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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.86 MB, 2984x4459, 1680580586402386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58301534 No.58301534 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>58294020

>> No.58301545
File: 516 KB, 1755x2095, 1671881347977366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58301617


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.58301560

TT are glorified paid shills. Of course they will never accomplish anything notable besides having their niche podcast.

>> No.58301581
Quoted by: >>58301653

because woman

Also holy shit why are you so fucking slow you dumb fuck OP
kill yourself

>> No.58301582
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1000, 1663561655417795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58302771


>> No.58301585

is Mumei this hot?

>> No.58301588

its supposed to be rion gold, but eh.

>> No.58301598
File: 594 KB, 1068x705, 1694439354565887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>randon in 3 minutes
Let go watch him and support him

>> No.58301597

Zoomer + fps should be an automatic discard

>> No.58301599

>Raden likes to smoke
>Smokes Winston
Could she have at least chosen a better brand?

>> No.58301604

This thread is going to be trash

>> No.58301606

Holy shit thread incoming

>> No.58301619
Quoted by: >>58301669

she doesn't really enjoy streaming, she made that pretty clear early on

>> No.58301617


>> No.58301622

CCV predictions for the next batch of ReGLOSS streams?

>> No.58301633
File: 255 KB, 429x362, 1684843614105250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58301644

Who the fuck is TT?

>> No.58301653

I don't know how JPkeks insist on Laplus staying when she's showing a tendencies to be Mori 2.0, worst is that Mori is more subtle and less upfront on referencing her hater, but Laplus doing it the Miguel ways of confronting them.
It's stupid, I don't want her to pull her gen down to her level since KoyoKoyo is a genuinely hardworking woman.

>> No.58301658

All the brothers want to do is coom 4 moom all day

>> No.58301657

>not king op
COWARDlive sisters?

>> No.58301666


>> No.58301669

So basically she got permission from management to go to Twitch to hide that she doesn't really like streaming and make up an excuse why she doesn't like her numbers in YT?

>> No.58301688


>> No.58301689
File: 300 KB, 1332x1075, 1694445569492454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58301746

are there creators like this in EN

>> No.58301697

trash taste

>> No.58301709 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 685x725, TowaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58301711
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>> No.58301713
File: 261 KB, 1080x1715, 34401511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you comment in her recent stream, she will probably reply to you

>> No.58301720

kingwho? it's rion gold

>> No.58301725
Quoted by: >>58301777

do you actually watch the stream? be honest anon

>> No.58301734

It'd be Rion lewds if anything. The winning stream wasn't on Tokyo Ghoul's channel.

>> No.58301746
Quoted by: >>58301831

forgot link, fuck

>> No.58301750

Raden 40k

>> No.58301758
Quoted by: >>58301926

she still friends with connor and the rest of TT they show up at all of notMori shows backstage, but im pretty sure she's smart enough to know that the holo fanbase would dog pile her if she did anything with then on Mori.

>> No.58301762
File: 51 KB, 200x196, flaugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6vwrjh.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58301767

>Mori 2.0
Retarded comparison. Mori has done a lot of stupid things but she NEVER told her audience that all she cared about was their money.

>> No.58301777
Quoted by: >>58301989

I did, and what you gonna do about it? Defend Lap-sama more?

>> No.58301783

I come back from playing Starfield for 3 hours and see La+ is having a mental meltdown again. What the fuck is wrong with this girl

>> No.58301785
Quoted by: >>58302845

I hate Advent. Go back.

>> No.58301790
File: 66 KB, 267x267, 1694341614785484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way she that fucking dumb
is she really replying all hate comment?

>> No.58301793

Holy retardGOD

>> No.58301797

Tony Todd

>> No.58301796


>> No.58301805
File: 336 KB, 564x694, 1676587731396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Fauna Starfield

>> No.58301810

kek what a retard

>> No.58301811


>> No.58301812


>> No.58301826

Jezas That's even worst than Mori, how the fuck did she became like this?

>> No.58301827


>> No.58301831

doesnt YUUSHA have an EN channel?

>> No.58301840

she's so easy..
lapschizo, i admit defeat

>> No.58301845

This is tricky to defend...

>> No.58301851

I thought she put a frame up, I need to send my snail super sticker

>> No.58301855
File: 18 KB, 126x126, 1691642006919457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58301858


>> No.58301863


>> No.58301867

all holo zoomers need to have dedicated hag holo

>> No.58301878

Honorary NijiJP

>> No.58301881

La+ owning ze haters arc let's go!
Her faults for spending time with 5ch schizos.

>> No.58301885

her numbers in YT shorts is pretty fine, probably only behind sencho and a few others in hololive proper. Not all her shorts gets views, but that's the nature of shorts algo.

>1.8M in 3months

>1.2M in 1.5 months

>1.1M in 2 months

as a holo numberfag, i can get behind the shorts strategy. i pity plusmates for getting the short end of the stick however.

>> No.58301896
File: 137 KB, 1100x1500, 15792175796392100139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58302455


>> No.58301911
Quoted by: >>58302106

This is the difference between her and Goobs. Gura would never be dumb enough to do this

>> No.58301912
Quoted by: >>58302233

>Her fanbase unironically call her Money Mori
nice try deadcuck

>> No.58301913

And it didn't even take that long to prove my post... godddddd why

>> No.58301914

Just so you know, I'm not stopping until Ao is last.

>> No.58301915
File: 27 KB, 254x212, 1691891074747199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58301916

Time for another management mandated mental health break?

>> No.58301918

JPs call La+ JP Mori because she is disliked over there for roommate stuff similar to how Mori is disliked here, but that dislike isn't carried beyond the scope of of their main fandom (like Mori is generally well received in Japan and La+ is generally well received outside of Japan). That's the entire basis of the the usage.

>> No.58301926
Quoted by: >>58307569

Those niggas are NOT jet setting around the world to go to NotMori's concerts they have better shit to do lmao
I get what you mean but it's better to say they show up to SOME of her shows, not all. Giguk is not flying out to america for a concert

>> No.58301947

You don’t really have to entertain chat during FPS streams and no need to make thumbnails like on YT.

>> No.58301948

She's really going off the deep end.

>> No.58301952

Welp, at least it makes sense given her age unlike Rushia being a hag and acting like a recently graduated teenager.

>> No.58301960

maybe is the newfags here but didnt she do this already?
im quite sure she has repleid to bunch of critiques before.

>> No.58301965
Quoted by: >>58302166

It's human nature to focus on the negative. It's very difficult to be someone that tries her best to only focus on the positives and only on her supporters. Take Gura as an example. She has never given the time of day to haters, even when it's from weakbuds sperging out at her. No snarky remark. No scolding. Just nothing at all.
The old Mori would probably have light up that Joshua guy sperging out at FWMC on Twitter and made him a martyr. Instead today she just quietly cut ties from him and moved on, which is the better way to do things.

>> No.58301974

Shorts don't make dough though right? I don't know if it's true obviously.
Only reason I said that is because I saw a lot of shorts from people making them that it doesn't bring in profit.

>> No.58301979
Quoted by: >>58302063

Holy shit, I missed her stream and last thread, this is how she comes back? Fucking menhera zoomer, what a fucking idiot.

>> No.58301985
Quoted by: >>58302450

>to hide that she doesn't really like streaming
Didn't she say that in her debut stream, about her desire to go with the
>uploaded videos
meta instead of live streaming?

I say she'll fail miserably but she's at least consistent in this

>> No.58301989
Quoted by: >>58302039

She spend literally half the stream defending holo from antis. of course only the slides where she's talking about her future activities are posted itt. prove to me you aren't full of shit threadreaderfag

>> No.58302017

welp time for another hiatus and miss another holox anniv live

>> No.58302020


>> No.58302022
File: 46 KB, 736x552, 169383456372430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58302493

Manechan doko? Take her account away from her now.

>> No.58302031
Quoted by: >>58302052

Laplus already spelled it out. She cares about numbers more than money

>> No.58302037

this is why all the loli chuubas you will get from now on will be voiced by hags, they are far superior

>> No.58302039

nta but she shouldn't be giving attention to antis in the first place

>> No.58302041
Quoted by: >>58302133

It's ALWAYS never a good thing to do this, ALWAYS RBI no matter what situation you're in

>> No.58302042

Don't these people have fucking friends that will just tell them to stop digging?
This is insane

>> No.58302052

What's the point of numbers if it doesn't bring money then?
To feel good?

>> No.58302054

she isnt doing this for money.
just to keep content going.

>> No.58302058

Get Aloe'd soon

>> No.58302061

Is Raden Hololive's first 50k+ streamer?

>> No.58302063

She’s just saying she’s not complaining and want to do short video. Am i missing something

>> No.58302064

Everytime she does this, she goes on a long menhera break (probably stealth suspension)

>> No.58302080
File: 490 KB, 1281x691, 159222334614451412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overlapped unraided mori
>Mogs luxiem top dogs
>Mogs your massively promoted anniversary stream
>Mogs your JP pandering handcam

>> No.58302083
File: 751 KB, 842x1028, 1676684543265692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58302176

>young woman
It's all groomers anon

>> No.58302091
Quoted by: >>58302128

she doesn't care about money, she rather have views and subs
that's literally one point of her stream

>> No.58302096

>stealth suspension
this isn't niji

>> No.58302099

She need some therapy.

>> No.58302100

I mean people host money losing events all the time just for ego

>> No.58302106

This proves that La+ was never bullied in school. Gura has first hand experience dealing with haters.

>> No.58302112
File: 150 KB, 850x1200, 16832452794077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58302346

We LOVE miss Darknessss in this thread DESU~~~~

>> No.58302115

>probably stealth suspension
Nice try, nijisis

>> No.58302117
File: 1.23 MB, 959x1147, 2nd stream numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58305238

The power gap between this gen is pretty insane.
Although Raden did get a buff from not showig her face that much during debut.

>> No.58302128
Quoted by: >>58302533

But point 3 in her slide is money.

>> No.58302133

unless is something REALLY stupid like what mysta and mmori did.
shouldnt be an issue, this is a short answer saying stream isnt everything which is ok and is aware of the curretn situation. which is how she repsonded back then to to some critique

>> No.58302140
Quoted by: >>58302215

It's worse because she spent a whole month without streaming on her channel, comeback with a stream saying she is focusing on fucking TWITCH and then does this

>> No.58302159

Niji EN and Tempus are a failure, why even try?

>> No.58302166
Quoted by: >>58309014

Gura literally address the weakbuds complaining every time stop using that as an example. The whole reason weakbuds keep sperging is because she keeps saying she wants to try and do better which is literally addressing them

>> No.58302174

La+ seems to be the JP Gura. Tons of talent and potential that gets squandered and never fully harnessed due to the talent's lack of motivation and/or ambition.

>> No.58302176
File: 748 KB, 3504x2290, 1676810441852824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's young women but just women in general
This is why I trust my oshis because they have each other

>> No.58302177
File: 109 KB, 400x400, 1694268692364424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori-chan Kakkoiii

>> No.58302184
Quoted by: >>58302261

Well i guess /5ch/ chuuba is a mistake.

>> No.58302189

LOL, this is why nijiJP is better

>> No.58302193
File: 943 KB, 800x564, numbers peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> her combination of streams + shorts + video uploads causes her shorts to not get recommended
Why does this sound like yet another retarded management "advice"?
Their stupid fucking statsmen already made a statement that they were planning to focus more on shorts... it just feels like a weird thing to prioritize, especially for Laplus.

>> No.58302196
Quoted by: >>58302368

do JP pronounce Raden as in Bin Laden?

>> No.58302198

mori slowly recovering?

>> No.58302212

she wants to 世界征服

>> No.58302215
Quoted by: >>58302298

it is worse if fps content is posted to youtube.

>> No.58302221

>deflecting to Gura
Fuck off

>> No.58302223

First and last time Cover hires someone from ReAct, Leona will never come home

>> No.58302225

The retarded shit that gets posted in this thread sometimes.

>> No.58302228

Laplus friends were disappointed her Holo clout didn’t transfer to her rm project iirc

>> No.58302233
Quoted by: >>58303017

I assume because she shills a bunch and has talked about money stuff more than other . That's different from coming out and saying "my top 3 concerns are about the numbers, numbers and money"; it's not even the attitude which rubs people the wrong way, it's coming out and admitting to it.

>> No.58302234
Quoted by: >>58302310

>le retard keeps trying to equate la+ to gura

>> No.58302235


>> No.58302244
Quoted by: >>58302327

Laplus has had nonstop shilling and support from the company for almost two years. Cover abandoned EN for longer than that. They're not similar at all.

>> No.58302261


>> No.58302263
File: 23 KB, 590x216, 1693686967894175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laplus is replying to a bunch of people in the comments lol

>> No.58302266
File: 874 KB, 850x1279, 389189889057043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute wife

>> No.58302267
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Quoted by: >>58302311


>> No.58302271

the Tobu Tojo line runs from Tokyo to Saitama

>> No.58302279
Quoted by: >>58302411

Nijisisters really going all out I see.

>> No.58302278
Quoted by: >>58302497

> Gura
> Replying to random Youtube anti comments

>> No.58302292

rumao you wish nijikek

>> No.58302297

jesas I have never seen an official post this universally panned

>> No.58302296
Quoted by: >>58302465

Uh, she basically said she didn't stream for 1 month to prove to management her point. Management had nothing to do on what she is complaining right now.

>> No.58302298
Quoted by: >>58302680

>FPS content
It's not only that tho. On her own words
>Youtube: VOD plataform
>Twitch: Streaming

>> No.58302304
Quoted by: >>58302422

Hilarious how all the shitposts about holo en comes true for holo jp.
>People thought advent would be homo friendly turned out incorrect. Regloss came out and all the girls are homo friendly.
>People thought mori would leave hololive for ecelebs meanwhile laplus did much more and extra.

>> No.58302310

Feel free to make a defense if you think it's a bad comparison, though we both know that's not the case.

>> No.58302311

that flute? my dick

>> No.58302327

And afaik management didn't fucking stop her projects out of nowhere or prohibited her from uploading covers that were pretty much done.

>> No.58302328

Imagine getting mogged by 2023 Mori. NijiCN truly is dead besides events (and even those don't really guarantee good numbers)

>> No.58302336

people has dedicated shorts channel, it's true to some extent.
the real reason is she doesn't like streaming on YouTube if at all

>> No.58302346
File: 358 KB, 875x720, gosling-g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God even when I wrote that post how I wish Lap-sama were different, she's cute af especially on that Kirby stream but why did she became like whoever she's now...

>> No.58302345

Yeah but Holo talents make money by becoming popular and being able to get sponsor deals and merch sales. Stream revenue is obviously a large part of their revenue, but you can reduce SC/member revenue and they would still be making good money.

