>CakeRyShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrfFDaG78so>STREAM CHIKYUU SAIGO NO KOKUHAKU WOhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJcFVlawXAw>Connect the World MVhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bitH6NZ_e2Q>STREAM IDOLRyShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpbpwXAEJl4>STREAM MOMENT OF MY LIFE https://youtu.be/_4Rfg8R4lOUhttps://cover.lnk.to/momentofmylife>HoneyWorks Covershttps://youtu.be/HrT8Oon9Kxshttps://youtu.be/3pzh6AaXi9s>Story Timehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAO-w9stKAU>Snow Halation Coverhttps://youtu.be/FPzV-3vLRd8>SodaRyS Cover!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M5yHLKwdng>STREAM GRAVITYhttps://youtu.be/fevB6h3-kfEhttps://cover.lnk.to/Gravity>STREAM ONE STEP AT A TIMEhttps://youtu.be/HY6OVi3q9F8https://cover.lnk.to/OneStepataTime>STREAM QUARTER BRAVERYhttps://cover.lnk.to/QuarterBraveryhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nwlYvw84zCT0GqWr1pVku3bscruaiGlXA>HOPE Soda Can SleeveRyShttps://shop.hololivepro.com/products/irys_3d2023>SummeRyS Acrylic stands + Random keychains (Goodluck)https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololivesummer2023_acrylicstand_sh?variant=43982572978396https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololivesummer2023_acrylicstand_ssp?variant=44007947829468https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololivesummer2023_goodsvol1_resale?variant=43991929520348>Voicepackshttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/startingvoice_iryshttps://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/irys_bd2022https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/irys_an1st?variant=43119987720412https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_valentine2023?variant=43779072688348>OMOCAT merchhttps://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)https://rentry.org/irysoundbits>Channel / Twitterhttps://youtube.com/channel/UC8rcEBzJSleTkf_-agPM20ghttps://twitter.com/irys_en>Originalshttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpBqtLy3mHw07nf_D8u-g6a3_MdLWVdIc>Covershttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpBqtLy3mHw2Wlox1cPU2-WGM5VmMYR8m>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCshttps://i.miss.irys.moe/>Previous Thread>>56756096
hey fuck you
>Remember to not give you's to schizos>If you reply to them instead of reporting, we will report you instead
>>OPYou were half a minute faster but both thread appeared at the same time for me. Weird. Oh well.Fuck the homos and fuck Cover.
>>56776441this thing looks so dumb lol
Frame soon?
>>56776441I'm gonna take my frustration out on this little shit
>>56776554smile a bit you ugly lol
>>56776554come here
>>56776530why are you frustrated?
What would be your reaction if she starts the next stream saying that this was a managment mandated collab and she's not gonna interact with them (kinda like Lui did) would you kneel or still be mad that it's gonna happen
>>56776683no one in Cover was ever forced to take sponsorship dealsin fact holos have actually talked about not taking sponsorships before
>>56776683>managment mandated collabnot a thing, he wanted to collab with the boys
>>56776485it's ok multiple threads will confuse the schizo's
>>56776683Then it becomes time to cast out the unbelievers like the other splits have done in the past. If you doubt my wife over this, don’t call yourself an Irystocrat. In fact, don’t call yourself anything, just kill yourself instead.
I love IRyS, she's a cute dork
>>56776683Why do you guys even think about hypotheticals like this? Are you that insecure?
>>56776740True, but Cover already lied in the past (or omitted information if you prefer) about collabs/interactions with males.>>56776930Are you lost, sister?
>>56776868kys gaslighting homobegger
>>56776683I'd kneel and never doubt her again
>>56776981are you falseflagging? You're trying to start shit when its not even a collab. She wont interact or talk to any of the homos.
I love IRyS! She's a cute...oh, someone else got here first...Whatever, *I* love her she's a cute dork THE MOST!
>>56777008I love her more than you ever could.
Seeing a single post from the schizo should remind any remaining mad DumbRyStocrats that thinking has always been a mistake
>>56777008>gaslightingwat? Take your made up word and go.
>>56777069>She wont interact or talk to any of the homoswe dont know that
>>56777069I'm not starting shit. Saying that Cover doesn't force member to take sponsorship deals is meaningless when they straight up lied to Kanata about that Minecraft event.
>>56776740If it's not forced I look forward to seeing her newfound interest in Overwatch and the Xbox maturing. We're going to finally get more console games streamed!
>>56777175ok schizo
>>56777175I can imagine something like this happening>Cover announces the sponsorship stream and searches for talents to join>It will also be with the JP members!>IRyS joins because she wants to collab with them even if she doesn't care about Overwatch>Reveal happens, fucking homos are there
>>56777349I'm schizo for shitting on Cover now? Is this thread being invaded by sisters?
IRyS a cute!
>>56777111Crazy to see how fast they become exactly like him. I wonder if they'll do the slightest bit of self-reflection and realize that, just like him, they should leave forever.
>>56777175Kanata is mentally ill
>>5677738299% what probably happened I don't think this is actually worth caring about considering the teams are separated anyway
>56777462Yeah, definitely being invaded by sisters.
>>56777422They're too far gone and mentally ill.
>>56776913cute, now i'll steal this gif thanks
>>56777603sauce if you want the full onehttps://twitter.com/Zaniaii/status/1694006892354560101?s=20
>>56776683If she was forced into it against her will and she doesn't communicate with them, I'll just pretend it never happened.
