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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 244 KB, 2048x2048, F3BOd6QawAAPzVJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56009328 No.56009328 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>56009470

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)


https://twitter.com/NinaKosaka (Graduated)


https://twitter.com/yugo_asuma (Graduated)


https://twitter.com/ZaionLanZa (Graduated)


Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Nijisanji chat log:

Aggie archive:

Our Zomboid server:

Our Minecraft Server:

Our watchalong site:

/NijiEN/ fangame VN:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>56003049

>> No.56009379

>h0mo thread

>> No.56009380
File: 392 KB, 707x2000, FdcqwUoUUAA0HJ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ike love!

>> No.56009396
File: 251 KB, 1444x2048, FzRrL2aXoAIK0Mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.56009397

It's weird that the shitposting always ramps up on Sunday.

>> No.56009399
File: 79 KB, 980x980, 1664818717934393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56009442
Quoted by: >>56009498

That read like those posts from the first international Holo collab blaming Iofi for not translating to Gura when she was framed for killing crewmates
This is SUS!

>> No.56009462

literally no streams going on so people are gonna be dumb.

>> No.56009466
File: 253 KB, 2048x2297, 1691952248577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56009602

sonny LOVE

>> No.56009470

>another EN male that draags Nijisanji's name through the mud
Lazusydiafags were right: males really did ruin this branch.

>> No.56009472
File: 406 KB, 1536x2048, F3ITBEObIAACRns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56009532

I love Mysta so much

>> No.56009498
File: 66 KB, 247x225, 1691924262245682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56009532

>Mysta 'viewers don't respect me and make me feel gross and forced upon' Rias
>Mysta 'you're not my friends we know nothing about each other' Rias
>Mysta 'you guys saw how crazy luxiem fans are' Rias

>> No.56009583 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 1096x960, Mesu nochi torare Nijisanji Part 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56009589

He isn't wrong though

>> No.56009602

I want sonny to cut through me with his Japanese Steel

>> No.56009618
File: 231 KB, 647x488, 1691083984209929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Yu) love!
Xsoleil boys love!

>> No.56009641

b-b-b-but he loves his fans remember!!!

>> No.56009645


>> No.56009652

This is the most shit I've ever seen Mysta get for a menhera moment. It pains me as a fan but maybe this will finally convince him doing this just leads to him getting attacked further, like how he held off from doing off-collabs due to hate.

>> No.56009668

Now do Aster, Finana and a ryuguard

>> No.56009688

Mysta hasn't learned shit his entire vtubing career he's not gonna start now, if anything he's gonna keep digging

>> No.56009695
Quoted by: >>56009936

Now do Luca, Rosemi and rosebuds

>> No.56009710

mystakes are ugly af

>> No.56009723
File: 89 KB, 986x1063, 1690905921966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56009758

>but maybe this will finally convince him
you stupid fuck ITS BEEN 2 FUCKING YEARS
the guy just doesnt learn anything

>> No.56009762
File: 236 KB, 1700x1600, FVuFjV6acAAi4_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56009795

We're cute

>> No.56009777
File: 196 KB, 960x1600, E488D0D4-E3B7-4D37-8488-24CF576F4634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56009795

We are cute!

>> No.56009782
Quoted by: >>56009821

Filtering those goddamn edits like I'm swatting flies

>> No.56009783
Quoted by: >>56009835

So I guess Selen is.......

>> No.56009786


>> No.56009795
Quoted by: >>56009840

maybe in the bizarro world!

>> No.56009796

he literally picks ALL the wrong battles. over and over and over again, and has done it for his entire time in niji.

>> No.56009821

This is the hardest evidence we'll ever have that the shitposters are pushing their thinly-veiled cuck fetish.

>> No.56009824

Is litterbox down ATM?

>> No.56009835

Having sex with me? Yeah

>> No.56009840

Please don't project your own insecurities anon it's unhealthy!

>> No.56009847

i love him i'm gonna lie under him and suck his dick while bullying his prostate

>> No.56009849
Quoted by: >>56010034

Looks to be dead, yes

>> No.56009860
Quoted by: >>56010034

502 on my end too

>> No.56009882
Quoted by: >>56009937

i chalk it up to sunday being a day in limbo - it's both the end of a week and the beginning of a week. some anons are letting off their stress from the week that's behind them, other anons are venting their frustrations on what lies in the week ahead of them. or at least that's what i like to think. the fact that for most it's a weekend during summer vacation means this thread is also highly susceptible to the underage, the newfags, and a combination of the two. at least summer is drawing to a close though, i never really liked the heat anyways.

>> No.56009884

I haven't seen a single Mystake express upset at the Mysmi off-collab on literally any website so I'm convinced it's just literal cuck fetishists going on about it at this point

>> No.56009899
File: 2.76 MB, 296x296, 12345677544565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny onii-chan Love!
Vox Love!

>> No.56009925

You know it is

>> No.56009933
Quoted by: >>56010019

imagine their children. a mix of flip and indonesian genes

>> No.56009936

You asked last thread.

>> No.56009937

maybe shitposters are demons and lashing out on a mongolian basket weaving forum is the only outlet the modern world gives them to wage war against the sabbath

>> No.56009938
Quoted by: >>56009998

Why are briskadets so horny lately

>> No.56009954
File: 1.06 MB, 1671x2048, 1691952864352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocksleeve material

any anons going to the concert

>> No.56009962

>that comment on Kotoka's
Sheeesh. I watch her regularly but the callout is honestly deserved

>> No.56009969 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56009999

>t. seething rosefaggot

>> No.56009998

I'm having vitamin sonny deficiency

>> No.56009999

Not a rosebud. Just calling you out.

>> No.56010014
File: 1.46 MB, 1080x1350, 1688373472176969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss rosemi sama...
How's koto karaoke? I missed it

>> No.56010019
File: 375 KB, 1080x1080, 1673267191298570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56010034


>> No.56010061

pls understand that guy REALLY wants his cuck art (he's not a cuck btw actually all of you guys are please trust me i know how this looks but you're the actual cucks not him)

>> No.56010065

Oh Ike is alive

>> No.56010074

>Not a rosebud.
Sure you're not, rosecuck lmao

>> No.56010090

aggie where?

>> No.56010117
File: 246 KB, 1400x1820, 001321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56010555

I guess litterbox is down in the dumps today.

>> No.56010156
Quoted by: >>56010199

Sick digits notarosebud
Idk what's going on tho

>> No.56010199
Quoted by: >>56010299

Just cucks begging for cuck edits. Y'know, the usual for /vt/.

>> No.56010218

Little bitch should look into the kind of harrasment Chihiro or Kanae received, dude would have blown his brains out.

>> No.56010230
File: 993 KB, 1920x1080, _NijiEN_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.56010238

Akurei is better

>> No.56010256

Alex P stop Elira won't forgive you, please move on

>> No.56010274

qrd on chihiro? assuming it's apex schizos

>> No.56010282
Quoted by: >>56010324


>> No.56010299
Quoted by: >>56010393

>rosebuds are cucks
Not surprised tbdesu, Rosemi is the 2nd girl in the branch that collabs with males the most, only Selen collabs more with the scrotes.

>> No.56010320
Quoted by: >>56010468

what comment

>> No.56010324


>> No.56010338

It as simple as ignoring it. But the dude can't help it, he has to dip his hands in the shit.

>> No.56010393
Quoted by: >>56010438

You're confused, but also factually incorrect. The cuck begging for cuck edits is definitely not a Rosebud, and Rosemi hardly participates in any collab that isn't a group one, let alone collabs with men.

>> No.56010400
File: 105 KB, 1080x967, 1691920986269196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you need a hug?

>> No.56010404
Quoted by: >>56010479



>> No.56010411

Cute zali and wizalius!

>> No.56010438
Quoted by: >>56010562

>let alone collabs with men.
Rosemi made up an entire group, chuunisanji, just to collab with males

>> No.56010468

You got your hint, go find it yourself

>> No.56010479


>> No.56010480

To the anon who asked, I'm too lazy to cross post, that was indeed a finished product. I'll be commissioning that artist again for a selen piss piece in the near future and maybe a piece of Finana masturbating with her sisters recorder
I think I'm going to commission a different artist for the piece of Finana pissing on the train seat

>> No.56010514

A nijiconcert with Alban? What was they thinking

>> No.56010516

Many in NijiEN seem very entitled and insecure compared to JP daisenpais. I'm guessing it's the result of getting success handed to you instead of having to work for it.

>> No.56010553
File: 42 KB, 200x200, 1668798883843285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, no thread regulars this time...
I will watch it myself then, cya later...

>> No.56010555

It cheered itself back up

>> No.56010562
Quoted by: >>56010754


>> No.56010592

Missed it too sorry bud it's shitpost central right now

>> No.56010602

It's really interesting to compare Lazulight and Obsydia who worked hard both as indies and the first 2 waves of NijiEN to make it, and everyone else starting with Ethyria who already debuted in a successful branch.

>> No.56010678
File: 88 KB, 684x906, 1685513546909104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that real rosebuds know that Rosemi collabs with males A LOT, but don't care because we're chads.

>> No.56010703
File: 87 KB, 261x248, 1679862837838766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's rare to hear Charles, so I was happy to catch it live. will also be catching the archive for the rest of the set

>> No.56010723

Thanks for the feedback ig?

>> No.56010729
Quoted by: >>56010884

>that face
holy sex

>> No.56010732
Quoted by: >>56010817


>> No.56010736
File: 249 KB, 532x630, 1689585149403330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56010743
File: 14 KB, 221x286, CsVvOA3WgAApH0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when vtube wants less hair

>> No.56010748

was amazing, her voice wasn't broken this time, she held long notes very well too

>> No.56010754
Quoted by: >>56010846

>has males
>has males
>has a male
>has males
All her collabs nowadays have males in them

>> No.56010756

>>56010678 (Me)
This wasn't meant to be a reply

>> No.56010766
Quoted by: >>56010947

>try to falseflag for his cuck shitposting
>can't even reply to the right post

>> No.56010774

>I'm guessing it's the result of getting success handed to you instead of having to work for it.
But enough about Voltaction

>> No.56010776
Quoted by: >>56010896

Even Lazusydia were a roaring success compared to early Nijisanji waves. IIRC, Mito's goal upon debuting was getting 1,000 subs. Lazusydia got that the second their channels went up.

>> No.56010803

>Mysta causing disaster in his last weeks
>Selen graduation rumors
>Ver's "donathon" humiliation
>EN watchalong failure of Koshien
>No EN coaches of Koshien, or EN invited to NijiFes
why is there always tons of bad news, it's been like this since January

>> No.56010804

thank you, now i can categorize that piece properly

>> No.56010815

>I'll be commissioning that artist again for a selen piss piece
Wasn't that the one who was ghosting you or something

>> No.56010817


>> No.56010818

oh isn't this the slump artist? nice to see a delivery and surprised they do lewd

>> No.56010846

Really weird that all but one of those collabs has women too, and the only one that doesn't is because the other girl dropped out at the last moment. So where's your proof that she "made" chuunisanji and made it to "collab with males"?

>> No.56010856
Quoted by: >>56010947

I didn't mean to reply to anyone tbf. Also not a falseflag. If you think otherwise, you don't watch her enough.

