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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.57575838

nice subject

>> No.57575869
Quoted by: >>57576009

which dog uses physical violence on the other

>> No.57575898
File: 31 KB, 204x102, 1693309230538705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mococo world

>> No.57575931
File: 497 KB, 634x649, 1674019458795189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57575940
File: 271 KB, 1456x1800, F4-qv0GaUAAilUw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57575949

bakerchama... you've been baking this shit for hours...

>> No.57575961
Quoted by: >>57576029

>biboo adapting to the lags by seeing into the future
this fucking rocks i swear

>> No.57575971
File: 575 KB, 1197x667, watching biboo dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57575977
File: 15 KB, 200x203, 1692566814323801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in love with Fuwawa. send help

>> No.57576004
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, PLEDGE [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqw09by.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57576051

>> No.57576009

Its so obvious that its the big titty cow that does that shit

>> No.57576029
File: 204 KB, 1596x1578, 1679929602178556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57576150

i'm enjoying the stream. lemme alone

>> No.57576037
File: 192 KB, 872x654, F4_B9U8aoAAvDmq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57576049

He tried to donate his brain-cell to this poor five girls who are all sharing one.

>> No.57576051


>> No.57576060

mococo made the thread that's why it's messed up

>> No.57576067

OP correction needed.

>> No.57576069

nerissa's despair sounds are hilarious

>> No.57576105


>> No.57576150
File: 698 KB, 1280x1280, 1684530584315253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant for >>57575949
i can't do anything right

>> No.57576227
File: 100 KB, 800x980, IMG_3073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kneel to mococo you shits

>> No.57576261

>bake without subject
>link in the other thread anyway
you managed to bake the both of worst worlds you absolute retard
Now people who search for baubau wont find the thread but all the shitposters from other thread will

>> No.57576295
Quoted by: >>57578488

does anyone have that image of fuwamoco taking a ruffian out for a walk?

>> No.57576316

>less than 30 minutes for that
holy shit they're good

>> No.57576319

nice thread retard

>> No.57576322

abandon thread

>> No.57576386


>> No.57576439

I have the video zoomed in on FWMC, and it's hilarious to watch Fuwawa just vibing through the chaos

>> No.57576444

Sorry, I only kneel to Fuwawa.

>> No.57576657
Quoted by: >>57576800


>> No.57576674

fuwawa what the fuck

>> No.57576682

i still can't believe they're doing so well

>> No.57576684

>Stop and Go world
>First two levels are the most boring, last two levels are kinda fun
Weird world.

>> No.57576694


>> No.57576762
File: 122 KB, 800x600, BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57576791
File: 136 KB, 288x315, 1669715123605375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57576800


>> No.57576830


>> No.57576856

my wife

>> No.57576864


>> No.57576866
File: 90 KB, 445x480, 1691894024134788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57576872

I dont know how she's doing it but I'm sure the reason advent has been clearing these puzzles is thanks to fuwawa

>> No.57576907


>> No.57576913

Mutual sucking, huh.

>> No.57576959
Quoted by: >>57577040

>wer'e kirby-ing

>> No.57576975

Fuwawa is mind-controlling all of them to do her bidding

>> No.57576981

Moco-chan says kirby instead of suck, their perfect seiso

>> No.57576990
File: 304 KB, 667x404, 1684679777455249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57577047

i've been smiling for 93 minutes

>> No.57577034

Fuwawa telepathically controls Mococo during game streams. Mococo is internally screaming, a prisoner of her own mind as Fuwawa puppeteers her flesh

>> No.57577040

Full Advent Kirby playthrough when?

>> No.57577047
Quoted by: >>57577084

you might be retarded

>> No.57577084
File: 566 KB, 736x920, 1691420497778648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57577089


>> No.57577100

>Getting Kirbyed by Fuwawa
please let this become true, please

>> No.57577105

the lag seems to do funky thing to the sucking mechanism honestly

>> No.57577129

Well I guess this is the thread now

>> No.57577144

fuwawa didnt get the controller did she

>> No.57577179
File: 251 KB, 1920x1079, 1691611384760980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa's thick thighs

>> No.57577192
Quoted by: >>57577281

why is nerissa crying

>> No.57577224

22 moco sneezes?

>> No.57577228

Sneeze Count
Fuwawa - 3
Mococo - 22
Pero - 13,679,745

>> No.57577232

The sound of them all awawawa-ing at once is adorable every time it happens

>> No.57577236

mococo sneezed on fuwawa!

>> No.57577241

>Mococo got it on Fuwawa
My sides

>> No.57577238


>> No.57577265

>someone eat me
>eat me!

>> No.57577266

I wish I was Fuwawa to receive that blessed mococo sneeze all over my face

>> No.57577268

Ruffians just here to say I really like your doggos' chibi a lot
It looks so fucking retarded, I love how the tongues are pointing in different direction and how it vibrates rapidly while they start screaming or complaining in unison

Also I used to have it pets that would dry hump each other while the other didn't notice and that's the immediate vibe I get from MC straddling FW. That or they look like they're cosplaying a 4-armed Machamp or Hindu god of war

>> No.57577270


fuwawa caught some, look at her model she's shaking her head

>> No.57577281

she wants to tryhard this game but Advent won't let her

>> No.57577290

I wish i was fuwawa rn

>> No.57577308

holy fuck the lag

>> No.57577314


>> No.57577371


>> No.57577380

did anyone look at fuwawa after moco-chan sneezed, she did some cute model puppetry

>> No.57577394

their screen must be covered in Mococo's mucus

>> No.57577395

mocochan sneeze!

>> No.57577400

Sneeze Count
Fuwawa - 3
Mococo - 23
Pero - 14,430,069

>> No.57577425

>two sneezes
amazing friday

>> No.57577450

Now I'm wondering how other ruffians will find this thread

>> No.57577458
Quoted by: >>57577501

>narissa stuck in falling loop

>> No.57577468

did fuwawa reprimand mococo a bit there after getting the second sneeze?

>> No.57577479

nerissa bullying

>> No.57577496

Oh, I just realized I've never even seen it actually

>> No.57577502


>> No.57577501

now you're thinking with portals!

>> No.57577513

I didn't hear that sneeze what the fuck, I thought my stream was really behind but then nothing happening

>> No.57577536

it appears when you type in "fuwamoco"

>> No.57577582

Seems like you didn't do your best, OP

>> No.57577585
Quoted by: >>57577658

she seemed a bit irked there after the second sneeze

>> No.57577588

They're cheaters...

>> No.57577605

We're used to the subject being forgotten. It happens pretty often.

>> No.57577615

Well memes aside I doubt it's pleasant getting a face full of snot and saliva

>> No.57577622

what the fuck? this game is too laggy to do that

>> No.57577651

There is no way they can do it with this lag.

>> No.57577658

please let it happen a third time

>> No.57577666
File: 53 KB, 666x666, 1691506909312455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full of camaraderie
>two oshis to choose from
>they're both cute
>charming in their unique way

Why are Ruffians like this?

>> No.57577678

it is when it's mococo

>> No.57577680

I had no idea what you were talking about for a bit until I realized I’ve literally never seen an advent collab from any other perspective but FuwaMoco. Their chibi IS very cute.

>> No.57577681

oh shit
drop block to push button? with this lag?

>> No.57577691
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 1663921135004084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all already here

>> No.57577694


>> No.57577703

unless its from moco-chan...

>> No.57577731

The fuck? Isn't this too hard?

>> No.57577790


>> No.57577815
File: 42 KB, 353x346, 1691201802235183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in the rock

>> No.57577818

biboo will suck the one...

>> No.57577817



>> No.57577826

applying my BTFO b4 they pass it

>> No.57577854
Quoted by: >>57577931

Why is the ping so bad? I thought they were all at least in NA.

>> No.57577867

i just got here, who is what color

>> No.57577891
Quoted by: >>57578050

What sorcery is this?!

>> No.57577895

absolutely cheated out of the win right there

>> No.57577910

girls arent supposed to be good at games,

>> No.57577913

I am so glad my wives are friends with biboo

>> No.57577917
Quoted by: >>57577994

Fuwawa is blue
Mococo is pink

>> No.57577931

they use japanese VPN to be more authentic

>> No.57577934
Quoted by: >>57577994

mococo red
nerissa blue
shiori grey
biboo purple

>> No.57577942
Quoted by: >>57577994

FWMC = red
Biboo = purple
Nerissa = blue
Shiori = grey

>> No.57577960

White - Shiori
Purple - Biboo
Blue - Nerissa
Red - Our Dogs

>> No.57577994

thanks, love you guys

>> No.57578022
Quoted by: >>57578102

Be preparing that dogeza anon

>> No.57578036


>> No.57578048
File: 196 KB, 1400x787, biboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post advent sex

>> No.57578050

I remember having 666x666 images filtered back when Selen spam was everywhere. How the mighty shitpost has fallen...