Keep in mind, the 'forced collab' people are just as likely to be falseflaggers as the ones falseflagging right now. (as in, a couple are maybe genuine, but there's definitely some dramawhores in there)All they are doing is kicking the can down the road, so they can pretend to be upset AGAIN later to stir up more fake drama.
>>56777462i can fix her
>>56777681Maybe not forced but rather some scummy behaviour from cover, something like this >>56777382
I played with IRyS during her EDF stream, Basically we had a collab already. Is that allowed?
Rex tremendæ maiestatis,Qui salvandos salvas gratis,Salva me, fons pietatis.
>>56777783could even be her shitty manager not including the important details when asking if she wanted to join
>>56777722The difference is real. If she knowingly and willingly joins collabs with homos, then I'll full-on drop her.
Updated quote from Lui. So half of Hololive's team are girls who barely played or didn't even touch the game and none of them will have much time to practice because of stuff like HoloSummer while the homos who have fuck all to do will be able to practice every day. Wow, I'm sure a lot of "fans" are really looking forward to this shitshow. 5ch is fucking right, just fucking replace Yagoo with Jap.
What is /HiRyS/'s preffered emulation device? Is it a steamdeck, a ROG ally, a miyoo mini +, an Anbernic 35xx, a hacked psp, original hardware, your phone or your pc?Or do you avoid retro games completely?
>>56777813hurry up with your voodoo or next the TimeRyS thread will not be a joke
>>56777909doxbox - cause all games i love and loved were PC games - fuck consoles
>>56777681not forced but "encouraged", that's cover's motto nowadays that includes participation of all cover's talents
the cope is strong here...just accept she's friends with the holostars and move on, there's nothing wrong with it, she isn't dating them or fucking them, but she's definitely close to them
>>56777909Don't buy a ROG ally. Asus doesn't deserve your money
>>56777722The people even considering it a collab are just dramawhores themselves. As other anons pointed out, this shouldn't even be a big deal since nothing is very likely to come from it, yet people want to keep bringing it up.
>>56777959kys begger
>>56777954If she can't get out of the collab without significant repercussions, then it's forced.
>>56777909Pi4 and an N64 controller
>>56777959agreed, I would still support her if she would actually collab with them or the EN bois on the regular because I trust herI you don't trust her you don't deserve her
>>56777784>Acting like uni*orns have any logical framework behind their reasoning and aren't just mental 3 year-olds throwing tantrums based on having their fee-fees hurt.Noooo, it's not allowed! I'm personally shocked there was anyone left in the fanbase! Not to mention the 'Smash' brothers stream, I literally pee'd and poo'd all over my room when she Smashed with so many men! /s
>>56777954like when kronii had to "act sexy" even though she wasnt comfortable with it
>>56776485Qrd?I live under a rock inside a cave inside a glacier and also I'm employed and don't have much time to follow company news very closely
>>56778192They gave Fauna lemon butter
I'll be back when the falseflaggers and redditors are gone, good luck bros
of course this is attracting homobeggars like moths to a flame
>>56777784are you a male vtuber?
>>56778246can I post TimeRyS then?
>>56778246but we need you on duty doing your part...
>>56778313male vtubers are males tho anon
>>56778230I mean, that genuinely was not Mumei and Fauna's fault and shouldn't be held against them, they didn't shop for their own ingredients.
>>56778249Beggars are a plague much worse than any unicorn.
>>56777909Phone and pc, I run the same emulator on both, mainly for pokemon and rpgmaker games
Total unicorn and homo beggar death
Are you guys excited about the Overwatch match?
>>56777416IRyS a cute dork wife!
Where's the tweet? I want my crumbs.
Honestly don't know where the problem is. They're not even going to be in the same vc channel. Do you niggas also think it's a yab if someone plays with a male in pubs?
>>56778643They're all still have sex
>>56778546yeah, hopefully that actually progresses the breaking of the wall between Hololive and HolostarsI hope IRyS softens on her stance concerning collabs with them, this collab already being a good signwe just have to protect and support her even harder now against all the antis
>>56777909pc or og hardware
>>56778693boiling the frog argumentwhich is retarded because slippery slope has never been real
>>56778693>They're not even going to be in the same vc channel.
Alright, that's it, I'm pulling out the big guns:I love IRyS, she's a cute FORK-A15!
>>56778693Some of the JPs were playing valorant like a month ago and got randomly matched up against some of the stars who happened to be playing and people tried to make shit out of that even.
>>56778856I love IRyS too! She's a cute dork
>>56778693Then why even have the homos there if they're not going to interact? Why isn't this shit 2 Hololive teams like the Valorant one was?>>56778807Well, yeah, last time this happened the frog was thrown on water that was already boiling.
>>56778704Based unity chad.They are all part of hololive
>>56778973I said FORK-A15But also yes.And also a cute fork.
>>56778546no I hope IRyS chews out her manager for forcing her into this shit
>>56779030what makes you think she's not ok with this?
>>56779010I'll bet the cute bork could put both fork and spork to use.
>>56778807Slippery slope has been shown to be more of an axiom than a fallacy.
>>56779057its an assumption
>>56778546I'm skipping it.
2.0 update hype a few days later Brian incedent3D showcase hype a few days later HomocollabIs she doing that on purpose? I got a kick out of that butler talk on the last stream, does she get euphoric and forget where she is and get too frank with the viewers. What's next, she's casually gonna say the B word to our faces ?
>>56778807Lets ask the people in favor of abortion or the right to keep and bear arms about that.
