The rightful rulers of Eden.>YouTube channels>Twitter>CoversLa+ Darknesss Lui Koyori Chloe Iroha Thread: >>55406027
I love Koyori!
Last thread status?
>>55576976uwaaaa koyoris hot nudes!
love my daughter
Apparently Lui and Koyo were in Aqua's birthday. Koyo even brough a bikini outfit for her
>>55577391she also got mayo crepes! it was cute!
>>55577517>mayo crepes>PTSD.webm
How come we always end up baking during Boerger hours?
xcuse me posting irokuro teetee and taking my leave,
>>55579661I don't know. There's also some trivia like /mayo/ reaching the bump limit at the same time as /holox/ sometimes. The catalog is fast again but since EN3 came out we had hard times and the catalog got shitted with bau bau and stuff.
>>55582862>those spikesHOLY FUCKING SHIT! I guess that's when EN3 came out...
lap couldn't sleep so I guess she's doing another watchalong of that valo tournament
>>55583588She was going to watch it whether she had good sleep or not, her favorite team is playing today
>>55583146EN3 and then the daily Fuwamoco streams. They really had an impact but I think it's slowly cooling down a bit
>>55584197>daily Fuwamoco streamsImagine being so starved for content that daily streams are a novelty? Over here I can barely keep up
>>55584818I can barely keep up with all the Koyo output
>>55585374I believe you either have to have some pretty solid JP reps so you can watch sped up VODs or be an uber neet to be able to keep up with Koyo. It's basically a job
>>55586021I have nothing besides the possibility to use a second monitor to watch Koyori
I was about to say that the team Wagahai was cheering for this match got cursed again, but they seem to be catching back up
>>55586631You poor bastard...
>>55586021koyo is amazing reps!
I gave up on Koyo reps. I dont think i can maintain reps for at all till next year until i graduate.
Reine joined Wagahai for the watch along
>>55592311you really don't have to do anything but to watch and listen a lot, helps if you do reading reps on the side but you should understand everything she says very fast
Nice little turn around for Wagahai's team. 0-6, to 3-6
Warmup round, let's go.
I wanted to stay positive for Wagahai's team, but the skill gap between them and the best team is so damn apparent. TEE TEEi predict a lot of exploding
>>55602426Love me some Irokuro and some Irohasu and some Irokoyo and some Irolui
Stop. Being. So. Fast.
Doubters btfo! IroKuro tonight!
Oh good she's got another 21:00...
Can anyone here tell me what Iroha's member streams are like? I'm thinking of joining.
How come Koyo gets new sexy outfit with 3 variants AND a another new hairdo, while pokobee still have to sit there naked? Brakku company degozarudesu.
did she seriously write "subscrib"?
>>55627987Yes, and she does it for the ending of each short. Go look and see for yourself. Also, good morning.
>>55627987The joke got to Japan just recently. Plz undestand
>>55627987plz rember 2 subscribble
>>55618852This game wasn't made for either of them. It will be kino as hell!
>>55619743Kazamatais are dead. Nobody will hear you...
Good Koyo
>>55619743Got gifted twice and from what I could see she does a bunch of different stuff depending on what she wants. It can be a zatsu where she tells stories and interesting things that happened behind the scenes to her spending an entire stream mixing songs, and never forget the baby bottle stream as well. Overall pretty cute stuff
>>55640024Is it tomorrow? I'm loing track of time lately... Also can't wait for the holoX update too!
>>55640024The fuck is this? Chloe very informative
>>55641557How she's sexier without a skirt? Also I think it's "fell"'m NOT watching more micra! I hate micra!
>>55642775You WILL watch more micra. You LOVE micra.
>>55642775It's live. You better be watching. cute
>>55642861>>55643454The past calls. There's no escape. Now that Koyo is into it it's even harder. She needs to go back to the roots. And deliver us...
>>55644046It's the perfect timing though
>hug day>also hakui dayhug the hakui dayit's the lawI don't make the rules
>>55644918I will hug her tits with my dick, if you know what I mean. we divegrass!
>>55645046Why are we being bundled with a bunch of trash?
what is this auto translate? it doesnt work
Happy new year!
konkoyo is very... bouncy
Cute hairdo. TEE TEE TIME
Irokuro time's cover was pretty good.
>>55646493>>55646501Now there's two of them...
this PON samurai
>>55646592Already? I mean she didn't make the frame...
noisy orca
First try!
Calling it now, they aren't going to solve maze in time. Now with pon samurai in charge.
You gotta love IROKURO TEETEE~ the canon of all canon pairings. The genius' of all tensais.
Irokuro = zuno(brains) of hoolox
rip gozaru
They are doing pretty well... for ponx.
>>55648029When you have two idiots working together, nothing can beat them.
Nevermind, bakamata can't communicate properly.
>>55648105It's the same principle as "so bad they're good movies". They're so PON that they wrap around and become tensai instead!
>>55648188Now I want a movie about them solving a crime or something completely by accident.
they've gotten the same maze pattern every time lol
ninin.... dead...
>JP version doesn't even have homophones>still too hard for bakamataowari da
>>55648620>>55648393irokuro teetee
They are smart, just a little slow...
>1.72 seconds leftholy shitmaster gambler Chloe
Tensai orca!
Tensai ninin!
so close
filtered by the word puzzle
The ponning is getting worse somehow
That was easy lol.
Damn so teetee
Officially defeated by their own language. Still very teetee.
these dorksponponponponponpon
IroKuro love!
Best collab in a while. Irokuro teetee is too good.
Ok, after watching this stream I think I owe an apology to IroKurofags. While is mostly due to the facts that they both are fun to watch and complete airheads (one of them mostly for kayfabe) I'm willing to admit that they have and had a pretty good chemistry together. Don't get all that high and mighty now, Kazamatai...
>>55652430No harm no foul, I'm happy you now understand their cute teetee.
>>55652411.... And the next day...
>>55652863>two girls saying they love each otherYes, anon. Totally never happens between close female friends.
>>55652770>now understandAs I said I've always had a softspot for them since they work well in collabs and are both cute. I just preferred RuiKuro. Unfortunately Lui is emotionally unavailable with everyone so while it could've been the best ship in HoloX it couldn't work out. Damn it, all she had to do was open up just a bit
>>55652936Yet... Chloe only says it to Iroha.
>>55653234Let me rephrase: with Sakamata
Iroha and the fat fuck!
>>55656004Is she feeding him gnocchi?
>>55645046I'm an idiot. It's tomorrow
The one and only best canon teetee.
>>55660402Thumbnail looks like a Joshu in a honeypot
>>55664451Joshu is all of HoloX now? Grim.
>>55662928This pic has the same vibes of that Noel Flare post... Anybody knows what I'm talking about?
>>55665771>page 9Apparently not.
Hi, in 24 hours divegrass tag team /PiNK/ will debut on vs /vtautism/. /PiNK/ is>/morig/ >/pcg/>/vsj+/>/holoX/ (you)If you want to see more Koyo/Lui (and others) divegrass action and chaos be sure to turn in!
>>55667633It pains my soul to fight alongside VShojo.
>>55667815be grateful that they won and not you or else you would've suffered from winner's curse
>>55667496Can't even find it. It was pretty funny though
>>55667986But what was it?
>>55668755It was the one where Flare was staring right in front with a smug look and anon was saying something along the line of "she knows you want to have her wife, she's looking at you to let you know that not only you can't have her but she's motorboating those tits every single night"
HoloX brains
>>55668913HoloX fleshlight
I happen to be rather fond of the Secret Society HoloX member and executive officer hawk currently known as "Takane Lui."
>>55670536The individual responsible for the financial prosperity and general bureaucracy of the corporation and/or organization that is hereby known as Secret Society X for the purpose of marketing, branding, and general identification.
>>55671030Ngl the worst design ever. If only her personality was better, and more mature it could have saved her.
>>55671030Like the time she only managed to scam Aki with bento? She needs to do better. Wagahai needs more soda, damn it!
>>55671345Maybe if she pulled her damn sleeves up, this wouldn't be an issue.
>>55671382She's retarded, plz undastand. Also it's not her fault, her family is so poor that she has been given that outfit at 4 with the promise of "you'll grow into it"
>>55671489She lives in a million dollar penthouse, anon. She can afford to buy herself some new damn clothes.
>>55671570She can't be bothered to do it...?
>>55671776Not only buying, just looking up is too much. Also can you really buy clothing on Amazon? How do you know if they'll fit you?>>55671340Don't worry. I'll save her
>>55672053>spoilerThere's a number on the tag of your pants, anon. Check it.
>>55672168I know that but every brand fits differently. It's not just as simple as "this size fits me usually"
>>55672234Now all I can think about is that one graph that shows which HoloX member would help with your tax returns and who would complain.
>>55672503Wait... Why?
>>55671677It's more along the lines of that she doesn't want to get a new outfit rather than that she can't be bothered
>>55672590Make it "members who would help you buy pants that fit you and who would complain."
