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>> No.58515924
Quoted by: >>58519321

That's what they get for trying to kill all yuri potential with their stupid "business partnership" bullshit

>> No.58515954

KFP deserve to be bullied for that list
Out of 5 only OkaKoro was based choice

>> No.58515993

Same reason Amesane was on the list. Fans can't let go of the first ships even though it's completely dead.
ENfags won't ship Micomet because they can't let go of Pekomiko

>> No.58516041

takamori fags are the worst, takamori themselves are even worse

>> No.58516241

Why wasn't pekomiko on the list then?

>> No.58516379
Quoted by: >>58522302

You spelled that wrong. It's Gurame.

>> No.58516429

Takamori was fucking awful. Felt like witnessing an abusive relationship at times.

>> No.58516860

Ina genuinely was in disbelief for most of Mori's and Kiara's streams because of how little their fanbases watch JP, and how little they knew about Hololive in general, that was kind of funny. She was fully right though. KFPs probably made the worst picks ever known to man, at this point they have to be below clipwatchers.

>> No.58517179

It doesn't help that Kiara says: "Watch only me"

>> No.58517327

>me spek no japanese
that's why

>> No.58517364

kiara has filtered her audience into the worst fans possible. kfp showed their true selves during this stream.

>> No.58517519

nobody actually likes micomet outside of 35p and hoshiyomi

>> No.58517532


>> No.58517553

maxximum kek
At least Pavonashi is somewhat relevant and Okakoro is top tier but kfpkeks, you sure have 0 taste

>> No.58517568

What I learned from yesterday is that deadbeats and kfps are fucking retarded and know nothing outside of myth. Well, jusy like /mythg/ I guess
Seriously, what the fuck were those questions and lists? Not even clip watchers would be that ignorant. Ina even called out the question that claimed the first YAGOO merch shilling was the takodachi

>> No.58517586
File: 1.01 MB, 4093x2894, 1674707941687719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with the hatred I hate for ships, how the hell do you not have SubaLuna or MiComet on that list? Reeks of how a certain fanbase views hololive.

>> No.58517609

>kiara has filtered her audience into the best fans possible

>> No.58518264

Micomet is adorable (and sexy) but Subaluna is pure kino

>> No.58518429
Quoted by: >>58518816


>> No.58518816

I can't believe micomet defeated crossick. Business partner is more popular than literally having sex

>> No.58519048

>Caring this much about u/Ships

>> No.58519171
File: 234 KB, 583x350, 1665978451670803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the first reply just proved your point? lmao
Fucking clueless retard.

>> No.58519221

>implying miComet didnt have sex

>> No.58519305

ENgods said the quiet part outloud, everyone agrees with the list. Most won't admit to it since it is controversial since we have to support the new slop.

>> No.58519321

okakoro was the only JP ship in there and it's because it has korone, who was super popular back in 2020 among EOPs, and then you hace fucking takamori in first place which cements the fact everyone who voted in that poll is still stuck in 2020. micomet wasn't quite established back then.

>> No.58519334

I agree but you can’t blame me for greynamefaggotry

>> No.58519365
Quoted by: >>58519583

OkaKoro is a fun one, but I've been liking KoroMio lately. Those two are very good.

>> No.58519379

The main problem is that the list was voted on by the most superficial, normalfag, EOP hololive "fans", aka mythtards

>> No.58519380

Now this is straight up bullshit

>> No.58519417

To be fair crossick killed itself

>> No.58519482

crossick is dead, it isn't vague either since the chuubas themselves killed it. There is no possible cope that the several years old pairing will randomly comeback.

>> No.58519499

No shut up. Nothing happen okay

>> No.58519583
Quoted by: >>58520666

there's a fuckton of awesome pairings that could easily be on that list, someone already brought up subaluna, there's also shishilamy, mikorone, any of startend as a pair, pekomoona, fucking hell if they're stuck in 2020 and still listing dead pairs how could they not have named classics like noefure, kanacoco, hoshi no kanata, aqushion, fucking pekomiko? it's baffling, especially since many of them were insanely popular with EOPs too.

