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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 64 KB, 235x269, fa4abb7c846dbc5baa1a1c303d95c9cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5618341 No.5618341 [Reply] [Original]

F minecraft arc edition

>Next stream:

>Who is Bea?



>LEWDS!!! and other shit, upload everything

>> No.5618389

this should have been green screen edition

>> No.5618409
Quoted by: >>5618464

no glasses bear greenscreen
blackglasses greenscreen bear

>> No.5618464

red glasses bear

>> No.5618470

Exploitable for sure

>> No.5618535
File: 185 KB, 468x431, 1543449028726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please don't abandon me
>please stay with me forever onegai

>> No.5618623

Manipulative menhera bicchi

>> No.5618663
File: 521 KB, 1920x1080, 1112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make her a dinner and slowly feed her while she's getting extremely mendokusai in bed

>> No.5618712
File: 283 KB, 379x457, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5618730
File: 3.37 MB, 2043x1576, parasite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe she's dead...

>> No.5618785
File: 404 KB, 637x800, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5618891

>I've cancelled tomorrow's delivery

>> No.5618903


>> No.5618937
Quoted by: >>5619016

Sound material:
"Hanabi? You drew fanart for another vtuber? I hate you , Chama!"

>> No.5618948

this desu

>> No.5618981
File: 440 KB, 819x989, yourwaifusreactiontoyourdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should read this one

>> No.5619016
Quoted by: >>5619087

can you stop namedropping yourself

>> No.5619040
Quoted by: >>5619102

Can dads keep twitter drama out of the thread?
Find out on this edition of /yah/

>> No.5619060


>> No.5619087
File: 44 KB, 534x248, fac04ce7f8ab9008e3377ad15747ca9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5619102

This is an early thread, so probably not.

>> No.5619136
Quoted by: >>5619151

"sound material" sounds a lot lewder than it is

>> No.5619151
Quoted by: >>5619291

Do you know how hard it is for me to abstain from replying with "reps material"?

>> No.5619260
File: 545 KB, 1018x1072, 954FEA99-C07B-4808-B1CC-BE6620289D50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5619282

>> No.5619282

can I get a quick rundown on this vtuber?

>> No.5619291

I'm sure "it" is very hard

>> No.5619313
Quoted by: >>5619469

cute and funny chuuba
terrible fan base

>> No.5619325
Quoted by: >>5619401 >>5619469

very cringe chuuba
cool and based fanbase

>> No.5619392
Quoted by: >>5619401 >>5619469

mentally handicapped bear

>> No.5619401

Polar bear paws typed this

>> No.5619416
File: 492 KB, 979x1029, EA75798B-738D-45E0-82F2-ACC470AF5306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5619457
Quoted by: >>5619528

>Rothschilds bow to Beatani
>In contact with Greys
>Possesses psychic-like abilities
>Controls xp hill with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Kumageigrad will be be the first city)
>Owns 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First kemono babies will in all likelihood be Beatani babies
>both sisters said to have 81 IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>She owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Beabots inside you right now
>Is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bea bunker in xp hill?
>Learned fluent English in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the sisters. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Kumagai
>The sisters are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

>> No.5619469

all true

>> No.5619528
Quoted by: >>5619547

I missed 1 stream, what the fuck happened?

>> No.5619534
File: 107 KB, 540x640, HISV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one had done this yet

>> No.5619547

how new

>> No.5619646
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1615281460826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I am the Bone of my XP hill.
Cringe is my Body and special water is my Blood.
I have created over a Thousand Goslings,
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life.
Have withstood Pain to create many uooohhhs.
Yet those Hands will never hold Anything.
So, as I Pray--
Unlimited Kuma Works"

>> No.5619716
File: 26 KB, 500x375, e42989c1bd2bad66f7f26ab5d8d1806b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, I will write a skit where George goes on a date with Beatani and it goes horribly wrong.

>> No.5619734
File: 205 KB, 425x581, E4ugFzMUcAk2SaD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5619774 >>5619889

haha my daughter looks like a fucking dork

>> No.5619774

the face of mendokusai

>> No.5619826

Basically, an abusive relationship GFE

>> No.5619873
File: 40 KB, 605x264, 076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5619901

bea, this pls

>> No.5619885

why did she cancel her stream?

>> No.5619889

>looks like

>> No.5619901
Quoted by: >>5620083

better not

>> No.5619930

Her new sex toys arrived so she's trying them out.

>> No.5619935
Quoted by: >>5620085


>> No.5619936

Sorry anon, she bought a virtual reality headset so I'm going to help "set it up" for her.

>> No.5620043
File: 1.81 MB, 1500x1124, rk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5620166 >>5622007

I miss the era of Rie Kugumiya-voiced tsundere flat characters... I'm glad bea is a louise appreciator at least

>> No.5620047

Don't believe her lies. She is doing weekend sleep reps

>> No.5620049
Quoted by: >>5620092

She got "new gear" that she wants to fuck around with
Most likely VR

>> No.5620083

she can replace it, great pasta anyway

>> No.5620085
Quoted by: >>5620105 >>5620216

>Sorry EU bros
It was at 7am for EU, I'm almost glad it's cancelled

>> No.5620092

pretty sure it's just that keyboard she talked about buying a few days ago

>> No.5620105
Quoted by: >>5620157 >>5622474

Fine waking up hours, what are you on about.

>> No.5620157
Quoted by: >>5620216

Eh, I wake up at 9 for work in the week and 10 in the week end. With her midnight (eu) streams it would be bad to lower the wake up hour to 7am

>> No.5620166

iori uooooohhh

>> No.5620216
Quoted by: >>5620255

>he can't wake up early for his daughter

>> No.5620255

Why would my daughter decides the sleep schedule? what kind of family is that

>> No.5620313
Quoted by: >>5620428 >>5620508

why is she spamming my feed with videos now?
First the boring minecraft streams, now this. I think its about time to unsubscribe and find a less annoying tuber

>> No.5620335

So you can't wake up early for your own daughter?
What kind of dad are you?

>> No.5620341

Anon, I hate to break it to you but this family is highly dysfunctional

>> No.5620361
Quoted by: >>5620371

You know almost every stream of hers starts at 7 AM right?

>> No.5620371
Quoted by: >>5620434 >>5620499

Not in europe

>> No.5620428

Because fireworks answered greenscreen on a tweet

>> No.5620434

7 AM for her anon

>> No.5620449
Quoted by: >>5621047

>5620428 what the fuck is this shitty bait.

>> No.5620469
Quoted by: >>5620520

>hanabi is actually dictated what content she makes now
what a chad

>> No.5620499

Her streams are pretty much always at either 7 AM JST or 9 AM EST
you europeans are not special for having to watch a stream early in the morning

>> No.5620508

bear post

>> No.5620520
Quoted by: >>5620534


>> No.5620534
File: 165 KB, 665x657, E4qL8OtXMAEu9cu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5620575

bea... ?

>> No.5620566
File: 28 KB, 437x431, 1624393895145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatani has a favorite dad

>> No.5620575
File: 141 KB, 366x372, 1617305736348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5620602


>> No.5620602
File: 152 KB, 600x600, 2ee0379c9716ddae9f1667033cd80c58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5620606
Quoted by: >>5620644

correct the one that gives her the most money

>> No.5620627

you're my favourite

>> No.5620628

Beabea daishuki!

>> No.5620644


>> No.5620696
Quoted by: >>5620750 >>5620768

She said my penis was the nicest one she has gotten so far.
She didn't say it was the biggest, though, and I'm afraid to ask.

>> No.5620743

She said I was one of her favorites.
>one of

>> No.5620750

What? So that's how she got a penis, she took it from dads.

>> No.5620768


>> No.5620775
Quoted by: >>5620795


>> No.5620795
File: 157 KB, 720x1200, eb4653bf58103a10bcb7c9f4ea062f68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5620814 >>5620978


>> No.5620807


>> No.5620814

cute dasai bea!

