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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.58133059

I really hope that Fuwamoco get mad at advent for saying non-seiso and lewd things during streams on Fuwamoco channel.

>> No.58133084

This pic made me realize the kanji for 5 is contained in the kanji for langauge and thats why it's pronounced Go

>> No.58133153
File: 813 KB, 725x751, 1676311955744181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58140143


>> No.58133159

Fuwawa has read a shit ton of eroge including Saya no Uta which has brutal rape scenes. She doesn't care about people talking ablut oppai

>> No.58133209

You are going to make it.

>> No.58133275

>I really hope that Fuwamoco get mad at advent…
You really wanted this to be the first post huh. Fuwawa is lewd herself BTW. You’re probably thinking of Mococo.

>> No.58133281

>Saya no Uta which has brutal rape scenes
fine i'll finish it i guess

>> No.58133335
File: 484 KB, 1414x2000, 1693928517043181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is for kissless virgin ojisans ONLY

>> No.58133344
Quoted by: >>58133411

Fuwamoco are awake

>> No.58133379
File: 18 KB, 300x265, 1336944004621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58133381

I ordered art of them both based on an eroge.

>> No.58133398


>> No.58133411

I hope they slept close to 7 hours!

>> No.58133468

>Saya no Uta which has brutal rape
the painter getting mind raped yes, but I dont remember what happened to the fiancé

>> No.58133520

but the scenes with Saya were consensual

>> No.58133528
Quoted by: >>58133636

That isnt a good reference. I don't mind reading maggot baits for example but I hate when nerissa talks about that. Theyre different things.

>> No.58133541

Did you forget Yoh being transformed into a lovecraftian slime horror then getting used as a sex toy by Fuminori and Saya?

>> No.58133575

>brutal rape
It's mid rape at most.

>> No.58133636

>I hate when nerissa…
Why must this be the thread to discuss it?

>> No.58133676

I mean they are never saying the naughty words themselves and try to avoid these topics

>> No.58133709
Quoted by: >>58133806

eldritch horrors OUT

>> No.58133714

When will FWMC confront Chloe for stealing their bandaids?

>> No.58133750
File: 1.14 MB, 948x934, 1691651143920198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58134055

>Fuwamoco (before the accident)

>> No.58133766

Because they know CGDCT content stays wholesome and enjoyable to all, not just coomers

>> No.58133777

Fuwawa knows that not being openly sexual only makes her sexier
The same way I want to fuck the holos that aren't "please fap to me look how lewd I am" from the getgo more, like Aqua for example

>> No.58133800

Anon Aqua has the mental state of an 8 year old

>> No.58133806
File: 871 KB, 1748x2480, average wuffian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cool, man, I'm even a day one member

>> No.58133811

Didn't Saya get raped too.

>> No.58133814

Can't wait for Fuwawa to slut up when she got her solo stream.

>> No.58133825

>they don’t say naughty words
Naughty words? Really now? Also they do say stuff, seemingly intentionally at times, so they have something to apologize for it on the Morning Show. It’s part of the fun:

>> No.58133874

Retarded girls are hot after all

>> No.58133889

>Saya no Uta which has brutal rape scenes

>> No.58133904

Basically they know a few risque comments every now and then spices things up while keeping the majority of their content PG.

>> No.58133910

Spooky was such a kino playthrough. Never even heard of this game before they played it. Well, I probably saw the name in some holo stream before, but never paid attention.

>> No.58133937

A lot of things are intentionally suggestive even in regard to sister loving sister too much, and all of it is always Fuwawa and never Mococo:

>> No.58133992

>Start JP learning stream VoD
>Everything quiet.
>Wait for a few minutes to see if they fix it.
>They go up a little bit, but not enough to hear on regular volume, still sound muffled
>Crank volume on headphones
Let's just hope I don't have something else that makes noise on my computer in the next hour and a half.

>> No.58134004
File: 29 KB, 437x432, 1693627211905626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58134006
Quoted by: >>58134086

Mococo was the one who tweeted abput spooning Fuwawa

>> No.58134014
Quoted by: >>58134096

I'm gonna do it, i'm going to confess to Fuwawa-sensei!

>> No.58134055
File: 382 KB, 562x585, 1686191128360643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwamoco was a massive weeb and wanted to become an idol, but her dream never came true
>She started working as a hostess to pay the bills
>One of her clients got mad at her because she wasn't smiling enough, and ended up setting fire to the local
>Fuwamoco suffered grave injuries and fell into a coma
>Inside the coma her personality was split in two: Fuwawa and Mococo

>> No.58134086
File: 109 KB, 1175x595, IMG_5976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.58134096
Quoted by: >>58134509

yamero, takeshi !!!

>> No.58134142

ruffians. . .when fuwawa can build her own pc. i want them to have fun together without having to limit themselves with decent split screen games.

>> No.58134154
Quoted by: >>58134369

Mococo is incredibly innocent and I love her very much.

>> No.58134213
Quoted by: >>58134307

explain why Mococo is dying

>> No.58134253

she's gonna break that PC in two weeks

>> No.58134266

why would they build another pc if only one person will using it. fuwawa doesn't exist. it's all in ur head

>> No.58134269
Quoted by: >>58134595

They will sing at least one of the Macross songs tonight, r-right? I'll be happy with either Do You Remember Love or Lion.

>> No.58134285

Whenever they get their first paycheck, that should be an immense boost for them. Then give them some time to actually plan stuff and order a nice streaming setup with all the hardware and tech and so on.

Well they might actually need to get their own new apartment if they really want to have space for a proper big streaming setup.

>> No.58134307
File: 110 KB, 277x289, 1686562279668866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58134549

Mococo is the personality that wants to wake up, that's also the reason why Fuwawa gaslights her so much.

>> No.58134315

IIRC more than half of kanji by raw numbers have this kind of sound cue in them, but some of them have gotten fucked up by sound shifts in the language over the last several centuries. Also they only cue on-readings

>> No.58134339
Quoted by: >>58138983

>Say it
>Because we're the same person
>Thats right
>...I don't understand
>You were looking for a way to change your life, you could not do this on your own. All the ways you wish you could be, that's Fuwawa. I look how you want to look, I fuck how you want to fuck and most importantly I am free in all the ways you are not, Moco-chan

>> No.58134350

It's unlikely that they'll have spare money for a streaming-quality PC for another two months or so. They're still just living on their Holo allowance. The money from donations/memberships take a while to be processed.

>> No.58134369
Quoted by: >>58134483

Yeah Mococo is the more innocent one.
Fuwawa also tried to rent out Mococo’s belly for $200 an hour while telling her she needs to share her body to the Ruffians:

>> No.58134417
Quoted by: >>58134813

i know fuwawa hates the sims but does she also hates survival games ? (ark, son of the forest, the forest etc)?

>> No.58134483
Quoted by: >>58139589

I remember this. I like fuwawa but some of the stuff she says is off putting.

>> No.58134509
File: 937 KB, 1408x2000, F5HE479bAAAuPB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ara Ara~ wuffian, you're still 20 years too young..."
Damn it, what do these ojisan have that I don't.

>> No.58134549

>backseat to survive
are we in too deep?

>> No.58134558

If my song gets picked, I'll know they sang it just for me, because no one else requested it

>> No.58134595

they will sing some obscure anisongs from the 60s

>> No.58134598

Same because I'm the only ruffian, everyone else is a part of my imagination.

>> No.58134644

>Inside the coma her personality was split in two: Fuwawa and Mococo
What does that make us wuffians then?

>> No.58134661


>> No.58134671
File: 640 KB, 302x744, Fuwawa 夜這い しましょ[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fq5q1l3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58135221

>never say naughty words
>try to avoid these topics
in english maybe

>> No.58134674

If Moonlight Densetsu and Catch You Catch Me get sung you'll know who to thank.

>> No.58134710

Ruffian was the name of Fuwamoco's dog when she was a kid. She used to sing for him her favorite idols songs.

>> No.58134716
File: 10 KB, 217x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting study case for Ruffians interested in picking up nihongo. The word is normally at the end of 30k most used which makes it somewhat common but within 10k most used in fiction (which means it's super common for us as M&A enjoyers) but it's a three kanji jukugo which uses two JLPT N1 level kanji. Levels are progressively from easiest N5, N4, N3, N2, N1 - these five constitute ~2136 jouyou kanji which are "the ones which appear in newspapers". Jinmeiyou are a set of ~863 extra kanji which can be officially used in names and will be worth knowing eventually. There's a bunch of other kanji which are rarely used nowadays but can show up in historical texts or some difficult chuuni games.
This really shows how many kanji are actually used a lot and that one shouldn't trouble themselves with worrying about JLPT Nx level of kanji. Simply learn the words as you encounter them.