>>56779064This awakens something in mehow do holos or vtubers in general feel about ryona pics of them
>>56779057her stance on this in the pasthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNamWEhzgZYwouldn't even utter the name "holostars" in the SC
>>56779071Honestly I sometimes forego the use of utensils entirely, and directly take a bit out of this cute York!
>>56779155she just changed her opinion
>>56779148well she liked this art on twitter so...
>>56777462>Respecting fans is mental illness
>>56778546no, I just hope she doesn't antagonize the people that don't like this and ignore the bait supas.
>>56779155clearly she recognized she was wrong and changed her mind
>>56779155people can change their opinion, especially when there is a lot of sponsorship money is involved
>>56779191I agree in theory, but sometimes you need a tool of some sort, like when you need to pop a cute cork.
>>56779155money > fans
>>56779202>>56779271>>56779298Nice astroturfing
>>56779155If she goes back on her word, I'm gone. At least I have EN3 girls to switch to.
>>56779298This is exactly why it's illegal for politicians to accept bribe money. Good thing she's a vtuber
>>56779155She was just lying, she's an otaku woman. And like any other female otaku she falls in love with anime boys.
>>56779073The Slippery Slope fallacy is usually used as a fallacy itself. It's only supposed to apply to events that don't involve human wills. People have wills and motivations, and some one can obviously have a motivation or agenda to accomplish something with small steps towards a bigger end..
>>56779336bau bau is good and eu friendly
>>56779325your assumption is based on the idea she is being coerced by management their assumption is based on her changing her mindtheir assumption is much more likely to be true than yours
>>56779304That's simple even when I have no tools! I go and ask my friend, this cute Mork, to use her alien magic on it!
>>56779386>>56779336>they don't know
>>56779155Its a good point to reference, however, to play devils advocate, this was 11 months ago and she could've changed her mind (I dont know if I buy this, but its also a valid point to bring up).
Irys is a fan of one niji boy, if you are a real fan of hers, you know who.
I'm cancelling my membership. I won't support this and I'm done with her.
>>56779454Before that, she quite simply chatted with JP's holosats on Twitter
>>56779428The last time I had an alien encounter it turned out being this Groot dork.
>>56779397When you put it like that, I suppose the former would be seen as more outlandish.
>>56779397My assumption is your sitting in this thread, samefagging to shit on IRyS in a round about way
>>56779397>>56779456>>56779513You beggars grasp at literally any crumb just for the chance that she will acknowledge your failures. I really look forward to your inevitable mental breakdown when those two retarded get terminated.
>>56779534I think I already used all the 'cute _' that I made, and I have to leave for work in like 5 minutes, so I guess you win this round!
>>56779636hope you are looking forward to the overwatch collab!can't wait for her to be YABAIRyS with the boys
she only said that she will only collab with people she is comfortable with. That she is shy. In this showcase she would only be mostly talking to her team too. Good to see her break out of her shell a bit.
>>56779659Aww, I didn't get a chance to use my chute dork. Have fun at work.
>>56779636>I really look forward to your inevitable mental breakdown when those two retarded get terminated.two more weeks right?
>>56779734>adidasFucking ruined.
>>56779700Honestly them being forever in limbo might actually be funnier than just being terminated. It's been over 6 weeks already and the menhera has 8 weeks on his suspension log. I wouldn't complain if they're getting the Gundou or the Axia treatment, preferably the latter because they don't deserve a graduation stream.
It really surprised me that catalog is more rational than this thread.
>>56776683The question is why isn't Pekora, Marine or any other big Hololive member in this event then? Because they know what would happen, they know their fans would be pissed off. They're not forced and they can always say no.
>>56779734That's an ass I could cum on
>>56778907>then why even have the stars there?Because Blizzard made a deal with Holopro and not Hololive
Imagine revealing you're nothing more than a shitposting sister just because someone called you out kek
>>56779919Hololive IS Holopro. The homos are just an inflamed appendix that Cover refuses to get rid off.
>>56776683>Management forced collabThis would be worse than a homo collab
>>56779734cute and sexy
>>56779155This is why I'm worried about this shit. I'm getting major kronii vibes with this because kronii also said one thing and did another and even had to hide behind management to defend her. I'm barely hanging on to the hope that somehow she was roped into it and that she didn't just willingly join from out of nowhere because she magically believes in something else now.
irys just got home shes retweetinglets see what she says
>>56780153Kronii switched courses in under a fucking day, at least IRyS had the decency to change her mind over the course of a year.
>>56779919Fucking Amerimutts are at it again
no stream today btw, not even a tweetshe must be really "busy"
Inb4 holocure
>>56780212There's no decency if she's truly willing to pull a 180 like that, especially when Advent just fucking debuted.
>>56779155I have been thinking about this a lot. I feel like something has changed. The good old days are gone.
>>56780153There it is. The people that keep bringing up the idea of being forced into it are holding onto that as a cope. The only reason is because you unironically believe this is going to turn into something bigger, you basically don't have faith that IRyS knows what shes doing.
When did she get SO popular here? was it because of her model update? before that no one gave a shit about IRyS outside of this general
>>56779986Hololive and Holostars are the two different brands under the hololive Productions umbrella. There also used to be INNK, but that was merged into hololive. Point is: different entitiesHololive had plenty of exclusive brand deals in the past so that is clearly an option that blizzard did not take.
>>56780207Will she see criticism? It`s very hard to find in places other than this.
>>56780216Nikes are better and that's a FACT.