>> No.5620923

We keep it in DMs so you wouldn't know. The ones showing themselves in public are the most innofensive.

>> No.5620971
Quoted by: >>5621029 >>5621035

>You are one of my favorite listenerchan
Did she say that to basically everyone

>> No.5620978

Visiting my grandma Beatani!
Putting her into an retirement home!
Visiting her once a year!

>> No.5621006

you forgot a meme arrow bro, dont worry i got you
>>5620428 here's your (you)

>> No.5621020
Quoted by: >>5621047

you forgot how to use 4chan you fucking retard.

>> No.5621029
Quoted by: >>5621141

Not me

>> No.5621035

She told me exactly that yes

>> No.5621047

oh whoops i misquoted
what are you talkin about?

>> No.5621064
Quoted by: >>5621096


>> No.5621075
Quoted by: >>5621275

>Has 5 different projects in the works.
>Got brand new equipment for her streams just now.
>Making cute and funny short videos with her excellent new model.
Beacoin is still going up lads, don't listen to the haters trying to help their own chuubas' stock rise by bringing down the queen of /vt/.

>> No.5621076
Quoted by: >>5621096

samefag, go kill yourself.

>> No.5621096
File: 13 KB, 474x156, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5621125

anon missed a meme arrow in his post and didnt quote the guy he meant to (you)

>> No.5621125

wow even more of a faggot.

>> No.5621141


>> No.5621144 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5621257

europeans are based
i bet youre a cringe american

>> No.5621187
Quoted by: >>5621211 >>5621257

europeans are based
i bet you're a cringe american

>> No.5621211
Quoted by: >>5621232 >>5621245

The based parts of europe are vastly outnumbered by the cringe parts anon.

>> No.5621232

all of america is cringe though

>> No.5621245


>> No.5621257
File: 11 KB, 504x270, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5621299

hm indeed

>> No.5621272


>> No.5621275

I don't think bea will get much bigger appeal, considering how openly fake she is about everything. Outside of 4chan I don't know who wants an abusive-relationship simulator tuber.

>> No.5621299

the post didnt show up so i posted it again but when it refreshed there were two posts so i deleted one

>> No.5621330

>openly fake
If this is not bait I have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

>> No.5621335


>> No.5621337

menhera has wide appeal

>> No.5621393
File: 132 KB, 327x400, w0wuTzA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She... she said she liked me... that must mean something...

>> No.5621410
Quoted by: >>5621435 >>5621465

beatani should do a q&a on 4chan using a tripcode

>> No.5621423

You don't even watch her

>> No.5621435
Quoted by: >>5621476 >>5621577

she should give the trip to hanabi and let him answer things for her

>> No.5621457

There are more ""rich"" man willing to buy false memories than you think.
It'll be oggey.

>> No.5621465
Quoted by: >>5621515 >>5621572

>namedropping samefagging AND tripfagging

>> No.5621476
File: 312 KB, 512x700, Hk85npZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohadayo bear

>> No.5621486
Quoted by: >>5621557 >>5621787

Right on cue one comes right in.
>openly fake
One of the least fake actually. She pretty much puts all her cards on the table. This is like the only fanbase that isn't constantly wondering what their chuuba is really thinking when they do and say things because of how polished their presentation is or if she actually likes her fanbase or not. She says exactly what she likes about the fanbase and what things she doesn't, very simple.

>> No.5621514
Quoted by: >>5621770

>openly fake
what are you talking about?
but i agree her content is intimidating to outsider

>> No.5621515

Holy newfag

>> No.5621557
File: 21 KB, 302x431, blind_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5621614 >>5621626

>One of the least fake actually
ok, bruv

>> No.5621572

Not only did she tripfag but her trip even got cracked.

>> No.5621577

Bea you gotta find new material, firework hate is so last week.

>> No.5621614
Quoted by: >>5621648 >>5621723

he's right tho

>> No.5621626
Quoted by: >>5621723

he's right

>> No.5621648
Quoted by: >>5621723

you're replying to some tourist who never watched her anon

>> No.5621677 [DELETED] 
File: 1.97 MB, 868x1201, 1609181618019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5621693
File: 76 KB, 600x600, risunashota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5621778

>> No.5621708 [DELETED] 

We have Inafags in this very thread anon.

>> No.5621723

everything she says and does is just to get a reaction from the people watching her.
Even during karaoke celebration stream, she pretended to cry about hanabi not being there just to rile people up.

cope harder, incel

>> No.5621748

hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, /wah/ club's two blocks down

>> No.5621770
File: 114 KB, 489x497, 9h24WVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i agree her content is intimidating to outsider
We have reached a point where the new viewers feel like that new guy who gets hired the day before to the company's christmas party
>Hahaha... yeah, noreps dad... that's... that's so funny... wait, why does she want the give food the fox?

>> No.5621778

Anon, you can't just post bea's real face here.

>> No.5621784

You sound pretty angry anon. There are plenty of other chuubas who will manipulate you in a way where you don't realize they are manipulating you, which seems to be what you actually want, so go to them.

>> No.5621787

>if she actually likes her fanbase or not
bea, you're not doing your job well enough

>> No.5621812

If you got riled up by her joke, go watch someone else you fucking absolute pussy.

>> No.5621813
Quoted by: >>5621880

>everything she says and does is just to get a reaction from the people watching her.
...so what?
After you realize her true character, it only gets funnier.

>> No.5621833
Quoted by: >>5621862

thanks for blessing this thread

>> No.5621862

We need to learn from /wah/ and not take the bait.

>> No.5621880
Quoted by: >>5621907

her true character is unappealing to most people, especially those who watch vtubers.
thats my point and why she won't get wider appeal

>> No.5621904
Quoted by: >>5621947

Wrong tab Str**W*lf

>> No.5621907

i am absolutely fine with her doing what makes her happy. she is a grown woman. go back.

>> No.5621943
Quoted by: >>5621958

I love Ina so much that nothing does anything to me
I can't cum to anything else but Ina
Every time I think about dragging my hard dick on her flat chest and playing
xylophone with her ribs
I cum buckets in seconds

>> No.5621947
Quoted by: >>5621990 >>5622007

Is he even watching her anymore?

>> No.5621952

you will never be hanabi

>> No.5621958

Always with the xylophone you takos.

>> No.5621990

I see him around.

>> No.5621991
File: 238 KB, 440x557, X70xLfD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this namedropping

>> No.5622007

I get my hololive news from his tweets since I don't really follow Hololive much since a few months.
Too bad only Toradora! was solid among all those animes.

>> No.5622033
Quoted by: >>5622049 >>5622103

Just a few people (often 1) do the namedropping, which in turn get 5x more people to complain about it, and even more to meta-talk about people complaining about it
Every time

>> No.5622049

Only takes one or two to derail.

>> No.5622065

It's kind of irrelevant, but there should be two of these faggots.

>> No.5622068

beatani unironically ruined /yah/

>> No.5622103
Quoted by: >>5622141

Gatekeeping attention whore dads is the most important thing we can do for her long term success.
I think this is babby's first indie for a lot of them

>> No.5622138

shut the fuck up stupid dumbfuck polar bear. go post on twitter if you want attention fucking retard. one guy rant about him and you feel like you did something? fucking shitbrain, eat shit and fuck off dumbfuck

>> No.5622141
Quoted by: >>5622161 >>5622242

It's not really "attention whores" who cause issues (usually people call that anyone interacting outside of here) but more the cheeky ones name dropping them. Bea included. Bea, I hate you.

>> No.5622161

yah, there is really nobody too cringe who didn't already get BTFO'd

>> No.5622174
Quoted by: >>5622208 >>5622249

He drew a different indie today. Wonder how bea will feel about it…

>> No.5622198
File: 5 KB, 534x248, 1623012124338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5622208
Quoted by: >>5622242

>talking about yourself in 3rd person
how self important

>> No.5622242


>> No.5622249
Quoted by: >>5622385

Maybe I’ll draw a different girl too. I bet she’ll hate it.