>> No.58134742

they're going to pick my song because they only love me

>> No.58134813
File: 117 KB, 1164x452, IMG_6092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know fuwawa hates the sims
Fuwawa was banned from playing the Sims by Mococo, and people think it was for dirty reasons. Someone always wanted to know more in a tweet.

>> No.58134855

>Fuwamoco appear in a dream I had
>it was a nightmare
>they were barely part of it
I don't know what to make of this.

>> No.58134927
Quoted by: >>58135118

That's also not a great example since you'll rarely come across that word in kanji

>> No.58134933
Quoted by: >>58135738

any other changes retarded bakers? want to put the text upside down too? and people still use them, good god

>> No.58135064
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x1920, fvn2_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing the Wahoo with Fuwa-nee...

>> No.58135118
File: 663 KB, 816x638, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58135167

Anon, it's in Hanahira, the babiest VN.

>> No.58135167
File: 656 KB, 816x638, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, wrong screenshot.

>> No.58135181

>More /djt/ shit
I'm so fucking tired of this, I'll come back during the stream

>> No.58135221
File: 79 KB, 734x973, 1693843907870604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>struggles to say the word when she had to answer about her fav nip word
>says it without issues here
>despite being fully aware of how it'll get clipped and will chase her for the rest of her career
I'm getting mixed signals here. Moco-chan, please help me to understand your retarded sister.

>> No.58135241

Ruffians now using threads made by antis, nice

>> No.58135320

Of course I can read kanji, that's chikaraguchigoromo in the middle

>> No.58135347
Quoted by: >>58135466

You think I read anything in the OP other than checking for it containing bau?

>> No.58135350

Should i bake a proper general?

>> No.58135385
Quoted by: >>58135536

Not much that can be done about it. These are 4chan mods we're talking about. In general the first thread made is the one that gets kept and any others after get deleted. Go ahead and make a /baubau/ and see how long it lasts and how many opportunities you're given to explain yourself before the thread is deleted.

>> No.58135466

What's wrong with the thread OP?

>> No.58135536
Quoted by: >>58135584

What are you on schizo? This is the only thread and there's nothing wrong with it.

There was no other thread made, checked the archive. Are you a discord raiding sister?

>> No.58135540

nothing. i have no clue why we have schizos this early in the morning & self-replying but OP is fine, maybe its the "夜這い" but ignore them

>> No.58135541

She must think JP and EN fans don't communicate. Cute!!

>> No.58135584

For the past few days people have been fucking with the title in subtle ways.
>There was no other thread made
Good job completely missing the point. Do you have to try to be that stupid?

>> No.58135632

>slight alteration that doesn't mess with ability to find the thread whatsoever
>apparently it means thread was made by antis
You're retarded beyond belief. Go away.

>> No.58135661
File: 1.30 MB, 4096x2759, @miisuuuuuuuuuuu-1698088681851285509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm, its the thread called
>bau/bau instead of baubau
which is still easily searchable and fine? man its too early for this shit psot cute fuwamocos

>> No.58135681
Quoted by: >>58135743

>extra "/" means discord raid
Meds now

>> No.58135695
Quoted by: >>58136128

it actually does retard, if you type baubau it doesn't show, never bake again dude

>> No.58135711
File: 454 KB, 1668x929, IMG_4387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58135884

>maybe its the 夜這い

>> No.58135728

She's realizing her powers. Yobai clips will be good for channel growth but she can continue pretending to be oblivious because she translated it as innocent "sleepover" this time.

>> No.58135738

(You) retards are the only antis here.

>> No.58135743

Archive, retards. There have been numerous threads made that vandalize the bau. Concession accepted, you are dismissed. Don't embarrass yourselves like this again.

>> No.58135793


>> No.58135884

Which time? It corresponds to the "night crawled" in >>58135711.

>> No.58135892
File: 23 KB, 378x281, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58135950


>> No.58135927
File: 37 KB, 683x660, 1692328026678397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning confirmed, let's do our best, ruffians.

>> No.58135950

They bid me good morning. I can go to bed and sleep soundly now

>> No.58136036
File: 537 KB, 685x743, 1693100312945914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the thread :(
Why you guys always make it difficult to find aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I just want to talk about my wives

>> No.58136075

but it's midnight here...

>> No.58136084
File: 528 KB, 2150x2150, __perroccino_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kouhiipan__6ef7f44670ef5058c989887805c07737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.58136128

kys samefag

>> No.58136216

>Still using just baubau to find the thread
What hopeless fools you must be

>> No.58136325

I bet she was throwing them in pools and removing the steps

>> No.58136373
File: 7 KB, 331x57, Maybe ESL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did it mean by this?

>> No.58136386
Quoted by: >>58137067

>she can continue pretending to be oblivious because she translated it as innocent "sleepover" this time
This would work only if it was the first time.

>> No.58136396
File: 167 KB, 366x336, 1693891243450511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Fuwawa get away with saying 夜這いしましょ live

>> No.58136433
File: 708 KB, 2232x3508, IMG_20230909_234741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58136587
File: 358 KB, 1641x1592, 1694228602178883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 new cards 97 reviews today then I'm gonna watch some jp show and then try reading.

>> No.58136710

This is ojisan thread.

We only scroll the pages until we either find the thread visually or refresh page 1 until it shows up there.
You can only use the catalogue for finding the FWMC thread on futaba or the original moe. imageboard (now deceased).

>> No.58136798
File: 556 KB, 2000x1387, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the pencil skirt fuwawa and jersey mococo

>> No.58136904

Good boys and girls don't know what that means.

>> No.58136948

I just saw they liked my member posts and for 2 seconds i was really surprised and happy but then i realized they liked literally every other post.... pain

>> No.58137019

Is anyone else struggling to open images lately? It loads for like 20 seconds before anything comes up.

>> No.58137021

I'm sure they didn't like all of them. Some fake ruffian probably said something bad.

>> No.58137038
Quoted by: >>58137196

>How did Fuwawa get away with…
Fuwawa is very horny, as so much stuff is known and it’s only been a little over a month now. I like how they create a nice dynamic with Mococo being the more innocent one, creating some contrast between them.

>> No.58137046

what's confusing here
their goal is protecting everyone's smile

>> No.58137063

Yeah, I'm getting that too. Wait for the thread to load a bit more and it should work

>> No.58137067

Most of audience has short memory, it's ok. Those few true Ruffians who followed all streams will enjoy her mischievous plots unfold.

>> No.58137141

Same, I thought it's my thirdworlder internet shitting itself.

>> No.58137155

Do you think FuwaMoco knows that Anonymous;Code official TL just dropped?

>> No.58137173

I dont suffer it but im sure i've enabled the option to cache the requests through cloudflare.

>> No.58137196
Quoted by: >>58137317

I'm convinced the greentext poster is Fuwawa at this point

>> No.58137317

there are several of them

>> No.58137514

Ultima VII stream next schedule

>> No.58137577

Anon if you are talking about the songs for the stream tonight then you should know that they probably didn't like 1.7k comments on their own, manager san probably helps them

>> No.58137596
File: 992 KB, 850x1195, 2b34e68d2f97b94032a0cd9dec867a9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best friend absolutely detests vtubers
>Thinks all of them are e-girls with just anime avatars
>Has no intention of ever getting into any of them
>I show her FWMC
>Doesn't hate them
>She sees the "TODAY!" clip
>Laughs her ass off at it
>Shows her more clips
>Loves FWMC now
>FWMC literally protected their smile
I already knew the twins were great but the fact that they can make my friend who hates vtubers admit they're great is special. She likes Mococo more though

>> No.58137675


>> No.58137710
File: 491 KB, 600x800, 1660551802061934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate e thots so much
why are you even using an anime avatar if you dont even try to act like one

>> No.58137837

That's way too Western.

>> No.58137935

i don't get the ultima 7 hype really
3,4,5,6 are so much better

>> No.58137963
Quoted by: >>58138038

I'm pretty sure they operate on like meaning it's read.
If they actually read over a thousand comments I am unsure. Maybe they have the manager hit like on the remaining so no one is feeling left out.

>> No.58138023

>That's way too Western.
Doesn’t seem like something they would like, or even something that would get views. Neither.

>> No.58138038

>Maybe they have the manager hit like on the remaining so no one is feeling left out
There are extensions that do it for you. They dont seem to do it though since there are specific timeframes when these things happen.

>> No.58138278

Wizardry, then?

>> No.58138337

Wizardry 4 collab with Mr. Koro

>> No.58138357
File: 58 KB, 1000x750, 1694015214055903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they love me so much, bros.
and they love all of you, too, I guess.

>> No.58138365
File: 170 KB, 1000x1200, 1693381609026752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58138519

You friend has a really bad taste

>> No.58138370
Quoted by: >>58138480

>directionally challenged
>dungeon crawlers without ez mode maps
they'll be stuck in the first dungeon for months

>> No.58138407

Is the world ready for such kino?

