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File: 70 KB, 1199x674, 1681824317157462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58671332 No.58671332 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>58687357

Mori Calliope, sad hours on loop

>> No.58671430
File: 440 KB, 800x700, 1694297279239279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to love your Mori

>> No.58671475

missed the rebroadcast anything new?

>> No.58671514

The only inaccuracies I remember from the Titanic are that thr ship sank differently IRL, and that Bruce Ismay wasn't really responsible for much.

>> No.58671516

This Mori isn't fresh at all! I want to see the manager!

>> No.58671612

There's nothing stopping both from being true, you weirdo

>> No.58671616

Naw, she wanted to sleep so she just let it loop.

>> No.58671639

Nothing new, it's still looping

>> No.58671691
Quoted by: >>58672010

Indeed, I could easily imagine high school mori getting the "this bitch eating crackers" treatment, let alone for something actually kind of unpopular, while less stigmatized kids got away with murder.

>> No.58671707
File: 248 KB, 583x451, 1694896062733073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58671766

>> No.58671709
Quoted by: >>58672562

They should make a movie about the RMS Carpathia.

>> No.58671726

oh shit it is

>> No.58671766
File: 585 KB, 1008x620, 1694654953113825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58671802
Quoted by: >>58671964

She's awake so its probally the last loop

>> No.58671842
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58671883
File: 1.34 MB, 1683x2691, illust_111769083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One handful of morpo

>> No.58671933
Quoted by: >>58674189


>> No.58671964
Quoted by: >>58672040

Is she?
That tweet felt like a scheduled one

>> No.58671967

you can get two handfuls with one tiddy

>> No.58672010
Quoted by: >>58672159

It’s been a minute since she talked about this, but Mori’s talked about in the past she basically experienced a level of social isolation from everybody else (as opposed to the outright bullying in Middle School). The reason Persona 3 holds a place in her heart is that through it she made a friend due to sharing an interest in the game (the one she went to the wedding of earlier this year).

>> No.58672040

oh, looks like it might of been. Scheduled tweets are usually not those type of tweets. I thought maybe she was getting up early/goign to bed early since she needs to get up early tomorrow for BG3

>> No.58672159

I suppose I had forgotten

>> No.58672212

Mori is Live Again Again Again!

>> No.58672285

I wish I was meeping my Morp right now

>> No.58672346
Quoted by: >>58673710

I can't think of any other bad collab partner's Mori's had besides that Death Sentence guy and the idiot who did the jingle. Didn't even know about K's until the last thread brought it up. (And I can't find any proof, it's hard to find info on a guy who's name is one letter.)

>> No.58672385
File: 2.60 MB, 1920x1080, Quasarcake Mori night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58672566

There's some really nit-picky stuff like how the ship is shown operating. Particularly during the iceberg collision scene, some of what's shown is inaccurate. Either because the creators didn't know specific details, or it was simplified for movie production and to enhance drama.
The more objectionable stuff are the suggestions men like Ismay and Murdoch were villains (James Cameron had to apologize to the latter's family/town), that no men were allowed on life boats, or that third class passengers were physically locked below decks behind gates. Stuff like that perpetuated harmful myths that made it more difficult to accurately study/discuss things. That along with the idea the ship was built with inferior/cheap materials, an accusation I've always strongly opposed.

>> No.58672486

Freshly squeezed Mori milk

>> No.58672562

It actually is pretty insane what they did. Considering they were stopped in an ice field and decided to proceed through it at full speed at night.

>> No.58672566
Quoted by: >>58673004

The movie kind of implied that the third class passengers weren't locked so much as herded, and that bad communication between crew and passengers was a big part of the tragedy. Still, could have done a clearer job with that one.

>> No.58672656
File: 357 KB, 495x275, counterfeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the thumbnail in my YouTube reccs and got excited...then realized it wasn't my Mori at all.

>> No.58672670

Just a reminder, Zeta didn't know the titanic was a real incident, but thought that maybe Jack and Rose were

>> No.58672697
Quoted by: >>58672874

since we are talking about boats mori should play the return of the obra dinn

>> No.58672838

fuck that was an amazing moment

>> No.58672874

Agreed. That's a real fun, comfy, and quick game.

>> No.58673004
File: 312 KB, 2000x2000, 50cc036f4fd683ef808856d9f4a31010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was shown pretty haphazardly, IIRC in reality there were some waist-high gates that could be closed to deter travel between certain areas. At least while in ports while following immigrant-separation rules for health reasons.