>> No.5622269
File: 266 KB, 605x448, tomoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, based department??

>> No.5622365
File: 176 KB, 567x583, Screenshot-2021-06-25_09-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dads, i was really in love with Beatani, and DMed her about dickpicks, and she said OK!
But then i sent her one and she didn't like it
How do i cope?

>> No.5622385

The true move is to draw a different girl after drawing her something that she really likes to make her feel unimportant and needy

>> No.5622389
Quoted by: >>5622539

Why is your dick so red?

>> No.5622438

Don't worry, I'll stretch her out enough so she handle your massive shlong

>> No.5622443

Gtfo of here, Beatani.

>> No.5622467
File: 114 KB, 950x1500, fa7ba8d250a1665b7713aaeac91e274c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5622474

>he is not waking up at 1-2pm
what are you doing with your life?

>> No.5622491
Quoted by: >>5622525

try wearing fursuit

>> No.5622525

It looks like a picture of a man on a bed with his legs thrown over the back of his head (like if you wanted to jizz on your own face, i guess?) He is wearing bright red socks with a white stripe.

>> No.5622539

those are stockings

>> No.5622546
File: 1.02 MB, 1152x720, 2021-06-24 21-31-06 (9)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk6pd5m.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5622580 >>5622827

I want Bea to go to a night club and tell us how it went

>> No.5622580
Quoted by: >>5622588

I want France to disappear.

>> No.5622588


>> No.5622662

How does it feel knowing that we will never have fun streams again
Why did you have to spook her with google maps? Whats wrong with you people

>> No.5622684

The last streams has been the best to me so there's that.

>> No.5622688
File: 51 KB, 1438x480, Newrequest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New request pending but we might not see it for 2 months.

>> No.5622704

I've been away for a few days
what did I miss?

>> No.5622722


>> No.5622726
File: 1.68 MB, 355x390, Rare_Bea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5622731

nothing. literally nothing. you replied to a shitpost

>> No.5622733
Quoted by: >>5622753 >>5622791

1 of the dads tricked her into opening google maps and doxxing herself

>> No.5622753
Quoted by: >>5622772

is she cute?

>> No.5622757
Quoted by: >>5623164

Just a few people who hate anything popular and can't accept Minecraft is great for content, so they convince themselves the last streams were bad. Even tho even Beatani has never been so happy about her own content. Just your every day schizo I suppose.

>> No.5622763

she literally genocided an entire village because she was too busy trying to force a poo and a furry janny to fuck last stream how is that not fun?

>> No.5622772
File: 584 KB, 607x804, chihirohands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5622788

that's Chihiro not Beatani tho

>> No.5622791

Its not a dox if you only know the street she lives in

>> No.5622799


>> No.5622827
Quoted by: >>5622851

She would just stay in the corner or suddendly run across the dancefloor and stop again. It's not a place for her.

>> No.5622831

I just want another RFA stream...

>> No.5622833
File: 51 KB, 320x320, 1620745238928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't asking about Chihiro. Though Chihiro is pretty as well.

>> No.5622851
File: 56 KB, 175x350, EswTfkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corner bea...

>> No.5622891

I want to hold her hand... orz

>> No.5622914
File: 152 KB, 331x435, 0vDP3fl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5622949

I don't think she hates me

>> No.5622949
Quoted by: >>5623128

Prove she doesnt. DM her.

>> No.5622976
File: 730 KB, 732x536, beatani location.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5623033 >>5623076

>> No.5623033
Quoted by: >>5623069 >>5623074

tokyo. got it. bea, i'm coming!!!!!

>> No.5623069


>> No.5623074

I already came.

>> No.5623076

Bea look outside
pls let me in

>> No.5623079
Quoted by: >>5623136 >>5623169

No dad has the spine to go to her residence.

>> No.5623103

imagine that hand grabbing your testicles like that

>> No.5623128
File: 191 KB, 504x446, mxoXeHn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5623226

I don't want to risk it

>> No.5623136

I'd do but I'm not going to the complete opposite side of the world just for that.

>> No.5623164

She has put a lot of effort into not doing a normal Minecraft stream full of grinding too, preparing things off screen. Using Minecraft for narratives like she is doing is perfectly fine and how triggered people get about the game is pretty retarded. It is one of the few 3D game she can even play because of her lack of sense of direction and lack of reflexes.

>> No.5623169

Why would any dad do that?

>> No.5623186
File: 2 KB, 161x45, beat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is wrong with you people

>> No.5623209

all me

>> No.5623212

okay okay i get it already, shut up

>> No.5623226


>> No.5623228

I wonder if she understands what a roommate is.

>> No.5623230
Quoted by: >>5623262

That's the point tho, Minecraft is very, very versatile and easy to adapt into many things. I've watched very creative people plan and build insane things, or more chilld streamers grind while doing small talk, as more of a background stream style. Bea did it her own way, fitting for her style.

>> No.5623232

I'm not seeing any issue here, anonchama.

>> No.5623235

We've all been groomed, please understand

>> No.5623236

I'm a minecraft anti and even I've been enjoying these streams. I think some people just want things to complain about.

>> No.5623262


>> No.5623279
Quoted by: >>5623346

I haven’t watched the last 2 streams. Fuck Minecraft, I’ll be waiting for you on the other side dads

>> No.5623287

I'm guessing she gets the gist of it

>> No.5623323

explain it here for her then

>> No.5623346

tanabata will be fun

>> No.5623363

Why would she know what common /vt/ lingo means? It's not like she reads these threads or anything.

>> No.5623431

she has a sister, not a roommate

>> No.5623681

Am I the only one who prefers zatsudan to any game?
Not just with Beatani, with most vtubers. There are only a few that are really entertaining to me when playing a game. I think it's a more difficult skill than it seems.

>> No.5623700

No, you aren't alone.

>> No.5623775

For indies zatsudans are a little more intimate so I enjoy them

>> No.5623838

Dads? What is it mean?

>> No.5623871
File: 282 KB, 485x574, MwvLNdH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are good, but zatsudans tend to be funnier and allow us to know more about Bea
The minecraft streams have been pretty good so far tho, I think the endings are a good excuse for the bear to be more honest with us than usual

>> No.5623903
Quoted by: >>5623969 >>5624258

>6 watching now
>3.48K subscribers

>> No.5623906

Every game stream inevitably gets derailed into a pseudo-zatsudan anyway

>> No.5623969
Quoted by: >>5624023

i think this is more normal than people would believe. beatani's engagement is probably like the highest i can see based on her channel's size. It seems like we get a solid 200 every stream. So, 5% of her followers are showing up to every stream. that's an amazing number. In the example above, it's more like 0.1%

>> No.5624005
File: 185 KB, 411x249, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5624023

>So, 5% of her followers are showing up to every stream. that's an amazing number.
It's more like we are a big group of friends wanting to hang out

>> No.5624036

Good thing that bea's game stream is just 70% zatsu + 30% gameplay

>> No.5624056
File: 69 KB, 490x467, 636722D7-3862-44EA-B9E8-A9FB277E274F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5624112


>> No.5624112
Quoted by: >>5624145

Looks like testicles desu

>> No.5624145

You're making me want to draw her nose.

>> No.5624148

That's an "R" though not an "A"

>> No.5624152
Quoted by: >>5624243

When she was doing just zatsudan people kept complaining and wanting more variety, like games
Honestly Minecraft makes for a very good zatsudan ground if she wants anwyay

>> No.5624208
Quoted by: >>5624243

I'd much rather the bear does what she wants. If it's gonna make her happy and proud of her content, I don't care. She works really hard.