>> No.57578077
File: 1.21 MB, 2800x3500, 1693263963784688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is powerful

>> No.57578079


>> No.57578093


>> No.57578099


>> No.57578102 [DELETED] 


>> No.57578101


>> No.57578109


>> No.57578123

oh no

>> No.57578129
File: 17 KB, 264x266, 1673245287102328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you feel a little silly?

>> No.57578140
File: 488 KB, 2136x2098, 1691230791776757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57578150
File: 1022 KB, 2870x4000, 1693409694261859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57578153
File: 752 KB, 3160x2192, 1692841843259293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57578161

>doubting the ones who have to peer into the future every day to play like a normal person

>> No.57578170


>> No.57578176

>ping died after they passed it
fucking kneel

>> No.57578177


>> No.57578178

>fat fuck on my screen

>> No.57578182


>> No.57578184

are they gonna restart from the start?
is the progress saved by the host

>> No.57578191


>> No.57578211


>> No.57578226

Mouth isn't big enough

>> No.57578228
File: 1.91 MB, 1447x2047, 1672303852175902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57578262

she's 12

>> No.57578265

they actually might be able to clear this in one stream, goddamn

>> No.57578267
File: 211 KB, 678x552, 1693017134701378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57578268


>> No.57578279
Quoted by: >>57578400

out of 10

>> No.57578282
Quoted by: >>57578400

out of 10

>> No.57578291

I like how the oh OH sounds like barking

>> No.57578298


>> No.57578316

they're not gonna do this one with the rubber banding

>> No.57578326

I really like Biboo's cleavage

>> No.57578357

her tummy horts!

>> No.57578361

Based Mococo moving forward for more challenge.

>> No.57578391
File: 92 KB, 253x377, 1664024471367582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57578400


>> No.57578413

Out of 10.

>> No.57578419
File: 537 KB, 685x743, 1693100312945914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57578444
File: 347 KB, 619x439, 1693100011461139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>57577694 (You)

i doubted and i paid the price. i kneel. i yield.

>> No.57578470

jesas I think this is the most retarded superchat I've ever seen
I kneel, based retard.

>> No.57578488
File: 567 KB, 2344x1527, walkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took a bit to find because nothing is sorted

>> No.57578548
File: 131 KB, 1079x1066, 9844313499423492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57578611

the jp one?

>> No.57578612
Quoted by: >>57578739

Fuwawa your FAT HEAD is in the way

>> No.57578658
File: 251 KB, 600x762, 1663259206235148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're the only general from Advent who can't bake a thread properly. This general really is full of ojisans who have dementia, the memes were true

>> No.57578664

post it

>> No.57578682
File: 405 KB, 1950x1890, PicoParkUnity2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57578732

We know the thread is full of ojisan

>> No.57578739

It's the best part of the stream. And I'm enjoying the stream too.

>> No.57578745

some retard spent money to suggest the game they have on their schedule for tomorrow

>> No.57578758
Quoted by: >>57578992

They are not finishing this level...

>> No.57578783

Back in my day we mentally-filtered any thread with a name field or email field or title field filled out

>> No.57578838
Quoted by: >>57578890

how were they so good at this game?

>> No.57578877


>> No.57578890

5 players but only 4 in-game
140% power

>> No.57578919
File: 280 KB, 600x612, 1693104937335281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57578954

simply kino.

>> No.57578925

Mococo lol

>> No.57578939
File: 1.15 MB, 1132x1452, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo's kiai... They're too powerful...

>> No.57578951
File: 5 KB, 599x57, image_2023-09-01_215306014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but picrel

>> No.57578954

>Moco-chan this isn't soccer

>> No.57578991


>> No.57578992
Quoted by: >>57579160


>> No.57578998

lmao they did it

>> No.57579009
File: 319 KB, 314x314, 1681805748385289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57579012


>> No.57579021


>> No.57579023
File: 149 KB, 341x358, :D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pebble just teleports

>> No.57579040

>mococo doing forward headbutt all the time
>biboo just tap the jump button lightly
>shiori small pass
>nerissa struggling to dribble to the goal

>> No.57579078

Doubters getting REPEATEDLY and utterly CORRECTED

>> No.57579104

nerissa sounds like she's on the verge of a breakdown

>> No.57579133

this is why they always show their schedule after every stream

>> No.57579150


>> No.57579160
File: 342 KB, 394x394, 1668373045116188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will now commit sudoku

>> No.57579168
Quoted by: >>57579264

>last world already
goddamn they're FAST
tho the last level is auto-scroller, so good fucking luck

>> No.57579206

do tourists really think they can convince a holo to play a game with their 2 dollar superchat though?

>> No.57579264

they skipped the two-player world sadly but i guess they want to make sure its all 4 ppl
two-player is basically 2 people play, but then you press a button and then it changes the 2 people playing to the others on standby
so like red+blue -> press button -> now its white+pink

>> No.57579292

>am I safe?
>gets brained by the laser

>> No.57579311
Quoted by: >>57579614


>> No.57579402
Quoted by: >>57579489

>they skipped the button
holy shit

>> No.57579432
Quoted by: >>57579483

Why is Mococo trolling?

>> No.57579483


>> No.57579489
Quoted by: >>57579736

wait so the button actually had a purpose?

>> No.57579550

who has been coughing all throughout this collab

>> No.57579579

me, sorry

>> No.57579609
File: 67 KB, 988x600, what about fuwawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mococo's been doing a great job this stream!
good job mococo!

>> No.57579613

mococo is dying bro...

>> No.57579614

i think it'll be hard for my message to get seen, read and actually even considered, can only hope they try to look at it out of curiousity, but ill shoot a message a few times

>> No.57579622

I think it's Shiori. She is probably still a bit sick

>> No.57579640


>> No.57579656

Shiori, she's sick still I think

>> No.57579684
Quoted by: >>57580031

Shiori is dying please understand.

>> No.57579698
Quoted by: >>57579795


>> No.57579736

you're supposed use the button to put the 1 on top of someone's head

>> No.57579738
File: 126 KB, 312x312, 1674300924477447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57579798

mococo's been doing a TERRIBLE job this stream
she should let her smarter cuter older sister play

>> No.57579759

They are far too competent for this game to be interesting

>> No.57579789

Shiori needs to stop smoking

>> No.57579795

this is what v2 was for

>> No.57579798

shut up
you will NEVER be called fuwane

>> No.57579807


>> No.57579811


>> No.57579815

Does Biboo have SEA internet or sth? Holy shit she keeps teleporting

>> No.57579860

door shooter Fuwawa shitting on other's gaming skills?

>> No.57579862

Fuwawa, don't say that to Biboo

>> No.57579874

Damn, that Fuwawa burn

>> No.57579879

Fuwawa needs correction.

>> No.57579880
Quoted by: >>57579940

>Fuwawa not satified with just bullying Mococo, now she takes shots at Biboo

>> No.57579886

>are you sure you're a gamer

>> No.57579940
File: 146 KB, 270x382, 1681366909401554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa will make the whole world kneel before her

>> No.57579950

Someone post the Biboo pain soundpost.

>> No.57579952

did biboo become retarded or is she just lagging

>> No.57579961

To me it looks like Biboo has really shit internet.

>> No.57579968

Fuwawa is playing games with Mococo and Beeboo right now :^)

>> No.57579980


>> No.57579978
Quoted by: >>57580060

how did narissa ping bad when she's the host?

>> No.57579993

>doesn't even play games
>dunks on other for being shitters
Chotto basado

>> No.57580004

Jesus Fuwawa with the pickaxe

>> No.57580009
Quoted by: >>57580217

Fuwawa only doesn't play games because she's too good. The streams are better when the person playing isn't good.

>> No.57580031

>2/5 of the gen is fucking dying

>> No.57580038

its lag, shes had a few moments where she's died without seemingly hitting anything
t. watching her pov

>> No.57580054
File: 245 KB, 1920x1326, before my time is up[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqjqjap.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57580057
Quoted by: >>57580126

they're over two hours by the way

>> No.57580059

Biboo's SEA net...