Posting the companion clip to that one.

>> No.58673429

dammit Amalee kek

>> No.58673451

Lmfao Monarch

>> No.58673544
Quoted by: >>58673618

This must be a thumbnail from the Calliopeople timeline. If so, I envy them a bit

>> No.58673601

kek, I wish I had more time to watch her.

>> No.58673618

I forget Mori has said she has played the Devil May Cry series right or at least watched Gura play it?

>> No.58673659

Who is she? I know there's that one anime character or something who looks almost exactly like mori.

>> No.58673690
File: 57 KB, 256x353, 1693830249844498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What western song has Mori sang the most during karaokes?
I feel like it has to be an MCR one

>> No.58673710

the "rape allegations" thing was a shitpost, gomen

>> No.58673741
Quoted by: >>58673944

There is like a dozen anime characters that look like Mori lol.

>> No.58673805

The actual model doesn't look as Mori-like.

>> No.58673944
Quoted by: >>58674084

the ones the come at the top of my mind are Zero Two and Nightingale

>> No.58674035
Quoted by: >>58674130

She watched some of gura playing it but seemed reluctant to play it herself, either because she heard someone talk badly about the game or the same tism that's come up a few times about playing the same games that other people are playing. she seems to have gotten over it more recently but not to the point of going back to games like dmc. it's a shame because I feel like she'd really love it it's exactly the type of chuuni bullshit she can really get into (affectionate).

>> No.58674086
File: 578 KB, 2926x4096, Euu1XmuVgAIwGpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori mentioned she wanted to play it. I really hope she does because they would be amusing streams, she'd play on a hard difficulty and show how MOTIVATED she is, and it would culminate in her doing karaoke.

>> No.58674084

That zero two one is who I was familiar with

>> No.58674130

I think she'd like the story and characters for sure
and this

>> No.58674189


>> No.58674256

This showed up in my recommendeds. Mori's voice used to be super breathy, huh?

>> No.58674296
Quoted by: >>58674488

this is when she used to be in character

>> No.58674376
Quoted by: >>58674461

Oh yeah, the source stream is from October 2020. Was still trying to act cute instead of embracing her natural brand of cute, I guess.

>> No.58674392

Mori would be leaving a puddle in her seat for V if she played DMC

>> No.58674461

Even then she uses the same voice she uses now at several points in the clip. She was just using a "cuter" voice when telling the story. Also has a much better mic now.

>> No.58674488

She's still in character, the character is just a bit less "TEE HEE"

>> No.58674768

I really like this Mori voice actually

>> No.58676361
File: 488 KB, 1920x1080, ci83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58676410

Ci post.

>> No.58676410
File: 400 KB, 572x498, 1693758832849051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ci reply

>> No.58676517
File: 63 KB, 976x549, horse 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy neeiiiiighbours!

>> No.58676525
File: 360 KB, 640x480, rainforest1[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7p8jh9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im getting fat off these rainforest feasts, its our year for sure

>> No.58676528

I thought the questions for mori's quiz were mostly fine. Maybe a hot take? Lot of people had issues with them I think

>> No.58676696

They were fine, I was just bothered that they weren't formatted like jeopardy prompts

>> No.58677179

Some of the formatting could have been better

>> No.58677832

I wish we had one light stick emote left. I saw a deadbeat in chat using baguettes as pen lights earlier

>> No.58678043

Baguette is multi purpose

>> No.58678208
Quoted by: >>58678302

I just find it weird how she got rid of emotes that were pretty well used but kept Goh-Strider and No Salt. I don't think I've seen either of those used in over a year.

>> No.58678302

I've seen no salt used a bunch recently, but goh strider is a bit of a mystery. Maybe since it has history

>> No.58678490

I just had a thought. It would be really cool if mori could do a collab with Monarch and Nerissa.

>> No.58678501

True. I feel like using the baguette emote is a bit extreme though. Just use cheering deadbeat as a replacement even if it isn't exactly the same thing

>> No.58678645
File: 62 KB, 371x368, ci102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58678856

get out

>> No.58678857
Quoted by: >>58679016

how many times is she repeating?

