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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 207 KB, 1000x1400, Fzizti3aEAAsSFx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56567770 No.56567770 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Calliope, Words From the Other Side

>> No.56567879
Quoted by: >>56568291

I got to be honest, I don't really listen to much REOL, but I like Agitate
And No Title
She's a whole lot more Popy then Mori, so I dont listen to her that much, but I don't skip her music when it shows up in a playlist.

>> No.56567912
File: 204 KB, 2002x1952, 1648941075460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TakaMori Love!

>> No.56567975

I didn't name him.

>> No.56568049
File: 1.26 MB, 2480x3508, 1692379539880913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>56507801

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnzG3-mmivo
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGwJdcSJr5w

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
//// Stream Black Sheep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQnXz-QYRms

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) JIGOKU 6 EP pre-order [Standard/Limited]

OUT FOR THE SEASON—coming soon to a venue near (You)!
//// Archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.56568095
Quoted by: >>56568722

Need this with roles reversed tbdesu

>> No.56568166
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Quoted by: >>56568280

remember to love your Mori

>> No.56568174
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>> No.56568251
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>that bead of sweat dripping down from Kiara's thigh onto Mori

>> No.56568280
File: 963 KB, 929x998, 1645977368239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Mori

>> No.56568291
Quoted by: >>56568805

I think she's a lot like Mori in that she's starting to take her genre (pop) and mix it with rock more. They're also both very chuuni

>> No.56568319
File: 220 KB, 1039x700, 1663398096325955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future Island is the new RIP

>> No.56568398
Quoted by: >>56568733

That counter gets from both videos

>> No.56568436


>> No.56568718
Quoted by: >>56569030

>Every Mori concert and appearance from now till the end of time will have Mori sing about how awsome Egghead Island Arc is
>Countless people will be spoiled on late One Piece stuff like Gear 5, Vegapunk's Stellas, and the Seraphim everytime she sings it
>Twitter will have a mini fit about it at least once

>> No.56568722

Wawa is too noodly

>> No.56568733
Quoted by: >>56568887

NTA but I've always thought that was funny how youtube does that
She accumulated millions of views from songs that were never officially uploaded lol

>> No.56568799
File: 287 KB, 1038x2047, 1691936307097884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want an unarchived karaoke collab with Rissa now

>> No.56568805
Quoted by: >>56568923

damn these rule. they're like if anime OPs were good

>> No.56568887
Quoted by: >>56569536

It's still her song with her credited

>> No.56568923


>> No.56568926

Now post that threesome animation

>> No.56568944

nezumori i love you please flatten my dick

>> No.56569030
Quoted by: >>56569226

they all got mad at the announcement kek

>> No.56569226
Quoted by: >>56569518

I was talking about the spoilers in the MV, not the fact the collab happened.
Actually now that I think about, I'm suprised antis never tried that angle, oh well, can't expect them to be smart.

>> No.56569518
Quoted by: >>56578076

>Mori spoiled Gear 5
>get mad that they don't find that out in 200 episodes

>> No.56569536

Nah I wasn't talking about Future Island specifically, just how Youtube has the ability to delegate views to a music channel that a song belongs to
For example more than half of the songs of Unalive weren't given MVs but she's still receiving credit for the millions of views the the auto-generate youtube videos for them have gotten. it's a neat feature

>> No.56570453
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>> No.56571026
File: 941 KB, 1382x1100, F4BH0VJakAEpdjN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub Mori and Dom Kiara is such an underrated dynamic

>> No.56571182

Nah no kiara and dom mori is much better

>> No.56571455
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x1966, takamori wake up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, I like my pairings proper
Kiara x Mori is a thousand times better than Mori x Kiara

>> No.56572140

>Sub Mori and Dom Kiara is such an underrated dynamic
lmao I feel like that's been the only dynamic since like late 2021

>> No.56572646
Quoted by: >>56573254

Listening to Mori's Stellar Stellar and I want to cry. I love Mori so much. I want to protect her and be her best friend so much.

>> No.56573254

You can do it Suisei!

>> No.56573549
File: 7 KB, 365x53, 1661816845383797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56573860


>> No.56573860
File: 775 KB, 1080x720, 1635728141039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's right

>> No.56574314

I want to squish Mori's butt

>> No.56574373

Let me guess. Own the haters

>> No.56574497

I want Mori's butt to squish me

>> No.56574654
Quoted by: >>56575008

I kinda hate listening to the XFD on loop

>> No.56574661


>> No.56574757

Ricky! It's been so long!

>> No.56574831

she's so cute how does she do it

>> No.56574964

mori gaming

>> No.56575008

me likey tho

>> No.56575018

Mikubox had a good life

>> No.56575163
Quoted by: >>56575460

Is this uno

>> No.56575192

Of course it is

>> No.56575258
Quoted by: >>56575460


>> No.56575410

Threadly reminder until someone does it to leak this: https://twitter.com/jakada_ani/status/1693324764029354467
Mori on the telly!

>> No.56575460
Quoted by: >>56575616

She mentioned it last time, did you guys not realize how much of an UNO joke that character is before?

>> No.56575573
File: 1.58 MB, 3810x4096, 1679311816029761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Berserk barb confirmed

>> No.56575601
Quoted by: >>56575677

here's your TTRPG replacement

>> No.56575616

I mean it didn't have to be THAT uno

>> No.56575677

Didn't this studio's last game have a mode where you can design and run your own campaign?

>> No.56575685
File: 336 KB, 314x452, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhhh? Easy modo?

>> No.56575750

Yeah, never tried it out though

>> No.56575804

I think I heard it did, but I also heard the mode was kind of bad

>> No.56575821

I'd fucking love to see that streamed, that's impossible though.

>> No.56575848

Of course she played a Tiefling bard bard.

>> No.56575854

I don't believe for a second she can memorize more than 3 lines of a song

>> No.56575916

>Nerissa raided irys over mori
>Biboo raided irys over mori
Baldurs gang.....

>> No.56576042

Eh, probally for the best. If 10k people were watching she might not go as deep into the lyrics.

