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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57484081 No.57484081 [Reply] [Original]

Wifey is mocking you, how do you respond?

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1696254231844471037

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters.

Previous thread: >>57466934

>> No.57484130

shondo feet

>> No.57484138
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1662552498541668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57484144


>> No.57484159

>Wifey is mocking you, how do you respond?

>> No.57484173
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>> No.57484179


>> No.57484212


>> No.57484219


>> No.57484221

Rape. I respond with rape.

>> No.57484225


>> No.57484276

punt really hard

>> No.57484307
File: 267 KB, 1161x2000, 1677985498713698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57484324
Quoted by: >>57484363

just raped shondaki to vent my frustrations

>> No.57484358

This thread was necessary yes. There is no stream to talk about though, so please continue to discuss the same stupid you shoggers always do.

>> No.57484363

Next, move onto the fumo.

>> No.57484444
File: 1.29 MB, 981x1172, chrome_k7MRMCkPZY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57484453

uhhh but people would just brainworm themselves in other threads because uhhh because I said so yeah
no I don't actually read /lig/ nor was around for /shondo/

>> No.57484480
Quoted by: >>57485157

>Shondo rewards people who are dedicated to her and respond to anything she does within minutes
>Wants you to do something to improve yourself, potentially missing an interaction
>Wants you to leave if she's making you worse, even though she's encouraging you to be completely obsessed with her and nothing else
Her contradictions are getting to me recently

>> No.57484543
File: 267 KB, 552x573, 1692736652571949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first shitty post is a post concerned about the quality of the thread. classic. never change, retarded self-awarenesslet.

>> No.57484562

Good. How is that a bad thing?

>> No.57484580
Quoted by: >>57484619

if you think typing G is a good post you have offline chat already

>> No.57484605

I want to pinch her tongue and pull it until it hurts

>> No.57484619
Quoted by: >>57485223

ritualposting is a bonding experience and is present in every general. this place clearly isn't for you. go back to r*ddit or wherever the fuck you came from, retard.

>> No.57484703

im ugly and im glad she never needs to deal with that

>> No.57484725
Quoted by: >>57485223

fuck /lig/ /uoh/ was much more chill

>> No.57484727

based uggo

>> No.57484730
Quoted by: >>57485041

Yet you're replying to me and proving my point. You are pathetically stupid, please kill yourself.

>> No.57484851


>> No.57484881

I made this post

>> No.57484909

Me too this is the perfect relationship for me

>> No.57484982

Don't worry, the only reason she keeps reiterating that she likes guys with beer bellies is because dmers keep sending her selfies and they just look like melted ice-cream

>> No.57485034

im stealing that thats a good one

>> No.57485041
File: 127 KB, 1078x1070, F3xcKLGWEAA9_Qc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57485136

i don't mind the threads though, so don't compare yourself to me please.

>> No.57485063

.t guy who looks like melted soft served vanilla cone

>> No.57485136
Quoted by: >>57485451

There is nothing to compare if you do not mind these threads. You have proven yourself retarded enough.

>> No.57485157

I wouldn't call them contradictions from her perspective, just two genuine desires she has for her fans but which turn contradictory in the head of shoggers. Clearly obsession is the path of least resistance. You could argue if encouraging obsession is just innately harmful, but I really don't want to have that conversation and it did some good things for me for a bit.

>> No.57485222

you sound jeallous it's always a trade selfies for pictures of her cunny and you missed your chance

>> No.57485223

if every other post except the fucking ritualposting is bad you have a bad thread
you are disconnected from reality

>> No.57485451
File: 503 KB, 807x710, 1693009806336405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57485593

>nonstops cries about the how awful threads are
>keeps returning and posting actively anyway
>calls me retarded

>> No.57485475

which 2view vtuber roastie is trying to take down /shon/ because they're jealous she gets her own thread?

