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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55595351 No.55595351 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55595437

Unicorns are ruining Hololive

>> No.55595508

That man is a hero. I don't see what your point is.

>> No.55595550

Protecting Hololive from becoming Niji EN is "ruining" it

>> No.55595555
File: 245 KB, 1054x692, f1f2ad2e29b2330efede54db784472fa79ede2a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'corns won.

>> No.55595611

oh shit who's stream?

>> No.55595612
Quoted by: >>55595820

this is evidence for my theory that most homobegging akasupas comes from unicorns

>> No.55595628

i understand not being into it but messages like this are really embarrassing behavior that helps no one

>> No.55595705
Quoted by: >>55595855

>really embarrassing behavior that helps no one
Asking for a definitive answer on the Homo question is based behavior that helps everyone.

>> No.55595742

This guy is doing everyone a favor. He should be touted as a hero.

>> No.55595784

Don’t you have gifs of gay black men jerking off to post discord trannoid

>> No.55595789
Quoted by: >>55595855

It's an honest question that should be answered regardless so people don't get heartbroken later.

>> No.55595820
Quoted by: >>55596166

You look amazing in those raybans and khakis, anon o7

>> No.55595855

it doesn't help the talent themselves, which is the person who matters the most. it needlessly puts them in an awkward position just because you retards care more about a male voice appearing on a livestream than the actual person doing the streaming. anyone who is able to be "heartbroken" by this has bigger problems and those are all their own.

>> No.55595891

Hololive is at its all time peak. Sorry sister but you're wrong.

>> No.55595985

of course it's a redhat

>> No.55596018

What's awkward about saying yes or no?

>> No.55596026
Quoted by: >>55596181

can you not

>> No.55596041

So what was the answer?

>> No.55596088

it's just a yes or no answer. it doesn't have to be awkward unless you want to have your cake and eat it too. should be an easy no if you want the 'corns and a proud yes if you dislike them.

>> No.55596111

Giving a chance for the streamer to explain what they're planning for the future helps everyone. Better to be clear as soon as possible, less drama in the future.

>> No.55596119
Quoted by: >>55597740

It baffles me that people like you and the rest ofvthis thread simp for fake idols who have bfs behind the scenes.
This is the beta cuck behaviour that is ruining society

>> No.55596150

>Mumei dropped off
>IRyS dropped off hard
>future male collaber mogging everyone else
'corns lost

>> No.55596166

I'm sure you thought this was a great burn but I have no idea what you're even trying to imply

>> No.55596181
Quoted by: >>55596228

don't post your own superchats here trying to start another fucking shitfest

>> No.55596182
Quoted by: >>55596430

>has TDS so bad he doesn't see that the name/profile picture are lazily photoshopped

>> No.55596219


>> No.55596228

who do you think you're talking to

>> No.55596229
Quoted by: >>55596331

>it doesn't help the talent themselves
Boo hoo. The talent should be up front about Homo collabs and give people a straight answer. No dancing around the subject. And it does help them to establish these things early on.

>> No.55596331

it would also be a lot easier if you knew how to act like a functioning adult man instead of a delusional freak but here we are

>> No.55596430

lol sorry, this was paint. Why even waste time learning photoshop to shitpost just to have your threads get deleted.

>> No.55596501

Bae was upfront about it on debut and it hurt none of her fans because they knew what they were signing up for.
She has the smallest fanbase in Holo EN but she made her stance clear from the start.

>> No.55596539

Kek. Seethe harder, roastie.

>> No.55596542

A functional adult chuuba should be mindful of her audience and not try to have her cake and eat it too. Nothing wrong with this question.

>> No.55596560
Quoted by: >>55597423

It's the CGDCT (cucks in denial) and homobeggars (cucks) parties who run /vt/, unicorns went extinct.

>> No.55596568

You will never get an honest answer from a Holo about this subject because it's just bad optics if she says no. And if there's ever a mandatory collab with a homo she would be branded as a liar. It's best to just ignore Tempus and pretend like they don't exist or they're irrelevant.

