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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.58501762

Huh? There aren't any men in Hololive. Who are these people?

>> No.58501790

buy an ad

>> No.58501799
Quoted by: >>58501932

For someone who despise Holostars, you sure do care about them a lot

>> No.58501932

Learn English.

>> No.58502126
Quoted by: >>58502346

>no Hololive members in the screenshot
what did he mean by this?

>> No.58502329

Gay segg
Get it?
Segg lolol lmao such good shit

>> No.58502346

>visit forum for vtuber fans
>doesn't know about the biggest vtuber corp
>doesn't even know vtubers
i'm starting to see a pattern with the retards /here/ lol

>> No.58502368
File: 276 KB, 1277x445, 1694607257855874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58502377

If it were a woman you'd be okay with it

>> No.58502404
Quoted by: >>58502514

>Tourist is so clueless he doesn't even realize people are making fun of how much of a retard he is.
Will screenshot this thread, too funny.

>> No.58502416

jesus christ do you just stalk them 24/7? I checked and even homo thread posted this 10 min later

>> No.58502428 [DELETED] 

>The language

>> No.58502499


>> No.58502514

inb4 the obligatory
>I-I was only pretending to be retarded! Don't you get muh irony, muh satire?!
Sure thing sister.

>> No.58502515
Quoted by: >>58502553

Posting with broken English generated more (you), and you fell for it

>> No.58502553
Quoted by: >>58506777


>> No.58502722


They're not Hololive, I don't know what you're getting so antsy about. They're Holostars. And no, Hololive Productions is not the same as Hololive, just like how Soccer isn't Basketball because they're both in the "Ball game" group.

>> No.58502726 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>58504040

This can't be a real language.

>> No.58502877
File: 102 KB, 850x601, IMG_7911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58504040

>literally same fucking retard posts this same shit again
Revealing a different language opens you up to insults in general but that goes a thousand times more for seanogs

>> No.58502923
Quoted by: >>58505712

>Soccer isn't Basketball
That's wrong though. In soccer, you kick the ball into the basket, therefore it is basketball. Football, however, isn't football, since you don't kick the "ball" and the "ball" is in fact an egg. Therefore "football" should be soccer and "soccer" should be called footbasketball (to differentiate from handbasketball or "basketball" as we know it).

>> No.58502955
File: 190 KB, 748x727, 1694680494388677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got the Vox seal of approval.

>> No.58503889


>> No.58504040
Quoted by: >>58506011

I doubt that’s a flip. We flips always use english as default language online.

>> No.58504258
Quoted by: >>58524965

HomoEN is a mistake. There are many decent men in this world but omegatranny picked those faggots

>> No.58504286

>Give da boiz a chance you incel!!

>> No.58504287

fpbp tempiss will never be Hololive

>> No.58504320

Ame we need you, these guys need sex.

>> No.58504423
File: 258 KB, 430x463, 1692172736723594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nijifag trying to troll while understanding the subject matter challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]

>> No.58504579


>> No.58504867
Quoted by: >>58528809

fanservicing fans and gay yumes/unicorns

>> No.58505365


>> No.58505557

Are they NijiEN new hires?

>> No.58505638
File: 442 KB, 640x640, 1661570148492190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There aren't any men in Hololive
Excuse me?

>> No.58505712
File: 771 KB, 1103x621, Braves Miko Thumbs Up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And baseball should be called basedball because it's the most based sport

>> No.58505845

Fuck you.

>> No.58506011

I believe no one was saying that, seaniggers are mostly Indonesians

>> No.58506056

Go neck yourself nijisis

>> No.58506090

Miko is not a Barves fan fuck off

>> No.58506777

I don't pretend that I'm an esl tho, learning nips take more priority

>> No.58508737

Miko is a Penaldo fan since Pekora's a Messi fan, and since they're rivals and Miko tried to rape Pekora's ass everything makes sense

>> No.58510207

funny stuff

>> No.58512015

all me

>> No.58513735


>> No.58513835


>> No.58513881


>> No.58514023

>vox kneel to homoshitter
The king have fallen.