>> No.58138463
File: 153 KB, 535x494, 1692132598258861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very long demon dog's puppy life

>> No.58138480

Sounds fun. Or I suppose in keeping with the theme of "From Software fans are not gonna want to miss this!" *is actually old game*, they could do King's Field IV. A fair bit more forgiving.
And similar enough to Souls to get the attention of all the people who are fans of From's newer stuff, unlike Cookie & Cream.
How about it? I'm gonna fax this suggestion to manechan if you give me the ok.

>> No.58138519
Quoted by: >>58138672

Do they? Their exposure to vtubers was Council and Myth and never looked back.
Advent was the first time they changed their mind on them.

>> No.58138543

you should kiss your friend

>> No.58138600
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1200, Throb_of_the_Demon039s_Heart_is_actually_an_unrelated_spinoff_and_not_a_version_of_Wizardry_IV_the_rest_of_the_post_is_100_accurate_though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll leave this for the clueless ones.

>> No.58138672
File: 687 KB, 2048x2048, 1693303524589566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not talking about those lazy whores. I'm talking about Fuwawa not being her favourite

>> No.58138973

I'm more of a moncoco fan myself

>> No.58138983
File: 1.08 MB, 960x540, one brain [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fps8gsf.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are the same person

>> No.58138989
File: 552 KB, 1191x688, 1694224635525352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is for ojisan who do their reps

>> No.58139085

help a brother out

>> No.58139346
File: 136 KB, 288x368, 1673694378109309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm good with Mococo, thanks.
My brain is already overextended trying to catch up with continuing education reps so I can stay certified, I can't do my nihon reps for now.

>> No.58139389

Are you all ready for the BATTLE PLAN

>> No.58139519
Quoted by: >>58140097

I don't even know what the stream content will be, but I know I'll have a good time because my dogs will be there.

>> No.58139522

no, i forgot everything i thought about when i went to sleep

>> No.58139545
Quoted by: >>58140097

I don't type much in chat anyway. What were their goals again?

>> No.58139556

I'm ready for a sea of gifted members giving bad advice or just spamming "BAU BAU" and "LOL"

>> No.58139589

She was spiraling into narcissistic abuse earlier, but noticeably dialed it back after the post about having bad day (which was soon after certain critical comment). People keep calling me schizo and concernfag though. Anyway, she has won back my respect and it's all good.

>> No.58139636
File: 1.02 MB, 3448x3500, 1000000322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she likes mococo more
Mococo unironically has a design and aesthetic that appeals to a wider range of people. Everyone loves the tomboy aesthetic. Everyone loves a cute, bratty voice. Everyone loves a girl with a flat chest and a cute tummy.
There's a reason why antis and people that don't watch FWMC will immediately say things like "Mococo is carrying FWMC" or "Mococo is clearly the better sister." It's because she has immediate appeal. Once you actually watch FuwaMoco, you begin to truly appreciate and love Fuwawa.

>> No.58139678

I am going to sleep in and wake up for karaoke. My oji brain refuses to wake up at 7AM on a Sunday.

>> No.58139690

>sea of gifted members giving bad advice or just spamming "BAU BAU" and "LOL"
Literally me, except I'm a Mad Dog.

>> No.58139765
Quoted by: >>58139902

Do you think Fuwawa would give me a discount if I only need 5 minutes with Mococo's bellybutton?

>> No.58139795

thanks, i hate it

>> No.58139902

no discounts, no refunds

>> No.58139981
Quoted by: >>58140097

I don't really know what to expect.

>> No.58140097
File: 676 KB, 2048x1152, 1680251067241774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wanted to talk+have our input on their plans of which goals to prioritize. We should be thinking about it to not let them down.

>> No.58140128
Quoted by: >>58140190

Number 1 advice should hence be 'stop membership gifts'

>> No.58140143


>> No.58140190

I will suck a cock if they really decide to ban gifted membau

>> No.58140193

You are now a true Wakarusan, go and spread your knowledge of Nihon-go to the world.

>> No.58140199

>forcefeeding Mococo natto on stream
holy kino

>> No.58140200

Honestly, does most of their members care about this? I think they rather they use their times to stream more current games.

>> No.58140215
File: 1.66 MB, 610x746, fuwa sneez moco guh [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fosqsqs.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58140224


>> No.58140258
Quoted by: >>58140304

FuwaMoco care, it's a metting to help them decide on which order they'll tackle their goals, not "tell us what to do"

>> No.58140286

baffling post

>> No.58140304


>> No.58140388
Quoted by: >>58140443

More manageable goals for the next 3 months:
1. Mococo learns to do a death scream
2. Sing denpa songs with polka
3. Talk about visual novels with miko
4. Learn how to play minecraft
5. Sing denpa songs with polka
6. rap together with cali
7. sing anime songs with irys
8. learn to mix vocal ourselves.

>> No.58140432
File: 1.41 MB, 1632x1181, angy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm neglecting my reviews because I'd rather read but I keep repeatedly looking up words (and grammatical concepts to a lesser extent) I've seen because I just glance over them and they don't stick.
I wish I was a kid again so I could more seamlessly do it the same way I learned English by bashing my head against the wall for years without a care in the world.

>> No.58140443

Miko only plays erogeshit. There are no discussions to be had with her.

>> No.58140487
File: 53 KB, 465x397, 1677950358060032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust my brothers ruffians that we can get asmr

>> No.58140500

get out

>> No.58140514

>he lacks critical information

>> No.58140523

not happening for a while

>> No.58140655
Quoted by: >>58140710

Does anyone have the written list of goals? the collage is so hard to read

>> No.58140710


>> No.58140791

disgusting, thanks

>> No.58140882

>become nendoroids

>> No.58141403
File: 69 KB, 1920x1200, F4z3ZS0a0AIMJqg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58141488

It finally happened. The JP class made me start my reps and I read my first word. It felt vastly more powerful than learning western languages with the roman alphabet, that's for sure.
That taste of power has cemented my conviction.

>> No.58141401

Ruffians, im gonna vote for the
>beat ringfit in hardest difficulty
I believe they can do it within this quarter.

>> No.58141436
Quoted by: >>58141764

- At current moment I'm excited for their Minecraft, as a social sandbox game it will bring out their personalities and being beginners will make it interesting.
- ASMR of course.
- Fuwamoco VN (the YT shorts seem like a bit of a taster). It would be great if it was 18+ but not gonna happen in Hololive. I haven't played any of the other Hololive official VNs so I'm not sure what's possible, if it's more like a small project or professional one rivaling "real" VNs. Anyway, I'll take any Fuwamoco VN as long as it has their soul put in it.
- Songs. Again, I don't know how it works behind the scenes, so ganbatte! Denpa song covers too.
- Live concert, like actual live, not a recorded one. Fuwamoco have said they like live experience so I hope they can pursue this and make it extra clear it's all live. Pre-recorded is a second option but I really want it to be live.
- Body pillow covers (one twin or one with Fuwa/Moco sides?)
- Learn to mix vocals by themselves could be good idea depending on how gifted they are. They have good taste and ears but you also need good skill to do this well.
- Voice packs. I consider this an easier option compared to VN, though ASMR/long voices for sleeping is an unique advantage of voice packs.
This is clearly too much for a short-term battle plan though, did they mention at what timescale is it?

>> No.58141462

Have the dogs ever mentioned gura once?

>> No.58141488
File: 3.46 MB, 496x654, 1693844436928347.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58141536


>> No.58141536

she's so perfect...

>> No.58141580
File: 213 KB, 850x1511, desktop-wallpaper-the-last-samurai-tom-cruise-iphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Cruise and Fuwamoco are proof anyone can become Japanese

>> No.58141598
File: 133 KB, 850x1202, 1685044299554151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58142085

Luinee collab when

>> No.58141764
Quoted by: >>58142479

>- Learn to mix vocals by themselves could be good idea depending on how gifted they are. They have good taste and ears but you also need good skill to do this well.

Probably can do it in a collab with kanata. She did it to make choco-sen sound okay...

>> No.58142085

Lui ffs stop trying to seduce the twins

>> No.58142114
File: 799 KB, 1060x689, 1678640289505167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them

>> No.58142218
File: 954 KB, 268x310, tadam padam [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo2nffy.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58142327

I might miss the stream... it's over...

>> No.58142479

no offense to kanata but they should learn from iroha instead
this is the only song i know that kanata mixed herself:
these are the last 2 songs iroha mixed herself:

>> No.58142593
Quoted by: >>58142888

Damn, I didnt know iroha is this good.

>> No.58142694

why learn kanata or iroha when they have a musical genius in EN aka Mori Calliope? and you know she will help them

>> No.58142888

she looks soft on the outside but she took after her oshi when it comes to doing it yourself and determination. i honestly think she'd mesh well with fuwamoco. she's very patient

>> No.58143106
File: 36 KB, 593x259, 110514599_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58143501

fuck OFF p*ro!!!!!!