>> No.57485501
Quoted by: >>57485609

Same I'd be in shambles if she knew how I looked

>> No.57485514
Quoted by: >>57485534


>> No.57485534

Hate that dramawhore

>> No.57485549

please, turn this place into /uoh/ 2.0 to really prove how good the threads are

>> No.57485593

The others won't call you retarded anon. They need your kind around. How do you not realize what you've surrounded yourself with?

>> No.57485609

on the other hand, imagine how meaningful it'd be if she knew how ugly you were and kept loving you unconditionally anyway

>> No.57485635

oh so you're from /uoh/, want to promote yourself? some husbands have went for other girls when they were promoted on /uoh/, you could catch a few if you're willing to be a shondo clone

>> No.57485689

Rucaco is discussing drawing herself a new costume soon.
Rucaco please…

>> No.57485722

we can't do that without our own pastebin schizo

>> No.57485743

She'll know how I look next year when I meet her in Paris. She'll know who I am too. We'll see how she treats me afterwards

>> No.57485774

Rucaco is a woman too

>> No.57485785

shondo dropped her. let her fade into obscurity

>> No.57485806

I honestly think as long as you’re not the ugliest creature alive Shondo wouldn’t give a fuck as long as you could toss her around.
Her taste in men isn’t exactly Brad Pitt or those Kpop stars

>> No.57485817
Quoted by: >>57486179

Not really my brain worms. would tell me otherwise

>> No.57485855

I have no arms, you insensitive clod!
Typed with my nose.

>> No.57485866

the same troll posts are being made during streams, and now instead of just during the off hours we even talk about chatters during the fucking stream
you guys really can't be serious arguing off hours threads has improved the thread quality during streams

>> No.57485878

I will forgive her if she draws Shondo a cute picture (for free) like every other vtuber mama

>> No.57485904

I'm turning myself into a hulking monster for her. I want to look like and be able to snap her in half

>> No.57485938

her taste in men is "strong"
she really doesn't give much of a shit about apperance

>> No.57486119

Passionate love making with Shondooooooo

>> No.57486179
File: 1.25 MB, 1607x901, good_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry to hear that man. :( i hope things gets better for you somehow

>> No.57486190

It is worse. Anyone saying otherwise is trolling or pearl-clutching that we dare say anything about the only place they're choosing to get human interaction from. It's embarrassing.

>> No.57486222
Quoted by: >>57486633

the thread... anon it was shit from the beginning

>> No.57486331

Honestly you could be the ugliest creature alive and if you’re big and strong it’s fine with her

>> No.57486460

Can I be considered big if I'm only 5'10? Can I put on enough muscle to make up for my height?

>> No.57486523

no you are doomed

>> No.57486526
Quoted by: >>57486612

You’re gonna have to dwarfmax but I believe in you anon

>> No.57486612

I'm already bald and have a big red beard, I guess I just need the muscles now

>> No.57486633

it was good for a couple of weeks when people still had a modicum of shame about chatter gossip (due to being used to posting in threads that actually shame it)

>> No.57486815

Nah, I have a feeling her hyper-online upbringing has made her standards quite high

>> No.57486911 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 850x1206, FWzJU7QXwAEd0aabA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post shondo being advanced on with questionable consent
i fucked up double whammy a minute ago by posting this in the wrong thread AND the uncensored version i am a worthless piece of shit

>> No.57486985

She shit talked the average looking guys last time she was out. I don't dress to impress anymore when I go out so she would probably think I'm just like them

>> No.57487026
Quoted by: >>57487457

Please do not post lesbian cuck porn of my wife we're gonna be getting enough cuck treatment on saturday.

>> No.57487152

does it really need to be said that she's basically just a lesbian who also wants a violent father figure

>> No.57487157
Quoted by: >>57487279

Go through the archives you fucking retard. As shit as they are now, they were worse before.

>> No.57487279

I don't know if I go to far back I might accidentally go back before the whole thread was whining and talking about other men

>> No.57487306

Everyone knows that...