>> No.5624243
File: 220 KB, 716x729, fpBBI51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A creative mode stream would be fun, I want to see what kind of things she builds

And this, she does her best for us everyday, I just want her to be happy and have fun

>> No.5624249
Quoted by: >>5624267

I bet bea writes fanfic of janny x remote kid.

>> No.5624258

Looks like the chuuba got most of their subs off ASMR content over the course of a year, so yeah that kind of engagement seems about what I'd expect.

>> No.5624267

I want to read it.

>> No.5624555

is bea suícidal

>> No.5624626

in minecraft

>> No.5624639
Quoted by: >>5624699


>> No.5624699


>> No.5624714

Yes and its your fault for enabling her menhera behavior

>> No.5624722

just pretending
Don't forget she is bitch

>> No.5624730
File: 177 KB, 385x386, Screenshot_2021-06-25-09-56-21-383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5624752


>> No.5624755


>> No.5624762


>> No.5624776


>> No.5624807
Quoted by: >>5625094


>> No.5624844
Quoted by: >>5627437

make new one with hand reps, checking /yah/ and liking her tweet

>> No.5625011

I literally skipped all 4 anon, am I ok? I'm getting paid, at least.

>> No.5625045
Quoted by: >>5625115

I've been trying to do 1 after 4 lately but I keep forgetting since I'm too used to just doing it after 2 usually

>> No.5625046
Quoted by: >>5625198

Your tongue can do 90% of the job a toothbrush can

>> No.5625094

hi Bea

>> No.5625097

2(with 1 sometimes),4,3

>> No.5625115

wait, we can use this as /yah/ slang

>> No.5625185

she's so happy

>> No.5625198


>> No.5625246
Quoted by: >>5625258 >>5625365

I think we should start a discord server.

>> No.5625258

this is a good idea

>> No.5625307
Quoted by: >>5625350 >>5625366

I didn't know Bea is a music artist...

>> No.5625350
Quoted by: >>5625451


>> No.5625361
Quoted by: >>5625394

Some reply didn't realize it's a midi keyboard, which doesn't make any sound by itself.

>> No.5625365
Quoted by: >>5625429

If you do, and if it's invite-only and dad-exclusive, some fag is gonna leak it to Bea eventually. I'm not opposed to dads chilling out, but it would be compromised almost immediately

>> No.5625366
Quoted by: >>5625447 >>5625451

How new?
>talked about playing in bands when she was younger
>talked about writing her own music
>played guitar on streams multiple times

>> No.5625376

It's cool though I'd be happy too

>> No.5625394
Quoted by: >>5625431

This is not a midi keyboard. It can probably be used as a USB midi controller, but it's a full fledged synth. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5625429

You can make it so that there is a waiting room thats separate from the full server.
Just require proof you're not bea to get full access.

>> No.5625431
Quoted by: >>5625496

She better have external speakers then because with that kind of keyboard when it's not only midi controller the sound is a bit shitty

>> No.5625447

Gyari definitely will accept her porto. come on Bea, the audition is still up to 30th this month

>> No.5625451

You think I actually watch her streams? I only read the threads.

>> No.5625457
Quoted by: >>5625784

I shower before bed and don't believe in breakfast

>> No.5625475
File: 189 KB, 367x456, beaglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the proudest dad alive

>> No.5625488
File: 30 KB, 493x750, 0722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5625554

Which species of clover is Beatani? I think she is Trifolium depauperatum. Also known as the poverty clover which already reflects her childhood in the name. Other than that this clover has an unusually large bulging flower head for a clover and this of course reflects Beatanis huge bulging futa cock. It's natural habitat is also prairie where only short grasses and herbs dominate without any large bush, she is a trimmed bear after all.

>> No.5625496
Quoted by: >>5625566 >>5625602

Have you ever used pro audio equipment in your life? Stop trying to sound smart, it's just sad. You use studio monitor headphones or monitor speakers with synths for home play. This keyboard does not have an external speaker. The only synths with external speakers are gimmick devices like those made by Teenage Engineering.

>> No.5625513


>> No.5625554
Quoted by: >>5625933

>she is a trimmed bear after all.
this was already confirmed false

>> No.5625560
Quoted by: >>5625630

134 2*
*in the evening

>> No.5625566
Quoted by: >>5625636 >>5625648

not him, so what is this keyboard purpose?

>> No.5625602

you have autism

>> No.5625630

like the japs then?

>> No.5625636

It has a 4 track sequencer so it can be used to make tracks. And it can also be used for live performance, like here: https://youtu.be/qgiL7lsIATA

>> No.5625648

to make sounds?
no pro grade equipment has speakers

>> No.5625689

unironically just 4

>> No.5625716

I'm actually excited thinking about what she might make with it

>> No.5625731
Quoted by: >>5625750

I had a dream she had a stream like Coco's where she shaved her cunny. I was a little disappointed.

>> No.5625750
Quoted by: >>5625776 >>5625923

Because it was a dream or because she shaved?

>> No.5625776

A little of both tabun maybe.

>> No.5625784

based, breakfast is a lobbyist's scam

>> No.5625804

whatever happened to the small handful of JOPs that hung out in Bea's chat before she came (here) anyways. Did they get scared away?

>> No.5625833

there was only one who actually stayed in chat.

>> No.5625884

replaced by kimo jap larpers

>> No.5625923

If news broke that she shaves I would unsub instantly. CLEAN SHAVEN CUNNY HATE

>> No.5625933

Yes logic brings us to the conclusion she has an enormous bush worthy of the largest redwood forests.

>> No.5625992

Most or all of them were just here for slay the spire
It's pretty common for some indies to get a small community from a specific game, and lose most of them if they change.

>> No.5626106

why she stopped?
I thought she really like it

>> No.5626190

she loves big foreigner cocks more

>> No.5626201

because she obviously didn't >really like it

>> No.5626203

adhd please understand

>> No.5626239

She said she was self conscious about her skill level. She quit in the middle of one stream to play animal crossing on Gamecube.

>> No.5626241

true, subbed to Ina only to watch her play Hollow Knight. never jump to her stream since. maybe will back for Silksong

>> No.5626291
Quoted by: >>5626378

She should play Apex to bring them back.

>> No.5626334
Quoted by: >>5626616

I think the reason she gave was something about feeling embarrassed at how badly she was doing while playing it

you really don't want an audience that's there for the game first and the streamer second. honestly it's the main reason I was against minecraft for so long but she's grown large enough that it's not really an issue now (even though you can see some greys in the chat that clearly don't know what they signed up for when they're opening her streams lately)

>> No.5626335
File: 194 KB, 1440x1278, 60dayl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Request is approved. Average time is 60 days. So, I'll see you then.

>> No.5626371

Will be waiting

>> No.5626378
File: 260 KB, 220x123, tenor (9).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5626396
File: 53 KB, 599x448, xmHJLV1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5626409 >>5626422

Drawchads, can you do this but with Bea and Risuna?

>> No.5626409

bea would be... on the right?

>> No.5626422

Haaai But who is Bea and who is Risuna

>> No.5626434
File: 176 KB, 1000x1458, depar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5626732

The average Frenchman

>> No.5626442
Quoted by: >>5626587

Bea on the left, risuna on the right.
Bea is the one with 71 iq after all and we are concerning

>> No.5626459
Quoted by: >>5626587

how is it not obvious?
ofc bea on the left and risuna on the left

>> No.5626461
Quoted by: >>5626482 >>5626587

risuna's obviously the embarrassed one, bea's too shameless to act like that

>> No.5626482

That's what she wants you to think

>> No.5626587 [DELETED] 


the duality of dads

>> No.5626594

just looked up that keyboard she bought and it's like five hundred dollars
nice to see the oil balons are funding our daughter's hobbies like this

>> No.5626616
Quoted by: >>5626663

>you really don't want an audience that's there for the game first and the streamer second.
It's always like that, a certain audience (game audience or sometimes site audience) get exposted to a content creator, a small portion stay, the rest leave. There are different ways to expose new groups of people to content, like networking, tags, raids (well not on youtube), collabs etc. It's always the same.
Minecraft has the benefit of basically being known by everyone so you can strike much larger. Only people ready for Beatani's style will stay anyway.