>> No.58519764

It's all about who you pander to. Ina panders a lot more to the JP community since she has a shit ton of interactions with them, and makes a type of content that appeals them more. She's clearly more of a JP fan.
Meanwhile, Kiara and Mori are way more active in the EN sphere than in the JP one, and they even pander to people who are completely outside of the Hololive box.
That's like comparing Anya's fanbase and Ollie's fanbase, they clearly come from two different parts of the community.

>> No.58519874
Quoted by: >>58520041

But thats still stupid. Why did the EN account tweet out "MYTH IS RUNNING A POLL FOR THEIR THIRD ANNIVERSARY, GO VOTE!" instead of having Kiara do it.

>> No.58520041

No wonder I did not know about the poll, since I do not use Twitter

>> No.58520165

Didnt peko and miko hate each other for a while?

>> No.58520265
Quoted by: >>58520639

Micomet fucking sucks.

>> No.58520308

miko raped pekora which is why they went so long without interacting, only recently after a lot of time and counseling have they finally started the healing process

>> No.58520639
File: 396 KB, 1448x2048, 1689275991358604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58520776


>> No.58520666
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, 1663951181471777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58520718


>> No.58520718

that was a brainfart of the highest order gomen. i'm much more used to typing shishilamy than shishiwata for some reason.

>> No.58520776
Quoted by: >>58521027

Only Micomet stream I liked was the 3D one with Suisei phasing through the door of Miko's room.
Glad they're friends though.

>> No.58520784
Quoted by: >>58520815

>her art is shit
>AI replacing jpgs for gacha
>japanese artist abuses her by making her sexy because she is korean dog
>bullied by ayame
>cannot speak korean
>her favorite ship, micomet, is dying
>sana graduated after being raped by vesper
>magni, fellow korean, was driven out of hololive by jealous indonesians
It's over.

>> No.58520815
Quoted by: >>58520960

>micomet, is dying
at least try

>> No.58520829
Quoted by: >>58521020

I don't think you needed to learn KFP was retarded to see they've always been the lowest IQ, most easily outraged fanbase.

>> No.58520868
Quoted by: >>58536310

None of the ships matter. What is this, Tumblr? Shipping is for women.

>> No.58520894

People finding it strange that Korone was #1 in attracting EOPs, Korone was so popular that she appeared on Mr. Beast's YouTube Rewind
You may disagree, but how about bringing a source?

>> No.58520913

Seething heimin, go back to /jp.

>> No.58520919

No one worth his time watches Mori or anything with Mori on it, so this is what you end with.

>> No.58520960

>he doesn't know

>> No.58521020
File: 132 KB, 289x255, 918391280312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call KFP retarded when your whole existence revolves around posting lies about a cute Austrian girl and getting banned, eggchama. Whatever their IQ is yours is about 50 points lower.

>> No.58521027
File: 1.02 MB, 592x333, 1678453478974.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the mocopi shitfest? I was bellylaughing from that one

>> No.58521052

It was a little surprising that Micomet and Noafure weren't on the list. Makes you wonder how new the fanbase was that helped provide the answers.
Obviously there are a lot of other ships, but like those two are almost Okakoro tier.

>> No.58521072
Quoted by: >>58533614

anon they literally just came back from travelling overseas together and doing a twitter space where they were sharing a hotel room.

>> No.58521102
File: 374 KB, 593x511, 1682646251970608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noeflare hasn't been a thing for a while. Its behind the scenes and those two don't play into it as much. Also, expecting EOP's to care about Noel and Flare is like expecting EN fans to actually watch members outside of EN.

>> No.58521104
Quoted by: >>58521407

Everyone knows KFPs are disgusting creatures with no intelligence or morality

>> No.58521298
Quoted by: >>58539710

That's fair if they're not playing into it, so it might be tough to expect newfriends to be familiar with it.

>> No.58521407

>being this jealous of KFP
It must sting to see Kiara love us in ways your oshi will never love you

>> No.58522302

Yuck, I will never understand you people. It's AmeSame. gurame sounds dumb

>> No.58522431

It's not about how it sounds, the order matters, you uncultured swine.

