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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 439 KB, 2048x1736, F5uBeUObcAAtKvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58276196 No.58276196 [Reply] [Original]

Fratricide edition

>Upcoming Stream
>Most Recent Stream

Previous Thread >>58268602

>Unarchived Karaoke 2023-08-27 download links
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ANsdzfwZ24g Fuwawa HoloSummer2023
https://youtube.com/shorts/FXYwY-L7DzU?si=URggL2UQcJPR_bqi Mococo HoloSummer2023
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T7xFnwfBKsM Lifetime Showtime short
>Original Song - Lifetime Showtime
>Advent Gen Song - Rebellion

>Voice Packs
>Advent Debut Merch

>/baubau/ sings Lifetime Showtime! Fuwamoco want to hear your voices! Upload your submission (acapella) to catbox.moe and post the link in the comments in this puzzle.

>Thread Template

>> No.58276230
Quoted by: >>58276414

R.I.P Fuwawa. BAU BAU.

>> No.58276360
File: 366 KB, 3183x1790, F5VU4M1WgAAXN43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58276414
File: 570 KB, 989x652, foowapooko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Fuwawa cheated..

>> No.58276425
File: 3.41 MB, 720x480, Mococo husky howls[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbx39wr.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need more mococo

>> No.58276469
File: 91 KB, 500x500, 1692677024140802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are those jp reps ruffians? i think i'm at day 19 of anki, 300 something words. Almost done reading yotsuba vol 1.

>> No.58276596
File: 2.30 MB, 2500x1720, F5ovjvAb0AAsN9I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reps? Never heard of 'em.

>> No.58276624
File: 1.01 MB, 1400x1000, 1689626016683375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started on grammar and trying to set up for a VN to mine, fuwamoco took some of my immersion time sadly but that's the price for having an oshi

>> No.58276645
Quoted by: >>58276677

So who had the better Pikachu voice?

>> No.58276647

buy an ad retard

>> No.58276671

I aint watching your clips anon. Get fucked.

>> No.58276677

Buy an ad retard

>> No.58276710
Quoted by: >>58276795

kys. thats fwmc's actual stream vod

>> No.58276763

I keep a list of ideas/topics for things I want to SC or post on Twitter for them. On September 5, I wrote "tags" on the list, but for the life of me I can't remember what I meant. Any ideas?

>> No.58276795

You clip that akasupa you retard. kys.

>> No.58276807

How can we know what you meant

>> No.58276877
Quoted by: >>58276992

adding tags for the then tag-less Lifetime Showtime?

>> No.58276992

That actually sounds familiar, so that's probably it.

>> No.58277348

I'm taking this idea, I don't superchat often so having ideas on the ready is good

>> No.58277679
File: 585 KB, 1920x1080, Bayonetta Grace and Glory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting that FuwaMoco's designs were partly inspired by these guys from Bayonetta

>> No.58277716

I'll believe it

>> No.58277776

Question about the "/baubau/ sings"
We just record our voices, right? No other audio?

>> No.58278029
File: 443 KB, 1504x2000, F5hbqLmaMAE33F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58278047

bayonetta 1 was kino. they should play it

>> No.58278096
Quoted by: >>58278331

They would not survive

>> No.58278103

they should play the whole trilogy
would make an interesting series of streams

>> No.58278199

>Dozens of high quality submissions from actual fans
>Pick a troon who is a professional freelancer as the winner and who immediately uses it as advertising for their services
What did they mean by this anyway? Signalling they support the cause? Guess no wizard game then huh

>> No.58278222

Trying to ruin this thread too, eh?

>> No.58278267

No I'm right here that's a different guy

>> No.58278272

Might as well address it now the troony tune is going to be permanently affixed to their streams now. You'd think they'd be more aware of these people killing VN translations

>> No.58278331

they could just play on easy

>> No.58278353
File: 38 KB, 483x273, 1690819208099267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58278396

How did you get this picture of my hugging pillows?

>> No.58278401

fuwawa's top stops shorter than mococo's shorts

>> No.58278415

post more of mococo

>> No.58278438
File: 238 KB, 1151x786, 1651356913450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anons, I gave DKC a try from that link an anon sent earlier and I've mogged them pretty hard. There's really no reason to let go of the run button. But now that I think of it, aren't they playing on the Switch? It looks like a bitch playing with those controls and using an analog stick instead of a D-pad.

>> No.58278551

Anon, they are bad at video games. We are not watching our hag wives because we are impressed by their gaming skills. And yes, they are playing on the switch.

>> No.58278699
File: 59 KB, 1080x810, 1668578102586444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWU. Did I miss kino?

>> No.58278715

Yes friend you did but go watch the VOD now

>> No.58278791
Quoted by: >>58278937

>he's not impressed by Fuwawa's gaming skills

>> No.58278844

did nobody fucking notice fuwawa stopped sandbagging at the game when mococo was tilted? she went through like half that stage with no problem or long pauses. i thought it was funny.

>> No.58278856

Mococo arm's got torn off !!!

>> No.58278937

I was genuinely impressed with how well she did when Mococo was kill

>> No.58278978

i need a soundpost of mococo's "that's pretty cool" when fuwawa was trying to get her back into the game

>> No.58279020

I think she takes herself out of flow by rechecking buttons. When he just goes for it, then you get the amazing runs

>> No.58279089
Quoted by: >>58279271

>Pick a troon who is a professional freelancer as the winner and who immediately uses it as advertising for their services
What? Did they already pick a winner? Did I fucking miss it???

>> No.58279155
File: 820 KB, 938x588, 1671579248343685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58279270

>Other Ruffians sound asleep after a fun day with Fuwamoco
>Get home and watch the VOD alone while making dinner

>> No.58279198
Quoted by: >>58279823

Did you finish it?

>> No.58279207
File: 163 KB, 632x422, 1000000357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm there's something off about my wives...

>> No.58279270

I'm still awake anon. About to sleep though. You'll be able to enjoy FWMC morning with us though right?

>> No.58279271
Quoted by: >>58279413

>What? Did they already pick a winner? Did I fucking miss it???
Anon... If you are not a shitposter, go check the previous FWMC morning.

>> No.58279286
File: 729 KB, 990x1308, 1691199427783003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as I imagine them to be in real life

>> No.58279330
Quoted by: >>58279539

>1 dog
>fuwawa not actually real confirmed
oh shit

>> No.58279413

Disregard my post, I'm retarded. I was half asleep for the last FWMC morning and completely missed it.
I like the winning jingle.

>> No.58279539

>Our (Mococo and me) child behind the desk

>> No.58279547

were they lying about their space situation?
if Mococo can lie on the floor they can definitely fit another PC

>> No.58279559
File: 256 KB, 1024x1024, ozag8mtb4y8BO795ucSD0uOe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuwawa banshee screams
>mocochan goblin screams

I think I know what their next game should be

>> No.58279586

Fuwawa sweat

>> No.58279610


>> No.58279656

I think the main problem is the desk space.

>> No.58279659

Fuwawa spit

>> No.58279727

I now have time to watch DKC.
Where's the chatbox? It's been 7hrs.
Did something happen?

>> No.58279791
File: 45 KB, 379x408, 1692034003677712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58279835

Whenever I visualize them doing this face, my day gets better

>> No.58279808
Quoted by: >>58279868

Nope, probably just a glitch.

>> No.58279823

I only went up to the current world they are at.

>> No.58279832
File: 675 KB, 3840x2160, 110491387_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58279835

yup these are my favorite faces when they do it

>> No.58279838
File: 316 KB, 640x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if it's all an act
what if fuwawa actually the gamer of the twins
what if she's just sandbagging this whole time so that mococo feels better before her eventual demise

the sign is all there
fuwawa skill inexplicably increases in a clutch whenever mococo too emotional to progress
in apex, she always aim just right outside the area where the aim assist would snap her cursor
and mococo tends to ask fuwawa for help when she's stuck
it's all intentional

>> No.58279843

Just youtube fluffing with you

>> No.58279868

OK. I suppose I'm not missing much so I'll just watch because chat's mostly bau's and more bau's anyway

>> No.58279871
Quoted by: >>58279884

>fuwawa will never rape me while im trying to sleep

kill me ruffrans

>> No.58279884

Kill me first please

>> No.58279913

I really liked their chit chat with Mumei.