>> No.55596812
File: 131 KB, 1060x1050, 384823804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never get an honest answer from a Holo about this subject
You're completely wrong. Pic related.
>it's just bad optics if she says no
It's extremely good optics to explicitly say no to Homo collabs because it lets people know you respect Hololove, you believe in CGDCT, and it's safe to simp for you.

>> No.55596850

>Mori losing to MILLIE

>> No.55596864

So just copy Gura?

>> No.55596907

It helps the talent and anticorn stance, please idiots please keep coming off as mobsters threatening the girls, "You betta not collab with males or your swimm'n with da fishes" please keep sending them this shit.

>> No.55596964

4/5 new girls managed to put peoples mind at ease artfully. 1 out of 5 made a vague statement that raises people’s concerns and will keep it in the forefront of their minds. She didn’t have to do that. She will be gone soon on vacation hopefully she clarifies when she returns and there is definitely no collab ban.

>> No.55596979

People ask this to holos and get straight answers all the time.

>> No.55597035

i don't like that either because the fact that this needs to be a stupid culture war for either position at all is retarded.

>> No.55597066

They're the last of the gatekeepers

>> No.55597115

Unikeks are the chuds of vtubing. Basically the pitbulls of the vtubing world.

>> No.55597148

>please keep coming off as mobsters threatening the girls, "You betta not collab with males or your swimm'n with da fishes" please keep sending them this shit
Gatekeeping is messy sometimes but it has to be done.

>> No.55597155
Quoted by: >>55597488

The only problem is how the guy fucking worded it, it makes impossible for the talent to go into a "No I won't Collab with males talk" because this way she will get hate from the homobeggars

>> No.55597189

>No posts about homobeggars spamming Vesper's name in Bijou and Nerissa streams
>No posts of a retard sc Shiori and directly putting Vesper's name on it
And why is always the same homo?????? Hopefully he gets terminated so homobeggars could learn their place

>> No.55597271
Quoted by: >>55597350

>anyone who is able to be "heartbroken" by this has bigger problems and those are all their own.
kys holoanti scum
homo collabs = death of hololive, no its ands or buts
by strengthening unicornism we save hololive directly and immediately
by protecting homocollabers you destroy hololive directly, by supporting homocollabers you hurt homocollabers more than their antis do

>> No.55597278

Unicorns are what made hololive you fucking tard

>> No.55597311
File: 93 KB, 724x879, unicorns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meidos are slowing down, the last thread died rather quickly. Guess they're on break to jack off to the pebble

>> No.55597323
Quoted by: >>55597492

>it's better for everyone to seethe/concern/troll in a "will they or won't they" rratfest

>> No.55597335

For some reason he attracted all of the beggars who watch this company. I've watched a couple of his streams and he was getting holobegging superchat all the time too, believe it or not.
I guess he just never shut it down with "the talk", when a chuuba will inevitably have to tardwrangle her chat telling them to respect the "do not bring another vtuber up unless I mention them" rule.

>> No.55597350
Quoted by: >>55597534

get some help and don't treat brands as a substitute for religion

>> No.55597423
Quoted by: >>55597596

>unicorns went extinct
I'm right here

>> No.55597488

>she will get hate from the homobeggars
Hate from homobeggars is irrelevant. What will they do, stop watching streams? They don't do that anyway. Stop sending superchats and buying merch? They don't do that easier. Oh no they might write some salty tweets that nobody will even notice. Kek.

>> No.55597492

This guy gets it

>> No.55597505
Quoted by: >>55597829

weren't these supposed instances of "spamming vesper's name" in response to them asking if people in hololive had certain stated interests? is it really homobegging when the streamer directly prompts chat to name names

>> No.55597523

>No posts about homobeggars spamming Vesper's name in Nerissa streams
They're filthy kronies going to Nerissa to spread Kronii's problems to the new girls, I recognize their names from Kronii's chat

>> No.55597524

If you are a real unicorn you already know that
>Bijou ignored Vesper spam in her chat
>Nerissa disliked star arts on her Twitter even something silly like an Altare gift
>Fuwamoco ignored beggar art with the clown homo
>And Shiori ignored a question about holostars
Anyone making questions about male collabs is a fake unicorn trying to create culture war just like the superchats council got when tempus debuted

