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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.55626421

gay sex orgy

>> No.55626472

kissy gay sex with ame

>> No.55626480

Raped by ojii sans

>> No.55626521

Groomed by Japanese hags. Now she's being groomed by EN hags.

>> No.55626544
Quoted by: >>55626739

contract renewal.. simple as

>> No.55626555

She got to known Fuwamoco

>> No.55626581
File: 45 KB, 345x396, 1691021380471402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feminism was rejected as a marketing tool for a primarily male audience

>> No.55626587
Quoted by: >>55647857

Kissy gay sex with Kiara

Shut up Ame you only got to watch

>> No.55626614

She finally wore the helmet.

>> No.55626629
Quoted by: >>55641673

Sex with Ame and Kiara. Unironically.

>> No.55626650
File: 2.06 MB, 2386x3842, gatosexo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55641673

This is what sexo with the gato does to a mf

>> No.55626688

She remembered where she put her five minute chip.

>> No.55626692
File: 1.72 MB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55635861

>> No.55626693 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1919, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.55626705

The west just has a demotivation culture rooted deep within its society.

>> No.55626737

Yagoo punished her personally.

>> No.55626739

probably got an ultimatum KEK

>> No.55626818

I kneel...

>> No.55626902

Raped by Ame, but she liked it

>> No.55627012

finally got to slam jam that shion clam

>> No.55627058
File: 194 KB, 449x545, 1690600637605355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55641673

mogu mogu magic

>> No.55627273

Sex with Okayu.

>> No.55627321
File: 476 KB, 1414x2000, 1674339249576776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55641673


>> No.55627835

They promised to fire Magman and Vesperion

>> No.55630973
Quoted by: >>55641673

Dimitri Jap gave her a dose of surprise sex in the Cover Corp apartment complex. He yelled "JAP ATTACK" and fucked some sense into her while she went "Oh nyooo"

>> No.55631656

The possibility of new girls stealing her passive paypiggies doesn't thrill her. She'll go back to her usual self once the ho eymoon is over.

>> No.55631880

Probably has managers taking care of her.

>> No.55631884

Those ojisans? me

>> No.55631924
Quoted by: >>55639183

Ayahuasca-fueled spiritual awakening

>> No.55632159

corrected by yagoo himself, now is carrying a child and is happy

>> No.55634064
Quoted by: >>55636297

she would have seen a culture who really appreciated her, I'm sure all the staff would be her fans or at the very least be excited to meet her.
it's important to know you're accepted by your employer and peers and that's largely what she would've gotten from Japan.
Goob is exceptionally cute too so i'm sure being around a culture that accepts cuteness would've been a boon for her self esteem. and no the west doesn't do cute - they do whore fashion.

>> No.55634545

Thank you, forever kneeling...

>> No.55634612

Considering ADVENT debuted while the girls where in Japan you wouldn't be too far off

>> No.55635861

Good one

>> No.55635985

Pick one
>She’s afraid
>She’s motivated by dogs

>> No.55636145
File: 139 KB, 1280x960, talk-seegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current thread status
pic rel

>> No.55636185
Quoted by: >>55641673

Rape correction

>> No.55636186

Okayu, unironically. Fatto catto saved Gura.

>> No.55636209

Because of Advent.
Not because of the /vt/ rrats about how she wants to crush the new girls, or that she's afraid of falling into irrelevancy, but because all the pressure and eyes are on Advent while she's free to stream as she please without caring about numbers or how Gura's return is HoloEN's big event of the month.

>> No.55636297
Quoted by: >>55639017

I can see that, Cover staff all treating her like a celebrity and other Holos being similarly nice and sincere around her is such a huge difference from the Western fandom generally being 101% cynical, jaded if not gloomy for most corpos/indies.

>> No.55636384

she knows Fuwamoco is taking everything from her so she needs to step up

>> No.55636417

that child? me

>> No.55636578

>she conquered all her insecurities at the same time
Chumkek, when are you going to realize that much like playing the victim in woke politics can get you rewarded in western circles, talking about your weaknesses and insecurities is also a shield to justify being lazy in western vtubing? When she does the woe is me act, she is no different from vtweeters giving a list of reasons they can't ever debut with a model.

>> No.55638952

Simple she was running out of money and with new girls coming she became afraid

>> No.55639017

>the Western fandom generally being 101% cynical, jaded if not gloomy for most corpos/indies.
Good thing /vt/ doesn't contribute to that at all, ha ha...

>> No.55639110

corrected by none other than Jap-sama

>> No.55639150

Her pattern of behavior is pretty consistent with severe depression.

She probably finally found the right coctail of meds that work for her.
It's common that for some people, certain antidepressants cause unintended side effects. Sometimes it's a matter of experimenting until you hit the right stuff.

The timing could've been a coincidence but changes in the work environment could definitely play a part as well.

And now she's obsessed with cranking the saturation of her monitors and looking at the pretty colors. Good for her.

>> No.55639183

jesus man
kek, I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.55639395

Shion sex.

>> No.55639472 [DELETED] 

Gay cat sex

>> No.55641673


Makes me wish there was a fic of Gura getting hard groomed by Cover's ojisan's and being brainwashed into accepting an idol identity.

>> No.55641931

My dick is named "all her insecurities" btw

>> No.55643518

I told her I'll always be too lazy to work and forced her to work harder for our kids.

>> No.55643575

Kissy gay sex with Kiwawa
Kissy gay sex with Ina
Kissy gay sex with Shion
Kissy gay sex with Okayu
Kissy gay sex with A-Chan

>> No.55643705
Quoted by: >>55644155

>she conquered all her insecurities at the same time
What insecurities did she conquer? Did something happen during the JP stream yesterday?

>> No.55643747


>> No.55643758

i FUCKED her. right in the pussy!!!!!!!!!

>> No.55643947

Serious answer is that Jap-sama convinced her that EN wasn't going to be treated like a red-headed step-child moving forward and his other ideas renewed her confidence in Cover.

>> No.55644142
File: 108 KB, 582x636, 72578783735547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55644155

Still waiting for an answer. Besides streaming more recently, what insecurities has she beat, or is that what OP is talking about?

>> No.55645389

"Get your shit together, or get out." - Yagoo, probably.

>> No.55647191

>His entire goal was to infilitrate cover, rape gura and set her straight
I kneel..

>> No.55647857

t. Kiara

>> No.55648974

Unironically got dicker down, which can cure any form of depression if you’re a female not in the sex industry

>> No.55650720


>> No.55650869
File: 80 KB, 277x316, 1690778314015488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel
