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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57443604 No.57443604 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so ive been in the community (of vtubers) since the old days (pre-kizuna) originally there was a demand for male vtubers and the demand often came from the VRChat RP community even before it got over saturated.

Lately ive noticed this unicorn shit, i understand only watching females; but harassing them to the point of quitting or actively sabotaging male vtubers is sick.

You guys are becoming equally as cancerous to the community as normies invading it; you understand that often male vtubers are also doing things behind the scenes for female vtubers right? If you push them out the community it will negatively effect a ton of female vtubers directly.

for context a lot of male vtubers are also riggers, artists, musicians, 3d modelers, and producers for females vtubers tracks.

You guys need to chill with the kate because at some point you will get your wish of no males, but since some of the female creators need their teams, mods, artist, etc, theyre quality will drop or they may leave all together. You will destroy the thing you love by being such retards.

>> No.57443651

Trying too hard homobeggar

>> No.57443671 [DELETED] 

Men don't like women. They don't want the female fanbase, and they're worried their oshi will be sexually promiscuous when interacting with a male. You'll notice male vtubers that never interact with women are rarely hated on. Contrary to what you might initially expect, male vtuber hatred is about woman hatred.

>> No.57443751

>i’ve been here for years but don’t know why people dislike male vtubers
Kill yourself falseflagger, you’re obviously just a seething male vtuber, and i will not be nice to you if you go anywhere near my oshi

>> No.57443754

im a male vtuber and do collabs with females often. recently a friend of mine graduated because of people like you. Your plans of doing this shit are backfiring and leaving you with LESS female vtubers and more males.

You idiots are quite literally the ones trying too hard.

>> No.57443771

I am sorry for your loss Axel.

>> No.57443791

youre correct i am a male vtuber. heres the thing, your harassment only pushes away women. you will be left with more of me and none of your oshis if you keep it up moron.

>> No.57443794

I'm fine with male vtubers as long as their existence is never made known in my oshis content.

>> No.57443796

reddit spacing homobeggar

>> No.57443807
Quoted by: >>57443840

It's working as intended if it gets shitters like your friend out.

>> No.57443819

>demand often came from the VRChat RP community even before it got over saturated
ew kys faggot

>> No.57443835
Quoted by: >>57444167

because jp nijizhang vtubers never interact with women. and are very hated right?

>> No.57443840

i hope you remember this interaction when all of your oshis eventually graduate because of people like you.

>> No.57443853
Quoted by: >>57444292

They tend to believe they deserve equal treatment and attention as female vtubers. They don't, because they don't offer the same quality product.

Their fans also tend to demonize those who want nothing to do with male vtubers.

>> No.57443859
Quoted by: >>57462395

it's not hate, it's disinterest
solo male vtubers tend to do poorly, but no one goes around harassing solo male vtubers

it becomes hate when they try to forcefully instert themselves in a space for female vtubers

>> No.57443865

It appears we're getting rid of the problem without trying very hard at all.

>> No.57443869
File: 245 KB, 571x781, 1683949565085216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep dreaming homobeggar

>> No.57443871

im sorry buddy i dont know who Axel is, im independent.

>> No.57443901

>Less whores in vtubing
>The ones left are the ones that truly cares
And that supposed to be bad because?

>> No.57443910
Quoted by: >>57471230

Lol no retard, it more into you guys are going broke because woman would watch kpop and male would watch fleshstreamer.

>> No.57443909

>Indie male

>> No.57443911

Deserved graduation if it happens at that point, it's a good thing.

>> No.57443912

OP is Altare

>> No.57443930

I can't let males collab with fauna, they will 100% fall in love with her and try to court her behind our backs

>> No.57443942
File: 130 KB, 849x1200, 9i1l7gq1v2ta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns and Malehaters aren't very different from the Tumblr feminists from 2014 - 15

I don't give a fuck on who my oishi collabs with, if it's a male, idc. Should be common sense but I guess this most people on this board has ape brains

>> No.57443950

You're all a bunch of girls

>> No.57443960

Maybe you should post this on reddit if you want sympathy, also other indie male already gave his experiance and most male watching male vtuber are actual faggot and trannies, so good luck.

>> No.57443980


>> No.57443995
Quoted by: >>57444066

Ok so keep watching Cucksanji then, nobody is stopping you

>> No.57444004

Reality is, you're like a woman hating male rights activist that has likely not been very successful in relationships

>> No.57444008

Axel doesn't talk like that retard

>> No.57444014
Quoted by: >>57444077

>t. Poorfag
Im glad your oshi have groomer providing her instead of you.

>> No.57444027

It seems coming back here after so many years was a mistake. The old community was unisex and mostly focused on creatives. You guys seem more like gross coomers or something.

You are correct about 1 thing male vtubers are 100% fucking your oshis but 80% of the time they dont even collab or publicly interact. If you honestly think your cute, introverted, gamer oshi is not getting dicked offline youre delusional and retarded.

>> No.57444029

sadly true
i've been saying unicorn and gachikois are more harmful to the vtubing hobby as the normies and cause more damage to it then they even realize
but you can't argue with retards, they completely lack all kinds of reason and logic and you just can't change that
just enjoy vtubers until thoses retards ran this hobby into the ground and then start crying and wondering what happened because they still don't understand

>> No.57444051

Of course you would know, Flayon.

>> No.57444057
Quoted by: >>57519309

Vesper you quit, go off into your irrelevancy and stop shitting up the board

>> No.57444058

It's in writing, I talk like a Scotsman

>> No.57444066
File: 20 KB, 276x322, 1679838514761150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but unlike you, I am not in the delusion that I am going to fuck my oishi one day.

>> No.57444074
Quoted by: >>57519309

Stop coping Orc, you lost your golden ticket for being greedy, move on

>> No.57444077
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, ESL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy an esl slapfight

>> No.57444081

>literal cuck mindset

>> No.57444088

Unicorns are either nijisanji falseflaggers, women pretending to be men because one male vtuber insulted another and that one was their oshi so they're insanely angry, or actual weird incels with brain damage from the 2020 lockdowns.

But I would say that hololive went about male vtubers wrong specifically because Western media types have this weird idea that outrage drives views, but in vtubing you can see drama and outrage actually crashes viewership.

Personally if you watch twitch vtubers you'll be treated to weird shit like a female asmrtuber stopping her asmr to flirt with some popular twitch guy to get his cock and then you're a third wheel reminded that watching 30yo women pretend to be teenage anime emo girls living in the year 2009 is cringe and retarded. Fuck you ceres fauna.

>> No.57444094

just be a flesh tuber no one wants you in vtubing

>> No.57444093
Quoted by: >>57444113


>> No.57444100
Quoted by: >>57444207

>The ones left are the ones that truly cares
Care about what? You? None of them do, stop deluding yourself.

>> No.57444110

>literal schizo mindset

>> No.57444113

>I can't fuck X
>I watch her every day
>It's ok if other people fuck her

>> No.57444118
Quoted by: >>57444248

>The only reason anyone can be against male collabs is if they think they're going to fuck their oshi
This strawman you fags made up is just sad. Can't you just cope with the reality people just like CGDCT content and having a male involved ruins the dynamic? Numbers don't lie, even the normies leave en masse from the homo collabers. Nobody wants that shit, barely anyone even watches the homos as it is. There is zero demand for it.

>> No.57444132


>> No.57444167 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>57444485

They are hated though? Maybe not on this board because people are only familiar with them on a superficial level but they have quite a few dedicated antis on the Japanese side - especially from longtime Nijisanji fans who remember when the women were the most popular members of the company and hold a grudge.

>> No.57444207
Quoted by: >>57460872

Hobby, fanbase, you could even say money.
Doesn't matter. The thing is that only ones left would be the ones that actually try to make their content good and not expect to have a cake and eat it.

>> No.57444219

I came looking for answers only to see you guys start to fight each other, i think im more confused now. Just gonna leave it at some of yall need to find the confidence to find someone who cares about you. You may not love yourself right now which is why you may be coping parasocially with vtubers and thats okay, but try to remember boundaries and self restraint. They are entertainers not actually your wife, gf, etc.

>> No.57444248

>There is zero demand for it.
Fujo money says otherwise

>> No.57444260
Quoted by: >>57444299

Well if she collabs with males then i never would have watched her anyways so why would i care?

>> No.57444292

Basically this board is infected by faggots who want to believe that vtubing is 90s aidoru culture and hate being reminded that they are not the sole human owner of a Y chromosome.
>being retarded enough to think this

>> No.57444299

sometimes i feel bad for retarded subhuman like (you) but then you unironically post stuff like this...