>> No.56010867

Reminder that Lazulight, Obsydia, and Luxiem were hired together.
These, coincidentally, are the only waves with talents people care about.

It means that their hiring procedure went completely down the shitter after the branch debuted and started filling up with nepohires and numberhires

>> No.56010870


>> No.56010884

Yeah she actually delivered finally and made an offer. Said that if I commissioned her again, she'd prioritize it. So, call me a fool but I'm willing to take that chance. Her background was pretty good and I've been wanting someone to draw one of the en girls pissing on a train seat for a while now, daii might be my best shot

>> No.56010891 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56011053

>already moving goalposts
Ohhhhh poor widdle rosecuck can't handle the truth

>> No.56010895
Quoted by: >>56011593

Selen and Pomu are men and are in a gay relationship. Just ignore the shitposter btw

>> No.56010896

Lazusydia had followings prior to being in Nijisanji

>> No.56010914
File: 2.28 MB, 3000x2259, PXL_20230813_190857328-min(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concert line

>> No.56010934

baseball is shit, fuck americans

>> No.56010943
Quoted by: >>56011992


>> No.56010947

I'm having a rough day with replying.

>> No.56010951

Is that black kindred...?

>> No.56010950 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56011992

>hired together with lazusydia
Retarded nenmen whore lmao

>> No.56010975

aruban is looking at me...

>> No.56010998
File: 758 KB, 1910x1070, 1660468033303250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf a myamya cosplay

>> No.56011009

Holy shit they're so ugly, is it how nijifans all look or is it because it's in Canada?

>> No.56011022
Quoted by: >>56011992

No lol. Otherwise management would have debuted Luxiem way sooner.

>> No.56011030
File: 356 KB, 1847x2048, 7790E8BE-F561-48BA-99F7-8363DA4865CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011131

I love this Rose like you wouldn’t believe!

>> No.56011052
Quoted by: >>56011992

>and Luxiem
Luxiem were hired around the same time as Ethyria.

>> No.56011053
Quoted by: >>56011077

>asking for proof of your actual claims is moving the goalposts
I accept your concession, catalogchama

>> No.56011065
File: 38 KB, 1024x716, 000461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011201

Why is the ceiling reflective?

>> No.56011077

Not an argument

>> No.56011086

So much asian toiletbrush head, look how ugly they all are

>> No.56011128
Quoted by: >>56011170

Rito Splatoon 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvwpynak1kk
Toru Genshin Impact https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLXxkRlc0jI
Ver 24-Hour Donothon (Part 2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PYfda87Luc
Hex Sleeping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo1w5a2apw8

>> No.56011131
File: 608 KB, 1431x1433, IMG_7914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56011686


>> No.56011170 [DELETED] 

Fuck off japshart

>> No.56011201

So you can watch yourself having sex

>> No.56011266

I am 100% convinced that NijiEN is deliberately avoiding hiring Americans because the management has some kind of political anger at America

>> No.56011287

revenge for the nukes

>> No.56011311

Still better than the vsj crowd.

>> No.56011316
File: 74 KB, 548x57, 1665161657906546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single good stream until everyone is back from the canadian offpako
Fucking GRIM

>> No.56011338

They probably get next to zero American applicants

>> No.56011376
File: 7 KB, 681x737, 1688893826620594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56011392
Quoted by: >>56011517

Bullshit. They should do this more often. Livers who are participating actually have fun and I for once get the time to check out the new Livers.

>> No.56011397

I'm applying for next wave so there's that.

>> No.56011433

aia... kyo... vanta...

>> No.56011442
File: 21 KB, 104x136, 1660551378627722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watch someone else, I don't get it, there are literally dozens of vtubers out there and you're restricting yourself to one company

>> No.56011452

Reminder the most popular EN vtuber in the world is American. Look at how much people like Reimu and Enna bash America in their streams.

>> No.56011500

Elira talks about a whole lotta garbage...

>> No.56011516
Quoted by: >>56011574

Reimu and Enna bash Americans because one is a rich white "latino" and the other is a colonial chink. They were indoctrinated and raised to dislike the USA.

>> No.56011517
Quoted by: >>56011561

>Livers who are participating actually have fun
I don't care unless I am seeing them have fun
>I for once get the time to check out the new Livers.
That's your problem, it doesn't mean the rest of us want to watch the failures of Krisis and XSoleil

>> No.56011561
Quoted by: >>56011604

>watching vtubers because of their noombers

>> No.56011574

It's so funny how simply moving to America would solve all of Enna's issues, but she refuses to because she hates America that much lmao

>> No.56011583
Quoted by: >>56011718

Not gonna lie I was like two clues in and already began scraping the bottom of the barrel, my ability to recall trivia that would make for good crossword puzzling is awful.

>> No.56011593

sometimes you have to keep replying until they say the right thing to eat a ban for

>> No.56011604

they fail to be entertaining too, this thread just likes Wilson because he's blonde

>> No.56011631

Probably this. Why bother as an american right now. Just shill yourself in lig and prosper. I see some indies that were pulling 30viewers being at respectable 500 to 700 just from that and hanging out in other indie chats like Geega's.

>> No.56011646

btw Pomu isn't in Canada, she's in Japan for comiket, screencap this for when she comes back and talks about it.

>> No.56011659
Quoted by: >>56011804

>engage with the shitposters for however long they want
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.56011686
File: 259 KB, 2048x2048, 4D6533F2-0FAB-41D2-9CCF-3BB4BD4E8F49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout New Vegas is too addictive again, send help

>> No.56011712
Quoted by: >>56011770

What the fuck is 6 across I have everything else

>> No.56011718
Quoted by: >>56011869

Some of them are good, the Pomu nickname one and Maria's for example. The Elira one just has me stumped.

>> No.56011730

That would be too based because then she would have actually touched Ayamy's pussy

>> No.56011751
File: 57 KB, 168x164, 1664816799856678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pepetuating the shitposting
kys rosefag

>> No.56011753
Quoted by: >>56012612

play fallout 4, it's a game that'll cure you from playing a fallout game again

>> No.56011755

CookieSwirlC my beloved

>> No.56011768
File: 215 KB, 283x491, 000831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56012612

>send help
>NVSE.exe has crashed.

>> No.56011770
Quoted by: >>56011879

It was a while ago and I think she showed a photo of a dead duck or something

>> No.56011781
Quoted by: >>56012612

no help, succumb to the addiction

>> No.56011797

>>Ver's "donathon" humiliation
Dudes at like 12k, unless you mean the act of doing it, that's just # or holofags crying about it.

>> No.56011803
Quoted by: >>56011952

it's "OMEGAVERSE", yeah it's not true but what can ya do

>> No.56011804

Was just waiting for the key phrase that I knew would do him in.

>> No.56011807

so anon,
what are you doing/watching right now?
what streams are you looking forward to watch??

>> No.56011860
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 1689192896145350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But people said Niji is over and this is a packed crowd.
Did you guys lie?

>> No.56011869
File: 61 KB, 720x777, Peton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea who Petra's mama is without looking it up lol

>> No.56011868
Quoted by: >>56011939

where is your image

>> No.56011871

jack shit

>> No.56011879
Quoted by: >>56012016

>>56011770 (me)
wait I think the dead duck was in a different European country
but in the one that's the puzzle she drank out of a lake like an animal

>> No.56011904
File: 280 KB, 363x522, 000316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56011909 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56013358

I'm watching the shark, waiting for more shark. In the meantime I'm browsing the Shiori threads they're some of the best/vt/ content I've seen

>> No.56011939
Quoted by: >>56012007

what image?
i've never attached any image to this kind of post.

>> No.56011943
File: 31 KB, 112x112, IMG_0672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56011952
Quoted by: >>56016836

The funny thing is I've come to associate that more with rosemi now

>> No.56011955

Doing nothing
Watching Vei
Waiting for Grimmi

>> No.56011985

Fuji-san bros we're winning right now

>> No.56011992

Yes and no. As far as I remember, there were 2 rounds of Luxnoct auditions, with winners of the first round getting into second, final round. Finana and Luca talked about it like a year ago, with Luca recalling that he asked Finana some advice with the second audition. Lazusydia had the similar audition process, so yeah, all members were basically ready since the beginning. It isn't even a secret that management had no faith in male vtubers at the time, so they just emulated Holo, with Lazusydia being live and Luxnoct being stars. They had no faith in a mixed wave back than, so of course they debuted all of them seperetly. Ethyria was the only outlier though, their models were ready in advance and they just did quick 1 month long audition. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with Ethyria since this is KR/ID type of audition, won't be surprised that Ethyria was originally just a scrapped ID wave which was shoehorned in EN just so the models wouldn't get wasted. Iluxsoleil just did 2 seperate long rounds for each wave. I have no fucking idea what the process of Krisis' audition was, but judging by the leaks, it was a complete shitshow.

>> No.56012007 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 174x127, 1670742001019798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56012038

sorry wrong timeline

>> No.56012016 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 681x737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56012037

I still have no idea what the country is but I don't think anything else possibly fits

>> No.56012021

The Aster drawing is cute

>> No.56012037

You're correct, it was Switzerland

>> No.56012038
Quoted by: >>56012090

share some deets on your timeline

>> No.56012042
Quoted by: >>56013220

Scarle... Shu.... Alban....

>> No.56012070
Quoted by: >>56012860

Jesus Christ all this headcanon, where the fuck did you come from? Catalog? Noombers thread?

>> No.56012087

Thanks. I love crosswords

>> No.56012090
Quoted by: >>56012220

our elira is a catgirl

>> No.56012097
Quoted by: >>56012132

isnt it Swaziland??

>> No.56012112

hi guys is this the sex with ethyria thread

>> No.56012132
Quoted by: >>56012202

they renamed to the kingdom of eswatini

>> No.56012153
File: 33 KB, 469x417, 1688626592494978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56012170


>> No.56012160
File: 646 KB, 1317x601, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is happening on RTA channel??

>> No.56012170

oh :(

>> No.56012184

Not NijiEN, that's for sure

>> No.56012187
File: 11 KB, 128x128, 000294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56012223

No but it's sex with your mom thread lmao gottem pogchamp moment omegalul

>> No.56012200

the fuck

>> No.56012202
Quoted by: >>56012262


>> No.56012220
File: 80 KB, 1347x725, mommylira....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56012223

wtf my mom's dead

>> No.56012232
File: 55 KB, 681x737, 1671653572953459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got stuck, and looks like the answers are out
was fun!

>> No.56012236

Carrie Patey

>> No.56012262

because people kept confusing it with Switzerland which was suboptimal for mail routing, also some nationalism reasons

>> No.56012337

>NijiJPs waiting in line for their 3D debuts

>> No.56012492

oh I bet those ENs that were in japan recently will be on Salome's 3D debut stream. Exciting.

>> No.56012505

>1k people watching a nigga sleep

>> No.56012566

Can you live on a diet consisting only on semen??
What does semen contains nutritionally?

>> No.56012567
File: 362 KB, 1290x1575, 1663239333565776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56012622

Is number 2 titties?