>> No.5626663

Yeah, it was also similar with coming here, while she definitely has a style that works well with the audience of 4chan, only a handful of the people exposed to her stayed around, we're like 50~60, compared to the board population, it's good but not huge.

>> No.5626668
Quoted by: >>5626693


>> No.5626693
Quoted by: >>5626727

>gets dressed
>gets dressed, again?

>> No.5626695

If Bea is still alive, for sure

>> No.5626727
Quoted by: >>5626775

Clothes got wet, pls andastand.

>> No.5626732

Pretty solid actor, tho he's washed up now

>> No.5626768
File: 446 KB, 1000x900, 6e18716ffdbd1a9d53199e9312a7540c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I had a menhera attack from drinking too much cola and I thought Bea hated me. I can't hold my caffeine yet I drink it anyways.


>> No.5626775
File: 271 KB, 584x595, beairl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5626840


>> No.5626819

2 and 4 after today, I already know it.

>> No.5626833

2 and 6

>> No.5626840

can't be bea she doesn't shower

>> No.5626841

eternal 5 with a slight 2

>> No.5626864
Quoted by: >>5627011 >>5627057

Who was it? J-just so we don't get duplicate or redundant requests ofc.

>> No.5626872

7 -- I have three hours of driving to do.

>> No.5626913



>> No.5626925

1. Bea's shining brightly again today!

>> No.5626950
Quoted by: >>5627030


>> No.5626963

will how happy she was in her posts today for sure at a 1

>> No.5626988
File: 473 KB, 722x692, 1619560737100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is always reading, say something nice about her!

>> No.5627011

This. Shouldn't spoil the surprise if you don't say what the text of the request was, Beatani will forget the names we mention anyway.

>> No.5627023

bea is good!

>> No.5627030
Quoted by: >>5627072

that's not what 5 means anon

>> No.5627057

don't worry, we don't have mutuals. you aren't going to get the same thing.

>> No.5627064

well, If I saw her on the street I would drag her to the nearest alley and creampie her right there

>> No.5627072
Quoted by: >>5627178

I know but my face is the same so I don't care.

>> No.5627076

Insomnia hate

>> No.5627097

It's amazing how wide her range of talents is. Truly a Renaissance bear.

>> No.5627099
Quoted by: >>5627133 >>5627147


>> No.5627133

nvm I get it now

>> No.5627147
Quoted by: >>5627185

He commissioned a piece of art on Skeb. It might take 2 months to be finished.

>> No.5627178

>my face is the same
Dad is cute! Cute!

>> No.5627185

Hopefully before the final yab

>> No.5627183
Quoted by: >>5627316 >>5627481

I liked her better when she didn't try appealing to the 4chan incel userbase

>> No.5627189

She has fluffy kuma ears!

>> No.5627219
File: 21 KB, 377x232, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anything more better than walking in on your daughter uooohhing for someone else?

>> No.5627259
Quoted by: >>5627686


>> No.5627316

less than 50% incel...

>> No.5627364


>> No.5627415

I am eternally bounding between 2 and 4 depending on the moment despite trying to act like a 1

>> No.5627416

A certain dad keeps retweeting porn so now my Twitter feed looks like a horny thread

>> No.5627437
File: 147 KB, 385x386, options.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5627443
Quoted by: >>5627478 >>5627609

>stalking her on other streams
it's a little creepy

>> No.5627454


>> No.5627478


>> No.5627481

He doesn't have access to the required documents.

>> No.5627507


>> No.5627521


>> No.5627525


>> No.5627567


>> No.5627594


>> No.5627597

2323234 maybe 1

>> No.5627609
Quoted by: >>5627686

I guess it is, but that's nothing new, people always check and share comments made by their oshi in other streams.
Also I wonder what the source for that is

>> No.5627633


>> No.5627654


>> No.5627686


>> No.5627704
Quoted by: >>5627796

Quick, Bea's either sleeping or doing corner reps with her new synth. It's time to think of ways to get back at this kusogaki.
I think it'd be funny if one stream everyone changed their name to Beatani Ch. 熊谷ちさと so chat looked like she was just talking to herself the entire stream

>> No.5627710
Quoted by: >>5627792

this is the same girl she RTed a day or two ago. I thought you meant current stream.

>> No.5627736
Quoted by: >>5627752

cute glasses
shall sub

>> No.5627737

She only played it because her poor laptop couldnt run anything else. And there is only as much as you can do with slay the spire.

>> No.5627752

>t. *a***

>> No.5627761
Quoted by: >>5627792 >>5627811

Is this babiniku? There's definitely a ton of filters on the voice.

I think I saw this on my youtube recommendations earlier so I guess the algorithm might be doing similar things to all of us.

>> No.5627792

Actually not sure but it wouldn't surprise me

>> No.5627796

too mendokusai

>> No.5627802

121 2 and 4 together 1313312112131

>> No.5627811
Quoted by: >>5627884

sounds like a woman with a voice changer to me. why they are using so many filters, i don't know.

>> No.5627884

it's actually bear that doesn't want to be recognized and the comments were a cover up

>> No.5627932

I'm not usually fond of when vtubers have a "pose" where nothing but their face moves but this comfy layout makes it work

>> No.5627954

Everyone says artreps this, noreps that... you are doing your Japanesereps too right?

>> No.5627979


>> No.5627990

no I only post horny Bea fantasies and do my handreps

>> No.5628010


>> No.5628044

I can barely speak my own language well and you expect me to learn moon runes

>> No.5628067


>> No.5628076

if i wanted to jp reps i wouldn't be watching beatani you retard.

>> No.5628137

My 700 reviews are still waiting for me.

>> No.5628139

Yes, working through Wanikani and it's starting to dawn on me how hard this is going to be.

>> No.5628209
File: 81 KB, 600x600, reismug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5628378

Yes, my 1 year of intensive every-day studying started to pay off around the time Beatani started streaming. I'm waiting for the korokke virus panic to vanish so I can visit Japan for the first time.

>> No.5628242

A bit. I've been setting some of the programs/games I use to Japanese language since I'm bad at rote learning. I'm also not machine translating stuff I see on twitter.

>> No.5628253

I'm going to feel serious second hand embarrassment if Beatanis EOP named faggots start showing up in her chat from now on.

>> No.5628316
Quoted by: >>5628514

it's not to my taste, but let me ask you. what is the intention of the retweet if not to bring more audience to someone who doesn't really have it? t. EOP named faggot

>> No.5628318
Quoted by: >>5628376 >>5629127

I feel second hand embarrassment just from bea saying "based" to JOP streamer

>> No.5628321
Quoted by: >>5628467

No. My lack of concentration has become so bad I cant even do my playing video game reps anymore.

>> No.5628376
Quoted by: >>5628518

Why is she even doing that... Why did you guys make her so cringe...

>> No.5628378

take this (you), for being the only dad who is not a lazy fuck. hope you have a good time in japan.

>> No.5628392
Quoted by: >>5628514

Your post is so sad. I bet you didn't know her before this and you want to bring others down.

>> No.5628424

No because I think it's too late (im 20), plus I lost all my motivation because I know i'm never going to japan, that will just stay a dream

>> No.5628433

wait, no, 20 is not too late. stop. you are younger than almost all of us.

>> No.5628467

I'm glad to know, I'm not the only one

>> No.5628514

I would be happy if she got support. If the usual faggots show up in her chat using the same names they use to post on Beatani's stream I would think they were just trying to get Beatanis approval and acknowledgment.
Your post reeks of projection. There's nothing sad about it and you're just insecure I called you a named faggot.