>> No.57444302
Quoted by: >>57444903

Luxiem got thrown in the trash like a used condom by their fujo fanbase, their current state is just pitiful and of course Holostars are struggling to keep their heads above the water before investors force Yagoo to close down his pet loss making branch

>> No.57444331
Quoted by: >>57444488

Keep crying because you and your friends are too retarded to play pretend for the parasocial retards you're trying to grift.

>> No.57444346
Quoted by: >>57444440

Gross,stop talking from a woman pov. As a woman I don’t give a fuck about any male vtubers. Also, i think more normies and female vtubers are being pushed out because you all use it to groom and be sex pests.

>> No.57444354

That's really cool and all, but the thing is I'm not going to watch the homos. I'm just not going to watch them is all, the homos, I won't watch them. And as long as people like me keep the unicorn friendly vtubers above 20k CCV and awash in membership money while the homo collabers end up going into the viewership dumpster that is never going to change. Sorry sister.

>> No.57444383

Even fujis don’t like those collabs, they like male vtubers but they certainly don’t like cross-gender collabs very much

>> No.57444413
Quoted by: >>57444488

Cry about it more faggot, i hope the rest of the female vtubers you collab with graduate as well

>> No.57444440

>you all use it to groom and be sex pests.
The troons and SJW faggots who try to force homoshit down peoples throats end up being sex pests? Who could've seen this coming?

>> No.57444452

Your mistake was thinking this place cares about vtubers. /vt/ was created to contain the most cancerous vtuber fanbase and they don't care one bit about what happens to the vtubing industry as long as Hololive comes out on top.

>> No.57444485

ye but i doubt they care about 2 retards while they rack up 10k viewers every stream and thousands in cash

>> No.57444488
Quoted by: >>57445362

>Keep crying
>you and your friends
i don't have any??? that's literally the only reason anybody would ever visit /here/
>play pretend
what, like some blues clues or dora the explorer type shit like the new en3 dogs?
>parasocial retards you're trying to grift.
you have to be confusing me with some other anon here, i never said anything about the stuff you just mentioned, downside of everyone being called anon here i guess
>female vtubers you collab with
i never collab with anyone what are you on about?

>> No.57444495

>inb4 goonclown comes back as a vtuber

>> No.57444512

A tale as old as time.

>> No.57444570

We certainly don’t care about male vtubers, throw them all in a dumpster and light a match to it

>> No.57444578

Take your own advice you fat little faggot

>> No.57444593

>Okay so ive been in the community (of vtubers) since the old days (pre-kizuna)
le oldfag lie
>that often male vtubers are also doing things behind the scenes for female vtubers right? If you push them out the community it will negatively effect a ton of female vtubers directly.
name an instance where this has occurred and actually matters. irrelevant 1views and vtweeters do not count.
you can't

>> No.57444625 [SPOILER] 
File: 163 KB, 828x1675, FJ7qWXOUUAAT6_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi made me proof that she's my girlfriend, look at this and seethe

>> No.57444657

so true sis

>> No.57444723
Quoted by: >>57444774

>I am here for cute girl
>You are not a cute girl
>You actively ruin the cuteness of a girl by being in the vicinity
>You are also unable to grow on your own without the help of female vtubers
You cannot refute this. The only female + male dynamic I would accept would be from gyaru chuubas because they're slutty in nature.
Can't budge, won't budge, and will never accept your kind until there's a male vtuber that can break the vtuber boundary like Suisei. Surely, there's a crazy male vtuber equivalent that sings like Sinatra right? Vtubing has been a thing for more than 5 years, and even JP corpos can't produce a single mainstream male vtuber that can sing in enka style or anything interesting of note.
Truth of the matter is, vtubing for males is like working in the game industry as a software engineer. If you actually had the brain and talent, you would be massively overqualified compared to your peers, and you would be more successful literally anywhere else with a much higher potential for monetary earnings. Passion is wasted in this medium as a male, you'd be much better off doing something else.

>> No.57444734

This guy has posted on reddit before about how women don't like nice guys

>> No.57444757

> you guys
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, OUT!

>> No.57444774

If male vtubers were any good they'd just be fleshstreamers and make 10x as much

>> No.57444853
Quoted by: >>57451768

Do people really actively sabotaging shit or just leave mean comments?

>> No.57444896

that makes no sense retard. if your friend collabed with men, then she wouldn't have unicorn fans in the first place.
are you one of those faggots from the sharty?

>> No.57444903
Quoted by: >>57446122

Reminds me of the inevitability of entropy. Men are drawn to saviorfagging so if a female vtuber has no one watching them they have no problem pushing her numbers up. But women are drawn to men with high status who exude provider-like qualities so a male vtuber with low numbers automatically becomes invisible and a turn-off.

Look at all the times when someone tries to shill a 2view. Mysteriously, these 2views are never, ever male. Over half a decade, and there are no saviorfagging fujos trying to elevate even one male vtuber from obscurity.

>> No.57445299

>collabs with females often
He can collab with girls as long as he stays away from those who are from all-female groups. His presence would ruin the genre.

>> No.57445362

follow the conversation retard. dont shove yourself in middle of it and then act shocked when they confuse you for somebody else, you autistic little retard

>> No.57445383

You people act like you're the fucking Jews of the vtuber industry, always kvetching about how you're being persecuted by le evil unicorn chuds. The simple fact of the matter is that no one cares about male vtubers and if you had any talent you would be a flesh streamer.

>> No.57446029

not going to read that
there's literally no reason for male vtubers to exist
and VRchat faggots aren't vtubers

>> No.57446122

>Over half a decade, and there are no saviorfagging fujos trying to elevate even one male vtuber from obscurity.

Your misunderstand the minds of fujos. They WANT their 2views to stay obscure so they can groom them and be special. Fujos actively sabotage male chuuba growth.

>> No.57446571

blame hololive copying the idol model
i am sorry for your loss but you still have nijisanji to cater to your needs, as well as every other streamer in the world.

>> No.57446762

Hate? Hard to tell what unicorn retards experience in human terms. It's much more complex and stupid.

They define their "devotion" to "their oshi" only in terms of whether they collab with males or not. Much like numberfags, they don't care about what the chuuba does, what she streams, what clips come out, what covers she does. You can ocasionally see the retards make threads gloating that "their oshi" allegedly doesn't collab with males. That's literally the only thing that matters to them. That's it. There's nothing else. They genuinely "think" their surrogate girlfriend/mother is cheating on them if she speaks with a male.

It's most likely some form of mental illness. Friendly reminder - schizos, autists, retards, brain damaged invalids, room temperature IQ "people" and just regular trolls all exist. They are among us. They post with us. Even regular irl flesh idols collab and talk with males all the time. Yet they don't generate this obscene level of neuroticism.

Any /here/ chuuba reading anything anti-male, anything anti frankly, should remember that what they're reading was not necessarily written by a person. But rather a "person". The only reason they congregate here is because every other place bans them on the spot.

>> No.57447232

they are to retarded to understand why they're retarded in the first place, just ignore and move on

>> No.57447545

>unironically thinks a woman would listen to him over me

>> No.57447630

>Women create a space for themselves to thrive within a male dominated industry that doesn't force them to bare their breasts for an exclusively male audience.
>Men start getting shoved into the space
Not even saying there isn't room for male vtubers, but claiming that female exclusive groups need frontlining men in them is, itself, tone deaf and misogynistic.

>> No.57448166
File: 3.81 MB, 556x740, 1693180464772374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57448510

Male vtubers hate unicorns because they are the only thing stopping vtubing from being virtual tinder.

>> No.57448410

Most people /here/ are either schizos or have NijiEN ptsd. Or both.

>> No.57448510
Quoted by: >>57448774

you have to walk me trough that one chief
what the hell do you think goes on in a game of mario party or smth that you come to compare it to tinder lol
that has to be bait

>> No.57448571

Pretty much this. The top streamers have usually always been male, women finally have a leg up - and then we have men and stupid women complaining for them want to be popular in that particular niche.

>> No.57448774
Quoted by: >>57456829

He isnt too far off, actually. People on the JP sphere of vtubing call games like Apex "matchmaking games". I dont know how frequent it is, but there is a degree of truth to it.

>> No.57448949
File: 193 KB, 637x431, 1552502041773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57449298 [DELETED] 

>Women create a space for themselves
Where? Vtubing started corporate and all of the top vtubers remain corporate. The success of a vtuber also relies heavily on how sexually attractive their model is deemed to their audience, which remains almost exclusively male mind you. I'm not calling anyone a chud and I'm not saying men should dominate the field - but it's no coincidence "whore" is one of the most used words on this board.

