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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56826448 No.56826448 [Reply] [Original]

>Uuh, Ruffians can you see the river?
>Unh unh, can you say 'river' in Japanese, huh?

>> No.56826532


>> No.56826539

Would watch

>> No.56826610

Fuwamoco x Blue's Clues collab when?

>> No.56826664
Quoted by: >>56827788


>> No.56826684


>> No.56826757

>Ruffians, did you know that the Japanese language does not possess future tense or perfect tenses?
>Un un!
>Instead, let's talk about some particles that Japanese uses to indicate the relation of nominal words to others in the sentence! There are ten case marking particles, or kakujoshi in Japanese!
>Un un!
>Ruffians, can you say kakujoshi?

Would fucking watch

>> No.56826777

fwmc fans will unironically tune into paw patrol and tell you its prime cartoon media

>> No.56826883

Holy shit that would be amazing.

>> No.56827003

Fuck your trips. Paw patrol is goated.

>> No.56827073

>Fuwamoco's Paw Patrol
>teaches daily japanese words/sentances

>> No.56827096

>Ruffians, do you know what's the counter for tails?
>Un un!
>Let's count together!!
>the holo dogs turn around
>one tail, ichibi! (*Korone shakes her tail*)
>two tails!, nibi! (*Mio shakes her tail*)

>> No.56827113

I mean, that's not wrong

>> No.56827142

are ruffians bronies of /vt/?

>> No.56827156

I actually prefer Dora the Explorer

>> No.56827192

Those are chumbuds

>> No.56827351


>> No.56827427
Quoted by: >>56831069

ngl counting would be a help for the weirdass exceptions, namely sanbyaku, roppyaku, happyaku, sanzen and hassen

>> No.56827587

no, bronies get hard for mlp
the dogs are dogs, and dogs are not mlp
so no, ruffians are just your regular furries, not that that's any better

>> No.56827651
File: 75 KB, 720x560, 1611081340730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really should consult this chart more often when furry topics are brought up.

>> No.56827685

what's the other half?

>> No.56827735

Stopping at 1.

>> No.56827745

1-3 are furries and 4+5 is just straight up beastiality wtf
no wonder ruffians don't know better if they use faulty study material omg

>> No.56827787

I would like a kanji of the day segment in FWMC Morning.

>> No.56827788
Quoted by: >>56828085

you idiot, it's supposed to look like this

>> No.56827837

is it kawa or gawa

>> No.56828030
Quoted by: >>56828164

>1-3 are furries
Kemonomimi =/= Kemono

>> No.56828085
Quoted by: >>56828216

No you moron, it's supposed to look like this

>> No.56828164

listen man you can call it whatever you want, if you get hard for humanoid animals, that means you're a furry

>> No.56828216

>Uuh Moco-chan you do that. You're better at this than I am.
>Moco-chan you have to use both hands, faster Moco-Chan. AAAAAAAAAAHHHH

>> No.56828259
Quoted by: >>56828501

If you think a cute girl with a tail and cat ears is a furry you need your brain examined

>> No.56828357
Quoted by: >>56828501

Liking okayu is furry?
By that logic liking Subaru is gay

>> No.56828501

>a tail and cat ears is a furry
>By that logic liking Subaru is gay
real woman have tits
does subaru have tits?

>> No.56828549

I'd watch it to see if I liked it. Beats holocure or some chilla game.

>> No.56828568

>faulty study material
These are peer reviewed scientific study

>> No.56828812

Reminder that Fuwamoco is vaxxed and boostered.

>> No.56828959

Based fwmc filtering the /pol/sharts

>> No.56828988


I legit think this team can make child friendly content and expand hololive to an untapped audience for educational children videos.

>> No.56829027

Jokes on you, I haven't gotten hard in the last 10 years. EDbros keep winning.

>> No.56829073

Polka is a fox, not a dog

>> No.56829087

More like holohags, amirite?

>> No.56829136

Polka fox.

>> No.56829151

So is Foobs. Vulpines get lumped in with Canines in popular imagination for some reason.