>> No.5628518

Why else, to leak it in here later of course

>> No.5628551
Quoted by: >>5628626

No... wait... what? You would expect people to change their YT Channel name just to watch another streamer so Beatani doesn't get feel a certain way? Holy shit your schizo is off the charts.

>> No.5628565
Quoted by: >>5629430

Cringiest anon today.

>> No.5628597
File: 568 KB, 725x748, 1617231104574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's too late (im 20)
fucking zoomer

>> No.5628626

I don't see why not. I can make an alternative google account in about three minutes.
I don't understand why you people value personas so much, especially when you post on an anonymous imageboard. Also... you.... type like a redditor???

>> No.5628659
Quoted by: >>5628801

If you check Isa's Twitter they were super happy to get some fan art from an overseas viewer. You should take your meds you cringy faggot.

>> No.5628701
Quoted by: >>5628801

What don't you understand about how people use the internet? We post anonymously here, and when we go elsewhere we are pseudonymous. You are just cringe.

>> No.5628731
Quoted by: >>5628801

Do you really have a separate accounts for each streamer you watch?

>> No.5628801

It has nothing to do with overseas viewers retard
You can continue to do so. I will just feel second embarrassment when I know your only motivator for doing it will be for Beatanis recognition.
No, but I have a few because I organize my subscriptions. I never claimed or implied I would have one for every individual streamer.

>> No.5628832

>really advocates to create a new account to watch a new chuuba

>> No.5628854
Quoted by: >>5628940

he's right btw, imagine being exposed as a pedophile and being so attached to your personality you continue to use the same name you used for your grooming

>> No.5628853
Quoted by: >>5628946

>i know
What are you, some kind of medium?

>> No.5628880
File: 46 KB, 348x340, DDFB8B21-4C36-49D1-9C36-AB18F8A257B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the bea anti thread?

>> No.5628888


>> No.5628900
Quoted by: >>5628946

>No, but I have a few because I organize my subscriptions.
holy schizo

>> No.5628907

you should take your meds, you are overthinking everything

>> No.5628920

Ever Bea thread is Beatani thread

>> No.5628940
Quoted by: >>5628947

Imagine still seething about z*a

>> No.5628945
File: 137 KB, 355x405, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I studied pretty hard for a year and I started to slowdown when I meet Bea, now I'm mainly doing art reps because it's more fun

>> No.5628946
Quoted by: >>5628984

Named faggots are as two dimensional as they get.
What's schzio about that? I don't want music and vods all shitting up my feed at once.

>> No.5628947

ok zia

>> No.5628963
Quoted by: >>5628990

I prefer name changing schizo over twitter dads.

>> No.5628984
Quoted by: >>5629041

Ok, fair enough, not schizo, autistic. Imagine caring about the feed.

>> No.5628986
File: 44 KB, 720x1200, 252E6C76-0D7F-41DF-8F80-170ED0196B69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatani is a dumb whore:
>never went back to recettear
>playing stupid kusoge minecraft
>surrounded by cringe virgin replyguys
>no support from Japanese people, too dumb and lame to entertain her own people
>racist on Twitter
>unmarried at 25 LOL
>worthless to society: lesbian

>> No.5628990

Okay, that's a fair point
But i don't have enough autism to do that

>> No.5629026

how many times have you listened to the nnd video to hear bea's superior voice?

>> No.5629041
Quoted by: >>5629076

Why do you care? You seem really offended to be nit-picking every little thing I do.

>> No.5629058

It's OK
I can fix the last 2

>> No.5629076
Quoted by: >>5629122

Because (You) seem to care that i dare to post in chat of some chuubas

>> No.5629090
File: 49 KB, 320x320, 1621459473296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't say such things about yourself!

>> No.5629101
File: 3.29 MB, 1120x1120, bealostkittenLQ[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foe9sh1.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5629107

this is the start of schizo hour?

>> No.5629122
Quoted by: >>5629196

You can do what you like, all I'm saying is you're probably just doing it for her acknowledgement like the attention whore you are.

>> No.5629127
Quoted by: >>5629159

Aww that's adorable! Love our daughter.

>> No.5629158

cringe reply fagging name fagging attention whores vs cringe autism schizo multiple personality dads

>> No.5629159
File: 97 KB, 1150x1150, f129e324f00038cf257bf54eabeb0593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5629175
File: 458 KB, 320x360, ratethestream[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhqesz3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5629200 >>5629443

>Bea's graduation will be a minecraft stream
>She builds a tower to end the stream
>"Even though you are a neet..."
>"I can love Dads and Moms..."
>"Even though you are foolish..."
>"I love you Bros, and Sisters..."
>"Every day, every time..."
>"I can stay with you on XP hill..."
>"So please..."
>"...don't forget about me"
>No corner bea

>> No.5629195

>racist on twitter

uuuuhhhhhh based??

>> No.5629196
File: 34 KB, 378x280, 1604054572880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5629325 >>5629752

>probably just doing it for her acknowledgement
Do you have anything to support that claim?

>> No.5629200

>chat is nothing but "who is you"

>> No.5629212

I just started 3 weeks ago and I'm over 30. Keep trying and you can expand your fap material horizons.

>> No.5629224

I do think it's a little weird when guys call Bea their daughter

>> No.5629225
File: 181 KB, 1550x1200, 3293AA7B-9BB4-41ED-8C1D-E09589CA0795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in god’s name is she on a Minecraft arc? Just when I thought I had found a chuuba immune to its influence, here we fucking go. “Yes I wanna watch chuuba #10,567 play the stupid boring block game” said no one ever

>> No.5629229
Quoted by: >>5629280

I hope Tweetdeck will still allow me to scrape every single Tweet under a hashtag. It'd be a shame if we lost access to some before it can be added to the Booru.

>> No.5629256
Quoted by: >>5629290 >>5629402

bear poast here??

>> No.5629275

Wait until you see the name of the playlist.
>Season 1
Let's commit mutually assisted suicide dad.

>> No.5629277

I already speak 2 languages, why should I learn a dying language that takes 3x more time than most to learn? I have better use of my time.

>> No.5629279

Funny because she's just ended the Minecraft arc after genociding a village.

>> No.5629280
File: 194 KB, 377x511, DPGcXQ6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From time to time I see some of them disappearing, I could swear I saw yesterday a new 3d sculpture of her, but I can't find it anymore

>> No.5629290

The "multiple personalities schizo" vs "attention whore" is just bea samefagging

>> No.5629325

The sheer extent of the pandering and dicksucking I see on twitter. Most dads have accounts dedicated to replying to Beatani tweets and making Beatani content, then they go on youtube with the exact same names that they have on said twitter accounts. It's a logical conclusion.

>> No.5629346
Quoted by: >>5629367

Based bitch Beatani! Seriously respect her!

>> No.5629367

no bulli

>> No.5629369
Quoted by: >>5629525

>Download random image off of Twitter
>Copy-paste some anti post from /hlgg/ archive
If you just follow these two simple steps like that one anon, it could easily become one!

>> No.5629394

>why should I learn a dying language that takes 3x more time than most to learn?
do you really need to ask this? sounds like cope

>> No.5629402
Quoted by: >>5629414

75% of the posts in this thread are bea

>> No.5629409

She has a completely different take on it though.

>> No.5629411
Quoted by: >>5629438

Fair point. I don't follow bear on twitter, so i don't really know

>> No.5629414

impossible. im 30%

>> No.5629415

She will get bored with minecraft like with how she did with all her other series. The day bea sticks with a game is never gonna come

>> No.5629430

Right, I don't have high expectations here but this retard still manages to makes me cringe and every post got worst. It's just a fucking name in a chatroom, holy hell of autism.

>> No.5629433
Quoted by: >>5629626

It's said that language can influence the way you think, I want to gain the power of Japanese autism.

