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56162931 No.56162931 [Reply] [Original]

>I hate shonen but like Naruto.
>Rings of Power

Wtf is this normie tier shit conversation???

>> No.56162962
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>> No.56162982
Quoted by: >>56163941

i don't think that's the problem people have with vshojo anon...

>> No.56163047

They're just women.

>> No.56163432

please let this nerissa/kiara thing chill out soon. it's making them both unwatchable.

>> No.56163473
Quoted by: >>56163550

I found this collab fascinating. There was a power struggle beneath the surface, we got several funny memes from it and the girls were able to talk completely uninterrupted for nearly 150 minutes straight.

>> No.56163550
Quoted by: >>56163764

Best /hlgg/ has been in a long time, too. Didn't even watch the stream but was immensely entertained.

>> No.56163612
Quoted by: >>56163722

i don't really watch holos anymore, is the collab ban over already or something

>> No.56163722

Yes but so far the only people who have collab with the new generation have been Kiara and Mori. Mumei was supposed to include Bijou in her birthday karaoke but technical difficulties got in the way. Many JPs are rearing to collab with FuwaMoco and it's likely that Shiori will be very close with Myth & Council once she returns from her vacation.

>> No.56163764
Quoted by: >>56179562

It's because the eggtroons were camping /ope/ instead, that shit got inflated to 120+ IP's lmao

>> No.56163815
Quoted by: >>56164898

>Wtf is this normie tier shit conversation???
Kiara?? She's the most normalfag of EN by far

>> No.56163846

thanks, i thought it was weirdly early since the shiori shitposting only started a little while ago

>> No.56163865
Quoted by: >>56164130

I miss when /a/ hated and banned shounenfags, not that I hate shounen that much but it was so fucking funny

>> No.56163941

The rest of the problems are present in Shiori. They gave us vshojo but split it into 2 parts to build tolerance

>> No.56163993
Quoted by: >>56181594

Stop being an NPC contrarian retard parroting what others say.
Naruto is really good. Especially for its time the story, characters and writing are leagues ahead of any other shonen and it wasn't even close. That it went to shit with time happens to every shonen. Even One Piece has become intolerable.

>> No.56164015
Quoted by: >>56172922

>thinking anyone in Vshojo has normie tie conversations and that this is the distinguishing feature of Vshojo
Holy fuck OP what happened to make you this stupid?

>> No.56164110

just watch the dogs and biboo. it sucks how they have a 5 man group collab once a week but you still have 6 other days to watch them.

>> No.56164130
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That was only ever a thing for Naruto, and even there it was sparse and done by rogue mods.
Truth is /a/ has always simped for shonen and Naruto was just an exception. Even Bleach was cocksucked to no end under the guise of only liking it "ironically", ie. "omg Kubo u r teh best troll!"
Wan Piss of course was cocksucked unironically.

>> No.56164595

I enjoy shounen from time to time but Naruto is so dreadfully boring. It takes itself too seriously and the world is unimaginative, filled with unlikeable characters. I couldn't be damned to care after the timeskip

>> No.56164716

the hate for Naruto was more a hate for the fanbase thing, because it was everywhere in the normalfag world

>> No.56164898

Absolute retarded opinion to call the girl that moved to Japan to become an idol the greatest EN normalfag when Bae, Fauna and Mumei exist.
They are literally white woman(asian), white woman(asmr) and white woman("quirky").
I would guess Nerissa is also a contender for the title.

>> No.56164975
File: 214 KB, 799x813, 16a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBZ is 9000 better than Naruto.

>> No.56165033


>> No.56165149

The hierarchy of boomer shonen goes like this:
Indisputably iconic
>One Piece
Fun adventure anime
Probably has some appeal to metrosexuals
>Cleaning up dogshit with your tongue

>> No.56165258

Ironmouse is the one who likes musicals and her taste in anime honestly isn't bad.

>> No.56165503

Oh God please tell me they actually didn't enjoy that Rings of Power shitfest

>> No.56165525

>theater/musical girls
You have never been to college

>> No.56165585

DBZ yes, DB too, DBS no

>> No.56165612

Fuwomoco is the way. Come home white girl

>> No.56165706
Quoted by: >>56165726

Nerissa is the normalfag of EN3 and that's plain obvious to see since her debut and Kiara is an infamous attention whore, what were you expecting?

>> No.56165726

go to sleep kiaraschizo

>> No.56165885

That is your average 30+ to white woman millennial. The first sign was when she said she liked MCR.

>> No.56165931

i thought mcr was in shiori's karaoke?

>> No.56166036

What was wrong with Rings of Power?

>> No.56166312
Quoted by: >>56166406


>> No.56166406

Weren't there black people in the LOTR and Hobbit films?

>> No.56166487

Yeah but I didn't like those ones

>> No.56166504

Hobbit was shit.
LoTR had black people, but they were accurately portraying orcs.

>> No.56166517
Quoted by: >>56168547

Some of them are actually based, but I don't expect any of them to talk about The Scarlet Pimpernel or The Count of Monte Cristo, just shit like Hamilton or some other cringe.