>> No.58679016
Quoted by: >>58679115


>> No.58679029

negative people attract each other

>> No.58679056
Quoted by: >>58679159

Mori's cool hag rapper friend, please stay

>> No.58679115
File: 242 KB, 1240x1754, dahbt2enwu851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Knows cover when?

>> No.58679159

When was the last time she raped?

>> No.58679169

If you rented her for a wedding, she could be something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue all at once.

>> No.58679400

I want to have unprotected hand holding with Mori

>> No.58679505

Sorry, bub. No glove, no love.

>> No.58679625
File: 1.31 MB, 4093x2894, F6L656GbQAA84Nj.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58679715
File: 520 KB, 1105x493, 1676417263300688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58680035

I'm planning to use the rubber mat from the anniversary merch as a playmat for card games, and thought a matching Mori card would be nice as a field centre. Got curious about her new signed Weiss Schwarz card and... damn.

>> No.58679767

this kind of degeneracy is why Mori hates us

>> No.58680035

Yeah, her cards are one of the more expensive ones

>> No.58680083

Speaking of degeneracy, the official Blue Journey abbreviation.

>> No.58680141
File: 1.80 MB, 1640x404, Handsey[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdhkdxl.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58680366

She has no room to talk after doing this on stream!

>> No.58680239

Future Island hit 3M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWNn24KHPRQ

>> No.58680311
Quoted by: >>58680475

I know I'm late but
>Everhood is one of my favorite games if all time
Did her opinion change overtime or something? I don't remember getting those vibes when she was streaming it

>> No.58680366

To be fair, she was using protection

>> No.58680475

its one of my favorite games and she just wants to impress me

>> No.58680566 [SPOILER] 
File: 137 KB, 720x814, File.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason this showed up in my "For you" timeline and I have only one thing to say
do fembeats really...?

>> No.58680623

Reads like some posts here sometimes
I think you know what I'm implying

>> No.58680718

I wonder what percentage of fembeats are gay or bi.

>> No.58680731

With this rebroadcast, I really hope she does something like mumei radio. When she isnt streaming just rebroadcast old karaokes on loop.

>> No.58680820
Quoted by: >>58680944

she's one of my favorite fembeats

>> No.58680834
Quoted by: >>58681284

You can't do that constantly if you stream normally, it will really fuck up your algo. Mumei does it to make up for the fact she can't stream much.

>> No.58680875
Quoted by: >>58681086

I knew a fembeat in college before I started watching Mori. The way she described her I though she was some lewd streamer like Project Melody so I stayed clear for years.
Fembeats are so down bad it's scary.

>> No.58680944
Quoted by: >>58681330

I remember her, she seems cool. I think she's the one who said being a twitterbeat is like wearing a kick me sign.

>> No.58681051

Mori's awake and in chat

>> No.58681086

Fembeats are confusing man. I've seen lots that seem like they would lock Mori in their basement if they could, but also have boyfriends.

>> No.58681203

menhera fujos are menhera

>> No.58681229
Quoted by: >>58684405

I'm pretty sure this stream is bad for her algorithm.

>> No.58681284

Actually, I wonder if that would be a good use for her twitch. Just loop random unarchived karaokes on it. People could use their primes on her too to have it uninterrupted by ads.

>> No.58681314


>> No.58681330

She also showed up during the omocat collab as one of the submissions

>> No.58681338

Every time I hear songs about tonight I think of that mulaney joke

"As I get older, it’s tough to not get grumpy. It’s tempting. I get grumpy about some things. Like, I can’t listen to any new songs because every new song is about how tonight is the night and how we only have tonight. That is such 19-year-old horseshit. I want to write songs for people in their 30s called “Tonight’s No Good, How About Wednesday? Oh, You’re in Dallas on Wednesday? Okay. Well, Let’s Just Not See Each Other for Eight Months And It Doesn’t Matter at All.”

>> No.58681384

>internet yamero on drums

>> No.58681737

Hey deadbeats, did you remember to do your summer homework?

>> No.58681948

I only read the tractatus, not the Blue book :((((((

>> No.58681957

Someone needs to let this guy know that J6 songs seem to be ok to do. Tons of people are doing instrumental covers of them and reactions without DMCA issues.

>> No.58682004

might not be worth the risk
I guess on twitch its not as big a deal

>> No.58682055
File: 392 KB, 1209x676, Summer Vacation[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbh0l33.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summer Homework

>> No.58682085
Quoted by: >>58682170

What couldn't people do? SN? Sinderella?