>> No.58302347


>> No.58302349

She probably thinks her gachikois will keep being her members and buying her merch and she will keep getting paid by cover for the official events, while doubledipping on twitch subs money

>> No.58302363

Going through laplus stream but she is still gonna do karaoke and mostly collabs on youtube, just moving zatsu and mc to twitch. Valo is already on twitch and that's majority of her content. Is everyone overreacting again?

>> No.58302368
File: 160 KB, 284x583, Screenshot 2023-09-12 000040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP transcribes his name as Bin Raadin so nope

>> No.58302379

Holy FUCK they're shitting on you Riku

>> No.58302392
Quoted by: >>58302470


>> No.58302397

I'm sending cover a fax.
Someone needs to stop her

>> No.58302406
Quoted by: >>58302584

>make a defense
how about all the replies you didn't reply to in the last thread?

>> No.58302408

Menhera kino

>> No.58302411

>check holoan profile
>follows 3dpd and nijis
every fucking time

>> No.58302410 [SPOILER] 
File: 754 KB, 868x1916, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58302414

The only thing they have in common is that they don't stream but Gura isn't a fucking retard. Gura is like Ayame, there is no one in EN you can compare to La+, not even Mori's worst version

>> No.58302416
Quoted by: >>58302506

This is what NijiJP do everyday nijikeks...

>> No.58302419

La+ being a numberfag is fucking hilarious because bitch had everything on a silver platter and chose to throw it all away to become a budget Towa and spam FPS shit despite every piece of data showing how much of a debuff that crap is for modern Hololive.
Also, do you remember this shit?

>> No.58302422

so true sis

>> No.58302428

Gura’s still pulling 30k views an hour when it’s fucking 2am in Japan and 1pm on the east coast US
What the hell

>> No.58302447
File: 53 KB, 1024x666, 15490393452810061109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brat is in need of some CORRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.58302450
File: 770 KB, 1083x493, 1681170177277490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did she come to that conclusion? She doesn't even upload that much. Pretty much the only creative videos is her video with Iroha and Towa, other than that they are just
>Clips, not even good clips, GTAVCR and Valorant
>Short of her playing horse gacha
And that Towa video is so short. Doesn't require that much effort.

>> No.58302457

She replies to both her gachis and closeted antis kek, menhera GFE btw.

>> No.58302455

kill all nijisisters

>> No.58302462

jesas, don't post gore here

>> No.58302465
File: 240 KB, 585x564, 1694397258066234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she..... a lost case
such a shame for that great design

>> No.58302470

that at least had beggars
I can't find a single positive response to this one

>> No.58302471

she got funnel from gura and other streamss ending.
there is some truth on it.
Content is content they can get money trough a lot of reveneus so it isnt that much of a worry for holos. But trying to balance streaming and shorts is hard as we see with people that do well with shorts have terrible CCV and vice versa.
laplus is good with short content rather than streams so i undertsand the focus but the worry is still there for it making other metrics suffering. i say let her try it would be nice to see how she does.

>> No.58302486

Raden, Hajime and Kanade will carry this new branch

>> No.58302493

I think her Mane-chan had enough of La+ menhera antics and just let her do whatever she wants

>> No.58302497

What does replying to random Youtube anti comments have to do with my comparison? Obviously you're not a fucking retard who thinks that I'm saying that La+ would act 100% like Gura in all cases, right? You're not a dumbass like that, surely. If you disagree that Gura and/or La+ both suffer from lack of motivation and/or ambition then feel free to refute that point, anon, since that's what the comparison was wholly based around.

>> No.58302506

sure sure, and i'm yagoo

>> No.58302504


>> No.58302516
File: 338 KB, 540x544, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a good ones kek

>> No.58302519
Quoted by: >>58303341

You could buy 2 Holo shirts from Amazon for the same price as one Niji shirt iirc

>> No.58302529

Old Ame...

>> No.58302533

>rather have views and subs
and what's point 1 and 2? she had money at the lowest priority in her slide anon.

>> No.58302546
Quoted by: >>58302714

That Comment was made by a Nijisanji fan by the way. More reason why our hatred for nijizhangji is completely justified.

>> No.58302548

doesn't every ame "date" stream ends in breakup?
she even played that brake-up game on valentine's day

>> No.58302554


>> No.58302572
Quoted by: >>58302626

that Towa video is just taken from her 3D live and reuploaded for youtube kids

>> No.58302582


>> No.58302584
Quoted by: >>58303005

>in the last thread
I wasn't in the last thread. I highly doubt the person in the last thread could make succinct remarks and not fall for terrible deflections that do not address the lack of motivation and/or ambition which is shared by both Gura and La+.

>> No.58302589
Quoted by: >>58302736


>> No.58302598

Man. Why do this? Pay an small time artist for some art, any art, and you still have a monster margin on fucking t-shirts. Get some good design art and pay a few extra bucks for a medium quality hoodie and you get something like Ina's Wah sweater which sold like crazy. Those things are like 7 bucks in bulk

>> No.58302602

i mean you can just look at those compilation images comparing holox 3d debuts and 3d anniv lives to see how she's becoming the least watched.

>> No.58302604
File: 443 KB, 747x781, 1681225269101075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58303296


>> No.58302605
File: 443 KB, 3159x2761, 1684881080189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58302618

Go Hajime!

>> No.58302626

That makes it even worse then.

>> No.58302635


>> No.58302652

most people here just want to get angry at something, they don't even watch the stream or understand anything she said.
They only read what's posted in the thread by schizos and assumes the worst so they can whine on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.58302666

Opsec status: a bunch of nijisisters trashing her comments and her gachis doesn't help much either.

>> No.58302668

man, haachama was the smartest and mature youngest hire hololive ever had. laplus' behavior is that of a spoiled brat

>> No.58302671

another mental break soon

>> No.58302680
Quoted by: >>58302785

the issue is she likes doing shorts but streaming+shorts never pan results and hurt each others. That is why she is trying to do this change.

>> No.58302682

Don't care. La+ has taken so many loads of mine that I want her around no matter what.

>> No.58302686

Listen, La+ is not wrong, but the problem is on how she executes it. Doesn't help that she keeps on going into long droughts of not streaming and such. Which makes her look like someone who just doesn't care.

>> No.58302694
Quoted by: >>58302858

is she deleting comments?

>> No.58302714

>antis are shitting on her when she makes mistakes
No fucking shit retard.
This is why you never do this shit.

>> No.58302736

Aren't Bae and Biboo zoomers? They generally have the better work ethnic in HoloEN with only Kiara and Mori being on the opposite aged end. Se4ems like you can't predict the results based on age.

>> No.58302746
Quoted by: >>58302814

there's still any surviving?

>> No.58302764

She anonymously defended herself on 5ch. Everyone agreed it was cute. This isn't.

>> No.58302765

9/12 never forget

>> No.58302771

my cute retarded girlfriend.

>> No.58302778
File: 8 KB, 337x137, 1694445147798081565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already a warzone, all of 5ch coming out

>> No.58302782
Quoted by: >>58303051

I agree with fps debuffs, but what you posted was also part of the highest 3D debut peak from hololive anon. substantially more than 3D debuts of more traditional holos that does buff streams instead

>> No.58302785

>but streaming+shorts never pan results and hurt each others.
Is there actual evidence for this?

>> No.58302787

In honor of a Moom thread

>> No.58302789

The antis comments are literally from nijifags if you check their username lol

>> No.58302796

>become a budget Towa
Nah, she's speedrunning to be next Matuli, Towa is good in FPS and she does box content in addition to FPS

>> No.58302801

oh no no no run hololive ch ruuuuunnnn

>> No.58302814
Quoted by: >>58302859

Some still there, i lurked a bit on her fanbase, she have fair share of females and fpsfags.

>> No.58302826
Quoted by: >>58302962

I'm unironically gonna call you Lapcucks, like a retard you are Gura are more similar to Ayame, both are lazy to stream even once. Laplus are literally a Mori 2.0 without UMG or singer connection. Even Mori wasn't this upfront confronting retards, but both still do retarded things

>> No.58302829
File: 2.93 MB, 1423x7362, akemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58303513

>1.8M in 3months
>1.2M in 1.5 months
>1.1M in 2 months
It is cute that you think that having 3 or 4 or 10 shorts over 1M in a 3 months time span is big but that's only because you didn't do the research to figure out what are the expect numbers for shorts.

Here is a vtuber case, only the FOURTH indonesian vtuber to hit 1M subs
>and currently the SECOND highest subscribed indonesian vtuber behind only Kobo

This person had about 100k subs in December 2022(!) and hacker her (his? her? I don't care) way into 1M subs in six months on the power of shorts alone.
Granted, her channel has more duds than hits but she went ALL IN into shorts and that's the bulk of that youtube channel.
Right now there are 56 shorts over 1M views in that channel and the secret clearly is to SPAM THE FUCK OUT OF THAT TYPE OF CONTENT until you make it bigm and with one caveat
>there is no guarantee
Much like this one made it big, there are HUNDREDS of retards doing the exact same thing to 10k views a pop.

Hololive right now has one guarantee set in stone
>if you play your cards right either you are going to incline yourself into the big leagues or, at very least, you'll surf the wake created by your senpai and be made for life
The shorts lottery is something completely different
>you might hit big or die trying
Ãkemi made it big 1M subs in six months. 999 other unnamed retards died trying and they had nothing to lose, they didn't get the golden ticket to Hololive in the first place.

>> No.58302837
Quoted by: >>58303322

have you seen Rin CCV?
or any short uplaoder ccv

>> No.58302843
File: 74 KB, 993x297, nijikiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58302941


>> No.58302844

Coming out and saying your top 3 priorities are views, subs, and Money is a bit much. Even if a lot of creators think like this straight up saying to your fanbase their enjoyment of the content isn't important to you after they have supported you for 2 years is just asking for people to get mad at you.

>> No.58302845

>unironically being mad that someone doesn't know TT
YOU go back faggot

>> No.58302858

seems so
i didn't see the comment in the top this thread after scroll for a while

>> No.58302859
Quoted by: >>58302912

childless hags?

>> No.58302866
Quoted by: >>58302978

Will she beat Fauna?

>> No.58302879


>> No.58302896

ah I remember aloe 3 years ago
same shit

>> No.58302902
Quoted by: >>58303041

>newfags have now memoryholed coco's mistreatment and unironically think she quit her $100000+ per month superchat position to stream on her 3view account for more money
now that's grim

>> No.58302912

Some lesbians and some normal FPS fangirls type.

>> No.58302919
Quoted by: >>58304854

La+ is pretty ambitious anon.
She just doesn't want to be another holo girl that streams and panders to a relatively niche group of people

>> No.58302922

>chuba does thing people don't like
>actual fanbase just wants to move on
>antis smell blood start attacking
And here is where the difference between being smart or retarded begins
If you're smart you maybe apologize without engaging with anybody and move on if you're dumb you argue back and dig yourself a deeper hole

>> No.58302923

ENsharts' opinions are not valid

>> No.58302935
Quoted by: >>58303272

A lot of those are her yesmen btw. I wanted to scroll down to the hater shit she replied to but got bored.

>> No.58302941
File: 512 KB, 838x736, 1694356320954622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can sisters recover from this

>> No.58302944

Go back frog

>> No.58302956
File: 25 KB, 587x233, Screenshot 2023-09-12 001225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he talking about a cockroach

>> No.58302959

go back to /jp/

>> No.58302962

>Mori wasn't this upfront confronting retards
She was and always has been it's just she does it on RM streams

>> No.58302964
File: 60 KB, 802x423, 1678159021341604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn black guys.
It's cockroaches

>> No.58302963
Quoted by: >>58303065

I don't know why t-shirt designers do that rectangle design - it always looks like they just slapped the design on a plain shirt. Even some expensive brands do it. There must be a better way to integrate the graphic onto a plain shirt

>> No.58302967

Almost as impressive as when she said she forgives her antis.

>> No.58302971

Oh yeah it gonna top over 6th anniversary, can't stop won't stop.

>> No.58302978


>> No.58303003
Quoted by: >>58303066

literally fillian and that one spanish convert a schizo used to spam here

>> No.58303005

And Ayame, and Shion, and Aqua (not that much compared to Ayame). Do you think only Gura that share that with Laplus? The dumb shit that all of those above I mention didn't even equate to what Laplus did

>> No.58303017

it's actually a much sillier reason
early on into HoloEN debuts, Mori was extremely new to streaming culture and got easily overwhelmed by the amount people were SCing to her, wanting to thank everyone which only led to people SCing more
it affected the pacing of streams and happened even during collabs, and people held early EN under extreme scrutiny so she quickly got the marker of an "SC baiter"
she also had a more Twitch/Patreon styled membership plan (once again, very much newbie to the way most Holos did stuff) and being the first HoloEN to do a sponsorship stream (for an indie dev) basically reinforced the sentiment

but all that is pretty ancient history by now

>> No.58303024

it's about that somali-american

>> No.58303026
Quoted by: >>58303148

no different from fauna and kroni merch imo.
but they all get differnet shit so a slip doesnt hurt.

>> No.58303028
Quoted by: >>58303073

Does that scream capture fear or arousal?

>> No.58303041

Bullshit rrat.
I already addressed the part of her being resentful and think that management could do better, and they probably could indeed have done better.

>> No.58303051

I mean yeah that was before she went full menhera and still had some potential. When she also used to shit out 10M+ songs. Look at her now.
And it's sad because she's still the leader of HoloX and used front and center in everything they do. Like Hologras or that manga series.

>> No.58303054

so what's hlg's reaction
i remember that place loved lap

>> No.58303065

It is the easiest to print since literally every printing facility have rectangle mound

>> No.58303066
Quoted by: >>58303250

That's the opposite of what anon is asking, which is
>is there evidence that continuing with live stream activities hurt your shorts numbers
The two examples you are giving are from people that hit big with shorts but have low or zero live stream audience

>> No.58303067

Haachama can dunk on her haters and get away with it. But most Holos aren't Haachama. They aren't even in the same universe. It's understandable on some level. Still stupid though

>> No.58303073
Quoted by: >>58303358

azure sensei is a man

>> No.58303075

dude... someone call Mio and Fubuki...

>> No.58303081

Yeah that's why it's subtle, not in her public account (read: holo account) unlike how Laplus did.

>> No.58303080

Takes like this are why people keep redirecting retards on catalog to #

>> No.58303086

that shirt merch is kinda bad, but it turns into shit and insulting when you check the price

>> No.58303087
File: 265 KB, 526x497, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58303088
Quoted by: >>58303667

>Bullshit rrat.
oh god you're serious

>> No.58303090

you're a bigger retard because nothing lap+ did compares to gura in any way shape or form

>> No.58303105

Why do Japanese fans call Mumei 'hime'?
Pretty sure even mamas like Wada call her that.