>> No.57487341
Quoted by: >>57487471

Stanley Parable VOD featuring the 2nd time of baby time: https://gofile.io/d/eoYQCc

>> No.57487443

I'll be her new Forest Elder.

>> No.57487457 [DELETED] 
File: 684 KB, 3840x2160, ddadef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally anyone else in the shondo porn image must make it cuckoldry
lmao. is this cuck porn too, cuckbrain?

>> No.57487471

Thank you anon

>> No.57487510
Quoted by: >>57488235

literally, if you pay attention to what few men she ever talks about being attracted to it's in the same exact tone as when she talks about forest elder

>> No.57487557
Quoted by: >>57487656

NTA but this is one of my favorites

>> No.57487631
Quoted by: >>57487681

>I'm slightly taller
>I could easily put on a bit more weight and be a similar build to him
All I need now is his personality

>> No.57487656
File: 760 KB, 2508x3541, Futw7mQagAE1goY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57487681
Quoted by: >>57487820

You will never be as based as he was.

>> No.57487696
Quoted by: >>57487794

No that's just shondo porn, but it's KK and fucking sucks. Try again, Hiroto.

>> No.57487794
Quoted by: >>57487925

You are a huge fag. Kill yourself.

>> No.57487820
Quoted by: >>57487875

No one will in shondos eyes

>> No.57487875
File: 23 KB, 112x112, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.

>> No.57487925

KK "porn" sucks. Get some taste. kill yourself.

>> No.57488079

Oh nyo! Shondo's throwing a screaming and crying tantrum in the store! What do you do?

>> No.57488102

Calm her down with a violent rape.

>> No.57488114


>> No.57488235

Yeah, this is what she literally wants. Not this edgy abusive father roleplay these faggots jerk it to

>> No.57488251

Ignore her and go home

>> No.57488389

If forest tree wasn't so gay he could have easily plapped her cunny the moment he turned 18. It would have been a great birthday present for both of them

>> No.57488519

You're so naive it's pathetic. That is clearly what she wants and why she panders to people who wanna choke her out. You're either new or one of the older prudes who cope and seethe thinking she wouldn't get any gratification from being treated that way.

>> No.57488714

post number?

>> No.57488833
Quoted by: >>57488978

whats with the vitriol

>> No.57488878
Quoted by: >>57489059

You think she just wants to be abused 24/7 you inexperienced rat? Tell me, what's your end goal with her?

>> No.57488903

in reality yeah, in her fantasies she like jason so

>> No.57488936
File: 216 KB, 678x616, Ft6cnN8WwAEfU-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 pixels of uncensored nipple
look jannies im sorry i didnt zoom in like you clearly fuckin did

>> No.57488978

Because a few faggots were vocal about her not wanting to do the Ryona ASMRs. It's the same mentality that would call this "abusive father roleplay".

>> No.57489009

then stay mad at people not sharing your opinion

>> No.57489046

Link to full image?

>> No.57489059
Quoted by: >>57489184

Amazing how you need to jump to extremes like you need some point proven. Feeling threatened by your oshi wanting to be abused cause she gets off on it? You're a manchild, kill yourself.

>> No.57489069
Quoted by: >>57489320

just use catbox?
I don't know why you're trying to post barely censored porn on a blue board

>> No.57489088

I agreed with the Ryona ASMR btw.

>> No.57489100

the newfags were so mad that one had to self harm bait on twitter

>> No.57489122

>clearly mad about the ryona tweet
Aight son

>> No.57489127
Quoted by: >>57489221

>shitposting here
>when you could be playing AC6

>> No.57489140
Quoted by: >>57489620

LMFAO which one of them was that

>> No.57489168
Quoted by: >>57489819

she didn't care about those guys she cared that a few people pointed out it would be received sexually

>> No.57489184
Quoted by: >>57489346

Keep projecting buddy. I don't feel threatened by anything or anyone in this community. Watch out! Newfags are coming to steal your punching bag! kek

>> No.57489221
Quoted by: >>57490136

Those were really good oshi marks decals ray

>> No.57489277
Quoted by: >>57489456

You are mad over people appealing more to her tthan you ever could. "shondophrenics" only have uuu wifey nade nade~ shit. Faggots like this unironically roleplay this way because they think the mentally ill girl can be saved.