>> No.56576056

Dang, only 2k for first stream after break?

>> No.56576084
Quoted by: >>56576289

IWyS is doing her rundown of debut
Also lyric dives aren't for everybody tbdesu

>> No.56576108
Quoted by: >>56576634

Absolutely non of this contains anything about Mori. Fuck off the less people's that's here the better. Grey fags like them will never be fans including you.

>> No.56576213
Quoted by: >>56576259

What break

>> No.56576247
Quoted by: >>56576337

6FU is the unhappy one

>> No.56576259


>> No.56576289
Quoted by: >>56576331

They're for me

>> No.56576331

Well yes, but we're nerds
And also invested a lot more than casual listeners

>> No.56576337

80% aint bad

>> No.56576461

ok I'm 200% sure now she's a perfectionist

>> No.56576523


>> No.56576611
Quoted by: >>56576747

Only those who care about this should watch this. It’s not valuable to someone who’s not invested.
Only a select number of people tune in for these. No surprise it’s less than usual.
Comfy tho.

>> No.56576634 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56576709

>More deadbeats is le bad

>> No.56576671

She said before she's becoming more and more of a perfectionist as she's becoming better. I think she said, before she could be satisfied with a "good enough" take, now she wants a "perfect" one.

>> No.56576709

Those fags aren't her true audience they can all die

>> No.56576718
File: 676 KB, 861x708, 1679438630919722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56576759

Huh really?
What could've gave you that impression?

>> No.56576747
Quoted by: >>56576944

Do you only exist to reply to shitty bait?

>> No.56576759
Quoted by: >>56576845

Why is kiara sucking on the wand from Wind Waker?

>> No.56576794


>> No.56576818

mlem is now canon

>> No.56576845
Quoted by: >>56576900

Why are you not?

>> No.56576900

That's, that's fair I guess...

>> No.56576902 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 798x490, 1680772028481938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56577186

Doxxing your YOshi

>> No.56576907
File: 535 KB, 577x720, 1663628712943376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Yoshi game should she play?

>> No.56576909

Wtf that yoshii noise was so cute

>> No.56576944

It’s my first reply in this particular thread.
Just wanted and serious:ironic numberfag know the angle just doesn’t fit.

>> No.56576947

There's only 3

>> No.56576980

>Mori doesn't want to be on Tiktok and let's the intern handle it

>> No.56577004

>tiktok bashing
based as per usual

>> No.56577050

Woolie World

>> No.56577065

Yoshi's Island 1, the OG, best game in the series.

>> No.56577102 [DELETED] 

Had she brought that same sane sensibility to Twitch, this stream would have earned 10k CCV.

>> No.56577186
File: 209 KB, 328x450, Boshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine

>> No.56577227
File: 21 KB, 418x47, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also thought it was incorporation

>> No.56577283 [DELETED] 


>> No.56577374

I didn't, I have officially graduated from ESL to honorary EFL

>> No.56577515
Quoted by: >>56577590

I'm esl and have to look up lyrics to really understand the song, but even I distinctly heard "vain corporations".

>> No.56577590
File: 92 KB, 569x297, 1668309545156042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56577972

Nigga even Mori thinks it sounds like incorporation, calm down

>> No.56577745
File: 3 KB, 281x93, 1692585437331849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'mon deadbeats help out your oshi

>> No.56577930

Mori's viewers are like her breasts, all natural.

>> No.56577966

It's always the ones that don't capitalize anything

>> No.56577972

I'm cool, it's aight. You should've seen the embarrasing esl mistakes I make sometimes.

>> No.56578059

Lmfao it's always some fag from the numbernigger thread

>> No.56578076

>knee deep into a series for that long
People really have no standards.

>> No.56578129

Kiara mention. Take a shot.

>> No.56578335

This woman just described pessimism and tried to spin it as realism

>> No.56578376

She’s just like me frfr

>> No.56578417
Quoted by: >>56578715


>> No.56578424

It's a good thing "nigga" rhymes with "nigga" or this rap shit would be hard.

>> No.56578436
Quoted by: >>56578632

She just described realism and you tried to spin it as pessimism.

>> No.56578508

Idol is the nigga of idols...

>> No.56578566
Quoted by: >>56578912

>50 minutes into the stream
>only got through 4 verses of the first song
We're in for a long one bros.

>> No.56578632

>Expect the worst
>Anticipate being taken advantage of
That's pessimism. Don't expect numbers to come immediately and don't expect others to always be nice would be realism

>> No.56578635


>> No.56578674

Functionally there's only a fine line between the two. I'd say what's more important is your course of action after the fact.

>> No.56578715

>Talked about how he has repetitive lyrics

>> No.56578722
File: 54 KB, 500x523, 1622488176713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56578807

Maybe she's being realistic and you're being naive. Are you an industry artist perchance?

>> No.56578742

This is why Mori needs to adopt the Robert Evans method of answering every phone call with "KILL THE HOSTAGE, PUSSY, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" irrespective of context.

>> No.56578744

>Mori hates clippers and dramafags
Nothing new but I don't blame her

>> No.56578770
File: 90 KB, 388x779, Screenshot 2023-08-20 195344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56578806

>It's a good thing "nigga" rhymes with "nigga"
This but, completely and totally unironically

>> No.56578806
Quoted by: >>56579020

and people still give Mori grief for "complicated"

>> No.56578807
Quoted by: >>56578847

She's a pessimist through and through and has slowly been getting better. I bet Reol's interpretation of her lyrics isn't nearly as negative

>> No.56578828

fire on mute

>> No.56578847
Quoted by: >>56579128


>> No.56578864

Mori is a woman…

>> No.56578912

You think she might skip or rush through Future Island? Seems like there's not much to it beyond promoting One Piece

"Anticipate being taken advantage of" isn't super unreasonable to be fair

>> No.56578971
File: 99 KB, 1249x1023, F3pXGEKaMAAixt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watches Batchelorette
>lives alone with 2 cats
I can save her...