>> No.56166556

Hi esl-kun, because unless you are japanese, latinoamerican dragon ball dub is the best way to watch dragon ball.

>> No.56166848
File: 121 KB, 1920x1076, c79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't k-

>> No.56167739
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it was fun

>> No.56167789

You fags have really been scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to complain about Hololive lately.

>> No.56168223

LOTR had blacks in the far south, where it made sense.
The Hobbit films were bad.

>> No.56168232

Shonen sucks.
Andrew Lloyd Weber is based.
Suck a fat dick.

>> No.56168342
File: 609 KB, 1280x720, nerissa love you longer[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F738ui0.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it turned into Perfect Blue

>> No.56168437

It isn't based on anything Tolkien did the studio completely made it up. Also the female dwarfs didn't have beards which Tolkien canonically said they do.

>> No.56168539

Exactly, Naruto was the normie gateway anime of the 00s and old /a/ sage bombed/gore spammed/made unusable Naruto threads so they didn't shit up the board.

Of course, this happened anyway.

>> No.56168547

Weber generally isn't cringe, Cats is supposed to be cringe he was super coked out when he wrote it

>> No.56168581


>> No.56168757

Naruto was still fandom-tier before anime became so mainstream. Even now most zoomers probably haven't even seen it because it (not shippuden) is an oldfag anime, having aired in 2002 (with the manga releasing in JP in 1999).

>> No.56168806

Nerissa is the epitome of a millennial woman. Kiara is desperate for any holo to love her unconditionally even if it means being boring.

>> No.56168812

Naruto is genuinely shit though. Kishimoto clearly lost the plot (in many ways) after Pain.
It rustles my jimmies to see people refer to it as a classic like Yu Yu Hakusho or Kenshin. Same for Bleach.

>> No.56168950

>watching Naruto after the Sasuke fight

>> No.56170709

i didn´t watch Naruto back then but tried to give it a shot not so long ago, so i tried to get into the reboot with his son.
i didn´t like it and my taste in anime is similar to Kiaras, so i doubt she would like it aswell

>> No.56170750

On what planet is Bae white? she knows far more about her niche interests like Seiyuu shit or kpop shit or otome games or japanese boy bands than her white girl pop culture references of which she has close to zero knowledge

>> No.56170963

Naruto from the start up until about valley of the end was better than the last few arcs of YYH or the kenshin anime. For people around to watch only the last few years of those classics and then start naruto as it began, I can understand why they see it that way.

That said, these are also the people who like the first FMA, and no one really hates them for that the way they hate them for naruto.

>> No.56172403
File: 173 KB, 549x260, 1677968577923683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does OP's post have to do with Vshojo. As a Vshojo watcher I'm confused. This isn't even the traditional too-horny complaints.

>> No.56172523
Quoted by: >>56172656

Is this what Vshojo talks about? I don't watch them but if it's as harmless as this maybe I've been too hard on them.

>> No.56172656

No one on /vt/ actually knows what Vshojo talks about. That's why OP's post is completely clueless.

>> No.56172777
File: 111 KB, 445x503, 1ojqdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56174055

Who the fuck likes Rings of Power? I would rather watch a Vtuber with a boyfriend.

>> No.56172922

True how many times were pussys and dicks brought up they are staples of vshojo

>> No.56173489
File: 128 KB, 332x351, 1656784804112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically not false. the best way to describe it is kayfabe. this irl women talk was painful to leave on the background.

>> No.56173579

So many retarded seethe threads today. What happened?

>> No.56173749

Nerissa is unironically the worst Advent. For all the shit Shiori gets at least she has her tangents going for her. Nerissa is the most basic white woman to ever white woman.

>> No.56174055
Quoted by: >>56181990

she probably likes it because it shows a modified backstory of the elf chick. there were lots of new fans that didn't know she was changed from one of the most powerful magic users to using a sword. they just liked watching a girl boss elf without knowing how much more badass she could have been

>> No.56174597
Quoted by: >>56176125

It's like people forget that Kiara is basically just "stacy, japan"

>> No.56176125

nah, she is "german, japan"

>> No.56176398

kiara was bit racist again on the rings of power section

>> No.56176508

What are you talking about? They hired normies and egirls from the start. You were okay with it then so what changed?

>> No.56176822
Quoted by: >>56179407

First FMA had such good music and went in a pretty intriguing direction, the start was slower and more impactful too. Brotherhood felt more like straight up shonen towards the end.

>> No.56176912
Quoted by: >>56182135

Kiara shittalked incest several times in that stream

>> No.56177333

None of those things are cocks or cum or vivid descriptions of sexual acts or disgusting bodily functions so we're still well clear of vshitshow territory.

>> No.56177583
Quoted by: >>56197532

It's crazy how so many retards only see a good model and hear a "mommy" voice and just fall over the worst en member since mori

>> No.56179407
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 1691675916923853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comparing the start of an series with the abrupt ending of an series isn't fair. You also are memory holing a lot of filler seasons but i agree that Naruto had really good arcs in the beginning. Just being on the tele created lots of antis.
The first part of BH was faster because the story is already long enough and the first part of the first anime was true to the source. Anyone watching BH knew already the beginning if not the whole story.