>>56780399No it's not.The announcement on cover blog received overwhelming negative feedback
>>56780398Did he actually post this a few minutes before the retweets aahahahahahahahahahaha
>>56780399right now? probably no, shes too drunk from the council after party
>>56780378>that is clearly an option that blizzard did not takeI severely doubt Blizzard actively wanted a Holo x Stars match.>>56780537https://note.cover-corp.com/n/n64e01d98e40a
>>56780479People fucking HATE blizzard
>>56780399her paypig will let her knowhttps://twitter.com/Wrixne/status/1694326072630813180
>>56780479I haven't read it, I have the official "holopro" accounts on ignore. But if that's the case, I'm glad people are not silent.
>>56776683I'd be less mad, but damn, I went to sleep angry and woke up with a frown like a fucking cartoon character. Have them all play with random fans or something but they need to fix it.
>>56780574none of the feedback is about blizzardit's all about the girls being used in as bait to increase the stars popularity
>>56780577I feel sorry for him.
>>56780577Wasn't this fag an ex-Kronie too?
>>56780574the redditors hate blizzard. the japs are mad about abusing girls. cover has created a universally hated collab
>>56780574the first JP comment on the cover post is a guy calling stars members dogs.
>>56780743Watch them double down.
>>56780743>goes public>loses touch with what fans actually wantMany such cases
>>56780683he sure knows how to pick them
>>56780577Alright, that’s pretty funny
>>56780479I'm willing to bet this means '5 people crying, and 1000 laughing at those 5'. That's usually how this goes.
>>56780952go check the comments yourself buddy
>>56780895What else can they do, they arent going to cancel it.
>>56780952I mean the link is in this thread you can check how wrong you are or you can keep posting about it here so we can laugh at you
>>OPas someone who only seen a couple of recent clips of her, was she always this sex?
>>56780153She was told, obviously. She wasn't forced.
>>56781025I guess you're right, its an event tied to an external company not a mere statement that can be retracted.
>>56781150Prove it
I fucking warned you guys, nobody who hangs out with Mori and Bae that much is gonna stay good for long.
reminder: silence means approval
I love you guys. (no homo)
>>56781052yes but it wasn’t quite as obvious how sexo incarnate she is until she started using 3D
reminds me of the among us collab, for which management literally had to beg on their knees for the talents to joinif they could "force" them into sponsorships they would have done it then too
>>56781342good thing you said no homo
I’ve just realized it’s been over 2 weeks since the last solo gaming stream…
Reminder that IRyS told us that if fans want to see change they need to contact Cover. The japs are making it clear this was a mistake, Westerners should as well.
>>56780378>>56780571I 100% believe that Blizzard wants this. This is Blizzard we're talking about; I can absolutely see it in a boardroom "Oh, I know, battle of the sexes! Maximum demographic spread!" (because demographics is all that marketing talks about)Hell, this was one of the features of Overwatch initially over all male TF2. Hell l ikely Blizzard wanted a mixed collab initially
>Shill a bunch of merch during a birthday/anniversary/event>wait until the people buy all of it>announce homo collabBravo Cover.
looks like I was right, no stream today
wtf I just had a dejavu, I have seen literally the same fucking posts in /inf/ when the Kronii drama happenedat least the outcome this time will be different because we can trust IRyS
>>56781684>all male TF2He doesnt know
>>56781650poorfags don't know this. guess who's spamming the board right now?
>>56781757>because we can trust IRyS
>>56781711this is why I don't buy merch anymoreCover gets the least amount of money from SCs and memberships and that's what I will keep doing
>>56781762But Matpat said the Pyro is just a gay guy
>>56781013Likes on those comments: 5, 4, 6, 2. Yeah, really popular opinions there.
*cancels project winter collab because kronii*chadcast*talked into creating iryk by the rat *ships us with iryk on valentines day *duet w/ rat on valentines day*mc w/ mori *lets kronii win in smash bros*more chadcast*tricked by rat and baerys fags into doing a fucking catboy stream right after her IDOL cover.*praises her fans when they ship kaoru & shinji*the never ending subservience to council's interests at the expense of her own.*offcollabs w/ councilI'm seriously more upset about all the above than an official stream w/ homojp. I haven't left her for all the previous shit and I sure as hell am not going to drop her for something that is mostly harmless compared to her other mistakes(seriously chadcast & baerys are worse).and I would like to add that it's not all bad. she is being included in this seemlessly as if a member of the main branch, no mention of holoen, all in all it's net positive for her career and that makes me happy for her. TLDR: this is a nothing burger and could even be good for her so we should chill and see how this plays out.
holy reddit spacing also>not using meme arrows
its not a nothingburger to meshe said she wouldnt do it and she is
>>56782187thisif it means she is breaking out more of her shell and starts considering more collabs with the bois than that's even betterwe are seeing her character development right before our eyes and should be proud, no matter which direction it takes, just like seeing your daughter getting a bf for the first timeshe is growing up
>>56782187>this could even be good for herThere's not even a slight chance that this will be beneficial to anyone in this collab, it's honestly a really retarded move by cover
>>56781650They've already taken the money
>>56782286reddit spacing was unavoidable, gomen.am glad to see IRyStocrats getting jealous for her though that's a good thing, we should just not be retards about it.
>>56782286You got him on the arrows part but uhIs wall-of-text really the 4chan way?