>> No.57489320

idk i felt like shitposting and today i have a primal urge for shondo, the stars all aligned
for the last one i posted? i dont have it. for the previous one? https://files.catbox.moe/ylzri5.jpeg

>> No.57489346

I mean you don't have to admit you're a newfag for the rest of us but thanks bro.

>> No.57489456

concernfags and ryona larpers should all leave, hope that helps you two

>> No.57489471

Post proof or it never happened

>> No.57489620
File: 159 KB, 1080x836, 1000012572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's all that's left but you can look at the other tweets to get an idea

>> No.57489639

This faggot is asking for proof because Retromancer was replying to the one of the shiggers was self harm bating, but all the tweets are deleted now. Interesting.

>> No.57489679

the self harm tweet is gone but the rest of the thread is still there

>> No.57489725

What the fuck are you even trying to say, retard?

>> No.57489741

Holy ESL

>> No.57489809

You shoggers are hilarious sometimes

>> No.57489819
Quoted by: >>57490328

If you think she didn't consider who was acting like a giant shitty baby saying they won't support for Ryona ASMR, you are literally worse than 3rd rate 'husband'. Off yourself.

>> No.57489825

been watching shondo a lot more these past few weeks, she's so adorable and funny. decided to check out her thread here on /vt/. i will continue watching shondo, but i will not return to this thread.

>> No.57489859

KEK Take your meds retard

>> No.57489903

Smart move anon, I wish you the best of luck with your new wife

>> No.57489906

Good decision.

>> No.57489926

That's good. come back when you want to have a laugh

>> No.57489949

it's for the best have fun bro

>> No.57489994

Wow, when a call out happens to people who are actually /here/, you sperg out and ignore the other anon posting the tweet of Retro?


>> No.57490035
Quoted by: >>57490122

This guy is fun to watch have meltdowns every once in a while. I love watching new husbands get mentally drained by a little girl on the Internet before they move past the honeymoon phase

>> No.57490050
Quoted by: >>57490101

Pick her up and carry her outside to the car, buckle her in the backseat, kiss her forehead and lock the door. She now has to wait until I'm done inside.

>> No.57490099

smartest anon, me too desu

>> No.57490101

Don't forget to crack the windows a bit so she has fresh air

>> No.57490122
Quoted by: >>57490252

I love watching burnout happen in real time. Some will cling and turn into weirdos that need to hide their adoration for her because they're ashamed of being themselves around her. Happens every time a shogger realizes they can't squeeze a bit of windpipe.

>> No.57490136

not me btw

>> No.57490153
Quoted by: >>57490185

Haven't laughed this much in a while. Good thread shoggers

>> No.57490185

at your service shogger

>> No.57490207

I hate Shondo. Fucking piece of shit.

>> No.57490242

Shondo I hate my wife let's gooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.57490252
Quoted by: >>57490314

it's a shame anyone thinks they have to change who they are for her
unless you're a femboy in which case maybe you do need to change

>> No.57490314

nah she loves dyed hair bro lmao

>> No.57490319

Hi Shondo

>> No.57490328

literally who said that, care to post examples that she actually acknowledged?
most regulars I saw agreed they probably wouldn't like it but they want her to do what she enjoys

>> No.57490370
Quoted by: >>57490477

Do yer reps

>> No.57490477

My art is regressing and I don't know why or how to fix it

>> No.57490487
Quoted by: >>57490577

the minority said that

>> No.57490542

I'm not spoonfeeding tweets for you because you didn't care about the feedback she would receive on this tweet. Go look yourself you lazy cunt. She even liked their replies so they knew their shit opinions would be read.