>>55672797It's always the same graph most likely
>>55673381>You've never been shopping for clothes before? Really? ... Fine, I'll help you this once. Pay attention.
>>55674488It's never this once. She's probably gonna have a lot more fun than me by the end of it kek
The boys
Wash stinky OrcaWash Joshussimple as
>>55677021You will do no such thing.
I love this hawk.
I slept with the Chloe plushie
>>55698871Define "slept with."
>>55699875I went to bed with the plushie.
What time is divegrass tomorrow EST? I want to make sure I don't sleep through it.
>>55698871Are you going to be a dad now?
>went to sleep over 12 hours ago>still haven't woken upIt's over.
>>55707946>1 minute agoShe read my post.
Holox feels like a family with how every member acts to each other.
10ers reminding (You) that she, in fact, absolutely DIDN'T have wet dreams about FuwaMoco in the past weeks and is NEVER going to kidnap them and lock them in her dungeon on the first chance she gets to off collab with them. Sasuga ojisan
>>55717649That's cool and all, but I'm still not sharing.
>>55718172Unfortunate. Sharing is caring afterall hawk will protect the dogs, but who will protect the dogs from the hawk
Motorboat device!
>>55721852Koyo likes mayo too much
>>55721852I just now realised she got stuck in the wall, they're not forcing her onto the floor. Anyway here to remind that she liked it on Twitter... What the fuck is wrong with this orca?
>>55721852>>55722033>>55722044It's a bad idea to steal mayonnaise from Koyori's lab
>>55722705Hey! Joshu was mayo all this time!
>>55652411>>55725706Why are you like this?
>>55725706Why is it even Irohasu. Is she fucking the crow?
>>55726421I was raised right.
>>55726421I'm afraid of irohasu being superior teetee to irokuro due to how effortless it is.
Always die early with Koyo.
>>55728711Oh right... I thought was something to do with the debut joke where everyone thought she was the crow
死ぬなよ dropping some hot takes. I wonder what was the movie.
>>55730294't it obvious? What the fuck is this?
>>55731535I see, I understand everything now.
>>55732021At least we know what "flying into space" meant. The most obvious part of it. Anyway Sakamata is going to become a movie reviewer, calling it now!
This fat fuck has no business being so huggable.
>>55734299>fat fuck>not huggableYou have to pick one
Look at this!
I want a Eroha + Koseki Bijou
>>55702560If you go to the page the time for the match should be in UTC but if you hover your mouse on it I'm pretty sure it gives you burger hours too
>>55734191obligatory let's play valo w
dog important
>>55734696Makes sense, Koseki would make a better Laplus.. Her crown even looks like Laplu's shuriken
>>55662928>>55665771Ok, now seeing that Noel Gozaru post I remembered. Someone in /hag/ found the pic I was talking about!
>>55738308It's true that they have sex every day and night.
>>55738543Look at that face. She knows. I wanna strangle the life out of her!
>>55737881Ok, just because I praised her in the past doesn't mean she needs to take over now
HoloX is getting publicity in the Catalog today?
Divegrass friendlies in one hour and thirty minutes, friends!
>>55740905Schizos have been lashing out at everyone since people stopped responding to en3 bait.
>>55741019At least the Lui tweets ones were still somewhat related to EN3. Although it made me realise that nobody knows jack shit about HoloX here. Probably for the better>>55740962Bust open a cold one?
>>55740905>>55741019We do not speak of the catalogue.We get excited for the game.Capische?>>55741175I don't drink, but yes.
>>55741182>Capische?Is that how burger say "capisci?"
>>55741243Yes. Correct. Capepsi.
Qrd on the new Laplus milk!
>>55741332Why? Italian is one of the few languages that you pronounced as is written kek
>>55741418I don't believe that is true. Otherwise capisci would be pronounced "ka pie sigh."
>>55741473"sc+vowel" is "sh" though. Also where's the "e"?
>>55690531>She'll grow into them.
>>55741558>"sc+vowel" is "sh" thoughHow the hell do you pronounce "science?"
>>55741402If you're talking about the one where she wanted to be breastfed that's just normal Wagahai and her mama fetishes. I don't know any other milk related thing she's done>>55741590Wagahai! Your neck!
>>55741686 this
>>55741792So where's the "h" sound?
>>55741815 (me)Nevermind. Not that I don't take this position, but I don't want jannies coming in here and suspending people for being offtopic.
>>55741402I want to milky die.