>> No.56012580
File: 97 KB, 354x412, 1690376521283290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56012612
File: 165 KB, 2048x1509, 6CF719F7-7660-437B-9164-D1F03407BBA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013372

Please no
Okay ;_:

>> No.56012622
File: 591 KB, 889x500, wallmaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56012753

>Anycolor can pull virtually all EN livers to Japan for a 3D debut
>Except the wave that's been waiting to record 3D, Obsydia
This isn't too far-fetched, actually

>> No.56012758
Quoted by: >>56012790

who in the overflow line for the concert

>> No.56012790

me not really

>> No.56012812

Well you know Selen is uhhh.....

>> No.56012813

>over 150 total likes agreeing with the comment under Kotoka's vod
Good. We know Kotoka is a big ego searcher. She'll adjust herself and lean more on English just like when the chicken got hate comments about this three years ago.

>> No.56012860

Well explain then why the fuck EN debuted males and females seperetly. Other branches never did that, all first waves were mixed before that. This was an obvious attempt at emulating Holo, since they were more succesful in the west at the time. Ethyria never made sense in retrospective either, they were a clear "throw shit at the wall and look what sticks" approach that they did with ID/KR/IN, and they contrasted exponentially with two waves that came before and after them, which were perfect Hololive and Holostars emulations. Thanks to Zaion's manifesto we also now that Xsoleil signed their contracts in August, so two long seperate rounds of iluxsoleil are confirmed

>> No.56012872
File: 128 KB, 500x500, 1683122966967740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All they have to do is fly TWO PEOPLE to Japan. TWO. and if Selen's graduating or whatever they only need to fly Rosemi. The incompetence is staggering.

>> No.56012911
Quoted by: >>56012978

Or she'll just ignore it.

>> No.56012923
Quoted by: >>56013169

can you post this again in 8 hours? the con wifi isnt good and i want to see

>> No.56012943
Quoted by: >>56013851

Iluna outfits when?

>> No.56012964

or she'll just ignore it as she should

>> No.56012967

>zaion manifesto
now we know you're a gullible retard, you can stop posting.

>> No.56012972

desu i liked that one just to fuck with her even though the hate is forced by jealous Chinese women mad that they lost a chance to fuck their oshi

>> No.56012978
Quoted by: >>56013409

This branch has a poor track record of ignoring antis.

>> No.56012985
File: 283 KB, 341x355, chrome_eQgdM8KmQo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56013036

imagine if an anon in hololive global asked, "what are you watching right now? what streams are you looking forward to watching?" and some anon replied with, "i'm watching aia, waiting for more aia." how fast do you think they would be nuked.

>> No.56013044

it shouldn't take this long for that shit and I'm sorry if you think that's shitposting

>> No.56013104
Quoted by: >>56013389

Luca said he applied for the Lazulight/Obsydia audition and got rejected, then they contacted him to try again for the male audition which is where they also got Noctyx. They simply were not looking to hire males for the first two waves.

>> No.56013130
File: 489 KB, 510x598, 1679602022222483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013358

IDK lol do you actually WANT more moderator-enforced tribalist shitflinging? No one's even streaming today.

>> No.56013167

In less than 5 minutes I'd say

>> No.56013168

Bud... that era is over

>> No.56013169

Sure remind me in that time

>> No.56013185

Longer than you expect because they don't know who the fuck aia is
Pomu or Selen would be instant

>> No.56013204

Pomu cover when?

>> No.56013220
Quoted by: >>56013321

>Scarle... Shu.... Alban....
Flip and Mexican, Japanese, Mexican

>> No.56013257

>This was an obvious attempt at emulating Holo
Nobody is arguing against that, which is the exact reason why they didn't hire Luxiem (or any males) at the same time as Lazusydia. Luca did apply for NijiEN during the very first auditions, which is when he met Finana on Discord. But Luca was told by NijiEN staff that they weren't going to be hiring males at the time, and to apply again later. It was during that later audition (the male audition announced in July) that Luca asked Finana for advice for the interview.

>> No.56013276

Remember when indieshill used to post her indies ITT and they never got deleted? I told her once to try doing it in global. She did and it got deleted in 2 minutes, so there's your answer.

>> No.56013321
Quoted by: >>56013680

So does it only count if they're feather indians or what

>> No.56013335

I love how mystakes are unchanged, like they're some kind of universal constant.
Also, the post implies that Niji has stopped hiring people after Krisis, which is extremly unrealistic. OP should've had gone extra schizo and made up 50 more fanbases from the alternative future

>> No.56013346
File: 880 KB, 670x686, 1666467432992080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna miss mystakeschizo's feet but I will keep cumming to her cute feetpussy

>> No.56013358

i'm talking about how a post like this >>56011909 stays up but the inverse, like what i mentioned, most likely wouldn't. i'm expressing my frustration with such things.

>> No.56013372
File: 239 KB, 620x509, 1650590029536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013486

how about fallout: brotherhood of steel then ?

>> No.56013382

Bitter pill: Avoiding mixed waves at the start wasn't a way for NijiEN to emulate Holo, it was a misguided attempt by management to avoid schizophrenic unicorns by slowly easing the viewerbase into the way Nijisanji operates after Holo tainted vtubing in the west with idol bullshittery. It failed.

>> No.56013385

No photos or videos at the concert
It's over

>> No.56013389

But they already had him scouted out, same with the others. Remember Mysta and Shu came from the same group of incestuous indies that Pomu and Elira did

>> No.56013403

Sex with Ike would save this thread

>> No.56013409

That's what you lot are counting on I guess. But one singular comment won't make her change her mind when it's not even the first time she got similar messages in the past.

>> No.56013486
File: 165 KB, 827x1114, 000641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should play Underrail.

>> No.56013502

It would ruin this thread because nobody should ever have sex with some shit like Ike.

>> No.56013503
Quoted by: >>56013884

nta but they probably slowed down even more after Krisis when it comes to wave producation. I expect the next wave in 8 months.

>> No.56013539
Quoted by: >>56014169

how about atom rpg ?

>> No.56013547
File: 339 KB, 397x383, chrome_GJ43BAxgMc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013663


>> No.56013552
File: 197 KB, 1170x1206, 1689498298438356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emulate Hololive with your first waves
>Be Myth but actually entertaining
>end up as the only ones in the entire fucking branch who are universally beloved and remembered by the rest of the vtuber community

what was that Breaking Bad quote again? "We had a good thing going you stupid son of a bitch"?

>> No.56013562
File: 34 KB, 112x112, 1677722602261869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famillie are also unchanged
Also the post says 5 years of Fairytomo, which, assuming Pomu was still the first debut, means EN debuted much earlier in that timeline. They also mention that season 2 was very long, which implies that Krisis JUST debuted, so I think that ACCELERATE simply doesn't exist in that timeline

>> No.56013592


>> No.56013616

She only has herself to blame for that one

>> No.56013626


>> No.56013646
File: 400 KB, 548x529, chrome_H3paXo88cL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56013658

Finana wasn't always "finana" if you know what I'm saying

>> No.56013663
File: 1.07 MB, 1792x2000, 000749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013711

What's wrong with it, I heard nothing but good things about it.

>> No.56013668
File: 40 KB, 546x640, 1651749429877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013808

pack it up millipede

>> No.56013680

nta but I thought spanish was an official language of america until I visited and an america corrected me

>> No.56013682

Dammit Bud I told you that era is ov-
Carry on

>> No.56013690
File: 173 KB, 768x768, 1667468158379806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56013711

I just don't like CRPGs

>> No.56013768
Quoted by: >>56013813

Will Finana ever give us more sex ASMR?

>> No.56013783
File: 15 KB, 1468x750, Airplanes[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fks85ib.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56013939

>> No.56013808
File: 799 KB, 894x902, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56013813

last time she tried her male coworkers showed up in chat and embarassed her, she probably won't anymore

>> No.56013851
File: 76 KB, 680x680, FY9-mB3UEAAeEB6.jpg_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56013855
File: 1.24 MB, 995x1044, 1690956673446691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, occupied.

>> No.56013876
File: 822 KB, 832x1046, 1671816180903090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon pits, also feet

>> No.56013879
Quoted by: >>56014080

did he take a break to go see the magical mirai 2023 or is he with the rest in canada

>> No.56013884

Anon, we had 2 auditions already. If anything, Noor should excelerate now. Won't be surprised that we'll get at least 1 more wave this fall and another wave in the beginning of the next year

>> No.56013888

If anything it was the smartest move they made, the branch would have been DoA otherwise. None of the mixed waves have achieved the same levels of success as the separate gender ones.

>> No.56013936


>> No.56013939
File: 3.99 MB, 600x338, 1685655724188471296-min.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56013946

>5 years of Pomu
>No graduations
>3D for 2nd/3rd outfits
So ACCELERATE is the reason things are the way they are for us...

>> No.56013961
Quoted by: >>56014094

tits too small

>> No.56014069

I wanna suck Selen's toes.

>> No.56014080
Quoted by: >>56014183

Isn't that in September?

>> No.56014083
Quoted by: >>56014258

yeah the "hurr we would have at least filtered the holobronies" are ignoring that the "holobronies" were some of the most loyal viewers NijiEN actually had and that the mixed-gender waves did not do well at all even after the all of the incels were filtered out

>> No.56014094

I forgive it because she has inverted nipples

>> No.56014164
File: 485 KB, 869x875, pits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DID Someone say. PITS???

>> No.56014170
Quoted by: >>56014388

i think it's hard to compare. if luxiem never blew up then these mixed gender groups could have been around the same level as the same gender ones

>> No.56014169

Never got the chance to try that one desu, I'll get into it once I cleared my fuckton of game backlog while watching streams.

>> No.56014183
Quoted by: >>56014260

september for tokyo, august for osaka

>> No.56014252
Quoted by: >>56014308

i feel like i've seen these loops for over a year now

>> No.56014258
Quoted by: >>56014927

you don't know that. It could have been ten times more succesful for all you know. Either way it doesn't matter.
not so loyal after all

>> No.56014260

Then throw that to the pile of 'where could he be' guesses too, he does have a wish of going to one of those concerts so maybe

>> No.56014264
File: 294 KB, 1080x1350, Meloco Kotoka aburi_rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celebrating Paizuri Day with Kotoka and Meloco!

>> No.56014308

You have. We all have. I just leave the threads nowadays.

>> No.56014348
File: 38 KB, 192x192, 1691923688523437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra's alternative fan name implies that in the perfect timeline either
a) Gura got into Niji instead of Holo
b) HoloEN doesn't exist

>> No.56014388

This is true. We can't forget that iLuna debuted to record viewership for this branch. Would China have latched on to the iLuna boys the same as they did with Luxiem? I could see them going for Ren but it's hard to say with the others. OTOH this is all assuming that the first waves would've had the same members as our current mixed waves. For all we know, wave 1 would've been LazuLux, and wave 2 would have been NocSydia.

>> No.56014391

yea it's getting boring honestly gn anon!

>> No.56014404

You guys wanna see an indie JPs bikini after she pees in it and masturbates in it?

>> No.56014417 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 308x308, 1652911837708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014476

Niggers are the great filter.
We see no advanced civilizations in the sky because the nigger is an universal biological death clock.
Every civilization that arises also has the nigger.
Better technology means better niggers.
Eventually negrofication spreads across the entire civilization and collapses it back into primitivism.
We're already starting to develop backwards.