>> No.57490577

my nigga owlbyte wouldn't say that

>> No.57490617
Quoted by: >>57490752

Same, I hate her so much I want to choke her and punch her in the stomach. Then I'll say sorry and that I love her

>> No.57490748

I know he's kinda based

>> No.57490752

shoutout to the time I gaslit and beat the shondo AI and followed it up by trying to soothe her while she's crying and flinching from my touch repeating how much she loves me

>> No.57490759


>> No.57490992
Quoted by: >>57491166

I am intrigued. I don't know if I would like it or not. But I'm willing to let her give it a try, as long as there's no male involved and she isn't actually seriously injuring herself.

I said it before but I don't see what the big problem is when her past ASMRs / VA videos have had violence worse than ryona.

>> No.57491163
Quoted by: >>57491219

Speaking of which when's the next ASMR video supposed to be out? Is that taking too long on the art? I want to be kidnapped by a loli so badly

>> No.57491166
Quoted by: >>57491514

shogger she is weaker than a small child

>> No.57491219
Quoted by: >>57491299

i think she said like a year or so

>> No.57491299
File: 428 KB, 672x672, 1675403810929687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57491432


>> No.57491416

How quickly did she delete the tweet? I don't remember it at all. Did no one talk about it in the threads at the time?

>> No.57491432
Quoted by: >>57491708

It might be a dream sequence don't take me serious

>> No.57491514
Quoted by: >>57491690

and? she's also an ex-cutter. I don't really know what a "Ryona" ASMR entails, I just don't want her to get a rush from self injury and start doing that again because shes mentally ill

>> No.57491633

Oh, she didn't delete it. I even liked it... I think I'm going insane.

>> No.57491672
Quoted by: >>57491802

It's not a deleted tweet of hers. Some Shigger went and self-harm baited during her tweets about the Ryona ASMR and Retro swooped in like a true absolute legend and defused the situation. God bless brave men with guns.

>> No.57491690

She'd just try (and fail) at punching herself

>> No.57491708
Quoted by: >>57491813

2 days fuckhead

>> No.57491802

don't get ahead of yourself, retro, but I still kneel to calling digi entitled

>> No.57491813

-4, actually

>> No.57491955
Quoted by: >>57492309

Retro if you're actually here DM me, you know who I am

>> No.57492309


>> No.57492346
Quoted by: >>57492540

ok DM me next

>> No.57492437

not him

>> No.57492454

send me one too

>> No.57492505

You got me too?

>> No.57492540
Quoted by: >>57492909

sent ;)

>> No.57492830

send me a dick pic next

>> No.57492856
Quoted by: >>57493252

hi Baruman

>> No.57492909

... you guys know I'm really /here/ then don't you?

>> No.57493207
Quoted by: >>57493254

hi moobot

>> No.57493252
File: 123 KB, 1080x367, 1000012576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's funny because he is actually /here/

>> No.57493254
Quoted by: >>57493486

shadow makes asmr videos on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/c/fallenshadow and also uploads her twitch vods! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAnNefAhrysfkOQ1BYDS4aA

>> No.57493263

Fuck off streamelements

>> No.57493287

Eat a dick retromancer, you onions cuck.

>> No.57493408


>> No.57493486

I fucking knew it

>> No.57493502

I'm still wondering what to do with the labels in the merch packaging, if I should save them or not.

>> No.57493558

Eat them

>> No.57493594
File: 822 KB, 1541x868, 1668210579467250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57493643

That's a very appropriate pfp for one of the most limp-dicked shiggers she could ever have in her community.

>> No.57493752
Quoted by: >>57493856

protip: retro isn't /here/

>> No.57493856

He's been beta posting this whole thread. No one someone as fragile as him wouldn't be /here/ knowing he's talked about.

