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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.56758146

she's getting deep dicked and you know it

>> No.56758155
File: 827 KB, 1282x2191, 1692606114570868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56758298

Gay. Straightbros, we are going back to nijisanji.

>> No.56758176


>> No.56758179

I want Irys to cuck the Irystocats. Even she despises her fans. They have had the luxury to laugh at us, Deadbeats and Teammates. But now it's our turn. We will ha the final laugh. Fuck Irystocats

>> No.56758185
Quoted by: >>56758378


>> No.56758227

wait is this quote? did she actually flatout say that she made sure she wasn't going to talk to holostars and that she was gonna double check that after stream? because that would be based as fuck

>> No.56758230


>> No.56758264

Why would you force anyone to play Overwatch 2

>> No.56758294
Quoted by: >>56758351

I think the double check part is the translator since it's not in quotes

>> No.56758298

Isn't Millie 5ft? I'm 6'1 and I know that someone who is 5'3" exactly will fit perfectly under my chin. Therefore Vox is a 5'10" manlet.

>> No.56758308

>fine to play casually
>the boys have loads of fps experience and started training the moment the announcement was up
lmao it is going to be a shitfest
hope the unicorns bullies one of the homos to suicide

>> No.56758311
Quoted by: >>56758378

Allright, if this is true. I'm sorry IRyS, you are based.

>> No.56758315
Quoted by: >>56758433

Lui said this on her Minecraft stream

>> No.56758322

Sorry IRyS I shouldn’t doubt you.

>> No.56758333
Quoted by: >>56758403

>there's no contact outside of ingame matching
So there would be a lot of contact inside of ingame matching.
Ingame matching is a code word for deep penetrating sex.

>> No.56758351

ahh that would make sense, still pretty based that she explicitly said she'd have no contact with holostars, do you have a link?

>> No.56758378

Fuck off now. You aren't allowed to call yourself an IRyS fan now. If 2 Years of trust means nothing to you now, you don't deserve her

>> No.56758382

Yeah, I'm the one.

>> No.56758385

>>there's no contact outside of ingame matching
what does this mean? like not even a snide greeting? no post-game GGs? no overlapping VCs?

>> No.56758392
Quoted by: >>56758691

Let the cope begin.

>> No.56758403

Anon... learn to read. She means there will be no contact even on ingame matching.

>> No.56758413
Quoted by: >>56758474


>> No.56758414

Yeah the holos are gonna get their ahit pushed in followed by their pussies pounded

>> No.56758431
Quoted by: >>56759168

nothing. they won't interact

>> No.56758433

oh this is a quote from lui? ogey, it still applies to irys if there's no contact so i'll still call it a dub. But seriously... if there is no contact then what even is the point of this then to bait some controversy? i don't even want them to interract but i acknowledge that them collaborating without speaking to each other is fucking pointless, every holofan knows about holostars, cover shills them all the fucking time, you'd have to be stupid to not know of their existence... so what does this tournament accomplish exactly?

>> No.56758446


>> No.56758448

nah floprys still sucks

>> No.56758466
Quoted by: >>56758527

It’s because Cover didn’t clarify when announcing it. Lui/Chloe/IRyS still do gachi pandering so it’s an important distinction for them.

>> No.56758471

Which is what everyone knew to be the case except for the unicorns and their hysteria to match 19th century women

>> No.56758474
Quoted by: >>56758603

are you stupid? this post literally confirms that irys will not be talking to them in any capacity, this is the same as getting matched with a team of guys in a pubs match

>> No.56758478

Testing the waters. Literally the tamest way to get the two branches to collab and see if it stirs up any shit.

>> No.56758485

Gotta love that the Americans, for all their rebelliousness, are still using ass backwards measurements based on the sweaty, hairy feet of a dead British king.

>> No.56758486

lui is trustworthy

>> No.56758527
Quoted by: >>56758758

oh i know why they said it, i fully understand why, i am one of those gachis being pandered to, i just like saving clips of the girls shitting on the homos so i can post them later and BTFO some homobeggars

>> No.56758536
Quoted by: >>56759539

Blizzard paid Cover to shill Overwatch 2, Cover give it to the stars but they need more people(numbers). So the girls had to join to help. Just another case of homostar being a burden for the girls.

>> No.56758569
File: 519 KB, 483x624, 1651164159389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how she explicitly said the presence of holostars is a negative. homobeggars on suicide watch

>> No.56758587
Quoted by: >>56760975

>it doesn't count as a male collab because it's like a solar eclipse because they aren't staring directly into each other.
Is this suppose to be some sort of victory because it's starting to come off as another excuse.

>> No.56758590

Reminder that Nene went on a menhera arc because she got randomly matched against homos in a valorant collab with girls, just like this event

>> No.56758603

Your oshi is tainted and a whore, HOMOCHAD DOMINATION

>> No.56758607

Honestly, those who went against IRyS are actual cucks as they made IRyS cry instead of trusting her. I will never forgive you all

>> No.56758613

this is an incomplete quote

>> No.56758622

Cover believes that shoving Homos down the throat hololive fans will make them incline.
Yet, this stategy failed multiple times already.

>> No.56758642
File: 89 KB, 1160x1012, 1666227006652246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never bet against CGDCT

>> No.56758649
Quoted by: >>56760344

She is an IRL leabian who hates men

>> No.56758658
Quoted by: >>56758719

Nene is based and lotal to her fans

>> No.56758691

the coping will never end anon. even if IRyS is spit roasted on cock live, these cucks will find a way to twist it to something else or blame Mori idk

>> No.56758719

She is business minded but lusts after male idols on her private Twitter (which desu is kinda cute and very virgin behaviour)

>> No.56758755
Quoted by: >>56759168

No male voices on the Holo streams.

>> No.56758758


>> No.56758766

you gain some you lose some to keep getting the perms they have to do some dirty work, atleast they are getting paid to play it and the game is not too bad.

>> No.56758767
File: 581 KB, 687x631, 1690711099514547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're still coping
why does IRyS make homobeggars so mad?

>> No.56758791
File: 195 KB, 427x381, 1690943040386756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and true.

>> No.56758803


>> No.56758871
Quoted by: >>56758966


>> No.56758919

>Mumei was kicked out last year
>IRyS is now getting kicked out
stop with your cope, she was a mori plant all along

>> No.56758936

i don't really care about hololive anymore but that guy above me seems a little upset

>> No.56758947
File: 191 KB, 392x390, 1691883157362119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust the plan

>> No.56758958

Fubuki forgets and invites everyone in the same discord server for pre-match greetings.

>> No.56758966

>t. homobeggar

>> No.56758981

>Management wants to make this a success
>Use holostars
Just use fucking aqua ayame Shion lapussy hell even Choco and roboco are better shiller than these homos lol

>> No.56758991

That was cause Astel being the retard that he is, fanned the flames by talking about how Nene is his favorite Holo.

>> No.56759008

AIEEEE as a nijifan im sry for slandering you.

>> No.56759099
Quoted by: >>56759145

>point out that it makes no logical sense that they would even voice call in the first place

>> No.56759127

You could also see it as this way: this was originally a stars sponsorship but they know that without any holos, the event would be a complete failure.