>> No.56829209

what? i... i don't even know how to answer that... i don't have... i surrender, you won, gg bro

>> No.56829261

To be honest Polka, Fubuki, and Koyori do not feel like dogs at all

>> No.56829300
File: 25 KB, 597x509, 1686612640809293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw one day all the chronic masturbation will eventually end in ED

>> No.56829312

Maybe because they're part of the Caninae family, genius.

>> No.56829408

You'll learn to whack it soft, there is no end to masturbation. Also, there are drugs if you want relations, but it's something I have long cone to terms with losing.

>> No.56829471
Quoted by: >>56830112

Foxes are dogs running on cat software

>> No.56829507


>> No.56829527

I saw people saying Bluey is an unironic good cartoon for adults to watch when advent debuted. Im not a fwmc anti though

>> No.56829703
File: 1.09 MB, 640x360, 1666644905976561.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56829900

You fuckin' zoomers are so buttmad about furries you try and call kemonomimi the same as them. Go back.

>> No.56829900
Quoted by: >>56829993

look man i'm not judging, i don't care if you're a furry, a cuck, a maso, you can get hard for whatever you want (except >>56829027 apparently) i'm just calling it what it is, you don't need to be ashamed for it

>> No.56829993
Quoted by: >>56830229

How new are you?

>> No.56830076

>ruffians, did you know japanese does haven't any conjugations?
>un un! no conjugations!
>you only change the last kana of any yougen and add an auxiliary word to mean convey stuff like receptive, desire, and everything else!
>un un the last kana only
>so when you want to say "I had my cookies eaten by Mococo!", you can use the verb られる with the ichidan verb 食べる-
>that means you remove the whole final る!
>yes so it becomes 食べられる, then you add the auxiliary verb た to make it passed tense! so how do we say it?
>that's right mococo, and if someone comes along and says られる is the passive verb, how do we respond?
>(bau bau!) (bau bau!)

>> No.56830112

I like this metaphor.

>> No.56830201

This is good stuff, Anon.
I hope Cover hires you to ghost write an actual FWMC Teaches Japanese piece, whether that's video or just a one-off gag website with a few short lessons and cute pictures.

>> No.56830229

to the internet? to the world? to anime?
you couldn't be less specific even if you tried
but i "joined" the internet, if you want to call it that way, in like '97 or '98,
anime around the same time and vtuber i'd say late 2019 - early 2020? somewhere around that time

>> No.56830242

you know what, for someone who is not doing his reps, i feel kinda good for being able to undestand this post. i should apply myself more.

>> No.56830272
Quoted by: >>56830331

>im a retard


>> No.56830327

Extremely based

>> No.56830331

well thank you, aren't you a nice guy
that's very rare in these parts of the internet
congrats to you too my friend

>> No.56830357

So then
These are all furries, then?

>> No.56830360
Quoted by: >>56830751

Yeah you type like a facebook mother.

>> No.56830401

Life for me unironically peaked when I first saw Blues Clues.

>> No.56830415

Hey, lurking managers, make this a new segment in fwmc morning please

>> No.56830441

1 is cosplay
2 & 3 are furries
4 is borderline
5 is straight up bestiality

>> No.56830623

Seriously FWMC or managers, if you are reading this, make morning JP lessons a thing. This is a good idea. Do some quick lessons and give people homework on what to study that day. Maybe I would finally have the motivation to do my reps and understand the main branch better. This can only be a win for you guys.

>> No.56830659

where'd u learn this, i'm new and just started my reps this week

>> No.56830686

I need this in my life.
FuwaMoco, get onto it.

>> No.56830748

private fuwamoco lessons

>> No.56830751

that's odd, since i don't have facebook, nor am i a mother (or woman in general)
curious, how did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.56830756
Quoted by: >>56830893

I'd unironically love this.

>> No.56830794

I have no defense for this.

>> No.56830875

the fox will knot them
enjoy the cucking

>> No.56830893

Can we at least make these greentexts a staple in /baubau/ to help everyone doing their reps?