IRyS UPDATE:>vented about how bullshit overwatch is and how it's so hard queueing solo to her genmates since no one gets any support>Lui said something to the effect of "that's why i don't bother with playing ranked lol" and said that Lui probably has the right idea>is extremely bothered by (the implication of investment Cover is putting into valorant) but literally nothing for tanking or support for anyone else>Ame said it didn't bother her because it's nothing new>Is now sniffling, says there's "really nothing anyone can do">it's an "internal matter" and not about the algorithm or numbers>says she's just going to play Fall Guys with KFP to cheer herself up since she saw Mori doing it in a member's only stream and that it looks far more fun than playing with randos>wants to finish Yakuza next week no matter what
>>56782412the "4chan way" is to communicate your mind in a just a few sentencesIf you are writing a thesis nobody will read it
>>56782187A schizo and a homobeggar. What kind of godforsaken creature is this? And no, nothing involving the homos is ever good for any of the girls involved. Either stop deluding yourself about it or fuck off and stop shilling your leeches here.
I'm not having fun anymore
>>56782492No one will read anything that's longer than 3 sentences.
https://streamable.com/19hzwjKiara always wins.
>>56779857All I ever see are tracksuit Russians so I basically forgot they did shoes.
>>56782412>>56782492The thing about reddit is that you have to do double space for start a new line and triple space to start a new paragraphSo for instance this line here if I was on reddit would have be been spaced likethis.And for a new paragraph there would need to be 3 spaces like this.The "redditspacing" is more often than not taken out of context by people just accusing one another from being from reddit because they want to to organize their posts better but in the case of that specific post yes it's a clear case of reddit spacing
>>56782595kiara thanking the vampire for a raid is worse, seriously. also niji & vshojo collabs
>>56782709Improved readability in general is good of course but 3 spaces is reddit, got it.Never been to reddit so I wouldn't know
>>56782187>fun shit is bad>a dead game and a dead branch will bring in viewsNever have another opinion again.
>>56782734Still not collabing with those failures, and as much as I hate NijiEN the homos are infinitely worse.
>Next stream is most likely Armored Core>It's From Software so SC's will be off
>>56782817more or lessBut stuff like >>56782187 clearly didn't need a full line in between only a few characters.It doesn't improve readability it just takes more space
>>56782389If IRyS said it then she's confident there's at least one person who might listen. You can grift fans now but can you still do that tomorrow if you keep acting like this?
>>56782734>also niji & vshojo collabsAs much as you hate it for made up reasons there was nothing wrong with those collabs.
>>56782187Her hanging out with Kronii is causing Kronii's unwillingness to stream to rub off on her.
Luv IRySLuv FaunaLuv GuraLuv MumeiTolerate KroniiTolerate BaeTolerate MoriIndifferent to InaIndifferent to FuwaMocoIndifferent to rock cunnyIndifferent to Raven tittiesBlocked the restSimple As
>Anon it's just a holo collab she didn't betray you>Anon, she's not cucking you, she's not a grifting whore like everybody says"At this point now it don't make no difference. Even if it wasn't true, it's what people think...""What do you care about what people think, you know the truth.""I got to live in the world."never forgive never forget, the psychic damage you're feeling now from all the rumors swirling around and all the shittalking and all the trolling and all the doubts, she made them possible by doing what she did, it was a simple choice she had to make and she made the wrong one by you, total irys death
>every failed catalog nigger is storming /HIRyS/Cleansing is required
shouldn't she tweet or re-tweet about the collab to advertise it?
>>56783111>new ipyou're not even trying
Death to catalog niggers
>>56783064Threatening death on someone is a violation of US law. Mods will be in contact with your local sheriff soon.
Well that's certainly something to wake up toGood thing, I didn't buy any merch recently I guess
>>56783169She is going to try to ignore that its happening now that shes seen it will have homostars in it. Much like how rape victims just gloss over and retreat inside themselves while theyre being defiled.
>>56783242what the fuck are you talking about r-tard
>>56783169She's on the phone screaming at her manager as I type. That's my cope and I'm sticking to it.
>>56782709As an oldfag I don't know where the>redditspacing shit came from. I used to browse /v/, /b/, /co/ and /x/ back in the day and everyone wrote normally with sentence structure. Sure greentext was used but mostly for very specific storytelling reasons. Not when writing an opinion or just a normal discussion. I came back to 4chan during the /jp/ times and even then I didn't see as many people mentioning>redditspacing It wasn't until the move into /vt/ than I suddenly see it mentioned every fucking thread and usually used as a quick shutdown for any discussion kek.
>>56783462upvoted bro
>oldfag doesn't know where redditspacing came fromListen man I've only teased you like twice about your reddit spacing but you're making it really hard to be your friend, bro.
>>56783568I've been here since Anime was on /b/ and as far as I can remember suddenly one day people on /v/ just started having autistic meltdowns about "reddit spacing".
Bored trolls with no purpose in life are extremely desperate to make this a Kronii 2.0 situation so they can watch the board burn. Chloe got a dumb super chat about it and so will IRyS. I wish management could just auto filter SCs with Overwatch in it for a month or something.
>>56783853Chloe responded to it as you would expect a whore toHopefully IRyS is smarter than that
>>56783853Chloe got 2 and Lui got 1. Also management will never do anything to people that are willing to spend money, as we saw with the lack of a branch-wide ban to Babski.
>>56783853I wish management stopped shoving those failures into everything the girls do.
>>56782996If there were anyone that'd listen they'd have had a consultation prior to accepting the sponsorship. How was anyone to know about it?They weren't interested in feedback.