>> No.56759130
Quoted by: >>56762675

I hope Hololive and Holostars collab and interact more in the future. Not healthy the way it is now.

>> No.56759140

Partnering with Microsoft is a pretty great gig. Holo and Xbox had deals before

>> No.56759145

>Tries to downplay the beggars

>> No.56759163

People got mad for Fauna "acknowledging" Holostars existence in the New Year Concert. This tournament stream is way past that.

>> No.56759167
Quoted by: >>56760559

So the Holostars are all FPS gamers, are the holos gonna get their ahit pushed in?

>> No.56759168
Quoted by: >>56760645

as much as i'm eased hearing this, i'm maintaining my vigilance, (you)'ll never know what might happen
and since it's on the 30th, wouldn't advent's cross-branch collab ban be lifted too?

>> No.56759176
File: 123 KB, 1000x1135, 9bc7a95e1334ae5153383fae3ce20670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rystocucks made up homo beggers to gaslight /vt/

>> No.56759181
File: 334 KB, 493x396, 182837737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56759188

I can't believe she became a homo collaborator after all this time, and now she wants us to buy ring merch all in one fell swoop? My world is crumbling around me

>> No.56759189
Quoted by: >>56759345

So the whole event is just a Stars flex? lmao

>> No.56759280
Quoted by: >>56759447

what would happen if the stars teabag the holos everytime they get a kill?

>> No.56759298

It's reverse anon. People got mad for her NOT acknowledging it

>> No.56759303

so this just nothingburger in the end & people who threw tantrum are fucking retards
simple, Blizzard paid Cover to shill their flop games. this just usual sponsored stream

>> No.56759307

Even them having to acknowledge the existence of homos is a loss.
This is how bad homos are.

>> No.56759345
Quoted by: >>56762776

Basically. No way the girls win this. They're gonna get their shit pushed in on stream and the homos are gonna pound their pussies backstage

>> No.56759353
Quoted by: >>56760944

Why irys, why not bae? It doesn't make sense.

>> No.56759425

is it my imagination or is the water getting warmer, frogbros?

>> No.56759447

Some threads would pop up on the catalog and I'd have a good laugh before I start my daily jerkoff ritual

>> No.56759501

>Litteraly anyone can write a text on a grey background and the entire catalogue will believe it with no timestamp or anything.
The catalogue is a fascinating place.

>> No.56759539

You’re telling me Activision Blizzard, the global multibillion dollar company under Microsoft, APPROACHED cover?

>> No.56759593
Quoted by: >>56759647

Doesn’t she still have an NTR fetish?

>> No.56759647
Quoted by: >>56759727


>> No.56759670

Yes, OW2 is doing terribly they need more influencers and I bet they see hololive as an easy safe bet. A lot of game companies pay streamers to play their games why should this be any different?

>> No.56759672
Quoted by: >>56759773

Your anus is a fascinating place I will shove my cock into

>> No.56759700

is this what fandead think?

>> No.56759727

Irys having a netorare obsession like all asian women weebs is no secret

>> No.56759752

OW2 is still shit to watch.
I rather watch 10 holos playing wet sumo at once in 1 frame..

>> No.56759763


>> No.56759773

I have chronic diarrhea and I haven't visited a doctor's office in over 10 years, I hope that's okay

>> No.56759780

>holobronies' oshis have to dedicate segments of their stream to explain that they will never talk to a man just because they want to play a game on the same server as them
Grim. What would your parents think, making girls afraid of normal interactions like this?

>> No.56759791

deflect harder cucks

>> No.56759806
Quoted by: >>56759967

That what sponsor mean anon, they pay to showcase their game. Their game are so dead it not even in youtube gaming, last i check an hour ago it was at 1.7k players.

>> No.56759834

IRyStochads we won

>> No.56759853
Quoted by: >>56760253

Yes. Blizzard sent out a random poll to ask people across the world who was the worst modern company in the modern world, and they were shocked to find a small community of people who responded "anycolor". And blizzard wasnt about to to take that lying down, so they did a little research and requested that hololive do a corporate mandated male collab for overwatch 2, so that they could prove that they are the undisputed kings.

>> No.56759890

Yeah, imagine that. I don't get it either

>> No.56759891

Irys is a good woman. Damn good oshi to oshi.

>> No.56759898

>Nijibronies have a dedicated site doxxing their organ house on twitter.
Must be nice being a doxxfag.

>> No.56759958
File: 464 KB, 566x548, pkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56762018

You retards literally make drama out of nothing. Makes me wonder where the fuck you guys would be if vtubers or /vt/ didn't exist. /v/ probably

>> No.56759967

1.7k watched

>> No.56759974
Quoted by: >>56760235

>unironically still pushing the "they’re afraid of their fans!!" angle
Kill yourself, like actually buy a rope and hang yourself

>> No.56759981

>we are busy and can only do one day of practice
>the shitters don't do anything and started practicing immediately
cover thinks you want this

>> No.56759983
Quoted by: >>56760057

So instead of letting the homos be a failure by themselves they drag the girls to share their failure?

>> No.56760006

Their best FPS players are holostars members. That's literally the only reason.

>> No.56760041
File: 29 KB, 972x374, 1692792133395754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56760057
Quoted by: >>56760141

They’re probably paying the girls a decent amount to play OW2 on the fucking Xbox of all games and platforms, especially with the homos.

>> No.56760078
Quoted by: >>56760155

Oh and people should listen to retarded small corpo like niji? Or other small corpo/indies that not even relevant in the conversation.

>> No.56760141

That's genuinely disgusting. At least they're getting something out of this retardation but I don't think it's worth it.

>> No.56760155
Quoted by: >>56763209

Nijisanji's box is consistently bigger than Hololive's though

>> No.56760163
File: 127 KB, 340x340, Takane-Lui_list_thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based lui nee, expose the retardation of management.

>> No.56760172

>this was originally a stars sponsorship
Makes even less sense. Maybe for smaller advertisers but a big company like Blizzard would want the A-team to sponsor their game and has the funds to do so easily. I also doubt they even know of Holostars, why would they specifically sponsor Holostars but not Hololive?
Stupid rrat, not realistic at all

>> No.56760194
Quoted by: >>56760350

What would your mother say about forcing a woman to do something she is uncomfortable with?

>> No.56760206
File: 160 KB, 499x499, 1692791068759074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So. It's not happening, huh. Funny, I got kind of uncomfortable with the original announcement. Same with >>56760041. I really need to Trust The Plan. Thanks Lui-nee for the confirmation.

>> No.56760235

I guess you would be scared too if your entire job was appealing to the delusional rejects of society for view numbers and donations

>> No.56760253

Based Blizzard EVILmaxing.

>> No.56760302

At least they fucking watch streams. Can't say the same about the beggars.

>> No.56760344

She is an IRL het who is afraid of pissing off her paypiggies.

>> No.56760350

No girl is fundamentally uncomfortable with being in the general vicinity of a man. You just missed Michael "I'm so afraid to be around men, I really can't talk to them at all" Neko's stream where she was comforted by two men after she got kicked out of a tournament. That's the reality. They lie.

>> No.56760464
Quoted by: >>56761271

I thought Millie was like 5’6? iirc she said that she was very tall for an asian and taller than Enna.