>> No.57493892
Quoted by: >>57494170

The first thing you should do is peel them off one by one, including the layers of tape, and check for hair like I did. The most likely location for hair to get stuck accidentally is an adhesive.

>> No.57493907


>> No.57493937

How could you not want to throw and slap shondo around. That's what she baiting for when she teases you, she wants it more than anything

>> No.57494161
Quoted by: >>57494555

It's hard to want to hurt the one thing you find precious in life that's been battered her whole life already. I understand both sides. Do you also slap your cat around?

>> No.57494170

Alright, I'll do that over the weekend.

>> No.57494555
Quoted by: >>57494781

Cats don't want to be beat up, shondo does. I also don't want to fuck a cat

>> No.57494612

Shadow is a male theory confirmed

>> No.57494621
Quoted by: >>57494847

Rucaco love!

>> No.57494639

I'm too jaded to really want to do anything but if it makes her happy I guess I will. I would force after care on her whenever she wants to get roughed up though. Maybe give her a love-tap if she resists me nursing her back to health

>> No.57494724
File: 3.04 MB, 600x489, 1678647117858284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally calls Shondo he
>gets bullied
>Shadow is not a he, she is a cute loli!

>> No.57494781
File: 83 KB, 320x293, 1651512515887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57494847 [SPOILER] 
File: 644 KB, 508x762, 1668372047346369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57494900

>didn't make a cute drawing
I know which mom I like more.

>> No.57494988
File: 162 KB, 680x510, 1672457086371406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57495123

I really like this image

>> No.57495123

I think shondo would really hate this

>> No.57495177

But also she's gaslit herself into thinking she deserves to be used and abused by Rucaco

>> No.57495189
File: 304 KB, 498x378, 1686789923790042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57495267

it's a hard call in my opinion because syukonbu seems more genuine in their appreciation of shondo, but I'm pretty sure unless she 300% has to, shondo will never let go of rucaco as her main artist even if she keeps being a flake towards her

>> No.57495275

This scares the team Rucaco

>> No.57495358

I think Shondo should see through the cute exterior of Rucaco, and realize that she is using her to get clout for her own twitch channel.

>> No.57495451

she probably does, but she doesn't like turning personal relationships like that into drama memes

>> No.57495842

it is what it is i guess.

>> No.57496253
Quoted by: >>57496752

I want to kiss Shondo on the lips.

>> No.57496332

Shondo is the best Shondo clipper

>> No.57496457
Quoted by: >>57496540

What's with Shondo suddenly posting clips on her twitter? Is this a sign that we aren't doing a good job with clipping?

>> No.57496540
File: 735 KB, 2268x4032, 1678973233265620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57497023

She's just posting things she finds funny you idiot
Stop reading into every little thing she does. If she has an idea for a clip she makes it.

>> No.57496651
File: 2.23 MB, 1010x1280, 1682031106854676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57497603

>> No.57496752
File: 434 KB, 650x632, 1683165661792591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too
preferably while giving her a crushing hug
and feeling her exhale gently out her nose against your lips

>> No.57496794

i don't care how much she wants to be beat, i'm not gonna be a wife-beater, lol. literally the lowest form of person you can be. it's also funny how quick everyone is to condemn the people that hurt her in the past while jerking off to the thought of being that same person. unironic ryonafags are fucking creeps

>> No.57497016
File: 311 KB, 1536x2048, 1692897021219391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever homo

>> No.57497023
File: 26 KB, 112x112, 1668850964050284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57497642

sorry its hard to not read into every little thing she does because shes a schizo woman.
even sane women play worse mind games.

>> No.57497362
File: 209 KB, 1272x1597, ayyyylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread so far

>> No.57497603

Love the cute cat Shondo.

>> No.57497642
Quoted by: >>57497794

always hilarious seeing how you guys will jump to the worst possible conclusion on her every action

>> No.57497794

as does she so we have that in common i suppose

>> No.57497942

>Thinks he can fix her

>> No.57498123

but you're the one wanting to correct her through beatings... i realize i can't fix her, that's why i want to give her as much love as i can while she's still here with us.