>> No.58279932

Not bad for ai, good concept. An artist should do this though.

>> No.58280031
Quoted by: >>58280919

If Fuwawa uses the voice that she was using while talking to Mumei I'd like their streams more.

Right now it's mostly the karaokes.

>> No.58280088

It was a lot better than I was expecting. I think a western (not yee haw) movie watchalong with Mumei and Biboo would be pretty fun.

>> No.58280097
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, 20230910171857_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruffrans... I'm sorry...

>> No.58280133

I enjoy seeing their reaction to some western stuff it's just so different from what they are used too.

>> No.58280139

AI is only good for FuwaMoco porn

>> No.58280153

Believe me, I feel the same. I'm trying so hard to become a drawfag. It's a lot more difficult than I thought

>> No.58280243
File: 528 KB, 2149x2251, F5ukpckboAAeBuK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58280262
File: 205 KB, 953x982, F5ujtcvbEAAbQJM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58280287

>> No.58280287

>not a pon-de-ring

>> No.58280364

I sung Lifetime Showtime on the way home to prepare for the baubau sings project, it's harder to sing than I thought

>> No.58280460

good night rufferans

>> No.58280468
Quoted by: >>58280540

I bet it would feel nice if Mococo attacked me by biting me to death and letting me bleed out haha.

>> No.58280511

All Pero haters deserve to be exiled from the general, that is all.

>> No.58280530

Lose weight fat ass.

>> No.58280540

I bet if I killed myself I could meet them in the next life

>> No.58280661
File: 2.56 MB, 205x205, 1676321682467635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa IRL leak

>> No.58280692
Quoted by: >>58280715

This. Pero hate is simply Mococo hate in a barely disguised form and everyone knows it.

>> No.58280715
Quoted by: >>58281167


>> No.58280919

She sounded exactly the same, unless you can timestamp me an example

>> No.58281089
Quoted by: >>58281233

Why is the thread so dead

>> No.58281167

I'm not talking about ironic hate anon, I mean people who actually bitch and moan about Pero appearances.

>> No.58281233
Quoted by: >>58281710

Most ruffians here are American so they're all asleep

>> No.58281239
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1693501859951948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today is 9/11
Misunderstanding predictions?

>> No.58281281

Main Hololive channel has a video about food terrorism. Very insensitive.

>> No.58281365

They must have changed the title because the word terrorism is no longer auto-translating on the video. But it did before.

>> No.58281463

Why is Moco-chan like this

>> No.58281588


>> No.58281629
File: 102 KB, 288x315, 1693621625003602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58281659

>catching up on DKC
>already screaming
goddamn fuwawa, I want to have sex with you

>> No.58281659
File: 672 KB, 850x957, 1665487206252450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58283249

Sex with Fuwawa

>> No.58281710

Time for bed to wake up in time FWMC morning

>> No.58282250
File: 1.22 MB, 1443x812, 1685151037576791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no misunderstandings, a confession!

>> No.58282982
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, 1326589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh anons, what are they planning to do to Nerissa? Her skin is faded here

>> No.58283032
Quoted by: >>58286065

are the twin dogs invincible?? how do they not get sick from streaming so often or loses their voice from talking so much and practicing and doing karaoke and screaming every stream

>> No.58283043

Slap her with a Takoyaki to death

>> No.58283165
Quoted by: >>58284971

Just watched the DK VOD. They won't finish the game this year will they.

>> No.58283249
File: 1.11 MB, 2645x2977, __fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_hitozche__cc0f91517a9ecf2e9f85ba060f275495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58284194

larger image so you can see Fuwawa's big eyes better.

>> No.58283263

music to my ears

>> No.58284194

Fuwawas beautiful big eyes

>> No.58284442
File: 168 KB, 258x299, fuwa him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch out for him!

>> No.58284774
Quoted by: >>58285981

Last night they were talking about ice cream and I feel like they mentioned Taiyaki. Have they ever had Taiyaki with ice cream? It's actually a good combination.
I once went to a store that serves them both together.

>> No.58284894
File: 128 KB, 345x325, joushi_buka_men3_gekido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apology: Mococo's violent outbursts

>> No.58284971
Quoted by: >>58285040

depends on how often Fuwawa activates her ascended mode like today

>> No.58285040

>Fuwawa activates her ascended mode
Kek, her Stand named Mococo is far stronger than anything she can put out on her own.

>> No.58285210
File: 22 KB, 356x270, 1691465622107033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you having fun?
>it feels great, right?
>un, and now...
>eh? Ah, wuffian?
>you're screaming
>I'm sorry did it hurt
>m-my hand just slipped let me try again
>it hurts even more this time?
>awawawa, wait I'm gonna try
>huh? Moco-chan!?
>no I don't need help, I'm the older sister, after all...
>so just stay in your bunk, tonight is my turn with the wuffian
>I-I don't need you to take over, I can do this!
>I should just stick to backseating...
>how could you say that!?
>wuffian! I'm good at this right!?
>even better than moco-chan, right!?
>because I'm the older sister!
>say something
>don't just go quiet...
>I didn't ask you!
>and stop laughing!
>ne, nee wuffian!
>say something!

>> No.58285370
File: 1.03 MB, 1284x1406, IMG_9279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whore is shameless

>> No.58285411

Great I got all comfy after a fap and getting into bed and now you're going to make me get out for another one. Hope you're happy

>> No.58285468
Quoted by: >>58286074

Back to Nenechi after getting cold shouldered by the dogs. They handled him pretty well. Send one cringe marriage proposal only, Ruffians

>> No.58285473

Anybody who thinks Windows 10 is nice should kill themselves immediately.

>> No.58285490


>> No.58285538
File: 358 KB, 1739x2245, F5eZgxAasAA9efV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58285573 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 160x142, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58285600

>Fuwawa, despite having a very sexy body, could move with all the grace and sexiness of an elephant
I hadn’t even considered this, holy shit that’s cute.

>> No.58285655


>> No.58285797

nenechi called him out by saying she saw him liking naughty fuwamoco illustrations and that he needs to like nene lewds too. she's joking btw but nene is definitely the type to look through fan's pages

>> No.58285961

So are Fuwamoco. They're watching you

>> No.58285960
Quoted by: >>58286004

oof that sucks
on a similar note, I hope fuwamoco dont do such a thing or they'll find out I've been paying attention to kanade

>> No.58285981
Quoted by: >>58288816

Anon, you should send that to them as superchat or something

>> No.58286004

They do but Fuwamoco aren't going to play the whole jealous girlfriend thing. They just like seeing what you're up to

>> No.58286065

It’s been one month.

>> No.58286074

I wouldn't even send it, they said they're whatever I want them to be, they're already my wives. I'd rather make them laugh than cringe.

>> No.58286079

>Hand slipped
What exactly is Fuwawa trying to do in this scenario?

>> No.58286105

Did she fucking drew them as dog Bogdanoff twins? Props for Mooms being in the know, I guess.

>> No.58286115

>There's been another Pero Sighting!

>> No.58286201


>> No.58286295

nursing handjob

>> No.58286529
File: 1012 KB, 1079x1210, 1693731854899682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't "regloss" as hyped as Hololive JP? Are JP viewers afraid that most of the regloss talent might collab with homostar?

>> No.58286586

No idea but what relevance does that have to Fuwamoco?

>> No.58286700

i'm bored , sorry

>> No.58286763
Quoted by: >>58286907

sneeze forecast today?