>> No.56760491
File: 140 KB, 1080x938, kobe157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

transexuals and faggots btfo'd once again!
go watch your nijitrash you mentally ill cucks!

>> No.56760492
File: 115 KB, 683x878, 1660484265684625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hope the unicorn bullies one of the homos to suicide
>the 3-5 year veterans who have been bullied by unicorns for years
lol good luck, the girls are going to get mogged

>> No.56760559

Towa-Botan will carry. IRyS can be good too if she choose to become autistic about the game

>> No.56760557

At this point rebellion means not using the planetary mandated measurement system. The French Revolution and its consequences were a disaster for the human race btw.

>> No.56760588

The girls already do "gaming content" for people to enjoy in their normal streams, this whole idea is just a way to shill the homos

>> No.56760590
File: 439 KB, 463x459, 1683058701344610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i have this templaet pls im going to do one with my oshis on it

>> No.56760623

fellas is it gay for men and women to interact?

>> No.56760645

>i'm maintaining my vigilance
The fuck are you going to do?

>> No.56760684

Anon, have you seen how big flop OW2 is?
They are that desperate.

>> No.56760702

The idolchad should embrace his power and use it to his advantage. Regardless, it really is funny how relegated the men in this company are.

>> No.56760723

the main reason I'm here and hate the homos is because of the homobeggars causing wars everywhere I went to, people can't even make a joke because those cunts will pile on you "REEEEEEEEEEE VIRGIN INCELS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

>> No.56760732

Time to move the goalpost sisters

>> No.56760755
File: 764 KB, 1000x1137, 49271419279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56760801

No I wouldn’t be scared if my entire job relied on me not doing a retarded decision because that applies to any job out there.

>> No.56760806

Microsoft has a lot of cash

>> No.56760816
Quoted by: >>56762056

>management wants to make this a success
>makes them play on xbox
>invites holostars

>> No.56760847

>posting this with kobo

>> No.56760853

yes because apparently trannies and homosexuals are the ones asking for it on this board.

>> No.56760866

Establishing that even on the smallest non issues schizos can dictate what content is allowed is an extremely dangerous precedent.
Just look at this board. People will complain for attention or for power tripping.
Literally zero real fans would have cared for a short "Hi I'm X good luck everyone and now off to our grap vchats".

>> No.56760879

Doubting a woman's word? Not a good look.

>> No.56760888
Quoted by: >>56761153

Just a little banter bro. Don't take it so seriously.

>> No.56760918

he's going to strap homemade explosives to his body and walk into the cover corp building

>> No.56760944

>in Japan to avoid latency issues
>isn't busy with 3D
Optional: she volunteered

AFAIK they usually advertise events in discord and tell holomems how much money they get for sponsorship streams/events. So the selection here aren't exactly management mandated. It's possible they were the ones who chose to participate.

>> No.56760951

Lol that homo is fired

>> No.56760960
Quoted by: >>56761091

I think it's partially that but also partially Cover is aware of how fast VSPO is growing, some of their girls are already doing mid-level Holo numbers (as in CCV in the 5view range), and VSPO is in essence an esports corpo.

>> No.56760975
Quoted by: >>56761061

Yes? Because the thing would be if they organized it, they talked with them even if they had a lot more of girls to chose, if it wasn't a sponsor. We should consider Aqua as a male collaber too then, because she joined the groomer tournaments with startEND. If they stay in their VC then I don't care, they are probably not even gonna name them, since you do the calls by the character name in overwatch

>> No.56761016

Fauna was the one who shut down and didn't say anything when they were on
Mumei was the one who vaguely kind of acknowledged them

>> No.56761037

>management wants to make this a success
>VALORANT and a OW2 collab with Holosta.
>The fanbase hates FPS and male collabs the most.

>> No.56761061
Quoted by: >>56762111

All of these girls talk to the homos on discord and twitter. Stop with this faggot narrative.

>> No.56761075

sounds risky. the proper move is to get sick of have last minute internet issues.

>> No.56761091

You can't teach an old dog new tricks, atleast I don't think it would happen with fos, if they want actual gaming chuubas, they should go scout for them, rather than pushing girls, who are old and terrible at games, especially that require quick thinking and reactions

>> No.56761094
File: 702 B, 90x20, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56761293


>> No.56761153

Is that you admiral bulldog?

>> No.56761222
Quoted by: >>56761521

Yeah they keep posting this like its some win but I have yet to see a link to prove this was said by IRyS.

>> No.56761241


>> No.56761258
File: 438 KB, 2004x2048, 16565232125654564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gettin' dicked down in Dallas
Railed out in Raleigh
Tag teamed up in Tennessee
Analed in Austin, buttfucked in Boston
Givin' neck down in New Orleans

>> No.56761271

I'm not American. I just always use imperial for height because I'm weird.

Then why did Vox describe her as tiny?

>> No.56761287
Quoted by: >>56761360

jesus christ ill never undertand "people" who watch ENstars, they are like the bottom of male streamers

>> No.56761293

the samefag seethe thread

>> No.56761360

well you'll never understand because you don't bother to, you watch a single type of content and think it's superior to everything else

>> No.56761424

You think Unicorns are bad? The Fujos are even worse.

>> No.56761442

Don't care, don't watch, Peko/Miko will overlap this shit and I will watch their stream instead.

>> No.56761460

The source is... reddit

>> No.56761467
Quoted by: >>56763951

I'm a crat but I never laught at deadbeats and teammates brother.

>> No.56761517

Ironic because you obviously don't watch the girls either if you think it's a "single type of content".

>> No.56761521
Quoted by: >>56764382

That was said by Lui you retard
Watch streams and stop falseflagging as a hololive fan

>> No.56761623

you will note i called them shit male streamers, cause they are compared to all streamers i watched during the years

>> No.56761730
Quoted by: >>56761833

as good as OP sounds, i've yet to find a clip or a timestamp of the claim which raises all the skepticism
and then there's all the what-ifs that might happen when this sponsorship collab follows through

>> No.56761751
Quoted by: >>56761987

Nice cope, surely they wont contact each other at all.

>> No.56761768

It's not that deep. She knows what a large portion of her fans think about stuff like this, just like she knows her industry and job, and addresses it to appease fans. It's a nice gesture that prevents discontent amongst her fans.
I get that you are trolling btw, I'm replying in case anyone thinks you are serious.

>> No.56761833
Quoted by: >>56764861

There's no clips or a timestamp because the stream is still going.

>> No.56761987

I mean it happens to you, so yea.

>> No.56762018
File: 10 KB, 267x189, why yes it is a google thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56763687

>Makes me wonder where the fuck you guys would be if vtubers or /vt/ didn't exist. /v/ probably
>Posting Pekora and forgot we have root in /jp/, the den of racism and Idolfags

>> No.56762020
Quoted by: >>56762095

I don't want to alarm anyone in here, but full disclosure, I am a male

>> No.56762056

The order is probably in reverse, the holos is then put there to actually accomplish their goal

>> No.56762063

You'd have to be a idiot to believe that, like they would admit to get dicked to their ATM.