>> No.56830911
Quoted by: >>56831049

1 is the normiest thing imaginable.

>> No.56830960

Riber, please watch Ponto

>> No.56831049

idk, there are way more normie things then wearing tails and ears and playing furry make-believe
but to each their own

>> No.56831069

roppyaku is easier to say than rokuhyaku

>> No.56831109

Does it have cute anime girls? When was the manga published?

>> No.56831256

I also like cure dolly she is the one who teached me a lot of things not well explained in other guides

>> No.56831281
Quoted by: >>56831532


>> No.56831433

good im so hard right now

>> No.56831532

based eigo reps

>> No.56831544

She died to soon.

>> No.56831571
File: 32 KB, 225x173, 1674960208383034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dekinai
Why is it 私は... and not 私のクッキー...?

>> No.56831647
Quoted by: >>56831861

What's wrong with sucking on my fuwawa branded pacifier while I wear my comfy mococo pajamas and tune into another episode of fuwamoco morning featurint my two favorite super cute idol girls as I shout BAU BAU! to greet them?

>> No.56831757

No I think you're right. It should be
or if you don't mind losing the られる (which is there for the sake of the lesson), the most natural sounding way to say it is

>> No.56831825

私 is the subject and there is two verbs in that sentence 食べ/eat, what Mococo does with に and られた/got what 私 does with hidden が/は
Literally it means "I got by Mococo the cookie eaten!"
Both are right.

>> No.56831861

lmao ruffians are legit brainwashed

>> No.56831953

I had a point where I thought that happened but it turned out I just needed new material. I can't get hard without some wacky shit like skirt predation at this point.

>> No.56832177
Quoted by: >>56832354

I see, thank you. So 私のクッキーは... would be "My cookies got by Mococo eaten" which is similar, but not the same?

>> No.56832354

Yes but "私はモココちゃんにクッキーを食べられた" also contains the meaning of "got stolen" I heard it a lot in sports animes/games.

>> No.56832607
File: 201 KB, 443x379, 1692435969803179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you only change the last kana of any yougen and add an auxiliary word to mean convey stuff like receptive, desire, and everything else!
>they base their lessons on 学校文法

Pathetic, bad dogs.

>> No.56832793

>right wing faggots condemn COVID because it's Chinese and tell people to prep
>immediately do a 180 when the left does the same
you're a retarded sheep only difference is that you're on the red team

>> No.56832842
Quoted by: >>56836064

>masturbate only once a week
>don't watch porn outside of wanking session
>normal testosterone levels, got checked on everything
>still get ED
There is no escape

>> No.56832861
File: 1.90 MB, 720x556, lakechad_srtm_2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56833197

I'm not even american you brainwashed cultist.

>> No.56833258

what you said is different because you're making a sentence where moco is the subject who does something, whereas the original has fuwawa (or someone else) as the subject who receives something being done to her (no good English equivalent that reads well)

>> No.56833260

No I take issue with the sentence
Because it doesn't make sense from a standard 主語+述語 perspective. The 主語 is 私は, and the 述語 is 食べられた. Everything in between should be contextual. Try taking this same structure and switching the context.
See where I'm going? It should be:
Because the 主語+述語 structure makes sense in the latter (クッキーは食べられた rather than 私は食べられた)
Feel free to explain to me why I'm wrong, but it feels like there's a conflict of 主語, in that it's respective 述語 clearly has an 係り受け関係 with クッキーを rather than 私は

>> No.56833591
Quoted by: >>56836617

What does the は after 私 even means? If it's a secondary subject you have to change は with の, 私の持っていたクッキーがモコちゃんに食べられた
は is for the topic and the topic can be anything but it's often a subject which creates the confusion between は and が

Same here if クッキー is the main subject you have to use の for the secondary subject

>> No.56833644

A simpler rule of thumb would be:
If it has a snout, then it's furry.

>> No.56833651

Fuck I will never learn Japanese...