>> No.58682122

Im currently not on call for the weekend for the first time in months and I keep instinctively stressing out about checking emails and checking the servers and I don't have to. Now i'm worrying I forgot to do something else because of your post

>> No.58682170

Yeah, Mori can't even archive karaoke some SN stuff herself because of bullshit

>> No.58682350

So what covers do you think Mori has cooking? She usually put out a few between EP/Albums now.

>> No.58682444

I wish I could be that enthusiastic about anything

>> No.58682489

Didn't she try to make a cover of some song about science or something for Valentines Day?
Maybe that got sorted out.

>> No.58682575

I want to see him go ham in Six Feet Under.

>> No.58682682

Nerissa just mad a reference to tribute. God I wanna hear mori cover tenacious d.

>> No.58683348

I think she might try to release some originals like the CHaDcast song

>> No.58684065
Quoted by: >>58684092

Mori in chat.

>> No.58684092
Quoted by: >>58684547


>> No.58684405

>mori caring about the algorithm

>> No.58684451

She does and has talked about it on stream. She has to.

>> No.58684547
File: 16 KB, 315x163, Fourth Loop Mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58687414


>> No.58684693
Quoted by: >>58684920

she does, she is a tsundere numberfriend

>> No.58684838

She's not a numberfriend, but she does have to be a numberacquaintance for her job

>> No.58684920

I think you're taking the wrong things away from what she said
And ultimately, if she was fine with this, she doesn't care

>> No.58684941
Quoted by: >>58684981

how many times did she loop this?

>> No.58684981

I think this is NG++

>> No.58684993
Quoted by: >>58685672


Daughter Bully

>> No.58685045

Have many times have you listened to internet yamero?

>> No.58685084


>> No.58685088

A few times.

>> No.58685234

Like 5 or 6.
Like 2 of those times was after listening to the original to compare.
I like Mori's EN translation more.

>> No.58685547

Getting my reps in during my commute

>> No.58685672

Top cute

>> No.58685989
Quoted by: >>58686208

>get home from work in time for part of the last loop
>missed Glimpse of Us
Damn. I like his songs as singles, though I can never sit through a whole album.

>> No.58686208
Quoted by: >>58686749

It's kinda weird that in his heart of hearts, filthy frank was a dark romantic trip-hopper

>> No.58686274

Rainforest dark rp trolling collab when?

>> No.58686418

I want another Milky collab.

>> No.58686533
Quoted by: >>58686748

>went to see Barbie with Milky
>schedule so packed they really didn’t get to talk about it
I like Milky. I need to make more of an effort to catch her streams.

>> No.58686748

No Oppenheimer?

>> No.58686749

He really chose the best time to ditch that style of comedy. Got to bow out without having to naked dogeza or whatever the fuck Idubbz did.

>> No.58686811
Quoted by: >>58686870

She saw that with kobo lol

>> No.58686819
Quoted by: >>58686904

I don't think ts being shown in Japan. She mentioned something about watching it next time she goes to the states.

>> No.58686870

That was just a meme. She didn't actually go with her.

>> No.58686904

I think it's already out of theaters in the states

>> No.58687221
Quoted by: >>58687414

lol the sudden double shiori audio confused me.

>> No.58687252

>Shiori saying Biboo played Ace Combat
Was she the Ace Combat poster this whole time?

>> No.58687357
File: 820 KB, 2954x4096, FIzAFXjaUAAdJQ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>58605795

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPXLlOg-SnU
Upcoming stream: _(:3」∠)_

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
//// Stream INTERNET YAMERO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp5n-YS22tY

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/

OUT FOR THE SEASON!—coming SOON to a venue near (You)!
//// Archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.58687388

Maybe. Bagel is a natural born poster if I've ever seen one

>> No.58687414

kek me too. Just had Mori singing in the background while Shiori did her thing. The redirect happened too fast though. Did Mori say anything after >>58684547?

>> No.58687442


>> No.58687494
File: 15 KB, 508x90, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58687980

The archiving site has a tab for mod messages

>> No.58687980
File: 147 KB, 400x400, 1620132571497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You liar


>> No.58688166

no that was me

>> No.58688432

does the mori cover actually say "vice and lean"?