>> No.56578986

does this count as react content

>> No.56579020

Those people are loser nerds who don't understand how rhyme schemes work imo

>> No.56579038

my Mori is girly

>> No.56579079

video game streams are react content to gameplay

>> No.56579082

>"You're such a girly girl,"
Mori couldn't have said that any more girly than she did lmao.

>> No.56579081

>she almost said "cute and funny"

>> No.56579110

>my producers watch it too
Now I want to cuddle with her producers

>> No.56579116

god I fucking love this dork

>> No.56579117

No, why would it?

>> No.56579128
File: 124 KB, 500x500, 1647442915170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...but she told me she was my boy!

>> No.56579142

Yes it is, that's what autistic shut-ins say. If you don't have even the slightest bit of trust in anyone to be decent, you'll never get anything done

>> No.56579150

literally no, summaries are fine. If we had to spend 20 hours watching this shit for for her to go EHHHHHHH????? once every 10 minutes is the shitty content.

>> No.56579169

Is there a real housewives of japan? Will Mori become her mother?

>> No.56579173

>Reol said that not me

>> No.56579174

Future Island is the deepest song on the EP

>> No.56579317

Anon I think she has infinitely more experience and perspective which informs her beliefs compared to you.

>> No.56579320

>another song about owning the haters
fucking Reol

>> No.56579538

>it's okay when the Japanese do it
Many such cases! Honestly glad Reol did it lmao

>> No.56579684

This but unironicalli

>> No.56579694

I'm still mad that she's kakkoi now

>> No.56579697

>The reaper prays to God as well
That's a killer line

>> No.56579744
Quoted by: >>56579886

I really wanna know how you don't think whatever the fuck went down with JP the gravy wasn't her (and her role as a gimmick) wasn't exactly what she was warning about

>> No.56579849

this song has tons of great lines

>> No.56579886

it's a shitposter, anon.

>> No.56579889
Quoted by: >>56579985

They require input.

>> No.56579985

>he's never watched an Until Dawn stream

>> No.56580179

>Mori had to look up celibate
AP English Reaper ayy lmao

>> No.56580245

there's no way that was intentional right?

>> No.56580264

Femcel, femcel, femcel.

>> No.56580325

TBF there's also chastity, which is slightly different to the point I can't remember which is which reliably.

>> No.56580330
Quoted by: >>56580737

I hoe stay thought she said celibate the first time I listened to the song. Honestly it works.

>> No.56580372

>become a wizard

>> No.56580457

Peepeepoopoo man is literally a dramatuber and your favorite, Mori...

>> No.56580509


>> No.56580551

Yeah, but he doesn't pretend to hate being famous or liebabout being depressed

>> No.56580557

He didn't used to be

>> No.56580590

>a dramatuber
That's not why he's popular tho

>> No.56580657

im ashamed to admit I thought this was the coolest shit went it came out

>> No.56580688

>She's pausing between each line of MEA to not trigger the copyright bots

>> No.56580737

Kek, really? Did some of you guys watch the MV without the subs?

>> No.56580842

>Same MV director as WW
Guy really improved since then huh

>> No.56580919

it's crazy to think about how famous my Mori is and she just knows these kind of people to talk to them like that

>> No.56581027

>REOL is 9

>> No.56581051

nevermind I just rewatched it
it still slaps

>> No.56581065

>she actually likes it when we can't hear the lyrics clearly

>> No.56581066

He still likes his falling/spinning trope a bit too much

>> No.56581159

>the bubble
fuck that takes me back

>> No.56581198

eeesh that sounds bad

>> No.56581275

Fuck dramafags.

>> No.56581312

It's the same guy who's done every 3DMV since Mera Mera

>> No.56581339

Mori is too cute today

>> No.56581503

I find that hard to believe especially since Mori and Gura are too perfect of a fit it's suspicious

>> No.56581668

>Those are the words of doomposters, and you gotta ignore it

>> No.56581686
Quoted by: >>56582150

>Mori used to be a numberfag because she didn't like the music she was making, but now that she's making music she likes she doesn't care as much
I'm happy Mori is proud of her music, she should be, it's good, and been good for years.

>> No.56581702

Yeah, I feel the same. Mori, Gura, and Ina seem to "fit" too well compared to actual "mismatches" like Kronii or Bae.

>> No.56581772
Quoted by: >>56581871

here you go ESL beat she's talking about the moth beneath the glass

>> No.56581871

I just didn't know that was a thing...

>> No.56581886

Mothi love...

>> No.56581921
Quoted by: >>56582051

Moths are cute though, Mori

>> No.56581955

>Feeling like a moth pinned up for display among a bunch of butterflies. Not particularly beautiful; different and not in a good way.

>> No.56581969
Quoted by: >>56582307

it's not necessarily contradictory, Cover could have adjusted the models based on who they were hiring without Mori or the others getting any input

>> No.56582006
File: 285 KB, 653x613, 1692331526535426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like moths, but Mori is a very pretty moth

>> No.56582051

Most people perceive that as weird little pest in favor of butterflies

>> No.56582150

someone said earlier in chat "never go full numberf**" and she read it as "numberfriend"
speaking of which, could someone soundpost that

>> No.56582192
Quoted by: >>56582327

Dustox mogs Beautifly, don't worry Mori

>> No.56582233
Quoted by: >>56582326

This is interesting because she specifies being happy to play Pierrot. Pierrot is the archetypal "sad clown" in pantomime, so what she's saying is she's willing to be a object of piteous mockery so long as she's the last one standing.

>> No.56582267

Mori's talked about in the past how Cover has turned down great candidates because they don't have a model that fits them. The model and everything is prepared beforehand, they're just looking for someone that'll fit.

>> No.56582271
File: 383 KB, 1274x717, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stream is a nice background

>> No.56582307

I mean besides the "Physical parts" there is also the part where the reaper design went to the edgy Persona 3 fan or the "Octopus" themed one went to the artist (also by Kuroboshi who literally has done the Octopus/Artist theme before) who is also a FGO fan. If it happened to just one then its a coincidence, but three times is suspicious.