>> No.57449340
Quoted by: >>57450177

Homobeggars are really obsessed with unicorns.
How many girls have you saved from the evil unicorns, anon?

>> No.57450177

no, no, he has a solid point

>> No.57450343
Quoted by: >>57450859


>> No.57450533

watch whatever males you want, just keep it far far away from Hololive.

>> No.57450840

I didn't even lift a finger. It wasnt hard at all, faggot.

>> No.57450859
Quoted by: >>57450910

it's called "ed reductio ad absurdum" but since the first anon was just stating facts, that kinda doesn't have the imagined impact

>> No.57450910
Quoted by: >>57451039

The first anon was retarded and you're about 12

>> No.57450946

Yeah get this fag out of this board

>> No.57451039
Quoted by: >>57451417

>stating obvious facts which retards don't understand
um... hm.. you retard
>you're 12
you did not just unironically try to use the "kiddies" "insult" in 2023, did you?

>> No.57451169

Then you will remember that the VRChat RP community was known early on for several controversies of virtual harassment. There were reports of how uncomfortable and personally violated people felt after their avatar was molested. This was reported on some gaming tabloids too, but the implications were known before VRChat even existed. Because when you ground yourself into an avatar then you risk bleed through of your RP experiences. So, it wasn't accidental but it was a result of the kind of community that VRChat RP fostered. Your surprise and outrage that habitual harassers find avenues to continue harassing is a little incredulous to say the least.

>> No.57451260

Coed collabs. Stars were just a sidejoke since they mostly stopped cross-collabing. Then StarsEN happened and The Squad had bright ideas

>> No.57451376
Quoted by: >>57451463

>you understand that often male vtubers are also doing things behind the scenes for female vtubers right
and there it is kek

>> No.57451417
Quoted by: >>57452234


>> No.57451420
File: 54 KB, 768x768, 1689299157211840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one hates male vtubers per se.

It's when said vtubers try to get into the walled garden that we bully them to graduation as it's right and proper.

>> No.57451463
Quoted by: >>57451565

The male vtuber? me
The behind the scenes thing I'm doing? your oshi

>> No.57451565

ok cuck fetishist

>> No.57451639 [DELETED] 

>why is there so much hate for male Vtubers?
Because vtubing is a place for cute girls doing cute things. Men inherently don't belong in it. And the men who want do want to become vtubers are fucking nutcases.
>harassing them to the point of quitting or actively sabotaging male vtubers is sick.
It's called gatekeeping and it's how unicorns protect this hobby. Every graduated male vtuber is one more tumor removed.
>for context a lot of male vtubers are also riggers, artists, musicians, 3d modelers, and producers for females vtubers tracks.
Kek. What kind of retarded homobeggar delusion is this?

>> No.57451720

>why is there so much hate for male Vtubers?
Because vtubing is a place for cute girls doing cute things. Men inherently don't belong in it. And the men who do want to become vtubers are fucking nutcases.
>harassing them to the point of quitting or actively sabotaging male vtubers is sick.
It's called gatekeeping and it's how unicorns protect this hobby. Every graduated male vtuber is one more tumor removed.
>for context a lot of male vtubers are also riggers, artists, musicians, 3d modelers, and producers for females vtubers tracks.
Kek. What kind of retarded homobeggar delusion is this?

>> No.57451768
Quoted by: >>57452271

Homobeggar thinks that banning mixed gender collab somehow means sabotaging starsEN.

>> No.57451894
Quoted by: >>57508169

>won't tolerate males in vtubing but otherwise has no problem with them whatsoever
>Tumblr feminists
>hates males in any and all contexts
>implying these two groups are similar
Hey sister, what's it feel like to be retarded?

>> No.57452132

If removing male vtubers from the community negatively impacts a female vtuber then she didnt deserve to be a vtuber anyway. Im glad you feel unwelcome.

>> No.57452226

What? I didn't even do anything besides few posts here having a laugh. Is this enough for shitty chuubers to graduate? Might as well up my game.

>> No.57452234
Quoted by: >>57452290

>retards being to retarded to understand how retarded they are
case in point lol

>> No.57452271

Homobeggars know deep down that nobody wants to watch Tempus. But they can't cope with it so they invented a false narrative where Tempus is utterly amazing and the only thing holding them back from being popular is a lack of exposure. And the only way to get this magical exposure is to leech off the girls by collabing with them(this has never actually worked but they're too delusional to care). That's why they seethe at the idea of banning intergender collabs that and the fact a lot of them are unironic cucks

>> No.57452286

Vtubing is mostly dominated by male fans. Male fans with lots of extra income due to the lack of other vices, lovers, etc. As a male myself, I’m not interested in male vtubers and even though a male vtuber may manage to be an interesting funny guy that I’d watch; It won’t be at the same level with a female vtuber that I want to spoil. Now with the idea of finances aside. Male vtubers can only be worth watching to male fans if they’re highly skilled/talented at something or has really good comedic sense. The problem, if we want high level skills, top players/talents are fleshtubers. If we want comedy then we won’t stick to one streamer but instead watch several so their bits won’t get stale quickly. This means we won’t pay as much as well. Current male vtubers also don’t cater to sc/donations sent by males. Watch male fleshtubers, you’ll see quickly why they get donated to by their majority male audience. Male vtubing is weak sauce compared to fleshtubers.

>> No.57452290

>thinks its successfully arguing

>> No.57452337
Quoted by: >>57453533

>ive been in the community (of vtubers) since the old days
>Lately ive noticed this unicorn shit
Bait thread.

>> No.57452415

This is correct.

>> No.57452946
Quoted by: >>57466667

4ch is full of fucking retards that should be taken with a grain of salt. It's a mix of serious, trolling, and stupid shit that you won't be able to tell.
if you believe everything they say, you yourself need help. not only that, they're only 1% and the fucking loudest of the actual fanbase.

>> No.57452998

At its core male watchers watch vtubers as cope for lack of irl interactions with females. Its a cope, when the male appears that fantasy is broken and people dont like that.

>> No.57453054
Quoted by: >>57462353

false, its because of a lack of irl interactions with Japanese/cute girls.
Women are hard to avoid unfortunately

>> No.57453060

If i people wanted to watch males, they could just watch normal streamers. Vtubing is about cute anime girls doing cute things.

>> No.57453353
File: 481 KB, 950x675, 1685921309439589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because when I watch vtubers it's the only time I watch women, and I watch them because they're women. The rest of the time I watch men and dislike it if there's a woman on screen since they're always low-skilled charisma vacuums.
Think of it like a porn game, if I was playing a game called Elf Onee-san Paizuri Heaven I'd get annoyed that there's a loli in there since I want fat elf tits. I have no problem with loli on it's own, I just don't want it when I'm in the mood for fat tits.

And no one cared about it much before since a lot of content was in videos and let's plays, not streams which boost parasocial behaviour into overdrive.

>> No.57453518
File: 41 KB, 456x399, 1606214975323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57454361

No one cared about male-female collabs until collab beggars shat the bed by invading streams and flooding chat in some misguided sense of justice. You retards made your bed, you can lie in it.

>> No.57453533

I'm sure you can explain how he's wrong?
One of the four kings was a dude, most vtubers at the time interacted with males regularly, and one of the more popular vtuber groups in early 2018 was a mixed one and two of its members were constantly being shipped together. Many popular vtubers back in 2018 were male and idolshit was hated which is why the idol club took some time to take off properly.
Unicorns barely even existed at the time.

>> No.57453647


>> No.57453795
File: 756 KB, 600x600, 1671347598095018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57454047

>and idolshit was hated
.Live was very succesful as an idol group until they imploded due to one of their members causing cataclysmic drama.

>> No.57454047

It was, but not initially. It took some months for them to get going. At the beginning they were regarded as Baacharu's harem and nothing more.

>> No.57454361
File: 2.02 MB, 1152x1728, 1692399338775158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, the troons here trying to shut down a venue that they think spiritually sustains their enemy vastly outweigh any actual fans to the point I feel bad for the boys. I know this thread and every troonpost in it was made in bad faith but I'd like to remind them that they messed up these guys careers by brigading. Brigading just to hurt the enemy too, sickening, we all know you do it. We all know what it's all really about.

>is X in the room with us?
This is what they did to the people who's adult pride became contingent on the social validity of a degree in underwater basket weaving, so yes actually they are, it's not not like they're at work.

>> No.57455043

>he has a solid point
What point? That unicorns are bad and people should watch your homos because they're being harassed?
Then what? everyone can be happy?