>> No.58688538 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 492x232, 1684806506962927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah she said she'd lean on my dick and give it a vice grip with her pussy

>> No.58688737

Myslee. It's a sedative
She added an -n to the end of it

>> No.58689029
File: 455 KB, 1536x2048, 1694361953660405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58690146


>> No.58689161
File: 556 KB, 675x509, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58689265

oh shit the lag is going to be impossible, Mori you need to learn that nintendo online doesn't work across continents.

>> No.58690121
Quoted by: >>58690531

If there is no lag it will prove the rrat that the twins actually do live in Japan

>> No.58690146

LET'S FUCKING GO! Although Smash isn't the first thing I'd imagine them collabing in. At least Fuwawa will be able to play too I think. Also nice collab with Fubuki coming up

>> No.58690211

Smash Bros? holy shit that was something I wasn't expecting

>> No.58690531

>If there is no lag then they are in Japan pulling out all the stops to achieve their dream just like Mori
>If there is lag then they aren't in Japan and they are simply the weebiest weebs to ever exist

Quite an exciting development.

>> No.58690667

I think switch games are the only ones where they can actually both play at once. seemingly one pc and other consoles they either haven't been playing multiplayer games or don't have a spare controller or something.

>> No.58691090
File: 124 KB, 974x689, FkvQ6UHXgAI9Kp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58691242

I don't mind having a couple nights off every once in a while

>> No.58691242
Quoted by: >>58691822

absence makes the heart grow fonder as the saying goes and plus she'll tell us how much she loves us when she comes back

>> No.58691822

Does Mori really miss deadbeats when gone?

>> No.58691974

We're her break and relaxation time from the stresses of the world

>> No.58692169
Quoted by: >>58692381

She cries when she can't stream

>> No.58692238

It makes her squeeb

>> No.58692292
Quoted by: >>58697260

yes she does we protect her smile

>> No.58692381
Quoted by: >>58692470

She actually does cry when a stream becomes scuffed

>> No.58692470

it hurts me when she says she cries when streams go wrong

>> No.58692549
File: 80 KB, 680x504, FBzsU-bUUAEUczr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats, what does it mean that Mori portrays herself as a villain in her own songs.

>> No.58692583
File: 335 KB, 2480x1884, 1652544304148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58694163
File: 2.45 MB, 960x540, octomori[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flwmi0b.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have a dork-off

>> No.58694329
Quoted by: >>58694748


>> No.58694748
File: 80 KB, 574x230, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58707664

kek, didn't a few people have the exact same reaction here when it was posted earlier?

>> No.58695516
File: 404 KB, 1448x2048, 1694921024149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58696355

It means she's the character who joins the party last, maybe after you get a couple boss fights against her throughout the game.

>> No.58696116

I imagine Mori just in Bae's.

>> No.58696310

Bae or Kronii is probally a high possibility.

>> No.58696355
File: 280 KB, 1440x1672, FgPAXJ9akAA8D_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she prefers the edgy longer deuteragonist with a troubled past angle because even she acknowledges she's too good-natured to be evil. Unfortunately, this also condemns her to being a massive jobber

>> No.58696435

I would actually put money on Mori in Kronii's.

>> No.58696576

imagine Meep just in Morp's

>> No.58696818
File: 273 KB, 537x505, 1690086026248911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But have a long Mori

>> No.58696920

The backrooms again?! Oh no! Please dont hurt yourselves!

>> No.58697260

We're mori's scaredy-cat dog girls :>)

>> No.58697454

As long as she doesnt die halfway through the show and leave the rest to the pisspants

>> No.58697554

She's the main antagonist of my dick.

>> No.58697912
File: 405 KB, 1600x966, Fnzf4TQaAAM1rsJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least my schizo headcanon of Ame and Mori being the real co-protagonists of Myth is now confirmed

>> No.58697959

As long as she's good at jobbing, that's fine. Everyone loves Vegeta, but nobody respects Yamcha because he's not making the opposition look good either.

>> No.58698077

She strikes me as a mix of Hiei and Kuwabara

>> No.58699165
Quoted by: >>58699611

Yamcha needed at least one "tribeams semi perfect Cell for half an episode" moment. Its wrong that people dont respect him.

>> No.58699611
Quoted by: >>58699861

Yeah, getting fisted through the chest by Andriod 20 without a fight was the final straw for him both in and out of universe. If they haven't attempted to clean up his reputation by now it'll never happen.