>> No.56833654

jp dub and i'll watch it

>> No.56833715
Quoted by: >>56836617

I think having the "owner" of the cookies be the subject implies the owner is being on the receiving end of the モコちゃんがクッキーを食べる action, usually with a sense of being inconvenienced.
私のクッキーがモコちゃんに食べられた comparatively sounds objective to me.
I don't know a lot linguistic terms in japanese so look up 持ち主の受身, it would explain it better than I could

>> No.56833757
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>I only watch mature vtubers for mature manchildren such as myself

>> No.56835643
File: 386 KB, 1280x720, 1692838641176638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56835727

True Bau Bau

>> No.56835788

>1 is furry.
Ah yes, my favorite furry publication. Playboy.

>> No.56835802

I would love to learn Japanese with my doggos

>> No.56835942

Preach it sister. Science bless big pharma.

>> No.56836064

How old are you? wtf. I hope you're in your 40s.

>> No.56836189

the white children first responder early death training program is amazing

if you humanize them it's just azumanga daioh, most of us did not actually become furries though we did meet them. furries are drug addicts and the good thing about them is they will spend lots of money on very stupid things.

>> No.56836617
Quoted by: >>56845547

You guys were right, I didn't do enough reps. For some reason something felt wrong to me about the sentence but it's actually fine

>> No.56837069

>New virus
>Warn everyone to be careful and prepare
>turns out it's a nothingburger.
>Don't do it anymore
>Retards get hysteric anyways
>cue the mandates, discriminatory practices and voodooshit like masks that aren't helping.
>2 years later
>children are fucked
>economy is fucked
>everyone dies of unknown causes.

Your surface level comparison is telling of the lemming mindset.

>> No.56838426


>> No.56838538

Killing Bugs. Remember to DO YOUR PART!

>> No.56838768
File: 80 KB, 900x900, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were vtubers with big fluffy ERECT tails that are visible behind their back instead of always being flaccid and hidden.

>> No.56840528

>>Uuh, Ruffians can you see the river?
yes I can

>> No.56843586


>> No.56845416


>> No.56845547
Quoted by: >>56849681

You probably just lack of examples, in that sentence 私は持っていたクッキーがモコちゃんに食べられた there is actually two different sentences 私は持っていた and クッキーがモコちゃんに食べられた. But the 私は持っていた is just there to give details about クッキー but because there is a main subject you have to use の for the secondary subject. Also if you have issues with は try to identify what it does in the sentence.

>> No.56845690

I would actually start sending superchats if they did a Go, Diego, Go!-style stream where you have to help them identify all the kemonomimi/animal-adjacent Hologirls.

>> No.56845789
File: 4 KB, 208x201, kawa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i knew because of funny hentai where the girl say their sex position looks like river in kanji

>> No.56845954

that's cool and all but I'm still not taking it.

>> No.56846376

I used to think Japanese was weird for having counters for all sorts of things, but then I realized English has stupid shit like "a school of fish" or "a murder of crows".

>> No.56848872

>Unh unh, can you say 'river' in Japanese, huh?
I sure can

>> No.56848918

Shut the fuck up, dekinai.

>> No.56849681
Quoted by: >>56851095

>there is actually two different sentences 私は持っていた and クッキーがモコちゃんに食べられた.
NTA and forgive my ignorance but I thought は wasn't allowed in relative clauses?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the way you divide up the sentence but given that rule, 私は持っていた is not a valid relative clause and the two clauses that make up the whole sentence (in my mind) would be
Where A is the subordinate clause 持っていた modifying クッキー

>> No.56851095
Quoted by: >>56851578

I don't really understand, the sentence in your post was incorrect and I was pointing out to that anon what was incorrect in it. は can't be used here but neither が, you have visualize an invisible が next to the は and when you see it you can clearly understand it's incorrect because you CAN'T have two が in the same sentence. Like I said you have to use の for a relative clause.

>> No.56851578

Oh, well that explains my confusion, I didn't realise you were pointing out the way it was incorrect and I treated it as a valid example despite it being ungrammatical. Thank you.