>> No.58522455

It's just used as a newfag detector nowadays

>> No.58522722

Admittedly I voted for Noefure during the survey to offset my bias

>> No.58522839

Get mad, I only care about who I watch and none of them is any of the girls I can't understand since they don't speak the best language in the world. Call me a newfag all you want but you had your chance to participate in this poll and didn't so enjoy the results I helped contribute towards.

This guy gets it.

>> No.58523089
Quoted by: >>58526176

>Makes you wonder how new the fanbase was that helped provide the answers
Micomet is not that old, it only started early to mid 2021 and it mostly developed in 2022. Hell, even Amesame is older.

>> No.58523162

So why didn't that dumbfuck Kiara specify for the talent and her "fans" that it was EN exclusive answers only? Because saying "hololive" implies it's actually all branches, not just EN (and Sora for the "who's idol/seiso" questions). Kiara being able to speak JP and doing holotalk serves for fucking nothing judging by her fans.

>> No.58523293

then why target just KFP and not all of myth?

>> No.58523317
Quoted by: >>58523512

Maybe if more of you actually watched Kiara you would have been aware of the poll and participated. Don't hate the results if you don't tune into the game.

>> No.58523368

She basically said if you're kfp to not do the survey

>> No.58523512

>actually watched Kiara
No one with a working brain would willingly subject themselves to that

>> No.58523769

>Make survey
>Ask pre-chat
>during stream: Try to guess Survey, I asked my pre-chat
Where is the problem here? Family Feud is about "guess the survey", not about having accurate result or asking the players for their opinion.
Actually it’s the contrary, it’s funnier when the answers are unexpected.

>> No.58523827
File: 661 KB, 1272x720, 1690027037726582.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58523864

subaluna is not even in the top 5 subaru pairings

>> No.58523880

>almost Okakoro tier
what year is this

>> No.58523888
Quoted by: >>58524011

The HoloEN audience correlates to people that predominantly watch HoloEN. Ken-sama considers this a grave offense.

>> No.58523936
Quoted by: >>58524038

2023, old man. Get with the times. Hoshi no Kanata and Pekomiko are dead. Miko and Suisei rebounded with each other.

>> No.58524011
Quoted by: >>58524145

Still shows how close-minded EN fans are

>> No.58524038
Quoted by: >>58524830

>Get with the times
that was my point, yes

>> No.58524145

Do you think the JP viewers are more open-minded? I doubt they would get even a single EN if they only asked JP. With EN, it was biased, but at least there still was a few JP in the top 5 of each question.

>> No.58524199

I can count on one hand the Miko streams I've missed since 2020.
miComet is real

>> No.58524280
Quoted by: >>58525490

Expecting ~300 EN prechat lurkers to know wtf a micomet or subaluna is hilarious desu. You guys even watch family feud?

>> No.58524295

i cant imagine watching these two and not having a good time

>> No.58524307

AmeSame and TakaMori were chart toppers here so it invalidates whoever they surveyed's taste.

>> No.58524337

Micomet is fake as fuck, we already know Suisei is straight and Miko is a fake lesbian. If U know U know. Check /hlg/ for more details.

>> No.58524400
File: 899 KB, 1529x1147, 1691957542895169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, schizo

>> No.58524436
Quoted by: >>58524492

What do you get out of making shit up and then going
>Tee-hee he doesn't know

>> No.58524492

your reply
pls stop feeding him

>> No.58524563

Crossick failed because it was real, lesbians are inexplicably volatile as fuck and lack the harmonious nature of the gay man

>> No.58524830

True. It's already miComet>>>Okakoro years ago.
There's no other pair that collab together, sing together, talk about each other, and popular together as much as they are

>> No.58524895

Why would anyone ever intentionally watch a Kiara stream?

>> No.58524917
Quoted by: >>58525019

>KFP deserve to be bullied for that list
KFP deserve to be bullied

>> No.58524959
Quoted by: >>58527469

>invades japanese hobby
>upset when hes expected to learn japanese

>> No.58525019
Quoted by: >>58525415

Sorry, but KFP doesn't have time to be bullied. We're too busy winning 24/7.

>> No.58525102
Quoted by: >>58525171

>Takanashi Kiara
That disgusting third world accent alone qualifies her for pig feed and not much else.