>> No.57580060

her router is wet towel foiled in aluminium

>> No.57580126
Quoted by: >>57580190

>hit two hours
>nerissa starts desperately trying to end stream, even suggests throwing Biboo away

>> No.57580137

>It's a joke
Unless ...

>> No.57580153


>> No.57580156

I can't believe Mococo is dead... press F to pay respects ruffians o7

>> No.57580185

mococo can't die she's immortal

>> No.57580190
Quoted by: >>57580327

long streams aren't good for her voice

>> No.57580216

>"before I end my existence"
>not "before my existence ends"
Please tell me it's just a case of ESL bros...

>> No.57580217

Surprising to see so many people miss this. Fuwawa knows what’s she doing….

>> No.57580224
Quoted by: >>57580609


>> No.57580237
File: 739 KB, 930x748, 1683077857706215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57580238


>> No.57580310

>No answer(s), just questions.

>> No.57580317


>> No.57580327

I don't even mind, I don't like long streams either, but she should make it a little less obvious, maybe by actually discussing this before with her genmates and saying she can't go over two hours, so she doesn't need to indirectly push them to stop every time.

>> No.57580352

It was addressed on a FWMC morning though the the clarification was a bit unclear too so...

>> No.57580369

fuwawa is gonna beat mococo after this stream

>> No.57580366
File: 879 KB, 2048x1339, moco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57580548

When will the Japanese learn to fold their networking code a million times as well...

>> No.57580390


>> No.57580400


>> No.57580440

Moco-chan playing a danmaku in her head

>> No.57580438

holy fucking KEK

>> No.57580442


>> No.57580460
Quoted by: >>57580495


>> No.57580480

>they were too strong, so the devs are DDOSing Biboo and FWMC now to make them die to lag

>> No.57580490

Biboo’s stream is COOKED

>> No.57580495

I thought they were all in North America

>> No.57580496

>I like it from the back though
well well

>> No.57580502

Holy shit biboo

>> No.57580544


>> No.57580548

its literally a non issue for them because they cant get anything higher than 20ms in their tiny island

>> No.57580575

you can feel the pressure getting to narissa lmao

>> No.57580592

They will win this one. If they don't, Mococo will die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.57580609

We are so Mococoback

>> No.57580616


>> No.57580628


>> No.57580630
Quoted by: >>57580692


>> No.57580648

the last level is the easiest AND the hardest, good luck

>> No.57580653

mococo carried

>> No.57580667 [DELETED] 

FWMC canada, biboo is god knows where, nerissa is midwest and I think someone said shiori was canadian too but that could be wrong

>> No.57580679

this could've actually happened
think about it

>> No.57580692
File: 176 KB, 837x1700, 1691397337534272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57580716
Quoted by: >>57581100

FWMC live in the Terror

>> No.57580719


>> No.57580783

if they will lose this one.

>> No.57580798

shiorin finally seeing the rock teleporting all over the place lmao

>> No.57580806
File: 52 KB, 474x555, 1693623148210541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57580809

Pico Prison Break

>> No.57580838

wtf shiorin

>> No.57580849
Quoted by: >>57580910

if I lower my left arm before they beat this level I'm gonna die

>> No.57580871


>> No.57580885

the wiring isnt good in half of the places where they live so even if they're close they get +100ms

>> No.57580904


>> No.57580910

you should probably call an ambulance

>> No.57580948


>> No.57580965 [DELETED] 


>> No.57580987


>> No.57580994

I wish shiori wouldn't cough right into the microphone

>> No.57581049

Has that bitch ever heard of the mute button?

>> No.57581056


>> No.57581067

wtf now the stream is fucking up

>> No.57581089

>dont get hit by the ugly
save that for your fanbase

>> No.57581094

Stream is dying

>> No.57581095


>> No.57581100
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, northwest passage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57581216

Looks like they get awful connection there.

>> No.57581101

Her audience likes it

>> No.57581124
Quoted by: >>57581234

my blurry wives...

>> No.57581127


>> No.57581132

she might have a hair trigger cough

>> No.57581159


>> No.57581166
Quoted by: >>57581276

I swear to God the only time I've had issues with streams on YouTube is with vtubers, to the point it almost feels intentional

>> No.57581216

Satellite internet

>> No.57581221

It's literally not an issue stfu

>> No.57581234

Anon you need glasses

>> No.57581246
File: 2.03 MB, 340x740, Mococo Don't be angry at me please[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fivrt45.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57581276

Wasn't pre-Spaceman Twitter suppressing hololive trends?

>> No.57581311

I caught myself swinging my head along fuwawa

>> No.57581345


>> No.57581354


>> No.57581359


>> No.57581377


>> No.57581399

i cant believe they did it

>> No.57581406

it was suppressing jp stuff in general, and boosting korean stuff.

>> No.57581415

they actually beat this game what the fuck

>> No.57581427


>> No.57581434
Quoted by: >>57581503

wow mococo you did it congratulations
you should really locked up your pet Chihuahua though

>> No.57581439

damn looks like they wont be doing two player, unfort

>> No.57581442

Sounds like something those troons would do

>> No.57581445


>> No.57581460

They're the strongest EN gen

>> No.57581475
File: 581 KB, 548x662, 1693100934384194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57581572

I knew they could do it

>> No.57581503

Fuwawa did it.

>> No.57581507

it helps with the supas
pls understand

>> No.57581509
Quoted by: >>57581965

They skipped the 2-player team park though.

>> No.57581549

Can't wait to peep next weeks schedule

>> No.57581550

I can't believe they beat it in one stream and only a bit over 2 hours
holy shit

>> No.57581572

You just brought up deep repressed memories of how much I wanted to fuck this anime mom, thanks ruffian

>> No.57581576
Quoted by: >>57581722

>tons of collabs next week

why does shiori constantly spoil future events

>> No.57581586

>still not 100k views
it's mococover...

>> No.57581625
Quoted by: >>57581709

Do your Lifetime Showtime reps ruffians

>> No.57581627

park status: pico'd

>> No.57581671

it sucks that it got released so late. did they ever mention the reason?

>> No.57581672

Finally some alone time!

>> No.57581676
Quoted by: >>57582125

Fuwawa carried.

>> No.57581709

Sure, once the stream is over

>> No.57581722
Quoted by: >>57581832

Collab ban is up, those are Shioris collabs with members outside Advent

>> No.57581743

>they commented on the retarded SC

>> No.57581768
Quoted by: >>57581898

Are the 2 worlds they skipped actually 2player and offline only or is that just the names of those worlds and they're actually 4player?

>> No.57581771

Retardchama i kneel

>> No.57581782

They probably shouldn't have released a YouTube short of the MV at the same time, it might confuse retards

>> No.57581791

paperwork seems to be the reason

>> No.57581802

>It Takes Two
I'm really looking forward to this one, gonna be kino

>> No.57581819

they did, uhhh I forget when or why there were some issues. I think the stream when they released it.

>> No.57581822

it had soul where it counts

>> No.57581835

inb4 30-50 new IPs shitposting

>> No.57581832
Quoted by: >>57582036

lifted, anon
I think you mean lifted

>> No.57581865
Quoted by: >>57581980

Which one?

>> No.57581898

explained here >>57579264
we missed out on some dynamic kino, like shiori+mococo forced to work together etc

>> No.57581923

all of those gift memberships, holy shit.

>> No.57581938

It Takes Two needs Pero right at the start, there's some dick, but otherwise it's safe.
I want to see how they do in the timed sections.

>> No.57581961

>d*xfags banned last thread
>no shitposters in sight

>> No.57581965

I think they got confused with the vague 2-player park selection. It's basically a team switching game where if the team of 2 players reaches the point, the game switches to the other team of 2 players.

>> No.57581975
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, FuwaEyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57582125

how does she fucking do it?

>> No.57581980
File: 19 KB, 1198x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57581985

Oh god all those gifted memberships from yesterday holy shit

>> No.57581986

all ARS for attention

>> No.57582009
Quoted by: >>57582088

im little bit worried with fuwawa voice now

>> No.57582032

is membership cheaper on meme currencies?

>> No.57582036

No? Why do ESLs always think they can correct me

>> No.57582037
Quoted by: >>57582144


>> No.57582057

the chocomei guy?

>> No.57582074
Quoted by: >>57582176

And none of those gifted mems to me ...