>> No.56582327
File: 164 KB, 475x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volcarona is probably the first bug type I ever bothered using. Pokemoths are pretty cool

>> No.56582326
Quoted by: >>56582403

I don't think Mori knows much about traditional pantomime. I think she just used it as "clown"

>> No.56582403

That's well known enough that she'd know it for sure.

>> No.56582406

Mori didn’t come up with “we’re living in the upside down”, it’s over for strangerthingsbeats

>> No.56582510
File: 379 KB, 497x604, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your Boy
Yeah, mine

>> No.56582587
Quoted by: >>56582687

You aren't looking at it from the right angle, they seek someone who is the best fit for the model.

>> No.56582669
File: 18 KB, 350x130, gatchkoi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brother. I just got Mori up to Gachikoi this weekend myself

>> No.56582687
Quoted by: >>56583002

But that's not true

>> No.56582763
Quoted by: >>56583085

Nice! Did she ever recover from that nerf a while back?

>> No.56582865 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56582909

>the line was about TT and IM

>> No.56582909
Quoted by: >>56583012

it seems like other holos too sadly

>> No.56582922

That's 100% about Gura, fuck

>> No.56582937


>> No.56583002

Uh I'm trusting the talents and yagoo over you dude

>> No.56583012

she just said it’s not the other girls dramachamas

>> No.56583014

This coward is literally letting a couple retards prevent her from collabing with Gura. What happened to the Mori who had balls?

>> No.56583085

Death is good on crowded stages to start out and scale out + you now get food stuff that turbos out your Special + Idol Concert super collab makes it even faster
and Mori with Reaper up is the strongest character on Stage

>> No.56583110

"not about the other girls" meaning it's nothing between them personally (it's about spergs in their fanbase)

>> No.56583120

I wasn't talking about Gura specifically but the turbo retards that flipped out after the Holy Shitto stream

>> No.56583133
Quoted by: >>56583236

she explicitly said the other girls chats, its 100% about Gura

>> No.56583159

She said it's not because of the girls, she said it was about their chats.

>> No.56583165

I thought it was referring to the men. Are cumbuds really that bad?

>> No.56583214
Quoted by: >>56583291

She said the girls didn't tell her to disconnect like this (which I believe). They just don't want to rile up Chumbuds/IRyStocrats/Whoever.

>> No.56583236

and Fauna and Mumei and the other "pure" girls.

>> No.56583245

damn this gets me down wasn't expecting this

>> No.56583291

Pretty sure Mori still shows up in IRyS's chat, so by process of elimination there is only one answer

>> No.56583299
Quoted by: >>56583466

she never stopped collabing with SALT, vesper and magni got suspended
she hasn't collabed with Gura in a group of less than 4 in a year and a half

>> No.56583302

She's being bipolar again...

>> No.56583303

She's not trying to cause problems for anyone and a couple of retards can cause a lot of problems these days.

>> No.56583312

Black Sheep makes me feel, sad I guess I know why now

>> No.56583338
File: 856 KB, 324x333, 1624731783376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56583385

should've done your reps
get ready for LFDL

>> No.56583346
Quoted by: >>56583463

Why were you not expecting the depresso espresso EP’s lyric dive to be like this

>> No.56583366
File: 15 KB, 180x228, 1670536438776428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56583797

But Mori has appeared in both of their chats plenty of times you idiot

>> No.56583380

She did say the whole ep was gonna be depressing...

>> No.56583385
Quoted by: >>56583463

I'm not ready I'll be honest

>> No.56583401
Quoted by: >>56583650

There was alot of outrage (from both sides including notable ChumBeats) during the abnb incident.

>> No.56583424
File: 209 KB, 349x464, 1671639235767183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara said the same thing Mori did sometime last year, by the way, and explicitly called out Gura's chat, fyi

>> No.56583449
File: 88 KB, 1200x1200, 1622139760326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56583463

I knew but I didn't know to what extent

>> No.56583466 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56583699

fuck off back to the catalogue

>> No.56583478
Quoted by: >>56583636

Gura's chat is a straight up garbage fire.

>> No.56583526
Quoted by: >>56583555

Thats why no one reaches out to gura anymore. Gura knows that she brings problems.

>> No.56583533

She was genuinely and pleasantly surprised by them being nice when she showed up in chat this year
It was a cesspit early on

>> No.56583537
File: 166 KB, 420x420, Sugee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, we still have Vegapunk to cheer you up

>> No.56583555

Don't reply to me, gutter trash

>> No.56583569

>there will be people I just can’t hang with anymore
Rrats? Not sure who she’s referring to

>> No.56583571

that was after she DID appear in Gura's chat to invite her to the Wither collab and commented that she was happy because in the ORANGE WOMAN BAD era it wasn't like that

>> No.56583603

I guess so kek

>> No.56583612

but two of the vegapunks get killed and a third betrays the rest so they can live in sin

>> No.56583618

>inb4 skipped

>> No.56583627


>> No.56583631

she skipped future island already

>> No.56583636

they were, Kiara showed up not too long ago and noted how civil they were comapred to the last time she was there
so an this point Gura might be fucking wondering why Mori stopped talking to her and its because Mori's being a faggot pussy about twitterbuds that dont even type in chat

>> No.56583650

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Sometimes I forget how autistic this hobby is.

>> No.56583681

>OMG, Monkey D. Luffy!

>> No.56583687

She talked in both of their chats fairly recently. You can check hololyzer.

>> No.56583699 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56584038

Yeah they’ve just “stopped activities” for over a month while one of them is now streaming everyday on his rm account.

>> No.56583704


>> No.56583711

the talents dont like chumbuds

>> No.56583731
File: 1.31 MB, 1400x747, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are still days where I feel sad, but I love this town
that slapped me, I love Kiki's

>> No.56583736

I hope we can still get some more bonebro collabs in the future.

>> No.56583737
Quoted by: >>56584233

they do type in chat though, remember the offcollab to announce Myth's 3D and the shitshow Mori's chat was because Gura was sitting far from the mic?

