The Angle and hte Devil Edition>What is /lig/?/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.>Why /lig/?Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.Numbers for 8/20:1: (5,575)2: (4,918)3: (4,637)4: (4,452)5: (4,439)6: (2,790)7: (2,672)8: (2,192)9: (2,153)10: (2,003)Non-English:1: (12,284) *Korean2: (9,357) *Korean3: (5,733) *Korean>Wait isn't that one a corpo?For historical reasons, small companies are fine temporarily as long as they have one talent at 500-ish.>Twitch Clips Guide>VOD Archival Guide>/lig/ VOD Archive>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)>Tiermaker>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)>Upcoming Birthdays:August 23rd - TrickyAugust 24th - NemuAugust 27th - AbigailAugust 28th - Mira PinkSeptember 6th - LyraSeptember 8th - VesperSeptember 9th - NanobitesSeptember 10th - Jeanfaymas>Official /lig/ booru>OC material for the OP>Ducks (embed) (embed) Other useful threads:>>>/vt//wvt/>>>/vt//asp/>>>/vt//corpo/>>>/vt//indie/>>>/vt//vrt/>>>/vt//vsj+/>>>/vt//swarm/Previous Thread: >>56595278
Filian is based
Love my wolf wife
I love jets
In THREE DAYS it'll be Nemu's birthday, show your appreciation by making a tile for her birthday card! Standard card rules apply, tiles must be SFW and have dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400). Nemu is a fan of banter so some light ribbing is allowedSome things Nemu likes:>Path of Exile>Minecraft>Planetside 2>Tarkov>Cooking (she has multiple kitchen appliances in her bathroom, which she calls a "shitchen")>Music (she majored in music composition and owns multiple classical instruments, including a Yamaha SVC-210SK Silent Cello named "Chlamydia")>Blacksmithing>Biking, especially on mountain trails>Construction>Taxes/Finances/Accounting>Wigglies (Nemu is the origin of wigglies as a Twitch emote)
just took a fat ogre shit in my ogre swamp for filian
Orcat <3
Bean love! Saru's chat come up with this or was it Saru? Because this is a lot more funny than I expect out of frogchat. feet will never not be funny
Kitanya underscore is underscore here says good afternoon lig I love my oshi even if she has to use TTS to speak!
ruined my sleep schedule for filian.
>>56613847Is this a vtuber?
>>56613792>Prussianwhat, so she's open about it now?
found an old cheap tablet I bought back in 2022 at the height of OC craze didn't draw a single thing btw
I Love Lyra buhh
I love my wife! I can't wait to see her again!
smells like fish in here
>>56613885yeah, she does ASMR and now OF
>>56613525What? I never hear Tob mention weed on her own, only when someone else talks about it or when other people talk about how Tob gives them free weed. I don't know anyone who smokes weed irl so it's hard for me to tell if she acts like a stoner or not/
Why was the hoe trending
people love her
>>56613792Someone in her community made it
>>56613792A regular made it, zenbase
>>56613857Just got in and I'm surprised max got all the goals. Hopefully she can get some rest soon
I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
womp womp
>>56613909You can still do some now, oc is fun to see.Also, what kind of tablet?
>>56613907Yes, just like how Anny is a proud member of the Soviet Union.
Bets on the first chuuba oli is going to kiss?
Olivia HATES Banjo and Kazooie
>>56614323Based. Banjo Kazooie is garbage.
Is Aura the Panda from a now dead small corpo?
I love love love this cute retard!
>>56614271She already kissed everyone she met at that convention
filian is based
daph fansly value ratio? vtuber fansly have terrible reputations for being bad
>filian, hannah and shondo emotes in oli chatAlso she's almost at 1K CCV.
where anny
>>56614435Utano Pandora
>>56614418you say that, but banjo kazooie is one of the most popular 2023 titles
for me, it's that bat the tries to hide her struggles but could probably use a hug because she's very precious
I love filian
>>56613770Opera footjob
>>56614674I don't want to touch Bat. She'd probably give me a pandemic-starting disease.