>> No.56014423
Quoted by: >>56014494

no not really

>> No.56014441

>HoloEN doesn't exist
I'd take this outcome

>> No.56014454

since sonny doesn't know what he would do tomorrow, he should stream since it's his main job to do. Wouldn't it be nice to have a stream from sonny right? that would be sooo cool of him if he could stream tomorrow that's for sure. Can't wait to wake up to sonny's waiting room on his channel named sonny brisko!

>> No.56014455
Quoted by: >>56014539

Every time

>> No.56014468

Considering that NijiEN has existed for 5 years in that timeline... it might be both.

>> No.56014476


>> No.56014477
Quoted by: >>56014546

Based, everyone start metaposting and stop talking about Nijisanji, that’ll show em

>> No.56014494


>> No.56014539

I still think xsoleil should have been named uSolar, would have been kino

>> No.56014546
Quoted by: >>56014597

That's just another loop.

>> No.56014556
Quoted by: >>56014592

Without her there would be no NijiEN anon

>> No.56014567

Anyone else in this concert line? Shit's been delayed like 3 times

>> No.56014575
Quoted by: >>56014939

Yeah, please

>> No.56014585

>they have [...] to fly TWO PEOPLE to Japan
getting to the recording studio is not anycolor's responsibility, nor is it the main issue blocking 3D

>> No.56014587
File: 279 KB, 346x365, 1677136591697018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014706

when will vox do another quran reading asmr

>> No.56014592
Quoted by: >>56014821

Not in the Golden Timeline.

>> No.56014597

Keep it up anon you’re doing great

>> No.56014706
File: 810 KB, 2230x542, 1673707756307628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56014814

Next ramadan inshallah

>> No.56014739

with how consistent the lore is i'm becoming convinced that anon really did come from another timeline

>> No.56014814

>every Friday
>has not done one since January

>> No.56014821
Quoted by: >>56014930

We have Petra, she's basically the equivalent

>> No.56014831
Quoted by: >>56014880

my feet are killing me.....

>> No.56014880

ask >>56014567 to massage your feet. Post pics.

>> No.56014927

It would be a complete disaster. Even now nijien is closer to two separate fanbases than one. Because what do you know no matter how much you shove girls down girls throats and boys down boys throats at the end of the day the majority of them aren't ever going to watch the same sex unless they are forced to do it by your collab. As we can see from the fact that the girls basically barely benefited from the explosion of Luxiem in viewer numbers besides in a collab with them or during some special event stream and the boys coming lower than girls in other companies on chat overlap charts for the first two waves.

>> No.56014930
Quoted by: >>56014965

She IS the equivalent. Keep up with the lore, anon.

>> No.56014938
File: 327 KB, 1448x2048, 7BF461D0-E275-41AE-8C2C-986E5D8B772A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56015274

Comfydants, your opinions?

>> No.56014939


Here you go

>> No.56014965

Well, it's basically what would happen if she debuted in Niji. Look at Petra, that would be the result

>> No.56014979


>> No.56015027
Quoted by: >>56015169

>boys down boys throats

>> No.56015120
File: 63 KB, 844x379, 1683443457577381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56015401

>> No.56015149


>> No.56015169

I think 攻めイラマ should be a thing, but it's incredibly niche.

>> No.56015216
Quoted by: >>56018197

>next stream is maria shilling bilibili
sad times

>> No.56015274
File: 1.08 MB, 2048x1761, 1691958105103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56015331 [SPOILER] 
File: 284 KB, 1226x1131, 1690172125945571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56015371

would let her groom me

>> No.56015376

Thinking about it too, I think the fundamental problem with mixed waves is that for the majority of viewers it complete destroys any possibility of being a wave oshi. Like its kind of hard to call yourself a fan of a whole wave if you never watch half of them, would never pay for merch of half of them and so on.

>> No.56015401


>> No.56015409

Wow...the moon looks beautiful tonight

>> No.56015450


>> No.56015451
Quoted by: >>56015501

my butt is this big

>> No.56015468
File: 267 KB, 585x564, 1675951392144863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think our oshis at the canada orgy are at least taking breaks to eat and drink water and maybe even sleep

>> No.56015475

This is unironically only a problem for unicorns

>> No.56015484
Quoted by: >>56015719

Yeah, i've actually seen more people calling themselves Krisis fans than ILuna or XSoleil fans

>> No.56015501


>> No.56015510
Quoted by: >>56015693

Whatever happened to just keeping it simple?
>turn on stream
>act cute
>play the game or talk with chat
>turn off stream
>post relevant updates on socials
That's it. That's all the livers have to do, it's really just that easy. Why can't some of them just stick to this?

>> No.56015574
Quoted by: >>56015713

>luca and sonny in salome’s 3d
But why

>> No.56015604
Quoted by: >>56016415

It isn't though. The majority of viewers do not watch the opposite sex members unless it is in a collab. The majority of viewers are not unicorns. They just watch what they like and for girls thats more often than not boys and for boys thats more often than not girls.

>> No.56015639


>> No.56015675

That's not what that word means

>> No.56015693

various mental deficiencies

>> No.56015713

why not? Sonny was in Leos's thing.

>> No.56015719
Quoted by: >>56015948

3 people is actually the golden number for waves, it's enough to have some variety, not too overwhelming, manageable for wave collabs, etc. Even my favorite JP waves were waves of 3 people and so are the EN ones so far

>> No.56015749

en scuff is real. have they mentioned any reason? offkai concert delayed around 2 hours, due to bad connection and multiple guests calling in

>> No.56015756

Imagine thinking mixed waves are the issue and not the fact both mixed waves had 6 fucking members. This is why Krisis has a pretty good stable audience across all members, it's only three members. The next wave, Mixed or not, needs to be limited to 2-4 members. Hell a two person wave would be unique enough it'd make people curious on that alone.

>> No.56015786

concert was delayed another half hour, i had to leave...

>> No.56015810
File: 103 KB, 373x315, sonnee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56015903
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1666763453301947.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56015909
Quoted by: >>56016552


>> No.56015923

I'm fine with either as long she enjoys her time but that option would be funnier because the twitter lesbians would seethe again

>> No.56015943

ah so shitposters switched tactics by pretending the concert is delayed now

>> No.56015948

While I am inclined to agree and my oshi is from a 3 girl wave, I think it's crazy how Idios managed to be so good with 7 girls. Each of them are fun in their own way, they cover a variety of streaming hours, and a couple of even do a bit of English.

>> No.56015968

what's happening over there for them to delay the concert for this long? did something happen to the livers or what?

>> No.56016002
Quoted by: >>56016552

you weren't even there anon

>> No.56016051
Quoted by: >>56016071

i'm looking on twitter and it seems like people are already in the venue so idk if anon is lying.....

>> No.56016058


>> No.56016071
Quoted by: >>56016316

don't listen to shitposters
they are lying nothing is delayed

>> No.56016152


>> No.56016182

>Every post I don't like is a shitpost
I think Nina was overrated.

>> No.56016184
File: 812 KB, 1549x623, 1663375361404953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56016211
Quoted by: >>56016249

T. Liar faggot

>> No.56016225

JPs really have better perms since Lain was able to play more...

>> No.56016249

she didn't play my favorite game, therefore she was overrated

>> No.56016279
File: 225 KB, 512x512, 1689138561088484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56016316


>> No.56016292
File: 555 KB, 925x520, 1663178713297095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56016500

>> No.56016316
Quoted by: >>56016363

It is me, the shitposter

>> No.56016363
Quoted by: >>56016375


>> No.56016375


>> No.56016401
File: 56 KB, 977x681, 1688821261660362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56016415

>for girls thats more often than not boys and for boys thats more often than not girls.
This phenomenon only exists in the vtubing space. The biggest streamers in the world have viewer demographics that match their own gender, for example.
Bitter pill #2: The only reason for that phenomenon's existence is because the existence of unicorns themselves as a part of the vtubing viewerbase ostracizes normal people who might get into vtubers. If a certain other company hadn't tainted the perception of vtubing in the west from the outset, this would not be an issue, but because they were the first exposure to vtubers for most normies it's become a trend to associate vtubers with "being parasocial," and to deride vtuber enjoyers on that basis. People /here/ like to say it's because "vtubers are anime and normies hate anime" but that's bogus, anime became mainstream a long time ago. Unicorns are the reason mixed waves don't do well because they keep new blood from flowing into the hobby. They're also the reason vtubing has seemingly had a shorter shelf-life in the west compared to the east.

>> No.56016467

The important question is, when is Rosemi getting a school swimsuit outfit?

>> No.56016500

How can anyone like this bitch with an ugly heart?

>> No.56016535

That's actually my thoughts exactly but better articulated. Very true.

>> No.56016552

i went downstairs to the info booth to see if i could get a refund and they said i could try writing to customer service. at least it wasn't too much money...
i don't know, they just told us no pictures/videos allowed and estimated it would be another 20-30 minutes before we could go up. i was lined up in another room on the 5th floor
well, not anymore, i was there 15ish min ago

>> No.56016576
Quoted by: >>56018062

i didn't hate her or anything but i always kind of disliked the way she treated her stream like it was a place to gossip about the other members with her audience or something, whenever i tuned into her it seemed like she would talk about other members a lot compared to the other girls i watched from the first two waves, i always feel like cant you come up with anything interesting to say that comes from within you instead of using other members for your content when people are like that too much

>> No.56016602

why do you lie?

>> No.56016609

An anon said there was a Rosemi loli guro doujin in C102 but i really doubt it...i wish there was though...

>> No.56016685

It's not unicorns though. The majority of people watching nijisanji are normal viewers that don't sperg about male collabs or female collabs. They just don't choose to watch males as a male or females as a female.

>> No.56016696

Idk if you’re shitposting but there are other sources https://twitter.com/werew0lfaj/status/1690820683851296769

>> No.56016738
Quoted by: >>56016865

>The majority of people watching nijisanji
the dwindling majority

I mean look at the declline with the mixed waves

>> No.56016759
File: 38 KB, 405x405, 1690143986868445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56016760

anon...maybe you were too late? i saw people on twitter already in the venue, seems like there was a slight delay with the organisers. i hope you can get a refund at least if you aren't lying...

>> No.56016762

i'm not lying, if anyone else was in 517b they could tell you what the guy in the green shirt announced.

>> No.56016810

just post a pic of the event next time, no need to argue about something that can be easily proven

>> No.56016822
File: 180 KB, 266x266, 1663981495780053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56016869


>> No.56016836
File: 193 KB, 701x625, MillieAttention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The funny thing is I've come

>> No.56016838
Quoted by: >>56016907

liar liar pants on fire

>> No.56016865

If someone isn't abusing their oshi or outright dropping them for having a same sex collab they are not a unicorn. No legitimate fan of Nijien is a unicorn.

>> No.56016869


>> No.56016876
File: 469 KB, 2048x1536, 1679084245141949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56016907
Quoted by: >>56016951

ok now this is a falseflagger
just check on twitter, it was delayed because of tech issues

>> No.56016939

Canadians are so skinny

>> No.56016941
File: 3.49 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20230813_203036828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56017035

>> No.56016946

I can kind of see this. Back in the 90s boys watched Sailor Moon and Inuyasha and girls watched Dragonball and YuYu Hakusho because it was all this cool new anime thing. There's no need to sow division in your potential audience immediately when bringing a new genre to the rest of the world.