>> No.58699807

Well what she has told us about her high school days before it would makes sense that she is exaggerating.

>> No.58699861

Poor dude was just a normal human. Only so much he could do since he didn't have his potential unlocked by the FAT FUCK like Krillin did.

>> No.58700111
Quoted by: >>58702248

seeing the councilrys girls get the cool glowing effect on their idol outfits makes me wonder when myth will get to show that off too
I guess maybe Ina's live thats supposed to come eventually?

>> No.58700131

If it makes you feel any better, super kami guru is in hell where he belongs.

>> No.58700168
File: 249 KB, 1216x1106, 1692336461777946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize that this image was referencing this video

>> No.58700211
File: 382 KB, 605x472, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your anti shitposting image for today before some retards come in here to shitpost about Mori(management) tweeting about future island hitting 3m during Fauna's 3D debut

>> No.58700457

i despise that guy

>> No.58701261

That guy? He's not just a regular fan? All he said to mori was "congrats Calli!"

>> No.58701407
Quoted by: >>58701643

I mean that stretched back all the way to the Piccolo arc. Tien was always the "hold the line" character, despite being outclassed he always was shown valiantly. Yamcha's problem was that he just wasn't in the "big arcs", he wasn't around for the King Piccolo arc because Tien crippled him and he wasn't around for Namek because he got punked by a Saibaman. Tien and Krillin got major scene time in at least one of those arcs which builds up the audience's connection with them.

>> No.58701643

Even so, it wasn't until Z that he started to get a reputation for sucking. Every non Saiyan except piccolo had one by the end of Namek.

>> No.58701678
Quoted by: >>58701848

>”it’s not just any shirt, it’s an old shirt, which means she(Mori) wore it,”
>”Even better!”
I love Ina

>> No.58701848
Quoted by: >>58702155

Ina is such a fucking oji-san

>> No.58702155

>dirtbag uncle Ina
Is this her future?

>> No.58702248

Myth had their 3D showcase before 4th fes, so they didn't get to show it. Mori and IRyS had the glow on during their performance together.

>> No.58702990

would you smell Mori's shirt?
hard mode you can't cum in it

>> No.58703161

First of the 4 sports bras or bust.

>> No.58703348

based answer

>> No.58703371
Quoted by: >>58704036

>the outfit question about who has the most
Yeah that’s straight bullshit, no one’s thinking of Amebee when they think of outfits. Member’s hate!

>> No.58703561
File: 147 KB, 1200x770, 1694705046628752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at Mori sometimes and I blush bros I'm in love what do I do?

>> No.58703588

Mori. She's so fucking hot right now. Mori

>> No.58703666

kek, i'm so glad she made the character the way she did.

>> No.58703762

While your boy's offline, check out cute snek being a baba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7mQW4VAJCw

>> No.58703852
Quoted by: >>58706629

Isn't that an actual hard puzzle game?

>> No.58703900
File: 7 KB, 160x160, 1644959181941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58704036

It's kinda bs since outfits and models are usually considered separate things but I get the idea behind it being a trick question. It just needed better wording

>> No.58704233

>topic of natto comes up
>Mori says it tastes like fancy cheese
>someone mentions it smells like feet
>”imagine the smell,”
I love Ina

>> No.58704321
Quoted by: >>58704430

One jeopardy question that provided unimpeachable comedic value:

>> No.58704430
Quoted by: >>58704723

Gura just smiling makes it kek.

>> No.58704633
File: 26 KB, 852x480, 725818916090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58704742

JWU, I woke up to Shiorin at some point and fell back asleep, did ya boy raid her at the end of the 5th loop or whichever it was?

>> No.58704723

That was great. Also Kiara asking "is this person okay?!" and mori dying in the background

>> No.58704742


>> No.58704773

I think Mori should collab with Lui again.

>> No.58704873

Does she also need to impregnate lui?

>> No.58704926

Didn't Mori mention she will have a number of collabs coming up soon? maybe she will be one.

>> No.58704972
Quoted by: >>58705271


>> No.58705065
File: 641 KB, 1422x799, 1691130275438199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58705151


>> No.58705151
File: 296 KB, 1606x1080, IMG_5833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58705216

Mori really was a boy all along…

>> No.58705185


>> No.58705216
Quoted by: >>58706462

Mori must save all hag in hololive

>> No.58705271

Simon Peter's denial was less shameful. What a coward.