>> No.57582082


>> No.57582089

yeah it's like 25 cents for ARS

>> No.57582088

its starting to sound weird, yeah

>> No.57582091

yes, it's less than $5 to do 50 memberships in ARS

>> No.57582098


>> No.57582107

of course, why wouldn't it be?

>> No.57582125

carried by doing nothing lol

>> No.57582134

>fuwawa ran out of voice

>> No.57582144


>> No.57582176

Day one true Hot Dog, paid with my own money.

>> No.57582182

so by gifting meme priced memberships you can actually block people from paying for the more expensive ones?

>> No.57582201
Quoted by: >>57582252

>t. Mocochan

>> No.57582237
File: 264 KB, 559x525, 1692561321359862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good news! I am not doing! I am going to live forever!

>> No.57582247


>> No.57582251

This superchat wasn't stupid. They were actually planning to have Mococo play it solo with one hand on each controller, but it's thanks to him that they're going to do it co-op.

>> No.57582252

And Mococo is always right

>> No.57582262
Quoted by: >>57582312

She clearly carried.

>> No.57582266
Quoted by: >>57582374

You're confusing your games.

>> No.57582279
Quoted by: >>57582412

once you join as a member you can never get a gift membership for a channel

>> No.57582303

correct, it's pure attention whoring. meme currency supas at least don't hurt anyone, but meme currency meembership gift is actively fucking them over if even one of the people who got gifted would pay for membership.

>> No.57582301

How do memberships work? Do they get paid more the more they have? because meme currencies are like $1 to a bunch of them

>> No.57582312
Quoted by: >>57582467

who? mococo? We know

>> No.57582311

so what happens when they get their paycheck from color expecting 5000 dollars from the gift memberships and only getting 40 dollars?

>> No.57582317

it takes two is by the same guy but not prison

>> No.57582334
File: 1 KB, 126x41, 1666973428969184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they doing the stuff from FWMC Morning too because this stream only had this many membership

>> No.57582361

Different coop game anon. You’re referring to A Way Out

>> No.57582362

It's for this reason I don't think they should thank gift memberships directly. You have no way of knowing whether it was paid in ARS

>> No.57582370
Quoted by: >>57582497

How do we know they were all paid for with ARS? Mine weren't.

>> No.57582374

So I am

>> No.57582386

>the stuff from FWMC Morning too because this stream only had this many membership
Yes, they always do it like that

>> No.57582392

watch the stream idiot

>> No.57582395
File: 81 KB, 1005x834, 1686808191432850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hitting the hay. somebody else make sure to bake and not include the subject

>> No.57582406

thankfully they're getting 8 billion dollars from the voice packs, so they're not even gonna notice

>> No.57582409

yeah it's like all from one person this morning who gifted 200

>> No.57582412


>> No.57582424
File: 87 KB, 645x900, 1693445792369169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may touch Fuwawa in one spot, but no more.

>> No.57582467

No Fuwawa!

>> No.57582484


>> No.57582497

>admits gifting memberships
you should unironically kill yourself

>> No.57582512


>> No.57582518

https://pastebin.com/bgugZTcD posting template for /baubau/ threads again, save somewhere if it helps, or perhaps we start linking in the OP? not sure. i'm also going to sleep so i won't be baking

>> No.57582528


>> No.57582548

put hand under skirt

>> No.57582551

G spot

>> No.57582555


>> No.57582574

Do the sensible thing and make a $3 a month tier that only gives access to emotes for gifted members

>> No.57582592

I'm Pon de Lion and i hate all the anons here

>> No.57582601
Quoted by: >>57582677

damn 600 gifted memberships on just a fwmc morning

>> No.57582611

Her hands

>> No.57582616


>> No.57582631

But it's just for 1 month, right?

>> No.57582644


>> No.57582648

Imagine enjoying this trash couldn't be me lol

>> No.57582663

I need a Mococo "Huh?" button

>> No.57582662
File: 413 KB, 745x538, 1691443708065384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57582668


>> No.57582672

the guy who bought all the 50-memberships uses MYR, no idea what membership costs in that but its not a complete meme like ARS

>> No.57582677

And to think it cost the guy doing less than $40 in real money

>> No.57582683

no thanks id rather touch mocochan

>> No.57582690

you fags are gay I'm grabbing her tits

>> No.57582693

Since clearly no one else is going to do it, boobs

>> No.57582722

what the fuck is this

>> No.57582740


>> No.57582751


>> No.57582760

imprint my hand on her brain

>> No.57582771
Quoted by: >>57582976


>> No.57582773


>> No.57582782

no cap

>> No.57582780

you can change your currency by just turning on your VPN
you can literally supa in ARS and then send another in USD in the same stream

>> No.57582785

>Don't know what "fr" means
Unfathomably baused

>> No.57582798

>zoomer speak doesn't make sense

>> No.57582810

Malaysian currency

>> No.57582818

zoomerbros....they're making fun of our retarded lingo...

>> No.57582819

Her kokoro.

>> No.57582823

They are exceptionally perfect.

>> No.57582830

Her heart

>> No.57582836

>For Real? That doesn't make sense
The hag power...

>> No.57582838

these hags aren't very hip with the kids

>> No.57582844

>trying to decipher zoomer speech
hag kino

>> No.57582852
Quoted by: >>57582885

my zoomer ass in shambles fr

>> No.57582862

My lips on her anus

>> No.57582878
File: 1.86 MB, 400x224, 1455195835218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57582975

That place.

>> No.57582882
Quoted by: >>57583126

>hurt because no one said their favorite colors were pink and blue

>> No.57582885


>> No.57582911

i touch her every night btw

>> No.57582921

All supas should be based on the US dollar. If a supa costs $500, then it should cost $500 worth of whatever your meme currency is.
YouTube is fucking retarded.
>b-b-but my country is poor...
don't care.

>> No.57582923
File: 2.16 MB, 4096x2650, 1691881570818786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're already planning a cafe like Miko had and have lists of the food ideas

>> No.57582922
Quoted by: >>57583201

frfr no cap on god ... uhhhh ... word to your mother
fuck I messed up

>> No.57582949
File: 376 KB, 537x810, 1692772379523538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57582967


>> No.57582975

You mean "THAT" place?!

>> No.57582976
Quoted by: >>57583095

possible, but generally not a good idea since Google, and thereby Visa, considers it fraud


>> No.57582983


>> No.57582985

Did they talk about collab cafe ideas earlier? Work is kicking my ass and I haven't been able to keep up with some archives.

>> No.57582989
File: 39 KB, 1071x235, 1679168233572628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584090

I do this for youtube family premium and added it to my TVs and family phones.

>> No.57582994
File: 930 KB, 480x360, 1688719271315742.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57583004

That's malyasian and a red SC is like $80. So it's less than USD, but definitely not ARS level.

>> No.57583002
Quoted by: >>57583146

So the new shitposting angle is complaining about supas and memberships?

>> No.57583008
File: 141 KB, 1728x1080, NvBQzQNjv4BqNJjoeBT78QIaYdkJdEY4CnGTJFJS74MYhNY6w3GNbO8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're perfect.

>> No.57583010

Zoomers think they bussin but they were gaslit and they're actually cap fr no cap

>> No.57583015
Quoted by: >>57583156

The only reason I even know what this means is because of this shithole using it ironically.

>> No.57583030

fr no cap on peroccino

>> No.57583043

Good, that would make it cheaper for me.

>> No.57583059
Quoted by: >>57583165

Of course cuckians are too poor to donate shit and use subhuman currency

Kill yourselves

>> No.57583066


>> No.57583073

Don't care. Will still pay in meme currency.

>> No.57583077
Quoted by: >>57583204

don't be silly
nobody would be crazy enough to touch there

>> No.57583088

I am staring at Fuwawa's breasts.

>> No.57583091
Quoted by: >>57583162

Sorry that's my wife.

>> No.57583095

>considers it fraud
No they don't
youtube doesn't care at all which is why they allow you to change your currency on the fly by just changing your IP

>> No.57583119


>> No.57583122

cheaper for me then im ok for that

>> No.57583126

they were upset they didn't see any pink, even though there was a number of people who said pink lol, jewtube just eats way to many fucking messages during fuwamoco morning, my messages never show in the morning, but all of my messages show at night, really weird.

>> No.57583140

fuwawa please

>> No.57583146

looks like it

>> No.57583149

>Why this country has [different thing from USA]? It's fucking retarded!
Burgers in a nutshell, they have main protagonist syndrome.