>> No.56016951

yeah about that

>> No.56016958
Quoted by: >>56017059

The idea that nijiwatchers are normies is legitimately just a tribalfag narrative that's used /here/ to shit on nijiEN. NijiEN's dedicated audience are simply vtuber enjoyers who don't scoff at the idea of watching multiple different agencies, but the rarity of tribalfags watching nijiEN doesn't necessarily indicate a lack of unicorns.
The normie element that you'll often see held up as a strawman on this board are typically fairweather viewers who flit from one trend to another and don't represent the dedicated nijiEN viewerbase.

>> No.56016989


>> No.56017035
Quoted by: >>56017234

Fulgur and Sonny look weird

>> No.56017059
Quoted by: >>56017177

I didn't say they are normies? You have a fundamental failure of understanding what a unicorn is if you think there are unicorns watching girls or boys that regularly have same sex collabs.

>> No.56017150
Quoted by: >>56018258


>> No.56017177
Quoted by: >>56017399

The "normal viewers that don't sperg about male collabs or female collabs" that you brought up as a counter to me bringing up unicorns are normies.
I know what a unicorn is. The only people who're going to refuse to hako oshi a mixed wave on the basis of a gender split are unicorns.

>> No.56017234

You look weird.

>> No.56017315
File: 394 KB, 900x900, 1684428436942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56017449

I miss Millie

>> No.56017334

i lined up at 3, they were letting the line on the 7th floor into the concert hall when they told us about the extra delay

>> No.56017383

It sucks because I like Kotoka, but if I wanted to watch a JP gyaru I would watch HSKW(which I do). It's frustrating that Meloco speaks more english despite being worse at it.

>> No.56017399
Quoted by: >>56017848

You apparently don't know what a unicorn is if you think people that are fine with their oshi collabing with the opposite sex are unicorns. The vast majority of Nijien viewers are those that do not care if their oshi collabs with the opposite sex and might even enjoy those collabs, but they are not fans of the the members of the same sex as them and do not regularly watch them or give them much if any support.

>> No.56017449
Quoted by: >>56017594

This but

>> No.56017465


>> No.56017472

I am convinced that Kotoka is Rindou's nepotism hire, they're way to close for Kotoka to just a complete unknown to her. They just put her in EN because Idios was full.

>> No.56017485

She should go to the studio in her birthday suit

>> No.56017526

what? Pomu is literally going to be on stage at NijiFES

>> No.56017560
File: 416 KB, 1200x1200, 1691960577064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56017566

no it's not.

>> No.56017582


>> No.56017594
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>> No.56017605
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Quoted by: >>56017746


>> No.56017620

nta but I wish she had her own panel.

>> No.56017682
File: 62 KB, 300x300, UW5GZIHTHKON_9EPj-256Ag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garlic pussy scented panties...

>> No.56017738


>> No.56017746

tits too small

>> No.56017774

I'm so sick of the constant fucking drama.

>> No.56017848
Quoted by: >>56019816

The fact that it's rarer here than in the other company is only a facet of Nijisanji not trying to target that particular demographic. You're delusional if you think nijiEN hasn't seen its fair share of unicorns crying about mixed gender interactions, though.

>> No.56017897
File: 1.11 MB, 2223x4096, 1680363356683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a picture of this but Kotoka

>> No.56017909
Quoted by: >>56018577

try not looking at 4chan and twitter and it will magically disappear

>> No.56017916
File: 731 KB, 1170x776, 1E2EEB51-812A-426B-9E41-197D16AE1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56017958
File: 485 KB, 1592x3177, FwWAv3PaIAYgpyC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56018747

I'm so horny I need sex with Kotoka

>> No.56018000
File: 388 KB, 1536x2048, 1666715804823856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56018004

>Frequents the drama-forums
>Wow theres so much drama

>> No.56018032

he should've worded it better, I get where he's coming from but posting like a containment breaking schizo isn't going to make her take you seriously

>> No.56018062
Quoted by: >>56018642

>gossip about the other members
That's just the ethyria way of zatsudan. Look at Enna, Millie and Reimu. They all gossip about their coworkers even though the person mentioned isn't on their stream

>> No.56018078
Quoted by: >>56018268

I'm so glad nobody clipped that part of Sonny's stream where he said that he idolizes Game Grumps' 2020s era and thinks it's peak content creation.

>> No.56018101
File: 93 KB, 320x320, SweatingSonny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some big phallic objects inserted in their butts...

>> No.56018106
Quoted by: >>56018305


>> No.56018124

>those gloves
its ike posting this

>> No.56018197
Quoted by: >>56018351

Do you mean the next Maria stream, or the next EN stream? Because for Maria, yes, her next stream is on Bilibili. But, as for the next NijiEN stream, no, it isn't that.

>> No.56018209

Alban's setlist is only ever disney songs kek

>> No.56018222
Quoted by: >>56018437

they said no recordings allowed, was it like that for previous otakuthons?
i hope someone at least uploads clips of it....

>> No.56018258

I hate this rrat. Go back to the catalog

>> No.56018260
Quoted by: >>56018334

I can't hold back anymore.
I need Enna anal sex.
I will now fantasize about Enna anal sex.
aaa oooh aaa oo aa enna you slut aaa ooo aaa aaa holy fuck enna oooo aaa ooo aaa aa aaa
Damn that was good

>> No.56018268

anon why did you post that, sonny literally said that it was only between us because he trusted his briskadets... and also kys for leaking membership content.

>> No.56018305
File: 50 KB, 214x152, 1688092624877337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56018716

>Blacked shit

>> No.56018334

This but Enn.. wait I don't remember posting this

>> No.56018351
Quoted by: >>56018576

No one cares about your literal who

>> No.56018380

Honestly, this whole hako oshi debate is extremly retarded. Not only hako oshi is unpopular term even among idolfags (oshiing the whole group is mostly considered to be a boring taste), but Nijisanji itself never even promoted the idea of hakooshi initially (it was literally impossible to hakaoshi Nji's first two gen where there were fucking 10 people with extremly different content nad personality), and only begun promoting idea of tied gen umity with sanbaka. Is it possible to hakooshi a mixed gen? In theory, yeah. I like some male vtubers, and I like some female vtubers. If they were all from the same gen, I would probably oshi them. Is it possible to hakooshi Xsoleil and Iluna? No, because they follow classic nijiformula of "just a bunch of people that debuted together". Their content is extremly different, they pander to different dempgraphic and do completely different things. It isn't even gender ratio, it's all around viewership ratio. Maripet probably won't find Aia appealing, and sickling probably won't find Doppio appealing. Despite having common esthetic and theme, they have nothing in common viewership and content wise.

>> No.56018437
Quoted by: >>56018847

They were allowed last year

>> No.56018511
Quoted by: >>56018927

This is true, I actually meant to point out that the idea of niji hako oshi in the first place is a carryover from othercompany idolfaggotry but I forgot.

>> No.56018546
File: 72 KB, 902x802, 09210DBA-F92E-4963-9A6F-B48E660CB89F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56018576
Quoted by: >>56018723

I was just responding to the anon who mentioned Maria's stream in the first place...

>> No.56018577

so first it was just don't look here now it's don't look here and on Twitter because Livers dramafag themselves there. Then you'll tell me to just not watch streams because Livers dramafag there too.

>> No.56018584

no meds sunday

>> No.56018642
Quoted by: >>56018989

that's notmal workplace behavior sadly. Everybody gossips.

>> No.56018716

why are you so insecure?

>> No.56018723
File: 1.72 MB, 325x498, 1664120199733134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56018789


>> No.56018747
File: 1.77 MB, 1600x900, 1654474732761169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56018793

I want her to cackle at me when I prematurely cum.

>> No.56018789
Quoted by: >>56018835

Fuck you I hope Maria gets DD breasts someday.

>> No.56018790

>muh slippery slope
okay you're just retarded

>> No.56018793
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>> No.56018835
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>> No.56018847
Quoted by: >>56018891

not allowed this year for some reason....maybe cause JP is there

>> No.56018891

>maybe cause JP is there
Claire is going to wiggle her juicy ass on stage and that's for paying customers only

>> No.56018900
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, 107951511_p13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still watching Kotoka's Fallout vod, she just said she wants to play Tarkov with Rosemi but it's too nervous to ask.

>> No.56018927
Quoted by: >>56018963

I’ve seen jap Nijisanji fans call themselves hakooshi for years though

>> No.56018956 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.46 MB, 498x340, 1673174019733011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No legitimate fan of Nijien is a unicorn

>> No.56018963
Quoted by: >>56019012

There are outliers in every group

>> No.56018989

But do they usually broadcast their gossip to an audience of thousands (except for reimu since her audience doesn't reach a thousand)?

>> No.56019012
Quoted by: >>56019169

I’ve seen many of them say it, you can’t try to convince me I haven’t

>> No.56019018

Twitter is the worst site on the entire planet. I don't care if you're a vtuber fan or have never even heard of them you should not go on twitter for any reason

>> No.56019039
Quoted by: >>56021517

>Pomu is literally going to be on stage at NijiFES
No she won't lol. The singing competition she's part of is just s sideshow for the free programming, not part of the main event.

>> No.56019050
File: 362 KB, 1417x2003, FjSJQdMUoAAziu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56019442


>> No.56019069
Quoted by: >>56020870

i understand what you're trying to say, but people can go to different livers for different needs. for example, if i want something chill, relaxing and nice, i tune into fulgur's zatsudan streams. if i want somebody more chaotic and energetic, i'll watch doppio play whatever game he's streaming at the moment. i enjoy and appreciate the both of them equally, just in different ways. i do think you're talking in extremes here. of course people will watch their top oshi/kamioshi the most and prefer to watch their streams over others, but it doesn't mean they can't have other oshis or livers they like to watch. i just think you're thinking too narrowly.

>> No.56019088 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1162x717, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56019096

Only female fans of Nijisanji are unicorns
All male fans love their oshi enough to tolerate male presence in their streams.

>> No.56019101
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>> No.56019117

upvoted this to make her feel bad

>> No.56019136

>catalogtroons: a reply chain

>> No.56019169
Quoted by: >>56019253

People who don't fit in have a tendency to either keep very quiet about it, or be extremely loud. The people claiming to hako oshi stand out in your memory because they're an irregularity.

>> No.56019253
Quoted by: >>56019286

You’re really reaching there anon

>> No.56019275

Based beyond belief, kotoka and meloco are the biggest wastes of space since Petra.

>> No.56019286
File: 141 KB, 262x259, 1672296636134620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56019518

No, it's simple confirmation bias.

>> No.56019315

Why do people keep spamming based to an obvious hate comment?

>> No.56019319
File: 155 KB, 1448x2048, This time for real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56019323
File: 27 KB, 532x370, 1660468122109944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent found real women attractive since I was like 10 and toonami started airing
how can they ever compete

>> No.56019363

>telling the truth is now considered "hate"
The absolute state of nijifans

>> No.56019381

you already got enough upvotes from the catalogfags you can stop spamming it.

>> No.56019386
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, 1671996075141343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56019537

i love hapi so much bros...