>> No.56762079
File: 33 KB, 500x669, smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like you think this is gonna stop me from getting my revenge on irystocunts for all the shit they said about me back in 2021

>> No.56762095
Quoted by: >>56762860

you better not touch your penis when you pee, faggot

>> No.56762111
Quoted by: >>56762947

>all the girls secretly talk to homostars on discord all the time trust me bro
this is my favorite homobeggar fanfic, most of the girls barely even talk to each other lmao

>> No.56762140

You beggars sure hold some long ass grudges, huh? Over 6 weeks, my man. How much longer you think they can go without any news?

>> No.56762185

This is how they ease you into more homo collabs.

>> No.56762186

lmao larping faggot

>> No.56762240
Quoted by: >>56762350

If it has to be stated it's literally bullshit lol.
>"Oh but don't worry unicorns, you can still toss money at us we don't talk to men AT ALL OUTSIDE OF STREAMING!"

>> No.56762350
Quoted by: >>56762494

damned if you do, damned if you dont

>> No.56762408

It's going to be kino watching them talk and laugh it up in the matchmaking lobby while this board has a category-5 meltdown.

>> No.56762489
Quoted by: >>56762574

this time for sure, sis!

>> No.56762494
File: 1.14 MB, 384x216, 1688972619401689.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why the only winning move is to not play at all.

>> No.56762513

Not more kino than seeing the beggars and sisters having a category-6 meltdown when Cover finally announces the termination of the two faggots.

>> No.56762554

FPBP. I'm Brian btw.

>> No.56762574
File: 1.06 MB, 3511x4096, 1692407961727695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fasting? Weak.

>> No.56762607

Just the thought of it gives me the biggest of erections

>> No.56762612

I'd enjoy these scenarios more if the people on this site weren't all cucks. The reason the girls do this sort of stuff is they know none of their actual audience is going to change their behavior over it. All people here are either not fans in the first place or going to cry about it anonymously and then go right back to begging to be pissed on in her chat the next stream.

>> No.56762675

It is healthy to terminate the leeches and purge the parasites.

>> No.56762776
Quoted by: >>56764747

Your pussy will never get pounded sis

>> No.56762808

Isn't this the same holo that called her viewers ATMs and now she's pandering to corns after that slip-up? Some bitches have no standards or respect baka

>> No.56762860
Quoted by: >>56764365

I sit on the toilet because using a urinal makes it too easy for people to look and I think that's weird

>> No.56762947

why would they talk with other females online?

>> No.56763196
Quoted by: >>56763340

I'm probably preaching to the choir here but if it was EN1 VS EN2/ JP GEN VS JP GEN it would make a bigger splash than random girls vs 5 guys who are pretty much in the holostars witness protection program

>> No.56763209

Not a box. "Tourist" are not in boxes

>> No.56763315

Sorry IRyS. I was just going with the flow and shitposting anyway. I never un-membered you at first place
In all seriousness, no, she didn't. There are clips of it online

>> No.56763330

Why would you admit that your mother is a liar. Do you think she is whore too?

>> No.56763340
Quoted by: >>56767917

That's fucking obvious but Cover is willing to make the girls deal with an avoidable controversy just for the near 0 chance that the homos might get something from this garbage.

>> No.56763505

Agree, i wanting this so badly. It will be ungodly good meltdown

>> No.56763520 [DELETED] 

All those who doubted my wife will never ever be called IRyStocrats ever again

>> No.56763528

Yes it is gay if you are lusting over a third wheel experience.

>> No.56763603

>homobeggars btfo
Unicorns were having mental breakdowns because Irys was in the same image as some stars, before they even had any context for anything

>> No.56763687

Come on anon, tourists aren't /jp/fags.

>> No.56763723

Management is up to their dirty tricks again of asking the girls to commit while not disclosing that it involves the homos.

>> No.56763804
File: 26 KB, 128x128, idgimm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56764861

Okay, 210 posts in. Did anyone asked for source on OP?

>> No.56763876

They are mediocre stop coping.

>> No.56763951

You should improve yourself then

>> No.56763993

Does anyone else find this entire conflict about male collabs almost entirely artificial?
Feels like people are hunting for any chance for a holo and a star to be onscreen at the same time to make into a big incident and drive thread engagement.
Meanwhile on the talent side, you have holos willingly participating in these events knowing they will "have" to explain to their fans that not a single word will be said to a male. And the reality is, it's maybe like 3 or 4 people who even said anything negative when they see their oshi on the same poster as a male. The entire thing feels like everyone is baiting reactions.

>> No.56764141
Quoted by: >>56764192

or they are tricked into it by management like the minecraft collab where kanata flipped out. this seems like similar shit where managers push shit that the girls don't want (because they risk annoying viewers). same shit where a manager told nene being an idol wasn't enough and she should spam valorant.

>> No.56764173
Quoted by: >>56764519

>Feels like people are hunting for any chance for a holo and a star to be onscreen at the same time to make into a big incident
People are currently extremely assblasted about Mikhail the Catto allowing Y chromosomes to taint the purity of her streaming, pls andastand anon, they are trying to spread their froth-mouthed menhera as far as possible,

>> No.56764192

Anyone that actually cares about someone playing video games with their oshi just because said guest has a penis is mentally ill

>> No.56764238
Quoted by: >>56764371

so? maybe they are? still doesn't change the fact that it pisses off the girl's audience.

>> No.56764248
Quoted by: >>56764371

>Meanwhile on the talent side, you have holos willingly participating in these events
Sure they're doing it "willingly" but we have no info if they actually knew about the homos otherwise a bunch of them are really stupid to "willingly" appear in an event that will be controversial with their fans. Also there's no reason for it to be Holo vs Stars when just having two Hololive-only teams would make the whole thing infinitely more successful if management is truly concerned about it. Also the game is garbage, so it's a garbage exhibition match on a garbage game made by a garbage company with the garbage decision of including the garbage branch.

>> No.56764299
Quoted by: >>56764368

give the homobeggers in management an inch and they'll take a mile
i cant believe IRyS, my oshi, is doing this to her fans

>> No.56764317

That is not case. Blizzard sponsors holo production
The company decided to mix things up

>> No.56764354


>> No.56764365

>anon sits down to peepee
Cute ToT

>> No.56764368
Quoted by: >>56765633

did you actually read it anon?

>> No.56764370

You are posting in 4chan

>> No.56764371
File: 15 KB, 290x241, FBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered that an audience that turns into antis and goes into a drama feeding frenzy at the slightest perceived offense isn't an audience worth keeping

>> No.56764382

So... not IRyS

>> No.56764398
Quoted by: >>56764699

The thing is, it's not like Irys has any fans at this point anyways. Maybe she needs to try different types of content? Maybe being a JP cocksleeve would bring in more viewers and attention to her failing music career?

>> No.56764399
Quoted by: >>56764761

unlike you however I don't shit on things I know nothing about

>> No.56764410
Quoted by: >>56766096

Go watch Kanata's stream with males and tell me she did that willingly. They fucking had a gun to that poor girl's head just to give you sick fucks an erection.

>> No.56764431

It is clearly their own decision anon
"I really though hard about this"

>> No.56764437

no, i haven't. have you considered risking money by participating in one stupid collab is a bad move?