>> No.57583156
Quoted by: >>57583214

no cap?

>> No.57583158
File: 8 KB, 648x199, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57583292


>> No.57583162

Not like this, nooooooooooooo!!!!!

>> No.57583165

*cums on your mouth*

>> No.57583193
Quoted by: >>57583243

>you know?
>un un un

>> No.57583201

oop pop this slaps no cap take the L on god frfr

>> No.57583204
Quoted by: >>57583284

It's done, her elbow has been defiled by my touch.

>> No.57583214

on god

>> No.57583243


>> No.57583245
Quoted by: >>57583308

Why don't they get many Canadian donations despite THAT?

>> No.57583255
File: 437 KB, 900x900, 1629967600591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be based on a neutral currency. Australian Dollars

>> No.57583262
File: 36 KB, 957x321, 1690003822705083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to just hide and report shitposters

>> No.57583284

you're sick in the head

>> No.57583290
Quoted by: >>57583441

SEA creatures and other inhuman trash like pagpag eaters shouldn't be allowed to donate

>> No.57583294
Quoted by: >>57585047

This will never, ever happen. This would completely kill the business overseas since supas would suddenly become extremely overpriced in most regions of the world. Of course, when the US unavoidably degenerates to the point of being a laughing stock not only in culture but in influence as well, we'll all be donating in Yuan.

>> No.57583292

So 50 subs on that currency is still like 55 dollaribucks?

>> No.57583306
Quoted by: >>57583359


>> No.57583308
Quoted by: >>57583510

Canadians are running out of money and doing drugs in the streets

>> No.57583316

what theme is that

>> No.57583354

t. shitposter

>> No.57583359

keep dreaming

>> No.57583395

my own custom

>> No.57583398


>> No.57583401

hold me bros...

>> No.57583405

Malaysian currency, any SEA currency, is it worth like the JP or Australian currency, except for PHP?

>> No.57583441

i didnt know what pagpag was and i just looked it up wtf is this shit SEAniggas... Mio was right about you this is wild

>> No.57583442

I don't wanna cuddle you faggots

>> No.57583445
Quoted by: >>57583759

I'm going in boys

>> No.57583476


>> No.57583490
File: 121 KB, 600x900, j3q7b7wpoiv81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57583498
Quoted by: >>57583759

>ywn be microwaved by Mococo
feels bad

>> No.57583505
Quoted by: >>57583784

They probably wont be surprised. They can track it in the revenue tab/section of youtube studio.

>> No.57583512

>half million people microwaved to death by one dog

>> No.57583510

Remember when they had money wars in Moris first streams with all their COVID bucks?

>> No.57583529 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>57583784

Their retard manager should check if the gifts are in jungle money currency and make sure they don't acknowledge them

>> No.57583540


>> No.57583555

mococo makes me smile

>> No.57583561


>> No.57583575
Quoted by: >>57583648

That's a lot of new IPs with hot takes BAU BAU BAU BAU BAU BAU

>> No.57583594

Close, yeah.

>> No.57583608

i am not hugging the ruffian plush, that shit is gay

>> No.57583618


>> No.57583619
Quoted by: >>57583674

Fuwawa makes me happy

>> No.57583632


>> No.57583647
Quoted by: >>57583725

No, what matters is Google's regional pricing. Which you can derive from $400 MYR equaling a red SC. So 50 memberships is like $200 USD.

>> No.57583648

I want to fuck Fuwawa's ass

>> No.57583654
File: 2.52 MB, 1000x1000, Mococo is gonna get you [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3dhhor.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57585603


>> No.57583674

this but mococo

>> No.57583685

You will get in the microwave with us and you will like it.

>> No.57583691


>> No.57583694

I really want to ask them this.

FuwaMoco, sincerely,
Can you please translate the JP superchats?
So your audience knows what the fuck you're saying? Or is it going to eternally be a secret.

No I'm totally not annoyed

>> No.57583707

what the fuck why'd i think this was starting only 45min ago

>> No.57583709 [DELETED] 
File: 639 KB, 1779x802, iyszgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57583725

So the same

>> No.57583745
File: 128 KB, 853x1000, 1692237346859180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57583838

Hey, Ruffian. Look over here.

>> No.57583750

only $20

>> No.57583759
File: 2.51 MB, 498x278, mgs4-microwave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i'm Mococo's special ruffian!

>> No.57583775 [DELETED] 

Can these half breed mongoloids stop speaking gook for one second

>> No.57583784
Quoted by: >>57583867

pretty sure they checked which is why they were excited about it, all holos know about ARS
the guy who got them hundreds of gift memberships also did a max akasupa a few days ago which was valued at about $330 USD

>> No.57583785
Quoted by: >>57583905

fuwawa gets used as a tissue and you still say fuwawa is the evil sister?

>> No.57583817

Membership gifts are a scam. At least with a superchat you get direct interaction with them, what do you get from membership gifts other than a bunch of poorfags shitting up members only content?

>> No.57583830
Quoted by: >>57584016

My wives

>> No.57583838
File: 24 KB, 259x400, IMG_3081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bro

>> No.57583848
Quoted by: >>57584048

honestly cry more

>> No.57583847

I'm impregnating both tonight

>> No.57583853

>Fuwawa, your skin looks so delicious, let me lick you!
>[You feel a nostalgic flavor... noot]

>> No.57583856

we should get fuwamoco to play that kanji game

>> No.57583867

God damn. That's a way to go homeless proud.

>> No.57583874 [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 1130x2010, 1693620538532400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57583959

>> No.57583891
Quoted by: >>57584048

just learn Japanese like they did lol

>> No.57583893

You WILL go in the microwave with us and you WILL like it you fucking fag

>> No.57583905

she is the evil one
Mococo is pure good

>> No.57583908

>Mococo starts translating in real time
She's reading the thread again...

>> No.57583923

This makes me love them more

>> No.57583924

Wow they're hot

>> No.57583925
Quoted by: >>57584063

so many ruffians having birthdays on the same day

>> No.57583933
Quoted by: >>57584123

whats the point of reposting it? Everyone saw it last thread

>> No.57583944
File: 347 KB, 506x518, 1692031094228103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know we're not supposed to talk about the doxfag but holy shit they're actually much, much cuter than i expected and my heart is skipping a beat

>> No.57583943

what was the gift?

>> No.57583958

oh here we go again

>> No.57583959
Quoted by: >>57583995

Why does Mococo look more Asian than Fuwawa?

>> No.57583995
Quoted by: >>57584234

mococo is the superior sister with superior genes

>> No.57584002

I thought there was no thread...

>> No.57584016

I made this post

>> No.57584015

>they wanna dick around
>schizos will ruin shit because no fun allowed

>> No.57584017 [DELETED] 

Subhuman mongrels like fuckymucky deserve ARS memberships

>> No.57584032

Openly discussing ribs

>> No.57584031


>> No.57584048

I understand most of it. It's not fair to the Ruffians though to have these mostly secret conversations. I don't even know how weird it feels for those of us who know no Japanese at all.

I'm fine with Japanese in streams and Japanese in chat and Japanese in SCs and etc but I think everyone should be in on the conversation.

>> No.57584063

A lot of people born in august because people fuck a lot in January/February

>> No.57584090
Quoted by: >>57584126

How long have you been doing that?

>> No.57584098


>> No.57584105

You guys do know they don't translate English superchats to Japanese at all and JOP's are waaay more in the dark and neglected than us, right?

>> No.57584111

oh that explains why my birthday was in august

>> No.57584114

Mococo will bear my puppies.

>> No.57584115


>> No.57584117

I'm happy that all Ruffians get something

>> No.57584124

holy shit... that makes sense.
no wonder the majority of my friends' bdays are in august

>> No.57584123

The sisters finally figured out how to ban evade. I don't know what they hope to achieve by posting two genuinely cute girls.
They're cute, what a massive fucking yab.