>> No.58286851

collab with Kanade soon

>> No.58286907

Windy with a chance of boogers

>> No.58286939

I haven't been the same since the bad dream greentext...

>> No.58287025

Have you been practicing your Lifetime Showtime singing Ruffians? Fuwamoco are waiting to hear your lovely voices

>> No.58287029

>crushing this hard on text Fuwawa saying “I love you”
I don’t know if you’re gonna make it in five months, wuffian…

>> No.58287065

Hajime has 35k live viewers on her first zatsudan right now. This is more hyped than most previous JP members already.

>> No.58287111

Get the starting voice then you can listen to Fuwawa waking up beside you and saying she's looking forward to protecting your smile every day

>> No.58287182

waiting for tutorial vid anon

>> No.58287194
Quoted by: >>58287624

Hajime of all people?
I hope they fixed her mouth movement

>> No.58287207

Some of you guys here were talking about dreaming of Fuwamoco at some point and I thought that was retarded and impossible. But last night I ended up meeting them in my dreams. Had a dream where I went to their house and met their RM and parents. Really weird dream.

>> No.58287266

Tf is wrong with YT, their subs number got axed again by YT.

>> No.58287428

I have Fuwawas morning voice set as my alarm. Feels good to wake up to her voice every day

>> No.58287430

I don't know either, anon...
It feels great, but it's intense.

>> No.58287481
Quoted by: >>58287595

I actually have, to the despair of my neighbours

>> No.58287566
File: 184 KB, 640x824, plasticchair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mococo broke the arm on her chair
what are the chances her chair is one of these?

>> No.58287595

>Actually singing where someone can hear you
Strongest Ruffian. I do my reps in the car

>> No.58287624

I just checked it out and her mouth detection is still fucked

>> No.58287696
Quoted by: >>58287902

She said the screws were loosening on it, so it's at least not that

>> No.58287737
Quoted by: >>58287902

I think they said the chair arm was attached using some kind of screw

>> No.58287743

>And yes, they are playing on the switch
Wait, they were playing on original system, when did they... heh, switch? And why?

>> No.58287801
Quoted by: >>58287906

They said they wanted to, but didn’t have a cartridge for it. They’ve been on switch the entire time.

>> No.58287845
File: 91 KB, 1000x600, 1679556162480546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ginka (Atri's sequel) got a release date

Atri is a pretty cool VN and it's made by Makura (one of FWMC's favorite publishers). I wonder if they were talking about it when they teased they were trying to get perms for a particular VN. It's not that long, so they could finish it in 2 or 3 streams.

>> No.58287901

You're confusing it with the other older games. PS2 and N64 are original hardware, Dog in the Monkey was always Switch.

>> No.58287902
Quoted by: >>58288118

>can’t even screw in a lightbulb
They’re just gonna buy another chair, aren’t they…

>> No.58287906
Quoted by: >>58288006

I see. I must've misremembered because they played zelda and cookiecream on original systems.

>> No.58287952
Quoted by: >>58288028

Is it not erotic? I don't want all ages versions, if it's one without sex entirely then that's ok.

>> No.58287957

Mococo doesn’t wear a bra. Her opening animation where you see the underboob is why she is the sex of the two.

>> No.58288006

They'd probably put the scanlines if it was being played on the original SNES.

>> No.58288028
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, 1692844388539483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58288184

You don't fuck anyone

>> No.58288084
File: 51 KB, 500x500, get a feeling a so complicated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dog oshis finally collab with an EN member after the holotalk with Kiara

>.... it's Mumei

Got a feeling so complicated.

>> No.58288108
Quoted by: >>58288557

VN publishers don't give perms for full playthroughs, for obvious reasons. Doki Doki Literature Club is the only VN they can play througb in its entirety

>> No.58288111

huh, funny coincidence. I just dl'd this game a couple days ago since it came up on my search queries on vndb

>> No.58288118

Probably cheaper to buy the screwdriver they need to use for the screw

>> No.58288184

Then that's cool, hope they get the permissions.

>> No.58288224
File: 258 KB, 342x577, 1691883832091662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any EN members, save for advent, that /baubau/ actually likes?

>> No.58288231
Quoted by: >>58288780

Never watched her since debut, but it was cute. They tried hard to bond with each other, and managed to, despite not sharing that much in common. I wouldn't mind more Diamond Dogs + Owl.

>> No.58288267


>> No.58288304

I think Cover needs to hire a gigaweeb girl for EN4

>> No.58288309
Quoted by: >>58288980

/baubau/ isn't one person. I like Kiara, but not enough to waste my time defending her honor in an unrelated thread if someone else criticizes her. That's why you see more hate than praise.

>> No.58288465

I really like Fuwawas "Donkey Kong what are you DOING" at 51 mins

>> No.58288512

Three hours to go...

>> No.58288546
Quoted by: >>58288780

IRyS is the only EN member that has a bit of overlap in interests with Fuwamoco. But I don't think she would be a good collab partner for them.

>> No.58288557

>VN publishers don't give perms for full playthroughs, for obvious reasons
They do. It's not common, but Nijisanji and Hololive have already streamed a few full playthroughs of some VNs (Fulgur streamed recently Fata Morgana, and the devs even tweeted about it).

>> No.58288565
Quoted by: >>58288656

I like Irys and Fauna. I don't really hate anyone though. And of course people's preferences will differ.

>> No.58288636
Quoted by: >>58288692

Post it

>> No.58288656
Quoted by: >>58288780

Same. IRyS and Fauna for me. Though I barely watch either of them these days since I mostly watch JP members.

>> No.58288692


>> No.58288704
File: 2.66 MB, 498x328, 1688433159179121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58289102

>Mococo broke her chair

>> No.58288715

That makes no sense

>> No.58288780
File: 53 KB, 1200x630, origin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chat my (diamond) dog oshis had with Mumei was pretty cute, and I know Mumei is a part of CGDCT, but, I don't really like Mumei for her "edgy psycopath" side. You know, the disturbings drawing she did, as well as the occasional tryhard kayfabe she does (like making Subaru quack like a duck and still killing her in the Holotori collab) It makes me upset and doesn't protect my smile, and I'd hate to see that side of Mumei come anywhere near my oshis.

Western media is fine, and I'd like to see my dog oshis experiment with media outside of the weeb Japanese media they're most comfy with. Its the grimdark aspect of Mumei that bugs me the most.

Among Advent I really like Biboo a lot. Nerissa is fine too, even if she's really a normie.. Outside of Advent, Irys is a great singer, and I'm really fond of her comfy streams. Kiara may have an annoying voice, but I really admire her drive, as well as how she connects with others - her interactions with Gura have been great, and I hope she meets up with the dogs again. (and of course, Kiara was responsible for Holotori) And one can dream, but I would really love to see Gura actually collab with the dogs someday. I like Fauna too, but I'm not that much into her like Saplings are. Kind of meh on the others (though I like Bae's interactions with Subaru)

I really would love to see the dogs do a collab with Irys someday. Maybe even a Jap-only challenge.

>> No.58288816
Quoted by: >>58288889

Supas go against my policy. You ask them, it'll get you bonus weeb points.

>> No.58288828
Quoted by: >>58288935

God I wish the schizos who have meltdowns about other talents would leave. I like everyone well enough.

>> No.58288865
Quoted by: >>58288935

I want to see Mumei try her psycho schtick on Fuwawa only to realize she is way out of her depth

>> No.58288889
Quoted by: >>58289046

I thought you'd enjoy hearing from them directly. If you want your answer without spending money, take a picture of that and send it in the question hashtag, they could answer on fwmcmorning

>> No.58288901

What are you even talking about? I like other EN girl, even love some of them. If anything, I want more collabs. Dogs said they want to sing with IRyS, that would be so good. Unfortunately, my wife is an a sheltered introvert(and a bit of a dumdum) and only collabs with people she knows well. But just talking to her, reaching out first should be enough for her to open up a bit.
Or that time they talked about how they're not very experienced at making original songs or writing lyrics. Good news, Mori is an expert, and she absolutely adores Fuwamoco, just reach out, she'll be there to collab in a heartbeat.