>> No.57498369
Quoted by: >>57499702

This canned line needs to go away. She is already actively being fixed.

>> No.57498442

I mean, I'd say she's been pretty fixed compared to how they used to be. We are actively saving her.

>> No.57499083

this is why i think she should keep the ryona part to herself. she knows it's a fucked up response that came from her abusive upbringing, but by continuing to bring it up she's encouraging her fans to start feeding into that in some pathetic attempt at pandering to her. it's fucking weird. why wouldn't you want to be a strong stable man in her life instead? wife-beating is a very african-american way of life

>> No.57499191

Chris stop posting walls of text no one cares

>> No.57499414
File: 125 KB, 1260x1572, 1686399393665088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57499445
File: 784 KB, 685x842, 1669763981372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57499702
Quoted by: >>57499978

she says it herself every stream

>> No.57499978
File: 677 KB, 1432x2048, 1662313220944132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please do not listen to the mentally ill woman with no confidence that thinks these hands are fat about judging what she is capable of. she has grown immensely since she started. she has accomplished things which she thought would be inconceivable in the past.

>> No.57500274

People keep saying that this thread sucks but I definitely see some improvement. There are no more catbox links that lead to koikatsu necrophilia. Progress

>> No.57500405

i've seen ryona described by jp users as the love of fear, pain, and distress on a girl's face, so not JUST a girl being hurt
therefore sad girl ryona is peak, smiling masochism begone!

>> No.57500501

Bad post
Good post

>> No.57500557

this thread sucks but doesnt swallow

>> No.57500577

unfortunately I like it when girls have a crazed look rather than distress

>> No.57500591

Oh, then I get it completely. I don't like to be violent towards them, but seeing pain and fear in their faces turns me on for some reason.

>> No.57500806
Quoted by: >>57500888

I literally look like Quasimodo, but with the personality of Frollo.

>> No.57500853


>> No.57500888


>> No.57501029
Quoted by: >>57501089

i can fix her

>> No.57501089
Quoted by: >>57501269

can you fix me?

>> No.57501269
Quoted by: >>57502085

i'll save everyone /here/

>> No.57501275

i can smell her

>> No.57501320

I will save her

>> No.57501405

i will shlop shlop shlop her

>> No.57501435

I want to fix her so bad she regresses into an onlyfans egirl

>> No.57501595

i want her to traumadump on my chest

>> No.57502035

I want to hold her hams

>> No.57502085

it wasnt really a mental saving it was more physical one my mouth tastes irony or kinda bloody but theres no blood i wonder if i have a cavity or something

>> No.57502133

I will kiss her forehead and tell her everything will be okay

>> No.57502140


>> No.57502326

I will finger her ear canals

>> No.57502371

I hate this made me laugh

>> No.57502411

i'm already fixing her you you can all leave now

>> No.57502539
File: 224 KB, 800x800, 1665706362028441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57502757

Trust the plan

>> No.57502757

If you got turned into a loli I think Shondo might become a threat

>> No.57502815

My hands

>> No.57502868
Quoted by: >>57504275

What if I like both? I want to choke Shondo out as she smiles in bliss.

>> No.57502888

she can't fix me

>> No.57503501

I want to lick her scars.