>> No.56764448

No homo interaction? Time to go back to niji then. Bye.

>> No.56764461
Quoted by: >>56764551

Lol the Kanata moment is gonna be reproduced. Never forget Kanata was also told like that by her manager or the management

>> No.56764518

cover: you're saying collabs are ok if there is no contact outside of ingame matching? let the collabs begin!

>> No.56764519
File: 89 KB, 490x280, 1655531565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a Fandead up until two hours ago and this is true. CGCDT is dead. Gachikoi is dead. Corpos use your money to jump and grab a bigger bag even if it means male collabs. Now I'm seriously out for blood against any male vtuber in existence. I want them off this fucking industry, NOW!

>Have you considered money and viewership from the loyalty of paypigs not worth keeping?

>> No.56764527
Quoted by: >>56764585

What money? The third worlders that get upset about this shit contribute pennies to overall superchat income.

>> No.56764551

what Kanata did is retarded. She should've just play and not interact with the homos. But she choose not to.

>> No.56764561
Quoted by: >>56766370

>isn't an audience worth keeping
The most loyal fan will turn into the most vicious anti. You aren't getting rid of anyone, you just create more anti for yourself.

>> No.56764567
Quoted by: >>56766370

Have you considered that homos has no audience and pushing sponsors to them is a dirty scam.

>> No.56764570

Hololive will become a life vest for all these flopped aaa garbage so they could show holosimps clicks on the ad links to investors and claim these aaa garbage successful.

>> No.56764585

the gachikoi who submit pictures for room reviews. the ones that own every single piece of merch ever produced.

>> No.56764617

>Isn't this the same holo that called her viewers ATMs
It was misunderstanding and out of context. She meant to say that(I don't remember what game was it even) enemy is purposefully throwing for them, like giving them win or something, like viewers and like ATM machine throwing money at you, I don't remember this shit but something like that

>> No.56764664

Piss off homobeggar. Kanata is a real nigga for sticking up for herself.

>> No.56764669

I knew that it was going to be a nothinburguer, but we still should complain and antipost on Twitter and YouTube to avoid management getting any funny ideas

>> No.56764670

>>there's no contact outside of ingame matching
So there is contact.

>> No.56764689

They're not getting their money back just because Astel shows up in a FPS tournament
No amount of money is worth dealing with psychopaths who think they own you

>> No.56764699

Then she should collab with e celebs with large audience not the mediocre shitters.

>> No.56764732
Quoted by: >>56765353

Does it really hurt that much to have the veil lifted? To finally see that the girls you loved so much are just some common whores?

Honestly, you have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.56764747

I'll pound that pussy or bussy

>> No.56764761
Quoted by: >>56764921

Oh wow, people don't like when you do shit that's wildly different and controversial. I bet your faggot ass wouldn't be so defensive if people started shitting on the girls publicly saying they won't collab with the homos for whatever reason.

>generalizes all Holos as "a single type of content"
>says he doesn't shit on things he doesn't know anything about
The lack of self-awareness is palpable here.

>> No.56764770

future earnings of course. and why would they need to even participate. it's less work and less risk for them to skip male collabs. the males bring nothing. no viewers.

>> No.56764779
Quoted by: >>56764823

>Implying that IRyS is anywhere close to Kanata's autism
IRyS happily talked about her time in the butler cafe, when Kanata won't even acknowledge that males exist. They're completely different

>> No.56764824

they do own them, because greyfags like you don't support them with a single cent. maybe if you actually support them your opinion wouldn't be so useless.

>> No.56764823
Quoted by: >>56764932

Kanata should ban her male viewers then

>> No.56764836


>> No.56764861

lui claimed this, but she's still ongoing as >>56761833 said

>> No.56764921
File: 139 KB, 1080x901, Screenshot_20230823-085606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56765539

There is no difference between a guy or a girl being the one they're playing multiplayer games with. Only retards go into a frothing fit over boys being present for one stream. If the talent decides it's okay the fans should accept it, but pushing for it one way or another is fucking stupid.

>> No.56764925

I admire her for doing this the shit she did desu, I would be too embarassed, but she clearly showed her stance on whole male collabing thing and it means she genuinely loves her audience(or smart about audiences money), even most deranged ones, which is unusual compassion

>> No.56764932

kanata understands because she had her own breakdown when her idol got married. so, she doesn't want to do things that risk upsetting her viewers. is that really so horrible?

>> No.56764943
File: 664 KB, 670x580, 1687402141032821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56766077

Yes, homobeggars. The mongoloids who spam 200 bait threads desperately seething at idol culture and unicorns despite the fact that they clearly don't care about Hololive and most important they don't care about Stars.

>> No.56764945

Actually I don't like giving money to women.

>> No.56764956

What's the source for OP's pic?

>> No.56764986
Quoted by: >>56765015

Lui stream

>> No.56765015
Quoted by: >>56765053

Do you have a timestamp?

>> No.56765044

Lui still live, there will be a timestamps and clips soon

>> No.56765053


>> No.56765111
Quoted by: >>56765250

yeah it's horrible, she's becoming rushia where she can't get over to these kind of things.

>> No.56765198
Quoted by: >>56765324

>kanata understands because she had her own breakdown when her idol got married.
Is she mentally ill?

>> No.56765205

All the girls are on one team and the guys the other. It's not like they're talking to each other directly. Does this not count for anything?

>> No.56765250

because she should be male collabing as much as possible because she needs to demonstrate to her viewers it's what she wants and fuck what her viewers want? there's no logic in that. it risks money, and every streamer should optimize for maximum financial gain. males bring nothing.

>> No.56765324

sorry, i can't give a diagnosis over the internet for someone who i've only ever seen stream on youtube.

>> No.56765333

Holy, I do watch vtubers a lot but I don't view them "romatically" or some shit. Ofc I lust them but what the fuck? This is mental illness

>> No.56765353

>No amount of money is worth dealing with psychopaths who think they own you
t. someone who never got into Hololive
Piss off. I've seen clips of Mori begging for album purchases. You think money grow on trees? Bitch admitted to numberfagging just to get more CCV. All these so she could do bigger projects. What ruined it? Her many yabs plus her tendency for male collabs.

It's not what you think. I just want to focus on the girl. I don't like male vtubers and their presence in the girl's stream. I'm not actually thinking she's my gf or anything. There's this energy that only girls have that heals me. Found out about it initially when I saw Subaru's Live3D concert. Having a male vtuber mix in with that kills the mood.

>> No.56765382

a lot of it is just trolling , hardly any of the EOPs here even watch the girls in that tournament. Most of the casual fans don't give a shit if their tuber talks to a guy, if the homos on their screen bother them that much they will just watch something else, but you can bet the simps sending thousands of dollars a month in super chats aren't happy about it and those are the ones the talents don't want to upset. Either they didn't know there would be males in the tournament when they signed up or they felt guilty/pressured to join because no one else was going to. and some of them like towa and Matsuri just don't care about the reaction anymore.

>> No.56765424

Calm down, tranny.

>> No.56765488

yes, you're on the losing end, so now we are down to 'oh my god, she's crazy'
yeah, and both matsuri and towa have taken a real financial hit for their collab choices.