>> No.58303142
File: 292 KB, 754x2060, contemptuous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58303148

price is different

>> No.58303150

But why?

>> No.58303154

Qrd on Laplus situation? Why does she took “own Le hater” seriously?

>> No.58303168

Mori not playing JRPG #69 or doing 8hr of SC reading*
with some of her upcoming plans like returning to FF16 or wrapping up Pizza Tower and Katana Zero, you will see return to the floor

>> No.58303172
Quoted by: >>58303667

should i kek at this? i think i will

>> No.58303179

idk but i remember a while back 5ch called her the princess of 4chan

>> No.58303192

Gotta keep those profit margins up

>> No.58303193

>it's just she does it on RM streams

yeah so MORI wasn't this upfront about it

>> No.58303195

5ch chuuba mentality.

>> No.58303206

She's been a menherra from day 1 and it hasn't gotten any better.

>> No.58303220

He is talking about seeing his first cockroach since moving away from home, but Google Translate's literal translation is funnier.

>> No.58303225

maybe because you just wanna treat her like a princess?
>im a big girl btw
>im mature
>i dont need 2 managers to feed me

>> No.58303246

Mumei won.

>> No.58303250

> with shorts but have low or zero live stream audience
And why do you think that is?
short and live audience are tood different and unless the youtube algo changes it is not psosible to do both in one channel.

>> No.58303265

>Aren't Bae and Biboo zoomers
"Asian zoomers" Big difference

>> No.58303272
File: 21 KB, 752x164, 16944451477980814545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's not just all antis like some were saying. This one is from a 1 year, 8 months member:

>I've been supporting Lapu-sama not for the shorts or the number of views, but for the delivery since her debut, so I feel that if she doesn't deliver, there's no point in menshi-nana or anything else.
It's a shame, because she was definitely working hard during the V-most period and so on.
If that's the way you've been doing it before with Hololive, then please deliver it, even if it's just once a week.
If it's the way you do it, like those pop-up streamers using the name of your office, I'd feel better supporting the other members.
I like the chit-chat delivery of Lap-sama, even though there have been many collaborations outside the box.
I can't say anything more.

>> No.58303274

So do short viewers even buy merch? La+ said she cared more about popularity than money, but i haven't seen any YT short e-celeb broke through main stream (Or they're just outside of my radar)

>> No.58303279
Quoted by: >>58307991

I find it funny that Nijisanji has an ongoing merch drama on Twitter and literally no one in this thread cares or gives a shit. No wonder sisters are mad. They just came here to attention seek. What a sad existence they must lead.

>> No.58303293

she's a 5ch resident and got found out in the thread. im not sure if it was the same timeline when Kanatan called out the shithole for that.

>> No.58303296

I love it, have been listening to it all day

>> No.58303305

marine is focusing on shorts, so it must be a good idea.

>> No.58303314
Quoted by: >>58303406

>gura pulling only 30k

>> No.58303322

What the fuck kind of revisionism is this? Rin incline because of her shorts, she reclined because she spammed Pikmin 4 and other goyslop game for no reason. She's one of the reason that Shorts help increasing people to watch the stream.

>> No.58303341

You could buy custom T-shirt with whatever picture you want for this price

>> No.58303342
Quoted by: >>58303504

I've been scrolling through the Lap vod comments by newest and most comments are either members supporting her, some greys saying "I'm not sure about the idea but if management is okay with it why not", or antis shitting on her. Most of those have a lot of replies which is where most of the comment number comes from

>> No.58303346

The most negative place about laplus issue isn't from the nips btw, it's from the bugs mostly taiwanese.

>> No.58303350
Quoted by: >>58303643

marine is popular before the shorts

>> No.58303353

don't even have to look so far, 5 months later where all of holox did their anniversary lives, she had the lowest ccv of all the holox lives. i don't have the image where it compared ccv and scs of those streams, but laplus got 82k, and the next lowest was koyori at 95k.

>> No.58303358


>> No.58303360

If anything this sounds like a cope from Laplus to justify her exodus to Twitch. She's arrogant enough to think that the reason why she still has fans is because of her content, not because of her status as a Holo's member.

>> No.58303359

is a good cover.

>> No.58303395

it did seem like la+ was justifying her absence in youtube.

>> No.58303404

hate comments also count as engagement. her shorts will reach more people. laplus really smart

>> No.58303406

for the cover VOD, retard

>> No.58303419
File: 60 KB, 758x164, 1694428441702709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Zeta's real CCV will be 3x the number displayed on Youtube. Take that into consideration before you start comparing her Starfield numbers to Fauna's.

>> No.58303438

What talent exactly?
I hear retards say this but she can;t sing cant dance cant produce isnt charismatic

>> No.58303440

europoors are getting home from work

>> No.58303444
File: 968 KB, 1220x713, 1679378991166934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58303529

Come home lapchan.

>> No.58303466

>1 hour poll
Stop acting like a retard.

>> No.58303471

Anti aside, there's some gachis in the comments criticizing La+'s low, inconsistent updates and some wish her integrate into holobox but she couldn't or failed to.

>> No.58303474 [DELETED] 

Biboo actually older than Nerissa

>> No.58303495
File: 828 KB, 1127x829, 15944521414414221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58303552

>> No.58303500
Quoted by: >>58303845

Comment is deleted now, probably manager

>> No.58303501

she can dance
the rest i dunno. she had her moments. especially early on when holox wasn't as fractured.

>> No.58303504

so the usual.
Is gonna be an interesting experiment.
So hope she does somegood shorts again.

>> No.58303507

which one are you talking about?
either way, making people like you constantly seethe is also a talent

>> No.58303509
Quoted by: >>58305410

>$40 shirts + shipping
if what mysta said is true about the 2% then that's $0.02 per shirt sold going to the talents. That's scummy

>> No.58303513


Anyway you're not wrong, shorts algo is a complete lottery. There are well produced shorts that gets shitty views, while garbage shorts gets hundreds of millions.
But even so, it's still an approach that should be explored since YouTube is still incentivized to push the shorts platform to kneecap tiktok even though they are bleeding resources from all this. Marine showed she could grow her subs 4x faster than any other established holos by abusing shorts, so the path is there.
If Cover learns how to properly abuse them too for other holo channel sub growth then its more than a worthwhile venture, especially when you're just risking a single holo channel that doesn't even enjoy streaming to begin with

>> No.58303521
File: 1.53 MB, 1858x4454, 2023-09-12 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>65,412: Rion (Nijisanji)
>51,429: Raden (Hololive)
>45,909: Pekora (Hololive)
>37,393: Gura (Hololive)
>36,460: Kanata (Hololive)
>35,729: Hajime (Hololive)
>26,324: Botan (Hololive)
>24,768: Okayu (Hololive)
>20,793: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>20,528: Kanade (Hololive)
>18,676: Korone (Hololive)
>18,429: Koyori (Hololive)
>17,718: Ririka (Hololive)
>17,345: Mumei (Hololive)
>16,438: Met (VSPO)
>15,748: Ao (Hololive)
>14,784: Mio (Hololive)
>13,926: Fubuki (Hololive)
>13,784: Watame (Hololive)
>13,373: Laplus (Hololive)
>13,266: AZKi (Hololive)
>12,203: Ririka (Hololive)
>11,640: Ryushen (Nijisanji)
>11,057: GatchmanV (Indie)

Gold for Rion with an all star Niji cast in a day with a good horse race (hefty Z nonetheless) with Raden coming 2k short to get silver and Pekora with a Minecraft stream getting bronze.

>> No.58303529
File: 174 KB, 818x1024, 1679511465236936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58303550

Holobros... we fucking lost

>> No.58303552

who and who?

>> No.58303564

Tiktok and shorts did elevate her popularity a lot, but before that she need to have a hit song first.

>> No.58303574

I want to hold Mumei's waist and kiss Fauna's thick neck.

>> No.58303578

> summary: everything here shows that hololive and cover is on a downward trend


>> No.58303582

Gura kicked out of podium, it's like that sushi stream again

>> No.58303603

Pekora and Pekora 2.0 failed us...

>> No.58303618
File: 373 KB, 799x558, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally real humans btw, don'y mind the chatter is lower than even hajime

>> No.58303626

If this is the case, why not just let Mito get gangbanged on a daily basis for these great numbers?

>> No.58303633

haachama made her anti commit the equivalent of vtuber seppuku

i hope she comes back soon

>> No.58303636
Quoted by: >>58304159

which is why I questioned why you even posted that to begin with

>> No.58303635

who you talking to negro?

>> No.58303643

Laplus is extremely popular too. She's the face of the second JP golden gen.

>> No.58303647

having some holos focusing on short content is a good thing given that youtube is pushing for it.

>> No.58303664

short viewers : no, but they will subs
clip viewers : maybe
stream or vod viewers : yes
music listeners : yes

>> No.58303666
File: 1.09 MB, 1300x2889, 78ce06d5b31c8701a44661d4617f9e2f0608ff4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58303667
Quoted by: >>58303904

proof next thread right?
anything to justify her retarded career move

>> No.58303678

it's always a niji and vsbot that gets stupidly high Z

>> No.58303683
Quoted by: >>58303761

mori got away with it once and thought she was invincible until the lean tookover

>> No.58303687

Post is doin numbers, yo

>> No.58303700

>800 chatters a minute
im almost sure that no one that watches niji even has an account

>> No.58303702

but enough about the shark

>> No.58303707

>Marine showed she could grow her subs 4x faster than any other established holos by abusing shorts, so the path is there.
She did not and it is even insulting that you think it was merely putting shorts up.
She geared up her whole "other" content (other than her live streaming) into her BIG BUDGET WELL PRODUCED song MVs.
She is dropping at very least some 50k USD per MV to have content to power her subs growth.
Her shorts? Most of them are connected to her MVs
Her tiktoks? ALL of them are connected to her MVs.

If you think Laplus can post seventeen shitpost shorts and get the same result as Marine you are sorely wrong. Marine is doing something completely else, she's putting her money where her mouth is and funding her high quality MVs and choreographies to kickstart her subs growth.

>> No.58303708
Quoted by: >>58303949

So Raden gold?

>> No.58303709
Quoted by: >>58303733

Biboo please stop using yourself as a collab waiting room. It's too cringe.

>> No.58303713

Raden overtook Kanade? Wtf is going on with this branch

>> No.58303718

>SC cope

>> No.58303727

didnt read but this made me feel like that pic of the teamate holding a photo of old ame

>> No.58303733

wrong thread faggot

>> No.58303754

I have no idea but my guess would be it's a play on Hi-mei. Like "Oh hi"mei

>> No.58303757
File: 1.67 MB, 1829x2048, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my drinkin', smokin' hagwife.

>> No.58303758

>1 hour
retarded newfag

>> No.58303760
File: 82 KB, 367x378, Screenshot 2023-09-12 002714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58305908

gura kyoufuu all back 15k views (fansubbed)

>> No.58303761

please understand she was going through a rough breakup at the time

>> No.58303781

Youtube starts throttling chat at around 800/min. You need 100k+ viewers to make it go higher than that and even then, it won't get much higher than 1200.

>> No.58303797

short viewers actually subs (because that's one of the few ways you can control your feed in a platform of just swiping up)
And Cover has subs as KPI, so she earns her money via bonuses instead.

>> No.58303799

rion gangbanged by top nijis can only bring 53k......

>> No.58303811

A media company in Japan that partnered with Hikakin goes red because of chasing short view, the payout isn't viable compared to normal video view. Some anon posted the article here.

>> No.58303823

Kiara just said her recent shorts and music are not doing well because her streams are messing up the algorithm as the "latest content" released from her channel are her streams instead of her music and is considering changing her german sub channel to a streaming only channel and making her current channel only focused on music, shorts and clips/highlight videos.

>> No.58303822

Lap ffs just don't respond

>> No.58303827

She's very related to middle age oji-san and oba-san.

>> No.58303845

now she is getting spanked by lui

>> No.58303847

Just like holosubs :v)

>> No.58303850


>> No.58303853
Quoted by: >>58303939

Raden is Hololive's answer to Salome. A superstar in the making.

>> No.58303865

No it doesn't.

>> No.58303891

Holokksu as a unit cannot survive Lapu's inevitable graduation. They can't perform their original unit songs and their theme is dead. Unless they pivot to Lui murdering Lapu and taking over as the true leader I guess.

>> No.58303901
File: 29 KB, 716x175, Screenshot 2023-09-12 012849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitch about 650
um...where are the homobeggars and sister that say they will support the orc

>> No.58303904
Quoted by: >>58304031

the proof is common knowledge newkek. the suspension, banned from the main channel and all events, not allowed to have mods until more than 6 months after the spam began, collab bans, no sponsorships, the mod fuckup which they didn't fix which was pretty much the final straw. i'm probably forgetting a lot but it's been 3 years.

>> No.58303907

that sounds like a terrible idea

>> No.58303926

Raden is unironically great if you can get past a couple of filters.

>> No.58303932
Quoted by: >>58304611

Marine literally talked about her shorts performing well when chat congratulates her subs milestone retard.

>> No.58303934

Think about all the amazing girls out there who could have been Laplus instead of her
Who would have made use of the opportunity and been a really fun and great leader of holoX

>> No.58303939
Quoted by: >>58304020

Lmao, how can you retards be at his for so long and still not see the warning flags? Or maybe this is your first debut and you are just inexperienced. In that case save this post for the future and learn from it

>> No.58303942

Isn't 800/minute the soft cap for YT livechat

>> No.58303944

she alone generated yabs more than gen 5, 6 combined LMAO

>> No.58303949
Quoted by: >>58304023

Yes, so post her lewds. And if there isn't enough you can post Flare and Mumei lewds as well.

>> No.58303968

Raden has the experience in life that most nips want to relate with if she brings good topics to her zatsu I can see her becoming a powerhouse

>> No.58303970

i don't even want to imagine the grim results of this

>> No.58303973
File: 104 KB, 297x339, 1694428837387583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so ez

>> No.58303983

This is a shitpost but making a subchannel would probably be a better idea for Laplus than just moving to twitch
But it's clear it's just an excuse

>> No.58303989
File: 8 KB, 982x137, file(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf did this nigga do

>> No.58304000

I don't support traitors

>> No.58304002

Being a homo is really better than just being an indie

>> No.58304013
Quoted by: >>58304073

Youtube defaulting channels to show videos first instead of allowing the stupid Live tab to be the default is on of the many, many ways they fuck over streamers. I am still baffled why they didn't make that customizable

>> No.58304016

Raden will always stream at 11pm JST which is Salami's usual slot. They're going for the kill bros...