>>56614418Don't get too close, you might catch something.
>>56614553Just look on simp city
>>56614323good, she should force But play variety games
>Porcelain Maid clips channel recommended to me because it has Shylily in the vid name>Select dots, don't recommend channelAnd just like that I don't have to see his face again
fell asleep in my chair while reading a newspaper for filian.
>>56614783you could've just asked for art of him, no need for reverse psychology
Why does Olivia play Moriko's music on her stream? Bat god bimbofied and Olivia got gamerpilled?
>>56614652??? Do you have a source for that???
>>56614757Idk how to navigate that shit
>>56614835Moriko killed Olivia and has been forcing Marika to skinwalk as her to cover up the murder
Saru finally stopped playing ranged, that shit sucks
>>56614783simple as. I do this whenever they think I want to see another femboy VRC clip channel.
>See post on 4chan with Porcelain Maid face>I don't like it>Select arrow, hide postAnd just like that I don't have to see his face again
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
>>56614874skill issue her fansly isn't worth it
Really cute to see Yuni supporting Aura
>>56614941I mean, she drew the model so...
>>56614940Is she under the Asian or the ASMR category
>>56614974And she'll draw Sayu's model next!
>>56615082wait really? I remember one of the Sayuposters said she helped Sayu find a model artist, but not that she was drawing the model herself
>>56613857>she has to use TTS to speakwhat's wrong with 'er?
>>56614574Her friends' emotes you mean?
Juni, stop posting Jowol. It is not time yet.
Olivia kinda laughs like Bat
Oli please.
>>56615112squeaky voice
>>56615112I was too rough with her last night and now her voice is kill. sorry!
>>56615065Her page on coomer got updated
>>56614974yuni's style is so nice
I think filian should be forced to buy Rael's full doujin collection. She gets to support a good friend and I want to see how hopeless filian actually is.
i am thinking about quitting my 9-5 job cause i don’t like that i miss streams and that you guys are always having fun throughout the day it makes me feel sad
>>56615247I need her to collab with them
>>56614674she's way too irony poisoned for me to feel much sympathy
>>56614615Thought so. With the exception of 2-3 chuubas, the CyberLive girls all made it out of that situation okay.
I don't like you that much juni.
>>56615444Time zones exist
>>56615444Get a job in IT and get payed for sitting around and watching liggers
>>56615444Do you infinite monies? Because if you do, then go for it. If you don't, don't do it. You'll regret it deeply as you're draining your life savings.Currently job hunting and got like 16 months on the clock. I love my girls but I like having food in my belly and a roof over my head more.
>>56615444you are a slave you can't eat or have shelter without work
>>56614725nice try but you won't dissuade me moriko
>>56614485What interests me about your retard is how she has a lot of strange connections. Like why does mysta from Niji follow her on twitch? Did she know him somehow?
Why is it so fucking hard to stop being a neet? I applied to 2 basic wage cuck jobs and been waitin for like 4 days for them to reply now, i'm actually mad. And then people complain that people don't work, i have to fucking waste my time until some fucking hr stops being a lazy piece of shit. I already made a list of what to buy yet i can't even start working
>>56615508Sometimes when she's real tired or drunk she gets cutesy and sweet and it reels me back in every time.
>you’ve seen how i type on the forumsOlivia??
Saru you fucking brat
God it's funny when chat tries to backseat a game they've never played before
>>56615630you don't know the half of it anon. she had nick robinson on the stream one time
>>56615436Smacker you need to get reoriented back to reality.
>>56615865And saru reads the only person that posts wrong infoClassic
>>56615739If you haven't figured it out yet, we're still in hiring freezes as companies are figuring out the new normal. The new normal being how much they can charge, how little they can pay, and how far they can push their employees by overworking them. Tech isn't the only one getting this treatment. Low level wagecucks are getting it, too, and with a mountain of insults.
>>56615756she's /here/
>>56615739Because you have taught yourself to be lazy
>>56615870Who the fuck is Nick Robinson?