>> No.56765490
Quoted by: >>56765564

Yes. It's Nijitroons and other Hololive antis trying to force yet another drama. Yesterday we had bait threads about Bijou not playing BG3 right. Last week we had bait threads because Fuwamoco did ONE JP stream and sisters tried to paint it as cucking.

>> No.56765494

>Ofc I lust them
KEK based

>> No.56765539

Shitposters like you will ignore this >>56764921 because it annihilates your narrative

>> No.56765564

yeah, bijou was fine. kiara and nerissa were playing wrong. at least kiara is going to practice today and try to fix that.

>> No.56765606
Quoted by: >>56766520

>I want them off this fucking industry, NOW!
I hate to be the one to expose this secret, but they are all here just to spite you specifically. KYS or leave, and their reason to exist will be gone. Graduations galore.

>> No.56765633
Quoted by: >>56765858

they're collabing with homostars

>> No.56765635
Quoted by: >>56765710

One person having membership of the one girl who doesn't follow a single homo on Twitter doesn't mean the majority of the audience is fine with this shit, otherwise the absolute majority of the homos wouldn't live on 3view hell.

>> No.56765710
Quoted by: >>56765866

That's a lot of assumptions you managed to fit into one post

>> No.56765738

I want to watch cute girls doing cute things, not cute girls hanging out with other men. People who try to force the former into the latter should not be tolerated. Simple as.

>> No.56765753
Quoted by: >>56766520

>have product to sell
>advertise product
How dare this begging continue.

>> No.56765797

Imagine being this fragile

>> No.56765833
Quoted by: >>56766145

Blame the HRZNTL management then, they set this up

>> No.56765837

Yeah, gaming content that no one watches. The only thing you faggots want to watch is idol shit.

>> No.56765858
Quoted by: >>56765965

What does pretending to be retarded gain you? Or anyone in this thread for that matter? I'm actually curious. We should all know by now this board is filles with people who unironically need /s tone markers to tell when someone is exaggerating.

>> No.56765859

Just skip that one stream or something instead of malding 24/7. These things are rare so no reason to take it seriously, the rest 98-99% of streams doesn't have any guys in it

>> No.56765866

Then explain to me why the homos don't have more fans if the absolute majority of the Hololive fanbase is fine with them. It's really weird that the one fanbase with the biggest amount of dd fans somehow doesn't follow one of the branches almost in it's entirety, don't you think?

>> No.56765881

>I should be the only one who gets to dictate terms about what they can stream, and somehow this doesn't make me as bad as a homobeggar, because reasons.

>> No.56765965
Quoted by: >>56766163

theres a line in the sand she drew herself
and she crossed it

>> No.56765974
Quoted by: >>56766044


>> No.56766005

Its a boiling a frog situation.

>> No.56766039

>OW2 got so bad they were willing to use Holostars to promote their product
Zhangzard is still retarded I guess...

>> No.56766044

>disliking a certain type of content and giving your feedback is the same as begging a streamer to interact with another streamer

So popular 2 of them are now in limbo.

>> No.56766046
Quoted by: >>56766247

>Blizzard got mad that an indie fanmade game about Hololive beat the shit out of their premium AAA game
>Tries to psyop Hololive by sponsoring them
>Made their interns come here to stir shit up instead of giving them valuable work experience
>Mythfags keep seething and taking the bait anyway

Did I get it right sisters?

>> No.56766048

YabaiRyS is going to stick her foot in it as usual but this time the subject will be a dude and the seethe will be glorious "oh I'm getting slammed by Astel" as he's Winston ulting or some shit

>> No.56766077

you mean the falseflaggers? We don't really need them to remind us that idol culture is trash and full of schizos afraid of their own shadow because we have threads like this.

>> No.56766096
Quoted by: >>56766148

>Had a gun to the girl's head
This is just a sad cope lmao. If they didn't want to join they shouldn't have fucking bothered. You smell of white knight cuckoldry, faggot.

>> No.56766116
Quoted by: >>56766228

cgdct bros theres still hope

>> No.56766133
Quoted by: >>56767128

You can be fine with someone without viewing their content. Low numbers =/= hating your oshi if that low-number talent shows up in a collab. I'm never going to claim that people don't prefer CGDCT but I'm not going to believe that the majority despise the stars either. And as for Gura, she made her own choice on whether or not to collab with the stars, and I respect that. My problem is deranged unicorns trying to make that choice for someone else, and promising retribution if they choose otherwise.

>> No.56766145

only one? no. what they will see is less SC and less views overall. it's a stupid risk to take.
yeah, there's definitely a management issue. someone really needs to address that within the company. girls have switched managers before when they were unhappy.

>> No.56766148

Since you refuse to watch any of the content, why do you insist on talking about it?

>> No.56766163
Quoted by: >>56766394

You didn't actually read it well, don't you?

>> No.56766219
File: 590 KB, 1080x641, 1692230527835852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anons will pretend people never talk in private ever
Lmao the cope is hilarious

>> No.56766228

Nah its done. /vt/ was always retarded for having hope when Advent came. Magni and Vesper aren't getting fired and Holostars WILL get pushed harder.

>> No.56766247

The only thing you got right was
>Blizzard got mad that an indie fanmade game about Hololive beat the shit out of their premium AAA game
If people here actually played video games and watched video game streams, they would immediately see that Blizzard is desperate for vtuber exposure on the level of other competing """fps""" games.
I say """fps""" because they're just giant stores that print money and manage to be worse than gacha. Of course, racist american cultural terrorists will say otherwise.

>> No.56766294
Quoted by: >>56766452

Thats fine. Anything except on stream. Otherwise anons would still be banging on about the girls having bfs but you don't see that shit around as much as hate for Holostar collabs with the girls.

>> No.56766325

>Either they didn't know there would be males in the tournament when they signed up
plausible, monkey's paw effect and since some of them are now committed to it with announcement out and all unless it gets intervened by some sick deus ex machina (which i wouldn't personally count on)
>they felt guilty/pressured to join because no one else was going to
why? it's a sponsorship, it's free money; who would pass up on that?
>and some of them like towa and Matsuri just don't care about the reaction anymore
why? the resident FPSwhores like lacunny and matsuri can show up for valo but not OW? hell, even towa showed up for this

>> No.56766331

i honestly don't care what they do in private. i only care about the stuff they do in public.

>> No.56766343
Quoted by: >>56766475

A reminder that Hololive had no problem doing mix-gender collabs prior to gen 3, both gen 1/2 regularly did collabs with men (yes even someone like Ayame). Gen 3 was one of the pivotal moments for Hololive that helped it blow up, and they accomplished that by not collabing with men at all really and pushing for a more pure segregated image of Hololive with no men. But now it seems to be back to before with other coropos like Vspo regularly doing stuff with men and still being popular. Hololive wants to get in on this market that Vspo has cornered. I don't really see any problem with Cover pushing for more unity, if the boys get more popular then that's more money coming into the company lol both the boys and girls within the Cover sphere are all part of the same company and some people seem to forget that. Bring on the Homo collabs, maybe some of the outliers like Irys/Gura/Pekora/etc will finally start doing stuff with men hopefully.