>> No.58288933
Quoted by: >>58291839

I want to be the chair Moco-chan broke

>> No.58288935
Quoted by: >>58289170

If my thoughts on Mumei seem like a complaint, I apologize. She's one of the few Holomems I sort of dislike mainly for the occasional grimdark kayfabe. Like, I love Korone, a lot, but I'm not really fond of the psycho yubi-stealer aspect people like tod rive. I enjoy Korone as a retro and endurance gamer, not as some crazed finger stealer

Actually, that would be nice

>> No.58288980

The hate needs to have pushback though. Otherwise the thread just gets shat up with meltdowns from retards having allergic reactions to other talents existing.

>> No.58289012

I'd rather see the thread have less off topic posting, not more but positive.

>> No.58289033

EN only? I like Ina and I enjoy watching Gura when she is the mood for a random stream. I don't really watch anyone else because I'm euro. I love every single JP tho.

>> No.58289046
Quoted by: >>58289174

Tweeting is against my policy, too.

>> No.58289100
File: 937 KB, 1408x2000, F5HE479bAAAuPB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58289102
Quoted by: >>58289272

>multiple references to Mococo's fat tummy recently
We eating good

>> No.58289106

it's much better to have retards like you shitting up the thread having allergic reactions to other ruffians with different opinions

>> No.58289130

Fauna ASMR is just about the only EN thing I've watched in the past on purpose. That and the Myth debuts, of course. Also the Ina ASMR drawstream

>> No.58289170

Your post was fine. I was just taking that post in isolation.

>> No.58289174

Oh, well.

>> No.58289272

So does Mococo, it seems.

>> No.58289301
File: 26 KB, 220x239, 1679979853050789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58289576

I don't mind having off topic conversations from time to time during off stream hours, they are all vaguely related to FWMC anyway. The only annoying thing are the schizo retards who can't stop complaining, whining and shitting all over the place. If you don't like or are not interested on the topic, why don't you just close the thread for a couple of hours? Do they really enjoy that much being mad?

>> No.58289396
Quoted by: >>58291890

i want to saviorfag eina

>> No.58289429

>broken screwdriver
>three lightbulbs burned out left unreplaced for months
these two unironically need a husband

>> No.58289480

I guess I can do it

>> No.58289498
Quoted by: >>58289601

Why can't the dogs get a collab with either Myth or Council?

>> No.58289576

I'm more inclined to agree when it comes to cross board interests. I can see the appeal of discussing VN or anime topics with people who like FuwaMoco specifically. But I don't see what you gain by talking about another Holo who has her own general here instead of her thread in this same board.
Of course, if it's about their interactions it's a different matter. Talking about Mumei's synergy with them is fully on topic.

>> No.58289587

Fuwamoco are awake

>> No.58289601

They want to collab with Gura but she keeps ducking them

>> No.58289634

They have me, I'm just lazy.

>> No.58289643
File: 708 KB, 2232x3508, IMG_20230909_234741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can be at times motherly, mischievous, and suggestive
how is she so perfect bros

>> No.58289683
Quoted by: >>58289992

You accidentally posted Mococo instead of Fuwawa

>> No.58289878

12 hours until REVENGE

>> No.58289989

yep fuwawa is the cutest

>> No.58289992

I did not. Mococo gets mad at Fuwawa like a soccer mom. Suggestive because she seduces ruffians with her lewd navel.

>> No.58290023
File: 214 KB, 703x337, 1600920246702406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58290096

>Advent might be banned from Minecraft again due to ReGloss playing it and since they aren't allowed to collab outside of JP which only means Advent will not be allowed to join MC until after ReGloss's collab ban are over
Minecraft is cursed

>> No.58290046
Quoted by: >>58293902

i dont watch whores

>> No.58290096
Quoted by: >>58290132

damn mococoposters are retarded

>> No.58290132

the fanbase reflects the streamer

>> No.58290156

>delicious fuwawa sneeze
do canadians really

>> No.58290184
File: 481 KB, 720x900, 1694171140538727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58290594

>Watching the vod
>fuwawa screams like a banshee non-stop
>didn't care much for it for the past
>now every time she screams i get a small rush
This woman is dangerous

>> No.58290341
Quoted by: >>58290473

Mococo is a sex pest

>> No.58290361
Quoted by: >>58291061

oh I didn't know it was actually a sequel to ATRI
is SCA-JI involved at all like he was in ATRI

>> No.58290473
File: 108 KB, 1080x1583, 1693840574863749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She pest me every night

>> No.58290594

Earlets would never understand. Every scream is REAL emotion (usually fear) and should elicit some sort of sort of reaction out of you.

>> No.58290631
File: 523 KB, 795x1080, 1694438066875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58290676

Life is beautiful, Ruffians. It can bring us together or tear us apart; heal us or break us. A myriad of experiences is at the tips of our fingers and yet we couldn't even begin to fathom all that awaits us. Are you ready?

>> No.58290676
File: 283 KB, 1231x1076, F5LFeija4AA13qp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop avatarfaging

>> No.58290829

I like Bijou
>save for Advent
Fuck... um I liked Sana

>> No.58290984
File: 3.85 MB, 1508x1080, Mococo Unraveling the worldddd[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fviszwb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the stuff I grabbed from the Karaoke.
Wasn't able to watch yesterday's stream live, so I'll watch it today. Besides, catbox was getting DDOS'd over the weekend.


>> No.58291026
File: 835 KB, 824x1080, Fuwawa Baba[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe2krg1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291073


>> No.58291047
Quoted by: >>58291169

I can enjoy all of hololive, if they’re doing something that piques my interest. That’s what made me realize how FuwaMoco stood out, I want to watch them even if they’re playing something I don’t particularly care for. It’s also making me want to do JP reps so that I can do the same for my oshi, since she plays a lot of text heavy games.

>> No.58291061
File: 295 KB, 515x688, 1671655423666878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh I didn't know it was actually a sequel to ATRI
Wait, I fucked up, I'm reading that it's not a sequel to Atri, it's just a new game from the same staff... unless?
>Five years ago, Aoba Ryusei’s childhood friend, Shinomiya Ginka, disappeared without a trace on the night of the summer festival. The superstitious islanders believed this to be an act of God, saying that she was “spirited away.”
>Now in high school, Ryusei decides to visit the island over summer break. He needs to know: Did Ginka ever come back? Could she be living a normal high school life?
>Sadly, his faint hopes are crushed when he learns that Ginka was never seen again after that night. He dejectedly prepares to depart, but then he meets a young girl who looks exactly like his missing childhood friend? Ginka.
>“Welcome back, Ryusei.”
>The girl doesn’t know her own name. All she knows is that she loves Ryusei.
I'm betting that it's a prequel and that Ginka is a robot

>> No.58291073
File: 1.17 MB, 1508x1080, FuwaMoco Ruffians you dissappointed me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu3hxnf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291139


>> No.58291139
File: 611 KB, 824x1080, Fuwawa In the name of the Moon, I will punish you[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdp9mly.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291197


>> No.58291150
Quoted by: >>58291379

>randomly posts about an anime I was looking into
love these dogs
finally an EN that actually watches anime that isn't tumblr incarnate

>> No.58291169

pretty much this, if any other EN did retro games and old anime songs I'd be more interested in them too

>> No.58291197
File: 687 KB, 1508x1080, FuwaMoco Make sure to like and subscribe[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fq48nv1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291249


>> No.58291249
File: 1.14 MB, 1480x944, FuwaMoco We don't speak that name in this house[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fycgcfb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291300


>> No.58291300
File: 1.31 MB, 1480x944, FuwaMoco Swapped intros[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flc5o0l.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291351


>> No.58291351
File: 3.63 MB, 1480x944, Fuwawa asked Mococo to spoon her[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fd9991t.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291400


>> No.58291379
File: 231 KB, 1280x720, 1690419524793217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances they've watched pic related? Not classic but it is about eroge production.