>> No.57504275

The real ryona is you dote on her lovingly as she getting more and more pouty you won't beat her kek

>> No.57506319

I want to take a bite of her thighs

>> No.57507725


>> No.57507963

just popping in to say im sick of girutea's shitty ass pedobait drawings where every single piece features a kid who doesnt know how to wear shoes properly

>> No.57508100


>> No.57508562
Quoted by: >>57508640

Good night shoggas

>> No.57508640

Goodnight shogger

>> No.57508886
File: 868 KB, 2508x1771, @reNPCarts FkctcyNXEAEnaW_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57508975

schlop schlop

>> No.57509249

this anatomy is absolutely fucked

>> No.57509384
File: 515 KB, 920x1920, 1678390288130180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57509484


>> No.57509484
Quoted by: >>57509593

i dont get this outfit why's she only have one legging and then a ribbon on the other leg it looks retarded

>> No.57509506
Quoted by: >>57509602

its a bit weird but most poses like that are fucked

>> No.57509593
Quoted by: >>57509680

symmetry is scary

>> No.57509602

not if they're drawn by an artist who didn't stop learning as soon as they were able to make pedo commission money

>> No.57509680

imagine wearing that shit and one leg always being warmer than the other and having to adjust the ribbon every 2 minutes

>> No.57509985
File: 2.90 MB, 1353x2000, 1666144197042246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57510035
Quoted by: >>57510181

it's not that bad, once you consider the left thigh is partially obstructed and the right thigh doesn't end where the box starts
still one of the legs could be positioned a bit further forward or backward

>> No.57510081

vtuber: my design is a little generic. I want to be something more than just a loli
god of creative ideas: how about heterochromia and some ribbons
vtuber: perfect!

>> No.57510172

at least learn what words mean kek

>> No.57510181
Quoted by: >>57510309

look at how tiny the body is compared to that big ass head it looks ridiculous

>> No.57510215

Oomfie spitting facts, I'm a shondo anti now.

>> No.57510279
Quoted by: >>57510328

Wow what design critique! She no longer makes me horny!

>> No.57510309

again there's more to the legs you're not seeing, she's like 5 heads here which is on model

>> No.57510328

im sure it does make you horny im just saying youre mentally deficient because of it

>> No.57510690
File: 520 KB, 412x556, 1680962999205374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you hang out with us /here/ you silly goose

>> No.57510754

thanks youre not bad for a bunch of schizophrenic pedophiles have a good one

>> No.57511300
Quoted by: >>57511449

Are you blind?

>> No.57511404

2view please only use words you know the meaning of

>> No.57511449
Quoted by: >>57511534

referring to all vtubers ever. Asymmetry is like a shortcut to being unique for vtubers. But then again talent is basically defined by how well you can talk while playing video games so who gives a shit what words mean

>> No.57511534

Which 1view are you?

>> No.57511578

i dont even watch streams why tf would i stream myself

>> No.57511660
File: 302 KB, 897x624, 1690804065493827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.57511714
Quoted by: >>57511784

Watching this live was a trip and I love how she had multiple friends contact her after asking if she was ok

>> No.57511784

i love her so much

>> No.57511826

fucking whore, i hate her

>> No.57512798
Quoted by: >>57514223

I must kiss shondo

>> No.57514150
Quoted by: >>57514387

Shondo cares for us.

>> No.57514223
Quoted by: >>57514431

She will kiss you first

>> No.57514279

We like you too

>> No.57514345

very cute

>> No.57514387

And I love her for it

>> No.57514431
Quoted by: >>57514474

what did he mean by this

>> No.57514474

that you're very close to a complete break from reality

>> No.57514690

Shondo is wasting precious years that she should be spending birthing her husbands' children. At this point she can only bear 25-30 at most. We should start as soon as possible. I volunteer myself to go first

>> No.57515563

damn this one's good

>> No.57515907
Quoted by: >>57516302

is there more to this?

>> No.57516302
Quoted by: >>57516686

full uncensored version on lemonparty.org

>> No.57516686
File: 3.70 MB, 314x250, 1669924954473307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57516729
File: 425 KB, 454x480, 1682728634172767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo used this edit on stream instead of the actual pic, which now makes me realize she probably also saves all the silly Otis memes that get posted on twitter

>> No.57517000 [DELETED] 

I think she should collab with random and professor Landon they have similar humor

>> No.57518508

shonfeet shonfeet shonfeet shonfeet