>> No.58143599

kek, always knew pero was a newfag

>> No.58144046
File: 614 KB, 1318x793, 1693720205220426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58144845

Don't mind me, just getting my Fuwawa fix

>> No.58144119
File: 7 KB, 789x168, 2023-09-09 13_28_53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa please yobai me

>> No.58144681
File: 66 KB, 240x301, 1690777412211305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ojisan with no time to learn nipanese
It's over for me

>> No.58144744
File: 879 KB, 913x2000, media_F5kudYhbcAAIAfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58144796

FaunaMoco Morning

>> No.58144796


>> No.58144830
File: 579 KB, 1399x2126, 1691300626500525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58144960

I won't be able to make it tonight, but I hope I can trust in you baused people here to push them in the right direction and to ensure they focus on the good goals

>> No.58144845
File: 52 KB, 468x283, 1691881248812703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58145129

Now I'm sad again. This one hits exactly where it hurts.

>> No.58144917
Quoted by: >>58145009

>they liked that foot fetish art on twitter
based fuwawa stepping on ruffians

>> No.58144960
Quoted by: >>58145015

we definitely need as many people there as possible to drown out the NPCs

>> No.58144974
File: 180 KB, 1024x1024, 1693965807088939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have time to post here you have to do jp reps

>> No.58144993

if you have to commute you have the time to do it

>> No.58144998

They claimed they took 2 years to learn to read and write hiragana and katakana, just take babby steps

>> No.58145009
Quoted by: >>58145079

link please

>> No.58145015

I know, I wish I could be there..

>> No.58145079


>> No.58145115

it's nice

>> No.58145129
File: 673 KB, 787x799, 1628102203945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm gonna start crying if she ever says I love you to the wuffians on stream.

>> No.58145135

>It's over for me
Just treat it as a journey with them.

>> No.58145156

i was going to like and retweet but that shit looks like AI

>> No.58145201

I want to have a dream too, I gave up on everything I ever wanted in life, I want to have a goal.

>> No.58145344

At first glance I thought they had really big butts and thighs. Good to know it's just their tails.

>> No.58145361
File: 715 KB, 900x706, 1670092066767264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58145422

okay i tried to divide all their goals into things they could feasibly do now, things that will come later, and things they've already accomplished. personally i think this stream is a terrible idea. I don't think anyone should be asking their fans what they should do but i hope it's more of a temperature reading on what ruffians want which will be shit considering all the gifted mems. some stuff in the now category with advent is only there since they already met up once so i'm assuming if they really want to do it, they can do it again. a lot of the stuff in the later category is just stuff they can't do without moving to JP first, growing within hololive and and as talents, and stuff they have to have other people do for them like be in a game, get invited on tv and what not. the accomplished things i guess are up to personal choice whether you think they've done those for you

>> No.58145382
File: 86 KB, 365x365, 1669058235368511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58145540

>Says I love you to the Ruffians after a Christmas dinner date stream
I would break down in tears of joy if that ever happens.

>> No.58145423

I really hope this isn't a stream where they ask the chat what they think they should do, it's gonna be endless ASMR npc spam from these retards and gifted subs

>> No.58145422
File: 121 KB, 312x312, 1668211711161032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be able to touch our toes
Don't worry, I'll do that for you m'ladies

>> No.58145530
Quoted by: >>58145682

You guys know when the chat opens for the stream? i'm trying to gift subs

>> No.58145534
File: 276 KB, 1447x1020, IMG_6008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58145540
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1200, 1691617734109595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't even have to be a date, "I love you, Wuffians" after something as normal as a christmas karaoke would already kill me
The JP holos do like to do their ASMR streams on christmas, that would be really nice too.

>> No.58145559

Check their media tab. It's not AI.

>> No.58145624
Quoted by: >>58146352

do you think they will have actual polls or they will just have a look at what's being spammed in the chat?

>> No.58145682
Quoted by: >>58145859

I don't think they open the chat before the stream starts but i might be wrong, just gift the subs when the stream starts

>> No.58145698

Bodies looks like he traced over 3D models, but it doesn't look like AI

>> No.58145707

ASMR is good though
The real threat is "plz collab with stars/ecelebs/shit"

>> No.58145741
File: 345 KB, 4096x1408, IMG_5927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust as well

>> No.58145761

>can you collab with trash taste??? xDDD

>> No.58145762
File: 283 KB, 1231x1076, 1693874100810142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58148191

Fuck you I want ASMR

>> No.58145768
Quoted by: >>58146084

that's not in their goal list, if they even ignored someone who has been supporting them from the start and even got a nickname from them asking about stars collabs, do you really think they'll give random fags attention about it now?

>> No.58145833

I remember they said we arent close enough for that yet

>> No.58145859
Quoted by: >>58145927

Nah... i don't want to do it during stream because i gift in ARS
i'm going to check back in a couple hours

>> No.58145914
Quoted by: >>58146192

ASMR would be good, but I hope they realize they don't have to whisper. One time they brought up ASMR and started whispering as sort of a joke, and you could tell they sort of struggled to maintain their character voice in a whisper. But both of them could do excellent ASMR just speaking in a low gentle voice.

I also hope they don't just go for an hour of scratching the mic foam but that goes for all ASMR

>> No.58145927

membership gifts don't show the currency no matter when you send them, retard. work on your baits a little.

>> No.58145963
File: 3.35 MB, 638x596, 1681261917830271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are pros, they already know what they are going to do. They will talk with chat about their upcoming plans, and steer the conversation in the direction they want to give them the feeling that they are being helpful.
>Yeah, we really want to make a visual novel...
>...but maybe it would be easier for us to do this other thing first instead, you know? What do you think? Would you mind? Are you sure? Yeah, I think you are all right! Thank you!

>> No.58145971
Quoted by: >>58146028

they already said they can't do asmr now. they didn't say why not but i'm guessing their asmr mic is shit or broken

>> No.58146028
Quoted by: >>58146202

they said it's technical troubles, so yeah, probably issues with the microphone.
but I think it's good, gives the anti gifters enough time to get bored and the gifts to expire before they can give this treat to the people who actually give a shit.

>> No.58146079

obviously. i wonder how long they can stretch the stream

>> No.58146084
Quoted by: >>58146398

I haven't heard about this. Would you mind sharing the story?

>> No.58146146
Quoted by: >>58146505

Not necessarily. That is important too, because people are stupid and don't think before they post, but it can be genuinely helpful for them to see how people react to similarly achievable-on-short-term goals. If people clearly care a lot more about one than the other, it can help them decide on the order they'll tackle these.

>> No.58146165

I hope you're right

>> No.58146192

Not sure if you are aware if this or not, but these girls clearly had the idea of ASMR planned for a while now. They are very professional too, but I think they want to lower expectations just a bit, intentionally. Don’t be surprised when it’s actual ASMR and not just shouting into a mic. I don’t think they mean to do fake ASMR, when they say ASMR.

>> No.58146202

i really wish they would just turn off gifted memberships. i'm sure it feels nice to have a lot of members but what good is that when they aren't really diehard fans and half the gifts are antis trying to ruin the bunch with greyfags

>> No.58146229

They already said they have some plans already. They probably want to see if anyone says anything useful, plus helps to determine the interest in some of the goals.

>> No.58146294
File: 183 KB, 562x585, 1677847141721435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not going to kneecap their growth and income to maintain a secret club.

>> No.58146295

>and steer the conversation in the direction they want
This anon gets it. They are obviously doing to same thing with ASMR. It’s something they clearly want to do themselves. They have ideas planned, and share, hoping people are also interested.

>> No.58146352

I hope it won't be polls but taking into account chat opinions while final decision belongs to FWMC.

>> No.58146398

Mumu (幻夢, got the nickname because they misread 幻 on his first superchat) sent supa asking if they wanted to collab with anyone in holostars, they ignored that part completely and only read the rest.
This was one of their best streams, by the way, so watch streams, faggot.

>> No.58146461

with Kanata they can talk about cute girls and idols and yobai while they mix things
they should still do it with Iroha too

>> No.58146500
Quoted by: >>58146584

I don't really even care about ASMR that much, but I definitely want FuwaMoco to talk/whisper in my ear.
I'm certain every Ruffian would want that

>> No.58146505
Quoted by: >>58146623

>but it can be genuinely helpful for them to see how people react to similarly achievable-on-short-term goals
>Hey, do you like this?
>yes yes bau bau
>What about this other thing?
>yes yes bau bau
At most they will do a poll about a couple of minor things or stuff they don't really care that much about (like the ruffians' final design)

>> No.58146558

Elitistfags shouldn't be allowed either, ruffians like you who think they belong in some special club for 5 dollars a month deserve the rope, akasupa if you want to support them faggot, who the fuck cares about a membership

>> No.58146565
File: 110 KB, 2860x146, mumu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is he was back yesterday.