>>56783853>Do you wish management would stop using girls as bait to prop up a failed branch?>No I want them to just filter supas of people voicing their opinions about itBased retard
>>56783568Alright enlighten me faggot because I don't remember ever seeing this fucking phrase during the 2010s.
stfu about all the drama irys smut is being drawn https://picarto.tv/ameiarts
>>56784509Someone explained it already. If you're the oldfag you're claiming to be you'd know exactly what its for
>>56781052YabaIRyS is a theme with good reason
wait what happened to cheebs sips anon
>>56784466How is a quick exhibition match with IRyS in a discord call 4 JP girls and not talking to the Homos at all promoting them? Do you think Overwatch is a prestigious game or something that the Stars participating alone is promoting them? You're a moron. Towa and IRyS are getting close lately. Towa asked IRyS to come play some Overwatch. It's that simple.
The fact that she willingly agreed to it knowing full well what she had stated before about those collabs is what's pissing me off the most. It just makes it seem like she doesn't care what the fans think and it's like all the support me and others have shown her ultimately amounts to nothing.
>>56784865she never cared about us, her membership is one of the worsts in EN, just polls and maybe a stream once a month, no updates, no pictures, nothingshe doesn't put up schedules, doesn't stream consistently, doesn't tweet, she stopped caring a long time ago
>>56784850>How is an event involving HoloStars that will get 10x the views it would get if it was just the starts promoting them?I don't know anon.I really don't know...If you're going to say it's not going to work and their numbers will still be shit yeah I know that and JP management should know that by now but they clearly don't
>>56784788Banned for racism
I had a gay thought, I missed old HiRyS threads instead of just IRyS. Fuck you fags I'm going to play vermintide
>>56784850There's literally no fucking reason this garbage sponsored shit had to include that failures of a branch. Even if Blizzard fucking asked for it because they're pozzed retards Cover should've shown that just having 10 girls play against each other would give a much better look for their awful game than shoving a bunch of shitters who live in 3view hell. Cover is absolutely using the girls (or sacrificing, if you prefer) to make those leeches look better than they actually are when all 5 of them will likely have less views combined than the least popular girl of the Hololive team, so fuck off with you retarded beggar mentality.
>>56784865If you didn't understand that her state about getting to know people before collabing was an excuse I don't know what to tell you. The reason most of them won't collab with a dude is because it in no way benefits them, so why would they collab with someone they don't care about if the only thing that could happen is at best, zero consequences, and at worst alienating the people that pay your bills. I promise you if the check was big enough most Holos would do male collabs.
>>56780577posting grey clouds is a little dramatic, fucking kek
>>56784850>and not talking to the Homos at allluis translation was updated she said it would be minimal contact
>>56784850unironically kill yourself homobeggar
Faggots, fake 'fans', and falseflaggers, go back to your fake catalog threads to whine. This thread is for IRyS.Speaking of, I love IRyS!
>>56785227same!she's gonna be so unhinged around the boys, it's gonna be great
>>56779155She improved herself.
>>56784850That's what they said when Chloe did the minecraft collab, and now she was invited to this one too, she is on the list for these collabs now, that's the same thing that will happen with IRyS if they get their way.In isolation isn't too bad but it's a terrible sign for the future.
https://picarto.tv/ameiartsjust fap your frustration away to this stream and youll be fine
>>56785416Isolation is infinitely better than becoming the designated homo stepping stone.
>>56780577I genuinely hope he's rich and this is pocket change for him, otherwise this is gonna hurt like hell.
>>56785625it'd be crazy if he actually disappeared because of this
>>56785416So IRyS should never do anything fun because she might be in the general vicinity of a Holo star for 2 seconds before each respective group fucks of to their individual discords? Sounds retarded.
Irys doing the hand thing
>>56785828You don't donate that kind of money without feeling parasocial. Even if you're rich, he's still sunk in the time and he can't buy that back.
>>56785921welcome to vtubing
>>56786056I can't even enjoy this right now
>>56785921Stop being so disingenuous, you pathetic cunt. There's thousands of opportunities for her to do fun shit that doesn't involve your failures.
>>56780577Pain… all I know is pain
>>56785451Nah, this one is kinda bad, fucked up anatomy/perspective all over hte place.
>>56783913I agree. It's the worse possible way to deal with this stuff.Even if it's bait, it's really fucking stupid to antagonize viewers that show the slightest discontent to something. If it's an insult or something as bad, just block the person.
>>56786362>just block the personyou don't blockyou say "Thank you for the superchat" and move on to the next
>>56785921"sponsored stream" is pretty far down on the list of FUN.She could do a karaoke, a handcam stream of her own, ASMR, find her ring fit ring. There's loads of other fun things she could do instead
>>56786056I enjoy this right now
>>56784850you seem awfully eager to say this is nothingif it's so nothing why does it exist?
>>56785625I genuinely hope you're wrong.
wait is cheebsing banned? say it aint so
>>56785625Most whales aren't rich they are at best middle-class at least as far as video games goes
>>56780571>https://note.cover-corp.com/n/n64e01d98e40aJesus the comment section there makes /vt/ look tame by comparison. Majority of the comments are genuinely seething or disappointed.
>>56786569Why do the dagger ears always have such sexy backsides?
>>56786692*IRyS liked this*
>>56786585I unno I can see unpoor fags falling into that trap but people that inflate akas? you can't be that far gone.
>>56786654Thank fucking god for that.