>>56615739>2 applicationsPump those numbers rookie
>>56615930>onlyThis conversation went>it's random>it always opens>at 4 minutes>between 4 and 3>it always opens that's how I always escape>it's chance based>it's only chance based on WHEN>guys it's not time based it's based in number of players>Lockpick?
>>56615922NO! I want to know what filian's fetishes are and I want to see her nervous ticks some more.
>>56616079I forgor image
>>56615944I don't live in America>>56615971How tf am i lazy i'm literally pissed off i can't start working >>56616011Is it really worth it? They all pay about the same but the distance from my home is far greater than what i'm comfortable with for the pay offered
>>56615756This is nice. Time to write more sexually deprived shit about Oli until she starts bringing it up.
>>56616151Can we get oli to have a Grimmi “I will kill Gaspar if you don’t stop” moment
>>56615818Everyone loves a good kusogaki
>>56615444I work a gig based job that pays pretty well but it's feast or famine, right now it's famine time so I got plenty of time to watch liggers
Anny sniffed my penis and now her sense of smell is back thanks to my smegma
>>56616203Guess jak 2 is over
>>56616203more like I'm gonna Jak 2 her
>>56616005funny autistic man on youtube
>>56616145You silly bitch. It's a global problem. If you think companies outside of the US aren't doing the exact same shit then you're sorely mistaken.
>>56616242same desu, bureaucracy keeping us high and dry atm but its right in time for Saru's subathon so I'm not complaining
>>56616322I'm confused how that chuuba has so many weird connections after looking him up.
>>56615756does she mean the QVC forums?
>>56615621If that's the one who can speak Spanish she really needs to just branch out more because Esp chuubas get huge numbers since there's not a lot of competition to split all the Latino weebs, which there are millions of.
>>56616203not again
keking at burgers living in a shithole without labour laws
>>56616349only in /lig/ do I see people using silly as an unironic insult.
>>56616211>I will kill Gaspar if you don't stopGrimmi will only embolden us. But, an enraged GIGASTACY does make my cock twitch.
>>56616506don't be silly please.
>>56613847Oh wow she has small face-big head syndrome. Imagine no eye makeup and and look at where the whites of her eyes end
>>56616546stop posting coni
>>56616581*NONK* *NONK*
>>56616546post your clunny coni
>>56616506It's either "silly bitch" or "stupid bitch" but on the rare occasions when it's really bad it defaults to a southern "oh, honey." That one is actually worse.
My horny got the better of me and I subbed to daphs fansly not really worth it, but at least I'll get my cock rated
I love my job and I'm much happier than when I just sat around and watched vtubers all day. Helps me prioritize the good content and collabs rather than just endless raids.
>>56616546why is her head disintegrating?
>>56616546Cunny ConfettiToT
>>56616637Let us know what score she gives you
>>56616661she's not feeling so good
>>56616643I miss being a useless NEET sitting at home all day but holy shit I love having money. I can still be a useless NEET when I take vacations I guess.
>>56616546Seggs face
>>56616581"Stop posting Coni" or "Stop posting, Coni"?
>>56613847She’s built for facialabuse
>>56615739good luck on your jobmaxxing
>>56616680Sure. Why does she want 30 bucks for like 4 pics and a short video? I'm already paying so what's this bullshit?
>>56616546Her cervix will be kissed and her womb will be breached. FUCK THE CLOWNS!
>>56616725obviously the latter. /here/tubers are always here
I hope Grimmi streams more on steroidsYesterday's stream was really good
>>56616758Does she use the fuck machine someone bought her off of throne? That’s the only way she could get me to pay.
>post one reaction image>oomfies go wild
>>56616637Is there anything good thats not on coomer already?
>>56616643I agree with your post but you the chuuba you posted doesn't meet those requirements.
>>56616845menhera clown cunny too powerful please understand
>>56614514That must have been one wild orgy
>chuuba posts irl pic>save it>reupload it>it will forever be on the internetnever post irl pics if you don't want a creep like me to save it.