>> No.58304020
Quoted by: >>58304550

I don't see any member of Advent hitting 50k on her second stream.

>> No.58304021

he got culled? dead sub (well most of them are)?

>> No.58304023
Quoted by: >>58304126

no elfs

>> No.58304029
Quoted by: >>58304220

That's just the regular Subs cull youtube does to everyone.

>> No.58304031
Quoted by: >>58304180

so no proof then?
like I said anything to justify her career suicide

>> No.58304037

nice bots nijikeks

>> No.58304046

Cunny unironically needs correction

>> No.58304048

The cull mindbroke the algorithm

>> No.58304050
File: 112 KB, 463x662, images - 2023-08-20T163316.899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58304273

>65,412: Rion (Nijisanji)

>> No.58304062

hag powah

>> No.58304073
Quoted by: >>58307300

I thought it is customisable but nobody changes it.

>> No.58304076

He draw regloss members on stream so neal got confused and target the wrong channel

>> No.58304079
Quoted by: >>58304136

This guy's whole stich is just him trying to be le unhinge?

>> No.58304089

Look, just because only a few people here like Kiara doesn't mean no one is watching right now.

>> No.58304100

>still counting VSPO for the tally
you need to unironically recheck your bias

>> No.58304103

I think Lapuchan should just stop streaming and do weekly ear-licking ASMR.

>> No.58304115
Quoted by: >>58304257

I mean it's not just Marine that are abusing shorts for subscribers anon.
The spanish convert, rin from that jewish corpo and that twitch tuber gets shit ton amount of subscribers without having 50k USD MVs.
In fact, I think only vtubers that abuses shorts are getting shilled by the YT algo to millions of new potential viewers these past dew years.

>> No.58304120
File: 13 KB, 344x142, live chat top chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is limited to 1000/min right? and i think vrabi only take 'top chat' instead 'live chat'

>> No.58304126
File: 3.33 MB, 2100x2800, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58304166

Implying I give a shit about the opinions of someone who's shorter than Biboo.

>> No.58304136

Why is yours not speaking English?

>> No.58304145

>where are the homobeggars and sister that say they will support the orc
right there
how may did you think there actually was retard?

>> No.58304146

It seems soft capped at 800. It can go higher but you need like 1M ccv to top 1200 messages/min

>> No.58304159

Just an example of La+ leaning into GFE and her potential before becoming a menhera FPS slut.

>> No.58304160

Finally a good post.

>> No.58304166
Quoted by: >>58304218

she looks like fucking ass

>> No.58304180

??? do you want a link to the suspension announcement or something? what are you doing lmao

>> No.58304191

he's tanking some culls from ririka

>> No.58304200

Well that's all of them or what's left of it, some Vesties still mad about him quitting, called him a retard for lacking foresight.

>> No.58304208

3 view speedrun?

>> No.58304211
File: 107 KB, 865x433, 1691645250585078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura's cover already at 600k after not even one day
Isn't that pretty great actually, especially for a song already done to death by so many other for months

>> No.58304218
File: 714 KB, 1000x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you look like a furry asshole.

>> No.58304220
Quoted by: >>58304501

yeah everyone hahah exactly

>> No.58304234

>the few fans with goodwill are beginning to leave stars cause they cant stand all the homo pushing Cover has done laltely

>> No.58304241

HoloX should just say that their leader has now passed on her duties to one of them.

>> No.58304245
File: 406 KB, 799x557, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel for comparison

>> No.58304251
File: 602 KB, 1024x1145, 15467769789563457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>51,429: Raden (Hololive)
>45,909: Pekora (Hololive)
>37,393: Gura (Hololive)
>36,460: Kanata (Hololive)
>35,729: Hajime (Hololive)
>26,324: Botan (Hololive)
>24,768: Okayu (Hololive)
>20,528: Kanade (Hololive)
EIGHT streams over 20k simultaneous connections????

>> No.58304257
Quoted by: >>58304459

We already know whats gonna happen at the end. Unless she is a fleshtuber she gonna get stuck like the rest who used in that way.

>> No.58304273
Quoted by: >>58304315

some nijifaggot botted it

>> No.58304282
Quoted by: >>58304542

better than blue horizon with shit mixing

>> No.58304283
Quoted by: >>58304776

These girls are absolute retards and they'll crash, burn, tilt in the mud and sink because they can't understand what makes Hololive different from the whole rest of the entertainment industry,

The whole rest of the entertainment industry is ad and sponsor supported. Take Ludwig, MrBeast and the rest of the big names in the western online bueisnes, their whole business model is
>get AS MANY EYEBALLS AS POSSIBLE in a single high profile event
>sell as many advertisement slots (overt and product placement) as possible for it
>use the rest of the year to build hype to the next event
That makes it so that it doesn't matter if nobody gives a fuck about them in 179 days in a semester, that ONE BIG EVENT is enough to pay their bills as long as they can get as many eyeballs at that moment as possible.

Hololive operates in a different model
>it doesn't matter if your ceiling is capped at (let's say) 70k, as long as your faithful audience continue supporting you, you have a steady income for life
These are chicks with 8k members, 10k members getting a gross revenue on membership alone in the 30k per month meaning they might be taking home 10k per month and the company, another 10k per month on recurring revenue alone, not even mentioning merch and donations.
The short summary is
>Holo girls don't need 1M tourists to succeed, they need 10k members
Kobo is one that might be figuring that exact thing out, by contrast with Kaela.

It is good that Laplus is determined to run this experiment because her crashing and burning will provide a valuable lesson to the other girls

>> No.58304285
File: 14 KB, 1110x130, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

129k CCV. Only two ticks above 1k and the rest are in the 800-900 range, not counting the final one, which is lower because people were already moving on to the next debut.

>> No.58304290
File: 53 KB, 957x718, 1619202027622920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard debuff

>> No.58304292

well, there it goes the 800/min cope

>> No.58304294
File: 194 KB, 1395x888, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58304352

Is this what she mean? I search Fillian in incognito mode

>> No.58304300

it makes more sense resource-wise that it's limited to text size than chat amount.
you can get higher cap (above 1k+/min) if your viewers are just spamming 草. While having a bunch of paragraphs in your chat pushes the limit down to 600-800

>> No.58304315

oh no no no

>> No.58304328

The power of not oversaturating songs.

>> No.58304336


>> No.58304350
File: 129 KB, 960x960, unicorn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata my beloved

>> No.58304352
File: 493 KB, 1395x828, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>58304294 (me)
Compared to her result

>> No.58304351

doesnt matter sister
we know rion was botted because she had only 5k unique chatters

>> No.58304361

Wasn't Rion the one who called livers "Money-making tools"

>> No.58304390
Quoted by: >>58304492

won't beat miko's cover, so who cares?

>> No.58304392
Quoted by: >>58308747

Thanks for the info anon

>> No.58304415
Quoted by: >>58304438

Niji may have won #1 today, but the number of 20k+ Holo streams today is a much better look than that 65k one by Niji.

>> No.58304417

It's good. Helps that she performed it well. It's amazing what having no autotune does.

>> No.58304418
File: 85 KB, 288x830, 13951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you made me check, though literally ruru

>> No.58304423

She speaks 3 languages, you're the retard anon

>> No.58304437
File: 2.72 MB, 1782x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58304828

If vtubers want better numbers they should all turn themselves into lolis

>> No.58304438
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58304486


>> No.58304452


>> No.58304459

I'm looking forward to the result of her strategy, i'd say it's a success if she gets at least stable 50k subs growth monthly from this approach.

>> No.58304460
Quoted by: >>58304509

so does kiara

>> No.58304473
Quoted by: >>58304506

huh, I though niji used to dominate the cumulative numbers

>> No.58304486
File: 158 KB, 587x595, TOTAL HOMOS EXTERMINATION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58304796

stay dead

>> No.58304492

Yes and Bill Gates is a failure because he has less in his bank account than Elon Musk, right?

>> No.58304501
Quoted by: >>58304539

yes YouTube is constantly removing what they consider "dead subs" from older channels, It's just that usually more people subscribe than get culled so it doesn't show up in statistics.

>> No.58304506

can't dominate if half of the livers don't stream

>> No.58304509
Quoted by: >>58304555


>> No.58304528
Quoted by: >>58304547


>> No.58304539

shouldn't the shark be at 100k subs if that's the case?

>> No.58304542
File: 537 KB, 1080x840, blue horizon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue horizon
Not a proper song release. It's an intro animation first, an original song second.

>> No.58304548
File: 769 KB, 847x527, MoomFaunaBeach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58304547


>> No.58304550

>Advent out of nowhere
Completely organic

>> No.58304555
Quoted by: >>58304577


>> No.58304577
Quoted by: >>58304624


>> No.58304584

Why is ReGloss performing well in CCV when they have the worst subs in Hololive?
Yes debut buff. But even still. Those high CCVs even in a debut buff are reserved for like 200k+ subscribers. Not goddamn 80k subs.

>> No.58304585
Quoted by: >>58304768

It's a cute cover and has a good MV, glad to see 9AM getting official work. I like his fan animations.

>> No.58304595
Quoted by: >>58304846

I can't believe so many people responded seriously to this shitpost.

>> No.58304610

Nahh it will be as always. Everything stop after october and then wait until the next mid July-August buff.

>> No.58304611
File: 2.05 MB, 1381x5593, marine shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58305123

Idiot, did you skim the post and failed to get the message?
Here are Marine shorts over 1M
>pic related
You can see clearly that the majority are either
>from her MVs
>from her live streams
Without both her song MVs and her streams she wouldn't have nearly have the material she used for her shorts

The reason for the success of her shorts is the success of her songs and her live streams

>> No.58304624
Quoted by: >>58304637

no. wawa

>> No.58304637


>> No.58304642
Quoted by: >>58304695

i mean, not even half of hololive was streaming, with only Pekora leading the army.

>> No.58304650
Quoted by: >>58304726

haha shark dead subs, so funny and original.

>> No.58304656
Quoted by: >>58304689

They're going viral in Japan.

>> No.58304663
Quoted by: >>58307652

day1 debuff. people watch micomet instead new girls. hajime and raden get 30k+

>> No.58304686

So in a month from now, what numbers for the new JP?

>> No.58304689


>> No.58304690
File: 94 KB, 360x283, 54651231654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on pace on beating Miko's (55hrs) and Fubuki's (63hrs)
I thought she's done, bros?

>> No.58304695

difference is the one that streams gets podium, niji stays in the bottom

>> No.58304717

So do we have any evident that streaming while releasing short reduce the chance that yt magic algorithm recommend your shorts to potential new viewers? Don't people who are specifically looking for you on yt search bar already know who you are?

>> No.58304726

>30k outfit reveal

>> No.58304725

She's done with streaming, yes.

>> No.58304727

Does she really speak Korean? I thought it was part of the retarded chinanago joke

>> No.58304740

Last year she got almost 500k between Augus-September but after that she got stuck. Nothing new. And this year is less than half.

>> No.58304753

>3 more days!!!
holy cope

>> No.58304768
Quoted by: >>58304951

Is 9AM homo free? Gura pls protect this person

>> No.58304776

Cover is a public company anon, they need to have 40% rev+profit growth every year to stroke their shareholders.
They can't just keep doing the same thing over and over when the rest of the industry are experimenting other ways to make money and appeal to a larger demographics.
Besides laplus doing this doesn't really hurt anyone and only risks her channel in which she doesn't even enjoy streaming in. Just like the comments said, they'll support the other holomems instead.

>> No.58304786
Quoted by: >>58305282

maybe it's just an algo thing on my end but i saw more JP fans pushing this cover more than her usual EN fans

>> No.58304787

Nigga did you miss the entire week of their subs being culled? They're probably at like 250k+ subs between ghost subs and people who got unsubbed but are still getting them recommended.

>> No.58304793

She still has 8.5 million to go until she beats miko's cover.

>> No.58304796
File: 499 KB, 549x610, 1661624643703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58304907


>> No.58304798

It's all bs by Lap, she just wants to stream valo all day on Twitch with eceleb guys and that's it

>> No.58304808
File: 409 KB, 900x589, 16265423958868514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58304812
File: 85 KB, 523x429, yoinked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58304828

But Laplus is already a loli....

>> No.58304846

"Kiara said..." is almost up there with "X said Y on a members stream" for babby's first bait.
Easy (You)s every time.

>> No.58304854

What is she doing that's different? Is she honing her vocal talents, aiming to be a diva-esque singer like Suisei? Or is she networking to get with a bunch of music professionals to produce a bunch of songs and eventually a big record label like Mori? What are La+'s ambitions and what is she doing right now to reach them?

>> No.58304859


>> No.58304863

>Kiara are you going to interview Holostars?????
>Not really, no

Heh. Kiara has her issues but she comes through in the clutch

>> No.58304865
Quoted by: >>58306575

management should reset every chunk rushia built on

>> No.58304875
File: 26 KB, 740x242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Phase yab - it seems they employ antisemites

>> No.58304893

what's new

>> No.58304895
Quoted by: >>58305059

Just got back from doing /hlg/ reps and I noticed the Variumschizo posts there
Are all our schizos just borrowed from other generals?

>> No.58304900

learn english

>> No.58304907

Someone rrat it out. He's regretting leaving isn't he?

>> No.58304912
File: 27 KB, 720x405, 1626542395886723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED grave robbing. We love pegora in this thread.

>> No.58304916
Quoted by: >>58305395

>they need to have 40% rev+profit growth every year to stroke their shareholders.
Yeah, and the answer to that is to trade a more profitable activity for a less profitable one, great thinking!

>> No.58304925
File: 118 KB, 867x262, 14916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58304933
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok when hololive does it

>> No.58304941
File: 1.98 MB, 270x470, 65463146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the authentic seethes during her outfit reveal hours, totally not a Discord planned one KEK

>> No.58304947

too obvious liver bro

>> No.58304951

Just a bunch of cgdct stuff

>> No.58304953


>> No.58304974
Quoted by: >>58305262

Which chuuba made the best 9/11 joke

>> No.58304977
File: 363 KB, 1920x1080, graduated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58304989

I hope they stop caring about shorts and music

>> No.58304993

i do wonder how long shes had the cover ready since the outfits have been done for a while now

>> No.58304995

Ina is Shiina's oshi - coincidence?

>> No.58305022
Quoted by: >>58305069

You know it.