>> No.56179562
File: 1.02 MB, 2000x1128, 1685413360496600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56181198

>he still thinks there's a discord conspiracy of literally 13yo transgender filipino kids to shit on kiara, rather than people who just prefer anyone else to kiara

>> No.56179624
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Quoted by: >>56186836

>aaaaaaa coombait is killing me

>> No.56179691

Mumei isn't quirky she just wants to dress up as a dog and get inseminated and force to bear 'puppies'.

>> No.56179823

>Shiori has tangents
>Implied Nerissa doesn't
Watch streams, retard

>> No.56179826

Boruto is literally still going, zoomers know what naruto is the way gen y knows what dragonball is from gen x oldfags posting it everywhere as better than dbz along with FOTNS and Jojo before Jojo became gay and mainstream in 2013.

>> No.56179896
File: 1.52 MB, 720x1280, 1692133732812569.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56180211


>> No.56180211

i coom
btw captcha: sage

>> No.56181198

>l-let me just ignore all evidence

>> No.56181468

Who will be qualified for Holodoggos?

>Mr. Korone
These are a given of course


Foxes are a stretch but still count?

>> No.56181575

if it's vshojo, so, coombait us mimicking lesbian sex

>> No.56181594

Naruto was really good unit the wave arc and until chuunin exam was ok and bearable until pain got killed

>> No.56181647

You guys seem to constantly forget that you're watching women

>> No.56181673

>didn't mention ntr, cocks or hating their viewers
>the one sec Narissa tried bringing up males Kiara shut it down
>bonded over idol stuff, the girly stuff that makes Hololive unique and bareable
Maybe go back to your vshoujo thread

>> No.56181990

I never watch this slop but for the few /tv/ threads I lurked I got curious if the elf chick got banged by sauron in disguise

>> No.56181995

I dont know how kubo did it, but yuroichi makes my dick harder than it should be physically possible

>> No.56182135

>shots fired at fuwamoco
as expected

>> No.56182537

>Kishimoto clearly lost the plot (in many ways) after Pain.
He wants to end up in that saga but the editors didn't let him

>> No.56183402
Quoted by: >>56186836

i miss the part where they are similar by having literal whores and a chaturbate streamer, they even still have froot who cheated on her bf and brag about it lmao and is a turbo shameles slut

>> No.56185858

anon wtf are you talking about

>> No.56186488

>Basic bitch white girls being basic bitch white girls
Say it ain't so.

>> No.56186836

not him but i agree that shiori definitely feels like a twitch streamer

>> No.56189353

Lost the plot after the Chunin exams you mean.

>> No.56189859

Why do you retards want to "powelevel" nerdyness? Even if it was a contest, you'd still lose to Kiara by a landslide

>> No.56189905


>> No.56190088

You could hear it the moment she spoke how basic and normie she was gonna be.
You can oshi a white bitch I don't care, but if you couldn't see this coming sorry you have autism

>> No.56190226
File: 533 KB, 790x777, ironmouseLaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liking musicals = Vshojo

>> No.56191081

Threesome with Kiarissa

>> No.56191290

Erm, why are they collabing? Advent only debuted 2 weeks ago. We're mad at this blatant special treatment aren't we, sisters?

>> No.56191571

What’s wrong with MCR?

>> No.56197086

Welcome to the anti-kino that is Takanashi Kiara, a person who encapsulates both the most mundane AND the most vapid parts of the average woman. She has low numbers for a reason anon, she’s been confirmed to have no taste on multiple occasions. Now she has someone with similar dull as fuck taste she can convene with, but even then Nerissa is more open minded and thoughtful; she will be alienated by Kiara in due time. Already during this stream Kiara was throwing some snide comments in, such as “well yeah everyone already knows those k-pop groups those are old” (paraphrasing) to imply that she has superior knowledge compared to Nerissa. Eventually, like everyone else, Nerissa will catch on to the fact that at the end of the day, not only is Kiara incredibly boring, but she’s also a cunt of a woman.

>> No.56197375
Quoted by: >>56197703

Nerissa liked it to a degree, said she could see what people didn’t like about it and had some complaints herself.
Kiara, being a brain dead fucking idiot, unquestionably CONSOOMS because she’s a moron and goes “IT HAS THE HECKIN BRANDING SO EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS THE BEST”

>> No.56197522

it's like the simpsons now. On every night and it's on the frontpage of every anime streaming tab.

>> No.56197532

Is it a mommy voice? It just sounds like /that/ dub voice that every single female character in the last 20 years has had

>> No.56197703

Oh yeah she pulled that one. She was talking positive about the ring of power and then saw the chat reaction explode and then tried to soften the landing. Feels like she starts talking without thinking often like when she needed to popp a...and shiori saved her.

>> No.56203043