>>56616728What level are we talking about? Like Moretta Cox with the drilldo or Aspen & Mylo level?
I am once again considering cheating on my oshi for Oli.
>>56616845It made me incredibly horny
>>56616906You are NOT a creep! Love yourself, faggot.
>>56616758This is how the paymodel works for fansly/onlyfans whores, PPV videos/bundles, cockrates and shit, and sometimes sub and get no PPV but still some PPV and etc.And some just charge like crazy for no material at all
>>56616720As gay as this sounds, one of the things I miss the most is not being able to jig regularly with my /lig/gers.
>>56617038why jig when you can jong
>>56617038But it's at 9PM, you should have finished work by then
>>56616926amelia wang
>>56617038go back retard
>>56617131kek, I like you.
>>56617070Don't make me post the Tiananmen Square copypasta.
>>56617128Oof, that's rough and hot
Gonna play Diablo 2 for the first time while watching Oli, is it good? Played other arpg before and loved them obv
Im Oli's big guy
just coom’d to someone other than my oshi I’ve never had such post nut disgust
Oli calls Bat her huge big wiener schnitzel
>>56616839No>>56616850A bunch of irl Fotos. They're good, but I can't justify paying $30 for 6 pics and I can't even see if it's full on nudes>>56617016Fucking bullshit
>>56617276Who is your oshi and who did you coom to
>>56617248>is it goodno unless you played it when it first came out. but since you don't have the nostalgia buff it will be lack luster
>>56617330I love the music and endgame looks fun...
>>56617276do it again
Race Queen Olivia...
>>56617303which is ironic considering bat's penis is only 3 inches long
i am loyal to Lyra
>>56617370it's really not. doing 1k mephisto runs is boring. the game runs entirely on nostalgia fuel
Who the fuck cares about some e-girl's onlyfans and what does that have to do with /lig/?
>>56617409based buhh
>>56617394Someone say Race Queen?
>>56617461Race queen saiga from GFL is my favorite
I cant wait for Oli to jack me up
>>56617327None of your business and I’m not posting it in case she’s /here/
>>56617461Man, I need to play Nikke again
Some of your indies are more interesting in being sluts on twitter than actually being vtubers.
>>56617461god i love nikke
>>56617611who are you
nikkers out
Im sliding it right on in bay-be
ngl oomfie i need another limes snuffy collab they are too rare...
>>56617611Yeah, and it's a good thingWe need some sluts to keep morale up
>>56616976how am I not?
my dick is fucking huge
>>56617611Some of your corpos are more interesting in not streaming than actually being vtubers
>>56616129Oh you
>>56617558It's gotten better since launch and the pull rates aren't as bad as others. Also, NieR collab coming in September.>>56617620That is a banger song though
>>56617834post cock >oli making excuses for women for women being shitty classic
>>56617111I work 12 hour days plus I'm on call about 3 nights a week, but the pay is good and I didn't have to go to medical school until I was 30 and be 6 figures in debt.
Why do girls love to roleplay asshole man?
>>56617975bad man good
>>56616129How large is your wife_dm_ folder?
cweamcat owes me sex
Bat was a really negative influence on Oli
Got the clip that was mentioned earlier ITT
>>56617925>I work 12 hour days plus I'm on call about 3 nights a weekNTA Fucking kill me. I use to work as an engineering consultant and I had weeks where I was working 80+ hours while getting paid hourly. Kicker w having to nerf my hours or I would have gotten fired during the pandemic for it. Didn't change that I got laid off a year ago after putting boundaries up. Fuckers hired two people just to replace me and didn't even wait a week or take me off the email list when I found out.
>>56616231This is the only uoh that I'm willing to Uoh. Mostly because she's a good looper.