>> No.56583756
Quoted by: >>56583898

No no, Mori still talks to her, she even said as much like ten minutes ago
She just doesn't bother going into her chat

>> No.56583769

Nah Mori popped up in both their chats and she likes teasing saplings

>> No.56583797
Quoted by: >>56583976

not any time you could describe as recently

>> No.56583800

That means interacting with gura's chat. She decided not anymore.

>> No.56583886
Quoted by: >>56584091

I mean the Outlast collab didn't have much noticeable drama so it seems most people have moved on. It isn't totally a lost cause to have Mori reach out for another BoneBros collab to test the waters.

>> No.56583896

Probably only if Gura reaches out. Mori doesn’t want it bad enough to rock the boat

>> No.56583898

no, she made it sound alot like she only talks to her circle within hololive
I really hope she clarifies if youre right though because this is infuriating

>> No.56583919

She specifically said she still talks to people behind the scenes, just stays away from their chats

>> No.56583944 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56584159

Meh Mori should know by now that if gura isn't gonna say something to her chat why should she even bother to be friends with her.

>> No.56583952

bonebros is dead anon just let it go

>> No.56583971

She literally said it's not a thing behind the scenes and was just chats
Clean out your damn ears

>> No.56583976


>> No.56584018

I can't really imagine any bad blood between her and any of the stars. at least not any she's publicly interacted with before,magni and vesper collabed with her pretty frequently until well, about as recently as they were still active, altare raided her recently and I think axel was just in that one werewolf stream which went pretty well. the newer bunch I don't think she really interacted with to begin with.

>> No.56584038

I made no mention of rm shit you dumb meido, I meant that Cover treated it as a hiatus

>> No.56584054


>> No.56584055

kek Mori

>> No.56584065

>I thought Future Island was about haters and Kiara

>> No.56584071

>"I thought Future Island was about haters and Kiara"

>> No.56584091

That wasn't Mori in their chat.

>> No.56584159

Go back to global with your fanbase war LARP

>> No.56584233
Quoted by: >>56584435

Most of the criticism was valid, it's been 3 years and this girls cant arrange a collab

>> No.56584266

I thought she would say what these circles of hells they are gonna be.

>> No.56584309

Cliques in hololive en are real

>> No.56584316 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56584385

She's just gotta realise Gura doesn't care to fix it so she should just move on. Guras a bitch and it's been known

>> No.56584378

This mentality fucking sucks. She's way too focused on "I NEED TO BE UNHAPPY TO MAKE MUSIC"

>> No.56584385

You will never be a deadbeat

>> No.56584387
Quoted by: >>56584516

he's just gonna post on cooldown now isnt he
he isnt even watching the stream

>> No.56584435

Ah yes, because Myth does offcollabs every single month and they should be used to the setups

>> No.56584478

well 6FU and LFDL are her most artistically accomplished songs yet so it’s working for her

>> No.56584490
Quoted by: >>56584654

This is so obvious dude, no one believes you

>> No.56584505
File: 1.10 MB, 853x1280, 1643958960998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56584634

The exam results came in. You're deaf, dumb, and stupid as hell.

>> No.56584516

He's moved to global, yeah

>> No.56584521 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56584686

Shut up goalie

>> No.56584576
File: 872 KB, 2048x1448, __gawr_gura_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_weizen__a711eeb12259fdd06b320c5000668be8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not.

>> No.56584607
File: 909 KB, 516x561, 1633664285061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's working!

>> No.56584634

>no ears to hear
>no tongue to speak
>no brain in the case
Accurate to deadbeat physiology

>> No.56584654
Quoted by: >>56584774

I believe him

>> No.56584659

>6FU is the song about Mori's pre holo music career

>> No.56584660

It's not so much about being unhappy to make music, but it's more that her musical creativity is driven by expression of intense feelings, and as it happens she has a lot of negative ones

>> No.56584686

Dude, this is like the 3rd time you've tried this and been completely wrong. I don't have chat open in non-members, I haven't for like 2 years now

>> No.56584694
Quoted by: >>56586027

Bonebros took their friendship offline in mutual agreement

>> No.56584736

Bros, I love her so much....

>> No.56584747

That's probably why she started cringe business in exchange for her future career.

>> No.56584774


>> No.56584812

Fischer Price Mori will be there with Bae and Ollie, so if you squint really hard it counts!

>> No.56584947

well, a phone was picked up...

>> No.56584952

Bae and Ollie seems like odd choices.

>> No.56585035

I mean, Ollie is literally down for anything.

>> No.56585061

Ollie can be anywhere and not be out of place

>> No.56585070


>> No.56585261

Bae and Ollie are/were both long time fans of mori they've probably known of her since the rip remixes at least, but idk if they interacted before

>> No.56585314

Clivebarkerope Mori

>> No.56585320

>Numberfag: The EP
That's basically what I've gotten from this lyric dive

>> No.56585352

>she can't stop thinking about Clive
Guess we are getting more FF soon.

>> No.56585402
File: 34 KB, 132x130, 1670994578540974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound slow

>> No.56585421

Mori should do an apology video for April Fools

>> No.56585506

Umg are all numberfag. Mori must numberfag to succeed. The soulless 3minute max track length is proof.

>> No.56585511

Then what is this Mori!

>> No.56585545

Get your ears checked anon. She spent maybe 5ish minutes discussing that part out of the past 2 hours

>> No.56585553

Sounds like english is REALLY not your strong suit.