>> No.57455152

Because the idea of RPing as an anime character on the internet is a feminine thing to do imo. You might as well remove your balls and wear a bra if you plan on becoming a male vtuber

>> No.57455689
File: 694 KB, 900x1080, disgusted_subaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> degenerate homobeggars fuck their food
I didn't need to know this

>> No.57455737

>created to contain the most cancerous vtuber fanbase
/vt/ is essentially the only place on the internet to have real discussion about vtubers. The postings in individual corpo/chuuba generals are usually indicative of what the fans of that corpo/chuuba think

>> No.57456259
File: 752 KB, 833x713, 1684220089827492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those guys were pieces of shit and wanted out enough to screw all of their genmates out of money, screw their fans and for some fucking reason screw them self's out a large paycheck, by not even doing a graduation stream.
Since it came out for sure they didn't get fired that means this fucking asshole Begged for model updates (Magi being a smaller one, but openly shitting on their artist on twitter for one) then just most likely ending their contract and fucking off off right before their anniversary, before the big Stars and this super fucking over their gemmates mega hard. Don't know why people act like they were some kind of victims after came out that this is pretty much what happened now that we know they they were fired or anything. These guys were just griefers and ready to fuck over anyone from the get-go if they pulled this

>> No.57456829

While true, this is an insult directed towards females, not males. It's never the males looking for the relationships in those situations. A good western proxy would be "gamer gurls." But yes, you bring up a good point.

>> No.57457659

>VRChat RP community
eeewwwww. go away furry.

>> No.57457777

>Suishit image
>Worst take possible
Never fails...

>> No.57458318
Quoted by: >>57459473

>but harassing them to the point of quitting or actively sabotaging male vtubers is sick.
Vesper and Magni were fired by Cover. Maybe they were asking management to give some other talent a redesign and they were friends with Kronii. Wouldn't be that hard to imagine them doing that since Magni's last member's post was about him always repaying debts.

>> No.57458690

I still don't understand this fleshtuber argument that always gets brought up. If Jerma started vtubing, would he suddenly be less funny or entertaining? People act like it's some law of the universe that it's impossible for a male vtuber to be as funny or entertaining as a flesh one. Why? There is no logical correlation.

>> No.57458795

nice larp posting anon

>> No.57458970

>90s aidoru culture
rent free
You only stereotype when it's freaking convenient for you, and hate it when you or a fucking minority gets stereotyped.

>> No.57459189

I hope you forever stay a 1view, homo.

>> No.57459282

t. butthurt vtuber/vtweeter/pngtuber that can't break 2view numbers
Just stream a game without an avatar or just use a cam instead, Stop riding on dying fads like vtubing and actually produce entertaining content, if you think people are not liking a certain niche and you proceed to push a narrative that All fricking background people involved in production are vtubers themselves that belong in a certain niche then you better start taking meds.

>> No.57459473
Quoted by: >>57464534

This dumbass cope needs to be quashed. Why the fuck would the girls need help from minor employees in a completely different branch who're in a pay bracket that's an order of magnitude LESS than the least popular girl? It's like saying that two janitors left because "their friend" in upper management in a completely different office had problems with their boss.
You are retarded to even imagine this. The least popular girl has way more bargaining power with management than those two stars such that asking the boys for help wouldn't even factor; they'd be more inclined to run crying to A-chan or the other girls.
It's perplexing you fags would even think this is at all plausible. Have to keep the mental gymnastics spinning so that those precious two fags aren't at fault, huh?

What's infinitely more likely: two chumps vastly, severely, overestimated their importance and worth to the business and got their bluff called.

>> No.57460152

>They are entertainers not actually your wife, gf, etc.
And I am entertained by CGDCT.

>> No.57460352

>since the old days (pre-kizuna)
literally impossible, unless your name is ami yamato

>> No.57460616
File: 457 KB, 671x389, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>originally there was a demand for male vtubers and the demand often came from the VRChat RP community even before it got over saturated.
There could've been a timeline where Chipz of all people became the biggest EN male Vtuber and I'm so glad we Holo/Niji EN plus Shoto instead

>> No.57460872

>make their content good
aka cater to your delusions. Go into the military or something so atleast you can actually feel some sense of purpose for once

>> No.57461071

I'm 100% committed to the belief that the intense anti-male sentiment on /vt/ primarily started as an ironic meme and too many people on this board are too retarded to read between the lines and embraced the meme unironically.

> but muh idol culture

Shut the fuck up, it's not a part of idol culture to prevent women from interacting with men. It's definitely a standard to keep women from acknowledging they have IRL boyfriends, but there's plenty of idols who interact with men professionally.

On-screen collabs between men and women are professional interactions. Most of the people are not even FRIENDS much less romantic. They are coworkers. Mori does not want to fuck Vesper just because they played Uno online from different continents.

Want to get mad at Enna for meeting up with Kyo IRL? Go for it, I understand how that crosses a line for some people.

>> No.57461131

>NOOOO stop watching anime girls and die for zog!!!
Sister spotted lol

>> No.57461163
Quoted by: >>57461771

>but harassing them to the point of quitting or actively sabotaging male vtubers is sick.
Homobeggers harass them into doing male collabs, because they’re a toxic community. Nothing wrong with separate stuff for males and females, including separate sports teams. If you tried to force women into a male sports team, many people would still not like it.

>> No.57461292

>go into the military
>feel some sense of purpose for once
Unfortunately mutually exclusive these days. You can thank the post-war liberal world order for that.

>> No.57461771
Quoted by: >>57462050

>harassing them to the point of quitting or actively sabotaging male vtubers is sick
Does that even happen? 99% of people only get angry when they collab with females. I don't see anyone going into solo male streams and harassing them or having a problem with males who don't collab. They just don't watch them.

>> No.57461849

>is ok when holo did it
Ok brony

>> No.57461873 [DELETED] 


>> No.57462050

You guys have been saying you will destroy the girls who don’t collab. But even if we ignore that, you still deflect away from this statement: If you tried to force women into a male sports team, many people would still not like it. You don’t need to force your way into stuff.

>> No.57462097

>it was ironic you chuds!!!!
roundhouse kick newfags

>> No.57462109

Because the ones that exist are whores who always feel the need to chase after females instead of focusing on their own yumejoshi audience who aren't interested in them chasing after other female vtubers. Says a lot about Western men that they find it impossible to control themselves.

>> No.57462204

>im a male vtuber and do collabs with females often
Whore. Tell me who you are so I'll never watch you

Fucking KEK

>> No.57462298 [DELETED] 

This >>57452998
This board is a containment for the incels and misandrist feminist types of the hobby. Don't take anything other then some general threads seriously op

>> No.57462306

>Go into the military or something
Kek What the fuck is this nonsense? And I don't want to be Watamate anyway. I already have an oshi.

>> No.57462353
Quoted by: >>57484659

don't try to deflect anon, you and I both know he's right

>> No.57462395
Quoted by: >>57462585

This. I don't see why this is impossible to comprehend to do many people.

>> No.57462585 [DELETED] 
File: 2.22 MB, 640x632, wobble-pensive-emoji.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikr? All those female vtubers just want to stream alone in peace and suddenly those sex pest men kick down the door and force the poor girls to collab with them.

>> No.57462729

total homobegger death

>> No.57462761

I don't hate them at all. I just want them to stay in the niche. Same thing with the more sexual vtubers, they fill a market and that is perfectly acceptable.

What I'm not fine with is them trying to strong arm their way into a space they are very clearly not welcome in. Call it toxic all you want, but people want GFE without males and you twisting people's arms is not going to make you liked lol. I don't know why this is so difficult to grasp. You're not in the majority in this situation so you're not going to be appreciated ever. You're a minority who already has a space and is now trying to shit up someone else's space.

>> No.57462794
Quoted by: >>57462985

Vesper will never be near hololive ever again. Altare is next. You lost. Keep spamming iyrs because she didn't want to voice chat with the stars. It won't change anything.

>> No.57462985 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>57463377

I don't watch Hololive male or female you nigger. I am simply tired OF you no life idiots shitting this board because you faggots invade even unrelated threads now

>> No.57463069
Quoted by: >>57463152

To the men in this thread, you are honestly so lucky to even have female vtubers that don't collab with men at all. I wish there were more male vtubers that won't collab with females but that seems impossible. You're so lucky...

>> No.57463102
Quoted by: >>57463197

What happens if a female is the one to ask a male for a collab?

>> No.57463152

Sorry that all men are whores, sis. We can't help it.

>> No.57463197 [DELETED] 

That's what I was sarcastically implying anon....

>> No.57463377
Quoted by: >>57463562

>getting this upset
Call them a homobeggar and watch as they recoil. "I've been found out".