>> No.58525171
Quoted by: >>58525251

Accents are hot as fuck, low t take

>> No.58525179

business teetee shouldn't and doesn't count.

>> No.58525251

>Accents are hot
No, they appeal to faggots that can’t get pussy from women in their own culture.
Or Europeans, which aren’t men.

>> No.58525415
Quoted by: >>58529168

I need to come up with a name for (You) in particular, maybe you should start tripfagging with how recognizable you are, kiara's faggot poster

>> No.58525463

PekoMiko > MiComet
PavoNova > PavoNashi
KanaCoco > all

>> No.58525490
Quoted by: >>58525647


>> No.58525527
File: 2.23 MB, 1280x720, business time.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58525728

>> No.58525647

uhhhhhhhhhhh JORSE
>shocked moral barometer man face

>> No.58525728

Disgusting. Lesbians and “women” with no tits should be culled.

>> No.58525974
Quoted by: >>58529050

>KanaCoco in 2023
Anon Kanata is not a necrophilia. She prefers an alive orca than a dead dragon

>> No.58526176
Quoted by: >>58528293

newfag, micomet is from 2020

>> No.58526201
Quoted by: >>58526727

Fake of what? They don't even do a bit of yuri baiting unlike other popular couplings
What are they faking then? lol

>> No.58526219
File: 31 KB, 273x233, 1643313335585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58526278

Gayer than every ship in this thread

>> No.58526422

kill yourself amerimutt

>> No.58526727

miComet fakes not being a couple

>> No.58527257

That's valid

>> No.58527469

I'm not upset, I just chose to watch only who I care about. If anything, (YOU) are upset that people such as myself voted in such a way in this poll. Don't like the results? Then get off your ass and take fucking part.

>> No.58527480

>losing an argument
>time to break the "HE DOESN'T KNOW" emergency glass
works every time

>> No.58527627

lesbianfags are annoying

>> No.58527731

>I deliberately entered a thread full of things I don't like

>> No.58528293

Not sure what you want to prove by larping as an oldfag, but no, they were already deep into 2021 when micomet started being a thing.

>> No.58529050

Heimin here, Kanata is for Chloe fish pussy only.

>> No.58529168 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 211x194, 821378217391223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to come up with a name for (You) in particular
I'd be honored. I've gotten about 6 Kiara antis banned this week btw. Care to make it a seventh?

>> No.58529869

I find it really endearing actually

>> No.58530185 [DELETED] 

EN watchers are basically niggers.

>> No.58531099

See this is the shit I'm talking about, this low IQ retard thinks everyone is a transgender filipino shitposter who killed himself in 2021. Seek help, or at least fuck off and stop posting.

>> No.58532004
File: 15 KB, 125x72, miko!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58532731

>> No.58532178

>Cuckbeats and KFPiss being the loudest minorities again

Dance monkeys dance.

>> No.58532267

I bet you call Mori "Calli" too, redditard.

>> No.58532605

It's a biased survey, I mean KFP don't watch JP and miComet fans like me don't watch Kiara.

>> No.58532635
Quoted by: >>58535207

Do you mean KFP you deflecting retard? They were the only ones polled.

>> No.58532731

its really true

>> No.58533024

Fumamoco trumps all them niggas

>> No.58533226
Quoted by: >>58533433

>had your chance to participate in this poll
You mean KFP had their chance to convince the rest of us they aren't mouth breathing EOP retards and they failed horribly.

>> No.58533301

This is honestly true.
They don't push any fake yuri baiting they just are.

>> No.58533316

Why don't you fucktards ever post links? You aren't gatekeeping anyone you are just wasting people's time.

>> No.58533353
Quoted by: >>58534823

Surprised so many of the holos can keep up the pairing shit. If you've even got a llittle bit of an ego then it falls a part.

>> No.58533433

English speakers don't watch Kiara, KFP is all SEA

>> No.58533442

Obvious seeing as kiaras fanbase in a bunch of pinoys.
Noone in their right mind would put any EN pair above okakoro or micomet

>> No.58533614
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58534785

>Sharing a room
>he doesn't know what happened to pekora when the elite saw her reading LO

>> No.58534116

I saw the Clip comments, there was more brown there than in a public restroom, so I don't think that angle is going to work

>> No.58534184

>KFP is all SEA
>t. projecting SEA

>> No.58534441

What a weird tactic you’re trying to push since the last few days.
KFP is SEA because... They had an ad on three tuktuk a year ago? But the 75% of donation being american dollars means nothing?