>>56786654Good, dont relent jp bros
>>56786654These are the people fighting for us and who will get Cover’s attention. Very grateful for them. Sadly I doubt Cover will change their mind
>>56785625Considering some of his SC's I want to say he's in some kind of medical field and probably makes a ton of money to be able to drop $500 every stream.
>>56786654JPbros have a spine weirdly enough
Why don't they just cancel Holostars. Girls don't care about that stuff. They just go out and get boyfriends or start a patreon/donation page. There's not really a market for Holostars. Dunno why they keep trying to force them onto us. Why would we stop watching our oshis just to go watch some random dude? No thank you.And how many times do they need to experience backlash whenever they do force these collabs? Are they stupid? Do they not learn from their past recent mistakes? Why are they acting surprised when this happens every single time. Come on, man. It's not like I even hate Holostars, I am just not interested in watching them. I really don't care about them. When my oshi is streaming, all I want to see is her. Her girlfriends are fine too. But no males, period. Not on the same screen, not in the same room. I don't even want to see holostars in the chat, only GuyRySes are allowed to post.It's like a dagger. Putting that Holostar in the same room as your oshi just drives home that that male has gotten closer to your oshi than you ever will. You don't need to hurt your audience like that, Cover. Stop it.I'm surprised what little fujos there are aren't more up in arms about this shit. Are they really okay with their man being shared with someone as flirty and yabai as IRyS? They're not even the least bit jealous that some other woman is hanging out with their man? They're really okay with sharing? They must be really open-minded to let their man run around flirting with lots of different girls.We're not even the same audience. They should be reaching out through other ways like product placement or commercials or collabs with other vtuber agencies if they want more exposure. This type of shit just hurts their image more than it helps. And now everyone is gonna be complaining about this for the next week or so and harassing IRyS and talking shit about her nonstop. Thanks for throwing her under the bus, Cover.
>>56780577If he leaves she will lose like 50% of her SC income.
>>56779734>check profile>hag who's kid diedJesas....
>>56786654speaking of, any place to let them know I'm not buying their upcoming concerts bc of this shit? How fucking stupid you gotta be to announce this before splash.goddddddddddammit I'm trying. I just want her to stream. I wish she had streamed more more recently and I wish she'd not not stream more in the future. Throwing this shit out there right after the collab is such horse shit.
>>56787824Now I feel bad for lusting after her ass
>>56786056Those hands were used for self-touching
>>56787854I unironically didnt buy tickets to last holofest because I was woried theyd mix males into the concert
>>56787824i think shes talking about the fish in the fish tank bro
>>56787965Ima fifth of whiskey deep gomen
I hate schizos and wish they'd all leave, like they always say they will, but never do.I love IRyS!
>>56788122I hate Cover and I want Yagoo's head on a plate.
>>56787965>took one last pic with its corpseholyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy kek im dying thank you schizocrat
>>56788203she put a small cake in front of it too
>>56788312I guess 'going bankrupt' means 'making record profits' now.Well, schizos will believe anything as long as the imaginary ideas fit their narrative.
>>56788312That's funny. They're not going bankrupt precisely because they'd rather take sponsorship money for a stream with zero viewers than fulfill good customer service for thousands of viewers.They never cared about service, if they did they'd have told Blizzard to shove their money where the sun don't shine.
>>56787824IT WAS A FISH
>>56780577kek I remember some Kronie doing this too dramatic faggots
>>56787923It was fucking great. CtW was alright too and T4U was the best thing I've paid money for in recent memory. I love this shit. Only reason I held off on Splash is bc the provider change and slightly hesitant about no live audience. Anyways I'm not giving Cover money for a while.
>>56788459The girls are making record profits, not the dudes.
>>56788559doesn't that make her a real... mermaid
>>56780577Pray for this man
>>56788592That's just arguing over Japanese grammar, but he said 'you are going bankrupt' that would be the owners, holopro, the entire company not just one branch or the other. This is clearly blatantly false and proves he's just a worthless dramafag.
>>56788832>he's just a worthless dramafagJust like this disgustingly corporate sponsored stream!
>>56788592not for long if cover has their way
>>56788926They can lose all of their fans and still make money off of sponsored streams because hololive is a household name.Corporate greed > Happy customers
>>56788926Then neither will be reaching record profits because there's no scenario in this universe that the homos are more profitable than unless they fire all the girls.
>>56785625Is this a rich man’s bedroom?
>>56789008Yes, it's empty as it should be. That suggests his house is large enough to accommodate his crap elsewhere
>>56788832Seems like he doesn't want drama to me.
>>56789008>massive fucking room>bed frame>nice viewYeah that guy is obviously very well off
>>56789063>says he hates drama>posts dramaClassic woman meme. You know how the girls who say that they 'totally hate drama' always cause it the most?
>>56789214Drama wouldn't be happening if Cover stopped shoving these failures everywhere.
>>56789214>Cover reaches for a hot stove>"Don't touch the stove. This is why you keep getting burned."wtf, why is he pro-burn?
>>56789008Yeah this nigga has money
>>56789382His PC looks like shit
You people are legitimate psychos and the fanbase is better off without you. And the thread would be too.So either post IRyS art, or get out.
>>56789532The homos were a mistake and their fans are worse than the Chinese.
See, now THIS is how we can have a productive conversation!>>56789614Screw off unicorn, nobody loves you or ever will.
I wouldn't be so upset if IRyS streamed todaynow I have to wait an extra day just so I can hear her justify herself
>>56789837No art, you suck donkey cocks and your opinion is worthless.
>>56789614Their fans are awful, but worse than the chongpongs? I dunno about that.