>> No.57584126
Quoted by: >>57584321

6 years probably

>> No.57584129

What a stupid SC

>> No.57584140
Quoted by: >>57584230

what's the benefit of this? they ignore ars anyway don't they

>> No.57584146
Quoted by: >>57584231

This would mean they need to translate the english superchats for the JP ruffians by the same logic

>> No.57584150

Mococo is the favourite

>> No.57584162


>> No.57584171
Quoted by: >>57584285

based retard

>> No.57584184
File: 41 KB, 1237x349, hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like them speaking Japanese you can always back to whatever shitty ironic weeb vtubers you were watching before Fuwamoco, I know you tourists came from there
Speaking Japanese is valued as a big plus in Hololive EN, I'm sorry, I don't make the policy, they will never stop

>> No.57584193


>> No.57584194
File: 79 KB, 734x973, 1693366795130695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584248

JP beggar SC

>> No.57584198

some of these concernposters are red flag shitposters, i would ignore their retardness

>> No.57584196

>we're both the favorite
I'm glad they know this.

>> No.57584206

if you understand most of it shut the fuck up and stop virtue signaling on behalf of others you tranny

>> No.57584215
Quoted by: >>57584377

>A: "God, I love EN chubas that are like JP chubas!"
>B: "They like japanese culture?"
>A: "Obviously, how else they would feel so japanese?"
>B: "Have you considered that they would speak japanese on stream?"
>A: "...N-No... that can't be.... the weeb vtuber... that likes japanese culture and speaks japanese... why they aren't -EXACTLY- like I envisioned them? I feel betrayed... I want a japanese wife but I'm too lazy to learn moonrunes... why they're giving them attention... no.... noooooooooo!"

>> No.57584214

just put the superchat in the deepl lol
and use your phone to translate what they say about it haha

>> No.57584230

Found the faggot gifter kys

>> No.57584231


>> No.57584233

shut the fuck up
this is hololive (EN), not JP

>> No.57584234

>mococo is the superior sister
If this were true, then Mococo would be carrying, when in reality its Fuwawa!

>> No.57584238
File: 669 KB, 408x408, please please [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fag71nr.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raid in process, do not reply to bait

>> No.57584248

JP beggar in the thread 2 posts above yours

>> No.57584256
Quoted by: >>57584350

just ignore him, he's been making the exact same posts during their SC readings

>> No.57584265

They should do a stream like Irys' last night

>> No.57584272

If you want a solution, go to hololyzer and use deepL and follow the superchats as they get read. If you want to just bitch, continue.

>> No.57584283

leave JPbeggar

>> No.57584285

Okay add December as well, there's a lot of people born a month or 2 early

>> No.57584300
Quoted by: >>57584334

anon vtubing is mostly a japanese oriented hobby. you will always, always, and always be, a second-class fan. fuwamoco loves us and you should not take them for granted.

>> No.57584302

>I understand most of it.
Fucking liar, only someone that doesn't understand would seethe that hard.

>> No.57584310

>it's not an actual bandaid
Oh thank god, I'm the only one allowed to make their hair sticky.

>> No.57584321

kek based. incredible it's somehow so far beyond the average consumer they don't feel the need to crack down

>> No.57584334

cringe post.

>> No.57584335

I'd like to add on to this for newfags that don't understand. They are replying to each other. Don't join in. They're just spamming an argument to get replies.

>> No.57584350

you're literally replying to a shitposter yourself
>new ip
>same fucking last night thread

>> No.57584351
File: 39 KB, 719x192, 54863436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That name
>False flagging JP bros now

>> No.57584361

They don't want to treat them special and spend even more time on them you dumb fuck
English SC replied in English
Japanese SC replied in Japanese
Simple as

>> No.57584377

Listen dumbass
>JP Talking OK
>JP Streams OK
I just want them to translate random sudden Japanese conversations into English for their main audience to be included in, because it's hololive EN.

Don't group me in with the "eww japanese in my stream!" idiots

>> No.57584378

I think Fuwawa's are cuter but i don't want to make Mococo sad

>> No.57584389

>censored "dang" to "silly"

>> No.57584400

can discord raiders make this shit less obvious? they always show up for super chat readings to post the same fucking "muh jp is cucking us" shit every stream. 30+ new ips since super chat readings started, but they will try to say this is totally normal and not a raid.

>> No.57584406

Are you implying all Ruffians were premature? January/February is October/November

>> No.57584424

since when yellow get read?

>> No.57584426
File: 40 KB, 600x597, attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's your own fault for not learning enough japanese beforehand
Fuwamoco's content is a lot closer to the japanese side of vtubing than other ENs

>> No.57584427

it's okay to be wrong sometimes

>> No.57584432
Quoted by: >>57584493

I don't think Mococo's "twintails" really count as twintails.

>> No.57584442


>> No.57584469

Did she say 'real fireflies' or 'a real firefight'? I just can't tell with Moco

>> No.57584476


>> No.57584479

They're directionally challenged

>> No.57584480

are they getting one guy'd, what the fuck is happening

>> No.57584478

Send more ARS gifts you stupid fuck

>> No.57584481

My directionally challenged wives are so cute...

>> No.57584493
Quoted by: >>57584697

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.57584492
File: 42 KB, 463x451, 1691292213287777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584689

>raids entire board
no effect
>concentrates raids on the general
no effect
>resorts to doxposting
everyone loves them even more now

Baubros, we can't stop winning.

>> No.57584505

>still can't tell left from right
My side wives.

>> No.57584512

I agree

>> No.57584514

dog brains broken

>> No.57584515
Quoted by: >>57584605

I called it >>57581835

>> No.57584528

left = side = right

>> No.57584533
Quoted by: >>57584645

>cute and fluffy
they are so based

>> No.57584541
Quoted by: >>57584610

fuwawa is so fucking stupid

>> No.57584542

One of Mococo's eyes blinked and then the other one blinked right after, saw that shit and now I can't unsee it

>> No.57584553

Shoulda shelled out for a $20 one

>> No.57584560

Oh nonononononono

>> No.57584572
Quoted by: >>57584683

I just noticed how bouncy Mococo's ahoge is

>> No.57584576

impervious to yabs

>> No.57584605

every time, invading ENbeggars that crawl out of their disgusting holes are the worst

>> No.57584610
Quoted by: >>57584669

Right? It's wonderful

>> No.57584617

>10 minutes later
>doxx not deleted
What the fuck is wrong with the jannies and mods on this fucking board

>> No.57584622

DOn't go....

>> No.57584626

they never read yellows

>> No.57584627

great stream mococo!

>> No.57584629

I miss them already...

>> No.57584638

I guess I won't be leaving the Pack next month

>> No.57584645
Quoted by: >>57584750

the rrat that Fuwawa has out-of-this-world wit is getting more and more real each stream

>> No.57584669
File: 192 KB, 531x481, 1691767147703758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57584673

I miss Mococo...

>> No.57584678

Hey, don't tell them that, I want to see them keep trying and keep getting ignored.

>> No.57584683

But have you noticed yet that her tail goes up and you can see it wag behind her head when she has her angry face on

>> No.57584686

what was this in response to, i missed it i think

>> No.57584689

They're too cute. My heart can't take it.

>> No.57584690

There was a bit, I think in the River City Girls part 2 stream, it sounded like they were having sex if you closed your eyes.

>> No.57584695
Quoted by: >>57584785

they left because they hate me specifically

>> No.57584697
Quoted by: >>57584849

Theyre too small. They just look like a bit of hair sticking out on the side.

>> No.57584701

They've got a long shift coming up Sunday

>> No.57584712

It's pretty obvious that IRL Fuwawa is sitting on the left and Mococo is on the right. Their live2d for them is like a mirror because it's easier to work with it that way.

>> No.57584733

ever notice how much of an ayy lmao fuwawa looks in the outro screen

>> No.57584740

but if you post the pippa pic the fleshtuber tweeted it will get nuked in a nanosecond.

>> No.57584741
Quoted by: >>57584818

I need an edit of this that says "ruffians" instead of girls, for all the times ruffians fuck up thread baking

>> No.57584748
File: 10 KB, 911x90, 1679806145250021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57584750

That's what I've been saying for a while now. Fuwawa is very smart and knows EXACTLY what she's doing.

>> No.57584758

Do it now.

>> No.57584760
Quoted by: >>57584830

What is the point of raiding though?

>> No.57584761
Quoted by: >>57587354

It's why I can't help but look down on people born in early November. They were obviously conceived only because their parents were horny on Valentine's Day.

>> No.57584763
File: 30 KB, 532x132, 1686269244710717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57584772

cute and fluffy >>57584351

>> No.57584775

kek yes

>> No.57584779
File: 240 KB, 599x479, 1693093153964138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584897

>almost retarded

Fuwawa is so beyond almost retarded at this point

>> No.57584785

well thanks a lot

>> No.57584796

Yes. People think it's camera logic, it's not.