>> No.58146584
Quoted by: >>58146741

>I definitely want FuwaMoco to whisper in my ear
That’s ASMR

>> No.58146614

That was so funny when that happened. You can even see when Fuwawa read ahead

>> No.58146623
Quoted by: >>58146940

Even in your dishonest example, you only need to add an extra simple question: "which one do you prefer, ruffians?", and you now have useful feedback.

>> No.58146625

Most viewers are normies, normies ask for normie stuff, you can't win against them... sadly

>> No.58146630
Quoted by: >>58146718

what's it called when there's 2 or more kanji making a new word

>> No.58146651

A membership can get gifted to an anti. Korone is one of the most vocal chuubas about it since it has happened to her.

>> No.58146671
Quoted by: >>58146820

I don't usually stay to hear the SC readings, I have to be sleeping by the time they end stream.
Thanks for the info and timestamp, and I hope you can forgive me for not being able to watch the whole stream.

>> No.58146708

Why wouldn't he be? He was either a unicorn testing the waters (most likely, he isn't subscribed to any holostars channel) or he was genuinely curious, and the silence gave him his answer. He wasn't disrespected in any way.

>> No.58146718



>> No.58146727

memberships do nothing but hurt the vtuber, fuck off retard

>> No.58146741

Yeah, what I meant was, "I don't care the ASMR genre as a whole, I only care about FuwaMoco"

>> No.58146819

Thinking corpo cares about your retarded concernfag take, get the fuck out of here, money is money

>> No.58146820

That's a good enough reason, even if there was nothing stopping you from watching the VOD later. So I'll forgive you, but you're still a faggot, that ok?

>> No.58146826

You're insane, ASMR is porbably the best thing they can realistically do in the near term

>> No.58146848
Quoted by: >>58146961


>> No.58146876

Mama's merch order period ending in less than a day

>> No.58146880
File: 306 KB, 1257x338, 1694115390974522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58147192

What's the actual point of gifted memberships? These people couldn't afford $5 to support the streamer they watch, literal leeches

>> No.58146892

I ended up liking a VTuber before after getting a gifted membership and checking out her membership content. That shit actually works.

>> No.58146895

No it's not, why would they do horny shit like ASMR when they care so much about how the viewers see them?

>> No.58146905
Quoted by: >>58146986

this is why he made that SC in the previous stream anyways
not a troll specifically; he's been hurt twice and is trying his best to hold onto his girl and his new twins

>> No.58146925
File: 236 KB, 1440x1950, 1694023406015499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ordered mine a few weeks ago

>> No.58146926
Quoted by: >>58147042

We literally got a membership post leaked because of gifted memberships.
Like the other anon said, it's basically leaving the door wide open for antis to come in.

>> No.58146933
File: 56 KB, 637x701, F48vTRsbsAAhqvR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58147132

>every stream this week besides Morning is at 3AM here
>even battle plan is at 1AM
Is it over for us, yuroffians?

>> No.58146940
File: 571 KB, 758x588, 1681898622000055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58147026

What, the ruffians' design? There's nothing dishonest about it, they drew the designs live without putting too much thought into them, and then let the community decide what to do. They clearly don't care that much about it, and there's nothing wrong with it as long as the fans are happy

>> No.58146961
Quoted by: >>58147045

nobody is saying asmr is bad, they literally can't do it cause of their mic
filling the community with people who don't care enough to pay $5 and then letting them know behind the scenes shit so they can spread it

>> No.58146973

It's not all horny shit. I used to be like you until I tried it from someone not thotting it up

>> No.58146974

That's like saying singing is horny shit because there are songs with moans and sexual lyrics. They don't have to do horny shit in their ASMR if they don't want to, and I don't think anyone genuinely expects them to.
The type of ASMR that would suit them the most is 全肯定.

>> No.58146986

>he's been hurt twice

qrd? How does this even happen unless you're sending retarded SCs

>> No.58146992

Plan #1 should be to buy a really good streaming setup for both of them asap once the money comes in

Plan #2 should be to definitely not keep the EN karaokes as a super rare thing, it was way too much fun and a blast to do that so rarely

>> No.58147003

I'd really like to grab it but using proxies is a bit expensive and I'm now going to need to be buying birthday/anni goods for my oshi as well as FWMC
rip wallet

>> No.58147011
Quoted by: >>58147167

asmr is not all horny shit. you're just listening to horny shit

>> No.58147026
Quoted by: >>58147072

Not that, but your description of their interactions with chat.

>> No.58147042
Quoted by: >>58147116

>got a membership post leaked because of gifted memberships
not true

>> No.58147044

asmr is literally a fetish so by default it is horny shit

>> No.58147045

Oh, you meant "gifted memberships" when you said "memberships" here >>58146727
That makes more sense.

>> No.58147054
Quoted by: >>58147243

EN karaoke should be 25%, once every 2 months

>> No.58147072
File: 133 KB, 438x438, 1692770218260062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58147374

Hay many memberstreams have you watched?

>> No.58147098

his oshi is probably Chloe (just based on his subscriptions and SCs) and he doesn't like males on stream, so he's been having a rough few months

>> No.58147113

Did you take a shit today, pervert?

>> No.58147116
Quoted by: >>58147204

It got leaked here and in /numbers/

>> No.58147126

The art is fantastic, but I don't want it enough to jump through the hoops required to order internationally. If it was easier, I would have. Already sent them the money I would have spent on it, too.

>> No.58147129

You are genuinely brain dead

>> No.58147132

I'm pretty sure that they plan to continue streaming Sakura Wars V at the usual timeslot. We are pretty fucked beyond that, yes.

>> No.58147143

Dumb take, but even if you don't get tingles you should still enjoy spending quality time up close with Fuwamoco, having them whisper to you, maybe hearing them talk or sing softly in your ears, feeling like you're cuddling with them or anything like that.

>> No.58147144

Then don’t watch faggot? Also girls doing ASMR is sexy in general.

>> No.58147150

I used up all my proxy options but still can't get it...
Oh well, so long as I can grab the official merch from now on, I'll still feel a little happy

>> No.58147167

Yeah because they are not going to ask them to say ara ara and all that retarded shit

>> No.58147171

Am I being clingy or weird or whatever if I want them to do tier Mad Dog only membership streams?

>> No.58147192

I don't care about that because the chuuba can disable it if they don't want it, my problem is abusing weaker currencies to do it.
Or if they can't disable it, they can at least not encourage it by not giving them excited shoutouts in superchat reading. If they train their audience that only superchat gets recognition, why would you bother with gifts?

>> No.58147197

It isnt unusual for a gachikoi with questionable skills at judging people.

>> No.58147204
Quoted by: >>58147412

comprehension reps onegai

>> No.58147233

You are being delusional

>> No.58147243

They should up the frequency of their karaokes, I enjoy them too much...

>> No.58147249

Never going to happen, if you want to flaunt your money send 10 akasupas today, nobody cares about a fucking membership nigger

>> No.58147268
File: 330 KB, 1499x1501, 1665825418047881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58147270
File: 690 KB, 684x645, cf9c12578b1f17b111fb0ea1efa928ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58147296

I don't know, what do you think?

>> No.58147304
Quoted by: >>58147424

I’m so glad ASMR is popular, just so that one anon can go cry in the corner about how sinful it is when they do their first one.
Also Fuwawa seems born for this shit.

>> No.58147309
Quoted by: >>58147445

why would you want them to do exclusive streams there? i'll refrain from calling you weird until i hear why

>> No.58147322
Quoted by: >>58147458

I'm still not too sure about the two PC setup. It's inevitable because Fuwawa will want to play Minecraft too, but I hope they don't use it all the time, I like the backseating dynamic a lot. Couch co-op is still more special and unique, but if they're just playing games online each on their PC, at this point the only advantage over discord collabs is better audio.

>> No.58147359

How many of you are new to having an oshi? I can't believe half of the posters of this thread have been watching vtubers for more than a few months at most

>> No.58147374
Quoted by: >>58147556

I'm only membered to Marine, but all of hers.

>> No.58147412


>> No.58147424

they don't need basic bitch shit like asmr to make a quick buck, they have skills and charisma, they are above asmr

>> No.58147430

In that case, they already said they want to do what you define as horny shit, and already have the equipment, and want to practice for it. Maybe their content is not for you if you hate that.

>> No.58147442

why can't you believe it? i've had the same oshi for more than 2 years but advent did bring a lot of vtuber newfags in

>> No.58147445

Just talking with them and the other regulars in chat without the greyname/gifted membership riffraff. The only streams I can think of right now for it would be zatsudans. Though after thinking about it, I'd prefer it to be tier 2+ rather than Mad Dog only.