>> No.58305023
Quoted by: >>58305071

>another woman says "NO"
oh no no no incels will get butthurt again

>> No.58305051

Pippa has better numbers than Kiara nowadays...
And Mori is not so far ahead

>> No.58305059

This thread is, in certain periods, the fastest one in the whole site.
It is only natural that it will attract EVER SINGLE MOTHERFUCKING SCHIZO in the place, including

>> No.58305061
Quoted by: >>58305313


>> No.58305069

An unfortunate name...

>> No.58305071
Quoted by: >>58305138

>Biting global bait

>> No.58305074
Quoted by: >>58305124

3 fucking Niji streams on a tally, it's fucking over NIJIBROS.

>> No.58305077

This is her first cover of her own. It better do great.

>> No.58305099
File: 25 KB, 646x136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.58305113
Quoted by: >>58305216

won't be long until she can mog the shark at this rate.

>> No.58305112


>> No.58305119
File: 220 KB, 952x984, 15490393452810061014~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patiently waiting for tally anon to post his cripple tally so I may shamelessly begin my daily hololive wanking and hololive Gold circlejerk jackoff sessions.

>> No.58305118


>> No.58305124

who cares, as long as one of them is GOLD BABY

>> No.58305123
Quoted by: >>58305541

your picture literally disagrees with your conclusion retard. the majority of her most successful shorts aren't from her MVs or 3D Live. Her most popular shorts (5M+ views) had little to nothing to do with big budget MVs you somehow keep insisting is her main driver in the algo.

>> No.58305131

Massive Pecock in action...

>> No.58305138
Quoted by: >>58305288

>imagine camping global

>> No.58305160
File: 1 KB, 180x39, 897413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 mil in 24hrs possible? Do your job EN primetime

>> No.58305168

i'm not watching this clip. did she actually say "graduated" or is this just a convenient interpretation by the clipper?

>> No.58305180


>> No.58305182
File: 82 KB, 714x338, 1667881609025951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58305196

NTA but THE maestro clearly knows what he's talking about

>> No.58305210

it is incredibly unlikely

>> No.58305216

She already gets way more superchat revenue than gura

>> No.58305218

Didn't someone said niji's box is growing and they continue to expand their audience even if their debut numbers are shit? What's with this then?

>> No.58305219

She went from "maybe" at the start of Holotalk to "nah fuck that shit" at this point.

>> No.58305224
File: 572 KB, 901x648, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked top comments, most of them seem positive, but rarely have any upboats.
I get the feeling this is gonna be yet another silent exodus. The graphs says it all.

>> No.58305227


>> No.58305231

lmao, he won't hold back once you show acceptance.

>> No.58305238
Quoted by: >>58305330

This is a very interesting comparison.
How much are the new JP expected to decline?

>> No.58305251

based hoshiyomi

>> No.58305262

Pekora and Towa on Sept 11, 2020

>> No.58305264
Quoted by: >>58305324

All numbers are fake.
That's why we don't talk much about them.

>> No.58305276
File: 149 KB, 974x1024, F5v362rXAAAc1Ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons!
Ui beamuuuuuuuuuuuu~!

>> No.58305282

The song went viral in Japan a couple months ago, but EOPs barely know it exists.

>> No.58305281
Quoted by: >>58305439

the graph unironically isn't saying anything

>> No.58305288

>fact checking bait is camping global now

>> No.58305289

No but unless it falls off a cliff then it should easily beat Miko’s to 1M. Might even be faster than Marine’s last original (44h)

>> No.58305291



>> No.58305297

Yep, speedrunning to matsuri status. It's a shame, but that's the path she's chosen. I hope she's made enough money already.

>> No.58305304

No. Same wavelength. Everyone is thinking it.

>> No.58305313
File: 783 KB, 1920x1729, plunder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58305855


>> No.58305312

>4 hour Moom vod
Is it good? is it worth watching?

>> No.58305318

Is Kyoufuu All Back some sort of metaphor or is it really just a silly song about getting blown around by the wind when trying to walk around outside

>> No.58305324

Weren't you guys going crazy in celebrating them getting culled over and over and saying how weak Holo has become since a week ago?

>> No.58305330

ReGLOSS will never drop below 10k.

>> No.58305349

It's fucking fantastic. One of the best streams this year for EN imo

>> No.58305356

It starts bleeding when she stops talking about all that shit and it turns into a normal zatsudan. That is to say, about a third of the people watching where in it only for the drama.

>> No.58305358
Quoted by: >>58305512

funi meme song

>> No.58305365
Quoted by: >>58305490

>Regloss debuts
>Holomem move towards shorts content because of management's "advice"

>> No.58305374

It's cute, and I don't watch her.

>> No.58305379

2000 days of activity, she set the next milestone at 3000.

>> No.58305381

Towa is responsible for the word “yab” do not forget

>> No.58305384

Ririka already drop to 9.8k at ddlc today....

>> No.58305387

If you like Advent then yes it's a must-watch. If you're not really into them then no.

>> No.58305388

look at the other songs, retard

>> No.58305391

So how much will ReGloss drop then? Do you have an estimate?

>> No.58305396
Quoted by: >>58305454

It’s actually about the capitalist machine stomping Japanese children underfoot

>> No.58305395
Quoted by: >>58305786

True sister! and Nintendo should have kept making radios and not venture on home entertainment in the early 80s!

>> No.58305397

9.8k for twins under giga overlap.
good or no? 1.2k under their floor..

>> No.58305403

It was great. The last hour or so is SC reading, but the rest is her drawing and chatting with Advent members

>> No.58305410

>/#/ does math
Anon, divide by 100 and multiple that by 2.
$40 / 100 = 40 cents * 2 = 80 cents per shirt.

>> No.58305412

is this true? >>58305270 la+ is graduating from streaming?

>> No.58305420
Quoted by: >>58305544

The Sora mountain thing? Was that really on 9/11?

>> No.58305423

If you like Advent interaction.

>> No.58305439
Quoted by: >>58305735

nta but the decline started after her whole spiel about changing platforms and when she started talking about regloss, and then zatsu.

>> No.58305454

I love the part where the capitalist dictator finally fell to the masses (blown by the wind)

>> No.58305455
File: 239 KB, 2000x2000, 192146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58305459

good stream. cute girls.

>> No.58305466

She's moving her solo content outside karaoke to twitch.

>> No.58305472
Quoted by: >>58306412

Didn't she say she would later? She change her mind after tempiss ruined everything for everyone?

>> No.58305473
Quoted by: >>58305911

It's the stream that made me think, "huh, maybe the twins dynamic can work in collabs, after all."

>> No.58305483

nah that's impossible, at best it will be at 750k-800k in 24h

>> No.58305490

>ever listening to anyone's advice or doing anything other than whatever she feels like doing

>> No.58305512

What was the meme? Why did it blow up though, the song itself is pretty meh.

>> No.58305514

>Why is ReGloss performing well in CCV when they have the worst subs in Hololive?
Their subs have been culled.

>> No.58305530
Quoted by: >>58305709

jwu qrd on the yab?

>> No.58305533

>expect me to be in hololive until I get old
>I want to celebrate 10 years of being a holomem
>I'll be in hololive until I die

>> No.58305532

its true to some extent, but the difference isn't anything significant if we go by established youtube channels that opted to have their exclusive shorts channel.

>> No.58305538

Huh, Ollie covered Identity with some literal who

>> No.58305541
Quoted by: >>58306678

>had little to nothing to do with big budget MVs
Most of them have either to do with her high budget MVs or to do with her regular (solo or collab) live streams.
How can she do that if she is not live streaming or pushing out high budget MVs (which is Laplus plan)?

>> No.58305544
Quoted by: >>58305628


>> No.58305551

Missed the suicide discord thing huh?

>> No.58305564
Quoted by: >>58309379

sub culled from 182,010 to 181,990 and it will displayed -1,000
do you guys not know how youtube works? for account with more than 100k subs

>> No.58305565

>Ririka already drop to 9.8k
Does anyone think any of them can compete with the best of JP in a month from now?

>> No.58305567
Quoted by: >>58305676


Raden getting noticed by the museum she talked about on stream is cute. Not sure why the museum intern is posting on twitter at 1 in the morning but whatever.

>> No.58305580
Quoted by: >>58305652

what a retard...

>> No.58305590


>> No.58305610
Quoted by: >>58305814

what's the most recent Holo cover or original which broke 1m in 24hrs?

>> No.58305622

meanwhile, laplus:

>> No.58305628

pegor... I'm surprised this didn't turn into a minor yab at the time.

>> No.58305645

>Kagura nana
>Literally who
How fucking new?

>> No.58305648

japan had some fun with it

>> No.58305652

>Not just telling the ironic shitposter to kill themselves

>> No.58305657
File: 265 KB, 500x500, 169412345272161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kagura Nana
>literal who

>> No.58305660
Quoted by: >>58305809

Is Ao-Kun really Edo Lena?? I don't see any similarities in their voice

>> No.58305662
File: 269 KB, 1148x429, e2cbd394fb6e537a929763c52d42fe09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's it? Gura just wins AGAIN?

>> No.58305663

I don't know why I'm answering in good faith but Gura doesn't tick down because she is constantly gaining new subs. It's why a natural tick down is so grim - it's not just that sub growth has stopped, it's that you are growing so slowly that you're actually reclining.

>> No.58305670

Suischizo not gonna like this one.

>> No.58305676

Being tagged, a lot by people, tends to help.

>> No.58305685

> Use z'd numbers

>> No.58305707

Nah, 800-850k in 24h

>> No.58305709

Laplus owned her antis by saying they're the reason she went on a break and that she won't stream on youtube anymore.

>> No.58305723

It's just a refocus in content delivery. She'll barely stream on YouTube. But will continue making yt shorts and short form content. Expect her to make appearances as guest in 3D anniversary lives and birthday lives, also official channel variety stuff. That's your Spoonfeed.

>> No.58305725
Quoted by: >>58305932


>> No.58305733
Quoted by: >>58305813

So some Nip found this silly song and decide to make meme out of it?

>> No.58305734

at least put the ones where regloss reply

>> No.58305735

the graph declines when she stops showing slides about regloss antis to be specific.

>> No.58305741
Quoted by: >>58305958

Raden seems promising
Nips always love great zatsu
And she is kinda unique compare to other holomem

>> No.58305743

>>58305648 (me)
just search "強風オールバック"

>> No.58305774

Man imagine
This wouldn't be allowed today, they'll have to go to the dance studio

>> No.58305777
Quoted by: >>58305888

she peaked at 12k. even pekora drops below 10k during part c sometimes.

>> No.58305786

For each Nintendo that succeeded there are a hundred thousand other companies that tried and failed miserably

>> No.58305806


>> No.58305807
File: 1.33 MB, 1019x1019, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Collabs with every advent before your oshi can collab any

>> No.58305809

Debunked first day

>> No.58305813
Quoted by: >>58305947

there's lots of variations, there's even an ad that uses this song

>> No.58305814

Maybe Marine Set Sail at 17 hours? If you count the First Take stuff for Suisei then those were both under 12 hours but it’s kind of different

>> No.58305848

Did I miss some La+ earlick ASMR stream or something?

>> No.58305855
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, rushia thank you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK, I'm jesting but this part right here put a lum in my throat, Pekora actually rebuilt the PekoRushia house
>whose diamonds she plundered last year to bet on horsies
with her gains of this year.

>> No.58305871
Quoted by: >>58309501

Probably Hajime and Raden, altought its still too early for Raden as she got that Debut 2.0 buff I don't know why people were saying Debut 2.0 when she shown her face in full group collab. I still can't judge Ao pretty well since I don't know who's watching her tbqh

>> No.58305878
File: 123 KB, 1001x1055, 16832452794012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58305969

I love goombus.

>> No.58305883

My brain can't process Nerissa being the youngest in Advent. It's like when the sisters doxxpost Mumei and I try to imagine her voice with that face.
Brain no compute.

>> No.58305888

But that is her second stream
While it was working hour on monday
That number is still quite low
But at the bright side, she almost complete the boring part so tomorrow number might be better

>> No.58305892
Quoted by: >>58306169

>Missed the suicide discord thing huh?

>> No.58305908

Gura's MV should have subs

>> No.58305911

Wasn't it just Fuwawa for a big stretch?

>> No.58305918
Quoted by: >>58305973

>Miko 9 million
>shark 600k

>> No.58305932
Quoted by: >>58306049

Vtuber of the year

>> No.58305937

big yikes

>> No.58305943

Why is her name both in katakana and hiragana anyway

>> No.58305946

what's this retard even doing

>> No.58305947

One day i'll crack the viral code and make millions.

>> No.58305957
Quoted by: >>58306169


>> No.58305958

So only Raden? Honestly, it’s hard to tell how much any of them are going to drop until we see it. I’m thinking maybe none of them will be at the top of JP in a month, but uncertain.

>> No.58305960

It's literally about people getting blown around by the wind. IIRC a month after its release(around April?) Tokyo was hit by extremely strong wind for around a week, prompting people on Twitter to spread the song and make it viral.

>> No.58305969
File: 521 KB, 3840x2160, 20230911_123344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58306080


>> No.58305973

Wait Miko is not even at 10 million despite striking at the height of the song’s popularity?

>> No.58305985

outside of debut buff i can only see Kanade and Raden to average above 10k.
They're watame tier at best

>> No.58306018

It's not like La+ was streaming much in the first place.

>> No.58306017
File: 92 KB, 620x956, F5t8gEXbAAAZS5J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOGO Okayu.

>> No.58306029
File: 124 KB, 645x343, d18771237fe2059611add289eed5a1b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like when someone learns about hololive for the first time and falls in love with a gen they're introduced to
Her obsession with re:gloss is something else

>> No.58306049


>> No.58306067

better for shiori to latch on regloss than homos

>> No.58306071

Those are actually pretty funny and now I appreciate the song better. Thanks.

>> No.58306080

This new outfit looks more detailed here and less softly textured. Did she use a filter in her stream or something?

>> No.58306085

>comment: I feel like it would be more fun if you graduated from holo
>Lap: That's not true! I'm here because I want to do things that only holo can do!

>> No.58306094

Fauna... your numbers are not enough to act like Gura... Please at least spend 2 mins making dumbass tweets I beg you

>> No.58306097

Oh, Koyo AND Subaru are higher than P-san.

>> No.58306101

She's gonna step out of the box again.
She'll be back once she loses relevance.

>> No.58306102

mikoKING working SMART

>> No.58306107

It’s probably the first JP debuts/streams she’s watched so yeah

>> No.58306110
File: 84 KB, 746x739, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58306146
File: 19 KB, 738x415, 1626542395886899902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lap: That's not true! I'm here because I want to do things that only holo can do!

>> No.58306153

Damn, Kaela only 4th? Japan trip must be hard on her

>> No.58306161

> Kiara just said her recent shorts and music are not doing wel

>> No.58306169
Quoted by: >>58306255

One of them apparently freaked out and started suicide baiting in discord. Messages got deleted later by a manager.