>> No.57463562 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 680x434, a07a8e53cf9923873f78a7c0fc8c7ede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57464355


>> No.57463677
Quoted by: >>57463759

Yup he's mad.

>> No.57463692
Quoted by: >>57504540

You retarded newfag, male vtubers were a thing from the beginning, if you count babiniku as males literally the second vtuber as we know it was a male.

>> No.57463759 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>57464355

I accept your concession seanigger

>> No.57463963

>I'm 100% committed to the belief that the intense anti-male sentiment on /vt/
you don't need this board to see that male collabs are so incredibly unpopular that the girls that indulge in it habitually suffer relative to their colleagues that don't, unless you believe that everyone that watches vtubers is /here/ in such numbers

>> No.57464355
Quoted by: >>57465160

>every homobeggar is one ownage away from posting le jaks
Somebody felt called out. Keep whinging little baby. You lost.

>> No.57464534

>This dumbass cope needs to be quashed. Why the fuck would the girls need help from minor employees in a completely different branch who're in a pay bracket that's an order of magnitude LESS than the least popular girl?
Since bargaining power is not directly related to money in Japanese companies. Cover rushed out redesigns for Tempus in less than a year when hololive talents with 10 times more viewers can take years to get a redesign. Magni and Vesper had more bargaining power than Kronii because management puts so much value in promoting Tempus.

>> No.57465160 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 600x800, FYZ4yabXEAA9So-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somebody felt called out. Keep whinging little baby. You lost.

>> No.57465476

The state of homobeggars

>> No.57465613

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.57465732 [DELETED] 

>Thinking they need to be taken seriously
The state of room temperature iq unicucks

>> No.57466667

should we believe anything /you/ say tho if i am following your poast (if you are from 4chon?)?


>> No.57466938

I love you guys, for that reason i'm going to do you a solid. Do you see why this kind of bait thread is so successful?


Watch, I bet at least someone is going to respond to this poast. You shouldn't because I am baiting you to.

>> No.57467391

yesn't, not quite what i meant
>people should watch your homos because
not what i said
everybody can watch whoever they want, if you want to watch exclusively males, cool
if you want to watch exclusively females, cool too, nobody care, or at least nobody "should" care
but nobody can argue with the fact that unicorns are actively damaging the vtubing hobby by harassing random chuubas and/or fandoms that never did anything wrong and the worst part is you can't even explain it to said unicorns bc they don't even see the damage they cause
just watch what you want, let others watch what they want, nobody needs to be mad and everybody is happy and has a good time

>> No.57467861

>>57467391 (me)
of course same applies to collab beggars
truly subhuman behavior, i'd never beg for anybody to collab with someone, getting a stream schedule up and organizing collabs is the chuubas job, not mine nor yours
i watch the girls
i also support the girls
same goes for the boys as well
just let people enjoy some streams after work and don't be an ass about it simple as that

>> No.57467884

hang yourself

>> No.57467917

NTA but do these rules only apply to unicorns or also to homobeggars and other fags who harass chuubas and their fans? How about other groups? I'm really interested to hear about your hypocrisy and also your opinion on invisible guns.

>> No.57468107
Quoted by: >>57509213

In the past, male vtubers were underdogs who fought in a female dominated industry and had to put out content that was above and beyond that of their female counterparts to get attention. The Japanese scene was filled with men that had to eat up the stage to get any attention, and kept an excellent professional standard. Even the early indie males in the English scene did their best to have something to offer and were usually very relatable in their investment in weeb culture.

A lot of people gave them a fair chance as they started to grow, but then Luxiem came out, and with some apprehensions, people watched them too and the opportunity let them explode. Except, then it turned out that Luxiem and subsequent generations of Nijimales were shitters who were exploiting gender double standards to pander to fans harder than any women could ever get away with. The male indie scene around this time, though not too differently from the female scene, filled up with people that only picked up a L2D so they could flirt with women or profiteer when a lot of them were entry level weebs at best or had nothing to offer at all except that they failed at being normalfags and wanted the money. Rapidly, it became clear that an overwhelming majority of men who found any success were just predators or grifters that used the absolute worst methods to grow themselves, things that women would shy away from because they acted on more empathy. Leeches, dramatubers, and sexpests were overwhelmingly male.

Finally Tempus came out, and even still people gave them a fair shake out of a desire for a male vtuber. This ended up ruining the reputation of men forever, because as it turns out, straight male parasocials of other men are the absolute worst, seeing their oshi as a personal friend and an extension of themselves, and they began to militantly shitpost and attack the rest of the culture.

Thinly veiled behind a layer of "at least they're not my imaginary girlfriend", they began to destroy the foundation that the rest of the scene existed on, things that even Luxiem fans had begrudging respect for. The idea that vtubers are correctly merchandise. They ruined things not just for hololive fans, but also for holostars fans. And then finally, two of them, a sexpest and a grifter naturally, after actively antagonizing viewers, left the company in a huff and ruined Tempus itself, screwing over tons of people.

The hatred of male vtubers isn't the type of irrational hatred people have towards another race for failing to match their skin. It's the type of hatred people have for enemies that demonstrably salted their fields.

>> No.57468417

Unicorns are gatekeeping the hobby and any vtubers they harass into quitting shouldnt have been vtubers in the first place. They are doing "damage" in the same way an antibiotic does damage. Male vtubers will simply never be as desired as female vtubers.

>> No.57471230

>Both direct (you)s for the male vtuber are seething ESL retardfaggots seeing his existance as a threat
I can't say I didn't expect it but holy shit you really can't make this stuff up. Best of luck on your journey, male vtuber-kun. Maybe one day they'll realize their oshis are just women and they'll just go back to watching anime, and the world will be a better place for it.

>> No.57471349 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>57471513

Hololive is synonymous with the vtubing industry, retard, they are one and the samd

>> No.57471513

careful now, don't make fun of that, some of the most retarded schizos /here/ might actually believe this

>> No.57473555


>> No.57473670

Reddit spacing. Opinion disregarded.

>> No.57473708
Quoted by: >>57473852

Just made me hate male vtuber more

>> No.57473852

nta but i 100% believe you, backwards logic seems to be the meta /here/

>> No.57474069

I'm going to find a Vtuber that does male collabs and harass them purely out of spite for these posts. Hope you faggots are happy.

>> No.57474446

whores deserve to graduate

>> No.57474558

I don't get the image.

>> No.57475615

read this until you understand, kill yourself faggot

>> No.57478057

Question is why didn't you graduate too. Why did you miss the opportunity?

>> No.57478133
Quoted by: >>57478678

As a dude, its extremely hard to relate to a bishie anime boy (or whatever the fuck your avatar is), compared to a fleshtuber.
Male vtubers can be entertaining, but watching an anime boy for hours feels... odd. Its hard to explain it, and im not even an unicorn.

>> No.57478678

>>57478133 (me)
You could argue its about selling a fantasy of watching anime girls doing cute shit, because most of my exposure to anime boys come mostly from shounen anime and manga, meanwhile i can enjoy an anime girl doing whatever retarded shit no matter the context, call it a preference if you want to, having a dude join in breaks the immersion and fantasy for many (either be for parasocial or entertainment purposes).
On top of all this, knowing that the streaming viewership is very heavily male dominated, not only that but straight male dominated, and its no surprise Holostars cant pull numbers.

>> No.57481086

now that is hilarious

>> No.57482067

>you understand that often male vtubers are also doing things behind the scenes for female vtubers right?
yeah like getting them pregnant

unicorns keep shitting up this board but the truth is every single holo has pushed out at least one of my mexican half breeds from her vagina, and often many more

many such cases

>> No.57484528

>but nobody can argue with the fact that unicorns are actively damaging the vtubing hobby by harassing random chuubas and/or fandoms that never did anything wrong and the worst part is you can't even explain it to said unicorns bc they don't even see the damage they cause
So homobeggars are good because they support the homos? So if watch your homos does that make me a good person unlike the bad, evil unicorns?
Why are you obsessed with unicorns anyway? Do you watch your chuuba while thinking how much you hate unicorns?

>> No.57484611

>im a male vtuber
>recently a friend of mine graduated because of people like you

>> No.57484659

I have had a very interesting life sexually, all of my stories are interesting from running away from a Muslim girls uncles chasing us in a van or fucking a married woman who kept showing me The Smiths, The Cure, Lightning Seeds etc

>> No.57485091

no gatekeeping is based go watch fleshtubers

>> No.57485292

Vtubing is about impersonating a LARGER THAN LIFE "fictional" character, in our chase is a roleplay of some anime character archetype.

