social tradition/lmao I'm a doctor and I need my paycheck reasons.

>> No.59163231

Low intelligence I get it.

>> No.59163270
File: 113 KB, 838x967, Ooof2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59163380

God is a title you fucking retard. It's also not his name. You don't have to omit the letter o. You fake jews are fucking so stupid you think eating a cheese burger is against God's commandments lmao. It shows you people have always been actual heathens (non-Israelites).

>> No.59163388
Quoted by: >>59163470

Imagine mocking men for the decisions they have never made

>> No.59163446


>> No.59163470
Quoted by: >>59164235

Plenty have made it, for their sons.

>> No.59163531

Why can't we still perform dick enhancing surgeries? That would be mega profitable so it doesn't make sense why no one want to improve our current technology. Current ones have, like, 30% chance of killing your boner for good.

>> No.59163565

I'm never getting laid anyways

>> No.59163696

You don't fucking LOSE IT. FBI is STEALING IT from an unwashed masses through circumcision.

>> No.59163867
Quoted by: >>59164143

Whoever reported my post or some janitor approved that it was a troll I can tell you now bitch ass mf that was not a troll post. And if you're a fake jew you're not an Israelite mf you are not God's people, you people are fucking disgusting dirty goy the absolutely worst and ugliest freaks on the planet whose deceiving everybody you're a jew and God's people when you are not.

You're just mentally weak that's all. Get over it. Stop thinking about the shit. My body has PTSD over not being able to breath during sleep when I had the flu I could not sleep for 3 days and since then it's been on me but I've overcome it more every day and also of falling from the roof and you think I let that shit get to me? Fuck no. I still make myself sleep sometimes I get up after 2 hours but I go right back to sleep and other preparations and I still look down from the roof of my apartment which is 3 stories tall or out my window which is 2 stories tall. Stop thinking about it altogether and when you're ready do something about it.

>> No.59163972

Why not just ask her why she prefers non-circumcised men and ask her to number how many she's got in her so we can see if she's a whore or not.

>> No.59164143
Quoted by: >>59164354

nobody cares cunt

>> No.59164235

But the issue is it's the parent's decision, not the son's

>> No.59164256

Arabs are fucking retarded spreading that evil practice around to northern Africa and to Indonesia. The bible doesn't even teach that shit. I think it's to make the female look like a young girl's pussy like their psychopathic war mongering false prophet when he had a 6 year old and had sex with her at 9 years old.

>> No.59164354

You obviously did dumb mf. And I'm a man for you to be calling me a cunt retard.

>> No.59164638

reminder if you want to make your thoughts known

>> No.59164686

Americut seething lmaoooooo

>> No.59165834

Isn't this the girl that got kicked out of Phase Connect for being a scammer

>> No.59165957
Quoted by: >>59166049

She wasn't kicked out, they mutually ended their contract with each other for unknown reasons.

>> No.59165979


>> No.59166049
Quoted by: >>59166129

>multiple repeated breaches

>> No.59166129

It still implies that the breaches weren't enough for immediate contract termination and that both the talent and company tried to find a solution, but decided they don't want to work with each other. Plus her contract was already expired by the time she went MIA before leaving the company.

>> No.59166143


>> No.59166384

>unknown reasons
Scamming donations

>> No.59166636
Quoted by: >>59166747

smooth brain take
its okay to mock them for the things that are mock-worthy.
Being mutilated as a child is not one of them.
There's plenty to mock america for. Everyone knows that place is clown central, but if your entire position is just "america bad" without any justiifcation or nuance behind it then not one bit better than those fat, retarded americans that you like to make fun off.
t. uncut eurofag

>> No.59166639


>> No.59166691

evangelicals in europe don't cut off boy's forskins.
When it comes to christianity, circumcison is purely an american thing,

>> No.59166703


>> No.59166747
Quoted by: >>59167040

They vociferously defend being mutilated, and will go on to do it to their own children should they have any. They are more than worthy of mockery.

>> No.59167040

stopped reading there, you sound like a faggot

>> No.59167322

>mutt women find mutilation aesthetically pleasing
>mutt women are as ugly bri'ish slags and gooks
Wow anon you have convinced me, I'm also going to cutoff my newborn son's balls of incase he wants to become a gendoor transistoor

>> No.59167387

Did they sue?

>> No.59167411
Quoted by: >>59167634

nice vtuber thread

>> No.59167634


>> No.59168024

damn. I didn't know this was such a sensitive topic for mutts