>> No.58147454
Quoted by: >>58148144

Its generally considered trashy to do super high tiered members only streams/posts
Its ok to be clingy only normalfags hate that sort of thing

>> No.58147458
Quoted by: >>58147575

They will absolutely need it even if it isn't for every stream. At some point you'll need them both to have their own proper rigs, or you limit them too much in what they can do.
Not to mention they could then still use one to handle OBS stuff while the other one handles the gaming, they can be more free and flexible that way.

>> No.58147486

>bitch shit like asmr
That’s called your subjective opinion. I’m saying I’m glad it’s so popular so you can go crying in the corner when it happens.

>> No.58147489

Clingy maybe, weird not really, but you're definitely being stupid.

>> No.58147496
Quoted by: >>58147588

Hell fucking no. Do you not remember when Mori do that in 2020? It's not a good.

>> No.58147523

I just call my favorites my oshi. So I got a couple of favorites within Hololive and I'd call all of them my oshi.

>> No.58147556
Quoted by: >>58149506

Marine is extremely good at bantering with her chat and getting actual useful feedback from it. The EN member streams are just a parade of yes men who want to please their oshi.

>> No.58147557

if that's the reason then you should ask them to turn off gifted mems

>> No.58147575

Yeah, that is very much true. Could use their current PC that is most likely weaker than the new one will be for OBS and elgato only, and the new one to run the more demanding stuff.

>> No.58147587
Quoted by: >>58147695

>uh ASMR is for whores and good vtubers are above that
You're the kind of person I hate.

>> No.58147588

Any person with self respect would instantly stop watching any content creator that locks content on such a higher tier, just out of principle

>> No.58147608

yeah you're being weird. sounds like you'd enjoy discord faggotry too

>> No.58147611

Maybe the most sane poster of this thread

>> No.58147615

Asmr is proabably the most intimate form of stream a chuuba can do thats why jps do them on white day and Christmas
HatIng asmr makes you clinically fagtarded

>> No.58147625

People are REEEing at this but they really shouldn't, it's the same logic as a commonly accepted take in these threads. If you think that greynames suck and that gift memberships shouldn't be done, because it fills up member streams/posts with tourists, it's logical to want streams that are at a higher level of exclusivity

>> No.58147635

If you don't reply to anyone, your post is useless. I've been watching chuubas since 2019, but how do I know if that clears anything for you?

>> No.58147676

They don't need it, correct. Which just makes their interest even more sincere, isn't that great?

>> No.58147682

would they ban me if I said they should have sex on stream

>> No.58147695

Yeah, I was hoping Fuwawa’s existence would filter out people like him. It probably will in time.

>> No.58147711

Mococo will, Fuwawa won't

>> No.58147717

i don't even need quality ASMR, im aware their mic isnt the best

i literally just want them to whisper things and sweet words and it'd relax me

>> No.58147736
Quoted by: >>58148630


>> No.58147738

>wanting them to do the same shit every other vtuber has done a thousand times already

They have so many more interesting goals on their list. I don't mind asmr but you are literal NPCs asking for the same shit from a different person

>> No.58147739
Quoted by: >>58147885

You aren't even trying to hide your shitposting, sister.

>> No.58147748

Not Fuwawa

>> No.58147760

>man I'd really hate it if I got a stream where it felt like my oshi was in bed with me and talked to me softly

>> No.58147769
File: 186 KB, 2048x745, F5myv9taYAA7e9o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58147965

Glad they're still working on their other projects.

>> No.58147785

Not really in the idol spirit to separate dedicated fans like that.

>> No.58147789

Looks like we have a lot of ruffians that love having privates with internet models, they are the kind that put hundreds to make that bitch cum so they want to transfer that fetish to their favorite vtuber, what a bunch of weirdos. Go create a discord to jerk off with other ruffians if you want a secret club so bad.

>> No.58147813

t. membership begging venezuelan

>> No.58147839
Quoted by: >>58148067

you should know that the asmr conversation is fucking useless since they already said they won't be doing it anytime soon because of their mic. now, out of their goals that are achievable now, what do YOU want them to push for?

>> No.58147842

Started watching on and off since 2019, never really had an oshi until now.

>> No.58147845

>all other vtubers play games so they shouldn't play games
>all other vtubers do karaoke so they shouldn't do karaoke

>> No.58147885
Quoted by: >>58148057

How is not wanting them to whore themselves out to normies a bad thing? they ask the same for every vtuber, they always want the same shit, it's so predictable

>> No.58147908

Best way is to have a 5 bucks member tier that gives you emotes and then a 6 bucks member tier that gives you member streams on top of that

>> No.58147946

Not sure what you even mean. Why don’t you try understanding Fuwamoco better before you judge the fanbase. How about this:

>> No.58147965


>> No.58147969

can you choose what level memberships you gift? if not, then you may be onto something.

>> No.58147995
Quoted by: >>58148063

From what I understand it defaults to gifting the closest to 5 dollars tier, but someone correct me

>> No.58148017
Quoted by: >>58148114

membership gifts are for whatever tier unlocks members streams

>> No.58148057
Quoted by: >>58148209

That's easy to answer, friend. Because they're the ones who teased it themselves, predebut, unprovoked, and even put it on their list of goals on debut.
By calling that whore behavior, you're calling them whores.
I'd agree with you if they were resisting the idea and a bunch of bald fat fucks with their dicks out kept begging for it every stream, trying to mindbreak them into doing it, but that is not at all the case.

>> No.58148063
Quoted by: >>58148117

I believe some of the stars boys have a $3 tier for gifted that only gives emotes

>> No.58148067

ASMR is probably in 3 weeks or so.

>> No.58148114

how would youtube even know what tier unlocks members stream? it could be different for everyone

>> No.58148117
Quoted by: >>58148305

No, their gifted gives access to streams as well, I think gifted always defaults to $5

>> No.58148134
File: 17 KB, 300x353, oM7TbzF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuwamoco to ruffians
ruffians should get along, all of them!
>ruffians on stream
>ruffians on 4chan

>> No.58148144
Quoted by: >>58148278

Yeah, I should have said tier 2+ instead of Mad Dog only.

>> No.58148159
File: 237 KB, 470x462, 1691258171798647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58148242

>Never sent a SC
>Never became a member
>Blocked the gifted memberships
>Don't know which one of the two is Chihuahua
>Have most of the streams as background noise (volume low)
>Type "woof woof" in the chat
>Masturbate to the futa porn
And I'll keep doing it

>> No.58148171
File: 46 KB, 800x946, 1677014844223385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, so?

>> No.58148173

I wouldn't be watching vtubers if I wanted friends.

>> No.58148188

I have no intention of becoming a gachikoi, but I am afraid an ASMR stream may push me past that line.

>> No.58148191

Proper ASMR requires equipment they most likely do not have at the moment and should not have for several months because other things should take priority. Anyone who pushes hard for ASMR right now is just a selfish coomer incapable of thinking with anything but his dick.

>> No.58148196

you rike?

>> No.58148205
File: 39 KB, 720x274, hnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started watching vtubers around 2019, can't remember the exact date though. But I do remember when i stopped. I only got back into the vtuber rabbit hole about two weeks before Advent debut.

>> No.58148209

He’s probably new to Fuwamoco, and after seeing more, he will leave. Or he’s a shitposter.

>> No.58148218

Nobody chooses it, anon. If you're afraid of it, you're probably already too far gone.

>> No.58148234

Kojima, stop shilling the war criminal rabbit and shill our dogs instead

>> No.58148242
Quoted by: >>58148297

saaaaaaaaaaame my nigga, like, all these dudes talking bout money and shit and i'm here thanking them in silence for the free entertainment and subs, shiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeetttt fr fr ong

>> No.58148251
File: 79 KB, 400x337, 1689580178128343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only true ruffians allowed

>> No.58148259

>oh no I'm afraid of falling in love with Fuwawa and dreaming of her at night and randomly seeing her beautiful face in my mind while I'm at work
Poor baby...

>> No.58148272
Quoted by: >>58148368

you are the only retard in this thread who has warped their mind to think asmr is porn. seek help.

>> No.58148278

i'm already paying extra money to support them. i think it'd be shitty to lock mem streams behind a higher tier because faggots are gifting in ars. just turn the gifts off

>> No.58148286

>Asmr is proabably the most intimate form of stream a chuuba can do
Consider the following: mengen zatsu where they talk about the things that are on their head and show their vulnerable side.

>> No.58148297
File: 119 KB, 640x502, 1675948453447034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this

>> No.58148305
Quoted by: >>58148410

Really? Then what's the point of those less than $5 memberships? Just emotes?

>> No.58148312
Quoted by: >>58148526

>they most likely do not have the equipment for ASMR
They planned it out, likely only because they already bought the equipment and are testing it out.

>> No.58148319
File: 578 KB, 1131x622, 1670551594696048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuwamoco to ruffians
Ruffians should become friends with JP Ruffians on twitter
>ruffians on stream
Yes!! I love my based JP bros!!
>ruffians on 4chan

>> No.58148352

Dogs have to play classic Kojima games first.