Fermales can easy do the classic "cute girl do cute things", that works very well with gaming/talking/singing.
But males can't do shit, male anime characters are action oriented, even the comedy rely on complex setting/gag (how do you manage a cromartie or gintama dude, you can't), is the limit of streaming media of gaming/chatting.
As such, all male vtubers are just normie/gamers with a pointless anime avatar or at best some gay fanservice seducer for the fujos niche.

>> No.57485466

It's very simple. Did you think there would be no pushback at all from calling a fanbase 'unicorns' for liking what they like and trying to impose on them? Back then people were content to stay in their own lanes, now you fuckers escalated it into a war and you can fucking deal with the consequences.

>> No.57485631
Quoted by: >>57486143

So basically males need to lean even harder into the kayfabe than females do?

>> No.57485805

>But males can't do shit, male anime characters are action oriented, even the comedy rely on complex setting/gag (how do you manage a cromartie or gintama dude, you can't), is the limit of streaming media of gaming/chatting.
An insightful post on /vt/? Is this allowed?

>> No.57486143
Quoted by: >>57487364

No, males lack archetypes for streaming (chatting/gaming).

Males vtubers are supposed to do A GOKU, A NARUTO, A KENSHIRO.
But you can't stream as a goku... gamer? Who chat about mundane crap?
Males got no options, is hopeless.

Girls got it easy, last year biggest anime character was... bocchi from bocchi the rock.
That's fucking aqua and aqua is 100% natural.

>> No.57486877

>im a male vtuber
so you're a faggot
opinion discarded

>> No.57487085
Quoted by: >>57487257

Unicorns are mentally ill cucks.

>> No.57487257
Quoted by: >>57502101

no u

>> No.57487364

what you said just sounds like drunken incoherent rambling
No one thinks like that, not even about girls

>> No.57487469

In the end, all this talk is about male le bad but where the fuck are the girls, where are the 12-36k female viewers?

>> No.57493571

You mean that game overflowing with furry tranny pedophiles? You're going to put any stock in what those filthy degenerates want?

>> No.57496998
File: 65 KB, 266x254, Bern is disgusted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57497104

50th reply

>> No.57501892

based male chuuba

>> No.57502101

Yes they are. But majority are from America. Cum eating cuckolds.

>> No.57503164

I hate the average male vtuber, most of them are failed VAs looking for pussy and nothing else. Also the males that don't know their place, if you see a vtuber doing GFE or a corp that is know for doing CGDCT, then why the fuck you wanna self insert in that group. Also there's a lot of male vtubers that are groomers that use their connections just meet girls to fuck, like with the apex tournaments and that shit. For the majority of them the small group of people doing their thing get bad reputation

>> No.57503720
File: 1.65 MB, 220x293, AnotherOneBitesTheDust[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Falbeoj.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57515387

>recently a friend of mine graduated because of people like you
Good, she never belonged here

>> No.57504540
File: 3.12 MB, 429x498, PumpIt[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fq3nia3.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57508381

>ad antiquitatem
And they are very successful now aren't they? they are the current meta right?
Guess we have to abolish women's rights because let's remember that they were never a thing.

>> No.57505547
Quoted by: >>57515319

no one outside of fujos and yumejos want to watch anime males
know your place fucking grifter

>> No.57506822

>Men don't like women
And yet, it's the men hating on other men in defense of their precious girl vtubers, who they will also hate on if she even side-eye's a guy.

I think many vtuber/idol fans just have mental issues.

>> No.57507939

I don't think those two groups of fans are the ones she was referring to LMAO

>> No.57508169

>but otherwise has no problem with them whatsoever
yeah okay nice cope when unicorns freaks out them all the time.
"theyre chill otherwise" doesnt matter if theyre never chill and always upset.

>> No.57508381
Quoted by: >>57509782

so what your saying is that vtubers are just egirls because theyre the meta

>> No.57509213

>Nijimales were shitters who were exploiting gender double standards to pander to fans harder than any women could ever get away with

how is luxiem doing bfe and baiting parasocial feelings any different from what rushia or lamy or any hardcore gfe vtuber does? if anything rushia is even worse since Hololive was outright selling her "engagement ring"

>> No.57509419
File: 831 KB, 600x600, Celebration[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F726nb0.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks, I feel very good for myself though.

>> No.57509782
File: 103 KB, 320x293, 1638589326816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57510091

>vtubers are just egirls
As opposed to what? smoke signal girls?

>> No.57510091

you see thats because there isnt a difference.
most /vt/ anons identities have always been built on double standards.
anons got upset when theyre were called out for thinking they were above simping for egirls, just because the egirl had a vtuber paint.
anons get upset when theyre called out for being shitty to everyone while claiming theyre the victims of nijiniggers homobegger vshojofags or really any other buzz word, as if their behavior isnt why those groups now act shitty towards them.
im waiting on light girls myself

>> No.57510244
Quoted by: >>57511002

>faggots who want to believe that vtubing is 90s aidoru culture
Oh no not even that, you can blame AKB48 for the current model of Idoldom. These niggers nurture "Renai kishi jorei" for their entire existence, tapping into the hollow heart of single men.
Being a fan of Idol used to mean literal and wholesome grooming (nurturing fatherly senses), not romantic possessiveness.

>> No.57511002
Quoted by: >>57514411

id say lovelive did more damage to it then akb48.
akb48 only prevented them from having male dating, meanwhile lovelive cemented the idea of no males allowed by having their worlds basically devoid of males outside of faceless npcs.

>> No.57512065
File: 50 KB, 227x222, pekogore[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1apqcu.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57515097

>anons got upset when theyre were called out for thinking they were above simping for egirls, just because the egirl had a vtuber paint.
>>>>>>>4chan is one person

>anons get upset when theyre called out for being shitty to everyone while claiming theyre the victims of nijiniggers homobegger vshojofags or really any other buzz word, as if their behavior isnt why those groups now act shitty towards them.
EXCUSE ME??? we didn't harass a nijigirl into quitting like they did to Aloe, none of our holo girls publicly talked shit about the rival companies like veibae and connor did and unlike homobeggars we support our girls and we watch them all the time instead of only when they collab with the boys. You haven't realized yet but you are the scum, you are invading the hobby and ruining for the people that have been enjoying it for a while with your cuck shit.
>b-but you guys are mean
All out war faggot.

>> No.57512527
File: 76 KB, 203x203, lilniggaogey4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes let us remember all the exploits of our friends at HoloStars EN such as....
Oh yeah, graduating before the first anniversary. That was a funny moment!

>> No.57512936

The hate guarantees that only the best men can rise up. The trannies and fags just give up. The good men get sorted out.

>> No.57513509

Assuming my oshi ever collabs with males, then good riddance

>> No.57514411

Bang dream more like
Love Live niggers are at least civil enough about it (not to mention encouraging fans to date)
Bang Dream fandom is not dissimilar to current VTuber unicorns.

>> No.57514778
Quoted by: >>57514878

No you dont understand every vtuber I watch is LITERALLY my GF and if I see them even talk to a man im being KEKED and shes a WHORE! But for real theres just a lot of incels in the vtuber community for some reason and they have nothing but free time they can spend harassing people.

>> No.57514790
Quoted by: >>57516164

what are your thoughts on male vtubers who try and harass female vtubers into collabing with them?

>> No.57514878

You're not funny. Not even your discord friends laugh at your 'jokes'

>> No.57514943

you gonna fuck your oshi you limp dicked loser? Really? Think for five seconds you retard

>> No.57515064

If fujos have a demand for this then why do the ones on /a/ salivate over female shonen characters dying?

>> No.57515097
Quoted by: >>57522651

This guy really wrote a whole essay justifying that its ok be an unhinged anti to NijiEN because a long time some Japanese people harassed Aloe into graduating... I can say with 100% certainty it wasnt English speakers harassing her

>> No.57515148
Quoted by: >>57515343

>no argument just playground insults
I accept your concession

>> No.57515193

Why is this bait thread still alive?

>> No.57515319

If you dont like then dont watch but being this assmad about it is pathetic.

>> No.57515343
Quoted by: >>57515476

My argument is being a sarcastic sassy gay man is not much of a personality. More of a caricature meant to replace a personality.

>> No.57515387
Quoted by: >>57515523

So an indie girl doesnt belong in the vtuber community just because they stream with guys? Why? Just watch the plethora of vtuber girls who dont stream with guys ever.

>> No.57515476
Quoted by: >>57515574

If being sarcastic gay man is my personality then being an angry incel is yours kek

>> No.57515523
Quoted by: >>57515663

Your 2 view friend didn't have an audience and she graduated to evade your grooming attempts. Instead of being angry at /vt/ who doesn't even know who the fuck you are talking be happy she spared your feelings. stop trying to steal /vt/'s shtick while you are at it.