>> No.58291400
File: 523 KB, 834x944, Fuwawa Go Mocochan Go!!![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foowl3d.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291446


>> No.58291422

oh definitely

>> No.58291446
File: 860 KB, 630x888, Mococo No casualties. No Fatalities. No Formalities[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9ji64q.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291493


>> No.58291483

probably high since it was fairly popular

>> No.58291485
Quoted by: >>58291554

Is that Doujin Work, I like that show

>> No.58291493
File: 3.51 MB, 1920x1080, FuwaMoco Mococo wants to be cute too[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foxf5ho.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291552


>> No.58291552
File: 329 KB, 690x980, Mococo Pikachu[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpo8jh0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291589


>> No.58291554
File: 1.56 MB, 2149x3035, decbbabfd739c195823126297ff8b1db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no that's koe de shigoto
though they probably watched doujin work too since that was fairly popular

>> No.58291589
File: 309 KB, 824x1080, Fuwawa Pikachu[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fn1h2mq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291653

Last one

>> No.58291619

fuwawa screams better

>> No.58291632
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why has fuwamoco not informed us of their opinion on the new madoka PV

>> No.58291636
File: 23 KB, 753x595, literally me 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58291653
File: 254 KB, 1281x2047, F5r9YdgacAAer5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank for sharing anon

>> No.58291665
Quoted by: >>58291708

They are already awake...

>> No.58291689
File: 22 KB, 245x226, akira is unimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58291866

>windows 10

>> No.58291708

No duh, Fuwawa posted a greentext >>58285210

>> No.58291745
File: 121 KB, 312x312, fuwawa smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. FWMC are the only good EN

>> No.58291753

happy 9/11 ruffians

>> No.58291793
File: 6 KB, 602x387, dogs chase fake fans away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western media is fine
No, it isn’t. Go back

>> No.58291807
File: 742 KB, 838x772, 1667185594022321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Punished Sayaka
My dick.

>> No.58291839
File: 1.59 MB, 1120x1440, mococo 48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58291866

I miss this expression a lot...

>> No.58291890
File: 881 KB, 1940x2044, eina-sensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her…

>> No.58291988

Every time I read people posting "they're awake", I can't help but hear "looks like death was not your fate, just yet" from Sekiro's E3 2008 trailer in my mind. Never even played the game in English, just that trailer.

>> No.58292041

Why the fuck are people with different oshis wasting space in the general? no one cares, fuck off

>> No.58292062
File: 1.83 MB, 1324x896, 1674250585153832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Starfield. Look who I found

>> No.58292073
Quoted by: >>58292122

>He missed all of the kino holoJP watchalongs of western famous movies
You should at least check Korone's Jurassic Park.

>> No.58292099


>> No.58292112
Quoted by: >>58292161

Based, only Fuwawachads allowed, Mocofags OUT

>> No.58292122

is it member or regular stream

>> No.58292161
File: 1.60 MB, 924x1200, 1693708821323004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58292276
Quoted by: >>58292345

Sadly there's A LOT of chumpedos passing as ruffians because they latch to anything, they are desperate and then you have faggots coming here trying to convince people to "like" other hololive members or you are not really a fun, it's really funny

>> No.58292339

>Fuwawa cosplay with a nose piercing

>> No.58292345
Quoted by: >>58292376

Go back.

>> No.58292376

t. chumpedo

>> No.58292443

Regular, there's a clip with highlights and movie footage too if you want to check that first.

>> No.58292467

i don't care about en chuubas so i only have jp oshi before fuwawa debut,
Mocofags fuck you [\spoiler]

>> No.58292523

Holy shit Raden is blowing up

>> No.58292584
File: 537 KB, 685x743, 1693569295499311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwamoco general?

>> No.58292657

ngl the lyrics Patra made for Lifetime Showtime are strange and very ESL.
It's completely understandable that the average viewer would find Kaibatsu much more pleasurable to the ears.

>> No.58292671

Go away.

>> No.58292732

Fuwawa? More like Whowawa

>> No.58292744
File: 145 KB, 1208x879, 1691767344776901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwawa takes 1 hour baths
>Fuwawa also doesn't smell good all the time
Somethings not adding up here

>> No.58292843


>> No.58292889

>Watching the DKC VOD
Is it just me or Mococo is more bratty than usual?

>> No.58292924

Covers doing better than originals are the norm for most holos, even japanese songs by japanese talents. Only a few cracked into the mainstream and have the opposite effect, like Marine.
Not that you'd be wrong by saying Kaibutu is a better song, obviously, but even shit songs get numbers if they're already famous.

>> No.58292927

mococo's perception of fuwawa's fragrant boobsweat is colored by bias

>> No.58293003

She bathes in Mococo's water. Mococo peed herself but uses yellow bath salts to cover it up.

>> No.58293043

Damn brat…breaking her chair with her fat ass…needs correction!!

>> No.58293057
Quoted by: >>58293337

I felt like she was sweeter, actually. Like not minding failure and letting Fuwawa play to get experience instead. I think every time Mococo had Fuwawa's controller last night was Fuwawa giving it to her, last stream had multiple "give me the controller" moments.
It's probably a combination of having two good nights of sleep in a row and all of the weekend incest sex.

>> No.58293173

Prechat is such a fucking circlejerk jesas

>> No.58293337
File: 4.00 MB, 2496x3418, 1692415714296919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is based on the misunderstanding that Fuwawa is not good at games. In reality, Fuwawa acts thousands of time worse than she is, in order to make Moco-chan not feel useless. Because if Fuwawa beats Moco-chan, the "gamer" of the duo, and beats DKC in a single stream, what will Mococo have left? Nothing. She will be uneeded. But our master genius Fuwawa knows best. To kill time she was speedrunning the Halo franchise using her feet below the desk.

Another win for our god gamer Fuwawa.

>> No.58293421
Quoted by: >>58293512

>fuwawa gets to sniff mococo's butt every single day
it's not fair mocobros...

>> No.58293448

Fuwawa focus a the stream soon

>> No.58293468
Quoted by: >>58293583

>AI Generated


>> No.58293512

Believe in yourself and one day you too will sniff the mocobutt

>> No.58293568

You don't have to shill yourself in the thread, I still love you Fuwawa

>> No.58293583

There’s nothing wrong with AI art. Only twitter troons complain about it

>> No.58293586

Fluffy paws typed this post

>> No.58293606
File: 24 KB, 592x399, 043128819bb5b44846f2e2bed8101e2530f38f86ebecbaf619eefd0e44aa644b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58293676

>being this much of a poseur


>doesn't know how much JP holomems check out western media
The literal fucking STATE of falseflagger antis. GO BACK.

>> No.58293645
Quoted by: >>58293850

As someone who only watched Madoka last year, I was smiling through the whole trailer. I’m so fucking hype to see this in theaters. Hope it doesn’t take ages to get an NA release

>> No.58293651

I love you so much, Fuwawa

>> No.58293676
Quoted by: >>58293740

did you hit your head or something, you sound derange

>> No.58293727
File: 421 KB, 2048x1536, F5G0wZHbMAAH70P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58294106

>only twitter troons
Miss me with that shit when ruffians have a meltdown over AI art like pic related in the OP. Yes, I know the breasts were terrible

>> No.58293740
Quoted by: >>58293840

NTA but lol you can't even type right. i didn't even read nor care about the argument but i'll point out your minor spelling mistake before someone else does

>> No.58293776
Quoted by: >>58294106

I don't like it for coom shit because every coomer AI fag has the same style. So you're searching for a character or a fetish and it's all one artist. It gets boring. So I always filter AI stuff when the website allows me to.
It is a nice mocobutt, however.