>> No.58148364
File: 57 KB, 720x738, 1683481671619136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asmr is proabably the most intimate form of stream a chuuba can do
>He doesn't know about avtubers

>> No.58148368

>lacks reading comprehension
Thanks for making this easy, retard.

>> No.58148410

Yeah, I think so. It's for people who for example like to watch every karaoke stream, but don't care enough to watch members streams and stuff like that, they can pay $1 and get their penlight emotes.

>> No.58148427

So what you're telling me is all you ruffians are already past the line of gachikoi

>> No.58148467

Snatcher or Policenauts?

>> No.58148501
File: 199 KB, 1293x1599, 1694289123808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Policenauts stream when?

>> No.58148504

>So what you're telling me is all you ruffians…
Since you’re not one of us, why are you telling us what you want for Fuwamoco? Get lost.

>> No.58148526

They straight up said they own an ASMR microphone on debut, don't even need muh sekrit knowledge

>> No.58148528
Quoted by: >>58148810

Just because there are erotubers who do sexual ASMR to get people off that doesn't make ASMR as a "tool" or "stream type" itself bad. Not that there's anything wrong with lewd ASMR, but ASMR can be anything.
Patra for example doesn't shove her tongue up your ear and does ASMR all the time.

>> No.58148561
Quoted by: >>58148669

Despite shoving things up their cunt and whispering sweet nothings followed up by gagging on tiny dildos, they do not get particularly intimate with the viewers. Some do like to talk about themselves though.

>> No.58148562
Quoted by: >>58148695

Fuwawa is evil

>> No.58148594
Quoted by: >>58148695

Fuwawa is stinky

>> No.58148611
File: 639 KB, 626x898, 16918740450198156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is my wife

>> No.58148630
Quoted by: >>58148970

"Oshi" and "Kamioshi" are different things.

>> No.58148637
File: 95 KB, 280x296, 1691955004346858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58148826

yeah, mine

>> No.58148654
File: 85 KB, 912x1024, Ikeepneedingtolookforthisimagesothisisitsnamenow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You ruffians
Leave, but yes I am

>> No.58148660

thread needs more streamable links

>> No.58148669
File: 1.08 MB, 568x518, 1673658042395351.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58148933

>Some do like to talk about themselves though.
And there you, that's the reason why the AVtubers are the superior ASMR experience. Everyone gets off and then they cuddle together while talking about how bad was their day.

>> No.58148695

All me.

>> No.58148714

I am Fuwawa

>> No.58148723
File: 427 KB, 608x471, today2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58148735

I am here to end this
1. ASMR is already in the works, I have seen the equipment, and they have done a test with it.
2. mad dog jew niggers want to exclude to many genuine ruffians which is not cool
3. Likewise poorfag ARS gifters and people who support that are faggots
4. this thread is shit right now
I'll see you all later tonight anyways

>> No.58148779


>> No.58148795

No you haven't

>> No.58148810

>Patra for example doesn't shove her tongue up your ear and does ASMR all the time
So she does sometimes? Where? I want to hear it

>> No.58148824

>I’m in a shit mood
>come here
>thread is shitty too

>> No.58148826
File: 3.67 MB, 820x944, Fuwawa What is 8 x 7[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F55sa6m.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cute retarded wife

>> No.58148847


>> No.58148852
File: 222 KB, 393x508, 1693656991859342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58149156

>Coming here during off hours
It's your fault, really

>> No.58148933
Quoted by: >>58149085


>> No.58148970

i know what they mean, i'm just busting your balls. i have a kamioshi but i'm not calling anyone else my oshi besides fuwamoco

>> No.58148975
Quoted by: >>58149082

Yep, saw some of that
>2, 3, 4
Agreed, see you later Ruffian

>> No.58149057

hiroshimoot is my kamioshi

>> No.58149082

How long ago did they show the equipment?

>> No.58149085
Quoted by: >>58149151

Do you mind if they are extremely menhera?

>> No.58149151

I do not mind.

>> No.58149156
Quoted by: >>58149418

this thread is usually slow. don't act like off hours are all like this. it's the same discord fags who come shit up the place at around 2pm EST and ruffians don't know how to ignore bait. not saying all these posts are bait though. it's just really easy for the shitter to hop in and ramp up the shitposting when ruffians are already disagreeing on something else

>> No.58149179
File: 1012 KB, 1079x1210, 1693731854899682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so loud here?

>> No.58149233

this year

>> No.58149361

Not too long ago actually. The wait for ASMR can't be longer than 1-2 months, I would think

>> No.58149418
Quoted by: >>58149670

>don't act like off hours are all like this
It's always like this, the difference is that you don't like the current topics.

>> No.58149506
Quoted by: >>58150047

Stop treating FuwaMoco as if they are at the level of other EN whores for fuck's sake. Haven't they already proved their superiority through countless perfect dodges?

>> No.58149542

Did anyone make a soundpost of when Biboo quickly answered Mococo's backseater question?

>> No.58149549
File: 862 KB, 1002x1028, 1675136132658104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58149780


>> No.58149620
File: 62 KB, 1080x1266, 1693969854710528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58149780


>> No.58149670

it's not always like this and i'm fine with them doing asmr. i'm not some purityfag or some pl leaker. i'm just going off by what they said on stream. there's obvious disingenuous posters just trying to rile people up. has nothing to do with me disliking a topic or not

>> No.58149712 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 272x65, image_2023-09-09_151725774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58149819

I'm combing through their goal list and found a conflict of interest

>> No.58149780

Need edits of these with Mococo's headphones.

>> No.58149819
File: 2 KB, 274x71, image_2023-09-09_151924655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>58149712 (me)
I always post the wrong image

>> No.58149912
File: 1.14 MB, 734x711, IMG_0151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy ur members

>> No.58149929

rufferans is this your oishi

>> No.58149939
Quoted by: >>58150082

Fuwawa wrote the bottom one, Mococo the top one
That's why

>> No.58149989

all of these were me after multiple fwmc streams so far

>> No.58149999
Quoted by: >>58150121

Im gonna piss on you

>> No.58150047
Quoted by: >>58150426

I'm talking about the usual EN fanbase.

>> No.58150066

How do I get them to feature my cat on FWMC Morning? He isn't leash trained, so I can't really use him for the walk segment, and they already did the obvious joke with Sissel.

>> No.58150082

>Mococo the top one
i choose to believe this

>> No.58150121
Quoted by: >>58150865

her face makes me feel like she'd do that her fans because she expects they'll love it
for me though, it is double-mounting with FWMC

>> No.58150193

literal /ggg/ shiiter jesas, they really just aim the most popular one huh

>> No.58150269
File: 12 KB, 294x262, 1694011140105977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just post and pretend your "dog" doing something cute

>> No.58150272

I hope theydo asmr with one of them at each ear but Fuwawa's side is just Mococo's voice slightly more quieter.

>> No.58150406
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1690514665505699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58150426
Quoted by: >>58150477

The conversation wasn't about the EN fanbase but about how FuwaMoco interact with their chat. Why are you bringing up irrelevant stuff?

>> No.58150460

Just do drugs (alcohol is a drug too)

>> No.58150477
Quoted by: >>58150763

Because my entire point was that asking the chat is useless when the EN fanbase is made of yes men. Try reading the posts you are replying to.

>> No.58150511
File: 128 KB, 352x497, 1675425896777127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Barbie

>> No.58150624

I want them to do ASMR where they whisper so softly that I have to turn my volume all the way up to hear and then Mococo sneezes and ruptures my eardrums.

>> No.58150632
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1670732242249770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it, i'm gonna say it
i don't care how fast /baubau/ was during the EN karaoke. that shit sucked. MEME SONGS HATE

>> No.58150652
File: 482 KB, 431x581, 2023-08-27 18_26_21-p8zq6n.mp4 — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58150683
File: 19 KB, 360x344, FNNJBBiWUAAXFqU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58150694

Congratulations, this is the worst post in baubau history (yet)

>> No.58150757

It wasn't about the songs, it was about how much fun FuwaMoco had singing them.

>> No.58150763
Quoted by: >>58152126

And your point is fucking stupid, as was already explained by other anon. Read the conversation before joining it, instead of only focusing on some schizo delusions in your head.
>it can be genuinely helpful for them to see how people react to similarly achievable-on-short-term goals
>Even in your dishonest example, you only need to add an extra simple question: "which one do you prefer, ruffians?", and you now have useful feedback.

You're also wrong about yes-men accusations. While they make significant part of chat, they aren't 100% and there were plenty of situations where chat answers differed and affected FWMC's responses.