>> No.56585612

L4DL is 5min dummy

>> No.56585624

leave it up to a retard to come up with the worst interpretation of the EP

>> No.56585636
File: 4 KB, 1492x51, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56585668

This parts about janitors

>> No.56585696
Quoted by: >>56585770

yet another buzzword to slap on anything and everything I see

>> No.56585729
Quoted by: >>56585887

>Mori saying it's fine that people shit on her cause it's better her than someone else
Damn Mori wasn't lying about Espresso Depresso this EP. It's almost a perfect mirror of Kson's sentiment that she's fine if people place the blame on her for the things that have happened in the past because it takes the heat off her friend's at the company she used to work for

>> No.56585741

so basically this song is "all the mistakes I've made"

>> No.56585763
File: 6 KB, 313x363, cute_mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute yoshi sound
>respectful discussion of past/current feelings
>frequent clive mentions
I didn't think this stream would make me love mori even more but it's having that effect

>> No.56585770
Quoted by: >>56586085

formulaic music building is soulless, yes

>> No.56585773

She needs to go back to that therapist MamaMori took her to, what the fuck is this mentality

>> No.56585861

strange I feel the same too

>> No.56585872
Quoted by: >>56586122

It's called releasing her feelings instead of bottling them up. You have a childish view on emotions and what therapy actually does.

>> No.56585887
Quoted by: >>56585946

The difference is a lot of it was mori's fault though.

>> No.56585895


>> No.56585946


>> No.56585954

I feel a urge to hug her and teel her its fine but I know she got this because she has projected it on her music, but still I feel the need to protect her and show her my love

>> No.56585974

Underage or manchild

>> No.56585976

Literally none of the other girls would be happy to hear she's excited to "tank hate", I think Kronii, Kiara, and Ame especially would call her a retard

>> No.56586022
File: 245 KB, 762x629, reapdurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to refer to the mv to remember the english lyrics
love my pon reaper wife

>> No.56586027

Understandable but I feel like the silence between them is worse than them possibly trying to make it seem like it's water under the bridge now or even before. At least things are apparently cool off-stream

>> No.56586055
File: 552 KB, 454x608, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa3chh8.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56586085

you do not know what you’re talking about

>> No.56586092

Being a martyr is her cope since repairing whatever image she had would take longer than Hololive's relevancy.

>> No.56586122

>"Releasing her feelings"
>Literally says she's going to keep doing it and "it's fine"
She's like an abused housewife that resolves to tank the abuse so the husband doesn't take out his anger on someone else

>> No.56586153

God I want to abuse Mori so bad

>> No.56586197

Anon child TuT

>> No.56586210

Yeah, with hugs and kisses

>> No.56586231

I mean, at the same time it doesn’t seem like anyone else is stepping up to do it…

>> No.56586233

I want her to abuse me so bad

>> No.56586351
Quoted by: >>56586490

No one needs to, that's the stupid part

>> No.56586355

with my penis

>> No.56586356
Quoted by: >>56586490

No one needs to do it. Agreeing to be a target only makes you weak because it then becomes your only defining feature. This why 'fuck the haters' is getting old.

>> No.56586367

Mori if it's not about the label it's about Cover

>> No.56586399

Dancing monkey... Scythe swinging?

>> No.56586403
File: 327 KB, 364x482, Mori TuT[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F70yr2y.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post childlike pits

>> No.56586431
Quoted by: >>56586527

there would be alot less hate in general if we didnt have twitter accounts sharing schizo spergouts as "a spectacle" and then tourists seeing it and thinking it's a fun thing to participate in
which means if there were less to begin with there would be less now

>> No.56586490

Ah sorry i was talking about taking heat from management

>> No.56586527

I hate to say it, but vtumor became an actually thing. The community is such garbage nowadays. It leaks hard into chat now too.

>> No.56586535 [DELETED] 

Chumbud here, just here to say: good fucking riddance, keep your oshi away from mine.

>> No.56586555

Wait... is this song about working with Fake Type?
Because it's not about the haters, or Cover, or UMJ. So what else could it be about?

>> No.56586589

No, it's cover.

>> No.56586610
Quoted by: >>56587388

>days since deadbeatchama randomly brings up FT

>> No.56586631
File: 158 KB, 760x500, 1649005248008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About YOU. How YOU're not special

>> No.56586636

FT are cunts and she finally realized after obtaining new oshis who are above her.

>> No.56586708

Too many women in this thread and not enough tits or pits

>> No.56586751

Mori you need to schedule a long lyric dive. This is good for you too

>> No.56586793

Is she ever actually happy or does she just talk herself into being depressed because she thinks that's the only way to make music?

>> No.56586859

She’s a moody person. A lot of creatives are

>> No.56586887

TuT anon's childlike perception of mental health erotic

>> No.56587001
Quoted by: >>56587022

This is about cover, about playing the Reaper character so that others have someone to bounce off of

>> No.56587022
Quoted by: >>56587246

can you try to make sense for once

>> No.56587024
Quoted by: >>56587258

Jesus christ, women really are insecure about every single thing

>> No.56587039 [DELETED] 

I wonder if the spergouts are linked directly to that one twitter account that was recently suspended, last post from duplicate account was complaining about music labels the same way the sperg was complaining about "deadbeat jannies"

>> No.56587058

She is genuinely depressed and takes medication for it and other mental issues like ADHD. She gets by with her short spurts of positive interactions with her friends. She is most hurt when alone and when she lets her thoughts consume her. Van Gogh displayed symptoms best consistent with a borderline (personality) disorder: impulsivity, variable moods, self-destructive behaviour, fear of abandonment, an unbalanced self-image, authority conflicts and other complicated relationships.

>> No.56587125

She's a better lyricist than a rapper

>> No.56587154
Quoted by: >>56587371

Mori is having a lunch date with Fauna I can feel it in my bones

>> No.56587163

And she's a damn good rapper

>> No.56587179

I miss Mori

>> No.56587246
Quoted by: >>56587500

Need that Reaper character to show up in your live so you look cool and have numbers

>> No.56587258

How many women do you know who have worked in the entertainment industry for 3 years, put themselves in front of thousands of people weekly, released dozens of songs for a worldwide audience, and have over 2 million subscribers on Youtube and over 1 million followers on Xwitter putting themselves under heavy daily scrutiny, and how many of those women DIDN'T have some sorta insecurity?

>> No.56587262
File: 170 KB, 413x410, 1675563364849497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finale Part 2 on a lyric dive

>> No.56587269

Her lyrics were always her greatest strength.