>> No.57584799


>> No.57584803

Then I notice they're chilling on the side of a road waiting for Ruffians to pass by and say hello

They're so cute, I love them

>> No.57584818

Nah it should say "bakers"

>> No.57584824


>> No.57584828

They read if it's from japanese

>> No.57584830
File: 771 KB, 796x878, 1692632846387245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people get their kicks, stomping on a dream

>> No.57584832

this name >>57584351

>> No.57584835
Quoted by: >>57585143

'ate lifetime showtime

>> No.57584837

They're really disappointed with the view count on lifetime showtime arent they? Although to be fair, so am I.

>> No.57584842

Yeah, seeing your own reflection that isn't mirrored is going to fuck you up

>> No.57584850

what is this dream

>> No.57584849
File: 147 KB, 470x423, 1693090364094514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her twin tails are totally normal! Maybe your brain is too small!

>> No.57584856


>> No.57584870
File: 29 KB, 437x432, cutest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57584926

>> No.57584871
Quoted by: >>57584946


>> No.57584878

I am
we are never getting kino like this again are we...

>> No.57584894

Also, Fuwawa pressing shift key in Spooky's, so she was on the left

>> No.57584897

Mococo ruined this design by adding those extra details

>> No.57584917
File: 60 KB, 679x392, 1690920249871986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's show time 一緒にいたいよ
Lifetime, showtime, any time BAU BAU
Yeah, future is bright
(Yeah, 二人は)
Fluffy fuzzy yappy sisters

Fuwa! Moco! Fuwa! Moco! Fuwa! Moco!
Fuwa! Moco! BAU BAU BAU

My heart 'n soul 'n tail are fuwawa yay
I'm so fluffy that even I could float away
If you call for me, we're only a bark away
Your smile is the treasure that I wanna keep safe
Fuwa! Moco! Fuwa! Moco!
I love being tricky, doggie kisses are for me
I love lots of walkies, don't need no leashes for me
Silly puppy Mococo will follow you anywhere
FUWAMOCO together, take us along with you
Barking oh so merrily

>> No.57584926


>> No.57584934

i will watch lifetime showtime for mococo

>> No.57584946
Quoted by: >>57585031


>> No.57584990


>> No.57585000
File: 294 KB, 381x387, mopero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you enjoy Ruffians? Despite the lag Advent still managed to finish it fairly easily! Can't wait to see what collabs everyone has next week! The hint they gave out for a game with Biboo reminded me of Adventures of Cookie and Cream. It's a game I really want to see them play! See you all for It Takes Two!

>> No.57585008
File: 243 KB, 482x602, 5646131060460301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57585321

dont you understand, its the mods. its always been the mods! they are the ones doing it! its been right in front of us this whole time.

>> No.57585018

Life is show time tobikkiri no
Unmei drive mucha shite mo
(Mahaluto Hallelujah!)

Kinō kyō ashita mirai
subete no namida o
(Show Time)
Hōseki ni kaete yaru ze

Maji ka! ? Maji de! ? Maji da! ! ! ! Show Time!

>> No.57585031
Quoted by: >>57585074


>> No.57585047
Quoted by: >>57585394

lmao we're more likely to be donating in INR in a few hundred years

>> No.57585057

yes mococo carried and was cute doing it!
also nice digits

>> No.57585059

That was fun, definitely the best game collab they had yet! Love to see Advent getting along now, they even beat the game in one sitting! Hope these two get a good sleep and don't stay up on Twitter all night, or else I am gonna concern. Have a good night, or day you, too, Ruffians!

>> No.57585070
Quoted by: >>57585265

I hope we do. I really like it.

>> No.57585074

(/・ω・)/ MOCO!

>> No.57585093
File: 84 KB, 1353x1396, F4_UhHOXoAAM1hw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best collab so far
also, checked

>> No.57585143
Quoted by: >>57585300

Don't give a fuck. Loop it on mute then. Support your supposed oshi

>> No.57585147

god bless you moustache anon

>> No.57585148

Moustache bro with the digits. It was fantastic! Very entertaining

>> No.57585159

I will like to see them mald for 12 hrs on Sunday.

>> No.57585174

My favorite part was watching them almost get past the ghost only to fuck up at the last second and have to start over.Not being sarcastic I thought it was funny.

>> No.57585190

this was advent's strongest gaming collab.

>> No.57585221

This sounds a little thin over my car's system but it didn't stop me from blasting it on repeat leaving the heart of campus the other day

>> No.57585245
File: 169 KB, 1000x1200, 1693368776390856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was their best collab

>> No.57585249

I was expecting it to be a "full version".
Since it's so short they could play it at the beginning of each stream, kinda like how Bijou has her bit with the magical girl transformation.

>> No.57585265

Its pretty catchy. I was surprised by how concerned they sounded when they talked about making the new audience understand who's who through this song.

>> No.57585288

I personally didn't like this game or collab. They were actually too good so outside of FuwaMoco being cute there was nothing to get from the game itself

>> No.57585300

I actually don't know why it's gaining views so slowly. I think it might be flagged by Youtube or something and getting culled.

>> No.57585321

I want fuwamoco to sing pururin, it would sound cute. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg8Jahz6RM4

>> No.57585328
File: 105 KB, 768x1024, F4-8m49bcAAoPe9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57585378


>> No.57585369
Quoted by: >>57585990

I'm realizing I post here during streams to not watch alone
I know there's chat but it's all directed at FuwaMoco as it should be
But fuck me having another tab open on monitor 2 is distracting

I think if I leave /vt/ that will be the reason, I can't multitask like an adhd zoomer

>> No.57585378

I love how derpy they look in this artist's posts

>> No.57585390
Quoted by: >>57585540

>shiori talking about pretty boy anime

jesas we're so lucky

>> No.57585394
Quoted by: >>57585549

Anyone who unironically thinks China will be relevant instead of being sent back 20 years or more economically doesn't actually know what's going on there right now.
India is certainly more future-relevant

>> No.57585402

Why so many doxx?

>> No.57585411

surely there will be more, i believe

>> No.57585466 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x936, angou-gakuen-no-iroha_ch-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading angou gakuen, a-am I making it?

>> No.57585508

save it for the next thread, also what the fuck is this why does it look like that

>> No.57585511
Quoted by: >>57585548

Where do you get it with the Kana above the kanji?

>> No.57585518
File: 1.28 MB, 3508x2480, 1691975799830231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always great to see them collabing together and strengthening their bond

A D V E N T strong

>> No.57585540

you should have expected this as soon as she confessed to playing genshin

>> No.57585548
Quoted by: >>57585600

That has a name, anonchama...
It's "furigana"

>> No.57585549
Quoted by: >>57586290

NTA but as someone who actually wishes China and all the chinese in the world would die in the most painful way possible you're wrong.
People have been predicting the china economic collapse for the last 20 years.

>> No.57585571

Yeah, but it is what it is.

>> No.57585594

They are but I think there's more to it than people not looping it. Based on the number of people who watched the premiere it should've easily hit 100k in about 15 hours. Somethings happening to it that isn't counting views properly

>> No.57585600
Quoted by: >>57585686

Yes I know. It's just past my bedtime and I forgot.

>> No.57585603

What stream was this from again?

>> No.57585643
Quoted by: >>57586333

monetization sc reading stream

>> No.57585686


>> No.57585704

Christ, that looks as annoying as Medaka Box in the later arcs.

>> No.57585747

Thanks as always moustachebro, great trips too! See you tomorrow!

>> No.57585837

Do loops count as separate views? I always thought it knew better than that
If they count I'm just going to loop it in the bg

>> No.57585903

the font isnt doing any favors here

>> No.57585910
File: 91 KB, 428x176, fuwaweback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57585922
Quoted by: >>57586333

If memory serves right it should be somewhere in the first supachat reading stream. Ain't got a timestamp for you though, sorry

>> No.57585930
File: 504 KB, 670x846, 1658546785268107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do loops count as separate views?
Sometimes. If you refresh too much then it can flag you as trying to game the system and your views get removed. The Kpop sisters figured out you need to watch it through entirely once, go watch 2 or 3 other videos then come back and play it again

>> No.57585964

>Do loops count as separate views?
i think they dont as an antibotting method

>> No.57585990
Quoted by: >>57586240

I get you, I have trouble multitasking, maybe because I didn't have internet for most of my childhood.
Honestly I'm starting to suspect that I have a slighty better time with VODs, I focus 100% on the stream and can watch at my own pace, backtrack to rewatch the funny bits immediately, and if I'm curious about what the thread was saying I can use the archive, it lacks the tension of not knowing when the stream ends, but the rest ends up as a more focused quality experience for me.
I keep revisiting this idea of closing /vt/ and then waiting until the stream is over before bingereading all the comments, but then something funny or hype happens and I need to drop my witty shitpost.