>> No.58150772
File: 234 KB, 486x514, 1693931435581959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they ask Nerissa to say 夜這いしましょ and then Fuwawa gaslit the audience

>> No.58150795

How can a hag who has no issue roleplaying as a young anime dog girl be too embarrassed to say 3 simple words?

>> No.58150829
Quoted by: >>58150915

Personally I still liked it even if the songs were not ones I liked though.

>> No.58150835

She's afraid of confessing to Moco-ken

>> No.58150842

>Pero poster
makes sense that you have the worst opinion.

>> No.58150865

We would love it though
God I want to taste shiori’s hot piss and juices

>> No.58150866

Just like the rule of breaking one law at a time, she only does one embarrassing thing at a time.

>> No.58150902

please wake me up bros

>> No.58150903
File: 2.39 MB, 1273x1057, 1670048477255910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God... just imagine her being this flustered when you tell her you love her after dating her for a while.
Fuck it's tearing me apart to know I'll never have a Fuwawa.

>> No.58150915

okay, i was laughing for the most of it cause they were taking the piss but some stuff just made me cringe the fox. i prefer serious karaokes

>> No.58150916
File: 648 KB, 674x884, 1692808205283849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58151113


>> No.58150987
File: 115 KB, 800x904, 1692313610053338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you trust this face

>> No.58151011

No, she's clearly the evil sister

>> No.58151012

>what hololive forgot.jpg

>> No.58151033

>Why did Fuwawa do something evil
It's in her nature
She's chaos incarnate

>> No.58151069

not even a little but i still will

>> No.58151074

What? I wasn't gaslit. 夜這いしましょ just means "Let's have a sleepover", right?

>> No.58151085
File: 358 KB, 1940x1453, 1671122211263720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58151234

I cannot even begin to imagine how bitter you must be to not have had fun when they did songs like fox, crazy frog, barbie etc.
Thank God I'm able to feel pure unadultered joy still

>> No.58151100

With my life

>> No.58151113
File: 240 KB, 599x479, 1670772433457197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah me

>> No.58151116
File: 761 KB, 464x636, Fuwawa Don&#039;t do this to me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwbj2vf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like she's keeping secrets from me. Or holding back a sneeze. I don't like the implications either way.

>> No.58151234
File: 571 KB, 952x586, 1694227913817518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? I hated 90% of the song list, but what made it enjoyable was the amount of joy FWMC had.

>> No.58151309
File: 155 KB, 495x475, 1693178270198274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is for ruffians who do their reps

>> No.58151356

will the karaokes ever stop being kino?
the hololive one seems a bit rushed though

>> No.58151415

I don't think so, them being two makes it almost unfair as they can harmonize and such too
It's great
I could go for a weekly fuwamoco karaoke with no problems, it's that much fun

>> No.58151458

do you mean rushed as in the did it too early or they didn't practice enough? either way i felt neither. i'm ready for the next one

>> No.58151474

Hololive songs are mediocre in general. They only get hype because people like the girls who sing them and in some cases have good memories of the songs.

>> No.58151526
Quoted by: >>58151641


>> No.58151539

I actually like their attempt at the Phantom of the Opera though. They tried doing their best there.

>> No.58151604
Quoted by: >>58151641

gay and wrong

>> No.58151641

you'll realize the truth one day. you're still blinded by honeymoon phase and thinking everything precious oshi does is perfect

>> No.58151644
Quoted by: >>58151697

Cringe opinion.
Countless great songs especially in the JP branch since many of the girls there have an extensive history with music.

>> No.58151655

Put him in a stupid "doge" outfit

>> No.58151691

I disagree, there's plenty of holo orisongs that I genuinely like. From Mage of Violet to Shallys, from Aqua Iro Palette to Unison, from Mogu Mogu Yummy to Inochi, from Baka Bakka to Ai no Chiisana Uta

>> No.58151697

Several exceptions don't negate "in general" opinion. Most of holosongs are mediocre. Some are good, some are meme, but most are nothing special.

>> No.58151707

Should fwmc expand doggy of the day to include cat of the day?

>> No.58151713


>> No.58151779

Just make it pet of the day so we can see some cool hedgehogs, turtles and sugar gliders
Also cut out walk of the day and pero sighting of the day and spend those minutes on another new, better corner

>> No.58151790

Same. I enjoyed the whole karaoke because it was fun but the phantom of the opera was the one that got stuck in my head for a week.

>> No.58151800
Quoted by: >>58152061

no you retard, i just have a good oshi who doesn't make generic pop garbage
>honeymoon phase
again wrong and retarted. i can criticize my oshi just fine when they put out something bad. you're just assuming everyone is some tween who just found out about vtubers

>> No.58151832

Fuwamoco should do a breakfeast segment i agree

>> No.58151884

Pero sighting is the one that best includes fan input.

>> No.58151889
Quoted by: >>58152201

I think walk of the day is more of them wanting to see what is ruffian like, as well as to encourage ruffian to walks, so I can see it sticking for a little bit longer.

As for pero sightings, I dont mind it being replaced with some other content.

>> No.58151898

I hate musical music but that was great

>> No.58151962

I concur, Fuwamoco should eat on stream, no mute

>> No.58151999

Yeah I'm still in the honeymoon phase of loving Kirameki Rider and Shiny Smily Story
BAU BAU retard

>> No.58152002

agree with the other anon that it should be pet of the day
i like both of those segments since they encourage fan interactions i dont know how i feel about the sneeze forecast though
food segment in general would be great. i want to flex my cooking skills

>> No.58152061
Quoted by: >>58152226

>i just have a good oshi who doesn't make generic pop garbage
So you agree most of them do pop garbage aka holosongs are mediocre in general, cool. There's nothing wrong about it but it's simple truth, holosongs karaoke will never be at the level of other karaokes which use proper songs.

>> No.58152064

Am i the only one that sees them as daughters? all the horny boys should get the rope, don't touch them

>> No.58152076

Virtually all of the holo music is made by already successful musicians there's no major seperation between "actual music" and holo music

>> No.58152079

Daughterwives who I love and dote on and have sensual loving sex with too

>> No.58152107

I'll fuck your daughters

>> No.58152126
File: 690 KB, 982x846, 1662863038201350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58152243

>And your point is fucking stupid, as was already explained by other anon.
>Hey, you are clearly wrong, I was talking about it
>I-i-i-it doesn't matter you are dumb
I'm going to stop you right here, you obviously are mad because you got caught replying to a post that you didn't even read
Fucking retard, next time maybe don't reply instead of trying to have the last word when you are clearly wrong

>> No.58152194

I love Fuwawa the most!

>> No.58152201

>I think walk of the day is more of them wanting to see what is ruffian like
After they said "please, share a bit of your world with us" it feels like this is the reason to exist of that corner. Can't complain, really.

>> No.58152226

nah, you're still wrong. i like the pop shit too. just get that stick out of your ass

>> No.58152243
Quoted by: >>58152528

>no arguments
>can't even greentext properly
Cool history revisionism, newfag. Everything that was needed to be said was in previous response and you didn't address anything. It's clear you know you're wrong and are now deflecting in sad attempt to save face. Bye.

>> No.58152257

To me they are untouchable, i don't have any lewd feelings about them because they belong to everyone, would you want to masturbate or thinking about fucking something that has been fucked a million times in people's minds? not me

>> No.58152374

I've had that feeling since debut. But I've also had my paternal instincts activated since I played nier in 2010.

>> No.58152384
Quoted by: >>58152440

I see them as wife material. My dream is getting a fuwawa lap pillow while I pat mococo's head. Everything else is secondary to that moment of simple bliss.

>> No.58152428
File: 104 KB, 1920x1080, 1628531552950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58152523

I want to breed Fuwawa. That is all.

>> No.58152441
File: 57 KB, 1500x1500, 1674936222398193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58152557

How can you tell me with a straight face that something like "Ghost" is mediocre.

>> No.58152440

I typed this

>> No.58152523
File: 149 KB, 1040x1200, 1656315120666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, and same.

>> No.58152528
File: 438 KB, 647x466, 1680057902865335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no arguments
>Cool history revisionism
Ruffian, you are the one calling me a schizo out of nowhere and acting like a whiny bitch because you misread my post, I don't have any intentions of trying to have a conversation with a retard like you. Here's your last (You), enjoy it

>> No.58152557

Ah yes because Suisei is representative of entire company and not the one with the best songs of them all.

>> No.58152593

it's not that they're mediocre, it's just that any cover version will be inferior to the original since the original voices fit the songs more often than not.

>> No.58152670

Well, except this one maybe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuiXDryaFwQ

>> No.58152792
File: 12 KB, 184x184, 1614989051712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>58152884

Earlier today Korone said hey guys and not much English viewers popped up in her chat. She sounded kinda sad after that. Poor Mr. Koro....

>> No.58152814

That's a good point. Holosongs are often made specifically for that one girl.

>> No.58152884

Please no. I don't want to believe this ever happened.