>> No.57515558

So your terminally online and you dont even have friends? Thats kinda sad man...

>> No.57515574
Quoted by: >>57515757

Married men with children are called incels now so what is that supposed to mean?

>> No.57515663
Quoted by: >>57515939

All I did was ask for an explanation and I get this wall off seethe. Im not the anon your referring to btw Im just genuinely curious why you hate all male collabing vtubers to the point of being an anti instead of just literally not watching.

>> No.57515669
File: 53 KB, 518x752, 1693398321040747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few things are as gay as a man with an anime avatar. I don't mind male vtubers as long as I'm not forced to watch them. As soon as a female vtuber starts enabling these fags by collabing or even acknowledging them is the moment I drop her. Just keep that fag ass gay shit away from me.

>> No.57515757

>A married man with children cant even form a basic argument to back up his opinions and is crying about m*le vtubers
Yeah I feel bad for your kids, this is actually somehow worse than you being an incel

>> No.57515870

I think this attitude is fine as long as you dont harass girls over their decision. But unfortunately harassment over this issue is very common.

>> No.57515939
Quoted by: >>57519440

The majority do just stop watching. Sperging on /vt/ isn't anti behavior. None of the girls see this shit except maybe when bvtm shoves it in their face.

>> No.57515986

Man is the most oppressed gender

>> No.57515991
Quoted by: >>57516217

You correlate every girl choosing not to do this as them being harassed over it though.

>> No.57516164

Obviously thats wrong. And of course people will use this as justification to harass every male vtuber instead of just being mad at the people who actually did it. Theres nothing wrong with choosing to not do male collabs and peoples choices should be respected. This goes both ways and vtubers who choose to do male collabs shouldnt get harassed either. People should just watch who they like and stop trying to cancel people who fall outside their sub genre of vtubing.

>> No.57516214

OP is a retard for the sole reason that they came to 4chan with the hope of a reasonable conversation.

>> No.57516217

Wtf are you on about? Tons of girls have gotten harassed specifically because they chose to do a male collab. Or are you just memory holing all that?

>> No.57516296
Quoted by: >>57516466


>> No.57516466
Quoted by: >>57516663

males who beg for collab from someone who doesnt collab with males or if they already said no are cringe. people who harass all male vtubers over this happening are also cringe.

>> No.57516579

>says the anon talking with an anime avatar
I think you are gay and should stay away from my oshi

>> No.57516663

Maybe you should stand on your own two feet as a content creator instead of depending on collabs to grow. Most of the vtubers I watch don't do a ton of collabs in general, they can entertain an audience all by themselves. Collabs between normal non streamer content creators typically are rare too mainly because they know what their audience wants.

>> No.57516827
File: 422 KB, 627x627, 1608324361842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true, fleshtubers don't really collab that often at all and if they do, it's usually between two content creators who are already pretty well established on their own. I don't know why collabs in general have become so common and such a crutch in the vtubing community. Focus on growing your own channel and community first. All the collabs in the world won't mean shit if you can't entertain an audience on your own.

>> No.57516889
Quoted by: >>57517359

anon wtf are you talking about? show me where in my post I said anyone is entitled to a collab or that collabs are a necessity to succeed? All im saying is dont harass all male vtubers just because some male vtubers are assholes. If a male vtuber gets exposed for trying to pressure a girl into collabing in DMs or something then go crazy but the blanket hate is retarded.

>> No.57517359
Quoted by: >>57517733

>All im saying is dont harass all male vtubers
anon wtf are you talking about? show me where in my post I said I even know a male vtuber.

>> No.57517360

yeah getting dicked by me

>> No.57517364
Quoted by: >>57517726

This topic always fascinates me, because the conversation on both ends always seems almost completely disconnected from my own train of thought, even though I'm a male vtuber. I'm a vtuber primarily because it's currently the best way to create the kinds of art that I want to. If that requires collabing with women, whatever. If that requires never talking to another woman (real or 2D) again as long as I live, whatever. Maybe I'm autistic as fuck, but I cannot even fathom giving this much of a shit about who is or is not potentially having sex, including myself. I'm going to be a schizo and make my schizo art and I do not give a fuck about who or what you are unless you are getting in the way of that. I hope you enjoy what I make. If not, why are you here? Leave me alone. Get off my lawn.

Also, the conversation always seems hyper focused on a very particular style of content, and assumes that the status quo is not only an objective good, but permanent. It's unlikely for our status quo to be the permanent state of vtubing, nor is there much preventing it from changing. I don't relish this fact, because the most likely outcome isn't that the unicorns do or don't win. It's that Blizzard or some other shitshow company manages to make a Tracer vtuber profitable, or something similar, which will completely vaporize the extant culture in a matter of months. At which point even Holo and Niji might as well be considered small corpos, and Vshojo might as well be considered a group of Indies.

>> No.57517511

nice larping faggot

>> No.57517559
File: 56 KB, 627x205, 1601232219063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cared about holostars on /jp/. Just hololive and crying about their hundred year old toe hoe threads getting archived.

>> No.57517726
Quoted by: >>57517968

>I don't relish this fact, because the most likely outcome isn't that the unicorns do or don't win. It's that Blizzard or some other shitshow company manages to make a Tracer vtuber profitable, or something similar,
Yes and Microsoft is about to money it's way into the Japanese market for the first time ever.

>> No.57517733
Quoted by: >>57517842

Show me where in my post I said you do know male vtubers? All im saying is people shouldnt harass males because some males are bad. Why are you being so pedantic? If youve got a problem with what im saying then make an actual argument.

>> No.57517842

I'm harassing all male vtubers without even knowing the name one of them?

>> No.57517879
Quoted by: >>57518010

Anon you need meds. Your fighting straw men. I never said any of this you just keep putting words in my mouth.

>> No.57517956
Quoted by: >>57518141

If I tell someone they shouldnt blow up an airport then im not implying that they have already blown up multiple airports.

>> No.57517968
Quoted by: >>57518131

I assume that this is sarcasm, and that you're using the video game industry as a parallel. But Windows is still the dominant OS in Japan. Regardless, it doesn't have to be a western company. Sony has already tried. Why not Nintendo? Why not various anime studios that already have decades of highly lucrative characters and IPs?

>> No.57518010
Quoted by: >>57518141

You first, bro. You think some random anon has the ability to harass all male vtubers without anyone on the planet even knowing the majority of them.

>> No.57518035
File: 1.40 MB, 1125x633, 1665067581031825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nijien boys sexually charge their work way more than anyone like Rushia or Lamy and they have the general western attitude involved of asking to be treated as individual people instead of commercial products. It's wildly different and incredibly disingenuous to pretend otherwise.

>> No.57518037
Quoted by: >>57518206

Why cant male vtubers just find success on just themselves streaming? Why is it so hard to comprehend that male vtubing is a fucking niche.

>Be good at games
>Be a great entertainer
Thats the only two requirements!

Be cute? Be cute to other female vtubers? Who the hell wants to watch that?

>> No.57518131
Quoted by: >>57518803

Because as you should have picked up money even a near infinite amount alone isn't enough to force something to be popular. How are those sony vtubers doing btw?

>> No.57518141

All I did was say dont harass people I never said you were in fact harassing people. I think you might be retarded anon im sorry you had to find out this way...

>> No.57518206
Quoted by: >>57518984

Why cant male collab haters just focus on the overwhelming majority of female vtubers who dont do male collabs? Why is it so hard to comprehend that coed collabs are a niche and you dont have to watch it?

>> No.57518363
Quoted by: >>57518742

>harassing random chuubas
citation needed
most of the time what happens is
> chuuba works for a year or two with zero male contact
> chuuba suddenly reveals bf/husband whatever on stream, or randomly collabs with a male
> fans sperg out for 2 days, see if anything changes
> chuuba's a whore, not gonna stop
> leave one by one
> chuuba income collapses over a period of weeks or months
> "m-muh harassment" narrative starts

You never hear about the opposite, i.e. chuubas that start off by revealing they have a bf/husband or by stating right off the bat that they will collab with males.
You know why?
Because no one watches them enough for them to be relevant.
This hobby is one of the purest forms of the free market at work
> provide content #1
> suddenly mix #2 into content
> customers leave disgruntled
> content provider attacks fans for "muh harassment"

It's the same as those movie stars that get maybe one or two toxic messages (or something don't get anything at all and just make shit up anyway) and then keep shouting about "muh harassment" to revive their dying careers.