>> No.58293840
File: 99 KB, 415x556, proto fuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58293901

burger please stop you are insane. cease drinking corn syrup and get some help

>> No.58293850

What even is it? Sequel? I didn't watch Madoka yet.

>> No.58293901

Thanks for reminding me why I hate Mumei. She such a fucking grimndark edgelord.

>> No.58293902


>> No.58293948

Anon, just watch it. Trust me, it’s kino asf. There’s a 10(?) ep series and then a a movie (rebellion). this movie is supposed to be the finale to the series

>> No.58293982

It's a sequel to the last movie. DO NOT READ ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Just watch the series and then 2013 movie.

>> No.58294031
File: 34 KB, 679x191, image_2023-09-11_093029539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58295142

What did they mean by this?

>> No.58294035

Off the top of my head:
Biboo, Gura, Kiara, Irys, sometimes Fauna
Ame, Ina, Bae, Rissa
The rest.

But there's none I really hate or outright reject. They all exist for different tastes, I just happen to like Fuwamoco the most

>> No.58294040
File: 268 KB, 1280x960, 1567927803976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58294184

madoka is required viewing for ruffians

>> No.58294084

>Space Cobra creator passed away
Mococo needs that Psycho Gun arm as a tribute

>> No.58294101
Quoted by: >>58294254

i dont get it when will the fuwamoco

>> No.58294106
Quoted by: >>58294217

ai is getting better but it will never not be soulless garbage. when an artist draws big saggy Fuwawa tits, you know there was lust and intent behind it. I’ll take the worst deviantart possible over aishit

>> No.58294170

again you are rumbling to yourself about things out of my reply context. it's ok anon like most vtubers some their viewers also autistic

>> No.58294184

Anon, I liked watched Madoka, and I watched the entire series, AND the movie .... and I even won't say its required viewing. Like, Madoka was made to be a deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre. You get Madoka best when you understand mahou shoujo tropes well enough

Sounds interesting. Hope I'll get to watch it in cinemas

>> No.58294200
File: 80 KB, 850x526, __mococo_abyssgard_fuwawa_abyssgard_nerissa_ravencroft_shiori_novella_and_koseki_bijou_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kotodekun__sample-168171868a12707a92bc389c1185923e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58295109

>> No.58294217
Quoted by: >>58294478

all art apps have AI tools, in some months you won't even know that most art you consume is partly AI generated (assuming you don't already)

>> No.58294254


>> No.58294332
Quoted by: >>58294981

>Like, Madoka was made to be a deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre.
No it wasn't, pseud

>> No.58294335
Quoted by: >>58294406

The twins are streaming today, in honor of the twins that got destroyed all those years ago.

>> No.58294387
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, F5uHvmAbAAAqpwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while it is a deconstruction that's only a small part of it
the themes extend beyond just that as the deconstruction part is only really used for the first major twist (everyone already knows this)

>> No.58294406
Quoted by: >>58294514

I like to think it was like a Doctor Who reincarnation. They just exploded in flames and regenerated into dogs.

>> No.58294478

shhhhhhh, shut up it is required. let ruffians gain some culture. I didn’t know too many magical girl tropes before it and I loved it. It’s a huge movie so I’m sure it’ll get an international release everywhere

>> No.58294497
Quoted by: >>58294981

The fact that it plays on your expectations of what a magical girl anime is doesn't mean it's a deconstruction. It's just a grimdark version of a magical girl show it deconstructs nothing.

>> No.58294514
Quoted by: >>58294618

Remember 9/11, when the twins got razed to the ground.
Millions received heartache that day, and today the twins will heal millions.

>> No.58294618

hey don't joke about 9/11
I walked through blood and bones to look for Pero in the streets of NYC

>> No.58294632
Quoted by: >>58294981

Madoka just fell into the general culture category. You'll see it referenced from time to time. As for its merits, i dont think we get similar things often enough. I like how urobutcher handles the relationships between characters.

>> No.58294676

I really don't enjoy PMMM and greatly dislike its creator

>> No.58294691
File: 1.03 MB, 530x486, tumblr_b79f4f10c20079a1aaec2fc2ee67b863_f75f0dc3_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58294979

I like Pre Cure more than Madoka

>> No.58294698
File: 236 KB, 398x541, 1692566330481784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm? Did you say something?

>> No.58294750

They're strange because some of them were made to be read two different ways. Some of the English lines can be "misheard" as Japanese with a different meaning.

>> No.58294808

I don't even understand why people want more Madoka, the story is over... it didn't need movies it didn't need anything, they are just milking it no reason, only normies want this nonsense story continued, stop

>> No.58294839
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, 1640156073862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinbou or Urobuchi?
or Ume-tentei
either way you're gay

>> No.58294878
File: 313 KB, 505x558, 1691489891678013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwawa jumpscare to scare away this madoka conversation and focus on fuwawa

>> No.58294919


>> No.58294928
Quoted by: >>58295020

it's a denpa song
they sound cute and aren't usually in english

>> No.58294966


>> No.58294979
Quoted by: >>58295271


>> No.58294981

Yes it was, dumbass. Everything about Madoka was looking at common tropes in mahou shoujo, and showing how they can be subverted/undermined. The pact with some various cute animal, how the life of a mahou shoujo can be literal draining, its all stuff that you take for granted in a typical mahou shoujo but Madoka shows the potentially dark implications of the genre.

I disagree, it deconstructs a lot

There's a lot more to the deconstruction, and involves a fair amount of familiarity with the genre.

Personally, I would say its a deconstruction that eventually became general culture, which is a phenomenon that has happened. Consider how Alan Moore's Watchmen went from "the last superhero comic book anyone should read" to "DC's comic book crossover slop event of 2017" (yes, that actually happened). For something more /a/ related, Evangelion was made to be a deconstruction of mecha tropes from the 60s to late 80s, and yet was so influential that it itself became a defining mecha series, and has influenced other mecha after it (like Rahxephon)

>> No.58294988
Quoted by: >>58295147

isn't that supposed to be the baugnoff brothers, fuwawa version
how's that edgy

>> No.58294997
Quoted by: >>58295110

Urobuchi is based

>> No.58295004

Fuwawa is the only girl in my life I consider magical. I mean, it can only be magic the way she activates my reproductive instincts

>> No.58295020
Quoted by: >>58295668

People complaining about "ESL lyrics" are shit posters and fake weebs, just ignore them

>> No.58295071
File: 340 KB, 609x571, 1668884829784717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58295267

>Evangelion was made to be a deconstruction of mecha tropes from the 60s to late 80s
Evangelion is not a mecha anime.

>> No.58295104
File: 125 KB, 1140x464, 2m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's completely understandable that the average viewer would find Kaibatsu much more pleasurable to the ears.
Talking about that. 2 million soon. And yeah, I agree that is easier for people to listen to Kaibutsu. I do like Lifetime Showtime though.

>> No.58295105
File: 217 KB, 800x800, F5ov9DxaIAAqH_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't finished the ddk vod and next stream is in 5 mintues.
sometimes i am tempted to watch at higher speed, but it just not for me

>> No.58295109


>> No.58295110

Urobuchi is a really good writer. He apparently wrote the only good story in the Nasuverse

>> No.58295120
Quoted by: >>58295233

>Everything about Madoka was looking at common tropes in mahou shoujo
It uses those tropes it doesn't deconstruct them. It's just edgy magical girl anime, that's it, it offers no substantial commentary on the genre at all

>> No.58295142

sets the theme for this week i guess

>> No.58295147

anon can’t help but repeat his arbitrary reasons for disliking other girls in the fuwamoco thread even after he was told to stop, please undastand

>> No.58295227

You guys know the reason they are getting so less viewers than before? yesteday they lost to nerissa of all people and bijou, it's so weird to me because i find them SO GOOD that it weirds me out that people are leaving, also the last stream was amazing, it weirds me out really

>> No.58295233
File: 1.73 MB, 2272x1461, FC8DRyxaIAAH-l8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even edgy
did you watch it

>> No.58295243
Quoted by: >>58295295

i have not seen a single madoka episode

>> No.58295267

>Evangelion is not a mecha anime.