>>56617975Man horny for youthWoman horny for evilDark parts of our libido
>>56618256Melusine and Castoria are indeed the ideal women
>>56617975women are inherently evil
>>56617868Don't be mean to corpowhores lots of them get much better porn and make me gob well
Oli is pumped up
>>56618178she LOVES us
>>56618159how so?
how evil do i have to be for women to like me, especially women like saru
>>56618178She lied as easily as she breathed
>>56618420she now laughs like a witch and makes innuendos
>>56618226Man, that's rough. My field had a rough time with COVID but at least these days I'm working 3 days a week and I plan my schedule to be off usually on MWF so I can watch Filian streams.
>>56618504About this level
>>56618504Not evilEdgy and badass
>>56618556Where are the webms husband_dm_ ?
>>56618504Evil isn't enough, you need the power to back it up. And then you need to do the evil deeds for a good reason, preferably for her in some way
>>56618539Honestly, glad I got laid off. It was basically a black company albeit not Japanese levels. Still find it funny that my direct manager never contacted me after I got the bad news. That one still rubs me the wrong way since I saved his ass multiple times but it doesn't matter.When I do get a new job, my schedule will be adjusted for filian streams. Love that dork.
>>56618662Where did you get this picture of me?
Milky schedule
>>56618504what is your least favourite ethnic minority?
>>56618706don't feel like making them
im so hungry bros i could eat a poro whole
>>56618405no she definitely hates us
>>56618735I wish I could taste her milk.
>>56618760Lazy husband dm needs correction
>>56618800She just said she doesnt
>>56618819Are you willing to pay the price?
>>56618879she was talking to her chat/discord/oilers,things we're not. all we do is steal her content and talk shit about her.
>>56618924Certainly & I would tip too.
I love my wife
>>56618735>no apology stream
>>56618987I wanna rape your wife
>>56618948are we the bad man?
>>56619046You know you're bad man if Tricky gets wet and wants to fuck
>>56618727who is this semen demon
>>56619105Drake from Nikke. She's a complete dork and far from a semen demon. She just looks good in a lot of outfits.
>>56619206thanks, gonna cum to her now
>>56618987Looks like we get some kino streams this week.
>>56619046yes but no sex
>>56619105Look closer
It's 8pm. Time to wake up.
>>56619465it's 2pm idiot
I can't tell if I should continue the same image or start over while I still have some time.
>>56619528Finish it oomfie.
Why do most vtubers stream/make videos? There are other forms of media they could do like writing, audio only things like podcasts,
>>56619413/lig/ is Limbab territory, go away nikker
>>56618539having seperated days off sounds horrible. I like my 3 in a row. Hours line up almost perfect with fil start times though god bless.
>>56619413And saved for future filian posts. She definitely loved wearing the bunny suit just like her maid outfits.
>>56619572What would be the point of having a model when you do things that don't use it?
>>56619528continue it or I'll cum on you
>>56619635You don't HAVE to use a model, if a vtuber tweets, they're still tweeting as a vtuber even if it's just text even on twitch there's a lot of vtubers who stream without models
>>56619206Am I basic if I like anis? The answer won’t change my mind but I want to know the consensus
chuubas simply need to start doing IRL porn I will not accept any other type of content
>>56619732I only know the ones that Mira has outfits of I like the one with the fishnets
>>56619719we love vtweeters now?
>>56619719That would be a vtweeter, and they rightfully get made fun of. I don't give a fuck what cunts on twitch are doing, no model = no vtuber.
>>56619635Oh brother. Let me tell you all the shit companies make you do and never have relevance. This is just normal.
>>56619807Yes, Fefe is my oshi.
So Oli is playing Jak X now? Nice, I loved that game and the OST is wicked.
>>56619732Nah. She's a solid choice. But if you like Crow unironically besides using her body; then yes, something is wrong with you.
>>56616211If she does that we will just flood her marshmallow with more porn of her in the sneaki chair
tanya somehow even more affectionate today
>>56619562>>56619663It's almost finished, there's still something confusing about it, I'm not sure what looks wrong, but it does. I think it might have to do with colour balance or silhouettes. If I continue, I might find myself wasting time on a drawing that cannot be salvaged.