>> No.58534785

>if you can kiss you can do it
Well, was Suisei able to kiss?

>> No.58534823

Not really. NoeFlare, PekoMiko, FestivaLuna, HaaWata, HoshinoKanata, ShishiLamy...
There're many duos that were closest to each other once but hardly collab anymore.
Even there was a time when OkaKoro barely interacted(on-screen), and currently they stopped yuri baiting.
I think miComet is the longest coupling that could keep the distance that close and it's exactly because they experienced "break up" with other pair already and decided to go full on "buisiness".
They're not okay with pairing and they know it well.

>> No.58535109

>They're not okay with pairing
that's not true at all
what they're not ok with are fans that exclusively like the pairing, aka shipfags
they succeeded since almost all miComet fans are fans of one or both first, that's the point of the separation

>> No.58535207
Quoted by: >>58535581

i don't give a shit about your retarded fanbase wars, KFP or not the voters are clearly EOPs.

>> No.58535262

I hate MiComet because I'm a Shiraken purist and also a AquSuifag.

>> No.58535269

>and currently they stopped yuri baiting.

>> No.58535501
File: 294 KB, 2048x1536, F5_yC4ubQAAyPlG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58535694

>> No.58535572

the only time they've ever spoken up was to directly address the rude and over the top bullshit that is (rarely) said in their chats or on their tweets

>> No.58535581
Quoted by: >>58535684

You clearly are coping right noiw kfp. There would be more room for JPs if every poll wasn't filled with >KIARA KIARA KIARA

>> No.58535627
Quoted by: >>58535780

MiComet is a purely business pairing? It's literally just a damage control pekomiko

>> No.58535684
Quoted by: >>58535754

i don't even fucking watch EN save for a few special occasions, you're barking at the wrong tree and you don't even realize because your brainrot really wants you to keep shitposting. get lost.

>> No.58535694

gonna need the sauce on this one

>> No.58535727

hoshi no kanata...

>> No.58535754
Quoted by: >>58536254

>you're barking at the wrong tree
Esl. Why do you fags insist on using euphemisms?

>> No.58535780

you could've watched streams but instead you chose to be comically wrong

>> No.58535804

>lolol we're not dating dumbass lolol
>even if you believe it don't say it idiot
I sure am convinced

>> No.58535817

I hate Micomet because they have a general full of schizos that they use to raid any threads that go against their schizo headcanon
Micomet is not real and will never be real. I will expose them for what they are. I will destroy Micomet.

>> No.58535883
File: 38 KB, 128x128, 1665863441226674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58535951

you lost

>> No.58535895

This just convinces me they are both mentally weak.

>> No.58535951
Quoted by: >>58536043


>> No.58536022
Quoted by: >>58536166

What happened to pekomiko?

>> No.58536043
File: 212 KB, 292x358, shit eating grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58536092
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>> No.58536129

I'm gonna keep it real
I didn't even know they had a general. Explains a lot

>> No.58536166

no one really knows
behind the scenes drama
the sleepover meme is funny, but people that were there at the time know those timelines are way off

>> No.58536254
Quoted by: >>58536489

You'll get em next time anon

>> No.58536310
File: 324 KB, 500x500, 1687688085972338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you believe there is so much shit flinging in this thread?

>> No.58536433
Quoted by: >>58536576

>shits up thread with micomet stuff
>"wow why micometfags like this"
>get greedy and try to shit up their actual general with "wow faggots why do you raid other threads?"
>get torn a new one by everyone in there and get irrefutably exposed by everyone
>now trying to push this one from the outside with no context
it was really fucking funny seeing it all happen in real time and I'm not letting you get away with it

>> No.58536463
Quoted by: >>58536556

Only duo that's cofirmed that it fell apart because of ecxessive shipping is PekoMiko.
NoeFlare might be the one too but the others I named are most likely not the case.
SubaLuna gets shipped a lot but they seemed to be okay with it cuz they took time to grow actual friendship.