I mean you have to be pedantic, YES the EVA units are mecha...... but the series IS /m/echa. I mean shit, there's a thread on it right now in /m/ >>>/m/21823683 and Evangelion has been in every installment of Super Robot Wars. Yes, its arguably more of a psychological anime, but its reliance on (and exploration of) mecha tropes makes it /m/

>> No.58295271
File: 977 KB, 500x281, tumblr_e6f9f8cf12fe4950bc90a1620f55efa5_c54f7f01_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh Pretty Cure! is my favorite but Healin' Good is good too

>> No.58295285

they purposely left a lot of loose plot thread hanging for another movie, so sequel is inevitable, really

>> No.58295295

it's nice but overrated

>> No.58295332
Quoted by: >>58295643

More normies are interested in terraria than Donkey kong. There was also the gura stream going on at the time

>> No.58295349
Quoted by: >>58295466

he wrote prisma illya????

>> No.58295363

Shut the fuck up. Fuwamoco morning is starting

>> No.58295368
File: 3.90 MB, 960x540, 1693541684471230.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also made puppet kino

>> No.58295382
File: 222 KB, 393x508, 1690869600281035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58295873

They used the mecha label to mislead the audience before they revealed the twist of what was inside the EVAs. It's actually a Tokusatsu. Everyone is wrong but me and it pisses me off a lot.

>> No.58295394
File: 1.22 MB, 1373x2134, 1630785582461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the movies exist because homura's wish is to save madoka
it's completely logical

>> No.58295396
File: 328 KB, 302x467, 1666637413801236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58295401
Quoted by: >>58295873

is AoT mecha

>> No.58295406

I will, I do want to, been on my backlog since I first heard about it.

>> No.58295423


>> No.58295435
File: 91 KB, 940x811, F5up-K5agAAVaZ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58295459
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, gaim02-1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget Gaim

>> No.58295466
File: 4 KB, 225x225, hey buddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58295747

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door. /gem/ and /ggg/ is two blocks down.

>> No.58295509
File: 632 KB, 674x625, 1690944094711790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strim time

>> No.58295511

Good morning BAU BAU

>> No.58295527
File: 351 KB, 1443x812, 1691886848772252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58295560

It's time.

>> No.58295533
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, fuwamoco 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58295534
File: 1.12 MB, 2480x3508, F5ZjF27WsAAZo4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do fuwamoco how at the moon like wolves

>> No.58295546

Pero at the WTC

>> No.58295560
Quoted by: >>58295656

this is going to be one big misunderstanding

>> No.58295561
File: 2.85 MB, 500x280, 0c02ff3ecd7a21bf86c24dc684990f97.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58295604


>> No.58295639


>> No.58295643

Their DKC vod has more views than Nerissa's Terraria.

>> No.58295656

it clearly says confession

>> No.58295668

How so?

>> No.58295678

That was really cute

>> No.58295681


>> No.58295682
File: 436 KB, 640x916, 1693408735673314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spawn 5 Withers at her house, of course

>> No.58295686


>> No.58295687
Quoted by: >>58295768

low tier bait

>> No.58295701

that was nice

>> No.58295706

the jingle needed to be a little louder

>> No.58295720

God it was so cute to see them zoom up like that.

>> No.58295747

Fuwawa would be immensely disappointed in you

>> No.58295750


>> No.58295755

FWMC morning is legal now

>> No.58295759

The jiggle is perfect

>> No.58295768

>replies anyway

>> No.58295779

Now I understand why they specifically want a jingle that sounds like that

>> No.58295787

That was such a good intro with the theme tune

>> No.58295801
File: 313 KB, 2048x1536, 1693935660302648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to end the fat fuck

>> No.58295826
Quoted by: >>58295881

Fuwawa's voice sounds a bit strained today again. She probably screamed too much in the DKC stream...

>> No.58295839

i couldn't hear the tranny jingle

>> No.58295857

It's a CLAW MACHINE you wapanese doggos

>> No.58295859

was I the only one who forgot about the jingle and thought they switched the background BGM

>> No.58295873
File: 420 KB, 887x499, ayato in the cockpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58295980

....tokusatsu is counted as /m/, and if you have to be REALLY pedantic.....

It didn't start off with pilots inside a machine, which is how Eva started. The reveal that the Eva were cloned angels from the body of Lillith doesn't change the fact that theya re biomechanical, and need a pilot, and an interface. Its like complaining about how Rahxephon is about the dolems being a bunch of ayylmaos inside giant golems of clay, and rely on singing - the main character is a pilot, wears a uniform, and still has to pilot the Rahxephon until the last few episodes. ANd yes, the Rahxephon is also a literal golem made of clay, but it still required a pilot.

Yes, mecha is a very frustrating genre at times. A mahou shoujo series like Rayearth also counted as /m/, because its like Symphogear

>> No.58295878
Quoted by: >>58295969

Stop pero abuse

>> No.58295880

Fuwawa has an obsession with toes

>> No.58295881
File: 838 KB, 905x820, 1663106080471981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayo helps when your throat hurts

>> No.58295885
Quoted by: >>58296009

How the hell did the fat fuck fit in there?

>> No.58295908

would need a hydraulic claw to even come close to lifting fatfuck

>> No.58295916


>> No.58295920

UFO catcher stream lets goo

>> No.58295934

does she also gargle it

>> No.58295969


>> No.58295971

Why does Pero make them both seethe so much?
He's sacraficing his time training them and this is how they treat him in return?

>> No.58295977

Why do they hate pero so much...

>> No.58295980
File: 3.27 MB, 2000x2000, 1669486074708403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58296221

>tokusatsu is counted as /m/

>> No.58295986
Quoted by: >>58296092

All claw machines are a scam, a fun scam that is

>> No.58295987

s-someone told me those aren't mayos..

>> No.58295995

Why don't you?

>> No.58296001

Mococo HATES Pero

>> No.58296009
File: 223 KB, 507x289, Namco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58296025

He's bitter and horny

>> No.58296030

>happy news

>> No.58296052

>all of advent

>> No.58296057

My power went out when they started talking about seaweed

>> No.58296062
File: 2.84 MB, 3896x5346, 1694190539851002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of them

>> No.58296061

FWMC can out menhera Mumei.

>> No.58296065

really fucked up, 0 empathy

>> No.58296072
Quoted by: >>58296110

They don't care about western media.

>> No.58296077


>> No.58296080
File: 49 KB, 751x653, 1666642163409615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh holy shit I just noticed

>> No.58296091

Mumei is a /trash/ poster

>> No.58296092

I used to think that until I won an Aqua daki from one

>> No.58296094


>> No.58296098
Quoted by: >>58296144


>> No.58296110


>> No.58296113

those puppies? my children

>> No.58296133
Quoted by: >>58296164

>When Mococo has her tummy full of puppies

>> No.58296135

those puppies? all of the me

>> No.58296144
File: 61 KB, 500x400, F5v00CWXEAAXEhe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58296148

The person giving Mococo her team of puppies? Me.

>> No.58296165

>Fuwawa talking about breeding
My dick.

>> No.58296164

by me

>> No.58296170


>> No.58296176

Those puppies? Mine

>> No.58296177

>knew Fuwawa and Mococo since they were little pupperonis
>is trusted to be their mentor/trainer/master
>goes way back with Papa Puppy
>has absolutely no scruples about perving on Fuwawa despite all this

>> No.58296189

>Was just about to say they wanted a whole soccer team
>They said no
Stop preempting my jokes

>> No.58296190

We need a /baubau/ divegrass team

>> No.58296201

Has any chuuba ever referenced 9/11 lol

>> No.58296214

>There's 11 members on a soccer team
Keep an ear out for 9 mention

>> No.58296216
File: 1.12 MB, 1489x1304, 1671152017544292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58296221

Go take that up with
krg >>>/m/22107281
ssg >>>/m/22104616
prg >>>/m/22085007
m78 >>>/m/22077769

I'm just noting what has been accepted for ages now.