>> No.5629434
File: 117 KB, 453x481, 1624142015910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back to bed, Bea

>> No.5629435

Blows my mind that we went from unfiltered passaporteu kino to Minecraft hell. What was she thinking?

>> No.5629438

>I don't follow bear on twitter,

>> No.5629443
File: 47 KB, 805x148, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fc4uysc.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5629448

Japan is an ethnostate so they'll be speaking Japanese in 100 years as long as they don't literally get conquered by the chinks.

>> No.5629462
Quoted by: >>5629544

It's normal to want to be noticed autism chama, although I do feel the same way as you, I wish I wasn't autistic enough to shy away from Bea's gaze

>> No.5629467
Quoted by: >>5629510

It's one of the best game to stream, it's no surprise many people stream it. The experience is always different depending on who streams it. But I assume you already know that since you seeth in every thread a dozen times about it.

>> No.5629487
File: 130 KB, 404x407, DPX6YGQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(..) led her to meeting the man of her dreams
Stopped reading right here, this is too delusional

>> No.5629489
Quoted by: >>5629554 >>5629612

What game should Beatani play next? Vote now!

>> No.5629510
Quoted by: >>5629698

He always writes the same way too, pretty easy to spot the few retards that keep samefagging their Minecraft hate despite it being among the best content Beatani made and a very versatile game.

>> No.5629513
File: 31 KB, 680x680, 1558035499878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reply to every Twitter comment she posts
>Never watch her streams
Yes, you may kneel now

>> No.5629525
File: 14 KB, 605x136, 1608454282468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5629606

Anon, i generate my anti posts with an AI

>> No.5629533

AAAAAH, don't remind me of this fucking post...

>> No.5629544
Quoted by: >>5629584

>It's normal to want to be noticed
Often true, but that doesn't mean you always should. If you do it too much you become an attention whore, and bullying becomes merited.

>> No.5629554
Quoted by: >>5629576

The sims

>> No.5629570
Quoted by: >>5629589 >>5629622

Keep seething no name faggot

>> No.5629576

with sex mods

>> No.5629584
Quoted by: >>5629635

The standards for what makes an "attention whore" here are insanely low, if you wanna imply 99% of the population is an attention whore sure but the word kinda lose its meaning. Even the most active reply guys barely qualify.

>> No.5629589

If you're so proud of your name why don't you tell us who you are?

>> No.5629606

Not sure if based or schizo, but definitely cool industry 4.0 anti

>> No.5629608

> I know i'm never going to japan
Unless you're a spic or something you should be able to get a tixx to japan for the equivalent of 500 burgerbuxx once coronachan is over. Literally just save up a little and go.

My Japanese instructor quit to work at Apple. The other instructor at the school is a chink.

>> No.5629611

Seems like forever ago when I wrote this. This rollercoaster is never boring at least.

>> No.5629612
Quoted by: >>5629660

Honestly I'd be fine with just Minecraft for a few months, with sandbox games there's never a shortage of ideas.

>> No.5629622
Quoted by: >>5629737

He's right though

>> No.5629626
Quoted by: >>5629696 >>5630269

This is true, I find my art style is becoming more and more Japanese the more I practice the language

>> No.5629635
Quoted by: >>5629658 >>5629742

>Even the most active reply guys barely qualify.
I completely disagree but OK. I don't think normalfags are making twitter accounts dedicated to replying to one single person.

>> No.5629643
File: 332 KB, 568x568, 1617865220383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5629680

My sides, you fucking wish

>> No.5629658

Yeah it's worse, they do it to multiple people. Difference is that Bea actually reply.

>> No.5629660

Perish in agony and burn in hell for all eternity

>> No.5629662
Quoted by: >>5629676

I am Kumagai Chisato
Please call me Beatani

>> No.5629676

haha can't wait til bea sees this thread.
oh hi bea >>5629662

>> No.5629680
Quoted by: >>5629739 >>5629737

Where's your pride as a named faggot? I can't take anything you post seriously anymore..

>> No.5629695

I'm @b*************

>> No.5629696

I didn't think about it transferring to art style. Interesting, I learned something today.

>> No.5629698
Quoted by: >>5629751 >>5629785

And it's probably the guy who keeps namedropping himself hoping to make people seeth tho, he's pretty vocal about his hate of minecraft on twitter. No surprises.

>> No.5629739
File: 385 KB, 592x631, 1618187906827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5629779

It's okay, I don't care about pride or you caring. Moving on

>> No.5629737
Quoted by: >>5629748


samefag your shit is so old and tired by now. move on.

>> No.5629742

I made several Twitter accounts for Bea. A third of the reply guys are me.

>> No.5629748
File: 4 KB, 195x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5629751

My thoughts. Really cancerous.

>> No.5629752

I remember people around here saying that they either only had a Twatter to follow people, as opposed to being serial Twitters themselves, or that they would create one just to follow Beatani. That seems to be the case, but sometimes I see dads crapping out Bea-specific content exclusively on my feed when I open Twitter on the shitter, and I'm left wondering if any of you figs do anything else with your lives other than let Beatani live rent-free in your head 24 hours a day.

>> No.5629779
File: 49 KB, 299x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pride month tho, please stop being insensitive.

>> No.5629785

The koopaposter keeps winning.

>> No.5629786
File: 144 KB, 544x745, file.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5629811 >>5629864

>> No.5629804

beatani says trans rights!

>> No.5629811

needs more cocoon

>> No.5629812
Quoted by: >>5629868 >>5629872

I've had twitter for a long time but barely posted until beatani because I felt it was pointless sharing random life events to the void, my IRL friends don't really follow twitter.

>> No.5629820

She lets me stay in her cunny rent free so it's a fair deal.

>> No.5629842

I have an oshi that’s not bea, I have other chuubas, I have porn artists, I have dads. I just like posting in yah because it’s less of a cesspool than hlgg and the ironic anti posting I do is fun.

>> No.5629864

>Bea doing her reps

>> No.5629868

I aggressively segment my personal life. Work, friends, family, online stuff have very little overlap. It's like I have several different personalities.

>> No.5629872

Not quite your case but I only had a twatter account to lurk for fanart before giving it any kind of active use.

>> No.5629912
Quoted by: >>5629935

boy do I hate trannies

>> No.5629923
File: 116 KB, 275x184, ahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-a name? is that a NAME I'm seeing? Noooo not a name AHHHHH die die die die not the names I can't stand names! All names must disappear!

>> No.5629925

is that flag is real? jesus, i thought it was a joke

>> No.5629935
Quoted by: >>5630206

i love traps

>> No.5629944
File: 1.41 MB, 1580x2510, Beatani iceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5630053 >>5630160

>> No.5629945

Yea, it's a little concerning. Beatani isn't even my main chuuba but I end up interacting with her more than the others because of her English ability.

>> No.5629979
Quoted by: >>5630037

Keep seething, i WILL keep replying to all her tweets, and she WILL give attention to me

>> No.5630009
File: 195 KB, 670x377, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5630031

hello beatani
I discovered you yesterday

>> No.5630037


>> No.5630053

Why is naked streaming bottom tier? It's mämmi tier at worst.

>> No.5630082

I'm eagerly waiting for a new contest, I didn't participate in the last one because I didn't take it seriously but then I got jealous of the winners...i'm gonna win the next one...

>> No.5630097

I wish 4chan was a smaller part of her fanbase, values dictated by a small group completely detached from reality would be less of an issue. Seeing some people literally foam at the mouth seeing the same name in 2 different places makes me wish for some variety of origins.

>> No.5630131
Quoted by: >>5630200

don't worry, all vtubers who start off with a 4chan following will distance themselves sooner or later

>> No.5630133

I mostly use 4chan but I agree, I feel some people here didn't step outside 4chan in 10 years.

>> No.5630137

Create 4chan2 then

>> No.5630156
Quoted by: >>5630217

You should be jealous of the winners. Let it motivate you to participate next time.