>> No.58536489
Quoted by: >>58536639

I got him this time. He was screaming about EOPs not knowing anything meanwhile he is one of the polled KFPs and outed himself as an ESL.

>> No.58536536
Quoted by: >>58536865

>poll EN fans
>get EN answers
What kind of retard gets mad about this

>> No.58536556

>NoeFlare might be the one too
It isn't anti.

>> No.58536576
File: 298 KB, 507x415, FEfYvnVaIAA05dS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based archivist anon
miComet and Miko in general attract a shitload of slander on here

>> No.58536630
Quoted by: >>58536763

Micometfags seething in response to this, looks like you caught a raid in progress

>> No.58536639

Anon... lol

>> No.58536763
Quoted by: >>58537011

>visit a thread literally called "micometkeks?"
>wonders why there's micometkeks in it
Are you a fucking retard by any chance? And why are you talking to yourself?

>> No.58536865

Nah it goes more ike
>poll KFP
>get KFP answers
>use it for a collab
Poll EN or Myth fans in general and you won't get TakaMori in your top10 let alone top5

>> No.58537011

That's not me, looks like there are multiple people tired of Micomet.

>> No.58537017

>Poll EN or Myth fans in general and you won't get TakaMori in your top10 let alone top5
Wrong. Takamori would still come in at #1 since it's the most popular ship in EN.

>> No.58537141

lol why is there a seething councilkek in this thread

>> No.58537226
Quoted by: >>58538216

I don't think you'd get micomet either, it's much less of a thing in the ENsphere. By the numbers that would probably just put amesame on top, and maybe introduce kromei.

>> No.58537458
File: 373 KB, 2048x1536, F5yqKc8acAA0Ugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58537474
Quoted by: >>58537592

>That's not me it's more people I swear
you quite literally always say this when someone exposes you, it's really funny.

>> No.58537592

This is the first time I posted in this thread but keep trying to expose something that doesn't exist kek

>> No.58537681

>At least Pavonashi is somewhat relevant
Sure thing Reine

>> No.58537710

every ship on that list is dead kek
it's just fans trying to hold onto something that's no longer there

>> No.58537715
Quoted by: >>58538188

Thanks for not denying you're a retard, I was worried for a second there

>> No.58537895

Daily reminder that the thing that matters for the importance of a ship is how much fanart it gets.

>> No.58538065

>Poll EN or Myth fans in general and you won't get TakaMori in your top10 let alone top5
Lmao wtf is this cope. If that were to be the case, not a single Jp pairing would make it into that list, it would be all ENs you fucking retard.

>> No.58538093
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>> No.58538188

So you admit you're a raiding micometkek?

>> No.58538216
Quoted by: >>58538555

Chat was literally spamming "micomet" after AmeSame and OkaKoro appeared on the list.
But it's not a thing among EN fans "kay

>> No.58538320

>calls people that were literally invited to the thread in its title "raiders"
That's a retard alright KEK

>> No.58538325
Quoted by: >>58538616

link any attempt to raid anything, schizo

>> No.58538407

I have no horse in this race but by God you're stupid, made me (You)

>> No.58538433

>Seething about /u/ships
Very low T of you anons

>> No.58538555
Quoted by: >>58539025

I mean, clearly it isn't as much of a thing as the 5 that won. KFP probably overrepresented the kiara ships but they're probably somewhat representative of EN fans overall. Do you think chumbuds and teamates are particularly into micomet?

>> No.58538616

You can just open up their general, literally the first thing you see, they're not even hiding it

>> No.58538743

I definitely cared a lot more about Miko when she wasn't all about Micomet and Siraken, which is basically another excuse to spam Micomet.

>> No.58538792

okay that genuinely made me laugh, you're alright anon.

>> No.58538859

>post a link to the thread
>post on the other thread calling it a raid
>the time difference between the posts is literally a minute
Lmao, anon you are not very smart.

>> No.58538875


>> No.58539025
Quoted by: >>58539213

>KFP represent EN fans overall but chat spamming micomet and screaming "what" to know it didn't make it top5
what kind of logic is that?