>> No.58306177

Did she say what those were other than free money?

>> No.58306181

So why is youtube trying very hard to hide the fact that they cull the fuck out of content they don't approve of?

>> No.58306232

>Do your job EN primetime
If anything that song will do worse since it's only popular in Japan.

>> No.58306236
File: 1.03 MB, 987x554, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. JP Vtuber aspirants aren't even looking at Niji anymore.

>> No.58306255
Quoted by: >>58306562

Do you know which talent?

>> No.58306256

yes she did, there's some anons that really think the painting was messed up when in fact she was just being an instagram girl

>> No.58306258

>only holo can do
yeah, earn shitton if u deserve it or become kronii

>> No.58306260
File: 230 KB, 1158x453, watame laplus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Laplus, in her return stream, talking about serious issues with lots of controversy?
>a humble sheep trying to make ends meet by fixing her honest gambling machine on Minecraft?


>> No.58306270
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, liver sugoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58306429


>> No.58306273

Honestly it sounds less like doing something that only a Holo can do and more of doing something because only a Holo gets that privilege for. Who would even give a shit to her if she's using her other account?

>> No.58306280
Quoted by: >>58307825

everybody knows about 2% now

>> No.58306292
Quoted by: >>58306343

I've apologized so many times, please forgive me already...

>> No.58306304
File: 8 KB, 748x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, the moment this faggot was kicked from the fps box he tries to worm his way back into the Holo one. He's really dedicated in becoming more pathetic than Aruran.

>> No.58306307

How should we response?

>> No.58306336
File: 680 KB, 587x616, 8392367b883f6e0d10d5e00f36436f24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58306343


>> No.58306350

>can only see Kanade and Raden to average above 10k.
I think the issue is that some of the other JP are still very popular. So it may be very hard to pull them away. Whereas with EN, much of them don’t stream much anyway.

>> No.58306365

Nobody with self-respect wants to deal with the VTA bullshit.

>> No.58306369
File: 1.19 MB, 1092x692, 876178413213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she loves the noise-like filter. She also used it on her members karaoke twice already

>> No.58306370

>Cover is a public company anon, they need to have 40% rev+profit growth every year to stroke their shareholders.
Where the hell is this 40% rev growth meme coming from?
Public companies are only legally obligated to: a) report their financials publicly, and b) have a board of directors elected from shareholders
The latter is firmly in control by Yagoo and his allies since they own the majority of the stock
Ofc they want to grow their revenue and profits but Cover going public made little difference on that goal

>> No.58306373

She's over 3k already though, phasecuck. Don't get too uppity because Plappa mogs bargain bin NijiCN organs.

>> No.58306382

sure, how about chumbuds though?

>> No.58306412
Quoted by: >>58306518

Remember how Ina went from doing a collab cover with Axel to not even willing to mention Vesper by name in regard to Pako doing his redesign?

>> No.58306416
File: 403 KB, 2048x2048, 1694401409226017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she definitely applied a filter over the outfit. It looks like a dream-lens-like effect. (Army of the dead, Oppenheimer) with soft textures and blur in some areas. But why?

>> No.58306423

>honest gambling machine
there is no such thing

>> No.58306425

Reply to this post like Riku just stepped down as CEO of Anycolor

>> No.58306429

why isn't there any liver farm then?

>> No.58306473
Quoted by: >>58306623

Wait Laplus actually even leecherd ReGLOSS on her return just for 13k?

>> No.58306481
Quoted by: >>58306513

that's Nijisanji

>> No.58306489
File: 196 KB, 711x439, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58306504

how much for a night, girl?

>> No.58306513


>> No.58306518

Ina didn't mention Stars in her streams, I don't think she even spoke about cover she did with Stars.

>> No.58306519
Quoted by: >>58306675

Damn, she bussin

>> No.58306541
File: 101 KB, 336x298, screenshot_1694456233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58306547

better than half of HoloEN

>> No.58306556


>> No.58306560
Quoted by: >>58306701

moral and ethics.

>> No.58306562

Hime or something I think

>> No.58306570
Quoted by: >>58306664

>put a shitter chuuba on op


>> No.58306575
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, haachama house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58306640

>management should reset every chunk rushia built on
>pic related

When Rushia got ganked it was some unprecedented moment in Hololive history.
People didn't really know if she would get "unpersoned" and forever erased or what but Haachama gave no fucks and took upon herself to preserve Rushia's memory.
She took ownership of Rushia's house and property and, by doing that, took off the table the idea that management could just erase her from existence.

>> No.58306581

explain to me how Mori can stream so much while also being enslaved by UMG

>> No.58306597
File: 5 KB, 332x114, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58306603

Gura uses filters whenever she's trying to do GFE-ish roleplay

>> No.58306604

>I don't think she even spoke about cover she did with Stars
nta, she did, I remember her talking about wanting to sing as miku for that song

>> No.58306616
File: 240 KB, 462x453, ogey-slurp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna tune in now, some juicy stuff incoming

>> No.58306623

I actually didn't notice she leeching reGloss
She is fucking over
13k for return and leeching is so low

>> No.58306640
Quoted by: >>58306717

yeah and where are the haachama streams now...

>> No.58306648

Definitely won't have the legs of Marine's latest original though. That was actually her slowest one to 1 million but ended up being her fastest to 10 million because it had insane legs and was actually getting faster with each million after a while.

>> No.58306649

nyo, only Myth relay and Big Brains 2 for you chumbie.

Also, who will be participating for Big Brains? Hopefully no IDs and no champion defending her title

>> No.58306651

She spent less than a minute talking about it on her comeback stream and never touched the subject again, and when Pako popped up in her chat after Vesper's redesign she didn't even say his name and only congratulated Pako on his new kid.

>> No.58306661

Mate, Kaela tee'd up the EASIEST put for Gura and she fumbled it.
Kaela filled God knows how many chests with quarts for Gura to build her Atlantis and put her whole autism behind her to make sure she would succeed and Gura just said she would, and then silently backed out.

There is no chance Gura will ever commit to anything on Minecraft

>> No.58306662

>15,748: Ao (Hololive)
>12,203: Ririka (Hololive)
Debut buff doko?

>> No.58306664

kys ESLtard

>> No.58306663

not only did she use a filter, she had her live2d render resolution turned down for whatever reason.

>> No.58306673
Quoted by: >>58306749

Meanwhile in reality her Holo "activity" is dead, she no longer streams on her channel except to shill, and she stopped doing karaoke. It's so obvious she has one foot out the door and I couldn't be happier for her if that's how she's going to succeed. But she should stop pretending she's dedicated to Hololive.

>> No.58306675

If by "bussin", you mean doing bottom of the barrel react content, then yeah.

>> No.58306678

This is some of her most popular shorts that have 5M+ views
Explain how this has anything to do with her big budget MV or something that Laplus can't end up doing anyway or post shorts from her that has 5M+ views that does have something to do with her big budget MVs.
If you can't then shut up or explain why you've been wrong and dishonest from the start claiming bullshit.

>> No.58306680

They were her employees tho, their properties are pretty much her
Rushia last MC stream was even about building for Usaken

>> No.58306697
Quoted by: >>58306783

Gura unironicaly likes the scuff and is trying to artificially produce SOVL

>> No.58306701

booo no fun

>> No.58306717

Well, there is a bigger chance for a Haachama stream now than one of Magni, Vesper, Nina or Mysta, that's for sure

>> No.58306744
File: 407 KB, 1574x2000, 1678854831879110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive TALENTS. hololive IDOLS. hololive MEMBERS. hololive GENERATIONS.

>Bargain Bin Niji Liver Organs. Niji twitcher streamers but with anime avatars. Niji zhang botted waves.

>> No.58306747


Take it or leave it?

>> No.58306749

That describes quite a few of the girls now

>> No.58306750
File: 12 KB, 326x140, 1679414145836568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58306834


>> No.58306751
Quoted by: >>58307137

If getting 5M+ is that easy we would have already seen someone else other than Marine do it

>> No.58306762

[Good News] Zeta started the stream 20 minutes late

>> No.58306783
File: 306 KB, 400x400, rhombus-prime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her favorite person after all

>> No.58306800


>> No.58306804
Quoted by: >>58306855

>short anwser
>long anwser
she one those people that just throw themselve into working and only working cause they have nothing else going on in their lives

>> No.58306805

here are some copes for that
>Ao got her targeted demographic
>Ririka wasn't in JP prime-time

>> No.58306827

Mori unironically loves her fans, loves streaming, and loves Hololive. She streams to destress.

>> No.58306834

Welcome to the first army, Raden.

>> No.58306846

It is called the rule of 40, a baseline for tech startups/stocks that are still in their growth phase.

>> No.58306848


>> No.58306855
Quoted by: >>58306935

She's workaholic

>> No.58306861

if I had a time machine...

>> No.58306865
Quoted by: >>58306906

What happens when nijijp top guys graduate? We just saw nijien collapse

>> No.58306896

Mori's said that streaming is her way of relaxing and unwinding these days, but I think part of it is the same as how she was around debut in that she doesn't know what to do with free time and always needs to be 'working' in one way or another.

>> No.58306901

fame and money, what else would motivate anyone doing anything?

>> No.58306906
Quoted by: >>58308674

well I hope they doesn't because competition is good

>> No.58306908

>autism triggered meme response

>> No.58306923
Quoted by: >>58307542

did she reply to him?

>> No.58306935

she use to be a alcoholic, she basically trade one vice for another

>> No.58306936

yagoo and his allies only add up to ~43% of the company anon.
Unless the VC hag is a 6 years soratomo, she's siding with the VCs and the public if things went awry

>> No.58306937

You know, if Fuwamoco said they'd only be streaming on twitch all of a sudden, I'd probably still continue watching them there.
But then again, I membered Fuwamoco because they didn't seem the type to do something as retarded as that...

>> No.58306946
Quoted by: >>58307001

>Biboo 2nd on stream time

>> No.58306978
File: 28 KB, 622x350, 154903934528100643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RHOMBUS RIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.58306987
Quoted by: >>58307135

she likes streaming and treats it as her break time from project work
she also likes hanging and talking with her fans a lot since she faces lots of negativity in general spaces

>> No.58306994


>> No.58307001

Is Biboo the EN Kaela and Koyori we've been searching for?

>> No.58307005
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x1489, 1664079957802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doubting blue mumei

>> No.58307042

who the fuck is this I've seen her a lot but I always thought it was Elira

>> No.58307071

rhombus maker

>> No.58307099

recline so hard roru
its over

>> No.58307101
File: 486 KB, 1135x868, marine week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307475

>or something that Laplus can't end up doing anyway
Nobody is saying that Laplus can't try but here are the weeks preceding this short right here
>pic related

If you think Laplus can completely forego live streaming and command enough attention to beat what Marine did when she was getting an average of some 50k people per stream in a span of 3 weeks or so... I don't know what to tell you

>> No.58307103
File: 1.52 MB, 850x1462, 9653846117743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you kuroe

>> No.58307104

Looking very likely right now.

>> No.58307116

I need art of Biboo, Mumei and Fauna being cute together

>> No.58307126
File: 380 KB, 648x740, oyakodon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what gives? she's been reposting lots of Gura stuff lately

>> No.58307128 [SPOILER] 

They would never. They aren't really gamers and honestly kind of fell backwards into streaming. They wouldn't care about the distinction between youtube or twitch

>> No.58307132

it's a man

>> No.58307133
Quoted by: >>58307317

Biboo is EN Keala - long streams
Twins are EN Koyori - lots of shorter streams

>> No.58307136
File: 411 KB, 1080x1350, F5w4uwpWMAAYIYB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this at shiori on twitter. I need to get a dwarf edit for when elves win gold.

>> No.58307135
Quoted by: >>58309511

So she is a menhera who would start writing new fuck the hater songs without an outlet.

>> No.58307137

I accept your concession.

>> No.58307143


>> No.58307164
File: 139 KB, 1544x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307205

> he doesn't know

>> No.58307169

Anonchama... Your history reps... Nonexistent.

>> No.58307180

I'd watch my oshi do her normal content on Twitch, why not. Although not too happily because I find the site less convenient than Youtube.
But I wouldn't watch my oshi play valorant and only valorant on twitch. My dedication has limits and that's far beyond them

>> No.58307190
Quoted by: >>58307319

Skyline Chili is, and always was, shit.
Fuck you, Cincinnati.

>> No.58307191

She realized Gura exists

>> No.58307193
File: 589 KB, 778x638, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person responsible for this crime against humanity

>> No.58307205


>> No.58307218 [DELETED] 

bijou is a whore

>> No.58307230

It's not uncommon for her to retweet stuff with her and Gura. She's one of the very few vtubers with a connection to Gura after all.

>> No.58307260
Quoted by: >>58307289

true but she does get numbers so she is on topic for this thread unfortunately.

>> No.58307289

Settle down.

>> No.58307300
File: 33 KB, 292x706, youtubecategories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just tried it myself, can definitely put previous live streams on the top of the front page. Here are the categories, can list them in whatever order I want top to bottom.

>> No.58307304

A whore for Fauna and Mumei, and that's a good thing

>> No.58307315

Yeah, my personal whore.

>> No.58307317
File: 964 KB, 1200x1039, quadruple lamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307360

>Twins are EN Koyor-

>> No.58307319
Quoted by: >>58307370

No one actually eats it. Its tourist food.

>> No.58307351


>> No.58307358
Quoted by: >>58307466

That's the updated version though. An improvement as well because that initial rigging that had holes was unacceptable.

>> No.58307360
File: 434 KB, 1200x1039, 1694263480352723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58307370
File: 1.31 MB, 358x268, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307720

>No one actually eats it.
If you only knew.

>> No.58307394
File: 668 KB, 2149x3035, 1690733629710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this shy kirin gets along with her kouhais. Can't wait for Fauna x Biboo collab.

>> No.58307431

He couldn't draw for shit the last time I checked 3 years ago. That's why Gura is all transforms and weird polygons sliding around... his art was just as fucked up. Cover at that time basically let anyone who followed a live2d tutorial do rig edits for outfits, and then let that guy in particular do a full ground-up rig for Gura.

>> No.58307432

her ego wouldn't allow her to collab with Bijou
same reason she never collabs with Ina
to Fauna both of them are competition

>> No.58307436
File: 88 KB, 619x956, F5t8ne3bgAA3lOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked since I was curious
So far this month she mogs Mori, Ame, Shiori, Kiara, and Bae.
So not quite half of EN, but you can probably say she mogs 3/5 Myth, the strongest EN generation.