>>56789793Kill yourself, beggar. You branch is a failure and 2 of the EN homos are on the death row barely a year after debuting. Their existence only creates drama and their only popular talents are those who stay far away from Hololive while the rest is a bunch of underachieving retards with less goals than Sana and charisma void leeches who think the girls will magically make them more popular.>>56789962Nah, I'm tired of pretending they're any better than the Chinese. If they're not worse then they're at least as bad as them and equally likely to create drama because of "muh unicorns" while barely supporting their failures.
>>56790103I'm not saying they're better people. They're just less dangerous people.(For all definitions of "people".)
>>56780577I've only been a member for like 4 months and still feel like shit even though it's not a lot of money, can't imagine how the big money dudes are feeling right now.
>>56790218Chinese are as dangerous as your generic bug that you can kill by accident. Beggars aren't any more dangerous but they're much more insidious because they don't act like obvious antis but are blatantly aggressive against anyone who's apathetic at worst regarding their failures. Don't want to watch their pathetic retards who's less charismatic than a broken wall? You're now the problem, the enemy, someone who shouldn't be in the fanbase, someone who no one loves according to the retard from earlier. You can't just not be interested in watching those faggots, you're either fully in support of "muh bois" or you're the biggest anti in the history of mankind but when you ask them why they aren't watching the homos they're unable to give you a straight answer.
>>56790741The chinese do more damage to global exchange and the environment than homobeggars do to the anime girl exchange.
It's kind of ironic isn't it? People here hated on Mori for 2 years saying she was a bad influence while sucking off the JPs and saying IRyS should just interact with the JP girls only. This is what getting closer to the JP girls led to.
>>56790817Last time I checked we're talking about vtuber "fans" here, not geopolitics.
>>56780399The official subreddit had a surprising amount of disappointment.
>>56790741IRyS stocking feet!
>>56790997If you aren't at least somewhat concerned for the world you live in that's a bit of a problem. Even with that aside, though, eff the chongpingers. Pic related.
>no tweetkilling myself
>>56791719Off-topic shit, and I don't want to think about geopolitics or real world shit when I'm talking about vtubers. That's what the nijifags like and the retarded beggars who want Hololive to become like Nijisanji.
>>56789008Not a millionaire but this guy for sure makes more than 200k a year, most likely he's a middle aged man with no family/friends.
>>56790741>You can't just not be interested in watching those faggotsCompletely 100% backwards narrative.If a unicorn just quietly says to themselves, "I don't like this content, I'm leaving." Then your narrative would hold water.But that is NOT what happens, they cry and complain and anti and say they are leaving (but they don't, they just keep constantly crying and complaining).It's got nothing to do with the type of content they enjoy, it's because they are so entitled that they think they control the streamer and the streamer should bow to all of their whims and cater to them.They are not into CGDCT like they say, they are into trying to exert power over content creators.
>>56792211Is it really hard to understand that they don't want her to collab with males and they're expressing their disapproval
>>56792211>entitled to the content they want from a streamersounds good to me
>>56792211Yes, keep acting like your pathetic excuses of living beings don't fucking mention your failures ad nauseam on their chats or try to force any kind of interaction between them that you can. Fuck off, you faggots have no right to talk about "wanting to control the streamer" when you're equally as likely to do the exact same but under the pretenses that you just want the best for the girl.
so does IRyS like NTR or notgetting mixed messages
are they gone?
>>56792211The consumer does have power over the content creator. A streamer isnt just entitled to views and money automatically. They need to do what their audience wants in order to earn it. If someone wants gachibux they need to do what they want.
>>56792211that's how the world works. If a product or service changes and no longer caters to a customer's preferences, they tend to leave negative feedback. If the situation is not remedied, then they leave and take their money with them. You are retarded if you think chuubas are exempt from this.
>>56792533no and also SEA will wake up in about 3 hours for their round of shitposting
>>56792211Maybe you don't hear of many unicorns moving on silently because they did it silently, genius.
>>56792320IRyS is entitled to determine the content she makes, you are only entitled to either watch or not watch.>>56792464If I saw that on a regular basis, yes, I would agree with you, and I know that some people do bait that, but I think everyone should be able to admit that the unicorn side is far more vocal and demanding when they don't get their way.
>>56792726>you are only entitled to either watch or not watch.you're "entitled" to tell her if you don't want to watch aswell
>>56792726im also entitled to my opinion and my voicing of them
>>56792464Damn bro I can't believe people are committing the horrible act of mentioning them. Truly a terrible crime...
why is voicing your opinion presented as something evil and insidious when its in regard to not liking male collabs
>>56792726>unicorn side is far more vocal and demanding when they don't get their wayYour attempts at defending a bunch of retards who don't even watch their "oshis" are fucking pathetic.>>56792827Because beggars don't want you to have an opinion.
>>56792705If they did then that is their choice and that's fine, but they aren't the ones yelling and crying, so they aren't the ones I am talking about.
>>56792726>but I think everyone should be able to admit that the unicorn side is far more vocal and demanding when they don't get their wayNo I don't agree. In fact it's pretty rare I even see unicorn comments outside of here because if you dare say you dislike male collab content you will be dogpiled fast.
>>56792726customers are entitled to leave negative feedback if a product or services changes and no longer satisfies them. They are also entitled to withdraw all financial support.
I woke up. Maybe that was a bad idea, maybe I should just stay asleep for a long time.
>>56792945no one needs your permission asshole. customer feedback is a thing you retarded homobeggar.