>> No.58539076
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>> No.58539132
Quoted by: >>58539347

t. doesn't watch Miko

>> No.58539213
Quoted by: >>58539827

I guess chat isn't the same as twitter?

>> No.58539254
Quoted by: >>58539482

Hoshiyomi here. I despise micomet. I hate yuribaiting and yurifags in general, they are obnoxious cunts, and like anything in hololive they will beat it to death by bringing it up cosntantly. Like holy fuck you still have those dead ships from 2020, boing boing, etc.
>B-but what about Suisei bringing up old shit
If she wants to bring up sociopath stuff it's fune, but it's annoying when fans try to make unrelated moments back to her being a sociopath, liking shounen, etc.

>> No.58539347

Not anymore, I don't. That's exactly what I was implying in my post, anon.

>> No.58539473
Quoted by: >>58540116

that's because you're a seething pekomikofag.

>> No.58539482

Literally Suisei herself bring up Miko in every stream she does
It's beem a hard time for you huh? lol

>> No.58539494
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>> No.58539558

Personally I never understood the logic behind hating something purely because of its community. You could end up hating pretty much anything if you look hard enough that way.

>> No.58539578
Quoted by: >>58539622

Women talk about their friends yes.

>> No.58539622

Suisei and Miko are lesbian girlfriends.

>> No.58539710 [DELETED] 

>Girl literally has breakdown on RM stream about how she's still single and wants a BF
>People STILL think she's in a lesbian relationship with her co-worker
LMAO this is why you don't go all in and start buying rings to convince people it's not kayfabe.

>> No.58539802
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Quoted by: >>58541282

more miComet live

>> No.58539827

In this context KFP= who voted, EN fans= chat right? What does twitter have to do with this

>> No.58539923
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>> No.58540116

Whatever makes you sleep at night, anon.
Nobody else has ever leaned into their ship nearly as much as Micomet does, I just find it tiring.

>> No.58540222

At first I didn't care for it and was also really tired of hearing from each other all the time but over time I couldn't help but find it endearing how they simply feel really happy about having a true friend in each other.

(I want more MiKorone and StartEnd reigns supreme though god they're fucking great)

>> No.58540543
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>> No.58540798

Reminder that the poll that she sent to KFP, and I repeat ONLY KFP BECAUSE IT WAS IN HER PRECHAT IN HER CHANNEL WITH FULL OF GREEN NAMES TALKING TO HER, had a deleted question about "What is your favorite holo original song and the name of the member who made it" because KFP only put Kiara songs, it was that bad that Kiara had to type "If you're KFP don't participate" when already all the KFP chat and discords participated on it and the poll got closed in the next 4 min

>> No.58540868
Quoted by: >>58544580

Why did she hold the poll just in her prechat though? Why not post it on twitter?

>> No.58541207

That makes me already tired of it as well. Adding onto the fact it was obviously some Cover employee's pet project so the company itself keeps pushing it everywhere.

>> No.58541282
Quoted by: >>58541442

holy shit so this is what the trip was about

>> No.58541442

That doesn't make sense, that concert is in Japan

>> No.58541626


>> No.58541846
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>> No.58544580
Quoted by: >>58544912

If you're an idiot and don't know how family feud works they only poll 100 people so posting it on twitter would be too big of a sample size. Kiara just had a problem of finding non-biased people given the time constraints.

>> No.58544912

the only biased result was pavonashi, every other ship mentioned has decent mindshare.

>> No.58547488
Quoted by: >>58547738

Micomet is still the best

>> No.58547738
Quoted by: >>58550236

It's fake as fuck. Only women ship that shit

>> No.58547924
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>> No.58548033

>a deleted question about "What is your favorite holo original song and the name of the member who made it" because KFP only put Kiara songs
This is a lie. Kiara deleted the question because there are 300+ Hololive songs and she received too many different answers to process. Care to explain why you're lying?

>> No.58550236
Quoted by: >>58552696

miComet is genuine, now compare them to TakaMori the fakest shit ever

>> No.58552696

I don't care about your ships war woman, show your tits or choke on a dick

>> No.58552841
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>> No.58553768

newfags should be stabbed with a pike

>> No.58554592

Miko really puts Suisei everywhere wtf

>> No.58555726
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