>> No.57585995
File: 885 KB, 1519x1200, 111032075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to see the ps2 game they hinted at, and as always the supa reading is always great

>> No.57585997

Youtube's AI overlord just happened to not grant it his blessing, nothing personnel kid, trust the algorithm

>> No.57586006
Quoted by: >>57586193

Next unarchived karaoke will have this masterpiece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYkDP5xDoO8 mixed in between other mid-2000s masterpieces like Sorairo Days and Colors

>> No.57586026
File: 373 KB, 2117x1717, 1693539925278865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's not looping this in their sleep?

>> No.57586126
Quoted by: >>57586258

I said this before at some point but the video just came too late. Almost everyone that cares about the song has already listened to it enough times by replaying it from the debut stream.

>> No.57586137

The thing is, that IS how superchats are handled... in respect to the value of each currency at the time they were first available to superchat in.
But ARS absolutely tanked in value, leading a somewhat decent currency to fall into utter disrepair, but without Youtube altering its value to accomodate. They should do yearly currency updates at the bare minimum, so everyone pays their fair share, or close to it.

>> No.57586193

Can't they sing it in an archived karaoke?

>> No.57586214

I should have known kpop fans would know this stuff
Thanks Ruffian

>> No.57586240
Quoted by: >>57586419

Install YTBetter script to allow rewind on streams, and Youtube Enhancer extension for ctrl+scroll wheel speed adjustment (to catch up after rewinding)

>> No.57586258

nta, yeah I can believe it, they waited a bit too long before striking it while the iron is hot. It's a great song, I wonder if they were with wrestling with management....

>> No.57586287

Actually, all supas should be based on the JP yen because that's what most supas are being made in anyway.

>> No.57586290
Quoted by: >>57586611

What's happening now is worse than anything prior. It's the US housing market in 2008 but 4x worse with a bunch of aggravating factors laid on top of it that make it far harder to dig out of. I won't go into further detail, this isn't the time or place, but it's not just scare mongering for article and YT clicks now.

>> No.57586310
Quoted by: >>57586488

>I wonder if they were with wrestling with management
they were

>> No.57586322

thanks ruffian, I usually forever loop but it i'll be smarter about it and follow the kpop stan tactics

>> No.57586328

These dogs bring me so much happiness bros...

>> No.57586333


>> No.57586404

i feel bad that their intro song didn't get as many views

>> No.57586406

They should just set the currency to match the "Location: [country]" registered on the Channel's About page. It's convenient for the channel owner(s) and consistent for everybody. Avoids the muh currency is better arguments too.

>> No.57586419

>ctrl+scroll wheel speed adjustment
you can already do that with < and >

>> No.57586466

Based moustachebro

>> No.57586488

Why couldn't they upload it earlier? What problem could there possibly have been?

>> No.57586497

Given their barely restrained comments about how their hands are sometimes tied I think it's a given that it was management being slack. That having been said after following the growth of lots of Hololive music for the past couple of years I think the numbers are still strange.

>> No.57586520

japanese wait times

>> No.57586579

>HL pays them in Yens
>it gets converted to another toy currency like CAD
Bros, we need to give them more money. If you can pay them either in USD, Euros, or Pounds.

>> No.57586592
Quoted by: >>57586744

There was no problem. JP management is just fucking sloooooow to get anything through. Fauna said the timeline from finishing a short to getting approval to upload it on her channel is 3-4 months. That's not time making it, that's just getting the green light to upload the finished product.

>> No.57586595

it was made on a short notice and the nips are notorious for taking months to greenlight anything

>> No.57586611

>What's happening now is worse than anything prior
Also said with every new prediction after the last prediction didn't pan out.
>but it's not just scare mongering for article and YT clicks now.
neither were most of the previous ones

>> No.57586626

Apparently they had to push just to get the fucking thing made as quickly as it was. Japanese like to take forever to release things. It took an eternity for Haachama to b able to release RedHeart.

>> No.57586633

I know right? They legit brighten up my day. I love them so much.

>> No.57586659

It was a fun stream moustache bro

>> No.57586672

I just don't think the song is mixed well or that good, which is sad because their karaokes have been 11/10

>> No.57586703

I think you are wrong and smell bad but it's okay that we both think different things.

>> No.57586719
Quoted by: >>57587173

Think they'll sing this in the next karaoke if I ask nicely

>> No.57586744

I believe this. I've noticed a trend with the HoloEN 3D lives having been planned months in advance which makes a lot of references, song picks, and design feel a little bit dated than the current release.

I do recall JP loving their bureaucracy so this doesn't surprise me at all

>> No.57586754

I really love them moustache bro

>> No.57586778
File: 207 KB, 462x340, 1665892050965641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I felt empty but they somehow can fill me with love for them

>> No.57586809

all of you are wrong
All they have to do is the same as Nintendo is doing.
Only accept currency X from CCs from country X unless you want to pay the international price (in stable currency) and then you can just use any international card you want.
There solved all the attentionwhore issue without fucking over people from poor countries

>> No.57586826

Was a fun stream moustache bro. Shame biboo can't carry this time around

>> No.57586856
Quoted by: >>57586992

I like the song cause it gives me those 2000-2010 VN vibes.

>> No.57586880

Same moustache bro

>> No.57586898

Eh, it's a song written in a language Patra doesn't know. I don't want to come off as a JP beggar but it probably would've sounded better in Japanese (at least lyric wise; don't know enough about mixing to speak about that)

>> No.57586933

Had a howl of a time, mustachebro. It was really fun especially while tipsy, I missed parts of the stream but still had a good time!

>> No.57586940

Based and Checked

>> No.57586992

you arent wrong, now that you mention it

>> No.57586998

Fucking ARS gifters should be murdered on sight

>> No.57587000

Really excited for Biboo collab!

>> No.57587001

>"Lifetime Showtime actually sucks" shitposting timeloop
Stop replying you fucking retards this bait was already obvious 2 days ago

>> No.57587003
File: 270 KB, 560x494, mococo_spin_faster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all the Advent collabs' gaming part, this one was definitely the best since it actually forced them to work together.
Can't wait for It Takes Two!

>> No.57587039

Not your thread

>> No.57587059

You're the light in this hellhole, never change Moustache bro

>> No.57587066

I will say the vibe of the song represents them well, with the FUWA-MOCO part being really catchy. But I can see why it doesnt catch on.

>> No.57587135

The lag made it quite funnier but it would be the same nonetheless. Cheers Moustache bro

>> No.57587141

retard. it is just a coincidence that people waited a month to complain about lifetime showtime, that it is the exact same complaint each time, and it only gets posted during discord raids. seriously if you have issues with lifetime showtime say it outside of shitposting hours because nobody is going to take you seriously right now.

>> No.57587173

I want them to sing okkusenman.

>> No.57587354

I'm extremely glad Valentine's Day made my parents horny, it means my existence was more of a miracle since my parents clearly weren't horny enough the rest of the year since my sister was also born in early November

>> No.57587366

Maybe one day

>> No.57587477
File: 213 KB, 1400x912, FuwaDrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now what?

>> No.57587511

It's always fun seeing them tackle puzzles. Surprisingly all of them had their time to shine

>> No.57587520

I know this pic is trying to be cute and sweet, but damn those Fuwawa milkers prevent it from being so

>> No.57587548
File: 198 KB, 1400x912, 1691443402560794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wait

>> No.57587702

I'm writing my fan letter to Fuwamoco. Hopefully it reaches them before the end of the year

>> No.57587729
File: 1.15 MB, 2400x2900, F4-bA9saQAAZbKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ruffians think we're back to ojisan otaku songs next Rock n' Rawy party?
I hope so

>> No.57587768

Next week will be even lighter because they'll be streaming for 12 hours on Sunday...

>> No.57587800

Advent strong!

>> No.57587863
File: 105 KB, 258x263, 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57587922

>computer keeps pinging me everytime fuwamoco retweets something
I'm trying to study stop....

>> No.57587922
File: 106 KB, 289x318, 1691162900547613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