>>56619969>the sneaki chairthe what
I just want more 5 hour grimbo ramble streams....
>>56620022Keep cooking. Vienna taught me that you must overcook your art or it will lack sovl
I miss feemsh
>>56615112Where the hell is it 2pm
Shondo and Filian collab. IMAGINE
>>56620193Awkward as filian talks over anything shondo says
>>56620058typo i meant the sneako chair.check the last few minutes of the hot sauce MKR tournament if you still dont get it
>>56619941Niceeeee. Thanks nikke anon
I wonder what Oli's viewer demographics are? Like the percentage spread of men vs. women.
>>56619941>>56619206is this the same game that has that fat gamer chick or is that a different gacha
>>56620279No problem anon. Here's an Eunwha and Crow piece. Two Nikkes I would love to hatefuck.>>56620311Not this one, /lig/ga.
>>56620259the what
>>56620485Some kind of cuck joke in relation to fleshtubers it seems.
>gf saru handing you the iPad with gaming videos while she's shopping for clothes experience
Anyone got the clip of Grimmi being told what the sneako chair is?
>>56620632If she thinks we're not gonna fuck in the changing room during that trip then she's gonna be in for a pleasant surprise.
Is it just me or does Dark and Darker seem like a bad stream game? I liked watching Leaflit play it back a few months ago but now it just looks so boring watching so many chuubas play it.
>>56620634Got it> a bonus>
So is this a general thing? I just assumed that she and Filian had no chemistry.
>>56620732I think it works better when you have a squad like Leaf always plays with, and at least her ((male)) friends are usually somewhat tolerable.
>>56620732Any competitive pvp game is a shit stream game.>same 20 minutes game loop over and over>players pick a strat/build and just repeat the same thing over and over again instead of doing diffirent things>unless they main the game gameplay is trash>streamer can't interact with chat because the have to focus on game especialy if it's a game where losing has consequences
>>56620890go back retard
Anyone have a full body of Saru's new outfit?
>>56620785who the fuck is sneako
>>56620890Are they both incredibly competitive or something? Because that's hot.
Oliva's kisses (with cold sores)
>>56620785this was even funnier live because the first "wait what" got cut off by the raid lmao
>>56620970I don't know. Watching 12 squealing women play mahjong filtered me in 5 minutes.
>>56620973When is Oli finally going to do ASMR
She's sooo cute
>shopping with saru>she explains how giving a blowjob while wearing it would be hot>spends 20k on new outfitsGood gfe
>>56620949This is the best she has given so far for a full outfit reference
>>56621113this is the large indies thread
manifesting Juniper slug stream tonight
>>56620967a cuck who watches other men have sex with his wife
>>56621168hell yeah dude fat binches only
I love Filian and her chat is sometimes funny but those alerts are so fucking unfunny, you get 2-3 funny donos/stream and everything else is just visual noise
>>56621127 naughty
>>56620949Top tier model and the dumb putain barely shows it
>>56621166why is her fly down?
>>56621266>Top tierIt's pretty average you just like it because it shows skin
>>56621269Its summer in the dessert, she needs to ventilate
>>56621269Because it's hot and she needs to air out the coochie
>>56621269easy access
>there is no salvation for whatever creature I am
The rare blue eyes white Tanya
>>56621266>has full control over her model>Makes it sexyaf>NEVER SHOWS THE SEX PARTSWHY, JUST OREDER THE HEAD AND SHOULDERS PART AT THIS POINT
>>56621269isse hot and the airco is already at fulle
>>56621166>>56621269With the current hairstyle this reminds me a bit of KokoNuts' model
is saru watching males to learn how to play better?
>>56621362>>56621266Take a screenshot then. Most people watch her for her content not her body
>this is my Jak-ing musicCareful Oli
Kitanya clussy
>>56621444>Most people watch her for her content not her body
>>56621444*gobs on you*
>>56621444Sometimes, Rael does like helping her fans jack off to her.
>>56621266>under boobisn't that a ban?
>>56621269why is yours still up?