>> No.58307442

She's gonna have a ton of fun, I think she'd been looking for someone who appreciates her favourite game

>> No.58307446
File: 494 KB, 687x717, 1687592107068262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him.

>> No.58307452
File: 713 KB, 1280x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a terminal case o GfM, it's over for other chuubas

>> No.58307465
File: 136 KB, 561x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, the thing is, all she needed to do was follow the Ayame path.
Stream on twitch however much you want.
Do whatever shorts or videos or whatever else.
Just drop in on Youtube once a month or even once every 2 months so that your memberships get renewed and chat with them for a bit.
Just. ONCE. Once a fucking MONTH.
Absolutely fucking NOTHING would change either, since you already don't stream that much anyway. But you'll still appear in main channel programs, collabs etc. and still keep your mindshare up.
Soooooo many of your senpai can survive on that little stream time, so why do YOU think you need to completely FOREGO Youtube streaming ENTIRELY?
Only an actual Graduation would be worse for your fans. Even indefinite hiatus is 50-50 since you'd at least come back to Youtube once it's done, although those who want to watch you can still dive through the dumpster fire that is twitch.

>> No.58307466
File: 596 KB, 794x654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I took it from the reveal stream but didn't get a good frame. Look at this

>> No.58307475
Quoted by: >>58308163

>if you think
No one is claiming laplus is going to be anywhere close to beating Marine retard.
Where the fuck did that came from?
A success of this approach would be getting half the subs growth Marine has consistently, which is still faster than the rest of the company besides the new debuts.
She'll cultivate mostly zoomers and casuals that doesn't have half the attention span to watch streams regularly, but even those people can be useful even if they don't buy merchs or attend concerts.

>> No.58307478

God damn they got culled again?? Fuck the good thing is that the 2 good ones are ahead now …


>> No.58307494
Quoted by: >>58307817

>Twitch numbers

>> No.58307498

>It's another "let's directly compare Twitch and Youtube CCV" episode
Anyone else tired of these reruns for the past year

>> No.58307501

I hope pekora can catch up koyori before 20th

she is hard worker and not lazy

>> No.58307506

>La+, barely streams, comes back, immediately antagonizes everyone
>Gura, never streams, comes back... I just want our time together to be fun

Those Laplus types of women are annoying as fuck

>> No.58307507
File: 127 KB, 227x341, grim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just debuted though

>> No.58307511


>> No.58307526

Ririka who stood up until 3 AM to see her 100k is now the runt of the generation. RNJEESUS PLEASE

>> No.58307525

>the 2 good ones
All of them not named Ao-kun are good though.

>> No.58307532
File: 19 KB, 450x89, 62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307578

I love my smokin', drinkin' hagwife.

>> No.58307542

she didn't. only ao has replied to homos post debut

>> No.58307549
File: 333 KB, 907x855, 1687586327551259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58307562

Ummmm... Is this /SNO/ thread?

>> No.58307570
File: 25 KB, 508x407, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307653

why pick her out of all people to go schizo over?
she doesn't even have that much interesting shitpost ammo, you'll have to samefag literally every single one of your baits.
why bother?

>> No.58307569

Yea her roommate concerts are always at cons so if TT fags happen to be there to shill their own shit they might check in with brapper, doesn't make them super close.

>> No.58307578
File: 900 KB, 1800x1012, 1690450665275259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307707

I love her, but I think she's going to be too high level for my dekinai ass.

>> No.58307588

Pretty sure we broke the instantaneous 4chan post rate record with the face reveal.

>> No.58307589
File: 184 KB, 987x546, rhombus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307637


>> No.58307599
Quoted by: >>58307693

Yes, but SNO posting is primarily around FST and EN hours

>> No.58307606

so does fauna

>> No.58307618
Quoted by: >>58307655

>Looking at Radens comments
>Lots of smokers happy as fuck and recommending her

Wait did she unlock a new audience? Did she complete Dev_is plan?

>> No.58307637
Quoted by: >>58307723

>most of the thread probably haven't seen this

>> No.58307644

How can someone be so confident and yet so wrong?

>> No.58307652


>> No.58307653

FWMC are teflon and Bijou is the 2nd most popular advent and look to be a long term high tier EN

>> No.58307655

Pretty that, and just and older market as well of fans.

>> No.58307661

Remember when Nacho went to sleep right before Gura's 3D live started?

>> No.58307676
File: 47 KB, 266x187, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The craziest was her first outfit.
Literally couldn't be bothered to actually cover up the GAP in between her skin and her shirt (you can see the bit on the right of the bottom two frills)
Along with a chunk of her tail just being fucking missing, and EXTREME rhombus face, the ears being completely flat.
It was such a fucking shitshow that they had to make a statement asking people not to shit on the rigger.

>> No.58307677

Watch streams threadreader-chama
she still is going to stream at YouTube for sponsors, karaokes or important zatsudans.
She just won't stream regularly there like Minecraft or FOTM stuffs

>> No.58307689

I hope Cover will extend debuts in the future, 30 minutes is pretty chaffing for anyone actually competent or ambitious, 45 minutes was still a bit short but way better than 30 minutes

>> No.58307693

Is Faufau even streaming or is Biboo gonna have a wide open timeslot for a few hours again?

>> No.58307706
File: 1.79 MB, 4032x3024, F5vCcuHaMAA0vE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58307707
File: 766 KB, 1448x2048, kororeps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307730


>> No.58307720

>Macross 7

>> No.58307724
File: 470 KB, 1280x720, 1687518393095636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307943


>> No.58307723

Huh. How come this Gura stream has chapters?

>> No.58307727

what the fuck happened to kronii?

>> No.58307730

I'm sorry Korosan, I'm just too retarded and lazy...

>> No.58307765
File: 422 KB, 2194x2193, 1693772421627946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307824

Mooms and Biboo mesh really good together. I love them.

>> No.58307773

I just realised that my irl idol oshi is affiliated with honeyworks. Hope she sings with my oshi

>> No.58307776

Bijou streams too much.
This is a problem.

>> No.58307781


>> No.58307782

shit was unacceptable for a 2view, let alone someone in hololive
never forget

>> No.58307789

>Bijou is the 2nd most popular advent and look to be a long term high tier EN
She is the only real gamer in Advent and has proven to be a reliablly good collab partner for anyone in EN at this point, and on the ID side even enduring 12 whole hours with Kaela the robot so probably so.

>> No.58307817
Quoted by: >>58307874

>Average CCV
>Twitch numbers

>> No.58307820

Nerissa has that problem too lol

>> No.58307824

I thought their Portal 2 collab was eh but the moment they didn't have to focus on a game I really liked their dynamic.

>> No.58307825

2% is known in Japan for 5 years

>> No.58307855

YouTube experimenting with AI generated chapter markers when it detects enough scene transitions for a video.

>> No.58307874

he means compared to filian
the only filian stream on youtube was 1M celebration and was at max 4k

>> No.58307882
Quoted by: >>58307914

>mogged by ironmouse
>mogged by filian
Cover should just shitcan holoEN already.

>> No.58307897
File: 342 KB, 2048x1674, 1692565348948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58307910
Quoted by: >>58308016

she's not going to completely abandon yt streaming, 3D Lives are still going to be there. memberships however....
Plusmates definitely are getting the short end of the stick here, I believe everyone here agrees with that.
Hopefully they can find other holos as oshi

>> No.58307914

After your homos, beggar.

>> No.58307922
File: 129 KB, 1008x208, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58307978

Remind me how many people watched her play Armored Core when she had no overlap?

>> No.58307925
File: 779 KB, 1176x931, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah ah did Ao-kun got shadowbanned?

>> No.58307927

I am actually sad they didn't get around to it in Japan

>> No.58307926
File: 539 KB, 1920x1080, F5too90aQAAm4-D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58308083

An hour later they revelead the krisis+jp heroes half anniversary merch so they totally expected that one to be received negatively. Unit series is a big cashgrab where they reuse the key visuals on merch and their worst merch by far

>> No.58307943
File: 39 KB, 530x579, 1698533356776477726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58307952
File: 543 KB, 1080x1597, 169445740714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58307978

That's good for a kusoge.

>> No.58307980
Quoted by: >>58308927

Every passing day I dislike Nerissa a bit more

>> No.58307983
File: 509 KB, 1192x846, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58307986

>watame tier
That's a good tier to be in though.... especially if its consistent

>> No.58307988
File: 146 KB, 368x360, 1657867208686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Pekora had to purposefully learn how to laugh differently because she was starting to get recognized by literal gramps
Kinda makes sense in hindsight, her voice is both a blessing and a curse

>> No.58307989

You have to search "Ao ch" to find her

>> No.58307991

There's no merch drama. people are just shitting on the merch and this will be forgotten in a few days.

>> No.58308006

Youtube ads are getting out of control

>> No.58308015
File: 2.99 MB, 1080x1350, dwarf_lose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58308103


>> No.58308016

> 3D Lives are still going to be there
literally just saying "I'm just in it for the cash"
fucking RIP, this will be the end of her mindshare in the holobox.

>> No.58308063

You have more chances to find doxxnigger videos before the actual channels if you search by full name. Just add a "ch" at the end

>> No.58308074
Quoted by: >>58308927

But why

>> No.58308075

Pretty much have to buy premium or use adblocker

>> No.58308080

what is her goal? what's the point of interacting with random nobodies? if she's got time for this she's got time to reply to any holo tweets instead.

>> No.58308083

Wait this merch actually looks good. Why is no one talking about this?

>> No.58308102
Quoted by: >>58308231

Fauna might be thinking she should cancel Starfield stream and play Minecraft with Advent instead rn.

>> No.58308103
File: 255 KB, 1072x1500, F5knmpZboAEb-f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58308129


>> No.58308107

As long as her priority is Hololive.

>> No.58308125
File: 31 KB, 599x252, subs_2023-09-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58308129

I'll take that cunny, thank you very much

>> No.58308146
File: 2 KB, 183x18, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way you name your channel really matters for search optimization. Aki has the same issue.

>> No.58308163
Quoted by: >>58308542

>A success of this approach would be getting half the subs growth Marine has consistently
I say 60k subs per month is a hard threshold to reach.
>but even those people can be useful even if they don't buy merchs or attend concerts.
That's the second thing that remains to be seen. I am hard pressed to see ANY usefulness for them and there is even one example in Hololive itself to prove
>2001 Ollie

>> No.58308166

Why does it matter? It's twitter.

>> No.58308169
Quoted by: >>58308291

Didn’t she just mention the idea and not even confirm she was in the process of organising something?

>> No.58308172
Quoted by: >>58308328

>I'm just in it for the cash
3D lives are net negatives if not for merchs anon.
I think even she knows that the audience she's going for aren't the types to buy vtuber merchs

>> No.58308174
Quoted by: >>58308614

I'm pretty apathetic about her after a month, thought she'd be my favourite EN3 predebut and shortly after.

>> No.58308175

3D Live Guest appearances. And variety content on the official channel. Her mindshare? Will remain as is.

>> No.58308182
Quoted by: >>58308374

Shiori under 1k subs a day...

>> No.58308188
Quoted by: >>58308927

Imagine getting into Holo and still talk with twitch thots

>> No.58308194

who the fuck are those? KEK, she isn't Mori 2.0 for nothing. She needs an immediate 2021 Mori lesson about these Twitch circles

>> No.58308200

How do we help fuwamoco get to a million?

>> No.58308218

She replied to bunch of Holo tweets and was watching at least 3 streams this morning.

>> No.58308219

Dogs will reach 600k before anyone else hits 500k...

>> No.58308231
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1682748251128318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58308232
Quoted by: >>58308444

Hint for you anon: Use Bing instead of youtube's search or the related google search. Google went to totak shit a few years ago at least and gives you bad search results, often with whatever agenda they want to push not what you actually want to find. Bing actually brings up the youtube pages for every girls' channel.

>> No.58308242

It's generic merch for literal 3views-1k average.
The merch is ok but it's sad the standards are so low that anyone can think this "deserves praise"

>> No.58308251

Bijou isn't even going to hit 500k by the end of the year at this point, growth is going to slow down so much by the end of the month

>> No.58308252
File: 494 KB, 625x810, clapclapnextmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58308257

Shes a /here/ chuuba, unironically probably spends more time posting on 5ch than she does streaming

>> No.58308291

No, she said that BBG2 is coming back and it's ''close'' if I remember correctly. I predict it to be this month, maybe she plans on doing it annually every Septembers

>> No.58308314

I now understand why Yagoo created regLOSS

>> No.58308328

>3D lives are net negatives if not for merchs
Mate, the whole fucking purpose of 3D lives is to be a one hour infomercial to get the biggest live audience you can to buy your merch.
>I think even she knows that the audience she's going for aren't the types to buy vtuber merchs
Yeah, she's going for an audience that won't watch her streams (because she won't stream), won't buy her merch, won't member her channel or donate.
I wonder if she's becoming a Holostar

>> No.58308337

Thank you BVTM discord

>> No.58308365
File: 248 KB, 379x359, 1682748251128448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58308467


>> No.58308374

She chose pronouns over Mumei.
Runt for life.

>> No.58308406

>nerd shit with schizo ramblings ASMR
i coom

>> No.58308413

Has Laplus BANNED Gawr Gura from her chats yet?

>> No.58308417

Those plushies are tiny and everyone gets them. They are barely a step above your standard Nijimerch, mediocre at best.

>> No.58308419

Lapuchan my beloved

>> No.58308444

I don't think anyone at Alphabet knows enough about their own algos to game things like that. It's vastly more likely that SEO optimization keeps evolving to exploit the everloving fuck out of Google's algo, but they don't care enough about Bing's algo yet.

>> No.58308450
Quoted by: >>58308590

what kind of trash baits is this, I'm unimpressed

>> No.58308461

>people not realizing the REAL yab in that interaction because no one here EVER had a pregnant wife

>> No.58308463
Quoted by: >>58308653

Dogs are adding more popular stuff to their schedules slowly, hopefully they can keep it up and add some collabs to their streaming game outside of Advent.

>> No.58308467
File: 459 KB, 1080x604, 1682748251128462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58308534


>> No.58308475

Is she the first HoloEN to bring up this culture war garbage on stream? I can't remember another example of this.

>> No.58308478

>vtuber = Hololive
that's been the norm around the world since two years ago

>> No.58308499

That was my first thought as well but more because of pop cultural osmosis as "pregnant chicks crave pickles" is exclusively a north american meme

>> No.58308512
Quoted by: >>58308600

So happy it didn't happen and that Mumei spent time with Bae instead.