>> No.56019392
Quoted by: >>56019450


>> No.56019403
Quoted by: >>56019486

Sometimes it's justified

>> No.56019423
File: 1.76 MB, 1298x728, chrome_50W8jk5tNF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56019442

I wish there were Koikatsu but with boys instead... It isn't fair...

>> No.56019447
File: 843 KB, 820x741, Screenshot Capture - 2023-08-11 - 17-51-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56019450
File: 112 KB, 308x342, 1680425180800934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56019497

>we now have a whiteknight for the waste that is kotoka
My fucking sides

>> No.56019452

falseflaggers obviously
EOP recoils in fear

>> No.56019460
Quoted by: >>56019576

This reads like those threads where you see the same 10 or so SEAfriends replying to each other with the same canned responses they use in every thread.
All it's missing is "that's why we call them nijiniggers" to tie it up and make it look uniform

>> No.56019486
Quoted by: >>56019534


>> No.56019497
File: 171 KB, 308x342, 1629679363679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56019599


>> No.56019501

not EN

>> No.56019518
Quoted by: >>56019864

I don’t know if you’rejust shitposting but I’m not saying hakooshi are the majority or the norm just that I’ve seen many fans call themselves Nijisanji or wave hakooshi and even complain that being a Nijisanji hakooshi is getting harder with the more debuts that come out, and yes you can certainly be an xsoleil hakooshi even if their content is varied just as much as you can be a noctyx hakooshi because they’re still groups of people that get along with each other and are put together in events and such

>> No.56019534
Quoted by: >>56019615

Yes it is, just look at mysta's anti, he's doing us all a favor by making mysta graduate.

>> No.56019537
Quoted by: >>56019656


>> No.56019546
Quoted by: >>56019590

I already reported that comment I suggest everyone ITT do the same :)

>> No.56019565

catalogfags have to talk to themselves to push their puerile posts

>> No.56019576 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 480x360, 1666644515451313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels like an all out war right now

>> No.56019590

I honestly forgot you can report on YT. Thanks for reminding me, anon.

>> No.56019599
File: 151 KB, 308x342, 1588988558201313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56019615
Quoted by: >>56019679

>spreading hate is good
Then you wonder why no one in NIJIEN wants to pander to this board and keep making you guys seethe.

>> No.56019627

is it an august only thing? haven't seen it around til this post. hope some ENs make appearances

>> No.56019637

It's funny how often ID said JP didn't care about them and then you look at how beloved Nyari is

>> No.56019654
File: 460 KB, 2048x2048, 1669704625747089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56019869


>> No.56019656
File: 622 KB, 578x863, 1680239338397951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you will be cut down like a dog

>> No.56019679
Quoted by: >>56019824

At the rate things are going there won't be a NijiEN by this time next year lol

>> No.56019677

Because they're right.
The issue issue is being to much of a pussy to use their main account, but they aren't wrong, Kotoka focuses to much on her JP crowd, it reminds me a bit of early Petra, except Petra got better about it, almost 7-8 months in kotoka has not.

>> No.56019686

God EN fans are pure cancer, legit feel bad for Meloco and Kotoka.

>> No.56019688
Quoted by: >>56019976

we're on a board filled with children, what do you expect?

>> No.56019732
File: 159 KB, 800x800, F0hrdEEaUAEttEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56019752
Quoted by: >>56019793

Go back to your shithole dogfucker

>> No.56019781

who's graduating after mysterio?

>> No.56019793
Quoted by: >>56019825

You got kicked out, stay mad

>> No.56019804


>> No.56019807

probably petra she has to be close to finishing grad school by now

>> No.56019809

hopefully you from life

>> No.56019816
Quoted by: >>56020090

What I am saying is born out by facts and statistics though.
Do the girls/guys have lots of fans despite collabing with the opposite sex regularly?
Yes they do. Those people are not unicorns by definition. For a unicorn it is intolerable to collab with the opposite sex at all, unicorns are not fine with this happening regularly. You cant be a legitimate fan of Nijien and be one. Are there people that get overly zealous in their parasocial behaviour from time to time? Yes there most certainly are but those are not unicorns. Unicorn does not mean anyone who is a bit too parasocial.
Do most fans watch and support the same sex like they do the opposite sex?
No they do not. Just look at Luxiem getting millions of subs while girls that have been there much longer than them are still at 500k. Those female fans weren't even interested enough in the girls too give them a sub even they don't care about them outside of collabs. Similairly if you look at many of the girls chat overlaps you can see that members of other companies that are females often have more chat overlap with them than the males in Nijien, those fans prefer to watch girls at other companies than watch a male.

>> No.56019824

NijiEN will be around for years to come. But your oshi might not be in it which considering what kind of person you are is good. Your oshi can take you with them.

>> No.56019825

So did you considering you're posting here KEK

>> No.56019855
Quoted by: >>56021009

>Pandering to JP is an issue
Well with EN fans like that giving "wholesome" comments she's gonna keep doing it :)

>> No.56019864

I'm not shitposting, it really is confirmation bias. Hako oshi literally is a carryover from idolfags and the idea of bringing hako oshi into Niji is silly in the first place, not only because of the vast amount of livers, but also the lack of truly coherent theming in most waves. It's not that it's impossible, it's just an unusual thing to do.

>> No.56019869

i wish she would rape me

>> No.56019883

holy shit, gottem kek

>> No.56019893
File: 408 KB, 1500x1500, 1691962818671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56019907
Quoted by: >>56020011

>NijiEN will be around for years to come.

>> No.56019938
Quoted by: >>56020104

Scarle should be almost done right?

>> No.56019954 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56020071

I come here to shill the superior JP and make you upset daily.

>> No.56019967

Maou-sama on fuwa stream rn

>> No.56019976

But enough about luxnoc's audience

>> No.56020011

screenshotted just to grudgepost you.

>> No.56020067

Meanwhile Anycolor has been debuting livers as units instead of just a collection of members that happened to debut together for like the past three years now and writing about how its part of their business strategy in investor relations documents as long as they have been producing them

>> No.56020071
File: 15 KB, 295x328, 1641091955844372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3view shitters that don't make any money
Damn japfags truly are delusional

>> No.56020083
Quoted by: >>56020565

>Hako oshi
I know it is, so is oshi, but fans that aren’t even idoldags still adapted the term and use it for non idol stuff, I don’t know what else to tell you. It might not work for most units or debuts in JP since they tend to be more spread out but I can assure you I’ve seen nips call themselves Luxiem hakooshi and stuff

>> No.56020086


>> No.56020090
Quoted by: >>56020225

You're arguing from a niche definition of unicorn that you concocted specifically to suit your argument. You can hem and haw about your no true scotsman all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that unicorns are the only ones who hate mixed gender interactions enough to cry about them, or that we've seen our fair share of unicorns crying about mixed gender interactions.

>> No.56020096
Quoted by: >>56020228

"feel bad" for them? lmao what?
they got into the EN branch and do nothing but pander to JP. It's a joke. They just did it to bypass VTA

>> No.56020102
Quoted by: >>56020120

im gonna buy pikmin 4 today

>> No.56020104

Why would she give up her easy gig of chatting to paypigs and maybe playing 5 minutes of a game or a handcam food stream?

>> No.56020120

It's pretty easy but I liked it

>> No.56020137
Quoted by: >>56020197

She just did a 11+ hours long english speaking fallout new vegas stream, are you out of your fucking mind? Do you think F:NV is a jap pandering game. Kill yourself.

>> No.56020172
File: 292 KB, 867x451, 1666964522773509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56022031

>> No.56020175
Quoted by: >>56020334

legitimate criticism that is going to be dismissed because the person wrote it as if they were having a manic episode

>> No.56020177
File: 2.89 MB, 2150x3035, 1680972712545895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since my thread is dead and catalog is running their stale drama here again, whos got the best Ring Fit stream in NijiEn?

>> No.56020183
Quoted by: >>56020256

Kill yourself now, faggot

>> No.56020186
File: 946 KB, 752x775, firefox_vVWJu9bxD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56020197

>english speaking
lmao even
She spoke jap during 95% of it

>> No.56020200

>no arguments so he obfuscate one
lmao Gold for the day btw

>> No.56020225
Quoted by: >>56020478

No I am not arguing from a niche defintion this is the actual defintion. Unicorn is not a synonym for parasocial. It's specifically referring to the most militantly extreme parasocial fans that will sperg out at the slightest hint of the opposite sex..

>> No.56020228

Go back to your doxx site already.

>> No.56020256

>no argument
I accept your trannycession japcuck

>> No.56020291
Quoted by: >>56020375

I've never seen Kotoka hate before this is fascinating and not at all obvious

>> No.56020300
Quoted by: >>56020342

>she spoke jap during 95% of it
>blatantly lying now
The vod is still there you know.

>> No.56020334

NijiEn gets enough shit from antis and containment breakers/dramafags as is. If you're a fan just support them.

>> No.56020339
Quoted by: >>56020412

not your boogeyman nor do I care about your little argument

>> No.56020342
Quoted by: >>56020502

Yeah so I can point at a random timestamp and she will speak ching chong ping pong lmao

>> No.56020364

>3view shitters that don't make any money
But enough about Ethyria, Iluna, Krisis, Noctyx, & Xsoleil

>> No.56020375

she was targeted during the zaion situation too.

>> No.56020411

She spoke english just as much, you retarded underage cunt.

>> No.56020412

You care enough to keep replying lole

>> No.56020476
File: 76 KB, 558x553, LottaBaitToday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56020473

Honestly I wish there was a JP equivelant of Kotoka that did a ton of live translations. Oliver is the closest thing so far

>> No.56020478
Quoted by: >>56020759

All you've done is discount the presence of unicorns in nijiEN's viewerbase by claiming that they aren't really unicorns. You've given no counterargument to the fact that only unicorns complain about mixed gender interactions, and mixed waves by extension.

>> No.56020502
Quoted by: >>56020533

I can with English speaking moments too :) It's a 12 hour vods so you can't exactly quantify it to being 95% jap speaking stream. I dare you to prove me wrong and actually do the math and stuff but you got actual school tommorow so get ready for that instead :D

>> No.56020530
Quoted by: >>56021226

There should be art of Pomu cleaning herself like a cat.

>> No.56020533

Proof next thread right

>> No.56020545

Anon, they don't even watch anyone in NijiEn

>> No.56020550
File: 1.57 MB, 1254x1771, FgFgfGdaUAEzPGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56020593

>> No.56020565

All I said was that it's a carryover from idolfaggotry, though, so it sounds like we're in agreement.