>> No.56766370
File: 57 KB, 350x405, 1688763826208816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but """"""""""""""unircorns"""""""""""""""" don't give any money
And no, gachis aren't unicorns. None of you know anything about actual Japanese culture, stop pretending you do

>> No.56766394

it says:
we knew there were holostars but management wants this event with the holostars to be a success so they begged us to join

>> No.56766404

where is this screenshot from?

>> No.56766421

Where did this even come from?

>> No.56766452

>Otherwise anons would still be banging on about the girls having
They still do that what are you talking about retard

>> No.56766475
Quoted by: >>56766557

>Unironic homobegger

Fuck off back to Twitter

>> No.56766520
File: 679 KB, 1461x900, 16554643256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't annihilate shit. Kronii wrote two menhera paragraphs facing off her fans that hate her Vesper collab.
>talent decides it's okay the fans should accept it,
Fuck off that's not how money from your fandom works. You're selling a service. If it stops being to customer's liking, they'll leave. Less money. The customer doesn't have to like it and is free to express their dislike and desire for the service to be better.
Nice try, nigga.
I'm bringing up the advertisement because Mori sounded desperate. Lazy ass bitches like Gura could stop streaming for 7 months and come back to superchats and 13k viewers. Mori fucked up hard and can't recover in comparison. Of course she still gets more external promos etc. and if you want that to be your measuring stick then feel free to homo collab ad infinitum.
What I know is that at this moment, Hololive has the strongest signal in the scene thanks to CGCDT stuff. To turn away that fanbase is to abandon the fans who have supported them all this time.
Nah fuck it. Energy ruined. Dream ruined. If it's not a GFEtuber it's fine; but they usually have bland personalities because they don't play to their persona; but someone like Rushia? Holy shit, if I go back I'M the cumrag.

>> No.56766522

When did I imply that Unicorns are Gachikoi ? Stop generalizing people, retard.

>> No.56766534

yeah, a gachi with his walls completely covered in merch isn't going to be a unicorn. when is the last time you saw room review where one of those people had male merch on their walls also? and why would you understand japanese culture?

>> No.56766549
File: 186 KB, 828x1727, 1692265365264725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56766604

>Where did this screenshot come from?????

I think its very funny that all of the "unicornchad streamwatcher gachis" don't even actually fucking watch Hololive streams to know this basic shit, they just read threads and dramafag lmao

>> No.56766557

>Stating objective facts
>Means you're the meaningless buzzword
Why are you conceding?

>> No.56766604

>they just read threads and dramafag
Are you new here?

>> No.56766653

oh god, it's the conceding schizo.

>> No.56766740
Quoted by: >>56766775

>anon uses a common word
>be accused of being some boogeyman
Why is this so common these days

>> No.56766759

Why do they keep pushing for mix-gender shit, I don't understand. The people who watch girls like Irys do not care about the homos whatsoever, the narrative that the girls do not promote the guys enough or w/e is just retarded as they do not share similar audiences at all lol.

>> No.56766775

because there's definitely one poster that does the 'ah so you concede!' move regularly.

>> No.56766831
Quoted by: >>56766911

What schizo? You're just mad because someone pointed out that you have no argument.

>> No.56766888
Quoted by: >>56767189

Women can't play video games. WE ALL KNOW THIS.

>> No.56766911

i think the argument has been pretty clearly stated.
someone in cover thinks pushing this inclusivity male/female/whatever shit is good for the company. see the fan guidelines released a while ago.

>> No.56766956

That, and I would assume most people who watch the guys don't want them interacting with girls either.

>> No.56766974

When people are purposuly saying shit like "oh I hope someone like Gura/Irys collabs with men", they are a homobegger because only that type of person gets off on the prospect of one of those girls doing something with a guy.

>> No.56766997
Quoted by: >>56767093

Cover is retarded

>> No.56767003

Unicorns only attack their supposed oshi

>> No.56767004
Quoted by: >>56767113

Ironically the yumes don't fear the girls at all

>> No.56767014

She is really an expert in damage control after calling her viewers ATMs.

>> No.56767068

banks unironically have gender and diversity quotas as part of corporate credit

theres a reason every big business pushes that shit

>> No.56767093
File: 186 KB, 401x489, 1661703682103240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56767423

>they keep pushing
When will you just accept that no one is forcing anyone to do anything and they just signed up for it willingly
If they could force talents to do shit they'd make more popular ones do it.

>> No.56767094
File: 169 KB, 339x295, 1668280375155142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56767230

Btw this is the only Stars stream at the moment. There are some bait threads in the catalog with more posters than this.
The second lowest stream? Ollie. The unity queen who pandered to you mentally ill homobeggars and wasted her 1M wish on a mixed gender FPS collab.
The people seething at idol culture and unicorns are clearly a loud obnoxious minority just trying to virtue signal instead of supporting the talents.

>> No.56767110

The Rushia/Mafu drama was very eyeopening in this regard, in that most of Rushia's fans were supportive (just look at how popular her roommate still is) compared to Mafu's fans who were attacking both of them en mass over it. Sure there definitely are male fans who act that way too, but like another example with Vox and the other men in Niji who just have weirdly obsessive female/faggot fans.

>> No.56767113

Most women I know into anime like the women as much as the guys. It's the dudes that have problems with other dudes on screen unless it's a self insert

>> No.56767128
Quoted by: >>56767321

The only retribution is people stop watching/canceling memberships if the girl is retarded enough to give the homos any attention. You're the psycho ones that act like people can't have preferences and defined limits. Also there is a clear shift from people who were initially apathetic towards the homos towards actively disliking them and the more Cover tries to force those failures down our throats with retarded shit like this the bigger this shift will be.

>> No.56767180
Quoted by: >>56767376

Isin't that only for the west tho like with the ESG, I guess that makes sense if Cover is mainly pushing this stuff in the EN branch but for overall it doesn't make sense.

>> No.56767189

>Suisei and Tetris
>Botan and FPSs
>Gura and Muse Dash
>Bijou and Undertale
While that's certainly the norm, it being a rule has been proven wrong repeatedly in Hololive alone. It seems more like women have a small chance to become good at one particular game or genre.

>> No.56767230

>210 watching

Yes, the unicorn are the minority.

>> No.56767257

I will say without a hint of shame that I will unironically stop watching any of the girls that start to regularly do content with any of the homos. I only want to watch anime girls do shit alone or with other anime girls, I watch shit like moe anime for the same reason keep disgusting men out of it.

>> No.56767321
Quoted by: >>56767671

Yeah bro unicorns totally JUST cancel their memberships, they definitely would never turn into antis and start harassing their "oshi" because they talked to a star. You're fucking delusional.

>> No.56767335
Quoted by: >>56768434

>He gives no money to Holo whatsoever
Who cares

>> No.56767349

I just don't like any of the males they've hired that I've encountered. They hire people like vesper and give them the worst models.

>> No.56767376
File: 46 KB, 982x378, 1692801510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56767469

maybe a lot of their shares got bought up by a retirement fund that pushes this

>> No.56767423
File: 1.62 MB, 2894x4093, 1670498068616747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56767567

"Pushing" as in, encouraging, I suppose. But you are right.