>> No.58296223

They look like they're about to crash the stock market

>> No.58296225

Even Fuwawa is scared of 11 babies.

>> No.58296238
Quoted by: >>58296387

11 minutes into the stream
Fuwawa asked a question and the chat is full of 11's

>> No.58296239
File: 75 KB, 228x236, 1693404791349353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make a soccer team in time both their wombs would need to pitch in to beat the carton expiration date.

>> No.58296240

>11 is not an even number, I don't like that
My little tismwife Mococo!

>> No.58296241

Oh nyo

>> No.58296245


>> No.58296248


>> No.58296253

that chair? me.

>> No.58296258

Phase Connect a few times. Not just Pippa.

>> No.58296259

the casualty? me

>> No.58296267

Coco's origin story

>> No.58296273

rest in peace chair

>> No.58296284

uhh burgerbros????

>> No.58296290

>there was a sacrifice
next league

>> No.58296296

next league

>> No.58296299

Mococo's fat ass destroyed Chair-kun...

>> No.58296302

>sad news
They know what they are doing.

>> No.58296303

someone edit 9/11 with sad and happy news

>> No.58296314

Heard that as "...when I died and became one with the force."

>> No.58296320

thanks for your service, chair-kun

>> No.58296318

FAT mococo

>> No.58296344

Mococo lost an arm?

>> No.58296356
Quoted by: >>58296385

>the death of a chair is more important than a terrorist attack against amerisharts

>> No.58296365

We already have a 9/11 edit of Misunderstandings corner from weeks ago funnily enough

>> No.58296368

>Mococo's degenerative disease is causing her to lose her limbs
it just keeps tumbling down

>> No.58296373
Quoted by: >>58296554

no subject anti shitposter activated

>> No.58296384

>Yes, you still have your arms
>Yes, I still have my arms
Wait, Fuwawa's arms status????

>> No.58296385

yes? i thought this was obvious

>> No.58296387

very satanic

>> No.58296396

Sad is the towers and happy is dancing juice.

>> No.58296450


>> No.58296476

>only 20 minutes
it's fucking over

>> No.58296477

oh no they realized

>> No.58296506

It's long because they love us

>> No.58296520

we've been getting an extra 20 minutes this entire time

>> No.58296531

>supposed to be only 20 minutes
oh no

>> No.58296534

N-no ... don't aim for shorter please

>> No.58296541

It's over for real this time

>> No.58296549

Please it has never been 20 minutes even since the start.

>> No.58296554

>no subject
>shit choice of OP art, literally as bad as Mumei's grimdark bullshit

Fucking KYS

>> No.58296587

Are they timelooping this? I thought they already addressed this

>> No.58296594

Eurobros status..?

>> No.58296599

It's going too far over budget, it will be cancelled at this rate

>> No.58296610

Why do they sound so sad?"

>> No.58296614

You're just from the future

>> No.58296616

>her taste in older men
>her reaction to having 11 kids was to get excited and start panting
Guys Fuwawa has some DANGEROUS baby fever, did you notice?

>> No.58296654

yes they did and yes they are

>> No.58296658

titor i swear to god if you aren't coming back by yesterday

>> No.58296661

Time to get working

>> No.58296675
File: 37 KB, 539x575, 1693916680872401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58296853

Didn't they literally say it was supposed to be 30 minutes long like a a week or two ago?

>> No.58296707

god fuwawa is such a bitch

>> No.58296724

this is going to be hot

>> No.58296725


>> No.58296726

yeah, with me

>> No.58296751


>> No.58296769
Quoted by: >>58296819

She will have on child for each Ruffian.

>> No.58296795

If I close my eyes I'm imagining an /ss/ scene, it is very hot.

>> No.58296803

This is getting pretty erotic...

>> No.58296809

tags: feeding

>> No.58296819

All with me, though

>> No.58296826

Yeah, she is eating cum.

>> No.58296845

my dick is hard rn

>> No.58296853

No they said 20 minutes

>> No.58296859
Quoted by: >>58296903

>not room or house

>> No.58296865

this is literally greentexting fuwawa what the fuck

>> No.58296888
Quoted by: >>58296989

>Fuwawa includes a segment of force-feeding her sister
What is her problem?

>> No.58296890

That's kinda hot...

>> No.58296903

They refer to it as a studio during FWMC morning

>> No.58296913

ohhh yess this is going to be a great addition to the collection... first part will be out soon

>> No.58296943

>okay Ruffians lets all do it together

>> No.58296978

Mococo fucking died

>> No.58296989

The Fuwawarchitect

>> No.58297062

>it's so sticky!

>> No.58297073

>fuwawas tits grew from her own force of will out of her desire to force feed her sister and to support 11 children

>> No.58297116
Quoted by: >>58297235

And they said these streams were always meant to be 20 minutes long, this isnt the kind of thing you do in a 20 minute stream that already has a bunch of segments

>> No.58297149

>hey guys, just a quick reminder this show is only supposed to be 20 minutes
>let's spend 10 minutes eating natto

>> No.58297178

Fuwawa is a monster...

>> No.58297188

I love them so much

>> No.58297223

>Thank you anon for making delicious natto that I will be enjoying

>> No.58297235

They love us enough to make a football team together

>> No.58297272

Fuwawa NTR

>> No.58297383
Quoted by: >>58297469

Part of the mind game is setting tight boundaries so that they're easily broken and you (the viewer) feel special when you get normal stuff. It's conditioning to expect small so your surprised when it's normal.
It's subtle but a lot of people do it since inflation went up

>> No.58297469

Bratty Jerome Powell manipulating the US economy's feelings

>> No.58297521

>ds lite
>atari link

>> No.58297579

I really want to see them in a dogstream with Korone.

>> No.58297604

ps1 bros...

>> No.58297651
Quoted by: >>58297703

>dodged the nerissa question

>> No.58297663

PS1 is pretty much useless when you own a PS2/3

>> No.58297703
Quoted by: >>58297827

What question?

>> No.58297762
File: 178 KB, 527x417, 1684744908153638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no twisted metal
>no tekken 3

>> No.58297827

where is/what happened to nerissa, she's faded out in the thumbnail

>> No.58297851

Lol mococo

>> No.58297874
File: 55 KB, 252x210, 1673248927008464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no DC

>> No.58297910
File: 28 KB, 568x131, 1684674207689103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58297915

Mococo literally addressed it in the best way

>> No.58297932
File: 320 KB, 800x800, 1673430814252109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58297997

>no game cube

>> No.58297936
Quoted by: >>58297982

>Missed out on being extra special again

>> No.58297969
Quoted by: >>58298030

Fuwawa was just greentexting on stream in that natto segment. My heart can't take this anymore, bros.

>> No.58297982

we'll be special one day, bro.

>> No.58297989
File: 31 KB, 204x92, 1692146125032402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 hours to the next stream,
again WEIRD

>> No.58297997

The wii counts as a gamecube

>> No.58297998
File: 189 KB, 375x448, FuwaWise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh time to go to bed
good night ruffians

>> No.58298030

The segment will keep getting lewder until FUwawa is choking Mococo with Natto goop

>> No.58298233
Quoted by: >>58298343

>2 days without a smile
I think its broken, Maybe some super glue will fix it.

>> No.58298343

Works on my machine

>> No.58298435
File: 137 KB, 602x1000, lpa6n1n42oe41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had wronged Mococo; and you can cross out the entry in Dammaz Kron only with blood

>> No.58298483

stop replying to bait retards