>>55741865Yeah, probably better not attract attention too much. I'm already in a general that's under scrutiny, don't want another.Btw there's no "h" either, some people like to enphasise the "i" sound but it's up to youMatch is starting. Get in
>>55742126Anon, it doesn't start for another hour...
>>55742148Oh... It got pushed back, my bad...
I hate working with VShojo more than you all can possibly fathom. All I can hope for is that we score more than their players.
>>55742299I believe the teams are chosen randomly from a pool so maybe we don't get to play ever
>>55742299HoloX doesn't hate anyone, we're here to bring positive change to the world!
>>55742621I mean, if you really need to direct your hate towards someone, please choose Pokobee., the new Gozaru cover is pretty good. But Goddamnit! Listen to how this girl bounces back between burikko and deep voice without even breaking a sweat. Too bad most of the song is burikko
>>55742775Chloe's range is crazy. Her low range is so good without cracking or sounding strained.
>>55742905>Her low range is so good without cracking or sounding strained.Every time I hear it my heart skips a beat or several. アイデンティティ is the perfect example for it
>>55737300Dog dead...
15 minutes until divegrass, anons!Here's the link to get into the room!
>>55744347My nigga...
Wait, this isn't the friendlies?Also, whoever is the announcer is lame. Bring back Beebs.
>>55745852No, it's the random league with /PiNK/. Frendlies are later this month
This random guy who isn't the main dude or Tomato is our manager, right? He's always in the call when /holoX/ plays.
>>55746106I think it's BBB
This divegrass is kinda shit...
>>55746378I didn't expect the same level of hype from this compared to regular divegrass, but yeah this is dragging on for a bit
>>55746378It's gonna get better, there's a lot of downtime and it's missing Beebs charisma so it's a bit boring while choosing teams and all that shit
>>55746680>a lot of downtimeIn this stream? In this month? In general?>it's a bit boring while choosing teams and all that shitSo Beebs is gonna show up after the teams are picked?
>>55746755If I understood correctly Beebs just does main event stuff...
I thought there was a HoloX team?
>>55746989 this league we have this. Everything else is /holoX/
>>55746989We're part of /pink/ and will be having our game today.
>>55746989There is, this is a randomizer though so we'll be mixed with 3 other teams rather than a stand alone performance
>>55746989>>55747167Wrong pic
>>55747228I miss Lui's good NY outfit...
Can you guys click on the emotes to end up in your chat bar or am I the only one that has broken something and can't?
>>55747167Which one is my irokuro teetee?
>>55747455Not in the pic, played not that much
>>55747455The one where Chloe is haunting Gozaru in this webm
>>55747526that's pretty lame... ngl, pretty lame.
>>55747640This one has at least one of every member so it's a good pic for the wiki
>>55747622HAHAHAHA love it. That's actually pretty hilarious, thank you.
Am I the only one bored beyond all belief and wondering whether or not it's worth even attending the /pink/ match? I don't think I care about the outcome of this.
>>55747443i can!close it and open it again!
>>55747779It's just a fun side thing, I'll probably get more hyped when actual /holoX/ start playing
>>55747779Commenter is less charismatic than the usual one.I'm watching our game and a couple others but not that invested otherwise.
>>55747981Didn't seem to fix it... Maybe I have to restart the entire pc
>>55748127It's fucking over... No spam for me
>>55748127you have to refresh until it works!also clear cache and cookies!the real issue is you accidentally clicked no when it asked if you wanted to enable inline scripts!or maybe it just throught you did
I'm gonna nap, I think. I'm on the fence about setting my alarm to wake up for our match, but I'll go ahead and do it.
>>55747779It's hard to feel invested, especially with the randomized teams. The actual games with Beebs as the commentator will be better
>>55748657What about the friendlies? Will they be shit too?
>>55748724hopefully not!
>>55748493I have an actual account and cleared the scripts and re accepted them. Still nothing
>>55748867koyowari da...
>>55748934Owari da indeed joshukun...
>>55749017its okay... as long as we end with koyo!
Did we send in a hype video for this one?
>>55749692I didn't make one...
>>55749692no idea! the manager is someone else!the hype one of our guys made is for the friendlies or vtl5!
>>55749806>the friendliesOh shit! I was thinking more for VTL
Always end with Koyo.
>>55749806I'd like it to be played during the friendlies, personally.
>>55750256But friendlies are not even official stuff. It's the league you're supposed to be hyped for
>>55750344that's why i want it used for that instead...
>>55750379Well, it's going up on the usual YT this weekend anyway
Sometimes end in Lappy?