>>56621504That's what the shirt is for
Nina schedule
>>56621266Can someone edit pubes on this?
>>56621504shut up prude
rolling up my sleeves for Oli
how do I get over the unbearable desire to lick Oli's butthole
Lucy's translation of Internet Yamero is going to be her top cover soon
>>56621791you dont. its a part of you now
>>56621791I want her to shit in my mouth
Oli loves men who roll up their sleeves and lean against things and think deep thoughts and say they're thinking about nothing when asked
cute orca is live
>>56621863completely unironically same
>>56621698Getting caught in spider queen Nina's web...
>>56621873I will talk to her about youtubepoop instead
>>56621873so literally me
my future wife (very possible) is online
>oli already ending streamwtf
>>56621873I once went up to a dude who was doing that and asked what he was thinking and he told me "saw that 3D animated Scooby Doo movie."
I'm falling asleep saru please scream or show some titties
>>56622033>spoilerexplain yourselfyour wife is cute though
>>56622054I think she's sick, oomfie.
>The Metal Gear master collection comes with full scripts from every gameGrimmi must be overjoyed
>>56621809>mori coverIt all makes sense now
>>56621863do you think she'd be willing to do that (or even allow a rimjob) if her partner (me) really really wanted it or would she break up over such a request
My Oli kisses, mine
>>56622113I want Grimmi to talk my ear off
>>56622170>Saru's 3D modeler
>>56622183Enjoy your cold sore anon.
>>56621154Saru 3d fansly streams when?
Nekrolina should have sex with me
>>56622131she was trying to get into hololive
>>56621709say no more
just worked out for filian
>>56622327disgusting animal
>>56622081>explain yourselfi will stop taking my meds and tulpa nekrolina into reality
>>56622221My what now?
>>56622170saru isn't going to use any of this shit on stream >>56622327based
>>56622274she should kill herself
>>56622335I dont believe yousend a picture of your sweaty body for proof
>>56622431this woman is so jealous
>>56622327>carpet doesn't match the drapesSAD
>>56622431What did she do
>>56622431that won't make it grow back
>>56622460the pubic hair lora i have only does black hair
>>56622552fuck this AI shit man fr
>>56622504Kill yourself
>>56622492She likes men with foreskin
>>56622431what got you riled up
>>56622579cute and doggypilled
>>56622433nah dude
>>56622492Made hurtful remarks regarding genital mutilation
>>56622658Is there still no Lora for a robotic dog?
>>56622720idk kirin?
>>56622712Complaining here isn't going to do anything about it, you're only getting yourself riled up whenever her name is mentioned
filian and Rael should do a VR maid collab for maximum SEX APPEAL
>>56622667I’m in bros
>>56622684I want to give them their last chance at happiness.
>>56622720> red panda friend
This is the only place I've ever seen people seethe about circumcision so much.
>>56622667I hope she can deal with phimosis
>>56622776It's letting people know she's a bitch
>>56622811it's quite literally one singular guy
>>56622843Why does liking foreskin make her a bitch
>>56622752>>56622809Thank you, enjoy your day anons.
>>56622805Hurry up. Eggs are running out.
>>56622809Khiren a cute
>>56622834>>56622785Kill yourself
>>56622860It's not
Khiren needs rape
Tanya taking a nap.
>>56622843She's not mentioning it, but you're trying to steer the conversation towards it so that people make fun of you again. Mentioning something like that on 4chan is a dumb idea in the first place, you're anonymous for a reason.
>>56622940just because you keep changing your typing style and samefagging your replies doesn't mean it's not still a singular person
Erm Layna and Filian wanted to hangout in August and August is almost over, wtf happened
>>566230192012 was 15 years ago
>>56614553just use way better than simpcity
>>56623019fil mentioned her meetup with mel might happen in sept, and layna immediately jumped on thatso, maybe next month
>>56623019filian dropped her for pippa pickme
>>56622460makes it hotter
>>56623129I'd pick her up and fuck her like a rabbit in heat