>> No.56587272

was anyone watching Kronii? seems like she has to be somewhere soon too

>> No.56587299
Quoted by: >>56587349

Sorry for being a tourist, but wasn't one of her first creative endeavors poetry? She's always been so impressive on that front

>> No.56587319

Good. Future Island WILL get the love it deserves.

>> No.56587349

eh, that was in elementary school

>> No.56587350

>LFDL left for another stream
Damn. At least it means we get another stream before BG3 and more time spent talking about the song

>> No.56587355

my mori/fauna lunch date dreams...

>> No.56587371
Quoted by: >>56587492

She said someone we know but didn't say holo, my money's on Milky or someone else like that

>> No.56587388
Quoted by: >>56587428

Hey he's not deadbeatchama I'm deadbeatchama.

>> No.56587421
Quoted by: >>56587530

Makes sense, they're obviously pretty close off-stream

>> No.56587428

You forgot the ffxvi soundpost.

>> No.56587492
Quoted by: >>56587606

Anon...Milky is streaming Sonic rn...

>> No.56587500

you’re still making shit up in your head anonchama

>> No.56587503

my only complaint is that she didn't plan this out more because I was enjoying her talking about the lyrics and the tangents she would go on but I can't wait to hear who she's hanging out with

>> No.56587504
Quoted by: >>56588741

calli is objectively amazing, and shes got a strong will, a normal person wouldve already crumbled over the hate people pour out. This EP has been my favorite so far.

>> No.56587530

The Kiara mentions are a coverup, Mori and Kronii have been fucking all along…

>> No.56587572

She DID randomly retweet the Korone fanart...

>> No.56587604

honestly I thought the EP has her best rapping so far, there’s very little of that vocal cadence/inflexion that turns some people off

>> No.56587606
File: 100 KB, 427x236, 1635102990513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ENTER in <1 hour

>> No.56587607
Quoted by: >>56587714

>It's actually Suzy

>> No.56587631

It was originally scheduled to start an hour earlier after all.

>> No.56587691
File: 17 KB, 654x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she said anything about what exactly she was going to do after. Mori did pop in for a second though

>> No.56587708
Quoted by: >>56587790

Two depressed women that fuck to get a dopamine hit.

>> No.56587714
Quoted by: >>56587783

Look at her last like on Twitter

>> No.56587783

well thats just a good art, nothing worth rrating over

>> No.56587790

Seeing the arc of Kronii so much happier since joining and adjusting to Hololive has been super nice

>> No.56587808
File: 39 KB, 739x415, 1667267262161424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56587973

same, I'm glad she won't have to rush through L4DL but right now I just feel blue-balled

>> No.56587849

Take a look at this

>> No.56587927


>> No.56587929 [DELETED] 

She reads more hate chat than ever before for the reason. So she is probably on the verge of becoming a menhera.
I cant understand why she believes there are haters only on Tiktok.

>> No.56587969 [DELETED] 

Imagine if Gura actually handled her fanbase instead of being a self centered cunt

>> No.56587973
Quoted by: >>56589285

You can jerk off if it’ll help

>> No.56588025

Which member of the BG3 group is most likely to fight Mori for hot red barbarian lady?

>> No.56588045

Damn, squirmbeat and twitchschizo

>> No.56588058
Quoted by: >>56588231

Nerissa, probably

>> No.56588067
Quoted by: >>56588111

You don't get companions when you're rolling with 4 co op.

>> No.56588071
File: 482 KB, 1486x1334, 1692416044976620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW Two of our local retards show up post some retarded shit within seconds of each other

>> No.56588092

God damn, I love Mori so much. She's such a strong, talented person while still being burdened with a deep sense of humanity. I feel lucky we get to see her, and she's able to show such vulnerability.
I believe in her dream.

>> No.56588111

You can still fuck them though

>> No.56588147
Quoted by: >>56591431

Gonna need that soundpost.

>> No.56588168

She’s the strongest person I know of. She’s unknowingly helped me get through a lot of my own tough times as well. I love her lots

>> No.56588231
File: 1.17 MB, 2507x3641, F2qMS28boAAu5fl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56588356

Kiara sold Nerissa on bard apparently, so she's locked in

>> No.56588256

same I love my Mori so much and oddly enough while bringing me down this lyric dive made me love her more

>> No.56588326

People who weren't here for the debuts really show themselves in the numberfagging. No one in Myth expected to get any of this, so if that perspective is to be applied, none of what's happening right now matters in terms of Success/Failure.

>> No.56588356

No they're talking about Karlach, the demon lady Mori (and basically everyone) is horny for, not the act of playing a barb.

>> No.56588360

Milky's singing Sonic music hop in

>> No.56588525
File: 51 KB, 768x768, 1618241949030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some high quality meming

>> No.56588581
File: 7 KB, 195x259, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'll tank as much hatred as I can for the others. I'm the toughest one, after all."

>> No.56588660
Quoted by: >>56588753

I know it’s not healthy for her but goddamn I love the way she is

>> No.56588688
Quoted by: >>56588756

since we're on the topic of J6 does anyone have a download of the album?

>> No.56588692

My shounen protag reaper wife

>> No.56588741

Based spiritual lyrical Callioindividual

>> No.56588753

she has a good heart and it shows but in the strangest places sometimes

>> No.56588756
File: 269 KB, 1042x1857, F2ATv_TaIAAK2gs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56588854

There's no point in concernfagging for her over this because there is nothing anyone can do about it, short of permanently banning and shutting down any non-vtuber tourist cesspools. When she says she'll tank it, she's not saying she's actively aggroing these Twitter faggots. She's saying she'll keep going on with what she does despite being the main target of these fucks who hate chuubas and don't watch them.

>> No.56588883

reminder that Lui-nee wants to hang out with Mori and misses her and considers her one of her best friends and we still havent seen more of them

>> No.56588926
Quoted by: >>56591014

Does anyone else be living in the upside down now

>> No.56588931

Was that one anon telling the truth about the J6 extras having ghost cat in them? or was it more silly edited pictures of him?

>> No.56588980

Based and actually listening to her-pilled

>> No.56588984

I'm still sad Mori never finished Outlast with her. Maybe they could do some horror together in October?