>> No.58705707

I would love to see Mori try this game with a guide

>> No.58706156

me on the bottom

>> No.58706269
Quoted by: >>58706364

I was watching some stuff about the OP live action and someone brought up the issue of Chopper for next season. They need to really nail that or it's a potential series killer

>> No.58706364

most likely it's going to be CG and I would have to take a guess it's going to be something like Detective Pikachu

>> No.58706414
Quoted by: >>58706481

pink woman god

>> No.58706462

>all hag
That's like half of hololive

>> No.58706481
Quoted by: >>58706571

Is Mori considered a god in lore?

>> No.58706571
Quoted by: >>58706702

Every time I auto translate a post from Chinese to English, it calls her "the god of death." Make of that what you will

>> No.58706629

"Hard" is relative. Seeing as how most chuubas can't even into chess I guess it should be rated pretty hard, yeah.
>Nerissa's tits are against the other tits, not the cock


>> No.58706702

The eastern concept of 神 is typically translated "god" but it's broader than that.

>> No.58707163


>> No.58707274

Damn, lesbeats have it hard too, huh?

>> No.58707456

Titty monsters from each EN gen, what do we name it?

>> No.58707473

Holy kino, it's not a song I'd expect to dance to, but this dude is infectious.

>> No.58707518

The Department of Injustice

>> No.58707537

3 now

>> No.58707664

I sure did.

>> No.58707897

I unpacked my SInderella shirt the other day, was surprised it didn't smell of anything at all. It does keep me warm in this fall weather though.

>> No.58708125

Villain Boobs

>> No.58708443

I wonder if she was recording or was taking a vacation day like we thought?

>> No.58708523

whhhhhyyyyyyyyyy SSBU, this better be an offcollab

>> No.58708770

I think vacation since she mentioned hotel wifi on the rebroadcast

>> No.58708907
Quoted by: >>58709013

Fucking "SME", man, whatever the fuck that is.

>> No.58708940

If mori slapped me with one boob could she knock me out?

>> No.58709013

Its sony

>> No.58709157

So what did Fauna's 3d do that tripped up the copyright? Was it the category 5 hurricane?

>> No.58709226

copyright has been dumb some time now, remember the 24 hour part 1 and deathstar offcollab

>> No.58709286

Sony, its always fucking Sony.

>> No.58709675

Holy kek, I didn't know Marine was such a memer

>> No.58710226

I don't know that meme, but it's cool that marine does. She's really plugged into the young people and their jorks.

>> No.58710356
Quoted by: >>58710468

Her shorts are some of the best I've seen from holomems

>> No.58710439
File: 233 KB, 2048x1488, 20230916_073553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58710519

Is Mori streaming her perspective of BG3? I think I heard her say she wouldn't but changed her mind last second.

>> No.58710468

Pretty sure she pays someone to make them for her.

>> No.58710519

I think she changed her mind because she needs to shill something. we will find out soon probally. She said she might do it in the evening her time if she is allowed too. I think she was planning on a normal stream after BG3 until she saw what time Kronii's 3D debut was.

>> No.58710960

I haven't been able to catch streams since I started a new job. Is our Mori happy? And what are some cool things or announcements that I might've missed in the last 2 months?

>> No.58711028

She is extremely happy and had quite a number of live performances including one on a music program on the main national JP TV channel.

>> No.58711438
Quoted by: >>58711588

Oh hey, speak of the ironmouse

>> No.58711588
Quoted by: >>58711773

Starting the same time as everyone else. I guess she will be doing the shilling right at the end or start of the stream or got the ok to do it later in the night.

>> No.58711773

I think its for the best if its another stream but lets see how everything goes, I dont mind whatever she does, Im curious what it is

>> No.58711916
Quoted by: >>58712183

Oh very cool! Did anyone post links to any of those?

>> No.58712088

Finally had time to read the anime corner interview. I can't believe Mori doxxed Gorillaz like that...

>> No.58712127
Quoted by: >>58712271

another like spree, she's in a good mood, I think the new promotion is something nice

>> No.58712183
Quoted by: >>58712582


It doesn't have the TV program for some reason. If you got a VPN you might be able to find it on the japanese NHK site for streaming. Mori also had 3 performances at the nighttime splash party concert. One with Watame, one with CHADcast and she did the finale with Gura which many saide was one of the best performances out of the whole thing. I can give you streamables of those 3 performances if you like.