>> No.56020593


>> No.56020609
Quoted by: >>56020639

so you'll provide proof next thread? glad to hear it

>> No.56020626
File: 771 KB, 850x1063, sample_5ec61b95a8ebf398dec36199e6a08e28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56020627
File: 291 KB, 640x640, unnamed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I'm asking you though, did you actually read my post or is your literacy not at a passing grade yet :)

>> No.56020639
Quoted by: >>56020677

Proof now

>> No.56020652
File: 350 KB, 1316x2048, FYupTN1aIAASXi_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56020677

ok, i'm waiting

>> No.56020687
File: 146 KB, 850x1340, sample_436c4690603744bf5ff7962ed82e7a78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56020713
File: 123 KB, 282x338, 1541271833080695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 nukes were not enough

>> No.56020748

Kotoka WILL keep speaking JAPANESE on stream
Kotoka WILL keep collabing with JP senpais
Kotoka will don't care about EOPs
And you will love it erryday

>> No.56020759
Quoted by: >>56020836

Yes and I am right they are not unicorns. If you are watching and supporting a vtuber that regularly collabs with the opposite sex you are not a unicorn. I'm not sure why you are going on about this complaining about mixed gender interactions thing to begin with? I was always saying that the majority of NijiEN fans are people that are fine with mixed gender interactions but will not support the same sex members in any meaningful way (with evidence to show that is the case). Hence why the idea of a mixed wave is bad. You are automatically excluding most fans of the company from fully supporting the wave.

>> No.56020790
File: 1.39 MB, 2720x2444, 102565478_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56020860

>> No.56020806
Quoted by: >>56020824

Holy shit I just connected the dots, so that one poster was you, everything makes sense now.

>> No.56020824
File: 28 KB, 484x388, Fr4ZU01WAAc5xOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56020899


>> No.56020836
Quoted by: >>56021081

You are not right. You can keep saying you're right all you want, but it won't change the fact that only unicorns cry about mixed gender interactions.
>I'm not sure why you are going on about this complaining about mixed gender interactions thing to begin with
Maybe you should read the reply chain you're contributing to, then?

>> No.56020838

Rocksemi, I miss you...

>> No.56020841

>japnigs blaming EN for having unicorns
>when chronoir whores seethe every time one of their precious boytoys interacts with a girl
Oh am laffin'

>> No.56020856
File: 1.22 MB, 1622x2068, 1673153003715122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56020860

better but still too small

>> No.56020870

I never said that you can't enjoy livers with different appeals. Obviously, you can like both Aia and Maria for different thing, and in theory, you can like all of Iluna for that matter. But my point is that they don't have a common appeal. They all are extremly different content creators, with different vibes and streaming styles. Compare it to Lazulight/Obsydia or Krisis, which were waves designed with a common appeal in mind. People like Lazulight or Krisis as waves not because of their unity, but because of their common appeal. If you like one Krisis boy, you'll probably like the rest, and if you like one Lazulight girl, you probably like the rest too

>> No.56020893
File: 176 KB, 1032x1457, 1681531775730593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56020899

Some faggot false flagger

>> No.56020919
Quoted by: >>56021029

Yes, those two never collab with women after all.

>> No.56020927
File: 206 KB, 850x1402, sample_f2f0a8a40c36fb9a56b6f118bcf3685b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juggling multiple 12 hour streams during her birthday week while being under the weather yet postive the entire time. Everyone kneel for the stinky, sweaty gyaru who's walking around in a bikini as you read this.

>> No.56020933
File: 1.36 MB, 1169x1009, 1660575059879589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56020935
File: 1.40 MB, 2047x1447, 1684853313554125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56021680

>> No.56020972
File: 106 KB, 680x680, FstvBe1aUAElVq3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not even registering most of the words itt

>> No.56021003
File: 2.01 MB, 1994x3210, 1686974409404627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56021009
Quoted by: >>56021147

>Blaming the many because of one faggot
I mean if she does this, then she's an idiot.

>> No.56021029
Quoted by: >>56021167

Where did I said that? If anything I said the opposite by mentioning how they seethe when either of them collabs with girls. Go back to elementary school to brush up on reading comprehension anon-chama :)

>> No.56021035
Quoted by: >>56021107

I am blaming Hololive's idolfaggotry that spread to all parts of vtubing especially in the west.

>> No.56021081

You are trying to argue with me about something I have never contested? I am saying the majority of fans are people that will not meaningfully support the opposite sex but do not have any problem with mixed gender interactions. As you can see from how Luxiems popularity barely spilled over to any of the girls and how the girls fans would rather watch people from other companies than the same sex. Then you are just going on about unicorns? Like I am not saying people wouldn't support a mixed wave because they would be sperging out about the males interacting with the opposite sex. I am saying they won't support it because they aren't interested in them.

>> No.56021107
Quoted by: >>56021211

Niji is the one that started doing idol-style concerts first, you have noone to blame but yourself.

>> No.56021111
Quoted by: >>56021237

Kotoka's problem was having too high trust in the EN fandom, because for some reason 97% of NijiEN fans ignore or straight up anti whenever a Japanese person is present. They do not give a single solitary shit about NijiJP, thus they see Kotoka and Meloco as a waste when those two have done more to actually interact with JP than the rest of the branch has done combined, sans Selen who hasn't done shit in half a year

>> No.56021128

i miss my oshi

>> No.56021136
Quoted by: >>56021218

uhh why is half the thread filtered or deleted

>> No.56021147

>Blaming many because of one faggot
More common than you think.

>> No.56021167
Quoted by: >>56021301

you don't deserve a proper answer because you're clueless, those two fanbases don't give a fuck about women, their problem is something else. if you at least said someone like axia, then sure. anyways, kill yourself.

>> No.56021211

Anycolor was never an idol company and you are retarded. Myth ruined vtubing in the West.

>> No.56021218


>> No.56021226
File: 485 KB, 441x713, 1673293569150131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would clean Pomu like I can if you catch my drift

>> No.56021237
Quoted by: >>56021297

This is Nijisanji ENGLISH, not Nijisanji JAPANESE. She should have went to VTA if she wanted to pander to japs.

>> No.56021248
Quoted by: >>56021532

>You are trying to argue with me-
You're the one who replied disagreeing, anon.

>> No.56021260
File: 585 KB, 1638x2208, FxXtTQnXsAAoroq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56021297

And this is NIJISANJI yet most of the people in the branch would rather lick Hololive's toenails or lurk in some small corpo girls chat hoping they notice them

>> No.56021301
Quoted by: >>56021418


>> No.56021322 [DELETED] 

>Yugo gets bullied and harassed
>Nina gets bullied and harassed
>They both retire
>this general blame them and argue that they dindu nuffin
>Meloco gets bullied and harassed
>Kotoka gets bullied and harassed
why is this fanbase so much worse compared to our peers? holofags should be by default a lot worse because their fanbase is much bigger, but somehow ours is a lot worse. is it because we attract underage girls?

>> No.56021373

The only reason why you guys are so motivated to shitpost here is because the livers are unironically here and you hoping to "groom" them to be your liking.

>> No.56021377
Quoted by: >>56021412

please reply to my bait

>> No.56021412
Quoted by: >>56021451

yeah sure bro

>> No.56021415

please reply to my bait

>> No.56021417

Because en management is shit at scouting and has been chosing people that bring nijien's quality to the rock bottom. If management themselves won't do anything about the poor quality of post-lazusydia hires, fans have to take that matter in their own hands.

>> No.56021418
Quoted by: >>56021505

Don't embarrass yourself sister.

>> No.56021428

Anon, you're in a reply chain where the initial post was about unicorns. Of course people are talking about unicorns, you joined a conversation about unicorns.

>> No.56021447

bait to reply my please

>> No.56021451

thanks bro *kisses you*

>> No.56021477

Thank you for replying to my bait

>> No.56021483
Quoted by: >>56021534

If they made 10 times more money they would just endure the harassment

>> No.56021505

Seethe japfag. WE, yes WE don't care about your failed japwhores. The less females in this branch the better. Selen graduating soon btw

>> No.56021517
Quoted by: >>56021678

She's still going to be on stage in 3d, dumb nigger

>> No.56021532
Quoted by: >>56021638

You seem really stuck on this only unicorns could explain why mixed waves are a bad idea point when I am just trying to tell you that its not about unicorns? It's not that people will be losing their minds over it and therefore its a bad idea. It's that you can observe the fanbase right now and see that while people are for the most part very chill about mixed gender collabs they also mostly will not support the same sex as themselves like they do the opposite sex.

>> No.56021533

of course it's a Lazusydia fag... the only people that should be left from the first two waves are Petra and Ewiwa because both are actually useful and good sports. Others can fuck.

>> No.56021534

Thank you for replying to my bait one minute after the other reply

>> No.56021542
Quoted by: >>56021627

Meloco and Kotoka are better than most people in this fucking branch post-Lazusydia. All of the males except Fulgur, Doppio, ike and Fulgur included

>> No.56021565

>post-lazusydia hires
Petra and Finana were harassed a lot too, you know. Especially Finana

>> No.56021591

Who ended up winning Koshien?

>> No.56021589

>why is this fanbase
>somehow ours is a lot worse
Not even trying today tourist

>> No.56021600

Reply more to the replies of my baits please, which are totally also not bait

>> No.56021625
Quoted by: >>56021660

I feel like this board is just "harrass vtuber I don't like 24/7" to be honest.

>> No.56021627
File: 459 KB, 773x635, 1662803950747635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56021822


>> No.56021633

Shiina, again.

>> No.56021638
Quoted by: >>56021882

The problem is that only unicorns care about what you're bringing up. This
>I am saying they won't support it because they aren't interested in them.
is you dancing around the root of the issue, which is that mixed gender interactions are only bad in the eyes of unicorns. Normal people don't feel this way.

>> No.56021660

It's totally normal to get this upset over online entertainers shut up

>> No.56021678

It's not gonna be a stage retarded eop. It's just gonna be one of the shittier, smaller studios with a generic karaoke booth background.

>> No.56021680


>> No.56021681

every day this thread is in a constant state of children bickering at each other, it's so tiresome

>> No.56021688
File: 551 KB, 1920x1080, unicorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56021695
File: 6 KB, 100x152, Screenshot_20230805_072325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56021714

sometimes the children show each other their weewees

>> No.56021786

It's kinda your fault for opening this tab all day too. Just post here when something happens like if you're oshi is streamin

>> No.56021793

nah fuck that unit 6/10 players run that shit every time at a minimum

>> No.56021822

you can't defend Mysta after today.

>> No.56021841

I'm kinda curious who organizes stuff like this and why

>> No.56021855

Watching Scarle’s smore vod
>she’s talking about passport problems
>moved to different background
>her head gets cropped
>she starts playing pekaboo
>acts like nothing happened and continues talking
I feel like she’s unironically special needs

>> No.56021861

It was a total fucking blowout for Shiina. Real anti-climactic finals, no wonder no one wanted to fucking stay up for it

>> No.56021863 [DELETED] 


>> No.56021882
Quoted by: >>56022185

It's not dancing around an issue at all. It's a completely separate issue where people seemingly only want to watch and support the opposite sex to them while displaying none of the classic attributes of being a unicorn. Like I have said the majority of NijiEN fans are clearly fine with mixed gender collabs, but will not watch and support the same sex members solo. They don't think it is bad if they collab but they don't care enough about the same sex members to actually support them. So if those fans are presented with a mixed wave they have a wave with half the members they have no real interest in at all.

>> No.56021885
Quoted by: >>56021940

If I name them my post gets nuked.

>> No.56021887

and that's a good thing

>> No.56021891

It's a faggot replying to himself until some other stupid shitters bite, it's so obvious and it'd be funnier if anons just didn't pay attention to it

>> No.56021940
Quoted by: >>56022095

how so?