>> No.58308531

it's funny because it's true

>> No.58308537
File: 1.66 MB, 1350x875, riss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Singer of the gen, "Demon of Sound"
>No karaokes
>Only non-HoloEN collabs with ID shitters and possible twitch vtubers (god forbid nijiEN)
what is her point

>> No.58308534

I wish Kiara would tard wrangle these girls into more cgdct collabs

>> No.58308542

They are useful in the one thing that the regular holo core viewers doesn't have.
cross algo pollination with general/trending content.
Holo regular viewers mostly only watch holos and only holos, some even do it in a special holo-only account for opsec or various reasons.
This is terrible for algo in YouTube and Twitter, the last time that the majority of regular holo viewers doesn't do this is probably 2020/2021 where Hololive content are (because of it) still strong on the algorithms.
More casual viewers and demographics that only consume holos <5% of the time spent on youtube are also watching the trendiest most popular youtube content, which helps the algo recommends holo content to other people that watches trendy/popular content.

>> No.58308545
Quoted by: >>58308625


>> No.58308560
Quoted by: >>58308736

It's kind of ironic that Myth who people doomposted constantly about before debut when it came to that kind of thing never did it, but the 'perfect idols Advent' did.

>> No.58308567

>Is she the first HoloEN to bring up this culture war garbage on stream
I'm pretty sure that was you

>> No.58308568

Her ccv is rapidly approaching 5k she is gonna end up like her oshi

>> No.58308576

Okay, but why are you brown?

>> No.58308585

She literally went to the state fair and was convinced to try pickle lemonade the other day, she talked about it on stream. Nice SEA schizo brain.

>> No.58308590
File: 72 KB, 1200x1200, F5tofxbawAAjbcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58308626

Baby steps, let them cook

>> No.58308600
Quoted by: >>58308678

Not now, SEAhooman

>> No.58308614

I was looking forward to her being the main singer of the gen but I guess I was too hopeful.

>> No.58308619

>chose pronouns over Mumei

>> No.58308623
File: 1.35 MB, 1601x1061, 1682748251128484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58308625

Kronii has remained a woman on stream the entire time last time I checked.

>> No.58308626
File: 61 KB, 1200x1200, 1677788417170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shart is too smug

>> No.58308628
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, nerissex2[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft3sylb.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being my cocksleeve

>> No.58308652
Quoted by: >>58308991

>cross algo pollination with general/trending content.
Mate, that's just restating the initial issue
>tourists help by getting more tourists
If there is not a "hopper" in the end to funnel said tourists to become part of the proper "box", the audience that watches live streams, donate, member the channels, attend the concerts and buy the merchandise you just get .... well, you just get 2021 Ollie with the natural consequence being 2023 Ollie

>> No.58308653
Quoted by: >>58308911

Anon, in their battle plan stream they emphasized that they want to play visual novels. Debuff games will always be there. That's what they love. That said, Gal Gun came up during the "improve FPS skills" discussion and that would definitely get numbers the first time since it'd be open-season for Fuwawa lewd-tinted comments.

>> No.58308674

Hololive can always compete against Hololive

>> No.58308675


>> No.58308677


>> No.58308676

>No karaokes
this is my only complaint about her
it's like her first unarchived traumatized her or something

>> No.58308678

I guess all those koreans and nips who prefer Bae over Fauna are SEA too huh?
Also I'm pretty sure all of SEA is sleeping right now.

>> No.58308685

>whole ass branch of vsingers
>groups theme is being a band
>only one singer
Cover's upper management is just a bunch of monkeys selecting balls with words from a ball pit

>> No.58308689
Quoted by: >>58308810

Remember the cuck box?

>> No.58308691
File: 128 KB, 700x800, 1665514242665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hours left

>> No.58308705
Quoted by: >>58308891

all JPs should kneel to Myth for the sub boost

>> No.58308715

Yes yes, Fauna very bad, we get it.

>> No.58308735

Hoping she'll do GFE ASMR for members after the first month membership frenzy dies down.

>> No.58308736

>the 'perfect idols Advent' did.
Shiori has given off so many red flags on stream already it is difficult to count them all and many people noticed anon. Her simps just ignore them all and pretend she wants to be an idol when she has expressed zero itnerest in being one.

>> No.58308740

she was a mistake

>> No.58308747

Hi, sorry I came so late, but we talked about this last year too.
Chats are soft capped at 800/min for regular chatters, but members get counted differently, leading some streams to the 1200 hard cap you sometimes see.

Basically yeah, Top Chat is what's being shown.

>> No.58308753


>> No.58308762


>> No.58308765

>can sing
>must do regular karaoke

>> No.58308777
File: 536 KB, 1000x1000, 1693009839371390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58308790

you know understand that being the "singer" of a gen means shit

>> No.58308791

>no Story of Seasons or Terraria
big improvement

>> No.58308792
Quoted by: >>58308892

>Previously, Neal was Senior Vice President of Display and Video Ads at Google.

>> No.58308804

It's funny because Gura has never once had "low numbers". All people can do is shitpost about her numbers vs giga titans so you show this to any normie and they'll think "what". You need to be a /#/ sister to think it even makes sense

>> No.58308810

Cover needs to reintroduce the cuckbox again if they really want to have fast subs growth

>> No.58308815

Anon it's better if we ignore her covers

>> No.58308821
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>> No.58308822

She lives with her parents and she said they have relatives over right now. If they could hear her it might be too loud or she's too embarrassed to sing with company in the house. IRyS didn't like doing night JST karaokes at her old house for that reason

>> No.58308826
Quoted by: >>58309055

>More casual viewers and demographics that only consume holos <5% of the time spent on youtube are also watching the trendiest most popular youtube content, which helps the algo recommends holo content to other people that watches trendy/popular content.
I was okay with just letting Lap do her thing but you're starting to make me root for her to fail.

>> No.58308840
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What the fuck is that discrepancy

>> No.58308853
Quoted by: >>58308953

>can sing
therein lies the problem, she can't sing
she can process her voice for covers though

>> No.58308861

>>can sing
Questionable given her lack of karaoke skills. She needs an extremely controlled environment and probably hundreds of takes to produce any good covers.

>> No.58308866
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>> No.58308892
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Neal was in charge of ads and launching shorts at Google/Youtube respectively. The direction of the site with him as CEO should not be surprising. Susan probably got pushed out after spending half a bil on poaching streamers to make a bunch of 4view shitters.

>> No.58308891
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Quoted by: >>58308972


>> No.58308902

I don't know what the issue is but if the hivemind is mad then I'm mad as well.

>> No.58308910
Quoted by: >>58308961

Jesus the retarded hyperbole in this brown ass thread. Hundreds of takes, really?

>> No.58308911

Kanji game and Chillas kusoge just seems like a step up from their last schedule for me, maybe not in actual quality but surely in popularity.

>> No.58308916
Quoted by: >>58308955

FWMC raided into it after FWMC morning

>> No.58308926
Quoted by: >>58308996

so Shiori is the runt after all

>> No.58308927

How are any of you surprised about this?
They were in the Twitch circle for 2 years before Cover finally let them in to EN3.
Why abandon your already semi-famous friends now that you're a bit more famous than them.

>> No.58308931
Quoted by: >>58308955

Dogs probably redirected their FWMC Morning stream?

>> No.58308936

They were going to add an EN cuckbox but got rid of it when they found out everyone except Mumei was going to be put in it

>> No.58308953

I didn't listen to her unarchived karaoke and her monetization one was meh
is it really that bad

>> No.58308955

That would explain it, thanks.

>> No.58308957

Wow, look at Shiori making many times more money than all others put together.

>> No.58308961
Quoted by: >>58309404

wasn't nerissa an Opera singer or something? The idea that she can't sing well unless recording is laughably stupid.

>> No.58308972
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>> No.58308989

Nerissa is on a quest to fuck every female vtuber in the west

>> No.58308991
Quoted by: >>58309202

if 2021 ollie means high subs growth then that's pretty much her goal.
At least this time she would be actually in control of her content which is shorts, rather than depending on e-celebs that lead to the pump&dump and 2023 ollie.

>> No.58308996

Fauna used to the runt tho

>> No.58309000

Haachama sub...

>> No.58309002
Quoted by: >>58309078

iirc Nerissa mentioned asking Fauna is they could build a Nest as her home in her world tree in MC so Fauna-advent MC collabs soft confirmed already.

>> No.58309003
Quoted by: >>58309428

>Why abandon your already semi-famous friends now that you're a bit more famous than them
Almost all HoloEN did, she's one of the exceptions.

>> No.58309014

Anon, it doesn’t count because she still isn’t streaming. If you stream as little as Gura does and your fans complain, they will always be right, no matter how much you try to explain yourself.
There is literally no excuse for Gura’s lack of streams, and she keeps giving excuses. What about deciding to ignore her excuses and keeping bitching at her is “weak”? You can argue it’s retarded, a waste of effort, etc., but deciding to harass a streamer for not delivering on her promises is not “weak”, because it takes way too much effort.

>> No.58309040

I mean the runt of Advent

>> No.58309042

In a gen with Sana and Bae? Hell no.

>> No.58309043
Quoted by: >>58309144

>More Fauna Starfield
its tuesday

>> No.58309055

then you should wish for Marine to fail too since she's basically doing the same thing with her tiktok trends and shorts growth

>> No.58309063
File: 337 KB, 1280x744, picture_pc_c4d334a4eff9a97a2cf51e4073a2651b-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the forecast

>> No.58309075

not even remotely

>> No.58309076

I can respect people who don't want to leave their friends behind when they make it big at least, but it's a very fine line.

>> No.58309078
File: 60 KB, 393x363, 1664032442304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute UNITY kirin

>> No.58309094
Quoted by: >>58309428

Ah you're that kind of people who does those IRL vs Vtubers tag, retards who couldn't separate different identities.

>> No.58309108
Quoted by: >>58309428

nigga she's in Hololive now, she should ditch them or at least not talk to them publicly like all the other members

>> No.58309132
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>> No.58309144

>Fauna streaming on Tuesday

>> No.58309148

Le retard de Uruha Rushia...

>> No.58309156


>> No.58309175
Quoted by: >>58309428

here let met spell it for you: as a hololive they are strangers. nobody is preventing her from using her personal account for this.

>> No.58309198


>> No.58309202
Quoted by: >>58309405

>if 2021 ollie means high subs growth then that's pretty much her goal.
2021 Ollie is more than "high subs growth", it is "high subs growth from an audience not interested in the daily content put out by the vtuber" and that's the exact same audience that watches shorts, as proven by filian, Rin Penrose and Akemi, none of which found any permanent incline from doing it.

Here is the "#shorts plan"
1. put shorts out
2. get lots of views and subs
3. ???
4. profit!

Step three is definitely not any direct revenue from the shorts itself nor the conversion of the shorts audience into regular audience.
What is it then?

>> No.58309206

Wow when did Mori hit 1 million if Festival got there before her?

>> No.58309238

how did you find it?

>> No.58309248

No wonder Hajime got 35k

>> No.58309263

All of these will graduate next year, except Aqua

>> No.58309275

finally watched Hajime's zatsu and all I can say that the only chuuba harder to understand than her is Amamya

>> No.58309278

Council showcase dates should be announced this week.

>> No.58309319

>Hima getting over 20k
Damn, when was the last time that happened?

>> No.58309321

b-but Japanese tourists g-good

>> No.58309326

I wonder if that's how Mumei sounds to ESLs

>> No.58309332

>Only non-HoloEN collabs with ID shitters
She's working her way up from lowest ccv Holos - 1st Ollie, now Iofi. Next Risu or Anya

>> No.58309341

What purpose would it serve beside making them look like a black company AFTER IPO? You can’t force growth

>> No.58309369

mumei sounds clear enough to me

>> No.58309379

>growth last 30 days 0
>dumbass lecture
people just sick of ogaleech

>> No.58309388
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Quoted by: >>58309425


>> No.58309390

I don't care if Lap wants to stream only on twitch, I just wish she didn't have such a shitty attitude.

>> No.58309404

She said she was in a choir for years and got a lot of solos while doing it.

>> No.58309405
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, lap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her end goal is step 2
the money is from Cover bonuses as they actually has subs as KPI.
money/revenue is the lowest priority for laplus.
As for Cover, more views+subs means more leverage at negotiating sponsorship deals.
Which is basically the YT shorts meta that has been working for thousands of YT shorts creator these past few years. post viral shit and shills product every other posts.

>> No.58309419

So Robocco collab soon.

>> No.58309421


>> No.58309425
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>> No.58309428

That's what I mean, being in Holo isn't THAT big of a deal anymore on the EN side, like it was during Myth early days.
the fuck are you even talking about? Get off twitter more often dweeb.

That would be reasonable if they still used the other accounts.

>> No.58309436

raspberry queen Reimu soon too

>> No.58309442
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for what it's worth lapras is being transparent and receptive to fan feedback

>> No.58309445

Paging all Vtuber archeologists. How popular were upd8 and Animare in 2019?

>> No.58309446

No Fauna today...

>> No.58309448
File: 65 KB, 228x248, 1694355016286699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58309485

>> No.58309455

I never said I like it. Hololive going mainstream in general has always been a bad thing, but at least Marine remains likeable and works with the box and for her fans, not in spite of it and them.

>> No.58309466

Mumei doesn't have a lisp/weird accent, she just has a tendency for words to tumble into one another and swaps topics on a dime.

>> No.58309475

What does any of what you say matter anyway? Laplus doesn’t want to stream, firing her would make the company look bad, so go ahead and let her use her channel as a testing ground for the shorts meta. This isn’t EN during the long drought, there legitimately are enough JP girls to tolerate shitters like Laplus and use them for experiments like this.
The point of testing out Laplus’ shorts meta isn’t that the company can copy it if it works. It’s so they can take to very different channels like Marine and Laplus, compare what they did the same and differently, the extent to which they inclined, and any nuances in the shorts strategy they might want to recommend if it looks promising.
Because future girls who try doing more shorts are probably not going to act like either Marine and Laplus, and data from this “experiment” could help.
>tldr: what else is Laplus’s channel good for?

>> No.58309477

Have the JPs really been ok with her
>I refuse to call anyone senpai.
shit to begin with, or did they complain about it? I'm kind of curious now.

>> No.58309479

EN Ollie.

>> No.58309485
File: 188 KB, 753x978, 95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my drinkin', smokin' hagwife.

>> No.58309491

you just want to be upset at something anon

>> No.58309499

Where's the raspberry tally?

>> No.58309501

ao's going to be buffed by minecraft and micomet, also could be an okayu case if her singing ends up being the best out of regloss

>> No.58309511

No you don’t understand, she like streaming because she doesn’t have to think about writing song when she does

>> No.58309523

I can understand Moom well enough. Bae and Sana however filtered me with their aussiespeak.