>> No.57518742

but there are plenty of vtubers who are successful who are open about their relationship and even have their partner on stream. Yeah they arent pulling Hololive level views but that shouldnt be the standard for success. And usually the harassment "narrative" comes from specific superchats, emails, or twitter DMs. If you've been watching a vtuber for years and they suddenly do male collabs and you want out thats completely fine its your choice. Just dont harass the vtuber over their choice, some people value the freedom over the potential lost income.

>> No.57518803

You seem to think that I'm being disingenuous by mentioning Sony, even though I phrased it as "Tried." My point isn't that they ve been successful, my point is that bigger fish are aware and watching. The importance of infinite money isn't that they can force something to be popular, it's that they can try many times, and sustain losses for a much longer period of time.

Sony is a company that would dump money into a soulless project and hope it doesn't shit the bed, as they've done many times before in other industries. Nintendo actually possesses the creative force to create something organically popular, as do many anime studios, as do Disney/Pixar, Dreamworks, and Illumination, despite recent industry floundering.

>> No.57518883


>> No.57518984
Quoted by: >>57519164

Evidently so! CCV tanks when that happens..

Harassment doesnt come out of nowhere!
It happens when something is forced or the male/female vtubers suddenly changed their schtick!

>> No.57519164

>vtubers must be the same forever and never change their content or they deserve harassment
not everyone is a massive numberfaggot like you and obsessing over CCV. Some people value their creative freedom. And no just because someone "changed their schtick" does not mean harassing them is ok. Thats the most retarded thing ive ever heard. How about instead of being an anti just go watch one of the vast majority of vtubers who doesnt do male collabs.

>> No.57519285
Quoted by: >>57520111

>bfe and baiting parasocial feelings
>double standards
Link me one, just ONE fucking stream by a female VTuber that's not on fc2 where she forces the audience to lick her cunt and then schlicks herself off right on your face, before talking about adult stuff like "double standards".

>> No.57519309

Vesper literally has a gay lisp. Holy fuck. Magni has taken dick on camera. You kronies are such seething retards it's unbelievable how can an obviously gay man be 'fucking your oshi'? Grow up faggot.

>> No.57519397
Quoted by: >>57519427

i wanna learn your powers young one, this many (You)'s tell me your secrets!

>> No.57519427

the secret is having opinions that arent completely insane

>> No.57519430
Quoted by: >>57519494

> girl loses all her fans after male collabs
> m-muh harassment
cope and seethe

>> No.57519438

I dont mind most male vtubers, I just dislike hololives male vtubersas a whole. They seemed to really pick some of the biggest, grossest retards they could. Acting like a gigantic faggot with your friends is normal, acting like a gigantic faggot with your co employees in front of thousnads of people is just disgusting

>> No.57519440
Quoted by: >>57519806

>Sperging on /vt/ isn't anti behavior.
you're right, it's for manchildren who refuse to grow up. Good thinking

>> No.57519494

Losing viewers isnt harassment. Superchats, marshmallows, emails, DMs, etc. are. You really gonna pretend that there is no harassment for male collabs? You really gonna make me post screenshots? Come on man this is the worst argument yet.

>> No.57519553

allow me to enlighten you, you can't reason with these schizos on /vt/ they're already discarded by their own society so all they do in life is hate hate hate. They use a form of cope to anyone who criticizes them even if they aren't watching male vtubers. It's a sad sight really... this place is not the place for you to change them. They refuse to change, might as well let them be since all they do is hide here from the masses.

>> No.57519567
File: 456 KB, 815x950, kv4xe8285rr71.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.57519661

Today is boring huh?

>> No.57519757

I really don't see anything wrong with male vtubers. They have their own niche. What's wrong with that? Low views? Why the fuck do you care? Not like your watching them in the first place. If they have a dedicated audience of about 300 people how can I shame them for it? I'm not a numberfag and I don't get an aneurysm for everyime I see 3views on there. So what's the big deal?

>> No.57519806
Quoted by: >>57519839

says the sperg who comes to /vt/ to cry because he can't get his dick wet

>> No.57519839
Quoted by: >>57520086

you're mistaking me for someone manchild. But then again you guys are so blinded with rage you can't tell the difference who's who anymore kek

>> No.57520086
Quoted by: >>57521037

you trash are all the same.
time to grow up, stop being a streamer and find a real job

>> No.57520111
Quoted by: >>57521674

I won't because there's a real chance a massive faggot like you or other schizos in this board would report the stream and have it taken down. You're just a newfag scrub if you think there aren't girl pushing for lewd RP on Youtube.

>> No.57520560

Discourse on this topic is silly because both sides just talk past each other, demonize each other, and put up strawmen to bash down.
Yes there are a minority of schizos who freak out when these lines are crossed. Not just male vtuber fans, female too; remember the Vox-Reimu asmr situation? Some of those women were making death threats on Twitter. That's absolutely wrong.
But the majority offended by it will silently leave, and the majority of that majority will never make a single peep about why (outside of places like here where they can be honest because they think they're venting to the void, anonymously). But mostly no feedback whatsoever. This happens to female talents that collab with men; it also happens to male talents. See Luxiem after all of their various filtering events.
This makes it extremely difficult for talents to course-correct until the damage is done, because outside of a minority of easily dismissed schizos your fanbase will never express displeasure until they're gone and that becomes apparent in your metrics. They don't want to hurt your feelings or have you think less of them, but they're also not going to watch content they dislike.
At the end of the day, you can't force people to financially support content they don't enjoy even if you think their reasons for not enjoying it are pathetic, or morally wrong, or whatever.
Vtubers who have seen this process play out use that to shape their content going forward to avoid the same scenario, or they accept that they'll limit their growth and maximum potential but consciously take the tradeoff. Both approaches are totally fine.
Many vtubers would probably rather have their audience (politely) tell them that something is wrong before just leaving, while there's still time to fix it. But up until very recently, giving that feedback non-anonymously has been shouted down as toxic behavior (in many cases by people who don't even actually watch whatever talent is in question).

>> No.57520568

If what you're saying is true (which isn't) all that means is many of us men will go elsewhere. Sadly a lot of you English speaking faggots are effeminate, soft speaking, fruity or fruity supporters or both. At least in the Japanese scene among guys they're a hell of a lot more entertaining while I find you guys cringy af.

>> No.57520991

because many people here are trannies in denial.

>> No.57521037

i work in the medical field, i just came here to laugh at you

>> No.57521138
File: 699 KB, 1436x1879, male chuuba fans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> actively sabotaging male vtubers
maybe sisters and faggots (male VTuber "fans") should take their own advice and stop treating these poor guys like VRChat sex toy.

>> No.57521452
File: 3.00 MB, 2048x1534, toya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No EN male is based enough for this hobby

>> No.57521561
Quoted by: >>57521628

> If Jerma started vtubing
That's the point
Jerma doesn't NEED a fucking VTuber model to be successful
Every successful male streamer can succeed without spending hundreds of dollars rigging up some random anime boy
If you don't want to show yourself on camera, you can even be a disembodied voice like Tomato or old Corpse.

>> No.57521628

makes me wonder if the way to go for male vtubers is highly-stylized/non-human models.

>> No.57521674

> "u-unicorns only watch female vtubers"
> "d-double standards about lewd shit"
> report the stream and have it taken down
kids, this phenomenon is called "doublethink"

>> No.57521768
File: 2.09 MB, 1762x5821, homobeggars hate girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I think this attitude is fine as long as you dont harass girls over their decision
I see so many narratives about the girls getting harassed, but not a single shred of proof.

So here's two collages of homobeggars attacking girls who explicitly stated that they won't collab with males on stream (despite watching neither of them).

>> No.57521803
File: 2.45 MB, 4933x4108, rushia_anti_nijiniggers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You really gonna make me post screenshots?
haven't seen a single one in this thread, so go ahead.
> inb4 Rushia
pre-empting that cope, because that wasn't from her fans.

Go ahead.
Post one.

>> No.57522651

Thought you girls loved le heckin unhinged content, guess that only applies to homo vtubers
Ahhh shut the fuck up, justifying what? What have we done? Complain? Leave? Point and laugh at our enemies's mistakes? pfff, and even if what we did was worse than whatever you are accusing us of doing, you really believe you have the moral highground after all what happened last year? Nah bitch, I bet you were also gloating about how things went wrong for us the same way I'm doing it right now when things are going wrong with your side, you had a lot of fun last year, don't complain when it goes both ways, expect no simpathy from me.
>the English speakers had nothing to do with that
That's true, but the EN side was also giving gift cards away, so don't try to convince me about how they are little fluffy lambs that do no wrong.