>> No.55597534

I will actually murder you irl + my oshi is my unironic wife + fanbase gestalt marriage with their idol is the next stage of human evolution + I am objectively morally correct and will claim this world for true love(oshi/fanbase love)

>> No.55597596
File: 290 KB, 500x491, 1686688584905392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55597969

Missed one then. Get in

>> No.55597629
Quoted by: >>55598188

>t. was never here before tempus or watched any of the top holoJP talents to see how they handled male interaction and built holo to what it is today

>> No.55597692

Twitter doesn't even have a dislike function this is fake hope posting

>> No.55597739

unicorns run hololive

>> No.55597740

So...literally Fuwamoco? And yet they're insanely popular here.

>> No.55597806
Quoted by: >>55597955

>100% of unicorns are good boys they don't do anything
Yeah sorry not buying it also there are no "dislike" functions on X

>> No.55597818

He meant she liked it and then unliked it when she noticed it.

>> No.55597829
Quoted by: >>55598245

No. Beggars spammed about vesper because she was playing a xiv raid with a vampire boss. She ignored all of them. Learn not to spam about other streamers unless the person you are watching actually mentions them because it's just rude and annoying.

He means she unliked the art after realizing it was a homo.

>> No.55597855

Build the (metaphorical) wall.

>> No.55597859

This 100%. This dumb Repub vs Democrat- sry, I meant homobeggar vs unicorn shitfest is getting absurd. Mostly the latter, since 80% of the miniscule amount of beggars are legit naive newfags who don't know what they're asking for and it's usually just a singular post here and there going "lmao wouldn't that collab be funny xD", while corns are spamming their shit non-stop and are the ones sending their aggressive messages. It's already spilling into comments etc, it's only a matter of time until the regular calm majority to start piling on them, streamers siding with them and telling any schizos demanding anything to fuck off.

>> No.55597878

said the homobegging greyfag.

>> No.55597955

By dislike I mean she liked homo art and went "Oh shit this is a holostars" and removed the like, I worded it badly

>> No.55597969

sorry sis but you already lost

>> No.55597970

Nice headcanon sister

>> No.55597975

It's simple, Anon. This ends when Tempus is terminated. It isn't too much to ask.

>> No.55598141

Why are unicorns like this

>> No.55598188
File: 1.55 MB, 1232x922, 1691492572373464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You projecting because...
prepare to move goal post in 3...2...1...

>> No.55598198

We're just naturally based. Kind of like how you're naturally a faggot.

>> No.55598219

so you homobeggars can shut up once and for all.

>> No.55598238

I see the Vesper spam during the rock stream is already being memory holed. Regardless, you think a pro-unicorn message could ever happen? like the Kronii company-backed "I'll collab with whoever I want" ,or the New Community guidelines saying "friend" directly after the Fauna yab? Homobeggar is the government, it's the establishment. Unicorn is the rebellion.

>> No.55598245

i don't, otherwise i would have known more specifically what happened. knowing about the boss in question, it still doesn't really seem out of line. it would be like seeing a character design that closely resembles any other holo character and calling out to it. seeing that dude and joking that it's vesper is a lot better than every recorded instance of a fucking shark or chicken being onscreen and chat spamming "IT'S GURA" or "IT'S KIARA". once the moment passes obviously people should read the room, but that shit is not begging for anything.

>> No.55598268

oh hey Kronii

>> No.55598270

Literally this. I agree with the unicorns to some extent that the streams are better without males. However, they're so radicalized by their own ideas though that it's going to draw normie aggro. The silent majority who for the most part don't really care that much. Maybe they lean toward no male collabs, maybe they lean toward wanting to see them here and there.
This sort of behavior and the containment breaking nature of the website is going to cause a problem sooner or later. It's getting to a "better red than dead" cold war era fight except instead of Russia you have a few actual homobeggars and a hoard of shitposters that fish for (You)s

>> No.55598340