>> No.58712271

She always is really happy after a spa visit.

>> No.58712301

Mori just did an interview

>> No.58712375

Don’t know if I’m looking too into things, but she’s been so grateful, and sappy recently it almost makes me concern a little bit…

>> No.58712431

Oh, it's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnO1uGs3njY

>> No.58712497
Quoted by: >>58713552

You concern beats are kinda annoying. She has made it very clear she is very happy with the way things are going now, to the point she even pulled the small amount of attention she put into other stuff she was enjoying and put it towards holo/UMJ stuff. They must be giving her what she wants.

>> No.58712517
Quoted by: >>58712580

There is a Towa soundpost version of this too.

>> No.58712580
File: 2.20 MB, 720x720, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqyfdn9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58715123


>> No.58712582
Quoted by: >>58712633

Ah if you wouldn't mind I'd appreciate it. Trying to catch up on the 2 months I missed. today is my day off so I have the whole day to catch up and I'm happy I'll be able to watch her stream live later today.

>> No.58712607
Quoted by: >>58712643

The present and discernible future are looking great right now, so you can fuck right off with that concern, newbeat.

>> No.58712633
Quoted by: >>58713482


>> No.58712643
Quoted by: >>58712789

The closest thing to bad news is that she thinks streaming 6 hours a day every day is keeping things quiet. Once she gets "busy" how will we keep up with her?

>> No.58712649

No need to concern really, just enjoy!

>> No.58712789

That's what that whole few weeks around the EP release was like. If I couldn't watch vtubers at work the only thing I'd be able to watch would be Mori lol.

>> No.58713482

I've been healed. Thanks!

>> No.58713552

Anon, this is the first time she referenced that "even death has its end"

>> No.58713586
Quoted by: >>58713674

You are that retard, good everyone can ignore you now.

>> No.58713615
Quoted by: >>58713696

She also said that's literally the last thing that happens.

>> No.58713674

No, Im just saying that gullible idiots are bound to interpret that line like it's the end of the world.

But truth be told, that's tantamount to doomposting about Red's final lines of fading away.

>> No.58713696

Shit, we only have until the heat death of the universe to enjoy her!

>> No.58714305

>or bust

>> No.58714309
Quoted by: >>58714408

Holy shit this Kanade karaoke kek. Going from her great singing to the drooping retard laughing and talking will give your brain whiplash

>> No.58714408

So global says. Kind of interesting to hear.

>> No.58715123
File: 251 KB, 1300x1300, 42171185-skull-with-bandanna-and-cigarette-illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Mori will never belt FACT

>> No.58715159

I am going to seduce Mori with garlic bread

>> No.58715281
Quoted by: >>58715510

This Kanade gal has a very interesting gap moe

>> No.58715294

This is going to sound schizo and I want to say I don't believe any of it. I've listened to L4DL way too many times and some of the lyrics almost feel like they could be insulting to fans with the way she acts like NO ONE thinks she will ever make it. Like bitch you got hundreds of thousands of people who enjoy your music and want you to make it. Again, I don't actually believe any of those, but can see how someone might.

>> No.58715420

The people she likes and trusts who think shes making a mistake loom large in her imagination. It's only natural

>> No.58715510
Quoted by: >>58715575

The slurps are killing me

>> No.58715575
Quoted by: >>58715624

Is she eating something?

>> No.58715624
Quoted by: >>58715731

She drools while she talks...

>> No.58715731
Quoted by: >>58715950

Is she okay?

>> No.58715950

I do not know

>> No.58716892
Quoted by: >>58716952

JP dub of AC6 sounds really funny. You can almost hear JP Snail adjusting glasses.

>> No.58716945

How much does a pile of bones in a human weigh? Deadbeat weight if you will.

>> No.58716952

>Ayre is Joylene.
Nobody tell Mori.

>> No.58717002
Quoted by: >>58717343

Maybe 24 pounds.

>> No.58717343

We were meant to be yeeted by mori after all...

>> No.58717657

I mean, didn't she say she was going on a trip to the mountains when she was done with all her promo work for J6?
Maybe this is that? Or was that the Onsen trip?

>> No.58718368
File: 30 KB, 827x130, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58718390

Her aunt told her she can't sing, and then she went to Japan and got into J-rap. Kinda like EoaL, it was about people she knew IRL.