>> No.56589011

That anon was Mori

>> No.56589013

Silly filtered pictures but not like the one she showed the first time. You can clearly tell what Ghost cat looks like.

>> No.56589036


>> No.56589039
File: 406 KB, 459x619, 1678307129427404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56589164

I'll tell you in a few days when I get my copy

>> No.56589095
File: 489 KB, 1000x1375, 871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel lucky we get to see her, and she's able to show such vulnerability.
True that.

>> No.56589152

I need more Lui collabs

>> No.56589164

Danke in advance

>> No.56589266

You can 100% distinguish his breed and size. Basically just normal pictures with a single black and white filter thrown over

>> No.56589285
Quoted by: >>56590255

didn't mean it that way but i appreciate the advice

sometimes it's nice to think about just how many of those annoying tards she must filtering out just by existing

>> No.56589402

It was never a Cover issue, just the the Mori autism (kind of like how she is with Holo meetups). He's cute but Tutu is literally cat model-tier and overshadows him, Somalis are just such a unique-looking cat

>> No.56589412
File: 605 KB, 2560x3508, FMW3U_SVkAMiUo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56590123

I'm not concernfagging, I'm impressed by her willingness to fill her role. It's just showbiz - the straight man gets 60% and someone is going to be the one to take all the abuse. It speaks to the strength of her character that she's willing to take being called all sorts of shit so long as they're focused on her and not her colleagues .

>> No.56589574

I hope she and Kronii get some drinks and just go wild, Mori needs a tipsy friend to just tell to be happy and have fun for a bit

>> No.56589709
File: 33 KB, 323x445, 1664815477328192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, I gained a new appreciation for You're Not Special today

>> No.56589939
Quoted by: >>56589985

I liked it too, it's just that it has to compete against Six feet under and L4DL and even Mori admitted the autotune part doesn't really help its odds

>> No.56589985
Quoted by: >>56590106

I don't remember her mentioning the autotune

>> No.56590106

I think it was when she just started going over it, don't remember if she was reading chat or not

>> No.56590123
File: 666 KB, 1114x1600, 31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori is literally picrelated
Holy fuck, my knees are bending on their own

>> No.56590131
Quoted by: >>56590281

I think Cover also expects it from her, someone like Mumei complaining might get bonked more likely.

>> No.56590133

I missed the early parts of the stream, but I still had a lot of fun with this one. I can see more clearly why she hasn't really done one since Your Mori, she probably would end up skipping half the songs like she did Future Island. Excited for Baldur's Gate and likely Lyric Breakdown Pt 2 beforehand tomorrow.

>> No.56590255

I feel like it's kind of underdiscussed in society, how having millions of eyes on you is something that a human is just biologically not built to handle. The negativity from the 0.1% is coming from a hundred times the population of the town of most humans through history. It's mind-boggling, and it's amazing that they and Mori are able to take it.

>> No.56590258

Same desu. The effects did a good job hiding the fact that it was the heaviest of all songs even compared to BS with its "この世界で行きたくない/死んじゃったいい".

>> No.56590259
Quoted by: >>56590364

what is this

>> No.56590281
Quoted by: >>56590548

I think older gens get more seniority and "freedom" to act as opposed to newer ones. Haachama showing up in Kson's anniversary Live comes to mind. I miss Haachama. I was glad to hear she's talking to people again behind the scenes.

>> No.56590289

Even if the lyrics are good, the mixing and autotune suck

>> No.56590359

I like most of League cinematics and music.

>> No.56590364
Quoted by: >>56590410

"kage no jitsuryokusha something-something", just a mid overly chuuni isekai with a couple funny pages to it

>> No.56590410

I like how chuuni the MC is, haven't watched the anime adaptation though

>> No.56590543
Quoted by: >>56591245

I bit the bullet and went with an actual build instead of going Halu pls money items to clear. I even had a super collab and died in Stage 4. Still can't clear Stage 3 and 2 hard plus with full Halu with Mori, I prob need to just drop superchat and glasses.

>> No.56590548
Quoted by: >>56590900


>> No.56590733

>Mori is the union rep of HoloEN

>> No.56590796

Yeah, it's cool
Not cool enough to make me play mobas, but pretty damn cool

>> No.56590840

Yoshi timestamp?

>> No.56590900

Woah, haachama! This is wonderful.

>> No.56590905
Quoted by: >>56591291


>> No.56591014
File: 44 KB, 650x647, 1635929603519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56591030
Quoted by: >>56591291


>> No.56591101

I mean yeah, the lines she gave to Mumei for ANS and the other girls for Journey/Non-Fiction is pure poetry.
Her rapping is getting better though, like she can nail the admittedly not as good lyrics other writers give her but can't find the balance between her own flow and her actual lyrics.

>> No.56591245

ye, I did Stage 4 with Halu but said "fcuk that" with Stage 3 Hard, it's pretty unforgiving
maybe on a higher sustain character or someone with really ridiculous DPS like Bae

>> No.56591263
Quoted by: >>56591523

So, how will Mori do building her PC?

>> No.56591291
File: 12 KB, 124x119, 1616130720399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute shit

>> No.56591321

birds cute

>> No.56591431
File: 2.24 MB, 960x720, Rock v Reaper[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3ecxht.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56591526


>> No.56591523
Quoted by: >>56591736

I'm pretty sure the Holo staff basically built that shit for her and she's overreacting. It all depends on her capability to transfer data from the old PC to the new one

>> No.56591526

Biboo wants uppies

>> No.56591660
File: 2.93 MB, 998x714, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe5ovv6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't she lovely?

>> No.56591736
File: 254 KB, 1766x2048, 1644987109821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Suisei tried to set up her new PC by herself and accidentally deleted all traces of her original model out of existence

>> No.56591769
File: 1.90 MB, 2480x3508, 1644239258870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's on the record as saying time was getting mean-mugged during performances, like get off the stage!
And now she's performing to thousands willing to violate local ordinances.
She was sixth in the world for listens yesteday
Please, by all means direct your schizo rage at her