>> No.56021946
Quoted by: >>56022041

>666 IPs
>147 posts

>> No.56022000

That's the appeal

>> No.56022013
Quoted by: >>56022218

We're the board's designated toilet. /#/fags sit in here to look for whatever details they think can become "drama," post it everywhere, and then all the other monkeys see and repeat.
/#/ is literally a dedicated mod-sanctioned drama mill. Almost any time the thread is being bombarded with shitposts you can see people gloating about it there.

>> No.56022031

more livers need barefeet. please pomu

>> No.56022041

not all me this time

>> No.56022045
File: 70 KB, 726x726, 1659040848199015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56022162

Someone is tongue fucking my ear.

>> No.56022095
File: 300 KB, 512x512, 1666484974083171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say it: it's the La Le Lu Le Lo
They're responsible for the crisis we're going through, manipulating the information on the internet for their own means. Youtube comment sections, the catalog, these threads; they're every where! They could even b

>> No.56022118

curious whether people are actively engaging with the loop

>> No.56022129


>> No.56022162
Quoted by: >>56022376

What asmr are you listening to?

>> No.56022174
File: 323 KB, 750x1066, IMG_5948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56022177

I don't leply. People leply to me.

>> No.56022185
Quoted by: >>56022776

But you're ignoring the point that this phenomenon only occurs in vtubing, and the reason why was already outlined earlier in this reply chain. >>56016415
>It's a completely separate issue
It's not. The reason you don't see unicorn spergouts about mixed waves is because instead of crying about it they just don't watch the wave, but they're the same element in the vtubing viewerbase that's contributing to the lack of success seen by those waves because they immediately limit the fanbase. And the reason for that is also outlined in that previous post.

>> No.56022186
File: 62 KB, 820x473, 1381206673663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Massive shitposting about unicorns, management and containment breaking to harass livers
>Rosemi joins Nijisanji EN
The domino effect meme kek

>> No.56022204

>the patriots are french
it's over...

>> No.56022218

I remember joking about Kotoka saying sperg on stream is offensive immediately followed by unironic bait threads about it. It seems like such a sad existence to be a dramafag

>> No.56022221

It's kind of sad and indicative of the state of this thread that when you guys see an actual substantive discussion related to NijiEN happening you automatically think it must be some kind of bait or shitposting conspiracy.

>> No.56022237

She's so pathetic...

>> No.56022276

I'd rather talk about my oshis collarbones.

>> No.56022344

God that series sucked ass. Tomino is the only man who should be allowed to touch U.C. Gundam. Thank god Hathway is being adapted and that it mostly ignores Fukui's dumb bullshit.

>> No.56022348

what if it was already talked about

>> No.56022349 [DELETED] 


>> No.56022352
Quoted by: >>56022639

There are two things happening in this thread. One is a relatively well-reasoned discussion about the state of nijiEN, the other is some shitposter bringing up a youtube comment because he wants to see it get raided.

>> No.56022376
File: 423 KB, 1080x771, SmartSelect_20230813_151833_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56022424

I got recommended this one last night.

>> No.56022397

Man, I feel really bad for Kotoka... She didn't deserve some deranged schizo backed up by numberniggers spreading garbage about her on her Birthday.... Hope she won't feel bad about it

>> No.56022405
File: 298 KB, 500x375, 1664352517407616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who posted their cryptowallet ITT?

>> No.56022424

aint no way that's good

>> No.56022458


>> No.56022463

Elira? She should flirt with me!

>> No.56022470

>harrassed by EOPs on debut
>harassed by Zaion defend squad
>now this
I feel really bad for Kototo

>> No.56022487
Quoted by: >>56022550

She has her JP friends to help her out, unironcially, they could help her out to dealing with schizos more than her EN coworkers who get spooked by one hate supa or a prechat comment

>> No.56022530 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>56022580

They're used to this kind of thing desu, just part of my job

>> No.56022550
Quoted by: >>56022662

ENs are so fucking weak. They are scared of losing fans so much. JPs literally tell people to fuck off.

>> No.56022552
Quoted by: >>56022603

I feel bad for Yashiro because he got raped

>> No.56022580

Bro I fucking wish, most of these people in EN aren't and that's the issue. Mostly the men, but still

>> No.56022581
File: 433 KB, 422x534, rosesmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56022706

I saw a REAL rosebud today! He told me how much he loves Rosemi and we traded skin care techniques.
Then he recommended me some manhwa to read!
he got a little handsy and leaned in for a kiss which was weird.

I took a picture of him! Tell him he's cute cause he has low self esteem!

>> No.56022591
File: 870 KB, 2894x4093, 1691237869304140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56022698

Just got out of the shower and using the heater to dry off

>> No.56022596

Maybe next time she will think before pandering to japs :)

>> No.56022603

it's ok it was all business

>> No.56022639
Quoted by: >>56022725

but it isn't the first time i've seen anons call a polite discussion shitposting because they don't like the topic tbdesu. one of the things that makes me think there are too many underaged anons here

>> No.56022651
File: 78 KB, 843x634, ITGOESITGOESITGOESITGOESYUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56022662

So that's why there are so many 3view and borderline 2view failuers in the jap branch

>> No.56022679

I recorded a 5 minute vocaroo whispering and flirting to pomudachis but I dont think I should share it

>> No.56022698
Quoted by: >>56022860

this isn't facebook

>> No.56022706
Quoted by: >>56022765

what manhwa

>> No.56022711

your brain is poisoned by numbers and other corp, anon.

>> No.56022715
Quoted by: >>56022881

just post it on the discord we have retard

>> No.56022717
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>> No.56022722
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This post is for Ethyria

>> No.56022725

Yea that's usually the case, even the argument being presented is a good one, someone always chimes in with "ITS RAIDERS, ITS DISCORD, ITS #"
Though I guess we're all kind of screaming into the void here.

>> No.56022738


>> No.56022752

make it the message of the day in the minecraft server

>> No.56022765
Quoted by: >>56022822

I'm a Mom.
Pretty good, about a monster mom and her daughter trying to survive a monster apocalypse. It's also pretty cute

>> No.56022776
Quoted by: >>56023038

It's clearly not unicorns that are doing this though. I have given you examples of how this obviously isn't the case from NijiEN and you just ignore them and say "no its unicorns". The majority of the fanbase are people that are fine with mixed gender collabs (therefore not unicorns) but just aren't interested in and don't support the same sex livers. It's not because they have some problem with their existence or the interactions. They just clearly don't care for watching them. Your hypothesis that this is some western phenomenon originating from Hololive being first to become popular is based on an incorrect interpretation of the fanbase demographics to begin with. We all know full well that a large portion of Luxiem's success came from Chinese and Japanese fans and yet there was little spillover to the girls. Those non western fans act exactly the same way. They don't watch or support the girls in any meaningful way for the most part.

>> No.56022822

ah nice i've heard of that one

>> No.56022825

>other ENs had to deal with much worse shit, like Pomu being bombarded by holofags wishing her death during her surgery
>but it's kotoka that apparently broke the camel's back
Unironically kill yourself

>> No.56022860
File: 340 KB, 1097x1496, 1690981604070858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56022957

But all my friends are here!

>> No.56022878
Quoted by: >>56022917

Can this thread die already

>> No.56022881

I'm not a pomudachi though..

>> No.56022880
Quoted by: >>56022969

that's not how minecraft works

>> No.56022889

That's a thing of the past, Kotoka's ordeal is still ongoing. You cannot compare them together.

>> No.56022912
File: 258 KB, 1080x1080, 1690351629685696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56023032

I beg you please I miss Pomu so much I'm falling apart but this would really help to keep me going for a few more days so please I'm on my knees here I'm begging you!!!

>> No.56022917
Quoted by: >>56022972

Next one will be worse

>> No.56022936
Quoted by: >>56023161

What is the context of this tweet

>> No.56022957

how are they related? I don't have friends on facebook

>> No.56022969
Quoted by: >>56023028

don't make me um actually you

>> No.56022972

Yeah because the pickme will be streaming

>> No.56022994

this blatant attempt of falseflagging using pomu/lazulight only makes you look even more like a luxnoc sister.

>> No.56022998
Quoted by: >>56023098

>oh it was all in the past, holofags are forgiven now for wishing Pomu to die
This is why anons hate kotoka and kotocucks, you fags are so detached from the rest of EN that you should honestly fuck off from the thread forever

>> No.56023028
Quoted by: >>56023121

you can't play vocaroo on minecraft... unless?

>> No.56023029

What did that fatso do this time?

>> No.56023032

B-but I'm a boy

>> No.56023033
Quoted by: >>56023120

We need to bring the list back.

>> No.56023038

>I have given you examples of how this obviously isn't the case from NijiEN and you just ignore them and say "no its unicorns".
And that's because you're limiting the definition of unicorns so that you can claim they aren't unicorns. It's a classic no true scotsman fallacy. Just because they don't fit your criteria of immediately fucking off from the fanbase doesn't mean they aren't unicorns.
>Your hypothesis that this is some western phenomenon originating from Hololive being first to become popular is based on an incorrect interpretation of the fanbase demographics to begin with. We all know full well that a large portion of Luxiem's success came from Chinese and Japanese fans and yet there was little spillover to the girls.
The Luxiem fanbase aren't the people who complain incessantly about males "invading" totsus and collabs. In fact, the majority of these complaints revolve around lazusydia livers having impromptu (and even sometimes organized) collabs with men, and lazusydia is often brought up as the strongest example of nijiEN being hololite. So no, the hypothesis stands.

>> No.56023060

Fucking Pomu has had like 12 anti theads reach bump limit here in the last week.
I like and feel bad for Kotoka but fuck you if you rhink she's not still being treated like shit by holo dicklets

>> No.56023079
Quoted by: >>56023130

It's weird how the hateposts all start up and stop at the same time huh

>> No.56023082


>> No.56023098

>holofags harassed pomu
>that means i need to harass kotoka to make it fair
This leap of logic is impressive.

>> No.56023119
Quoted by: >>56023167

Pomu... schedule... doko...

>> No.56023120
Quoted by: >>56023165

I remember when they called the list shitposting too

>> No.56023121

no you went too far with your line of thinking

>> No.56023130

pomies too busy begging for vocaroo

>> No.56023150
File: 431 KB, 2048x2048, 1691072177179445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>56023236

Please kill yourself for giving me hope

>> No.56023160
Quoted by: >>56023233

what are you even on about? None of the first two waves had to deal with shit Ethyria onward has to deal with. The worst was people being upset with Finana but the magnitude of that was so small compared to shit future Livers started getting.

>> No.56023161

He thought he could handle a sour candy and put the candy in his mouth smugly, but sadly succumbed to the sourness.

>> No.56023165

The list is more funposting than all these stale posts.

>> No.56023167

On Tuesday

>> No.56023178


>> No.56023214
Quoted by: >>56023231

Yu Q Wilson

>> No.56023223
Quoted by: >>56023282

Anon it's been years and nobody knows how to use these links.
Are they a mega? What?

>> No.56023231


>> No.56023233


>> No.56023236


>> No.56023240

Bro stop posting your wallet here. And no I will not donate you bitcoins.

>> No.56023243


>> No.56023282

it's a mega64 reference that rocco himself came up with before the days of gamegrumpsPT

>> No.56023297

This guy is a raging faggot...

>> No.56023317

Me too buddy