>> No.58514050

That’s not hololive retard, hololive is all girls, this has been stated multiple times, the homo side branch does not count as hololive

>> No.58514102

Way to out yourself as a nijinig

>> No.58514115

Holy retard, he wasn’t “pretending to be retarded”, he was referencing the fact that these homos are in their own containment branch and are not considered to be apart of hololive

>> No.58514159

oh, a sister
could you make it less obvious, please? it's not fun when there isn't a challenge

>> No.58514389

tow truck....

>> No.58514445

thats gramatically correct you troglodyte

>> No.58516646

nothing i hate more than people who take screenshots of their own fucking posts from other platforms. very akin to belly-laughing at your own jokes that you think are amazing but actually suck ass. fucking cringe.

>> No.58516670


>> No.58517091

epic. simply epic.
epic ftw.

>> No.58517139
Quoted by: >>58528926

It says "holostars" right there, man

>> No.58517664
File: 47 KB, 259x247, shutupsister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mfers still scared over unfunny "dudes" larping as femnoids? i think it's time to stop worrying about the m*les. as you have seen, they are of no importance, hold no weight in the community, and they are as menhera if not more than the female streamers. instead you should be worried about the charismatic schizos in the chat making your oshi fall in love with them. double that if youre the chuubas s/o. we will steal your bitch.

>> No.58517940

>they are of no importance, hold no weight in the community, and they are as menhera if not more than the female streamers
Yet they still get more resources thrown their way than the girls. If, after trying to grift with the holo girls, they got the original Stars treatment, nobody in this hellhole would care about them again except their few generals.

>> No.58520623

Astaghfirllah, how could they try to equate god and jesus to sex?

>> No.58520677
Quoted by: >>58526462

>they are of no importance, hold no weight in the community, and they are as menhera if not more than the female streamers
Yes, that makes them easy to gatekeep away from the girls. The gatekeeping will never stop btw.

>> No.58520744
File: 67 KB, 233x189, 1666369566064068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58526226

>sees Tempus 2
>gets out

>> No.58522420

I legit had no idea these people were in hololive. I've seen their names before but assumed they were indie or small corpo shit.

>> No.58522542

>someone who despise

>> No.58522593

*Top tier HOMOstar humor

>> No.58522738

>bro you don't understand bro tempus are brotubers bro they're DIFFERENT from the fujobaiters at nijiEN bro

>> No.58522865

do you guys ever get tired of shitting yourselves furiously over the most mundane shit imaginable

>> No.58524907

So what's the nijinigger yab today? There's an awful lot of Tempus deflection threads.

>> No.58524965

>There are many decent men in this world
I don't believe this at all

>> No.58525306
Quoted by: >>58525517

How long until we see the Hologirl discord message?

>> No.58525517

Even worse has happened. Bae leaked the discord invite of a specially made server for the sponsored event with her, kronii, and fauna.

Some anons were able to join in and started spam pinging them with rrats, but nothing of substance was in the server other than details on the sponsorship

>> No.58525587
File: 154 KB, 350x350, 1664329004236376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit ain't Hololive lmao

>> No.58526036

Actually funnier than Whorolive

>> No.58526226
Quoted by: >>58526852

>leaves Holostars
>his jokes immediately devolve into "pussy pussy pussy, vagina vagina"

>> No.58526462
File: 378 KB, 903x600, eradicate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep fighting the good fight brother, i'm on your left

>> No.58526852
File: 64 KB, 640x640, based retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget jokes about Israel

>> No.58528702

Oh, but when a Hololive female member says the same type of joke, you'll laugh. Y'all are fucking hypocrites

>> No.58528753

so true, sister

>> No.58528809

Nothing about that post is fujobaiting but if it were, there's nothing wrong with giving your fans fanservice. It's just a different type of fanservice.

>> No.58528926

but no "hololive" tho??

>> No.58528944
Quoted by: >>58529073

Show me a single instant of a Hololive member telling the same type of joke.

>> No.58529073


>> No.58531127


>> No.58532458

how can you read >>58501762 and not realize that he is taking the piss - are sisters really this fucking clueless?

>> No.58532585

every single one of you guys is a huge fucking retard, and your continued existence punishment for us all.

May Allah strike you all down as mercy to everyone else

>> No.58532989

This feels so staged.
They can't be this unfunny

>> No.58533166

Jesus Christ man how are you so fucking dumb?