>> No.5630160

i dont get it

>> No.5630169

it's Ok she will become pink cat 2 in no time and the we will hate her

>> No.5630187
Quoted by: >>5630359

You don't get it, the chat is literally RUINED because some guy didn't make a new account for each stream he talks in. Basically a warcrime.

>> No.5630200

I cry

>> No.5630206
File: 463 KB, 1200x1149, 5f9a0468204387178d63291c89c710f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too dude. Traps are based.

Trannies are disgusting though

>> No.5630217
Quoted by: >>5630328

Winners are decided on who she likes, not what is made.

>> No.5630225
File: 106 KB, 300x300, b7aae733-adc1-4165-bd88-f973cf0351dd-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink cat LOVE

>> No.5630250

She already follows her on twitter, probably asked her the steps in DMs!

>> No.5630256

With what fanbase? Who else would put up with her crazy nonsense and not get filtered?

>> No.5630268


>> No.5630269

I think handwriting kanji has given me the patience of spending up to 5 minutes reworking a face because a cheekbone didn't look as subtle and Japanese-illustration-ish as I wanted it to be.

>> No.5630274

I made fan content because it's fun, and people enjoy it, and I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter or engaging in the chat. If you think people making stuff is a problem, I'd recommend finding a vtuber that's so small that nobody has made fanwork of them, and then you'll be happy

>> No.5630282

I saw a guy donate on stream with the same Twitter name, instantly dropped her. I just come here to anti now.

>> No.5630292


>> No.5630302
File: 66 KB, 369x304, pRpLFIe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm gonna win the next one...
Chances are pretty slim, there are way more dads than last time and we all know what was the previous prize, so we are going to give our 200% on getting that letter

>> No.5630328

Maybe. It would be nice if there were anonymous submissions.

>> No.5630329


>> No.5630343
Quoted by: >>5630391

Oh, the Christmas cake hypocrite

>> No.5630358
File: 709 KB, 1329x654, 1616724263222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5630395

>same winners from last time win again

>> No.5630359
Quoted by: >>5630419

Don't forget to use a different language and currency if you donate as well, if you show you're from the same country it's basically triying to namefag even with a different name.

>> No.5630391

Not a Christmas cake

>> No.5630395
File: 225 KB, 404x407, DPX6YGQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beatani sends letters to her favorites anyway

>> No.5630401
Quoted by: >>5630415

Why is beatani racist?

>> No.5630407

her saying she liked my watermelon juice was enough for me

>> No.5630415

because she is based

>> No.5630419
Quoted by: >>5630440

It's true, I pay one person to write the message and another to send the message in a random currency.

>> No.5630440
Quoted by: >>5630453 >>5630498

I pay one person to write the message, one person to send it, and one person to act as a decoy

>> No.5630445
Quoted by: >>5630583

I never realized how good we had it with pink cat now that we're stuck with bea
maybe if we're nice and humble she'll take us back

>> No.5630448

next prize is Beatani ships herself to you

>> No.5630453

My sides ahah

>> No.5630498

Skip the paying to write with an AI
It's very effective

>> No.5630503
Quoted by: >>5630554 >>5630586

I still regret not entering the breakfast contest even though I don't usually eat breakfast.

>> No.5630517

Not gonna lie, I think the dads that donate are very based

>> No.5630546
Quoted by: >>5630582 >>5630590

t. bea's boyfriend

>> No.5630550
Quoted by: >>5630625

It was much more than just a letter.

>> No.5630554

>I don't usually eat breakfast.
same, I just made it for Bea, she enjoyed it

>> No.5630565

stop impersonating bea, Chihiro

>> No.5630578
File: 501 KB, 2203x2937, 1618819098676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

>> No.5630582

yes, that's me

>> No.5630583
Quoted by: >>5630623

Call me a faggot but Nyanners was unironically my "oshi" before Beatani. I thought I knew what an oshi was. Sorry to contaminate the dadverse.

>> No.5630586

Snake dad sent my sides in orbit at the time, bea too with her laughing at him....aaah fun times kek

>> No.5630590
File: 4 KB, 438x111, itsme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impossible, i'm bea's boyfriend and that isn't me.

>> No.5630594

Sometimes this stupid bear and dumbass dads get on my nerves so I go into games that allow me to hunt and kill bears.

>> No.5630602
File: 151 KB, 420x388, QDSCmqB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5630697 >>5630715

I still can't believe I seriously thought I had a chance of winning the fashion contest
Stupid idiot, you won't get hurt if you stay away

>> No.5630615

What exactly did the winners of the competition receive?

>> No.5630622

Bea's cunny juice and some worthless letter

>> No.5630623
Quoted by: >>5630663

I'm sorry, I can't let you live nyanfag. Prepare to die

>> No.5630625

We know but I think an handwritten letter from bea is much better than all the other stuff she sent together with it

>> No.5630638
Quoted by: >>5630682

One anon posted the full list, and another posted food. I haven't seen posts from the other two. Food+Letter+Drawing.

>> No.5630643
Quoted by: >>5630671

Random Jap snacks and a letter.

>> No.5630644
Quoted by: >>5630692 >>5630722

I have eaten bear meat before, it was pretty good.

>> No.5630663

Understandable, I accept my fate.

>> No.5630671

>forgetting the best part

>> No.5630682

>handmade beatani drawing we may never see
wikidads must be suffering at the thought

>> No.5630692

Really depends on what the bear was eating a lot of before you killed it.

>> No.5630697
Quoted by: >>5630715 >>5630733

That's what happened to me with the breakfast contest, I don't know why I got my expectations so high, I never win anything.

>> No.5630715

only solution
Bea sends letters to every single dad

>> No.5630722
Quoted by: >>5630741

The strangest meat I had was horse and I hated it, taste like shit

>> No.5630733
Quoted by: >>5630759 >>5630814

Why would you set your expectations so high for a competition that is essentially out of your control? Nobody could have none Beatani likes asparagus. It was essentially just gacha.

>> No.5630738
File: 1.04 MB, 640x360, mesugaki[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqz8un9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bea sells them

>> No.5630739
File: 61 KB, 320x320, 1620864716949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5630741
File: 382 KB, 497x1138, 765-7659683_anime-uma-musume-pretty-derby-characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ate the horse the wrong way.

>> No.5630744

don't give her ideas

>> No.5630758
File: 998 KB, 500x276, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fduqdev.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5630759

because I'm a moron

>> No.5630767
Quoted by: >>5630940

The only breakfast I remember from the contest is the greasy american one, It looked great as meal once a year

>> No.5630770

I wouldn't buy one, because that would imply she's just writing it because I'm buying it. Would be soulless.

>> No.5630779

I... I maybe would buy one... but I would feel pretty bad about it because it wouldn't be real...

>> No.5630814
File: 72 KB, 160x90, tenor (16).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking Bea's asparagus piss straight from her unwashed cunny!

>> No.5630821

if i wanted a woman to pretend to love me, i would go to a hooker

>> No.5630833
Quoted by: >>5630848

you should check out chihiros channel

>> No.5630848

Give. me. the link. NOW.

>> No.5630853
File: 235 KB, 2048x2048, 1619451369798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dads
Listen to my rrat:
Beatani is pregnant.

>> No.5630867
File: 145 KB, 680x760, 834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just donate to a vtuber.

>> No.5630892

post the aqua one

>> No.5630917

It's the only way I'd ever get one so I support this

>> No.5630922
Quoted by: >>5630955 >>5630984


those green screens are gonna be fun

>> No.5630936
Quoted by: >>5630946

>implying thats a rrat

>> No.5630940

It's OK, I only remember snake dad and the mämmi

>> No.5630946

sorry, I didn't use a rubber

>> No.5630955

nice edit.

>> No.5630975

It's ok, I will harapan her and it's back to normal.

>> No.5630984

Very good