>> No.56767469
Quoted by: >>56767647

the shareholder info is public

>> No.56767567

They aren't even doing that you're all just paranoid retards. Just because it happens doesn't mean it's being "pushed". It just means the talents WANT to do it.
And if it is being "pushed" I'd love to actually see proof of it but no one can actually manage to do that

>> No.56767647

>strive - ESG
>mizuho - ESG
checked a few others and they're all ESG

>> No.56767653
Quoted by: >>56768548

yes, the girls are just begging for male collabs that risk annoying some of the viewers most likely to send them money.

>> No.56767671
Quoted by: >>56767901

>You're fucking delusional.
Yeah, and the girls who think giving any kind of attention to that failure of a branch is a good idea are equally delusional. Also stop acting like you beggars are the saints here, you faggots are just as obnoxious and do the exact same shit like spamming about Tempiss every time a EN girl talks about kouhai or acting "disappointed" when a girl says she isn't interested in collabing with the failures. Pot calling the kettle black but keep acting like you're the better one here. Also fucking watch streams, it's fucking embarrassing to see you retards complaining about "muh unicorns" while your faggots are losing to small corpos. All that investment and advertisement just for some terminally online schizo to humiliate them.

>> No.56767713

I think they just don't want to give up on the male branch, they've already sunk a lot of money into it and Niji has shown it can be successful at least in Japan anyway. Somehow they want the popularity to rub off from the girls , they don't want to make any big moves to scare off the gachis so they just do these little sponsored tournaments to see how people react. They were probably hoping stars would rival Niji male popularity on their own without relying on the girls , hence why they have been hardly any interactions encouraged between them until now.

>> No.56767794
Quoted by: >>56767944

I'm not so sure. I agree that no one is forcing them, but I don't beleive it was any of their's idea to include holostars.

>> No.56767823

this is probably true. i think also that during their expansion they've hired people who don't understand the fans and have their own ideas of how to grow the company.

>> No.56767865

The slippery slope is real and cover has been trying to push homos down our throat for a whole year so yes I'll make sure that my complains are heard every single time.

>> No.56767901

That's a LOT of projecting. I only discuss this shit when I see retards throwing fits in the catalog to try and argue to them why they're being unreasonable, and I do watch streams. I spent last night watching Altare play OoT while I played Holocure. Just hit 11 months on his membership today too.

>> No.56767917

This was probably a Holostars sponsorship in the first place.

>> No.56767944

>I don't beleive it was any of their's idea to include holostars
If we're talking about "talent made" shit like Ame's worms, obviously it was the Talent's (Ame's) idea to do so, among others too.
And with this, it literally says it's their idea to include them.
My issue is anons acting like this (if I'm not mistaken), third party company can somehow force Holo talents to participate in this. And that Cover would also force them to do so when there's already been so much drama of them forcing other retarded shit

>> No.56767988
Quoted by: >>56768003

Now this is some real schizo shit

>> No.56768003

t. didn't even read the post

>> No.56768024
Quoted by: >>56768756

why would any large company sponsor holostars? they have no viewers.
ame is stupid and her numbers have suffered from the bad moves she's made

>> No.56768100

You're probably right. They saw how good the Niji males were doing, thought they could magically get the same success without doing any of the work and are now scrambling and trying to promote them with small projects alongside the girls as if they can undo years of putting them on the backburner

>> No.56768165
Quoted by: >>56768733

In short, she called them ATMs. Gotcha.

>> No.56768175

>And with this, it literally says it's their idea to include them.
Where in the fuck it says it was the girls idea to include the homos?

>> No.56768434

Unicorns are literally the backbone funding these people lol, homobeggers don't even watch streams.

>> No.56768548

NTA, but anon, there is bare minimal risk on sponsored stuffs like this. There won't be any big drama and the girls wouldn't even care any more than making it clear that they are only in it because of work.
The same reason why you don't see any idol being afraid of joining TV variety shows; Why IRyS had no issue telling her chat that she was going for dinner after recording sessions with Cover's sound engineers (in plural); Why Kanata didn't lose any viewer after making her stance clear. These kind of things can be chalked to "work" and get a pass most of the time.
All in all, the girls aren't "begging for male collabs that risk annoying some of the viewers most likely to send them money". They are accepting job offers (that presumably pays well) with minimal risk. It just happens that males are involved in the job, but none of them are accepting this because males would be there.

>> No.56768639

You might be fucking right >>56767934.

>> No.56768733

That wasn't what she said either. This was (I'm quoting from the archive because I'm too lazy to write it again myself)
>The AI player was letting the girls win during a mahjong match by giving them all the tiles that they needed. One of the girls (not Lui) said this and called it a tile ATM. Lui then suggested it might be a fan of Hololive as a joke. She was never saying that Holofans are ATMs. She was implying that the AI was letting them win like the fans that sit at the finish line and let the girls win during Mario Kart or Fallguys.
Stop eating bait /here/ from EOPs. People literally admitted to coming to this board from other boards just to shit it up around that time

>> No.56768756

Because is up to management grabs up the sponsors. Just like when Tempus clown got a RE 4 remake sponsored stream. Also add the fact that Astel and Izuru are huge fps autists that are recognized among the japanese fps streamers and Miyabi (flower boy) is a overwatch autist.

>> No.56769285
Quoted by: >>56769374

This doesn't make it look her any better. She was still comparing them to ATMs.

>> No.56769374
Quoted by: >>56770289

She wasn't even the one who said ATM, you subhuman nijinigger.

>> No.56769678
Quoted by: >>56769951

Then it will be just skip two streams man, "what's wrong with you, just skip this, skip that", and suddenly chuuba will have a meltdown because of noombers. If you dislike certain content of your oshi/kamioshi/usual chuuba you watch you should voice that, if no one voices displeasure means she'll continue hurting herself, until realizing too late. It's fine to voice your displeasure, it's fine to vent on anonymous basket weaving forum about it, what you shouldn't do is go apeshit and threatening chuuba to cut her in 17 pieces. I like certain chuuba, I like the way she does things, if she suddenly changes up things not to my liking, I either say that I don't like it(preferably somehow anonymous or on alt, so you don't get piled on/chased off from stream), or I just straight up leave if it bothers me too much.

>> No.56769729

>why would you not want holo to become niji, whoa, what a weird perspective to have!

>> No.56769951

Then all it means that people just dont want to watch streams.

>> No.56770018
Quoted by: >>56770203

i dont have a problem with this kind of collab but i fear its cover attempting to ease the audience into actual collabs

>> No.56770203

This is what happens when you enabled pomu and kiara to beg for collabs and encourage everyone to beg for collabs.
You fucking incels should have put an end to that behavior as it was happening. Now you have a fanbase that has been conditioned to never watch streams, never watch solo streams, and always wanting everything to be a collab.

>> No.56770268

Yeah, I read this exact text, but I forgot most of it, so it came out very warped, but my point still there AI(enemy) was letting them win

>> No.56770289
Quoted by: >>56770364

No, it worse. Someone made a tamed joke and her natural reaction is going full throttle and use that comparation to describe her fanbase.

>> No.56770364

Sure thing, nijnigger.

>> No.56770510

This kind of yab will only last 24hours, It's too weak compared to Kronii's collab where both parties planned and agreed.
